English Proficiency Civil Service

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English Proficiency makes up about 50% of the

Philippine Civil Service Examinations both

Professional and Subprofessional. ocabulary test
items such as word meaning and analogy are
included in these exams. !or a higher probability of
passing" it is important that you have a #ide
vocabulary #hen taking these examinations. $n this
post" $ am going to give you some tips on ho# to
improve your vocabulary in English based on
personal experience. $ think these tips #ill not only
improve your vocabulary" but also #ill improve
your command in the English language in general.
%ne thing to remember though& a #ide vocabulary
does not 'ust develop overnight. $t takes time.
1. Read, Read, and Read
(eading is one of the best #ays to improve your
vocabulary and you should do this everyday. $n
reading" you do not only meet ne# #ords" you see
ho# they are used in sentences. )ry reading an
article or t#o a day and you #ill see your progress
in a fe# months.
via *ikiepdia
(eading novels #ill introduce you to conversational
English and reading ne#s #ill introduce you to
technical English. $f you are observant #ith
sentence structure" it #ill also introduce you to
correct grammar and usage.
2. Play Word Games
Playing #ord games especially Scrabble against a
computer #ill surely introduce you to ne# #ords. $f
you o#n a gadget" do#nload a #ord game app and
play against a computer. +o#nload also a dictionary
app ,$ use *ord#eb" it-s free. so that you can look
up the ne# #ords that you have learned.
$n playing #ord games" you #ill not 'ust en'oy" you
#ill also learn.
3. Watch English Movies
*atching English movies can also help improve
vocabulary. $f you are not native English speaker ,$
assume that this is also read in other countries." $
recommend that you #atch movies #ith subtitles.
$n so doing" you #ill most likely meet ne# #ords
that are used in daily conversations especially in
movies #ith modern settings. /e #arned though
that in order to make the movies more realistic"
some dialogues may be grammatically incorrect.
)his is because it happens in reality.
4. Take otes
*hether reading" playing #ord games" or #atching
movies" you might also #ant to take note of the ne#
#ords that you encounter. 0ook up their meaning in
a dictionary and use them in sentences. 1fter
#riting a sentence using the ne# #ords" you might
also #ant to look at online dictionaries. 2ost online
dictionaries no#adays ,such as
)he!ree+ictionary.com. have sample sentences on
ho# to use #ords.
!. Write, Write, and Write
*riting a blog or a 'ournal can also help improve
your vocabulary. $n #riting your thoughts" you
search for appropriate #ords to use. )his #ill also
help you better remember those #ords.
3ou #ill probably ask me" ho# about memori4ing5
*hat if $ randomly look up a #ord at a dictionary
and memori4e them5 *ell" picking some #ords and
memori4ing their meaning #ill help you a little.
)his strategy based on personal experience is not
effective. 2ost #ord meanings that are memori4ed
#ithout context are easily forgotten.
)he sub'ect6verb agreement is one of the basic rules
in grammar and correct usage. $t is important that
you master this rule if you #ant to pass the Civil
Service Examination.
)he basic rule in the sub'ect6verb agreement is that
a singular sub'ect re7uires a singular verb and a
plural sub'ect re7uires a plural verb. %f course" to
be able to ans#er correctly" you must be able to
identify the sub'ect of the sentence and the verb. 1s
a revie#" a sub'ect is the noun or pronoun that
performs the verb. 1 verb on the other hand" is a
#ord that sho#s action. *e #ill have a separate
discussion on these topics. !or no#" 'ust ans#er the
practice test belo# and see ho# much do you
remember of the sub'ect6verb agreement.
"#$%ect&'er$ (greement Practice Test 1
8. 2y brother or my sister are arriving tomorro#.
9. :either Ella nor her friends is available to assist
;. 1rmand" together #ith his friends" are going on a
camping trip tomorro#.
<. =im and 2ike are going to take the
Subprofessional Civil Service Examination next
5. Each of the boys play piano #ell.
>. :either of them are available to meet you at the
?. )en years are such a long time to #ait my love.
