Bringing The SHS Mission Statement To Life: Witches Brew

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Witches Brew Edition 1, 2009

Angeramo’s “Mission”
Bringing the SHS Mission Statement to Life
By Erin Burke opportunity to get involved and
use their powerful voices.
As Salem High School As for some goals that have
settles into the school year, been set into our sights this year,
Principal Mr. David Angeramo we have our mission statement.
said he thought our busy Angeramo is aiming for a “mission
September was a positive and statement that will be real and help
smooth start to the year. Students to drive the school.” The statement
seem to be taking things more itself is more concrete this year
seriously and the attendance was and a lot of work has been put
really impressive this first month in to establishing the essential
of school. As always there are objectives that students, faculty
going to be the challenges that the and administrators have come
budget presents, however, we will together on. Those key points
just need to be careful and creative. that the mission focuses on are
Some changes that we will having a safe environment to build
see this year are teachers utilizing positive relationships and training Angeramo discusses goals for this coming school year
the new technology much more.

Aqua Lab Excitement!

students to have the ability to think
After all the installations last year critically, problem solve, collaborate
we now see those smart boards and communicate effectively
and projectors being put to great when they leave the school.
use. Another change that we hope Speaking of leaving the By Kellie Sacco really wants the students to be able
to see is more collaboration among school, our seniors graduating The SHS science department to enjoy science as much as he does.
administration, teachers, and this year will be the first class has recently added a new course The Science Research Internship is
students. To do this, a solid student to have had Angeramo as their to the course of studies. Science Continued on back
government is hopefully going to principal for all four years. The Teachers Graeme Marcoux and
be brought onto the scene. This will message that he would like to send William Warren, along with
give even more voice to the students the seniors is to “Work hard this O’Connell Plumbing of Salem
and allow for feedback year. Potentially this could be the and Paul L’heureux, Director of
to the administration. best year of your life so enjoy it.” Buildings and Grounds, are to
Students should take this Hard work does always pay off. thank for putting it all together.
Salem High’s new aquaculture and
hydroponics labs were donated to

In The Brew
the school by Dr. Albright, who is in
charge of awarding the money for
the Read Trust Foundation.
Marcoux has developed a
So, What Exactly Is the Mission way to involve the students in the
Statement? 2 upkeep of these labs, as it can be a
lot for just two people. “I feel that
students will learn a whole lot more
Maternity Subs Step 2 when they take ownership of their The 14 interns pose in
education,” says Marcoux, who the new aquaculture lab.

Class of ‘10 Looks Forward to Senior Welcome Home, Soldier 3 By: Christina Flessas and Stenio teaching at SHS, he had to take
Moreira his first military leave to Iraq in
Very often, teachers have 2005, leaving his duties at SHS to
Editorial: Distracted Driving: Keeping other duties and responsiblities serve his country. In Iraq, he got
Us Safe? Or Is Big Brother Watching Us?... beyond what they do in the
classroom. In a specific case, one
the experience of working with the
Governor of Baghdad. McLaughlin
pg 3 Social Studeies teacher, Mr. Sean set up schools, as everyone in Civil
McLaughlin, gives himself not only Affairs had to learn to work in
for his students but also for his country. school systems and city councils. 3 In addition to McLaughlin’s He also got the opportunity to
responsibility as a history teacher, he rebuild bridges, sewage lines, water
is also a Major specializing in Civil systems and address the needs of
Consistency: Helping Us Know What’s Affairs for the US Army. Joining the population. During this tough, 4 the Army in 1990, McLaughlin
had his college education paid
“frustrating” time, McLaughlin
left home a wife and a young
for by the military. While still Continued on back
New Teachers Adapt
Teachers New to SHS may be new to this
environment, but are not newbies to teaching everyone is and how great her
experience has been. Previously

