N. A Legislative Assembly A Legislature

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] n the second vowel of the Bengali alphabet.

] int expressing: surprise, bewilderment, delight, relief, regret, vexation, aversion,
anxiety, suspense, fright, consternation; ah, oh.

] pfx denoting: a little, slight (m); thorough (kp); starting from (n, d); up to
(, ); during the whole of, throughout (); including (N) contrary to ();
implying negation up-, non-(); perverted, vile (); bad, disagreeable, unsuitable,
difficult, hard (, ) etc.
i [ i ] n mother; one's mother's mother or aunt.
ii [ ihi ] adv feeling extreme uneasiness (owing to excess of anything). a. extremely
uneasy. ii v. to feel or become extremely uneasy.
i [ ina ] n a law; an act; a regulation; an ordinance; a statute; a rule; a system; the whole
code of laws, the law. i v. to enact a law; to pass a bill; to legislate; to make a rule. o
i civil law. i criminal law. i martial law. i-u n. one who advises
on legal points, a legal adviser; counsel. -n n. pl. rules and regulations. a. legal;
statutory. g n. a law-book. , - n. a legal practitioner; a pleader, an advocate, a
barrister, an attorney, a solicitor, etc., a lawyer. j a. versed in law. n. a jurist. adv.
according to or in keeping with the law or laws, legally or lawfully. -. n. a legislative
council; a legislature. -p n. enactment; legislation. -p. n. a legislator; a lawgiver. s n.
the ministry of law. s, n. a law-minister. a. & adv. same as in z n.
jurisprudence; the whole code of laws, the law; a law-book. , m a. lawful; legitimate. -
n. a legislative assembly; a legislature. in a. law-abiding; lawful; legitimate. in adv.
according to or in keeping with the law, legally or law fully. a. legal; lawful. in same
as in (adv.)
iD, iD [ iba , ibu ] a unmarried. iD n. the ceremony of taking the last
meal by a Hindu bride or bridegroom on the night immediately preceding their wedding-day.
iD a woman who remains single after the conventional age for marrying, a spinster.
i [ im ] n one's mother's mother or aunt.
i [ i ] n a woman whose husband is alive.
i [ iina ] n tincture of iodine.
uo [ ula ] a first; chief; best.
u [ ua ] adv. & a out; incorrigibly depraved or abandoned, gone to the dogs.
u [ un ] v to stir (milk) whilst boiling.
u, u [ ua, usa ] a (chiefly of paddy) ripening in the rainy season or in autumn; (loos.)
ripening or growing early.
oD [ ] n a whirlpool.
oD [ n ] v (chiefly facet.) to pronounce or recite (usu. repeatedly). n. (repeated)
pronouncement or recitation.
o [ t ] n (rare) shade, sunshade; care; guardianship, custody; control; reach; jurisdiction;
purview. (o) o under one's power or tutelage or guardianship.
o [ ja ] n sound; noise; voice.
o [ ji ] n a small window in the upper part of the wall, (cp.) a bay-window, (cp.) a
o [ rata ] n a woman; one's wife.
o [ rn ] v (of boils etc.) to swell and become painful, to inflame.
o, o [ lta, lda ] n fruit-trees and other immovable property; offspring,
o [ sata ] n a large holding of land held in fee under a landowner, (cp.) a fief.
[ ] n a ring; a ring-like handle.
[ i ] n a finger-ring.
[ r ] n burning coal, live coal; charcoal; cinder.
[ rkh ] n a jacket; a coat; a cloak.
[ ika ] a of a part or parts or a share or shares; partial; incomplete. adv. in part,
[ ] int expressing: dismay, pain etc.
[ nka ] n a mark or line; (arith. & alg.) a problem, a sum. v. to do a sum. v.
to draw a line; to scratch.
D [ nka ] n a hook; a tendril; a ring. D D n. act of holding fast as in an embrace,
grappling. v. to grapple (doggedly); to embrace (tightly); to grasp, to gripe. D to hold in
a tight grasp or embrace.
D [ nka i ] n any hook-shaped object or sign; any of such signs affixed to alphabetical
[ nkana ] n act or manner of painting; a painted picture.
[ nkai ] n a pole with a hook fixed to one of its ends, used for plucking fruits, flowers
etc. or for other purposes.
[ nk ] v to draw, to trace, to paint; to mark; to write; to describe, to delineate. n. act of
drawing or tracing or painting or marking or writing or describing or delineating. a. drawn,
traced, painted; marked; written; described, delineated. v. to cause to draw or trace or paint or
mark or write or describe or delineate. n. ability to draw.
[ nkibuki ] n a scribble, drawing or writing carelessly or unmindfully.
[ nkbnk ] a zigzag, winding, meandering; tortuous.
k k, k k [ nkupnku, nkubnku ] n fidget. kk v. to fidget.
[ nkhara ] n a letter of the alphabet.
[ nkhi ] n an eye. n. tear. v. to ogle; to wink or blink (at). n. an eyelid.
[ nca ] n the ignited state of an oven, ignition; degree of ignition; heat; glow; surmise,
guess, conjecture, a hint; anticipation; a presage. o v. to ignite, to take fire. v. to
surmise, to sense, to guess, to conjecture, to anticipate. o v. to ignite, to enkindle, to set on
fire; to hint; to presage. v. to take fire, to ignite. o v. to get a hint (of). v. to
be affected with slight stress or burden (of).
D [ nca ] n an instance of scraping or digging with the finger-nails or claws, a scratch; a
thin mark or line; (fig.) a cursory or slight examination or effort (e D o). e D
upon a cursory or slight examination.
DD [ nca kma ] n act of scratching and biting; bites and scratches.
D-D [ nca -nca i ] n act of mutual scratching with finger-nails or claws in a fight.
D [ nca n ] v to scratch or dig with finger nails or claws; to comb (hair). a.
scratched or dug with the finger-nails or claws; combed, kempt.
[ ncala ] n an expanse of a part or an end of a loin-cloth (esp. one worn by women). -
a. (said of a man) very obedient to women or to one's wife; henpecked; (of a boy) very much de
pendent on his mother.
[ ncal ] n an ornamented border of a woman's loin-cloth.
[ nc ] v to surmise, to sense, to guess, to conjecture; to anticipate.
[ ncn ] v to wash one's mouth, esp. by rinsing after a meal. i there's
many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip.
[ ncila ] n a wart, a mole, a blotch.
i [ njani ] n a sty, a stye; a very small kind of lizard akin to the iguana.
, [ njal, njala ] n palms of one's hands cupped together; the amount that a cup
thus contains, a handful.
[ na ] n tightness, tension; compactness ( ), restraint, reserve ( ). a. tight;
close-fitting; tense. v. to make tight, to tighten.
kD, kD, kD, kD [ naku , naku , naku i, naku ] a
childess. fem. kD kD a barren woman's son, a monstrosity (a term of abuse). fem.
[ nasna ] a tight, not loose. tight-fitting clothes, close-fitting garment.
to start (work etc.) with due preparation and precaution and by providing
against probable contingency.
[ n ] v to fasten tightly, to tighten; to wear, to put on (D ); to bolt ( );
to fix (T ); to affix ( ); to shut, to close ( , ); to (be able to)
contain or hold, to have capacity or room for ( d ), to contend with (usu. equally); to
be equal to; to contrive (+ ); to be equal to, to cope with (+ ). a. closed, shut.
, n. excessive tightness; excessive strictness or rigour; firmness; higgling;
excessive attention to (usu. one's own) interests ( ). v. to cause or force to
contain or hold.

[ ni
] n a bundle. u the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

[ ni
] n the stone of a fruit.
[ nuni ] n tightness, tension; tight fastening or fixation; strictness, rigour; (of speech etc.)
[ nubnu ] n effort inspite of incapability, fumbling. adv. fumblingly.
[ n ] a tight; close-fitting.
[ nta ] n intestines, entrails; catgut; vital or in most part ( ); one's secret intention
or design or mental disposition ( ). o to grieve or hurt a person by pricking his
or her weak point, to cut to the quick.
[ ntakn ] v to feel sudden alarm, to startle. o same as n.
D [ nta i ] n entrails, intestines.
[ ntarasa ] n gastric juice.
[ ntipnti ] adv at the head and at the foot of a bed; everywhere.
D [ ntu ] n a lying-in room, a labour-room ( D ); confinement of a woman at
r- r [ ndaru-pndaru ] n (facet. & derog.) an Indian Christian ludicrously imitating the
Eu ropeans in his daily life.
[ ndisndi ] n. pl loopholes; tricks and stratagems; (sing.) due arrangement, order,
[ ndhra ] n darkness, gloom; absence of light. a. dark, gloomy; deprived of light.
an object of precious hope and consolation amidstutter misery; silver-lining.
ignorance; extreme sorrow or dejection. same as
[ ndhi ] n stormy wind, strong wind; a storm; a danger; mental suffering; agony; a cause of
disturbing something (' ').
[ ma ] n fibre; scales of a fish; (any) thin membranous excrescence on some insects, seeds,
fruits etc; nap of cloth; grain of wood; (any of the) threadlike membranes in some fruits.
[ ma ] a smelling of scales of fish; smelling of fish.
[ maphala ] n a kind of small fruit having similarity to litchi; longan, Euphoria
[ mn ] v to harden by boiling in liquefied sugar, molasses, treacle, etc. a. thus
[ ml ] a fibrous.
[ ma ] n any article of non-vegetarian food such as fish or meat. a. used in cutting or
dressing or cooking articles of non-vegetarian food. (). a. smelling of fish or meat.
skD, sk D [ mstku , stkun ] n a place for depositing household and other rubbish,
a dump, a dustbin. skD any large tree-leaf used for a dinner plate and then thrown
into the dustbin; (fig.) an ignoble or base person. skD s an ignoble person
can never continue in a noble company.
k, [ kaku, kakhu ] a (of a person) wasteful, squandering, prodigal,
- [ kac-kaci ] n mutual envy or jealousy; unhealthy competition (over trifling
, [ kachra, kacra ] adv frequently, every now and then, often; always.
, [ kaja, khaja ] n grudge, malice, animosity, spite.
D [ ka i ] a penniless, very poor; worthless. n. a penniless person, a pauper. D
coll. var. of <D
[ kanha ] adv (filling) up to one's throat; (fig.) almost completely submerged or sunk
( j). j o to be over head and ears in debt. v. to eat and
drink to excess, to overfeed, to surfeit.
+ [ kanda ] n a kind of tree, the sunplant, Calotropis gigantia, the swallowwort.
, [ kapila, kapia ] a greyish, of light ash colour.
, b [ kabari, kabbari ] a of Emperor Akbar or his reign.
m, m [ kampa, kampana ] n a slight trembling or thrill or throbbing or vibration.
m, p [ kampita, kanpra ] a trembling or throbbing or vibrating slightly.
[ kara ] n a mine, a quarry; a source or origin; a store or repertory. a. of mines,
mineral. n. a mineral ore. a. of mines, mineral.
[ kara ] adv (stretched or drawn) up to the ear. a. (of a string of a bow) drawn up to
the ear of the shooter whilst taking aim. s a. (of one's eyes etc.) stretched up to the ears.
[ kara ] n attraction; pull; any object by which something is drawn or pulled; magnet; a
tendril. , , a. that which attracts or draws or pulls. n. lodestone.
[ karaa ] n attraction; pull; affection, love. a. attracting.
[ kalana ] n calculation; (accts.) credit. n. credit balance.
t [ kalapatra ] n a letter of credit.
[ kasmika ] a sudden; unexpected. unexpected or chance occurrence. n.
suddenness, unexpectedness; abruptness.
D [ kn ] a (of rice etc.) unhusked; not thoroughly husked; unrefined.
[ kkaa ] a desirable; worthy of being desired or wished for.
[ kk ] n a desire; a wish, a longing; (gr.) necessity for a word to complete a
sentence. v. to desire; to wish, to long for.
[ kkita ] a desired; wished for.
[ kk ] a desirous; wishing for. fem.

[ ka
] a downright, out-and-out, thorough, arrant ( ); foolish ( ).
[ k ] a uncut. rough diamond.
, [ kha, kh ] n inferior or worthless timber.
[ kma ] n bad or unworthy work.
[ kmn ] a unshaved; (rare) unearned ( D).

[ kra
] n shape, form; figure; appearance.

