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Project Management Programs
P.O. Box 7518
Austin, TX 78713-7518
512-471-4633 Main Office
512-471-4695 Fax



TSI is an Education Affiliate of the University of Texas
Professional Development Center
Project Management Certificate Program
With UPPM Guide

Student Handbook

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ABOUT US .................................................................................................................3
WELCOME AND COURSE DESCRIPTION ................................................................4
GENERAL TIPS/GETTING STARTED ..............................................................5
PROGRAM INFORMATION AND COURSE GRADE POLICY ................................ 6-8
MENTOR PROGRAM .................................................................................................9
INSTRUCTOR BIOS & CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................... 10
PROGRAM CONTACT INFORMATION .................................................................. 11
PROGRAM EVALUATION FORMS ................................................................... 12-13
REFUNDS AND TRANSFERS .................................................................................. 14
PROGRAM MODULES AND LESSON ASSIGNMENTS ...................................... 15-17
PROJECT MANAGEMENT SOFT SKILLS ............................................................... 18
ADDITIONAL INFO ................................................................................................ 19

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The Professional Development Center (PDC) designs and delivers noncredit certificate programs,
seminars, and workshops for people interested in professional improvement or who seek a
credential or a career change. Our programs and instructors help individuals and organizations
around Texas and around the world improve personal and organizational performance.
Since 1919, The University of Texas has provided training and professional development
programs for the public through Continuing & Extended Education (CEE). The Professional
Development Center was formed in 1999, when CEE's Industrial Education Department and
Thompson Conference Center (TCC) programs merged with the UT Quality Center.
Over the past five years, more than 10,000 individuals have enrolled in PDC programs. We
conduct an average of 300 onsite programs annually in and outside of Texas. Our program
participants hail from every region of the United States and from Mexico, Canada, South
America, Europe, and Asia.
Whether you want to advance in your chosen field, develop a new career, re-charge your
batteries, or acquire new skills, PDC has the programs and the people to get you where you want
to go.
We are pleased that you have chosen us for your professional development needs and are
committed to your success. We believe in the value of classroom learning and are confident that
together we will make a significant positive impact on your business needs.
We encourage you to become familiar with these materials and to use them towards your

The Professional Development Center is a cost recovery department within the Division of Continuing and
Innovative Education and is not a subsidiary of other schools and colleges in the University.

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Project Management Certificate Program


Welcome to the Professional Development Centers Independent Study & Distance Learning
Project Management Certificate Program. PDC is a Project Management Institute (PMI)
Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.) Our certificate program is led by top quality instructors
that are also working professionals and experts in their fields. Over the next three months youll
be exposed to the concepts, processes, tools, and techniques of project management. This course
is comprised of a mixture of lesson assignments, exercises, learning assessments, process
quizzes, small individual projects, mid-term and final.
We have recently partnered with True Solutions Inc. (TSI) a globally recognized market leader
in Project Management. TSI is also recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI ) as a
Global Registered Education Provider, certifying that the project management products they
provide support and follow internationally recognized standards - such as the Guide to the
Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide).
The program is built on the core PMBOK Guide standards, our curriculum empowers you with
the skills necessary to tackle challenging projects. Whether you are currently a project manager
or have the desire to become one, the essential tools are available through this curriculum. The
course covers the full cycle of project management with an emphasis on the human aspect of
leading a project team. The program is designed for the beginner to intermediate practitioner.
The mechanics of project management alone are necessary but not sufficient to make you a good
project manager. When you complete this course you will have a solid foundation in the
mechanics of project management. You will also have a good understanding of the soft skills
required to become a good project manager and some experience in applying the tools and
techniques presented through a small case study. In addition you will have a widespread of self
study materials to help you prepare for the PMP designation.

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UT PDC Independent Study & Distance Learning

Are you interested in a program that enables you to achieve your educational goals without
having to give up other aspects of your life? Is it important for you to choose where and when
you study? Whether you would like to enhance your professional credentials or simply expand
your educational horizons, UT PDC Independent Study & Distance Learning is the right choice
for you!

