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Internet Sales Manager Job Guide........................................................................................................................4

Increase Traffic on the Web..................................................................................................................................9
How to Get More Peole to !our "ealershi Website........................................................................................#$
Search %ngine Mar&eting 'S%M(........................................................................................................................##
Search %ngine )ti*i+ation 'S%)(....................................................................................................................#,
Social Media.......................................................................................................................................................#-
Call Trac&ing and Phone .eads..........................................................................................................................#/
Phone .eads........................................................................................................................................................#0
4 &e! co*onents for aoint*ent show...........................................................................................................#9
Phone log Form All phone calls should be recorded in the CRM..........................................,$
ST12"13" S1.%S C1.. G1M%P.124......................................................................................................,#
.ea5ing a Message.............................................................................................................................................,,
#st outgoing hone call guide for /67 8uc&et...................................................................................................,-
/67 8uc&et Price Phone 3esonses...................................................................................................................,4
Process and Measure*ent...................................................................................................................................,6
What9s the 8est Wa! to Sell Cars :sing the Internet;........................................................................................,<
Internet 1oint*ent Su**ar! Trac&ing =or*.................................................................................................,9
How to 15oid Sa* =ilters.................................................................................................................................-$
1d5ice on 8uilding Te*lates...........................................................................................................................-,
13% >):3 T%MP.1T%S S%2"I2G TH% I2T%2"%" M%SS1G%;...........................................................--
Sub?ect .ines......................................................................................................................................................-<
2otes on 1uto*ated 3esonse...........................................................................................................................-0
%ffecti5e .ead 3esonse....................................................................................................................................-9
To #$ .ist for %ffecti5e .ead 3esonse..........................................................................................................4$
Stes to %ffecti5e .ead Manage*ent.................................................................................................................4#
8u!ing C!cle 8asics4..........................................................................................................................................4,
8u!ing C!cle and 8uc&et S!ste*......................................................................................................................4-
Internet .ead Process =low................................................................................................................................44
1ll leads@ ,67 8uc&et and 2o Contact / da! followAu A Scenario # A 8est.....................................................44
/67 8uc&et B .ongAter* =ollowAu A Scenario # C 8est.................................................................................4<
49 "a! .ead 3esonse ProcessA Scenario ,.......................................................................................................4/
9# "a! .ead 3esonse A Scenario -...................................................................................................................40
"a! #@ T%MP.1T% =)3 81SIC 1:T)G%2%31T%" 3%SP)2S%.............................................................49
"a! #@ ,67 8uc&et 2ew Dehicle =irst 3el!.....................................................................................................6$
"a! #@ /67 8uc&et Trade lead Initial 3esonse no 5ehicle identified..............................................................6#
"a! #@ T%MP.1T% =)3 I2ITI1. "I3%CT %M1I. 3%SP)2S% =)3 2%WD%HIC.% C:ST)M%3......6,
"a! #@ T%MP.1T% =)3 I2ITI1. "I3%CT %M1I. 3%SP)2S% =)3 :S%"D%HIC.% C:ST)M%3.....6-
"a! #@ ,67 8uc&et 2ew DehicleEIn Stoc& Te*late......................................................................................64
"a! #@ /67 8uc&et without Stoc& or DI2 nu*ber............................................................................................66
"a! #@ /67 8uc&et .eft Message......................................................................................................................6<
"a! ,@ Generic .eadE2ot %nough Infor*ation...............................................................................................60
"a! -@ 2o contact A Glad to Hel.......................................................................................................................69
"a! 4@ no contactC how would !ou li&e to roceed;..........................................................................................<$
"a! 6@ Manager Sur5e!......................................................................................................................................<#
"a! <@ Tried to Call 1n!thing I can do to hel !ou with !our research.............................................................<,
"a! /@ Please 1nswer 8ac&................................................................................................................................<-
"a! #$@ PersistenceE a *essage fro* F"ealershiG........................................................................................<4
"a! #6@ Wh! 8u! here wHTo!ota Care;.............................................................................................................<6
"a! #6@ Wh! Model and Wh! 8u! Here;..........................................................................................................<<
"a! #6@ S1MP.% IWH> 8:> =3)M :S9 %M1I..........................................................................................</
"a! -$@ Are You Still in the Market?...............................................................................................................<0
"a! 46@ We Want >our Trade.............................................................................................................................<9
"a! <$@ F"ealershiG Mone! sa5ing Incenti5es................................................................................................/$
"a! 9$@ How Can We Hel@ Incenti5es and stoc& changed................................................................................/#
"a! ##6@ Ha5e 8ought >et;................................................................................................................................/,
"a! #,#@ S1MP.% I1"" T) 2%WS.%TT%3 "IST3I8:TI)29 %M1I....................................................../-
"a! #,$@ 1re !ou still Send Still Interested;....................................................................................................../4
"a! #,$@ Still Interested...................................................................................................................................../6
"a! #,#@ Per*anentl! "elete............................................................................................................................./<
1dditional Great Te*lates................................................................................................................................//
You Left Something at <dealer>............................................................................................................/0
:sed DehicleEIn Stoc&....................................................................................................................................../9
Dehicle 2ot In Stoc&EJ15ailableK....................................................................................................................0$
1lternati5e Dehicles wH Photos C 1....................................................................................................................0#
1lternati5e Dehicles wH Photos A 8.....................................................................................................................0,
1lternati5e Dehicles wH Photos A C.....................................................................................................................0-
Wh! Me;............................................................................................................................................................04
S1MP.% IWH> 8:> =3)M M%9 %M1I......................................................................................................06
IWH> 8:> 1 T)>)T1 C%3TI=I%" :S%" D%HIC.%9 %M1I....................................................................0<
Wh! '*a&e(;......................................................................................................................................................0/
Wh! *odel..........................................................................................................................................................0/
Wh! hereESer5ice.............................................................................................................................................00
Wh! hereEParts.................................................................................................................................................09
Wh! HereE=inance "eart*ent.......................................................................................................................9$
From every 100 Incoming Sales Calls, we can exect!!!
o "0 # "$% &ames ' (hone &um)ers
o *$% Aointments Set
o +0% Aointment Show
o 1$% Minimum ,elivery -atio
.he average /ealershi, with no hone u control an/ telehone sales training sells a)out 0#$% o1 all sales calls!
.he average /ealershi will get 1 call 1or every 2100 sent in a/vertising!
So how does this impact sales and sales gross?
,ealer 3A3 # &o hone u control an/ telehone sales training!
,ealer 343 # has hone u control an/ a highly traine/ sales 1orce or 4,C!
$50,000 in advertising will generate approximately 500 sales calls:
,ealer 3A3 # 1$ units 50%6 sol/ x 20000 er unit 7 2+$, 000 8ross
,ealer 343 # *9 units 519!$%6 sol/ x 20000 er unit 7 21:*,000 8ross