[ kra
] n the vowel or its sound; addition of the vowel-sound or the vowel itself to
consonants; the post consonantal symbol of
-i [ kra-igita ] n gestures and postures.
- [ kra-parimpa ] n contour survey.
-p [ kra-prakra ] n appearance and bearing.
t [ kramtrika ] a (of musical notation) using the post-consonantal - as the
measure in notation.
[ krnta ] a (of words) ending with the vowel or the vowel-sound
[ krika ] n a summons bailiff.
[ kla ] n famine; scarcity; hard times.
[ klika ] a grown or ripened out of season, untimely; short-lived, transient.
[ ka ] n the sky, the firmament; the heavens. k n. a visionary project, a day-
dream; a fool's paradise. k l v. (fig.) to build castles in the air. n. the Milky Way,
the Galaxy. a. living or moving in the sky or ether, aerial, ethereal, aery; celestial. t n. a
picture or photograph of the sky or any part of it. v a. touching the sky; sky-scraping, sky
kissing; very lofty. v aT a sky scraper. a. touching the sky; (fig.) very lofty. a.
born or grown in the sky or ether, aerial, ethereal, aery; celestial. n. (radio.) an aerial.
D n. v. (fig.) to drop from the blue; to be struck with amazement. same as p
d, + n. an echo. n. the canvas or the expanse of the sky. n. an air route; an ethereal
route. adv. everywhere; from heaven to the underworld; including everything. a.
in a large degree, maximum, extreme ( p). to be worried with
numberless puzzling thoughts crowding pell-mell into one's mind. o to be
at a loss to think out. p n. a light suspended from the top of a pole set up every evening by the
Hindus during the month of Kartik ( ) in reverence to their deceased forefathers or gods. p
n. the border of the sky; the skyline; the horizon. n. a celestial voice; a supernatural or divine
voice from the sky; an oracle; radio broadcast; radio. n. flying in the sky. t n. the practice
of somehow making both ends meet, casual subsistence; the state of having no ostensible means
of living; fending for oneself in a resourceless condition. same as N n. the
(whole) expanse of the heavens, the sky, the firmament, the celestial sphere; the atmosphere.
n. an aircraft, an aeroplane, an airship; a balloon. , a. of or in the sky, ethereal, aerial;
heavenly, celestial; divine. v. fig. to extol in disingenuous advertisement, to puff; to
flatter with praise.
[ kicana ] n indigence, utter poverty; humble prayer or desire, craving; zeal,
earnestness; endeavour, effort.
[ kra ] a strewn, bestrewn; scattered, be spattered.
k [ kucana ] n slight contraction or shrivelling or wrinkle or curl or contortion.
k [ kucita ] a slightly contracted or shrivelled or wrinkled or curled or contorted.
k, { [ kuti, kti ] n ardour; fervidity; a fervent prayer, eager solicitation; entreaty.
k [ kula ] a extremely distressed or anxious or worried or uneasy; ardent, fervent, eager;
nonplussed; overflowing. k unarranged or dishevelled or tousled hair. n. extreme distress or
anxiety or worry; ardency, fervidity, eagerness; nonplus; perplexity; restlessness; overflow.
[ kul
] v (poet.) to become or make distressed or anxious or worried or eager or
nonplussed or overflowing.
[ kul
] fem of k
k [ kuli ] imperf form of k
k [ kulita ] a struck with extreme distress or anxiety or perplexity.
kk [ kulibikuli ] n restlessness owing to worry or anxiety; extreme distress or anxiety
or worry; ardency, fervidity; eagerness. adv. very anxiously or worriedly; ardently, fervently,
k [ kulkta ] a worried or perplexed; perturbed; overflowed.
[ kti ] n appearance; shape, form. a. pertaining to appearance or shape or form;
formal; outward. p n. appearance and nature; demeanour, bearing. a. having a definite or
specific form or shape; shaped.
[ ka ] a attracted; charmed, enticed; drawn, pulled; (rare) ploughed, tilled.
[ kyama ] a that which is being attracted or drawn or pulled.
[ kkla ] n understanding, intelligence, wit; common sense; faculty of judgment;
considerateness. g n. nonplus, bewilderment, confusion. g o to be struck
with be wilderment or confusion, to be nonplussed, to be at one's wit's end. n. the wisdom
tooth. + n. ability to appraise or assess, the sense of proportion; aptitude or talent for selection
and rejection; good practical sense. a. considerate; wise. n. the penalty paid or the loss
suffered on account of folly.
= [ krama ] n a forcible passage; inroad; prowess; invasion; defeat; rise, appearance.
= [ kramaa ] n an attack; an invasion; an inroad. = v. to attack, to invade; to fall
upon. n. one who attacks, an attacker, an assailant; an aggressor, an invader. = a. that
which can be or is to be attacked or invaded.
= [ kr ] a high in price, dear; costly. =N period of high prices or expensive
living, hard times.
= [ krnta ] a attacked; invaded; oppressed; stricken ( =); affected.
= [ krmaka ] n same as =
= [ kra ] n grudge; malice; anger, wrath. adv. maliciously or grudgingly, owing to
malice or grudge.
z [ klnta ] a extremely tired or fatigued.
k [ karika ] a relating to a letter or letters of the alphabet; literal (k a); accurately
faithful; to the letter or literal (k an).
kp [ kipta ] a cast, flung; scattered; affected with convulsion (usu. physical); agitated with
sorrow; extremely aggrieved or distressed.
k [ kpa ] n convulsion (esp. muscular); fits; grief; sorrow; lamentation.
[ kha ] n sugarcane.
D [ kha ] n a gymnasium; a place or institution where people assemble to practise
anything esp. music, play-acting, etc.; a place where the Vaishnavas assemble for religious
worship; (facet.) a club or society; (dero.) a haunt of vice, a den. i n. dramatic rehearsal. n.
the headman or the keeper of a place where the Vaishnavas assemble for re ligious worship.
[ khani ] n stew, esp. of meat; a solution prepared by boiling water with spices for
cooking some dishes.
[ khara ] n a letter of the alphabet; refrain of a song.
[ khara ] n the walnut.
[ kh ] n an oven; a stove; hearth; fire place.
v [ khmb ] n uncouthly tall and thick as a pillar.
[ khui ] n capricious and obstinate insistence or demand (as of a child). a.
capriciously and obstinately insisting or demanding.
, [ khaka, khika ] n a hunter (esp. by profession or birth).
[ khra ] n consequence; the future; the end, termination. a. last; termi nal;
concluding. o to be paying or profitable in the long run.
[ khl ] a not open, shut, closed; fastened, tied.
[ khy ] n an appellation, a name; a title, a designation; a denomination. a. named,
called; entitled, designated; de nominated; spoken, mentioned, said; known, renowned,
celebrated. n. history; a legend; a tale (esp. historical or legendary); a narrative; a story; a fable;
narration, naming; act of designating or denominating. n. a theme. t n. a title-page (of a
book). n. a narrator; a story-teller. n. a tale, a story, a narrative.
[ khya ] a having a specific appellation, named, entitled, designated, denominated; to
be narrated.
[ ga ] n the forepart. a. foremost; top most. n. the topmost branch of a tree. d n.
the frontdoor of a house; an outhouse. adv. before and after, pros and cons. D v. to step
forward, to march forward.
D [ ga ] n an unfixed door usually made of straw, bamboo, wattles etc.; a hurdle.
D-D [ ga ma-bga ma ] n rapid and big but idle talk, chatter. D-D v. to
[ gata ] a one who or that which has come, arrived. p a. about to arrive shortly;
imminent, impending.
z [ gantuka ] n a visitor; a guest; a caller; a newcomer, a stranger. a. adventitious.
[ gama ] n the esoteric scriptures of the Hindus (viz. , s etc); arrival, coming ();
income; earning (, ); (bio.) an inhaling organ, an inhalant; (gr.) insertion of an extra
letter or syllable in the middle of a derivative word; (phil.) any of the sources of knowledge;
(comm.) import. n. incoming or inward register. n. the controller of imports.
n. import trade controller. l n. import duty.
[ gamana ] n coming; arrival. n. any of the songs about the coming of Uma (u),
Shiva's () wife, to her father's house as told in the Hindu legend. a. relating to coming or
[ gamita ] a (rare) imported.
[ gamya ] a fit to come, due to come.
[ gara ] n carpenter's boring or drilling tool, auger, perforator, borer.
[ gala ] n a door; a bolt for the door; an unfixed door (usu. made of wattles, straw,
bamboo etc.); a hurdle; a barrier.

[ gal
] a uncovered, bare; unbolted, unfastened; open.

, [ gal
, galn ] v to restrain; to guard; to keep watch over; to manage or
protect (mt ).

[ gali
] imperf form of

[ gali
] n (obs.) a house, a store, a repertory ('+ ').

[ g
] n top ( ); tip ( ); end, extremity ( ).

[ g
] n a title of honour applied to a Musalman, esp. an Afghan.
D [ gg ] adv from beginning to end; alpha and omega; from head to foot, from top
to bottom.
[ gch ] n weed.
[ gn ] v to proceed, to go forward; to go ahead; to progress.
, , s [ gpchatal, gpsatal, gpstal ] adv from head to
foot, cap-a-pie.
[ gma ] a advance. adv. in advance.
[ gmika ] a incoming.
[ gm ] a that which is to come or happen in future; future; coming; next.
tomorrow. day after tomorrow.
[ gra ] n a house; a room; a store; (rare) a container.
[ gi ] n (obs. & poet.) fire.
[ gil ] a (obs. & poet.) situated in the front.
g [ gu ] n the first, the beginning; the past; advance. a. first; preceding; advance; forward.
adv. a. first of all. adv. at first; in the past. , adv. n. from beginning to end, alpha and
omega; the past and the future. , v. to hesitate. v. to look before and after, to
consider the pros and cons of a thing. , a. going or coming forward, advancing; proceeding;
leading. g g o v. to go or come forward, to advance; to proceed; to take the lead.
g [ guna ] n fire. g v. to take or catch fire. g v. to set fire to.
g o v. to become in flamed; (fig.) to be heated or enraged. g (fig.) extremely
unfortunate, wretched; extremely scarce ( g). g intolerable hunger. ()
g (in imprecation) may the Devil take (him). g burning with rage, in a towering
rage, furiously angry.
g [ gunakhki ] n a woman of fiery temper, a highly irritable or irascible woman,
virago, a shrew.
g [ gunadara ] n exorbitant or extortionate price.
g [ gun ] a fiery. g an incendiary bomb.
g; [ gul pha ] adv as far as the ankle.
[ g ] adv at first, in the beginning; in the past; in front; before. a. of the beginning; of
the past; of the front; preceding. adv. continuously or always in front. adv. in front
and at the back; before and after. v. to hesitate. adv. first of all; at first; in
v [ gna ] a of fire; impregnated with fire; emitting or producing fire; produced by fire;
igneous, fiery. , n. a volcano. v an active volcano. v an extinct
volcano. p v a dormant volcano. v av; volcanic eruption. v a
crater. ps, n. igneous rock. vz n. fire-arm(s).
g [ graha ] n eagerness; zeal, earnestness, intentness, an intent desire; an inclination;
wistfulness. g n. excessive eagerness or zeal or affection or wistfulness. gv a. eager;
zealous; intent; intently desirous; inclined (to); wistful.
g [ grsana ] n aggresssion, aggressive or imperialistic policy; aggrandizement; invasion.
g a. aggressive; aggrandizing.
, [ gha, gh ] n an unused or improper place (usu. on a river-bank) for landing,
mooring, bathing etc.
[ ghta ] n a blow, a stroke, a hit; a shock; a wound, an injury; act of beating. a. & n.
one who or that which deals a blow or strikes or hits or gives a shock or wounds or injures or
beats. n. act of dealing a blow or striking or hitting or giving a shock or wounding or injuring
or beating. a. capable of withstanding or resisting. v. to deal a blow, to strike, to hit;
to give a shock, to shock; to wound, to injure; to beat. o v. to receive or sustain a blow,
to be struck or hit; to receive or sustain a shock, to be shocked; to be wounded or injured; to be
[ ghrana ] n act of being turned or rolled or whirled round; circling or whirling;
revolving. a. turned; whirled round; rolling.
[ ghra ] n smelling or sniffing.
[ ghrta ] a smelled.
, [ i, gi ] n a woman's bodice, a bra.
[ ura ] n grape. n. a vineyard, grapery. , n. vine. n. grape-
[ ula ] n a finger or a toe. n. v. to point or pointing with fingers.
(fig.) a sudden increase in wealth or power or importance. n. a knuckle.
v. n. cracking or to crack the knuckles. D n. whitlow. a finger. a
toe. D the thumb. D the little finger. fingerprint.
[ kika ] a relating to mathematics; mathematical or arithmetical; relating to calculation.
[ gra ] n cinder, charcoal; coal (esp. burnt); burnt wood.
[ gika ] a relating to the body or a limb or limbs; produced or done by the body; done or
executed or acted by gestures and postures. n. gestures and postures as parts of dramatic
acting; dramatic motion; form, structure; (pop.) artistry.
[ ga ] n a ring for the toe.
[ cak ] a not measured or counted. adv. suddenly, unexpectedly.
[ cakna ] n a kind of long coat or gown for men (orig. Persian).
[ cacala ] a slightly stirred up or agitated or excited.
[ camak ] adv suddenly; unexpectedly; un awares; causing surprise.
[ camana ] n washing one's mouth and hands (esp. after meals); formal purification of
one's body with water before religious worship as prescribed in the Hindu scriptures. v.
to rinse and wash. n. water for such washing or purification.
v [ cambit ] adv suddenly; unexpectedly; unawares; surprisingly.
[ caraa ] n conduct, behaviour; dealing, treatment; practice, observance. v. to
behave; to deal (with), to act (towards); to practise. n. code of conduct, rules for conduct or
behaviour or dealing. a. fit for use; that which is to be practised or observed.
[ carita ] a practised, observed, followed, obeyed; treated; habitual.
[ ca ] a uncultivated, unploughed.
[ cbhu ] a very strange, queer; queerly shaped.

[ cra
] n sauce; pickle. pick led slices of mango, mango pickles or

[ cra
] n religious or scriptural rules or prescriptions, rites; observance of these rules
and prescriptions; conduct, behaviour; custom, practice (); good manners or conduct. a.
same as , , a. observant of religious or scriptural rules and prescriptions; well-
mannered; observant of the rules of conduct. U a person with due regard for rituals and
religious practices; a ritualist. r+ a. contrary to custom or practice. , n. established
customs and practices; conduct and behaviour. a. one who has failed to observe or does not
observe prescribed religious or scriptural rites. a. not observing religious or scriptural rites;
impious. same as
[ crya ] n one who teaches the Vedas; a scriptural teachers; a teacher; a tutor. fem.
a woman teacher of the Vedas or scriptures; a woman teacher, a tutoress. fem. the wife of
an acharya ( )
[ cl ] a (of wheat, rice, pulses etc.) unsifted.
[ ca ] a uncultivated, unploughed; fallow.
r [ cchanna ] a covered; overcast; concealed; pervaded; comatose; drowsy; over whelmed;
[ cch ] int well; yes; fine; that's right. a. good, excellent; (iron.) fine ( +);
perfect ( ) adv. thoroughly (usu. ). o to give a good or sound
drubbing, to give a good licking, to beat soundly.
[ cchdaka ] a. & n that which or one who covers or roofs or conceals.
[ cchdana ] n covering or roofing or clothing or concealing; a covering or roofing, a
cover, a lid; clothing, garment, clothes. , a. that which is to be covered or roofed
or clothed or concealed. a. covered; roofed; clothed; concealed.
[ cha ] v (2nd. per.) are.
D [ cha ] n a spell of sprinking. e D a spell of light shower.
-D [ -cha ] a unflayed; unscratched.
D-D [ cha -cha i ] n throwing continuously to the ground with force; mutual
knocking to the ground as in wrestling.
D [ cha n ] v to throw or dash to the ground violently (esp. when washing clothes).
[ chnk ] a unstrained, unfiltrated.
[ chn ] a unhusked ( ); uncut ( ).
D [ ch ] n a throw or fall to the ground with force. D o v. to fall to the ground
with force; to tumble. D o, D v. to throw or fling to the ground violently.
D-D [ ch i-pich i ] n writhing or wriggling violently (in pain or grief); flouncing.
[ chi ] v (sing.) am; (pl.) are.
n [ chinu ] v (poet.) 1st per. (sing.) was; (pl.) were.
[ chila ] v (poet.) 3rd. per. (sing.) was; (pl.) were.
[ chil ] v (poet.) 2nd. per. were.
, [ ch, chna ] v. 3rd. per (sing.) is; (pl.) are.
[ chl ] a unskinned; unscraped.
[ ja ] adv today; at present, now. n. today; this day; the present time. , (coll.) a. of
today, today's; of the present time. adv. at present, nowadays. - v. to procrastinate,
to temporize. adv. today. today; nowadays. procrastination. adv.
till today, to this day. shortly in future.
g [ jagubi ] a incredible and impossible; queer; fantastic; cock-and-bull.
D [ ja n ] v to uncover; to open.
n [ janma ] adv & a. since one's birth; ever since one's birth. adv. during the whole of
one's life, for life.
[ jaba ] a queer, strange; wonder-inspiring. N a strange or queer incident.
a wonderland. d the strange world.
, , [ jala, jali, jula ] a open; uncovered.
[ j ] n the father of one's mother, maternal grandfather.
[ jda ] a free, independent. + Free India. + Indian National Army.
n. freedom, independence.
[ jna ] n a call to Muslims to attend prayer-meeting in a mosque. o v. to
announce this call formally.
n [ jnu ] adv down to the knees. v a. reaching down to the knees. vh a. possessing
arms that are long enough to reach down to the knees. n. such long arms.
, [ ji, jim ] fem of
[ jbana ] adv & a. throughout the whole of one's life; for life; till death.
[ jbj ] a of little or no value, trash, worthless, useless, not worth a straw,
meaningless, nonsensical. v. to talk nonsense.
j [ jjn ] v to sow, to plant. a. sown, planted.
jp [ japti ] n an order; a decree.
j [ j ] n an order; a command; a decree; an injunction; permission. int. indicating:
response; willingness, consent etc. (whilst talking to superiors), yes sir, right sir. j v. to
order, to command; to permit. j o v. to give an order or command or permission. a. &
n. one who orders or commands or permits. fem. o v. to carry out or obey an
order or command. =, jn= adv. in obedience to or in accordance with an order. ,
jn n. subservient; subordinate, bound to carry out one's orders; subject to one's orders,
obedient. jn n. subordination, subjection; obedience. jn, jn same as j=
a. & n. one who orders or commands. t n. a writ of command, a written order; a
permit. n. act of ordering or commanding. a. (also n.) one who carries out or obeys an
order or command; subservient or subordinate (person). n. act of carrying out or complying
with an order; obedience. a. ordered, commanded. same as j same as j=
n. act of disobeying an order. same as jt n. a writ. j int. indicating: a
polite response, acknowledgment, inquiry etc. (whilst talking to superiors); yes, sir; what's your
pleasure, sir? j as you please, sir.
[ jya ] n ghee as offered in religious sacrifice.
[ jhl ] a not pungent, not mixed with capsicums or chillies.
D [ jh ] a not clipped or pared down, not sheared or pruned.
[ calika ] a local; regional. n. regionalism. n. a regional language.
[ jani ] n a sty or stye on the eyelid; a small lizard akin to the iguana.
[ j ] n the interim period between the delivery of a child and the next conception.
[ jma ] n execution, performance; supply ; arrangement, provision; (pop.)
income and expenditure.
, [ jumna, jumana ] n an association, a society, a club; a meeting.
[ a ] a. & n eight. i, i n. the eighth day of a month. a. (of the days of a month)
eighth. Di, D n. the Hindu ceremony of distributing eight kinds of fried snacks on the eighth
day of a child's birth. v. to break or tear into pieces. o v. to be beside oneself (with
joy). a. & n. forty-eight. n. a thatched room with eight roofs and no wall. t a. & n.
thirty-eight. , (dial.) n. & adv. whole day and night. a. worn or used all day round or
ordinarily; (fig.) common place, hackneyed. T a. & n. sixty-eight.
[ aka ] n a bar, obstruction, hindrance; detention, confinement; restraint. a. confined,
detained; imprisoned; enclosed. v. to obstruct or confine or detain. ;D o v. to
become obstructed or confined or detained. + n. a detenu.
[ ak ] n obstruction, hindrance; a bar. a. confined; enclosed; obstructed. -
n. restriction; stricture. D v. to be detained or confined or obstructed. o v. to
become blocked or clogged.
[ akn ] v to confine; to obstruct, to impede; to restrain, to check; to prevent; to
detain; to imprison; to fix (o ). a. confined; obstructed; impeded;
restrained, checked; prevented; detained; affixed.
, [ ak, aki ] n a fixed quantity of food offered daily to Lord Jagannath at
Puri and then distributed amongst his votaries. v. to contribute such an amount of
money to the temple of Jagannath at Puri as will be sufficient to provide food for one votary.
[ agha ] n all sides; ins and outs. v. to arrange for safeguarding all sides.
, [ apih, api ] a efficient in everything; very clever.

