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Duong Nu Thao My

Millions of dollars are spent on space research every year. Some people argue that the money
should be spent on improving living standards on Earth. Do you agree or disagree?
In recent year, space research has been developed rapidly in most industrialized countries. AS A
RS!"T, millions o# dollars are annually spent on costly pro$ects. This has IN%ITA&"' led to
the protest by certain people (ho argue that the (asted money should be (isely spent on improving
people living standards on the planet. "et)s e*amine the matter closely so that (e can ma+e a
reasonable decision as to (hich side to support.
,IRST -, A"", IT .ANN-T & DNID that research into space has provided us (ith precious
+no(ledge that is vital #or us to +no( more about universe and even about our earth. M-R-%R,
(ith their untiring e##orts, space scientist do hope that they (ill, on one nice day, discover another
hospitable planet (hich can serve as a second habitat #or human beings (ho are struggling to cope
(ith population e*plosion in their cro(ded (orld. IN ADDITI-N, many researchers believe that
other planets, especially the moon o# the earth, (ill be an abundant source o# ne( energy that can
substitute #or the earth)s scarce #ossil #uel (hich (ill eventually be e*hausted in another century.
/-0%R, these prospects, though so #ascinating, seems to be too distal and #ar1reached. &e#ore
(e loo+ up into the s+y, (e should +eep an eye on the ground. ,rom (est to ast, #rom North to
South, one can see so many people in so many countries are living in poverty (ith illness,
starvation and disasters. Instead o# promising an distal ideal planet that can be realistic (ith a
miracle, (e should give, no( or never, a shelter to homeless people (hose only (ish (hen each
days comes is to get something to ma+e ends meet. AND rather (aste time and money to search #or
illusive source o# ne( energy, (hy not develop rene(able energy right here, on arth, #rom (ind,
(ater, and especially the sun, so that (e could have cheaper and #resher #uel (ith (hich (e can
improve living standards #or all, even #or #uture generations.
T- & ,RAN2, a plenti#ul country, li+e the !SA, can invest both in space research and improving
people living standards at the same time and it is un#air to be #or one and against the other since
each o# them bene#its the country and the people. &ut, #or poorer countries (ith limited #inancial
resources, it is (ise to give priorities to caring their people li#e #irst.
It is reasonable to invest either in space research or in improving people)s li#e. /o(ever, as an
ordinary citizen, I am in #avour o# caring people. &ut (ere I the State head, (ho +no(s, I (ould
choose to do the opposite.

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