@. !ive thousand pesos are a high price to pay for a
single )6shirt.
A. !ifty percent of the cake have disappeared after
'ust t#o minutes.
80. Everybody is happy about the result of the
88. %ne6tenth of the people in this city are
89. Be is one of the men #ho does the #ork #ithout
8;. )he team are going to practice tomorro# for the
final competition
8<. )he committee are in disagreement #hether to
use the fund in a feeding program or donate it to a
85. :ina" as #ell as his brother and sister" is
attending a birthday party.
/elo# are the ans#ers to the "#$%ect&'er$
(greement Practice Test 1. )he incorrect verb in
each sentence is highlighted red and the correct
verb in the corrected sentence is highlighted green.
1n explanation follo#s every correction.
"#$%ect&'er$ (greement Practice Test 1 (ns)ers
8. 2y brother or my sister are arriving tomorro#.
Correct sentence& 2y brother or my sister is
arriving tomorro#
Explanation& )#o singular sub'ects connected by or
re7uire a singular verb. $n this sentence" there
brother and sister are both singular" so the sentence
should use the singular verb is.
9. :either Ella nor her friends is available to assist
Correct sentence& :either Ella nor her friends are
available to assist you.
*hen a singular sub'ect and a plural sub'ect are
connected by neither/nor or either/or" the verb
agrees #ith the sub'ect nearest to it. $n the sentence
above" the plural verb are is used because it is
nearer to the plural sub'ect friends.
;. 1rmand" together #ith his friends" are going on a
camping trip tomorro#.
Correct sentence& 1rmand" together #ith his
friends" is going on a camping trip tomorro#.
Explanation& $n general" phrases such as together
with" along with" as well as" should be ignored #hen
considering the verb of the sentence. )he verb
should al#ays agree #ith the sub'ect. $n this
sentence" 1rmand is the singular sub'ect" so the
singular verb is is used.
<. =im and 2ike are going to take the
Subprofessional Civil Service Examination next
Explanation& :o error. =im and 2ike is a plural
sub'ect" so the plural verb are is used.
5. Each of the boys play piano #ell.
Correct sentence& Each of the boys plays piano
Explanation& )he pronouns each" anyone" anybody"
everyone" every one" everybody are singular and
re7uire singular verbs. $n the sentence" each is
singular so" the singular verb plays must be used.
>. :either of them are available to meet you at the
Correct sentence& :either of them is available to
meet you at the airport.
Explanation& Sentences that use either or neither
(#ithout or. al#ays re7uire singular verb.
?. )en years are such a long time to #ait my love.
Correct sentence& )en years is such a long time to
#ait my love.
Explanation& Periods of time take singular verb.
@. !ive thousand pesos are a high price to pay for a
single )6shirt.
Correct sentence& !ive thousand pesos is a high
price to pay for a single )6shirt.
Explanation& 1mount of money takes singular verb.
A. !ifty percent of the cake have disappeared after
'ust t#o minutes.
Correct sentence& !ifty percent of the cake has
disappeared after 'ust t#o minutes.
Explanation& )he verb used in #ords that indicate
portions such as percent" fraction" part" all" some,
etc. depends on the noun in the Cof phrase.D $n the
sentence above" the cake in Cof the cakeD phrase is
singular" therefore" the singular verb has should be
80. Everybody is happy about the result of the
Explanation& :o Error. See no. 5 for explanation.
88. %ne6tenth of the people in this city are
Explanation& :o error. See no. A for explanation.
89. Be is one of the men #ho does the #ork #ithout
Correct sentence& Be is one of the men #ho do the
#ork #ithout complaining.
Explanation& )he pronouns who" which" and that
#hich is the sub'ect of the verb in the middle of the
sentence become singular or plural according to the
noun directly in front of them. $n the sentence
above" the noun in front of who is men #hich is
plural" so the plural verb do must be used.
