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School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : $o% "o Kno% O"hr&
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. Introduce themselves
2. Know others
3. Response others
4. Interact with others
)' Tachr*& o(n
O students!.what do "ou sa" when "ou meet a person in the #rst time$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students mae short introduction in &ront o& the class
2. Students mae some utterances
3. Students mae response to their &riends
4. Students per&orm the dialo' with their pairs in di(erent situation
). Students e*chan'e the biodata
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. +i m" name is..
b. ,ood mornin' I-m .ohn /ampbell
c. +ow do "ou do$
d. 0ice to meet "ou1
e. 2ddressin': 3rs43r43s
&. ,ood mornin' 3r. 5im
'. +i Ronald1
h. 6hat-s "our name a'ain$
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : Pr&onal Idn""ion
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. 6rite their own /<
2. Response to some =uestions about personal identit"
3. >o the interview
)' Tachr*& o(n
6hat is "our answer when "ou have to answer some =uestions in
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students mae list o& their own identit"
2. Students write some important in&ormation about themselves
3. Students report the identit"
4. Students per&orm the interview with their &riends in di(erent situation
). Students e*chan'e the rule
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. 6hat-s "our complete name$
b. +ow do "ou spell "our name$
c. 6here are "ou &rom$
d. 6hat-s "our address$
e. 6here do "ou 'o to school$
&. 6hen4where were "ou born$
'. +ow old are "ou$
h. 2re "ou married or sin'le$
i. 6hat is "our nationalit"$
8. 6hat is "our &avorite &ood
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : $o% "o In"roduc O"hr&
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. Introduce others
2. Response to =uestions about others
3. Interact with others
4. /ommunicate activel" with others
)' Tachr*& o(n
6hat do "ou sa" i& "ou want to introduce "our &riend to others$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students mae a 'roup
2. Students introduce themselves in 'roup
3. Students introduce their &riend to the other 'roup in di(erent situation
4. Students per&orm their dialo'
). Students e*chan'e the rule
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. ?et me introduce "ou with m" &riend ?isa
b. I want to introduce "ou with m" &riend7 ?isa
c. 5his is m" brother
d. 5hat is m" sister
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : M"ing /rind&
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. Interact with others
2. Response about condition
3. 2sin' about condition
4. /reate 'ood relationship with others
)' Tachr*& o(n
>o "ou lie to sa" somethin' when "ou meet "our &riend on the wa"$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students 'reet others
2. Students as about their &riends- condition directl"
3. Students response to their &riends
4. Students per&orm their dialo' in the di(erent situation
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. +i how are "ou$
b. +ow are "ou doin'$
c. +ow-s li&e$
d. +ow-s it 'oin'$
e. +ow have "ou been$
&. +ow-s ever"thin'$er
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : A&0ing and Gi+ing O(inion
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. @*press their opinion
2. 2s others- opinion
3. InAuence others
4. Stren'then their opinion
)' Tachr*& o(n
/an "ou 'ive "our opinion about our president$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students e*press their idea
2. Students as about their &riends- opinion to some &actual news
3. Students response to their &riend
4. Students mae 'roup discussion
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. +ow do "ou thin about 5awan'man'u$
b. 6hat do "ou thin about the president$
c. 6hat do "ou sa" about the president
d. 6hat-s "our opinion about our president$
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : $o% do& Sh Loo0 Li01
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. 8ind some opposite meanin's in ph"sical appearance
2. >escribe others- appearance
3. 3ae description about themselves and others
4. @*press their opinion about others
)' Tachr*& o(n
?oo at this picture and now who can describe her$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students describe a photo
2. Students mae 'uess about the anton"m
3. Students mae description about their &riends
4. Students mae 'uess about the description
). Students draw pictures based on the description
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. +ow does she4he loo lie4
b. Is he beauti&ul$
c. Is he handsome$
d. ?ola is "oun'7 beauti&ul and she has lon' hair.
e. Bett" has round &ace and short wav" hair
&. Sandra has an oval &ace
'. 5om is "oun' and cute
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : $o% i& Sh Li01
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. @*press their opinion about personalit"
2. >escribe others- personalit"
3. 3ae description about their own personalit" and others
4. Share their idea about 'ood and bad personalit" traits
)' Tachr*& o(n
>o "ou thin that ,oar'e Bush 'ood or bad person$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students mention some personalit" traits
2. Students classi&" the personalit" traits into positive and ne'ative
3. Students mae description about their own personalit" and others
4. Students e*press their own opinion about their &riends- positive and ne'ative
). Students do reAective activit" b" sharin' their bad and 'ood attitude
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. +ow is she4he lie$
b. She is 'ood 'irl
c. Some adCectivesD &uss"7stin'"7 calm7 &riendl"7 Airt7 handsome7 tall7 bi'7..and so on
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Siri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : Com(ari&on and Su(rla"i+
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. 3ae comparison
2. 3ae superlative
3. ,ive description about somethin' and others
)' Tachr*& o(n
6hat-s the di(erence between 2min' and ;rett" 2smara$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students describes about some &amous persons
2. Students mae comparisons between them
3. Students mae superlative with other &amous person
4. Students describes other thin's
). Students mae discussion about other topics
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. a. Eulia is taller than >ewi
b. 2nto is more dili'ent than 8ahri
c. ;utri is the slimmest &rom all the 'irls
d. Rani is the most dili'ent o& all
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : $o22i&
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. 3ention some hobbies
2. Share their idea about hobbies