] n coarse flour, meal. v. to knead flour.
t [ ttara ] a. & n seventy-eight.
bi [ nabbi ] a. & n ninety-eight.
r [ nna ] a. & n fifty-eight.
, [ a, ha ] a. & n twenty-eight. v. the twenty-eighth day of a month.
a. (of the days of a month) twenty-eighth; (of a child) born in the eighth month of conception;
very weak, rick ety.
[ h ] n any glutinous or adhesive or viscid substance; gum, glue, paste.
[ hr ] a. & n eighteen. i n. the eighteenth day of a month. a. (of the days of a
month) eighteenth. intolerable procrastination.
[ hl ] a glutinous, viscid, gluey, adhesive, sticky; clayey ( ).
] a a device or a thing that intercepts the view, a screen; a cover; a position or place
which is intercepted from the view; a hiding, concealment.
] n a kind of salt-water fish.
] a other, opposite (D).
] n., width, breadth; (in utterance) a stutter, uneasiness; a horizontal pole suspended
from the ceiling etc. of a room for hanging clothes; a perch for birds. to remove stutter from
utterance. n. a cross-beam. D- adv. in length and breadth. D- adv. up-and-doing;
with might and main; with full force.
[ a
] a squint, oblique (D ); half (D). D v. to straighten. D o v.
to lie down obliquely; to recline. , sidelong look or glance. n. a kind of flute
usu. made of bamboo or reed. adv. crosswise; obliquely. D, DD n. straightening or
stretching one's body and removing inertia or lethargy or weariness.
D [ ] n a central market-place; a whole sale market; a storehouse, an entrepot; a fair.
n. a place on the river-bank for getting into or alighting from a boat. a. (of rice etc.)
imperfectly husked. D i n. thorough washing and bleaching of clothes; (coll.) beating
someone black and blue.
D, D [ ki, khi ] n a recruiter; a pilot; a weaver's shuttle.
D [ ta ] n a warehouse or godown of a wholesale dealer; an entrepot, a store house, a
depot. n. the owner or keeper of a warehouse; a wholesale merchant. n. wholesale
business; the commission of a wholesale mer chant.
Dv [ mbara ] n pomp, eclat, grandeur, splendour, pompous display; roar of clouds; sound
of war-trumpet; pride, vanity. , a. not pompous or showy, simple; de void of pomp and
D [ a ] a benumbed; inert; hesitant. n. inertness, sluggishness; hesitation due to
] n form, shape; mould; size; type.
] n a measure of grain (= about 75 kgs).
] n a rive-bank; a crossbeam; a horizontal pole suspended from the ceiling etc. of a
room for hanging clothes and other things.
DD [ i ] adv crosswise; across; diagonally. n. mutual ill-feeling or rivalry.
Di [ i ] a. & n two and a half times.
D [ hk ] n a measure of Indian music.
D [ n ] n an Indian musical mode.
D [ ni ] n a large umbrella; a large fan.
D [ la ] n a device or a thing that intercepts the view; a screen, a cover; a position or
place intercepted from the view, hiding, concealment. D v. to put out of view; to hide, to
conceal. D o v. to go out of view; to go behind the screen; to go in hiding, to hide. D
n. secrecy; cover; hiding. D adv. secretly, confidentially, in camera; in a
hidden place, in concealment.
[ i
] n a hiding; concealment; termination of friendship; quarrel; envy, mal ice, grudge;
rivalry; obstinacy. D v. to terminate friendship with; to be obstinate in one's resolution. D
, D v. to go in hiding for overhearing, to eavesdrop.
[ ] n a dwelling-place, a habitat; a haunt; a (fixed or permanent) meeting place, a
rendezvous; a place or institution for practising anything ( D); a club; a company of
informal and friendly talkers, their meeting place or talk; a place for assemblage, a station or
stand (D D). D D v. to take up abode (usu. permanently) to settle. D o, D
v. to join in an assembly of idle talkers; to indulge in informal and friendly talk with
others. n. the keeper or the chief person of a club; a regular club goer. a. fond of
indulging in idle talk with others or of haunting clubs where such talk is indulged in.
[ hk ] a not covered, uncovered; ex posed, open.
[ hya ] a wealthy, rich, affluent; in possession of, rich in ().
, [ aba, abika ] a molecular.
k [ ubkaika ] a microscopic.
[ taka ] n terror, great fear, dread; panic. gs, a. frightened, terrified;
panicstricken; panicky.
[ tata ] a spread out, extended, stretched out.
[ tat ] a one who assails; one who is about to kill. n. an assailant; an assassin.
n. act of assailing.
[ tapa ] n sunshine, sunlight, the sun. rice obtained by sunning paddy and not by
boiling it. + a. sunburnt.
t [ tapatra ] n a sunshade; an umbrella; a parasol.
p [ tapta ] a slightly hot; tepid.
[ tara ] n attar, otto. n. a container for otto, an otto-pot.
, [ taa, tasa ] n fire; heat. n. fire works.
[ taikca ] n flint-glass, burning-glass.
[ t ] n custard-apple.
[ tntara ] n distress, misery; danger. D v. to get into or to be in distress.
[ tmra ] a slightly copper-coloured; slightly dull red.
[ tliptli ] adv everywhere; all about.
U [ tikta ] a slightly bitter.
[ titha ] a hospitable. n. hospitality; hospitableness.
[ tithya ] n hospitality; that with which a host entertains a guest. g, s n. acceptance
of one's hospitality as a guest. g , s v. to become a guest (of).
[ tiayya ] n state of being overmuch or too many; excess; too much abundance or
[ tura ] a sick; afflicted, distressed; agonized. n. a lying-in room (also ). n
n. a refuge for the sick and the distressed. s necessity knows no law.
t [ tti ] n display of kindredship or affection.
t [ ttkaraa ] n (esp. in bio.) assimilation.
( [ tma ] a own; belonging to or related to one's own self. ( pfx. self-, by or of one's own
self, mutual etc. n. internal discord or dissension; domes tic discord; civil strife. a. done
or performed by one's own self. + a. self-centred; one who thinks only about himself. a.
kept to one's own self; aside; absorbed in one's own self, self-possessed. a. preoccupied with
self-interest; self-interested. same as ( r dial. corrup. of ( n. self-
conceit, vanity. a. self-conceited, bloated or puffed up with pride. n. concealment or
disguise of one's own self or identity. v. to go into hiding, to hide, to conceal one's own
identity. n. self-glorification; self-conceit; self-praise. v n. self-reproach; remorse. n.
suicide. a. one who kills himself, self-killing, suicidal. fem. n. meditation about
atman or God; spiritual meditation; thinking about one's own interest or welfare. n. self-
consciousness. n. a son fem. ( a daughter. n. an autobiography. j a. possessing self-
knowledge; possessing spiritual or metaphysical knowledge or wisdom. j n. spiritual or
metaphysical knowledge or wisdom. j a. in possession of spiritual or metaphysical knowledge
n. a spiritualist; a metaphysician. ( n. spiritual or metaphysical knowledge. (j a. in
possession of spiritual or metaphysical knowledge. , p a. self-complacent. , p n. self-
complacency, self-content. a. like one's own self, self-like. fem. n. self-
abnegation, self-denial; self-sacrifice. a. self-denying; self-sacrificing. t n. rescue or
salvation of one's own self. n. self-restraint, self-control. n. self-examination,
introspection; self-realization. n. practice or capacity of self-examination or introspection or
self-realization. a. self-examining, introspecting; self-realizing. n. self-sacrifice. n.
one's own fault. k n. act of clearing oneself of a charge; act of justifying one's own
conduct; cleanup of one's own self. d n. self-torment, self-torture; internal discord. d a. self-
tormenting, self-torturing; indulging in or involved in internal strife. n. a self-tormentor, a
self-torturer; one who indulges in or is involved in internal strife. fem. d g n. self-torture,
self-repression, self-inflicted pain; masochism. + n. self-condemnation, self-accusation. a.
self-absorbed, egocentric, self-centred, wrapped up in oneself. n. offering one's own self,
self-dedication; self-sacrifice. s n. self-control; self-government, self-discipline. n.
engaging one's own self; self-appointment. n. self-determination. n. self-help; self-
reliance. a. working for oneself, in dependent of external aid, self-reliant, self-
supporting. a. self-reliant. a. devoted to God or atman; devout; self-devoted;
subjective; introspective. n. devotion to God or atman; devoutness; self-devotion;
subjectivity; introspection. n. (Sans. gr.) a mode of conjugating verbs. a. of or in or
according to this mode. k n. one's own side or party or team or supporters or people
etc. k n. self-defence. k v. to defend oneself. n. oneself and others; near and
far ones; friend and foe. a. selfish, self-devoted. n. selfishness; self-love, self-
devotion. a. (phil.) devoted to God or atman; devout; selfish, self-devoted. n.
introduction of one's own self. ( v. to conceal one's own identity. ( o
v. to introduce oneself. k n. self-examination, self-scrutiny; introspection. D n. self-
torture. p n. public appearance; self-revelation; self-assertion. p n. self-
advertisement. p n. self-deception. p n. self-confidence; (rare) conviction. p a. self-
confident, self-assured. p same as (p p n. self-praise. (p v. to praise
one's own self, to blow one's own trumpet. p n. self-satisfaction, self-complacency. n.
self-deception. adv. like one's own self. a. self-like. , n. self-immolation, self-
sacrifice. ( o v. to sacrifice oneself. a. in dependent; self-directed; self-restrained;
(rare) self-devoted. n. self-restraint. n. manifestation or development of one's own self. =
n. undesirable and servile submission to somebody or something for some gain; selling out
oneself; selling one's soul. g, n. internal discord; civil strife; domestic quarrel. ,
same as (j n. knowledge about God and atman; theology; spiritual knowledge.
same as ( n. self-contradiction; self-repugnance; internal discord; civil strife;
domestic quarrel. a. self-contradictory; self-repugnant; given to or involved in internal
discord or civil strife or domestic quarrel. n. self-effacement. n. self-confidence.
a. self-confident. n. self-sacrifice, self-abnegation, self-denial. , n. self-
forgetfulness, self-oblivion; absent-mindedness. . a. self-oblivious; absent-minded.
o v. to forget oneself. + n. one's own thinking power or intellect or knowledge; knowledge
about one's own self-consciousness. same as (j n. knowledge about one's own self,
self-consciousness; self-realization. v a. self-absorbed. v n. soliloquy. n. self-
respect, self-esteem. j, n. sense of self-respect or self-esteem. , a.
full of self-respect or self-esteem. , a. devoid of self-respect or self-esteem.
(? a. overwhelmingly self-interested, selfish; self-conceited, egotistical, vain. (? n.
extreme self-interest, selfishness; self-conceitedness, vanity. k n. self-protection, self-
preservation; self-defence. (k v. to protect or preserve oneself; to defend oneself. n.
auto-erotism, sexual excitement generated by one's own body. r n. selfhood. adv. like one's
own self. n. same as ( U n. one's own power; power of the spirit. n. self-
government; self-control, self-discipline. a. self-governed; self-governing. k a. self-
taught, self-educated. +, n. self-purification. d n. self-praise, boasting, self
applause. d a. given to self praise or boasting, boastful. d a. boastful. n.
checking oneself, self-restraint. ( v. to check or restrain oneself. n. continence;
self-restraint, collectedness. a. self-continent; self-restrained. n. self-correction.
( v. to rectify oneself. n. self-defence. ( v. to defend oneself or
plead for oneself. n. surrender; capitulation, self dedication. ( v. to surrender, to
yield or give up oneself; to capitulate; to dedicate oneself. a. self-absorbed. k n. self-
assessment. m , v a. related to or connected with one's own self. , m n. self-respect,
self-esteem. s a. extremely self-centred or self loving or selfish. n. appropriating to one's
own use (usu. unlawfully); misappropriation; filching. a. appropriated to one's own use;
misappropriated; filched. ( v. to appropriate to one's own use; to misappropriate; to
filch. a. self-centred; extremely selfish. + n. attainment of one's own desires; salvation of
one's own soul. n. one's own happiness. , a. happy only to attain one's own desires;
extremely selfish. ( highly concerned about one's own interest whilst apathetic to
that of others. a. self-possessed; absorbed; self-absorbed. n. self-killing, suicide. (
v. to commit suicide. , a. killing oneself, committing suicide. n. a self-murderer.
fem. , s n. same as ( a. one who has lost self-possession, beside
oneself. ( o v. to lose self-possession; to be beside oneself. n. one's own good or
( [ tm ] n (Hindu theol.) the conscious immortal independent and active guide of every
being which is present in the A body but is not an inseparable part of it; the soul, the atman; the
Supreme Being, God; a guardian deity; one's own likeness, self-identify, selfhood, the body; the
heart, the mind; natural disposition, nature.
( [ tmdara ] n self-esteem, self-respect.
( [ tmdara ] n self-example.
( [ tmdhna ] a working for oneself independently of external aid, self-reliant;
(n, (v [ tmnusandhna, tmnbaa ] n an endeavour to acquire theological
or spiritual knowledge; self-examination. (n, (v a. endeavouring to acquire
theological or spiritual knowledge; self-criticizing.
( [ tmpardha ] n one's own fault or crime.
(, ( [ tmpahraka, tmpahr ] a guilty of false personification;
( [ tmbhimna ] n self-conceit, vanity, egotism, amour-propre. ( a. self-
conceited, vain, egotistic. fem. (
( [ tmrma ] n the soul; life; the mind; life as imagined as a bird enclosed by the prison
of a body; a term of endearment with which a pet parrot, or parakeet, or magpie is addressed (
(). ( D o v. to die. ( o v. to cower.
(n [ tmra ] a working by oneself without external aid, self-reliant, independent.
(h [ tmhuti ] n self-immolation, self-sacrifice.
( [ tmkaraa ] n assimilation.
( [ tma ] a one's own; related by blood; be longing to one's own family or clan. n. a
blood-relation, a relative, a kins man; a friend; a supporter, one's own man. n. kinship; blood
relationship; relationship; friendship. sharing common characteristics. fem. ( , s n.
friends and relations; one's own people, kith and kin.
( [ tmtkara ] n elevation of one's own self or soul, self-elevation; self-advancement.
( [ tmtsarga ] n self-sacrifice; self-dedication. ( v. to dedicate one's life,
to sacrifice oneself.
( [ tmpama ] a like one's own self, equal to one's own-self, selflike.
[ tyantika ] a excessive; endless; extreme.
[ tyaika ] a signalling death or danger; of pressing necessity, emergent. k
emergency power. emergency force.
[ thla ] n a cowshed, a cowhouse.
, , [ thibithi, thbth, thbyath ] adv in a confused hurry, helter-
[ data ] a whole, entire, total, full, unbroken; real, actual, true; genuine, unadul terated,
pure. n. conduct, nature; behaviour, practice; custom. adv. as a matter of fact, in fact; in
reality, really; in truth.
[ dap ] adv in reality, really; in truth; in fact, as a matter of fact; at all, in the least.
[ daba ] n etiquette, courtesy. n. forms of ceremony or decorum, etiquette;
conventional laws of courtesy; good manners. s, d a. conversant with or observant
of forms of ceremony or decorum; courteous; smart; fashionable; correct in demeanour.
[ dama ] n (according to the Bible and the Quran) the name of the first man, Adam.
, [ damaumra, damaumri ] n census.
[ dami ] n a man; a person; husband. (dero. or facet.) a dark-skinned man, a
coloured man, a blackie.
[ dara ] n caress; cordiality; cordial reception; appreciation; fondness; love, affection;
respect, honour, esteem. v. to caress, to fondle; to receive cordially; to treat with
cordiality; to appreciate; to respect, to honour, to esteem. -a, -, ) n. hearty reception
and kind attention (to guests, invitees and others); warm welcome. a. worthy of being
received cordially or appreciated or esteemed.
[ dar ] n a rough or preliminary sketch; an outline; a profile.
[ darin ] a. fem beloved; treated with too much indulgence, petted.
[ dara ] n a pattern of excellence, a person or thing to be copied, an ideal; an imitation of
something usu. on a smaller scale, a model, a role model, a specimen; a prototype. a.
ideal. t a. having an exemplary character. r an ideal man. s a model book.
a model school. n. a copy-book. exemplary, ideal. s a. of an ideal
character. sr a. of the nature of a model, model; ideal, exemplary.
[ dala ] n similarity (esp. of appearance); a faint appearance or shadow.
[ d ] n ginger. v. to engage in something doggedly. adv. at
daggers drawn. an ordinary man should not meddle in big
D [ d ] n a place for depositing household and other rubbish; a dump; a dustbin. D
a. extremely dirty, filthy.
[ dna ] n receiving or accepting or taking. p n. giving and taking; exchange;
commerce; social communication or relation; matrimonial relation.
[ dba ] n (Muslim) greeting with gesture, obeisance.
[ da ] n realization or collection (of bills, taxes etc.); winning or earning (m ));
payment or repayment. v. to realize; to collect. o v. to pay; to repay. t n.
realization; collection. t v. to realize; to collect.
[ dlata ] n a court of justice. a. pertaining or relating to a court of justice;
[ di ] n beginning; origin; source; birth. a. first; original, fundamental, primary. in
comp. (used as a sfx.) and the like, etcetera (d). n. the first poet; Valmiki. n. the
fundamental tissue. s n. the fundamental tissue system. n. the first epic. n. the first
cause; the Supreme Being; the fundamental cause; the primary cause. n. ancient times. n.
embryonic cell. n. the Supreme Being; any one of the three principal Hindu gods: Brahma
(bh,), Vishnu ( ) and Maheswara (). n. the Supreme Being; Shiva (). r n. the
first progenitor or ancestor of a clan or family. n. the aborigines. t n. equinoctial colure.
a. born or created first, primordial; primary ( ). fem. n. (rhet.) the emotion
of love; sex-passion; eroticism. r n. a prototype, an archetype.
[ dikhyt ] n simulation; feigning ignorance; petty ostentatious activity, fuss;
intolerable excess.
[ diganta ] a extending up to the horizon; vast; immense.
[ dita ] n a son of Aditi (a) the mother of gods, a god.
[ ditya ] n the name of the sungod (cp. Apollo, Sol); the sun.
N [ dityamaala ] n the orb of the sun; the solar region.
[ dima ] a first; aboriginal; primordial; primitive; original. a (law) Original
Jurisdiction. n. primitiveness; primordiality.
[ dia ] n ordered, commanded; decreed; directed; ordained.
dD [ du ] a uncovered bare; naked, unclothed; undressed; untied. - n. bare body. a.
fem. one whose hair is undressed or untied or dishevelled; a woman having no veil over her head.
d [ duri ] fem of d
d [ dur ] a treated with or brought up with excessive indulgence; petted. d a
child spoilt with excessive indulgence; a pampered child; the pet child of over-indulgent parents.
[ dta ] a received cordially, well-received; treated with cordiality, welcome; well
appreciated; esteemed, honoured.
, [ dkhal, dkhal ] a inordinately covet ous about some object as if he or
she has not seen anything like it before; in ordinately greedy. n. greediness; indecently or
indecorously greedy.
[ daka ] n a bill.
[ da ] n an order, a command; a decree; an ordinance; an injunction; a directive;
direction; permission; (gr.) substitution of a letter or word for another. , o v. to
order, to command; to decree; to enjoin; to direct; to permit. o v. to be ordered or
decreed or permitted; to be decreed by an oracle; (gr. of a letter or word) to be substituted for
another letter or word. a. & n. one who orders or commands or decrees or directs or permits.
= adv. in obedience to or in accordance with an order or decree. t n. a writ of command or
decree; a directive; a permit. a. & n. one who obeys or executes an order or decree. n.
carrying out an order or decree. n a. obedient to an order, decree, injunction or direction.
n same as =
[ d ] a & n. one who orders or commands or decrees or enjoins or directs or permits.
[ dau ] adv (ori. & lit.) in the beginning, at first; (pop. and current) at all, in the least.
[ dya ] a first, prime; primeval; primitive: primordial; chief; best; primary. n. the work
to be done first (also see n+). p n. the protozoa. p adv. from beginning to end; from top to
bottom. d, n. solemn obse quies performed in memory of the de ceased on the day
following the period of mourning.
[ dyanta ] n beginning and end. adv. from beginning to end; from first to last.
[ dy ] a. fem born or created or originated first, primordial. n. fem. Na ture; (Hindu
theol.) the Supreme God dess associated with God in the work of creation, Goddes Durga
(d). U same as (n.).
[ dyikla ] n very ancient times; remote days. D (usu. facet.) a very old-
fashioned aged woman.
[ dypnta ] adv from beginning to end, from first to last; from top to bottom; all
over; all through.
d [ draka ] n ginger.
d [ driama ] a in the state of being received or treated cordially or with respect.
, [ dha, dh ] n & a. half. , n. hemicrania, migraine, megrim. D
a. half-done; done per functorily; disordered; bungled. a. half-plate. a. half ripe;
partly ripe. a. crack-brained, cranky, having a screw loose, mentally defective, crazy.
n. one with a screw loose, a crack-brain, a crank. a. sufficient to satisfy only half the
hunger; half-fed. adv. to the extent of being half-fed. D a. half-burned; half-roasted; half
baked. , D a. middle aged. fem. D a. containing half a maund (of
things). a gluttonous person, one who eats too much; one who is capable of eating
too much. a. half-dead; almost dead, more dead than alive. + a. parboiled. n.
(now obs.) half a seer. a. half a cubit long.
t [ dharapatra ] n a writ for arresting a person, a warrant.
[ dhal ] a half; halved. n. a half-piece; a half-piece of brick; brickbat.
[ dhna ] n placing or depositing; installation; infusion, instillation; (phy.) charge;
receiving or taking; putting on. + bound charge. U free charge.