8;. )he team are going to practice tomorro# for the
final competition
Correct sentence& )he team is going to practice
tomorro# for the final competition
Explanation& Collective nouns such as team and
staff may either be singular or plural depending on
their use in the sentence. $n the sentence above" the
team acts as a unit and therefore re7uires a singular
8<. )he committee are in disagreement #hether to
use the fund in a feeding program or donate it to a
Explanation& :o error. Enlike in number 8;" the
committee in this sentence act as individuals and not
as a unit.
85. :ina" as #ell as his brother and sister" is
attending a birthday party.
Explanation& :o error. See no. ; for explanation.
!or more English Practice )ests" go to the Civil
Service (evie#er English page.
/elo# are the ans#ers and the explanations to the
Grammar and *orrect +sage Practice Test 1.
)he incorrect #ord or phrase in the sentence is
highlighted red" #hile the correct #ord or phrase is
highlighted green.
8. )he inventor stood to except the a#ard.
Correct Sentence& )he inventor stood to accept the
Explanation& 1ccept means Cto receiveD" except
means Cto exclude.D
9. Between the three of us" $ think $ am the slo#est
Correct Sentence& Among the three of us" $ think $
am the slo#est runner.
Explanation& 1mong is used to refer to ; or more
members of the group" #hile bet#een is used to
refer to t#o member of the group.
;. )here are scarcely no more birds in this city.
Correct sentence& )here are scarcely any birds in
this city.
Explanation& +ouble negative. Scarcely and no
more are both negative #ordFphrase.
<. )his fruit contains fewer sugar.
Correct sentence& )his fruit contains less sugar.
Explanation& !e#er is used to describe plural nouns
,ho# many. #hile less is used to describe singular
nouns ,ho# much.. Sugar is singular.
5. $ have never seen nothing as beautiful as this
Correct sentence& $ have never seen anything as
beautiful as this city.
Explanation& +ouble negative. :ever seen and
nothing are both negative #ordFphrase.
>. Place the mirror on the #all to give you an
allusion of bigger room.
Correct sentence& Place the mirror on the #all to
give you an illusion of bigger room.
Explanation& 1llusion means Ca passing or casual
reference"D #hile illusion means Csomething that
deceives by producing a false or misleading
impression of reality.D
?. *e #ere lucky #e didn-t have typhoon this
month. ,:o Error.
@. 2y favorite vegetable are peas.
Correct sentence& 2ay favorite vegetable is peas.
Explanation& )he sub'ect is favorite is singular"
therefore the verb are should be is.
A. Either =ames or =ohn are going to lead the choir
in the recital tommorow.
Correct sentence& Either =ames or =ohn is going to
lead the choir in their recital tomorrow.
Explanation& $n either or statements" the verb
considers the sub'ect after the or statement. )he
sub'ect John is singular" so the verb should be is.
)he correct spelling is tomorrow.
80. )he additional supplies that #e need to bring
are, band aids" cottons" alcohol" and gau4e.
Correct sentences&
)he additional supplies that #e need to bring are
band aids" cottons" alcohol" and gau4e. ,)he colon
#as deleted..
)he additional supplies that #e need to bring are
the following& band aids" cottons" alcohol" and
Explanation& )he colon is used before a list of items
especially after expressions like the following and
as follows. +o not use a colon before a verb or a
88. 1ll the students has finished their report.
Correct sentence& 1ll the students have finished
their report.
Explanation& $n this sentence" CallD refers to many
students" therefore ChaveD is the correct verb.
89. Be #as a honorable man.
Correct sentence& Be #as an honorable man.
Explanation& A is used before #ords beginning #ith
a consonant sound ,a car" a pencil." #hile an is used
to before #ords beginning #ith vo#el sounds ,an
ant" an egg.. An is also used to before #ords
beginning #ith the consonant h #hen h is not
pronounced ,such as honorable..
8;. )he recently heavy flooding effected the crops
of farmers.
Correct sentence& )he recently heavy flooding
affected the crops of farmers.
Explanation& 1ffect means Cto influenceD #hile
effect means Cthe result of some actions.D
8<. Emmanuel could of passed the examinations if
he had studied hard enough.
Correct sentence& Emmanuel could have passed the
examinations if he studied hard enough.
Explanation& )he #ord CofD is not used after the
verb could.
