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Review Of Some Science Facts SSC CGL Exam 2014

JULY 28, 2014

The theory of relativity was propounded by Albert Einstein
The principal metal used in manufacturing steel is Iron.

An altimeter is used for measuring altitude
Oology is the study of Birds eggs
Radioactivity was discovered by Henry Bacquerel
The metal used in storage batteries is Lead.
The instrument used to measure the relative humidity of air is
Barometer was invented by Torricelli.
The unit of power is Watt.
Radium was discovered by Marie and Pierrie Curie.
The existence of isotopes was discovered by Frederick Soddy.
Dynamo was invented by Michael Faraday.
The nuclear reactor was invented by Enrico Ferni.
The law of gravitation was propounded by Sir Isaac Newton.
Crescograph was invented by J.C.Bose.
Crescograph is used to measure the Rate of growth of a plant.
Galileos first scientific discovery was Pendulum.
Microscope was invented by Aaton Van Leewen Hock.
The scientist who is known as father of modern biology is
The first person to see a cell under microscope was Robert
The smallest flowering plant is Wolffia.

The four blood groups were discovered by Karl Landsteiner.
Sodium was discovered by Sir Humphry Davy.
The atomic number of oxygen is Eight.
The basic building blocks of proteins are Amino acids.
The botanical name of the cotton plant is Gossipium Hirsutum.
An Electroscope is used to Detect charges on a body.
The unit of loudness level is Phon.
An ammeter is used to measure Electric current.
Plant that eat insects are called Insectivorous plant.

Important Amendments to Indian Constitution
JULY 15, 2014
1st amendment June 18, 1951 zamindari abolition laws.
2nd amendment May 1, 1953 fix the size of each parliamentary
constituency between 650,000 and 850,000 voters.
6th amendment September 11, 1956 the Union and State Lists with respect
to raising of taxes
7th amendment November 1, 1956 Reorganization of states on linguistic
lines and Introduction of Union Territories
10th amendment August 11, 1961 Incorporation of Dadra, Nagar and
Haveli as a Union Territory after acquisition from Portugal
11th amendment December 19, 1961 Election of Vice President by
12th amendment December 20, 1961 Incorporation of Goa, Daman and
Diu as a Union Territory, after acquisition from Portugal
13th amendment December 1, 1963 Formation of State of Nagaland, with
special protection under Article 371A
14th amendment December 28, 1962 Incorporation of Pondicherry into
the Union of India
Creation of Legislative Assemblies for Himachal Pradesh, Tripura, Manipur
and Goa
15th amendment October 5, 1963 Raise retirement age of judges from 60
to 62
22nd amendment September 25, 1969 Provision to form Autonomous
states within the State of Assam
24th amendment November 5, 1971 Enable parliament to dilute
fundamental rights through amendments to the constitution
31th amendment October 17, 1973 Increased size of Parliament from 525
to 545 seats.
32nd amendment July 1, 1974 Protection of regional rights in Telangana
and Andhra regions of State of Andhra Pradesh
33rd amendment May 19, 1974 Prescribes procedure for resignation by
members of parliament and state legislatures
Prescribes procedure for verification and acceptance of resignation by house
35th amendment March 1, 1975 Terms and Conditions for the
Incorporation of Sikkim into the Union of India
37th amendment May 3, 1975 Formation of Arunachal Pradesh legislative
38th amendment August 1, 1975 Enhances the powers of President and
Governors to pass ordinances
42nd amendment April 1, 1977 - Provides for curtailment of fundamental
rights, imposes fundamental duties and changes to the basic structure of the
constitution by making India a Socialist Secular Republic
51th amendment June 16, 1986 Provide reservation to Scheduled Tribes in
Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh Legislative
52nd amendment March 1, 1985 Anti Defection Law Provide
disqualification of members from parliament and assembly in case of
defection from one party to other
56th amendment May 30, 1987 Transition provision to enable formation
of state of Goa
58th amendment December 9, 1987 Provision to publish authentic Hindi
translation of constitution
61th amendment March 28, 1989 Reduce age for voting rights from 21 to
65th amendment March 12, 1992 National Commission for Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes formed and its statutory powers specified in The
69th amendment February 1, 1992 To provide for a legislative assembly
and council of ministers for Federal National Capital of Delhi. Delhi continues
to be a Union Territory
70th amendment December 21, 1991 Include National Capital of Delhi and
Union Territory of Pondicherry in electoral college for Presidential Election
82nd amendment September 8, 2000 Permit relaxation of qualifying
marks and other criteria in reservation in promotion for SC / ST candidates
86th amendment December 12, 2002 Provides Right to Education until
the age of fourteen and Early childhood care until the age of six
93rd amendment January 20, 2006 To enable provision of reservation for
other backward classes (O.B.C.) in government as well as private educational
97th amendment 12 January 2012 Added the words or co-operative
societies in Article 19(l)(c) and inserted article 43B
i.e, Promotion of Co-operative Societies and added Part-IXB i.e, THE CO-

