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Friday, October 21

Important Lakshmi Tantra Prayog

Important Lakshmi Tantra Prayog:
Just Try and See
Goddess of wealth Lakshmi
For Success in !usiness:
To be a successful and rich business magnate has always been your dream yet in spite of
devoted and honest efforts the goal remains as distant as the horizon. More you run
towards it farther it seem.
Whatever your problem may be-lack of finance cut-throat competition or dishonest
partners !ust try this marvelous ritual and see the result for yourself.
"arly morning take a bath and get into clean clothes. #it in the worship place. $n a plate
place "ttishtthaa. %ffer vermillon and rice grains on it. Light a ghee lamp. &eep your
eyes fi'ed on (ttishtthaa and chant the following Mantra continuously for )* minutes.
Mantra+ Om #$eem Purnna Saa%a$yam Om Phat &uru

,o this regularly for -- days at the same time. .fter that leave (ttishtthaa in a temple.
For 'ood #ea$th o% &id:
Worried on this account/ $s fre0uent fever cold or some other persistent ailment proving
to be a bane for the health of your child/ $f yes then don1t waste any time. 2ust try out the
following 0uick acting remedy.
$n a plate spread some red flowers. %n them place a 'opa$ (and. %ffer vermillion and
rice grains on the ,and and light a ghee lamp. Take water in your right palm and pledge
that you are accomplishing this #adhana for the health of your child 3speak his4her name5.
6hant the following Mantra )* times.
Mantra+ Om Saum )ano*aanchhitam Santaan Sukham
Siddhaye Om.

7epeat for -- days. %n -)
day throw the ,and in a river.
For +ind%a$$ 'ains:
Wealth is the fuel of life and to earn it one tries every means. 8ut many times even
sincere efforts fail to help one win the favor of the Goddess of wealth Lakshmi. $f
interested in sudden legal gains 3e.g. lottery or shares5 this is the ritual for you.
%n a Wednesday place a picture of 'oddess La,mi before yourself and pray to the
Goddess. Then chant -- rounds of this Mantra with &ama$gatta rosary.
Mantra+ Om #reem #reem -yeim Shreem Shreem Om.

! " "
,o this for 9 days. $f possible continue chanting - round daily even afterwards. $f tried
with full faith amazing results accrue and one gains money from une'pected source.
For .ictory o*er /nemies:
Life is nothing but a confluence of good and bad. .nd when one1s stars are unfavorable
enemies spring up enemy minds start working overtime problems are created in one1s
life and rumors are spread with an aim to mar one1s reputation. 7etaliation could get one
into further trouble: but there is a way out that is very easy as well as effective.
To pacify enemies and adversaries light a holy fire and then make oblations of a mi'ture
of black pepper seeds yellow mustard seeds and black sesame seeds chanting the
following Mantra. ,o this for )* minutes.
Mantra+ Om !ham !heira*aaya .i0ayam (ehi Om Phat.
# #$ % &
.nd soon enough you shall feel all opposition whittling down. ;o #adhana article is
needed in this ritual.
(on1t 'i*e "p #ope:
There are goals to achieve which one puts at stake everything one has. <et in spite of the
best efforts one fails to make it. .nd then despair and frustration set in leaving one a
physical and mental wreck. 8esides mental peace one also loses one1s social standing and
respect and financial security.
=ailure can be prevented and even a seemingly lost situation brought under control
through this marvelous ritual.
>lace a Sar*a &aarya Siddhi 'utika in a plate. #it before it and chant the following
Mantra -?@ times.
Mantra+ Om #$eem &aarya Siddhim #$eem Om Phat.

7epeat for -- consecutive days. .fter the completion of the ritual throw the Gutika in a
river or pond. This shall ensure success in any and every venture you undertake. This is a
remarkable ritual that can help students businessman family man actors and politicians1
people from every walk of life.

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