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Event management


Executive Summary
Event management is the application of project management to the
creation and development of festivals, events and conferences. Event
management involves studying the intricacies of the brand, identifying the
target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics and
coordinating the technical aspects before actually executing the modalities
of the proposed event. Post-event analysis and ensuring a return on
investment have become significant drivers for the event industry.
The recent growth of festivals and events as an industry around the world
means that the management can no longer be as hoc. Events and festivals,
such as the Asian Games, have a large impact on their communities and, in
some cases, the whole country. The industry now includes events of all
sizes from the Olympics down to a breakfast meeting for ten business
people. Many industries, charitable organizations, and interest groups will
hold events of some size in order to market themselves, build business
relationships, raise money or celebrate.
Event Management is considered one of the strategic marketing and
communication tools by companies of all sizes. From product launches to
press conferences, companies create promotional events to help them
communicate with clients and potential clients. They might target their
audience by using the news media, hoping to generate media coverage


which will reach thousands or millions of people. They can also invite
their audience to their events and reach them at the actual event.
Event Management is a multi-million dollar industry, growing rapidly,
with mega shows and events hosted regularly. Surprisingly, there is no
formalized research conducted to assess the growth of this industry. The
industry includes fields such as the MICE ( Meetings, Incentives,
Conventions and Exhibitions ), conferences and seminars as well as live
music and sporting events. Thats what we are going to learn further of
how the management industry functions.


1 Aims and objectives of the study
2 Introduction of the event
3 Event planning model
4 Events
5 Event marketing and promotion
6 Strategies
7 SWOT analysis
8 Budgeting
9 5 wrong moves of events
10 Top 10 event management companies
11 Survey
12 Event evalution process
13 Conclusion
14 Biblography



The aims of the project are to provide opportunities for participants to:-
Learn in a mutually supportive environment that values the experience of
participants and enables them to reflect upon, evaluate and value their own
Examine and understand a range of theoretical perspectives that can be
applied to improve practice and enable participants to be more effective
practitioners in Events Planning, Organization and Implementation within
both their own organizations and countries.
Develop skills, knowledge, and experience in Organization, Planning and
Implementation of Events, and through analysis, develop programmes of
actions that are responsive to and anticipate changing circumstances within
their own real world environments.



The objectives are to:
Demonstrate an understanding of relevant theory and how it can be
usefully applied to organizations wishing to hold an event to improve
Identify the essential issues within the organization, planning and
implementation of events and the relevance to their particular roles and
Monitor, review and evaluate the processes and outcomes of new
perspectives on the management of events
Provide a flexible and coherent framework that assures the quality of the
academic rigor and management of the workshop(s).
Provide contemporary information to the needs of individuals and
To add to the learning experiences and knowledge base of both individuals
and thereby their organizations.


Event management is the application of project management to the
creation and development of festivals, events and conferences.
Event management involves studying the intricacies of the brand,
identifying the target audience, devising the event concept, planning the
logistics and coordinating the technical aspects before actually launching
the event. Post-event analysis and ensuring a return on investment have
become significant drivers for the event industry.
The recent growth of festivals and events as an industry around the world
means that the management can no longer be ad hoc. Events and festivals,
such as the Asian Games, have a large impact on their communities and, in
some cases, the whole country.
The industry now includes events of all sizes from the Olympics down to a
breakfast meeting for ten business people. Many industries, charitable
organizations, and interest groups will hold events of some size in order to
market themselves, build business relationships, raise money or celebrate.
Event Management when compared to other traditional professions such as
medicine, law and accounting is relatively a young field. It is an area that is
growing rapidly and represents hundreds of professionals who are responsible for
planning, coordinating and evaluating a wide range of events all year round.


Event management is predominantly about creating an experience. Bearing
in mind first impressions last, it is important when embarking on any event
regardless of its scale to take the correct approach and use the right
techniques to ensure that your event is successful.


People Involved in Organizing an Event

The number of people involved in organizing an event
depends upon the size and scale of the event. While
organizing a small party may require only one or two
people, organizing a very large event like olympics may
require several thousand people.
An event management company can have
following event professionals:
1) Event Manager/Event Planner
He has following responsibilities:
1. He is responsible for planning and producing the whole event.
2. He is responsible for procurement management and resource
3. He formulates, prepares and implement risk management plan (risks
related to event planning and production).
2) Event Coordinator
He is responsible for coordinating with all event professionals and ensures
that business operations are efficient and effective.