welcomed,” she said. teaching at the Landmark
By Christina Flessas
With fourteen years of School in Beverly for about
teaching experience under her fifteen years, she is surprised
A new school year calls
belt, Roach is no stranger to this that “such a large school could
for new teachers. This adjustment
environment. Formerly a teacher create a sense of community.”
is not just hard on the students,
in Lynn Public Schools, she has New teachers include
but also for these teachers who
come to enjoy the enthusiasm of Katie Keeley, Molly Robinson
are either adapting to a new
the Salem High students in her and Robert Strom in the Special
environment or a new profession.
Child Development, Working with Education department, Hollie
Ms. Sandra Roach, a new
Children and Professional, Social Jacobs and June Marie Kershaw
asset to the Family and Consumer
and Individual Living classes. as Adjustment Counselors,
Science department, was all smiles
Another new teacher is Math teacher Elizabeth Roach feels “welcomed” at SHS
when asked about Salem High
Ms. Carole Donnelly, who joined Sullivan, Sephainie Majeau in
School. “It has been a positive
our Special Education department. Science, and Tracey Pantapas
experience as the students and
Donnelly spoke of how friendly joining the Salem Prep.
teachers have made me feel so

Maternity Subs Step In
by Zaneta Stepien

With the increased number

challenge was teaching outside her
major. She believes that because of
What’s The Mission?
of teachers going on maternity this, it has forced her to become a THE MISSION STATEMENT
leave at Salem High, the school better and more effective teacher. The mission of Salem High School is to offer all students the oppor-
has obtained more permanent Last year, Hoffman covered tunity to demonstrate independence, self-motivation, and responsibil-
substitutes to cover classes. for two English teachers in the ity for self and others. Provided with a safe learning environment that
Currently, the two teachers Freshman house. He is currently builds positive relationships between students and adults, students will
who have covered for multiple working as a paraprofessional in leave Salem High School with the academic skills, habits of mind, and
maternity leaves are Ms. Staci Fleury the building, but hopes to do more technological literacy that will enable them to think critically, problem
and Mr. Andrew Hofmann. Both of coverage as more teachers take solve, collaborate and communicate effectively as citizens of the local
them started out as student teachers their leave. Another substitute, Don and global community.
in the building, until the maternity Pinkerton is certified for science
education and is currently covering
leave coverage was needed. Many
can say that it has been a strange a chemistry class for yet another
teacher who is out on maternity Salem High School will become the standard to which other schools
and rare opportunity for these
leave. strive in preparing and inspiring individuals to succeed in the 21st
substitutes that so many teachers
Surely enough, this many century.
need coverage in their classes.
When sitting down with subs can be an adjustment for the
Fleury, she was excited and students. “It has been difficult By Erin Burke
said it has been a “challenge yet adjusting from one teacher to and
opportunity” for her. Personally another,” said Rachel Channen, Carena Wong
she disagrees that it has been a who had Fleury as a creative stated the definition in much broader
“strange” opportunity because writing substitute. However, this Every ten years or so, a terms, saying that “it’s a set of core
Salem High has such a young staff. has also “given the substitutes public high school goes through beliefs that drive an organization.”
Within her last two years at a chance to get some teaching the process of reaccreditation. We According to Principal Mr.
Salem High, Fleury has taught classes experience, since the subs were are observed and evaluated upon a David Angeramo, the definition
that range from health education, to great student teachers before,” said list of requirements we are given of the mission statement is the
English, and now to mathematics. English Head Teacher Lou Wallach. by the New England Association of goals and objective achievements
Before working as a substitute at It has been a unique Schools and Colleges. The process that SHS is focused on and
the school, Fleury was a student at opportunity for the entire school to begins with us evalualting ourselves, that all students will hopefully
Salem State College studying as an have such qualified substitutes, and using the NEASC criteria and reach by the time they leave the
English Major. She states her only everyone is fortunate to have them. our mission statement as a guide. school. Our mission statement
  We also evaluate if the students, lists these goals as the following:
faculty and parents are aware of • to provide a safe learning
the main idea behind the mission environment
and how close to that goal we are. • to pomote independance and
This past year a committee self motivation
has been meeting to go over our • to have positive relationships
mission statement and revamp with mentors
it. This committee consisted of a • to develop “academic
wide range of members including skills, habits of mind and
students, parents, staff, and others. technological literacy”
Two members of the Mission • be able to “think critically,
Statement Committee were problem solve, collaborate and
Health teacher Lisa Mansfield communicate effectively”
and History teacher Beth Factor. Very simply, the vision is
There can be some confusion what we and others believe about
over the term mission statement. this school and ourselves.
Mansfield defined a mission Hopefully, striving for
statement as “a guideline for the this same goal will enable Salem
school to acknowledge what the goal High School to function as one
Substitute teacher Fleury is ready to teach any subject if called to duty is for our students.” However, Factor organization.

