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1. Model an infinitesimally small element fixed in space and derive the partial differential equation
form of mass conservation equation.

2. Show that all three conservation equation (continuity, momentum and energy) can be put in a
single generic integral form.

3. What is the need for classification of PDE and how do you classify second order PDE?
(ii) What are the discretization techniques and how do you discretize the equations for subsonic
and supersonic flows?

4. Write down the procedure for the calculation of pressure coefficient distribution around a
circular cylinder using the source panel technique.


1. How is conformal mapping of a polygon carried out by Schwarz-Christoffel transformation?
(ii) Illustrate the basic ideas in algebra transformation of two-dimensional, steady, boundary
layer flow over flat plate with suitable transformation relations.

2. What is the need for grid generation? Mention the different grid generation technique and list
down their relative merits and demerits
(ii) Explain how grid generation is achieved by the numerical solution of elliptic poisons

3. Using taylor's series, derive the first-order forward-difference and backward-difference
expressions for u/y. State how higher order finite differences can be obtained.


1. (i)What is meant by Wiggles in the numerical solution? Describe with an example.
(ii) Consider steady 1-D convection-diffusion equation of a property d/dx (pu d/dx
(d using control volume approach discritise the above equation and obtain the
neighboring coefficient by (i)Central difference scheme, (ii) Upwind differencing scheme

2. What is meant by hierarchy of boundary layer equations? Derive zeroth, first and second order
boundary layer equations.

3. A solution of the two-dimensional heat equation

2u/x2+ 2u/y2is desired using the

simple explicit scheme. Find the stability requirement for the method.

1. (a) Write short notes on the following:
(i) Strong formulation
(ii) Weighted Residual formulation
(iii) Galerkin Formulation and
(iv) Weak Formulation

1. Show how a Galerkin finite element formulation can be applied to the steady two-dimensional
incompressible Navier-stokes equations.

2. Show how a weighted residual formulation of FEM can e applied tom the steady state two-
dimensional heat conduction equations.


1. (i) Explain explicit Lax-Wendroff scheme of time dependent methods.
(ii) Discuss Cell entered formulation in Finite Volume Techniques.

2. Draw a flow chart and describe SIMPLE algorithm for two-dimensional laminar stead flow
equations in Cartesian co-ordinates.

3. For the explicit Mac Cormack scheme, carry out a Taylor series expansion at the F,G level and
show that the leading term in the truncation error is 0( t
, x

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