The Law of Attraction

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T h e L a w o f At t r a c t i o n

Creating your own reality with the power of intention

You Get What You Expect
Your words affect your thoughts ..
Your thoughts affect your feelings ..
Your feelings affect your vibration ..
Your vibration is what attracts things to you.
As conscious beings, we create our own reality. We do
this by focusing on something and allowing it to come
to pass. If we dont expect it on some level, then it will
never happen.
Unlike magnetic fields that attract their polar opposites,
thoughts are energy vibrations that attract their polar
You have to feel good about yourself to attract what
you want for yourself.
When you want something youve
never had, you have to do
something youve never done.
Y o u c a n t h a v e a g o o d d a y w i t h a b a d
a t t i t u d e , a n d y o u c a n t h a v e a b a d d a y
w i t h a g o o d a t t i t u d e ~ Unknown
The Law of Attraction, which suggests that it is
actually the thoughts and feelings we have, that
determine the experiences we encounter each day
of our lives, is not just a recent phenomenon.
For many thousands of years, great teachers have
taught, that we will attract to ourselves, that which
we focus our attention upon.
You may, or may not believe this and the truth is that
very few of us have been taught to direct the forces
of the Universe by the power of our own
consciousness. Its far more likely that you were
taught to believe in your own limitations, focus on
your problems and respect the power of those in
There is a greater authority and its closer to home
than you may think. If you can learn to trust its
power, you will begin to manifest all that you
deserve in life.
When you want something youve
never had, you have to do
something youve never done.
I n t e n t i o n i s a f i e l d o f e n e r g y t h a t f l o w s
i n v i s i b l y , b e y o n d t h e r e a c h o f o u r
n o r m a l , e v e r y d a y , h a b i t u a l p a t t e r n s
~ Dr. Wayne Dyer
Because you are an energy being in a physical
universe, it means that within you lies the power to
create the reality in which you want to live. You may
not have realised it, but the things which you have
already manifested into your life, are a perfect
reflection of how you feel about yourself.
This is why its so important to feel good about
yourself and whatever else happens, feeling good
about yourself should be your highest priority.
Do you think for a moment, that you can attract
good things into your life, if you dont feel worthy to
receive them?
The good news is, that focus brings about expansion,
so a deep desire to be happy is all it takes to start the
When you want something youve
never had, you have to do
something youve never done.
Wh e n y o u w a n t s o m e t h i n g y o u v e n e v e r
h a d , y o u h a v e t o d o s o m e t h i n g y o u v e
n e v e r d o n e ~ Unknown
Getting what you want
Have you been using the Law of Attraction for a
while now, thinking positively and still not getting
the results you expected?
If so, the time might be right to start delving a little
deeper and see about making this universal force
work for you.
There are a number of important points for you to
consider, as you endeavour to harness the power of
the Law of Attraction for the creation of the life you
sincerely want.
I would encourage you to read over the pages that
follow and spend as much time as you need, to
gain clarity on what it is that will bring you the
happiness you desire.
When you want something youve
never had, you have to do
something youve never done.
Y e s t e r d a y I w a s c l e v e r , s o I w a n t e d t o
c h a n g e t h e w o r l d . T o d a y I a m w i s e , s o
I a m c h a n g i n g m y s e l f ~ Rumi
How Do You Feel?
Because our bodies are made up of millions of
molecules, vibrating at different speeds, its
probably true to say that your are not simply
matter. You are energy and that energy
changes according to what you think and how it
makes you feel. So, if youre not feeling good
about yourself, how can you possibly hope to
attract good things into your life?
Ask yourself this: As I go through my day, how
do I feel about myself, what do I think about
most and what do I tell myself, about myself?
If your answers dont clearly indicate a sharp
focus on attracting the things you want in your
life, then its time to address your self dialogue.
When you want something youve
never had, you have to do
something youve never done.
Wo r r y i n g i s l i k e p r a y i n g f o r w h a t y o u
d o n t w a n t ~ Unknown
Stress is an Attraction Impediment
When we are stressing about someone, or
something in our life, we are literally attracting
more of what we dont want. Because of this, it is
very important to take some steps to reduce the
potential impact, by clearly identifying exactly
what those stressful triggers are. Once youve got
that information, you can then reframe it, so that
it becomes a positive, rather than a negative.
You can easily do this by means of this short
journaling exercise.
In your journal, you should first make a list of all
the things in your life that you feel are adding to
level of pressure you are experiencing on a day