General Tips for Getting Started

To gain the maximum value from your study, we suggest that you use a systematic approach to
completing your course.
Maintain self-discipline and self-motivation. Success is largely dependent upon
commitment to the course. Each of you has a unique way of motivating yourself
whatever the method, self-motivation is a crucial component to successful completion of
this program.
Examine the learning outcomes of the course, and make sure that you understand what
you are expected to gain from it.
Examine the course outline and determine how you wish to work through the material.
Begin your study program by reading thoroughly the material in the first lesson.
Review the Must Know Concepts after each section in the UPPM Guide.
Self check your understanding of the material by taking the Process Quiz at the end of
each module in the UPPM Guide.
Carry out the learning activities for your lessons.
Make notes about the key issues. Use the learning outcomes and the Must Know
Concepts for each section as a guide.
Always make a copy of your work for your records and for study.
Email your assignment to the Program Coordinator, your assignments will be forwarded
to the Instructor in Charge/Mentor.
Contact your Mentor/Instructor via the Status Report after completing each Module.
Repeat this process for the each lesson and assignment.
Lesson Assignments
Please submit each Lesson one at a time. We want to make sure you have fully understood each
lesson before submitting another lesson.
Please refer to the UT PDC Class webpage for Mid-Course and Final Exam recommendations.
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How To Take a College Independent Study Learning Course
Congratulations! By enrolling in this course, you have taken a major step toward achieving
your educational goals. We would like to let you know what you need to do before you
begin studying and remind you of some our program guidelines.

Program Information
Course Objectives
At the end of the project management program, graduates will be able to:
Understand and be able to use fundamental project management concept such as the
project management framework and lifecycle according the PMIs Project Management
Body of Knowledge (PMBOK).
Understand and be able to use project management tools and techniques to accomplish
project goals.
Understand and utilize the fundamentals of group dynamics and teambuilding and be able
to participate in and/or lead a project team to accomplish project goals by experiencing
above in a team environment.
Include career building credentials to increase company value.
Required Course Material
A Guide to The Project Management Body of Knowledge(PMBOK) 4th Edition.
Project Management Institute. ISBN: 978-1-933890-51-7
The Ultimate Guide to Practical Project Management: (Some materials Not available in
770 Page Workbook
Downloadable Audio
Online Video Review
Online Exam Simulator
Poster - Steps to Practical Project Management
5 Wall Poster Illustrations
Students should have a basic familiarity of project management, have taken the 2-day PDC
Managing Projects course, and/or have at least 2 years of exposure to project management in a
work environment.

Time Limits & Extensions:

You have an enrollment period of 3 months from the date of your enrollment date to complete
the course. If you cannot finish the course within the 3 months , you can email a written request
for an extension of an additional 1 month , provided we receive your request before your course
enrollment expires. Each 1 month extension fee will be $25.00 to be paid at the time of request.
Students cannot exceed a maximum of 2 extensions. (One month request at a time please.)

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Lesson Assignments

A large part of the instructional process is conducted through the Lesson Assignments
that are located at the end of each lesson in the UPPM Guide and in the Student Hanbook.
Students must complete all modules and email a status report and course deliverables at
the end of each module. The status report should be emailed to the Program Contact at
Due to the intensity of the course, it is recommended that you maintain a steady pace in
order to finish within the 3 month period.
Course deliverables may include answering short essay questions, a small individual case
study or any item requested by the instructor to ensure understanding of the course
Mid-Term and Final Exams will be administered at an a approved proctor center in your
area or at The University of Texas Pickle Research Campus. Please contact the Program
Coordinator for further details.

Submitting Lesson Assignments

Please submit each Lesson one at a time. We want to make sure you have fully understood each
lesson before submitting another Lesson.
When emailing us your assignments, please use the following information in the subject line of
your email.
PMCP DIST LEARNING (Your Last Name, First Name)

Example PMCP DIST LEARNING Smith, John

Supplemental Materials

Some modules include supplemental slides or materials, please see the class web page for
supplemental materials.

Graduation Requirements

Student Formula for Success and Student Enrollment Agreement must be signed.
Course fee must be paid in full.
The final grade and certificate award will be determined based on the following criteria:
14 End of Lesson Assignments ....................................................................... 700 points
Individual Project Plan .................................................................................... 150 points
Mid-Term ........................................................................................................ 100 points
Final Exam ...................................................................................................... 100 points
Total Possible .............................................................................................. 1050 points
Required to pass ........................................................................................... 700 points

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Academic Integrity

Students are expected to adhere to the highest standard of personal integrity as unethical
behavior harms the student, other students and the program. Students are subject to
discipline for violations of the ethical standards (such as cheating, plagiarism, copyright
infringement, and misrepresentations).
Unauthorized duplication or use of copyrighted works is unlawful and infringes on the
copyright of the copyright owner. Copyright infringement by students, faculty, or staff is
subject to appropriate disciplinary action by The University of Texas as well as those civil
remedies and criminal penalties provided by copyright law.

