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April, 2014
Ms. Afsana Akhtar
Assistant Professor,
BRAC Business School,
BRAC University,
66 Mohakhali, Dhaka

Subject: Final term paper submission

Dear Madam,
With due respect, we have the pleasure to submit Final term paper on Consumers
Behavior in Health Food Drink Product Category (Horlicks) to have real life experience how
a product runs through effective marketing and how the consumers make the decisions. It has
been a worthwhile experience for us undertaking such a report work to get exposure to the real
life of an organization. We have tried our best to complete all the requirements.

In our term paper, we have tried to reflect all the marketing strategies of Horlicks and the
decision making process by the consumers in terms of purchasing Horlicks, Bangladesh. We
have used both primary and secondary data and have tried to prepare the according to your
instructions. We also confess that this report has some limitations as well because we got
limited resources. Therefore we hope that you will be kind enough to consider the limitations
of this term paper.

We would like to thank you for your encouragement and support which inspired us to work
enthusiastically. It would be our pleasure to respond to any of your inquiry regarding the term
paper. We hope you will find this term paper satisfactory.

Sincerely yours,

Arijit Podder Pulak
On behalf of the group

ur work in preparing the term paper on Consumers Behavior in Health Food Drink
Product Category (Horlicks) is a great experience for us in light of the course Consumer
Behavior (Mkt421). All members in our group are sincere and co-operative for preparing this
project. As we strongly believe that an experience like this will surely help us to have a clear
concept about decision making process by the consumers, its terms and conditions. All the praise
belongs to Almighty, the all knower & best of the helpers to make our report a practical one by
providing us the mental & physical fitness in course of preparation of the report. Our next honest
& heartiest gratitude goes to our honorable course instructor, Ms. Afsana Akhtar for her sincere
and utmost guidance to prepare this report & to gather huge practical and realistic knowledge, to
make us understand the topics, terms & make us familiar with this course.

Executive Summary

The main aim of Horlicks is to maintain a better quality and nutritious malted milk hot drink
for people who are fond of it. In Bangladesh, They are targeting the kids, teenagers, women and oldies
from all cities and towns. They have good quality drinks with various flavors and attractive packages to
attract their target customers. They are always tried to give their best effort for their product to fulfill
consumers need and want. Horlicks try to get consumer satisfaction by their commitment like giving best
quality product for consumer in a low cost. They are priorities to make good produce for their consumer,
make proper advertisement for their product, proper way to launch this product and make sure that
consumer will be happy. They expect that proper and timely marketing strategies will create a long time
customer satisfaction and relationship between Horlicks and consumers.
The project assigned to us was to study the Consumer behavior of individuals. We chose
the product Horlicks and the consumers\purchasers of Horlicks to learn about their perceptions
or behaviors. We made a questionnaire consisted of 15 questions and surveyed it over 10
mothers. Our main goal was to find their satisfaction about these things and also to find out their
dissatisfaction about some issues.

Product History

In 1873 James Horlick, a pharmacist with his brother William established a company J &
W Horlicks in Chicago, USA to manufacture a malted milk drink, which claimed to promote
sleep. In 1883 they got patent for this product. Horlicks was thus the first invented to substitute
milk baby food. In 1890 the product was imported to the United Kingdom and later a factory was
established in slough, Berkshire, England. Horlicks became popular during the world wars 1 and
2. The drink became popular at home and the battle front. In world war two, Horlicks tablets
were sold as a candy, used as an energy booster by US, UK and other soldiers.
Coming to Bangladesh, Today Horlicks is the best known brand in the Health Food Drink
category in the country. The brand enjoys the trust of generations of Bangladeshi mothers and
this relationship has been nurtured by the brand by fortifying the product from time to time. In
1998, Horlicks was fortified with Smart Nutrients - A unique combination of vitamins and
minerals- intended to imbibe growing children with mental agility and physical fitness. Today,
Horlicks is the only health drink, clinically proven to make kids taller, stronger and sharper. A
premier research institute of India conducted a 14 month research on Horlicks in a reputed
boarding school in Hyderabad. In the research, one group of children was given an ordinary
health food drink without the Horlicks micronutrients (or vitamins and minerals) while the other
group was given Horlicks. Many tests and 14 months later, it was concluded that the children
who consumed Horlicks showed significant improvements in height, muscle mass, bone health
and attention/concentration scores as compared to the children who consumed the ordinary
health food drink without the Horlicks micronutrients (or vitamins and minerals).