to day basis. Depending on who you are, this
could be things such as, your job, your spouse,
your children, finances, health, spiritual concerns.
Its worth spending 30 minutes considering this.
When you want something youve
never had, you have to do
something youve never done.
Wo r r y i s a t o t a l w a s t e o f t i m e . I t
d o e s n t c h a n g e a n y t h i n g . A l l i t d o e s i s
s t e a l y o u r j o y a n d k e e p s y o u b u s y
d o i n g n o t h i n g ~ Unknown
Now, taking each point in turn, make a list of all
the positives you can find for each one. For
instance, your stressful job, will most likely have
the benefit of a good salary, which in turn allows
you to do things you couldnt have done,
otherwise. Or, it may present you with
opportunities to develop your creativity. At the
very least, this exercise will help you clarify,
exactly what you dont want in your life.
Now, you can put a few other things into
practice. Firstly, by maintaining a positive
attitude about all things. You can do this by
feeling gratitude for all the things youve already
got and for those things that you believe are
coming your way.
Then start working on a visualisation of what your
life will look like once those good things arrive.
This will raise your personal vibration and send out
an irresistible message to the Universe.
When you want something youve
never had, you have to do
something youve never done.
E v e r y t h i n g i n y o u r l i f e , h a s t h e p o w e r
y o u a s s i g n t o i t ~ Karen Paquin
Finally, make sure that your thoughts, feelings
and emotions are focused on your goals, rather
than your frustrations.
Keep your self-talk positive and optimistic and
make time each and every day to work on your
vision of what your life will look like. Its important
too, to write down your goals and plan what
actions are needed to bring them to fruition.
Please remember, that if you spend too much of
your time focusing on what you dont like about
your life and wising it was different, then youre
squandering energy that that would serve you
better being applied to making progress towards
what you really do want.
So, just make peace with whatever you have in
your life at this moment and concentrate your
focus on where youre heading
When you want something youve
never had, you have to do
something youve never done.
N e g a t i v e e m o t i o n a l w a y s m e a n s t h e s a m e
t h i n g , e v e r y s i n g l e t i m e . y o u r t h o u g h t , o r
b e h a v i o u r i s m o v i n g i n o p p o s i t i o n w i t h w h o
y o u r e a l l y a r e a n d w h a t y o u r e a l l y w a n t
~ Abraham Hicks
What Are You Grateful For?
When you actually sit down and think about it
there are so many things, big and small,
abstract and specific, nostalgic and forward-
looking, that you can appreciate in your life.
Once you start to put your attention on the
things in your life that youre grateful for, you
are creating a perfect base to build from.
Ask your self how you could benefit from
creating a gratitude journal/list, which you can
add to on a daily basis. You can even do it on
your pc.
Consistently grateful people are happier and
more satisfied with their lives
Consider allocating a minute, or two each
morning when you wake up, or before you go
to bed, to think about all you have to be
grateful for, in your life.
As n you want something youve
never had, you have to do
something youve never done.
To attract the things you want, you must focus on
them, expect them and accept them.
They dont have to be earned, because youre
already worthy of them. You dont have to
sacrifice for them, because theyre a part of your
essence. When your being vibrates in tune with
them, they will be yours.
As we live in a 3 dimensional world, theres an
element of time that passes before
manifestations occur. How much time, depends
upon the intensity of your desire or fear, the
depth of your belief and what The Universe must
coordinate behind the scenes to make it
This is why faith is so powerful, because if you
doubt your worthiness, or limit your possibilities, or
waver in your vision during the buffer of time,
your lowered energy slows the attraction of your
desired outcome and delays its fulfilment,
sometimes indefinitely.
T o b e a c o n s c i o u s c r e a t o r , y o u m u s t p e r s i s t
i n s e e i n g y o u r f u t u r e u n f o l d i n l i n e w i t h y o u r
v i s i o n , n o m a t t e r h o w t h i n g s s e e m i n t h e
p r e s e n t
When you want something youve
never had, you have to do
something youve never done.
I C h o o s e . .
T o l i v e b y c h o i c e , n o t b y c h a n c e
T o b e m o t i v a t e d , n o t m a n i p u l a t e d
T o b e u s e f u l , n o t u s e d
T o m a k e c h a n g e s , n o t e x c u s e s
T o e x c e l , n o t c o m p e t e
I c h o o s e s e l f e s t e e m , n o t s e l f p i t y
I c h o o s e t o l i s t e n t o m y i n n e r
v o i c e , n o t t h e r a n d o m o p i n i o n o f
o t h e r s .
When you want something youve
never had, you have to do
something youve never done.
New Training in 2014
Licensed Practitioner NLP/Life Coach
Licensed Master Practitioner NLP

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