End of Course Evaluation

Your viewpoint is very important to us and we seriously consider all comments. Please take a
few minutes to complete evaluation forms when requested.


Once certificate requirements are met, a gold University of Texas seal certificate of
completion and a course transcript will be awarded when passing the course. Those who
do not meet the graduation requirements will not be awarded a certificate and course
transcript will reflect student grade.
It is the sole discretion of the department head and program coordinator to determine
whether a student has satisfactorily completed all the requirements to earn a certificate.
Continuing Education Credits

3.5 Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) will be awarded for successful completion of
the course.
The CEU is the nationally recognized unit of measure used to establish a permanent
record of an individuals participation in continuing education courses.
Your certificate will include a letter outlining your CEU status for the course.
PMP Certification

This course meets the 35 educational hours required for PMIs PMP Certification
application. Details on how to complete the application will be included with your
certificate and course transcript.
The Professional Development Center is an approvd Registered Education Provider, we
do not provide the PMP Credential. The credential is obtained through the Project
Management Institute. Please visit for a copy of the credential handbook,
certain criteria must be met before completing the application process in order to qualify
to take the PMI exam.

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The Mentor program within the Project Management Certificate Program is available to all participants in order to
successfully help them achieve the skills they need to become a successful project manager. Your assigned Mentor
will help guide you throughout the program. The individual based case study will help you gain practical experience
in working on a project plan while using the project management skills you learn in the program. In order to make
the mentorship experience as successful as possible for both mentor and mentee, we ask that you please follow the
mentor program guidelines below:
The program is not intended to provide mentees with employment from mentors or their
organizations. Mentees should be careful not to directly solicit employment from their mentor
unless the mentor has made the suggestion.
The mentor program is available to all participants in order to help them with their success in the
Introduction to a mentors personal contact information is a privilege. Please respect the
boundaries within that relationship.
Mentees must be honest in their presentation of ideas or issues and be respectful to their mentors
at all times.
Ask questions on your status report so your mentor understands how they can best support you.
The mentor is available as a guide in order to help you throughout the project plan process.
Students are expected to adhere to the highest standard of personal integrity as unethical
behavior harms the student, other students and the program. Students are subject to discipline for
violations of the ethical standards (such as cheating, plagiarism, copyright infringement, and
Unauthorized duplication or use of copyrighted works is unlawful and infringes on the copyright
of the copyright owner. Copyright infringement by students, faculty, or staff is subject to
appropriate disciplinary action by The University of Texas as well as those civil remedies and
criminal penalties provided by copyright law.
All participants must complete a final program evaluation and are encouraged to provide
feedback on the program and their mentoring relationships.
In order to participate in the program, participants are asked to comply with these guidelines
throughout the program.
Thank You,

Veronica Phillips
Professional Development Center
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Sandra Goins, PMP

Sandra Goins is a Project Manager at the Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative
Services in the Center for Program Coordination. She has also developed the Project Office
at the Texas Department of Human Services and worked as a Professional Development
Coordinator in the Enterprise IT Project Office of the Texas Health and Human Services

She is a certified Project Manager Professional (PMP) with the Project Management Institute
and a certified Quality Instructor with the Brazos Institute. She was also an examiner for the
Greater Austin Quality Council, the Malcolm Baldridge award. Sandra is an instructor and
consultant in Project Management as well as Microsoft Project. She has over nine years of
experience directing and managing multiple, simultaneous projects for the State of Texas.
Sandras desire is to help people learn and understand Project Management methodology. A
methodology is of little use without putting into practice. That is where the Professional
Development Center at the University of Texas is stepping in to give a repeatable consistent
approach to managing projects on time within budget and to quality expectations of the

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Veronica Phillips
Program Coordinator
Professional Development Center
The University of Texas at Austin
Direct: 512-471-2926
Main: 512-471-4633

For questions regarding content, quizzes, presentations, textbooks and the overall
management of the course including logistics, financial matters, policies and procedures,
graduation requirements/certification/CEUs/PDUs, evaluations and feedback, course or
instructor concerns, and marketing or customized training opportunities.

Administration Office

Karen Kahle
Professional Development Center
The University of Texas at Austin
Rikk Rodriguez
Asst. Registrar
Professional Development Center
The University of Texas at Austin

For questions regarding other PDC workshops, your PMCP payment plan, registration issues,
address or name changes.