85. $ believe that were going to have a prosperous
ne# year.
/elo# are the ans#ers and the explanations to the
Grammar and *orrect +sage Practice Test 1.
)he incorrect #ord or phrase in the sentence is
highlighted red" #hile the correct #ord or phrase is
highlighted green.
8. )he inventor stood to except the a#ard.
Correct Sentence& )he inventor stood to accept the
Explanation& 1ccept means Cto receiveD" except
means Cto exclude.D
9. Between the three of us" $ think $ am the slo#est
Correct Sentence& Among the three of us" $ think $
am the slo#est runner.
Explanation& 1mong is used to refer to ; or more
members of the group" #hile bet#een is used to
refer to t#o member of the group.
;. )here are scarcely no more birds in this city.
Correct sentence& )here are scarcely any birds in
this city.
Explanation& +ouble negative. Scarcely and no
more are both negative #ordFphrase.
<. )his fruit contains fewer sugar.
Correct sentence& )his fruit contains less sugar.
Explanation& !e#er is used to describe plural nouns
,ho# many. #hile less is used to describe singular
nouns ,ho# much.. Sugar is singular.
5. $ have never seen nothing as beautiful as this
Correct sentence& $ have never seen anything as
beautiful as this city.
Explanation& +ouble negative. :ever seen and
nothing are both negative #ordFphrase.
>. Place the mirror on the #all to give you an
allusion of bigger room.
Correct sentence& Place the mirror on the #all to
give you an illusion of bigger room.
Explanation& 1llusion means Ca passing or casual
reference"D #hile illusion means Csomething that
deceives by producing a false or misleading
impression of reality.D
?. *e #ere lucky #e didn-t have typhoon this
month. ,:o Error.
@. 2y favorite vegetable are peas.
Correct sentence& 2ay favorite vegetable is peas.
Explanation& )he sub'ect is favorite is singular"
therefore the verb are should be is.
A. Either =ames or =ohn are going to lead the choir
in the recital tommorow.
Correct sentence& Either =ames or =ohn is going to
lead the choir in their recital tomorrow.
Explanation& $n either or statements" the verb
considers the sub'ect after the or statement. )he
sub'ect John is singular" so the verb should be is.
)he correct spelling is tomorrow.
80. )he additional supplies that #e need to bring
are, band aids" cottons" alcohol" and gau4e.
Correct sentences&
)he additional supplies that #e need to bring are
band aids" cottons" alcohol" and gau4e. ,)he colon
#as deleted..
)he additional supplies that #e need to bring are
the following& band aids" cottons" alcohol" and
Explanation& )he colon is used before a list of items
especially after expressions like the following and
as follows. +o not use a colon before a verb or a
88. 1ll the students has finished their report.
Correct sentence& 1ll the students have finished
their report.
Explanation& $n this sentence" CallD refers to many
students" therefore ChaveD is the correct verb.
89. Be #as a honorable man.
Correct sentence& Be #as an honorable man.
Explanation& A is used before #ords beginning #ith
a consonant sound ,a car" a pencil." #hile an is used
to before #ords beginning #ith vo#el sounds ,an
ant" an egg.. An is also used to before #ords
beginning #ith the consonant h #hen h is not
pronounced ,such as honorable..
8;. )he recently heavy flooding effected the crops
of farmers.
Correct sentence& )he recently heavy flooding
affected the crops of farmers.
Explanation& 1ffect means Cto influenceD #hile
effect means Cthe result of some actions.D
8<. Emmanuel could of passed the examinations if
he had studied hard enough.
Correct sentence& Emmanuel could have passed the
examinations if he studied hard enough.
Explanation& )he #ord CofD is not used after the
verb could.
85. $ believe that were going to have a prosperous
ne# year.
Correct sentence& $ believe that were going to have
a prosperous ne# year.
Explanation& )he #ord were is the past tense of was
#hile were is the contraction of we are.