3. Response about hobbies
)' Tachr*& o(n
6hat-s "our hobb"$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students mention their own hobb"
2. Students compare with others
3. Students mae 'uess about some activities
4. Students mae 'uess &rom some per&ormances o& their &riends
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. 6hat-s "our hobb"$
b. 6hat do "ou lie to do in "our spare time$
c. 6hat do "ou usuall" do &or rela*in'$
d. 6hat-s "our &avorite thin' to do$
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : /amily
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. 3ention some &amil" members
2. >escribe their own &amil"
3. 3ae a &amil" tree
4. Response to some =uestions about &amil" members
)' Tachr*& o(n
+ow man" brothers4 sisters do "ou have$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students mention some &amil" members
2. Students introduce their &amil" members to their &riends
3. Students mae a &amil" tree
4. Students mae description about others- &amil" tree
). Students mae &amil" and tr" to describe
F. Students mae 'roup discussion about &amil" members
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. 6hat-s "our &ather-s name$
b. 6hat-s "our mother-s name$
c. >o "ou have sister4brother$
d. +ow man" sisters4brothers do "ou have$
e. +ow man" uncles do "ou have$
&. +ow man" aunts do "ou have$
'. +ow man" children do "our parents have$
h. +ow man" children do "our 'randparents have$
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : /a&hion and Clo"hing
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. 3ention some inds o& &ashion and clothes
2. >escribe &ashion and clothin'
3. 3ae a description about &ashion and clothin'
4. Response to some =uestions about &ashion and clothin'
)' Tachr*& o(n
6hat are "our &avorite clothes$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students mention some inds o& clothes
2. Students describe the &ashion o& themselves
3. Students describe the pictures
4. Students draw the &ashion
). Students mae =uestions and answers
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. 6hat do "ou wear ever"da"$
b. 6hat does she4he wear to the part"$
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : Plac&
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. 3ention some names o& public places
2. >escribe some public places
3. Reco'niGe some public places
)' Tachr*& o(n
6here do "ou usuall" 'o shoppin'$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students mention some names o& public places
2. Students mention the &unction o& the places
3. Students mae 'uess o& the places
4. Students mae =uestion and answer o& the e*istence o& the places
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. Is there an" hotel in Karan'an"ar$
b. 2re there an" hotels in Karan'an"ar$
c. ;lacesD Bus station7 school7 post oHce7 ;olice oHce7 shoppin' mall7 co(ee
shop7 and so on.
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : 3al0 u( and ,ri+ along
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. Reco'niGe some instructions
2. ,ive direction
3. Read map
4. Show ri'ht wa"
)' Tachr*& o(n
/an "ou tell me how I 'et to the hospital &rom here$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students stud" some instructions
2. Students 'ive direction to some places &rom homes
3. Students draw their own map &rom home to school
4. Students read the map
). Students mae =uestions and answers to their &riends about the direction
F. Students 'ive recommendation
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. @*cuse me7 can "ou tell me how to 'et to the hotel &rom here$
b. @*cuse me7 could "ou tell me how to 'et to the nearest hotel &rom here$
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : G" o4 and G" in
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. Reco'niGe some instructions
2. ,ive direction b" public vehicles
3. Read map
4. Show ri'ht wa"
)' Tachr*& o(n
/an "ou tell me how I 'et to 5awan'man'u &rom Solo$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students stud" some instructions
2. Students 'ive 'uide to 'o somewhere b" public vehicles
3. Students mae =uestion and answer about 'uidance to some places
4. Students read the map
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. /an "ou tell me how to 'et there$
b. @*cuse me7 can "ou tell me how to 'et to 5awan'man'u$
c. 6hat bus should I tae to 5awan'man'u$
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : ,aily Ac"i+i"y
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. 3ention some dail" activities the" alwa"s do
2. 5ell their dail" activit"
3. Response to some =uestions about dail" activit"
4. 3ae =uestions about dail" activit"
)' Tachr*& o(n
6hat time do "ou usuall" tae a bath$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students mention some dail" activit"
2. Students tell their own dail" activit"
3. Students mae =uestion and answer about dail" activit"
4. Students per&orm their dail" activit"
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. 6hat do "ou usuall" do ever" Sunda"$
b. 6here do "ou usuall" 'o on Sunda"s$
c. 6hat time do "ou usuall" 'et up$
d. 5ell me "our activit"1
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : 5o2!occu(a"ion
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. 3ention some ind o& Cob or pro&essions
2. Reco'niGe some duties on the Cob
3. Know some re=uirements on some di(erent Cobs
)' Tachr*& o(n
6hat does "our &ather do$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students mention some inds o& Cobs
2. Students mentions some di(erent duties on Cob
3. Students reco'niGe some positions
4. Students mae =uestions and answers about Cob
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a. 6hat do "ou do$
b. 6hat does "our &ather do$
c. Some CobsD secretar"7 technician7 doctor7 nurse7 dentist7 securit" 'uard7 and
so on
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI
School : SMA Muhamadiyah 1 Karanganyar
Grad!Sm" : # ICT Program!1
Ma"rial : In"r+i%ing 5o2
A' Th Pur(o&
Students are able to:
1. 2nswer the =uestions o& interviewin' Cob
2. /onduct the interview
3. ,ive response to some =uestions in interview
)' Tachr*& o(n
+ave "ou ever been interviewed$%
C' Ac"i+i"y
1. Students mae some lists o& =uestions
2. Students in 'roup mae =uestions and answers
3. Students per&orm it in &ront o& their &riends
4. Students mae conclusion
,' Sn"nc*& -orm&
a.5ell me about "our education bac'round$
b./an "ou operate computer$
d. /an "ou mae a letter in @n'lish$
e. >o "ou have driver license$
&. 6hat do "ou e*pect &rom "our wor$
E' S"udn"&* A&&&&mn"
1. Students- 2ctiveness
2. Students- /ooperation
3. Students- wor
Karan'an"ar7 8ebruar" 299:
+eadmaster 5eacher
2lim Suarno7 S.;d Sri"anti7 S.;dI

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