The Village Idiot Says... HOROSCOPES
It’s No Biggie!
By: Abby Bedard Leo July 23- August 22: Be extra
careful about where you put your
Aquarius January 20-February Northface backpack. You may find
18: Go for a nice, refreshing drink out that it has identical friends.
By Ashley Cluck
after being stopped, the student who at the bubbler, and take a piece of
What’s with the cop was trying to be on time is now late. gum free of charge while you’re Virgo August 23- September 22:
that was stationed on our hill Our school is concerned about us there. The seniors’ red lockers are in a
students being on time but then great spot for your locker - if you
during the first month of school?
Our school is always gave us detentions for being just a Pisces February 19- March 20: have piano lab all eight blocks.
honoring us with their care. They minute late because we got stopped Next time you’re thinking about
are always trying to push us to be by the diligent cop that wandered buying those new pair of shoes Libra: September 23- October
on time by giving us detentions if around our school in his cruiser. don’t. Your online homework bill 22: Be careful of going into the
we are late. Then, they patrolled So, because they were pulled is due. bathroom. It’s like survival of the
by the cop, students were issued a fittest; attack of the last toilet paper
the front and backside of the school,
stopping us like great almighty watch ticket, received a trip to court, and a Aries March 21- April 19: roll.
guards. A cop was stationed on the nice pink slip walking into school to Barbizon scholarship called. They
hill to help stop those criminals that ensure an hour detention after 2:02. want to congratulate you on your Scorpio October 23- November
cut people in line waiting to get into Why was it such a big new modeling job! 21: Be wary of walking down the
deal? We were all just trying to be halls without a pass. Salem High’s
school, making the students late and
parents having to take a day off of to school on time, so why make Taurus April 20- May 20: Avoid new attack force will be asking for
work to go to court. We love our more complications? I wonder getting chased down the hall for it every two seconds.
school for thinking of our safety. what the rate of tardies were? not throwing your coffee out. Just
We appreciated getting tickets all Have they gone up and through be sure not to knock down your A Sagittarius: November 22-
the time for making a left hand turn the roof? I bet!! It’s complicated, block teacher’s own coffee. December 21:Have an insane
but really!! Couldn’t they just have craving for undercooked food?
into a zone that is only available
during certain times just to drop a given us some slack? At least we Gemini May 21- June 21: Hate Make your way to the a la carte
student off for school. Meanwhile, were coming to school. Just relax. having to walk all over the place? for some nice half-baked cookies.
Join the band; they get a bus to

Hey Seniors!
drive down the street.
Capricorn December 22- January
Cancer June 22- July 22: Say hi to 19: Are you constantly out of
the police officer outside on your breath from running to your classes
way into school, then say hi to Ms. from your assigned locker in the
What’s in store this year? Garrett at your hour long detention. boonies? Look on the bright side-
wind blown hair is in.

