5 Bai Viet Thu

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Tell your friend in canada about your best friend at school.

Dear Zac,
I am writing to tell you about my best friend at school.
My best friend is Huong.We knew each oher from when we were in
university.She is a nice girl.she has short hair .she is uite tall and
slim.She is a good cook.I remember that!s"aghetti was the best food,she
has brought to me.I like talking to her.Sometime when I was in
trouble,she gave me an good advice. We have a lot in coment.We like
listening to the music,watching movie and going out together.she likes
"o" corn.she often ate "o" corn when we was watching the movie.We are
so lucky that!we have good relationshi".I ho"e that we will be the best
friend forever.
#ll the best
Tell your friend in singapore about your new family.
Dear $ack,
I am writing to tell you about my new family,I %ust got married with
Suri for & months.We are so ha""y.We have got a new house,my "arent in
law gave that to us.'he house have three rooms! one living room,two bed
room and the kitchen.I have a com"uter on my desk ne(t to the window. I
like going home after work.my wife gave me a cu" of milk when i got
home.She made a good diner after a tiring day.)ou know what is making
me so ha""y * that is a good news.I am going to be a dad.My wife is
"rechnent.she is going to give birth at + more months.We are "re"aring a
bed room for the baby.)ou can not igma,ine how ha""y i am.let-s come
and visit us one day.We will wait for you.
#ll the best

Tell your friend in USA about your work
Dear .elin,
I am writing to let-s you know about my work. I am a teacher in the o"en
university.I love my %ob.I was s"ent seven or eight hours "resentation
each day for the student who "aid attention.My %ob makes me love
reading and studying.I learnt from the "rofessor or even from my
students.My students are very smart.I love watching them grow u" in
their mind year after year.I feel smarter when i came back home.My work
hel"ed me to overcome my fear of "ublic s"eaking.It is never ever
boring./et-s come and visit my school one day.)ou will see that !Why i
love teaching.
#ll the best

Tell your pen friend in Autralia about your study plan in next 5
Dear 'om,
I am very glad to receive your letter,in your letter you ask me about my
study "lan in ne(t 0 years.I will tell you about that.
1irst,I want to study 2nglish.nowaday,english is very "o"ular. 2nglish
hel"s me to im"rove my knowledge around the world. When i go abroad,
2nglish is an im"ortant way to communicate with friends from another
Second,I want to study master.I want to im"rove my knowledge.So I can
bring all my knowledge to the student.I want to be a ualyfied teacher.
'hat is all my study "lan in ne(t five years.what about yours* /et-s write
to let me know.
#ll the best.
Tell your pen-friend in malaysiaabout your faourite actiities during
the summer acation.
Dear Zac,
I am having the summer vacation.It is very hot in 3iet 4am.do you
know * my favourite s"ort is swimming in summer.i like swimming
because swimming can make me stronger.It is chea". I don5t have to
s"end much money on it. #ll I need is %ust a swimsuit that makes me feel
comfortable and a goggle that kee"s water from my eyes. 2ven though I
have to buy an admission ticket, it is not so e("ensive. #nyone can afford
to go to swim.
Swimming gives me a chance to be with my family or with some friends
at the "ool, or %ust to di" myself in cool water. S"ending hours at the "ool
on hot summer days is always my favourite.What about your favourite
activities* /et-s write to let me know.
#ll the best

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