[ dhra
] n container; a receptacle; a vessel, a case; a store; a haunt, a dwelling place, a
source; a cause.

[ dhra
] n food (esp. of birds); a nest.
[ dhi ] n anxiety; worry. z a. suffering from worries and anxieties, mentally distressed or
afflicted. n. mental and physical ailments.
[ dhikrika ] n an officer (esp. a high-ranking officer).
[ dhikya ] n excess; abundance; intemperance; predominance; rifeness.
[ dhidaibika ] a supernatural; fortuitous; pertaining to natural disasters such as flood,
famine etc.; elemental.
[ dhipatya ] n mastery; overlordship; predominance; supremacy; rule, government;
suzerainty. v. to dominate; to lord (it) over; to rule, to govern.
[ dhibidyaka ] a metaphysical.
[ dhibhautika ] a originating from the four (or five) elements, elemental; effected or
produced by living organism, biological; pertaining to organic life, or ganic.
[ dhirjya ] n imperiality; overlordship; suzerainty.
[ dhuta ] a slightly trembling or vibrant.
[ dhunika ] a of present times, modern, current; new. fem. (inc. but current)
n. modernism, modernity.
[ dhunikkaraa ] n modernization.
[ dhuli ] n a coin of the value of half a rupee, a half-rupee. an insignificant
amount hoarded very cautiously and proudly by an extremely poor person, an ewe-lamb.
[ dhta ] a caught hold of; held; taken, received; arrested; seized, captured; accepted.
[ dhka ] a. & adv half.
[ dha ] a. & n that which is worthy of being placed or deposited or produced. n.
[ dh ] a half; partial; indistinct. a. babbling; mumbling; indistinct.
[ dh ] a unwashed; unbleached.
( [ dhytmika ] a originating in the soul; spiritual; theological; relating to God or the
Supreme Being; psychic; metaphysical; intellectual, mental. n. spiritualism.
[ dhyna ] n recollection; meditation; anxiety.
[ na ] a & adv. (obs. & poet.) another, of another kind.
[ naka ] n a large drum; a wardrum; thun der-cloud. a. thunderous; sounding.
, [ nak, nak ] a queer, strange; new; unfamiliar; unknown.
[ nakr ] a quite new, brand-new; fresh; untarnished; unsoiled; not yet used, untried.
[ nacna ] a anxious; restless; uneasy.
[ nata ] a stooped, bent down; inclined; stooping in obeisance; obeisant. o v. to
stoop, to bend down, to in cline; to stoop in obeisance, to bow down. n. inclined plane. a.
with the head bending or stooping low. n. act or state of bending down or stooping;
inclination; act or state of stooping in obeisance; obeisance.
+ [ naddha ] n any instrument of percussion. a. (of musical instruments etc.) having the
mouth covered with hide, percussive (+ s); dressed up, tied up, arranged (+ );
[ nana ] n face; (loos.) mouth.
[ nantarya ] n immediacy; adjacency; proximity; contiguity.
[ nantya ] n infiniteness, infinitude; endlessness; interminableness.
+ [ nanda ] n joy, delight; happiness; gladness, cheerfulness; pleasure; merriment. +
v. to rejoice; to make merry. a. delightful; pleasant; gladdening. n. a delightful woodland
or grove; a pleasure-grove. , a. causing joy; delightful; pleasant. n. producing joy,
delight etc. h a. beside oneself with joy, overwhelmed with joy. a. full of joy, joyful;
delightful; happy; cheerful; pleasant; merry. a. fem. of + n. Goddess Durga
(d). n. a wave of delight; a musical instrument with one string held in one hand and played
with a plectrum by the other.
+n [ nandru ] n tears of joy.
+ [ nandita ] a delighted; happy; glad; pleased; merry. + v. to delight; to
gladden. + o v. to bedelighted or pleased; to be happy.
+ [ nandcchbsa ] n an outburst of joy, an ecstasy of delight.

[ namana
] n bending down; bending down or curving slightly.

[ namana
] a unmindful, absentminded.
[ naman ] a unmindful; absentminded, listless; abstracted, unconcerned, uninterested.
[ naman ] adv listlessly, unmindfully, absent-mindedly, lackadaisically.
[ namita ] a bent down, inclined.
[ namya ] a pliant, flexible; capable of being bent or bent down; deserving obeisance or
[ namra ] a gentle, courteous, polite; slightly bent or stooping.
[ naana ] n bringing or fetching. v. to bring, to fetch.
, , [ nartha, narthya, narthakya ] n futility; ineffectualness.

[ n
] n an anna, four pice; one-sixteenth part or share.