Internet Sales Manager Job Guide

Position Overview and Responsibilities
.he Internet Sales Manager is resonsi)le 1or all o1 the Internet#)ase/ communications )etween the
/ealershi an/ consumers! .his inclu/es reson/ing, )y e#mail or hone, to customer in;uiries receive/ via
the Internet, engaging those customers an/ convincing them to come into the /ealershi to urchase a
vehicle! In this osition, you are accounta)le 1or the ;uality o1 the resonse, caa)ility, training, e11ectiveness
in sales an/ customer satis1action scores o1 you an/ your Internet team! You may also have a variety o1
resonsi)ilities relate/ to the /ealershi we)site, urchasing Internet me/ia an/ your /ealershi<s =ocal Area
&etwork 5=A&6!
&ote> .his very high#level gui/e 1ocuses on /uties normally associate/ with the ?o) o1 a tyical Internet Sales
Manager! Your ?o) may entail a//itional or less /uties, /een/ing on the si@e o1 your /ealershi an/ its
The Internet Sales Managers responsibilities include:
Asta)lishing an/ maintaining consistent olicies an/ rocesses 1or customer interactions over the we)
an/ in the /ealershi
,eveloing an/ managing an Internet sales rocess that )egins with initial e#mail contact an/ continues
through ownershi o1 the vehicle
Insuring the /ealershi we)sites an/ we) a/vertising comly with .oyota stan/ar/s
-ecruiting an/ training a ro1essional, Internet#savvy sales team
Internet Sales ,eartment )usiness lanning 5ro?ecte/ sales, costs, necessary ugra/es, etc!6
.racking the /ealershi<s Internet sales
,eveloing an/ managing Internet lea/ generation romotions
(rovi/ing excetional customer service in, hone an/ 1ace#to#1ace customer interactions
What Your Custoers Want
1! Courteous an/ resect1ul answers to their in;uiries via the me/ia o1 their choice 5e#mail, hone, etc!6!
9! (romt, accurate, ro1essional resonses to their re;uests 1or in1ormation 5within 1#9 hours in most
0! Clear communication o1 vehicle availa)ility an/ secial /eals!
+! A 1air rice ;uotes that the /ealershi will stan/ )y!
$! .o )e in1orme/, )e1ore they come in, i1 the mo/el they want will )e availa)le to /rive! I1 the mo/el is not
availa)le, to )e tol/ which similar mo/el is!
*! .hat the Internet Sales Consultant they meet in the /ealershi knows 5or has on aer6 who they are an/
what they aske/ 1or in rior e#mail communications!
B! A knowle/gea)le Sales Consultant who knows the vehicles, 1eatures, otions, 1inance otions an/
/ealershi services!
:! .o get the vehicle as they or/ere/ it, in excellent con/ition!
"! A erson they can contact 1or ;uestions or hel with their vehicle a1ter /elivery!
10! Cnow the customer touch oints an/ attern o1 communication!
Success Indicators
.he 1ollowing 1actors will /etermine your success in this osition>
Dhether the /ealershi meets or excee/s its goals 1or>
o -esonse time to Internet lea/s
o .he rate o1 sales aointments to Internet lea/s receive/
o .he conversion rate on Internet initiate/ in;uiries
o Average 8ross (ro1it as comare/ to showroom sales
o ,eartment ro1ita)ility
o Customer satis1action
o ,ealershi De) site Euni;ue visitorsF an/ Eage viewsF
o Success o1 De)#)ase/ romotions in generating lea/s
o Internet .eam Mem)er retention 5low turnover an/ the )est eole stay6
Your e11ectiveness in managing Internet lea/s 1rom all sources 5 ,ealershi De)site, Cars!com, etcG!!6
an/ monitoring the close rate an/ cost e11ectiveness o1 lea/ suliers
.he ;uality an/ ro1essionalism o1 e#mail communications sent 1rom the /ealershi 5selling, grammar,
accuracy, grahics, animation, etc!6
Aach team mem)er<s knowle/ge o1 Manu1actures ro/ucts an/ /ealershi services
.he amount o1 ositive customer 1ee/)ack in surveys an/ 1ollow#u calls
I1 it alies at your /ealershi, the seamlessness o1 the transition )etween initial contact erson an/
Sales Consultant
Aach team mem)er<s commitment to continuous ro1essional imrovement
How much your in/ivi/ual sta11 mem)ers contri)ute to /ealershi o)?ectives
Dhether all /eartment associates have written ?o) /escritions, know their annual /eveloment goals
an/ receive annual er1ormance reviews
Your a)ility to take a/vantage o1 the latest technical tools to track lea/s an/ imrove resonsiveness to
Customer -elationshi Management Systems
!eveloping a Pro"essional Tea
1! ,evelo a written ?o) /escrition 1or each osition in the Internet Sales ,eartment!
9! (romote what you /o within the /ealershi to make sure Internet Sales remains a riority 1or
management an/ an area internal sta11 mem)ers asire to work in!
0! ,evelo a comensation structure 1or your team that suorts the /ealershi goals, in/ivi/ual associate
goals an/ their long#term ro1essional /eveloment I consi/er /eveloing a lan 1or share/ commissions
on sales /eveloe/ via the Internet )ut close/ )y showroom sales sta11!
+! -ecruit an/ hire the most e11ective team in your market, consistent with /ealershi goals>
I/enti1y sources 1or ;uali1ie/ can/i/ates, consi/ering eole in the /ealershi 1irst!
Contact revious Internet Sales Managers 1or their recommen/ations!
Jse a /ocumente/ an/ consistent interview an/ selection rocess to i/enti1y the can/i/ates most likely
to succee/!
Jse your current team mem)ers to hel 1in/ new can/i/ates! -ewar/ those whose can/i/ates are
hire/ an/ stay 1or seci1ie/ time erio/!
$! Con/uct regularly sche/ule/ er1ormance reviews with each team mem)er>
A (er1ormance -eview is a written reca o1 an associate<s actions an/ accomlishments over a set
erio/ o1 time an/ )ecomes a legal an/ ermanent art o1 an associate<s emloyment recor/!
Associate er1ormance, )oth ositive an/ negative, shoul/ )e a//resse/ on a /aily )asis with
accola/es an/ corrective actions a//resse/ imme/iately! .here shoul/ never )e any surrises 1or an
associate in the 1inal written (er1ormance -eview /ocument! (er1ormance -eviews shoul/ )e
con/ucte/ in erson an/ in rivate with the associate!
-eview a)ility, learne/ skills, training articiation an/ work ha)its!
4ase the review on actual er1ormance, inclu/ing o)servations, management reorts an/ any other
statistics that measure their er1ormance an/ their a)ility to satis1y customers! 4e sure to cite seci1ic
Dork with them to /evelo corrective measures, i1 nee/e/, an/ action lans 1or imrovement an/
1uture /eveloment!
Ancourage team mem)ers to suggest changes to /ealershi rocesses an/ ugra/es in so1tware or
har/ware that woul/ hel them an/ the /ealershi imrove sales, cut costs an/Kor enhance customer
*! ,evelo a /etaile/ new hire orientation rogram covering the olicies an/ hilosohies o1 the /ealershi,
.oyota an/ the Internet ,eartment!
B! Create a ro1essional /eveloment lan 1or each associate )ase/ on their in/ivi/ual skills, knowle/ge
an/ ro1essional goals!
:! 8ive your team mem)ers regular oortunities to learn a)out other areas o1 /ealershi oerations,
"! ,evelo an/ maintain an ongoing training an/ /eveloment rogram 1or all associates on your team>
#stablishing Consistent Policies and Procedures
4ase all olicies an/ roce/ures on creating a ro1essional an/ service#oriente/ exerience 1or the
Internet customer!
,evelo an/ suort a rocess that ensures all communications are /irect, to the oint an/ re1lect a
sincere interest in what the customer is looking 1or!
Asta)lish, an/ make sure everyone un/erstan/s, your rocess an/ gui/elines 1or every ste o1 an
Internet sales rocess>
(rosecting 510L106 rule o1 the morning! 10 calls to hot lea/s L 10 in the morning every /ay!
-esonses to initial in;uiry
.ransition to Sales Consultant, i1 aroriate 1or your rocess!
&ee/s analysis
(resenting ro/ucts
(rearing an/ resenting roosals or ;uotes
-eaching mutual agreement
Mehicle /elivery 5new owner 1eature /emonstration6
Customer 1ollow#u
Inclu/e rovisions 1or involving other Internet .eam Mem)ers, Sales Consultants, Financial Services
Managers an/ the Customer -elations Manager in the rocess, an/ when that shoul/ take lace!
Asta)lish an ongoing review rocess to track e11ectiveness o1 thir/ arty lea/s! I/enti1y the )est sources an/
eliminate those that are not cost e11ective!
(ull an/ comare this year to last year month to month will not work )ecause o1 tren/s an/ seasons!
Help used car manager fill lot with cars that sell Check .hir/ arty sources examle 5 car stars
cars!com, use C-M to track views#lea/s#/ays on lot, 8oogle analytics is great to see what internet customers
are viewing!
Conduct regular staff meetings to review department performance and dealership procedures
!ncourage associates to participate freely in these sessions Consider the following topics for
your meetings:
"eviewing leads that didn#t close to identify and address the reason, and to trac$ the %uality of
leads and their sources
"eviewing sales activity and trends You will nee/ a C-M or lea/ Management system to /o this e11ectively
&eveloping $ey communication and sales s$ills Focus on hone skills 5eole )uy 1rom 1rien/s6
'wea$ dealership systems and software s$ills! A C-M with notes will increase sales!
Communicating with Service and (arts &epartment for completion of pre)delivery and
accessory installation Also a// them to your 4,C rocess examle 5contact customer 0#$ /ays a1ter sale
as a loyalty /eartment re an/ ask how the sale was an/ i1 there were any ;uestions that you coul/ answer,
then say 5 E now that you have ha/ your vehicle 1or a 1ew /ays are there any accessories that you may have
wante/ )ut ?ust 1orgot to a//? I can o11er you a /iscount to/ay as a thank you 1or any accessories that you woul/
(roviding motivation and encouraging personal development
"ewarding positive performance
*ew product information and training
"epresent your team at dealership management meetings to help ma$e certain all dealership
departments are aligned to provide exceptional customer service! -emem)er 4,C stan/s 1or
4usiness ,eveloment Center this means it 1or the entire /ealershi not ?ust Jse/K&ew car sales!
Internet $usiness Planning
1! +orecast new vehicle ,nternet sales -ased on history, lead volume and anticipated growth
-emem)er this can only )e tracke/ on a month vs last year same month )asis!
. +orecast the personnel, facilities, hardware, upgrades and other resources you will need to meet
sales forecasts
/ +orecast new ,nternet Sales &epartment expenses -ased on history, upgrades or new technology
needed and anticipated growth
+! !sta-lish appropriate o-0ectives for customer satisfaction and retention!
5 1a$e sure everyone in the department understands its goals and o-0ectives !xplain how each
associate#s wor$ will affect the department#s a-ility to meet its goals
*! 'rac$ department progress toward o-0ectives 2d0ust your plan as re%uired to meet forecast
goals! Calculate the sales o1 last year month to month as a ercentage o1 the total sales! Dith those num)ers you
can calculate the imrovement 1or each month you will nee/ to reach your yearly goal! 5see calculation summery
age 6
B! 3eep your team informed of their progress and coach them to help them meet or exceed
expectations! Datch 4,C metrics 5 =ea/s to Aointments I Aointments to shows I Shows to Sales
I Cee Ecustomer miningF a searate metric as it is rate/ /i11erent 6 .hese will show you the weak oints
an/ strong oints o1 each mem)er o1 the team!
Providing #%ceptional Custoer Service
1a$e sure your communications are professional and concise
Answer ;uestions accurately )rie1 an/ to the oint! Avoi/ evasive answers tell them rices an/ )e
transarent! For ;uestions you can<t answer, romise to research the answer an/ get )ack to the
customer )y a state/ time an/ /ate! Always make an aointment to call so they are 1ree an/ not in a
hurry to get o11 the hone!
Always reson/ olitely! In sales you will never win a )attle an/ you will always lose the war!
Follow u with customers who /on<t reson/ via alternate me/ium 5hone, ostcar/, etc!6 to make
certain their ;uestions were answere/ satis1actorily!
Outside Your Wor' (rea
Always con/uct yoursel1 ethically an/ treat each customer with resect!
I1 you see eole in or aroun/ the /ealershi who look like they nee/ in1ormation or /irections, let them
know you can hel! You are still aart o1 the sales sta11 an/ a customer here is $0% once they are in the
I1 they have a seci1ic concern or ro)lem, ask what it is!
I1 you are una)le to a//ress the ro)lem yoursel1, escort an/ intro/uce the customer to someone who
A=DAYS 1ollow u with the customer to make sure their concern or ro)lem was a//resse/ an/ they are
satis1ie/ with the resolution!
Managing the Internet Sales Process
Hol/ team mem)ers accounta)le 1or each ste in the /ealershi<s sales rocess as /escri)e/ in their ?o)
1. For teams that use a .KN rocess, make certain the transition )etween the initial Internet contact erson
an/ the Internet Sales Consultant is seamless! Some customers are so use to working with you that they
/on<t 1eel com1orta)le working with someone else! .his is where to )a)ysitting rocess comes in han/y!
,oes not nee/ to )e /one all o1 the time )ut it is e11ective when nee/e/!
2. =everage the in/ivi/ual skills o1 each team mem)er! For examle, i1 one team mem)er is articularly
goo/ at getting aointments with truck shoers, 1ocus the truck#relate/ lea/s to them an/ have them
coach others in /ealing with truck customers! .his also works 1or setting aointments with the right
salesmen! 8et to know your team well so you can tell the tye o1 lea/ they are )est suite/ 1or! Also start
to /o investigation over the hone so you will know what they will resone/ )est to 5some ol/er
customers will reson/ to an ol/er saleserson, some younger coules woul/ like to work with a younger
saleserson, or techy customers with techy saleseole ectG!6! -emem)er eole like themselves so
choose the saleserson that can mirror the customer the )est you will see higher close ratios!
0! Jse a /aily management log or tracking so1tware to review resonses, monitor the sales rocess an/
intervene when nee/e/! Factors to monitor might inclu/e>
&um)er o1 lea/s contacte/ er team mem)er
=ea/s vs! aointments
&um)er o1 resonses er lea/
Internet ;uotes rovi/e/
(ro/uct resentations an/ /emonstration /rives
4u/get resentations
Management interaction with customers
Follow#u contacts 5hone calls an/ e#mails6
+! Have your team mem)ers /ocument communications with each lea/ an/ inclu/e at the very least>
&ame, a//ress, hone num)er an/ e#mail a//ress
Source 5re1erral, a/vertisement, lea/ ven/or, etc!6
Mo/el consi/ere/
Mehicle to )e tra/e/
State/ customer wants an/ nee/s
,etails o1 any ;uote rovi/e/ online
$! Asta)lish a 1ollow#u system 1or customers who leave the sales rocess )e1ore comleting a urchase!
*! -e;uire each Internet Sales Consultant to su)mit a /aily status reort listing the results o1 their
rosecting, lea/ communications, sales an/ 1ollow#u e11orts, as well as the current status o1 their lea/s!
-ecommen/ using lea/ tracking so1tware!
B! I1 aroriate, meet all customers )e1ore they leave the /ealershi to thank them an/ review their
imressions o1 the sales rocess!
:! Survey a selection o1 customers each week )y hone or e#mail to gather 1ee/)ack on their satis1action
with the /ealershi an/ your team!
"! Meet with the Service Manager as nee/e/ to coor/inate vehicles sche/ule/ 1or re#/elivery service an/
accessory installation!
Increase Trafc on the Web
How to Get More Peole to !our "ealershi Website
Ad&ertise 'our (eb Address )*)RYS+,-.,-(/)R)
o 0et creati&e
o (here 'our phone number is1'our 2RL is also3
o You ha&e a huge billboard4 5ith e6cellent tra7c and it8s free1'our building3
o Shop 5ith us three con&enient 5a's19n the Lot : 9nline : 9n the ;hone
Ad&ertise Your (eb Address <2RL= )*)RYS+,-.,-(/)R)3
, >no5 this is &er' basic but as , &isit dealers it ama?es me ho5 little some dealer promote their 5eb site@
(hile it is true that man' of 'our bu'ers 5ill And 'our dealership 5ebsite through search engines4 if 'ou
ma>e 'our 5ebsite accessible to them4 'ou can also do 5onders to dri&e tra7c to 'our o5n 5ebsite4
directl'1and at no cost to 'ou@ And 'et4 for some reason4 this appears to be a m'ster' to most dealers@
Simpl' include 'our 2RL <5ebsite address= in e&er' single t'pe of traditional ad&ertising that 'ou are
currentl' using@ Put it BIG and BOLD4 5here it can be seen@
All of 'our classiAed ads should see> to get 'our bu'ers to 'ou4 using an' means the' choose1online4 on
the phone or on the lot3 Ma>e it simple for them to And 'ou and to relate to 'ou4 using their method of
choice1not 'ours@ 9f course 'ou 5ant bu'ers to come to the dealership4 but sometimes the' need to get
comfortable enough to do that4 and 'our 5ebsite can gi&e them that comfort@ ,t8s hard to measure the
phone calls 'ou get from 'our 5ebsite4 unless 'ou use some >ind of trac>ing soft5are <a good idea3=4 but
it is also almost hard to measure the number of people 5ho go to 'our 5ebsite and then Cust come in
instead of sending in a DleadE unless 'ou some t'pe anal'tics tool li>e 0oggle Anal'tics@
,t is much easier for 'our radio commercials to dri&e tra7c to 'our 5ebsite than it is for them to dri&e
'our bu'ers to the phone@ /a&e 'ou e&er been able to remember a phone number from a radio ad that
'ou heard 5hile 'ou 5ere sitting in tra7cF ;robabl' not1but it is much easier to remember the 5ebsite4
especiall' since 'our 2RL most li>el' includes 'our dealership name an'5a'@ Ad&ertise Your (eb
Address <2RL= )*)RY (/)R)3
Gusiness Cards Letterhead )n&elopes
,n&oices -ametags -e5spaper
-e5sletter Hirect Mail (indo5 /angers
Radio +ele&ision Gillboards
Ganners .e' Chains .ios> ;rintouts
+abletop +ents Courtes' *ans License ;late
(indo5 Stic>ers ;honeboo> Iaceboo>
Shirts4 /ats4 Cups4 ;ens4 etc@ LoanerJRental *ehicles
9nKhold Messages All ;romotional Materials
Healership Signage on the lot4 sho5room4 parts and ser&ice dri&e
Search ngine Mar!eting "SM#
Search )ngine Mar>eting <S)M= L another 5a' 'ou dri&e tra7c to 'our 5ebsite4 so 'ou
can get more Leads3
S)M is for Healerships that can use an e6tra lift in lead &olume
;a'KperKClic> >eeps 'ou on top of e&er' search4 for as man' >e'5ords and phrases
as 'ou can aMord
,t ma' be best to rel' on a +hirdK;art' *endor for S)M@
+op lin>s can be purchased on a D;a'KperKClic>E bid process
Lin>s are on the top and right side of the DorganicE search results
Appearance of the lin> is determined b' the D>e' 5ordsE entered b' the consumer
Search )ngine Mar>eting <S)M= 0uidelines
;er Mar>et Rep ;olic' 0K" D5ith regards to electronic use of dealership names4 all
dealerships shall onl' operate under an appro&ed Healer (eb Site 2RLJHomain -ame@
As such4 Healers shall use their authori?ed HGA name and 2RL in conCunction 5ith all
D;a'KperKClic>E ad&ertising@ +his includes campaigns for &ehicle sales and parts sales@
Search ngine O$timi%ation "SO#
What Is Search Engine Optimization?
In a very basic nutshell, search engine optimization, or SEO for short, is making your site an
the site!s iniviual pages visible an relevant to both search engines an search engine users"
#o$ is this accomplishe%
The Basics of Good Search Engine Optimization
&oo search engine optimization is very basic" ' successful search engine optimization
campaign $ill contain these essential components(
&ontent' Content is 5hat dri&es search engine ran>ings4 content is 5hat brings users to
'our site4 and content4 5hen sprin>led appropriatel' 5ith >e'5ord phrases4 5ill feed
search engine spiders@ Rinse4 repeat@ Content is >e' in search engine optimi?ation@
Sim$le Site Design' Sites that are successful in the search engine results ha&e this in
commonKthe' are all simpl' designed4 5ith a minimum of band5idth hogging graphics4
slo5l' loading animations or other such fripper'4 and are eas' to na&igate@ Simple4 clean
designs are 5hat search engine spiders and search engine users li>e4 because it enables
them to get to 5hat the'Ore loo>ing forP 5hich is K 'ou guessed it K content@
Well()ritten Meta tags' Meta tagsK>e'5ord4 description4 and titleK are important4 but
the' 5onOt ma>e or brea> 'our site@ Meta tags are merel' part of the o&erall success
strateg'@ +he' need to be 5ritten 5ith compelling4 >e'5ord phraseKhea&' content that
5ill ma>e the user clic> through from the search results page@
What can )ou do to increase S#O*
Healers need to ensure that their 5eb sites are optimi?ed for Search )ngine >e'5ords or
>e'5ord phrases4 so that the' are listed on the Arst page of results@ Healer should 5or>
5ith their 5eb site pro&ider to accomplish this@
+hese results are found in the middle of the search pages and on the leftKhand side
Meta +ags are the D>e'5ordsE hidden in the bac>ground of 'our site and need to be in
the correct order of importance4 speciAc and updated some5hat regularl'@
+e6t on a dealer8s site4 especiall' on the /ome ;age and About 2s ;age4 should be rich in
>e'5ords and >e'5ord phrases and include each of the models a&ailable for sale@
Small changes made regularl' to the te6t on the pages 5ill assist in >eeping a high
ran>ing <also changing colors4 tab names4 tiles4 etc@=@
+he primar' >e'5ords start 5ith D-ame and location of dealerE and then tr' to thin> of
all the 5ords their customers 5ould use to And them or their competition@ 0oogle Q
-ames of streets4 high5a's4 counties4 or regions describing the dealer8s location and an'
5ords that describe the products the' sell should be listed ,- ;R,-+ on the site@
Social Media
Social Me/ia 5Community Me/ia6 is more ower1ul then )asic me/ia me/iums!
All Social me/ia must 1unnel to the /ealer an/ we) site! Customers /o not want to )e sol/ a vehicle with
Social Me/ia! All emloyees can contri)ute! (ost testimonials on all tyes o1 Social me/ia! .he most
e11ective use is )y lacing ictures o1 sol/ customers on your social sites! .his will )ring every )rother, sister,
close 1rien/, aunt, uncle ectGG! A new car to someone you know is viral an/ srea/s 1ast! I1 you are in the
icture with the customer it can hel 1or re11erals since you are seen next to very happy customers!
N)?ect is to move social me/ia /own the roa/ to the sell! Social me/ia is much like grassroots marketing an/
wor/ o1 mouth! ,oes not normally cost money )ut will cost time!
8oogle search engine otimi@ation 5SAN6 an/ rating sites!
-eutation Management
Social Me/ia lat1orms K Mo)ility
Managing Social Me/ia, .urn negative to ositive while increasing SAN
8etting starte/
How can we use Social 1edia to control 4oogle?
Social Me/ia shoul/ )e use/ to relax the customer 5Ayes6 )e1ore they come into the store to /o )usiness
using the tyical transaction rocesses 5.he ol/ 1ashion way6
(eer to (eer marketing # "0% o1 customers re1er that<s why ratings are so imortant!
-ecommen/ations 1or the )ran/ an/ ersonal sta11 can create ositives messages generating a//itional
lea/s an/ sales! 4a/ 8oogle Star reviews can cause the customer to )yass without even going to the
/ealer<s site! A /ealer may )e high in SAN )ut not consi/ere/ )ase/ on online CSI! ,ealers work har/ to get
high scores on 1actory CSI )ut ignore online CSI! Factory CSI is not u)lic an/ has no in1luence on online
customers unless /ealer uses 1actory CSI in their Social Me/ia! .ake CSI an/ 1ocus on#line 5C-M at the
/ealershi shoul/ )e consi/ere/ to manage online CSI6
Focus on oortunity lat1orms that will get an -NI an/ increase SAN, Face)ook, Youtu)e, .witter an/
=inke/in 5&etworking6 to hel ush the negative /own in SAN! Jse rate sites to your a/vantage!
Social Me/ia hels generate conversations heling /ealers an/ customer connect with each other )e1ore
they walk into the /ealershi!
Invest an/ thank in the community using Social me/ia! Suort Sorts teams, Cham)er o1 Commerce,
charities, rotary an/ clu)s! Axamle> Have the little league sorts teams ost their rogress an/ the
imortance o1 the sonsorshi on Face)ook! Nther class mates, (arents, Cin an/ 8ran/arents will all visit
/ealer site to see the team! .his generates SAN, more clicks more tra11ic!
Analytics is very imortant to track such as :00 hone num)ers an/ call source! (hone -NI is only as goo/
as the erson on the other en/ o1 the hone! Same as Social Me/ia, you nee/ to answer the hone like you
nee/ to reson/ to social me/ia!
8oogle # *$% o1 all searches click on 1irst age, :"% will never go to secon/ age an/ ""% will go ast
secon/ age! Customers stay only 10 secon/s on 1irst age )e1ore changing their search! &ee/ to )e at the
to o1 the 1irst age, that<s SAN! ""% o1 the time the 1irst thing a customer sees a)out your /ealershi is the
8oogle search age on you! 4est marketing tool you have! A gran/ 1acility an/ a )ig sign means nothing i1
they /o not click on you to see what service or ro/uct you have to o11er!
,n 4oogle 5e 'rust
Face)ook is now )igger then 8oogle!
Microso1t 4ing is 0$% o1 searches an/ artner with )uyatoyota!com an/ en.une! Youtu)e is secon/ largest
search engine 58oogle owns Youtu)e6!
8oogle =ikes 1resh an/ relevant content! Si/ers search sites continually 1or new an/ relevant content!
Customers are searching 1or .oyota, /ealershis, service an/ sales consultants! Must loa/ 8oogle lis with
your wor/ tracts? 8oogle can sto your tra11ic an/ sen/ them elsewhere!
Axamles> ,u)lin .oyota is to o1 list )ut )a/ reviews! 4a/ reviews are like a car crash no)o/y wants them
)ut they can<t hel )ut sto an/ see! Steven Creek .oyota on to with )a/ reviews )ut reson/e/ to reviews
to )ring )ack cre/ita)ility! .hey 1ought )ack with twitter an/ 1ace)ook! Avery)o/y makes mistakes )ut how
well /i/ they 1ix them! 11B reviews are har/ to reverse! ,on<t wait until you cannot get it going in the right
/irection, must have a large amount o1 hay customers ost to reverse! Small or no reviews may have the
same e11ect! Nnly one )a/ review can re/uce the star ratings! 8et in 1ront o1 the reviews )e1ore it is too late!
Fresh an/ relevant content will hel ush /own the negative sites in SAN! Social me/ia click controls google!
8oogle is now working 1or them an/ not hurting them!
Sites like riuschat!com ost ha/ a larger imact on SAN! Nne ost move/ it high in SAN
8et 1rien/s an/ 1amily to ost an/ )e 1ans on ,ealer Face)ook (age! More click more SAN! A goo/
connection on =inke/in can ush u in SAN ushing other /own!
(ush 'hem &own
6ut power others with Face)ook, .witter, Youtu)e an/ =inke/in )y ushing them to the secon/ age that
customer /o not go to!
Citysearch is a strong rater site an/ can hurt or hel, you choose!
Face)ook cannot )e stale! Face)ook link on we) site can hel increase SAN o1 the /ealer<s 1ace)ook age
ushing others /own! Must veri1y the likeK1an count goes u i1 clicke/ on when on /ealer site!
Dalker .oyota has "9000 1ans using giveaways to generate tra11ic!
5hat is your rating?
A4C, Always 4e Closing, make the )a/ 1low to the )ottom o1 8oogle
"eputation 1anagement: 4a/ reviews are like a car wreck every)o/y wants to look! CSI is the )est way
to tell clients you are goo/K8reen! Factory CSI is rivate an/ not accessi)le to customers! You must ost an/
tell! ,ealers worry a)out 1actory CSI )ut not what the customer sees, online CSI an/ reviews! Must have
hay clients an/ reson/ to all negative reviews to a// cre/i)ility, how well /i/ you 1ix the ro)lem an/ then
get client to reost on how well you hele/ them with the issue! .urn a negative into a ositive!
90% will srea/ negative comments! $9% o1 negative comments are 1rom ast emloyees!
A/mon/s!com> check out reviews an/ 1ee/ it goo/ reviews )e1ore a negative ost hits! -eviews create
money 1or A/mon/s! Cars!com is starting reviews next month to /o reviews!
Yel, real eole with real reviews! ,ealer must )e engage/ with Yel! Social site starte/ 1or restaurants an/
now is 1ocusing on automotive! Create a ro1ile with goo/ wor/ tracks! Yel har/ to /eal with, they ?ust /on<t
care! 1 erson review /oes not hel or hurt, nee/ to get multile Yelers to comment!
&ealer"ater: 2"$Kmonth to )e certi1ie/! Certi1ie/ /ealers have two week to correct an issue )e1ore it is
oste/! I1 customers /o not reson/ to /ealer the comment is not oste/! Can a/vertise an/ get your a/ on
other /ealer<s main age! ,ealerrater will link ositive reviews to 1ace)ook increasing SAN!
Create a )usiness age 5Fan6 not a ersonal age 51rien/6! Mery har/ to convert o ersonal age into a
)usiness age, nee/ to start 1resh! ,o not allow emloyees to )e 1rien/s an/ the threa/s coul/ lea/ to )a/
content! Create a conversation with your customers! =et them know how you are suorting the community!
Customers /o not what to )e sol/ a car on 1ace)ook! =et the sonsore/ little league ost on your site! Have
a 1an age with analytics! See 4u//y me/ia> strategies 1or e11ective 1ace)ook wall ost! Follow what
cororate .oyota /oes on 1ace)ook! .oyota invests a large amount o1 money on 1ace)ook! .estimonials are a
must! 8et the names an/ ol/ letters o11 the walls o1 the /ealershi an/ get them on 1ace)ook! Check out
.oyota charity match rogram an/ have 1ans vote on 1avorite to create more tra11ic! Check out 100 cars
1ace)ook romotion )y .oyota! See Clorox 4leach 1or goo/ 1ace)ook examle o1 charity an/ how to remove
stains! EHow toF is a goo/ way to attract consumers! (remier .oyota vote on )est teacher, 00B1 likes on this
camaign, teacher gets a new car 5lease6! Frien/ .oyota<s 1ace)ook age!">00 I 11>00 m 1ace)ook is lively!
I/ea Share 1or 1ace)ook>
A// clients on 1ace)ook an/ tag them! Dhen tagge/ it goes out to their 1rien/s
Create a )e1ore an/ a1ter Accessori@e/ truck, ost couon on 1ace)ook only!
(ics o1 sta11! Have a /i11erent sales erson ost every /ay!
(ost a1ter hours event an/ sonsorshis! &ew owner events, little league, ri/e an/ /rives ect!
=aunch o1 the ro/ucts
Oust arrive/ o11 the truck 1rom .oyota
Mo)ility seat an/ rogram
College gra/ an/ military rograms
Nl/ stock, have a )irth/ay arty online
Mi/eo .a)lets with 4luetooth shoul/ )e sol/ )y /ealer!
Social site owne/ )y 8oogle where users ost, rate an/ comment on vi/eos! I1 vi/eo /oes not work then
take it /own an/ ost another! ,o not ost /ealer .M a/s! =ook at .oyota vi/eos an/ coy! Always get a
release 1orm sighe/ )y anyone in the vi/eo as the vi/eo )elongs to You.u)e a1ter it is oste/! See (at =o))
.oyota 1or walkaroun/s! More clicks more SAN! Jse keywor/s when naming an/ /escri)ing the vi/eos to
hel /rive to to when searche/!

