Compile Exercises F4

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Name: Class: ..

Chapter 5
Exercise 1
Learning Area: Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning Objective: nderstanding physical and chemical changes.
1. Classi!y the !"ll"#ing changes int" chemical "r physical changes.

$. C"mpare and c"ntrast the pr"perties "! physical and chemical changes.
Physical changes Aspect Chemical changes
Formation of new substance %es
Less energy is re&'ired Energy requirement
Reversible N"
N" Heat is released/absorbed
(hysical change Chemical change
(h"t"synthesis )"iling "! #ater
)'rning "! !'el *espirati"n in plants
+elting "! ice *'sting "! ir"n r"d
,'blimati"n "! i"dine Evap"rati"n "! ethan"l
-igesti"n "! !""d
Score: /16 x 100 = %
Changes in chemical properties
and composition
N" Formation of new substances
Evap"rati"n "! #ater Example )'rning magnesi'm in air
Name: Class: .
Chapter 5
Exercise $
Learning Area: Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning Objective: Analysing heat change in chemical reacti"ns.
1. C"mplete the graphic " t" sh"# the di!!erences bet#een ex"thermic and end"thermic
Exothermic reaction Aspect Endothermic reaction
Heat energy
Abs"rbed by the
Temperature of the
Energy content of reactant
compared to energy content of
the product
$. 0he diagram bel"# sh"#s an experiment d"ne by a st'dent:

0he res'lt "! the experiment is sh"#n in the !"ll"#ing table.
Score: /1 x 100 = %
bea1er s'bstance
#ater 3 s"di'm
C 56
7ater 3 amm"ni'm
C $5
8a9 ,tate the type "! reacti"n in b"th bea1ers:
8i9 bea1er A :
8ii9 bea1er ) :
8b9 Name the variable inv"lved in this experiment.
8i9 manip'lated variable:
8ii9 resp"nding variable: .
5. 0he e&'ati"n bel"# sh"#s the pr"d'cti"n "! amm"nia in ind'stry.

8a9 Name the pr"cess inv"lved.

8b9 ,tate the rati" "! hydr"gen t" Nitr"gen in the pr"cess.

8c9 ,tate three c"nditi"ns !"r the "ptim'm pr"d'cti"n "! amm"nia
8i9 .
8ii9 .
8iii9 .
6. 0he e&'ati"n bel"# sh"#s the !irst stage in the pr"d'cti"n "! s'lph'ric acid in ind'stry.

8a9 Name the pr"cess inv"lved in ma1ing "! s'lph'ric acid.
8b9 ,tate t#" c"nditi"ns !"r the "ptim'm pr"d'cti"n "! s'lph'ric acid.
8i9 .
8ii9 .
Nitr"gen 3 :ydr"gen Amm"nia
,'lph'r 3 Oxygen ,'lph'r di"xide
Name: Class: ..
Chapter 5
Exercise 5
Learning Area: Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning Objective: ,ynthesising the reactivity series "! metals.
1. C"mplete the #"rd e&'ati"n !"r the reacti"n "! metals #ith #ater; dil'te acid and "xygen.
$. Arrange the metals bel"# acc"rding t" its reactivity in descending "rder.
/r"n Lead ,"di'm Al'min'm
.inc C"pper ,ilver +agnesi'm
+"st reactive
Least reactive
+etal 3 #ater +etal hydr"xide 3 ..
,"di'm 3 #ater ... 3 hydr"gen
Al'mini'm 3 Nitric acid Al'mini'm nitrate 3 ..
<inc 3 ,'lph'ric acid .. 3 hydr"gen
/r"n 3 Oxygen
Score: /!" x 100 = %

5. 0ic1 8=9 the metals that can be extracted !r"m its "re by heating it #ith carb"n.
+agnesi'm <inc
Calci'm /r"n
("tassi'm 0in
C"pper Lead
,"di'm Al'mini'm
6. 2ill in the blan1s #ith s'itable #"rd8s9 t" sh"# the extracti"n "! the !"ll"#ing metals !r"m its
8a9 +etals that are . than carb"n are extracted by !l"#ing an
. thr"'gh the . metal "xide.
2"r example: ,"di'm chl"ride s"di'm 3 chl"rine
8b9 +etals that are . than carb"n are extracted by heating the metal "res
t"gether #ith .
2"r example: 0in "xide 3 carb"n 0in 3 carb"n di"xide
electric c'rrent less reactive m"re reactive m"lten carb"n
electric c'rrent
Calci'm *eactivity
+agnesi'm decreases
0he list ab"ve sh"#s a part "! the reactivity series "! metals.
8a9 7here is the p"siti"n "! carb"n in this series>
8b9 7hich metals can be extracted !r"m its "re by heating it #ith carb"n>
8c9 8i9 Can al'mini'm and magnesi'm be extracted by heating its "res #ith carb"n>
8ii9 Explain y"'r ans#er in c8i9.
8d9 ,'ggest "ne #ay t" extract calci'm !r"m its "re.
Name: Class: .
Chapter 5
Exercise 6
Learning Area: Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning Objective: nderstanding electr"lysis.
1. 8a9 2ill in the b"xes #ith the c"rrect termin"l"gy.
8b9 ,tate three 'ses "! electr"lysis.
Score: /!0 x 100 = %
8i9 .
8ii9 .
8iii9 .
$. 0he diagram bel"# sh"#s the arrangement "! the apparat's #hich is set 'p by a st'dent t" st'dy
the electr"lysis "! m"lten lead 8//9 br"mide.

