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Who discovered America?

1. Native Americans
2. The Vikings
3. Christopher Columbus

Came from Asia over Beringia (Bering Strait) during last Ice Age.
When they crossed is not certain approximately 17.000 years ago.
Stone Age hunters in small band
Few material remains (Clovis Spearpoints)
They reached Tierra del Fuego 10.000 years ago
After Ice Age ended they invented bow and arrow
Around 7000 years ago in Peru they discovered agriculture
About 5000 they domesticated corn
By the 15
century 10 million people (500 tribes)
Hunting-gathering and agriculture
Only Anasazi (southwest) and the mound builders (south east) developed urban societies
Remained in stone age (no domestic animals, no system of writing)
Level of culture will be significant when they encounter Europeans
The Vikings
They developed light and fast ships
Vikings from Denmark attacked and settled in England, Ireland and France
Vikings from Sweden went east into the river systems of Russia, the Caspian and black sea
then they established the state of Rus
Vikings from Norway went west discovered and settled the Faeroe
In Iceland a Viking named Eric the red was banished for 3 years for murder he discovered
Greenland. It was suitable for agriculture at that time
Eric the Reds son discovered Vinland (vine land) and returned Greenland gathering
colonists to settle in Vinland
Viking settlement in north America lasted only for 15 to 20 years due to constant attacks of
skrealings natives
Greenland Norse maid voyages to north America until the mid-14
century to cut wood for
Greenland settlement disappeared in the first half of 15
Why was the Norse unsuccessful in establishing permanent settlement in North America?
There was no constant supply of migrants.


Developments in Europe by the 15

Technology: navigation
Large merchant class: profit and wealth
Kings: political stability, concentration of power and resources
Why did Portugal make the first exploration?
Given impetus by prince henry the navigator (established a school of navigation and sponsored
They discovered Azure Islands
They established sugar plantations
They raid Africa to capture slaves to work in plantations
Began a series of voyages down to western coast of Africa
Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope route to Indian ocean became possible
!! Spain never copied Portugals successful voyages. Why?
- Because of internal disputes (Reconquista reconquest of Spain from Arabs)
- After Fernando and Isabella defeated Arabs they started to be interested in voyages
Columbus convinced Spain that he know a new route to India (never reached to north America and
died in prison)
Why were Europeans successful now, but the Vikings 500 years earlier have not been?
- Firearms and gun powders
- Europeans didnt die due to diseases
Treaty of Tordesillas

Columbus voyage created a rivalry between Portugal and Spain
Pope was anxious to avoid it because Protestantism started to spread
Pope divided new land between Portugal and Spain (limited Portuguese settlement in new
Vasco de Gama
Sailed cape of good hope and reached India
To protect the route to India and Portuguese he established settlements
Portugal will be the most powerful state in east Africa until 17


Spanish Colonization
Began in Caribbean
Discovery of gold attracted numerous adventurers
Mines first were worked by native American slaves
Many slaves died due to diseases, others ran away
They started sugar plantation with African slaves
They sought new lands to exploit
Hernan Cortes and Mexico
Burned his ships and began moving in islands
Met a native woman who can speak Spanish then she became his translator
He met Aztecs in Mexico, Aztecs had highly developed civilization
Cortes had some factors in his favor ; Aztecs believed that a white, bearded god Quetzalcoatl
would return in 1519
Cortes was honored until when Aztecs understood his intentions
Cortes build ships and due to diseases in the region the city was taken by cortes in 1521 he
became enormously wealthy
Fransisco Pizarro and Peru
Inspired by Cortes
He was a bastard of a Spanish nobleman
Landed in Peru in 1531
Proceeded to Inca empire
Incas distrusted Spain
Pizarro took Inca king and demanded gold (he took the ransom but he attacked Incas and
defeated them. He became even wealthier than Cortes)
In Spanish colonies economy primarily based on mining of the large ranches
They settled to Texas in 17
century (in 18
century they established missions in California
John Cabot sailed to the North America for the henry the VIII
Giovanni da Verazzano sent by France
Jacques Cartier sent by France
Fish men went to America seasonally and traded goods with natives
By 17
century Dutch French and swedes were all involved in fur trade
Until 1576 no British interest in Americas (events in 1497-1576; great influence on british for
north America)


