The Adventures of Sam The Suitcase by P.D. Reid

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About the Author

P. D. Reid was born in Bromborough, Wirral on

Merseyside. She now lives in a village near Chester
with her husband. Later in life she obtained a degree
from the Open University. The author has also spent
some time working in a hospital in Zambia.
She enjoys walking in the countryside, poetry,
afternoon cream teas and the company of friends and


Conscience The Peace Tax Campaign


Copyright P.D. Reid (2014)

The right of P.D. Reid to be identified as author of this work has
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Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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ISBN 978 184963 439 7

First Published (2014)
Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd.
25 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
E14 5LB

Printed and bound in Great Britain



Sam the Suitcase goes on Holiday

Sam the suitcase lived with the Nuttall family at 4
Lilac Lane, Littletown. Mr and Mrs Nuttall had three
children, a boy called Tom and twin girls called Molly
and Polly.
Sam was a big roomy suitcase made of soft brown
leather. He had a shiny, silky lining coloured pale pink
and two big elasticated pockets which were used for
odds and ends and bits and pieces. He had two brass
locks and two keys to match. For most of the year,
Sam lived on the top of an enormous wooden wardrobe
in Mr and Mrs Nuttalls bedroom. Once, he was stored
in a dark, gloomy attic for weeks and weeks and he
hated every minute but that is another story. Every
year in summer time, Sam was lifted carefully down

from the wardrobe, dusted and rubbed down with
lavender perfumed wax polish until he shone and
shone. His inside was brushed and he was turned
upside down and shaken until not a particle of dust was
left inside. Often, Mrs Nuttall found a ribbon, a
handkerchief or a stocking forgotten from last years
holiday stuffed into one of his big elasticated pockets.

Sam had a long rip on his lid. It had been stitched
up neatly by the local cobbler, who mended leather
bags and suitcases which had come undone or lost their
stitches. Sam remembered getting that tear when he
had been loaned out to a neighbour who had treated
him very badly. He had been sat upon, kicked and
generally knocked about. The tip of an umbrella had
been stabbed carelessly into his lid making a long
shaggy rip. Sam was so relieved when he was returned
to the Nuttall family. Mrs Nuttall had given him an
extra dust with the lavender perfumed wax polish and
he felt much better.

Summer time arrived and the Nuttall family were
going on holiday. A few days before they were due to
go, Sam was brought downstairs. His lid was left open
and every day Mr or Mrs Nuttall, or Tom or Molly and
Polly, would pop something into his roomy inside.
Shirts, socks, soap, toothbrushes, trousers and big
fluffy bath towels, buckets and spades, swimming
costumes and beach shoes were all dropped into Sams
tummy. He was becoming very excited.

When Saturday morning arrived, Mr and Mrs
Nuttall, Tom, Molly and Polly set off in the familys
big red car. Sam was placed in the boot with some
sunbeds and mackintoshes and he just could not see

where he was going. After about three hours, Sam
thought that he could smell the sea. Sure enough, he
felt the car stop and all the family climbed out by a big
hotel just near to the seashore. Tom was helping his
father with the luggage. He tried to lift Sam out of the
boot but Sam stayed firm. He was far too heavy for
Tom to lift. Mr Nuttall took hold of Sams handle,
lifted him easily out of the car and carried him up the
hotel steps.
Sam found himself in Mr and Mrs Nuttalls hotel
bedroom. There was a big bed, a cupboard with
drawers, a dressing table and an easy chair but no
wardrobe in the room. Sam was unpacked. As there
wasnt a wardrobe in the room, after he was
completely empty Sam found himself pushed
underneath the big bed. He could not see a thing except
for a green candlewick bedspread with long tassels
which covered the bed and hung over his eyes. Sam
was upset.
As the week went on, he became sadder and
sadder. The bed was quite near to the window, which
in turn looked on to the beach. If the window was left
open, Sam could hear, if not see, what was happening
outside. The Nuttall family spent every day on the
beach. Sam could hear Tom and Mr Nuttall playing
cricket and Molly and Polly paddling and splashing
about in the sea. If only Sam could watch what was

Towards the middle of the week, Mr and Mrs
Nuttall came into the bedroom and Sam heard them
talking about a picnic on the beach. They would make
sandwiches, take a flask of coffee and some chocolate
biscuits. It would be a change from hotel lunches. It
was all arranged.
Goodness me, Mrs Nuttall said. Ive left the
picnic basket at home. The string shopping basket was
too small to hold the big vacuum flask, and the
sandwiches would be squashed. Mrs Nuttall thought
and thought.