Is Distracted Driving A
By Michelle Stanley & Darcy Dance. Students would be asked
Theriault to wear white t-shirts and jeans
and to write on the shirts with

Dangerous Obsession?
Senior year is looking good! highlighters, which could glow
More dances with more involvement in the dark during the dance.
from the other classes is only one of Uncertainty about the future
the many things to look forward to. of Six Flags is causing the Class driving,” such as texting, eating,
“We will be working with By: Maciel Brea
of ‘10 to think of alternatives drinking, talking on the cell phone,
other officers to plan more functions to that Senior Week activity. A
to get people involved,” says senior An attempt to keep us reading the newspaper, and fussing
Red Sox game or a trip to Water
Treasurer Michael Collins. He safe? Or another way for the with a toddler in the backseat,
Country are two possiblities
also said that the plan is to “have a government to control our lives? can take a driver’s attention off
the officers are considering.
productive year with all the classes “Distracted Driving” is a term the road and cause an accident.
Class tee-shirts will get a new
and to successfully unite the school.” that has been featured in a number Life as we all know it is
look as well. In an attempt to show full of distractions, inside and
The senior class can look of newspapers and in online
school unity, the Junior , Senior, and
forward to the prom on May 14 at the articles about concerned parents outside the car. After spending
Freshman class shirts will all feature
Crown Plaza (formerly the Sheraton worrying that their sixteen-year- nearly a thousand dollars paying
the same matching fronts with
Ferncroft) and the annual Senior old teenagers are too distracted by for driving school, driving lessons,
class-specific designs on the back.
Show. Collins is “spearheading” the texting to pay attention to the road.  the road test, license, and spending
The seniors also want to keep
brainstorming for the show to get The U.S Department of endless hours being screamed at
up the same spirit they had last year
a head start on ideas for the skits. Transportation is taking a stand on by paranoid parents, have we teen
in order to win two years straight, and
Class officers also want to the issue. A variety of activities drivers not endured enough?
class president Zac Broughton feels
bring back Dancing with the Staff linked to so-called “distracted continued on back page
optimistic about a repeat victory.
and the Mr. SHS Competition, “I believe that this is a chance for
and hope to reinvent the Black Seniors to show that they can win,
and White Dance as a Highlighter not that they should win,” he said.