[ n
] v to fetch, to bring.
[ ngn ] n coming and going (esp. frequently); frequenting; come-and-go; prying.
v. to come and go (esp. frequently). to frequent; to pry.
- [ nca-kn ca ] n the outlying and usually neglected parts of a house etc.; the
eaves and like parts; nook and corner. - adv. in nooks and by ways; in nooks and
[ nja ] n vegetables (usu. green.) t n. spinach and vegetables.
D [ n i ] a inexpert, unskilled, inefficient; inexperienced; untrained; ignorant;
foolish. n. inefficiency; lack of experience or skill; awkward behaviour.
[ nn ] v to cause to be brought or fetched.
[ na ] n a snare, a mesh; a trap.
[ nra ] n pomegranate.
[ nrasa ] n ananas, pineapple.
[ nta ] a brought; fetched.
[ nla ] a slightly blue, bluish.
n{ [ nuklya ] n aid, help; assistance; support; patronage; favour; a good turn. n{ v.
to aid, to help; to assist; to support; to patronize; to do (one) a favour; to do (one) a good turn.
n [ nugatya ] n allegiance; fidelity; obedience; fealty; faithful adherence. n s
v. to own allegiance (to); to submit (to). n oath of allegiance.
n [ nutika ] n a gratuity.
n [ nupadika ] a coming or going after, following.
n [ nuptika ] a proportional.
n , n [ nuprb, nuprbya ] n sequence, serial succession, due succession. n
adv. in due succession, serially; from beginning to end. a. serial, in due succession; from
beginning to end; entire, complete, overall.
n [ numnika ] a inferential; probable; (loos.) approximate.
nU [ nurakti ] n attachment; affection, love, fondness.
nr [ nurpya ] n similar state or appearance, similarity, likeness; agreement, congruity;
n [ nusanika ] a (pol.) concerning an order or ordinance or edict; scriptural.
n [ nuagika ] a accompanying, concomitant; incidental; secondary; associated.
n [ nuhnika ] a ritual, ceremonial; formal.
[ npa ] a watery; marshy. n. any of the terrestrial animals fond of bathing in water
such as the buffalo, the rhinoceros etc.
[ nasya ] n lack or absence of cruelty; mercifulness; kindness; severe cruelty.
[ nt ] a & n. one who brings or fetches.
N [ ] n an egg. N n. (facet. or dero.) one's all children, kiddies.
N [ ila ] a very rich. n. a heap; a bundle.
p [ ntprdika ] a inter-provincial; (in a federal state like India) inter-state.
[ ntara ] a mental; inherent.
s [ ntarayantra ] n (anat.) viscera. s a. visceral.
[ ntarika ] a cherished or lying in the heart; entertained in the mind; mental; candid;
sincere; genuine; hearty; heartfelt; cordial; inward, inner; (rare) hidden. n. candour; sincerity;
heartiness; cordiality.
k [ ntarika ] a of or in the sky, skyey; atmospherical, aerial; ethereal; heav enly. n. the
sky; the cloud.
, a [ ntarjtika, antarjta ] a international.
[ ntarbidylaa ] a inter-school.
s [ ntrika ] a intestinal; duodenal; enteric. n. (loos.) gastro-enteritis. s n. enteric
fever, typhoid (fever).
+ [ ndja ] n guess, conjecture. a. approximate or conjectural. adv. more or less,
approximately (+ e g). + a. depending on or deduced by guessing; uncertain.
+ adv. by guess, by surmise or conjecture.
+ [ ndlana ] n agitation; movement; stir; swinging, oscillation; vibration; cogitation,
discussion. + political agitation or movement. + v. to agitate; to stir; to
swing, to oscillate; to vibrate; to cogitate, to discuss. + o v. to have a thing cogitated
in one's mind.
+ [ ndlita ] a swung, oscillated; stirred; vibrated; cogitated, discussed.
v [ nbaika ] a relating to concord or syntax, relating to agreement.
vk [ nbkik ] n the science and art of reasoning, logic.
t [ nyatrikat ] n alibi.
[ panta ] n one's own self. a. one's own. to a good soul all are
good; to the pure all things are pure. r r eat according to your own taste but
dress according to the taste of others; eat to please yourself but dress to please others.
os [ pakst ] adv for one's own self. a. self-seeking, selfish.
[ pakka ] a imperfectly ripened, half-ripe; half-cooked, half-baked, half-roasted, half-
[ pakhrki ] a in the state when one has to pay for one's own food.
[ pag ] n a stream flowing into a sea, a river.
[ pajtya ] n privation or lack or absence of national or racial or familial good
qualities; degeneration, degeneracy.
-D [ -pa ] a unread; uneducated.
[ paa ] n a shop; a market. a. of a shop or shops, of a market or markets;
commercial. n. a shopkeeper; a trader.
[ patkla ] n time of danger or distress or calamity or emergency.
[ patana ] n falling; a fall; occurrence; a happening, an incident; an accident; (chiefly in
math.) incidence; coming; an arrival; alighting; descent. n. angle of incidence.
n. (math.) the point of incidence.
[ patika ] a accidental; incidental.
[ patita ] a arrived or come by chance or accident; fallen (down); alighted. n
(phys.) an incident ray.
t [ patti ] n objection; dissent; protest, expostulation, remonstrance. , a.
objectionable, open to exception. t v. to object; to dissent; to protest, to expostulate, to
remonstrate. t v. to raise an objection.
[ pada ] n danger; distress; misery; calamity; any unpleasant person or thing. gs a.
involved in danger, endangered, imperilled; involved in difficulty or distress; troubled or
distressed. , + n. a course or measure (usu. not thoroughly honest) that may be adopted in
time of danger or disaster or emergency. i n. pl. dangers and harms. - n. dangers and
[ pana ] a one's own, own. n. one's own man, a friend or relative. a. one's near and
far ones. n. friend and foe. a. careless about one's own interests; absent-minded,
[ pan ] n one's own self. a. one's own. - adv. by or of one's ownself; on
one's own; without any out ward aid; spontaneously. n. pl. one's own people, friends and
relatives. - among one's own people; among friends and relations. var. of
of or by one's own self; on one's own; of its own; spontaneously.
kD (fig.) to dig one's own grave.

[ pani
] pro the honorific form of

[ pani
] n one's own self. self-preservation is the first law of nature.
r [ panna ] a endangered, imperilled; (chiefly used as a sfx.) affected with, involved in
(r). seeking refuge in (r)
r( [ pannasattb ] a pregnant. n. a pregnant woman.
; [ parh nika ] a of or in or during the after noon.
[ pasa ] n regret; chagrin; repentance. v. to regret; to become chagrined;
to repent.

, ~ [ pas
, ps ] adv of one's own, spon taneously.
[ p ] n a medicinal plant, Achyranthus aspera.
[ pk ] a unripe, raw; not thoroughly ripened.
N [ pura ] a palish, paly.
[ pta ] n the present or the actual time in question, the time being; incidence;
occurrence. a. appearing as hard or difficult at first or for the time being (but not actually
so); apparently or seemingly hard or difficult. n. apparent motion. adv. at the present time
or actual time in question, for the time being, for the nonce. adv. at the first sight; to the
cursory view or consideration; seemingly. p n. apparent expansion. a. seemingly sweet or
sweet for the time being only. a. agreeable or pleasant for the time being; seemingly
alluring or fascinating.
s [ pdamastaka ] adv from head to foot, cap-apie; from top to bottom.
[ pna ] n a place for drinking (wine esp. in a party); a public-house, a bar; a wineshop,
an alehouse.
[ pmara ] adv including even the meanest or the lowest. n. high and low; one and
all; everybody.
[ pigala ] a brownish, slightly copper-coloured.
[ pila ] n (in law) a prayer for retrial; an appeal. v. to prefer an appeal, to
appeal. - n. an appellate court. n. an appellant. acquitted or released on
[ pisa ] n a place where work or business is carried out, an office. v. to go to
one's office (daily or regularly), to attend office.
D [ p na ] n pressing or squeezing or hugging or oppressing thoroughly. D a.
pressed or squeezed or hugged or oppressed thoroughly.

[ pta
] a yellowish.

[ pta
] a that which has been drunk thoroughly, drunk to the dregs; drained.
[ pna ] n an udder, a dug, a teat.
k [ pkika ] a comparative; (esp. in science) relative. n. comparativeness; relativity.
k d n. relative humidity. k gr[ n. specific gravity. k [ n. relative
density. ( n. the theory of relativity. k n. relative velocity.
[ pla ] n the apple.
[ pa ] n compromise. v. to compromise, to strike out a compromise; to settle
amicably. , n. amicable settlement, compromise. adv. amicably; by arrangement.
[ pta
] a obtained, attained, realized, gratified (p); free from errors; authoritative
(p); closely related as friends and relatives (p). n. confidential clerk. a. one
whose desires have been gratified. a. reliable; trustworthy. n. one's own relative or
friend. same as p same as p n. a revealed truth, revelation; (phil.) a
source of knowledge; advice of one's own friends and relatives; a presumptive truth, an a priori
[ pta
] a (used as a pfx.) own, self , r a. preoccupied with self-interest; extremely
[ pyana ] n hospitable reception and treatment, entertainment; act of felicitating;
entertaining with amusements. v. to receive and treat hospitably, to entertain, to
[ pyita ] a received and treated hospitably, entertained; felicitated. same
p [ pra ] adv. & a as long as one lives, till death, to the last breath; even at the risk of
one's life; to the extent of one's utmost power and abilities, tooth and nail. p v. to do one's
utmost. p utmost effort.
:, :, : [ plaba, plba, plbana ] n a flood; a deluge; inundation; bathing.
: a. flooded; inundated; bathed; drenched.
: [ pluta ] a flooded; inundated; bathed; drenched; (fig.) overwhelmed or be gone (
[ phagna ] n an Afghan. a. of Afghanistan or Afghans. a. of Afghanistan.
[ phaldaa ] a. & adv till fructuation; till attainment or realization (of aim, desires
etc.). n. a worker who works till he succeeds.
[ phasn ] v to bluster, to brag; to fret or chafe or express chagrin on account of
failure; to tear one's hair. n. blustering or bragging; fretting or chafing or an expression of
chagrin at failure.
[ phi ] n opium. , n. an opiumeater.
, [ phuanta, ph ] a not yet bloomed, unblown; not clearly visible; indistinct;
(in the process of being boiled but) not yet boiling; parboiled.
[ phrikna ] n an African; an African Negro. a. African.
[ ba ] n an excrescence (usu. spherical) on the skin, a tumour.
o [ bba ] n any of the conventional and usually illegal payments exacted by
landowners from tenants.
[ bakhr ] n a large drinking-glass or tall cup, a tumbler.
[ bagra ] n a manufacturer of or dealer in alcoholic spirits and other intoxicating drugs;
a distiller. n. sale or manufacture of alcoholic spirits and other intoxicating drugs; a tax or
duty imposed on this manufacture or sale, excise duty (also , l); the public
department entrusted with the charge of collecting this tax or duty, the excise department (also
). a. relating to alcoholic spirits and other intoxicating drugs or to their
manufacture and sale; relating to excise tax or the excise department.
[ banana ] n allotment.
[ badra ] n a childish or capricious insistence on having or doing something; an
unreasonable demand or claim; a fanciful claim preferred to an affectionate person. v.
to insist childishly or capriciously on having or doing something; to demand or claim
unreasonably. , a. insisting childishly or capriciously on having or doing
+ [ baddha ] a bound, tied; shut; confined; besieged; enclosed (+ ); in volved; beset;
mortgaged, pawned. + v. to bind, to tie; to shut; to confine; to besiege; to enclose; to
involve; to beset; to mortgage, to pawn.
[ baraka ] a that which covers or screens or veils. n. a cover; a covering; a screen; a
lid; a veil.
[ baraa ] n covering or screening or veiling; a cover or covering; a lid; a screen, a veil.
n. a cover or covering; a lid; a screen; a veil.
[ barita ] a (poet.) covered; screened; veiled.
r [ baru ] n (usu. a woman's) dignity, honour; chastity, modesty; a screen; a veil, a
[ barjana ] n casting off or giving up thor oughly; forcing to bend down; controlling or
[ barjan ] n things thrown away or left as worthless, cast-off, refuse; sweepings; (fig.)
an undesirable or mean person; an outcast.
[ barjita ] a cast-off; bent down; controlled or regulated.
[ barta ] n a whirling motion or shape; a whirl; a vortex; a whirlpool, an eddy; whirling or
revolving or rotating. a. whirling; revolving; rotating. n. rolling friction. n. whirling
or revolving or rolling; a whirl, revolution; rotation; gyration; return; stirring or churning;
repetition. N, n. a pestle for churning. a. whirling or revolving or gyrating or
returning. a. revolved; rotated; gyrated; returned; repeated. o v. to whirl; to
revolve; to rotate; to gyrate; to eddy; to return; to be repeated.
[ bali ] n a row or line ( k); a group or series (p:, ); a collection (g).
[ balusa ] n ebony, ebon. - a. ebon-coloured, black as ebony.
[ balya ] n weakness; fatigue; lethargy, torpidity; drowsiness caused by fatigue.
[ bayaka ] a necessary; essential. n. necessity, need. n. necessity, need. adv.
having considered or considering it necessary. a. necessary; essential.
[ bayika ] a compulsory.
[ baha ] a (chiefly used in comp.) carrying, conducting, producing (). n. the air
that pervades the world; atmosphere. t n. a weather-chart. j n. meteorology. , n.
meteorologist. n. meteorology. N n. the atmosphere. n. weather report. n.
background music. n. weather forecast.
[ bahamna ] a existing or continuing since the beginning; traditional and ever-
existent. adv. continuing or existing from time immemorial; ever since the beginning.
o [ bah ] n climate; weather.
- [ ba-bndh ] a untied, unfastened; (esp. of books etc.) unbound; (of hair) not done up;
disorderly (- )
, [ bg, bg ] a ill-fated, unfortunate. fem.
[ bda ] n cultivation, tillage; cultivated land; land developed for agriculture; a human
habitation; a settlement. a. arable; fit for or developed for cultivation; cultivated.
[ bpana ] n the art of weaving cloth.
[ bpanika ] n reeler.
[ bra ] adv again, once more; moreover, and also ( ). int. expressing
uncertainty or distrust or negation ( , , -
[ bla ] n a boy or a child or an underage person (esp. one who is foolish or helpless); an
ignorant or dull-headed person. + n. one and all; men women and children.
[ blya ] adv from childhood or infancy; ever since one's childhood.
[ bsa ] n a dwelling-place, a habitation, a home, an abode; a residence; a house.
n. a caretaker (chiefly of a Buddhist monastery). a. resident ( -); (of a
student) living in a students' hostel. residential school.
[ bhana ] n invocation; invitation; a call. v. to invoke; to invite; to call.
n. a gesture made with one's palms and fingers for invoking a god or goddess. a. invocatory;
relating to invitation or call.
[ bira ] n a kind of perfumed and coloured powder that the Hindus sprinkle over one
another esp. during the Holi () festival.
[ birbhba ] n coming into view (esp. for the first time or from hiding); appearance
(esp. sudden); advent; arrival; birth; coming into existence; (of a deity) in stalling oneself
somewhere; (of authors, painters, actors etc.) first appearance before the public; (of flowers etc.)
coming out or being revealed, manifestation.
[ birbhta ] a one who or that which has come into view or appeared or arrived; born;
one who or that which has come into existence; (of a deity) one who has installed oneself; (of
authors, painters, actors, musicians) who have appeared before the public for the first time; (of
flowers etc.) that which has come out, revealed; manifested. o v. to come into view
(esp. for the first time or from hiding); to appear; to come; to arrive; to take birth; to install
oneself; to appear before the public for the first time; to come out; to be revealed or manifested.
[ bila ] a defiled; turbid, muddy; filthy, foul. a. defilement; turbidity; filthiness,
, , [ bikra, bikaraa, bikri ] n discovering; a discovery;
invention; the thing invented. v. to discover; to invent. a. that which is to be
discovered or invented; well worth discovering or inventing. , n. a discoverer; an
[ bikta ] a discovered; invented.
[ bia ] a thoroughly engrossed or absorbed (in) (); rapt in (); possessed (by)
(); over whelmed (with) (); begone (); overcast or pervaded with ();
nonplussed, confounded; (phy.) induced.
[ bta ] a covered; encircled, surrounded (); overcast or pervaded with ().
v. to cover; to encircle, to surround; to overcast; to pervade. n. state of being
covered or encircled or pervaded; covering; a cover; encirclement; pervasion; a wall; a fence; an
t [ btta ] a read or studied over and over again; repeated; recited; that which has returned
or recurred; revolved; (esp. in arith.) recurring. k a. one who has turned one's eyes inwards;
introspective. t (airth.) recurring decimal. t n. reading or studying over and over
again; repetition; recital, recitation; return, recurrence; revolving or being revolved, revolution.
t v. to read or study over and over again; to repeat; to recite; to re turn; to recur; to
[ bga ] n tremendous or extraordinary ve locity or force ( ); outburst of
passion or emotion ( ); passion (s ); anxiety; state of suspense; mental
uneasiness; troubled state of the mind; mental suffering (). a. impassioned;
passionate. , a. devoid of passion; dispassionate. n. an outburst of passion; a
passionate or impassioned outburst.
[ bdaka ] a one who submits an application. n. an applicant; a petitioner; a plaintiff.
[ bdana ] n representation, prayer, solicitation; an application; a petition; a plaint;
appeal ( - ) v. to represent, to pray, to solicit; to put in an
application, to apply; to petition; to lodge a complaint; to appeal. same as fem.
t n. an application; a petition. a. fit to be solicited or entreated.
[ ba ] n confounded state of mind; mental confusion, perplexity; tremendous
excitement of passion (' i'); attachment, love (' a n'); entrance;
infiltration, taking possession (); raptattention; trance; engrossment; rapture; obsession.
-kN [ ba-kual ] n (phy.) induction coil.
[ byat ] n (phy.) inductive capacity.
[ baka ] a surrounding, enclosing. n. a fence, a wall; that which encloses, an
[ bana ] n surrounding or enclosing; a fence; a wall; that which encloses, an
enclosure; surroundings, environment. n. a fence; a wall; that which encloses, an
enclosure; a circurmference; environment, surroundings.
[ bita ] a surrounded, enclosed, encircled.
[ blatbla ] n incoherent talk; nonsense; delirium; nonsense rhymes. a.
incoherent and nonsensical.
b [ bb ] n (Mus.) father; dad.
b [ brahma ] adv starting with or from Brahma (b). sv n. all creatures and objects starting
with Brahma (b) or the Supreme Consciousness down to the inanimate straw.
[ bharaa ] n anything worn for personal embellishment, an ornament. a
scandal she wears as a jewel on her person.
[ bh ] n glow; shine; lustre, glaze; beam; flash; tinge. a. full of glow, glowing;
beaming; shining.
[ bh ] n rubbing the body with oil etc; anointment.
[ bh ] a not broken, unbroken ( ); not ground, unground ( ).
[ bha ] n a preface, a prologue, a prefatory note, an introduction; an introductory talk; a
conversation. n. addressing and talking to; conversation; an address, a speech, a talk. a.
delivered as or mentioned in a speech.
[ bhsa ] n faint or indistinct presence (' o '); a shadow; a hint ( );
glow. o v. to appear faintly or indistinctly; to give a hint, to hint. i n. hints; slight or
indirect suggestion. i adv. by indirect suggestion, by hints.
[ bhs ] v (poet.) to blaze up, to glow; (poet.) to be revealed.
[ bhsita ] a indicated, suggested.
[ bhijana ] n noble birth; aristocracy; surname.
[ bhijtika ] a of aristocrat or aristocracy or noble birth; aristocratic; pertaining to or
indicative of the family; familial. n. heraldry.
[ bhijtya ] n noble birth; aristocracy.
[ bhidhnika ] a lexicographical. n. the compiler of a dictionary, a lexicographer.
[ bhimukhya ] n state of being towards; state of being infront or face to face of;
confrontation; assistance, help.
[ bhra ] n a member of the cowherd class; a cowherd. fem. n. a locality or
village where cowherds live.
[ bhmi ] adv down to the ground; having prostrated oneself ( p o).
[ bhga ] n a kind of concluding note in the Indian musical modes; act of enjoying;
completeness, fullness; expansion; expanse.
[ bhyudaika ] a pertaining to progress or promotion in life; pertaining to or causing
well-being; causing prosperity. n. a ceremony performed on the eve of wedding etc. praying
to the spirits of one's forefathers to bless the present occasion.

