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Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.

News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874

August, 2014

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African Researchers Discuss
Ways to Rise up to Rice
Challenges in the Continent
Aug 11, 2014
How can farmers boost rice production? What to invest in and what not
to in rice farming? These were some of the pertinent questions which
rice researchers from over 11 African countries brainstormed over last
week at an event hosted jointly by Rwanda Agricultural Board (RAB)
and African rice research organization AfricaRice. The event garnered
lots of importance as rice cultivation in Rwanda involves 60,000
households and 13,000 hectares of land with productivity touching 5.2
tons per hectare. The program introduced African farmers to automation of socio-economic
surveys and improved farming techniques. Experts discussed ways to feed the continent and yet have surplus
for international markets. Currently Rwanda imports 48 per cent, mostly from Tanzania and Pakistan.Rice is
currently grown in 11 marshlands in the country including Bugarama swamp, one of the biggest rice producing
marshlands in the country.
Tags: Rice, Research, Africa, event, news, export, import, Rwanda, Africarice

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Argentina Exports 296,950 Tons of Rice In January
May 2014, Up 44% from Last Year
Aug 11, 2014

Argentina exported about 296,950 tons of rice in first five months of CY2014, up about 44% from about
206,448 tons rice exported during the same time last year, according to data from Argentina Ministry of
Agriculture.In May
2014, Argentina has
exported about
84,899 tons rice,
down about 4% from
about 88,169 tons
rice exported in
April 2014 and up
about 82% from
about 46,523 tons of
rice exported in May
2013. Iraq remained
the largest rice
export destination
for Argentina rice in
May 2014 with about
50,500 tons rice,
down about 18%
from last month. Iraq
didn't import any rice
from Argentina in
May 2013. Senegal
was the second
largest rice export
destination, exported
about 21,136 tons
rice followed by
Brazil, about 7,426
tons, and Bolivia
about 2,218

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exported about 535,722 tons rice in CY 2013.
Tags: Argentina rice exports, Argentina Agriculture Ministry, Argentina rice production
Conab Estimates Brazil 2013-14 Paddy Rice
Production at 12.2 Million Tons, Up 3% From Last

Brazils National Grains Supply Company (Conab) has estimated Brazil to produce around 12.2 million tons
paddy rice in 2013-14, up about 3% from around 11.82 million tons produced in 2012-13, and almost
unchanged from its previous forecast.

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In its August estimates, Conab estimates Brazils 2013-14 rice acreage to remain same as last month's forecast
of about 2.396 million hectares, but expects it to decline slightly by about 0.1% from about 2.4 million hectares
in last year. Conab estimates Brazil's paddy rice yield to stand at about 5.08 tons per hectare in 2013-14, slightly
down from Julys forecast of about 5.09 ton per hectare and up about 3% from about 4.93 tons per hectare
recorded in 2012-13.
Tags: brazil paddy production, Brazil paddy acreage, Brazil paddy yield
Domestic Rice Prices in Asia Increase Sharply in
July 2014, Says FAO
Aug 11, 2014
Domestic rice prices in Asia increased sharply in July 2014 compared to the previous month, according to the
UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Prices in Vietnam increased due to strong export demand and prices in Thailand increased mainly due to the
suspension of rice sales from government warehouses to carry out nationwide rice stock inspections. Prices in
the Philippines strengthened in July and reached record levels due to lower imports in previous months and
concerns regarding reduced output following destruction from Typhoon Glenda in mid-July. Prices in India also
increased due to expected decline in production following poor monsoons.
Rice export prices in Thailand, Vietnam, and Pakistan increased in July 2014, according to the FAO. Prices in
India and Uruguay were relatively stable. Thai rice export prices took an uptrend after the military government
suspended rice sales to conduct inspections of stocks in government warehouses. Export prices in Vietnam are
increasing due to increased demand.

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Tags: FAO, Domestic rice prices, Export rice prices

Domestic Rice Prices in Asia Increase Sharply in
July 2014, Says FAO

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Aug 11, 2014
Domestic rice prices in Asia increased sharply in July 2014 compared to the previous month, according to the
UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Prices in Vietnam increased due to strong export demand and prices in Thailand increased mainly due to the
suspension of rice sales from government warehouses to carry out nationwide rice stock inspections. Prices in
the Philippines strengthened in July and reached record levels due to lower imports in previous months and
concerns regarding reduced output following destruction from Typhoon Glenda in mid-July. Prices in India also
increased due to expected decline in production following poor monsoons.Rice export prices in Thailand,
Vietnam, and Pakistan increased in July 2014, according to the FAO. Prices in India and Uruguay were
relatively stable. Thai rice export prices took an uptrend after the military government suspended rice sales to
conduct inspections of stocks in government warehouses. Export prices in Vietnam are increasing due to
increased demand.
Tags: FAO, Domestic rice prices, Export rice prices