Molly and Polly were excited to have a picnic,
though Tom wasnt too bothered. Mrs Nuttall did not
want to disappoint them. Suddenly, she thought of big
roomy Sam. He was hauled out from under the bed and
taken down to the hotel kitchen. He was packed up
with cheese and tomato bread rolls and strawberry jam
sandwiches. There were some chocolate biscuits
wrapped in silver paper in case they melted. There was
a sultana and cherry cake cut into five big square
slices. A large flask of sweet, milky coffee was made
and a bottle of dandelion and burdock included in the
picnic. All the food and drink was packed inside Sam.
He smelt so good with the freshly-cut sandwiches and
the delicious coffee. Molly popped in five big oranges
in case anyone was still hungry. They added to the
lovely aroma in Sams tummy.
Sam accompanied the family to the beach, carried
by Mr Nuttall. He was so happy. Molly and Polly
made a great big sand castle which Tom decorated
with shells, seaweed and brightly coloured flags. Mr
Nuttall went for a long swim, then played bat and ball
with the children. Mrs Nuttall relaxed in a red and blue
deck chair. She put on big straw hat and covered
herself with a golden liquid called suntan lotion. She
started to read a book but soon fell asleep.
Sam took in the scene. The sea smelled fresh and
the sun shone down. He could hear the children
laughing and chattering.

It was soon time for lunch. Sams lid was opened.
A big yellow spotted tablecloth was placed over a
nearby rock. The sandwiches were unpacked and the
biscuits and slices of cake were put on paper serviettes.
Mrs Nuttall poured out the dandelion and burdock and
the coffee into five cups. The children preferred the
fizzy drink, while Mr and Mrs Nuttall enjoyed the hot

coffee. As there was some coffee left in the flask, Mrs
Nuttall screwed on the top. The picnic was almost
over. Suddenly, a big black cloud appeared and Sam
felt a sprinkling of rain on his lid. He thought that it
would soon go away but the rain continued to fall
hard and fast.

Mrs Nuttall caught up the tablecloth, the plates and
the flask and threw them into Sam. The deck chair,

towel, buckets and spades were gathered together
quickly. Mrs Nuttall, Tom, Polly and Molly ran
towards the hotel. Mr Nuttall grasped Sams sturdy
handle in one hand and strode to the hotel with a big
beach ball under his other arm. Sam felt a warm, wet
trickle inside. Whatever could be the matter? Goodness
me, he thought. Mrs Nuttall had not screwed the top of
the flask on tightly enough and the remainder of the
coffee had spilled into his pink silky lining.
Back at the hotel, Sam was unpacked. He was full
of crumbs, sand, a squashed tomato and a few sultanas.
Mrs Nuttall turned him upside down and shook him
vigorously. She wiped him inside with a warm, soapy
cloth which removed most of the coffee stain. His lid
was left open and he was soon dry and fresh and clean
again. Despite his accident, he had so enjoyed himself
being with the family on the beach.
One good thing came out of Sams adventure. He
was not put back under the bed but was placed on the
window ledge for the rest of the holiday, where he had
a clear view of the beach every day. At the end of the
week, Sam was packed full again and made his way
back home to Littletown with the tired but happy
family .Soon, he was back at 4 Lilac Lane, Littletown,
in his usual place on top of the big wooden wardrobe.
He was happy and content and was looking forward to
his next holiday adventure.

Sam the Suitcase gets Lost

Sam the Suitcase lived with the Nuttall family at 4
Lilac Lane, Littletown. For most of the year, he lived
on top of the wardrobe, in Mr and Mrs Nuttalls
bedroom. Today, Sam had been brought downstairs
and placed on the big hall stand in the corner of the
hall. The hall stand was made from mahogany and was
very strong.
It was quite an exciting time for Sam because he
got to know several new friends. In particular, he liked
Harriet the Handbag, who draped herself over the
shiny wooden knob of the hall stand to make more
room for Sam. Harriet the Handbag was very pretty.
She was made of white leather with a real silver clasp.
She belonged to Mrs Nuttall and went out shopping
with her every week.
Sams other new companions were Walter the
Walking Stick and Seamus the Shillelagh. They also
lived on the hall stand, propped up on the rack with
their feet in the drip-tray. Walter was tall with a curved
handle. He was made of ash wood and belonged to Mr
Nuttall, who took him out on long walks. Sometimes
he loaned him to Grandad Nuttall when he came to
stay, as he was a bit wobbly on his legs. Walter was
very friendly and talked to Sam a lot.