[ ma
] n mucus; cyst; dysentery. n. nettlerash, urticaria. U n. blood coming out with
the stool of a dysentery patient. n. dysentery.

[ ma
] n the common people. a. of or for the common people. n. a place for
public audience. U n. a legally appointed representative, an attorney. U n. power-of-

[ ma
] a uncooked, raw (); unburnt, unbaked (, D) a. (of food)
cooked but somewhat raw.

[ ma
] n the mango. n. the mango ginger, a variety of ginger smelling like the
mango. , n. dried slices of green mango preserved in salt or in salt and mustard.
o to look haggard, to have a shrivelled look, to have an emaciated and wizened face. (
n. a thin cake made of the sweet juice of ripe mango by drying it in the sun (used as food),
preserved essence of ripe mango. same as - a variety of mango that looks
green and should be sour but is actually ripe and sweet; (fig.) a person concealing his or her
D [ ma ] n the hog-plum. n. flattering with some end in view, coaxing, cajolement.
D v. to flatter with some motive or design, to coax, to cajole.
[ madni ] n (comm.) import; income; gathering ( ); onrush, assemblage
(h ); attack ( ). v. (comm.) to import; (in other cases) to
bring. n. import trade. l n. import duty.
[ madhura ] a slightly sweet, sweetish; not excessively sweet, pleasantly sweet.
[ mana ] a late autumnal. n. late autumnal crop of paddy; autumn rice (also ).
s [ mantraa ] n invitation; a call to come; a greeting. s v. to invite; to call; to
s [ mantrait ] n an inviter; a host; one who gives a call to come; one who greets.
s [ mantrita ] a invited; called to come; greeted.
[ maa ] n disease, ailment.
[ maad ] a plentiful, abundant; excessive.
[ mara ] int indicating : light imprecation, bashfulness, shame, reproach, censure etc.;
Devil take thee, go to hell, beshrew me.
[ maraa ] adv. & a till death; all through one's life. a. lasting till death, continuing
till the end of one's life.
[ mar ] pro we.
, [ mari, mari ] int indicating: praise, taunt, ridicule, sorrow etc.; now I'II die
happily; I'II rather die.
r [ marula ] n a variety of spinach having sour taste, sorrel.
, [ mara, marana ] n touch, contact; counsel, advice, consultation; weighing
some thing in the mind, deliberation.
[ mara ] n mercilessness; anger.
[ mala ] n region, rule, regime; possession, control; age, time, period; attention, heed,
indulgence ( o). o to attach no importance to, to pay no heed to, to refuse to
consider; to overlook. see
, , [ malaka, malaki, malak ] n emblica, the emblic myrobalan.
[ mal ] n an office-clerk; a government office. s n. bureaucracy. s a. bureaucratic.
[ maln ] v to become painful gradually.

[ m
] a half-burnt, not perfectly burnt (-i).

[ m
] pro (poet.) I myself; I; me; to me.
, [ mk, ma ] pro me; to me.
[ mtisra ] n dysentery; amoebic dysentery; (loos.) bacillary or biliary dysentery.
[ mdra ] pro our, of us, ours; us; to us.
[ mnata ] a deposited; credited; placed in one's custody. n. the thing or money
deposited or credited, deposit, credit. , o, v. to deposit; to credit;
to place in the custody of. a. pertaining to deposit or credit; deposited; credited.
[ mni ] n the water in which cooked rice has been soaked overnight.
r [ mnna ] n uncooked rice.
[ mra ] pro my, mine.
[ maa ] n dysentery; the part of the belly in which mucus collects.
[ m ] n (coll.) dysentery.
[ mi ] pro I. n. self-knowledge; the soul, the ego; egoism, pride, vanity, self-
importance. [ n. egoism, vanity.
[ mina ] n a land surveyor; a supervising officer. a. relating to a surveyor.
[ mira ] n (Mus.) a wealthy nobleman or high-born person; a title of some Muslim kings,
an Amir, an Ameer. -o n. pl. princes and courtiers or noble men; men of high and wealthy
class. n. amirate; high style of living or ostentatious show of wealth; pomp and grandeur.
a. of an Amir or emirate; living in a high style or making an ostentatious show of wealth; full
of pomp and grandeur.
[ mia ] n meat; non-vegetarian food or diet. , a. carnivorous; non-vegetarian.
k [ mk ] n posset.
, p [ mud, mdapria ] a given to merriment; sportive, merry; gay, cheerful,
jolly; vivacious, sprightly; witty, humorous.
[ mla ] adv to the root; radically; thoroughly, completely, root-and-branch. a.
extended to the root; radical ( ); thorough.
[ mtyu ] adv till death; till the end of one's life.
[ mja ] n subtle presence or slight trace, a touch; a touch of similarity; the ultimate part
of anything passing away, after-image, after-taste ( , ); pleasant drowsiness
or raptattention ( ).
[ mda ] n delight; joy; gladness; merriment, amusement; festivity; fun; (rare) far-
reaching fragrance, extremely sweet fragrance. ; n. pl. rejoicings. ; v. to rejoice.
v. to express delight or joy; to make merry; to indulge in or enjoy amusement; to be
festive; to make fun; to poke fun (at); to fill with fragrance. a. delightful; merry; amusing;
funny. n. amusing, amusement, recreation; perfuming. p n. pl. amusements, recreations.
p v. to indulge in amusements. p see a. delighted; perfumed,
scented. a. delighted; jolly, sportive; sweet-scented. fem.
v [ mb ] n audacity, effrontery, impudence, (coll.) cheek; bragging, boast, vaunt; audacious
m [ mm ] n mother.
[ mra ] n (for. High.) the mango. , k, n. a mango-grove.
, [ mrta, mrtaka ] n the hog plum.
[ mla ] a acid, sour. n. fem. the tamarind-tree. a. acid, sour; acidic ( ai).
acid fermentation. , n. fem. the tamarind-tree.
U [ yukta ] a in-charge. n. an officer-in-charge. U s minister-in-charge.

[ a
] v 2nd pers. imp. of , come, let us play.

[ a
] n income; earnings; profit; revenue. n. income-tax. a. profitable. n.
income and expenditure; (accts.) debit and credit. k n. audit. k n. auditor. n.
budget. n. budget-head. t n. budgetsession. to live within one's
means; (cp.) to cut one's coat according to one's cloth. a to spend beyond one's
means or income. (accts.) credit side.
[ ata ] a extensive, wide; expanded; very large; (geom.) rectangular but having unequal
sides, oblong. kt n. (geom.) an oblong, a rectangle. k, a. wide-eyed or large-eyed.
[ atana ] n area or its measure; volume or its measure; extension; breadth; width; a
house, an abode; an institution (a); an altar. n. bulk elasticity. n. bulk-

[ ati
] n state of a married woman whose husband is alive; any of the symbols (usu.
borne on the person of the wife) indicating this marital state.

[ ati
] n length; width, breadth; extension; the future; time for bearing fruit.
[ at ] n. fem a married woman whose husband is alive.
t [ atta ] a brought under control or taken possession of; controlled; subjugated; subject;
dominated; mastered; tamed; seized. t , t v. to bring under control; to control; to
take possession of; to subjugate; to dominate; to master; to tame; to seize. D t to
break a wild horse. t i out of control; beyond control, out of hand. t n. control, hold;
possession; subjugation; subjection; domination; mastery; seizure.
[ ana bu ] n trade wind.
[ an ] n a mirror, a looking-glass, a speculum.
[ am ] n a grant of rent-free land made by Muslim princes to religious preachers and to
learned people. n. an estate of land held under this grant.
[ asa ] a of or made of or caused by iron; ferrous. n. iron. n. fem. a coat mail
made of iron, an iron armour.
[ ] n a nurse-maid or waiting-maid, an ayah.

[ ma
] n width, breadth; length.

[ ama
] n season; suitable time; right time.
[ sa ] n pain, trouble; exhaustion, fa tigue; an exertion of strength or power, labour,
strain; an endeavour, an effort. a. involving effort, strenuous, la borious, arduous, toilsome,
[ u ] n the span of one's life, longevity; lifetime; life. p, a. that which prolongs life;
rejuvenating; that which bestows long life. n. prolonging life; prolongation of life;
rejuvenation. + n. prolongation of life; rejuvenation. same as p n. the span of
one's life, lifetime. < a. long-lived. fem. < same as p
[ udha ] n weapon, arms.
[ udhal ] n armoury, arsenal.
[ urbda ] n the traditional Hindu science of medicine as taught in the Atharva Veda.
a. relating or pertaining to this science; according to this science.
+ [ nd ] a coming; ensuing, next; future, later.
, [ a, sa ] n ease; comfort; luxury. v. to take one's ease; to re lax; to
take rest. , a. ease loving; easy-going; brought up amidst ease and luxury; easy.
[ ga ] n a committee (esp. a public one) set up for investigation etc., a commission.
[ jaka ] a. & n one who makes preparation for or collects the things necessary for a
purpose; one who organises or makes preparation for a function.
[ jana ] n preparation; collection of things necessary to serve a purpose; things so
collected; making or becoming ready. v. to make preparations (for).
[ jita ] a that for which necessary things have been collected or preparation has
been made; that which has been made ready.
[ ra ] conj and, and also ( ); or ( ), or not. adv. else, more (
); enough ( ); no more ( r ); at the same time, simultaneously, but (U U
); on the other hand, yet in return ( u + ); in future,
again ( e ); still now, still then ( ); at present, now ( i);
moreover, be sides, in addition to that ( ); ever (D o D); ever before or
after (e ); since then (i ); of course, certainly (
o). a. other, another, different ( , u); past, last ( e);
coming, next. ( p ). pro. another person or thing, the other person or thing, a
different person or thing ( , ). all other. o a. more. adv. still
more; fur ther, moreover. on the other occasion; another time; once again, once more.
and others.
[ raka ] n extract, essence; juice; spirit; arrack; tincture.
U, U [ rakta, raktima ] a slightly red, reddish; blood-red; deep red, scarlet, crimson.
U, Ut, U a. with reddened or blood-shot eyes; angry. n. such eyes.
U, U a. with face (or cheeks) flushed on account of shame or anger. n. such a face.
k [ raka ] n police or military station; an outpost; defence force, homeguard. a.
engaged in defence. k n. the police. k n. the police force. k, k n. a
policeman; a guardsman. k n. a police picket.
, [ raji, rji ] n a prayer, request; a petition; a plaint. v. to file
or submit a petition or plaint.
[ rai ] n whirlpool; eddy.
[ raya ] a of or relating to a forest or forests; wild; sylvan; born or grown or living in
forests. a. wild; forest grown; living in forests; sylvan. n. concluding section of the
Brahmanas (b) which are parts of the Vedas; a person (esp. a saint of ancient India) living in
forests; a forester, a forest dweller.

[ rati
] n end; subjugation; deep attachment.

[ rati
] n greeting a deity by waving a lamp, thurible, incenser etc. before his or her
[ radli ] n an orderly; an office bearer.

[ raba
] n an Arab, an Arabian; the Arabian nation, the Arabs. a. Arabian. n. the
language of Arabia, Ara bic; an Arabian; an Arab; the Arabs. gum arabic.
+ [ rabdha ] a that which has been undertaken or begun. + n. a task under taken or
[ rabhama ] a in a state of being commenced or undertaken; about to commence.
[ ramni ] n an Armenian; the language of Armenia; Armenian. a. Armenian.
? [ rambha ] n commencement, inception, be ginning, start; origin, birth; introduction; a
prologue. ? v. to commence, to begin, to start; to introduce. ? o v. to commence; to
begin, to start; to originate; to take birth; to be introduced. a. & n. one who commences or
introduces. ? a. relating to inception or beginning; starting; introductory.
[ raa ] n a throne.
[ rai ] n a mirror, a looking glass; a speculum.
[ ral ] n the cockroach, the black beetle.
t [ rtrika ] n (act of) greeting a deity by waving a lamp, thurible, incenser etc. before
his or her face.
[ rdhaka ] a one who worships. n. a wor shipper, a devotee.
, - [ rdhan, rdhana- ] n worship; service; prayer. v. to worship; to
pray to. same as
[ rdhita ] a worshipped; adored.
[ rdhya ] a worshipped; deserving to be worshipped; worshipful; adorable. a. being
worshipped or in the state of being worshipped.
[ rba ] n a (high) sound or note; a (great) noise; tumult; a roar.

[ rma
] a recovered from illness, cured; relieved. v. to cure. o v. to be
cured or soothed.