1s in any examination" of course" the set of
7uestions change" so it is impossible to kno# #hat
are the vocabulary #ords that #ill appear in the
next Civil Service Exam. Bo#ever" in vocabulary
exams" there are also some #ord favorites. $n this
series of vocabulary revie#" $ am going to discuss
some of the #ords that usually appear in
examinations. $ suggest that you do not 'ust
memori4e them. )o remember them better" #rite
your o#n sentence using these #ords and speak
them #henever you have a chance.
*ivil "ervice E-am 'oca$#lary Revie)
8. alleviate G to make easier to endure" to lessen
Sample Sentence& 1fter this operation" take three
tablets everyday to alleviate the pain.
9. amicable G friendly" sho#ing good#ill
Sample Sentence& 1fter so many years of battle in
courts" the t#o families finally agreed on an
amicable settlement.
;. benevolent G sho#ing good #ill" desiring to help
Sample Sentence& )he first time $ sa# him" $ kne#
that he #as a benevolent person.
<. inevitable G sure to happen" unavoidable" certain
Sample Sentence& +eath is inevitable. )axes too.
5. scrutini4e G to examine in detail
Sample Sentence& he guy #ho entered the building
#as suspicious" so the police scrutinized
>. tenacious G persistent" stubborn" obstinate"
Sample Sentences
)hat guy has been courting me for 5 years.
Be #as so tenacious that $ finally fell in love
#ith him.
$ have 7uite a tenacious memory. $ can-t
forget a face.
?. disdain G to scorn" to treat #ith contempt" despise
1fter the death of his #ife" he #as offered a large
amount of money by his boss" but he refused it #ith
@. evident G plain or clear to the sight or
Sample Sentence& Even #hen he #as young" it #as
evident that he #ill do great things.
A. frugal G not #asteful" thrifty
Sample Sentence& 1ll his life" he had been frugal in
his expenses. :o #onder he has a lot of money.
80. superficial G lacking in content" shallo#
Sample Sentence& Sometimes" his #ritings seems
superficial" but #hen you look at them deeply" you
#ill see the real meaning.
$ hope you have learned something in this post. *e
#ill have some more #ords in the next posts.
'oca$#lary is one of the main parts of the Civil
Service Examination. $n this Civil Service Exam
ocabulary (evie# series of posts" $ am going to
list the most popular vocabulary #ords used in
examinations and their meaning. $ have also #ritten
at least one sample sentence for each #ord.
*ommonly +sed Words in E-aminations
8. a$dicate G to give up a throne or right" po#er" or
claim in a formal manner.
Sample Sentence& Ed#ard $$$ abdicated his throne
to be #ith the #oman he loved.
9. candor G the 7uality of being frank" sincere" and
Sample sentence& Everyone #as surprised by the
candor of his speech because he usually evades
;. connive G to conspireH to secretly help someone
do something dishonest
Sample Sentence& )#o thieves connived #ith a bank
employee and robbed the bank before it closed
<. elo.#ent G sho#ing the ability to use the
language clearly and effectively
Sample Sentence& :inoy 17uino-s elo7uent and
lively speeches is one of the reasons #hy he al#ays
spoke at the end of every event.
5. /orsake G to 7uit or abandon entirely
Sample Sentence& +isability should not be the
reason #hy you should forsake your dreams.
>. inhi$it G to restrain or prohibitH to keep someone
from doing something
Sample& )he presence of CC) did not inhibit the
driver from beating the red light.
?. modic#m G small amount or portion
Sample Sentence& Be did not even sho# a modicum
of guilt after saying lots of bad things to everyone.
@. n#ance G small difference
Sample Sentence& )he nuances in our beliefs
shouldn-t be a hindrance to keep us united.
A. 0enchant G a strong liking or inclination
Sample Sentence& $ have a penchant for classical
musicH Pavarotti #as one of my favorite classical
80. 1enith G the highest point or state
Sample Sentence& )he zenith of the human mind is
around at age ;0. 1fter that" it begins to decline.
:ote that $ have simplified the meaning of some
#ords above from the references listed belo#. $
have personally created the sample sentences
)his is the third of the Civil Service Exam
ocabulary revie# series. $n this series" $ am going
to discuss the most popular #ords used in
vocabulary examinations. Bopefully" some of these
#ords #ill come up the next time you take the Civil
Service Examination.