I/ea Share 1or You.u)e>
Sales cometition 1or )est vi/eo! Can hol/ several contest, Dalkaroun/s, Hy)ri/, Features an/
)ene1its, M(8, .oyota care! Jse your imagination an/ creativity!
(ost vi/eos on How .o /o something, these work great an/ attract hits an/ lea/s to higher SAN
How to> Change a tire, )atteryP ull into service /rive, Diers, HMAC, Cruise, an/ &avigation!
Have an emloyee make vi/eo on Camry Q1, ,omestic Camry, .un/ra an/ Avalon an/ Sienna Q1 JS
)uilt vehicles!
Axlain .un/ra (lant hours an/ how they are not lai/ o11 an/ working to imrove rocess an/ heling
the community 5 Ha)itat with Humanity6
Sell you /ealershi in all vi/eos, sales, service an/ arts!
Hol/ Customer vi/eo contest!
Ca)in an/ air 1ilters )e1ore an/ a1ter!
M(8, .ire (ressure monitoring system, .LM rocess, how to air a hone
,elivery o1 vehicles in case customer is short on time /uring sales rocess
,aily service an/ arts secials
Slow times in sho the .wit a /iscount to come on in!
Oust arrive/ o11 the truck 1rom .oyota
&NA times an/ /ates
Dhen you ost a new Mi/eo on Youtu)e or Face)ook
Nwne/ )y 8oogle, 4ogging is huge 1or SAN, 4o) 4ri/ge .oyota has a technician 4log a 1ew times a week
5ho should do Social 1edia at the dealership?
.hink Young, recetionist, an/ Intern 1rom local collage!
C-M shoul/ )e in control o1 rating sites! ,o not try to manage multile rating sites at one time! (ick a site
every week an/ han/ out car/s on how to access rating site with instructions on how to ost ositive reviews
with key wor/s! Han/ out is sales, service an/ arts!
Socialnomics )ook )y Aric 8ualman
4u//y me/ia> strategies 1or e11ective 1ace)ook wall ost
.oyota!com mo)ile rogram with Mi/eo
(olicytool create olicy on social me/ia or any other olicy
mlot )y .oyota
+ s;uare a
Mo)ile aloa/er an/ ,ealer A can make as
&all Trac!ing and Phone Leads
Call Trac&ing4 Call +rac>ing is the easiest 5a' to increase ad&ertising R9,4 b' trac>ing
phone calls bac> to their original placements@ Rust place 'ou8re tollKfree or local
numbers in diMerent ads4 and our anal'tics 5ill re&eal 5hich form of ad&ertisement has
been most eMecti&e@ Ior all incoming calls4 'ou can access information such as call
duration4 caller ,H4 disposition <bus'4 hangKup4 no ans5er4 etc@=4 and more@ Call trac>ing
ser&ices e&en include call recording in the same lo5 price@
8uy 'oll +ree num-ers and trac$ 2dvertising efficiency Stop 5ondering 5hich Ads and
online 5eb pages dri&e 'our sales@ Call +rac>ing lets 'ou monitor inbound telephone
calls that dri&e re&enue@ You can bu' one <or hundreds= of uniSue phone numbers that
can be placed on displa' ads4 landing pages4 billboards or e&en print ad&ertisements@
Call trac>ing companies ha&e po5erful reporting engine lets 'ou trac>4 for5ard4 and
record all phone calls4 allo5ing 'ou to &isuali?e 5hich ad campaigns dri&e the most
phone calls to 'our sales lines@
How Call 'rac$ing 5or$s
Assigns a uni;ue toll#1ree or local telehone num)er 1or each source o1 a/vertising or
marketing camaign to )e monitore/
Automatically measures consumer resonse to any 1orm o1 marketing
I/enti1ies gas in sales an/ customer service hone skills 1or evaluation an/ training
-eorts lea/s#er#source an/ cost#er#lea/ in real#time
Catures caller telehone num)er, location, an/ when availa)le, name, a//ress, an/
-eorts are availa)le on /eman/ via Internet # or may )e sche/ule/ 1or email /elivery
Ntions inclu/e sel1#rovisioning, IM- menu routing, rivate la)el )ran/ing, lus geograhic,
over1low, an/ time#o1#/ay routing
5hy 'rac$ 7our (hone Calls?
You can<t manage what you /on<t measure
Call tracking automatically measures consumer resonse to any 1orm o1 marketing
Call tracking o)?ectively comares the e11ectiveness o1 each marketing source K a/ camaign
Call tracking reveals your recise cost#er#lea/ )y me/ia, source, an/ camaign
5hy "ecord 7our (hone Calls?
.here<s no )etter tool 1or imroving call#han/ling skills!
Call recor/ing lets you hear 1or yoursel1 what your customers are saying
Call recor/ing ena)les you to review how well your emloyees han/le lea/s
Call recording empowers efective training on sales / customer service skills
Phone Leads
,ncoming (hone facts
1T of calls ne&er reach a sales person3
$T of callers hang up 5hile on hold3
1"T of calls are sent to &oice mail and half hang up3
9nl' T of sales reps identif' themsel&es
#"T of sales reps fail to get contact information from callers3
9nl' T of calls result in an appointment3
!T of appointments set 5ith no time speciAed3
#T of appointments set are set outside of a % hour 5indo53
9nl' 0T of dealers create a positi&e impression 5ith the receptionist3
9 $ey components to ma$ing an appointment
1@ Ge prepared@ DAre 'ou in the ?oneE to ta>e the phoneF
@ /a&e 5ebsites open and all paper ads near the phone@
!@ Are 'ou prepared to ans5er price SuestionsF
"@ 9Mer alternati&es@
#@ Ans5er or ac>no5ledge all Suestions
$@ Less is more@ Soften the truth@
%@ /a&e a phone guide in front of 'ou@ Log 'our call in the CRM
'wo 'ypes of incoming calls
4reeting: .his is A4C .oyota,RRRRRRRRR seaking! How may I hel you?
2d:internet call
o E&o ro)lem I<ll )e gla/ to hel you!F
o EDhere /i/ you see the vehicle a/vertise/?F
o E,o you have it in 1ront o1 you?F
o E=et me get it in 1ront o1 me!F
*on ad call
o E&o ro)lem, I<ll )e gla/ to hel youF 5Answer ;uestion6
+act +ind
/a&e 'ou had a chance to dri&e one 'etF
(hat 5ould 'ou li>e to >no5F
(hat are the most important features that 'ou needF
,f , had a similar &ehicle4 5ith similar eSuipment4 ma'be a better &alue is this something
'ou 5ould consider or should , rule that outF
4et last name and num-er: EOohn it<s going to take me $ to 10 minutes to check on the in1ormation you nee/! Dhat is
the )est num)er to reach you at? How /o you sell your last name Oohn?
Call -ac$ and set the stage: Oohn I have goo/ news 5answer ;uestion6! Doul/ to/ay or tomorrow )e goo/ time to
get together? Morning or a1ternoon, I have ">1$ or a 10>+$?
* !e+ com$onents ,or a$$ointment sho)
% hours or less
o Set the stage
o +oda' or tomorro5
o Morning or afternoon
o NU1# or 10U"#
Close the Loop
o 0i&e directions
o Landing pad
o Rust in Case
ConArmation call from a manager
9 $ey components for show to close
Ge prepared
o /a&e a client Ale read'
o /a&e &ehicle pulled up
o ,n&ite client to 'our o7ce before the lot
o Re&ie5 their reSuest
o (al> around
o Hemonstration
o ;resent -umbers 5ith alternati&es li>e leasing
Manger e6it inter&ie5
Iollo5Kup@ Record all touch points in CRM
Close the loop
DRohn , 5as 5ondering if 'ou 5ould do me a fa&orF Ho 'ou ha&e a pen hand'FE
D,f 'ou8re running behind or something changes 5ould 'ou please call meF /ere is m'
number ###K"""K1!"@
DRohn4 , 5ill do the same thing if something changes on m' end4 5hat8s the best number
to reach 'ou atFE
C. Clarify and Confirm
'rade hoo$, no appointment: Oohn, I was won/ering what you<re /riving now? Doul/ you )e intereste/ in tra/ing in
that vehicle, it soun/s like it woul/ )e a goo/ 1it 1or our inventory? De are looking 1or some nice re#owne/ vehicles!
58o )ack to setting the aointment6
*o appointment: &o ro)lem Oohn, let<s ?ust make this an in1ormation /ay! I woul/ like to kee you u to /ate on
romotions an/ secials, what<s your email a//ress? Dhat is the )est num)er to reach you at?
Phone log Form All phone calls should be recorded in the CRM
Get na*e and 2u*ber
6A#$ *inutes to get info
2u*ber calling fro*
Sell !our last na*e
Call 8ac&
Good news@ .et9s get
together. Close the loo
Inco*ing Phone calls
Ma'e (ppointent and Close the +oop
Ha5e a en hand!;
Toda! or To*orrow;
Morning or 1fternoon "ateLLLLLLLLLL Ti*e LLLL4#6 or LLLL446 1M H PM
!o Me a ,avor
Trade -oo' .I" custoer does not a'e an appointent/
In"oration !a) 0 Specials 0 Prootions
Clarif' and ConArm
Ice 8rea&er
2o roble*@ Where did !ou
see it;
Is ad in front of !ou; 1d in
front of *e.
Ice 8rea&er
2o roble*
1nswer an! Nuestions;
1d Dehicle Call Infor*ation Call
=act =ind
%5er dri5en one before; What would !ou li&e to
&now; What9s i*ortant to !ou; If I had a
si*ilar 5ehicle
ST-.D-/D S-LS &-LL G-MPL-.0
,nitial Response should be b' phone then follo5ed b' the email@
-d1internet call
o D-o problem ,8ll be glad to help 'ou@E
o D(here did 'ou see the &ehicle ad&ertisedFE
o DHo 'ou ha&e it in front of 'ouFE
o DLet me get it in front of me@E
.on ad call
o D-o problem4 ,8ll be glad to help 'ouE <Ans5er Suestion=
Fact Find
/a&e 'ou had a chance to dri&e one 'etF
(hat 5ould 'ou li>e to >no5F
(hat are the most important features that 'ou needF
,f , had a similar &ehicle4 5ith similar eSuipment4 ma'be a better &alue is this something
'ou 5ould consider or should , rule that outF
/ello4 is this VVVVVVVVVVVVF , am responding to the reSuest that 'ou made o&er the
+o'ota@ Hid m' email response ma>e it through an' S;AM Alters that 'ou ha&e on 'our
email inbo6F
"Generic In2uir+# (hat >ind of eSuipment are 'ou loo>ing forF
"S$eci3c In2uir+# /o5 familiar are 'ou 5ith the (model)F ,s it speciAcall' that 4ehicle
'ou8re interested in4 or are 'ou Cust loo>ing for the nicest one 'ou can And in a certain
price rangeF
(New) Ho 'ou prefer lighter colors4 dar>er colors or are 'ou We6ibleF
(Used) (hat priceJpa'ment range are 'ou tr'ing to sta' 5ithinF
,8ll be happ' to chec> on that for 'ouP 5hile ,8m chec>ing 5hat8s a&ailable4 ,8ll see 5hat
might be coming in soon4 too@ ,t onl' ta>es about #K10 minutes@
,s this the best number to reach 'ouF <If not set an appointment for a callback@=
I, +ou could )ait ,or 5ust a moment6 I ma+ be able to 3nd out right no)6 o!a+7
(Only 10-15 seconds on hold!)
, ha&e some great ne)s for 'ou3 (e ma' ha&e VVVVV or VVVVV in stoc> and the
a&ailabilit' of VVVVV or VVVVV more Cust li>e 'ou8re loo>ing for3 (hat8s a good time to stop
in and see oneLthis afternoon4 this e&ening or 5ould sometime tomorro5 be better for
'ouF <D/o5 about (time) FE=
/a&e 'ou e&er done business 5ith us beforeF Can , ta>e a minute to tell 'ou a little about
usF Alternative: /a&e 'ou e&er bought a &ehicle using the ,nternet beforeF Can , ta>e a
minute to tell 'ou ho5 it 5or>sF
Ho 'ou ha&e a pen and paperF
Lea4ing a Message
1@ /ello4 , am calling for VVVVVVVVVVV about the reSuest she made o&er the
,nternet for a ne5 +o'ota Camr' L m' name is VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 5ith VVVVVVVVVVV
@ +he reason , am calling is to re&ie5 the speciAcations on the Camr' and ma>e
sure , ha&e all the information necessar' to pro&ide 'ou 5ith a price and to
ensure 5e appl' the best possible manufacturer incenti&e@
a@ +he reason , am calling is to ma>e sure that the response , emailed to 'ou
made it through 'our S;AM Alter and that 'ou ha&e the price Suote on 'our ne5
!@ , noticed 'ou ha&e a 00 Camr' to trade and , 5anted to learn more about it4
because , thin> it might be a good unit for our in&entor' 5hich 5ould help us
to gi&e 'ou a better trade &alue@ ,f 'ou ha&e a digital photo could 'ou email
that to meF
"@ , 5ould reall' appreciate a Suic> call to go o&er this 5hen 'ou get a chanceL,
promise it 5ill Cust ta>e a minute19R if 'ou 5ould prefer responding b' email
please4 do so and , 5ill pro&ide a prompt repl'@
#@ +han> 'ou for 'our time@ You can call me4 R9) SM,+/4 bac> at XXXKXXXKXXXX@
Again that number is <slo5l'= XXXKXXXKXXXX@
8st outgoing $hone call guide ,or 9:; Buc!et
Intro> ;4reeting !xlain why 'ake the lea/ 5A4C6;
Ask one o1 the ;uestions )elow an/ listen to the resonse!
1! How can I hel you?
9! Dhat woul/ you like to accomlishF?
0! Dhat is most imortant to you?
5Go for the appointment dont try to land on vehicle6
2((': E8reat )ase/ on what you<re telling me Mr! or Mrs! Customer we have a goo/
selection in our local an/ centrali@e/ inventory! =et<s get together to/ay or woul/
tomorrow )e )etter?F
(If the customers does not commit ask these additional questions. If customer starts
with price questions see next page)
< Have you ever driven one?
=et#s get together and ta$e one for a>>>>
. 5hat are you currently driving? 2re replacing that vehicle or adding to your
'hat could -e a perfect fit for our inventory@ =et#s get together@
/ , we had similar vehicle A similar features at a -etter B2=C!>would you
consider or should we rule that out? =et#s get together@