Important Years in INDIAN History
JULY 9, 2014
1866 First Indian Political Association
1870 Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
1876 The Indian Association
1884 Madras Mahajana Sabha
1885 -Bombay Presidency Association
1885 Dec -Indian National Congress
Three Important Periods :
1885-1905 Moderate Period
1905-1919 Extremist Period
1919-1947 Gandhian Period
1905 Vandemataram movement
1916 Home Rule movement
1920 Non-Cooperation Movement
1930 Civil Disobedient Movement
1942 Quit Indian Movement
1892 Indian Council Act
1909 Minto-Morely Reforms Act
1919 Montague-Chelmsford Act
1919 Rowlatt Act
1935 Government of India Act
20th July 1905 Division of Bengal by Lord Curzon
1906 Birth of Muslim League
1940 August offer
1922 October Chauri-Chaurah incident
1922 Swaraj Party Formation
1927 Simon Commission appointed by British Parliament
1928 Simon Commission visit ot India
1931 Gandhi-Irwin Pact
1930, 31, 32 Three Round Table Conference
1945 Simla Conference (Lord Wawell)
1946 Cripps Proposals
1946 Cabinet Missions arrival
1947 Mountbatten Plan
1950 India became Republic
1956 Re-organization of the States
23 rd March 1931 Execution of Bhagath Singh,Sukhdev and Rajguru
Important Battles in History of India
JULY 10, 2014
1. 1st battle of Tarain 1191 Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Mohammed Ghori
2. 2nd battle of Tarain 1192 Mohammad Ghori defeated Prithviraj
3. 1st battle of Panipat 1526 Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodi
4. Battle of Khanwa 1527 Babur defeated Rana Sunga further
strengthening his foothold in India.
5. Battle of Ghaghra 1529 Babur defeated Mahmud Lodi and Sultan
Nusrat Shah thus establishing Mughal rule in India.
6. 2nd battle of Panipat 1556 Akbar defeated Hemu
7. 3rd battle of Panipat 1761 Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas
8. Battle of Talikota 1565 Deccan Sultanates defeated the glorious
Vijayanagar empire
9. Battle of Haldighati 1576 Undecisive battle between Raja Man Singh of
Mughal Army and Rana Pratap of Mewar.
10. Battle of Plassey 1757 British defeated Siraj-ud-duala with the help of
Mir Zafar. This battle laid the foundation of British empire in India.
11. Battle of Wandiwash 1760 British decisively defeated the French in
12. Battle of Buxar 1764 British defeated the combined forces of Mir
Qasim, Shuja-ud-duala (Nawab of Oudh) and Shah Alam II(Mughal emperor).
13. Battle of Samugarh 1658 Aurangzeb defeated Dara Shikoh.
14. Battle of Karnal 1739 Nadir Shah defeated Mughal Emperor
Muhammad Shah.

pH Values of Different Substances
MAY 3, 2014
Substance pH Values
Pure water

Human blood
7.35 7.45

Sea water
7.5 8.4

10.6 to 11.6

6.5 6.7

Normal rain
5.6 to 6

Acid rain 2 to 5.6

Human urine

Black coffee


2.8 to 3.8


Lemon juice 2.4

Famous Inventions and Inventors
APRIL 25, 2014
Inventions and Discoveries
Air Brake George Westinghouse
Aniline Dyes Hoffman
Adding Machine Balise Pascal
Wright Brothers