3) Information Manager
He has following responsibilities:
1. He manages the information acquired through different sources.
2. He is responsible for the documentation of all business operations
carried out pre-event, at-event and post-event.
3. He maintains database of service providers, delegates, guests,
organizers, sponsors, partners, clients, target audience, media people and
various govt. departments officials.
4. He formulates, prepares and implements the risk management plan.
4) Logistic Manager
He has following responsibilities:
1. Responsible for custom clearances and other clearances.
2. Responsible for warehousing of cargo
3. Cargo Insurance
4. He is expected to move goods and merchandise from one destination to
the other in the most efficient manner.
5. He is responsible for procurement management and resource


6. He formulates, prepares and implements the risk management plan.
(risks related to logistic management like cargo theft etc.)
5) Security Manager
He has following responsibilities:
1. He is responsible for formulating, preparing and implementing the
security plan and strategies. i.e. how to protect delegates, guests, service
providers, organizers, sponsors, partners, clients, target audience, goods
and merchandise etc.
2. He does procurement management and resource management.
3. He formulates, prepares and implements the risk management plan.
6) Infrastructure Manager
He has following responsibilities:
1. He does procurement management and resource management.
2. He is responsible for setting up and dismantling the infrastructure for
the whole event.


Event Team Management
You need a team to organize an
event. You cant do everything by
yourself. So I dont need to tell you
further, how important a team is for
your event. Event mismanagement
is mostly about team
mismanagement. Do the following
things for effective team management:
Know your team :
Just knowing the names, faces and job profile of your team members is not
enough. You must have good knowledge of there personality, life style,
likings, disliking, family background, status, educational qualification,
knowledge level, customs, religion and especially there needs and wants.
By needs and wants I mean there physiological needs, safety needs, social
needs, esteem needs, cognitive needs and self actualization needs.
Every person has different needs and different priority to fulfill them.
While for some getting recognition is more important than job security.
For others job security is more important. Determine the needs of your
team members and fulfill them in order to get optimum results from them.


Physiological needs :
The need to have food, water, warmth, shelter and other things necessary
for survival.Your team members will not feel anything, if these needs are
met but can cause them discomfort, sickness and pain if these needs are
not full filled. So as an event manager it is your job to make sure that all
the physiological needs of your team are met from time to time. Just
imagine how a team member who hasnt eaten anything all day will
perform his duty in the evening and you will get my point.
Safety needs :
It includes need to be safe from physical and psychological harm. It also
includes job security and financial security. As an event manger you have
to ensure safety of your team especially women. A person cant give his
best in an unsafe environment. To protect your team from psychological
harm, make sure there are no internal conflicts among team members.
Providing job security to your team is also very important. At no point any
team member should feel that his job is under threat either by your actions
or by someone else actions. Take care of your team beyond the work
place. If any team member is facing a financial problem, then help him as
much as you can.


Social needs:
It is the need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. Need to love and
be loved by friends, intimate partner, family and social groups like your
team. To fulfill this need, there must be cordial relationship between you
and the team and among the team members. A team member will not
perform his best if he has considerable family problems. Try whatever you
can to reduce his family problems. If you cant do much at least accept his
problems and empathize with him. Try to reduce his stress by giving him a
day off or engaging him in the sport he likes the most. Ask you team
members to be as supportive to him as possible. All this will help. People
who have strong social needs should not be placed in a job where they
have minimum interaction with people. They are the best for marketing or
PR type jobs.
Esteem needs :
It is the need to get respect, recognition, fame and status. Some people
have stronger esteem needs than the other. You will have to identify those
team members who have strong esteem needs and then find ways to fulfill
those needs. For e.g. if a person is working very hard to get recognition
among the team members and you are not giving him the recognition he
deserves then sooner or later his motivation level will go down and he will
not give optimum results or worst will not perform and quit.


Cognitive needs :
It is the need to understand, learn, discover and explore.Peoplewho have
strong cognitive needs should not be placed in a job which is monotonous
and which doesnt offer any possibility of intellectual growth. Frankly
speaking, people with strong cognitive needs are not suitable for event
management jobs.
Self Actualization need :
It is the need to be the best. It is the need to become everything, one is
capable of becoming.Very few people have such type of need. If you have
some one in you team with this need, then you have both advantage and
disadvantage. The advantage is that you can always expect optimum
results from him. The disadvantage is that he will tirelessly seek for the
position of leadership and if he didnt get it, then he will leave you soon
and may even become your competitor.


Event Venue Selection
Keep following things in mind while selecting a venue for your event:
1) Target Audience/Guest Size
This means the number of people
you are expecting to attend your
event. Make sure that your venue
can easily accommodate your
expected target audience. Your
venue should not be too small or too
large for your guests. If too small, then your guests will feel discomfort. If it is too
large then you will unnecessarily end up paying more for the venue.Get firm
indications whether guests plan to attend your event by sending R.S.V.P clearly
printed on the invitation. The term R.S.V.P is a French acronym. Its meaning in
English is 'Please Respond'.
2) Target Audience Status
If you target audience are rich people then your venue must be a five star hotel or resort

and all the services provided during the event must be of very high quality.