[ rma
] n ease, comfort; pleasure; happiness; relaxation; rest; a garden (.).
n. an easy-chair. v. to take rest; to lie down; to recline; to relax; to enjoy ease and
comfort; to enjoy pleasures. o v. to give ease and comfort; to give relief. o v. to
enjoy ease and comfort; to get relief. p, a. ease-loving, fond of ease.
r [ rh ] a mounted; seated on. r o v. to mount; to sit on.
[ r ] int expressing : fear, shame, astonishment, hate, disgust, anger etc. used in
addressing or hailing, ah, oh, eh, hi, holla.
[ rgya ] n recovery from ailment or illness, cure; restoration to health; sound health,
health. v. to cure, to bring round. o v. to be cured, to recover, to come
round. , n. a hospital, an infirmary. n. coming round, recovery. o v.
same as o
[ rpa ] n ascription or attribution of a quality of one thing to another; imputation;
imposition; assignment; be stowal. v. to ascribe, to attribute; to impute; to impose; to
assign; to bestow. a. attributing, ascribing; imputing; imposing; assigning; bestowing; placing;
implanting. n. an imputer; an imposer; one who assigns; one who bestows or places; one who
strings (a bow); a planter. n. attribution, ascription; imputation; imposition; assignment;
bestowal; placing, emplacement; mounting a thing or person upon something; stringing a bow;
act of planting; implantation. v. to attribute, to ascribe; to impute; to impose; to
assign; to bestow; to place; to mount; to string (a bow); to plant; to implant. a. attributed,
ascribed; imputed; imposed; assigned; bestowed; placed; mounted; (of a bow) strung; planted;
t [ rpapatra ] n a charge-sheet.
[ rha ] n height, altitude; ascent; boarding (a ship, railway train etc.) entrainment,
embarkation; buttock esp. of a woman (); grade; (log.) induction. n. mounting or
climbing or riding or placing oneself upon; ascent, ascension, boarding a carriage. v.
to mount, to climb, to scale; to ascend; to ride; to place oneself upon; to board (a ship, railway
train etc.) to embark, to entrain. n. a flight of steps, a stair, a stair-case; a ladder; an
escalator. t n. an embarkation permit. p n. inductive method. n. a remount depot.
a. mounting; climbing; scaling; riding; boarding, embarking; mounted; emplaced; boarded;
ascended; (log.) inductive; (mus. of notes) gradually increasing in pitch. n. a climber; a rider;
a passenger; (mus.) a note which increases gradually in pitch. fem.
[ rka ] a solar. n. this sign over Bengali consonant letters to indicate a preceding '-r'
sound; sun-ray; (facet.) a tuft of long hair maintained by a conservative Brahman on his crown.
[ rjaba ] n straightness; upright or vertical position; straightforwardness; candour;
uprightness; honesty.
[ ra ] n art; (loos.) an artistic posture or affectation.
[ risa ] n an artist; a painter.
[ rta ] a sick; distressed, stricken with grief or sorrow; aggrieved; afflicted; oppressed;
involved in danger. t n. relief of the distressed or afflicted or oppressed or endangered
persons. n. helping the distressed or afflicted, relief work. s n. a piteous cry or wailing, an
outcry of grief or pain or affliction. s adv. in a piteous tone or voice, piteously.
[ rtanda ] n groaning; cry of pain or grief or affliction etc.
[ rtaba ] n menstruation. a. menstrual; seasonal. n. the time or duration of menses.
[ rti ] n illness, ailment; pain; distress; grief, sorrow; affliction; state of being oppressed;
state of being involved in danger; (poet.) intensemental agitation or urge.
[ rthantika ] a pertaining to economics, economic; pertaining to financial policy.
[ rthika ] a financial; pecuniary; monetary. z pecuniary difficulties, financial
distress or straits. k financial powers. financial year. pecuniary
help, financial aid.
d [ rdra ] a wet; moist; damp, humid; soft; softened with affection tears etc. N, s adv. in a
doleful or mournful voice. n. wetness; moistness; moisture; dampness, humidity; softness;
softened state. a. hygro phyte.
d [ rdraka ] n ginger.
d [ rdr ] n the sixth of the twenty-seven zo diacal stars according to Hindu astronomy.
[ rmcra ] n an armature.
[ rya ] n the Aryan race; an Aryan; the people who spoke the Aryan language; a venerable
person. a. Aryan; venerable; best; of noble birth; civilized. n. Aryanism; civilized conduct
and behaviour. t n. a son of the father-in-law, (usu.) husband. n. a Vedic community
founded by Dayananda Saraswati. a. of or belonging to the Arya Samaj ().

[ ry
] fem of

[ ry
] n a kind of metre used in Sanskrit verse; any of the rhymed arithmetical formulae.
[ rybarta ] n upper or northern India where the ancient Aryans settled.
[ rymi ] n (facet. & dero.) Aryanism.
[ ra ] a relating to (Hindu) sages (esp. of ancient India); (chiefly of words and their
meanings) ungrammatical but current being used by the sages esp. of ancient India. (cp.)
archaic. p n. a use which is ungrammatical but considered correct, being used by ancient

[ la
] n the sting of insects etc.; an antenna; sharp point of anything such as the barb of an
arrow; an awl; (fig.) prick ( ).

[ la
] n a ridge of earth setup around a piece of agricultural land; a dyke; a dam. v.
to setup a ridge of earth around a piece of agricultural land; to build a dyke, to dam.
[ lakrika ] a figurative; rhetorical; relating to ornament; decorative. n. a
rhetorician; an author of a treatise on rhetoric or poetics.
[ lak ] a barbed; grooved.
[ laktar ] n tar, pitch, coal-tar.
k [ lakui ] n cowhage, cowage, cowitch.
[ lakhll ] n a loose cloak or gown, a gaberdine.
[ lag ] a unbound, untied, unfastened; open; unbolted; loose; lax; detached; avoiding
company, isolated ( ); uncovered; bare; naked; uncontrolled ( ); insincere or
uncalled-for ( ); uncareful, unmindful ( ). o v. to relax, to become
lax; to give indul gence. - a. loose-tongued; out spoken.
g [ laguci ] n first efforts of a child to stand on its feet (g o).
[ lagcha ] a detached, not touching. adv. (of hands, eating and drinking
vessels etc.) not bringing into contact with the mouth (whilst eating or drinking); not touching,
avoiding contact ( ); aloof ( ); carefully and softly ( o);
lightly ( ).
h, , [ lajihb, lajibha, lajiba ] n the uvula, the epiglottis.
[ laapak ] adv suddenly, unexpectedly; suddenly and thoughtlessly.
[ lakar ] n the uvula, the epiglottis.
[ lat ] n lac-dye esp. as used by Hindu women to paint the borders of their feet.
, [ latrpha, latrpa ] n stapler, fastener.
[ lat ] a not forceful or firm, light ( , ); incoherent or insincere
( ).
[ lan ] n a rack or stand for clothes, hats etc.
[ lapan ] n painting on the floors or walls of a house or temple usu. with liquefied
pigment of rice-powder, zincoxide etc.
[ lapk ] n the alpaca; cloth made of its wool.
[ lapina ] n a pin.
, [ labata, labta ] adv of course, certainly, (coll.) definitely.
[ labla ] n a ridge of earth raised round the root of a tree for the purpose of watering.
[ labl ] n hubble-bubble with a long flexible smoking-tube.
[ lamri ] n an almirah; a cupboard.
v [ lamba ] n a support, a prop; a shelter; (mech.) fulcrum. n. a prop, a shelter; (rhet.) the
person that is the object of a sentiment. v a. held; propped, supported; suspended, hung.
v a. supported; sheltered; hanging, pendant.
[ laa ] n (for. & High.) a home; an abode, a dwelling house, a residence; a dwelling
place; a house, a building; a place, a resort; a store, a repertory, a repository.

[ las
] n a parapet around the roof of a building.

[ las
] a idle, lazy, slothful, sluggish, indolent. n. idleness, sloth;
[ lasya ] n idleness, laziness, sloth; procrastination; dilatoriness; lethargy, in dolence.
v. to give up idleness; to be up and doing; to shake off lethargy by moving one's
limbs; to yawn. a. lazy; lethargic; given to idleness; slothful. v. to shake off
lethargy by moving or stretching one's limbs; to yawn.

[ l
] a. & sfx first; highest; best.

[ l
] a illuminated; brightened up. n. light (" ").
i-i [ li-bli ] n all sorts of misfortune or harm; evils.
[ l ntl ] a (coll.) (of talks) meaningless; high-sounding; pompous but without
[ ld ] a (also adv.) different; separate; detached.
[ lna ] n a pillar or post to which an elephant is tethered; a peg or stake to which
domestic animals are tethered.
[ ln ] n to dishevel or spread out (as hair); to ruffle; to spread out (as paddy etc. whilst
sunning); to unloose or untie; to open (i ).
[ lpa ] n conversation; talk, conference, discussion; greeting; acquaintance; (mus.)
introductory singing or playing of a tune (esp. a conventional one in Indian classical music) in
detail. v. to converse; to talk, to confer, to discuss; to greet; to make one's acquaintance
(with); to cultivate acquaintance (with); (mus.) to sing or play a tune in detail. n. conversation,
talk, conference. a. conferrable, discussable. , n. (coll.) acquaintance and speaking
terms; familiarity, intimacy; discussion.
[ lpacri ] n conversation, talk, discussion; a friendly chat.
[ lpita ] a talked or spoken to; greeted; acquainted. fem.
[ lp ] a given to cultivating acquaintances; sociable; acquainted.
[ lbhl ] a simple, plain; artless, guileless.
[ lla ] n a wealthy man. fem. d a pampered boy or young man of
a rich family spoilt by over-indulgence.

[ li
] n a ridge of earth set up around a piece of agricultural land, a dyke, a dam.
[ ligana ] n embracing or hugging; an embrace; a hug. v. to embrace; to
[ ligita ] a embraced; hugged.
[ lijara ] n an earthen jar for water.
[ libandhana ] n setting up a ridge of earth around a piece of agricultural land;
building a dyke; damming. v. to setup a ridge of earth around a piece of agricultural
land; to build a dyke; to dam.
[ lima ] n (Mus.) a learned man.
[ lh ] a licked; tasted. n. a posture (adopted esp. whilst shooting an arrow) with a
knee folded in the front and the other stretched out behind, (cp.) a crouchant position.
[ lna ] a passed out of existence; extinct; diffused.
[ -lu
] sfx denoting nature, tendency, propensity etc. (d, ).

[ lu
] n potato. potato, , sweet potato, yam, batata.
[ luthlu ] a (of hair) unkempt, dishev elled, tousled; (of dress etc.) lacking in trimness,
blowsy, disorderly.
[ luni ] a (of cooked food) deficient in salt; salt-free; (fig.) insipid, tasteless.
[ luph ] a obtained for nothing or without payment. adv. for nothing, gratis.
[ lubkhar ] n a variety of plum or prune of which jelly is prepared.
, [ lulita, lulita ] a (of hair) loosened and spread out, dishevelled,
unkempt. v. to untie and spread out, to dishevel, to ruffle.
k [ lkuma ] n (Mus.) a word forming a part of the return salute.
[ lkhya ] n a painting; a painted portrait; depiction; portrait.
, [ lpa, lpana ] n smearing or painting (with); any substance to smear with
(such as ointment, grease oil etc.); a paint, a wash.
[ l ] n ignus fatuus, will-o'-the-wisp; (fig.) delusion. the light of will-o'-
the-wisp; (fig.) a ray of false hope or delusion, golden dreams; in substantial thing, optical
[ l ] n light; a beam, a ray; effulgence; lustre, splendour; a flash of light; a lamp, a
lantern. v. to brighten; to light up; to lighten; to illuminate; to glorify. v. to
show light to; (fig.) to give hope, to promise good.
- [ l-ndhri ] n a mixture of light and shade; chiaroscuro. -
interplay of light-and-shade.
[ lka ] n light; a beam, a ray; effulgence; lustre, splendour; a flash of light. n. a
lighthouse. t n. a photograph; photography. t n. a photographer. t n. photography.
n. a flash of light. D n. photo-electricity. D a. photo-electric. j, n. optics. a.
lightless; dark; gloomy. a. full of light; flooded with light; lightsome. n. a parasitic
creeper. U n. light as an energy. same as n. a beacon. j n. decoration
of a stage etc. with light; illumination. s? n. a light house. a. lighted, illuminated.
a. illuminated; bright with light; lighted.
[ lkana ] n seeing; casting a glance; observation; showing, demonstration. a.
worth seeing; sightly.
[ lkita ] a illuminated; glowing; brightened. v. to illuminate; to brighten
up. o v. to become illuminated; to brighten up.
, [ lcan, lcana ] n discussion; deliberation, consideration. v. to
discuss; to deliberate, to consider. o v. to be discussed or de liberated or considered.
[ lcan ] n a subject or subjects for discussion; a place or an institution where
discussions are held.
[ lcana ] a submitted or placed for discussion; worthy of discussion; discussible.
[ lcla ] a rice obtained by sunning paddy and not by boiling it, sunned rice.
[ lcita ] a discussed; deliberated, considered.
[ lcya ] a same as
[ lcyamna ] a what is being discussed, (of a subject) under discussion.
- [ l-ch ] n a mixture of light and shade, chiaroscuro. - light-and-
shade play.
D [ l ka ] n one who or that which stirs or churns; an exciter; an agitator; one who
recollects; a deliberator; a pestle for churning with.
D [ l na ] n stirring or churning; excitation; agitation; recollection; deliberation.
D v. to stir; to churn; to excite; to agitate; to revolve in mind; to ponder; to deliberate.
D [ l ita ] a stirred; churned; excited; agitated; pondered; deliberated.
[ lmaa ] a full of light, lightsome; illuminated; brightened up.
[ la la ] adv whilst there is light or daylight, by light or day-light.
[ lna ] n a woollen wrapper for the body, a shawl; a wrapper.
[ lla ] a slightly excited or agitated; moving or rolling or lolling with greed ().
[ lhita ] a slightly red, reddish.
, [ llh, ll ] n (Mus.) God. Allah.

[ a
] n food (p).
, [ asana, as ] n hoping, expectation; a hope, an expectation; desiring; a
desire; possibility, prospect; praise, reception. a. hoped for; expected; desired; praised;
[ aka ] n. mas a lover, a suitor, a sweet heart.
[ akr ] n indulgence; over-indulgence. o v. to treat with indulgence or
[ akana ] a dreadful, frightening, alarming; suspicious; doubtful.
[ ak ] n fear, dread, fright, alarm; a misgiving, apprehension, suspicion; doubt.
v. to fear, to dread; to apprehend; to suspect; to doubt. n. an object of dread or suspicion
or doubt.
[ akita ] a feared, dreaded; apprehended; suspected; doubted.
i [ ani ] n illicit love, an affair, an affaire decoer; a love-affair; love.
[ apa ] n surroundings; environs; out skirts; neighbourhood. , adv.
hither and thither; around; on all sides; in the outskirts; in the neighbourhood.
[ amna ] n the sky, the firmament; the heavens. n. great difference. a.
pole apart; vastly different. n. the sky colour. a. of the sky; of sky-blue colour, sky-
blue; azure.
[ aa ] n (mostly used as a sfx.) a receptacle, a container (); a heart or character; an
intention, a purpose, an aim.
[ araphi ] n a gold coin.

