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17 06 Yellow Canaries

earn revenge and

win Group H

The Council of State prevents parts

of a recently adopted GMO regulati-
on from fully entering into effect
‘Losses incurred by pharmacies as
a result of price changes to be com-
pensated by medicine companies’
Yo u r Wa y o f U n d e r s t a n d  n g T u r k e y

page08 Fitch upgrades Turkey's rating two notches to ‘BB+'


Davutolu warns of global
The pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party
(DTP) has retracted its support for the govern-
ment's efforts to settle the long-standing Kurdish
question through a massive democratization pack-
clash after mnaret ban
SELÇUK GÜLTALI, BRUSSELS Athens, where he attended an Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) meeting,
drew protests from Turkey, which said it had violated
the freedom of religion. Davutolu, who discussed
and the Council of Europe, proved to be a divisive
issue across Europe. A majority seemed to criticize
age, claiming that the efforts were aimed at “elimi- A weekend referendum in Switzerland to ban to Brussels late on Wednesday. “I am very concerned. the matter with his Swiss counterpart, Micheline the result, while far-right parties as well as French
nating” the party and mral, referring to the jailed the construction of minarets is reminiscent of We must take this issue very seriously. It is not some- Calmy-Rey, this week in Athens, said the fact that leader Nicolas Sarkozy have spoken in favor. In
leader of the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party Europe's religious intolerance and sectarian thing to be underestimated as an individual case.” such a result came from one of Europe's best edu- Italy, junior coalition partner the Northern League
(PKK), Abdullah Öcalan. Deputy Chairman of the wars of the Middle Ages, Foreign Minister Ahmet Swiss voters adopted the ban in a referendum on cated and elite societies is a signal that the result called for legislative changes to allow referenda in
Democratic Society Party (DTP) Selahattin Davutolu has said, warning that it could spark clashes Sunday, defying the government and parliament, cannot be underestimated. “This is a symptom and it more areas than currently allowed. “Who can say
Demirta announced during a program broadcast on a global scale if sufficient measures are not taken. which had rejected the right-wing initiative as violat- should be taken very seriously,” he said, calling the for sure that mosques in Europe are safe now?
live on NTV on Thursday that the DTP would not “The issue is too serious to be dealt with by mere ing the Swiss constitution, freedom of religion and a ban on minarets a threat to European culture as well. Fifteen years ago, hundreds of mosques were burned
lend its support to the Kurdish initiative under statements,” Davutolu told reporters on his way from cherished tradition of tolerance. The result of the vote The Swiss referendum result, criticized by the UN down in Bosnia,” Davutolu said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 04
existing conditions. “The Justice and Development
Party's [AK Party] plan is aimed at eliminating
mral and the DTP. There is no plan at hand for the

DTP to support,” Demirta remarked. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17



Four members of the military were detained on
Thursday for plotting to assassinate admirals at AMBASSADOR ÜZÜMCÜ
the Naval Forces Command. Lieutenants Ali Seyhur
Dili, Burak Anaç and Fatih Gökta and noncom-
missioned officer Burak Özkan were taken to the
stanbul Beikta Courthouse early in the morning.
Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, the
They were questioned there by prosecutor Süleyman
newly appointed director-general
Pehlivan about the alleged plot. Three of the soldiers
of the Organization for the
were released after their interrogation, while one of
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,
them was transferred to an stanbul court for arrest.
said on Thursday that he is proud
In July seven naval lieutenants were arrested
of his new position and will work
on charges of plotting to assassinate two admirals,
to promote the organization.
Metin Ataç and Eref Uur Yiit. CONTINUED ON PAGE 17


TURKISH MULTINATIONALS' Wheelchair-bound people joined a demonstration held in Bursa yesterday on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

INVESTMENT ABROAD UNEMPLOYMENT IS Approximately 8.5 million disabled citizens in Turkey -- about 12 percent of the overall population -- face various difficul-
ties, the biggest problem being unemployment. Mahmut Kaçar, general secretary of the Civil Servants' Trade Union

BIGGEST PROBLEM (Memur-Sen) and chairperson of the Turkish Health Union (Salk-Sen), said statistics show that labor participation of the
OF DISABLED disabled remains at 22 percent compared to a general labor participation rate of 50 percent in the country. “The right to
work, which is the best indicator of social participation and which is a basic human right, remains a problem for disabled
SERKAN AHN, STANBUL citizens,” he stated yesterday on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. CONTINUED ON PAGE 06

The surge in Turkish multinational companies' MAN WITH NORMAL HEARING DEAF COMMUNITY LEADER FOR 3 YEARS PAGE 06
foreign direct investment that started in the
1990s has been impeded by the global economic
downturn, with a 62 percent drop in Turkish out-
flows in the first nine months of 2009 compared to
the first nine months of 2008, a recent report has ‘TURKEY NEEDS 277 NEW Turkey balks at providing Afghan combat troops
shown. The first-ever survey of Turkish multina-
tional enterprises investing outside Turkey, which ABDULLAH BOZKURT / ERCAN YAVUZ, ANKARA remarks by James Jeffrey, the US ambassador in Ankara, 750 to around 1,800 in response to the task of taking over


covers 2007 data as the most recent and accurate that the US wants more Turkish troops in Afghanistan. from France for a year the leadership of the Kabul
figures, was released yesterday. The survey was Despite an official US request for the contribution of The remarks came shortly after US President Barack Regional Command for the NATO-led International
jointly conducted by Kadir Has University, the Turkey's domestic flight further troops and more flexibility on the Afghanistan Obama's announcement to boost US forces by 30,000. Security Assistance Force (ISAF) on Oct. 31. He clarified
Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEK), and the traffic has increased threefold mission, Turkey has signaled it is not willing to change its “Turkish troops in Afghanistan will continue not to that all Turkish forces in Afghanistan are combat troops
Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International since 2003, and the country will mission's parameters currently set out in this war-torn engage in clashes in Afghanistan,” he stressed, adding in the sense that they are ready to fight but emphasized
Investment (VCC) at Columbia University in New need 277 more planes by 2028 to country. “We have not changed nor reduced the number that the rules of engagement regarding involvement they are under strict orders not to get involved in fighting
York within the framework of the Emerging meet the skyrocketing demand of caveats we had drawn up for our troop's mission in in conflicts and military operations still stand. or clashes. Turkish forces have not suffered any casu-
Market Global Players Project, an international for domestic flights, Airbus Afghanistan,” said Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül when The top defense official also acknowledged that the alties in Afghanistan so far and have established cor-
collaborative effort led by the VCC. CONTINUED ON PAGE 07 representatives have revealed. asked by Today's Zaman how he responds to Wednesday's level of Turkish troops in Afghanistan has increased from dial relations with the local population. CONTINUED ON PAGE 04

Featuring news and articles from



‘ Q U O T E O F T H E D AY


colu m ns
I declare here that with the grace of God, the Expansions of [Israeli] settlements are To die and part is a less ‘Civilized and peace-
Iranian nation will produce 20 percent fuel contrary to international law and the evil; but to part and live, loving’ Switzerland!
and anything it needs itself. provisions of the roadmap. there, there is the torment.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad George Lansdowne Swiss approval of a national refe-
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon rendum banning the building of
new minarets on mosques in the-
ir country was greeted with surpri-
se not only in Turkey and the Isla-
mic world, but in different spots ac-
ross the globe. It is really a striking to consider that
around 60 percent of the Swiss population, a nation
CROSS READER of people known historically as being “civilized and


pr ess rou n du p peace-loving” and whose new (1999) constitution’s
preamble lists “freedom and democracy” as their ba-

AA, TURGUT ERTURUL sic ideals, would show such intolerance to Muslims
composing only around 6 percent of the national
population. When examining the Swiss constituti-
on, which guarantees freedom of religious belief and
conscience (Article 15) and forbids all kinds of discri-
A promsng move
As prosecutors conducting an investigation into Ergenekon,
mination including that based on religion, (Article 8),
and which even charges its various states and can-
a clandestine network charged with plotting to overthrow tons with taking precautions to preserve the peace, it
is clear that the writers terming this latest referendum

the government, will question three generals who are men-
tioned in a journal as detailing plans to stage a coup d’état, a “step backwards” for the Swiss are not incorrect.
everyone is becoming more optimistic about the improve-
ment in democracy in Turkey, where those responsible for
coups have so far escaped punishment. The generals, for- The punishment
mer Land Forces Commander Gen. Aytaç Yalman, for-
mer Air Forces Commander Gen. brahim Frtna and for- for lying
mer Naval Forces Commander Adm. Özden Örnek, all of
whom retired in 2004, are expected to testify to Ergenekon
Is an attempted coup a worse crime that telling lies
prosecutors on Saturday on coup plans nicknamed “Moon-
to the people of the nation? I don’t think so. Three
light,” “Blonde Girl” and “Glove” mentioned in a journal,
former military commanders are to give testimony
allegedly kept by Örnek, detailing plans against the Justice
during the coup investigation. I am speaking of re-
and Development Party (AK Party). Analysts who find the
tired commanders Aytaç Yalman, Özden Örnek
move a promising one -- because it is a new thing in Tur-
and brahim Frtna, who were in the top ranks of
key to ask coup conspirers to account for their actions -- hail
the military in 2004. I would like to offer them a fri-
the fact that Turkey is ridding itself of the coup mentality.
endly reminder. Attempted coups and the super-
Calling the fact that the generals will testify to pro-
vision of junta-like activities within the ranks of
secutors an exciting development, Milliyet’s Hasan Ce-
the military constitute serious crimes of a constitu-
mal says if Turkey wants to be a country that is democra-
tional nature. But lying to a prosecutor or a judge,
tic and governed by the rule of law, and if the military is
trying to mislead the court and lying to the public
to operate within the boundaries of the law, it is inevitab-
are much worse crimes. Even little white lies abo-
le that those who plan coups be brought before justice.
ut someone’s age or health, if they affect the out-
Questioning the motivation behind the military mem-
come of a trial, are villainous. Do I really need to
bers making the plans, Cemal refers to famous historian
explain more here? Trying to block the path of jus-
Cemil Koçak, who explained: “There lies a belief behind
tice is much worse than attempting a coup, taking
the motivation to stage a coup that suggests only military
part in coup plans personally, or the least of tho-
personnel can save, defend and administer this country.
se crimes, just sitting back and watching it all hap-
Nobody can achieve this other than members of the mi- pen. Don’t forget that simply remaining silent is
litary. Those who are opposed to the military are traitors. enough to make you a tacit accomplice to a crime.
This mentality is still evident in the military today.” What this trial is giving us is a test in the face of lies.
Having heard that Adm. Örnek will deny being the
owner of the coup diaries in his testimony, Sabah’s Naz- Chinese people visiting the town of Safranbolu in
l Ilcak says that many of the things written in Örnek’s
diary have already been confirmed by then-Chief of Ge-
the northwestern province of Karabük were happy to Should the pens
neral Staff Gen. Hilmi Özkök. In addition to this, she experience a traditional Turkish henna night that had
says four experts commissioned by the Ergenekon pro- be silenced?
secutors revealed that the diary was authentic and be-
been organized for them on Wednesday evening. YEN AFAK FEHM KORU
longed to Örnek. “Turkey has changed. The Nokta ma- Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoan is by
gazine was forced to close due to ‘financial problems’ af- yeni afak: “We are all Muslims,” the daily said in tablished his own party. Tekin said it was not an honorable acti- no means the first Turkish politician
ter it published Örnek’s coup diaries on March 29, 2007. the headline of its main story yesterday, quoting a banner carri- on for some CHP members to side with Sargül and support his to complain about the media, nor will
Many of our colleagues back then claimed that the diari- ed by protestors in Switzerland who demonstrated against a mi- party when they are still members of the CHP. He called on them he be the last. Even in countries whe-
es were a fabrication. Much water has passed under the naret ban imposed on the country after a referendum on Sunday. to resign from the CHP immediately, reported the daily. re democracy runs smoothly, politici-
bridge since then, and those waters are now slowly clea- Carrying minaret mock-ups in their hands, around 5,000 protes- ans focus on the media, if for no other
ning the coup mentality in Turkey,” says Ilcak. tors walked from a cathedral to a mosque in Geneva. Erika milliyet: In its main story yesterday, the daily repor- reason than that the media has the power to distract
According to Vatan’s Okay Gönensin, the recent ap- Forster-Vannini, a member of the Swiss Council of States, pro- ted that Turkey said “no” to the US administration, which had people. Still, you can be sure that even if the colum-
pearance before the judiciary of military personnel en- mised the protestors that the minaret ban would be abolished. demanded additional troops from Turkey for deployment in nists who Erdoan criticized as writing “too much and
gaged in coup plans is the turning point for real democ- conflict zones in Afghanistan. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Er- too quickly” wrote their columns only once a week
racy and Turkey’s rise in civilized society. In order for the akam: “Leave the CHP,” was the headline of the daily’s doan, who will meet with US President Barack Obama at the and spent a good half day on those columns, the tab-
completion of the judicial process regarding the case of lead story yesterday, quoting remarks from the Republican White House on Dec. 7, is expected to tell Obama that Turkey leau that would emerge would still not please Erdo-
coup generals and the end of military interventions, it is People’s Party (CHP) stanbul provincial branch head, Gürsel Te- cannot allow the deployment of its soldiers in conflict zones. an. There is actually a conflict of interests between
necessary to bring the perpetrators of the Sept. 12, 1980 kin, who lashed out at CHP members siding with Mustafa Sar- Erdoan is expected to tell Obama that using Turkish soldiers politicians and journalists, and for this reason the ac-
military coup before the court. “The military administra- gül, the mayor of stanbul’s ili district. Recently, after challen- against Muslims will cause damage instead of benefits and that tors can easily switch sides on each other. I only wish
tion of Sept. 12 has to give an account of the damage it ging CHP leader Deniz Baykal for the chairmanship, Sargül es- Turkey cannot accept such a thing. that politicians could be a bit more tolerant, and I wish
did to the country, and the torture of thousands of peop- that Prime Minister Erdoan could show a bit more
le during that time,” suggests Gönensin. patience about the criticism aimed in his direction.



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Phone: +90 212 288 95 90 Phone: +90 312 295 45 45 Phone: +90 242 510 02 00 Phone: 0212.516.3232 Phone: +90 212 458 28 00 Phone: +90 212 483 30 30 Phone: 90 (226) 465 66 22 Phone: +90 322 455 30 30
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NATIONAL F R I D A Y, D E C E M B E R 4 , 2 0 0 9 TODAY’S ZAMAN 03




stanbul 2010 ads inspire the world


ESRA MADEN ÝSTANBUL “stanbul has been the most inspir-


ing city in the world throughout history.

Advertisements to be used dur-
ing the publicity campaign for
You can see different re ections of this
inspiration in the work, studies and lives
What s (not)
stanbul 2010: European Capital of artists, intellectuals, politicians, think-
of Culture project were introduced yes- ers and leaders across the world,” ekib freedom of the press?

terday in a press conference in stanbul’s Avdagiç, the stanbul European Capital HYDERABAD – The Hürriyet newspaper’s that resist their demands. It is for this reason
Çraan Palace. The advertisements re- The iconic photograph of Culture 2010 Agency executive board chief columnist, Oktay Eki, who is adept in that it is an honor for Eki and his kind to
leased outside Turkey highlight stanbul is currently on display chairman said in his opening remarks. creating appellations for people whose ideas be on intimate terms with the coup gener-
as the world’s most inspiring city while at the Gare du Nord The local stanbul 2010 campaigns, he does not like, described a group of jour- als and junta members that grant such in-
the local adverts focus on the rediscovery train station in Paris. focusing on the rediscovery of stanbul by nalists, including me, as “virtue ghters” in termediate regimes to them.
of the city by its residents. its residents and on the energy of the city, his column yesterday. It has become clear Also, for them, it is part of freedom of
The foreign campaigns will take place mous photographer Rainer Stratman and a tion in Paris and Piazza San Marco in Ven- include publicity lms, announcements on that Eki, who previously called editors- the press to defend military coups, to por-
in 20 countries, 12 of which are European, publicity lm. The photograph, formed by ice. The heads of the creative team for the printed media and online campaigns. “We in-chief whose ideas he did not agree with tray coups as a democratic right, to afford
and use an iconic photograph of stanbul merging around 30 photographs together is campaigns, Hakk Msrlolu and Paul Mc- invite everyone, not only stanbullites, to “media imams,” has thoroughly crammed protection to the bloody Ergenekon terrorist
showing a silhouette of the city’s histori- on display at distinctive spots in European Millen, presented the lms and the iconic share the energy of stanbul and to discover his mind -- one already rife with aging ideas organization and its members, to threaten
cal peninsula in a photograph taken by fa- cities, including the Gare du Nord train sta- photograph of stanbul at the meeting. the city once more,” Avdagiç said. -- with distorted religious terminology. singers and writers such as Ahmet Kaya
We know well what virtue means to and Orhan Pamuk, to pave the way for
Eki and his kind, who are unyielding de- the eventual murder of Hrant Dink and to
fenders of every antidemocratic military advertise many leading gures as targets.
intervention and who serve as voluntary Interestingly, they have managed to lure
propagandists of every psychological war- some international organizations, includ-
fare operation waged against society for ing the World Association of Newspapers
the continuation of a military guardianship and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) and the
over democracy. As you may immediately World Economic Forum (WEF) to support
recall, he had the virtue of running edito- their distorted conception of freedom of the
rials titled “Let us know about the scoun- press. I think the reason why institutions
drels,” which heartlessly targeted his own that are nancially sponsored by the Doan
fellow journalists after a media memoran- group, such as WAN-IFRA and the WEF,
dum prepared by the junta of the postmod- fell in love with this distorted mentality is the
ern Feb. 28, 1997 coup. But if you think that same as why Eki is enchanted by military
Eki’s virtuous, antidemocratic re exes coups and antidemocratic practices. Eki
were recently acquired, you are wrong. His and his kind, who we must appreciate are
are obviously innate. Indeed, a brief exami- skillful in maintaining on an international
nation of his past performance is sufcient level the corrupt economic relations of the
to show that he invariably and steadily press sector to which they were accustomed
sides with and lends support to antidemo- in the past, are also virtuous enough to call
cratic interventions with a view to protect- their colleagues whom they do not approve
ing the interests of a small elite group, the of “poverty-stricken knights.”
military guardianship over democracy and I would like to once more remind in-
the oligarchic bureaucratic establishment. ternational organizations who are mate-
For instance, he was among the enthu- rially and spiritually under the in uence
siastic supporters of the military coup of May of Eki and his squad what freedom of
27, 1960, which overthrew the elected gov- the press is and is not, by quoting from
ernment and executed the legitimate prime a recent article by Ergun Babahan of the
minister of the time. He readily reaped the Star newspaper. I fully agree with Baba-
rewards of his unconditional support for han on this point, which Eki implicitly
the coup generals when they appointed criticized in his virtuous article:
Eki a member of the Constituent Assem- “Freedom of the press is not freedom
bly, established after the coup. Becoming a to become richer by using the power of the
sort of member of Parliament through ap- media. It does not give you freedom to see
pointment, not by election, Eki was entitled yourself above the nation and the elected
to signicant retirement benets, including government. It is also not the freedom to
a large pension and other privileges, which impose your own views on the government
he continues to benet from even today. and Parliament as seen in many legislative
Although he has never acted to defend the activities, and in particular a bill concerning
rights of journalists who were dismissed the Radio and Television Supreme Council
from their jobs, he is virtuous enough to op- [RTÜK]. It is also not freedom to acquire
pose all sorts of legislation that would ease public banks or petrol stations inexpensive-
the lives of journalists facing nancial prob- ly while weak governments are in power. It
lems, arguing that these are in fact “privileg- cannot be regarded as the freedom to turn
es.” For instance, while he receives a good a blind eye to coup threats or afford protec-
pension from the state and happily benets tion to pro-coup people. It cannot be treated
from many privileges normally granted to as a concept that is construed to protect the
high-ranking public servants, he has the interests of a single media group. It cannot
sense of virtue to harshly raise his voice be used as immunity from litigation in the
against some bills proposed by an organiza- event of tax evasion or from refraining from
tion of journalists to bring relief to members fullling one’s nancial responsibilities to
of the press without causing an extra bur- the state. It is never a right to make Hrant
den on the state. Wise enough to be toler- Dink, Ahmet Kaya and many others targets
ant about the privileges enjoyed by his own just because they are Armenian or Kurdish
boss, Eki is strongly against the modest or disliked. It does not include ignoring or
facilities to be introduced for his colleagues. obscuring documents and information
Being the lifelong chairman of the Press about conspiracies devised by a treacher-
Council, which today has come to represent ous junta within the army to create chaos
only the Doan group as it has offended all in society. It also does not include disre-
other media groups with its biased activi- specting the people’s right to be informed
ties, Eki has never been observed showing or misusing this right to manipulate them.
any loyalty to his profession or fellow jour- It cannot be accepted as failure to see plans
nalists. But no one can have any suspicion to murder non-Muslim minorities under
about his loyalty to the protection of the the Cage operation while treating the court
interests of his ofcial or visible and unof- decision for wiretapping 10 judges who are
cial or invisible bosses. To follow up the suspected of being linked to the Ergenekon
commercial affairs of their bosses and exert network as fascism. It can never be con-
pressure on governments, institutions and strued to mean that ‘we will do our best to
judicial organs using their media power to close down your ruling party if you do not
this end is among the virtues of Eki and his act according to the wishes of our boss’.”
kind. Accordingly, they do not like strong The Doan group has enjoyed all these
governments in the least. They are fond of freedoms, none of which can be considered
weak coalition governments which they part of freedom of the press. The same group
can bend to their will and seize any public is today using its nancial strength and me-
land, bank or property they like without any dia power to mislead international organi-
resistance or problem. There are plenty of zations. As seen in the last WAN-IFRA and
examples of how they destroy governments WEF meetings, they are successful at this.
04 TODAY’S ZAMAN F R I D AY, D E C E M B E R 4 , 2 0 0 9

Davutolu warns of global clash after Switzerland’s minaret ban Ambassador Üzümcü to
oversee chemical
contnued from page 1 with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou possibilities for cooperation in global issues, such as matter,” he said, calling for a “comprehensive
“Millions of Muslims are expecting the in Athens as a “very good start” for better ties. global warming. “There was a complete meeting of perspective” to deal with the difficulties there. weapons ban
European leaders to show a clear stance and According to Davutolu, he and Papandreou, minds. They [the Greek side] said the same things The foreign minister also criticized media
Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, the newly appointed
they have the right to do so.” Calmy-Rey has who is also the foreign minister, agreed to step up as us, as if they had listened to us before,” he said. comments describing his political vision as “neo-
director-general of the Organization for the Prohi-
said her government is “very concerned” over dialogue by introducing regular high-level political Ottoman.” “I have never used that phrase. It is not
bition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), said on Thursday
the referendum result, underlining that limita- talks between the two countries to boost economic Afghanistan, neo-Ottomanism something that we embrace,” he said of the term,
that he is proud of his new position and will work to
tions on the coexistence of different cultures and and cultural ties and resolve problems regard- Davutolu, who was attending a NATO meet- which is certain to raise suspicions towards Tur-
promote the organization.
religions “also endangers our security.” She said ing Cyprus, Aegean disputes and the situation of ing in Brussels on Thursday, also signaled key’s new foreign policy in countries in the Bal-
He is the rst Turkish national to become the chief of an
provocations risk in aming extremism. minorities. They also agreed to increase Turkish- that Turkey would not send more troops to kans and in the Middle East, which were a part of
international organization working in the security eld.
Davutolu also announced that Turkey and Greek cooperation in Europe, the Balkans, the Afghanistan for combat missions, despite a the Ottoman Empire until the 20th century. “Those
The Turkish Foreign Ministry has launched a new diplo-
Greece agreed to deepen cooperation in several Middle East, the Black Sea area and the Mediter- US request to that effect. “We don’t see the who use this term either do not understand what it
macy campaign that engages the public, and as one of its rst
areas and described a meeting on Wednesday ranean region. Ankara and Athens will also explore problem in Afghanistan as purely a military means, or they have bad intentions,” he said.
steps, it organized a video conference with Üzümcü. He par-
ticipated from the Turkish Embassy in the Netherlands, where
the OPCW is located.
Üzümcü is the Per-
manent Representative
of Turkey to the United
Nations in Geneva and

Turkey balks at provdng will take up his new role

in July next year on a four-
year term. He is a career
diplomat and former

combat troops n Afghanstan

contnued from page 1
Turkish ambassador to Is-
rael, which is one of only
seven nations around
the world who have

not joined the chemi-
Ambassador Jeffrey indicated that, on cal weapons convention.
the other hand, the US expects Turkey Üzümcü said that efforts
to be “more exible” on the denition of tasks Ahmet Üzümcü
to get Israel to join the
to be carried out by their mission in Afghanistan. organization will continue.
“We want fewer caveats from everybody, we “There are seven countries who have not signed
want more exibility in carrying out the mission,” the agreement yet and three of them are in our area,