Bloody Mary Colonization of Ireland
Elizabeth continued his fathers policies
Establishment of trading companies in Britain
1. East Land Company (Baltic)
2. 1581 Levant Company (Middle East)
3. 1600 East India Company (India and East Indies)
With growing trade England became interested in north America (thinking of establishing
Martin Frobisher
Explored and mapped areas in the Canadian arctic
Humphrey Gilbert
Got a crown charter to establish a colony

What is a crown charter?
Legal contract given by the king to individuals or companies
Colonization is a private enterprise not actively directed by central government
Gives the recipient the right to establish a colony
Specifies the colonies boundaries, the rights of charter holder, obligations of monarch

H. Gilbert claimed some area in Newfoundland but could not establish a settlement.
Humphreys half-brother got charter too, made a voyage. Then he called the area Virginia for the
honor of Queen Elizabeth.
In 1580s English and French had war
By the end of 16
century Spain and Portugal had numerous colonies but Britain did not;
however, they got experience

James I
War with Spain ended
Men and money were free for other enterprises
1606 joint stock companies in Virginia


The London Company would be the first to attempt colonization
Needed to attract settlers but how?
Who would want to go North America?
People wanted to go to have land which means wealth!

Two Categories:
Independent paid for their passage: you can begin work for yourself immediately
Financed by company: food and shelter (but passenger would work for company for 7 years in

1607 May; 104 English settled in Jamestown

Jamestown: There were no Native Americans.
Water resources
Less likely to be attacked by Spanish
In summer, English people understood why natives do not live there; malaria, no large
animals for hunting, water was brackish in summer

In 1609; company adopts a new charter
Company council will appoint a governor with an advisory Virginia council
Administration moved from England to Virginia
Local participation (colonists got some words for their colonies)
In Jamestown they planted tobacco
In 1618; they made reforms to attract people to settle 50 acres of land will be given to settlers
English law will be enacted
Planters will elect representatives to an assembly
In 1619; two important events:
1. First meeting of Virginia assembly
2. First African slaves were brought from West Indies
In 1622; local tribes killed many settlers
In 1624; king took over control of colony assembly shut down, cost the crown E 100.000
Royal takeover improves life in the colony
Population grew


In 1629; Virginia assembly was reopened because conditions in Virginia were much more than in
In 1630; drop in tobacco prices but profit remained
In 1639; labor shortage occurred ( new ways to attract) indentured servants (private
individuals pay passage for a settler in exchange for work)
New problems some settler ran away, some got freedom but became propertyless

History of Massachusetts colony is linked to the Puritans ( Protestant sect)
Puritans: John Calvin
Radical and conservative
Strict and liberal interpretation of Bible
Simple rituals and minimal decoration in church
Did not observe most Christian holidays
Belief in predestination
Society should be regulated by Gods laws
No public amusement
Clothes should be simple no bright colors
Disagreements with official church of Britain
They divided into two large groups:
1. Presbyterians accepted general church organization and looser membership criteria
2. Congregationalist no overall church organization above individual church, membership
open only to overt, true believers

Congregationalist divided into two:
1. Non-separatist stay and reform church from within
2. Separatists separate and form new church

Separatists will be the first ones to settle in North America
1608-1609; Group of Separatists emigrate to Holland ( Dutch very tolerant but they feared the
assimilation of their children and returned to England )
Applied to Virginia company to establish a peculiar plantation in northern part of Virginia,
would work for company for 7 years
1620; ship Mayflower leaves England with 102 Puritans called themselves pilgrims
December 1620; land near Cape Cod Massachusetts outside of Virginia colony
Establish Plymouth colony
Since outside of Virginia governors authority decided they needed to establish a government
Men of Mayflower wrote a document the Mayflower Compact describing their government and
elected John Winthrop


Half of them died in the first winter
Local Indians teach basic farming
Heavily influenced by events in England
1620s, depression of wool industry and series of bad harvest
1625; Charles I becomes king begins non-stop arguments with Parliament which contains large
number of Puritans
1628; Puritans in England form New England Company and get Massachusetts and New
Hampshire land grant
1629; Puritans in England get a royal charter and become the Massachusetts Bay Company
Charter gave company full authority to govern its own territory with no restriction
1629; Charles decided to rule without Parliament
Appointed churchmen opposed to Puritanism
1630; about 1000 new settlers came to Massachusetts Bay Sea
1630-1640; The Great Migration 15.000-20.000 new settlers
1640; Charles recalls Parliament to end the great migration