Air Conditioner Carrier
Atom Bomb Otto Hahn
Aspirin Dreser
Alcohol Thermometer Farenheit
Atomic Thermometer Bohr
Atomic Theory Dalton
Atomic Number Mosley
Atomic Structure Bohr and Rutherford
Automobile Daimler
Antiseptic Surgery Lord Joseph Lister
Archimedean Screw Archimedies
Avogadros Hypothesis Avogadro
Ball Pen Loud
Balloon Montogolfier
Blood Circulation Harvey
Barometer Torricelli
Bicycle Mac Millan
Braily System Louis Braille
Beri - Beri Eijkman
Blood Circulation Harvey
Boson S.N.Bose
Boyles law Boyle
Braille Louis Braille
Computer Charles Babbage
Chloroform James Young Simpson
Cinema Lumiere Brothers
Cinema Projector Thomas Alva Edison
Crescograph J.C. Bose
Celluloid Parkes
James Harrison and James
Young Simpson
Cholera Bacillus Robert Koch
Coloured Photography Lippman
Cosmic Rays R.A.Millikan
Cyclotron Lawrence
Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel
Dynamo Michael Faraday
Dynamite Alfred Nobel
Deuterium (Heavy Water) H.C.Urey
Diesel Oil Engine Rudolf Diesel
Discovery of Solar System Copernicus (1540)
Discovery of Specific Gravity Archimedes
Electric Battery Volta
Electric Lamp Edison
Electricity Faraday
Electron Theory Bohar
Electrical Waves Heitz
Electric Measurement Gauss
DDT Dr. Paul Muller
Electron J.J. Thompson
Electric Lamp Thomas Alva Edison
Elevator Elisha G Otis
Fountain Pen Waterman
Fahrenheit Scale Fahrenheit
Film & Photographic goods Kodak
Glider George Cayley
Generator Piciontti
Gramaphone Thomas Alva Edison
Gun Powder Roger Bacon
Geometry Euclid
Hydrogen Cavendish
Helicopter Broquett
Helium Gas Lockyer
Homoeopathy Hahnemann
Hovercraft Cockrell
Hydrophobia Louis Pasteur
Jet Engine Sir Frank Whittle
Intelligence Tests Binet
Insulin F. Banting
Induction of Electric Current Faraday
Incandescent Bulb Edison
Induction Coil Rohm Korff
Insulin F.Banting
Intelligence test Binet
Jet Propulsion Frank Whittle
Law of Gravitation Issac Newton
Law of Heredity G. Mendal
Laser Theodore Maiman
Lightning Conductor Benjamin Franklin
Logarithm John Napier
Laughing Gas Priestley
Life Boat Henry Great Head
Lift (Elevators) Otis
Linotype Mergenthaler
Line of demarcation (ship) Plimsoll
Laws of Electrical Resistance Ohm
Law of Electrolysis Faraday
Law of gases Gay Lussac
Laws of Gravitation Newton
Laws of Heredity Gregory Mandel
Laws of Motion Newton Newton
Laws of Natural Selections Darwin
Laws of Multiple Proportion Dalton
Liquid Oxygen
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Machine Gun Dr. Richard Gattling
Maser Charles H. Townes
Microphone Graham Bell
Measurement of Electrical Energy Joule, James Prescoft
Meson Hideki Yakawa
Microscope Janes
MolecularScattering oflight in fluid Ramanathan
Neon Gas Ramsay,Travers Neutron Chadwick
Nuclear Fission OttoHahn, Bohr and Fermi
Nylon Plastic Carothers
Oxygen J.B.Preistly
Origin of Species Charles Darwin
Parachute A.J. Garnerian
Pencillin Alexander Fleming
Photography (Film) John Carbutt
Periodic Law Mendeleef
Phonograph Edison
Phonographic Shorthand Pitman
Principle for lever (S.P.Gravity) Archimedes
Phototherapy N.R.Finsen
Positive Electrons Anderson
Powerloom Cartwright
Pneumatic Tyre Dunlop
Printing for the Blind Braille
Printing Press Caxton
Printing Types John Guttenberg
Psycho-analysis Dr.Sigmund Freud
Rayon Sir Joseph Swan
Radio-activity of Uranium Henry Becquerel
Raman effect C.V.Raman
Radium Madame Curie
Railway Engine Stephenson
Radio transmitter Alexanderson
Rare Gas Cavandish
Replacing human heart Christian Barnard
Revolver Colt
Quantum Theory Max plank
Refrigerator James Harrison
Safety Lamp Humphry Davy
Safety Match Land Strom
Safety Pin William Hunt
Safety Razor Gillette
Sewing Machine Barthelling Thimonnier
Short Hand Pitman
Solar System Copernicus
Steam Engine James Watt
Steam Turbine Parsons
Spectroscope Bunsen
Stethoscope Rene Laennee
Submarine David Bushnell
Seismograph Roberts Mallet
Sextant Hadley
Steam boat Fulton
Submarine Bushwell
Talkies Lee-de-Frost
Tank Swinton
Telegraph CodeMorse
Telephone Alexander Graham Bell
Telescope Galileo
Television J.L. Baird
Thermosflask Dewar
and Bardeen
Typewriter Sholes
Theory of Evolution Charles Darwin
Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein
Uranium fusion Oho Hahn
Uranus (Planet) Herschel William
Vaccination Jenner
Vaccum Flask Sir James Dewar
Vulcanisation Good Year
Washing Soda Lablanc
Wireless Communication Oliver Lodge
Wireless Telegraphy Marcony
Wireless Marconi
X-ray W.C. Rontgen