Jeffrey said. Turkey, just like any other NATO Israel, Egypt and Syria. The others are Angola, North
member country which contributes troops, has Korea, Myanmar and Somalia.” Üzümcü said that
been implementing its own caveats that re- the last country who joined was Iraq and the orga-
strict where their troops can be deployed and nization is working on a plan to eliminate chemi-
their range of tasks. The Turkish defense min- cal weapons from this country. “The US and British
ister signaled, however, that changing those forces eliminated some of them and after making plans for
caveats is out of the question for now. the rest, we will continue the elimination process,” he said.
The issue is likely to be on the agenda of a He said that although the OPCW is a young organization, it
White House meeting between Obama and is a very successful one since the number of members has already
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan on Dec. 7. reached 188 countries since it was established 12 years ago and it
Sources said Erdoan will tell Obama that troop has been able to destroy more than half the chemical weapons in
numbers could be increased but that Turk- the world. He said that by 2012 the member states will be totally
ish soldiers will not engage in combat mis- clear of chemical weapons. “Unfortunately, although highly
sions. Diplomatic sources also revealed that successful, the organization is not well known. I will work to
Ankara is disturbed by Jeffrey’s announce- promote it, to increase its effectiveness on many levels. I am
ment, made at a press conference without hoping to work on those issues,” he said. Aye Karabat Ankara
prior consultation with Turkish authorities.
While refusing to change the rules of en-
gagement in combat operations and sticking to
the policy of staying clear of con ict, Turkey has
France honors Yaar Yak
expressed that it is willing to do more in train- with Legion d’Honneur for
ing, humanitarian aid and assistance with de-
velopment for the Afghan people. The written helping bilateral relations
statement issued by the Turkish Foreign Min- France has decorated prominent Turkish politi-
istry in response to Obama’s announcement cian Yaar Yak, a former foreign minister, with
said all international community members the award of Officier de la Légion d’Honneur (Officer
have acknowledged today that the problems of the Legion of Honor) for his contributions to bilat-
in Afghanistan will not be resolved by mere eral relations between France and Turkey.
military tactics. It noted that Turkey has been French Ambassador to Turkey Bernard Émié on Wednes-
advocating this policy all along and placed day hosted a reception at the embassy residence to present the
special emphasis on the subject while also award to Yak on behalf of French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
hailing Obama’s speech as very positive. Delivering a speech at the ceremony, Émié described Yak as
The Turkish Foreign Ministry also announced a “perfect team player” between the two countries due to his
that the successful example of the Vardak Pro- intense efforts, his commitment and his personality.
vincial Reconstruction Team will be expanded Turkey is currently undertaking the leadership of the Kabul Regional Command for the NATO-led International Security Assistance “The French president, the grand master of the or-
to cover other provinces in the country. Since Force with 1,800 troops. This file photo shows a Turkish soldier playing with Afghan children in a war-torn Afghan village.
der, has decided to decorate you with the insignia of
2001, Turkey has been providing development A Turkish military report warned that pressure from the White House to send this order, which is an expression of gratitude felt for
assistance through the Turkish Cooperation and
Parliament approval your commitment in service of Turkey’s interests in its
civilian casualties from NATO operations combat troops to Afghanistan when he
Development Agency (TKA) in Afghanistan needed for combat troops relations with France,” Émié said in his speech.
accounted for 20 percent of the total civil- visits the US, it would mean that the gov-
in areas ranging from education to health and Kürat Atlgan, a deputy from the opposi- Yak, 71, was a career diplomat, until he became
ian death toll in the country, suggesting this ernment would most likely be rebuffed by
from developing human resources to enhanc- tion Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) involved in politics with the establishment of the rul-
would hamper NATO operations in the future. Parliament even though his ruling Justice
ing the government’s institutional capabilities. and a former general, told Today’s Zaman ing Justice and Development Party (AK Party) in 2001.
While stressing the Turkish troops’ in- and Development Party (AK Party) en-
that any combat operation needs the Turk- He was the foreign minister of the 58th government, be-
volvement in development projects valued joys a majority. “We will see many AK
Military is opposed at more than half a billion dollars so far, the ish Parliament’s approval, which he said is
Party deputies breaking ranks with their tween November 2002 and March 2003, led by the then-
to further involvement report in contrast says more than 100 times quite unlikely. “Involvement in combat op-
own party,” Atlgan said. Talking to To- prime minister, President Abdullah Gül. He has been
Today’s Zaman also learned that the chief of this amount has been spent in combating the erations goes against the national interests day’s Zaman on condition of anonymity, the chairperson of the European Union Harmonization
General Staff submitted a written report to Taliban and al-Qaeda terrorists. It under- of Turkey, and there is pretty much agree- one government official has said Turkey Committee in Parliament since 2002. Since January
the Prime Ministry painting a bleak picture lined that the local Afghan population’s ment with the government and the mili- may be willing to go as far as allowing its 2008 he has also served as chairman of the Turkey-
in Afghanistan. Noting that the situation in appreciation of Turkish troops should be tary on this issue,” he said, adding that any troops to secure towns and villages only France Parliamentary Friendship Group. Ankara Today’s Zaman
the country is worse than in 2001, the report analyzed carefully by NATO management. political decision would otherwise invite after other NATO combat troops have
strongly advised against the involvement of The military report points out that curtailing the wrath of Parliament just like it did in cleared these places of Taliban or al-Qaeda
Turkish forces in combat operations, saying the heroin trafcking in the country has resulted in 2003 when Parliament refused to allow US elements. “Depending on how negotiations Lady Ashton admits need for
the creation of 800,000 unemployed people, and troops to pass through Turkish territory
local population is increasingly turning against
NATO troops and viewing them as an “en- it criticized the lack of social projects aimed to open a northern front against Iraq.
go in the Washington meeting, Turkish
troops may be involved in patrolling places
debate on Turkey’s EU bid
emy” rather than a “savior” from the Taliban. at providing employment opportunities. Atlgan warns that if Erdoan bows to cleared of terrorists,” the same source said. The European Union’s new foreign affairs chief has
said there is a need for a more careful look into the
course of affairs regarding Turkey’s ongoing negotiation
process to become a full member of the bloc.
Britain’s Catherine Ashton spent two hours on
Wednesday answering questions from European Parlia-
ment members on how she plans to represent the EU on
Ministry to launch public diplomacy drive Wilders cancels Turkey visit after criticism the global stage. Ashton responded to questions dur-
ing an informal session of the European Parliament’s
The Turkish Foreign Ministry has ect three years ago with a seminar in the capi- A planned visit to Turkey by a delega- was scheduled for January, Dutch daily Foreign Affairs Committee which was attended by hun-
launched a comprehensive restruc- tal that considered similar experiences in the tion from the Dutch House of Repre- NRC Handelsblad reported. dreds of EU parliamentarians, diplomats and the media.
turing to make the public more aware of Netherlands, Germany, the US, Canada and sentatives, the members of which would have “We deeply regret the fact that this Ashton ducked a series of policy-specic questions,
the country’s foreign policy de- Israel. However, there was no follow-up, included right-wing lawmaker Geert Wilders, will make an effective dialogue impos- including where she stands on the issue of Turkey joining
velopments, keeping pace with and the project was halted due to a lack of has been cancelled following statements by sible, but if the Turkish government re- the EU although Turkey’s eventual EU accession is a stated
technological developments, attention. To better explain Turkey’s for- Ankara that it would not welcome Wilders, fuses to meet with us, the most essential aim of the bloc, news reports said “On Turkey, last time I
Turkey’s growing clout in inter- eign policy priorities to the international whose views of Turkey are considered here to parts of our schedule will not be able to looked there were 33 chapters [in the accession talks] of
national politics and the reality community and to win support from the be “racist and unacceptable.” go ahead,” Harm Evert Waalkens, leader which Turkey has closed one. There are different views in
that decisions made in foreign public, the ministry has decided to estab- Wilders outraged Muslims by com- of the delegation, was quoted as saying. the European Council on the whole view of enlargement
policy affect domestic affairs. lish a public diplomacy wing. The effort paring the Quran to Adolf Hitler’s “Mein In response to criticism on the issue and how best to progress with Turkey. We will have to dis-
In this vein, final preparations will be coordinated by Namk Tan, depu- Kampf” and calling for an end to Muslim by a member of Wilders’ party at a meet- cuss that, but it has been a long time and only one chapter,
to implement a new structure at ty undersecretary at the Foreign Ministry. immigration to the Netherlands. Ankara ing of the European Parliament’s Com- so we will have to discuss that,” Ashton, was, however,
the Foreign Ministry to oversee The Foreign Ministry will also has said Wilders’ presence among the delega- mittee on Foreign Affairs, State Minister quoted as saying in the same news reports.
public diplomacy, with the goal expand its presence on social-net- tion would overshadow the visit and that would and Turkey’s chief EU negotiator Ege- The EU’s outgoing trade commissioner, who has
of acquainting the public with the latest working Web sites such as Facebook and be unfair for positive Turkish-Dutch relations. men Ba said in Brussels on Thursday: little foreign affairs experience, also ignored a ques-
decisions and developments in Turkey’s Twitter, including the creation of a Face- The issue was put to a vote in the “Wilders has freedom of expression. I have tion about the recognition of East Jerusalem as the
foreign policy, are almost complete. book fan page for Foreign Minister Ah- Dutch parliament on Wednesday, and all the right not to listen to those who confuse Palestinians’ capital, an issue EU foreign ministers
The Foreign Ministry started a similar proj- met Davutolu. Süleyman Kurt Ankara parties opted to cancel the visit, which criticism and insult.” Ankara Today’s Z a m a n may discuss next week. Ankara Today’s Zaman with wires

General Staff closely monitored coefficient move, paper shows HÜSEYN

EMRE SONCAN ANKARA system uses a lower coefcient on the Student Se- high schools who want to study at universities. Association and the Education Personnel Union
lection Examination (ÖSS) to calculate the scores of The 8th Chamber of the Council of State, how- [Eitim-], students or parents of students at-
A position paper sent to the deputy chief graduates of vocational high schools. ever, ruled last month to retain the system. The rul- tending high schools other than vocational high
of General Staff by the General Staff’s de- In July, YÖK’s General Council decided to ing sent shockwaves across the country, with many schools may appeal the move,” noted the paper.
partment of intelligence has shown that top army abolish the coefcient system, a move welcomed at observers lashing out at the council for violating The Council of State ruling came four months
brass closely monitored developments related to the time by many who interpreted it as a ground- the principle of equal opportunity in education. after the stanbul Bar Association appealed to the
Communty meda
a move by the Higher Education Board (YÖK) to breaking step to end long-standing discrimination In the paper, the department of intelligence council against the YÖK decision on the coef- Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan’s harsh criti-
abolish the use of a coefcient system for Turkey’s imposed on vocational school graduates, includ- recommended that the General Staff follow de- cient system. The bar stressed in its lawsuit that cism of some columnists has reignited a debate over
university admission exam. ing those from religious imam-hatip high schools. velopments related to YÖK’s coefcient move. YÖK’s move would be unjust toward students relations between the government and the media. The
The paper was signed by Brig. Gen. . Ylmaz, Lt. The lower coefcient was a byproduct of the “We have reached the conviction that the who graduate from high schools other than vo- prime minister criticized a Milliyet daily writer who
Gen. .H. Pekin, Col. N. Ylmaz and Maj. O. Ylmaz, Feb. 28, 1997 postmodern coup, which led to the move is aimed at increasing the number of in- cational high schools, Anatolian high schools and said, “Politicians need to talk less,” by saying, “Actu-
and was submitted to Gen. Aslan Güner, the deputy collapse of an Islamic-based government, and was dividuals who have adopted a conservative life- science schools. “This move will provide ‘unde- ally, people like you need to write less.”
chief of general staff, on Aug. 21. According to the introduced in an attempt to keep students from style in the public sphere. … The demand for served’ gains for a certain group of students,” the Like all leaders, Erdoan has people who like him and
paper, the abolishment of the coefcient system was religious imam-hatip schools -- classied as voca- dershanes [weekend or evening schools special- bar claimed. The bar appealed the decision after people who dislike him. If you are in the limelight and in
aimed at allowing conservative individuals to expand tional schools -- out of universities. The system has izing in preparing students for national exams] the honorary president of the Supreme Court of a position where you can take action, then you are bound
their presence in the public sphere and, in this way, been the subject of strong criticism in Turkey as it is will directly increase with the abolishment of the Appeals, Sabih Kanadolu, said publicly that the to be criticized. I can understand why the prime minister
damage the unity of the country and society. The considered unfair towards graduates of vocational coefcient system. In addition to the stanbul Bar Council of State would settle the coefcient matter. lambastes some columnists. He isn’t referring to those
who make respectful criticisms. Unfortunately, there are
some rude and disrespectful writers that degrade and in-
sult their targets in their articles. There are editors-in-chief
that never say anything about these articles and always
nd some way to defend themselves. I can explain what
I mean by giving one example: Hürriyet daily columnist
Ylmaz Özdil. There is no other man in the world that


YÖK appeals
writes as profanely and indecently as he does. He per-
sonies a particular breed of columnists in Turkey.
He does not insult just individuals, he insults mil-
lion. Indeed, he does not insult them, he basically swears
at them. It was him who called those who voted for the
Justice and Development Party (AK Party) “jarheads.”

ruling on When the possibility of giving deputies a red license plate

was being debated, he had the nerve to write, “The red li-
cense plates of deputies in the Turkish Parliament should
be attached to the a-- of those who support them [the AK
Party].” (Aug. 25) I was embarrassed to write the word
out completely. I apologize to our readers but I wanted to

The Higher Education Board (YÖK) evant to YÖK, only YÖK has the authority
be able to explain the level of shamelessness. Now, how
can this man have anything to do with journalism?
Who allowed this person’s articles to be published in
the Hürriyet daily? Who presented him as the daily’s third-
page charm? Erturul Özkök. Where do they nd these
“hitmen”? Does the public not see the situation at hand?
has appealed a ruling of the 8th to decide on matters concerning the system What upsets me is that the prime minister is taking
Chamber of the Council of State to of transition to higher education from high them seriously. The majority of people commends and
retain the current university examination school. YÖK’s petition also said the Coun- supports the prime minister for his courage in pursu-
score calculation method that makes it more cil of State ruling had no legal basis and the ing democratization, his stance against juntas and his
difcult for graduates of vocational high high court should have overturned the appli- leadership. Believe there are even people who pray that
schools to enroll in a program of their choice, cation of the stanbul Bar Association in the Erdoan won’t stoop to their level. What’s the purpose
saying the only authorized body to decide rst place. The petition said the ruling was a of showing a reaction and calling people “enemies of
the calculation method is YÖK. violation of a number of rights guaranteed by the nation and state?” Just as Republican People’s Party
The Council of State last week decided the Constitution such as the right to an edu- (CHP) leader Deniz Baykal and Nationalist Movement
to block a decision issued by YÖK’s General cation, equal opportunity in education and Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli were wrong in declar-
Council in July after the stanbul Bar Asso- the right to self-improvement. The petition ing the prime minister a “traitor” and a “divider,” it was
ciation asked it to ensure the continuation also stated that vocational training should wrong of the prime minister to declare a portion of col-
of the system in which a lower coefcient is be encouraged, not discouraged or punished umnist enemies of the state and nation.
used to calculate the scores of graduates of with the lower coefcient. Turkey is passing through perhaps its most criti-
vocational high schools on Turkey’s univer- YÖK’s petition also dismissed the cal days in the past 100 years. We want our prime
sity admission exam, the Student Selection stanbul Bar Association’s accusation that minister to remain calm and silent during this histori-
Examination (ÖSS). The system is consid- the move to abolish the lower coefcient cal turning point. We want him to know how to put
ered by many a form of clear discrimination was ideological. The petition reiterated that up with criticism and refrain from hurting anyone’s
against graduates of vocational schools. the only way to improve vocational training feeling even if he is hurt. There are many people that
The lower coefcient used for the scores in Turkey was to eradicate discrimination offend but we don’t want him to offend anyone.
of vocational school students is a remnant towards students and graduates of these Let’s get back to the essence of the ties between the
of the Feb. 28, 1997 unarmed military in- schools. YÖK stated that the reason the co- ruling power and the media. The media’s (press’) rela-
tervention, which led to the collapse of an efcient practice was being removed was tionship with the ruling power has been problematic
Islamic-rooted government, and was intro- economic and social rather than ideological. since the beginning of the republic. The media is the most
duced in an attempt to keep students from Meanwhile, on Wednesday, shortly important pillar of the military tutelage regime. The me-
religious imam-hatip schools -- classied after YÖK completed the appeal process, dia has played a role in every coup preparation and has
as vocational schools -- out of universities. YÖK President Yusuf Ziya Özcan told always defended junta supporters. And the media outlets
Opponents of the coefcient rule say it is members of the media that they were have always received compensation for their services.
discriminatory and unfair. prepared for obstacles and had devised There has always been talk about a free and objective
YÖK’s petition against the ruling was alternative systems. If the appeal is not ac- press but this was always wanted only for “laic-Kemalist
elites.” These elites saw themselves as the real guardians
sent to the Council of State on Wednesday. cepted, YÖK will employ a new method
of this country and formed a community around this com-
In the petition, YÖK criticized the Council of of calculation. He did not say directly but
mon view. It is for this reason that the media we are talking
State, nding that “students of regular high implied that the difference in the coef-
about is truly a “community media.” Even when defending
schools and vocational high schools are not cients used to form scores of regular and
democracy they worked by way of limiting the freedom of
equal.” The petition also stated that accord- vocational high school students might be
Yusuf Ziya Özcan’s YÖK has appealed a Council of State decision to retain a university admissions method religion and conscience to make the public sphere a place
ing to the Constitution and legislation rel- as small as 0.01 percent. stanbul Today’s Zaman
that places vocational high school grads at a disadvantage, challenging the court’s jurisdiction on the matter. that provides privileges and prots only to themselves.
But in the end, they ruined it for themselves. They
were, just like the army, unable to fulll their real duties
because they were too busy dealing with the country and
engineering the society. They tore their own community
away from the developing and progressing world. They
dropped down a level. They ultimately became a media
Vocational high school students giving up on university dreams that solely wrote about whatever it was their community
members needed to read and hear. It is for this reason
that they are doomed to have their Özdils and Çölaans.

TANJU ÖZKAYA / HEMRE KÖSE STANBUL with the Council of State decision. “Our school
As the waves of democratization shake all pillars, it
consists solely of vocational high school attend-
will become obvious that they too will no longer be able
Non-attendance at college prep courses has ees. Parents are confused over the matter -- they
to remain standing.
spiked among students who attend vocational sent their children here out of hope, but now
high schools, in an apparent sign of student exasper- they’re rethinking their moves,” he said.
ation over a recent Council of State ruling to retain Similarly, Mustafa Altnsoy, the head of the
the current university admission system that makes stanbul Provincial Education Directorate’s Private Ba: New sanctions will
it more difcult for graduates of vocational schools to Dershane Division, said that there was unanimity
enroll in university programs of their choice. amongst the educational community that the Coun-
remove desire to join EU
For most, it’s virtually impossible to perform cil of State’s decision was a negative one. “We know If new sanctions are placed on Turkey for not opening
well on university entrance exams without enroll- that the dershanes and the private educators at these its air and sea ports to Greek Cypriot trafc, Turkish so-
ing in a private college preparatory course, a der- schools are victims in this situation as well. Families ciety will lose any desire to further pursue EU member-
ship, Egemen Ba, Turkey’s chief EU negotiator, has

shane, along with the normal high school curri- and students are full of anxiety. There will be a seri-
said. Speaking at a meeting organized by the Turkish
cula. For long hours after school and on weekends, ous drop in enrollment due to this,” he said.
Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists (TUS-
high school students attend extra classes, reading Ömer Öcal, a guidance counselor at the
KON) and the Centre for European Politics (CEP) on
through test prep books and solving practice exam Snav Dergisi Dershane, explained that follow-
Thursday, Ba said Turkey has always been an effec-
questions in a bid to secure their spots at a good ing the original YÖK decision their school had
tive broker among its neighbors. Answering a question
university -- and their futures. But in the face of the opened special courses for students of vocational
on possible new sanctions if Turkey fails to open its ports
Council of State decision, many vocational high With the system set against them, many vocational high school students are beginning to wonder why high schools and that following the Council of
to Greek Cypriot vessels, Ba said Turkey is already
school students and even their parents are won- they should bother with the stress and hassle of college preparatory classes. State’s move, enrollment had already dropped
affected by sanctions. “The EU decided to freeze eight
dering if there’s even a point anymore in trying, by 20 percent. “Parents are telling us, ‘If our chil- negotiation chapters and forbade the closure of any ne-
seeing as how the system is set up against them. say that students at these high schools are drop- tory institutes, many of which are planning meet- dren once again lose the right to attend univer- gotiation chapters in 2006 due to the Cyprus stalemate.
Vocational high school enrollment had soared ping out of college prep courses at alarming rates. ings to gure out how to address the situation. sity, we’ll have no choice but to pull them out These sanctions are extreme. The two leaders of the is-
after the Higher Education Board’s (YÖK) General Students who had joyfully enrolled in college prep Muammer Saripek, the manager of Meslek Der- of these classes.’ This is also a serious blow to land are already meeting weekly to nd a lasting peace
Council announced in July that it was lifting the courses are now reconsidering their decisions. shane, Turkey’s only dershane that caters exclu- student motivation, and it’s upsetting to see the settlement to the con ict. New sanctions over this will
coefcient system, but the Council of State blocked The situation is also concerning for the thou- sively to students of vocational high schools, says children who are staying in class working away signicantly reduce the will of Turkish society to pursue
the ruling and private college preparatory courses sands of teachers employed at college prepara- that non-attendance has soared to 30 percent even though they have no hope,” he said. EU membership,” Ba said. stanbul Today’s Zaman

Man with normal hearing deaf community leader for 3 years Ömer Dinçer:

A 33-year-old man whose parents are deaf to communicate with her mother and she speaks
and who learned how to speak when his
cousin came to live with them has been running
spoken Turkish with me,” he explained. to compensate
the Turkish Federation for Persons with Hearing
Disabilities for the past three years in order to
Video conferencing system major
step in improving life for deaf
pharmacy losses
Labor and Social Security Minister
increase the standard of living for the deaf and “Not enough is done in Turkey to develop sign lan-

Ömer Dinçer announced yesterday
the hard of hearing. guage and there aren’t enough translators; more
that according to an agreement the minis-
Speaking with the Anatolia news agency, Er- needs to be done. There must be someone who un-
try signed with representatives of medicine
cüment Tanrverdi said because both his mother derstands sign language in every institution, be it a
companies, these companies must compen-
and father are deaf, he began his childhood “in a hospital or another place. As a federation, we want
sate pharmacies’ nancial losses -- which are
silent world.” Although he himself can hear just for there to be sign language translators at every
estimated to be TL 800 million -- caused by
ne, because his parents don’t communicate orally public institution,” Tanrverdi said. The federation
the lowering of medicine prices that result-
Tanrverdi rst learned to communicate through president explained that they were working with
ed in harsh criticism from pharmacists and
sign language. “First, my mother took me to the ta- public institutions to improve the life of people with
which led them to close their pharmacies to-
ble and, pointing at the bread, showed me the sign hearing disabilities, noting the creation of a video
day to protest the decision.
for bread. In this manner she showed me the signs conferencing system in collaboration with Türk
“We have signed an agreement. They
for everything else I needed to know and thus my Telekom as a major step. This will change the lives
[the medicine companies] promised to pay
family taught me sign language,” he said. of those with hearing disabilities, he said.
the cost incurred due to the price changes.
Eventually, however, they had to face the fact One of the most important difculties facing the
Every loss related the price change of medi-
that Tanrverdi was not deaf and would need to deaf is being able to use emergency services and the
cines will be compensated,” noted Dinçer
communicate with others in the world, he ex- Born to two deaf parents but with no hearing difficulties of his own, Ercüment Tanrverdi’s skills in both spoken Turk- video conferencing system is an important step in
during a press conference yesterday. He
plained. As a solution, one of his cousins came ish and Turkish Sign Language have made him a leader in the push for better lives for the deaf and hard of hearing. this regard. “Our citizens with hearing disabilities
also added that if the medicine companies
to live with him and in this way he learned spo- will be able to benet from a 24-hour translation ser-
would not pay for the losses, the govern-
ken Turkish as well. While they lived in stanbul, language and spoken Turkish, he was elected the Municipality’s Center for People with Disabili- vice. Through these interpreters they will be able to
ment would take the necessary steps, say-
Tanrverdi’s parents were both members of as- president of the Turkish Federation for Persons ties. Tanrverdi is married to a deaf woman he reach and communicate with ambulance, reghting,
ing: “I hope pharmacies will not take their
sociations for the deaf and he always went along with Hearing Disabilities. Tanrverdi has served met 11 years ago at a deaf community event and police, gendarmerie and other emergency services,
frustration with this agreement out on citi-
with them to meetings and other events. After in the post for three years now, while also work- the couple have a daughter who can hear. “Our which is a critical step in providing essential life ser-
zens. If they do, we will abolish the agree-
some time, because of his ability in both sign ing as a manager at the stanbul Metropolitan daughter is 8 years old. She uses sign language vices,” he said. stanbul Today’s Zaman with wires
ment.” The minister stated that the new
price list regulations will be approved dur-
ing the council of ministers meeting on Fri-
day and will be implemented in 2010.
With the new price regulations resulting
in the decrease in medicine prices, medicines
will be offered for lower prices. In Turkey,
where the state is the only authority that sets

Unemployment s bggest medicine prices, a reference price is deter-

mined in comparison to medicine prices in
European Union countries. Before the new
price regulations, the prices in Turkey were

problem of dsabled 80 percent of this reference price. With the

new regulations, medicine prices will be 60
percent of the reference price. The minister
yesterday underlined that for some medi-


contnued from page 1
cines the percentage may be 66 percent if it
Kaçar reminded listeners of the Dis- seems necessary. The new regulations will be
ability Act, which was passed in July valid for approximately 3,000 different kinds
2005 to solve employment problems that of medicine in 2010. The minister also em-
disabled people face along with a number of phasized that the ministry will check market
other issues. But he said the law has not been prices every three months, and if medicine
put into practice in all sectors. expenditures exceed global budget goals, the
The Labor Law and the Regulation on the ministry has the authority to adopt further
Employment of Disabled People states that em- decreases in medicine prices.
ployers in the private sector employing more than It is believed that the new price regulations
50 employees in their workplace must ensure that will be instrumental in helping the state save

at least 3 percent of their employees are disabled. TL 3.3 billion each year; however, pharmacists
This gure is 4 percent for public institutions. If claim that TL 800 million of this will be taken
they do not meet this quota, they have to pay a from them and demand that medicine compa-
ne of TL 1,519 per month, which is collected in nies subsidize the pharmacies’ losses, which
a levy fund and used for projects focusing on vo- has yet to be accepted by the medicine compa-
cational training, rehabilitation and employment nies. The medicine sector in Turkey has grown
for disabled people. In order to encourage com- by 40 percent in the last two years despite the
panies to hire more disabled people, the Treasury ongoing global nancial crisis.
also pays half of the insurance premiums for every The deputy president of the Association
disabled person hired in addition to the manda- of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Compa-
tory number. However, despite all these incen- nies (AFD), Engin Güneri, stated that the
tives, employers are still reluctant to hire disabled price cut will result in nancial losses for
workers. The total amount in the levy fund was pharmacies, adding that the regulations will
TL 4.8 million according to 2005 gures. affect the prices of approximately 3,000 medi-
Lawyer Meysun Güler Eryldr, who heads cines .“Under the new regulations there may
the commission on the disabled at the Bursa be some issues related to offering different
Bar Association, also stated that laws should be types of medicines to patients, which will cre-
implemented as soon as possible to solve the ate lots of problems for people who urgently
problems of the disabled. need medical treatment,” claimed Güneri.
“Problems of the disabled are not solved Statistics show that one of the biggest problems facing Turks with disabilities is unemployment, with the labor participation of this segment of society Furthermore, the Social Security Institu-
merely by having appropriate laws [on the hovering around 22 percent compared to a general labor participation rate of 50 percent. tion (SGK) has announced in a written state-
books]. These laws should be implemented. ment on Tuesday that the institution will
And people at workplaces from the top to the remembered only on Dec. 3.” disabled people face many difculties. Among abled came yesterday from Parliament Speaker “reconsider” contracts with pharmacies that
bottom should know about the rights of the The International Day of Persons with those, he said, was the difculty to obtain pros- Mehmet Ali ahin. He said Turkey has made will participate in the one-day closure on Fri-
disabled,” Eryldr said. Disabilities was marked in various provinces theses and necessary aids to make their lives some progress in improving the quality of life for day to protest the recent decision. “We will
In Bursa, disabled people held a demon- in Turkey. In Antalya, there were celebrations easier because of the new social security law. the disabled but that there is still work to do. “We reconsider our contracts with pharmacists
stration in their wheelchairs to attract atten- in the town square. “The duties and responsibilities of the state will make more progress in that regard as we will and civil society organizations that prevent
tion to their problems. Mehmet Karavural, head of the Associa- are on the shoulders of the families now,” he said. take more measures to improve the rights of the citizens from accessing medicines by closing
One of their signs read “We don’t want to be tion of the Disabled in Turkey, expressed that Meanwhile, a supportive note for the dis- disabled,” he said. stanbul Today’s Zaman with wires their doors on Friday. We thank pharma-
cists who will continue to offer medicine and
serve citizens on Dec. 4 as they have been
doing for years,” says the statement. Talks
with representatives of pharmacies and La-
bor and Social Security Minister Dinçer have