3) Target Audience Convenience
Select venue according to target audience convenience. Your venue should not be
very far from the place where majority of your target audience live. Your venue


should have proper lighting and ventilation. It should not be in a noisy or polluted
area. It should be absolutely neat and clean and free from any type of infestation.
4) Climatic Conditions
Keep Climatic conditions in mind while selecting a venue. If you are going to
organize an event during rainy season or during peak winter then selecting an open-
aired venue is not a good idea. Always try to organize indoor events if possible as
there production cost is lesser than the outdoor events.
5) Venue History
Before hiring a venue check out the history of the venue. Find out how many events
have been organized in the venue so far. In this way you can find out whether or
not venue and the staff there is event friendly. This will help you immensely when
you later organize event there as you will have to do less amount of work in making
the venue suitable for the event. If venue has noise ordinace problems in the past
like neigbours calling the cops to shut down the event, then it is not a good idea to
organize event there especially outdoor event.
6) Venue Services
Before hiring a venue check out the number of services provided by the venue like:
Make sure venue has its own parking space. It should be big enough to
accommodate your target audience's vehicles conveniently.


Security Arrangements
Security of guests, service providers and target audience is a very important issue
which should never be neglected or compromised at any cost. For large scale events
presence of fire fighters, fire engine, police, paramedical team with ambulance is a
Your venue must have adequate number of staff to serve your guests. Find out the
ratio of servers to guests. The venue staff must be friendly, helpful and courteous. It
should be decently dressed.
Some venue provides additional services like catering, floral decoration, fireworks,
audio-visual aids; Staging, Lighting, props, decor for event production; ticketing,
reservation, transportation and sight seeing tours for the guests; DJs, anchors,
performers etc for event programs.
7) Venue Inspection
If you will go as an event manager to a venue for inspection you will be shown the
venue as an ideal venue for organizing your event. So best way of inspecting a
venue is to check-in there as an anonymous guest, stay use all the services provided
by the venue.
Make sure Air Conditioners On the basis of venue history, services provided by the
venue and venue's inspection determine how much work is needed to be done there


for 2-3 days and deliberately, fans, water tabs work properly, elevators are
operational. There is adequate lighting and ventilation. Check out for sanitation and
Find out how helpful, courteous and professional is the venue staff.
8) Amount of Work Required
On the basis of venue history, services provided by the venue and venue's
inspection determine how much work is needed to be done to make the venue
suitable for your event. Select a venue where lesser amount of work is required to
be done. Lesser the work, lesser will be the production cost of the event.


Event Planning Models
Event Models and the Management of the Events Process
The aim of this chapter is to provide an understanding of the processes involved in
event management. Participants will consider relevant theoretical perspectives on
events management and apply them to their own workplace and event contexts. It
will give consideration to the main techniques available to the event manager in
creating, proposing, planning and managing a variety of events.
Models are an initial useful starting point and can assist in a more structured and
ordered approach to the planning of events. There is no one model which fits all. It
is for the event organizer to perhaps select and engage with a model he / she finds
useful, and one which they can understand, share with their colleagues /
stakeholders and add to or detract from.
The event planning models do assist with planning. In the fast moving world of
events with perhaps ever decreasing planning time, shorter lead in times and a more
competitive environment it is vital that organisations utilise and maximise all their
resources efficiently and effectively and manage and control their time
management. Planning and the utilisation of event planning models may well be of
assistance in this area.


Key Points of Planning
Successful planning ensures that an organization/event remains competitive.
It creates ownership of strategies and communicates this to the organization
It consists of establishing where an organisation is at present, where it is best
placed to go in the future, and the strategies and tactics needed to achieve
that position.
Benefits of Planning
It enables managers to detect and solve problems.
Alternative strategies are highlighted for consideration.
Staff responsibilities are clarified.
Uncertainty about the future is reduced, thus minimizing resistance to change.
It is true that events can be staged without any formal planning or management
structure. But as events become larger, complex and demand greater resources in
terms of finance, people, time and expertise all the theories and techniques of
business management can be applied.
It is not possible to evaluate an event, or to judge whether it has been a success or
not, without having set right at the beginning, criteria and objectives. Without these


there can be no yard stick to measure performance. Measurement within events is
Researching stakeholders, clients, delegates, customer requirements and how to
develop an idea into a package and ultimately into a well designed event should
also develop a clear list of objectives. These are manageable steps of measurable
achievement. They should be set, agreed and understood by everyone involved
this will lead to a clear focus, co-ordinated effort and unity of purpose.
SMART Objectives for Events
Specific to the event
Measurable in statistical terms
Achievable or Agreed by those involved
Realistic or Relevant to the resources available
Timed around the event schedule

Top 5 qualities of the successful event manager
1) Excellent time management-
The ability to coordinate not only yourself, but the scheduling of the entire team
helping with the event. Its all about planning, and re-planning and scheduling.