New Appointments of 2014
APRIL 25, 2014
In view of the upcoming exams, today we are presenting to you the list of New
Appointments of 2014. In this list, we covered all important National and
International Appointments which occurred in the past 4 months of the year
2014 (January, February, March and first 3 weeks of April). This list will be
helpful for your upcoming Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants, SBI PO and
SSC CGL Exams. Hope you like the post.
1. A L Banerjee - New DGP (UP)
2. Aditi Khanna - First Woman President of Indian Journalists Association
(IJA), London
3. Ajoy Misra - MD & CEO, Tata Global Beverages Limited
4. Akhilesh Das Gupta - President (Re-Elected), Badminton Association of
India (BAI)
5. Akhilesh Gupta - President of Indian Meteorological Society
6. Amitabh Kant - Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy and
7. Arvind Mayaram - New Finance Secretary
8. Arseniy Yatsenyuk - Interim Prime Minister of Ukraine
9. Arun Kumar Gupta - CMD, Shipping Corporation of India (SCI)
10. Ashraf Jehan - First female judge, Pakistans National Sharia Court
11. Chetan Tamboli - Chairman of CII (Confederation of Indian Industry),
Western Region
12. Devendra Kumar Pathak - Special DG, Border Security Force
13. Dinesh Sarraf - CMD of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
14. Edward Snowden - New Rector of the University of Glasgow
15. Glen Attewell - New CEO to Tesco HSC
16. G. Rohini First Woman Chief Justice, Delhi High Court
17. H C Meena - Secretary Security, Cabinet Secretariat
18. Harish Rawat - CM of Uttrarakhand.
19. Ibrahim Mahlab - New PM of Egypt
20. Jamila Bayaz - First Women Police Chief, Afghanistan
21. Janet Yellen Head of US Federal Reserve (1st Woman)
22. Jatinder Bir Singh - Chairman and Managing Director of Punjab and
Sind Bank (PSB)
23. John Thompson - Chairman of Microsoft
24. Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur - Chairman of the 7th Pay Commission
25. Justice B.S. Chauhan - Judge of the Supreme Court
26. Kailash Meghwal - Speaker, Rajasthan Assembly
27. Kalyan Singh - Vice President of BJP
28. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw - Chairperson, Indian Institute of
Management-Bangalore (IIM-B)
29. Lt Gen P R Kumar - Director General of Military Operations (DGMO),
Indian Army
30. M Teresa Kho - ADBs (Asian Development Bank) new country director
for India
31. Malala Yousafzai - World Childrens Prize, Sweden
32. Manoj Vaish - MD and CEO, Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd
33. Marco Lambertini - Director-General of the WWF International
34. Matteo Renzi - Italys youngest PM
35. Mukul Mudgal - Chairperson of Broadcasting Content Complaints
Council (BCCC)
36. Narendra Kothari New Chairman, NMDC
37. N P Singh - CEO, Multi Screen Media
38. N. Ramachandran - President, Indian Olympic Association
39. N. Srinivasan - Chairman of the International Cricket Council
40. Oleksandr Turchynov - Interim President of Ukraine
41. P. Madhusudan - CMD, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL)
42. Poonam Khetrapal Singh - Regional Director of World Health
Organization South-East Asia Region
43. Pradeep Kumar Saxena - GM, South Western Railway
44. Priyadarshni Mohapatra - MD Avayas India and SAARC Operations
45. R. Chandrashekhar - President, NASCOM
46. R Gandhi - Deputy Governor of RBI
47. R.K. Tiwari - Chairman of Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)
48. R.M. Lodha - New Chief Justice of India
49. R.K. Dhowan - New Navy Chief
50. Rajeev Kher - Secretary in Department of Commerce
51. Rajiv Takru - New Revenue Secretary
52. Rakesh Maria - Mumbai Police Commissioner
53. Ravi Chauhan - MD, SAP India
54. S.K. Sharma - CMD of Bharat Electronics Ltd.
55. Sanjay Kirloskar - Deputy Chairman of CII, Western Region
56. Satya Nadella - CEO of Microsoft
57. Saurabh Chandra - Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
58. Shankar Venkateswaran - Chief, Tata Sustainability Group
59. Sheikh Hasina - Prime Minister of Bangladesh (Third Time)
60. Shikar Dhawan - Brand Ambassador to Canara Bank
61. Soma Mondel - First Woman Director of National Aluminium Company
62. B.N. Sri Krishna - Chairman of Financial Planning Standards Board
India (FPSB)
63. Sudhir Gupta - Secretary, TRAI
64. Sunil Kumar Sood - General Manager, Central Railway
65. Sushil Koirala - PM of Nepal
66. T. Nanda Kumar - Chairman, National Dairy Development Board
67. Uday Sareen - Deputy CEO, ING Vysya Bank
68. V.Kannan - CMD of Vijaya Bank
69. Vinod Sawhney - CEO of Reliance Communication (RCom)
70. Yaduvendra Mathur - CMD of Export-Import Bank of India

History Quiz : First in India ( Male )
MARCH 21, 2014
1. First Governor of Bengal Lord Clive ( 1757 60)

2. Last Governor of Bengal Lord Hastings ( 1772 74)

3. First Governor Genral of Bengal Lord Hastings ( 1774 75)
4. First British Governor Gerneral of India Lord Bentinck ( 1833 35)

5. First British Viceroy of India Lord Canning ( 1856 62)

6. First President of Indian Rebublic Dr. Rajendra Prasad

7. First Prime Minister of free India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

8. First Indian to win Nobel Prize Rabindranath Tagore

9. First Muslim President of Indian National Congress Baduddin Tyabji

10. First Muslim President of India Dr. Zakir Hussain

11. First Governor General of free India Lord Mountbatten

12. First and last Indian Governor General of India C. Rajgopalachari

13. First man who introduced printing press in India James Hicky

14. First Indian to join the I.C.S Satyendra Nath Tagore

15. Indias first Cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma

16. First Prime Minister of India who resigned without completing the full term
Morarji Desai
17. First Indian Member of the Viceroys executive council S. P. Sinha

18. First President of India who died while in office Dr. Zakir Hussain

19. First Prime Minister of India who did not face the Parliament Charan Singh

20. First Field Marshal of India Field Marshal S.H.F. J. Maneckshaw

21. First Indian to get Nobel Prize in Physics C.V. Raman

22. First Indian to receive Bharat Ratna award Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

23. First Indian to cross English Channel Mihir Sen

24. First Person to receive Jananpith award G. Shanker Kurup
25. First Speaker of the Lok Sabha G V Mavalankar

26. First Vice President of India Dr. S. Radhakrsihnan

27. First Home Minister Of India Sardar Vallabhbahi Patel

28. First Person to reach Mt. Everest without oxygen Sherpa Ang Dorjee
29. First person to reach the South Pole Col J K Bajaj

