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Draksharama temple town-AP

Draksharama is a temple in East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh in South India.

Draksharama temple is one of the Five Powerful temples of Lord shiva, known as
Pancharama Kshetram
he Siva deit! is known as Bhimesvara Swamy. he temple is situated on the eastern
"ank of Godavari #iver. he consort of Lord $himesvara is %anik!am"a. Accordin& to
local "elief the Siva lin&a at the temple was installed and esta"lished "! the &od Sur!a.
%aha Shivaratri, Devi 'avaratrulu, (arthika %asam, and Dhanurmasam are the main
festivals cele"rated at this temple.
Accordin& to local le&end, the temple was "uilt "! an&els in one ni&ht. he construction
of the perimeter wall could not "e completed "efore sunrise and still stands incomplete.
Several attempts have "een made to construct the uncompleted part of the wall "ut all
those efforts have failed with the constructed wall collapsin& within a few months.
As per the Government of India, the temple construction was started in mid +,, AD and
completed somewhere around the --th centur!. he construction of the temple is a
marvel, consistin& of a two.staired mandapa and two walls, one inside of the other. he
inner temple /Gar"haala!a0 made it a ver! profound and cultural work of architecture in
those times. Its architecture is still a li"rar! for students of architecture. he ventilation of
the inner temple is impressive. he temple is alwa!s full of li&ht and air with ver! &ood
ventilation. he temple1s two.stair mandapa is impressive, and the pillars in the temple
are skillfull! and delicatel! carved. %an! Shasanas /2fficial 3 4istorical #e&istr!
5hronicles0 have "een written on the stone walls of the temple from time to time, from
le&ions of 5hola 3 Sathavahanas to 6i7a!ana&ra 3 #edd! (in&doms that ruled over
centuries. he scripts are Dravidian, amil, Devana&ri, and elu&u scripts in "oth
Sanskrit and elu&u lan&ua&es.
-,+ Shivite temples were "uilt after +,, around this temple in a radius of 8, kilometers.
Some purohits have this list.
he villa&e is called Dakshina (asi. he Siva Lin&a in this temple is said to "e one lar&e
cr!stal which is 9.: meters hi&h. Shiva is accompanied "! Daksha!ani, who is the first
wife of Shiva /also the dau&hter of Daksha, and therefore named Daksha!ani0.
%anik!am"a &oddess, said to "e one part of the -+ pieces of Sati Devi that fell here, is a
Shakti Peetha. It has one of the world1s lon&est siva lin&a.
he inner sanctorium has a pedestal "uilt for the archakas to perform rituals. he inner
sanctorium is ver! dark, so much that one cannot see without a some sort of li&ht.
Le&ends sa! that the inner walls of the temple were once filled with diamonds that
provided the re;uired li&ht. <hen Auran&a=e" invaded the temple to plunder the riches,
all the diamonds turned to stones. Archakas show the walls adorned with diamond.shaped
rocks as proof of this.
here is another small temple within the main temple. 2ne le&end sa!s that as a&es &o "!,
the hei&ht of humans would reduce to such an e>tent that the current temple would
"ecome a hu&e &i&antic structure, and hence another temple was "uilt for the tin! people
of the future. Another le&end sa!s that the tin! temple is for the tin! creatures that inha"it
the land. And some sa! that it1s the protot!pe of the temple.

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