2) Resourcefulness-
In my opinion, this is the most important. With years of experience in events, there
is always something that requires a creative fix. Whether it be a piece of tape, or re-
working a display because the display across the aisle looks too much like yours.
You have to be very resourceful and use what you have. Ability to pool together the
individuals you need.
3) Communication-
Share your ideas and your vision openly with your team. Communicate on a level
that is respectful to everyone. Do not talk down to anyone, regardless of their role.
Everyone has their part and it ultimately leads to your success, make sure you
communicate clearly and respectfully. Accept criticism and be open to new ideas.
4) Passion-
Without passion you cannot over come the bumps and triumph when all seems lost.
I can train time management, but I cannot teach passion.
5) Strong will, but a level head-
You have to be able to carry out your vision and sometimes crack the whip to get it
done. Resolve problems and issues quickly. And you must be able to stand calm at
zero hour when something doesnt go your way. Your team should look to you for
everything, the last thing they need is a shaky leader that makes rash decisions
because they crack under pressure.


Corporate Entertain-ment Social /
Political Others
1. Product
Weddings Political
Theatre Shows
2. Conference/
Medical Nites Birthday Parties Political
3. Shareholder
Award Functions Personal
Govt. Contracts
4. Employees
Fashion Shows Family / Friends
Food Festivals
5. Exhibitions Beauty
6. Road Shows Cutural Programs
(dandiaraas etc.)
College Events


Corporate Events
Corporate entertainment relates to private events held by corporations or
business for their staff, clients or stakeholders. These events can be for
large audiences such as conventions and conferences, or smaller events
such as retreats, holiday parties or even private concerts.
It is also commonly used to mean corporate hospitality, the process of
entertaining guests at corporate events.
The companies that provides corporate entertainment are called Corporate
Planners or Corporate Booking Agencies
For corporate events, there are many events, and a short taxonomy must
include :

Conferences, Seminars and Symposiums

Brands, Concepts or Products Launche

Team Buildings


Anniversaries and other time specific events ( like Christmas Parties )

Sports Events for Companies etc.

Private Events
Private events are those events which :
Belongs to some particular person :
Pertaining to or affecting a particular persons or a small group of
persons ; individual ; personal : for your private satisfaction.
Confined to or intended only for the persons immediately
Concerned ; confidential : a private meeting.
Personal and not publicly expresses : ones private feelings.
Not holding public office or employment : private citizens.
Different types of private events :

Baptize and other baby related events, specific for each culutue and


Birthday Parties.

Bachelor / ette Parties.

Anniversary Parties

Sweet Sixteen

Birthday event:

Childhood is the best thing that can happen to us and we realize this once we grow
up. Birthday events organizing this beautiful day in childs life. The expertise keep
the theme birthday parties which included theme dcor, theme cake, theme mascots
and theme gifts for the friends and guests. DJ and light shall keep the birthday
lightened up throughout.


There services are carried out as pen the budget of the customers and the best
resources are used. The services are offered on time and in a prompt manner and
organizers ensure that the went goes off in a smooth manner without any problem.
Wedding event:

Every individual desires his/her wedding to be unique, special and grand. The one
event in your life that ought to be truely glorious is you wedding. This event turn the day
of love into an unforgettable event and a day you will cherish for the rest of the life.The
manager focus on getting to know them, their preference likes and dislikes and customize
the entire wedding experience as per their needs.
These services are carried out as per the budget of the customers and the best
resources are used. The services are offered on time and in a prompt manner and
organizers ensure that the event goes off in a smooth manner without any problems.


Sports event:

The sport event is a social gathering with a large number of participants as this is a very
dynamic sector that attracts widespread interest from both the audience and the sponsors
if the right sportsman is chosen.
The sport events provides students with an expansive view of various sporting areas
and with the skills required to succeed in this field of management, from
controlling fan-packed stadiums, to controlling the production of sports and single
player management.
These services are carried out as per the budget of the customers and the best
resources are used. The services are offered on time and in a prompt manner and
organizers ensure that the event goes off in a smooth manner without any problem.


Product launch:

Event which are carried out by companies to launch their new products in the market in
order to publicize it among the customers there event are carried out by professional
event planners and they are done as per the budget of the company and they are carried
out in a very prompt manner as per the client requirement.
These services are carried out as per the budget of the customers and the best
resources are used. The services are offered on time and in a prompt manner and
organizers ensure that the event goes off in a smooth manner without any problem.


Special Effects in Events
1. Balloon Drop
It is a type of special effect in which
a bag full of inflated balloons is
suspended from the ceiling or truss
and then at a particular moment it is
opened to release hundreds of
balloons. This type of special effect
is generally used on the new year's
eve, inauguration/ closing ceremony or during the celebration.
2. Fog Machine
This machine creates fog (thick mist) by vaporizing fog juice through a heater.
3. Haze Machine (or heater less fog machine)
This machine creates haze (mild mist) by atomizing fog juice. Since this method
doesn't use a heater therefore there is no warm up time.
4. Colored Smoke
There are two ways of producing colored smoke:
1. By washing the smoke with colored lights.