Three Turkish newspapers suspend membership in int’l press body been going on in order to nd a resolution
for 3,000 of the numerous pharmacies ex-
pected to go bankrupt due to the new price
Three Turkish newspapers have suspended selling daily Hürriyet newspaper and CNN Turkey, apart from the Doan Group, while preparing an approach to the AK Party government. The govern- regulations after the price cuts.
their membership in international media or- with a massive new tax ne of 1.7 billion euros in overview of the status of media freedom in Tur- ment, however, denies the claims, saying it is not a
ganization the World Association of Newspapers a September for allegedly evading taxes, charges key. It is worrisome that the committee reviewing party to the tax ne controversy. Akda: Pharmacy boycott
nd News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) in protest of the which experts say are groundless. In February, the the status of Turkish media is evidently unaware of The statement also expressed the signatory jour- will not affect medicine supply
organization’s report on press freedom in Turkey. group had already been ned 345 million euros on what is actually a threat to the freedom of the me- nalists’ expectation that WAN-IFRA will conduct more Health Minister Recep Akda yesterday ex-
The Sabah, Zaman and Star newspapers an- similar grounds. Tensions with the prime minister, dia in Turkey,” read the statement, signed by Bülent thorough research and consult all parties before issu- pressed his belief that the closure of some 24,000
nounced yesterday that they were freezing their mem- Recep Tayyip Erdoan, reached a new level in 2008, Kene on behalf of the Zaman Media Group, Suna ing a statement. “Equating a tax evasion case [which is pharmacies on Dec. 4 to protest the reduced
bership in the international body, accusing WAN-IF- when the Doan media began to cover a German Vidinli for the Sabah Group and Ergun Babahan on under judicial review -- with the accused party seeking medicine prices will not disrupt the medicine
RA of being one-sided in a report on freedom of the criminal investigation into a Turkish Islamic charity behalf of the Star Group. settlement] with media freedom is an oversimplica- supply and will not lead to any major problems
press and consulting only with members of Turkey’s linked to the government,” read the report. In early September, the Doan Media Group tion of the matter. We hereby request our statement of for citizens. People will be able to nd medicine,
Doan Media Group when drafting the report. These On Tuesday, heads of the Sabah, Zaman and -- Turkey’s largest media company -- was slapped dissent to be published at the end of the WAN state- adding that he thinks some responsible phar-
three newspapers also say their objections to the part Star groups released a statement at the World with a ne of TL 4.8 billion, the highest ever im- ment concerning Turkey,” added the statement. macists will not participate in the protest.
of the WAN-IFRA report on press freedom in Turkey Newspaper Congress in Hyderabad, India, criticiz- posed on a Turkish company, for tax evasion during The WAN-IFRA report made its way into “Our citizens will continue to buy medi-
were ignored by the report writers. ing the report for being biased. The three news- a time period covering 2005, 2006 and 2007. Inspec- Doan newspapers on Tuesday. The Hürriyet cine. The social security system in Turkey is a
The report, titled “Press Freedom World Re- papers expressed profound disappointment in the tors said the ne was imposed due to their ndings daily alleged that Turkey had been placed on a well-established system. The Labor and So-
view - June-December 2009,” harshly criticized the WAN-IFRA statement concerning Turkey. that Doan companies had concealed prots from “warning list” along with China, Russia, Cuba, cial Security Ministry and the SGK have been
Justice and Development Party (AK Party), accusing “We had expected a more objective and un- share transfers among partner companies and had Pakistan and Yemen. The daily also reported that working on the problem. I do not think any
the party of working to undermine freedom of the biased position by such internationally acclaimed avoided paying corporate tax and value-added tax the tax ne against Doan Yayn was politically serious problem will occur,” stated Akda in
press in Turkey. “In Turkey, the government con- platforms as WAN and the [World Editors’ Forum] (KDV) on the revenue from the transfers. Since motivated and was aimed at “silencing” Doan. the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, where
tinued its campaign against the in uential Doan WEF. We nd it misleading on the part of WAN and then, Doan newspapers have claimed that the ne None of those statements, however, were includ- he paid a visit after the invitation of his Uz-
Group, which owns, among other media, the top- the WEF not to consult Turkish members of WAN, was “political,” resulting from the holding’s critical ed in the WAN-IFRA report. stanbul Today’s Zaman bek counterpart. stanbul Today’s Zaman

Ergün: Investment assistance office to be established in Jordan Natural gas imports

Minister of Industry and Trade Nihat Ergün economic development must have the private sec- “The ofce will employ people who know Turkish as open as possible to increase competition and
total 28.78 bln cubic
revealed yesterday that an ofce to assist Tur-
kish investors in Jordan will be established, comp-
tor as its base, adding: “A country cannot become
rich through the building of factories by the govern-
and can help Turkish investors in any way possib-
le. The Jordanian Investment Promotion Agency
thus welfare. Ergün pointed to the example of
the automobile sector: “In the ’80s we were clo-
meters in 10 months
lementing the free trade agreement signed betwe- ment. Wealth can only come about through entrep- has given orders to start the establishment of this sed to the outside world and produced tin can Turkey has imported 28.78 billion cubic meters
en the two countries on Tuesday. reneurship.” Speaking about the difculties that ofce and is working to shorten the processing pe- cars at the price of Mercedez Benz’s automobi- of natural gas in the rst 10 months of the year,
The minister, on a diplomatic mission to Jor- Turkish workers in Jordan face, Ergün highlighted riod for work permits. They’ve also accepted that les. Now we are one of the top economies in the while the country’s natural gas production stood at
dan along with President Abdullah Gül, met with that the delay in processing workers’ permits along taxes are high on real estate and have promised to world and produce at European quality levels 580.48 million cubic meters in the same period.
Jordanian Minister of Industry and Trade Amer with high taxes on real estate were creating unne- decrease these taxes,” he said. and at competitive prices.” Turkey, importing almost all its natural gas ne-
Al-Hadidi along with Ghazi Shbeikat, the minister cessary hardship for Turkish investors. Speaking on the free trade agreement bet- Ergün highlighted that his ministry will be eds, consumed 37.7 billion cubic meters of natural
of labor, to discuss the recently signed free trade To solve these problems, Ergün continued, his ween the two countries, Ergün noted that Jor- working with Parliament to make the free trade gas last year. This gure was rst estimated to be
agreement between the two countries. ministry will establish an ofce in Jordan to help dan may experience some difculties after the agreement and the lifting of visa requirements ef- some 40 billion cubic meters; however, due to price
Ergün, who spoke at the meeting, noted that Turkish investors overcome hurdles in investing. agreement, but said the two economies must be fective in 2010. stanbul Today’s Zaman with wires hikes in natural gas and the negative impact of the
global economic crisis, the estimate was reduced to
some 35 billion cubic meters.
Consumption, on the other hand, is expected
to be 31 billion cubic meters by year’s end, consi-
dering recent production and import data, meaning
Turkey will be required to pay for unused gas due to
a “purchase or pay” stipulation in agreements with

both Russia and Iran.
Turkey imported 3.16 billion cubic meters of
natural gas in January, 2.88 billion cubic meters in
February, 3.17 billion cubic meters in March, 2.57
billion cubic meters in April, 2.6 billion cubic meters
in May, 2.7 billion cubic meters in June, 3.08 billi-

on cubic meters in July, 3.08 billion cubic meters in
August, 2.86 billion cubic meters in September and
2.69 billion cubic meters in October.
On the other hand, 68.13 million cubic meters
of natural gas were produced in January and 59.10
million cubic meters in February. In March, 65.93
million cubic meters were produced, while in April
this gure was 63.06 million cubic meters. May saw
a drop, registering production of 58.10 million cubic
meters of natural gas. This trend continued in June
(57.01 million cubic meters), July (53.75 million cu-
bic meters), August (51.21 million cubic meters) and
September (48.34 million cubic meters). October
marked a turnaround and saw 55.86 million cubic
meters produced in the month. stanbul Today’s Zaman

New law to put an

end to unlicensed
Minister of Public Works and Settlement
Mustafa Demir stressed that a new law ma-
king the rounds in parliament would eliminate
the notion of allowing unlicensed constructions.
The new law, which is currently being drafted
by the Public Works, Transportation, and Tou-
rism Comissions, would “bring a completely new
zoning system” that would bring together vari-
The Donbass Arena stadium, located in Ukraine, and constructed by Turkey’s ENKA, was inaugurated in August 2009. The stadium, with a capacity of 50,000, is regarded as one of the best in Europe. ous ministries to put forward sanctions and pu-
nishments on allowing unlicensed construction
by municipalities.
Demir spoke in parliament yesterday, stating

Turkish multinationals’ investment that local governments, planning and construc-

tion licensers, groundwork and bodywork res-
ponsibilities of local administrations should be
all subject to specic responsibilities and sancti-

abroad slows due to crisis, survey shows ons, highlighting that if these do not exists, then
Turkey will have skewed urbanization, unhealthy
construction, and abuse by administrators.
He continued by stating that “We haven’t
contýnued from page 1 Top 12 Turkish multinationals billion in foreign assets. Total foreign assets of (branches, subsidiaries, etc.) in 61 countries. Of
been successful at stopping unlicensed cons-
As the main reasons behind the ear- have $15.7 bln in foreign assets these companies as a percentage of total assets these, 76 percent were located in Europe. Asia
truction in the past, because governments and
lier surge in Turkey’s outward foreign of them were about 10 percent in 2007, incre- came in second, with just under a fth. The sur-
Covering 12 largest Turkish multinationals, the administrators of public works did not take res-
direct investment, the report cited both econo- asing by a slightly lower rate than total assets vey noted that there appears to be a trend of ex-
survey revealed that these companies jointly ponsibility or put forward sanctions for allowing
mic and political factors, enumerating the do- between 2006 and 2007. pansion towards Africa, the Middle East, Aust-
held just over $15.7 billion in foreign assets in these constructions to continue. Municipalities
mestic economic crisis of the early 2000s, rising The largest 12 Turkish multinational enterp- ralia and Latin America. Koç Holding ranked
2007, a gure 32 percent higher than in 2006. will not do anything about unlicensed buildings
labor costs and the developing private sector rises covered by the survey employed 72,334 rst on the list of companies with most foreign
The report showed that Turkish multinati- or constructions unless they will also be punis-
chasing prots, along with the emergence of workers abroad in 2007, increasing by 37 per- afliates with 55 foreign afliates in 28 countries,
onals lagged behind their counterparts in many hed for it…People outside of Turkey do not un-
independent Turkic republics in Central Asia cent compared to 2006, a rate more than twice followed by ENKA with 42 foreign afliates in
emerging markets, with only ENKA naat ve derstand what we mean when we say ‘unlicensed
after the collapse of the USSR. Turkey’s foreign of the growth rate of total employment of these nine countries. Sabanc Holding came in third
Sanayi A.., Turkcell letiim Hizmetleri A.. buildings.’ It doesn’t make sense to them. We are
direct investment increased from $1 billion in companies in the same period. This gure is 27 with 33 foreign afliates in seven countries.
and Çalk Holding having over $2 billion in fore- now a developed country and we will put an end
1990 to $12.2 billion in 2007, taking Turkey to percent of total employment of the companies. The survey revealed that most of the outward
ign assets in 2007. According to the report, ran- to unlicensed construction in rural and urban are-
72nd place among all outward-investing co- The leading company on the list of 12, ENKA, investment from Turkey by 2007 had been made
king the multinational enterprises on the basis as with this new law.” stanbul Today’s Zaman with wires
untries in 2007, the report showed. became the rst on the list of foreign emp- by publicly traded companies. There are only
However, this uptrend has been interrupted of their foreign assets, ENKA, which operated in loyment, with a signicant number of 33,676 two companies that are not publicly listed, Çalk
with the eruption of recent global nancial crisis, the infrastructure sector, ranked rst with $3.9 workers. Çalk Holding, the second on the list, Holding and state-controlled Turkish Petroleum
billion in foreign assets, accounting for appro-
the report asserts, explaining: “The current global
economic contraction has had a severe negative ximately 25 percent of the total foreign assets of
employed 9,134 workers abroad in 2007.
The 12 multinationals had just over $11.9
Corporation (TPAO), in the list of the survey.
Among the 10 multinational companies on the
Commission to meet
impact on Turkey’s outward investment, as can
be seen from provisional September 2009 data
the selected 12 multinational companies. Turk-
cell came in second on the rankings with just
billion in foreign sales, representing a 37 percent
rise over 2006. Foreign sales accounted for 13
list that are also listed on the stanbul Stock Exc-
hange (MKB), Turkcell is also listed on the New
to determine 2010
from the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.
Turkish out ows in the rst nine months of 2009
over $2.3 billion in foreign assets, accounting for
another 15 percent of total foreign assets of the
percent of total sales of these companies in 2007,
growing by a slightly higher rate than total sales.
York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Anadolu Endüst-
ri Holding A.. on the London Stock Exchange
minimum wage
fell by 62 percent from the rst nine months of largest multinational enterprises and followed According to the report, the Turkish mul- and Eczacba Group on the Frankfurt and Düs- The Minimum Wage Determination Com-
2008, to $853 million from $2.26 million.” by Çalk Holding with just a little more than $2 tinational companies had 248 foreign afliates seldorf Stock Exchange. stanbul Today’s Zaman mission will meet next week to set the mini-
mum wage for the new year.
The meeting, which will take place at the Mi-
nistry of Labor and Social Security next Thursday,
represents the rst of several meetings to determi-
ne the minimum wage for 2010, according to an
Anatolian news agency reporter. The commission
consists of 15 representatives, made up of ve labor

Global motor vehicle production drops by 22.9 percent representatives from the Confederation of Turkish
Labor Unions (Türk-), ve employer representa-
tives from the Turkish Confederation of Employers’
Global motor vehicle production decreased the rst nine months of 2009. untries -- Brazil, Russia, India and China. According ludes Serbia, Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, Unions (TSK) and ve government representatives.
by 22.9 percent in the rst nine months of The statement noted that automobile produc- to the statement, Brazil’s motor vehicle production suffered the most from the economic crisis, The minimum wage will be determined by a
this year compared to the same period in 2008, tion decreased by 19.5 percent for a total of 32.5 dropped by 11.4 percent, with a staggering 63.5 per- shrinking by 55.7 percent to 1.2 million units. majority vote in the commission, taking into acco-
re ecting the hit the automotive sector took du- million units produced thus far. Light commercial cent decrease in Russia. India and China were the According to the statement, the effect of the unt the social and economic status of the nation, the
ring the global economic crisis. vehicle production shrank to 7.1 million units, a stars during this period, as their production grew by economic crisis was most felt in the rst quarter of cost of living index and the general status of those
A statement released yesterday by the Auto- decrease of 33.8 percent compared to 2008. Heavy 1.4 percent and 22.0 percent, respectively. 2009, with a decrease in production of 36.2 percent currently living on the minimum wage.
motive Manufacturers Association (OSD) based truck production and bus production dropped by The 27 nations making up the EU experi- compared to the same quarter last year. In the se- Last year, when setting the minimum wage
on data obtained from the International Organi- 29.2 percent and 23.3 percent, respectively. enced a decrease of 25.6 percent, whereas the cond quarter of 2009, a 24.7 percent decrease was for 2009, the parties involved in the commission
zation of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) The statement also mentioned regional variations North American Free Trade Agreement (NAF- experienced. Third-quarter results revealed that could not come to an agreement, resulting in only
reviewed global and regional production gures in motor vehicle production, highlighting the succes- TA) region’s production shrank by 41.6 percent. the shrinking of production was slowing down employers and the government bargaining for the
for passenger and commercial automobiles in ses and disappointing performances in the BRIC co- Other European nations, a category which inc- with a decrease of 5.4 percent. stanbul Today’s Zaman 2009 minimum wage. stanbul Today’s Zaman with wires
08 TODAY’S ZAMAN F R I D AY, D E C E M B E R 4 , 2 0 0 9

Sanset reaches 10 percent market share in one year Fitch upgrades

Turkey’s sovereign
BRAHM TÜRKMEN ÝSTANBUL tomers are accustomed to. The investments lost no its marketing team this year and focused on one-to- is by far the largest player in the market, with a 50
steam in 2009, when Sanset spent another $15 million one communication with market channels while cre- percent share. It is followed by Nestle, Eti and Sanset. rating two
Sanset Gda, a subsidiary of Toksöz Holding to establish its own distribution channels and improve ating large distributors in 10 provinces. The company Originally involved in the pharmaceuticals busi-
operating in the food and beverage sector,
has increased its market share from virtually noth-
product quality through research and development.
Toksöz Holding General Manager Ahmet Tok-
started delivering its products with its own trucks
instead of using the infrastructure of current distribu-
ness, Toksöz Holding decided to venture into the food
and beverage industry with a surprise move by pur-
notches to ‘BB+’
ing to 10 percent in one year thanks to efcient söz shared his assessments about the recent perfor- tors. “The newly formed logistics channel only deliv- chasing several traditional brand names of the choco- International credit rating agency Fitch Ratings has
marketing teams and the vision of establishing its mance of Sanset and its targets and expectations for ers our products, and this has substantially boosted late market. Toksöz says Sanset approaches chocolate upgraded Turkey’s long-term foreign currency Is-
own distribution channels. the coming year at a press conference held in stanbul the availability of Sanset’s chocolates in the market,” manufacturing with the accurate and highly sensitive suer Default Rating (IDR) to “BB+” from “BB-”; the
Sanset bought the renowned chocolate brands on Thursday. Toksöz said the company had halted Toksöz said, noting that this was the primary cause production techniques necessary for pharmaceutical long-term local currency IDR to “BB+” from “BB”; and
Tadelle, Sarelle and Sagra from the Savings Deposit production for one year after purchasing the brands for the company’s success in reaching a 10 percent production. He also said that all items used in the pro- its country ceiling to “BBB-” from “BB.” It has also reaf-
Insurance Fund (TMSF) in 2007 and invested over $10 in 2007 in order to rst create the “perfect products” market share in just one year. Toksöz said the rm duction of Sanset’s chocolates are carefully selected rmed Turkey’s short-term foreign currency IDR at “B.”
million to improve the production processes and in- without laying off any workers. “To promote our will continue its strategy of strengthening its own from high quality and totally natural materials, adding The company announced the upgrade decision in a
crease efciency during the next year. The company product, we conducted an intensive advertising and marketing and distribution channels in the coming that no genetically modied organisms (GMOs) are statement on Thursday. “The upgrade re ects Turkey’s
replaced all the ingredients with completely natural marketing campaign in 2009,” he said. year and added that new staff recruitment is right utilized. Chocolate makers usually use lecithin from relative resilience to the severe stress test of the global
products while preserving the avor and taste cus- Sanset recruited 200 university graduates to join around the corner. According to recent surveys, Ülker genetically modied soybeans, Toksöz said. nancial crisis and some easing in prior acute constraints
related to in ation, external nances and political risk,”
the statement quoted Edward Parker, the head of
emerging Europe in Fitch’s Sovereigns team, as saying.
In its comments, the company statement applauded

Airbus: Turkey Turkey’s relative resilience to the global nancial crisis

on the grounds that the credit fundamentals and debt

tolerance of the country has been stronger than previ-

needs 277 new ously thought. Although the global crisis triggered a se-
rious recession in the Turkish economy, Fitch argued, it

has not caused a balance of payments or nancial crisis.
planes by 2028 “In contrast to previous shocks, Turkey has been able to
implement counter-cyclical scal and monetary policies
Turkey’s domestic ight trafc has without sparking an exchange rate crisis, and interest
increased threefold since 2003, and rates have fallen to single digits for the rst time in its
the country will need 277 more planes modern history,” the statement admitted.
by 2028 to meet the skyrocketing de- In addition, Fitch’s statement read, the govern-
mand for domestic ights, Airbus repre- ment’s ability to borrow from the domestic debt market
sentatives have revealed. at record low yields as well as issue $3.75 billion in euro-
Speaking at a press conference at bonds this year were also noteworthy. Defying all odds,
the Ritz Carlton stanbul, Airbus Direc- Turkey also stayed away from an International Monetary
tor of Market Analysis Andrew Gordon Fund (IMF) bailout, it did not need to support its bank-
and Executive Vice President of Sales to ing industry and there has been no signicant pick-up in
Europe, CIS and Latin America Christo- dollarization or capital ight, Fitch asserted.
pher Buckley revealed their company’s
predictions for the growth of Turkey’s Fitch sees positive outlook
air trafc. Fitch forecasts Turkey’s gross domestic product (GDP)
Gordon highlighted that Turkey’s air will contract by 6 percent in 2009 and then rally to a
trafc had more than doubled since 2000, growth of 4 percent in 2010. Moreover, it believes the
a growth of 115 percent. He continued by recession has enabled the country to attain a better mac-
saying that by their predictions Turkey roeconomic balance. “Turkey’s history of relatively high
will again double its air trafc by 2028. and volatile in ation has been a source of macroeco-
As for air trafc from domestic ights, Top management at the Mitsubishi Group is open to PSA Peugeot Citroen’s taking a more than 50 percent stake in Mitsubishi Motors Corp, if conditions are right. nomic instability and a rating weakness. But in ation has
Gordon revealed that “Turkey has tripled fallen to a modern low of 5.1 percent, from an average
its domestic air trafc since 2003. Turkey of 10.4 percent in 2008 and the oating exchange rate
is one of the fastest growing nations in and in ation-targeting regime has performed well dur-
terms of their growth in domestic ights,
and we expect that in the next 20 years,
domestic ight trafc will grow on aver-
Peugeot and Mtsubsh ing the crisis. The exchange rate has adjusted to a more
competitive level and Fitch forecasts the current account
decit [CAD] to narrow to 2.1 percent of GDP in 2009,
age 10 percent per year.”
He added that they predict that Tur-
key will need 277 new planes -- worth
$28.3 billion -- to meet the increasing de-
Motors seek deeper tes
French carmaker PSA Peugeot an industrial viewpoint and it would allow among the only players to have a car on sale.
from 5.7 percent in 2008,” the statement noted.
As another factor in uencing Fitch’s decision to
upgrade the rating, the resilience of the banking sector
against the global shocks, was also taken into account.
mand from tourism and to replace aging Debt tolerance and sovereign ratings are also supported
Citroen could buy a large stake in Peugeot to solve its problems of size, but it “For Mitsubishi Motors, Peugeot would be
planes with efcient and environmen- by high GDP per capita (which is above the “BBB” range
tally friendly planes. Gordon added that Japanese peer Mitsubishi Motors would come a bit early in the business cycle. the ideal partner,” said Okasan Securities auto
Corp as part of a plan to deepen ties to ride Mitsubishi remained expensive with an analyst Yasuaki Iwamoto. “It would be tough median), high levels of human and physical capital, a
in order to relieve stress on and to sup-
out the industry’s worst ever slump. enterprise value to sales ratio of 0.64 against for Mitsubishi to shoulder R&D costs for envi- favorable business climate and governance, deep local
port growing airports, bigger planes will
Mitsubishi Motors shares closed 13.4 per- 0.2 at Peugeot, he said. ronmental technologies on its own and, if you capital markets and a good modern debt service record.
be needed. Increasing fuel costs and en-
cent higher on Thursday after the Nikkei busi- Peugeot’s interest in Mitsubishi Motors, look at the global auto industry, there is a lim- Despite all these good indicators, the public nances
vironmental impact are also causing air-
ness daily reported Peugeot, Europe’s second- ranked seventh of Japan’s eight carmakers by ited pool of partners to choose from.” of the country were not so good, Fitch argued. For in-
lines to purchase more fuel efcient and
biggest carmaker, may take a 30-50 percent January-October production, is in line with the Both Peugeot and Mitsubishi have so stance, Fitch forecasts the central government budget
minimum environmental impact planes.
stake for up to 300 billion yen ($3.4 billion). recent push by new chief executive Philippe far attempted to compete with bigger rivals decit (on IMF denitions) will widen to 7.6 percent of
Gordon added, “One of the main
Peugeot shares were up 0.3 percent by 0955 Varin to create a more global car company. Va- through non-equity tie-ups, even as others GDP in 2009 and 5.6 percent in 2010, from 3 percent in
reasons for this increase in passen-
GMT. Both companies conrmed they were in rin, who took on the role in June, has said this sought deeper alliances to weather the slump 2008. Additionally the European Union-dened gen-
gers traveling through Turkey is its
talks to strengthen their existing relationship, could be achieved by various means, including brought on by the global downturn. eral government debt will likely increase to a peak of 48
ideal geological location for travel-
which would create a leader in electric vehicles, alliances with other carmakers. For Mitsubishi Motors, the deeper talks with percent of GDP at end-2010, from 39.5 percent at end-
ing between the West and the East.”
with Mitsubishi saying a capital tie-up was pos- Peugeot, ranked eighth in the world by Peugeot mark a reversal of its attempt to stick it 2008, compared with the 10-year “BB” range median of
Buckley also revealed that Airbus had
sible. A Peugeot spokesman declined to com- sales volume last year, will face increased com- out on its own with the backing of the powerful 41 percent. According to Fitch, this situation will entail
delivered a total of 399 planes in the
ment on how long talks could last. petitive pressure from domestic rival Renault Mitsubishi group, since dissolving its equity ties a scal nancing requirement of around 19 percent of
rst 10 months of 2009 and hoped to
deliver 490 by the end of the year. As The Nikkei said top management at Mitsubi- SA which is looking to beef up its synergies with the former DaimlerChrysler group in 2005. GDP in 2010, partly re ecting the relatively short aver-
for their backlog orders, Buckly stated, shi were ready to accept a majority acquisition of with 10-year equity partner Nissan Motor Co. The maker of the Pajero sport utility vehicle had age maturity of domestic debt.
“We have 6,000 orders in our backlog, the company by Peugeot if conditions were right. That Franco-Japanese alliance is looking been counting on strong growth in Russia and Another anomaly affecting Turkey’s rating, for Fitch,
and we hope to make deliveries on CM-CIC analyst Guillaume Angue said to lead the industry in the unproven electric China to lead a recovery, but the Russian mar- was a gross external nancing requirement, which in-
these orders within six to seven years.” in a note the alliance would make sense from car segment, where Mitsubishi Motors is ket collapsed this year. Tokyo Reuters cludes the CAD and the amortization for medium and
stanbul Today’s Zaman with wires long term debts. This requirement, according to Fitch’s
calculations, amounts to $66 billion in 2010 (plus $48
billion short-term), compared with foreign exchange re-
serves of $75.4 billion. For 2009, on the other hand, the
risks of external nancing have eased considerably, the
statement asserted. stanbul Today’s Zaman

Daily Monthly Yearly YTD MCAP 1-Y Country Change Level

Close Change (%) Change (%) Change (%) Change (%) (million TL) Av.Volum (%)
İMKB-100 47.898 3,9% 5,6% 96,1% 78,3% 268.208 1.557 Hang Seng H.Kong 0,80 22.289,6 66.33
İMKB-30 60.758 4,1% 5,8% 94,1% 73,6% 219.519 1.174 Nikkei 225 Japan 0,38 9.608,9 52.97
İMKB-IND 35.005 2,4% 4,1% 90,3% 77,0% 72.475 494 Cac 40 France 0,74 3.803,6 47.03
İMKB-BANK 107.204 5,4% 7,4% 117,0% 91,5% 125.362 714 DAX Germany 0,40 5.799,8
DJIMT 10,30 3,0% 4,9% 54,7% 45,1% - 0,44 FTSE 100 UK 0,48 5.337,9 26,2
Dow USA 0,41 10.440,0 8,5 9.6
TurkDEX NASDAQ USA 1,00 1.805,6
US$/JP¥ S&P USA 0,45 1.113,8 Native Foreign Native Foreign
60,850 4,15%
EU€/JP¥ 1,505 -0,50% BOVESPA Brasil 0,95 69.056,5 Number of Shares M.cap Number of Shares M.cap
No data ex Daily Monthly Yearly
Ticker Price (TL) Daily Change (%) Ticker Price Daily Change (%) Ticker Volumes Price (TL) Yearly Change (%)
Close Change (%) Change (%) Change (%) US$/JP¥ 87,25
VAKBN 3,50 6,71% GRUND 0,52 -7,14% GARAN 113,4 5,5 114,12
TL / € 2,251 -0,5% EU/JP¥ 131,59
DGZTE 3,34 4,37% MERKO 1,28 -3,76% ISCTR 110,3 5,5 50,94 TL / $ 1,491 -0,7% EU/US$ 1,5079
HURGZ 1,79 4,07% ECZYT 4,46 -2,19% KOZAA 58,0 5,0 472,73
ANHYT 3,76 3,87% CIMSA 6,80 -2,16% VAKBN 47,1 3,5 199,15
SISE 1,62 3,85% GLYHO 0,71 -1,39% AKBNK 38,7 8,5 82,38 Price ($) Way Change (%) High Low
Light C. Oil 78,97 -0,5% 79,67 78,69
Gold 1211,50 1,5% 1211,50 1211,50
Copper 324,40 1,0% 324,70 319,20
Mcap TL -- -- -- 6.809,1 4.668 1.307 97 738 P/E: Share price divided by earnings per share is a measure of the price paid for a share relative to the
P/E 2006/12 income or profit earned by the firm per share.
P/E 2007/06t 14,4x 13,6x 11,5x 247,9x 64,9x -96,7x 15,3x -19,8x EV/EBITDA: Enterprise value divided by earnings before interest, tax and amortization; “t” stands for
P/E 2007/09t 10,3x 9,8x 8,7x 307,0x 57,9x -550,7x 6,0x -10,2x trailer and means the data over the last four quarters.
(*) Yesterday's closing(**) Updated at 6 p.m. by GMT+2
EV/EBITDA 2006/12* 9,8x 9,5x 8,7x 335,3x 51,5x -209,8x 5,0x -8,9x
Disclaimer: The information in this report has been prepared by BMD, Bizim Securities from sources believed
EV/EBITDA 2007/03t* 6,3x 5,0x 7,7x 29,8x 42,9x 16,3x 6,1x 40,4x
to be reliable. All the information, interpretations and recommendations covered herein relating to
EV/EBITDA 2007/06t* 7,0x 5,6x 7,7x 31,3x 40,0x 19,6x 5,6x 72,6x investment actions are not within the scope of investment consultancy. Therefore investment decisions
6,7x 5,4x 7,7x 28,6x 37,9x 20,2x 4,9x 34,7x based only on the information covered herein may not bring expected results.

