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Chapter 2:

Understanding Search Records

In this chapter, you will learn explains how to create and use PeopleSoft search records.

Chapter Objectives
This chapter teaches you:
The role of search records
How search records relate to the search dialog
How to create and add search records
Chapter Contents
This chapter contains the following topics:
Search Records......................................................................................... 2
Search Record and Search Dialog............................................................
Setting the Search Record !eys................................................................"
#dding Search Record to $o%ponents.....................................................&
'&()2()* 2+)
$hapter 2: ,nderstanding Search Records #dditional PeopleTools Topics
Search Records
The search record is used in the search dialog of a co%ponent to refine
the list of records that can -e accessed.
Search records:
Set the search criteria through its keys and search keys
Can contain logic to secure data (row-level security)
Populate the key fields of primary record used in Level 0 of the page
Can differ from the primary record used in Level 0
ust contain all the keys of the primary record in Level 0
It can -e a .iew that concatenates infor%ation fro% se.eral ta-les or it
can -e the pri%ary ta-le on the page/s le.el '. 0or either scenario, the
search record %ust contain a 1ey list that %atches the 1eys of the pri%ary
2+2 Proprietary and $onfidential to $edar$restone, Inc. '&()2()*
and #ri2ona State ,ni.ersity
search record will
deter%ine the 1ey
list that is used to
pro%pt the user
when they select a
page and an action.
#dditional PeopleTools Topics $hapter 2: ,nderstanding Search Records
Search Record and Search Dialog
The record definition to the search record will deter%ine what is
displayed on a search page of a co%ponent.
$o%ponent: #S,345RI063ID
Search Record: P57P853SR$H
'&()2()* Proprietary and $onfidential to $edar$restone, Inc. 2+
and #ri2ona State ,ni.ersity
#t least one 1ey
to the Search Record
%ust -e designated as a
Search !ey.
#ny field that
is designated as an
#lternate Search 1ey
will -e displayed on the
search dialog as a
search 1ey.
$hapter 2: ,nderstanding Search Records #dditional PeopleTools Topics
2+* Proprietary and $onfidential to $edar$restone, Inc. '&()2()*
and #ri2ona State ,ni.ersity
The fields that
%a1e up the list in the
search results are set in
the record definition.
#dditional PeopleTools Topics $hapter 2: ,nderstanding Search Records
Setting the Search Record Keys
9hen creating the record definition for the search record, you %ust
deter%ine the 1eys and the alternate search 1eys as well as what
displays on the search list.
The 1eys of a Search Record %ust %atch the pri%ary 1eys of the
pri%ary record of the page it is a search record. :ot all 1eys are
search 1eys -ut %ust -e populated with data once a record is
deter%ined fro% the search list.
Search Record: P57P853SR$H
Record 0ield: 5%plid
'&()2()* Proprietary and $onfidential to $edar$restone, Inc. 2+"
and #ri2ona State ,ni.ersity
$hec1 the Search
Key -ox to %a1e a 1ey field
a search 1ey.
If the record field is to
appear in the list -ox, chec1
List Box te!.
$hapter 2: ,nderstanding Search Records #dditional PeopleTools Topics
"lternate Search Keys
#lternate Search !eys are designated when there is a need to find a
record -y an alternate path other than -y its 1ey structure. #lternate
1eys are the regular 1eys of the record.
2+; Proprietary and $onfidential to $edar$restone, Inc. '&()2()*
and #ri2ona State ,ni.ersity
#ny field of the
search record can -e
designated as a 8ist <ox Ite%.
# list -ox ite% does not ha.e
to -e a Search !ey or an
#lternate Search !ey.
#dditional PeopleTools Topics $hapter 2: ,nderstanding Search Records
Other Search Record #roperties
Property Description
Search 5dit
If it/s a Search 1ey, this enforces the property
and ta-le edits of the field. Partial searches
are disa-led with this feature.
Search 0ield
0ro% Search 0ield, the list contains rows
greater than or e=ual to a .alue that the user
enters. Through Search 0ield, list contains
rows less than or e=ual to a .alue that the
user enters.
Default Search 0ield
$ontrols which field na%e displays on the
Search -y drop+down list -ox on the search
Disa-le #d.anced
Search 7ptions
Pre.ents ad.anced search options
'&()2()* Proprietary and $onfidential to $edar$restone, Inc. 2+>
and #ri2ona State ,ni.ersity
$hapter 2: ,nderstanding Search Records #dditional PeopleTools Topics
"dding Search Record to Co!ponents
7nce a search record is defined and -uilt, it needs to -e added to the
co%ponent. 7nce the co%ponent is opened in the #pplication
Designer, right clic1 on the co%ponent and choose the $o%ponent
2+& Proprietary and $onfidential to $edar$restone, Inc. '&()2()*
and #ri2ona State ,ni.ersity
Sets which record is
to -e used for the
search dialog
Specify a different
search record when
an #dd action is
ta1en on the

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