2. By using the colored smoke cartridges. These cartridges can produce smoke in
red, green, blue, yellow, orange etc colors and are available in 7 seconds or 30
seconds duration. The colored smoke produced by these cartridges is not pleasant
to breathe and can stain fabrics and materials in the vicinity.
5. Bubble Machine
This machine is used to produce bubbles. It can produce hundreds of bubbles per
6. Snow Machine
This machine is used to produce evaporative or non evaporativesnow flakes.
Evaporative snow flakes evaporate in 30 seconds to 120 seconds. whereas non-
evaporative snow flakes last for few days. We can have small, medium or large
snow flakes.
7. Pattern Projector
This projector is used to project patterns on the walls, ceiling and floor. These
patterns can be a corporate logo, star, graphics, etc. For best results use this
projector in a darkened area.
8. Wind Machines
It is a large high powered fan and is used to create illusion of wind.


Event Marketing
Marketing Environment
An organizations success is influenced by factors operating in its internal
and external environment; an organization can increase its success by
adopting strategies which manipulate these factors to its advantage. A
successful organization will not only understand existing factors but also
forecast change, so that it can take advantage of change within the
environments in which it operates.
The marketing environment surrounds and impacts upon the organization.
There are three key perspectives on the marketing environment, namely
the 'macro-environment,' the 'microenvironment' and the 'internal
The micro-environment.
This environment influences the organization directly. It includes suppliers
that deal directly or indirectly, consumers and customers, and other local
stakeholders. Micro tends to suggest small, but this can be misleading. In
this context, micro describes the relationship between firms and the
driving forces that control this relationship. It is a more local relationship,
and the firm may exercise a degree of influence. Micro environmental
factors These are internal factors, which the organization can control.


The macro-environment.
This includes all factors that can influence and organization, but that are
out of their direct control. A company does not generally influence any
laws. It is continuously changing, and the company needs to be flexible to
adapt. There may be aggressive competition and rivalry in a market.
Globalization means that there is always the threat of substitute products
and new entrants. The wider environment is also ever changing, and the
marketer needs to compensate for changes in culture, politics, economics
and technology.
Pest Factors These are external forces which the organization does not
have direct control over these factors. PEST is an acronym and each letter
represents a type of factor (Political, Economical Social and
The internal environment.
All factors that are internal to the organization are known as the 'internal
environment'. They are generally audited by applying the 'Five Ms' which
are Men, Money, Machinery, Materials and Markets. The internal
environment is as important for managing change as the external. So, types
of marketing environment could be: micro and macro.


Event Marketing Mix
The service marketing mix comprises off the 7ps. These include:
It must provide value to a customer but does not have to be tangible at the same
time. Basically, it involves introducing new products or improvising the existing
products. Product Elements Managers must select the features of both the core
product and the bundle of supplementary service elements surrounding it, with
reference to the benefits desired by customers and how well competing products
perform. product elements: all components of the serviceperformance that create
value for customers. It could be event programme, transport, accommodation,
Pricing must be competitive and must entail profit. The pricing strategy can
comprise discounts, offers and the like. Event service managers recognize and,
where practical, seek to minimize other costs and burdens that customers may bear
in purchasing and using a service, including additional financial expenditures, time,
mental and physical effort, and negative sensory experiences.


It refers to the place where the customers can buy the product and how the product
reaches out to that place. This is done through different channels, like Internet,
wholesalers and retailers.
Place management decisions about when, where, and how to deliver services to
customers. Customer expectations of speed and convenience are becoming
important determinants in service delivery strategy. Places of events could be
public non public, mass, individual, in the open air andin the building.
No marketing program can succeed without an effective communication
program.This component plays three vital roles: providing needed information and
advice, persuading target customers of the merits of a specific product, and
encouraging them to take action at specific times.
In service marketing, much communication is educational in nature, especially for
new customers. Companies may need to teach these customers about the benefits of
the service, where and when to obtain it, and how to participate effectively in
service processes. Communications can be delivered by individuals, such as
salespeople and trainers, or through such media as TV, radio, newspapers,
magazines, billboards, brochures.


People refer to the customers, employees, management and everybody else
involved in it. It is essential for everyone to realize that the reputation of the brand
that you are involved with is in the peoples hands. Many services depend on direct,
personal interaction between customers and a firm's employees . The nature of
these interactions strongly influences the customer's perceptions of service quality.
Customers often judge the quality of the event service they receive largely on their
assessment of the people providing the service. Successful event service firms
devote significant effort to recruiting, training, and motivating their personnel,
especially - but not exclusively - those who are in direct contact with customers.
It refers to the methods and process of providing a service and is hence essential to
have a thorough knowledge on whether the services are helpful to the customers, if
they are provided in time, if the customers are informed in hand about the services
and many such things. Creating and delivering product elements to customers
requires the design and implementation of effective for front-line staff to do their
jobs well, result in low productivity, and increase the likelihood of service failures.
Physical (evidence)
It refers to the experience of using a product or service. When a service goes out to
the customer, it is essential that you help him see what he is buying or not. For
example brochures, pamphlets etc serve this purpose. The appearance of buildings,


landscaping, vehicles,interior furnishing, equipment, staff members, signs, printed
materials, and other visible cues all provide tangible evidence of a firm's service
style and quality. Service firms need to provide evidence of service manage
physical evidence carefully because it can have a profound impact on quality,
customers' impressions. In services with few tangible elements, such as insurance,
advertising is often employed to create meaningful symbols. For instance, an
umbrella may symbolize protection, and a fortress, security.