Winter fashion for men at Reebok Winter is here and it’s now time for care

The new EX-O-FIT PLUS model Reebok, designed for men, Flormar’s cosmetics allow you to treat your skin while using makeup.
will be a popular item this winter season. Reebok’s EX-O-FIT Flormar Pretty Powder gives your skin a natural matte look with its
PLUS, which features an ankle strap, is available in white, non-greasy formula. Price: TL 6.50. Flormar Pata cream is so light you
black and brown. The new model is bound to be a popular can barely feel it. Its cover-up effect will leave you skin feeling flaw-
choice for men that like to look sharp and sporty. EX-O-FIT less and natural. Recommended for oily skin but is appropriate for all
PLUS can be found at Reebok stores for TL 158. skin types. It can be used wet or dry. Price TL 11.50

Noviderm’s miracle
cream for dry hands


Créme Mains Moisturizing
Hand Cream moisturizes and
repairs hands that have been

irritated by the frequent use of
antibacterial soap. It also re-
lieves hands that have been
subject to cold and dry weat-

her conditions. Créme Ma-
ins Moisturizing Hand Cre-
am repairs the layers of skin
that have been damaged and

provides an intense moisturi-
zing effect. The te on lm in

the formula protects the skin
against all external effects, its
avocado oil relieves dryness
and tension and relaxes the
skin and the glycerin ingredient provides lasting moistu-
re. Not only does Noviderm Créme Mains Moisturizing
Hand Cream heal tension, cracks and redness, it also mo-
isturizes hands without making them greasy. Noviderm
Créme Mains Moisturizing Hand Cream (40 ml) TL 20. Arda ler is the only craftsman
who is known throughout
the Grand Bazaar for
embroidering red gold

GÜLZAR BAK ÝSTANBUL Turkey’s jewelry market, is a unique piece made with red
gold and rubies. Because ler creates customized jewelry,
Despite his young age, Arda ler is a trades- he only ever makes one of each piece and refuses to repli-
Don’t let your lips chap! man who conducts his job with skill. ler cre- cate any of his work. Although ler does not have a physi-
ates personalized jewelry. All a jewelry ent- cal shop in the Grand Bazaar, he is known to the shop-
The cold and arid weather of the winter months can cause dry
husiast has to do is explain the necklace, earring or keepers and customers, who can nd him through word
lips, making them a defenseless target of the effects of harsh
ring of their dreams to ler and voila! It will be done. of mouth. Jewelry lovers may visit him at his workshop,
weather. But you can have awless and healthy lips with ef-
ler will rst sketch the piece of jewelry desired by his and his hardcore fans simply invite him to their own home.
fective regular treatment. Blistex, a leading lip care brand, pro-
customer and share this drawing. If the customer appro- He generally showcases his latest creations during visits to
vides a very effective solution. Blistex Lip Relief Cream SPF
ves of what they see, he’ll lock himself into his workshop his customer’s homes. He is quite popular with well-to-do
10 -- Instant Relief to Chapped Lips is designed to provide
and put his magic hands to work. During the preparati- women who have “gold parties” (altn günleri) in Turkey,
a quick solution for chapped lips. Its formula contains camp-
on state, the customer must go in for a “tting,” as tho- as they examine his work and make purchases. Among
hor and thymol which penetrate and soothe hurting lips, re-
ugh they are having a special dress made. Depending on those who purchase his rings, which are each works of art
turning them to a more natural, supple state and help make
the type of jewelry and the features of the stones being that could be displayed in art exhibits, are wives of busi-
them look healthy and replenished. Blistex Lip Relief Cream
used, there may be a need for more than one visit. And - nessmen and ministers. He says that he has also delive-
SPF 10 -- Instant Relief to Chapped Lips: TL 6.50
nally the customer walks away with the exact type of je- red the orders of many artists to their own homes. ler,
Because ler creates customized welry they want, for much cheaper than its market value. whose designs resemble that of his jewelry designing co-
ler is the only craftsman who is known throughout unterpart Sevan Nianyan of the Grand Bazaar, is called
jewelry, he only ever makes one of the Grand Bazaar for embroidering red gold. ler emroi- “Sevan no.2” in the Grand Bazaar. ler’s family is one
ders red gold, which is also known as Ottoman gold, cre- which had made a name for it’s self in jewelry design. His
each piece and refuses to replicate ating modernized Ottoman and Byzantine jewelry. The father was one of the Grand Bazaar’s nest foundry men,
any of his work. Although “Hürremin gözyalar” (The tears of Hürrem) necklace, however he has since retired. He and his two brothers are
which allowed for ler to make a name for himself in the keeping their father’s legend alive in the Grand Bazaar.
ler does not have a physical shop
in the Grand Bazaar, he is known
to the shopkeepers and customers, Socialites’ favorite new jewelry: ebony rings
who can nd him through word The tropical ebony tree has been valued since anci- with ebony. He discovered the story of ebony while rea-
ent times. Many kings used ebony thrones and canes. ding about general history. He ordered some from abro-
of mouth. Jewelry lovers may visit Some even drank out of ebony cups, as they believed ad and rolled up his sleeves to work with the rare wood.
that it would counteract the effects of poison. Ebony, He has since become an expert in carving it. His uni-
Bella Gloria New him at his workshop, and his which is currently widely used in the making of furniture que ivory rings have become popular among stanbul’s
and instruments, is very difficult to carve. This in com- socialites. ler says that it takes him three to four
hardcore fans simply invite him to
Year collections their own home
bination with its rarity makes it a very valuable item.
Arda ler is the only jeweler in Turkey who can work
months to make one ring, saying that ebony, although
wood, attracts the same attention as ruby or red gold.
What do you say about purchasing a Bella Gloria Good
Luck necklace or a Bella Gloria diamond ring as a New
Year’s gift for the one you love? The Bella Gloria New
Year collections are available once again for those who
like Bella Gloria. The prettiest and most meaningful pre-
sent you can buy for that special person on New Year’s is
a Bella Gloria Good Luck necklace or a Belle Gloria dia-
mond ring. Fourteen karat gold good luck necklaces and
diamond rings designed at affordable prices for the New Fashion week by Galata Tower Tween women now in Turkey
Year’s can be found at Customers can
purchase 14 karat, 18 karat and diamond-studded items Next week will be Galata Fashion No doubt one of the rst labels that
from authorized shopping Web sites in installments. Week, when famous fashion desig- comes to mind when thinking of
ners will be showing their new lines on the men’s suits in Turkey is Damat Tween. But
hill next to stanbul’s Galata Tower. The if you think that Tween only produces men’s
fth edition of the event, which runs Dec. clothing, you are wrong.
Shiny hair with John 9-13, is sure to bring a festive atmosphere
as always to the Galata area.
This brand has opened Turkey’s rst mo-
nobrand men and women’s Tween clothing sto-
Frieda Collection Fashion week allows visitors to enjoy and
purchase designs by well-known designers
re in City’s, a shopping center in Nianta. And
women who might be unhappy that they will
Frizz-Ease 100% Shine Spray -- 100% at reasonable prices. Eagerly awaited, the co- only be able to purchase their Tween clothing in
Glistening Fine Spray provides instant ming fashion week has prompted Beyolu Nianta should also know that they will even-
shine and gloss to every type of hair and Mayor Ahmet Misbah Demircan to say, “Be- tually be able to buy Tween at other locations.
leaves hair frizz-free with its strong for- yolu is on the way to becoming Milano!” Speaking after the store’s opening at
mula. It is easy to use and can be car- Galata Fashion Week is organized with City’s, Orka Group CEO Süleyman Orakço- tity, and, in fact, when you purchase a piece
rol, Hakan Yldrm, Özlem Suer, Meh-
ried in a purse, allowing you to renew the cooperation of the Beyolu Municipa- lu announced that the Tween women’s collec- from the Tween collection, you can even learn
tap Elaidi, Cem Lokmanhekim and Gül
the hair’s shine any time and any whe- lity and the Fashion Designers’ Associati- tion will also eventually be sold at a variety of how many other people have it.
A as well as young designers such as
re. All you have to do is spray it on your on. There are 27 fashion designers parti- different stores in the future. Orakçolu noted The Tween 2009-2010 women’s collec-
Gamze Saraçolu, Simay Bülbül, Bihter
hair. This spray will be the next essen- cipating this year, and in addition, a new that the high demand abroad for Tween to cre- tion is simultaneously masculine, modern
Aida Pekin, Özlem Kaya, Özgür Mah-
tial item in your purse after your per- collection from the brand Twist is to be ate a women’s clothing collection is what trig- and dynamic. The feeling that denes the
sur, Müge Ersin, Rana Canok, Aye De-
fume and you will want to carry it with presented here for the first time. Visitors ged the company to create a women’s collecti- Tween collection for men can be felt in the
niz Yein, Çidem Akn, Öykü Thurston,
you everywhere you go. This product will also have the chance to sample new on last year. He noted that “the time has come women’s collection, and you can even nd
Zeynep Erdoan, Ümit Aybek, Asl Gü-
can be found at Boyner and perfu- kinds of coffee from Kahve Dünyas. for us to share our women’s clothing with fas- certain shirts and jackets that are also avai-
ler and Nazl Çetiner. Some other yo-
me chain stores such as Sevil as well Some of the more well-known fas- hion lovers in Turkey.” The Tween collecti- lable in the men’s collection but which are,
ung names being watched for the futu-
as some pharmacies. John Frieda Col- hion designers whose work will be on on for women was created with the idea that of course, designed for women. Perfect for
re include Zeynep Tosun, Özlem Ah-
lection Frizz-Ease 100% Shine Spray display and up for sale at Galata Fashi- women want unique pieces of clothing. Thus, a woman who wants to dress like her hus-
akn, Beste Gürel, Yasemin Özeri and
-- 100% Glistening Fine Spray: TL 24 on Week are Bahar Korçan, Arzu Kap- each piece for this collection has its own iden- band and be a real pair! Esra Keskin stanbul
Zekiye Koçarslan. Burcu Hilal stanbul


Japanese party
Mogadishu blast kills 14,

may leave gov’t
The leader of Japan’s tiny Social Democratic

including three ministers

Party threatened on Thursday to leave the rul-
ing coalition if her views on a US military base
were ignored, the latest sign of strains that are
complicating policy decisions. Prime Minister
Yukio Hatoyama has formed an awkward
coalition with the pacist Social Democrats,
whose support he needs to pass legislation,
It was the worst attack in the lawless Horn of Africa nation since Sept. 17,
but whose stance on Tokyo’s security alliance when hard-line al Shabaab insurgents struck the main African Union military
with Washington clashes with that of many
in his own party. Japan is under pressure
base in Mogadishu with twin suicide car bombs and killed 17 peacekeepers
from the United States to implement a plan


to shift a US Marine base from the centre of
a city on the southern island of Okinawa to a
more remote part of the island. But the Social
Democratic Party (SDP) supports the view of
local people who want it moved off the island.
SDP leader Mizuho Fukushima told party
Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin speaks
members that if the government decided to
during a question-and-answer show at a Russian
go ahead with the existing plan, “the Social state TV channel in Moscow on Thursday.

Democratic Party and I will have to make an
important decision.” Prime Minister Yukio
Hatoyama, who heads the main coalition Putin: Russia to
party, the Democratic Party of Japan, said he
would take the SDP’s views seriously. “But it take tough action
is a diplomatic negotiation, so there is another
party involved,” he told reporters. Tokyo Reuters against terrorism
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin vowed on
VOTE Thursday that the Russian government will
step up the ght against terrorism following a deadly
Hondurans say ‘no’ train bombing that killed 26 people last week. Putin
to restoring Zelaya admitted that the threat of terrorism remains “very
high” and promised that the authorities would act
The Honduran Congress ended hopes of re-
“very harshly” to root out militants.
versing a coup that has isolated one of the
“We have enough resolve and rmness for
poorest countries in the Americas, voting
that,” he said, opening a question-and-answer
against reinstating ousted President Manuel
session broadcast live by Russia’s state television
Zelaya despite intense international pressure
and radio. The bombing last Friday of the Mos-
to do so. The vote on Wednesday was part of
cow-to-St.Petersburg express train fueled fears
a US-brokered deal to end Honduras’ crisis
that Russia could face another wave of terror at-
that left it up to Congress to decide if Zelaya
tacks outside the volatile North Caucasus region
should be restored to ofce for the nal two
following years of relative calm and ofcial claims
months of his term -- and lawmakers voted
that Islamic militants had been defeated.
against the idea by a resounding 111-14 mar-
On Wednesday, hundreds of Russians protest-
gin. Zelaya, who listened to the proceedings
ed against terror in both Moscow and St. Peters-
from his refuge in the Brazilian Embassy, said
burg after Chechen rebels claimed responsibility
even before the vote that he wouldn’t return A wounded man is carried by residents after an explosion at the Hotel Shamo in Mogadishu on Thursday. The explosion tore through a gradua- for attack on the train. Putin’s televised comments
for a token two months if asked. He said he tion ceremony at the hotel and killed at least 14 people including three government ministers, witnesses and senior government sources said.
sent another strong signal that he remains the
should have been reinstated before Sunday’s
dominant force in Russian politics, overshadow-
presidential election and urged governments

A bomb tore through a graduation few minutes before the explosion.” ing his designated successor, President Dmitry
not to restore ties with the incoming adminis-
ceremony at a hotel in the Somali cap- Dubai-based Al Arabiya Television said Medvedev. Medvedev has never made a similar
tration of Porrio Lobo. “Today, the lawmak-
ital on Thursday and killed at least 14 one of its cameramen, Hasan al-Zubair, had appearance since his March 2008 election.
ers at the service of the dominant classes rati-
people including three government ministers, also been killed. Suspicion for the blast im- Putin’s marathon performance, which was simi-
ed the coup d’etat in Honduras,” Zelaya said
witnesses and senior government sources said. mediately fell on the al Shabaab group, which lar to previous call-in shows he did when he was
in a statement released after the vote. “They
It was the worst attack in the lawless Horn killed Somalia’s security minister and at least president, is being closely watched for clues to wheth-
have condemned Honduras to exist outside
of Africa nation since Sept. 17, when hard-line 30 other people in a suicide bombing at a hotel er he plans to regain presidency in Russia’s 2012 elec-
the rule of law.” The Obama administration
al Shabaab insurgents struck the main African in the central town of Baladwayne in June. tions. By law, Putin had to shift into the premier’s seat
and some Latin American governments had
Union military base in Mogadishu with twin Somali government ofcials say al in 2008 following two consecutive terms in ofce, but
urged Honduran lawmakers to reinstate Zela-

suicide car bombs and killed 17 peacekeepers. Shabaab has hundreds of foreign ghters in its since then the presidential term has been extended to
ya, who was seized and own out of the coun-
The UN-backed government of Presi- ranks, and the United States accuses the ex- six years and Putin is eligible to run again in 2012.
try on June 28, generating worldwide calls for
dent Sheikh Sharif Ahmed controls little tremist group of being al-Qaeda’s proxy in the The train bombing was the rst deadly terrorist
his reinstatement, foreign aid cuts and diplo-
more than a few streets of the coastal capital. country. Western security experts say the na- strike outside the North Caucasus since the bomb-
matic isolation. But Honduras’ interim lead-
In the days ahead of Thursday’s attack, resi- tion has become a safe haven for militants, in- ings of two airliners and a Moscow subway station
ers have proven remarkably resistant to dip-
dents said it had apparently been planning a cluding jihadists from overseas, who are using attack in 2004. Russian investigators say a bomb was
lomatic arm-twisting since the June 28 coup,
fresh offensive against the rebels. The bomb- it to plot attacks across the region and beyond. place under the train tracks and traces of explosives
rejecting near-universal demands that Zelaya
ing showed once again the insurgents’ ability Al Shabaab has threatened to strike and a crater were found at the disaster site. Top
be restored to his ofce before the previously
to strike the government at will, and it will Uganda’s capital Kampala and Burundi’s government ofcials were among those killed. “We
scheduled election. Now lawmakers have
heighten frustration in the country’s fragile capital Bujumbura because both nations have done a lot to break the spine of terrorism, but
even snubbed international demands that he
administration over delayed pledges of mili- contributed troops to the 5,200-strong AU
be allowed to serve the nal two months of the threat is still here,” Putin said. “The entire so-
tary and nancial support from donors. Graduates line up at a ceremony in Shamo peacekeeping force AMISOM. Kenyan secu-
his presidency. Tegucigalpa AP ciety, all of us must be aware of that threat.”
A Reuters reporter at the Shamo Hotel Hotel shortly before a blast ripped through the rity forces say they are on high alert on their
ceremony in Mogadishu on Thursday.
said it was packed with graduates from Bena- frontier with Somalia after al Shabaab ghters I’m here to stay
CASE dir University, their parents and ofcials when seized several small towns on the Somali side Putin also said he would not leave Russian poli-
the powerful blast tore through the ceremony. including the dean of Benadir’s medical col- of the border in recent weeks.
Fort Hood shooting “Human esh was everywhere,” he said. lege, who Gedi said had been evacuated by Fighting has killed at least 19,000 Soma-
tics any time soon, telling a questioner asking
about his departure: “Do not hold your breath.”
suspect charged Senior government sources said Health plane to neighbouring Kenya. lis since the start of 2007 and driven another Putin’s future has been the subject of specula-
An Army psychiatrist who may face the death Minister Qamar Aden Ali, Education Min- “The bomb seems to have been planted 1.5 million from their homes, triggering one of tion since Medvedev replaced him as president
penalty after the mass shooting at Fort Hood ister Ahmed Abdulahi Waayeel and Higher before the ceremony started,” Gedi told the world’s worst humanitarian emergencies. in May last year. Some analysts have predicted
Education Minister Ibrahim Hassan Addow Reuters. Another witness, medical student The anarchy has also spilled into the waters he will quickly return to the Kremlin while oth-
was charged on Wednesday with 32 counts of
all died in the blast. Sports Minister Sale- Mohamed Abdulqadir, said at least nine stu- offshore, where heavily armed Somali pirates
ers have suggested he could gradually leave
attempted premeditated murder relating to the
ban Olad Roble was injured. Ali Yasin Gedi, dents and a lecturer had also died. “A lot of have made tens of millions of dollars in ran-
scores of soldiers and two civilian police of- politics. Asked during an annual marathon
vice-chairman of Mogadishu-based Elman my friends were killed,” he told Reuters. “I soms by terrorizing strategic shipping lanes
cers injured in the attack, military ofcials said. question and answer session with the Russian
Peace and Human Rights Organization, was sitting next to a lecturer who also died. in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden, which
Maj. Nidal Hasan has already been charged people whether he was planning on taking part
said more than 40 people were wounded, He had been speaking to the gathering just a links Europe to Asia. Mogadishu Reuters/AP
with 13 counts of premeditated murder after in Russia’s next presidential election in 2012, he
the Nov. 5 shooting in a building at the Texas said “I will think about it.” Moscow AP
Army post where soldiers must go before be-
ing deployed. Army ofcials have said he was
armed with two pistols, one a semiautomatic
capable of ring up to 20 rounds without re-
loading. The additional charges come less than
24 hours after Hasan’s civilian attorney was
Britain planning on Iraq started Settlers resist Israeli building
notied that the Army plans to evaluate Hasan
to test his competency to stand trial as well
as his mental state at the time of the shoot-
after 2002 meeting, inquiry told freeze order, block inspectors
British military chiefs began planning for po- soldiers dead and triggered massive public protests. Jewish settlers pressed on Thursday with their

ing. John Galligan, Hasan’s attorney, told The

tential involvement in an American-led inva- The ve-person panel is expected to offer recom- refusal to abide by a government-ordered
Associated Press on Wednesday that Army
sion after a 2002 meeting between former President mendations by the end of next year -- but was not freeze on building in West Bank settlements, and
ofcials notied him late Wednesday that the George W. Bush and ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair, set up to apportion blame or hold anyone liable for blocked inspectors from entering one such com-
“mental responsibility” exam would take place an inquiry probing the UK’s participation in the war the con ict. Boyce said there was “absolutely no munity to enforce the edict. Leaders of the settlers
in the next 45 days. Galligan said the military heard Thursday. Admiral Lord Michael Boyce, who contingency planning” for military action in Iraq in met with Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu, who
rejected his objection to the evaluation, al- was chief of the defense staff at the time, said a small 2001, but by September 2002 -- after the Crawford was expected to try to placate them with tax breaks
though he had pointed out that Hasan remains

group of people were involved in the planning, meeting and another between Blair and Bush that and promises to mitigate the freeze. The meeting
in intensive care at a San Antonio military hos- which began after the former US president and the month at Camp David -- they were planning for comes a day after Israeli police arrested the mayor of
pital recovering from gunshot wounds that left British prime minister met in Crawford, Texas in a large-scale British contribution to the war effort. a West Bank settlement and three other activists for
him paralyzed. “I’m incensed at the way the April 2002 -- a year before parliament authorized “We were looking by now at the most large-scale defying the 10-month building freeze Netanyahu
military is handling this, serving additional involvement. “We started ramping up our think- option,” he said. Kevin Tebbit, who was permanent announced a week ago. Netanyahu said the order is
charges on my client when he’s in the hospital ing on the whole subject, of what we could provide secretary at the Ministry of Defense until 2005, told meant as a condence-building gesture to get peace
and defense attorneys are not present,” Gal- if we were asked,” he said. The inquiry is the most the inquiry that Britain would not have serious in- efforts with the Palestinians back on track. The deci-
ligan told the AP by phone from his ofce near extensive examination yet of the war, and Blair is uence on the United States until it had commit- A Palestinian woman reacts as she carries a toddler, sion has drawn re from the right- ank of Netan-
Fort Hood, about 150 miles (240 kilometers) expected to testify early next year. The US-led war ted troops. He said military chiefs hadn’t pushed for while Jewish settlers move the belongings of a Pal- yahu’s coalition and put him at odds with some key
southwest of Fort Worth. Fort Worth, Texas AP -- deeply unpopular in Britain -- left 179 British British involvement in the war. London AP estinian family from a house in East Jerusalem. supporters of his political base. Jerusalem AP
WORLD F R I D A Y, D E C E M B E R 4 , 2 0 0 9 TODAY’S ZAMAN 11

New momentum
for Afghanstan
Obama aides defend Afghan scale-up as skepticism mounts