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Program evaluation forms are used to grade student progress throughout the program. Please use
these forms as guidelines when preparing your assignments. These forms may be located on the
class web page.
Grade Sheet
A grade sheet is provided in order to track your grades throughout the program. A minimum of
700 points are required in order to graduate from the program. It is the students responsibility to
track your grades and request assistance as needed. Extra credit is available, please see the
Program Coordinator for further details and extra credit deadline.
Charter Evaluation Form
One of the components of the Project Management Plan is the Project Charter, it documents the
preliminary project information. Before you begin your project, your team must provide your
mentor with a draft of your Project Charter on Session 5. A template of the Project Charter is
available in the class web page.
Status Report
A project status report is a concise summary of the current condition of the project, it is
like a snapshot of the project at a point in time. Status reports also help identify risks and issues
that have arisen in the current reporting period.

For the purpose of the program, the status report is filled out once you complete each module and
submit with your Homework/Lesson Assignments to the Program Coordinator. This is a great
communication document between you and your Mentor in regards to your Case Study, Lesson
Assignments, and/or ask your Mentor questions that you may have in regards to each Lesson.

Overall, the status report will help us track the status of your individual case study as well as your
progress in the program. It will also provide helpful information for program improvements. The
status report must be emailed to the program coordinator. The Program Coordinator will forward
to the Instructor In Charge/Mentor.

Change Request Form
A change request is used to change any aspect of the project. It can pertain to project, product,
documents, requirements, or any other aspect of the project. For the purpose of the program, a
change may be requested by your mentor. The team is required to respond to the change request
and respond to you mentor.
Project Plan Grade Sheet
The project plan grade sheet will serve as an outline for preparing your project plan. Your mentor
will grade your team project plan according to every item listed on the grading sheet.

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Final Course Evaluation
The purpose of the final course evaluation is to give the Professional Development Center
valuable feedback on the final quality of the course including your experience with each
instructor and the program coordinator. Ultimately, this will help us make continous
improvements to the program. Please be honest in your evaluation. This evaluation is not used
for grading purposes.

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Refunds and Transfers
Course withdrawals and refunds are not processed automatically. Notification of cancellation or
transfer via mail, e-mail, fax, or phone must be received at least three full business days before
the start of the course. Visit the Course Withdrawal page to find a form to mail written
notification, or call (512) 471-4633. Please note that any cancellation or transfer will result in an
administrative charge.
1. If you wish to withdraw from a course prior to the first day of the class:
a. Notification of a withdrawal must be submitted in writing via e-mail, fax, or mail at least
three full business days before the start of a workshop, seminar, or certificate program;
b. 75 percent of the fee is refunded, excluding any non-refundable fees.
2. If you withdraw from a course on or after the first day of class and apply for a refund:
a. If the course has four meetings or less, no refund or tuition credit is issued;
b. If the course has five meetings or more, 50 percent of the fee is refunded up until 25
percent of the course time has elapsed, after which no refund or tuition credit is issued.
3. If you fail to withdraw from a course, no refund or tuition credit is given.
Refunds are processed in three to four weeks. Requests for refunds made after the last day of
class will not be considered. Special written course agreements supersede this policy.
If you wish to transfer from a course prior to the first day of the class:
1. Notification of a transfer must be requested at least three full business days before the
start of a workshop, seminar, or certificate program;
2. You may transfer the fee to another scheduled workshop, seminar, or certificate program,
with a $65 processing fee for one-day and two-day workshops, and a $150 processing
fee for seminars and most certificate programs;
3. A substitute may attend if we receive notification at least 24 hours before the start of the

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Module 1: Introduction to Project Management
Lesson: 1, 2, and 3
Homework: Getting to Know you Exercise - Who are you? Where you work and what you do?
Why you signed up for this course? What do you want to be able to do afterwards? (Brief
essay, one paragraph)
Read PMBOK Chapters 1-3 What is a project? What is Project Management? What are the 5
process groups and 9 Knowledge areas? What is the difference between Matrix and
Functional Organization?

Assignment: Must Know Concepts, Process Quiz, Status Report with above Questions (see
End of Module Status Report Template)

See Page 18 in the Student Hanbook for more information on Module 2 and 3

Module 2: Personal Dynamics for Team Leadership
Lesson: Refer to slides
Homework: Take the Social Style assessment and evaluate how you can communicate more
effectively with each social style.