Product Profile
Horlicks is made from wheat, milk and malted barley. Horlicks is widely known as an
easy to prepare malted food drink. It is fortified with iron and eight essential vitamins with twice
as much calcium as fresh milk. Horlicks is still the world's most widely consumed malted milk
product. For over 50 years, generations after generations of children wakeup to a mug of
Horlicks prepared by mothers in their own special way, yet providing the same nourishing
goodness unrivaled by any competitive products. Horlicks can be enjoyed in over 15 countries
worldwide. Malaysians are the third largest consumers of the brand, after India and the United
Kingdom. It is the number one brand for Glaxo SmithKline (GSK). Bangladesh is in the 8

position. The enormous success of the Horlicks brand has been reflected in the ever rising sales
graph for the product. With a brand share of over 60% in the health food drink market, Horlicks
remains the number one health food drink in India. Its success is due to a mixture of factors. A
strong brand heritage, its commitment to quality and its understanding of consumer needs.

Horlicks is a nourishing malted food drink which combines the wholesome goodness of
malted barley, wheat and dairy ingredients. The malting of barley through the natural process of
germination releases enzymes. These enzymes break down complex carbohydrates to
simple sugars that are easily assimilated by the body, making Horlicks easily digestible.
Horlicks drinks provide a modicum of vitamins A, C, D, B12, plus calcium, iron, thiamin,
riboflavin, niacin, folate, and dietary fiber
Horlicks Malted Barley, Malt extract, Wheat flour, Milk solids, Sugar,
Minerals, Vitamins, Color (Annatto)
Chocolate Horlicks Sugar, Wheat flour, Malted Barley, Milk solids, Coca powder,
Minerals, Vitamins, Protein Isolate
Junior Horlicks Milk solids, Wheat flour, Malted barley, Sugar, Malt extract,
Minerals and Vitamins
Mother Horlicks Milk Solids, Malt Extract, Wheat flour, Malted Barley, Minerals,
Caramel, Coco-powder, Vitamins & Honey
Horlicks Lite Wheat flour, Malted Barley, Milk Solids, Maltodextrin, Edible
Fibres, Gum Acacia, Soy Fiber, Guar Gum, Fruit powder, Protein
Isolate, Minerals, Acidity Regulator (Potassium Bi Carbonate),
Vitamins, Salt, Color (Annatto), Sweetener (Acesulfame K)

Types of Horlicks

Types of Product

Convenience Product: Convenience Products are those products, consumer buy or use daily
basis. Before purchasing these products consumers doesnt think too much. Therefore in case of
Horlicks, we can say it is a convenience product.
Major Players and their market Share
Cadbury Bournvita
Nestle Milo