Cambodia Exports 203,988 Tons of Rice in January-
July 2014; Down About 2% from Last Year
Aug 11, 2014

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Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine
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Cambodia exported about 203,988 tons of rice in first seven months of calendar year 2014, down about 1.6%
from about 207,370 tons rice exported in the same period last year, according to data from the Cambodia Rice
Federation (CRF). Cambodia exported about 379,856 tons rice in all of 2013.
In July 2014, Cambodia exported about 26,060 tons of rice, down about 17% from about 31,411 tons of rice
exported in July 2013 and down about 12% from about 29,666 tons of rice exported in June 2014. During the
month of July, Cambodia exported mainly long grain white rice (about 12,346 tons) and Jasmine rice (about
8,398 tons).
Main rice export destinations for Cambodian rice so far in this year were European nations, including Malaysia
and China.
Tags: Cambodia rice exports, asia rice trade, european rice imports, China rice imports, Malaysia Rice Imports
FAO Forecasts Cuba Rice Imports to Decline in MY
Aug 11, 2014
The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has estimated Cuba's MY 2014-15 (July - June) rice
imports to decline due to an expected increase in paddy output. The FAO estimates the total cereal imports,
including rice (milled basis) to decline to around 1.9 million tons, down 4% from around 2 million tons
imported in the previous year.
The FAO estimates Cuba's 2014 paddy rice production at around 700,000 tons (around 455,000 tons, basis
milled), up about 4% from around 673,000 tons (around 437,000, basis milled) produced in 2013 due to a good
secondary season (November - July) output and assuming average yields for main season rice crop (February -
December), harvesting for which is underway and is expected to be complete by the end of December.USDA
estimates Cuba MY 2014-15 (July - June) paddy rice production at around 662,000 tons (around 430,000 tons,
basis milled), up about 2% from around 651,000 tons (around 423,000 tons, basis milled) produced in the
previous year. It estimates Cuba 2014-15 imports to remain stable at previous year's level of around 450,000
Tags: Cuba rice imports, Cuba rice production, FAO Rice Price Update
FAO Forecasts Philippines 2013-14 Rice Imports to
More than Double to 1.8 Million Tons

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Aug 11, 2014

The UN's Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has forecasted the Philippines 2013-14 (July - June) rice
imports to more than double to around 1.8 million tons from last year based on the government's efforts to
stabilize domestic rice prices and restore public stocks.
Following the WTO's approval to continue with the quantitative restrictions (QRs) on rice imports until 2017,
the Philippines government has decided to increase rice imports under the Minimum Access Volume (MAV) to
805,200 tons from the current 350,000 tons. It also decided to lower the tariff under the MAV to 35% from the
existing 40%. However, the tariff for imports above the MAV is retained at 50%.
The FAO estimates the Philippines 2014 paddy rice production at around 19 million tons (around 11.97 million
tons, basis milled), up about 1.3% from around 18.75 million tons (around 11.81 million tons, milled basis) in
the previous year despite the Typhoon Glenda affecting certain parts of the rice growing areas. Planting for the
2014 main season paddy crop (March - mid-December) was complete by mid-June. The FAO expects total
output from this crop at around 10.7 million tons, up about 3% from last year.Domestic prices of rice increased
sharply in July due to lower imports in previous months, coupled with concerns about domestic crop losses,

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following Typhoon Glenda. Average wholesale price of regular-milled rice (RMR) increased to about P35.90
per kilogram ($809 per ton) in January - June 2014, up about 20% from about P29.86 per kilogram ($722 per
ton) during the same period in 2013. Average wholesale price of well-milled rice (WMR) in the Philippines
increased to about P38.64 per kilogram ($871 per ton) in January - June 2014, up about 18% from about P32.83
per kilogram ($799) during the same period in 2013.
USDA estimates Philippines MY 2014-15 (July - June) paddy rice production at around 19.37 million tons
(around 12.2 million tons, basis milled), up about 3% from around 18.75 million tons (around 11.8 million tons,
basis milled) produced in the previous year. It estimates Philippines 2014-15 milled rice exports at around 1.6
million tons, up about 10% from last year.