Rhode Island
1631-1634; Massachusetts Bay Company changes how it elects its representatives
Freemen the eligible voters of the company had to be Puritan Church members
1631; Roger Williams a strong separatist, arrives in Massachusetts
Williams calls for complete rejection of English Church and purchase of land from natives
He said that government had no authority over religious matters
1636; he was banished and went to Rhode Island
Soon, he was followed by Anne Hutchinson
1640; he applies for charter, granted in 1644:
Voting is not limited to church members
Clergy should not be supported by taxes
1663; guarantee of religious freedom

1636; Puritan settlers move into Connecticut River Valley
New England will begin to grow faster than Virginia, due both to immigration and larger lifespan
Unlike Virginia economy was diverse (farming fishing, lumber)
Due to harsh climate settlers gave importance to commerce, fishing and ship building


Success of Virginia and Massachusetts colonies will encourage others to establish colonies on the
east coast of North America

The Proprietary Colonies
Proprietary colonies were established by individuals
1632; Lord Baltimore English Catholic who are given land for colony
He intended as refugee as Catholics, but Catholics soon became minority
1649; to protect Catholic rights Maryland Toleration Act guaranteeing freedom of worship for all
Christians is passed

New York
1664; Duke of York inherits Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam
1673; retaken by Dutch
1674; retaken by English
1683; due to dissatisfaction of settlers with Duke of Yorks rule, first elected assembly
Extent of Dutch and Swedish settlement in North America in 17
1685; King James II grants land for a colony to two of his friends
Divided territory into eastern and western districts
1702; New loyal charter

The New Carolinas
1663; Proprietors get royal charter
Settlers come from New England, Virginia and Barbados
1665; First Assembly; tobacco cultivation begins
1669; New settlement near Charleston, SC
1680; settlement moved to present site of Charleston; economy based on tar, turpentine and
Rice was profitable, but its cultivation was unfamiliar to the English
Imported slaves from area of Sierra Leone slaves have already spoken a form of pidgin English
called Krio
Environment and climate of South Carolina was very similar to Sierra Leone
PIDGIN; no ones native language
CREOLE (KRIO); has become a native language
Slaves brought knowledge of rice cultivation (they also brought diseases)


Plantation houses moved away from coasts; only overseas for the slaves left
Descendants of the slaves is called the Gulla still live on the coastal islands and speak a language
much like Krio
1712; rebellion against proprietary governor

1681; William Penn Quaker and commoner
Son of an admiral
Quakers; Pacifist Protestant Sect
Penn served as governor, but elected assembly more powerful; granted religious liberty to all
1701; after numerous disagreements between Penn and assembly Charter of Privileges
granted effectively ended Penns rule

Economics and Events in England
Prevailing economic theory in 17
and 18
century was mercantilism
State directs all economic activities within its borders; discouraged imports and encouraged
American colonies were suppliers of new materials and England provided manufactured goods
England would direct American economy but distance and English political development made
English direction very ineffective
1630-1640; Charles I ruled without Parliament
1640; Charles recalls parliament to get money, dismissed parliament then recalled it again. this
time MPs wont leave
1642; Parliament raises an army against king start of English civil war
1649; Charles I was beheaded
1649-1658; Oliver Cromwell heads the Puritan Commonwealth of England as Lord Protector
1660; The Restoration English monarchy was reestablished
New king Charles II was very cooperative
1685; James II forced to flee due to serious disagreements with Parliament
1688; Glorious Revolution William and Marry were put on throne
Parliament was clearly the predominant authority in England and now ready to establish its
authority everywhere
12 of the 13 colonies were established before 1688 (under authority of king but without his
active participation and support)
Colonies had a very uncertain relationship with Parliament
English Attempts to Regulate Colonial Economic Activity


1650-1651; Cromwell passed laws to keep foreign shipping out of colonies (not very affective)
1660-1663; Parliament passed The Navigation Acts:
Use only English or colonial made ships
Sugar, cotton, indigo and tobacco could only be shipped to England most valuable items)
Almost all imports to come from England

Navigation Acts required enforcement but it was problematic. Why?
Charters had distributed power to the colonies and provided for local assemblies
Required local consent for legislation