Market Share
Cadbury Bournvita
Nestle Milo
Target Customers
Earlier Horlicks believed, white drinks are for the entire family in contrast to the maltova,
whose prime target audience is children. This is probably because bournvitawhose growth rate
is faster than the maltovahave the added advantage of being perceived as food which enhances
the healthy image of those who are recovering. But gradually they realized that they have to
focus on one segment of market that is children. Horlicks is now positioned as a pleasurable
nourishment drink aimed at children between the age group of 8 -14. Nowadays children have
tremendous influence on the things purchased for the family and therefore we want children to
prefer Horlicks as a pleasurable nourishment drink. While all the action will be in the general
Horlicks segment, the focus of Junior Horlicks (target segment: kids between one and three) will
continue to remain the same. Parents are often anxious about the quality and the nutrient
ingredient of the perishables. GlaxoSmithKline also arrange awareness program for the
guardians to ensure them malted drinks their kids eat is not bad for their health. The secondary
business target is the teenagers who would like to have a taste of their childhood and have a
change of taste from their everyday nourishment as a result they bring different colors and
flavors horlicks for teens.
Marketing strategy is an integral part of business strategy, no matter what source of
competitive advantage a firm chooses to pursue. It involves focusing explicitly on the quest
for long run competitive and Consumer advantage .Changing definitions of market segments,
changing definitions of industries/new sources of competition responding to all of which, is
clearly the role of marketing strategy. The Consumer Healthcare business relies on the
development of highquality branded products with good consumer acceptance, supported
by advertising and brand promotion, line extensions, new formulations and packaging
innovations. Glaxo SmithKlines ability to compete effectively is dependent on its skills in
developing new scientifically supported products and line extensions with performance superior
to those of its competitors, backed up by compelling advertising. The marketing strategy of
GSKCH formulation enhancement, re-launches, product repositioning, up gradation in packaging
and consumer education through advertising following:
Bangladesh market for malted milk powders is very not large, since the product is not widely
used as a nutrition and energy supplement by a large number of adults and children. Three major
players exist in this product-market: Cadbury with its brand Bournvita, Glaxo Smithkline
Beecham with its brand Horlicks and Heinz; with its brand Complan. Historically, market
segmentation was done on the basis of milk availability, milk-surplus markets and milk-
short markets. Brown powders (containing cocoa) and needing to be mixed with liquid milk were
targeted at milk-surplus markets while white powders, containing a much higher proportion of
milk powder, which could be mixed with just water were targeted a milk-short markets. Over the
years, the divide between milk-short and milk-surplus markets was beginning to blur due to
operation flood solving of the problem of milk shortage in the milk deficit regions and the
product-market segments ended up being brown powder for those who were drinkers of liquid
milk, and white powders for those who were not. Bournvita was the leader in brown powders and
Horlicks in white powders. Glaxo Smithkline Beecham, the makers of Horlicks, complicated
matters by launching a brown variant of their white powder Chocolate Horlicks which could
be consumed unlike Bournvita, with water alone. They extended the Horlicks brand name along
many dimensions into several sub brands (Junior Horlicks, Mother Horlicks, Horlicks with Smart
Nutrients). Such markets can best be termed markets in transition where products, consumers,
competitors are all in a state of flux and the traditional rules of the game seem to be changing
some driven by the consumer environment and some by the players in the business. Though not
very explicitly Horlicks tries to address the younger population i.e. kids under the age of 15 as it
has been found that maximum consumption of HFD is by this generation. The market is still
segmented based on product capabilities and usage method (brown and white powders) through
there are signs that this is beginning to change, Thus the segmentation is largely on the basis
of age, the advertisement and sales promotion also focuses on kids by way of cartoons featuring
in the advertisements and also cartoons serial sponsorships.

Brand Extensions
GSK has introduced various brand extensions in the last few years and notable among these are
'Mother Horlicks' and 'Junior Horlicks'. The former caters to the nutritional needs of pregnant
and lactating mothers while the latter is targeted at the growing child in the age group of 1-3
years. Both the brand extensions have been very well accepted in the market and have shown
good growth rates since 2001.

Buying Decision behavior

Energy drinks or milk drinks are perceived as a luxury. This explains the slow off-take.
While white beverages are hailed for their therapeutic offerings, consumers look at browns as
mere taste additives. Brand loyalties are not very strong as the key target, children, are always
looking for new products. Promotion campaigns such as freebies and contests also play an
important role in influencing brand choice. These campaigns are mainly targeted at children who
force their parents to buy these products. Free gifts like crystal jars, pet jars and sippers also
attract consumers. Those who suits Horlicks they often think before buying this product. For
these products consumers undertake habitual buying behavior

Participants and their role in the consumer buying process

In consumers buying decision process, different groups of people are directly or
indirectly involved. Participants and their role in the consumer buying process are:

Users: Users are those people who ultimately use or consume the product. In that case
kids are the major users of Horlicks. According to users need and want manufacturer
(GlaxoSmithKlin) produce Horlicks. For example (GlaxoSmithKlin) collects feedback from the
consumers and provide Horlicks according to their choice. Besides kids now they also provide
Horlicks for mothers.

Influencers: Influencers are those people who influence consumer to purchase that
product. In case of Horlicks influencer can be parents, family members, friends and Models. For
example if your favorite player is Shakib Al Hasan and he is the brand ambassador of
Horlicks. Then you are influenced by Shakib Al Hasan to use this product.

Buyers: Buyers are those who purchase the products. Users can be buyer also. If the
product can full your expectation, surely next time you will go for that product.

Deciders: Deciders are those people who have the formal authority to take decisions. In
case of Horlicks for kids, her\his energy drink will decide by her parents. Therefore mother can
be the decider of energy drink for her children

The buying decision process

The buying decision process for any product consists of five stages; need recognition,
Information search, Evaluation of alternatives, Purchase decision & Post purchase behavior.

