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MENG 302L Lab 4: Modulus of Elasticity and Poissons Ratio

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In Lab 4 we will measure the two fundamental elastic constants relating stress to
strain: Modulus of Elasticity and Poissons Ratio.
In Lab 4a, Modulus of Elasticity of aluminum will be measured using the strain gage
beam you built in the strain gage seminar. The pre-lab for Lab 4a is to build a working strain
gage beam.
In Lab 4b, Poissons Ratio of various materials will be determined using pre-made
Lab 4 Parts a and b are to be written up as two separate worksheets.

Units: US Customary for both labs
Hookes law for the biaxial stress state can be written as:


where: = stress, psi (N/m
= strain, in/in (m/m)
= Poissons Ratio (dimensionless)
E = Modulus of Elasticity, or Youngs Modulus, psi (N/m

Equation 1 illustrates that both the Modulus of Elasticity E and Poissons Ratio are
needed to derive stresses from measured strains.

MENG 302L Lab 4a: Modulus of Elasticity

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The purpose of this experiment is to measure the Modulus of Elasticity (E) by loading
beams in cantilever bending.
Modulus of Elasticity of a linearly elastic material is the ratio of stress to strain:

where: E = Modulus of Elasticity, or Youngs Modulus, psi (N/m
= stress, psi (N/m
= strain, in/in (m/m)

Student strain gage beams will be clamped to the lab tables in a cantilever
configuration. Strains will then be measured as a series of weights are suspended from the
beams. Corresponding stresses are given by:


where: x = the distance from the weight hanger to the gage centerline, inches.
P = the suspended weight, lbs.
b = the beam width, and t = the beam thickness, both in inches.

Equipment and Supplies:
- Student strain gage beam from the MENG302L Strain Gage Seminar.
- Weights and weight hanger.
- Vishay P3 Strain Indicator.
- Micrometer and digital caliper.
- C-Clamp.

Each lab partner is to do the following with the gaged beam they made in the Strain Gage
1. Record beam dimensions, gage model number and gage factor GF in the data table.
2. Clamp the short end of the beam to the lab table.
3. Attach the weight hanger.
4. Connect the P3 as shown in the schematic. Set the P3 for quarter bridge operation. Set the
gage factor. Balance the gage.
5. Hang the weights one at a time, recording strain reading at each weight.
6. Remove the weights and record final strain reading.

This lab is adapted from E-101 Modulus of Elasticity FLEXURE, Vishay Measurements Group, Inc., 1982,
printed April 2002.
MENG 302L Lab 4a: Modulus of Elasticity

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Figure a1: P3 Wiring Schematic
Data Table
Team Members:
Material Thickness t Width b Gage-to-Weight distance x
6061-T6 Al
Model Number Gage Factor

Weight (lbs) 0 lb 0.5 lb 1.0 lb 2.0 lb 0 lb
Indicated Strain ( ) (0)
Calculated Stress (Kpsi) (0)
Calculated E (Mpsi) n.a.

Write-up: (Worksheet)
- Using equation a2, calculate stress for each weight value.
- Using equation a1, calculate Modulus of Elasticity E for each weight value.
- Plot stress vs. strain on the graph (pg3).
- The Results consist of the completed handout.
- In the discussion, compare your measured values for Modulus of Elasticity to the commonly
accepted value of E for aluminum, (10.4 Mpsi). Were stress and strain linearly related? Did
the strain return to zero when the weights were removed?
- For the conclusion, recap everything in 50 words or less.
MENG 302L Lab 4a: Modulus of Elasticity

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MENG 302L Lab 4b: Poissons Ratio

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The purpose of this experiment is to measure Poissons Ratio of various materials by
loading beams in cantilever bending.
When a test specimen of an isotropically elastic material is subjected to uniaxial stress, the
specimen not only deforms in the direction of the stress, but also exhibits deformation of the
opposite sign in the perpendicular direction. Poissons Ratio is, by definition, the absolute value
of the ratio of transverse strain
to the axial strain
in a uniaxially stressed member:

Thus, Poissons Ratio is always a positive number. To obtain the transverse strain in a uniaxial
stress field, given the axial strain and ,