Problems of enforcement in New England
New England economy was heavily dependent on shipping
Evaded Navigation Acts (smuggling)
Puritans were suspicious of Charles II
1662; King Charles demands large reforms to make Massachusetts law conform with English Law
but he was ignored
1664; Investigatory Committee was sent and they got cold reception and little cooperation
1673; Attempts to make smuggling less profitable
1679; Massachusetts government moves into New Hampshire, outside of its charter
King takes territory and gives it his own royal government
1685; Massachusetts was revoked
By 1688; All of New England is combined into the Dominion of New England
No assembly, king appoints one governor for entire region
Governor was sent to enforce Navigation Acts and collect taxes without the consent of any
representative assembly
Also overrode old land grants
1688; during Glorious Revolution, citizens of Boston seize and imprison governor and his men
Kin William allows temporary restoration of old Massachusetts charter, followed by other
Parliament requires all colonial governments to enforce Navigation Acts
Established regular customs service with rights of search
Violation of Navigation Acts to be tried in Admiralty Courts without jury
Governors and their council were appointed by king; they will approve laws passed by popular
assemblies which have sole authority to levy taxes

Differences between English and Spanish Settlement
Centralized control
Immigration was low; mostly single males


Large native population
Catholic; church-state cooperation

Charters and locally elected assemblies together with appointed governors
Little royal interference
Continuous high level of immigration
Relatively small native population
Numerous, mostly Protestant sects; many mistrust government
Conflict and Rivalry
King Philips War (1675-1676)
The war was led by Metacomet ( the leader of Indians)
Fighting began in summer 1675
Most engagements were Native American victories through winter 1675-1676
Spring 1676; colonists began to win
Metacomet was killed in August 1676 then most of the fights ended
Over 600 colonists were killed
12 towns was destroyed
Over 3000 Native Americans were killed
New England open to expanding settlement without interference with Native Americans
Conflict with France
As French and English settlement expanded some lands were claimed by both countries
Wars beginning in between England and France would spread to North America
1689-1697 King Philips War
1702-1713 Queen Annes War
In all these conflicts the colonists had to defend themselves
No British troop were sent to fight or to protect the colonies

Georgia The Last Colony
James Oglethorpe for two purposes:
1. To defend English colonies against Spain
2. To give poor debtors a chance at rehabilitation
1732; Oglethorpe and friends were given a 21 year charter:
Rum and slaves were banned
Every settler were given minimum of 50 acres of land
1751; Rum and Slavery were allowed


1752; Colony reverts to king; many settlers come from South Carolina to raise rice

Colonial Patterns of Existence
English colonists developed patterns of existence different from those in England
By the early 18
century; four main patterns emerged
1. Plantation:
Found in southern countries
Large farm was dedicated to growing one main cash crop
First developed in Virginia in 1620s
Labor was provided by English bondsmen
Less expensive then slaves
By 1670s large numbers of freedmen in rebellion
Slavery now becomes a more attractive labor source because it was easier to
control, escape is more difficult for slaves and it helps to decrease number of
poor freedmen
Slaves not worked to death
By 1720-1740; natural increase of slave population accounts for most African-
Americans in the colonies
Plantations were usually isolated like a small and self-sufficient community
They were consisted of big house, slave quarters, kitchen, barns, other
buildings and surrounding fields
Kitchens were separate from the houses because kitchen fires might lead to
house fires and houses are already hot enough
Skilled slaves or indentured servants worked near the big house
Unskilled slaves worked in the fields
Plantations were located next to the rivers to provide transportation from farm
to market
Planters were arranged for private education of their children; imported luxury
goods from Europe

2. New England Town
Primarily a pattern established by Puritans
Establishment of new towns was a planned and organized efforts
Towns were established with both private and common lands
Church districts Parishes
Churches had no political power
Town churches were also used as town halls but their functions were separate
People met at town meetings to discuss and decide on local issues
Taverns, schools and churches were main meeting places


3. Individual Farm
Most common pattern of existence around south of New England; settlers lived
on large isolated farms
No organized social life
Religious needs were met by itinerant preachers
Families were responsible for meeting most needs
Life was hard; primitive and sometimes dangerous
Sometimes hunted and trapped for skins and furs that could be sold or traded
Relations with Native Americans were often very close
Buckskin clothes, tomahawks and moccasins all were copied from Natives

4. Coastal Cities
Smallest of all four patterns but important
These cities were centers of commerce and culture
Best educated and most influential sector in colonial society
Most urban problems were dealt with by voluntary associations, some by city

