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Anarcho-Punk Anthology: Call for Papers

Mike Dines is seeking contributions from the wide spectrum of musicology and social
sciences for an edited text on the anarcho-punk scene of the 1!"s that will reflect upon its
origins# its music$s%# its identity# its legacy# its membership and circulation& 'e(en years ago# )
was awarded my PhD for my research into the emergence of the anarcho-punk scene and# to
my surprise# there are still no academic texts that fully unpack this fascinating mo(ement and
its politics& As such# ) would like to put out a call for proposals in the hope that we might
rectify this omission: and thus raising *uestions as to how we can define aesthetically#
culturally# politically and ideologically the concept and meaning of the anarcho-punk scene&
As such# the (olume has guaranteed contributions from the likes of Andy +orthington# author
of The Battle of the Beanfield and Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion and ,ussell
-estley# whose co-edited book The Art of Punk is due for release& .urthermore# /eorge
Mc0ay# Professor of Cultural 'tudies and Director of the Communication# Cultural 1 Media
'tudies ,esearch Centre from the 2ni(ersity of 'alford will preface the (olume& Perhaps the
foremost academic in the field of alternati(e cultures and protest mo(ements# /eorge is the
author of a number of books including Senseless Acts of Beauty: Cultures of Resistance since
the Sixties and Glastonbury: A Very nglish !air"
More specifically# this (olume will adopt an essentially analytical perspecti(e so as to raise
*uestions initially o(er the origins of the scene and subse*uently o(er its form# structure and
cultural significance& 3he work will begin with an exploration into the way in which anarcho-
punk emerged from first wa(e punk# illuminating those aspects which anarcho-punk
appropriated# as well as discarded# from its predecessor& 3hereafter# this (olume will raise
*uestions o(er the ways in which first wa(e punk and anarcho-punk used the concepts and
ideas surrounding the terminology and concept of 4anarchy5& 6ot least# the way in which
anarcho-punk mo(ed away from using 4anarchy5 as mere connotation and 4shock-(alue5#
prioritising instead a more focused political debate7 a step which laid particular emphasis on
personal freedom from the constraints of go(ernment legislation&
'uggestions for chapters are in(ited exploring any of the following themes $this list is by no
means exhausti(e%:

8rigins and legacy
Political Appropriation: re-defining of 4anarchism5 within the punk scene
6otion of local9national 4scene5# tribes# counterculture9subculture
Music and the Performer: creati(ity# authorship# identity# problems with definition#
crossing musical boundaries $such as 3he 3ofu :o(e .rogs# ,adical Dance .action
and -laggers )3A%
,eception: Di; culture# acti(ism# 4pay-no-more5 attitude at gigs# and for (inyl and
:ifestyle: .esti(al9s*uatting9tra(eller culture# (egetarianism# animal rights# 4hunt-
sabbing5# etc
/ender# sexuality# class# ethnicity and identity
3he art of the anarcho: use of record co(ers and associated merchandise to con(ey
political9social ideals# stencils# graffiti

8ther# more general# possible categories:

3he musical genres
Associated subcultures
)ntellectual debates
3he media: reports# reception# gossip
Proposals should be <"" words maximum and should include keywords and a brief biog of
the author& 'ubmitting a proposal implies that it only contains original# non-published
material and that it is not simultaneously being submitted to another publication&

3he deadline for submissions is 1
8ctober ="1=& A decision on inclusions will be made by 1
December ="1= and chapters will need to be finali>ed by 1
?une ="1@ to allow time for final

Proposals should be submitted electronically to: mikedA1ukByahoo&co&uk
) look forward to hearing from youC

Dr& Mike Dines

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