Top US ofcials said the rst of 30,000 new US critical -- and, in my view achievable,” he said. Obama’s war
troops would arrive in Afghanistan in two to three But US commanders were keeping options open
OPINION Obama’s speech made him the architect of a new
weeks but also made clear plans to start bringing the sol- on the timing of a troop drawdown. Gates said they
phase of the Afghan war as the United States strug-
Anders Fogh Rasmussen diers home in 18 months could slip. would review progress in December 2010 and nal
gles with record federal decits, high joblessness and
One day after President Barack Obama unveiled his decisions on when to begin the withdrawal would
the ongoing economic bailout.
TODAY’S ZAMAN high-risk strategy for the Afghan troop increase, Defense depend on that assessment.
Some 40.8 million Americans watched the nationally
Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary He said Washington would not abandon Afghani-
televised prime-time speech, down about 10 million from
Today, foreign ministers from the 44 coun- Clinton faced skepticism from lawmakers of a big escala- stan if the security situation appeared untenable. “We’re
his two televised addresses in February on health reform,
tries in the NATO-led mission in Afghani- tion of the unpopular and expensive war. not just going to throw these guys into the swimming
PHOTO audience gures showed on Wednesday.
stan are meeting to discuss the way forward “This is a huge commitment. It’s the right com- pool and walk away,” he said.
Pentagon ofcials forecast the cost of the 30,000
for the mission. 2009 has not been an easy mitment. And it gives us the forces to turn this thing Obama acknowledged that Americans were war-
troop increase for scal 2010 at $30 billion to $35 billion,
year for Afghanistan or for the countries around,” Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the military weary after the bloody, six-year con ict in Iraq. But he
Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House of Representatives depicted the Afghan campaign as vital to US security higher than previous estimates.
sending troops. But a new phase of the in-
Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday. and said it was aimed at defeating the Taliban and Many of Obama’s fellow Democrats have
ternational effort is now beginning.
Obama’s plan will bring the US troop strength in Af- preventing further attacks by al Qaeda, which was voiced doubt about escalating the costly con ict,
Three days ago, President Obama made
ghanistan to almost 100,000 in a buildup ofcials hope will behind the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. while Republicans have complained the drawdown
an important speech, in which he laid out
secure the country after eight years of war and allow US The top Republican on the Senate committee, John date ties the military’s hands.
America’s strategy for this mission. He made
soldiers to start pulling out by the summer of 2011. McCain, voiced doubt about the withdrawal plan, echo- The debate carries clear risks for Democrats before
a substantial commitment of resources, in-
Gates, testifying at the Senate Armed Services Com- ing fears it could allow Taliban militants to wait out the US midterm elections next year in which Republicans hope to
cluding over 30,000 US forces. And he made
it clear to any doubters that the US is deter- mittee, said the rst new US forces would be sent in two troop surge and reassert themselves later. take chunks out of Democratic majorities in both chambers
mined to do what it takes to nish the job. to three weeks, starting an 18-24 month “extended surge.” “A date for withdrawal sends exactly the wrong of Congress. Obama faces re-election in 2012.
But this is not just President Obama’s Gates said the aim was to shift responsibility for se- message to both our friends and our enemies,” said “Like everything else, it depends on how it goes,”
US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (L), US Sec-
war. We all face the same threats from what retary of State Hillary Clinton and Chairman of the curity to the Afghans themselves. “Beginning to transfer McCain, Obama’s defeated Republican rival in the Democratic Senator Paul Kirk, a former chairman of his
is happening in Afghanistan: from terrorism, Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen testify. security responsibility to the Afghans in summer 2011 is 2008 presidential election. party, said of Obama’s Afghan strategy. Washington Reuters
from drugs, from extremism. This is an Alli-
ance effort, and we will nish it together. At
this very important moment in the evolution
of our operation, NATO will demonstrate its


unity and its strength once again.
There will be a substantial increase, in
2010, in the number of soldiers provided
by the non-US members of NATO: at least
5,000, and probably several thousand more.
That is on top of the 38,000 or so non-US
NATO allies face US
troops already on the ground. But this isn’t
just about troop numbers. It is about strat-
pressure on Afghan troops

egy. And our strategy is very clear: to trans-
fer lead responsibility for running their own
country to the Afghans, as soon as possible.
That means transition, where Afghan
Europeans have been in less of a hurry to commit new forces to an uncertain, 8-year
forces take the lead, and our forces move military campaign that is increasingly unpopular at home because of rising casualties.
into a supporting role. I am pressing Allies
and partners to fully resource and nance NATO foreign ministers discussed the issue on Thursday and will also continue today A local woman on a crutch shouts at Chinese soldiers wear-
ing riot gear in China’s Xinjiang region in this July 7 photo.
our training mission. That is how we’ll make

transition to Afghan leadership a reality, Washington’s NATO allies faced
sooner. And I’m condent that, when the Af-
ghan people, and citizens in troop contribut-
pressure on Thursday to commit
more troops and money to the war
China sentences
ing nations, see transition happening, start- in Afghanistan, supplementing President 5 more to death

ing next year, they will see the progress they Barack Obama’s announcement of an in-
need to continue to support this mission. crease in US troops. for Xinjiang riots
But transition is not a code word for exit Obama’s envoy said on Thursday that
A Chinese court on Thursday handed down
strategy. It means transition to a different America’s NATO allies have been strongly
a further ve death sentences to people con-
role. First, our soldiers will start to partner supportive of the administration’s plans for
victed of murder and other crimes during ethnic
with Afghan forces, at all levels; from the eld the war in Afghanistan despite its unpopu-
rioting in the far western Xinjiang region in July in
to the headquarters, to pass on the knowl- larity in Europe, Richard C. Holbrooke,
which almost 200 people died.
edge they need to stand on their own feet. the US special representative for Afghani-
The ofcial Xinhua news agency reported that
And when the conditions are right -- when stan and Pakistan said he expected Euro-
a court in Urumqi, Xinjiang’s regional capital, also
they have the capabilities and the condence pean governments soon to contribute more
jailed two defendants for life.
-- we will move to the next phase, where forces to join the 30,000 fresh US troops
Judging by their names, the ve people given
Afghan forces take the lead in planning and that will be deployed to Afghanistan under
the death penalty all appeared to be Uighurs, a Tur-
carrying out operations, with NATO forces Obama’s new strategy.
kic minority that calls Xinjiang its homeland.
backing them up. That is the way forward, “We have been very gratied by the
“Trials in ve other cases connected with the
and I’m condent we can start next year. strong support of our European allies for
riot will be heard by the court on Friday [today],”
Foreign ministers will discuss all of this President Obama’s policy,” Holbrooke
Xinhua cited court sources as saying.
today. But they will not just discuss the mili- told journalists.
Last month, China executed nine people con-
tary operation. They will also focus on the European leaders have welcomed
victed of violent crimes in the ethnic unrest between
broader political strategy. And that includes Obama’s Afghanistan strategy, which in-
Uighurs and majority Han Chinese.
what we expect from the new Afghan gov- cludes sending 30,000 more US troops to
In Xinjiang’s worst ethnic violence in decades,
ernment. Good governance is the best way join the ght against a Taliban insurgency.
Uighurs attacked Han Chinese in Urumqi, after tak-
to suck the oxygen away from the Taliban. But they have been in less of a hurry to
ing to the streets to protest against attacks on Uighur
After all that we have committed to this mis- commit new forces to an uncertain, 8-year
workers at a factory in southern China in June that
sion, we have the right to insist on it. military campaign that is increasingly un-
left two Uighurs dead.
President Karzai has made some very popular at home because of rising casualties.
Han Chinese in Urumqi sought revenge
clear and welcome statements. I’m pleased NATO foreign ministers discussed the issue
two days later.
to see that corruption investigations are al- on Thursday and will also continue today.
The violence killed 197 people, mostly Han
ready underway. It’s a good start, and it will NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh
Chinese, and more than 1,600 were wounded, ac-
help to establish the credibility the Afghan Rasmussen said on Wednesday he expect-
cording to ofcial gures. Beijing Reuters
people and the international community ed US allies to provide at least 5,000 extra
need to see. The conference to be held in troops and probably a few thousand more
January in London will be very important in -- still short of the 10,000 troops and train-
ers Pentagon ofcials had sought.
Syria says Iran bus
this regard as well, to establish a new con-
tract between the Afghan government and NATO ofcials said about 1,500 of the
5,000 would be election reinforcements
blast an accident,
the international community.
I am condent that soon, we will see sent in earlier this year. At the same time, at least three dead
new momentum in this mission. In 2010, the Netherlands and Canada plan to with- A blast ripped through a bus carrying Iranian
there will be substantially more forces on draw combat forces of 2,100 and 2,800 in pilgrims in Damascus on Thursday, killing at
the ground, focused on defending the Af- 2010 and 2011 respectively. least three people in an incident Syria said was an
ghan people. We will start handing over US ofcials say Washington is now accident and not a terrorist attack.
lead security responsibility to Afghan forces, seeking up to 7,000 more troops from al- “There was no terrorism factor behind the bus
district by district, where conditions allow. lies to supplement the US increase. Italy incident,” Syrian Interior Minister Said Sammour
There will be clear commitments, and I ex- said on Thursday it would send up to said. “The bus entered a petrol station to have one
pect clear action, by the Afghan government 1,000 more troops. of its burst tires in ated and the tire exploded. Three
to earn the support of the Afghan people. A senior US ofcial said the United people were killed.”
There will be more development assistance, States had put forward its views on what NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen holds a news conference at the alliance headquarters in Brussels. Witnesses said earlier a bomb had hit the bus
starting with the $5 billion pledged by Japan. it believed other countries were capable of near the Shiite shrine of Sayyeda Zainab, killing six
And the civilian side of the whole effort will providing, either militarily or nancially. Britain, which has the second largest troop Germany has signaled a willingness to people and destroying the rear of the bus and caus-
be stepped up as well, not least through the “The decision on whether they will is contingent in the war zone, plans to boost its do more police training but said it could ing damage to nearby buildings.
EU Action Plan. up to them,” he said. “We expect that other commitment by 500 to 10,000, and NATO of- not commit more troops before a strategy “Body parts are still scattered around the bus,”
In the end, it comes down to this: When allies will look very seriously at how they cials said others that have announced plans review early next year. one of the witnesses told Reuters from the Sayyeda
the Taliban comes to take the son of the Af- can contribute to that effort.” to send more troops were Georgia (900), Po- France said on Monday it did not plan Zainab area in Damascus.
ghan father to ght on their side, what will “This is the time to think about how we land (600) and Slovakia (250). to send more troops but President Nicolas The blast took place as Saeed Jalili, Iran’s chief
that father do? If he sees that the Taliban can do better, and perhaps do more, not the Portugal is keeping its pledge made Sarkozy responded to Obama’s speech by nuclear negotiator, was visiting Damascus for meet-
have no chance of winning; if he sees that time to gure out how we can do less.” earlier this year to send 150 troops from its saying it would look at helping to train Af- ings with Syrian ofcials.
his life is getting better; and if he believes in “rapid deployment” force to join 100 mili- ghan forces. Syria has been hit by bomb attacks in recent
his government; then he will say no. And the
Italy plans increase tary trainers in Afghanistan, Defense Min- Sarkozy said he would review his po- years. A car bomb attack on a security complex near
insurgency will lose. It’s as simple as that. Italian Defense Minister Ignazio La RUSSA ister Augusto Santos Silva said. sition after the NATO meeting and a UN- Damascus airport killed 17 people in September
Those are the conditions we have to create, said in an interview published in Thurs- Albania said it would send its rst 35 sponsored conference in London on Jan. 28. 2008. That attack was blamed on Lebanon-based
and I think that, next year, we will start to day’s Corriere della Sera newspaper that combat troops, as well as 50 trainers and Hungarian Prime Minister Gordon Baj- extremist militant group with links to al-Qaeda.
see the light at the end of the tunnel. Italy would send around 1,000 additional other military personnel to join 250 already nai said Budapest would consider the US re- Syrian security forces deployed in the
soldiers to Afghanistan, raising its total in Afghanistan. quest for more troops, but a decision was not area, a popular destination for Shiites from
*Anders Fogh Rasmussen is the NATO secretary- force to around 3,700. But the response elsewhere has been cautious. likely immediately. Brussels Reuters/AP Iran and Lebanon, and were investigating
general. the blast. Damascus Reuters

Out of place
There is truth in the French proverb that says, “A man who According to Edward Said’s autobiographical memoir “Out of twister in the early stages of your Turkish language learning when
knows two languages is worth two men.” Although knowing CULTURAL CORNER Place,” Said lived “between worlds” in both Cairo and Jerusalem. you are used to just saying the simple one-syllable English word
a second language can help you land a job and understand an-
other culture, you may nd you feel out of place at times.
CHARLOTTE After moving to America, he felt out of place as well. Apparently, he
was uent in French, English and Arabic. I believe it may have been
“bye” is the word “Allahasmaladk.”
I wonder how many of you in the beginning stages of language
These days, bilingual skills are in high demand. These skills McPHERSON Said who said that even though he knew both Arabic and English learning were concentrating so hard on making the right impression
can be used in nearly any occupation, especially translation, in- and each could seem like his rst language, neither was. with your Turkish friend or business contact that, instead of saying
terpretation and foreign language teaching. One of the areas that foreigners struggle with when learning “Allahasmaladk,” you said “Güle güle,” which is supposed to be
Just the other day a person asked me if I knew if her friend, Turkish is the use of proverbs and the special usage of words. said by the one staying, not the one leaving.
who plans to move to Turkey and is qualied to teach Chinese, These expressions are often used in certain settings. They reveal Seran Doançay, in her research on Turkish proverbs, differenti-
would be able to nd a teaching position. I said that I was pretty When sitting around talking with other foreigners who are study- insights into family, friendship and society. ates between atasözü (what ancestors say) and deyim (sayings). You
sure she could. I told her about an elementary school that offered ing Turkish, they make comments about how difcult they nd Turk- I remember the rst time I heard the word “estafurullah,” can read the full report at
English, German, French and Chinese. ish. Most say it’s just so opposite to English. Those who reach an upper which can mean “I ask pardon of God” or “Don’t mention it” A couple of other practical cultural insights that will help you along are:
It’s common knowledge that people who can speak two intermediate or higher level nd they have gaps in their vocabulary. or “no trouble at all,” depending on the situation. I didn’t know Don’t interrupt others or nish their sentences.
languages are more adept at learning a new foreign language For example, it becomes obvious when they have to take the car to the what to think. Many of us who’ve studied Turkish found just try- Let others be “right” most of the time.
than their monolingual counterparts. Many Turks have studied mechanic or do some ofcial work for a residence permit or whatever. ing to say this word tricky, but then knowing when the appropri- Learning about the culture and the language is the key to success.
English but most have not had much opportunity to practice This is true for anyone who is studying another language. I ate time to say it was even trickier. In the process you needn’t be too hard on yourself when you make
speaking English with native English speakers in Turkey. remember recently speaking with some Turkish friends in Eng- Many Turkish words and phrases reveal something about the mistakes. Most people appreciate that you are trying, so don’t give up!
On the other hand, many foreigners come to Turkey and study lish about the subject of music. As we spoke I realized that they culture. This is one of those -- it can be seen to be giving a reply but You learn something every day if you pay attention. ~Ray LeBlond
Turkish. If you were to consult language centers offering Turkish were more comfortable talking about music in Turkish than in really saying nothing.
Note: Charlotte McPherson is the author of “Culture Smart: Turkey, 2005.” Please
classes which level has the lowest enrollment, you would quickly re- English. They did not know all the music terms in English be- Maybe you have noticed that leave-taking in Turkish is not so keep your questions and observations coming: I want to ensure this column is
alize that few students actually reach an advanced level of Turkish. cause they had not studied this subject in English. straightforward. Another one of those words which can be a tongue a help to you, Today’s Zaman’s readers. Email:


University new
favorite for
Erasmus students

Çukurova University has become a favorite
destination for students participating in the
EU-nanced Erasmus student exchange program.
The university recently held it’s rst-ever
Erasmus Day on campus, which provided a venue
for international students studying at the school
to introduce the different countries and universi-
ties they have came from. Speaking at the event,
during which stands were set up representing dif-
ferent nations and universities, Professor Erbu
Keskin, the head of Çukurova University’s foreign
relations division, recalled the difculty they’d
encountered in trying to bring an Italian student
to the university’s medical school in 2004, saying:
BEFORE “[In contrast], recently in the medical school alone
there are seven Italian students studying.”
Keskin said that stanbul was an easy choice for
international students, but that it had taken time for
the university to attract students. Noting that things
have improved since, Keskin says: “Now, there are
seven Italians in the medical school, out of a total 20

international students in the faculty. In the univer-
sity as a whole there are 50 students studying here
as part of the Erasmus program.”
International students exhibit different be-
havior and live different lifestyles to many Turk-

ish students, Keskin said. “When they rst started
coming they were subject to a lot of prejudice. Fe-
The interior of the
male students were judged for the clothing that
Ulu Cami in Bursa
they wore. But now the campus and surroundings
have gotten used to it. While these students used


to be viewed like aliens, we see that they’re now
received much more normally,” he said.
Emphasizing that the number of Çukurova
University students that have gone abroad as part
AFTER of an exchange program had reached 400, Kes-
kin continued: “Nations that know about Adana
ÜLKÜ ÖZEL AKAGÜNDÜZ BURSA avail. As a result of analyses, the team discovered and our university want to increase the number
that the coatings on the domes were from after of exchange students sent here. Now we’re send-
Green Mosque next in line…
Even if you’ve seen the Ulu Cami (Great 1855 and that the decoration had fallen apart ing 400 students abroad. If the grants provided in-
Mosque) in Bursa before, consider that The Ulu Cami in Bursa was during the restoration that took place after the crease, we could send 4,000 students a year.”
you haven’t. This masterpiece, which at- saved by a meticulous op- earthquake. The mosque experienced its most Çukurova University numbers among the top
eration that involved the
tracts visitors from all parts of Turkey, was under unfortunate event when all the walls, domes and ve Turkish universities that send students abroad,
most sympathetic resto-
a thick layer of tar and oil paint, and we didn’t ration process of recent giant columns supporting the domes were plas- the professor noted. “As part of our internship pro-
even know it. The pulpit, for example, was black- years, but will the Green tered with oil-based paint in 1983. “It was hard, gram, a total of 300 students will go to different Eu-
ened because of the layers of synthetic varnishes Mosque be as fortunate? very hard, to remove that paint,” rte said. ropean countries. Before now we had approached
Semih rte
that were used to make it look shiny. Some wise It is currently unclear who the issue with the attitude that our students can go
guy painted the walls of the mosque with oil paint will lead the restoration, which has been put Muezzin’s mahfel: wherever they are able, but now that European cit-
in 1983, making it unable to breathe. out to tender. Noting that it is very risky to The most exciting moments of the restoration ies have come to know Adana and our university
give the restoration of unique works to new
Whoever that pragmatic person was also paint- happened in the muezzin’s mahfel. The date 1549 and began choosing to come here, we can also be
people in the business for a cheap price,
ed the hand-carved decorations on the müezzin’s rte said: “Restorations do not tolerate according to abjad calculation was inscribed un- selective,” he emphasized. The students who had
(the person who makes the call to prayer) mahfel mistakes. Once you remove something you der a two-verse poem in the mahfel. It became learned about different schools and countries as
(gathering place) with white paint. How do you cannot bring it back.” possible to see the poem and the wooden orna- part of Erasmus Day are now better equipped to
think it would feel to witness the uncovering of a ments on the stairwell only after the dirt, varnish make an informed decision about where they want
16th century design and style masterpiece of leath-
rte decorates
and nishing touches from the recent period were to go abroad next year, he said. Ömer Sar Adana
erwork decorations from under a layer of oil paint? mosques in Chechnya removed. Leatherwork ornaments were uncov-

Let’s ask Semih rte, who is an expert on architec- Before After rte is also working on the decoration of six ered from under the oil paint that was painted
tural ornamentation, because it was Irte who no- mosques built in Ottoman style in Chechnya, over the triangle formed by the stairs leading to
ticed the tiny speck of red behind the “eyelet” carv- kündekari, it is considered the biggest and most where things have started to improve after
the muezzin’s place. rte, who started to remove
ing and uncovered the beautiful decoration. More artistic of its kind. The pulpit was never dam- the election of its youngest president (Rama-
zan Kadirov, 33). Some new mosques were the paint after noticing the extraordinary red color
precisely, it was he and his team that uncovered the aged when it was used as a shed in the 1855
opened last month and more will follow be- called zencefre, said: “I insist that the decoration
mosque’s true face and enabled it to be reunited earthquake, when the domes of the mosque
cause rte and his team have rolled up their here is the most magnicent decoration of the
with its real color, texture and lost ornamentation. collapsed. When mosque ofcials decided to

sleeves to work on three mosques, the work 16th century. The motifs we admire are all here.
Let’s take a closer look at the meticulous operation cover the walls with synthetic varnish to make on which will finish in August. Rumis [split leaves], cloud motifs, hatayis [stylized
that began in 2006 with the support of the Bursa it look shiny and attractive, the ornamented and
blossoms], nutgrass leaves. I looked very carefully,
Chamber of Commerce and continued for three carved surface became completely covered with
but I couldn’t nd a signature. But this work car-
years. This restoration was the most comprehensive tar. After the color of the wood and the mag-
since the 1855 earthquake. nicent carvings were exposed in a process that The hand paintings ries the spirit of the 16th century master ahkulu.”
on top of the coating: The mahfel has also been covered with the glassy
took six months, the pulpit was returned to its
Pulpit: According to one story all the domes of the substance. But is that a solution for curious and
original 600-year-old appearance and covered
The pulpit was one of the most successful pieces with a glassy surface to protect it from well- mosque collapsed in an earthquake. According inquisitive people? When rte saw a man touch-
of the restoration. The date 1399 according to intentioned paint brush strokes in the future. to another, two domes survived the earthquake. ing the decorations by slipping his ngers through
abjad calculation was inscribed on it, meaning The signature of Devakl Abdülaziz, the master Considering the possibility that two of the domes a ve-centimeter opening that was made to allow
it is as old as the mosque. Made from a wal- of amazing geometrical ornamentation, can be were authentic, the team began searching for the piece to breathe, he was angry and felt it was
nut tree with woodworking techniques called clearly seen from behind the glass covering. original decorations dating from 1399, but to no necessary to close that opening as well.
Adana’s Çukurova University currently hosts
50 students enrolled in the Erasmus program.

NOTE: Today’s Zaman intends to provide a lively forum for expatriates living in Turkey. We encourage you to contact us at and share your experiences, questions and problems in all walks of life for publication in Today’s Zaman.

Erwin Wurm brings absurdist

take on sculpture to stanbul

RUMEYSA KIGER STANBUL tures’ and expressions of ‘frozen time.’ Simply by freezing a
gesture for just one minute, Wurm reveals levels of meaning
Austrian artist Erwin Wurm is bringing his unique ab- that are not apparent at ‘normal’ speed. Photographs help to
surdist exploration of sculpture to stanbul in two ins- capture sculptural situations and to make still images of them.

tallments, the rst a show at the Akbank Art Gallery This can also be done in lm: a man stands motionless from
which opened last Wednesday, and the second a spot in the sunrise to sunset, and this period of time captured on lm
Contemporary stanbul art fair, running through Dec. 6. transforms him into a sculpture that is more rmly xed and
The exhibition is focused on “Wurm’s textile works, the more constant than even the sun that moves across the sky
clothing of our daily lives which he uses for his sculptures during the day,” she says, adding that Wurm’s penetrating
and wall-sculpture pictures,” explains Gisela Winkelhofer, and ironic approach turns cars into “weird” objects that curve
the curator of the show at Akbank Art Center in an intervi- and twist, lean up against walls, or, as he shows on lm, dri-
ew with Today’s Zaman. She says, “Turkey has a long tradi- ve up the walls of buildings and turn the horizontal and the
tion of producing fabrics and clothing,” adding that this was ending’ of the story,” said the curator. vertical on their heads. Humor plays an important role in the
why she decided to center the show on the artist’s textile pie- Wurm became known to a wider creation process of the artist. “‘Humor is a weapon,’ he once
ces. However, she notes that Wurm’s exhibition in the Con- audience through his “one-minute said,” Winkelhofer points out. “Wurm knows how to make
temporary stanbul event will also focus on his video work. sculptures” and his “fat sculptures.” use of it peaceably, but also very pointedly. For him a world
Asked about her selections for the Akbank show, the cu- “Whenever Erwin Wurm dips into devoid of special objects would be a very sad prospect. If
rator explains, “I am presenting six pieces, including three the innite reserves of the world of everything was just reduced to the bare bones then we would
wall-sculpture pictures created in 2007, one ‘mind bubble’ as real objects, and turns one of them be frozen in the icy silence of a joyless existence,” she added.
well from 2007 and two sculptures, human beings without he- into a sculpture, then the object he Erwin Wurm For Wurm everything can become a sculpture: actions,
ads, the bodies are pressed in dressed boxes, from 2008.” has chosen is transformed into so- written or drawn instructions and even thoughts, Winkelhofer
Meanwhile at Contemporary stanbul, his sculpture-video mething new, with its own particular signicance,” Winkel- noted. “Wurm has worked for over 25 years on a multifaceted
projection installation “I Love My House, I Don’t Like My hofer explained. “Cars, potatoes, cucumbers and items of œuvre that can be interpreted as a ‘continuous research on the
Time” (2003), featuring a house that is made of fat, another ins- clothing are just some of the objects from the real world that concept of sculpture.’ His sculptural cosmos traverses diverse
tallation that features a talking house, called “Am I a House?” he has ‘treated’ in his sculptures, turning their meaning and imaginative worlds, taking its inspiration from various formal
(2005), and his latest video “Tell” (2007/08) will be presented. thereby producing new images,” she stated. options and confronting us as viewers with ever new images,”
“In ‘Tell’ two people are sitting in a car and discussing ordinary According to the curator the idea of performance plays a she explained. “The effect of Wurm’s work is aimed rst and
things about their daily lives, but at the end something very key role in this process. “Wurm transforms what seem to be foremost at the emotions of its viewers, who encounter their al-
strange happens. But I do not want to let you know the ‘happy banal situations, gestures and actions into ‘one-minute sculp- ter egos -- sometimes to a greater degree than they might like.”