Colonial Patterns of Existence
New England towns and coastal cities had some similarities to English towns and cities
Colonial Attitudes
By early 18
century American colonists had begun to develop attitudes and ideas:
1. Responsible and Representative Governments
Colonists believed in actual rather than virtual representation
Actual representation citizens are only represented by those they voted
Virtual representation all British people wherever they live are represented by
members of Parliament
THUS; the fact that the American colonists did not vote for representatives in
Parliament was unimportant
Actual representation meant members of American colonial assemblies were much
more closely monitored than British MPs
In England, only around 25% of adult males could vote, in colonies about 50%-70%
More colonists participate in political process and participate more closely
2. Clergy and Laity
Clergy exists to serve, not to rule
Anglican Church in America was state-sponsored
(Only church members could hold elected office)
Anglican Church never appointed on American bishop


Very large number of sects due to immigration
Some colonies supported churches with taxes but even there ministers had no
political or legal powers

The Great Awakening (1730s-1760s
Emotional religious revivalism, reaction to Enlightenment rationalism and
effort to convert non-religious immigrants and poor rural folk
Starts with Jonathan Edwards
Spreads with the preaching of another guy
People are sinners in the hands of an angry god
Highly emotional services caused a split in many sects:
Old Lights: followers of traditional religious practices and formal trained
New Lights: supporters of the Great Awakenings emotional aspects

Greater religious diversity
Greater tolerance of religious diversity
Individuals could decide which religious views they would accept and
which church they would attend

3) Education
Part of Protestant culture all believers should be able to read bible themselves
New England Towns generally required towns to employ a schoolmaster at taxpayer expense
Literacy rate much higher than England
Puritans established Harvard University in 1636 to train clergy.
Soon followed by other universities and their curricula changed from religious field to other
Tuition low relatively, students come from all backgrounds unlike England (just aristocracy in
Every colony had printing press to produce books etc.
Colonial society generally better educated than England (New England and elites)
Larger audience for new books and ideas

4) Enlightenment
European intellectual movement beginning in 17
Stresses use of experimentation and reason to solve problems
John Locke (Tabula Rosa)
Two Treaties of Civil Government (1691): government not unchanging and unchangeable.
Government is a human creation. Created by mutual consent for the enforcement of natural
law generally interpreted as human beings, and natural rights of life, liberty, property.
If government does not protect rights of citizens, citizens have the right to change it, even by
Enlightenment thinkers advocated free speech, trade and laws.


Enlightenment ideas change the courses in American universities and are applied to thinking
about politics and theology.
Also these ideas were widely discussed among educated colonial elites and in colonial
When enlightenment ideas on government and rights reappear later, many colonists already
familiar with their arguments.
Ideas of enlightenment best represented in colonies by Benjamin Franklinprinter, politician,
inventor, scientist, satirist, political theorist, one of the founding fathers of US

5) Social Structure
Social leveling colonies begin as primitive settlements and conditions remain primitive on the
Birth counts for little and social divisions not very wide
Social mobilitygreater opportunity to move up and down the social ladder. Financial success
becomes the mark of social status not mobility
Greater opportunity for land ownership. Land was cheap, labor source and wages 100% higher
than in Britain.
Overall, white population was much better off than average European

6) Guns
A necessity on the frontier for hunting and defense.
German immigrants brought good weapons that were improved in coloniesPennsylvania , later
Kentucky rifle
Colonial population had more guns than Englandgenerally better guns and know how to use

By the middle of the 18
century American colonists considered themselves as British but have
developed unique way of life and attitudes.
Have also grown accustomed to a far greater degree of self-rule than other parts of the British
These differences will come into conflict in second half of the 18

French & Indan War

Contest between France and Britain over the control of Ohio
Britain feared French expansion behind their colonies
France feared British expansion towards their colonies responded by building forts along rivers in
Ohio territory
1754Albany congress: this is the first time of joint action
Representative of 7 colonies met in Albany, NY to discuss common defense strategy against
France, improve relations with Native American tribes and attempt to convince Iroguois to
abandon their neutrality unsuccessful
October 1753Major George Washington sent by governor of Virginia to warn French to leave
territory claimed by Virginia.
December 1753Washington and his men reach French bir yere French politely refuse to
January 1754Washington returns, reports French are going to build a fort at the head of Ohio