When it comes to event promotion and advertising, the common question was
which media reached what market. Today, there are more choices than ever.
Aside from the television, the radio, and print, there are other innovative media
through which the market could be reached.
The most common form would be through television commercials. It is considered
as the medium of the masses. It would send the message to a variety of viewers,
and it is hard to decipher who was watching. The only way to come close to
understanding the television commercials demographics would be through
knowing the target audience of the shows in which the television commercials were
aired. For instance, cable television was for a specific market.


Promoters of events target audiences through radio announcements and
commercials more effectively than with television. It was easier to determine the
demographics of all-music radio stations through the genre of music they usually
played. A younger and less-affluent crowd would listen to rock or pop music
stations. Depending on the type of event, print advertising had varied effectiveness
for promotions. Usually, newspapers were not an avenue to target a younger
audience. Oftentimes, flyers and local bulletin board posters were the way to go for
simple club events. In the rise of the significance of the Internet, social networking
communities such as Facebook, Twitter, and Multiply served as the venues wherein
promoters spread the word about upcoming events.
Street promotions required the marketing activity to be taken to the streets. This
promotional approach required the handing out of flyers by promodisers on the
streets. These people are mascots or sexy models. Other strategies included the
appearance of celebrities in order to draw high visibility to the event.
Event promotion is one of the most important aspects of planning your event. You
want as many people as possible to attend your event so it is important to get the
information out to your target audience well in advance of your event.
You will need to consider the best and most cost effective way of advertising and
promoting your event to keep with your event budget. The common forms of media
are the local newspaper, posters, flyers, mail drops, radio, television, websites and
email. For effective promotion utilizing a combination of these media forms is the
best option.


1. Ticketing
This is important in achieving crowd control. Will there be advanced ticketing or
tickets purchased at the event or both? Advanced tickets can provide:
Event details
Event services information
Entry details
Transport arrangements
Health promotion and publicity material
2. Signage
Clear appropriate signage is essential. You will need to liaise with your local
government about when and where signage can be placed. Examples of signage
required include:
Entrances and exits
First aid post
Information/Communication/Incident Control Centre


3. Health Promotion
Have you considered health promotion material for example:
Glass containers are not permitted
Smoke free event
Bags will be searched
Public Transport will be available
Dont drink and drive
Food and snacks will



Successful Strategy
Marketing Strategy
Process of Successful Strategy Making
The event strategy in its implementation comprises all factors that
determine the success of the event. In organizing any event five main
strategy making steps should be followed:
The Five Tasks of Events Strategy :
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5
strategy to
and executing


1. The aim of a MISSION STATEMENT is to specify the purpose of the
events, the phylosophy and values that guide it, and the scope of the
A mission statement must be:
short, clear, understandable
goal-oriented, provides direction and focus
defines firm's domains of operation and criteria for success
inspiring and motivational, gives employees a sense of belonging
reflects the company's strategy
2. Two types of objectives: financial & strategic
3. Crafting a Strategy to achieve performances: 5 approaches
Macroeconomic Analysis
Industry Analysis
Game Theory
Capabilities-Based-Strategy formulation
Dynamic capabilities and evolutionary thinking
4. Strategy implementation is fundamentally an administrative activity and
includes the following components:
building an organization capable of carrying out the strategy successfully
establishing a Strategy-supportive budget


installing internal administrative support systems
devising rewards and incentives that are linked to objectives and strategy
shaping the corporate culture to fit the strategy
exercising strategic leadership
5. Doing the tasks of strategic management is an ongoing responsibility.
Managers must constantly evaluate performance, monitor the situation,
and decide how well things are going.
Altering the organization's long-term direction
Redefining the business
Raising or lowering performance objectives
Modifying the strategy
Improving strategy execution
Market research.
We learned earlier that a key component of the sevens Ps of marketing is market
research and analysis. Before one can effectively design and market an event, there
is the need to determine the desires, expectations, and anticipations of the audience
to whom that marketing will be directed. The event may be an original
productionor a historic, traditional annual meetingbut research must be
ongoing. By researching markets in depth, the event marketer will be able to spot
trends in time to respond to changing needs as well as to resolve small problems


before they become major ones. As demographics, desires, and issues change,
marketing must be on pace with change to address those market fluctuations in all
available promotional media and marketing vehicle.