30. First Person to get Param Vir Chakra Major Somnath Sharma

31. First Chief Election Commissioner Sukumar Sen

32. First Person to receive Magsaysay Award Vinoba Bhave

33. First Indian Origin person to receive Nobel Prize in Medicine Hargobind

34. First Person to receive Nobel Prize in Economics Amartya Sen

35. First Chief Justice of Supreme Court Justice H. J. Kania

36. First Indian to win back to back medals in Olympics Sushil Kumar ( 2008,

37. First Man to climb Mount Everest Twice Nwang Gombu

38. First Man to Climb Mt. Everest 19 times Apa Sherpa

39. First Indian Chess Grandmaster Vishwanathan Anand ( 1988)
40. First Indian Pilot J.R. D. Tata ( 1929)

History Quiz : First in India ( Female )
MARCH 21, 2014
1. First female officer to be court martial led
- Anjali Gupta

2. First woman judge in the Supreme Court Justice
- M. Fathima Bivi

3. First woman Ambassador/High Commissioner
- Miss C.B. Muthamma

4. First woman Governor of a state in India
Mrs. Sarojini Naidu

5. First woman Speaker of a state Assembly
Mrs. Shanno Devi

6. First woman Prime Minister
- Mrs. Indira Gandhi

7. First woman Minister in Government
- Rajkumari Amrit Kaur

8. First woman to climb mount Everest
- Bachhendri Pal

9. First woman to climb mount Everest twice
- Santosh Yadav

10. First woman President of Indian National Congress
- Mrs. Annie Besant

11. First woman pilot in the Indian Air Force
- Harita K Deol

12. First woman graduates
- Kadambini Ganguly & Chandramukhi Basu (1883)

13. First woman Airline Pilot
- Durba Banerjee

14. First Indian woman Honours graduate
- Kamini Roy (1886)

15. First woman Olympic medal Winner
- Karnam Maleshwari (2000)

16. First woman Asian Games Gold Medal Winner
- Kamaljit Sandhu

17. First woman President of United Nations General Assembly
- Vijay Lakshmi Pandit
18. First woman Chairman of Union Public Service Commission
- Roze Millian Bethew

19. First woman Director General of Police
- Kanchan Chaudhary Bhattacharya

20. First Indian woman Judge
- Anna Chandy (1937)

21. First woman Chief Justice of High Court
- Mrs. Leela Seth

22. First woman Lieutenant General
- Dr. Punita Arora

23. First woman Air Vice Marshal
- Dr. Padmavathi Bandopadhyaya
24. First woman chairperson of Indian Airlines
- Sushma Chawla

25. First woman IPS officer
- Mrs. Kiran Bedi

26. First and last Muslim woman ruler of India
- Razia Sultan

27. First woman of receive Ashoka Chakra
- Nirja Bhanot

28. First woman to receive jnanpith Award
- Ashapurna Devi

29. First woman to cross English Channel
- Aarti Saha
30. First Indian woman to receive the Nobel Prize
- Mother Teresa

31. First woman to receive Bharat Ratna
- Mrs.Indra Gandhi

32. First Indian women to cross Gobi Desert
- Sucheta Kadethankar (2011)

33. First Indian woman to reach the final of an Olympic event
- P.T. Usha

34. First Test Tube Baby (Documented)
- Indira

35. First Indian woman Merhcant Navy Officer
- Sonali Banerjee

List of Important Battles for SSC CGL Exam
MARCH 21, 2014
Dear readers, here we are providing list of some Important Battles of Indian
history which can be useful in your upcoming SSC exams.

1. Battle of Chausa: 1539 A.D. - The battle of Chausa was fought between
Mughal emperor Humayun and Sher Shah Suri. In this battle Humayun was
defeated. It facilitated Sher Khan to march on to Delhi at Agra.

