Video Analysis 12-08 Revised

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Subject: English

Grade: 11
Teacher: Miss Silvana Alvarez
S. Teacher : Mr Ren Gmez
Date: August 12

Objective: To identify general and specific
information from videos.
To write short pieces of argumentative text
To work with new vocabulary.
Video Analysis: Homefront & Robocop
The following activities are meant to be developed by watching trailers of two recent movies:
Homefront and Robocop. The activities are divided into three (3) sections: (1) Before you watch,
(2) While you watch and (3) After you watch. The main idea is that you read every instruction
carefully and complete the tasks given.
Trailer Homefront
I. Before you watch:
A) Look into a web-based dictionary for the following concepts and collocations and complete with
a short definition:
(you can go to , which is a web-based dictionary, for the
collocations and phrases you can go to )
Mess with (someones) head.
Take (someone) out

B) Based on the title of the video, what do you think the video will be about?

II. While you watch:
Now, open the video, watch it (as long as necessary) and answer the following questions:
A) Identify the main character of the trailer. What is his name? What is his job?
B) Identify the antagonist in the video. What does he sell?
C) Why is the main character in the video being attacked?
D) Who is the little girl in the video? Why is she important to the main character?

Subject: English
Grade: 11
Teacher: Miss Silvana Alvarez
S. Teacher : Mr Ren Gmez
Date: August 12

Objective: To identify general and specific
information from videos.
To write short pieces of argumentative text
To work with new vocabulary.
III. After you watch:
A) Make a brief summary of the plot of the trailer (2-3 lines)
B) Bullying is one of the topics shown in the trailer. What do you think about Bullying? Is it good
or bad? Support your answer with an example close to your experience.
C) Violence gives birth to violence What do you think is the meaning of that sentence? Would
you say that this sentence explains the main theme of the movie?
D) Write a short paragraph on how do you think the story ends (4 -6 lines)

trailer: Robocop
I. Before you watch:
A) Do you think a Police officers (cop) job is important? Why?
B) Are you familiar with the term: Biotechnology? What do you think it means?
C) Look for the following concepts and write a short definition:
(you can use the same dictionaries given in the previous video analysis)
Free will

II. While you watch:
A) Why is Robocop created? What is his purpose?
B) Which were the injuries that the man who would become Robocop had?
Subject: English
Grade: 11
Teacher: Miss Silvana Alvarez
S. Teacher : Mr Ren Gmez
Date: August 12

Objective: To identify general and specific
information from videos.
To write short pieces of argumentative text
To work with new vocabulary.
C) Why are people using Robocop for?
D) Do you think that Robocop is still human? Give examples from the trailer to support your

III. After you watch:
A) Analyze the following phrase: When crime is out of control, the only solution isnt human. Do
you think that machines would be superior to humans when fighting crime? Why?
B) Technology nowadays is advancing very fast; do you think it will be possible to have something
similar to Robocop in the near future? Why or why not?
C) What was the human mind of Robocop doing to the systems inside him?
D) Imagine that you have a severe accident and loss parts of your body. Would you be willing to
submit yourself to surgery to replace those parts with robotic parts? Write a short text (4-6 lines)
imagining what would you be able to do with those robotic parts (you can use examples from the
lesson about information technology)


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