Quantitative research (hard data) :
In most cases, this research is conducted on paper, electronically such as Internet
applications, or through telemarketing. For example, assume you are considering
two keynote speakers for your Mid-Year Event. In your prevent quantitative
research instrument, you ask your potential audience to rate which speaker they
wish to hear, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest desirability; 10, the highest).
Speaker A receives an average of 5.6 in your responses. Speaker B nails a 9.3. This
result needs little interpretation. The data are hard. Go for speaker B, or be ready
to explain the alternative! This system works well for all aspects of event
marketing and evaluation, including the ratings of multiple educational programs,
social events, and overall experiential responses. Quantitative research instruments
are objective.


Qualitative research (soft data) :
These are the kinds of questions that compel qualitative research, the probing
inspection of attitudes, opinions, interests, and organizational directions. By its
nature, this type of research is more time consuming and expensive, as well as more
open to varied and sometimes conflicting interpretation by analysts. Qualitative
research instruments are subjective. But qualitative research can be much more
exciting! Its the risk-taker research if you are not afraid of what the answers may
be. In other words, the results of qualitative techniques can take you to places you
may not have thought of, lead you to fresh new concepts, perhaps all the way to the
Field of Dreams.


SWOT Analysis in Event Planing
Products/Services Research
If you are organizing a corporate event then all this research will later help you in
making an effecting promotional campaign for your corporate event.

SWOT Analysis
In SWOT Analysis :
S stands for Strengths
W stands for Weaknesses
O stands for Opportunities
T stands for Threats


It is a strategic planning tool which is used to identify and analyze the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in your project.
SWOT analysis can also be done on your organization.
Strengths :
These are the attributes of your project / organization which are helpful in
achieving projects objectives. For e.g. : experienced event team, high
motivation level, excellent PR, good market share etc.
Weaknesses :
These are those attributes of your project / organization which are harmful
in achieving projects objectives. For e.g. : social loafing, lack of funds,
inexperienced event team, low energy level, lack of media and corporate
contacts etc.
Opportunities :
These are those external factors which are helpful in achieving the
projects objectives. For e.g. : little competiton, favourable economic
conditions, support from the local authorities, availability of the state of
the art infrastructure etc.
Threats :
These are those external factors which are harmful in achieving the
projects objectives. For e.g. : high competition , little or no support from


local authorities, bad weather, poor infrastructure, high labour rate,
unavailability of raw material etc. It is very important that you conduct
SWOT analysis before developing an event plan to develop a strategy
which maximizes the potential of strengths and opportunities of you
project and at the same time, minimizes the impact of the weakness and


Once the type of event has been established, we need to know if it is
possible to carry it out and to do that we need to make a budget with the
income and the expenses.
A draft budget will be drawn and modifications will be made along the
organization of the event. This takes a long time beforehand and is
basically theoretical.
Halfway though the organization, a second budget will be made. It will be
closer to reality, with updated rates, although the number of participants
will be still unknown, as well as the final sources of financing.
Eventually a final budget will be made. It will be real and operational and
a logical consequence of the second.
We should highlight here the importance of the fact that unexpected costs
will be appearing along the organization of the event. These are
extraordinary expenses that arise throughout the development of the event
and that may take up to 20% of the total costs.


There are times when the differences between the initial two budgets and
the final one, where unexpected expenses are included, are so wide that the
whole event is at stake.
Dangers likely to be found:
Lack of experience in the event organization :
This will result in some costs not being included in the draft budget.
Lack of foresight:
Events should be prepared long time beforehand and right from the
beginning a draft budget, including all expenses, should be prepared in
order to know the funds necessary.
Lack of funds and participants:
The budget may have been too optimistic and the financing received is not
enough. The estimated attendance has resulted in a very poor real
attendance. This tends to happen in the first edition of most events.


Poor organization:
The date of the event should not coincide with any other event in the same
field, even though the scopes are different, since this would result in poor
The Organizing Committee, which will appoint an organizer or will be
made up of several persons, will take full responsibility in case the overall
purpose is not fulfilled, as they will authorise payments from the very first
budget to the settling of the accounts.



5 Wrong Moves that Could Derail Your Corporate Event
Many corporate events are derailed when committees or representatives from the
client organization refuse to heed common sense advice from event planners.
Here are 5 wrong moves to avoid no matter how much pressure you are facing from
clients or prospective clients.

1. Wrong Location
When planning an event, transition times and traffic patterns have to be taken into
account. No group will thank you if they end up stuck on a highway because of any
problem. Its much better to encourage clients to plan their arrival and movements
for low traffic periods. Its also a good idea, to split the itinerary between hotels in
different areas to give the group more comfortable access to certain attractions and
2. Wrong Season
Do some initial checking to determine if the requested activities are appropriate for
the season in which your client will be having their event. Make sure that you give
them a realistic picture of what is and isnt doable in certain locations at specific


times of the year. Never compromise group safety just to please a client. You could
be held liable if someone suffers illness or injury.
3. Wrong Geography
Make sure that you give your clients solid advice and point out things they may
have missed. It is important for you to have the integrity to advise clients that their
preferred activity is a poor fit for the season or location and encourage them to
either change the activity or change the date of their event.
4. Wrong Timeframe
When groups feel rushed and pressured and they are too tired to enjoy the event,
this will reflect poorly on you as the event planner. To avoid making a wrong
move, encourage your clients to either cut content or increase the length of their
conference or programme to realistically incorporate all desired activities. They
may end up spending a little bit more money but youll end up with attendees who
are pleased instead of frustrated and resentful.
5. Wrong Budget
Let your prospective clients know that, when their budget is unrealistic, they are
setting themselves up for something similar to the bait and switch technique used in
retail. It gets played out in 1 of 2 ways:
- corners are cut and the event is watered down significantly.