2. Battle of Hydaspes 326 B.C.Alexander the Great, defeated Porus, the
Paurava king.
3. Battle of Kannauj (1540 A.D.) Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun.
After this battle, Humayun fled to Iran and Sher Shah Suri occupied Delhi.
4. Battle of Kalinga 261 B.C. Ashoka defeated the king of Kalinga.
Ashoka embraced Buddhism and preached it during the rest of his life after
this war.
5. First Battle of Tarain or Thaneswar A.D. 1191 - Prithvi Raj Chauhan
defeated Mohammed Ghori.
6. Second Battle of Tarain A.D. 1192 - Mohammed Ghori defeated Prithvi
Raj Chauhan. Ghoris victory paved the way for the establishment of Muslim
rule in India.
7. First Battle of Panipat 1526 Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodhi. This laid
the foundation of the Mughal rule in India.
8. Second Battle of Panipat 1556Bairam Khan (Akbars General)
defeated Hemu (the Hindu General and right-hand man of Mohd. Adil Shah).
It also ended the Afghan Rule and Mughal Rule began instead.
9. Third Battle of Panipat 1761Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated Marathas.
It gave a terrible blow to the Maratha power. It made the field clear for the
10. Battle of Khanwah 1527 Babar defeated Rana Sanga of Mewar. This
battle resulted in the defeat of the powerful Rajput confederacy.
11. Battle of Talikota 1564- 65United alliance between Bijapur, Bidar,
Ahmednagar and Golkonda under Hussain Nizam Shah defeated Ram Raja
of Vijayanagar. It destroyed the Hindu Kingdom of Vijayanagar.
12. Battle of Haldighati 1576Akbars forces headed by Raja Man Singh
defeated Rana Pratap, the brave Rajput king. Though defeated, Rana Pratap
refused to accept Mughal authority and carried on warfare till his death.
13. Battle of Plassey 1757 The English under Lord Clive defeated Siraj-
ud-Daulah. It brought Muslim Rule in Bengal to an end and laid foundations
of the British Rule in India.
14. Battle of Wandiwash 1760The English defeated the French. The
battle sealed the fate of the French in India and paved the way for English rule
in India.
15. Battle of Buxar 1764 Fought in 1764 between the forces of the English
and the combined forces of Mir Qasim, Shuja-ud-Daulah (Nawab of Oudh)
and the Mughal Emperor Shah Alam. The English victory at Buxar finally
riveted the shackles of the Companys rule upon Bengal.
16. First Mysore War (1767- 68)In 1768, Haider Ali was defeated by the
English relinquishing all his rights over Mysore in favour of the English.
17. Second Mysore War 1780 A grand alliance between Haider Ali, the
Nizam and the Marathas was formed and Haider Ali. He defeated the
English and took possession of Arcot and became the undisputed master of
the Carnatic.
18. Third Mysore War 1790- 92Fought between the English and Tipu
Sultan. Tipu Sultan had to submit and was compelled to sign the Treaty of
Seringapattam stripped him of half his territory.
19. Fourth Mysore War 1799 The British forces under Arthur Wellesley
defeated Tipu Sultan, which brought the end of the Tipu Sultan.
20. First Anglo-Maratha War (17751782) was the first of three Anglo-
Maratha wars fought between the British East India Company and Maratha
Empire in India. The war began with the Treaty of Surat and ended with the
Treaty of Salbai.
21. Second Anglo Maratha War 1803-05It weakened the Maratha power.
The English annexed Tanjore, Surat and Carnatic.
22. Third Anglo Maratha War 1817- 18The British forces defeated
Marathas and this campaign finally extinguished the Maratha Empire.
23. Battle of Cheelianwala 1849Forces of the East India Company under
Lord Hugh Gough defeated the Sikhs under Sher Singh.
24. Burmese War 1885As a result of this War, the whole of Burma was
occupied by the English and made a part of India.
25. Afghan War III 1919As a result of this War, Treaty of Rawalpindi was
signed by which Afghanistan was recognised as an independent State.

MARCH 21, 2014
In the prevailing scenario, we know we have many reasons to be mad about the
situation of our country. But its always better to look at positive side and be happy
and proud about it, then to look at the negative side and criticise. So, enlisting below
just few of the many positive points about INDIA.

1. India is the worlds largest, oldest, continuous civilization.

2. India is the worlds Largest democracy.

3. India never invaded any country in her last 1000 years of history.

4. India invented the number system. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.

5.When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago,
Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization)

6. There are 300,000 active mosques in India , more than in any other country,
including the Muslim world

7. Sanskrit is the mother of all the European Languages . Sanskrit is the most suitable
language for computer software a report in Forbes magzine July 1987.

8. Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was invented in India.

9. India has the second largest pool of Scientist and Engineers in the World.

10. India is the largest English speaking nation in the world.

11. India is the only country other than US and Japan, to have built a super computer

12. India has the largest number of Post Offices in the world

13. One of the largest employer in the world is the Indian Railways , employing over a
million people

14. India was one of the richest countries till the time of British rule in the early 17th
Century. Christopher Columbus, attracted by Indias wealth, had come looking for a
sea route to India when he discovered America by mistake.

15. The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh
valley between the Dras and Suru rivers in the Himalayan mountains. It was built by
the Indian Army in August 1982

16. The Vishnu Temple in the city of Tirupathi built in the 10th century, is the worlds
largest religious pilgrimagedestination. Larger than either Rome or Mecca, an average
of 30,000 visitors donate $6 million (US) to the temple everyday.

17. Varanasi, also known as Benaras, was called the Ancient City when Lord
Buddha visited it in 500 B.C., and is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the
world today.

18. Martial Arts were first created in India, and later spread to Asia by Buddhist

19.Yoga has its origins in India and has existed for over 5,000 years.

20. Until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds in the world.
21. The value of pi was first calculated by the Indian Mathematician
Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the
Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century, long before the
European mathematicians.
22. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to mankind. The Father
of Medicine, Charaka, consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.
23. India provides safety for more than 300,000 refugees originally from Sri
Lanka, Tibet, Bhutan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, who escaped to flee
religious and political persecution.
24. Sushruta is regarded as the Father of Surgery. Over2600 years ago
Sushrata & his team conducted complicated surgeries like cataract, artificial
limbs, cesareans, fractures, urinary stones, plastic surgery and brain surgerie
25. The Art of Navigation & Navigating was born in the river Sindh over 6000
years ago. The very word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word
NAVGATIH. The word navy is also derived from the Sanskrit word Nou.
Jai Hind!!!