9:; Buc!et Price Phone /es$onses

Client#s response: D5hat do they sell for?E
D'hey range anywhere from $$$$$ to $$$$$$ depending on e%uipmentE
2gain as$ them to come in F3now your inventoryG
Client#s response: D, was hoping for an out the door priceE
"esponse: D*o pro-lem, ,#ll -e glad to give you an exact price on an exact
vehicle , will send you an email with a lin$ to our inventory (ic$ one out that
fits your needs and then clic$ on the re%uest a %uote ta- 2s soon as , receive
your re%uest ,#ll call you -ac$ with availa-ility, pricing and some alternatives
,s that fair?
Client response: D*o , 0ust want a (",C!E
"esponse: D6$ay *o pro-lem =et me pull my inventory up on line here and
see what we have and ,#ll do my -est to help you
5hat is your policy for the /
Process and Measurement
What<s the Best Wa+ to Sell &ars =sing the Internet7
Which One is Right for You?
8eginningAtoA%nd Strateg! "ealers need at least , ISMs each should handle onl! /6C#$$ uniNue new .eads er *onth.
1oint*ent setters can handle #6$C,$$ uniNue new .eads er *onth. ISMs in integration with suer5ision strateg!
can handle hundreds of uniNue leads a *onth
Changing ;rocess L ! Choices
CRC J Appointment Setters
,ntegration 5ith Super&ision
,SM recei&es the leadP anal'?es itP ma>es personali?ed initial response
,SM follo5s lead through using +e6t4 email4 snail mail and telephone to set appointment
and sho5
,SM greets the bu'er4 presents4 demos and closes the sale
,SM follo5s up 5ith bu'ers and nonKbu'ers
CRC : Appointment Setters
Healership hires4 trains and compensates people to respond to ALL incoming
communications1phoneKups and ,nternet Leads
CRC team members set appointments 5Jcustomers to &isit the store
CRC member greets the bu'er and introduces them to select traditional salespeople
Salespeople present4 demo and close the sale
Salespeople follo5Kup 5ith bu'ersP CRC +eam Members follo5Kup 5JnonKbu'ers
,ntegration 5ith Super&ision
,SM recei&es the LeadP anal'?es itP replies
,SM assigns Lead to select salespeople for follo5Kup
Salesperson sets appointmentsP greets them 5hen the' sho5P sells the car3
,SM monitors salespeople for eMecti&eness
,nitial Response +eams L then GeginningKtoK)nd
LongKterm follo5Kup teams
+eam Leaders as ,SM
Measurement of process eMecti&eness is important@ )Suall' important ho5e&er4 is
feedbac> to those in&ol&ed of 5hat 5as measured@ ,n order to be trul' eMecti&e4
performance needs to be measured and the performer needs to recei&e feedbac> as to
ho5 the' are doing and ho5 the' can impro&e@
ReportingU ,nternet Sales Managers should be managers4 in e&er' sense of the 5ord@
+he' should be held accountable for their e6penses and re&enue@ +he' should report
to senior management on their successes and failures@ +he' need to recei&e
feedbac> from those to 5hom the' report@ +he' need to pro&ide feedbac> to those
that ma' be reporting to them@
Management SupportU Although this 5as mentioned earlier in the section on
conditions4 it 5as such a consistent characteristic of the higher performing ,nternet
departmentsP 5e needed to mention it once more@ Some ,SMs tell us that their
management teams don8t >no5 or understand 5hat the' do@ (hile the' ma' be
grateful for the additional units that are produced4 no one reall' super&ises or leads
the department from a senior management le&el@ (e feel that this is not a good
thing and 5ith management understanding4 support and guidance4 the ,nternet
initiati&e could recei&e a budget for promotion of the 5ebsite and thereb' achie&e
greater producti&it'4 gro5th and eMecti&eness@
9ne of the consistent characteristics of the highest producing ,nternet
departments that 5e ha&e inter&ie5ed nation5ide is the practice of measuring
Some e6perienced ,nternet Sales Managers as> 5here the' should be1 5hat8s
Ygood8F A simple formula that encompasses all of the processes that occur after 'ou
recei&e a lead is D" X $0E@ +his simpl' means that 'ou achie&e $0T in four critical
areasU ContactP AppointmentsP Sho5s and Sales@ <Contact is deAned as K5a'
communication bet5een the ,SM and the bu'er@ +hat doesn8t mean that the ,SM
ans5ered the email lead4 but that the bu'er has responded b' email or b' phone to
one of the ,SM8s emails@= ,f an ,SM is ha&ing di7cult' 5ith lo5 sales4 it is because the'
need to impro&e in one of these areas@ ;erhaps the' need better email templates so
the bu'er 5ill 5ant to contact them bac>@ 9r ma'be the' need to Ystic>K5ithKit8 longer
and not gi&e up so easil'@ Ma'be the' need to do a better Cob at ma>ing the bu'er 5ant
to set and >eep an appointment@ 9r perhaps the' need help closing@ A consistent 1!T
closing ratio is considered Ygood8@ +here are some dealerships 5ith higher closing
ratios4 but if it is much higher4 'ou need to as> about their deAnition of an ,nternet sale@
100 Leads
,nternet leads ;hone leads
A to Z GHC A to Z GHC
Leads to Contact [ $0T $0T
Leads VVVVVV Contacts ;hone VVVVVV Contacts
Contact to Appointment [ ##T ##T ##T ##T
Leads VVVVVV Appointments ;hone VVVVVV Appointments
Appointments to Sho5s [ $0T %#T $0T %#T
Leads VVVVVV Sho5s ;hone VVVVVV Sho5s
Sho5s to Sold [ $#T ##T #$T ##T
Leads VVVVVVV Sales ;hone VVVVVVV Sales
Internet -$$ointment Summar+ Trac!ing Form
18C To!ota Month of LLLLLLLLL ,$##
Sales (erson 1 Sales (erson 9 Sales (erson 0 Sales (erson +
.otal =ea/s> :$ B9 "+ *$ 7

Ats Ma/e 90 10 1B : 7
% 9B% 1:% 1:% 19%

Show 90 10 1$ * 7
% .otal 9+% 1+% 1*% "%
% SetKShow H9I 99I HHI 95I

Sol/ 19 : : 0 7
% .otal 1+% 11% "% $%
% SetKSol/ $9% *9% +B% 0:%
% ShowKSol/ J0I H0I 5/I $0%
Customers Sol/
.otal ,ealershi
=ea/ to

01 01* KH<I
>o) to -4oid S$am Filters
Sam uses u )an/wi/th! It clogs mail )oxes! An/ eole /onSt want to receive it! An/ IS(s have )ecome aggressive in 1iltering
emails as a result!
Dith the increase in Sam have come increasingly sohisticate/ guar/ians against unsolicite/ emails! .hese email 3watch
/ogs3 are use/ )y most Internet Service (rovi/ers 5IS(Ss6 as well as rivate customers! Dhile this so1tware /oes )lock out
Sam, it can also )lock legitimate emails as well! Jn/erstan/ing how Sam 1ilters work can hel revent non#/elivery
ro)lems, or )eing la)ele/ a SsammerS un1airly!
Certain rules within the sam 1ilters may cause your emails to )e marke/ as sam!
I1 a 1ont is too )ig or too small
Amount o1 images relative to text
.he wor/s use/ within the email or su)?ect line
.he 1ont color 5shoul/ )e we)#sa1e alette6
.he T1romS wor/ing
.he 1rom an/ rely a//resses
(ercentage o1 H.M= co/e in the email
,ncreasingly Sophisticated +ilters 1ean =ess !mails 4et 'hrough
Many IS(s has secial routers 1or their email /omains that analy@e all incoming emails! .he router can automatically )lock
emails that come 1rom certain a//resses 5those on the 3)lacklist3 o1 known sammers6, an/ they will also 1ilter out emails that
contain certain trigger wor/s in the su)?ect line that have )een 1re;uently linke/ to Sam messages!
Aven i1 your email gets ast the router on your customerSs IS(, it may also have to get ast the 1ilter on your customerSs email
)ox! Dith our increasingly sohisticate/ email rograms, eole can tell their mail)oxes to automatically /elete messages that
have trigger wor/s in the su)?ect lines or that come 1rom the 3wrong a//resses3!
How Spam filters wor$
&ormally, email 1ilters examine the wor/s in the email 3su)?ect line3! .his is the hea/er that you see when an email shows u in
your email )ox! A goo/ su)?ect line can encourage eole to actually click on an/ oen an email 5more on this in lesson
seven6, )ut you nee/ to exercise care when creating your su)?ect hea/ings to revent 1iltering!
Fre;uently, more sohisticate/ anti#sam metho/s use/ )y IS(s use a 3oint system3 that i/enti1ies trigger hrases commonly
use/ )y Sam! I1 an email goes over the 3oints3 it is 1iltere/ out, an/ is never /elivere/ to a customer!
Some o1 the more commonly use/ hrases that IS(s an/ mail clients 1ilter out inclu/e>

$0% o11U
Click Here
Call nowU
Aarn 2
Aliminate ,e)t
,ou)le your income
YouSre a DinnerU
-everses Aging
In1ormation you re;ueste/
3Sto3 or 3Stos3
=ose Deight
Multi#level Marketing
Million ,ollars
Cash 4onus
(romise You
Satis1action 8uarantee/
Serious Cash
Search Angine =istings
.here are other ro)lematic hrases that can trigger some Sam 1ilters, or start a//ing 3Sam oints3 to emails sent out, an/
shoul/ )e avoi/e/! .hese inclu/e>

Act &owU
All &ew
All &atural
Avoi/ 4ankrutcy
As Seen NnG
4uy ,irect
Consoli/ate Your ,e)t
Secial (romotion
Aasy .erms
8et (ai/
8uarantee, 8uarantee/
8reat o11er
8ive it away, 8iving it away
Ooin millions
Meet Singles
&o cost, &o 1ees
Nne time
Nnline harmacy
Nnline marketing
Nr/er &ow
(lease -ea/
,onSt ,elete
Save u to
.ime limite/
Jnsecure/ /e)t or cre/it
Misit our we) site
Dhile Sulies last
Dhy ay more?
Dork at home
YouSve )een selecte/
Jsing ;uotation marks, /ollar signs an/ exclamation oints in su)?ect lines will 1re;uently trigger mail 1ilters, as well as using all
caital letters 5shouting6! You shoul/ also never ut a toll#1ree num)er in the su)?ect line, since that will also cause your email
to )e 1iltere/ out )y many Sam 1ilters! An/ never use a 1ont si@e larger than 9V, or you coul/ trigger some Sam 1ilters!
(lease )e aware that the a)ove lists arenSt meant to )e comrehensive, an/ only i/enti1y some o1 the more common wor/s
an/ hrases that trigger Sam 1ilters! Nne way to check? Sen/ an email to yoursel1 an/ some select 1rien/s 5such as other
Internet#)ase/ marketing moms6 with Sam 1ilters 1irst, )e1ore sen/ing it out to your customers, an/ see i1 it makes it through!
Nr, go out an/ )uy one o1 the )etter so1tware rograms that will highlight wor/s that coul/ )e i/enti1ie/ as Sam! I1 you /een/
on email marketing to )ring tra11ic to your we) site, it is well worth the investment!
Cpdate 7our =ists +re%uently
Another asect o1 email marketing an/ list management is vital> checking an/ u/ating your list 1re;uently! .his is )est /one
automatically! For instance, i1 a su)scri)er chooses to 3unsu)scri)e3, you email list manager shoul/ imme/iately take them o11
your mail list, to revent accusations o1 3Sam3! Failing to u/ate your list can cause you to )e )lackliste/ with their IS(! ItSs
essential to inclu/e an 3unsu)scri)e3 link in each email that you sen/ out, an/ to honor this re;uest as soon as it occurs!
Also, non#/elivera)le mails nee/ to )e looke/ at! Is it /ue to har/#)ouncing 5wrong email a//ressK/omain name?6 or is it a
so1t#)ounce 5misselle/ name?6 In some cases, the a//ress is no longer vali/, an/ shoul/ )e taken o11 the list! Most
automate/ list managers will /elete emails a1ter a certain num)er o1 attemts that get )ounce/ )ack!
4etting off of 8lac$lists
Aven the most legitimate mailings may cause some customers to cry 3Sam3! .hey may 1orget signing u 1or your newsletter
5even though it was a /ou)le ot#in su)scrition6, or have selective memory a)out signing u to receive email romotions in
return 1or /ownloa/ing that great 1ree so1tware at your we) site!
In these cases, it can hel to kee care1ul recor/s o1 your ot#ins! I1 you get )lackliste/ )y an IS( 5or even yours, i1 you are
accuse/ o1 sammingU6, show them your recor/s> on Oanuary 1$, 9009, a customer using the email a//ress
memysel1an/IWanyIS(!com signe/ u 1or my newsletter 1rom the I( a//ress 5give I( a//ress6! .his lets the IS( know that
you are resonsi)le, an/ that someone 1rom that IS( ,I, sign u to receive emails 1rom you! In most cases, the 3)lacklisting3
will )e /roe/!
4y aying care1ul attention to su)?ect lines, an/ avoi/ing those that trigger email 1ilters, your emails have a )etter chance o1
reaching your customers, an/ not )eing 1iltere/ out! 4y emailing resonsi)ly, an/ keeing goo/ recor/s, you can avoi/
accusations o1 Sam, an/ en?oy interacting with your customers via email!
-d4ice on Building Tem$lates
TH% 8%TT%3 T%MP.1T%S CH1..%2G%
=ove Tem or not, temlates are a necessity in this )usiness! 8oo/ ones are rare, an/ )a/ ones can )e /amage
in/ucing! Dhat<s the secret to creating e11ective temlates? .here isn<t one! 4ut i1 you want to challenge your )rain, try
this exeriment> reten/ that every e=ea/ you receive has no hone num)er! You are now /enie/ the oortunity to get
Tem on the hone an/ get Tem in! You must make your imact via images an/ the written wor/! Can it )e /one? Dhat
/o you say in your emails? An/ how /o you insure that they cut through the clutter an/ noise? Consi/er this>
Ama@on!com, =!=! 4ean, Home ,eot an/ the hun/re/s o1 other comanies who email you regularly have to imact
you with email only I they can<t call all 1,000,000 eole on their rosects list! .hey sen/ temlate#)ase/ emails that
cause eole to take a course o1 action! Dhy can<t You?
Dhen )uil/ing a new email, always sen/ a test email to your own email a//ress
an/ several other /ealer associates that have /i11erent email comanies 1irst to
assure that all o1 the XX.A8SYY in your lea/ management system are working!
A=DAYS have a minimum o1 two other eole 5three is )etter6 look at your email
temlates to check 1or selling, grammar an/ car )usiness Elingo!F It is )est i1 one
o1 the eole roo1rea/ing your email temlates is &N. in the car )usiness! I1 they
have a literature or Anglish stu/ies )ackgroun/, that<s even )etter!
How effecti5e are !our e*ail te*lates; How are the! recei5ed and ercei5ed b! the general ublic; It9s
5er! hard to &now the answer to these Nuestions when !ou are in the business C we are ?ust too close to the
*aterial. Howe5er@ onl! !esterda! I disco5ered an in5aluable 'and free( resource right under *! nose C *!
wifeO :nli&e *e@ she is not in the car business. She does not read car *aga+ines. She is onl! interested in
cars for their abilit! to get her fro* oint 1 to 8@ for their safet! and their reliabilit!. When her lease is u and
it9s ti*e to ic& out another car she wants that to be as Nuic& and effortless as ossible. Sounds li&e an
a5erage custo*er@ right; I was rinting so*e recent *!ster! sho results at *! ho*e office and she began to
read the*. So*e letters she li&ed. So*e she didn9t. 1nd so*e u++led her A she couldn9t figure out what
the! were tr!ing to sa!O I reali+ed then that@ because she is not in the business@ all of her reactions were
5aluable. '=a5orite co**ent4 JWhat is this; 2o wo*an would read this.K The e*ail had the car9s To!ota
secifications '5ehicle inNuir!( coied and asted into the center of it(. 8ut donPt listen to *! wifeQ if !ou
ha5e a souse@ or cousin or friend or whate5er@ *ale or fe*ale@ who is not in the car business 'and is not
i*assioned about cars( as& the* to *!ster! sho !ou and gi5e !ou their sub?ecti5e i*ressions. It beats
a!ing *one! for an outside focus grou. 1nd !ou *ight be surrised b! the results.
I recently mystery shoe/ some /ealershis an/ receive/ the email temlate )elow as one store<s auto#
resonse! It is very tyical o1 auto#resonses I have gotten 1rom other stores in the ast! Is it an e11ective
=et#s analyLe it
.hank you 1or your re;uest on the Q,ASI-A,1RYAA-Q Q,ASI-A,1RMACAQ Q,ASI-A,1RMN,A=Q! I am lease/
that you have consi/ere/ Acme .oyota to assist you an/ your 1amily with your resent or 1uture automotive nee/s!
I want to make sure that your re;uest is rocesse/ roerly an/ that your internet exerience is an en?oya)le one!
It will )e my leasure to assist you in urchasing your new vehicle! (lease )e atient while seci1ic vehicle /etails are
gathere/ an/ a search 1or the vehicle to match your re;uest is ma/e!
I1 you woul/ like to see our monthly secials or in stock vehicles, lease visit our we)site at www!acme.oyota!com!
A4C .oyota o11ers all clients a comrehensive rogram o1 amenities an/ rivileges which inclu/e>
# Comlimentary Shuttle .ransortation
# Comlimentary Car Dashes /uring 4usiness Hours
# Client =ounges with Direless Internet Access Hi#,e1inition Flat Screen .M<s
# Comlimentary 4everages
# Nnline Service Sche/uling an/ Convenient Satur/ay Hours
=ooking 1orwar/ to seaking with you an/ thank you 1or contacting A4C .oyota!
(rou/ mem)er o1 the Acme Auto 8rou!
O12 what is wrong with this letter* +ets e%aine it line b) line
# ,ear First &ame =ast &ame is aw1ully 1ormal, no? Doul/n<t EHi First &ameF )e more ersonal, in1ormal an/ /irect?
.hank you 1or your re;uest on the Q,ASI-A,1RYAA-Q Q,ASI-A,1RMACAQ Q,ASI-A,1RMN,A=Q!
I De haven<t gotten through the 1irst sentence an/ alrea/y the wor/ EonF /oesn<t 1eel right! .hat<s not the only thing wrong, however,
as oor sentence construction makes the whole line seem clumsy an/ awkwar/! May)e it shoul/ say E.hank you 1or your recent
5/esire/ yearKmakeKmo/el vehicle6 in;uiry!F Isn<t that 1aster, cleaner an/ more to the oint?
I am lease/ that you have consi/ere/ Acme .oyota to assist you an/ your 1amily with your resent or 1uture automotive nee/s!
I .his is an overly long an/ assive sentenceP it has no energy at all! How T)out this instea/> E.hank you 1or consi/ering Acme .oyota
1or your automotive nee/s!F I ?ust con/ense/ 90 wor/s into 11 an/ gave the sentence more imme/iacy 5F(lease/F takes lace in the
ast! E.hank youF takes lace in the resent6! .here is more sales energy in this version!
I want to make sure that your re;uest is rocesse/ roerly an/ that your internet exerience is an en?oya)le one!
I Jm, NC, that<s nice, )ut, who cares? Can we lease get ast the intro/uctory remarks? I<m getting retty )ore/, )u//y! Cees it
moving? :* this aragrah!
It will )e my leasure to assist you in urchasing your new vehicle!
I Isn<t this )asically a reeat o1 what was sai/ in the sentence a)ove? Dhy is this here? Cut it!
(lease )e atient while seci1ic vehicle /etails are gathere/ an/ a search 1or the vehicle to match your re;uest is ma/e!
I E(lease )e atientGFU Dhat? So at this early stage o1 the relationshi you are alrea/y telling me to go sit /own an/ wait? .his is
the Internet, man! I want instant answersU
# EGwhile seci1ic vehicle /etails are gathere/ an/ a search 1or the vehicle to match your re;uest is ma/e!F You mean, like, you nee/
some )ig Jnivac comuter to collect my seci1ic vehicle /etails 5/i/n<t I ?ust give you those in my in;uiry????6 an/ next you nee/ to
com) the earth to 1in/ a car like the one I re;ueste/? Aren<t you a .oyota /ealershi? Isn<t that why I chose you? Aren<t you
suose/ to have these things in stock?
Can we try this instea/? EI will rely romtly with the exact in1ormation you re;ueste/!F .hat simle! Instea/ o1 asking the rosect
to )e atient, I tol/ himKher that I will )e relying with lightning see/ an/ rovi/ing himKher the very thing heKshe re;ueste/! I also
con/ense/ 91 wor/s into 10! .he new sentence is ;uicker, cleaner an/ 1ar more energetic!
I1 you woul/ like to see our monthly secials or in stock vehicles, lease visit our we)site at www!acme.oyota!com
# Huh? &ow you are telling me to go somewhere else? Dho sai/ anything a)out monthly secials? I<m still waiting 1or a ;uoteU &ow
you<ve gone o11 toic an/ change/ the su)?ect o1 the letterU :* this aragrah!
Acme .oyota o11ers all clients a comrehensive rogram o1 amenities an/ rivileges which inclu/e>
# Comlimentary Shuttle .ransortation
# Comlimentary Car Dashes /uring 4usiness Hours
# Client =ounges with Direless Internet Access ' Hi#,e1inition Flat Screen .M<s
# Comlimentary 4everages
# Nnline Service Sche/uling an/ Convenient Satur/ay Hours
# NC, this is nice an/ all, )ut, again, you<ve change/ the su)?ect! Nne letter 7 one toic! .he urose o1 this letter is not to sell me on
the /ealershi! 5.hat comes later6 I am still waiting 1or a ;uote I an/ I<m )eginning to susect that I<m never going to see it! :* again!
=ooking 1orwar/ to seaking with you an/ thank you 1or contacting Acme .oyota!
I &ot only is this an incomlete sentence, )ut it also tries to say two things in one sentence! -emem)er> one sentence 7 one
thought! Suggest instea/> E.hank you again 1or contacting Acme .oyota! I look 1orwar/ to relying soon with the in1o you re;ueste/!F
,rive home again that you are the saleserson who is going to give the rosect what heKshe aske/ 1or!
(rou/ mem)er o1 the Acme Auto 8rou!
I Jm, sure, I guess! Dhatever! It<s another incomlete sentence )ut at this oint I<m too weary to care!
2ll we need and want to do with the <st automated response letter is tell the customer
<G , got your email in%uiry
.G ,#m on the case
/G ,#ll -e -ac$ soon with the goods
.hat<s itU I1 you want to say more say it in another email! I<ll reeat again> one email 7 one toic!
So, -y ta$ing the original <st response letter and doing some ma0or surgery, a -etter <st response template
email might read something li$e this:
.hank you 1or asking Acme .oyota to hel you 1in/ your next car or truckU
I will return romtly 5/uring )usiness hours6 with the exact in1ormation you re;ueste/!
My contact in1ormation aears )elow! I1 you want to reach me imme/iately 1eel 1ree to call or write!
I look 1orwar/ to communicating with you again soon!
See? short, sweet, and to the point
Sub5ect Lines
,n 'our message subCect line4 be as s$eci3c as $ossible )ith as man+
rele4ant details as +ou can 3t@ Spam Alters are more inclined to let speciAc
messages through than generic ones@ +here are a lot of ideas about subCect lines4 and
'ou can ma>e up 'our o5n mind@ Some good ad&ice might be that 'ou change 'our
subCect lines on initial responses based upon the lead source@
,f the lead is from the manufacturer or a thirdKpart' lead pro&ider4 'ou ma'
logicall' 5ant to include the lead $ro4ider<s name in the sub5ect line4 since the
bu'er ma' not reali?e that the information had been for5arded to 'our dealership@ <+he
e6ception is if the lead comes from an aggregator li>e Auto2SA or Heali6P the bu'er 5ill
-9+ recogni?e these names@=
,f 'ou are Suoting a price in the email4 it 5ould be a good idea to state that in
'our subCect line@ ,f the lead comes from 'our o5n 5ebsite4 'ou ma' 5ant to include
the model name and 'our dealership8s name in the subCect line@
,n 'our subseSuent emails4 'ou ma' 5ant to include the model name4 'our name4
the dealership8s name or a combination of these4 as 5ell as the main topic of the email@
(hat to A&oidU
A&oid using punctuation s'mbols L li>e Suotation mar>s4 \\\ dollar signs and3333
A&oid using all CA;,+AL letters L in other 5ords4 no need to S/92+
A&oid putting a tollKfree <B00= number in the subCect line@
+he follo5ing 5ords4 in both 'our email subCect headlines and in the bod' of the
email4 are >no5n to trigger AltersU
Iree K alone or in combinations4 for e6ampleU Dfree dinner 5ith test dri&eE
IR)) : in all caps
Mone' bac>
Call no5
YouOre a (inner3
(hat are 'ou 5aiting
(hile supplies last
Clic> here4 clic>
Million dollars
Hon8t miss this
#0T oM3
Cash bonus
Act -o53
All -e5
Gu' direct
Special ;romotion
)as' terms
0reat oMer
0i&e it a5a'4 gi&ing it
-o cost4 -o fees
9ne time
;lease read
HonOt delete
List ALL of the contact methods that 'ou 5ant bu'ers to useU
To!ota 2ew Car
%5er! urchase or lease of a new To!ota includes a co*li*entar! worr!Afree *aintenance lan and
roadside assistance that consists of , !ears or ,6@$$$ *iles. Whiche5er co*es firstO To!ota is the first fullA
line brand to offer an!thing li&e it.