Festival on Wheels

selection hits the road

The Turkish capital’s homegrown Festival
on Wheels traveling lm festival rolls out
its 15th edition today in Ankara, offering cinep-
hiles a ne selection of independent and mostly
art-house lms for the following week.
Running through Dec. 10 on its home ground
with screenings at the Bat Theater, the festival

Beyonce leads will later travel to the eastern Black Sea city of Art-
vin for a week-long run from Dec. 11-17, where it
will hand out prizes to the winners of its interna-

Grammys, Taylor tional competition at a ceremony on Dec. 16. The

festival will head overseas for its nal leg, which

Swift close behind will run from Dec. 18-20 in Skopje, Macedonia,
and feature a program of largely Turkish lms.
Two Turkish titles, the documentary “ki Dil
R&B singer Beyonce led the eld of
Bir Bavul” (On the Way to School), by co-directors
Grammy contenders with 10 nominati-
Orhan Eskiköy and Özgür Doan, and youth dra-
ons on Wednesday, closely followed by teen
ma “Bornova Bornova,” directed by nan Temelku-
country sensation Taylor Swift with eight, and
ran, are among the 10 entrants running for the gold,
both will compete for coveted album of the year.
silver and bronze Bull Awards in the festival’s inter-
Hip-hop band Black Eyed Peas, R&B singer
national competition. They are joined by eight ot-
Maxwell -- making a return to the music busi-
her lms from seven countries, including French-
ness after an eight-year absence -- and rapper
Korean lmmaker Ounie Lecomte’s “A Brand New
Kanye West each earned six nods.
Life,” “Adieu Gary” by France’s Nassim Amaouc-
In a list that re ected youth and a drop-off
he, “Castaway on the Moon” by South Korean Lee
of veteran super groups like U2, glam singer
Hey-jun, Irish Margaret Corkery’s “Eamon” and Ro-
Lady Gaga and rapper Jay-Z each earned ve
manian Corneliou Porumbiou’s “Police, Adjective.”
Grammy nods apiece.
Other programs in the lineup include “Anti,” a
Swift, 19, whose “Fearless” album is the biggest
high-prole selection of lms with a stance against
seller in the United States in 2009, will compete with
capitalism, war, nationalism, militarism, sexism
Beyonce for album of the year along with the Black
and authoritarianism; “Turkish Cinema 2009” and
Eyed Peas, Dave Matthews Band and Lady Gaga,
“Germany 30 Years Before & 30 Years On.”
who has gone from obscurity to worldwide fame this
For more information on the festival and
year with her debut album “The Fame.”
the full program, visit the festival’s Web site at
Both Swift, a big winner at the Country Mu- Ankara Today’s Zaman
sic Association and American Music Awards
last month, and Beyonce were also nominated
for two other key Grammys -- record of the year
and song of the year. 1001 Documentary
“Taylor is a phenomenon in entertain-
ment,” Neil Portnow, president of the Recor-
fest opening today
ding Academy told reporters. “She has really stanbul lmgoers will be getting a kick out of
struck a chord with people. I am not surprised” documentaries for the next seven days as the
at the number of nominations. stanbul International 1001 Documentary Film Fes-
Swift has never won a Grammy, while Be- tival gets under way today for the 12th year in a row.
yonce is a 10-time winner in her solo career and A selection of 61 international and 34 national
her earlier turn in the trio Destiny’s Child. Her documentaries is offered in this year’s festival, run-
latest solo album “I Am...Sasha Fierce” produ- ning through Dec. 11 at the French Culture Center,
ced the hit singles “Halo” and “Single Ladies.” the Tark Zafer Tunaya Culture Center, the Pera Mu-
The six nominations for multi-ethnic Los An- seum and the Muammer Karaca Theater in Beyolu
geles band Black Eyed Peas followed their chart- and the Nazm Hikmet Culture Center in Kadköy.
topping album “THE E.N.D.”, whose singles “Boom Midnight screenings will be held at the Tütün Depo-
Boom Pow” and then “I Gotta Feeling” enjoyed a su (tobacco warehouse) in Tophane.
record-breaking 26-week run in the US charts. Organized annually by the stanbul-based Asso-
Veteran Bob Dylan, 68, was nominated for ciation of Documentary Filmmakers in Turkey (BSB),
best Americana album for “Together Through the 1001 Documentary Film Festival does not feature
Life” and best solo rock performance for his a competitive section but instead offers a wide selec-
“Beyond Here Lies Nothin’” album which de- tion that this year includes such programs as “Side
buted at No.1 in the US album charts in May. C: Documentaries on Music,” “Roviros Manthou-
U2, whose latest album “No Line on the lis: From the Window of a Master,” “Tales of Anato-
Horizon” was given a huge promotional push lia,” “ICAIC: 50 Years of Cuban Documentary Film-
earlier this year, won Grammy nominations for making” and “Stroll through Beyolu,” among ot-
best rock album and best rock song but were hers. Side events include a master class with Greek
shut out of the most prized categories. documentary maker Roviros Manthoulis, panel dis-
Winners in all categories of the 52nd annu- cussions with lmmakers and seminars. For a full list
al event will be announced at a televised awards of lms and screening program, check the festival’s
ceremony on Jan. 31. Los Angeles Reuters Web site: stanbul Today’s Zaman


opinions. In his two consecutive books he describes in detail all the
‘shady dealings’ of Mr. Doan with the government, deputies and
other gures of power, for sheer business interests.
“It is my conviction, that Mr. Doan wished to continue
the same pattern with the current government, and when his
demands were not met he used his media power as a weapon

against it, since approximately 2004 until very recently. A study
of his in uential print and TV outlets in this period would prove
easily of the polluted journalism he promoted.
“When journalists and opinion makers in other media were
targeted -- such as the late Hrant Dink, assassinated by nationalist
thugs -- and many had to live with body guards, the Doan family
remained totally indifferent. Their concept of press freedom and free
speech was apparently limited to the ownership interests.

“Doan flagship Hürriyet is the paper solely responsi-
YAVUZ ble for the deadly witch hunt against Nobel laureate Orhan
Pamuk, who had to leave the country because Hürriyet
BAYDAR launched a campaign against him for his views about Kurds and Armenians slaughtered in Anatolia.
“There are many examples like these.

“In short, the record of Doan on press freedom is not that
HYDERABAD -- I spent the last three days in Hyderabad, In- bright.
dia, trying to talk some sense into the entire leadership of the “I am among those writers in Turkey who say that a cor-
World Association of Newspapers (WAN-IFRA) and World Edi- rupt press can not credibly uncover corruption in any democ-
tors Forum (WEF). The reason was that due to a scandal a crisis racy. A corrupt media, in fact, undermines democracy. The
erupted at the annual WAN-IFRA and WEF congress, the larg- brief history of Turkey’s media owners has shown us time
est organization of media proprietors and editors, as some media and again that this view is very valid.
groups walked out in protest and returned home. “My concern, therefore, differs in what is said in the
As widely reported by the Turkish media, the reason was found WAN-IFRA statement: I demand that legislation is amended
in part of the group’s annual statement about freedom of the press in order to stop corruption and the utilization of media for
around the globe, the part on the state of press freedom in Turkey. interests other than decent journalism.
It became immediately obvious that the inclusion of Tur- “Unfortunately, I note with sadness that the current WEF
key in the group of five most restrictive countries (which board member from Turkey, as well as other colleagues on
were condemned for violating press freedom) as well as the the payroll of Doan, prefer to present this case in a way
almost exclusive focus on the tax evasion case against the which would indicate that media companies should be enjoy-
Doan Media Group was a result of ill-informed, superficial, ing impunity from tax evasion. It is to be noted with dismay
biased and sloppy work done by the organization. that WEF lets itself be manipulated this way.
The WEF, which is the ank of the organization representing “We all know that media companies are to be treated as any
editors and journalists and not owners, had unethically and unusu- other company, and also be subject to coverage in the media.
ally invited the daughter of the owner of Doan to make a presenta- The way Doan presents the case internationally is also an ex-
tion at its board meeting in Hyderabad, and was entirely indifferent ample of a media group abusing its power.
to non-Doan afliated editors and journalists. This was a scandal. “This case is a giant symptom of a malady in Turkish media.
I contacted, constantly, the leaders and managers of the or- Attempts to deal with irregularity, unlawful behavior and corruption
ganization over the past few days, pointing out the fact that the must be much more carefully monitored, with respect to the judi-
manner in which the Doan case was treated would alienate the ciary and with the root causes of this malady in mind.
rest of the Turkish media and leave WAN-IFRA and WEF alone “The root causes of the tax evasion case, as well as the case
with one group, causing profound problems of credibility and of irregularity in stocks and print paper imports led against
representation for the organization in the future. Doan must be sought and highlighted. This is, I believe, the
The entire leadership remained, at times in a patroniz- duty of WAN-IFRA, which must not be fearful of being critical of
ing manner, indifferent to the dissenting views conveyed to its members who may act out of law and ethics. It is imperative,
them. The result became a total disrespect for the reasonable too, that WAN-IFRA exercise great caution about legal process-
objections voiced. Their position remained unchanged. es, with wisdom on the complexities they may present.
For the record, I would like to share with the readers, what I, in “It should also be noted that both the EU Progress Report
despair, wrote to them, before I also left Hyderabad. It is as follows: and the latest resolution presented to the European Parliament
“As I understand, the inclusion of the recent tax evasion case in -- prepared by Ms. Ria Oomen-Ruijten -- emphasize the issues
the latest WAN- IFRA annual statement as a ‘major threat to press of abuse of power by media owners and the need for a new, clear
freedom’ caused, among the Turkish members [other than those af- legislation on several elds. They cover property concentration,
liated with Doan] of WAN-IFRA, widespread discontent and led foreign investments and shares, and job security not to mention
to a joint, written protest. I, too, felt rather disturbed. articles such as 301 and the infamous Internet Law.
“As a journalist for over 30 years, and as an independent “There are various points which should be brought to your at-
ombudsman in the Turkish media landscape for over a de- tention: Media proprietors in Turkey must be banned from entering
cade, until now a keen supporter of WEF as a pluralistic, fair Turkey’s inclusion in the group of the five most restrictive countries as well as the almost exclusive focus on the tax evasion case against the Aydn public tenders, in order to end ‘carrot and stick’ relations between
and credible platform in the international scene, please allow Doan (above) owned Doan Media Group at this year’s annual WAN-IFRA and WEF congress was a result of ill-informed work done by the organization. media companies and governments. In order to strengthen plural-
me make a few comments about the case. ism and fair competition in Turkish media sector, the set of recom-
“I nd the perspective with which WAN-IFRA approaches enjoys and practices enormous freedom, unprecedented in rivals’ competitive power and to destroy their media outlets. mendations by the Council of Europe (No. [R. 99] 1) titled ‘Mea-
the Turkish government vs. Doan Media tax evasion case par- republican history. This includes Doan outlets, too. “Depending on whether his demands were met or not sures to Promote Media Pluralism’ (dated Jan. 19, 1999) must
tial; its judgment utterly simplistic and its wording problematic. “But, sadly, the case of tax evasion against Doan has met, he hired and fired colleagues and encouraged char- be brought to and kept in constant attention for the Turkish
This is a case whose arrival has been rather inevitable, in which come to the fore as ‘the case’ of a threat to press freedom, acter assassinations, solely to further increase his person- government and Parliament. Cross-ownership must be either
there are no innocent parts, and no ‘pure’ victims. overshadowing the legal limitations to our work I mentioned al business interests. The intent was a monopoly. banned or severely restricted. The Turkish Parliament without
“As outside observers, it must have seemed clear to you, that above, and I find it deeply troubling. “Mr. Doan was, too, in the lead to cleanse all trade union activ- delay must pass a Trade Union Law. The market share for for-
while the Turkish state, governments and parliaments have been “My concern is the fact that not the full picture, but only a se- ity and afliation from his media companies, and those who argued eign actors in the Audiovisual segment must be raised from ap-
known to keep the leash on Turkish media with various methods, lected part of it has been highlighted. This may be misleading for otherwise were red arbitrarily. proximately 25 percent (currently) to at least 51 percent.
Turkey’s media proprietors have been notoriously on the record as our international colleagues, it may as well damage the credibility of “Mr. Doan also red a number of columnists -- including an “We need a clean, bold, diverse and independent media
cutting secret or open deals with circles of power, casting alliances WAN-IFRA in the eyes and minds of colleagues in Turkey. independent news ombudsman -- all of whom wished to remain in Turkey, a country in a dynamic transformation toward a
with undemocratic elements, with state or non-state actors, often “It is a complex case. loyal to the principles of journalism, in order to serve public interests, full-scale democracy.
defying the law in order to crash their rivals and exercise irregulari- “If you ask any headhunter of international reputation what rather than the interests of a greedy owner. “We shall struggle for legal guarantees of our freedom, we
ties to expand their businesses beyond the limits of law. the most troubled sector in Turkey is, the unanimous answer you “There is enough material and testimony to prove how will challenge restrictive power circles, we will defy attempts at
“There are various elements missing in the WAN-IFRA 2009 will receive will be: the media. It has remained a battleeld for Mr. Doan, for an overwhelming segment of Turkey’s de- censorship, we will go on breaking taboos and encourage wide
statement about Turkey. While I agree that the quantity of cases various political powers, and greedy, ruthless media barons, who cent press corps, came to symbolize the path that led to the public debate, we will ght for ethical behavior; but in order to
led against journalists should indeed cause increased concern, fought against media regulation by using their media power as end of editorial independency, a key to credible journalism in be able to do all that we have to ght corruption in the media,
I would have wished to see rm demands for amendments to weapon. A ‘jungle mentality’ prevailed. It has, at times, brought the service of democracy. He is seen as the stumbling block, which is the primary cause for self-censorship and abuse of me-
various laws in Turkey, laws that continue to curb freedom of good journalism to the brink of extinction. rather than supporter, of a pluralistic, diverse, free media sec- dia power in today’s Turkey, more than anything else.
expression both in the media and the Internet. “It is well known that Mr. Aydn Doan, through his me- tor, which would operate lawfully, and fairly. “These thoughts may be of use as addendum to your state-
“I would also have wished to see WAN-IFRA note, with increas- dia empire, controls around 65 percent of ad revenues in Tur- “Any random choice and arbitrary reading of translat- ment, because they re ect a widespread belief among Turkish
ing satisfaction, that despite certain limitations, Turkish journalists, key. By any decent democratic standards, it is unacceptable. ed material -- books, interviews with other media owners journalists, which also explains the fact that almost none of them
those who write columns in particular, continue to expand the do- Mr. Doan has been known to be constantly on the move, and journalists -- would prove the case. has showed any solidarity with the group in question.”
main of free speech, boldly challenging and breaking all taboos, un- expanding his empire by any means necessary. He set ugly “I would particularly recommend the recent, very popular books
covering organized crime disguised as political engineering. patterns in which he cut deals with weak coalitions during by Mr. Emin Çölaan -- a columnist known for his ercely critical Yavuz Baydar was a former president of the International Organization of
“Indeed, from that lucid perspective, the Turkish press the ‘90s in his favor and used dirty methods to weaken his views of the current government -- who was red because of his News Ombudsmen (ONO).

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COLUMNS F R I D AY, D E C E M B E R 4 , 2 0 0 9 TODAY’S ZAMAN 15

Why s Erdoan feared?

The re ection of the Cage Operation Action Plan, which was delirium. The authoritarian regime in Turkey is falling apart in a a normal “holiday greeting message.” This was perhaps the rst
discovered as part of the Ergenekon investigation, in the media way that perhaps cannot be reversed. Steps and reforms to be taken time Erdoan included democratic reforms in a holiday message.
has created a real shock. Even fanatical secularists who believe
ETYEN with the establishment of democracy will signal the formation of But Erdoan’s ideological discourse was even more radical.
the army must stage a coup to overthrow the Justice and De- MAHÇUPYAN a new “republic,” causing military ofcials to lose their privileges. Noting that the goal is ending terrorism and increasing dem-
velopment Party (AK Party) had difculty accepting what they Nor is it surprising that secularists did not foresee the de- ocratic standards to the highest level, the prime minister said:
read in the plan. While the operation foresaw the systematic at- velopments that are happening today. They thought religious “We cannot walk toward the future until justice and freedom are
tack and killing of non-Muslims on the one hand, on the other people were categorically narrow-minded, against modernism indisputable. We cannot continue on our path until beliefs and
it planned to detonate secretly placed explosives in the Rahmi process has removed this illusion. Turks faced the reversed real- and incompatible with universal rights and freedoms. But this ideas are freed from pressure.” As for the following words, they
M. Koç Museum while hundred of students were visiting. If we ity for the rst time and had trouble believing what they saw. assessment, which was semi-true in the early years of the repub- clearly showed why the army wants to stage a coup: “Every per-
were to compare it to another incident, we could say this attack However, psychological resistance continues among secularist lic, evolved into an ideological manipulation and concealed the son in this country should be able to see himself as a rst-class
would have been equal to the Sept. 11 attacks that targeted the groups. This segment of society not only “sees” less because the new reality of the changing society. There are numerous signs citizen, everyone should be able to feel that way. This is a debt
World Trade Center in New York. The difference would be that major dailies censor evidence that is against the army but also for those who want to see the new reality, with the most recent and responsibility the state owes to its citizens. … There is no
the attacker would not be an external ideological movement but dislike the political meaning of what they see. After all, each one being the message Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan country in the world that has collapsed, divided or dissolved for
this country’s own army. At this point, it’s very hard to say the component of the Ergenekon coup attempt relies on the men- delivered on Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrice). In between giving more democracy and granting more freedoms to citizens.
incident was wanted by an uncontrollable group within the army tality of “coaxing” the secular segment and Western modernist the concrete messages that he delivered, opening an indepen- … It is no one’s business to try to have the current Turkey accept
because not only are the plans that have been uncovered linked circles. The aim of the Cage plan was to blame the Muslim seg- dent, civilian, supervisory Human Rights Institution, setting up a some unfortunate events that took place in the past and prac-
to each other but they feature the same hierarchical signatures. ment for all the killings that would take place. They believed Anti-Discrimination Commission that will handle human rights tices that con ict with human dignity and principles of reason.”
Turkey is right in having trouble accepting this reality. For that in this way they would be able to make the government il- complaints, ratifying the optional protocol of the UN Conven- It was the rst time Turks heard such words from a prime
several decades the army was said to be the most progressive legitimate and convince the West about the existence of a “pro- tion against Torture and implementing a National Prevention minister. Those who thought these words would never be spo-
institution in the country and the guardian of “democracy.” But religious danger” in Turkey. Mechanism and Independent Police Complaint Mechanism ken fear the approaching democracy and are therefore carrying
the dynamic of change in Muslim society and the coinciding EU It is not difcult to understand the reason for this kind of a coup against torture were mentioned. These are not common parts of out killings and planning coups.

EKREM No Comment Afghanstan, Ap AL


What wll be the fate Afghanstan

of ths ntatve? quagmre
As you read the title, you may think that I am referring to what Even before he was elected president, Barack Hussein
was initially called the Kurdish initiative before having its name Obama signaled that he would withdraw American troops
changed to the democratic initiative. No, this article is not about from Iraq and shift their weight to the Afghanistan-Pakistan
that initiative. I would like to recall another process that has made line. Thus some observers believed there was a very slim
the word “initiative” fashionable in politics. Ahead of the last elec- possibility of a large overhaul in America’s attitude toward
tion, Republican People’s Party (CHP) members and supporters its foreign policy, especially towards the Muslim world af-
visited the places where mainly conservatives lived and posed for ter Obama’s election. The gilded speeches he delivered in
photos with them. We had not encountered this before. This situ- Ankara and Cairo became mere rhetoric. Extending an olive
ation later came to be known as the “chador initiative.” Women branch to the Muslim world on the one hand while continu-
wearing chadors had CHP badges pinned to their clothing, and ing to invade Afghanistan and corner Iran on the other hand
they were being registered as party members in ceremonies. Even failed to convince anyone.
Deniz Baykal took part and gave an all-encompassing speech. America is trying to withdraw its troops from Iraq, but
Some drew attention to the timing of the chador initiative, la- this does not mean it will leave Iraq alone or give up its he-
beling it an effort to attract conservative votes to the party. But, gemonic plans over the Muslim world. It is now becoming
to criticize the CHP’s efforts at an early stage would mean adopt- evident that the observers, among which the writer of this
ing a biased approach to the matter at hand. The CHP deserved a article is included, were right.
chance at least. We needed time to see how the party would use News in the media shows the Obama administration
that change because the situation that the chador initiative created has a new strategy that was created after an approximately
was important. Gürsel Tekin, the head of the CHP’s local organi- three-month-long preliminary study. According to this new
zation in stanbul, and Kemal Klçdarolu, who was then running strategy, America is getting ready to send an additional
for the ofce of stanbul mayor, were the pioneers of the initia- 30,000 soldiers to Afghanistan. The strategy aims to ensure
tive. They were posing in front of cameras with women wearing the safety of settlement units, the defeat of the Taliban, the
chadors and men with beards -- who are ostensibly pious. return of clans to their areas, providing job opportunities
Even Nur Serter, a symbol of secularists’ annoyance and for Taliban members who give up their arms and training
who is famous for “persuasion rooms” in her career, did not Afghan security sources to make the national army an insti-
show any sign of being disturbed by being with women wear- tutional power. It is for this reason that US ofcials are not
ing chadors. Tekin discussed an interesting incident, which we content with the current military strength and want NATO
repeated in this paper. The event was as follows: Tekin, Sert- member countries to deploy an additional 10,000 troops
er and several party ofcials visited a family whose child was as well, which will increase the total number of additional
slain. The woman wore a chador, while her two daughters wore troops deployed to 40,000. The plan is to complete the grad-
headscarves. Obviously, they were visiting a religious house. ual military buildup within six months. The US currently has
When they entered the hall of the house, they saw a big picture 71,000 troops in Afghanistan.
of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk hanging on the wall, and Tekin said Although the operation has come at a heavy price, it is
to Serter, “It does not make any sense to categorize the people obvious that the US and NATO have not achieved much suc-
of this country and create enemies,” and added, alluding to the
picture of Atatürk, “Where would this picture t in with your
Combatng prejudce cess in Afghanistan. Aside from some media organizations
that function like propaganda mechanisms, neutral observ-
Media sensationalism may be partly to blame, but, as ers indicate that the Taliban is becoming increasingly strong
categorization?” to which Serter nodded in agreement.
we all know, peaceful people going about their daily lives and winning more support from the society in Afghanistan.
As you will remember, some CHP members were strongly NICOLE without bothering anyone rarely make front-page news. The obligation of Pakistan to launch a war against Afghans
against the chador initiative. You will also remember that we POPE The events that do, however, re ect an extremist interpre- due to US persuasion and compulsion has caused a surge in
were supportive of it. Today’s Zaman described it as a “mental- tation of Islam have unfortunately come to represent the American and NATO opposition among Asian Muslims. This
ity revolution” and lent support to it in its headline stories and
religion in the eyes of many uninformed Westerners. opposition does not stay conned to America and NATO but
on the rst page. Some leftist hardliners even labeled us “neo-
How else can one explain that while the burqa is al- ultimately evolves into an opposition to the West over these
CHP supporters.” Why? Because we supported that initiative.
The shock waves caused by the Swiss decision to ban min- most unknown in Switzerland, it was chosen to gure two actors. It is not difcult to guess the danger this poses to
Weren’t we, as journalists, supposed to lend support to the right
arets show no sign of abating. There can be no silver lining prominently on the posters urging citizens to support the global peace in a world where ties are intertwined.
moves? What mattered was whether the move reinforced hu-
to the disastrous referendum results that have brought out ban on minarets? No matter how well integrated the local The occupation of Afghanistan and the con ict between
man rights and democracy, not who did it, right? Some people
into the open the growing wave of intolerance sweeping Muslim community may be, many Europeans look beyond the Pakistanis and the Afghans are not the only reasons for
did not care about it. They thought that even if the initiative
through Europe. One can only hope that out of the lively benign symbols of religion, such as the minaret, and see the increasing opposition to America and NATO; it is also
were a right step, we would invariably oppose it. But, at that
debate it has ignited around the world, and above all with- the Taliban, executions by stoning and widespread attacks the killing of high numbers of innocent civilians by Ameri-
time, the CHP candidate for mayor of Kocaeli promised to es- can and NATO forces.
in Switzerland itself, some solutions will emerge. on women’s basic rights.
tablish a Quran course in every neighborhood. CHP ofcials If a bullet were to be shot at American forces from a vil-
Economic fears, concerns about immigration and basic We all know that these human rights violations do
even gave away headscarves in some provinces. xenophobia are undoubtedly among the factors that fuelled not represent Islam as a whole, but we cannot deny they lage, soldiers would not hesitate to destroy the entire village.
Elections are long past. Unfortunately, the CHP has already the yes vote in Switzerland. But this is no random racism. do take place. Moderate Muslims have so far failed to Wedding parties, hospitals, shopping areas and madrasahs
forgotten about the chador initiative. Perhaps, it may remem- Sikh symbols or Buddhist temples never seem to generate counter their impact in the West. are being bombed and innocent people are being killed, and
ber it before the next election. Yet, such initiatives should not be the same controversy as Muslim headscarves and minarets. It is always easier to spot double standards in other this causes hostility to increase.
started right before election time but should be maintained all Examining the fears that lie behind gut reactions is crucial cultures than in your own. Westerners are more in- There is a simple truth that American and NATO of-
the time. The CHP should be able to embrace all people so that before effective strategies to combat them can be developed. clined to see the damage caused by the Taliban’s hard- cials need to know. Recent history has clearly taught us that
politics may become all-encompassing. Meanwhile, the CHP has Condemning discrimination is only a rst step, which has to line approach than the impact on civilians of their own the Afghans will never come to heel and never raise a white
also offended the Alevis. Klçdarolu, who has been receiving be followed by concrete measures to address the concerns policies in Afghanistan, for instance. Similarly, Prime ag. America is trying to walk down an entirely wrong road.
overwhelming support of the Alevis and the Kurds, lost some that were raised. Why does Islam appear so frightening? Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan can condemn excesses It will not be easy to keep a political party that won power
support during the Dersim debates. I think Klçdarolu lost the For people like me and my foreign colleagues who committed by Israelis against Palestinians while ap- in an election riddled with fraud standing and to restructure
chance of being the leader of the CHP some day. have lived in Muslim societies for many years, Muslims pearing blind to the horrors of Darfur. the police and army by using the American model, which is
Unfortunately, the CHP was unable to continue the initiative. are the friends, neighbors, colleagues we encounter in Micheline Calmy-Rey, Switzerland’s foreign minister, completely foreign to the Afghan society’s historical fabric,
Neither Klçdarolu nor Tekin can embrace people in the suburbs. the course of our everyday life. has asked her Turkish counterpart, Ahmet Davutolu, to as a reference. There is nothing comparable to this project in
The tablet of Sheikh Edebali that Baykal cited was lost inside the Many Westerners who have less exposure to the out- help foster dialogue and better understanding. Turkey is well the heart and history of the Afghan people.
headquarters of the party. During the initiative, it was even ru- side world and do not interact with Muslims regularly view placed to play a role in bridging cultural differences, but in Every rational person believes Obama needs to pay at-
mored that a mosque would be established inside the headquar- Islam largely through shocking headlines in newspapers. order to play it effectively it must also be willing to address tention to what the famous American lmmaker Michael
ters. Or was it really established without informing the public? The Sept. 11 attacks marked a watershed, which has been discrimination at home and elsewhere in the Muslim world. Moore said: Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires.
Never mind. If only the CHP could revert to the secularist concept followed by a steady drip-drip of shocking stories. People Self-righteousness or a blame game of “your dis- Just as the US had to leave Vietnam -- where it maliciously
of tolerating different faiths and embrace Alevis, Kurds and con- stoned in Somalia, women ogged for wearing trousers in crimination and human rights violations are bigger than fought for 12 years -- after causing the Vietnamese to pay un-
servatives and become a party for Turkey in its entirety. Sudan or banned from driving in Saudi Arabia, to cite just mine” can only serve to reinforce prejudice and widen fairly heavy costs, it will eventually have to leave Afghanistan
Isn’t this a good development: The CHP raised its voice against a few examples, have all contributed to creating a nega- the gap. In the face of increased polarization, no one can as well. Every prudent American that has a heart must work
the ban on minarets in Switzerland, describing it as a “grave breach tive image for Islam as a whole. Incidentally, these per- afford to be complacent. Democrats of all backgrounds much harder to prevent their leaders and the lobbies that en-
of freedom of religion and conscience and human rights.” Wouldn’t ceptions are not limited to Europe; they are often re ected must work together to ght discrimination and human courage war from continuing this meaningless, destructive and
it be better if the party becomes just as sensitive inside the country? in the political debate here in Turkey as well. rights violations wherever they occur. barbarous war so that no more innocent Afghans are killed.
16 TODAY’S ZAMAN F R I D AY, D E C E M B E R 4 , 2 0 0 9