Clearly, the buying process starts long before the actual purchase and continues long
after. For that reason marketers of Horlicks need to be focus on the entire buying process rather
than on just the purchase decision.
Need recognition:
Need recognition is the very first step in the consumer decision process. Desired state and
actual state are the discrepancy between the results of need recognition. Need recognition occurs
when the buyer recognizes a problem by internal stimuli & external stimuli. For Horlicks internal
stimuli can be signs of tiredness, growth problem or lack of energy. It means all about health as
well as self-satisfaction. External stimulation can also be triggered, for example an
advertisement or recommendation by friend might force consumers to think about buying a
Horlicks. Although purchase and related consumption behavior driven by emotional and as well
as situational demands but needs have few characteristics that play the vital role. Consumer
decision are frequently the result of a single problem for example, low growth of kids may work
for going towards to buy Horlicks for a consumer or it can be the energy source for a consumer.
Actually it varies from person to person and different type of demand. A consumer noticing a
simple need for a health food drink may want to minimize the price paid, avoid one or more
brands because of their environmental record. There are two types of consumer problem one is
active and another one is inactive. Active problems required the marketer only to convince the
consumer that its brand is the super solution. Consumers are already aware about the problem. In
contrast, inactive problems require the marketer to convince consumer that they have the
problem and that the marketer brand is superior solution to the problem. It may create the new
field for the marketer if they educate their consumer.
Its very interesting to see that from our survey what we did which was on 10 people
from different stage, we found almost 60 percent people are not well aware about their need and
rest 40 percent is quite impressive. People are not well aware about the positive side of health
food and not taking it easily especially about the effect of drinking it. Because they think it not
has much effect in the real life. And rest 40 percent are using this because of a routine and their
self belief about the product is working here. Need recognition mainly comes after noticed the
problem and then consumers are searching for the possible solution. Need recognition comes
through many ways personal interest, probable solution, from positive mind set about the
product, influencing from colleague or friends and family, after notice the positive feedback
about the product. In our survey we found that almost 70 percent people are using Horlicks after
get the positive feedback from others as well as their childhood experience are working
positively in here. And then they look positive approach for the health food.
Information search:
Information can be search from many sources. Once a problem is recognized relevant
information from long term memory is used determine if a satisfactory solution is known. These
include internal source like family members, friends, neighbor and colleagues, as well as it can
be the external source. External source may come with the so many things like advertise,
internet, current users feedback, shopkeeper, opinion leader. This external source, which can
involve independent sources, personal sources, market based information and off course product
experience as well. Many problems are resolved by the consumer, by using only information. If
in response to a problem, a consumer recalls a single, satisfactory solution. If its occurred then
no further information search or evaluation may occur. The consumers purchase the recall brand
and nominal decision making has occurred.
Sources of information can come through many ways. Memory of the past searches,
personal experiences. From our survey we discover that almost 80 percent consumers are well
known about the health food drink like Horlicks from their very childhood when they usually
drink it. They have interaction about this brand from their childhood. That belief, that taste and
that positive mind set still working. Personal experience is much more important now in here.
Another information sources may come like personal sources such as friends, family, colleague
and others. Independent sources such as magazine, consumer groups and government agencies
are more important also.
Internal sources:
A community like Bangladesh people are well touched with their family and friends as
well as its also may true for the office community now a days. In our survey we found that
almost 90 percent people are choosing any brand after known about the opinion of their mate.
Much true for a food drinks like Horlicks. People collect the opinion from their near one and
then take the decision whether what type of brand they should move. Because they are likely to
using this mainly for their child so they depends much on the feedback of other guardians.
External sources:
Commercial sources like TV Advertisement, newspaper, online, Billboard now are well
known for spread out information about the product. Though its quite less valuable about the
product especially depends on health. People are not interested to believe about it and purchase
the product accordingly. Our survey shows that almost 10 percent people are believe this and
they go for buying when the notice attractive TV commercial. Actually they dont believe what
they are talking about but they move for it because of interest. Public sources (BSTI test reports)
and experiential sources (trial before final purchase) are also well known way of collecting the
information. From the public sources consumers may concern about the product quality and may
take the decision accordingly. Experiential sources may help the consumers to take the taste
before purchase. If its making them satisfied then they become the loyal consumer in fact.
By using internet information search are now more popular than before. Because now
people are well connected through the internet. The internet unprecedented access to information
global internet usage continues to rapidly. Very interestingly shows our survey that around 30
percent people tried once to find out the information from internet.
Evaluation of Alternatives
During the evaluation of alternatives stage, the consumer evaluates all the products
available on a scale of particular attributes.
Key Points
During this stage, consumers evaluate all of their products or brand options on a scale of
attributes which have the ability to deliver the benefit that they are seeking.
In order for a marketing organization to increase the likelihood that their brand is part of
the evoked set for many consumers, they need to understand what benefits consumers are
seeking and specifically, which attributes will be most influential to their decision-
making process.
It is important to note that consumers evaluate alternatives in terms of the functional and
psychological benefits that they offer.
During this stage, consumers can be significantly influenced by their attitude as well as
the degree of involvement that they may have with the product, brand, or overall
Ultimately, consumers must be able to effectively assess the value of all the products or
brands in their evoked set before they can move on to the next step of the decision.
If the customer involvement is high, then he or she will evaluate several brands, whereas
if it's low, he or she may look at only one brand.
Though Horlicks is the number one brand in Asia, it has some competition with Complan and
Boost. Mostly, the competition is between Complan and Horlicks as these two brands have most
of the market share.
As the prior discussion described, consumers often make decisions based on affect or on overall
attitude toward the brand or to minimize effort or negative emotion. Many of these types of
decisions involve very little consideration of specific product features. However, most decisions
involve an evaluation of the likely performance of the product or service on one or more
dimensions. For fairly simple products such as toothpaste, soap, or facial tissue, consumers use
relatively few evaluative criteria. On the other hand, the purchase of an automobile, stereo
system or house may involve numerous criteria. As Horlicks is a simple product consumer
usually dont go through indebt analysis.
Measurement of Evaluative Criteria
Before a marketing manager can develop a sound strategy to affect consumer decisions, he or she
must determine
Which evaluative criteria are used by the consumer.
How the consumer perceives the various alternatives on each criterion.
The relative importance of each criterion.