Signature ,tems to ,ncludeU
/igh <Customer -ame>
, Cust 5anted to ta>e a brief moment to personall' introduce m'self@ M' name is
<name> from <Healership> and ,8m the ,nternet manager here@ Ieel Iree to re&ie5
an' of the information ,8&e pro&ided 'ou and let me >no5 if 'ou 5ould li>e to stop in
for a test dri&e@ , can al5a's be reached at <phone> or 'ou can email me and , 5ill
get bac> to 'ou 5ith ans5ers to an' Suestions or concerns 'ou ma' ha&e@
+han> 'ou and ha&e a good da'@
,nternet Sales Manager
;honeU %1!@N@"B!!
Ia6U %1!@#B0@#N""
)mailU <)mail>
A photo of 'ou at 5or>
Your schedule4 if it8s stable
Lin>s bac> to 'our 5ebsite <especiall' if the lead comes from a !rd:part' source=
such asU
.otes on -utomated /es$onse
,nclude a small banner depicting 'our dealership4 logo or slogan@
VVV +ell them it8s an automated response
VVV Let them >no5 that personali?ed follo5Kup4 b' phone andJor email4 5ill be
Iorthcoming as soon as it is possible
VVV Contact names4 phone numbers4 email and ph'sical addresses
VVV Lin>s to other 5eb pages 5ithin dealership8s 5ebsite
VVV an in&itation to &isit the dealership in person 5ith directions and arri&al
,nstructions to as> for the ,nternet Manager
VVV Lin> to 'our 9nline Credit Application
VVV Healership8s /ours of 9peration
@ecti4e Lead /es$onse
&raig<s To$ 8A List ,or @ecti4e Lead /es$onse
8' Respond 5ithin 8: minutes or less during business hours@
i@ +he customer ma' still be researching on the internet@ +here are 1K
B00 number pro&iders that oMer a Dinstant callE feature 5hen a lead
hits 'our CRM@ +his 5ill call 'our GHC center 5ith the name and
5hat the customer is loo>ing at@ Rust press one and 'ou are calling
the customer@ +his helps catch the customer 5hen the' are still at
the computer and it 5ill help 'ou respond to them before the'
search else5here@
ii@ ,dentif' the site the lead originated from@ You 5ill need to send 'our
self test leads from each pro&ider so 'ou can see 5hat it 5ill loo>
li>e 5hen it comes in@ <it is recomended to test these lead pro&iders
once a month to ma>e sure the' function@
B' Ge a lead detecti4e and determine 5hat buc>et the lead falls into@ Loo> for
a@ Chec> the ra5 lead@ Some CRMs ma' not gi&e all the information or clues
C' 2se the $hone Arst if there is a number@
a@ ,f 'ou cannot get a hold of them then send them a te6t@ +he 5orst case it
is not a cell phone and bounces bac>4 no big deal@ +e6t is a &er' po5erful
tool to get a Suic> response and allo5s 'ou to communicate b' using
DLess is MoreE philosoph' use the D0ood -e5sE phrase in &oice message
and te6t@
*' (hen calling the client address the lead submission form and 5eb site the
lead 5as submitted from@
:' 2se the sub5ect line to communicate eMecti&el'@ Customer are no5
communicating more b' te6t and are accustomed to reading eMecti&e short
communications@ Hra5 them into the bod' of the email for more info@
D' 2se the mirror messaging responses and ans)er or ac!no)ledge all client
Suestions on the Arst contact@
9' +he phone call or email response to a lead that contains a stoc> number must
include a4ailabilit+6 $ricing and alternati4es@
E' Manger should ma>e a con3rmation call@
a@ +he client 5ill be more comfortable 5hen meeting manager at the
dealership <(o5 factor=
F' /a&e a dail'J5ee>l' Gma!e a dealH meeting 5ith a manger@ Hon8t be scared to
as> for help@ ,t 5ill add credibilit' to 'ou and reWect do5n to the customer@
8A' Iollo5 up a minimum of 10 da's 5ith clients that ha&e not been
contacted &ia email andJor phone@
Ste$s to @ecti4e Lead Management
1@ Send an autoKresponder onl' if it is not during business hours4 set the
e6pectations@ Customers >no5 'ou are ma' not be open that8s 5h' the' sent
the lead during nonKbusiness hours@ You ma' seem aggressi&e if repl'ing late
nights or Sunda's@ Consider ha&ing an automatic lin> that opens to a D After
/ours *ideoE message in the repl'@ Actual &ideo in the repla' could be stopped
b' spam Alters@ Ma>e sure 'ou ha&e a 'ou tube account and lin> them to this
account and &ideo@
@ Anal'?e the Lead@ Ge a lead detecti&e <See lead detecti&e section=
!@ +e6t and call Arst thing before sending a repl' if during business hours@ <see
;hone Section=
"@ Send a personal response@
a@ Response time is important but don8t be too Suic> and send the 5rong
response@ (h'U the Sualit' of the response 5ill determine the Sualit' of
the lead@ +his ma' be their Arst impression other than the 5eb site the
consumer sent the lead from@
b@ Ans5er the customers Suestion and as> D/o5 can , helpJassist 'ou 5ith
'our research@
c@ Less is More
d@ .o $rice unless the customer reSuested4 ;rice is for the less than !0 da'
buc>et@ ]uoting price Cust gets the customer in the frame of mind to
discuss price and gi&es &er' little room for needs anal'sis4 &alue4 and
alternate &ehicles and 5h' bu'@ Customer ma' ha&e not landed on a
speciAc brand or &ehicle and could run them oM 5ith >no5ing 5here the'
are in the bu'ing c'cle@ You 5ill ma>e additional gross if not Suoting price
too earl' in the bu'ing c'cle@
#@ Call or te6t customer to assure that the' recei&ed the response@
a@ Ans5er the customers Suestion and as> D/o5 can , helpJassist 'ou 5ith
'our research@
b@ As> 5here the customer is in the bu'ing c'cle to determine 5hich buc>et
to place the customer in and ho5 to mo&e for5ard 5ith 'our follo5Kup
c@ Iind out the best form of communication4 customer8s choice
d@ ,f no ans5er4 lea&e a D0ood -e5sE message phone andJor te6t4 .eep it
Bu+ing &+cle Basics0
.he ;uestion 1or /ealers is not which consumers are using the Internet to sho 1or
cars, )ut how are they using it? Aroun/ :0% o1 in#market vehicle shoers go online
at some oint in their search an/ in#market )uyers sen/ an average o1 $ hours
researching vehicles on the Internet 54orrell Associates6! Accor/ing to Car8urus,
online rosective )uyers sen/ more than *0% o1 their time looking at hotos an/
vi/eos o1 new cars an/ the rest o1 the time rea/ing articles, user reviews, vehicle
seci1ications an/ ricing!
.here are /i11erent goals an/ nee/s at each stage o1 the automotive )uying cycle!
From a consumer ersective, those who are ?ust entering the )uying rocess 1ocus on
general vehicle 1eatures an/ aesthetics an/ create an emotional connection to a 1ew
articular )ran/s an/ mo/els!
As consumers narrow their search an/ move /own the 1unnel, ractical elements such as
sa1ety, relia)ility, maintenance, an/ 1eature comarisons )ecome more critical!
Finally, )uyers urgently 1ocus on cost, rimarily availa)le o11ers an/ incentives!


<$ A 9$
-$ A <$
F -$
9$% 4ucket
Shoers use the /ealer<s we) sites an/
narrow choice /own to a stock num)er!
B$% 4ucket
Shoers are using )ran/ an/ 0
sites to get in1ormation!
Many shoers have not lan/e/ on a
)ran/, mo/el or tye o1 vehicle! Customers
are comaring vehicle to narrow their
choices! Shoers su)mit lea/s to get
in1ormation to hel them narrow /own their
choices! Customers are usually over 00
/ays out 1rom time they su)mit the lea/ to
when they /eci/e to urchase!
CC region average is $+ /ays!

Bu+ing &+cle and Buc!et S+stem
+here are diMerent goals and needs at each stage of the automoti&e bu'ing c'cle@
Irom a consumer perspecti&e4 those 5ho are Cust entering the bu'ing process focus
on general &ehicle features and aesthetics and create an emotional connection to a
fe5 particular brands and models@ As consumers narro5 their search and mo&e do5n
the funnel4 practical elements such as safet'4 reliabilit'4 maintenance4 and feature
comparisons become more critical@ Iinall'4 bu'ers urgentl' focus on cost4 primaril'
a&ailable oMers and incenti&es@
Healers often use the <!0 process on all leads pushing for the sale 5hen in realit' the
customer ma' not >no5 5hat brand or model the' 5ish to purchase@