8a9 8i9 Name electr"de A :
8ii9 Name electr"de ) :
8b9 7hat c"'ld be "bserve at
8i9 electr"de A>
8ii9 electr"de )>
8c9 +"lten lead 8//9 br"mide is replaced #ith s"lid lead 8//9 br"mide.
8i9 7ill the b'lb light 'p>
8ii9 Aive a reas"n !"r y"'r ans#er.
5. 0he diagram bel"# sh"#s the pr"cess "! electr"plating
"! ir"n 1ey #ith p're c"pper.
+"lten lead 8//9
Carb"n electr"des
8a9 7hy is the ir"n 1ey electr"plated #ith p're c"pper>
8b9 /denti!y #hat is the an"de and cath"de>
8i9 an"de : .
8ii9 cath"de : .
8c9 7hat is s"l'ti"n (>
8d9 ,tate t#" c"nditi"ns t" ens're that c"ating is !irm and even>
8i9 .
8ii9 ..

Name: Class:
Chapter 5
Exercise 5
Learning Area: Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning Objective: nderstanding electr"lysis.
1. 0he diagram bel"# sh"#s an arrangement "! the apparat's t" st'dy the p'ri!icati"n "! imp're
argent'm thr"'gh electr"lysis.
C"mplete the diagram #ith the c"rrect ans#er.
$. 0he diagram bel"# sh"#s an experiment t" st'dy the p'ri!icati"n "! imp're c"pper

0he mass "! the cath"de is meas'red every $ min'tes and rec"rded in the !"ll"#ing table.
Argent'm dep"sited
Argent'm nitrate s"l'ti"n


Score: /" x 100 = %

#ime / min$tes C $ 6 ? B 1C
#he mass o%
cathode / g
C C.6 C.B 1.$ 1.? $.1

8a9 7hich electr"de is
8i9 cath"de> ............................................................
8ii9 an"de> .
8b9 ,'ggest an electr"lyte ( that can be 'sed in this experiment.

8c9 )ased "n the table ab"ve; dra# a graph "! mass "! the cath"de against time.

8d9 )ased "n the graph in 8c9; #hat is the relati"nship bet#een the mass "! the cath"de c"pper
and time>

0he mass "! the cath"de D g
0ime D min'tes
2 4 6 8 10
Name: Class:
Chapter 5
Exercise ?
Learning Area: Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning Objective: nderstanding the pr"d'cti"n "! electrical energy !r"m
chemical reacti"ns.
1. 0he diagram bel"# sh"#s an arrangement "! apparat's t" st'dy the pr"d'cti"n "! electrical
energy by a simple cell.
8a9 ,tate #hich plate acts as theE
8i9 negative terminal:
8ii9 p"sitive terminal :
8b9 *e!erring t" the diagram ab"ve; #hich metal is m"re reactive>

8c9 7hat c"'ld be "bserved at
8i9 negative terminal
8ii9 p"sitive terminal
$. 0he !"ll"#ing statements are ab"'t the vari"'s types "! cells.
,tate #hether each "! the statement is #r$e "r &alse. 2ill in the b"x beside the statements.
Score: /11x 100 = %
8a9 (rimary cells cann"t be rechargeable.
8b9 ,ec"ndary cells can be 'sed repeatedly by recharging them.
8c9 Al1aline batteries are sec"ndary cells.
8d9 0he negative terminal "! a silver "xideFmerc'ry cell is .inc.
8e9 A nic1elFcadmi'm battery is a primary cell.
8!9 0he battery that is 'sed in a car is the silver "xideFmerc'ry battery.

Chapter 5
Learning Area: Energy and Chemical Changes
Learning Objective: nderstanding chemical reacti"ns that "cc'r in the
presence "! light.
Exercise @
1. -iagram bel"# sh"#s a green plant 'nder the s'nlight.
8a9 Name gas G and gas %.
8b9 7hat is the s"'rce "! energy !"r the plant t" 'nderg" ph"t"synthesis>
8c9 7hat is the energy change d'ring ph"t"synthesis>

5. 0he diagram bel"# sh"#s a piece "! ph"t"graphic paper is "verlaid #ith an "val piece "! blac1
paper and exp"sed t" s'nlight !"r t#" min'tes.

' :..
( :..
Name: . Class: .
Score: /" x 100 = %

8a9 On the diagram bel"#; shade the regi"n that is s'pp"sed t" dar1en a!ter t#" min'tes.
8b9 7hat type "! salt is !"'nd "n ph"t"graphic paper>

8c9 7hat happens t" the salt in 8b9 #hen the paper is exp"sed t" s'nlight>

8d9 7rite a #"rd e&'ati"n t" explain the "cc'rrence in 8c9.

(h"t"graphic paper
)lac1 paper

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