The Relative Importance and Influence of Evaluative Criteria
The importance of evaluative criteria varies among individuals and also within the same
individual over time. That is, although consumers often have a general sense of how important
various criteria are, this can be inuenced by a number of factors. These include:
Usage situation: The situation in which a product or service is used can have important
inuences on the criteria used to make a choice. For example- if you are ill or tired you can have
Horlicks to remove your tiredness.
Competitive context: Generally speaking, the lower the variance across competing brands on
a given evaluative criterion, the less inuence it is likely to have in the decision process. For
example- consumers might look for a drink that increases stamina and among all the three
competing brands all are good enough to serve the purpose. Therefore, it becomes less important
for the consumers to consider. Horlicks has more products range than other competitors as it has
horlicks for women, children and for all age of people
Advertising effects: Advertising can affect the importance of evaluative criteria in a number
of ways. For example- Horlicks advertise that by their product consumers can be taller, stronger
and sharper whereas Complan advertise that by using their product children can become taller.
On the other hand, Boost says that it has the secret of building energy. Overall, Horlicks does
have great and larger advertising effects.

Consumers usually evaluate alternatives health drink regarding price, quality, design and
stamina. For example, assume that the following represent consumers standards for choosing

Price 5
Quality 5
design 3
Stamina 4

For price, quality, design and stamina Horlicks has 5,4,3,4. Compaln has 5,4,3,3 and
Boost has 4,3,3,5. If you consider any of the attribute, you will most likely choose Horlicks. If
you consider lesicographic for higher satisfactory level and considering the best your choice will
be horlicks. For non-compensatory decision rule Horlicks provide the highest total. For
conjunctive and disjunctive you will have the same result as well but if you go through
elimination by aspects then you might have a different result as Boots has the highest point for
Purchase decision
After the evaluation of alternatives the consumer set to purchase the product. Two factors
can affect purchase decision. They are attitude of others (elder sister or husbands opinion) and
unexpected factors (sudden increase of price or discount).