1side from memori4ing these #ords" $ suggest that
you use them in sentences. *rite sentences using
these #ords. $f you #ill memori4e these #ords
#ithout using them" it is likely that you #ill forget
them sooner or later.
8. $oistero#s G noisy" rough" and energetic
Sample Sentence& )he sound of her boisterous
laughter #as disturbing everyone.
9. camaraderie G a feeling of friendship to a groupH
Sample Sentence& %ne of the most valuable things
you learn in school aside from academic lessons is
;. con#ndr#m G a difficult problem having only a
guess as an ans#erH a riddle or pu44le
Sample Sentence& )he origin of the universe has
al#ays been a conundrum to humankind.
<. divergent G to follo# to different directionsH
deviates from the standard
Sample Sentence& 2y business partners and $ have
divergent ideas on ho# to run our company.
5. /oster G to help gro# or develop
Sample Sentence& )he E: has helped foster peace
and e7uality among all the nations in the #orld.
>. int#itive G having to kno# or understand by
means of feelings ,and not by facts.
Sample Sentence& 2ost people have the intuitive
kno#ledge of right and #rong.
?. m#ndane G #orldly" common" ordinary
Sample Sentence& Bis mundane desires make
people think that he is a shallo# person.
@. o0#lent G expensive and luxurious
Sample Sentence& /efore he #ent bankrupt" he had
an opulent lifestyle.
A. 0rocrastinate G to delay to do something
because it is boringH to delay doing something out
of la4iness
Sample Sentence& Even if you procrastinate" you
#ill still make a decision" so $ suggest that you
make up your mind once and for all.
80. s0ontaneo#s G done or said #ithout lots of
thoughts and planning
Sample Sentence& 2y friend has a habit of
spontaneous visiting even in late hours of the
Please stay tuned for more vocabulary revie#.
)his is the fourth Civil Service Exam ocabulary
(evie#. )his revie# series consists of the most
commonly used #ords in vocabulary exams both
local an international. $ have simplified their
meanings and use them in a sentence. 1lthough you
can memori4e their meanings" it is more effective if
you use them in a sentence #henever possible and
appropriate. Jet a notebook and #rite your sentence
or use the comment box belo#.
8. arid G #ith very little rain or moisture" extremely
In the recent climate change, in some countries, the
farmers could not grown anything on the lands that
had become arid In some countries, though, it has
been raining and flooding a lot
9. con/ormist 2 a person #ho complies or follo#s
tradition and usual practices ,manners" religion"
dress" etc..
!eing a conformist is good most of the time !ut
sometimes you must learn how to take risks
;. deleterio#s 6 harmful" can cause in'ury
"he rapid increase of factories and cards made the
air more deleterious than ever
<. el#cidate G clarify" explain" make clear
#aybe he will elucidate his actions later $ont
%udge him %ust yet
5. e0hemeral G short lived" lasting for a short time
&ometimes, the ephemeral fame and the lack of
investment of movie stars make them poor later in
their life
>. intre0id 6 brave" courageous" fearless
'hristopher 'olumbus intrepid e(plorations made
him discover America
?. %eo0ardy 2 exposure to harmH danger of in'ury"
loss" death
)obody ever wins in wars "hey %ust put everyone
in jeopardy* even children
@. 0r#dent G careful" exercising good 'udgement"
+ven though his boss yelled at him, he gave a
prudent reply
A. s#$tle G not obvious" mysterious" something that
re7uires discernment
#y absence during the meeting was a subtle protest
to the managements new implemented rules
80. tact/#l 2 kind" considerate to others" someone
#ho thinks of other people-s feelings
,e is a very tactful young man Its hard to find
such nowadays
)his is the fifth of the Civil Service Exam
ocabulary Series. )his series provides #ords that
are usually used in examinations. $ncluded in this
revie#er are the meaning of the #ords as #ell as a
sample sentence using these #ords. )he complete
list of this series can be found in the English page.