Gregorian Calendar: 04 December 2009 C.E. Hijri Calendar: 17 Dhul-Hijjah 1430 A.H. Hebrew Calendar: 17 Kislev 5770 tv gude
08:00 Dedikoducu Kz
Today is King Tupou I Day in the Kingdom of Tonga. On problem of where “truth” is to be found. His belief in the participate in the conference with representatives from Den- 10:00 The Martha Stewart Show
11:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show
this day in 1845 George Tupou I was installed as the king of importance of heroic leadership found form in his book “On mark, Holland, Norway and Sweden. However, unable to 12:00 Umutsuz Evkadnlar
move gude the country. He served as king up until his death on Feb. 18, 1893. Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History.” persuade representatives from the warring nations to take 14:00 The Martha Stewart Show
15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Today is the birthday of Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881). On this day in 1877 French scientist Charles Cros’ theory of part, the conference failed to negotiate an armistice. 16:00 Dedikoducu Kz
Carlyle was a Scottish essayist, satirist and historian whose the phonograph was read in public by the French Academy of Today is the birthday of Rainer Maria Rilke, the Austro-Ger- 18:00 The Martha Stewart Show
19:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show
work was hugely influential during the Victorian era. Sciences. Just a week before, American scientist Thomas Edison man poet and novelist. Born in 1875, Rilke is regarded as one of 20:00 Family Guy
Though raised as a Calvinist Christian, Carlyle lost his faith had demonstrated the first phonograph. It is believed that the the most important and influential modern poets because of his 21:00 Heroes
22:15 Later With Jools Holland
over time but did not give up the Calvinist ethic. This ex- two scientists had been working independently. precise, lyrical style, his symbolic imagery and his spiritual reflec- 23:00 The Tonight Show With
plains his influence on the philosophers of the Victorian era On this day in 1915 Henry Ford, a wealthy American tions. Particularly famous for his “Duino Elegies” and “Sonnets to Conan O'Brien
24:00 Later With Jools Holland
who were seeking meaning in a secular, post-enlightenment businessman, set sail for Europe aboard the Ford Peace Ship Orpheus,” Rilke’s poetry explored and celebrated the relationships 01:00 The Jay Leno Show
world. His first major work was “Sartor Resartus” (The Tailor on a diplomatic mission to end World War I. The trip was between joy and suffering, life and death and finitude and tran- 02:00 The Tonight Show With
Conan O'Brien
Retailored), a book that simultaneously commented on its part of a peace conference sponsored by Ford in Stockholm. scendence. He died in 1926, leaving as his epitaph, “Rose, oh pure 03:00 Heroes
04:00 Family Guy
“Viaggio Secreto” own formal structure and forced the reader to confront the Also on the ship were American pacifists who planned to contradiction, joy of being No one’s sleep, under so many lids.”
17:55 The Simpsons
NEEL HAYAT 18:50 The Jay Leno Show
STANBUL: Bakrköy AFM Carousel 20:00 Merlin
11:15 13:50 16:20 19:00 21:30 Beyolu 21:00 One Tree Hill
CineMajestic 11:30 12:45 13:45 15:00 16:15 22:00 Animal
00:00 The Jay Leno Show
17:30 18:45 20:00 21:15 22:30 Beyolu
01:00 Merlin
AFM Fita 10:30 11:40 13:00 14:20 15:40
17:00 18:20 19:40 21:00 22:20 23:40 Levent
Cinebonus Kanyon 11:15 12:00 13:45 14:30
16:30 17:15 19:15 20:00 22:00 22:45 24:45
Ataehir 10:30 12:45 15:00 17:15 19:30
21:45 24:00 Caddebostan AFM 10:40 12:00
Sundance lfts curtan 02:00 One Tree Hill
03:00 Animal
05:00 One Tree Hill

06:35 The In-Laws

13:20 14:40 16:00 17:20 18:40 20:00 21:20

23:15 Kozyata Cinebonus Palladium
11:00 12:15 13:30 14:45 16:00 17:15
18:30 19:45 21:00 22:15 23:30 ANKARA:
on 2010 competton flms 08:20 The Hustler
10:40 Almost Heroes
12:15 Dog Day Afternoon
14:25 He Was a Quiet Man
16:05 Mona Lisa Smile
18:05 Donnie Brasco


Cinebonus Bilkent 11:45 14:15 16:45 19:15 The Sundance Film Festival on edition, looked for work that took risks and had 20:15 Airplane!
21:45 24:15 Ata On Tower 11:00 12:00 13:00 21:45 Identity
Wednesday listed the 64 films that a fully realized story to tell.
14:15 15:15 17:30 19:45 22:00 24:00 ZMR: 23:15 Girl, Interrupted
Alsancak Karaca 12:15 14:30 16:45 19:00 will compete for awards at the up- The festival puts 16 films into compe- 01:20 Soul Plane
21:15 AFM Bornova Forum 11:00 13:30 coming premiere event for independent tition from each of four categories -- US 02:45 Piñero
04:20 Murder On The Orient
16:00 18:30 21:15 23:45 Cinebonus Konak films, which for 2010 has a new director and documentaries and dramas and world doc- Express
Pier 11:30 14:00 16:30 19:00 21:30 24:00
three opening night offerings. umentaries and dramas.
ANTALYA: Lara Prestige 11:30 12:45 13:45
The festival, backed by Robert Redford’s Among the dramas this year are titles such
15:00 16:00 17:15 18:15 19:30 20:30 21:45 07:20 Scary Godmother
22:45 Cinebonus Migros 11:15 13:45 16:15 Sundance Institute in Utah, has long been a as “Howl,” starring James Franco and telling Halloween Spooktakular
08:15 Midnight Clear
19:00 21:45 24:15 AFM Laura 12:00 14:15 launch pad for first-time filmmakers and some of the early career of poet Allen Ginsberg, and 10:05 Garfield
16:45 19:15 21:45 23:45 11:30 Nights In Rodanthe

of the best low-budget movies shown in art “happythankyoumoreplease,” about the lives
13:15 Glass House: The Good
TÜRKLER ÇILDIRMI OLMALI: houses, including current Oscar hopeful “Pre- of six young New Yorkers. Mother
GÖREV AFRKA cious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire.” Documentaries are among the most closely 15:00 The Missing
17:25 Bury My Heart at Wounded
STANBUL: Bakrköy Cinebonus Capacity The film selection for the upcoming followed films at Sundance and Davis Guggen- Knee
11:00 13:00 15:15 17:30 19:45 22:00 24:15 20:00 I Am Legend
Beyolu CineMajestic 11:30 13:45 16:00
Sundance, which runs Jan. 21-31, did not heim, director of Oscar-winning global warm- 21:55 Stuck
17:45 18:30 19:45 21:00 21:45 23:00 Beyolu change greatly under new director John ing film “An Inconvenient Truth,” hits the 2010 23:35 The Return
AFM Fita 10:40 12:50 15:10 17:30 19:50 22:10 01:05 In Search of a Midnight
Cooper and features a typical mix of offbeat festival with “Waiting for Superman,” about Kiss
ili Megaplex Cevahir 11:00 12:00 14:15 dramas such as “Holy Rollers,” about an US public education. 03:10 Motives 2: Retribution
15:20 16:30 19:00 21:30 23:00 Ataehir 10:00 05:25 Bury My Heart at Wounded
12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 24:30 Kadköy Hasidic Jewish man who becomes a drug Other nonfiction films to watch will likely Knee
Rexx 11:15 13:15 15:15 16:15 17:15 18:15 dealer, and serious-minded documentaries be “I’m Pat _______ Tillman,” about the foot-
19:15 21:15 ANKARA: Cinebonus Bilkent like “Casino Jack & The United States of ball player and US soldier who died from MGM MOVIES
07:20 Witness for the Prosecution
11:30 14:00 16:30 19:00 21:30 24:00 Ata On
Money” by Oscar-winner Alex Gibney. friendly fire in Afghanistan, and “Benazir Bhut- 09:20 The Train
Tower 11:00 13:15 15:30 17:45 20:00 22:00 11:35 Dead Man's Gun Season
24:00 Cinebonus Panora 11:00 13:20 15:30 “My job is to stay on point, stay on focus A Sundance Film festival sign near Main Street in Park City. Over 110 feature-length films to,” about the slain Pakistani politician. 2/5: Sisters of Mercy
17:40 19:50 22:00 ZMR: Agora Balçova and show the best and most original content from 31 countries were selected to be screened at the 2010 festival, which will begin Jan. 21. Cooper said festival organizers looked 12:25 Dead Man's Gun Season
11:00 13:15 15:30 17:45 20:00 22:15 Konak 2/6: Hangman
we can find,” said Cooper, who while new in more broadly than ever around the world 13:15 Thieves Like Us
AFM Passtel 11:15 13:45 16:00 18:30 21:15
the festival’s top job for 2010, has long been one one documentary and one program of short that annually spreads across snowy sidewalks for international films, and among the dra- 15:20 The Party
ANTALYA: Lara Prestige 12:30 14:45 17:00 17:00 The House On Carroll
19:15 21:30 Cinebonus Migros 11:45 14:00 of its key programmers and executives. “We films in competition to represent each of the of Park City, Utah, the mountain town east of mas are India’s “The Falling” and Green- Street
16:30 19:00 21:30 24:00 looked at pretty much everything, and asked festival’s three main groupings. Salt Lake City where the event is held. land’s “Nuummioq.” World documentaries 18:55 The Scalphunters
20:45 The Talking Of Pelham One
‘Why do we do this?’ and a lot of things got put Cooper said that among his favorite include “Space Tourists” from Switzerland Two Three
VIAGGIO SECRETO back in place because they work,” he said. things to do at Sundance is listen to people Risk-taking at Sundance and German title “Kick in Iran.” The fes- 22:30 Reversal of Fortune
STANBUL: Beyolu Pera 12:00 14:15 00:25 Manifesto
16:30 18:45 21:00 One change is to ditch the usual opening discuss the films, their art and craft, and he He said festival programmers, who chose from tival will feature 113 feature-length films 02:05 The Party
night premiere and replace it with one drama, hopes the change will jump-start the buzz more than 9,800 films submitted for the 2010 overall from 31 countries. Los Angeles Reuters 03:45 The Scalphunters
05:30 The Talking Of Pelham One
Two Three

07:00 3rd Rock from the Sun

Crossword Mr. DploMAT! Cem Kzltu
07:30 Ugly Betty
08:30 The Middle
09:00 The Cosby Show
10:00 According to Jim
ACROSS presidential sister Squares,” 11:00 Everybody Loves Raymond
1 They may candidate of 10 South end? essentially 12:00 The Office
be nuclear 1968 11 Afternoon 38 Roadblock 13:00 The Game
or biological, 49 Place for a drink place 39 They may 13:30 Ugly Betty
informally concubine 12 Pessimist’s have private 14:30 The Middle
5 Variety 51 More than hypothetical entries 15:00 The Cosby Show
show lineup is? 13 Margins of 42 French 16:00 According to Jim
9 Good 52 It might hold victory, in seasoning 17:00 Everybody Loves Raymond
conductor? up your horse races 43 “Stop 18:00 3rd Rock from the Sun
14 Light as a pants 21 Native already!” 18:30 The Game
feather 56 Red Sea American 44 Sweetly
15 Checked 19:00 The Cosby Show
peninsula shelter melodic
item 58 Eurasia’s __ 22 Young newt 45 Produced, 19:30 Ugly Betty
16 Ridge found _ Mountains 26 Like some as a literary 20:30 The Middle
in rugged 59 West meatballs work 21:00 According to Jim
mountains German 29 Big klutz 46 Corrects 21:30 Everybody Loves Raymond
17 Jack-o’- capital 30 Do-it- texts 22:00 The Office
lantern 60 Brief tussle yourselfer’s 48 Descendant 23:00 Californication
feature 61 Microbe buy 50 Wedding 23:30 Weeds
18 Light brown 62 Not new or 31 Void souvenir 00:00 The Middle
19 Eaten at mint 33 A way to 53 It leaves in
(Var.) 63 Ruhr Valley fish spring?
20 Like many city 34 Many vodka 54 Physical
23 Monopolize
24 Police club
64 Does some
65 Some teens
Divisor for
Some shade
rado gude
used in India in the 1960s any number 57 Filled up on
25 In some way
27 Type widths
28 Racing
1 Move from
side to side,
37 Opening in
“Hollywood Sudoku TRT Toursm Rado
00:00 Identification and
vehicle (Var.) as animal PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER 00:25 Music
32 Word on a tails HARD EASY 07:25 Identification and
door 2 Sister of

7 4 2 1 9 3 5 6 8 Programming
33 Book Mark? Moses
34 Dukes 3 Snow 6 5 8 3 4 5 6 2 8 6 5 9 8 4 7 3 2 1
07:30 Music
08:30 News (English,
35 Missive formations 8 1 3 6 5 2 9 4 7 French, German)
leading 4 Electronic
to military instrument, 1 7 1 9 7 4 5 6 8 2 1 3
08:40 Live Broadcast
service informally (English, German, Russian)
1 3 6 7 2 9 8 5 4
38 “Going to 5 Extraordi- 10:30 News (English, French,
the dogs,” nary tennis 1 3 6 3 4 9 7 2 8 5 4 3 1 7 9 6 German, Greek, Russian)
e.g. server 4 6 7 9 8 5 1 3 2
10:45 Live Broadcast
40 Amalgamate 6 ___-Cola (English, German, Russian)
41 Cotton 7 Diamond 3 7 6 4 8 3 9 1 2 7 6 4 8 5
12:30 News (English, French,
processor cover 5 2 8 3 1 4 6 7 9 German, Greek, Russian)
42 Pick 8 Drunken 12.45 Live Broadcast
44 Imitate daze 7 6 2 9 3 4 7 (English, German, Russian)

47 Satirical 9 Zsa Zsa’s © 2009 Universal Uclick 6 4 5 9 2 7 3 1 8

15:00 News (English, French,
German, Greek, Russian)
6 5 1 9 1 4 2 3 7 1 5 8 9 6 4
15:15 Live Broadcast
1 9 8 3 6 4 2 7 5
(English, German, Russian)
4 2 6 7 3 1 8 5 9 18:30 News (English, French,
8 6 6 7 3 8 7 1 9 2 8 5 6 4 3 German, Greek, Russian)
18:45 Live Broadcast
5 8 3 4 9 6 1 2 7
8 3 8 9 7 9 6 1 5 7 3 4 8 2
(English, French)
21:30 News (English, French,
8 5 2 6 4 9 7 3 1 German, Greek, Russian)
2 9 8 1 7 2 5 3 7 4 8 1 2 5 9 6
21:45 Live Broadcast
(English, Greek)
23:58 Identification

HOW TO PLAY? : The objective of the game is to fill all the blank squares in a game Every row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order Broadcast Areas:
Alanya FM 94.4
with the correct numbers. There are three very simple constraints to follow. In a 9 Every column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order Ankara FM 100.3
by 9 square Sudoku game: Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 Antalya FM 92.1
Ayvalk FM 101.1
Bodrum FM 97.4
Fethiye FM 103.1
stanbul FM 101.6

Ambulance: 112 Fire: 110 171 Police: 155156 Maritime: 158 Unknown numbers: 118 Turkish Airlines: 444 0 849 U.S. Embassy: 0312 455 5555 U.S. Consu- zmir FM 101.6
Kalkan FM 105.9
late: 0212 2513602-3-4 Russian Embassy: 0312 439 2122 Russian Consulate: 0212 244 1693-2610 British Embassy: 0312 455 3344 British Consulate: 0212

Kapadokya FM 103.0
293 7540 German Embassy: 0312 455 5100 German Consulate: 0212 334 61 00 French Embassy: 0312 455 4545 French Consulate: 0212 292 4810-11 Indian Kuadas FM 101.9
Marmaris FM 101.0
Embassy: 0312 438 2195 Pakistani Embassy: 0312 427 1410 Austrian Embassy: 0312 419 0431-33 Austrian Consulate: 0212 262 9315 Belgian Embassy: Pamukkale FM 101.0
Trabzon FM 101.5
0312 446 8247 Belgian Consulate: 0212 243 3300 Egyptian Embassy: 0312 426 1026 Egyptian Consulate: 0212 263 6038 Israeli Embassy: 0312 446 3605

Colonel’s action plan also in operation in Bursa Four soldiers testify to

civilian prosecutor over
A military plot that features the signature of luding businessmen, members of the military and jo- tor, claimed that they were offered a bribe by three was also arrested and released in July.
Col. Dursun Çiçek had been put into operation urnalists, are currently incarcerated while standing members of the military -- one major, a lieutenant As the controversy continues over the recent de- assassination plot
in the northwestern province of Bursa to undermi- trial. The wiretap records were compiled in a way to colonel and a sergeant major -- to plant weapons at cision of the Council of State to overturn a Higher
contnued from page 1
ne the power of the ruling Justice and Development show that the individuals were members of an illegal the addresses of followers of Fethullah Gülen. The Education Board (YÖK) decision to abolish the unfair
Three of them, lieutenants Sinan Efe No-
Party (AK Party) and the faith-based Gülen move- organization. Members of the judiciary and bureauc- three members of the military were arrested and coefcient system used to calculate Student Selection
yan, Faruk Akn and Alperen Erdoan, were on
ment, the Yeni afak daily reported on Thursday. rats were urged to support the implementation of the put in jail last month. Examination (ÖSS) scores, the name of a lieutenant
active duty in the Gölcük district of northwestern
According to the report, the gendarmerie wire- plot. They were promised to be appointed to higher Çiçek’s plot also aimed to portray followers -- smail Hakk Pekin -- has been mentioned both
Kocaeli province and were arrested on July 21 by
tapped phone conversations of around 250 indivi- positions if the plot was successful. of the Gülen movement as being engaged in ille- in a newly discovered plan, which shows top army
court order after being detained. There were cla-
duals in Bursa as part of the plot, named the Action The individuals whose phone conversations gal acts. “We will enable the discovery of weapons, ofcers were closely monitoring developments rela-
ims that the lieutenants were in close contact with
Plan to Fight Reactionaryism and exposed by a Tur- were wiretapped would also be accused of commit- ammunition and documents at the addresses of ting to the abolishment of the coefcient system, and
Maj. Levent Bekta, who was arrested in April for
kish daily in June. According to the plot, the Turkish ting such crimes as rigging tenders and abusing mi- Gülen’s followers as if they were members of a ter- plans for establishing Web sites to engage in psycho-
suspected links to a large cache of ammunition
Armed Forces (TSK) had a systematic plan to destroy nors. These individuals would be linked to an illegal rorist organization. The movement will be named logical warfare against civilian groups.
unearthed during excavations on land owned by
the image of the AK Party government and the Gü- organization, which would kick off a major operation ‘Fethullah’s Armed Terrorist Organization’ [FSTÖ], Lt. Pekin is among the military ofcials who un-
the stek Foundation in stanbul’s Poyrazköy dist-
len movement in the eyes of the public and to play against several innocent people. and investigations into its members will be carried dersigned a document that planned to establish 42
rict. That discovery came as part of the investi-
down the investigation into Ergenekon. Another Turkish daily reported on Wednesday out by military prosecutors,” read the plot. Web sites as part of psychological warfare against
gation into Ergenekon, a clandestine organizati-
The armed forces also hoped to gather support that the same plot had also been put into operati- Col. Çiçek was arrested last month for suspec- “dangerous” civilian groups, which were categorized
on whose suspected members are currently stan-
for members of the military arrested as part of the Er- on in eastern Erzincan. Two secret witnesses, in- ted membership in a clandestine terrorist organiza- as “reactionary,” “separatist,” “pro-Justice and Deve-
ding trial on charges of having plotted to overt-
genekon probe. Dozens of Ergenekon members, inc- terrogated recently by an Erzurum public prosecu- tion but was released after being brie y detained. He lopment Party” and “anti-TSK.” stanbul Today’s Zaman
hrow the government.
In the meantime, news portals announced yes-
terday that one major and another soldier whose
rank was not made public were released from pri-
son before Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrice). Se-
MHP to start rallies veral members of the military were arrested last


month on grounds that they had contributed to the
against Kurdish preparation of a plot which detailed a plan to as-
sassinate prominent non-Muslim gures in Turkey
initiative on Dec. 13 and place the blame for the killings on the Justice
and Development Party (AK Party) as part of an
ERCAN YAVUZ ANKARA action plan called the Cage Operation Action Plan.
The killings were intended to increase internal and
The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), a external pressure on the party, leading to diminis-
staunch opponent of governmental efforts hing public support for the AK Party.
to settle the country’s decades-old Kurdish qu- The lawyers for two colonels and a major also

estion through peaceful and democratic means, yesterday appealed the arrest of their clients, who
plans to launch the rst of a series of rallies to were put in prison on Nov. 27 over similar charges.
protest the government’s initiative with a gathe-
ring on Dec. 13 in the Turkish capital. TSK expels jailed colonel
The main theme of the rallies will be “Experience The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) have expelled a
and Keep Alive a 1,000-year-old Brotherhood.” MHP major who is currently serving time in jail for char-
supporters will convene in Ankara’s Tandoan Squa- ges of aiding and abetting a terrorist organization.
re on Dec. 13 and voice their opposition to the Justice Col. Aydn Yeil was arrested in 2006 af-
and Development Party’s (AK Party) plans to solve the ter a voice recording allegedly featuring his voi-
Kurdish issue with a democratization package. ce was leaked to the press. The recording revea-
The AK Party announced its ambition to settle the led the close ties between the colonel and Cabbar
Kurdish question without resorting to military means Çiçek, a member of the terrorist Kurdistan Wor-
and in a peaceful manner in the summer months. The kers’ Party (PKK). The colonel’s dismissal came
party has not announced the full context of its democ- The police had to intervene when PKK supporters took to the streets in Hakkari to celebrate the anniversary of the foundation of the before the Supreme Military Council (YA) con-
terrorist group. Again, most of the demonstrators in these violent protests were minors.
ratization package yet, but it is believed that the go- venes today to decide on promotions and dismis-
vernment will grant broader cultural and political rights sals in the armed forces. According to observers,

DTP no longer supports

to the country’s Kurds to thaw the ice between the sta- the TSK decision to expel the colonel may set a
te and Kurdish citizens in Turkey. However, two oppo- precedent in the dismissal of other members of
sition parties -- the MHP and the Republican People’s the military who were put behind bars as part of
Party (CHP) -- have reiterated their opposition to the an ongoing probe into Ergenekon.
initiative since it was rst announced.
The MHP’s anti-Kurdish initiative rally will be the
party’s greatest rally in Ankara since 2005. The party
was planning to hold its rally in a Mediterranean city,
but the prospect of the emergence of any acts of pro-
Kurdish initiative
contnued from page 1 Interior Minister Beir Atalay said that and are using Öcalan’s new conditions as a
Coup personnel
vocation discouraged the MHP to do so. The nationa-
list party will emphasize during its Ankara rally that the
The deputy chairman asserted that so far 153 people who had participated in pretext on which to demonstrate. unlikely to be
Kurdish initiative is aimed at destroying the national
the governing party was threate-
ning the existence of the DTP and Öcalan
the demonstrations had been detained. He
also added that the aim of the demonstrati-
The chairman of the DTP Ahmet Türk
on Wednesday at press conference portrayed
expelled at YA
unity of the country and damaging its unitary structure.
with the efforts it had exerted to settle the ons was to sabotage the “National unity and Öcalan’s living conditions as the priority of the Today the Supreme Military Council (YA),
Kurdish question. Öcalan is serving a life brotherhood project.” Kurdish people and urged the government to which makes decisions on the promotions of
sentence in a prison on mral Island, loca- Atalay is the coordinator of this project improve them immediately, warning that any- members of the military as well as dismissals, is ha-
ted off the coast of stanbul. which is also known as the democratization thing to the contrary would drag the country ving its winter meeting, but none of the military of-
Gül to attend The DTP has so far failed to distance it-
self from the terrorist organization, drawing
initiative, launched by the government at the
end of the summer to solve Turkey’s decades-
into clashes. Some DTP deputies also met with
the minister of justice, Sadullah Ergin, on Wed-
cers implicated in an alleged plot to overthrow the
government are expected to be discharged.
climate conference the ire of Turkey and many European co-
untries. The party and its supporters have
old Kurdish question. The government chose
“More freedom for everyone” as the slogan of
nesday. Ergin said that Öcalan’s prison condi-
tions are tting to the norms of the United Na-
The YA meeting will be chaired by Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan. Traditionally, the

in Copenhagen kept complaining about the conditions of

imprisonment of the terrorist leader, clai-
the initiative and it frequently underlined that
it will never consider discussing the issue with
tions and the Council of Europe and are even
above them.“However, if there are still comp-
December YA meetings focus on the needs of
the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), while promoti-
President Abdullah Gül is planning to travel to ming the Kurdish initiative will not be suc- the PKK, saying the only party with a voice in laints, we will examine them and if there is any ons and dismissals are decided during the August
Copenhagen to attend the UN Climate Chan- cessful unless his conditions are improved. this process is the nation itself. basis, we will change them,” he said on Thurs- meetings. However, the December 2007 YA me-
ge Conference, in which the world’s big emitters of In the meantime, a delegation from the However, Öcalan wants to be a part of day. DTP deputy and member of the Parlia- eting was a signicant exception as some ofcers
climate-warming gases will meet for talks in the hope Ministry of Justice went to mral yesterday the process and the DTP are also pointing mentary Commission for Human Rights Akn were expelled from the military.
of striking a deal to replace the United Nation’s Kyo- amid demonstrations across the country to out him as the partner of the government for Birdal suggested the establishment of a sub- Today’s YA meeting takes place at a time of seri-
to Protocol when it expires in 2012. Sources said Pre- protest Öcalan’s conditions of imprisonment. the process. There are some suggestions that committee to examine Öcalan’s conditions of ous accusations against a group inside the military ac-
sident Gül will participate the meeting in its second He was the sole inmate until recently, but Öcalan and the PKK fear losing their powers imprisonment. stanbul Today’s Zaman with wires cused of having plotted to stage a coup d’état against
week. He is expected to be in Copenhagen on Dec. ve other convicts have now been transferred the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) govern-
17-18, the nal days of the meeting. to the island and three more will follow and ment. These accusations are based on evidence acqu-
Haluk Özdalga, chairman of Parliament’s Envi- he was placed in a different cell. ired in the investigation into Ergenekon, a clandestine
ronment Commission, hailed the president’s decisi- Öcalan’s lawyers claim his new cell is Court to start DTP closure case hearings group whose members are accused of being involved
on to go to the conference, as world leaders are cal- six-and-a-half square meters, compared in illegal plans to overthrow the government. A go-
The Constitutional Court will on Tuesday start hearing the case of the Supreme Court of
led upon to support a new deal to stop climate change. to the old cell’s 12 square meters. The new Appeals vs. the Democratic Society Party (DTP), which demands the party’s closure on vernment ofcial who does not wish to be named has
Özdalga said, “This is a good sign showing cell’s window is reportedly high and can- charges of separatism. In November 2007 the Constitutional Court announced it had stated that the government does not have any expec-
Turkey’s growing support for the ght against glo- not be looked through unassisted. Öcalan, accepted an indictment from Supreme Court of Appeals prosecutors to shut down the tation that the dismissal of these generals will occur
bal climate change.” Danish Prime Minister Lars in his latest meeting with his lawyers last DTP. The prosecution claims that the DTP has ties to the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ during the meeting, saying as a rule, expulsions do not
Løkke Rasmussen sent invitations to 191 world le- week, warned that his new prison condi- Party (PKK). The indictment also calls for banning from politics 220 DTP members, inc- occur during ongoing investigations. Ercan Yavuz Ankara
tions are harming his health and he feels luding deputies Ahmet Türk, Aysel Tuluk, Sebahat Tuncel, Osman Özçelik, brahim Bini-
aders to attend the Dec. 7-18 conference in Co-
that he is at the bottom of a well. ci, Sevahir Bayndr and Fatma Kurtulan. The DTP has 20 members in the 550-seat Par-
penhagen. “Your personal attendance is a pivo-
tal contribution to a successful outcome,” says the Since his statement to his lawyers the- liament. To shut down the DTP, the Constitution requires that at least seven of the 11
members of the Constitutional Court vote for its closure. stanbul Today’s Zaman with wires
Swine flu kills 46 in four
letter from Rasmussen, who will chair the talks ai- re have been demonstrations across the co-
med at reaching a new global accord to replace the untry to protest his new living conditions. days, raising death toll
1997 Kyoto Protocol. stanbul Today’s Zaman to 241 in Turkey
The Health Ministry announced on Thurs-
day that the number of deaths caused by
the H1N1 virus, which is widely known as swi-

Council of State places limits on parts of GMO legislation ne u, has increased from 195 to 241 in the last
four days across Turkey. A report released by the
ministry last week highlighted that the best way
The Council of State has ruled to prevent export, use and inspection mechanisms of GMOs. ter publication in the Ofcial Gazette, but drew wi- Turkey does not yet have a bio-security law, set- to protect against swine u is vaccination. The
parts of a recently adopted regulation add- The Council of State evaluation also indicated despread opposition from agricultural organizati- ting rules and regulations for GMOs; hence, the go- ministry noted: “It is of crucial importance to be
ressing the control of food and feed products con- that the Ministry of Agriculture, which has been ons, consumer associations and political opposition vernment says it wants to take these crops under su- sensitive about personal protection measures.
taining genetically modied organisms (GMO) sued over the issue, has already been working on parties, which claimed that the regulation places the pervision until a comprehensive law comes into effect. Practicing good personal hygiene and washing
from fully entering into effect. a bio-security law. nation’s health at risk by making the import of GMO Critics say the regulation does not restrict or one’s hands often are among the main ways to
In response to a lawsuit led on Oct. 26, the “The developments show that there needs to be crops in Turkey free. GMOs can be produced by gene ban the import or use of GMOs but only intro- decrease the possibility of contracting the virus.
common council of the 10th and 13th chambers of a new legislation,” the Council of State announced. cloning methods in which a non-native gene is intro- duces some criteria for their import and that it Anyone who is sick should not go to work or
the Council of State stopped the execution of parts “When public health and security are concerned, the duced and expressed in a new organism. Until today, has shortcomings and runs counter to internati- school, but should instead rest at home.” The re-
of the new regulation on grounds that there is a regulation does not have enough legal support.” genetically modied soybean and corn have been en- onal standards about the use of genetically mo- port also stressed that people should avoid close
need to clearly draw a framework for the import, The new regulation went into effect on Oct. 26 af- tering Turkey due to an absence of legislation. died crops. stanbul Today’s Zaman with wires contact with others. stanbul Today’s Zaman

10th & 11th GRADERS

Creativity is a drug I cannot live without.
Cecil B. DeMille

Dear Readers,
I hope you have had a festive, happy and
healthy eid. Everyone has returned to school
and classes have resumed. It is quite natural
for many of us at this time to feel a little de-
motivated about doing homework. It will not
take long before you get into the routine of
school and homework so be positive and think
about the coming school holidays. Try your
hardest during the next two months to try and
keep up with all your school responsibilities
and you will notice how time really does go by
so much quicker.
This week in our essay writing competi-
tion we have an interesting topic. I want to
encourage Year 10 and 11 students from
around Turkey to please submit their essays.
Your views are important to our readers.

