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By Casey Archibald
EDITORS NOTE: Tis is part of a monthly se-
ries following the work local rodeo queens put
into earning their titles.
ailey Kelso uses her passion for rodeo
queening to increase breast cancer
awareness in the Idaho Falls and sur-
rounding areas. It started when her mother, Stacy
Kelso, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008.
Hailey was pretty young at the time, and
said at first she didnt realize how serious the
situation was.
By the time she started losing her hair and
a lot of her energy, I realized that [the cancer]
was taking a toll on her life, said Hailey. It
defnitely took a piece of innocence from me.
I realized that she was human and that she
can get sick. It also inspired me to be a good,
strong person like she is.
Hailey helped her mother put on her wigs
and would even try them on herself some-
times. There was no family history of breast
cancer so Stacy and her family members
were shocked by the diagnosis.
A year after her mother was diagnosed;
Hailey got involved in breast cancer aware-
ness. She became involved in the commu-
nity, breast cancer awareness talent shows
and performances and with the Relay for
Life events. She recently held a breast cancer
awareness event at her school where she
handed out bracelets and cards and other
products in support of the cause.
Since starting her rodeo queening career,
Hailey has dedicated her rodeo queen plat-
forms to the breast cancer awareness cause.
She wants to let all women know, whether
they have a history of breast cancer in their
families or not, that it is important to get
regular checkups.
Any kind of cancer needs to be detected
early, said Hailey. Getting regular checkups
can help to save lives.
As the 2013 Miss War Bonnet Princess,
Hailey continues to make appearances and
attend events all while advocating her cause.
I think about my mom when I am advo-
cating breast cancer awareness, said Hailey.
When people ask me why I chose it as my
platform, I take the opportunity to tell them
the personal side of my story. A cause really
hits home when it is your own mom.
Haileys admiration for her mother goes the
other way as well. Stacy said she is inspired by
her daughter in more ways than one.
Hailey makes me proud every day. She is very
busy in many activities and strives to do her best
all the time. Hailey cares very much about people
and doing things that will help others. In fact,
she loves how rodeo queening has brought her
into even more community events. Even though
Hailey is only 15, she handles herself in such a
way that people kids and adults want to
be around her. I love seeing how she grows and
strives each and every day.
For a good cause
Kelso uses her title to promote
breast cancer awareness
Casey Archibald/
Hailey Kelso, 2013 Miss War Bonnet Roundup Princess,
speaks at the Cowboys and Angels Keely Lance Scholarship
Memorial earlier this year.

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