*ivil "ervice E-am 'oca$#lary Revie) !
8. affable G friendly" easy to talk to
Sample Sentence& Be is a very good person" al#ays
#elcoming" al#ays affable.
9. docile G easily taught" obedient" ready to learn
Sample Sentences
$ am glad $ have found a docile dog.
Bis students are docile and hard#orking.
;. enthrall G to captivate or charm" to hold the
attention of someone by being exciting or
Sample Sentence& $ #as entirely enthralled by
listening to her song that $ lost track of time.
<. fraud G a deception or trickery
Sample Sentence& 1 lot of people fall into different
online fraud and lose a lot of money.
5. lucrative G money making" profitable
Sample Sentence& %nline selling has become a
lucrative business since the invention of social
media #ebsites such as !acebook.
>. reclusive G a person #ho lives alone and
#ithdra#n from society
Sample Sentence& Some persons become as
reclusive as monks. )hey 'ust do not #ant others to
get in their lives.
?. refurbish G to make neat or clean" to renovate" to
Sample Sentence& $ bought this sofa from a second
hand furniture shop and refurbished it. $t looks like
it-s ne#K
@. shatter G to break something into pieces
)he glass #indo# shattered after a strong
Even a fatal illness such as cancer did not
shatter his dreams to #in the :obel Pri4e.
A. sycophant G a person #ho uses flattery to #in
Sample Sentence& $n our country" some people look
at politicians as saviors" others look at them as
80. vindicate G to clear from accusation" blame" or
suspicion and the like
Sample Sentence& )hrough the +:1 technology"
several prisoners #ere vindicated for the supposed
crimes that they did not commit.
)his is the sixth part of the Civil Service
Exam ocabulary Series. )his series provides #ords
that are usually used in examinations both local and
abroad. $ncluded in this revie#er are the meaning of
the #ords as #ell as a sample sentence using these
#ords. )he complete list of this series can be found
in the English page.
*ivil "ervice E-am 'oca$#lary Revie) 3
8. $r#s.#e G unfriendly" rude" rough
Sample Sentence& Even some educated people
cannot hide their brus-ue manner sometimes.
9. de0rive G to take something a#ay" to #ithhold
something from the en'oyment or possession
Sample Sentence& 2any parents deprive their kids
of 'unk foods until the age of 80.
;. e-0loit G a notable deed or heroic act ,noun." to
utili4e especially for profit ,verb." to use selfishly
for one-s o#n gain ,verb..
Sample Sentences
)he e(ploits of 1chilles is kno#n to many
people" not 'ust the Jreeks.
2any companies e(ploit their employees
because they kno# that it is hard to find a
'ob no#adays.
<. endeavor G to attempt #ith effort" to strive to
achieve or reach
Sample Sentence& Be endeavored to learn Lan'i
characters for ; years in order to read =apanese
5. gr#m$le G to complain about something" to utter
complain in a lo# voice
Sample Sentence& She al#ays grumbles #hen you
tell her to do something.
>. insatia$le G incapable of being satisfied
Sample Sentence& Bis insatiable appetite for po#er
and money made him sacrifice all of his loved ones.
?. meddle G to involve in a matter #ithout right or
invitation" to change or handle something in a #ay
that is un#anted or harmful
Sample Sentence& $f people 'ust don-t meddle #ith
other people-s business" this #orld #ill be a better
place to live in.
@. o$ese G very fat" over#eight
Sample Sentence& 2ost of the things that can be
bought in fast food chains today can make you
A. 0res#m0t#o#s G to be confident in a #ay that is
Sample Sentence& Be does not care #ho is he
talking toH he is al#ays presumptuous.
80. tantali1e G to tempt" to cause someone to feel
interest or excitement
Sample Sentence& )he President tantalized him to a
position in the board and no# he has abandoned his
)hat-s all for no#. Practice by using the #ords in
sentences. Ese the comment box belo# and $-ll see
if the sentence is correct.