)mails should go from soft selling to hard selling for one reason@ ,f 'our customer is in
the upper funnel 5hen 'ou ha&e Arst contact <shopping : research= 'ou 5ill need
more aggressi&e emails to5ard the N0 da' range so 'ou can sta' 5ith them and push
harder once the' do get to the purchase side of the funnel@ Hon8t let another dealer
get luc>' and land them 5hen the' are read'@ Ho not 5orr' about being push'
further into the lead timeline@ Ma>e sure 'ou ha&e an opt out on the base of 'our
emails so the' can opt out if the' reall' don8t li>e 'ou emailing them@
Buc!et &once$t
1@ Ge a lead detecti&e3 Heconstruct the lead4 Select Guc>et4 ;repare and then
%#T Guc>et K ,nformation
#T Guc>et
Stoc! J S$eci3c
+he # Sualit' components K ConArmP be prepared to oMer price4 oMer
alternati&es4 la' out the ne6t steps and schedule appointment
Internet Lead Process Flo)
=ea/ is receive/ into C-M
Internet .eamK4,C is noti1ie/!
Send an autoKresponder onl' if it is not during
business hours4 set the e6pectations@ Consider
ha&ing an automatic lin> that opens to a DSunda'
*ideoE message in the repl'@ Actual &ideo in the
repla' could be stopped b' spam Alters@
Analy@e lea/ using the )ucket system
1! 'ext: 8oo/ &ews, X,ealershiY receive/ your =ea/6,
9! (hone: Ask where the customer is in the )uying cycle to
/etermine which )ucket to lace the customer in an/ how to
move 1orwar/ with your 1ollow#u rocess, .ra/e?
0! !mail: use the aroriate resonse within 1$ minutes!
Ans5er the customer8s Suestions and as> D/o5
can , helpJassist 'ou 5ith 'our research@ ,f stoc>
number4 response must include a&ailabilit'4
pricing and alternati&es@ -o price unless the
customer reSuested4 ;rice is for the less than !0
da' buc>et@
8"C will follow / da! noAaoint*ent
,ay 1 # .ext, Call an/ Amail
,ay 9 I Call then Amail
,ay 0 I Amail
,ay + I Call
,ay $ I Amail Manager Survey
,ay * ## Call then email
,ay BI Amail
(ll +eads 3o Contact 4 da) "ollow&up
8"C will *a&e aoint*ent and eMlain where to enter the
building 'landing ad(. 8"C will assign to Product Secialist
and infor* custo*er roduct secialist na*e.
8"C will rint re5ious lead e*ails and co*ile deal docs
and car faM. Product Secialist will be resonsible for getting
the 5ehicle read! to show and test dri5e.
If Internet Sales Manager is assigned the lead the IT tea* will
get credit for the 3"3 and erfor* the rocess start to finish.
Contact and
567 $uc'et
Custo*er is greeted b! the Internet "eart*ent and then
turned o5er to a roduct secialist with the deal docs..
Product Secialist will then be resonsible for the sales
rocess and lacing notes in the C3M.
If Product secialist does not ha5e access to C3M the!
*ust reort bac& to the Internet .ead Manager each ste
of the rocess to &ee C3M udated.
,n&ite client to 'our o7ce before the lot
Re&ie5 their reSuest
Select *ehicle
Set e6pectations on time inter&als4 as> if 9.
1@ (al> around
@ Hemonstration
!@ +radeKin e&aluation
"@ ;resent -umbers 5ith alternati&es li>e leasing
#@ ;resent accessories during 5ait time for I^,
$@ ,ntroduce to I^,
%@ Heli&er' process 5ith e6planation of features and
Record all touch points in CRM
=ollow u a *ini*u* of #,$ da!s with clients
that ha5e not been contacted 5ia e*ail andHor
10 ,ay Amail
1+ ,ay Call 1$ ,ay Amail
91 ,ay Call
00 ,ay Amail 01 ,ay Call
+$ ,ay Amail +* ,ay Call
*0 ,ay Amail *1 ,ay Call
"0 ,ay Amail "1 ,ay Call
11$ ,ay Amail
190,ay Amail
191 ,ay Make Final (hone Call
1dd to Monthl!HRuarterl! IHello9 eAMail and
467 $uc'et long&ter "ollow&up
4,C gets with (ro/uct Secialist 1or a MA, Gma!e a dealH
meeting to /etermine what haene/! 4,C then calls customer
to o)tain another aointment!
EI1 you<re running )ehin/ or something changes woul/ you
lease call me? Here is my num)er xxx#xxx#xxxx!
I will /o the same thing i1 something changes on my en/, what<s
the )est num)er to reach you at?F
3o&Show (ppointent
>es 2o
+ead !etective
-ll leads6 B:; Buc!et and .o &ontact 9 da+ ,ollo)(u$ ( Scenario 8
( Best
Iollo5 the time line until contact is made4 once contact is the made the ne6t follo5 up
action 5ould be determined b' the outcome of phone contact made or email repl'
bac> from the customer@ ,f no contact has been made during the % da' time line4 then
the customer 5ill enter into the ne6t follo5 up phase 5hich is the 467 $uc'et 8 long&
ter "ollow&up@ ,mplement technolog' that alerts 'ou the minute a consumer opens
'our email so 'ou can follo5Kup on the phone or te6t Suic>l' and 5ith rele&ance4
Day 1 Critical contact da'4 +e6t4 Call and )mail
)mail special after hours autoKresponder if not during business hours@
Send an autoKresponder onl' if it is not during business hours4 set the
e6pectations@ Customers >no5 'ou are ma' not be open that8s 5h' the' sent
the lead during nonKbusiness hours@ You ma' seem aggressi&e if repl'ing late
nights or Sunda's@ Consider ha&ing an automatic lin> that opens to a DSunda'
*ideoE message in the repl'@ Actual &ideo in the repla' could be stopped b'
spam Alters@
1! Lead anal'sis <lead detecti&e=
9! 'ext: 8oo/ &ews, X,ealershiY receive/ your =ea/6,
0! (hone: AM 8reat &ews message, (M leave no message! I1 answere/ ask where
the customer is in the )uying cycle to /etermine which )ucket to lace the customer
in an/ how to move 1orwar/ with your 1ollow#u rocess, .ra/e?
+! !mail: use the aroriate resonse within 1$ minutes! ;ersonali?ed email
ans5ering customers Suestion@ Answer the customer<s ;uestions an/ ask EHow
can I helKassist you with your research! I1 stock num)er, resonse must inclu/e
availa)ility, ricing an/ alternatives! &o rice unless the customer re;ueste/, (rice is
1or the less than 00 /ay )ucket!
Day 2 Call4 did 'ou recei&e email 5ith information
)mail4 Rust Chec>ing in4 ,nformation needed for
'our ,nternet ReSuestF
Day 3 )mail4 0lad to /elpF
Day 4 Call4 /o5 5ould 'ou li>e to proceedF
Day 5 )mail Manager Sur&e'
Day 6 Call4 An'thing else , can doF
mail GTried to &all6 -n+thing I can do to hel$
+ou )ith +our researchF
Day 7 )mail4 ;lease Ans5er Gac>
9:; Buc!et K Long(term Follo)(u$ ( Scenario 8 L Best
Iollo5 the time line until contact is made4 once contact is the made the ne6t follo5 up
action 5ould be determined b' the outcome of phone contact made or email repl'
bac> from the customer@
10 Day mail6 PersistenceM a message ,rom
14 Day &all
15 Day mail6 Wh+ Model or )h+ here )ith
customer testimonials
21 Day &all
30 Day mail6 Still in the Mar!et7
31 Day &all
45 Day mail6 We Want +ou<re Trade
46 Day &all
Day 54 is the average lead to purchase in the KC Region
60 Day mail6 Incenti4es ha4e changed
61 Day &all
90 Day mail6 In4entor+ and incenti4es ha4e
91 Day &all
115 Day mail6 Tried Se4eral TimesM Have yo
bo!ht yet" O#er ne$ and sed inventory
120 Day mail6 %end %till Interested"
121 Day Ma!e Final Follo)(u$ Phone &all
mail6 Setu$ &ustomer Monthl+1Puarterl+
Q>ello< e(mail1ne)sletters
*F Da+ Lead /es$onse Process( Scenario B
,ay 0 receive/ the =ea/
\ Auto#-esonse .emlate
\ Analy@e =ea/
&etermine -uc$et -ased on urgency and determine next steps
\ Make Initial (hone Call
\ Sen/ TInitial -esonse< in 00 minutes to 1 hour to answer their ;uestions
\ Sen/ TDhy 4uy Here<
,ay 1 \ Make Follow#u (hone call I E,i/ I answer your ;uestions?F
\ Sen/ TDhy Me< e#mail I (ersonali@e you an/ the /ealershi, a// store
,ay 9 \ Make Follow#u (hone Call
,ay + \ Sen/ E,i/ I answer your ;uestions?F an/ Inventory Alternatives with hotos
\ Make Follow#u (hone Call
,ay $ \ Sen/ I 1rom Manager Survey to Eensure customer hayF
,ay B \ Sen/ Dhy Mo/el or why here with customer testimonials
,ay 1+ \ Make Follow#u (hone Call
\ Sen/ Echecking inF an/ Elatest secialsF
,ay 91 \Sen/ Dhy .oyota
,ay 9: \ Make Follow#u (hone Call
\ Sen/ Dhy Here]F'IG
,ay 0$ \ Sen/ .rie/ Several .imesG EHave you )ought yet? N11er new an/ use/
inventory alternatives
,ay +9 \ Make Follow#u (hone Call
\ Sen/ Still Intereste/? How can I hel?
,ay +" \ Sen/ (ermanently ,eleteG
\ Make Final Follow#u (hone Call
\ Setu Customer MonthlyK^uarterly THello< e#mailKnewsletters
F8 Da+ Lead /es$onse ( Scenario C
.his is one way we recommen/ in the ast 1or 1ollowing u with every Internet =ea/
until the .oyota Internet Sales Consultant is a)le to esta)lish two#way
communication an/ /etermine the )uying cycle!
,ay 1 \ Make 1st Follow#J .extK(hone Call ] &o Message \ Sen/ Dhy MeG
Intro/ucing their XmakeY Internet Sales Consultant ] Make It (ersonalU
,ay 9 \ Sen/ Dhy .oyotaG Axtol the )ene1its o1 owning a XmakeY
,ay + \ Sen/ Inventory Alternatives with (hotosG \ Make 9n/ Follow#u (hone Call
] =eave a Message
,ay $ \ Sen/ 8MK,ealer A#mailG A ersonal invitation to the /ealershi 1rom the
8eneral Manager or ,ealer
,ay B \ Sen/ Dhy Mo/elG
,ay 1+ \ Make 0r/ Follow#u (hone Call \ Sen/ Dhy Here ] ServiceG
,ay 91 \ Sen/ Accessori@e Your &ewG
,ay 9: \ Make +th Follow#u (hone Call \ Sen/ Dhy Here ] F'IG (urchase vs!
,ay 0$ \ Sen/ 8et (re#Arove/G
,ay +9 \ Make $th Follow#u (hone Call \ Sen/ 8a Insurance Axlaine/G
,ay +" \ Sen/ .ra/e#In or SellG
,ay $* \ Sen/ &ew Inventory Arrive/G
,ay *0 \ Sen/ Dhy Here ] (artsG
,ay B0 \ Sen/ .rie/ Several .imesG
,ay BB \ Make *th Follow#u (hone Call
,ay :+ \ Sen/ Still Intereste/?
,ay "1 \ Sen/ (ermanently ,eleteG Make Final Follow#u (hone Call
Da+ 86 TMPL-T FO/ B-SI& -=TOG./-TD /SPO.S
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
()GS,+)U 555@666@com
+oU I,RS+ -AM)
+his email is to let 'ou >no5 that < dealership > recei&ed 'our inSuir' and 5e 5ill get bac>
to 'ou 5ithin business hours 5ith a personali?ed response@ 9ur normal business hours areU
,-S)R+ HAYS A-H G2S,-)SS /92RS
,f 'ou thin> of an' other Suestions concerning the +o'ota &ehicle 'ou are interested in4 please
feel free to contact me an'time@
, loo> for5ard to earning 'our business and presenting 'ou 5ith a hasslefree bu'ing
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Da+ 86 B:; Buc!et .e) Rehicle First /e$l+
Sub9ect +ine: In"oration on )our :)ear; :odel; "ro :dealership;
Hello Fcusto*er first na*eG
I see !our considering the F!earG F*odelG@ eMcellent choice. I will gladl! chec& on the a5ailabilit! of this
eMact 5ehicle if !ou refer. Please let *e &now as we ha5e o5er FcountG 5ehicles in stoc& of 5arious *a&es
and *odels@ howe5er if I do not ha5e !our eMact fit we should easil! be able to acNuire one in few da!s.
The secial internet rice for !our F!earG F*odelG which includes the secifications attached below is
FriceG. 2ote that we also ha5e *odels a5ailable as low as Flow riceG as well as a To!ota certified with
F*ilesG for Fcert riceG. I9* attaching a lin& to our in5entor! as well as a lin& to our custo*er testi*onials
age. Please ta&e a few *o*ents to read about the eMeriences of other F"ealershiG ha! custo*ers.
High Fcusto*er first na*eG@ I ?ust wanted to ta&e a brief *o*ent to ersonall! introduce *!self. M! na*e
is Fna*eG fro* FdealershiG and I9* the Internet Manager here. =eel =ree to re5iew an! of the infor*ation
I95e ro5ided !ou and let *e &now if !ou would li&e to sto in for a test dri5e. I can alwa!s be reached at
FhoneG or !ou can e*ail *e and I will get bac& to !ou with answers to an! Nuestions or concerns !ou *a!
, loo> for5ard to earning 'our business and presenting 'ou 5ith a hasslefree bu'ing
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
DI%W ):3 C:ST)M%3 T%STIM)2I1.S
DI%W ):3 I2D%2T)3>
DI%W ):3 :S%" C13 SP%CI1.S
DI%W ):3 H):3S 12" "I3%CTI)2S
=)3 1 S%C:3% C3%"IT 1PP.IC1TI)2
Da+ 86 9:; Buc!et Trade lead Initial /es$onse no 4ehicle
!a) < Trade lead 3o contact
FSu-0ect line: 7our trade could -e a perfect fit for our inventoryG
.hank you 1or su)mitting your tra/e re;uest!
I ?ust le1t you a message! I wante/ to talk to you a)out your X.-A,AYAA-Y X.-A,AMACAY
%.-A,AMN,A=%P it coul/ )e the er1ect 1it 1or our use/ car inventory right now!
So I can hel you get the most ossi)le 1or your X.-A,AMN,A=Y, IS/ like to seak to you )y
hone an/ ask you some a//itional ;uestions! .hat way I can let my use/ car manager know an/
he can give you the most 1or your vehicle as ossi)le!
(lease rely with the )est num)er 1or me to reach you at an/ the most convenient time 1or me to
call, so I /o not interrut anything!
I also want to make sure you are aware that every urchase or lease o1 a new .oyota inclu/es a
comlimentary worry#1ree maintenance lan an/ roa/si/e assistance that consists o1 9 years or
9$,000 miles! Dhichever comes 1irstU .oyota is the 1irst 1ull#line )ran/ to o11er anything like it!
, loo> for5ard to earning 'our business and presenting 'ou 5ith a hasslefree bu'ing
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
NNNNN sub5ect line should be G +our in,ormation re2uested ,rom
Ndealershi$O OOOOOOO
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
()GS,+)U 555@666@com
+oU I,RS+ -AM)
M' name is VVVVVVVVVVVV and , appreciate recei&ing 'our inSuir' about the +o'ota <model= @
+he +o'ota model 'ou selected is an e6cellent choice3
;o5erful VVVVV engine
)6cellent );A fuel econom' ratings of VV mpg cit'JVV mpg high5a'
Standard features including VVVVVVVVVV
A&ailable options and accessories including VVVVVVVVVV
(e ha&e that model in these e6terior colorsU VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
/ere is our ,nternet Special ;rice for 'ou for this modelU
\XX4XXX Manufacturer8s Suggested Retail ;rice including destination charge_
\XX4XXX 9ur ,nternet Special ;rice Suote to 'ou_
\X Sa&ings oM M@S@R@;@
_ Hoes not include ta64 title and license fees
, 5ill be calling 'ou soon to ma>e sure 'ou recei&ed this )mail and to ma>e sure , ha&e
ans5ered all of
'our Suestions@ ,f there is a time 'ou 5ould li>e me to call Cust send the time to me &ia te6t4
or eKmail@
, pro&ided m' cell phone number if 'ou 5ould li>e to te6t@
, loo> for5ard to earning 'our business and presenting 'ou 5ith a hasslefree bu'ing
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Great template short easy and directly to the point.
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
()GS,+)U 555@666@com
+oU I,RS+ -AM)
M' name is VVVVVVVVVVVV and , appreciate recei&ing 'our inSuir' about a <model 'ear=@ +he
ma>e model 'ou selected is an e6cellent choice3 ,t is cleaned up and read' to deli&er to 'ou
Msrp price
,nternet discount
You sa&e
, 5ill be calling 'ou soon to ma>e sure 'ou recei&ed this )mail and to ma>e sure , ha&e
ans5ered all of 'our Suestions@

, loo> for5ard to earning 'our business and presenting 'ou 5ith a hasslefree bu'ing
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS

Sub5ect Line0 Pricing in,ormation on +our NNR>I&LSI.FOOO
+han> 'ou for 'our purchase reSuest@ /ere is the pricing information for 'our ne5
<M9H)L>@ You ha&e selected stoc> ` <!$%0BB> from our in&entor'@ ,t is a
<M9H)L>@ You can see all of the information about it b' clic>ing here@

+he MSR; on this &ehicle is \B4!N#@
Internet sa4ings o, T86*FD'AAU
Factor+ to Bu+er Incenti4e o, T86AAA'AA
Your ,nternet price is Cust \#4BNN@
- total sa4ing o, \4"N$@00
Hue to freSuent changes to factor' incenti&es4 this special ,nternet price is good
until the end of this month@
AHH S9M)+/,-0 IR9M +/) L)AH /)R) +9 ;)RS9-AL,Z) +/) R)S;9-S)1
AS. A ]2)S+,9-
(hen 'ou do come to the dealership1 please as> for me1 JO SMIT>@ , am the
Manager for ,nternet operations and can help 'ou most eMecti&el'@
, 5ill follo5 up 5ith 'ou soon b' telephone to see if this &ehicle meets 'our budget
as 5ell as 'our transportation needs@ (hen , do contact 'ou4 , 5ould li>e to set some
time aside for 'ou to come here and ta>e the <<M9H)L>> for a spin@
,n the meantime4 feel free to please call or eKmail me if 'ou ha&e an' Suestions or
need an' additional information@
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ 86 9:; Buc!et )ithout Stoc! or RI. number
Sub5ect Line0 Great .e)s
/i <customer name>
+han> 'ou for ta>ing the time to consider <dealership name> as the place to do
business 5ith@ , see 'ou ha&e inSuired about a ne5 < MA.)>4 <model>@ (ill this be
'our Arst <ma>e>F (hich one of the &ehicles that , sent 'ou 5ould 'ou most be
interested inF ,s there a better 5a' to reach 'ou so 5e can mo&e for5ard 5ith 'our
Automatic, M#*
(ower Din/ow '
=ocks, Cruise
&reat Price ,etter Price ,est Price
!xact or Close
Automatic, M#*
(ower Din/ow '
=ocks, Cruise
<0I Cheaper
8ut Similar
./,/0- miles
/11,111 mile
2actory 3arranty4
Csed Behicle
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Da+ 86 9:; Buc!et Le,t Message
FSu-0ect line: 5e need some additional ,nformationG
Hi %FI-S.&AMA%,%KSA&.A&CA%
.hank you 1or your Internet re;uest!
I ?ust le1t you a message to go over your vehicle re1erences! In or/er to save you time, I ?ust
nee/ some a//itional in1ormation>
Are you 1lexi)le with colors?
Dhat are the most imortant otions you nee/?
Dhat is your time 1rame 1or securing a vehicle?
4y having this in1ormation, I can con1irm availa)ility, o11er you ricing, an/ resent some ossi)le
alternatives that might work 1or you too! I reali@e this in1ormation is imortant to you an/ your
time is valua)le! So to see/ u the rocess, I will give you a call i1 I /onSt hear )ack 1rom you!
I look 1orwar/ to talking to you soon!
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Day 2, 75% Bucket No Contact, Information needed for your Internet
FSu-0ect line: Nust Chec$ing in ,nformation needed for your ,nternet "e%uestG
I sent you an email yester/ay re;uesting some a//itional in1ormation regar/ing your online
Your original in;uiry /i/ not list seci1ic /etails that you may have selecte/ 5un1ortunately,
sometimes they get lost in transition6!
So that I can hel you get all the in1ormation you nee/ an/ I can gain an accurate un/erstan/ing
o1 what you<re looking 1or, lease rely to this email with your vehicle re1erences, such as
otional e;uiment an/ trim levels? .hanks in a/vanceJ
AlsoGare you looking to relace your current vehicle? ,ue to a recent increase in sales in our
re#owne/ /eartment, we have the nee/ 1or more re#owne/ vehicles at this time, an/ weS/ love
to take a look at yours as it coul/ )e a er1ect 1it 1or our use/ car inventory right now!
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ B6 Generic LeadM.ot nough In,ormation
Sub5ect Line0 The NNR>I&L I.FOOO +ou re2uested ,rom NN L-D SO=/& OO is
a4ailable at NNDealer .ameOO
<<C2S+9M)R I,RS+ -AM)>>4
+han> 'ou for 'our purchase reSuest 1 , ha&e great ne5s3 (e ha&e an e6cellent
a&ailabilit' of the <<R)]2)S+)H M9H)L>> 'ou selected@
2nfortunatel'4 , did not recei&e enough information to be able to Suote 'ou a price
a speciAc &ehicle@ (hether 'ou decided not to pro&ide that information or the 5eb
site that 'ou used neglected to send it to me4 , need to >no5 a fe5 things such as
engine si?e4 trim le&el or transmission@ +hese ha&e a large impact on the price of the
, 5ill be calling 'ou shortl' to ans5er an' Suestions 'ou ha&e about the
<<R)]2)S+)H M9H)L>> and get the information , need to be able to help 'ou@ ,8d
also li>e to arrange a time for 'ou to come in and ta>e it for a spin@
,f 'ou ha&e not re&ie5ed our entire in&entor'4 , in&ite 'ou to do so b' clic>ing on
the follo5ing lin> <<H)AL)RS/,; ()GS,+)>>@
AHH S9M)+/,-0 IR9M +/) L)AH /)R) +9 ;)RS9-AL,Z) +/) R)S;9-S)1
AS. A ]2)S+,9-
,f 'ou 5ould li>e to contact me Arst please call me at <<ASS9C,A+) ;/9-)>>@
(hen 'ou do come to the dealership please as> for me1 JO SMIT>1 since our
traditional retail salespeople is not familiar 5ith our ,nternet pricing structure@
, also 5ant to ma>e sure 'ou are a5are that e&er' purchase or lease of a ne5
+o'ota includes a complimentar' 5orr'Kfree maintenance plan and roadside
assistance that consists of 'ears or #4000 miles@ (hiche&er comes Arst3 +o'ota
is the Arst fullKline brand to oMer an'thing li>e it@
, loo> for5ard to assisting 'ou in the purchase of the <<R)]2)S+)H M9H)L>>
and ma>ing this the most enCo'able car bu'ing e6perience 'ou ha&e e&er had3
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ C6 .o contact ( Glad to >el$
Do not send to Blackbook leads !ar gurus is a good site to compare if it is a price issue and you are "ery
lo# already.
Sub5ect Line0 Glad to hel$6 an+thing I can do to hel$ +ou )ith +our
/i <customer name>
+han>s again for considering <dealership name> for 'our ne6t &ehicle@ G' no5 'ou
should ha&e recei&ed the information 'ou reSuested in 'our ,nternet inSuir'@
;lease repl' to this email or call us directl' at the number listed belo5 if this has DnotE
happened and 5e 5ill ma>e certain 'ou recei&e the reSuested information
An increase in preKo5ned &ehicle sales has created a need for additional in&entor'@ G'
an' chance do 'ou ha&e a &ehicle 'ou 5ould li>e to tradeF
, loo> for5ard to earning 'our business and presenting 'ou 5ith a hasslefree bu'ing
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ *6 no contactL ho) )ould +ou li!e to $roceed7
Sub5ect Line0 /o5 5ould 'ou li>e to proceedF
Hi _First&ame`,
,t8s been se&eral da's since 'our inSuir'P , Cust 5anted to >no5 ho5 'ou 5ould li>e to
.o hel me )etter serve you, lease i/enti1y where you are in your )uying rocess an/ what seci1ic in1ormation you
woul/ like to receive 1rom me! I have 1oun/ that our guests normally 1all into one o1 three categories!
1. hey are !ust "eginning their research# know the general type of vehicle they want to own "ut pro"a"ly will not
make a decision on their new vehicle for may"e two to three months or more.
$. hey have narrowed down their choices to a couple of vehicles% are pretty sure which options they want and will "e
making a decision within the next &' days.
&. hey know what car they want% have identified almost every specification they are looking for and would love to
drive that exact vehicle home today or at least get in it for a test drive.
,s there an'thing else 5e can do for 'ouF ,s there an' additional information 'ou
,t8s not necessaril' important to us 5hen 'ou 5ant to businessP 5e 5ould Cust li>e to
be the place 5here 'ou do business 5hen 'ou are read'@
&lease respond so I kno$ ho$ to move for$ard'
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ :6 Manager Sur4e+
Sub5ect Line0 ?our ,eedbac! is 4er+ im$ortant to us'
+han> 'ou for 'our recent internet reSuest@
At <Healership>4 5e 5ant to ma>e sure 'our purchase e6perience is as eas' and
enCo'able as it should be@ +o be certain that 5e are doing the best Cob 5e can for 'ou4
5ould 'ou be >ind enough to ans5er the follo5ing Suestions in a repl' emailF
1@ (here 'ou responded to in a timel' mannerF
@ Hid 'ou recei&e all the information 'ou reSuestedF
!@ ,s there an' additional information that 'ou 5ould li>e us to send 'ouF
"@ (hat 5ould >eep 'ou from getting 'our ne6t &ehicle from <Healership>
;lease >no5 that 'our feedbac> 5ill be re&ie5ed b' me4 and , 5ill respond to 'ou
+han> 'ou in ad&ance for helping us better ser&e 'ou@
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92R
Da+ D6 Tried to &all -n+thing I can do to hel$ +ou )ith +our
Dear N3rst nameO0
It's been several days since your inquiry; I just wanted to know how you
would like to roceed!