SSC Quiz : : The First Men in India who made history
MARCH 21, 2014
Dear readers we are providing here the first men and there accomplishment
which has been asked in every competitive examinations.
The first President of Indian Republic Dr. Rajendra Prasad
The first Prime Minister of free India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
The first Indian to win Nobel Prize Rabindranath Tagore
The first President of Indian National Congress
W.C. Banerjee

The first Muslim President of Indian National Congress Badruddin Tayyabji
The first Muslim President of India Dr. Zakir Hussain
The first British Governor General of India Lord William Bentinck(1833-1835)
The first British Governor General of Bengal Lord Warren Hasting(1774-1885)
The first British Viceroy of India Lord Canning
The first Governor General of free India Lord Mountbatten
The first and the last Indian to be Governor General of free India C. Rajgopalachari
The first man who introduced printing press in India James Hicky
The first Indian to join the I.C.S Satyendra Nath Tagore
Indias first man in Space Rakesh Sharma
The first Prime Minister of India who resigned without completing the full term Morarji Desai
The first Indian Commander-in-Chief of India General Cariappa
The first Chief of Army Staff Gen. Maharaj Rajendra Singhji
The first Indian Member of the Viceroys executive council S.P.Sinha
The first President of India who died while in office Dr. Zakhir Hussain
The first Muslim President of Indian Republic Dr. Zakhir Hussain
The first Prime Minister of India who did not face the Parliament Charan Singh
The first Field Marshal of India S.H.F. Manekshaw
The first Indian to get Nobel Prize in Physics C.V.Raman
The first Indian to receive Bharat Ratna award Dr. Radhakrishnan
The first Indian to cross English Channel Mihir Sen
The first Person to receive Jnanpith award Sri Shankar Kurup
The firs Speaker of the Lok Sabha Ganesh Vasudeva Mavalankar
The first Vice-President of India Dr. Radhakrishnan
The first Education Minister Abdul Kalam Azad
The first Home minister of India Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
The first Indian Air Chief Marshal S. Mukherjee
The first Indian Naval Chief Vice Admiral R.D. Katari
The first Judge of International Court of Justice Dr. Nagendra Singh
The first person to reach Mt. Everest without oxygen Sherpa Anga Dorjee
The first person to get Param Vir Chakra Major Somnath Sharma
The first Chief Election Commissioner Sukumar Sen
The first person to receive Magsaysay Award Acharya Vinoba Bhave
The first person of Indian origin to receive Nobel Prize in Medicine Hargovind Khurana
The first Chinese traveller to visit India Fahein
The first person to receive Stalin Prize Saifuddin Kitchlu
The first person to resign from the Central Cabinet Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
The first person to receive Nobel Prize in Economics Amartya Sen
The first Chief Justice of Supreme Court Justice Hirala J. Kania
The first Indian Pilot J.R.D. Tata (1929)

All About Bharat Ratna Award: Indias Highest Civilian Honour
MARCH 21, 2014
Legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar and eminent scientist Prof C N Rao
was presented with the Bharat Ratna Award by Indias President Pranab
Mukherjee on 4 February 2014 in New Delhi.

The Little Master Tendulkar, who retired from international cricket on
November 16 last year, is the first sportsman to bestowed with the honour.
An outspoken scientist, Prof Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra Rao is a well
recognized international authority on solid state and materials chemistry is the
third scientist after C V Raman and former President A P J Abdul Kalam to be
conferred with the Bharat Ratna.
Tendulkar (40) and Rao (79), both of whom are recipients of Padma
Vibhushan the countrys second highest civilian honour, will join a list of 41
eminent personalities who have been conferred with the award that is given in
recognition of exceptional service of the highest order since it was instituted in
Bharat Ratna Award: The Bharat Ratna, (Jewel of India in English) is Indias
highest civilian honour.
Until 2011, the official criteria for awarding the Bharat Ratna stipulated it was
to be conferred for the highest degrees of national service. This service
includes artistic, literary, and scientific achievements, as well as recognition
of public service of the highest order.
In December 2011, the Government of India modified the criteria to allow
sportspersons to receive the award; since then, the award may be conferred
for performance of highest order in any field of human endeavor.
Any person without distinction of race, occupation, position or sex is eligible
for the award.
The recommendations for an award of the Bharat Ratna are made by the
Prime Minister of India to the President of India; a maximum of three awards
may be made in a given year.
Specifications of Bharat Ratna Award: The original specifications for the
award called for a circular gold medal, 35 mm in diameter, with the sun and
the legend Bharat Ratna (in Devanagari) above and a floral wreath below.

The reverse was to carry the state emblem and motto. It was to be worn
around the neck from a white ribbon.

There is no indication that any specimens of this design were ever produced
and one year later the design was altered.

The decoration is in the form of a peepal leaf, about 5.8 cm long, 4.7 cm wide
and 3.1 mm thick. It is of toned bronze.

The award is attached to a 2-inch-wide (51 mm) white ribbon, and is designed
to be worn around the recipients neck.
Interesting facts and information about Bharat Ratna award:
Bharat Ratna is the most prestigious award given by Indian government.
Anyone with a great performance in any field is eligible for this honor.
1. The medal looks like a peepul leaf with Bharat Ratna written on it in
Devanagari script. An image of sun is also printed on it. The back side of the
award carries the state emblem and motto.

2. The award was started by formal President of India Rajendra Prasad on
2nd January, 1954. At that time only the alive people were eligible for their
national service. Later these criteria were changed.

3. The first person to receive Bharat Ratna was scientist C.V. Raman and the
first person to receive Bharat Ratna after death is Lal Bahadur Shashtri.

4. Rajiv Gandhi is the youngest receiver (after death, at age 47) of the award
and Indira Gandhi is the youngest alive receiver (at age 54) of the award.