Virginia governor had already sent a group to occupy the same point/build a fort and get them
26 May 1754Washington forces attack and defeat French. Pulls back and build Fort Necessity
3 July 1754French attack and Washington was forced to leave
British decide to send a larger force to remove French and French also send more troops to
North America
General Edward Braddock ordered to take Ft. Duquesne
June 1755-- he died
Spring 1756Britain declares war on France.
Colonial assemblies divided over the war; reluctant to provide men or supplies
French encourage tribes in Ohio to attack British settlers, numerous raids and many flee the
1756-1757French were doing better
1757Ft William Henry surrenders to French during withdrawal of French allied Indian attack
the British, killing and capturing several hundreds.
Increased colonial support for war
1758French abandon Ft. Duquesne driven out of Ohio
English gain control
French forts along Great Lake isolated
Many tribes now join British
1759James Wolfe captured Quebec
1769George III becomes the new king of Englandpolicies over 10 years will be inconsistent
due to disagreements with wealthy families in Parliament
French withdraw from Montreal and then all of Canada, most fighting in N. America over but war
will continue elsewhere through 1762.
February 1763Treaty of Paris
English gain Canada and all N. America east of Mississippi river
French keeps two small islands
Spain(England ally) gets Cuba, Philippines, Louisiana
Colonial Expectations

End to high levels of taxation
Opening of Ohio territory to settlement
Greater consideration by Britain for their contribution to war effort

Large British military forces in N. America for that time fear of French return
First direct dealings with England for many colonistsnot positively impressed
British viewed colonial contribution to war effort as limited and had low opinion of colonial
fighting men
Royal Proclamation of 1763settlement beyond Appalachian mountains prohibited, most lands
between Appalachian and Great Lake, Ohio, Mississippi left to tribes unpopular with settlers

This war marks the beginning of events which end with American Revolution

Post-war British Actions


English national debt doubled
Colonists paying lower taxes than in England and less in customs duties
New British Prime Minister George Grenville decides to find new ways to make colonists pay for
the war and their security
1763strict enforcement of Navigation Acts to reduce smuggling (molasses) and customs
1764Currency Act: bans colonial paper money
Each colony had printed its own money, needed to conduct daily business due to lack of
British currency in colonies
Very negative effects on colonial economies
1764Sugar Act: revised customs duties and regulations esp. on molasses
New paper work very complicated
Violations tried in Admiralty Courts without a jury
1765Quartering Act and Stamp Act: both very important for the reaction to them in colonies
and results
Quartering Act: required colonial government to supply suitable lodging to British troops
stationed in their colonyNY refused to comply
Stamp Act: all printed matter required to have a tax stamp
Grenville believed colonists would accept it. In Britain a similar tax had been imposed almost a
century earlier
Stamps had to be paid for in hard currency, very limited due to Currency Act
Violations tired in admiralty courts
Most widespread tax ever proposed for colonies
Broke long tradition of colonies self-taxation
Stamp act hit elites harder than others but elites means to oppose the Act

Colonial Perceptions of British Actions

Saw themselves being taxed directly by Parliament, not locally elected representatives
Power to tax was power to take property and thus liberty
Saw trial by jury being eliminated by Parliament through use of admiralty courts, burden of proof
on the defendant
British troops seen not as a force to protect the colonists but as a force to control them
Combination of troops in America at same time taxes not approved by American legislatures
were being imposed created great suspicion of British motives
Most colonist believed that Parliament could legislate for them but not tax ( job for local
British actions showed that Americans were not equals of those living in Englandno right to
jury trials or taxation by consent
Hurt colonial pride and post war expectations
In addition, economy was in a recession with loss of war time spending

In summary, Britains attempts to bring American colonies economies and taxation into line
with the rest of British Empire came at a very bad time both psychologically and

Stamp Act Crisis


Virginia assembly first to deny Parliament s taxes on colonies
Nine other colonies join Virginia. They met at Stamp Act congress
Colonies imposed boycotts of British made goods
Stamp offices attacked and some burned
Resistance to Stamp Act organized and enforced by Sons of Libertyan inter colonial
Organized numerous and large protests
Colonial argument against Stamp Act written by Samuel Adams
Within 3 months the act is practically unenforced
1766Stamp Act repealed due in part to boycotts of British goods but also new PM who
opposed the act
Repeal linked to passage of Declaratory Act repeating Parliaments right to tax colonies


United the colonistsalmost all colonies had communities to oppose the Stamp Act
They met to determine the action they would take
In short, they acted together against a problem
Colonies realized that they have distinct American attitudes: no taxation without
representation, rejection of theory of virtual representation
Strengthened colonial view that good government was one that left them alone and wielded
limited power
Also realized that Britain generally did not understand their position
Realized that they really did not want colonial PMs in London could be out-voted at any time
Just wanted a fair degree of self-government