Poissons Ratio can be measured with two strain gages on a uniaxially stressed member.
One gage is aligned in the direction of the applied stress, and the second gage perpendicular to the
A tensile test specimen with a uniform stress field is commonly used for this purpose, and
the gages are mounted adjacent to each other in the form of a T.
Poissons Ratio can also be measured with reasonable accuracy on a cantilever beam, even
though the strain varies linearly along the beam. In this case, the axial gage can be mounted
longitudinally on, say, the upper surface of the beam, and the lateral gage mounted crosswise on
the lower surface at the same section. The absolute value of the ratio of the two strains (after the
indication of the lateral gage has been corrected for transverse sensitivity) is Poissons Ratio. This
arrangement is shown in Figure b1 below.
Two different methods of correcting the lateral gage for transverse sensitivity will be
compared. The first is a graphical method using a chart. The second is a mathematical formula.

Figure b1: Beam Mounting

This lab is based on E-102 POISSONS RATIO FLEXURE, Vishay Measurements Group, Inc., 1982,
printed March 2002. Portions of the text and Figures 1 & 3 were taken verbatim from that document.
Because most strain gages display some degree of sensitivity to strains transverse to the axis of primary
sensitivity, it is usually necessary to correct the indication of the perpendicular gage for transverse sensitivity in
order to obtain an accurate value of Poissons Ratio by this method.
MENG 302L Lab 4b: Poissons Ratio

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Complete the following table:
Material Poissons Ratio Source
HR 4140 Steel

AISI 304 Stainless Stl

6061-T6 Aluminum

UNS C38500 Brass

UNS C36000 Brass

Acrylic Plastic


Balsa Wood

Neoprene Rubber

Equipment and Supplies:
- Vishay Flexor, cantilever flexure frame
- (3) x 1 x 12 in (6.4 x 25.4 x 318 mm) beams of different materials, outfitted with (2)
Vishay Micro-Measurements strain gages each.
- Vishay P3 Strain Indicator.

MENG 302L Lab 4b: Poissons Ratio

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A. General
In this experiment, beams on which two strain gages are mounted will be used to
determine Poissons Ratio in bending. It is assumed that under flexural loading the strains at
corresponding points on the upper and lower surfaces of the beam are numerically equal,
differing only in sign. Based upon this assumption, one strain gage is installed axially on the
upper surface of the beam, and a second gage laterally (crosswise) at the corresponding point
on the lower surface. Since the axial strain varies linearly along the length of the cantilever
beam, the average strain (indicated by the axial gage) is equal to the axial strain at the section
corresponding to the midpoint of the gage. The lateral strain is virtually uniform over the
center half of the beam width.
The beams will be clamped in the Flexor and loaded to an arbitrary strain level. The
lateral and axial strains will then be measured for calculation of Poissons Ratio.

B. Acquisition of Data
1. Work in teams of three.
2. Select three beams of different materials.
3. Record beam material, gage factor GF, and transverse sensitivity K
of both gages on each beam
in the data table.
4. Back the loading screw out of the way, and insert the beam into the Flexor with the gaged end in
the clamp and the axial gage facing up. Center the free end of the beam between the sides of the
Flexor, and firmly clamp the beam in place with the clamping screw.
5. Refer to Figure b2. Connect the strain gage leads to the P3 strain indicator as follows:
Common leads from the top (axial) gage to the S- and 120 posts of Channel 1.
Independent lead from the top gage to the P+ post of Channel 1.
Common leads from the bottom (lateral) gage to the S- and 120 posts of Channel 2.
Independent lead from the bottom gage to the P+ post of Channel 2.
6. Turn on the P3 and set it up as follows:
Channels 1 and 2 active, 3 and 4 inactive.
Quarter bridge.
Set Gage factor and scaling () for both gages.
Push the balance button to balance both channels. (Dont save.)
7. Now turn the micrometer until the lateral gage reads 200 . Record the readings of both gages
in the data table.
8. Back the Flexor loading screw away until it clears the beam. The strain indicator readouts
should now be close to 0 . (If the number is more than 20 , the source of error should be
located, and the experiment performed again.)
Record both gage readings in the data table.
9. Partners switch places and repeat steps 3 through 8 for the other two beams.