TagsPhilippines rice imports, Philippines Rice Production, Minimum Access Volume (MAV), WTO
FAO Forecasts Dominican Republic MY 2014 Paddy
Production at 830,000 Tons, Slightly Above Last
Aug 11, 2014
The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has forecasted Dominican Republic's MY 2014 paddy rice
production at around 830,000 tons (around 556,000 tons, basis milled), slightly more than 820,000 tons (around
549,000 tons) produced last year due to an expected increase in yields. It however expects paddy rice acreage to
remain unchanged in 2014.
Harvesting for the 2014 main season rice crop (December - September), which accounts for nearly 70% of total
production, is expected to be complete by the end of August.The FAO expects Dominican Republic's MY 2014-
15 cereal imports, including rice (milled), to remain at last year's level.
USDA estimates Dominican Republic's MY 2014-15 (July - June) paddy rice production at around 809,000
tons (around 542,000 tons, basis milled), up about 1% from around 800,000 tons (around 536,000 tons, basis
milled) produced in the previous year. It estimates Dominican Republic 2014-15 milled rice exports to remain
stable at previous year's level of around 15,000 tons.
Tags: Dominican Republic, Paddy rice production, Milled rice imports

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India Rice Stocks in Central Pool Stand at 24.56
Million Tons on August 1, 2014; Down 16% from
Last Year
Aug 11, 2014

Indias rice stocks in the
central pool as of August 1,
2014 were about 24.56
million tons (including a
milled equivalent of about
8.127 million tons of
paddy), down about 16%
from about 29.236 million
tons recorded during the
same time last year,
according to data from the
Food Corporation of India
India's rice stocks in the
central pool are down by
about 3% from about 25.41
million tons recorded on
July 1, 2014. However,
current rice stocks are more
than double the required
buffer and strategic reserve
norms of around 11.8
million tons for this time of
the year, according to the
FCI. Total food grain stocks
(including rice and wheat) in
the central pool stand at
about 63.64 million tons as
of August 1, 2014, down
about 9% from last year's
stock and down about 4%

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from last month. Wheat stocks stand at about 38.12 million tons, down about 6% from last year and down about
4% from a month ago.
Tags: India rice stocks, India rice production, Food Corporation of India (FCI)

Oryza Global Rice Quotes
August 12th, 2014
Long grain white rice - high quality
Thailand 100% B grade 460-470
Vietnam 5% broken 440-450
India 5% broken 435-445
Pakistan 5% broken 445-455
Cambodia 5% broken 470-480
U.S. 4% broken 550-560
Uruguay 5% broken 615-625
Argentina 5% broken 610-620

Long grain white rice - low quality

Thailand 25% broken NQ
Vietnam 25% broken 405-415
Pakistan 25% broken 395-405
Cambodia 25% broken 455-465
India 25% broken 390-400
U.S. 15% broken 530-540

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Long grain parboiled rice

Thailand parboiled 100% stxd 445-455
Pakistan parboiled 5% broken stxd 450-460
India parboiled 5% broken stxd 425-435
U.S. parboiled 4% broken 630-640
Brazil parboiled 5% broken NQ
Uruguay parboiled 5% broken NQ

Long grain fragrant rice

Thailand Hommali 92% 1015-1025
Vietnam Jasmine 595-605
India basmati 2% broken NQ
Pakistan basmati 2% broken NQ
Cambodia Phka Malis 875-885


Thailand A1 Super NQ
Vietnam 100% broken 335-345
Pakistan 100% broken stxd 325-335
Cambodia A1 Super 365-375

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India 100% Broken stxd 340-350
Egypt medium grain brokens NQ
U.S. pet food 470-480
Brazil half grain NQ

Medium grain milled
U.S. Calrose 4% broken 1025-1035
Egypt medium grain 6% NQ
All prices USD per ton, FOB vessel,

Thai Rice Exporters Seek Commerce Ministry Help
to Secure Philippines Import Deal
Aug 11, 2014
Thai Rice Exporters are keen on securing the Philippines import deal for 500,000 tons of 25% white rice and are
seeking the Commerce Ministry assistance to prepare for the auction, which is scheduled for August 27, 2014.
The Thai Rice Exporters Association (TREA) President told local media sources that Thailand has the ability to
supply all the rice specified by the Philippines as compared to Vietnam, which does not have enough supply of
rice amidst high demand from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.He also noted that given lesser supplies
in Vietnam, Thailand can export between 700,000 - 800,000 tons of rice monthly for the next five months and
will be able to cross the earlier set export target of 9 million tons of rice this year. He added that Thai prices are
nearly $20 per ton lesser than Viet prices and that would be an added advantage to Thailand to be able to clinch
the Philippines deal.Meanwhile the Director General of the Department of Foreign Trade is seeking a more
flexible floor price after participants bid at below floor prices in the first auction (for 167,000 tons) last week.
Tags: Thai rice exports, Thai Rice Exporters Association (TREA), 25% white rice, Vietnam rice exports