Seamus the Shillelagh was made of old, strong
blackthorn. He was very twisted with lots of knobbly
ends, but he was a grand walking stick. Mr Nuttall had
brought him home one day from a holiday in Ireland.
Seamus also went on walks and was used to clear
pathways and beat down brambles and bracken when
Mr and Mrs Nuttall and their twin daughters Molly and
Polly and their son Tom went blackberrying or

gathering hazelnuts and rosehips on their autumn
walks. Seamus was also very friendly towards Sam,
but Sam had to listen very intently as Seamus talked
with an unusual accent.
Another new companion who lived on the hall
stand was Ulrick the Umbrella. He was a bit stiff and
starchy and was not quite as friendly as Walter and
Seamus. Ulrick was fairly tall, very black and shiny
and had lots and lots of sharp ends. He had a fancy
carved handle made of ivory and he thought he was a
bit above everyone else on the hall stand. During the
winter, Mr Nuttall took him to work every day, which
made Ulrick feel very important. He often came in
dripping wet with rain and very shiny. He didnt care
much where he dripped and often filled the drip-tray
with rain drops, soaking Walter and Seamus when he
shook himself. However, Ulrick hated windy weather.
One day he was blown inside out, but that is another
In addition to Walter, Seamus, Harriet, Ulrick and
now, Sam, the hall stand was covered in hats, coats and
scarves. Molly and Polly had two lovely red and white
striped scarves and bobble hats to match. Toms scarf
and hat were bright blue. The new companions talked
together. Walter and Seamus asked Sam lots of
questions. They wanted to know what it was like to
live on top of a wardrobe, as neither of them had ever
been into Mr and Mrs Nuttalls bedroom. Harriet knew
a little as sometimes she was kept on Mrs Nuttalls
dressing table. Occasionally Mrs Nuttall needed to
have new lipsticks, clean lace handkerchiefs or fresh
face powder put in a compact, and these were always
kept inside Harriet for Mrs Nuttalls use. Sam

answered all the questions and even told his new
friends how he had got the rip in his lid. He told them
how he loved to be cleaned and shone with his
lavender perfumed polish. To everyones surprise, the
Hall Stand spoke up and said that he too liked to be
rubbed until he shone with yellow beeswax, but he was
often forgotten as he was covered with so many
walking sticks, clothes and bags.
After this long discussion, it was Sams turn to ask
a question. He wondered if anyone knew the reason
why he had been moved on to the hall stand. Walter
the Walking Stick had an idea that Basil the Briefcase
had broken his fastener and was being repaired at the
menders. Basil always accompanied Mr Nuttall to the
office every day and was the home for letters, papers,
files and accounts. However, since he had broken his
fastener, he couldnt be trusted not to fly open and let
the files and letters and all the paperwork escape and
blow away. He had to be repaired and he would take a
whole week to mend.

As Sam the Suitcase had two shiny brass locks with
well-fitting keys, Mr Nuttall had decided that it would
be a good idea to use Sam instead of Basil the
Briefcase until he was mended. Walters explanation
was exactly true. Mr Nuttall came on Monday morning
and took Sam to the office, filled with important
Sam was delighted with his new job. Every evening
on his return from the office, he related all that had
happened to Harriet, Walter, Seamus and Ulrick if he
was interested. It was very exciting as Mr Nuttall
travelled to his office by train. Sam had never been on
a train before and was so proud to accompany Mr
Nuttall every day.

It was Friday, the end of the working week. Mr
Nuttall was very busy and in a hurry that morning and
he dashed out of the house, grabbing Sam on his way.
They nearly missed the train. Once in the carriage,
Sam was placed on the luggage rack. The train arrived
at Waterloo Station. Mr Nuttall was in such a hurry,
that he grabbed his hat, gloves and newspaper and ran
from the train, forgetting all about Sam.
Sam was so bewildered. He just did not know what
to do. The train started up again and Sam saw the signs
for Waterloo Station flash past. He was the only thing
left in the carriage. He began to worry and get upset.
The train travelled on until it arrived at a place called
Terminal. Sam didnt know where that was and
wondered if it was a small village. The train stopped
here for a very long time.

Sam began to cry. At last, he heard a man come
into the carriage. He was a guard, who had come to
inspect the train.
Please, please find me, thought Sam.
The guard looked in the corners of the carriage,
under the seats and finally raised his eyes to the
luggage rack.
Goodness me, someone has forgotten a lovely
suitcase! I will have to take him to the Lost Property
He grasped Sams sturdy handle and lifted him
down. It was only then that Sam noticed that the guard
had three umbrellas, two pairs of gloves and a wallet
under his arm, all of which had also been forgotten by
their owners. Sam began to feel a little better as there
were others in the same predicament.