)his is the seventh part of the Civil Service
ocabulary (evie# series of Ph *ivil "ervice
Revie)er. $n this series" #e discuss the #ords that
commonly appear in English vocabulary
examinations. )he other parts of this series can be
found in this blog-s English page.
*ivil "ervice E-am 'oca$#lary Revie) 4
8. diligent G hard#orkingH constant in effort to
accomplish something
&ample &entence* )hat student is very diligent. Be
al#ays submits his home#ork on time and does
extra #ork.
9. em#late 2 to try to e7ual or excelH to surpass
&ample &entence* 2any tenor singers no#adays are
trying to emulate Pavarotti" but $ think #e only have
one Pavarotti in this generation.
;. ha#ghty 6 proud" snobbish" arrogant
&ample &entence& Bis haughty attitude makes
everyone hate him.
<. incom0ati$le 2 not to be able to exist together
#ithout conflictH not able to be used together
&ample &entences
2any stories tells ho# incompatible a prince
and a pauper" but #ho cares about status
)his plug is incompatible #ith the socket.
Lindly buy another one.
5. novice G a person #ho has 'ust started doing
&ample &entence* !or novice boxers" head gears are
>. orator G an elo7uent public speakerH a person
#ho can make speeches and is very good in making
&ample &entence& 2artin 0uther Ling =r. #as one of
the greatest orators of his time.
?. 0ros0erity G the condition of being successful
especially financially
&ample &entence& C$ #ish you good luck" happiness"
and prosperity in your ne#found life.D
@. resilient G recovering readily from illness"
depression" etc.
&ample &entence* Be #as resilient enough to cope
up #ith the tragedy that happened to his family.
A. s#$missive G obedient
&ample &entence* +uring the feudal times in =apan"
the #omen #ere expected to be totally submissive
to their husband.
80. s#$stantiate G to establish proof or complete
Sample Sentence& )here #ere many allegations of
corruption against him" but no one #as able to
substantiate their claims.
)hat-s all for no#" see you in the next vocabulary
)his is the eighth part of the Civil
Service ocabulary (evie# series of Ph *ivil
"ervice Revie)er. $n this series" #e discuss the
#ords that commonly appear in English vocabulary
examinations. )he other parts of this series can be
found in this blog-s English page.
*ivil "ervice E-am 'oca$#lary Revie) 5
8. $ias G the action of supportingFopposing a
particular person or thing in an unfair #ay.
&ample &entence* Jood 'udges must be ob'ective
about their decisions and must uphold the la#
#ithout bias.
9. contradiction G a disagreement bet#een t#o
things #hich means that both cannot be trueH
&ample &entence* Bo# can anybody believe him5
Bis statements are full of contradictions.
;. de$ris G the remains of something broken or
destroyedH rubble" ruins
&ample &entence* 1fter the earth7uake" t#o cars
#ere hit by falling debris from a 986story building.
<. elicit G to dra# or bring out" to get or produce
something ,especially information.
Sample Sentence& $f you ask 7uestions" you #ill
surely elicit ans#ers.
5. mediocre G ordinary" of moderate 7uality
Sample Sentence& $n our country" there are many
blockbuster movies #hose 7uality is less than
>. mendicant G someone #ho asks people #hom
they do not kno# for money
Sample Sentence& $ am a spiritual person" but $ do
not really favor mendicants on the streets preaching
#ith their donation pouches displayed beside them.
?. n#isance & someone or something that is
Sample Sentence& $n my country" #hen you do not
have money and you run for elections" they call you
a nuisance candidate.
@. 0rovocative G serving to provoke" incite" or
Sample Sentences
$n hostage situations" the hostages are
advised to refrain from making provocative
actions that #ill anger the hostage takers.
Some believe that one of the causes of rape
are the #omen-s provocative outfits.
A. red#ndant G unnecessary repetition
Sample Sentence& CLindly edit this article. 2any of
the sentences are redundant.D
80. s0oradic G happening sometimes" not regularly
&ample &entence& )en kids died this month because
of the sporadic cases of a ne# strain of influen4a.
(eferences& 3our +ictionary" Cambridge
+ictionaries %nline" 2erriam6*ebster

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