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Myanmar Sticks to 'Old Is Gold' Rice Farming
Methods to Save Labor Costs
Aug 11, 2014
Of the 7,447 acres of paddy fields cultivated in Pyinmana township in Myanmar, only a meagre 273 acres are
grown with the modern method of transplantation while the rest is grown through traditional methods.
Although the country's Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Department is advocating transplantation as it
reduces wastage and avoids overcrowding, farmers are resorting to the old method simply because direct
planting costs about K150,000 an acre of paddy, while transplanting methods cost K200,000.Although farmers
admit that transplantation increases yields, it is proving to be labour-intensive and hence expensive. It costs
nearly K30,000 to 50,000 more per acre to use the transplanting method.
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar's capital, faces a shortage of rural labour and hence it is tougher and more expensive to
find labourers who can transplant rice from a nursery rather than seed the paddies directly. Currently Myanmar
government is emphasizing the need to follow modern methods if it wants to become a leading rice exporter.
Creating labour opportunities for 70 percent of the population dependent on the agriculture sector can alone
sustain rice farming, the government has stated.
Tags: Rice, rice news, how to, Myanmar, farming, method, transplantation, labour cost
Oryza Rice Currency Analysis for Today Pakistan
Rupee Falls 0.4%; Brazil Real Advances 0.4%
Aug 11, 2014
U.S. dollar index was stronger +0.08% from the open today, when it traded at 81.456 at the close.

Euro was weaker -0.19% by the close, trading around 1.3384 by end of day, after trading between an intraday
high of 1.3415 and low of 1.3381.
Thai baht was +0.12% stronger, trading at 32.081 at the close of business.
Indian rupee was weaker -0.06% at 61.1787.

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Brazilian real was stronger +0.38% at 2.2745 reais per dollar.
Pakistan rupee was -0.41% weaker at 99.2500.
Vietnamese dong was +0.05% stronger at 21210.
Mexican peso was stronger +0.45% today, when it traded at 13.1890 pesos per dollar by the close of business.
Chinese yuan was +0.04% stronger at 6.1542.
Argentine peso was weaker -0.01% at 8.2722 pesos per dollar.
Tags: foreign exchange rates, Rice currencies, Global rice trade
VFA Forecasts Vietnam Rice Exports to Cross 6.2
Million Ton Target in 2014
Aug 11, 2014
The Vietnam Food Association (VFA) is hopeful that Vietnam would export over and above the targeted 6.2
million tons of rice in 2014, according to local sources.
The VFA forecasted that Vietnam, which exported around 3.67 million tons of rice between January 1 - August
7, 2014, will export around 6.3 million tons in 2014. It predicted that Vietnam would export around 1.9 million
tons of rice in the third quarter and around 1.4 million tons of rice in the fourth quarter.
In May, the VFA has lowered 2014 rice export target to 6.2 million tons from the earlier target of 6.5 - 7 million
tons due to heavy competition from India and Thailand. Now, the VFA's estimations have changed based on
increased demand from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
However, higher rice export prices in Vietnam compared to those in Thailand are likely to impact Vietnam's
rice exports in the coming months, according to local sources.
Tags: VFA, Viet rice exports, Viet rice prices

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Vietnam Rice Sellers Lower Most of Their Quotes
Today; India Rice Sellers Increase Some of Their
Aug 11, 2014
Vietnam rice sellers lowered most of their quotes by about $5 per ton today. India rice sellers increased their
quotes for broken rice by around $5 per ton to around $340 - $350 per ton. Thailand and Pakistan rice sellers
kept their quotes mostly unchanged.
5% Broken Rice
Thailand 5% rice is quoted at around $445 - $455 per ton, about $5 per ton premium on Vietnam 5% rice
quoted at around $440 - $450 per ton, down about $5 per ton from Friday. India 5% rice is quoted at around
$435 - $445 per ton, about $10 per ton discount to Pakistan 5% rice quoted at around $445 - $455 per ton.
25% Broken Rice
Thailand 25% rice was last quoted at around $350 - $360 per ton, about $55 per ton discount to Vietnam 25%
rice quoted at around $405 - $415 per ton, down about $5 per ton from Friday. India 25% rice is quoted at
around $390 - $400 per ton, about $5 per ton discount to Pakistan 25% rice quoted at around $395 - $405 per
Parboiled Rice
Thailand parboiled rice is quoted at around $445 - $455 per ton. India parboiled rice is quoted at around $425 -
$435 per ton, about $25 per ton discount to Pakistan parboiled rice quoted at around $450 - $460 per ton.
100% Broken Rice
Thailand broken rice, A1 Super, was last quoted at around $310 - $320 per ton, about $25 per ton discount to
Vietnam broken rice quoted at around $335 - $345 per ton, down about $5 per ton from Friday. India broken
sortexed rice is quoted at around $340 - $350 per ton, up about $5 per ton from Friday and $15 per ton premium
on Pakistan broken sortexed rice quoted at around $325 - $335 per ton.

Tags: Vietnam rice prices, India rice prices, pakistan rice prices, Thailand rice prices

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