The guard stepped off the train and made his way
up the platform. He climbed two flights of stairs,
where he came to an office with a big sign in green
paint reading Lost Property Office. The guard handed
Sam to another man who was obviously in charge of
lost goods, along with the gloves, umbrellas and the
wallet. This man took down lots of details about the
lost property: the number of the train, the places where
the train had been coming from and going to and, of
course, the date and time that the articles were found.
Sam had a label stuck on his lid with these details and
then he was placed on a shelf in the office next to lots
and lots of other suitcases.

Sam could hardly believe his eyes at the sight of all
this lost property and left luggage. There were so many
handbags and briefcases and dozens of pairs of gloves
and mittens. There were hats galore: trilbies, toppers

and tam-oshanters, bowlers, berets and bonnets. But
by far and away the most numerous of lost articles
were umbrellas. There were hundreds and hundreds.
New ones, old ones, black ones, coloured ones, fancy
ones, and fold-up ones. Sam was amazed. He was even
more surprised to see lots of dolls and teddy bears who
had been forgotten and left on trains by children. He
felt very sorry for them.
Sam tried to settle down for the rest of the day, and
the night, as it turned out. At one point he became very
worried as he heard an old tin trunk in conversation
with an umbrella. They had both been in the Lost
Property Office for six months and had never ever
been claimed by their owners. They were talking about
a sale which was due at the end of the month. They
gave Sam to understand that any goods that had not
been reclaimed after a certain length of time were sold
off to the public. They were not very upset as they
were so fed up at being left there so long that they
were hoping to be bought by nice new owners.
However, Sam continued to worry all night long.
Next morning at nine oclock sharp, the Lost
Property Office was opened up. Every so often ladies
and gentlemen came up to the office, gave descriptions
of their lost articles then pointed to baggage, gloves
and umbrellas that belonged to them. After the man in
charge of the office checked the details and was certain
that the articles belonged to the ladies and gentlemen,
they were returned to their rightful owners who were
so delighted to find what they had lost.
Sam the Suitcase waited all day. By five oclock he
had not been claimed. He was very, very sad. He knew
from the tin trunk that the office closed at six oclock.

He would have to wait all over the weekend if no-one
came soon. The station clock struck half past five.
Suddenly, he saw Mr and Mrs Nuttall, Tom, Molly and
Polly walking towards the Lost Property Office. Sam
heard Mr Nuttall describe him to the man in charge of
the office and gave all the details of the train on which
he had been lost and the name of the station.
Sam began to get excited. He was so relieved to see
his family. The man in charge of the office started to
look at his notepad and walked towards the shelf where
the suitcases were piled up, right next to the umbrellas.
Now the left luggage office was very dusty, and in his
excitement at seeing the Nuttall family, Sam sneezed
and caused an umbrella to fall down and block him
almost from view. The man in charge of the Lost
Property Office scratched his head for he could not see
Sam at all.
Tom, Molly and Polly could just see over the office
counter into the big dusty left luggage room. They
looked from shelf to shelf but could not see Sam. Mr
Nuttall put on his glasses and Mrs Nuttall screwed up
her eyes for a better view. Suddenly, Tom saw the
corner of a brown suitcase with a rip in the lid.
There he is, theres Sam, he cried, pointing
towards the suitcase.
The man in charge of the Lost Property Office
moved the offending umbrella to uncover Sam, who
was handed over to the grateful Mr Nuttall. The whole
family were delighted to see Sam again.
Apparently Mr Nuttall had realised that he had lost
Sam when he arrived at the office. As the next day was
a Saturday, the whole family had decided to come into
town together to reclaim Sam. However, they had

decided to make a day of it in town, and Mr and Mrs
Nuttall had done some shopping first, then taken the
children to the park by the river, and finally had
afternoon tea and cream scones in a cafe before
returning to the station to claim Sam. In fact, Mr
Nuttall had known Sam was safe all the time because
he had telephoned the Lost Property Office straight
away and made arrangements to collect him.
The Nuttall family set off for home with Sam who
was so relieved and happy. When the family arrived
home, Sam was opened and the letters, accounts, files
and papers were removed and put inside Basil the
Briefcase, who had been returned home and repaired
beautifully. As Sam had been in the dusty office for
over 24 hours, Mrs Nuttall got out her soft yellow
cleaning cloth and the lavender perfumed wax polish
and dusted Sam to perfection.
Sam told Harriet the Handbag, Walter the Walking
Stick, and Seamus the Shillelagh all about his
adventure. Even Ulrick the Umbrella listened in on the
conversation and the hall stand knew everything that
had happened. Soon Sam left his new-found friends
and was returned to his own safe place on top of the
wardrobe in Mr and Mrs Nuttalls bedroom at 4 Lilac
Lane, Littletown.

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