Assignment: Review the slides, Submit Status Report with Social Assessment and
Evaluation of above. (see End of Module Status Report Template)
Module 3: Team Dynamics for Project Management
Lesson: Refer to slides
Homework: Read PMBOK Appendix G What are the 7 interpersonal skills needed to
effectively lead a project. What is the communication formula?
Assignment: Review the slides and Appendix G Submit Status Report with the above
Module 4: Selecting and Initiating a Project
Lesson: 4
Homework: Read PMBOK Chapters 4 How are projects selected? What are the models that
help select a project? Select a project and write a charter. What is the purpose of the
project? Who will benefit from this project? Who are the stakeholders? What are the major
deliverables? What is the schedule for the start and finish of this project? What are the
assumptions, constraints and risks? How much will this project cost?
Assignment: Must Know Concepts, Process Quiz, Status Report with Charter - Select Project
from: Family Vacation, Pizza Fundraiser, Scout Project or Slumber Party use the Project
Charter Template to create a charter for your project. (Charter Template)
Module 5: Defining Project Scope
Lesson: 5
Homework: Read PMBOK Chapters 5 Collecting Requirements from stakeholders is very
important. Submit Requirement document, Stakeholder Register and Stakeholder analysis.
Assignment: Must Know Concepts, Process Quiz, Status Report with Requirements template,
stakeholder register and stakeholder analysis for your project. (See Requirements
template, stakeholder register template and stakeholder analysis grid template)
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Module 6: Defining Project Schedule
Lesson: 6
Homework: Read PMBOK Chapters 6 Now that you know all the work and only the work of
the project from the requirements and charter create the WBS and sequence the tasks to
create a network diagram based on dependences and duration of tasks. The longest path
through the project is the critical path.
Assignment: Must Know Concepts, Process Quiz, Status Report and submit WBS template
and Network diagram and Critical Path for your project. (See WBS template)
Module 7: Define Project Budget
Lesson: 7
Homework: Read PMBOK Chapters 7 Create a budget based on the WBS and document how
estimates were determined.
Assignment: Must Know Concepts, Process Quiz, Status Report and submit a budget for your
project (Use $30.00 an hour for each staff used).
It is now time to prepare for and take the mid-course examination. If you are not going to
take your exam at The University of Texas, please notify the Program Coordinator of a
proctor center near your. Otherwise, please contact the Program Coordinator to schedule
your mid-course exam.
About the Mid-Course Exam
The mid-course exam will cover lessons 1-7. It is worth 100 points and consists of multiple-
choice and essay questions. The exam will be in the same formate as your lesson
assignments and process quizzes. For more information please see grading scale in the
Student Hanbook.
Please note, the below assignments will not be accepted until the mid-course exam has been
Module 8: Validate Project Controls
Lesson: 8
Homework: Reread PMBOK Chapters 4-8 Baseline Scope, Schedule, Cost and Quality and
determine how you will handle changes to the project that could impact your baselines.
Create an integrated change control system.
Assignment: Must Know Concepts, Process Quiz, Status Report with a flow chart of the
integrated change control system you will use on your project. Document what the baselines
for Scope (deliverables) Schedule, Cost and Quality.
Module 9: Risk Management
Lesson: 9
Homework: Read PMBOK Chapters 11 Create a Risk Register, Qualitative Analysis,
Quantitative Analysis, Risk Response sheet with strategies and risk owners.
Assignment: Must Know Concepts, Process Quiz, Status Report submit the Risk register,
qualitative analysis and prioritization chart, quantitative analysis template and Risk
Response Register( which includes strategies and risk owners) See Risk Templates
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Module 10: Finalize Project Plan/Control Project Change
Lesson: 10 and 12
Homework: Review PMBOK Chapters 4-7, 11,12 Review Procurement Plan and criteria
rating sheet of how you will rate the vendors.
Assignment: Must Know Concepts, Process Quiz, Status Report and submit the Change
Request evaluation of the change made to your project. Evaluate what the impact to scope,
time, cost and quality is for your project. (See Change Request sent to you)
Module 11: Perform Project Work
Lesson: 11
Homework: Read PMBOK Chapter 9,10,11 Develop a Staffing Plan with ground rules, team
building, performance reporting, recognition and rewards. How will you administer
contracts? How will you manage stakeholder expectations? Communication is so important
create a communication matrix for all stakeholders with specific reports that will be sent
when to whom. Design the process for administration of procurement.
Assignment: Must Know Concepts, Process Quiz, Status Report submit a Communication
matrix and RAM(See Communication Matrix and RAM templates)
Module 12: Control Project Performance
Lesson: 13
Homework: Read PMBOK Chapters 4-7, 10 Earned Value Exercise to help understand how to
use Earned value to control project performance
Assignment: Must Know Concepts, Process Quiz, Status Report submit the variance analysis
template for your project.
Module 13: Closing the Project/Deliver Product
Lesson: 14
Homework: Read PMBOK Chapter 4 & 12 How will you close the project and your
procurements. Define the process with a flow chart, lessons learned document and close out
Assignment: Must Know Concepts, Process Quiz, Status Report submit a lessons learned and
close out report (use lessons learned and close out report template)
It is now time to prepare for and take the final exam. If you are not going to take your exam
at The University of Texas, please notify the Program Coordinator of a proctor center near
your. Otherwise, please contact the Program Coordinator to schedule your final exam.
About the Final Exam
The final exam is not cumulative; it will cover lessons 8-14. It is worth 100 points and
consists of multiple- choice and essay questions. The exam will be in the same formate as
your lesson assignments and process quizzes. For more information please see grading scale
in the Student Hanbook.

