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Dear Parents, Carers and Friends,

The Spring sunshine is definitely having a positive impact in school. Pupils are very enthusiastic
about their learning and there is more than a tweet of excitement in
Dear Parents and Carers
!s the summer term draws to an end " would li#e to than# each and every parent for their ongoing
support of school for their commitment in helping us to thrive and for the strong partnerships that
have been developed. The $uestionnaires that have been returned to us have proved very
insightful and indeed positive. %e #now as a school there are always challenges and this year
has been no exception& 'owever one of our strengths is being able to see challenges in a positive
light to help to further drive up standards. So this year the $uality of teaching and learning
through school has continued to further improve the breadth of the curriculum widen and the
development of pupils as well rounded individuals eager to learn has grown. (very family is a
vital part of our success) we #now that for children to achieve their very best strong partnerships
between home and school are essential. Than# you for all your support well thought out
suggestions and positive feedbac# when we do well&
The school governors have been instrumental in the strategic development of school it is through
their ongoing wor# that they are able to ensure that every child receives the best education
possible that pupil progress is maximised and school funding is used effectively. *ur than#s go to
them for giving up so much of their own time on a voluntary basis to ensure that every pupil is
given the opportunity to flourish in a positive and nurturing environment.
"n +ay the ,ocal !uthority undertoo# a review of the school to ensure that it had maintained the
-./. *0ST(D 1udgment of good. !fter spending the day observing teaching loo#ing through
boo#s tal#ing with pupils and scrutinising pupils progress the ,! consultant decided that not only
was provision securely very good it is moving close to outstanding. To build on this 1udgment and
to lin# it to our own evaluation our priorities for the School Development Plan for next year will be2
to develop reflective reading s#ills and to improve pupils ability to discuss and evaluate authors
use of language) to embed grammatical and organisational features of different text types in their
own writing) to develop confident and resilient mathematicians who can apply calculation methods
in a wide range of contexts and to ensure that outstanding teaching is further developed through
higher order $uestioning strategies. These development areas will also run alongside other
initiatives to help us to further improve many of which have been ta#en from your responses on
the $uestionnaires. Than# you we will #eep you informed of all our improvements&
The annual average attendance for pupils this year was 34.56 which is an improvement on last
years attendance. ! big than# you to all the families who have avoided ta#ing pupils out of school
for holidays family visits and other events. %e will be sending out attendance boo#lets in
September which will help parents to understand why good attendance is important to their childs
education. Please as# at the office if you dont receive one&
Events for next year
The plastic school dates cards will be distributed to families as soon as we receive them in school
7which should be before next %ednesday&8. These will have all the "9S(T dates on them as well
as school contact details. Please let us #now if you need any extra copies and we will get them to
you& "nstead of the paper annual calendar of events all events for next year will be placed on the
school website calendar. This will be updated regularly so do #eep an eye out for things that are
happening in school.
Important Swimming update
%e were delighted yesterday to be offered the opportunity to have our wee#ly swimming sessions
at :etford Pool instead of +isterton. This is a much bigger pool which will provide pupils with
more space to develop their swimming s#ills and stamina. !s numbers are growing we have also
decided to employ three instructors for the sessions rather than two as we currently have.
Swimming will therefore now be on a Wednesday afternoon instead of a Thursday. Please could
you amend the rotas that you have been sent to bring them forward by one day to the
%ednesday. !ll previous arrangements in school for %ednesdays; Thursdays will be directly
swapped over so the only change will be the day that they are swimming on. P( and singing will
now ta#e place on %ednesday afternoons and staffing arrangements will be moved accordingly.
Sending money into schoo
0rom September we will only be able to accept money that is sent into school if it is in a sealed
envelope with your childs name on it the amount that is contained and the reason for the
payment 7e.g. dinner money school trip clubs etc8. %here possible please can che$ues be sent
rather than cash. Children can place the sealed envelopes in the red collection boxes in the
centre of school at the start of the school day or alternatively you may bring it straight to the school
office. To further improve efficiency we are loo#ing into an online payment system which will
enable parents to ma#e direct payments to the school account.
Schoo picnic
%e are loo#ing forward to seeing everyone for our annual Community picnic the (li<abethan
!cademy choir will be #eeping us entertained at the start of the picnic. The playground will be full
of families friends =overnors and hopefully friends from the Community as we 1oin together to
celebrate the end of the Summer Term.
End of term organisation
!s school finishes for the summer next %ednesday after the church service pupils will not need to
bring their boo# bags on that day. *ften it is easier if they 1ust bring a fully disposable pac#ed
lunch so that they dont have to carry it up to church for the service. !ll boo# bags P( #its
contents of trays will come home on Tuesday so please could you send a suitable carrier bag to
school for them to fill> !ll outstanding lunch and club monies will need to be paid by this 0riday
so please can you send them into school in a sealed named envelope as soon as possible>
End of term eavers service
*ur end of term service to say good bye our ?ear @ pupils ta#es place in church on %ednesday
Buly at /pm in the church. %e loo# forward to celebrating the end of the school year and their
time at 9orth %heatley.
I!SE" days for #$%& '%(
%ednesday Ard September C pupils return to school after the summer holidays on Thursday 5

+onday A
+onday -A
+onday /st Bune
!s always we are here to help with any $ueries $uestions worries or concerns so do come and
as#& !ll the best from all the staff for a wonderful summer brea# with your children) we loo# forward
to seeing you all in September

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