5. Vallabhbhai Patel is the eldest to receive (after death, at age 116) the
award and Gulzarilal Nanda is the eldest alive person to receive (at age 99)
the award.

6. Among 41 awards given so far only 2 awards were given to foreign citizen-
Nelson Mandela (1990), Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (1987).

7. Subhas Chandra Bose was awarded with Bharat Ratna posthumously in
1992. But due to controversy (as there is no evidence of Subhas Chandra
Boses death) the award was withdrawn. It is the only incident in the history of
Bharat Ratna that an award was withdrawn.

8. There is no formal provision that recipients of the Bharat Ratna should be
Indian citizens. Bharat Ratna has been one award to a naturalised Indian
citizen, Mother Teresa (1980), and to two non-Indians, Khan Abdul Ghaffar
Khan (1987) and Nelson Mandela (1990).

9. Hindustani music doyen Bhimsen Joshi being the last recipient in 2008.

10. Sachin Tendulkar is the youngest person alive at the time of receiving the
award (at the age of 40). Dhondo Keshav Karve is the eldest person alive at
the time of receiving the award (age 100).

11. CNR Rao became the third scientist after C V Raman and former
President A P J Abdul Kalam to be conferred with the Bharat Ratna.
The Bharat Ratna holders however, come 7th in the Indian order of
precedence behind:
1. The President
2. The Vice-President
3. The Prime Minister
4. The State Governors
5. The former Presidents and the Deputy Prime Minister
6. The Lok Sabha Speaker and Chief Justice of India
The perks associated with Bharat Ratna are:
1. Free first class flight journey anywhere in India.
2. Free first class train journey.
3. Pension equal to or 50% of Prime Minister of Indias salary.
4. Can attend the Parliament meetings and sessions.
5. Precedence at par with Cabinet Rank.
6. Eligible for Z category protection, if needed.
7. Special Guest in Republic Day and Independence Day.
8. Status equal to VVIP.

MARCH 21, 2014
1. The first person to use the word geography was
Erastosthenes (276 194 BC)

2. The First presented the India on the world map

3. 1
latitude give the separation of
111 kms

4. 1
Longitude is equal to


5. The Closest capital to tropic cancer

6. 3 capitals are above to Tropic of Cancer
Jaipur, Aizwol, Agarthala

7. The atmosphere layer which reflects radio waves is known as
- Lonosphere

8. Which State is known as the name of Black Water?
- Andaman and Nicobar

9. Which latitude divides India into two parts?

10. The largest delta in the world is
The delta of Ganga

11. The type of climate in India is

12. Most of the iron in India is found in
Dharwar Rocks

13. Ozone layer is found in

14. Ring of fire refers to Circum
Pacific Seismic belt

15. Willy Willy is the tropical cyclone occurring in
Coast of North west Australia

16. On which river, the Baglihar Hydro- power project is located?

17. The term Rugur refers to
Black cotton Soil

18. Which two peninsular rivers flow through troughs?
Narmad and Tapi

19. How much area does India cover of the total geographical area of the world?
2.42 %

20. The length of the Indian coastline is
- 7516.6 km

Some Important Boundary Lines
Durand Line Between Pakistan and Afghanistan
Hinderberg line Between Germany and Poland
49 th Parallel Between USA and Canada
Mac Mohan Line Between India and Tibet / China
Maginot Line Between France and Germany
Parallel Between North and South Korea
Oder Neisse Line Between Germany and Poland
Radcliffe Line Between India and Pakistan
Between Inda and Pakistan
(as claimed by Pakistan)

MARCH 20, 2014
Town River
Kabul (Afghanistan) Kabul
Confluence of Ganga,
Saraswati (invisible)
Varanasi Ganga
Nasik Godawari
Kolkata Hooghly
Cuttack Mahanadi
Patna Ganga
Chittagong (Bangladesh) Maiyani
Lucknow Gomati
Jamshedpur Subarnarekha
Haridwar Ganga
Delhi Yamuna
Kanpur Ganga
Surat Tapti
Srinagar Jhelum
Ferozepur Sutlej
Ludhiana Sutlej
Karachi (Pak) Indus
Yangon (Myanmar) Irawady
Akyab (Myanmar) Irawady
Vijaywada Krishna
Lahore (Pak) Ravi
Paris (France) Seine
Hamburg (Germany) Elbe
Budapest (Hungary) Danube
Rome (Italy) Tiber
Warsaw (Poland) Vistula
Bristol (U.K.) Avon
London (U.K.) Thames
New Castle (U.K.) Tyre
Shanghai Yang-tse-Kiang
Nanking Yang-tse-Kiang
Chungking Yang-tse-Kiang
Canton Si-Kiang
Middle East and Africa
Cairo (Egypt) Nile
Basra (Iraq) Tigris and Euphrates
Ankara (Turkey) Kizil
Baghdad (Iraq) Tigris
Khartoum (Sudan) Blue and While Nile
Berlin (Germany) Spree
Belgrade Dunube
Cologne (Germany) Rhine
Lisbon (Portugal) Tangus
Glasgow (Scotland) Clyde
New York Hudson
Philadelphia Delaware
New Orleans Mississippi
Monetreal (Canada) Ottawa
Quebec (Canada) St. Lawrence

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