The Brew Crew

Erin Burke & Christina Flessas

Co-Editors and Layout Design

Carena Wong - Photographer

Staff - Abigail Bedard, Deanna Bailey, Maciel Brea, Rachel Chan-
nen, Ashley Cluck, Alexa Goutzos, Nicole Matthews, Stenio Moreira,
Juan Pena, Nayroby Polanco, Kellie Sacco, Michelle Sacco, Michelle
Stanley, Zaneta Stepien, Cosima Takis-Welch, Darcy Theriault, Carena
Wong Although distracted driving is a danger, how much should big brother
Special thanks to Madame Fitzgerald for her all her assistance. monitor drivers behind the wheel?
The importance of knowing what is expected of you.
Distracted Driving
continued from page 3
When adults think about teenage years there has been an increase
By Erin Burke by conflicting consequences or drivers, there are many words they link in government control over a
consequences changing too quickly with this image, such as “dangerous”, number of issues, the latest being
As teens grow and to keep up with. There is no way “distracted”, “awful”, and, my healthcare. Whatever happened
develop we all experience for students to be able to right their personal favorite, “immature”. As to that idealistic libertarian
change and we learn as we get wrongs, or care to, if they don’t know much as parents love to blame and society that our founding fathers
older how to deal with changes what is going on. scorn children for their inappropriate envisioned? The government is
that we cannot help but accept Now that there is an established behavior and poorly thought-out beginning to play too much of an
in our lives. These can be attendance policy we are starting to decisions, they themselves are not active role in our lives, attempting
welcomed or un-welcomed see the numbers rise. Now that there is perfect. Fellow young drivers, listen to monitor everything we do,
changes but we learn to deal with a no tolerance policy for electronics, to my plea. Have you ever caught as if we do not have brains and
them, in our own ways, none the students are lessening this distraction. yourself getting yelled at for the same cannot process thoughts. Living
less. As changes occur in every With all the communication, the behavior your parents exhibit when in a house could be equally as
aspect of our lives, school is waves are starting to settle. With a they are behind the wheel? Have dangerous as driving in a car. I
one place that too much change solid foundation and consistency your parents ever screamed any of mean, sure, we cannot sit on our
can have negative results. among faculty and administration, the following: a.) you are a horrible dad’s favorite couch and travel
As a school we have students can work together to amend driver b.) you should never get your 50 miles per hour in the hectic
experienced much change over certain things or add to the structure. license c.) what are you doing and streets of Salem. Think about
these past four years, and now Having consistency is key to being d.) STOP! instead of explaining what it in theory: the government is
that the construction is finished, able to perfect something so beneficial you did wrong? Adults who assume trying to protect us and be that
right on schedule, we can finally to students’ lives. If students can teenage drivers are all bound to get “big old brother” that everyone
take advantage of our new utilize their school and learn how to into an accident fail to realize that dreams of having. The one who
beauty of a school. We have make change happen for the better teenagers learn by example and most picks you up whenever you fall
smart boards, projectors, good instead of fighting the system there adult drivers are far from perfect. down and scrape your knee, the
attendance, and new colors can be much more learning going on. Personally, I’ve witnessed my parents same one who intimidates your
but finally, we are starting, One example of a new positive do a number of less than responsible bullies and buys us ice cream
as students, to understand change; we can use the library activities while behind the wheel. at the end of the day. Here’s the
what the administration and at lunch without a pass. This is a It is safe to say that at some point government again trying to give
faculty is after. We are working great opportunity for students to all drivers get distracted, not just us a big, warm, hug and to say,
out the last few squeaks get some quiet work time in during teenagers, and we can not simply “Hello America! Even though
in our well oiled machine. the day, organize group projects put all the blame on one group. I will never be sitting in the
In an educational place or just catch up on e-mails. Small Over the past couple of passenger seat, I’m still going to
like a school it is important changes like this are much easier monitor your every single move.”
for students to know what to attain when the foundation that
is expected of them to fully is being added to is solid and well
appreciate and take advantage known. After four years of very hard
of the opportunities given to work on this foundation, we are
them. There is so much to learn seeing the consistency paying off.
here that it can be overshadowed

Aquaculture Lab
Continued from front about. Creating this program has given
a place for them to do so. “We students the opportunity to love science
don’t really have one particular as much as he does. The Aqualab is
thing we have to learn here. We an on-going project that will open
have more freedom to explore many new doors to students at SHS.

things we are actually interested
in,” says Connor Dooley, a
senior who is participating in Continued from front
the science research internship.
The students in this class son anticipating his safe return. Connor Dooley gives a thumbs up to the Aqualab
are learning a lot of skills, from He returned home and to
researching topics to conducting SHS for about 2 years just before
experiments in the new labs. McLaughlin was once again called for
Also, they are learning how his second military leave, this time to
to effectively communicate North Carolina in 2007.  McLaughlin
science topics, which will felt that in North Carolina soliders
be lessons for other science were being trained better than they
classes in the high school and were in Iraq because there was a
throughout the middle school better connection among the soliders.
and elementary schools in Salem. He had to stay there for 20 months
Marcoux is very and returned to teaching history this
passionate about science.  “The September once his assignment was up.
students are given the A teacher at Salem High for 8
opportunity to ask questions and years, McLaughlin had his moments
seek out the answers through of finding it difficult to adjust again
research and experimentation.  I to teaching after his military leaves.
personally love the exploration His own experiences influence his
and discovery aspects of science classroom, as students are able to obtain
and I have always hoped that I first hand perceptions of what life was
could pass this on to students at like for people in wars. McLaughlin
a young age,” he said. admits that it feels “unique to tell
When it comes down students what it’s like on the grounds
to it, Marcoux really just of a hostile environment during war.”
loves science and has found Welcome back to SHS,
McLaughlin. A military hero! McLaughlin is back at SHS after two military assignments
something he is passionate

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