] n hope, expectation; assurance; confidence, reliance, trust ( u ,
u ); a part of the horizon (). , v. to hope, to expect; to place
confidence (upon), to rely (upon), to trust. U, a. beyond expectation, unhoped for;
unexpected. nr a. up to expectation. v a. hopeful, cherishing hope; expectant. to
wait in expectation, to look forward to. v. to cherish hopes. p a. that which excites
or inspires hope, hopeful. n. optimism. a. optimistic. n. an optimist. n.
disappointment, frustration. n. hopes and confidence. , a. hopeless; disappointed.
a. disappointed, frustrated.
[ bari ] n an Indian musical mode.
[ isa ] n blessing, benediction, benison.

] n a serpent's fang. n. that which has venom in its fang; a venomous snake; the
, [ rbacana, rbda ] n blessing, benediction, benison. a. & n. one
who blesses. fem. a. benedictory. &square; n. an emblem of benediction.

[ u
] adv early; quickly, speedily; with out delay, immediately. a. early; quick, speedy
( p); immediate ( ). , , a. quick-moving; swiftfoot, swift-footed, fleet-
footed. a. one who is easily or quickly pleased or appeased. n. an appellation of Shiva
(). a. readily shed or fallen, fugacious.
[ aiaba ] adv since infancy or childhood or boyhood.
[ carya ] a astonishing, surprising, wonderful, marvellous; queer. n. a wonder or
marvel; a surprise; a queer object. v. to strike with astonishment or wonder; to surprise,
to astonish; to take a person by surprise. o v. to be astonished. a. wonderful,
astonishing; surprising; amazing, astounding; queer. v a. wonder-struck, astonished;
amazed, as tounded. v same as v o same as o
s [ basta ] a assured; heartened with hope or promise or assurance or consolation or
confidence etc. s v. to assure; to hearten with hope or assurance.
[ bsa ] n heartening with hope or promise or assurance or consolation or confidence
etc. n. heartening with hope or promise or assurance or consolation or confidence etc. n.
words that hearten with hope or promise or assurance or consolation or confidence etc.
[ bina ] n the sixth month of the Bengali calendar (from the middle of September to the
middle of October). a. of or grown or produced in Aswin (), occurring in Aswin
( D).
n [ rama ] n a hermitage; a residence (usu. a small one), a cottage (n); an asylum or
refuge (n, an); a residential institution (esp. an educational or religious one) (n);
a stage of life (-n). n. duties or rites to be performed by inmates of a hermitage or
asylum or refuge or residential institution; duties to be performed in each of the stages of
life. a. & n. one who lives in a hermitage or asylum or refuge or residential institution. fem.
a. fallen from one's religious order. n, n a. of or living in a hermitage or
asylum or refuge or residential institution, or pertaining to the life in it; adopting any of the
stages of life. n. an inmate of a hermitage or asylum or refuge or residential institution; one in
any of the stages of life.
n [ raa ] n adoption; shelter, aid, help, support, protection ( n); a container, a
store; a resort, a possessor, an embodiment (of) ( g n); a dwelling house, a residence
(n). n v. to adopt; to take shelter (in); to go or resort to for shelter or aid or support or
protection. n o v. to shelter, to give shelter; to give protection. n o same as n
g same as n ng same as n n. adoption; taking shelter (in); going or
resorting to for shelter or aid or support or protection. a. worthy of being adopted; worthy of
being resorted to for shelter or aid or support or protection. n. & a. one who gives shelter or
protection. n. sheltering. n same as n o a. nourished or flourished in
shelter or support or protection (of); (bot.) endotropic. p same as n , a.
shelterless; deprived of shelter, supportless.
n [ rarth ] a seeking shelter. n. one who seeks shelter; a refugee. fem. n
n [ ra ] a one who adopts or takes shelter; sheltered.
n [ rita ] a adopted, resorted to; sheltered, supported, protected; dependent (esp. for
maintenance). fem. n n U a person who has been given help and protection, a
protege. , k n. & a. one who maintains or protects those who ask for maintenance or
shelter or aid or support or protection. a. affectionate and kind to those who seek shelter
and protection. n. kindness and affection to a dependant or a person under one's
protection. n. a protectorate.
n [ ruta ] a promised; heard.
d [ lia ] a embraced; pervaded; permeated; attached; amalgamated; united; sarcastic;
d [ la ] n an embrace; pervasion, diffusion; attachment; amalgamation; union; a
sarcasm, a pun.
[ h ] n the third month of the Bengali calendar (from the middle of June to the
middle of July); (poet. & fig.) the monsoon. a. of or in or during the month or Ashara
(); produced or growing or occurring in Ashara (); false, fantastic. l a queer or
fantastic tale, a cock and-bull story.
[ ph ] adv all over the body; all over; thoroughly.
[ saka ] n (obs.) love, attachment, devotion ( ).
[ sak ] n variety of pancake made of a thin paste of liquefied rice-powder.
U [ sakta ] a greatly enamoured (of); ad dicted to; having a deep love (for); de voted (to);
attached (to); deeply or profoundly attached to (worldly) pleasures and interests. U n. deep
love; attention; addiction; devotion; attachment; attachment to (worldly) pleasures and interests;
(worldly) pleasures and interests; cohabitation.
[ saga ] n sexual intercourse; company, fellowship, social intercourse; union; desire to
enjoy; love, attachment; profound attention. ~ n. desire for sexual intercourse; desire for
company or union. ~ a. desirous of sexual intercourse or of company or union.
[ sach ] a coming, next, ensuing. n. & adv. tomorrow.
[ sajana ] n adhesion.
[ sajita ] a adhered or adhering to.
t [ satti ] n union, amalgamation; proximity, adjacency, acquisition, acquirement; profit;
(gr.) proximity of related words within a sentence (cp. collocation).
[ sana ] n anything used for or intended for sitting upon, a seat; an office or post (
); a place for sitting or placing ( ); a posture of sitting ; reception with honour
( t). g n. sitting. g v. to take one's seat. D n. the posture of squatting.
D v. to squat.
r [ sanna ] a imminent, approaching, impending, coming; proximate; last, final; (esp. in
math.) approximate. r n. the time of death; the time of danger, critical time; the eleventh
hour, the last moment. p a. fem. parturient; in an advanced stage of pregnancy, nearing
delivery. r n. impending or imminent danger. r n. approximate value or
standard. a. about to die, dying.
[ saba ] n distilled spirit; alcoholic beverage, wine. a. alcoholic.
[ sabba ] n furniture. t n. furniture and fittings and all other movable goods, goods
and chattels. t to furnish.
d [ samudra ] a & adv. extending up to the ocean. a. & adv. extending from the
ocean to the Himalayas.
[ sara ] n a gathering, a meeting, a sitting; a party ( ); a function ( ); a
match, a tournament, a competition ( ); a field; a society, a club. ,
v. to brighten up a party. v. the party warms up or becomes interesting; the
party becomes crowded. , same as v. to
brighten up a party; to make a party ripple with interest. a o, v. to make
one's appearance before the public or in society; to take the field; to make one's debut.
[ sala ] a genuine; pure; authentic; unadulterated; true, real; actual; original ( );
nett ( ); principal or capital ( ); primary ( u+). n. principal or capital
money or amount. a. genuine, pure, unadulterated ( ). adv. in actuality, in
truth; in fact.
oD [ sa ] n a kind of wild herb, Glycomis pentaphylla.

[ s
] n a stick (usu. a thick one), a staff; a mace; a sceptre.

[ s
] v to come; to appear; to come up; to arrive (T ); to reach, to come up to (
); to commence, to begin ( ); to set in ( ); to be excited with ( ); to
rise, to crop up ( ); to enter ( ); to attack, to come upon ( ); to be struck with
( ); to be supplied with ( ); to be filled with ( ); to take place, to occur, to
come about ( ); to be earned, to accrue ( ); to be on the point of ( ). a.
that which has come ( ) n. act of coming; arrival. e v. to come up, to advance.
-o n. come-and-go. u v. to come up; to get up; to remove; to get loose, to be
detached, to come off ( u ). v. to be able to speak. v. to come or draw
near, to come by; to approach. , v. to be of use, to be useful, to be
serviceable. r v. to feel like crying or weeping. v. to come down; to get down; to
alight; to descend; to dismount. v. to get dimmer and dimmer. v. to bring along,
bring with one self; to fetch. v. to come back, to return. v. to be about to be
exhausted; to be about to end. v. to leave behind. v. to flow down, to stream
down; to come along. v. to come steering along. i v. to come out, to emerge.
v. to come in, to enter. same as
[ sdana ] n obtaining; attainment, acquirement; receipt; income; arrival; performance
or execution (of a work).
[ sdita ] a obtained; attained, acquired; received; arrived within reach; arrived;
performed; executed.
[ sna ] n termination, end, subsidence, relief, mitigation (d , );
inflow, easy supply ( ).
D [ sna i ] n a thick stick; a staff.
[ sbaradra ] n a mace-bearer, a beadle.
[ smi ] n a defendant in a criminal case, an accused.
[ sra ] n torrential rain, a heavy shower; water-drop(s) ().
[ ssn ] n a sceptre; (loos.) staffs and maces.
U [ sikta ] a slightly wet; thoroughly wet, drenched.
+ [ siddha ] a half-boiled; not thoroughly or properly boiled, parboiled; unboiled.
[ sna ] a seated, sitting; placed; present; situated.
, [ sura, surika ] a of or like the mythological demons, (cp.) Titanic; of or like a
demon, demoniac; giant-like, gigantic, titanic; terrible; vile; unholy. fem. ,
, a form of marriage in which the bridegroom purchases the bride from her
parents in exchange of money.
[ scana ] n watering or wetting thoroughly.
[ sdha ] n (personal) restraint; restriction; an injunction; limitation (). n. a
bailiff. j n. an in junction.
, [ sra, sbra ] a mounted on an elephant, horse etc. n. one who is
thus mounted, a rider.
+ [ skandita ] n the gallop of a horse.
s [ sta ] a whole; entire; unbroken, uncut; downright (s ); thorough; stark (s );
real (s u) . s (fig.) to beat severely, to beat up.
, s [ stara
, staraa ] n bed; a bedcover, a coverlet; a bedsheet; a carpet or any
similar article (esp. to sit upon); an ornamental cloth placed on the back of an elephant for the
rider to sit upon. s stratus.
s [ stn ] n haunt; an abode, a dwelling place; a hermitage. s D v. to set up an abode
(esp. a temporary one); to take shelter (temporarily). s v. to depart for good; to strike
the tent.
s [ stbala ] n a stable (for horses, elephants etc.).
s [ stika ] a having faith in God and in life beyond death and in the scriptures, the istic.
n. a person having such faith, a theist. , s n. theism.
s [ stina ] n a sleeve. s v. to prepare oneself for a duel, to be ready for a fight; to
throw down the gauntlet, to challenge.
s , s [ stra, stta ] a spread out; stretched out; extending; pervaded with, covered by,
strewn with (ks)
s [ st ] adv slowly; carefully; lightly, mildly, gently (s ); stepping lightly or
noiselessly (s ); in an undertone (s ); noiselessly.
ss [ stbyast ] adv in a great hurry; helter skelter; fussily (see also ass).
s [ stsush ] adv leisurely; with no haste or flutter.
[ sh ] n confidence; reliance; faith, trust; regard, reverence, respect; devotion.
v. to have confidence (in); to rely (on); to have faith (in); to trust; to have regard (for); to be
devoted (to.). to have faith in religion.
[ shna ] n confidence; faith, trust; stay; presence; a shelter; a meeting.
[ shbna ] a confident; faithful; devoted.
[ sh ] n the first line of a song or its music.
^ [ spada ] n one who or that which contains or holds or deserves; one who is an object
(of) (n+^).
^ [ spardh ] n effrontery, impudence, impertinence, audacity; arrogance, haughtiness;
^ [ sphlana ] n brandishing; moving violently (h ^); bragging or boasting or
vaunting. ^ v. to brandish; to move violently; to brag, to bluster, to boast, to vaunt.
^ [ sphlita ] a brandished; moved violently.
^, ^ [ spha, sphana ] n collision, clash; sound of clashing or thrashing; (in
wrestling) slapping on one's own arms etc. as an indication of preparing to attack.
s [ sbda ] n taste; savour; relish; tasting. n. tasting; enjoying, enjoyment;
experiencing. , s a. fit to be tasted; enjoyable. s a. tasted; enjoyed; relished;
[ sya ] n the face; the mouth.
[ srbaa ] n decantation. a. decanted.
[ hata ] a hurt, struck; beaten, smitten; wounded; injured; thrashed, treaded (); (of
stringed musical instruments) played or sounded. n. a blow, a stroke; a beating; a hurt, a
wound; injury; thrashing; playing or sounding.

[ haba
] n a war; a battle; a fight.

[ haba
] n a place for oblation; an oblation. a. fit to be sacrificed as burnt-offering.
n. sacrificial fire.
[ haraa ] n procurement; collection; amassing, accumulation; compilation; earning;
preparation. n. an anthology. , a. fit to be procured or collected or amassed or
accumulated or earned or prepared. a. one who procures or collects or accumulates or earns
or prepares. n. a procurer; a collector; an accumulator; a compiler; one who earns; one who
[ harit ] a slightly green, greenish.
[ harita ] inc but pop. form of -
[ h ] int expressing sorrow, bereavement, sympathy etc,; alas, ha, ah, oh. int.
expressing: praise or ridicule. a. (chiefly dero. or facet.) astonishing, wonderful.
[ hra ] n eating; food; a meal. o food and lodging, bed and board.
v. to eat; to eat a meal, to dine. o v. to give food; to feed. n. one who gives food; a
feeder; (fig.) a maintainer. fem. t d to give up eating and sleeping (when one
is troubled with anxiety or misgiving). n. dinner or food and enjoyment. n.
termination of dinner or eating. n. want of food; starvation; shortage or scarcity of food.
adv. for dining or eating. a. seeking food or dinner. a. one who eats, eating;
[ hrya ] a fit to be procured or collected; requiring labour; eatable, edible. n. food;
victuals. d, g n. an article of food.
[ hika ] n a snake-charmer.
[ hita ] a deposited; placed; founded, established; given, handed over. v n. a
Brahman who keeps the holy sacrificial fire burning always.
N [ hituika ] n same as
[ hira ] n a member of the cowherd class; a cowherd. fem. ,
h [ huta ] a sacrificed as burnt-offering. h n. a burnt-offering; an oblation.
h [ huta ] a invited; called; asked to come; summoned; invoked. h n. invitation; a call; a
summons; invocation.
- [ hta ] a procured; collected; accumulated, amassed; compiled; earned; obtained;
, D [ hri, h i ] n (amongst the Rajputs) the ceremony of hunting in the
forest on the first day of spring; a hunting clan.
, [ hla, hli ] a pure; genuine; unadul terated; of high and pure origin; new; raw;
[ hnika ] a daily, diurnal. n. prescribed daily prayer of God. v. to say the
prescribed daily prayer to God. diurnal rotation of the earth. v. to sit for saying the
prescribed daily prayer to God.
h [ hbna ] n invitation; a call; a summons; address; invocation. h v. to invite; to
call; to summon; to ask to come; to address; to invoke.
h [ hbaka ] a one who invites or calls or summons or addresses or invokes. n. an
inviter; a caller; a summoner; an addresser; convener; an invocator. fem. h
; [ hlda ] n delight, gladness, joy, coddling; indulgence. ; v. to express delight; to
rejoice; to coddle, to fondle. ; o v. to give indulgence. ; a. delight, gladdened. ;
a. fem. one who is spoilt by coddling and over-indulgence; one who likes to be coddled and
indulged and feigns innocence. n. such a girl or woman. masc. ; ; beside
oneself with joy. ; D to become impudent as a result of over-indulgence.

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