If the undeflected readings fail to repeat, the binding post connections may not have been snug enough to avoid
small contact resistance changes. Binding post connections should be snug enough to allow a wiggle test of
the lead wires without a zero balance shift.
MENG 302L Lab 4b: Poissons Ratio

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Figure b2: P3 Wiring

MENG 302L Lab 4b: Poissons Ratio

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Analysis and Presentation of Data:
Before calculating Poissons Ratio, the strain reading of the lateral gage should be corrected for
transverse sensitivity. Because the axial strain in the beam is several times as large as the lateral
strain, the lateral gage is subjected to a much larger strain perpendicular to its axis than parallel to it.
As a result of the finite width of the grid lines in the gages, and the presence of end loops connecting
the grid lines, strain gages are generally sensitive not only to the strain parallel to the grid direction,
but also (to a much lesser degree) to the strain perpendicular to the grid direction. This property of
strain gages is referred to as transverse sensitivity and symbolized by K
The correction for transverse sensitivity can be made using the attached graph (Figure b3). To
use the graph, two quantities are needed: (1) the ratio of the axial strain to the indicated lateral
strain, and (2) the transverse sensitivity, K
, of the lateral strain gage (given on the strain gage
package data form or on the information panel of pregaged beams).
Enter the graph at the abscissa at the value of K
for the gages used in this experiment. Project a
line upward to the sloped line representing the ratio of the strains transverse to and parallel to the
axis of the lateral strain gage (note that the ratio is actually negative in this instance). From the
intersection of these lines, project horizontally to the correction-factor scale on the ordinate to find
C. Multiply the indicated lateral strain by C to obtain the corrected lateral strain. The indicated
axial strain need not be corrected for transverse sensitivity because the transverse strain sensed by
the axial gage is small to begin with, and similar in magnitude to the transverse strain in the
calibration environment used to measure the gage factor of the strain gage (the gage aligned with the
applied stress axis in a uniaxial stress field, with a Poissons Ratio of 0.285).
As an alternative procedure, any two strains, measured at right angles to one another, can be
corrected for the transverse sensitivity of the strain gages with the following relationship:

= two observed (uncorrected) orthogonal strains

= corrected strains
= transverse sensitivity of strain gages. (In decimal, not percent format!)

= 0.285 (Poissons Ratio under which strain gages were calibrated for gage factor)
(When using this formula, keep in mind that the sign of the lateral strain is opposite what it
would be if the lateral gage was mounted on the same side as the axial gage.)

After correcting the lateral strain indication for transverse sensitivity, divide the result by the
indicated axial strain to obtain Poissons Ratio.

Write-up: (Worksheet)
- The executive summary should include a brief description of the experiment and your values for
Poissons Ratio.
- The Results consist of the completed handout.
- In the discussion, compare your measured values for Poissons Ratio to the published values
found in the pre-lab. Compare the values determined with the chart to those determined with the
formula. Explain any differences.
- For the conclusion, recap everything in 50 words or less.
MENG 302L Lab 4b: Poissons Ratio

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Data Table
Team Members:
Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 3
Long. Gage Lat. Gage Long. Gage Lat. Gage Long. Gage Lat. Gage

Strains Axial






(Loaded) 200 200 200

1) Correct lateral strain for transverse sensitivity using Figure b3, pg 7:
a) Determine t/ a. Note that the transverse strain sensed by the lateral strain gage (i.e.
the axial strain on the bottom of the beam) is negative. Therefore,

Enter t/ a in the table.
b) Find Correction Factor C from Figure b3 and enter in the table.
c) Enter the corrected lateral strain (
* C) in the table.
2) Calculate Poissons Ratio and enter in the table:

3) Find
using equation b3 (pg 5) and enter in the table.
4) Calculate Poissons Ratio using
from step 3 above.

Calculation Results

Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 3
1a) t/ a
1b) Corr. Factor C





MENG 302L Lab 4b: Poissons Ratio

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Figure b3: Transverse Sensitivity

MENG 302L Lab 4b: Poissons Ratio

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