- once planning is well underway unforeseen items that jack up the budget are
identified and its too late to switch event planners.
At the end of the day, when the event doesnt work well and theyll be the ones
who will be embarrassed every time they have to face their co-workers.


1 | Seventy Event Media Group
Seventymm Media group is among the top event management companies in
Mumbai. It is an award winning organization offering high profile events, wedding,
shows and programs. The company is operating in almost every part of India and
2 | Percept Limited
A media, entertainment, communication and advertisement company which has a
global footprints in more than 60 countries. Percept Limited is top rated media
house operated from Mumbai and has worked with many best national and
international brands such as Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic etc.
3| Platinum World Group
Platinum World group is a leading media house in India established in year 2002. It
is among the top event management companies in Mumbai which is serving
internationally and has strong hold in event organization & wedding management.


4| Travel Corporation (India) Ltd
Travel Corporation India limited or TCI is a travel expert with 20 offices in India
and abroad. It is a tour and travel planner which is a leading organization offering
destination business products and services.
An expert in industrial promotions, exhibitions and conference management,
Tafcon is a leading event management company in Mumbai. The company has so
far organized almost 60 Trade fairs in different parts of the country.
6| Dreamz Events N Ideas
Dreamz is an exclusive wedding planner and corporate event organizer based in
Mumbai. The company has a long list of reputed client includes Big Bazzar, Blue
Star, Baja Allianz, Pidilite, Mahindra, Motorola, Mercedezbenz and many more.
7 | Brandish Media & Entertainment
Brandish a media and event management company based in Mumbai which offers
wide range of services including promotion, event, TV commercial and live event
management and advertisements.
8 | Sync Entertainment Pvt. Ltd
Sync Entertainments is a versatile event organizing company established 12 years
ago. Companies services includes party, wedding, event and fashion show planning
and management.


9 | Event Plus Management Pvt. Ltd.
Established in year 1990 Event Plus Management Pvt. Ltd is an event management
and organizing company. It has successfully organized many shows in Dubai,
Singapore and Malaysia.
10 | Sound Spirit
Sound Sprit is a Mumbai based event organizer which is in this field from last 10
years. It is a multi event organizing group specialized in concert, wedding,
promotion and shows.




1. Are you aware of events ?
a) Yes
b) No





2. Do you prefer themes for events ?
a) Yes
b) No



3. Do you prefer organizing an event by outsourcing it ?
a) No
b) Yes



4. What is the normal time period you can give to an event manager for organizing an
event ?
a) 15 days before
b) A month before

a month before
15 days before


5. Which of the following is your favouriteevent ?
1) Birthday parties
2) Wedding events
3) Sports events
4) Others

38 %


At the conclusion of your event it is important to evaluate the event against the aims and
objectives. This will allow you to identify and make appropriate changes, where
necessary, to your event management plan to ensure the success of future event.
Event evaluation process
1. Clearly define the evaluation criteria for the event
2. Design an Evaluation Process
Informal and Formal
Feedback from client
Feedback from participants/visitors etc
Feedback from event management team
3. Identify appropriate sources of information/data for evaluation
Evaluation and Monitoring
Summative at the end of the event
Formative considered throughout the event process
Active Monitoring throughout the event planning process is required.


In conclusion, the future outlook of the event is that this might be an integral practice for
event companies because not only can they lower the operations, they can also rip the
benefits of partnering with a relatively related event organiser to enable their event to
scale to a greater heights.
Taking into account the events managed by us, it can be concluded that to make an event
successful the management needs to take every small details into consideration. Since it
is a real life project, hence components of project management need to be properly
analysed. The event management is a part of the service industry; hence it should pay
more attention towards retaining the high quality of the service offered. Effective team
coordination coupled with efficient leader can make a great difference on the D day. Day
by day the degree of competition is increasing in the event management industry; hence
the event management team should introduce some element of competitiveness to make
their service distinct from that of their competitors.




1. EVENT MANAGEMENT : a professional and development approach- Greg Damster
and DemitriTassiopoulos.
2. Event marketing and special aspects of event management- Dr. Hoshi Bhiwandiwalla.
3. Event team management and event accounting- Dr. Hoshi Bhiwandivalla.
4. International encyclopedia of business and management.



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