Townshends Acts/ Townshends Follies

1766Charles Townshend named chancellor of the Exchequer
Determined to raise more money from the colonies
1767proposed a new taxes for paper, glass and tea( all imported from Britain), revenue could
be used to pay salaries of royal officials in colonies
Till now colonial assemblies had paid royal officials
Also proposed:
American Board of Customs Commissioners
Vice-Admiralty Courts in Boston, Philadelphia, Charleston
Appointment of Secretary of State for American Affaires
Suspension of NY legislature for non-compliance with Quartering Act
1767The American Board of Customs Comm. Was based in Boston, center of the intense
resistance to acts
Colonial reaction swift
Some colonist stated that Parliament could regulate trade but not use that power to raise
Implied that colonies would have to examine ant Parliamentary law before deciding whether or
not to obey it
1768Massachusetts colony sent a letter others for unit and protest petition


British Secretary of State for American Affaires ordered Mass. Governor to have assembly to
recall the letter and ordered colonial governors to prevent from even discussing letter
This threat to the powers and rights of colonial legislatures united the colonies
1768Bostonian colonial ship seized for smuggling led to riot
In response British station two regiments of soldiers in Boston made people of Boston see the
redcoats as reminder of oppressive British power
Late 1768Mass. Legislature rejected recalling letter so Secretary of State dissolved assembly
Other assemblies were dissolved later when they met and discussed the letter
1768-1770Sons of Liberty worked to include ordinary American colonists in resistance to
Townshend Acts
Published articles and published their activities
Women also become involved in the resistance movement significance : a much broader
support in society
British was not aware of these facts
2 March 1770Bostonians attack redcoats looking for extra work at a shipyard; both sides get
reinforcements and fight groups
5 March 1770crowd begins throwing snowballs at soldiers guarding customs house. Guards
open fire killing 4 immediately and injuring 8 (one of them died later). Event became known
Boston Massacre. Great anti-British propaganda but colonial leaders did not manage to keep
situation calm.


New PM Lord North repeals Townshend taxes except tea tax
For next 2 years, things remain calm in colonies but the arguments for resistance to British
measures continues and grows in press
Still no call for independence, envisaged colonies loyal to king but ruled by their elected local
This concept of government totally alien to British
1772British begins to pay governors and judges from customs revenues
Boston voters establish a Committee of Correspondence to inform other Mass. Towns of their
decision to resist British actions
Soon colonies established their own committees
These committees spread the resistance to more distant area away from the coastal cities and
made resistance movement much more of a popular movement
Published a list of grievances:
Taxation without representation
Unnecessary troops and customs officials in the colonies
Use of customs revenues to pay royal officials

Gaspe Affair

June 1772it was a ship used to enforce customs regulations
Group of men from Sons of Liberty attacked, boarded and burned ship
British authorities wanted to charge attackers with treason and try them in England
Many colonial leaders saw this as another attempt to interfere with their legal system and
Gaspe Affair become another case of tension between colonies and England



1773tea taxcolonial boycott had not been very effective but still very symbolic of hated
Townshend Acts
Before 1773British East Indian Company had monopoly on sea trade. Paid 25% tax in England.
Sold their tea at ack artrma. English merchants then shipped tea to colonies and sold it to
colonial merchants
Tea imported from Holland was not taxed, so Dutch tea smuggled by colonial traders was
cheaper and very popular
British government wanted to change this situation
May 1773the teas act passed to help the financially troubled British East Indian Company
East Indian Company directly sells its tea to colonies. Tea was sent on consignment to colonial
merchants who got a percentage of their sales
Hated Townshend tea tax was kept to pay colonial officials but British tea now cheaper than
smuggled tea.
The act created a protest. WHY?
Taxation without representation
Disliked use of tea tax revenues
Hurt very profitable smuggling
Tea merchants not working for East Indian Company would go out of business
Gave East Indian Company a monopoly on colonial tea trade
Some colonists feared that British monopolies on other goods in future
By early 1774merchants working for company forced to resign in Charleston, Philadelphia, NY
Tea was either seized by customs officials or ships returned to England
Late November 1774three ships arrive in Boston, the only city with East Indian Company office
Ships had 20 days to unload and pay custom duties
Colonial workers refused to unload tea. Boston protesters urged the ships to return to England
with their tea
Mass. Governor refused to let ships go was determined to unload tea and collect tax tea
Meeting between colonial representatives and governor: unsuccessful
That night 16 December 1774group of colonists from Sons of Liberty disguised and dump tea
Boston HarborBoston Tea Party
Samuel Adams defended action, other colonial leader offered to pay the tea
British officials determined to punish act and ordered a series of measures

