Browser Based Device Control Using Raspberry Pi

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Browser Based Device Control Using Raspberry Pi

In this project, we will control the appliances through the web browser
running on the the ARM Controller! "e can also re#otely control the
appliances by opening in the I!P address $ro# any syste# that%s connected
on the sa#e networ& and that can support Browser natively!
'he Raspberry Pi is a credit(card(si)ed single(board co#puter developed in
the U* by the Raspberry Pi +oundation with the intention o$ pro#oting the
teaching o$ basic co#puter science in schools!
'he Raspberry Pi has a Broadco# BCM,-./ syste# on a chip 01oC2, which
includes an ARM3456+(1 377 M8) , 9ideoCore I9 :PU, and was originally
shipped with ,/4 #egabytes o$ RAM, later upgraded to /, MB! It does not
include a built(in hard dis& or solid(state drive, but uses an 1D card $or
booting and long(ter# storage!
Basic Block Diagram:
Phone; 7<7.(77.(.7=<, 7<<7(--3(334=
>#ail; in$o?potentiallabs!co# www!potentiallabs!co#
Model A Model B
SoC: Broadcom BCM2835 (CPU, GPU, DSP, SDRAM, and single USB or!"
CPU: #$$ M%& ARM''#()*+,S core (ARM'' -amil., ARM/( ins!r0c!ion se!"
Broadcom 1ideoCore 21 3 25$ M%&
4enG5 6S 27$ (28 G+54PS"
MP6G,2 and 1C,' (9i!: license
", '$8$3$ :72(8<MP6G,8 A1C :ig:,ro-ile decoder and encoder
25( MB (s:ared 9i!: GPU" 5'2 MB (s:ared 9i!: GPU" as o- '5 4c!o=er 2$'2
USB 2. ports:
' (direc! -rom BCM2835
2 (/ia !:e =0il! in in!egra!ed 3,or! USB :0="
Phone; 7<7.(77.(.7=<, 7<<7(--3(334=
>#ail; in$o?potentiallabs!co# www!potentiallabs!co#
!ideo inp"t: A CS2 in0! connec!or allo9s -or !:e connec!ion o- a RP+ designed camera mod0le
!ideo o"tp"ts:
Comosi!e RCA (PA5 and >?SC", %DM2 (re/ '73 @ '78", ra9 5CD Panels /ia DS2
'8 %DM2 resol0!ions -rom (8$A35$ !o 'B2$A'2$$ l0s /ario0s PA5 and >?SC s!andards7
A"dio o"tp"ts: 375 mm Cack, %DM2, and, as o- re/ision 2 =oards, 2DS a0dio (also o!en!iall. -or a0dio in0!"
#n$oard stora%e: SD < MMC < SD24 card slo! (3731 card o9er s0or! onl."
#n$oard net&or': >one
'$<'$$ 6!:erne! (8P8C" USB ada!er on !:e !:ird or! o- !:e USB
8 A GP24, UAR?, 2DC =0s, SP2 =0s 9i!: !9o c:i selec!s, 2DS a0dio F373 1, F5 1, gro0nd
Po&er ratin%s: 3$$ mA ('75 G" #$$ mA (375 G"
Po&er so"rce: 5 /ol! /ia MicroUSB or GP24 :eader
Si,e: 857($ mm A 537B8 mm (373#$ in A 27'25 in"
-ei%+t: 85 g ('7( o&"
Arc: 5in0H ARM, De=ian G>U<5in0H, Gen!oo, +edora, +reeBSD, >e!BSD, Plan B, Ras=ian
4S, R2SC 4S, Slack9are 5in0H
Develop#ent >nviron#ent;
Develop#ent @anguages;
Python and C Progra##ing $or Microcontroller
8'M@ and P8P $or "eb UI
Develop#ent 'ools;
Develop#ent Board used; Raspberry pi Dev Board
Microcontroller Develop#ent ID>; @inuA Develop#ent >nviron#ent
Phone; 7<7.(77.(.7=<, 7<<7(--3(334=
>#ail; in$o?potentiallabs!co# www!potentiallabs!co#
8ardware Details;
Raspberry pi board
Driver IC
>lectrical @oads 0@a#ps, +an etc!2
Phone; 7<7.(77.(.7=<, 7<<7(--3(334=
>#ail; in$o?potentiallabs!co# www!potentiallabs!co#

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