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India before and after independence

Sixty-two years ago, India was born as an independent, modern and democratic
nation and now it is time for self-introspection. We have endured as a constitutional
entity, politically stable, economically progressing, socially cohesive, and
institutionally democratic and we are upgrading continuously in science, technology,
and military affairs.

India has also acquired a distinct role in the field of foreign affairs. We had all along
an enlightened leadership of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Smt Indira Gandhi and Sri Rajiv
Gandhi for a long spell of time, the near monopoly of power by the Congress party at
all levels, and a free press and mass-media institutions. Yet sixty long years after
freedom we are still groping in the near-dark be it the provision of elementary
requirements of life like drinking water, roads, primary education, sanitation, basic
health facilities or clean and responsive administration. We are to bow our head in
shame over caste-atrocities, farmers suicide, corruption at the highest levels and the
low moral values among the rulers generally.

During the freedom struggle, the people of India were mainly inspired by idealism,
self-sacrifice and a commitment to create a new India that was to be altogether
different from the existing setup. Gandhi gave voice to these feelings. He could attract
people of different persuasions to join him in his dream of a new India. After the 1937
elections and after the dawn of freedom in 1947 the Congress party and its leaders
turned out to be hankering after State power and privilege and distancing themselves
from the goals of the freedom-struggle. In a way, it was good that Gandhi died before
he was ridiculed and abandoned by his own followers. The revolutionary momentum
created by the freedom campaign under his leadership was lost the moment the
opposition party became the ruling party.

The direction of economic development also took an unexpected turn. As a result,
agriculture and agriculturist have been neglected over the last sixty years though
freedom for India was fought by and for the farmer of India. Now after unstoppable
suicides by farmers and SEZs (Special Economic Zones) it looks as though agriculture
can flourish only if it functions like a profitable industry. Inspite of this, Indian
economy is considered to be the third largest economy in the world in terms of
purchasing power and is going to touch a new height in coming years. As predicted by
Goldman Sachs, the Global Investment Bank, by 2035 India would be the third largest
economy of the world just after US and China. It will grow to 60% of size of the US
economy. This booming economy of today has to pass through many phases before it
can achieve the current milestone of 9% GDP.

Fortunately, we have in our system a vibrant public opinion. Somebody has said that
democracy is not a silent business and Indian democracy is very much a shouting
democracy. We have to ensure that the errors committed over the sixty years past both
in concepts and instruments, should be rectified early. There is a hope that this can be
done. The educated should show courage and the lumpen elements should be
chastened. The freedom of choice is there before us.

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