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// BubbleMod server CVARs. Version 2.3.

0 Alpha
// Any of these CVARs may also be set per map by placing them in
// a "maps/yourmapname.cfg" File.
// Variable Value Desc.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mods
bm_cbar_mod 1 // crowbar mod. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
bm_mp5_mod 1 // MP5 mod. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
bm_shotty_mod 0 // Shotgun mod. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
bm_xbow_mod 1 // Crossbow mod. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
bm_rpg_mod 1 // RPG mod. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
bm_tau_mod 1 // tau mod. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
bm_gluon_mod 1 // gluon mod. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
bm_hornet_mod 1 // hornet mod. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
bm_trip_mod 1 // trips mod. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
bm_snarks_mod 1 // snarks mod. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
// Weapon variables.
bm_freezetime 4.5 // Freeze Ray time in seconds.
bm_thrust 100 // Thrust on the bubblegun. EXPERIMENTAL
bm_snarktrails "0AE00AC8" // Snark trail color. Format is RGBA hex.
// Set A to 00 to disable snark trails.
bm_xbowtracers 1 // Enable/disable crossbow tracer effects.
// Game features
bm_url "" // This url will appear on the bubblewatch
// page. If left blank, no link will
// appear.
bm_blood 1 // Blood level. Can lag if set too high!
bm_cache_spectator 1 // Cache spec mode for disconnected players
bm_cache_frags 1 // Cache frags for disconnected players
bm_cache_deaths 1 // Cache deaths for disconnected players
bm_cache_health 1 // Cache health for disconnected players
bm_cache_armor 1 // Cache armor for disconnected players
bm_dmg_messages 1 // Show damage messages to players.

bm_playerid 1 // Toggle Valve/BMod player ID.
bm_spawneffects 1 // Particle effect and sound on spawn.
bm_matchkills 1 // Show match kills in dmg_messages.
// 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
bm_voting 1 // Allow map voting
// 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
bm_votetime 180 // Maximum vote time. (in seconds)
bm_maxtime 120 // Maximum "extend" time in seconds.
bm_maxfrags 100 // Maximum "extend" frags.
bm_spawnmines 0 // Allow spawn mines. 1 = yes, 0 = no
bm_spawnsatchels 0 // Allow spawn satchels. 1 = yes, 0 = no
bm_guns "crowbar;357;glock" // Start weapons.
// Allowed values, seprate with ';'
// crowbar
// 9mmhandgun or glock
// 357 or python
// 9mmAR or mp5
// shotgun
// crossbow
// egon
// gauss
// rpg
// hornetgun
// tripmine
// satchel
// handgrenade
// snark
bm_ammo "9mmclip;9mmclip;357;357" // Start ammo.
// Allowed values, seprate with ';'
// 9mmclip (9mm sized for glock)
// mp5clip (9mm sized for MP5)
// 9mmbox (200 9mm rounds)
// 357 (magnum ammo)
// buckshot (shotgun ammo)
// ARgrenades (contact grenades for the MP5)
// gaussclip (uranium sized for tau)
// egonclip (uranium sized for egon)
// rpgclip (rockets)
// crossbow (crossbow bolts)
bm_items "" // Start items.
// Allowed values, seprate with ';'
// longjump
// battery
// Auto kick/banning
bm_bantime 30 // Minutes for autokick/ban.
// 0 means PERMINANT ban!
// Use the maxkills vars to shut off
// banning.
bm_spawnkilltime 10 // Length of "spawn status" in seconds.
bm_maxspawnkills 3 // Number of spawn kills before ban.
// Set to 0 to disable.
bm_typekills 0 // Allow type kills. 1=yes, 0=no
bm_maxtypekills 3 // Number of type kills before ban.
// Set to 0 to disable.
bm_typecam 1 // Enable/disable type camera.
// Runes
bm_rune_rand 2 // Number of randomized runes to spawn.
bm_runemask 31 // Runes allowed for randomization.
// This is a bitwise value. Add up the
// following to calculate this CVAR:
// 1 - crowbar rune
// 2 - grenade rune
// 4 - 357 rune
// 8 - health rune
// 16 - armor rune
// 32 - shotgun rune
// default is 63, which is all runes.
// 36 allows only shotty and 357, etc.
bm_rune_cbar 1 // Number of crowbar runes to spawn
bm_rune_cbar_t 30 // Time (in secs) rune is active
bm_rune_cbar_r 60 // Time (in secs) until respawn
bm_rune_gren 1 // Number of grenade runes to spawn
bm_rune_gren_t 30 // Time (in secs) rune is active
bm_rune_gren_r 120 // Time (in secs) until respawn
bm_rune_357 1 // Number of 357 runes to spawn
bm_rune_357_t 30 // Time (in secs) rune is active
bm_rune_357_r 60 // Time (in secs) until respawn
bm_rune_health 1 // Number of health runes to spawn
bm_rune_health_t 30 // Time (in secs) rune is active
bm_rune_health_r 60 // Time (in secs) until respawn
bm_rune_armor 1 // Number of armor runes to spawn
bm_rune_armor_t 30 // Time (in secs) rune is active
bm_rune_armor_r 60 // Time (in secs) until respawn
bm_rune_shotty 1 // Number of shotgun runes to spawn
bm_rune_shotty_t 30 // Time (in secs) rune is active
bm_rune_shotty_r 180 // Time (in secs) until respawn

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