Is there anythin" else we can do #or you!
Is there any additional in#ormation you need!

It's not necessarily imortant to us when you want to do business; we would
just like to be the lace where you do business when you are ready$

Than! +ou ,or the o$$ortunit+ to ser4e +ou recentl+ at >arr Motors' I,
there is an+ additional in,ormation )e can $ro4ide +ou regarding +our neVt
ne) 4ehicle6 $lease ,eel ,ree to contact me $ersonall+'
, loo> for5ard to earning 'our business and presenting 'ou 5ith a hasslefree bu'ing
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ 96 Please -ns)er Bac!
Sub5ect Line0 ;lease Ans5er Gac>
,t has been a5hile since 'ou contacted our dealership@ ,t appears that so far4 5e ha&e
not been able to deli&er on 'our needs@ ;lease help us b' pro&iding an ans5er as to
5here 5e ma' ha&e fallen short or 5hat 5e need 5e need to do in order to earn 'our
Hid 5e not ha&e the &ehicle 'ou are loo>ing forF
;lease ans5er bac>P 5e ma' ha&e the unit a&ailable no5@
Hid 5e not pro&ide a price or terms that 5ould At into 'our budgetF
;lease ans5erbac>P Healer and manufacture incenti&es change monthl' so 5e might
be in a position to ma>e 'ou a much better deal than 5e 5ere able to at the date of
'our Arst contact@
/a&e 'ou purchased a &ehicle else5hereF
;lease ans5er bac>P 5e 5ill update our prospect records@
Hid 5e not pro&ide a purchase e6perience that li&ed up to 'our e6pectationsF
;lease ans5er bac>P 5e ma' need to ma>e changes in our sales process in order to
better assist all of our customers in the future@
,f 'ou ha&e not purchased a &ehicle 'etP
;lease ans5er bac>4 and contact me at 'our earliest con&enience and , 5ill 5or> up
some fresh numbers that reWect our current sales incenti&es and in&entor'@
/a&e a great da'3
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ 8A6 PersistenceM a message ,rom NDealershi$O
Sub5ect Line0 ;ersistence1 a message from <Healership>
/ello <customer name>4 ,t8s <internet manager name> from
<dealership name>
,t is a Ane line separating persistent customer follo5Kup and being
outright bothersome4 and 5e don8t 5ant to cross the line 5hile ma>ing
sure 'our needs are met@
9ur ;rocess is simple and straight for5ard@ After 5e recei&e 'our reSuest4
5e respond 5ith a conArmation email and follo5Kup 5ith a short phone
con&ersation@ ,n this call 5e clarif' 'our reSuest4 including an' eSuipment
'ou are hoping for@ +hen 5e can pro&ide an' additional product
information and get 'ou a complete pac>age of details4 including product
a&ailabilit'4 directl' to 'ou@ (e can also arrange for a con&enient time for
'ou to loo> at and dri&e the &ehicle@ Assuming 'ou are satisAed 5ith our
le&el of professionalism and the con&enience 5e pro&ide 'ou@ Irom here4
the purchase is Cust a short and simple process if 'ou decide to bu' from
<dealership name>@
;lease call and let us >no5 the best 5a' to get hold of 'ou so 5e can
ma>e this process as seamless as possible for 'ou@ (e are &er' proud of
our product and dealership and are dedicated to ensuring that 'ou feel
the same 5a'@

, loo> for5ard to earning 'our business and presenting 'ou 5ith a hasslefree bu'ing
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ 8:6 Wh+ Bu+ here
FSu-0ect =ine: "easons to -uy from OdealerP

I &now !our ti*e is 5aluable so I ?ust wanted send a *essage and *ention a few things about FdealerG and
what *a&es us stand out fro* the co*etition.
Here are additional benefits !ou can loo& forward to when !ou urchase a new or reowned 5ehicle fro*
us@ and beco*e a art of the F dealerG eMtended fa*il!
Fill in your own benifits






I hoe this infor*ation is helful for !our online research. If !ou ha5e an! Nuestions ?ust gi5e *e a call.

, loo> for5ard to earning 'our business and presenting 'ou 5ith a hasslefree bu'ing
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ 8:6 Wh+ Model and Wh+ Bu+ >ere7
<<C2S+9M)R -AM)>>
.he .oyota mo/el you selecte/ is an excellent choiceU
(ower1ul RRRRR engine
aAxcellent A(A 1uel economy ratings o1 RR mg cityKRR mg highway
Stan/ar/ 1eatures inclu/ing RRRRRRRRRR
Availa)le otions an/ accessories inclu/ing RRRRRRRRRR
De have that mo/el in these exterior colors> RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
My name is RRRRRRRRRRRR an/ I am an Internet sales consultant here at X/ealerY
I have )een a sales associate at X/ealerY 1or LL years! As you can see, my commitment to your
satis1action is very high!
Since there a lot o1 laces where you can consi/er urchasing your new XXMAHIC=A -A^JAS.A,YY, I
wante/ to share with you why so many o1 our )uyers /eci/e to /o )usiness with us! In 1act, most o1 these
are the same reasons why I choose to work hereU
De are a local 1amily#owne/ ,ealershi an/ have )een serving the community 1or over +0 yearsU
De have )een recogni@e/ with the X Y Awar/ 1or the ast LL years! .his is the most restigious
awar/ that our manu1acturer o11ers to /ealers! It is comletely )ase/ on our excellent )usiness
ractices an/ on the satis1action an/ loyalty o1 our customers, ?ust like you, who love the
exerience o1 )uying 1rom us an/ sen/ us their 1rien/s, neigh)ors an/ relatives!
De regularly stock more than 2LLLLLLLL in our inventory o1 new an/ use/ cars an/ trucks! (lus,
i1 we /on<t have ?ust the right color or otions on a vehicle that you want, we have roven to )e
extremely ingenious in 1in/ing ?ust the right car 1or you! De can tra/e 1or it, )uy it or or/er it 1or you,
whichever you choose to /o!
Avery urchase or lease o1 a new X Y inclu/es,
I<m attaching a link to our inventory as well as a link to our customer testimonials age! (lease take a 1ew
moments to rea/ a)out the exeriences o1 other X,ealershiY hay customers!
.estimonial age linkYYYY
, loo> for5ard to earning 'our business and presenting 'ou 5ith a hasslefree bu'ing
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ 8:6 S-MPL =W>? B=? F/OM =S M-IL
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
()GS,+)U 555@666@com
+oU I,RS+ A-H LAS+ -AM) 9I C2S+9M)R
<SAL)S R);R)S)-+A+,*)8S -AM)= told me that 'ou recentl' reSuested information from us
about the
<-AM) 9I M9H)L= @ , 5ant to ta>e this opportunit' to than> 'ou personall' for considering our
dealership 5hen it8s time to purchase or lease 'our ne6t &ehicle@
At <dealership>4 5e pride oursel&es on our commitment to longterm customer satisfaction@
Iacts about dealership8s length of time in business
Accolades from < > for customer satisfaction
Accolades from < > for sales
Local a5ards or recognition for contributions to the communit' or corporate citi?enship
(e 5ould be honored to ha&e 'ou among our famil' of satisAed < > o5ners@
,f 5e can help 'ou in an' 5a'4 please feel free to contact <SAL)S R);R)S)-+A+,*)8S -AM)= at
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
"a! -$@ Are You Still in the Market?
Su-0ect =ine: Ofirst nameP 2re you still in the mar$et? OyearP 'oyota OmodelP
(ear )*rst name+,
I have been nable to reach yo in re!ards to yor re-est for
more information'
&erhaps prchased $ith another dealer/ perhaps
decided to postpone yor prchase' 0hatever the reason/ I
$old like to check back $ith yo periodically ntil I.m sre I
can.t be of frther assistance to yo' &lease let me kno$ if yo
are all set and do not need any frther assistance'
, loo> for5ard to earning 'our business and presenting 'ou 5ith a hasslefree bu'ing
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ *:6 We Want ?our Trade
Sub5ect Line0 We )ant ?our Trade
,n the past 5e ha&e found that most of our customers ha&e a &ehicle the' 5ould li>e
to trade in@ Sometimes the &alue of the tradeKin can determine if the' can get the
&ehicle the' reall' 5ant@ Your +rade ma' ma>e a great At for our used &ehicle
in&entor'@ Also 5e ha&e a program 5here 5e 5ill purchase 'our car 5ith no
obligation for 'ou to bu' from us@ ,f 'ou 5ould li>e to a head start on the &alue of
'our &ehicle please ans5er the follo5ing Suestions and 5e 5ill do some research on
our end and get bac> 5ith 'ou@ +han>s and , loo> for5ard to ser&ing 'ou@
1@ Year
@ Ma>e
!@ Model <6l4 6ls4 double cab1etc@=
"@ Mileage
#@ Condition 1 : 10 <10 being the best=
$@ *ehicle ,dentiAcation number <*,- tag on door=
An' additional comments on 'our &ehicleU
, also 5ant to ma>e sure 'ou are a5are that e&er' purchase or lease of a ne5 +o'ota
includes a complimentar' 5orr'Kfree maintenance plan and roadside assistance that
consists of 'ears or #4000 miles@ (hiche&er comes Arst3 +o'ota is the Arst fullKline
brand to oMer an'thing li>e it@
,f 'ou are interested in coming in or ha&e additional Suestions ;lease contact me to
schedule a time to come in@ Sometimes 5e can get 'ou a more accurate &alue if 5e
can see the &ehicle@ ,f 'ou are not interested at this time then 5e do apologi?e for this
email and than> 'ou for choosing <Healership> and please consider us for 'our
future needs@
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ DA6 NDealershi$O Mone+ sa4ing Incenti4es
Sub5ect Line0 <Healership> Mone' Sa&ing ,ncenti&es
< Customer name>
,t has been a 5hile since 'our online inSuir' and the factor' incenti&es ha&e changed
Suite a bit@ , 5anted to pro&ide 'ou and updated information to help 'ou 5ith 'our
purchase decision@
/ere is a list of our current incenti&esU
<,ncenti&es> or lin> to 5eb site incenti&es
, hope 'ou And this information helpful@ Hon8t forget to &isit our 5ebsite <5ebsite
address@com> to see an' additional specials that 5e are oMering this month o&er and
abo&e the factor' incenti&es@
Loo> for5ard to helping 'ou an' 5a' , can@
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ FA6 >o) &an We >el$6 Incenti4es and stoc! changed
Sub5ect Line0 How Can We Hel Incenti5es and stoc& changed7
,t has been a 5hile since 'ou contacted our dealership@ 9ur in&entor' has changed
considerabl' since then4 and if 5e did not ha&e the &ehicle 'ou 5ere loo>ing for
before4 it could be a&ailable no5@
Also4 our Healership and Manufacture incenti&es change monthl' se 5e might be in a
position to ma>e 'ou a better deal than 5e 5ere able to before@
,f 'ou ha&e an' Suestions4 please let me >no5@ M' commitment is to ma>e 'our
internet purchase hassle free@ ;lease contact me at 'our earliest con&enience and ,
5ill 5or> up some fresh numbers that reWect our current sales incenti&es@
,f 'ou ha&e purchased a &ehicle else5here4 Cust drop me a note and , 5ill update m'
+han> 'ou and , 5ill loo> for5ard to hearing from 'ou soon@
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ 88:6 >a4e Bought ?et7
Sub9ect +ine: -ave $ought Yet* :)ear; :odel; "ro :dealership;
Hello Fcusto*er first na*eG
=ro* !our original lead I see !ou were considering the F!earG F*odelG@ eMcellent choice. I will gladl!
rechec& on the a5ailabilit! of this eMact 5ehicle if !ou refer as our in5entor! has changed. Please let *e
&now as we ha5e o5er FcountG 5ehicles in stoc& of 5arious *a&es and *odels@ howe5er if I do not ha5e
!our eMact fit we should easil! be able to acNuire one in few da!s.
The secial internet rice for !our F!earG F*odelG which includes the secifications attached below is
FriceG. 2ote that we also ha5e *odels a5ailable as low as Flow riceG as well as a To!ota certified with
F*ilesG for Fcert riceG. I9* attaching a lin& to our in5entor! as well as a lin& to our custo*er testi*onials
age. Please ta&e a few *o*ents to read about the eMeriences of other F"ealershiG ha! custo*ers.
Perhas !ouP5e urchased with another dealer@ erhas !ouP5e decided to ostone !our urchase. Whate5er
the reason@ I would li&e to chec& bac& with !ou eriodicall! until IP* sure I canPt be of further assistance to
!ou. Please let *e &now how I can assist with an!thing.
, loo> for5ard to earning 'our business and presenting 'ou 5ith a hasslefree bu'ing
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
DI%W ):3 C:ST)M%3 T%STIM)2I1.S
DI%W ):3 I2D%2T)3>
DI%W ):3 :S%" C13 SP%CI1.S
DI%W ):3 H):3S 12" "I3%CTI)2S
=)3 1 S%C:3% C3%"IT 1PP.IC1TI)2
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
()GS,+)U 555@666@com
+oU I,RS+ -AM)
+here is a good chance that if 'ou ha&e not 'et purchased a &ehicle4 'ou ma' be 5aiting for
the right time4 and that8s o>a' 5ith me@ Gu'ing a &ehicle can often be a tiring process@ , 5ill
do m' best to ma>e it an enCo'able e6perience@
, 5ant to ma>e sure , lea&e 'ou 5ith three thingsU
, ha&e ans5ered 'our Suestions@
You feel good about our dealership and the ser&ice , ha&e pro&ided@
(hen 'ou get read' to ma>e a &ehicle purchase4 'ou 5ill gi&e me an opportunit' to
earn 'our business@
Most of m' customers 5ho ha&e not 'et purchased a &ehicle are as>ing me to >eep them
informed as to rebates4 incenti&es4 and oMers that ma' ma>e their dream &ehicles more
attainable@ +herefore4 to >eep 'ou informed4 , 5ould li>e to email 'ou our ne5sletter@
9ur ne5sletter includes items ranging from our latest oMers to ser&ice coupons to information
about our dealership8s in&ol&ement in communit' ser&ice and local charitable eMorts@ , thin>
'ou 5ill li>e our email content and 5ill loo> for5ard to getting the ne5sletter@ ,f 'ou do not
5ant to recei&e it4 simpl' clic> on the optout button at the bottom of the Arst page of the
+han> 'ou again for 'our interest@ ,8m loo>ing for5ard to sta'ing in touch and ser&ing 'ou
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ 8BA6 -re +ou still Send Still Interested7
Su-0ect =ine: Ofirst nameP 2re you still ,nterested? OyearP 'oyota OmodelP
(ear )*rst name+,
I have been nable to reach yo in re!ards to yor re-est for
more information'
&erhaps prchased $ith another dealer/ perhaps
decided to postpone yor prchase' 0hatever the reason/ I
$old like to check back $ith yo periodically ntil I.m sre I
can.t be of frther assistance to yo' &lease let me kno$ if yo
are all set and do not need any frther assistance'
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ 8BA6 Still Interested
Sub5ect Line0 Still Interested7
I hoe I have rovi/e/ you the in1ormation to make an in1orme/ /ecision! At this time I am waiting
1or a//itional inut 1rom you as to what our next ste shoul/ )e! I am very intereste/ to hear
where youSre at in your /ecision making rocess! I1 thereSs anything I can /o 1or you to hel make
your /ecision, lease let me know! Doul/ you like to see more ictures o1 the vehicle?
=et me know i1 you<re still intereste/ an/ how I can )etter assist you!
.hanks again an/ have a great /ay,
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Da+ 8B86 Permanentl+ Delete
<<C2S+9M)R -AM)>>
Irom the time , recei&ed 'our online reSuest for more information concerning a
<<R)]2)S+)H *)/,CL)>>4 , ha&e made se&eral attempts b' email and b' phone to
contact 'ou@ Since 5e ha&e not been able to communicate4 despite these se&eral
attempts4 , am no5 obligated to permanentl' delete 'our information from m' acti&e
,f there are some other circumstances that ha&e pre&ented us from getting
together4 and 'ou 5ould li>e for me to continue to follo5Kup 5ith 'ou4 please contact
me as soon as possible at <<;/9-) -2MG)R>>4 or b' responding to this email
5ithin " hours@
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
-dditional Great Tem$lates
?ou Le,t Something at NdealerO
SubCect LineU You Left Something at <dealer>
Hello )*rst 1ame+
%ou &e#t somethin" here'''''''''''