The Coercive Acts/ Intolerable Acts

1. Mass. Government Act: changed Mass. Charter
Governors elected council replaced with an appointed council
Governors power increased
Most town meetings prohibited without governors permission

2. Administration of Justice Act: British soldiers accused of murder while enforcing law would be
tried in England. This act granted change of venue


3. Boston Port act: closed Boston harbor until destroyed teas was paid for and coastal trade was
also banned

4. Quartering Act: gave military commanders power to house troops in private homes without
permission of owner

5. Quebec Act
Greater religious freedom for Catholics made protestant colonists very suspicious
Reinstated French civil law
Colony governed by an appointed council
Annexed area east of Mississippi river and north of Ohio river to Quebec cancelled colonial
claims to this territory

Colonial Response to Acts

Colonial leaders decide to meet in Philadelphia in 1774 September
Purpose was to create a joint colonial response to Intolerable Acts
Had to come to realize that their ideas on politics and rights were different from England and
that colonial and English economic interests were not always the same
First Continental Congress/5 September
Three things to do:

1. Define American complaints
2. Develop a plan for resistance
3. Outline a theory of colonies constitutional relations with England

Complaints easy to define:

1. Taxation without representation
2. Unnecessary British troops and customs officials
3. The Intolerable Acts

Plan for resistance:
Petitioned King to repeal the Intolerable Acts
Establish Continental Association in change of economic boycotts (no imports of English
goods and no exports to Britain) and Committees of Observance to enforce boycotts
It worked in each colonies, inspired local popularly elected Provincial Conventionstook
over the role of government in most colonies. Effectively replacing authority of governor and
closed assembly
Courts preventing from holding sessions and taxes collected by provincial tax collecters
Began forming militias and gathering arms


Third task: three main theories

1. Radical theory: allegiance to king only. Parliament is merely English local legislature with no
authority over colonies
2. Conservative theory: laws pertaining to colonies would require joint consent of parliament
and a general American legislature to be created in the future
3. Compromise theory: colonies consent to Parliamentary acts limited to regulating commerce
because for the time being it is in colonies best interest. Would continue to resist taxes in
This theory was accepted by Continental Congress
British Response
1774king George III: The die is cast now. The colonies must either submit or triumph.
1775 JanuaryBritish government orders General Thomas Gage commander in Boston to arrest
several colonial leaders. Orders do not reach Boston until 1775 April
1775 Aprilmost of colonial leaders in Boston had fled or in hiding
General Gage ordered to confiscate colonial arms reported to be stored in Concord
Colonist moved all arms from Concord 8 April
Also informed of British plans to march to Concord, possibly by Gages wife Margaret Kemble
Aware of British plans Paul Revere and two others rode to worn colonists along road to British
approachknown as Paul Reveres Midnight Ride
19 AprilLt. Francis Smith arrives Concord with 700 soldiers
Arrived in Lexington to find 80 colonial militiamen assembled on village green
Militias did not intend to stop British troops
British moved to block militiamen and order them to leave as most of their force
Around 5.00 someone fired a shot and 10 killed START of AMERICAN REVOLUTION

Second Continental Congress/ 15 May 1775
Declares war, takes states militias as start of continental army and appoints George Washington
from Virginia
He spent his time organizing a supply system and imposing discipline and order on his new army
June 1775Battle of Bunker Hill
In Boston British try to drive Americans from their position on Breeds Hill
British succeeded but with 228 killed and over 800 injured. American losses less than half of
British Assumption about Revolution


Colonists could not resist assaults of trained British troops, so sent only 32.000 troops to
Thought war would like be European war, so concentrated on capturing American cities
Assumed military victory would result in keeping the colonies loyalty to Britain
Americans would stand against British soldiers
Military defeat did not make them abandon their political aims
British gained control of most American cities but commerce did not stop only 5% of
population lived in cities so loss of a city had little effect on the Americans
Did not understand the nature of Revolution. Victory required not only military success but
success in convincing colonists to again be loyal to England

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