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Module 2: Personal Dynamics for Team Leadership
Module 3: Team Dynamics for Project Management
The soft skill modules are not located in your UPPM workbook, the slides are available for
download on the class web page.
Most project management training focuses on technical aspects: creating schedules, assigning
resources and printing Gantt charts, work breakdown structures, planning, control, etc...
However, these skills are not sufficient in themselves to minimise risk and ensure a successful
One of the major risk areas of any project is people: success can be jeopardised by things such as
politics, personal agendas, poor communication or lack of commitment to goals. This certificate
program includes modules developed specifically for the needs of project managers who need to
complement their professional experience with skills that will facilitate project success.
This program will help focus on:
Personal Dynamics for Team Leadersip
o What makes projects fail/succeed?
o Organizational structure considerations
o Behavioral/Social Styles
o Conflict management
Team Dynamics for Project Management
o General Management Skills
o Leadership Skills
o Dealing Effectively with Project Stakeholders
o Building a Project Team
o Facilitating Project Team Meetings
Overall, this program emphasizes on the essential human aspects of leading a project
team when using PMBOK concepts and practices. Well provide you with a range of soft
skills tools and techniques that project managers can use to reduce the people-related risks and
overcome interpersonal hurdles.

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Class Web Page
All Program Evlauation Forms, Course Slides, and Sample Templates are located in the class web
page for free download. The class web page serves as a great communication piece between UT PDC
and its students. Please be sure to visit the web page periodically as updated informaton may be
posted. Instructors will post information as needed throughout the semester. Below is the address
information to the class web page:
E-Learning Materials
You will receive E-Learning Materials from True Solutions Inc. within 1 week of receiving your
course materials. Please watch out for this email, do not empty your junk mail folder before veryifing
that it is from True Solutions Inc. You will be provided with a password and username.
You will have access to on-line video reviews, downloadable audio, and a PMP Exam Simulator.
These materials are supplemental and are not required for the successful completion of the program.
You will have access to the E-Learning material for approximately six months upon receiving your
You will receive a 4-poster set with your course materials. Poster 1 illustrates each of the 44
defined PMBOK Guide processes and precisely how & when they are intended to be
applied. The project life-cycle concept and Knowledge Areas are also illustrated on poster 1.
Posters 2, 3, and 4 illustrate the 44 defined PMBOK Guide processes, including inputs,
tools & techniques, and outputs. The intended application of each process is defined, along
with a condensed explanation of each input, tool/technique, and output.
Some material is copyrighted by Project Management Institute (PMI). Permission to use copyrighted
material has been requested.
is a service mark and the Social Style Model
is a trademark of Cahners
TRACOM Group. All material in Section 2.3 is copyrighted by Cahners Tracom Group.
Some material is copyrighted by True Solutions Inc. (TSI). Permission to use copyrighted materials
has been requested.
Please let us know if we can help you!
This version of the Project Management Certificate Program is a Pilot Program.
We understand that there may be some missing information so please do not hesistate
to contact the Program Coordinator or Instructor in Charge for clarification.
We are excited that you have decided to help us expand our offerings
by joining us on this pilot program!

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