Stoc> -umberU
=sed 8FF: To+ota Su$ra S ( &ou$e
Web S$ecial Price0 \1#4NNB@00 <e6piresU 0J1"J01=
)6teriorU Glac>
9ptionsU "K(heel Hisc Gra>es4 Abs Gra>es4 Air
Conditioning4 Allo' (heels4 AMJIM Radio4
Automatic +emperature Control4 Cassette4 Cd
Single Hisc4 Hual Iront ,mpact Airbags4 Iront
Guc>et Seats4 Iront Iog Lights4 /eated Hoor
Mirrors4 ,lluminated )ntr'4 Leather4 Leather
Steering (heel4 ;o5er Hoor Mirrors4 ;o5er
9ptions4 ;o5er Steering4 ;o5er (indo5s4 Rear
(indo5 Hefroster4 Rear (indo5 (iper4 Securit'
S'stem4 Speed Control4 Spoiler4 +achometer4 +ilt
Steering (heel4 *ariabl' ,ntermittent (ipers
See more about this &ehicle a
&et me know when you can come back or so I can hold on to it #or
you$ (r I could brin" it to you at your home or ()ce$
*ave a "reat day'
Remember the vehicle you looked at today and are putting off till tomorrow to purchase, someone else looked at
it yesterday and could be buying today
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
=sed RehicleMIn Stoc!
Sub5ect Line0 The NNR>I&L I.FOOO that +ou re2uested ,rom NND-L/S>IPOO
<<C2S+9M)R I,RS+ -AM)>>4
+han> 'ou for &isiting our 5ebsite and for sending a purchase reSuest@
, can conArm that4 as of this moment4 the <<*)/,CL) Model>>is still a&ailable and
that the sale price as listed on our 5ebsite is <<\XXXXXX>>
You can be completel' comfortable 5hen 'ou purchase a preKo5ned &ehicle from
us@ All of our preKo5ned &ehicles are put through a rigorous4 1"Kpoint inspection@
+hose &ehicles that do not meet our demanding standards are sold at auctions@
AHH S9M)+/,-0 IR9M +/) L)AH /)R) +9 ;)RS9-AL,Z) +/) R)S;9-S)1
AS. A ]2)S+,9-
, 5ill be calling 'ou shortl' to ans5er an' Suestions 'ou ha&e about the
<<R)]2)S+)H M9H)L>> and to see ho5 'ou 5ould li>e to proceed in 'our shopping
e6perience@ ,8d also li>e to arrange a time for 'ou to come in and ta>e it for a spin@
,f 'ou 5ould li>e to contact me Arst4 please call me at <<ASS9C,A+) ;/9-)>>@
(hen 'ou do come to the dealership4 please as> for me1 JO SMIT>1 since our
traditional retail salespeople is not familiar 5ith our ,nternet pricing structure@
, loo> for5ard to assisting 'ou in the purchase of the <<R)]2)S+)H M9H)L>>
and ma>ing this the most enCo'able car bu'ing e6perience 'ou ha&e e&er had3
<<;hoto of the &ehicle the' reSuested>>
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92R
Rehicle .ot In Stoc!MG-4ailableH
Sub5ect Line0 The NNR>I&L I.FOOO that +ou re2uested ,rom NNL-D
<<C2S+9M)R I,RS+ -AM)>>4
+han> 'ou for 'our purchase reSuest@
, 5ill chec> toda'8s in&entor' to see if that particular <<*ehicle Model>> is still
a&ailable and 5ill call 'ou 5ith more information@
Since 'our reSuest is for a <<*ehicle Model>>4 , ha&e preKselected a fe5 and
included some pricing information@
<<*ehicle Model>> from \"4%NB
<<*ehicle Model>> from \$4!N#
<<*ehicle Model>> from \B4$#0
,f 'ou ha&e not re&ie5ed our entire in&entor'4 , in&ite 'ou to do so b' clic>ing on the
follo5ing lin> <<H)AL)RS/,; ()GS,+)>>@
AHH S9M)+/,-0 IR9M +/) L)AH /)R) +9 ;)RS9-AL,Z) +/) R)S;9-S)1
AS. A ]2)S+,9-
, 5ill follo5 up 5ith 'ou soon b' telephone to see if a &ehicle that 5e ha&e meets
'ou8re budget as 5ell as 'our transportation needs@ (hen , do contact 'ou4 , 5ould
li>e to set some time aside for 'ou to come here and ta>e the <<M9H)L>> for a
, also 5ant to ma>e sure 'ou are a5are that e&er' purchase or lease of a ne5 +o'ota
includes a complimentar' 5orr'Kfree maintenance plan and roadside assistance that
consists of 'ears or #4000 miles@ (hiche&er comes Arst3 +o'ota is the Arst fullKline
brand to oMer an'thing li>e it@
,f 'ou 5ould li>e to contact me Arst4 please call me at <<ASS9C,A+) ;/9-)>>
;lease as> for me1 JO SMIT>W or simpl' repl' to this email@
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
-lternati4e Rehicles )1 Photos L -
Sub5ect Line0 Great ne)sU The NNR>I&L I.FOOO that +ou re2uested ,rom
<<C2S+9M)R I,RS+ -AM)>>4
0reat ne5s3 (e ha&e the &ehicle that 'ou are loo>ing for in addition to se&eral others
that 'ou ma' 5ant to consider@

, also 5ant to ma>e sure 'ou are a5are that e&er' purchase or lease of a ne5 +o'ota includes
a complimentar' 5orr'Kfree maintenance plan and roadside assistance that consists of
'ears or #4000 miles@ (hiche&er comes Arst3 +o'ota is the Arst fullKline brand to oMer
an'thing li>e it@
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R /92RS
900B Camry SA
Automatic, M#*
(ower Din/ow '
=ocks, Cruise
&reat Price ,etter Price ,est Price
!xact or Close
900B Camry =A
Automatic, M#*
(ower Din/ow '
=ocks, Cruise
<0I Cheaper
8ut Similar
.115 Camry 6E
'utomatic, --cyl"
./,/0- miles
7oyota Certifie
/11,111 mile
2actory 3arranty4
'oyota Certified
Csed Behicle
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
-lternati4e Rehicles )1 Photos ( B
Sub5ect Line0 The NNR>I&L I.FOOO that +ou re2uested ,rom NNL-D
<<C2S+9M)R I,RS+ -AM)>>4
Than! +ou ,or trusting us enough to send a $urchase re2uest'
(e appreciate this opportunit' to sell 'ou the car or truc> that meets or e6ceeds 'our
5ants and needs at a price that 'ou can handle@
You reSuested a < > 1 the' are a&ailable as lo5 as the high \1B4000s to lo5
\1N4000s 5ith a four c'linder engine@ +he e6citing ne5 /'brid Camr' that is rated
for "0mpg cit' and !Bmpg high5a' runs in the &er' lo5 \!04000 range@ < > 5ith a
*$ engine and lots of amenities can run to the lo5 to mid \!04000s@ ,n addition here
are se&eral others that 'ou ma' 5ant to consider@
;lease contact me b' email or telephone and , 5ill be happ' to 5or> 5ith 'ou to And
e6actl' 5hat 'ou 5ant and then help 'ou to At it into 'our budget@ (e ha&e do?ens of
Anancing oMers and specials that can ma>e the ne5 car that 'ou bu' &er' aMordable@

Automatic, M#*
(ower Din/ow '
=ocks, Cruise
&reat Price ,etter Price ,est Price
!xact or Close
Automatic, M#*
(ower Din/ow '
=ocks, Cruise
<0I Cheaper
8ut Similar
'utomatic, --cyl"
./,/0- miles
/11,111 mile
2actory 3arranty4
Csed Behicle
,f 'ou 5ould li>e to contact me Arst4 please call me at <<ASS9C,A+) ;/9-)>>
;lease as> for me1 JO SMIT>W or simpl' repl' to this email@
-lternati4e Rehicles )1 Photos ( &
<<C2S+9M)R -AM)>>
As part of the ser&ices that , oMer4 , 5ould li>e to point out some alternati&e
&ehicles from our in&entor' that 5ill meet 'our transportation needs4 but might
possibl' sa&e 'ou mone' 5hen compared to the &ehicle that 'ou originall'
considered@ Man' of m' pre&ious happ' customers ha&e found this to be helpful@
;lease understand that , am not tr'ing to Ys5itch8 'ou to another &ehicle@ ,8m
merel' oMering some suggestions based on m' >no5ledge of the industr' and our
in&entor' that could possibl' be a better choice for 'ou@ ,f one of these meets 'our
needs4 please let me >no5 and ,8ll set some time aside for 'ou to ta>e it for a spin@ ,f
not4 please let me >no5 5hen 'ou 5ould be interested in dri&ing the original car that
'ou reSuested@
<<,-S)R+ ;/9+9 A-H H)SCR,;+,9->> <<,-S)R+ ;/9+9 A-H H)SCR,;+,9->>
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Wh+ Me7
<<C2S+9M)R I,RS+ -AM)>>4
Since bu'ing a ne5 or used car or truc> can be &er' stressful4 , 5anted to
introduce m'self so that 'ou can feel completel' comfortable 5ith the person 'ou 5ill
be dealing 5ith@
, ha&e been in the retail auto industr' for Cust o&er " 'ears@ Since getting into
car sales4 , ha&e been e6tremel' successful@ ,n fact last 'ear and so far this 'ear4 ,
ha&e SualiAed for the Master Sales Societ' of our manufacturer@ +his is a societ' for
the top T of all salespeople nation5ide3 , li>e to belie&e that m' success comes from
ho5 hard , 5or> for m' clients b' pro&iding them the best possible &ehicle to meet
their needs at terms that the' can most easil' aMord
Man' of m' current sales are from people 5ho ha&e bought from me in the
past1 or from their friends4 neighbors or relati&es@ , 5ant 'ou to feel as good about
'our e6perience so that 'ou 5ill 5ant to send 'our friends and famil' to me 5hen
the' need a ne5 or used car or truc>@
AHH S9M) ,-I9RMA+9- AG92+ Y92R S)LI11@ )X;
I have a $ife/ for da!hters and a bea!le2 (3y the $ay/ if yo have any
da!hters yorself/ yo kno$ ho$ mch I need to earn yor bsiness2 they are
e4pensive!) On those rare occasions that I am not at $ork/ I love to spend time $ith
my !irls/ both at home and on the road' I like to ski/ read/ travel and play !ames $ith
the kids'
, 5ant to assure 'ou that , 5ill do all in m' po5er to ser&e 'our needs in such a
5a' that 'ou feel completel' conAdent that the deal 5e ma>e 5ill be the best one
possible for 'our budget and transportation needs@
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
S-MPL =W>? B=? F/OM M M-IL
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
()GS,+)U 555@666@com
+oU I,RS+ -AM)
M' name is VVVVVVVVVVVV and , am an ,nternet sales consultant here at XXX +o'ota@
, ha&e been a sales associate at XXX +o'ota for XX 'ears4 As 'ou can see4 m' commitment to
'our satisfaction is &er' high@
, 5ill be calling 'ou to ma>e sure that in m' pre&ious emails , ha&e ans5ered all of 'our
Suestions about
the &ehicle 'ou8re interested in4 along 5ith an' other Suestions 'ou ma' ha&e@ ,n the
meantime4 please
feel free to contact me an'time at <XXX= XXXXXXX@
<AH*A-+A0) 9I Y92R GRA-H>
+han> 'ou again for 'our inSuir'@
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R

=W>? B=? - N O &/TIFID =SD R>I&L M-IL
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
()GS,+)U 555@666@com
+oU I,RS+ -AM)
+han> 'ou again for sending us a purchase inSuir'@ , appreciate the opportunit' to help 'ou
And the
< > that8s right for 'ou@
You reSuested information about the <-AM) 9I M9H)L=@ +his happens to be a CertiAed 2sed
*ehicle4 and as a result it has a number of ad&antages o&er other preo5ned &ehicles 'ou
might ha&e consideredU

)X;LA,- G)-)I,+S 9I A C)R+,I,)H

Additional program beneAts includeU

,8ll be contacting 'ou b' phone to re&ie5 all of these ad&antages as 5ell as the features of the
speciAc &ehicle 'ou8re interested in@ ,n the meantime4 please feel free to contact me b' email
or phone to go o&er 'our &ehicle needs@
+han> 'ou again for 'our inSuir'@
Y92R -AM)4 Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Wh+ N B/-.D O 7
<<C2S+9M)R -AM)>>
Man' of the people 5ho purchase their ne5 or used cars or truc>s from me4 using the
,nternet4 are considering other manufacturers8 &ehicles as 5ell as mine@ +herefore4 ,
5ould li>e to oMer 'ou se&eral of the reasons 5h' , belie&e that 5e oMer some of the
Anest automobiles a&ailable an'5here@
GRA-H G)-)I,+
<Remember4 until 'ou ma>e contact 5ith 'our bu'er4 'ou don8t >no5 5ho else
the' ma' be spea>ing 5ith@=
<-e&er assume that 'ou are their onl' choice@=
Wh+ model
<<C2S+9M)R -AM)>>
Since man' of m' customers are &er' earl' in their decisionKma>ing process
5hen the' send me an online reSuest for information4 , thought that , should share
5ith 'ou some of the reasons 5h' the <<R)]2)S+)H *)/,CL)>> that 'ou as>ed
about is such a 5ise choice@ ,n m' desire to be as professional as possible4 and to gi&e
'ou the &er' best ser&ice that , can4 , ha&e done some independent research on our
products@ ,8d li>e to share some of that 5ith 'ou@
<,nsert copies of articles from online sources4 such as .ell' Glue Goo>4 )dmunds4
Motor +rend4 Car and Hri&er4 etc@=

, 5ill contact 'ou b' phone in the near future to ensure 'ou recei&ed this
information and to ans5er an' Suestions that 'ou ma' ha&e@ ,8d li>e to set up a time
5hen 'ou can ta>e it for a spin@ ,f 'ou 5ould rather contact me4 please do so at 'our
Wh+ hereMSer4ice
<<C2S+9M)R I,RS+ -AM)>>4
9ne of the decisions 'ou 5ill need to ma>e4 once 'ou purchase 'our ne5 or
used car or truc>4 is 5here 'ou 5ill ha&e it ser&iced@ ,8d li>e to ta>e Cust a moment to
let 'ou >no5 5h' most of the people 5ho bu' a car from me decide to come bac>
here to ha&e it maintained@
9ur Ser&ice department hasU
b 66 ser&ice ba's 5ith four teams of technicians4 so e&en though 5e repair and
maintain hundreds of cars and truc>s e&er' month4 5aiting time is >ept to a
b 66 AS)KcertiAed ser&ice technicians and $ of them are Master +echnicians 5ho
are certiAed to 5or> on e&en the most di7cult problems 5ith an' &ehicle@
b , recentl' added up all the tears of e6perience our gu's ha&e in repairing cars
and the total came to 66 'ears3 +hese aren8t a bunch of high school dropouts
ser&icing 'our prett' and comple6 ne5 or used car or truc>@
b +he dealership has in&ested 6666 in diagnostic eSuipment to help us Suic>l'
and e7cientl' ser&ice 'our cars@ (e8&e also 5on man' a5ards for ser&ice e6cellence
through our manufacturer@
, >no5 that 5hen 'ou place 'our trust in us for the purchase and maintenance
of 'our &ehicle4 'ou can enCo' peace of mind >no5ing that the Anest professionals in
the automoti&e industr' 5ill be caring for 'our &ehicle@
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Wh+ hereMParts
<<C2S+9M)R I,RS+ -AM)>>4
9nce 'ou o5n a ne5 or used car or truc> from <<H)AL)RS/,; -AM)>>4 'ou
deser&e to >no5 the caliber of the professionals 5ho 5ill be ta>ing care of 'our ne5
<<R)]2)S+)H M9H)L>>@
9ur ;arts department has one of the largest in&entories in the state4 of both
manufacturer parts and afterKmar>et accessories to customi?e and personali?e 'our
ne5 <<R)]2)S+)H M9H)L>>@
(e ha&eU
b An in&entor' of XXXXX in our parts department
b A All rate of XXX1that means that XXX of the time4 5hen 'ou need a part4 5e
ha&e it here 5aiting for 'ou@ +his allo5s us to signiAcantl' reduce the time 'ou ha&e
to 5ait for repairs@
b 9n the rare occasions that 5e don8t ha&e a part4 5e8ll either get it locall' or
ha&e it Wo5n in to us@ (e 5ant to get 'ou bac> on the road as soon as humanl'
b (e sell more than XXXXXXX in parts 5holesale to other dealers e&er' month
because on lots of occasions 5e ha&e the part 5hen the' don8t3
(hen 'ou purchase 'our ne5 <<R)]2)S+)H M9H)L>> from us4 5e feel that is
the beginning of our relationship1not the end3
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS
Wh+ >ereMFinance De$artment
<<C2S+9M)R -AM)>>
(hen 'ou select 'our ne5 or used car or truc> from us4 'our ne6t decision ma'
be ho5 'ou 5ill pa' for it@ Since this decision can often be a di7cult one4 ,8d li>e to
share 5ith 'ou some of the reasons 5h' most of the people 5ho bu' from us also
choose to allo5 us to assist them 5ith their Anancing@
(e oMerU
b XX diMerent lending institutions that 5e 5or> 5ith so that 5e can get the right
funding for 'ou4 no matter 5hat 'our Anancial circumstances currentl' are@
b All >inds of diMerent Anancing options4 including long or short term loans4
leasing or speciali?ed Anancing pac>ages for those 5ho ha&e had past credit
problems4 man' times through no fault of their o5n@
b More than XX of all the people 5ho purchase a ne5 or used car or truc> from us
also allo5 us to assist them 5ith their ne5 &ehicle Anancing@
b Lots of diMerent products and ser&ices to protect the appearance4 mechanical
integrit' and Anancial 5ellbeing of products 5e sell and the people 5ho o5n them@

, hope that 'ou can see that 5hen 'ou do decide to get 'our <<R)]2)S+)H
*)/,CL)>> from us4 5e 5ant to do e&er'thing in our po5er to ma>e 'ou feel thrilled
5ith this purchase and 5ith e&er' &ehicle 'ou purchase from us from no5 on3
Y92R -AM)
Y92R +,+L)
Y92R H)AL)RS/,;8S -AM)
Y92R ;/9-) -2MG)R
Y92R /92RS

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