The ýmportance of breakfast

to have a healthy lýfe
People who have breakfast regularly who rarely ate cereal in the morning. 1. By getting more vitamins, you are likely to get fat. _____
are lucky ones as having big potential For kids, breakfast appears to en- 2. If you want to have a fit body, you should eat breakfast. _____
of being healthy. Research shows hance alertness, attention, and per- 3. Having breakfast prevents people from having pains because of hunger. _____
people who have a morning meal formance on standardized achieve-
4. Regular breakfast may result in diabetes. _____
tend to take in more vitamins and ment tests, reports the ADA.
minerals, and less fat and cholesterol. To get the full benefits of break- 5. It is suggested to eat food like cornflakes for breakfast. _____
If kids eat breakfast, they will be more naught at school. _____
The result is often a fit body, lower fast, it is recommended that a meal 6.
cholesterol count, and less chance of contains carbohydrates, protein, 7. Having different food items in breakfast is necessary. _____
being overweight. and a small amount of fat. They say 8. It is significant to have breakfast at a fixed time. _____
"That one act [of eating break- that because no single food gives 9. Some people prefer sleep to breakfast. _____ Weekly Essay Competition
fast] seems to make a difference in you all of the proteins and vitamins
10. It you want to lose weight qucikly, it is recommended to omit breakfast. _____ This weeks' essay question:
people's overall weight," says you need, eating a variety of foods is
Melinda Johnson, RD, a spokes- essential to good health. Do you agree with the following statement?
woman for the American Dietetic Yet, even with so much scien- Professional athletes (such as football stars) and en-
B- MATCH THE WORDS WITH THEIR SYNONYMS. tertainers (such as singers and actors) are paid too
Association (ADA). She says break- tific evidence that breakfast does
1. Fit a. Advise much money for the work that they do.
fast can hold off hunger pangs un- the body good; many people still
til lunchtime and make high-calo- make excuses not to eat in the 2. Pang b. Adapt Requirements of essays:
rie vending machine options less morning. They say they do not Maximum number of words: 250
3. Enhance c. Important
enticing. Not only that, researchers have enough time and do not feel Essay format and use of formal written English
4. Alertness d. Well-built Must be submitted by the following
at the 2003 American Heart hungry. For these people, it is sug-
Association conference reported gested to tailor breakfast. 5. Recommend e. Improve Thursday of each week's English Corner
that breakfast eaters are signifi- "When I'm getting ready in the 6. Obese f. Attentiveness Must have student's full name, school and city
cantly less likely to become obese morning, I don't really want to spend 7. Significant g. Overweight
and get diabetes compared with time to have breakfast because that
8. Tailor h. Pain
nonbreakfast eaters. would mean sleeping less time," says
Another study in the one of the experts. "So I bring my VOCABULARY
International Journal of Food Science breakfast with me, and I know I have
PROVERB Complete the following sentences with the best option.
and Nutrition showed that people an hour when I'm reading emails in
Cross the stream where it is shallowest. 1. Oh my God!I've __________ my ticket.
who consumed breakfast cereal every the office when I can eat it. By that
day reported feeling better both time, I'm hungry because I've been Don't make difficulties for yourself by doing things the hard way. a) loose b) lost c) lose
physically and mentally than those up for a couple of hours." Find the simplest means of achieving your object.
2. There were some __________ wires hanging
out of the wall.
a) lose b) loose c) lost

3. Steven gave me some good _________.

a) advice b) advise c) advising

4. His doctor __________ him against smoking.


FCE EXAM PRACTICE a) advice b) advise c) advised

Read the article about firefighters and fill in the blanks with one suitable word. 5. It's common __________ in the States to tip

the hairdresser.
FIREFIGHTERS a) practice b) practise c) practical
Fires are to blame (1) _____the loss of countless receive a great deal of emergency medical training.
lives and billions of dollars every year. Firefighters Many fire departments require that all the employ- 6. The new government has promised all citizens the
help protect people and their property (2) ____injury ees be certified emergency medical technicians. right to ________ their religion.
and damage. They put their life on the line every When they are not helping someone in need, firefight- a) practising b) practice c) practise
time they respond to a call. ers spend much of their time at fire stations. Each
While on duty, firefighters must be ready to respond fire station (7) _____ employs full-time firefighters 7. The ____________ in the hills can change very
in a (3) ____ of minutes to just about and disaster usually has a dormitory facility where firefighters can quickly, so take suitable clothing.
that may occur. At (4) _____ fire scene, a senior fire sleep when working long shifts. When the alarm a) whether b) weather c) wuthering
officer takes command and directs the jobs of all sounds in the fire station, firefighters rush into ac-
the personnel at the scene. Some (5) _______ oper- tion, (8) _________ of time of the day or weather. 8. I'm wondering _________ to have the fish or the beef.
ate hose lines to hydrants while others manually op- In the line of duty, firefighters encounter a (9) a) weather b) wuthering c) whether
erate the pumps to send water to the hoses. Teams _______ of harmful substance. They are highly
of firefighters also operate ladders used to reach trained to deal with these substances. They of- 9. Hey, John! Come and sit here _________ me.
distances high in the air. ten are exposed to high temperatures, smoke, a) besides b) beside c) next
In addition to (6) ________ and handling fire calls, and a variety of harmful gases. In some cases,
firefighters provide emergency medical services as they are exposed to radioactive and hazardous 10. Do you play any other sports _________ football
well. The majority of calls that firefighters respond to materials that have a long-term negative (10) and basketball?
involve emergency medical situations. Firefighters ________ on their health. a) next b) beside c) besides

Last week’s answers: 1. Will Durant 2. Daniel J. Boorstin 3. William Butler Yeats 4. Gilbert K. Chesterton 5. George Washington Carver 6. Malcolm Forbes 7. Victor Hugo 8. Michel de Montaigne 9. Walt Disney 10. Carl Rogers
SPORTS Lindsey Vonn in the groove for more success
American Lindsey Vonn renewed her love affair with the Canadian Rockies by
clocking the fastest time in training for a season-opening World Cup downhill
doubleheader this weekend. Taking advantage of ideal conditions, Vonn flashed
down the Olympic layout in a time of one minute, 52.30, crossing ahead of
Austrians Maria Holaus and Andrea Fischbacher. Lake Louise, Alberta, Reuters


SOCCER Shaq O’Neal eclipses

Roberto Carlos to former teammates as
play with Ronaldo
Brazil World Cup veteran and Fenerbahçe left
back Roberto Carlos said he has reached a deal
Eagles have golden Cavs block out Suns
Shaquille O’Neal contributed to a bal-
anced offensive display to help the Cleve-

opportunity to go to top
to play for Brazilian club Corinthians in 2010, land Cavaliers beat the Phoenix Suns 107-90 on
joining former Brazil teammate Ronaldo. Ro- Wednesday, the center scoring 12 points with
berto Carlos told Record Radio Wednesday nine rebounds against his former team.
that he will leave the Fener Yellow Canaries Seven Cavaliers players returned double-g-
to play at least two seasons with Corinthians. ures scores, including reigning league MVP LeB-
Brazil’s second most popular club behind Fla-
mengo, Corinthians signed Ronaldo this year
and is expected to have the striker back next
season. Roberto Carlos was Ronaldo’s team-
mate with Brazil at the 1998, 2002 and 2006
for first time this season
A Beikta win this evening would mean that the team would lead Fenerbahçe by
ron James, who narrowly missed a triple-double
with 12 points, 10 assists and eight rebounds.
Playing in his franchise record 724th
game, center Zydrunas Ilgauskas had a team-
high 14 points. The defeat was a second
World Cups. Roberto Carlos is expected to straight heavy loss for the Suns (14-5), having
be ofcially introduced to Corinthians fans two points. And this is almost a carbon copy of last season, when Beiktas nished suffered a 126-99 thrashing at the hands of
on Dec. 20. The Brazilian defender played for sixth at the winter break but rebounded in the season’s second half to clinch the title the New York Knicks the previous day.
Corinthians’ rival, Palmeiras, before moving Channing Frye led Phoenix with 22 points

to Europe in 1995 to join Inter Milan and then OKAN UDO BASSEY STANBUL
but the high-octane Suns’ offense was tamed
Real Madrid. stanbul Today’s Zaman with wires as they failed to score 100 points for a second
The Beikta Black Eagles have a
straight night after reaching three gures in

good chance of climbing to the top of
CRICKET every game this season before the Knicks loss.
the Turkcell Super League if, as ex-
Other NBA results: Washington 104,
Sehwag puts India pected, they beat newcomer Diyarbakrspor
at home in a crucial week 15 match at
Milwaukee 102; Orlando 118, New York 104;
in strong position stanbul’s nönü Stadium this evening.
Atlanta 146, Toronto 115; Dallas 117, New Jer-
sey 101;Oklahoma City 117, Philadelphia 106;
Virender Sehwag plundered his second succes- Going into this match, the Black Eagles
Chicago 92, Detroit 85; Memphis 97, Minne-
sive century to put a rampant India in control trail the league-leading Fener Yellow Canar-
ies by one point after their hard-fought 1-0 sota 95; Sacramento 110, Indiana 105; Houston
of the third and nal test against Sri Lanka on
away victory over Sivasspor last Sunday. And 102, LA Clippers 85. Cleveland, Ohio Reuters
Thursday. The explosive opener cracked 151 not
out and shared in a scintillating 221-run open- with Fenerbahçe idle until Saturday, when it
ing wicket stand with Murali Vijay (87) to guide plays Eskiehirspor away, Mustafa Denizli’s
India to 260 for one at tea in reply to Sri Lanka’s Eagles will strive to seize this golden oppor- Chelsea bundled
tunity to go to the top of the Super League
rst-innings 393 on the second day. Sehwag tore
into the bowling on a Brabourne Stadium pitch for the rst time this season. out on penalties by
that offered bounce as he lashed 19 fours and And if the Eagles top the league, even for
24 hours, it will be a remarkable comeback for
Blackburn Rovers
ve sixes in a spectacular innings for his 17th test Blackburn Rovers dumped 10-man Chel-
a team that was declared dead and buried not
century. Vijay, playing in only his second test, sea out of the League Cup 4-3 on penal-
too long ago. Only a few weeks ago, in week
had a few tentative early moments but displayed ties after a quarternal thriller ended 3-3 fol-
eight to be more accurate, the Eagles had gar-
a range of shots in front of the wicket once he lowing extra time at Ewood Park.
nered only nine points and were trailing then-
settled to register his maiden test 50. Rahul Drav- In a roller-coaster match that saw the
unbeaten Fenerbahçe -- with 24 maximum
id (17) was at the crease with Sehwag after Vijay, Premier League leader twice fall behind only
points -- by 15. Then-second-place Galatasa-
a replacement for Gautam Gambhir after the to grab a dramatic 122nd-minute equalizer,
ray Lions had 19 points and led Beikta by 10.
regular opener withdrew from the test to attend it was left to teenager Gael Kakuta to uff
his sister’s wedding, fell lbw to left-arm spinner Beikta the late starter the decisive penalty kick.
Rangana Herath. Mumbai Reuters A Beikta win this evening would mean Big-spending Manchester City beat a young
that the team would lead Fenerbahçe by two Arsenal team 3-0 in the other quarternal to set
GOLF points and Galatasaray by four. And this is up a mouth-watering clash with holder and lo-
almost a carbon copy of last season when cal rival Manchester United in the last four.
Appleby and Hend Beiktas nished sixth at the winter break last
The Beikta Black Eagles during their last practice session for this evening’s Turkcell Super With manager Sam Allardyce absent af-
share lead at Open December but rebounded in the season’s sec-
ond half to clinch the league championship.
League week 15 match against Diyarbakrspor in stanbul’s BJK nönü Stadium. ter undergoing heart surgery, Blackburn went
ahead when Croatian striker Nikola Kalinic
Stuart Appleby and Scott Hend shot 6-un- Coach Denizli has warned his boys in CSKA Moscow in stanbul next Tuesday. sidefooted home in the ninth minute.
der-par 66s to share the lead after Thursday’s black and white against complacency. “We Turkcell Super
Long-term injury victims, second choice Chelsea manager Carlo Ancelotti respond-
rst round of the Australian Open. Hend, had only six points at the end of week six; keeper Hakan Arkan striker Filip Holosko,
League standings ed with a triple substitution at halftime and
who played in ideal morning conditions at now we trail Fenerbahçe by only one,” he will also be absent today. P W D L GF GA Pts the gamble paid dividends three minutes later
the oceanside links-style New South Wales said. “It is necessary to continue our winning
Fenerbahçe 14 10 1 3 26 13 31 when striker Didier Drogba headed in with al-
Golf Club, had eight birdies and two bogeys. ways without being intoxicated with victory,” Cash-strapped Diyarbakr most his rst touch of the ball.
Appleby, playing in the more difcult and he added rather philosophically.
Beikta 14 9 3 2 17 6 30
The Beikta Black Eagles are now in sev-
Bursaspor 14 9 2 3 28 12 29 Salomon Kalou, sent clean through with
wind-swept afternoon eld, could have held There was joy at the Beikta camp when enth heaven after a string of victories. But Galatasaray 14 9 2 3 31 18 29 only goalkeeper Paul Robinson to beat,
the outright lead but had a three-putt bogey Brazilian striker Bobo appeared for training the same cannot be said about cash-strapped Kayserispor 14 8 4 2 22 10 28 calmly slotted in four minutes later to make
on the 18th. Fellow Australians James Nitties on Wednesday. The striker has recovered pauper Diyarbakrspor, whose players re- G.Birlii 14 6 4 4 20 15 22 it 2-1 to Chelsea but Blackburn leveled when
and Peter Wilson were tied for third with 67s. sufciently from an injury to his left knee fused to show up for training on Tuesday stanbul BB 14 6 4 4 16 22 22 keeper Hilario completely missed an intended
Australians Adam Scott and Stephen Allan during the Sivas match. The club doctor said because they have not been paid. Trabzonspor 14 6 3 5 26 20 21 cross by Brett Emerton. Kalou then limped off
and American David Oh were a further stroke Bobo is as t as a ddle, and so he is very “Maybe they [the players] are right, but Eskiehirspor 14 5 6 3 18 13 21
injured in the 73rd minute, leaving Chelsea
back after 68s and tied for fth. Appleby had likely to make the starting XI this evening. the timing is wrong,” Diyarbakrspor Chair- Antalyaspor 14 6 2 6 19 16 20
Gaziantep 14 5 4 5 18 17 19 with only 10 men. London Reuters/AP
a poor season on the US PGA Tour, nishing Defender brahim Toraman trained with man Çetin Sümer said of the training boy-
137th on the money list and sinking to No. 150 a special mask after breaking his nose in his cott. “We are trying everything possible to Ankaragücü 14 4 5 5 18 16 17
Kasmpaa 14 4 3 7 19 23 15
in world rankings. “I started a lot of rounds of
golf really excited about what was going on
team’s 1-0 UEFA Champions League victory
over Manchester United at Old Trafford last
remedy the situation,” he added.
The morale of the Diyar players has hit
Diyarbakr 14 4 3 7 15 23 15 Tiger Woods:
Manisaspor 14 3 5 6 11 15 14
and nished the day just going, ‘What hap- Wednesday. Toraman will be missing today’s
match, but he will be playing with that mask in
rock bottom and that, indeed, will only make
Beikta’ job easier. Kickoff is at 8 p.m., and
Sivasspor 14 3 1 10 14 24 10 ‘Personal failings’
pened?’,” he said. “All year I wasn’t able to get Denizlispor 14 1 4 9 10 23 7
that nal bit of condence.” Sydney AP the crucial Champions League match against the referee will be Bülent Yldrm. let family down
With a public apology and another ap-
SOCCER peal for privacy, Tiger Woods acknowl-
edged on Wednesday that he let his family
Barca opens up down with unspecied “transgressions” that
he regrets with “all of my heart.”
five-point lead
Thierry Henry and Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored
to give Barcelona a 2-0 victory at Xerez to
Fener Yellow Canaries earn revenge and win Group H “I have not been true to my values and
the behavior my family deserves,” Woods
said on his Web site following a magazine
open up a ve-point lead over second-place He who laughs last laughs loudest! And so nishing by the Fener strike force, the Canaries report of an alleged affair.
Real Madrid in the Spanish league. On the it was when the Fenerbahçe Yellow Canar- could have scored a hatful of goals. But that sin- It was his longest statement since a mid-
same day that FIFA opened a disciplin- ies beat Dutch Eredivise leader Twente 1-0 in
GROUP H standings gle goal was still enough because it gave Daum dle-of-the-night car crash outside his Florida
ary case against Henry for a blatant hand their penultimate UEFA Europa League Group H P W D L GF GA Pts and the Canaries all that they wanted -- revenge, home last week set off the greatest media scru-
Fenerbahce* 5 4 0 1 7 3 12
ball that helped put France into the World match at Enschede on Wednesday night. group leadership and bragging rights. tiny of Woods’ career and his 5-year-old mar-
Twente 5 2 1 2 4 5 7
Cup, the Barcelona striker turned Maxwell’s With Albania’s FC Sheriff and cellar-dweller Sheriff Tiraspol 5 1 2 2 4 4 5 “We had plenty of scoring positions, but unfor- riage to former model Elin Nordegren. He did
pass through the hands of goalkeeper Re- Steaua Bucharest sharing the spoils after a 1-1 S.Bucharest 5 0 3 2 2 5 3 tunately we could not nd the second goal,” Daum not go into detail and said he would deal with
nan Soares in the 46th minute for his second draw, victory meant the Canaries being guaran- *Qualifies for Round of 32 said after the match. “Twente put on a good ght, the his “personal failings” with his family.
league goal. Ibrahimovic chipped over Renan teed group leadership with one game still to go. players gave their all and so it was an exciting 95-min- “Those feelings should be shared by us
in injury time to make up for missed chances This was also a grudge game because ute encounter [including injury time],” he added. alone,” he said.
by Lionel Messi and Andres Iniesta. It was the “ ying Dutchmen” Twente laughed all the for nothing as the Canaries proved beyond rea- The enigmatic German coach was very Shortly after the investigation of the car ac-
Sweden striker’s ninth league goal. Barcelona, way home when they beat Fenerbahçe 2-1 in sonable doubt who the real boss is. careful not to gloat because he has been around cident ended on Tuesday with a $164 citation
which played on Wednesday to make up for a stanbul on Matchday 1 on Sept. 17, forgetting A header goal by Uruguay defender Diego Lu- long enough and therefore knows that they for careless driving, Us Weekly reported that a
missed league round when it competes at the that there was still the return leg to play for. gano from a corner kick by Brazilian captain-play- won a battle but not the war. In other words, Los Angeles cocktail waitress claims she had a
Club World Cup, has 33 points from 13 games. It was therefore incumbent upon the Canar- maker Alex De Souza 19 minutes from time gave the there are still many rivers to cross in this sea- 31-month affair with the world’s No. 1 golfer.
Madrid, which plays on Saturday against Al- ies to win on Wednesday to settle the score, and Canaries a well deserved victory. Twente seemingly son’s Europa League competition. About three hours before Woods’ state-
meria, has 28 from 12 games. Sevilla is third Christoph Daum’s men did exactly that. Talk that had more ball possession in mideld, but it was the Commenting on Spain striker Dani Gonzalez ment, the magazine released what it said was a
with 26 points, one better than both Valencia the Twente attacking options were tantalizing, Canaries who had the more glaring scoring chances. Güiza, who protested vehemently after he was voice mail -- provided by the waitress, Jaimee
and Deportivo La Coruna. Xerez remained in that it was the undisputed league leader and that And had it not been for the superb goalkeep- substituted in the 81st minute, Daum said, “Güiza Grubbs -- that Woods left on her phone three
last place with seven points. Jerez AP it had won 10 Eredivise matches in a row counted ing of Twente’s Sander Boschker and the erratic has to be more respectful.” Okan Udo Bassey stanbul days before his accident. Thousand Oaks, Calif. AP
FIFA president says there will be no extra referees
FIFA has rejected the use of extra match officials at next year’s World Cup
despite the uproar over Thierry Henry’s handball that helped France qualify
at the expense of Ireland. FIFA President Sepp Blatter said that “there is no
change for referees” at the World Cup from June 11 to July 11. Cape Town, AP



France striker Thierry Hen- goal in the playoff in Paris last month erry Henry or another player. But it was sanctioned with a ban from France’s
Therry Henry ry could be banned from
the start of the World Cup
that saw the French secure their place
in the nals, they could impose a
blatant unfair play and was shown all
over the world. “I am not saying that
next competitive matches which will
be at the nals. Blatter said the disci-
handball could nals next year after FIFA President
Sepp Blatter said his blatant hand-
match ban that could see him miss the
start of the nals in South Africa next
Thierry Henry will be punished, what
I am saying is that he will be examined
plinary committee will also investi-
gate trouble at the World Cup match
ball against Ireland would be inves- June. “The disciplinary committee will by the disciplinary committee.” between Algeria and Egypt and that a
lead to World tigated by the world body. open a case into the behavior of Thi- The disciplinary committee does working group would be set up to look
If FIFA’s Disciplinary Committee erry Henry in the match against Ire- have the power to ban the player at the future of the World Cup qualify-
Cup ban rule against Henry, who handled the
ball in the buildup to France’s crucial
land,” Blatter told a news conference.
“It is not a question of it being Thi-
and the fact a case has been opened
against him suggests he could well be
ing competition and whether playoffs
should continue. Cape Town Reuters/AP

George Mazarakis, producer of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World
Cup Draw broadcast, gives journalists a preview of the draw
stage in Cape Town. The draw will take place today.

World waits
on fickle fate of
World Cup draw
Hundreds of millions of football fans are expected to
follow the World Cup draw today, knowing that pure
luck of how teams are picked from the four pots will go a
long way to deciding who wins the trophy in 2010. FIFA
secretary general Jerome Valcke and actress Charlize Theron
will casually swirl the little balls around the pots and draw
them out to decide the make-up of the eight four-team
groups that will play the rst round of next year’s event.
Just how ckle the draw can be is illustrated by what
awaits host nation South Africa. Bafana Bafana is seeded in
the draw as hosts, so will avoid the world’s top teams. But
it might still get a challenging set of opponents like France,
the United States and Chile. Then again, it could get a more
benign draw like New Zealand, Uruguay and Slovenia.
The only restriction upon the draw is that no two teams
from the same geographical confederation can be drawn
into the same group, barring European teams. “The draw
can produce anything,” World Cup chief executive Danny
Jordaan told The Associated Press, hoping for a kind draw
for the hosts. “We hope on the luck of the draw. It is impor-
tant for us as the host nation that our team must progress
in the second round and we will keep our ngers crossed.”
France will be particularly anxious after it just missed out
on being seeded and might have to play powerhouses like
Spain or Brazil in the opening group stage. “I just hope that
we won’t end up in the toughest group,” said French federa-
tion president Jean-Pierre Escalettes.
Inevitably, one of the groups will be dubbed the “Group
of Death,” indicating a tricky combination of four strong
teams left to ght it out for a top-two place that will bring a
berth in round two. Today, four of the world’s top 14-ranked
teams could be thrown together if France is drawn with
Spain, Cameroon and the United States. “We hope for
a group where you feel like it gives a good opportunity to
move forward,” said US coach Bob Bradley.
The draw will be conducted from four pots, each
containing eight teams. The groups for 2010’s rst
round will be formed with one team from each of those
four pots. Pot 1 contains the seeded teams, and the
three other pots are based on geography. Pot 2 will
have the Asian and CONCACAF teams, Pot 3 will have
teams from Africa and South America, and Pot 4 will
have the eight unseeded European teams.
It remains to be seen if South Africa will be helped or
hindered by the rule which prevents it facing another African
team in the rst round. While the weaker African teams have
been regarded as a relatively kind draw in the past, they are
expected to perform more strongly on their home continent
in 2010. After a series of disappointing recent results and a
belated change of coach, the South African public is ques-
tioning how its team will perform as hosts.
Because South Africa is seeded, it will avoid the world’s
top teams: Brazil, Spain, the Netherlands, defending cham-
pion Italy, Germany, Argentina and England.
Along with France, the other European team in Pot 4
that all the top teams will hope to avoid is Portugal, led by
Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo and with strong perfor-
mances in recent World Cups and European Champion-
ships. The draw ceremonies have
become more lavish in recent
times. Today’s event, under
the iconic Table Mountain,
is billed as an African cel-
ebration. Cape Town AP

FIFA President
Sepp Blatter

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