Post purchase dissonance
Post purchase dissonance is basically an after purchase cognitive behaviour. Here the
consumer thinks that if he had purchased some other items, it would have been better than the
one he bought. Simply he/she is not completely satisfied with the purchase and is most likely to
switch brands.
To purchase health food drink Horlicks post purchase dissonance may occur. As we
know the more importance the decision, the more likely dissonance will result. Parents are so
concern about their children health and they are so careful about to purchase children food. To
purchase health drink Horlicks for their child, parents take it so seriously as this health food
drink is related to their children health. As a result post purchase dissonance may occur.
Besides, we see there are lots of alternatives in same category products and its more
difficult to select from among alternatives. As a result the magnitude of dissonance occurs.
Health foods like Horlicks, there are numerous health drinks are there in the market. They are
Bournvita, Complan, Boost instant drink, Hot Choco etc. So there are lots of other health drinks
brands there and consumers are always fall in dissonance to purchase in Horlicks. They ask in
their mind whether it is the right decision to pick Horlicks or not.
The way we can reduce our dissonance on purchasing Horlicks
Through increase the desirability of the brand purchased, we can reduce the dissonance.
After purchase of Horlicks, we must keep the positive impression of this brand. We must
emphasize on the Horlicks benefits. Horlicks is one of the drinks which make our child stronger,
taller, and sharper. Moreover, Horlicks is one of the oldest and famous heath drink brand. So,
these positive impressions to keep in mind can reduce our dissonance.
Another way to reduce dissonance is to decrease the desirability of rejected alternatives.
For health drinks other brands like bounvita, complan, and hot Choco are there. To reduce
dissonance we have to think that Horlicks is far better than those other brands. Moreover, we
have to keep in mind that these health drink brands has less nutrition than Horlicks which we are
not satisfied. In this way reject these health drink brands, we can reduce the dissonance.
However, we can reduce the dissonance through reverse the purchase decision. It
indicates that return the product before use. If someone is dissatisfied with Horlicks then he/she
can return Horlicks and purchase the desired one like complan. Returning Horlicks and purchase
desired one like complain surely reduce his/her dissonance. Complan satisfied that customer and
he thought that its nutrition is better than Horlicks. So purchasing new one can reduce
Our survey report of Horlicks about dissonance
Well, we ask at least ten parents whether they are satisfied with Horlicks or not. 10 of 8
parents told us actually they are over satisfied with Horlicks brand. They told us Horlicks is so
reliable health drink for their children. Moreover, its nutrition and other vitamins make this brand
different from others. Their children are also happy to drink such delicious drink. Parents told us
their children grow faster as result of drinking Horlicks. So from their point of view, we come to
know that they have no dissonance about Horlicks. Moreover, they purchase Horlicks repeatedly
for their children.
In ten families two of them told that they felt dissonance after purchasing Horlicks. When
we ask why they felt dissonance about Horlicks, they told that actually Horlicks did not satisfy
their requirement. They want more nutrition and also are cheaper rate. But Horlicks is just
opposite. So, reduce dissonance they reverse the purchase decision and purchase new health
drink complan. After purchasing complan, they feel good and satisfied. Through purchasing new
desired brand they reduce their dissonance.
We see that when people dissatisfied with any particular brand, some people take action
and some dont. Taking action like complain to store or manufacturer, stop buying that brand,
encourage in negative word of mouth etc. After analysis, we see 25 percent of unsatisfactory
purchase Horlicks resulted in brand switching, and 19 percent caused the shopper to stop buying
the Horlicks.
Those who are over satisfied with Horlicks, they are become the committed customer. He
is loyal to Horlicks and also has an emotional attachment to this brand Horlicks. Those people
purchase and drink this health drink Horlicks years to years. They actually trust this brand and
they believe the Horlicks firm.

Horlicks is not getting their current market position in one day. Their continuous positive
image is built by high quality, nutritious and tasty products, and consumer friendly marketing
strategies. Health drinks market in Bangladesh is not very big one and Horlicks is dominated the
market by larger share. Horlicks is leading the list dominantly by its customer. Proper
segmentation of market, Creation of marketing mix and proper marketing 4ps help Horlicks to
reach its todays position in market. The marketing of Horlicks will take place in the backdrop of
a weak economy but a positive attitude toward healthy eating. Thats why in terms of selecting
health drink, they always prefer Horlicks.

Consumer Behavior: 11
edition by Del I. Hawkins, David L Mothersbaugh, Amit
Official website of GSK Bangladesh (

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