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Windows And Visual Programming MCQ 01

1. GUI stands for

a. Graphics user interaction
b. Graphical user interface
c. Graphics usual interface
d. None of these

2. The visual language includes ___________ for representing visual sentences

a. Visual language
b. Icons
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

3. The icons are the_______ image of an object

a. Physical
b. Logical
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

3. Operation icons are also known as

a. Program icons
b. Process icons
c. Visual icons
d. None of these

5. It refers to computing with visual objects such as images which are inherently visual
because of their key representation are called

a. Visual programming
b. Visual language
c. Multidimensional language
d. None of these

6. It refers to an idea that communication occurs through visual symbols, as opposed to
verbal symbols or words are called

a. Visual programming
b. Visual language
c. Multidimensional language
d. None of these

7. It refers to programming by visual methods

a. Visual programming
b. Visual language
c. Multidimensional language
d. None of these

8. It refers to an language that consists of generalized icons and operators

a. Visual programming
b. Visual language
c. Multidimensional language
d. None of these

9. It refers to an symbols that are used to denote operations and are usually context-

a. Visual programming
b. Operation icons
c. Multidimensional language
d. None of these

9. ___________are operators that involve spatial relations among image, text or other
spatial objects

a. Spatial operators
b. Visual operators
c. Virtual operators
d. None of these

11. VR stands for

a. Visual reality
b. Virtual relation
c. Virtual reality
d. None of these

12. Icons are combined using

a. Expressions
b. Syntax
c. Operators
d. None of these

13. TAOs stands for

a. Teleaction objects
b. Talent objects
c. Teleaction oral
d. None of these

14. To help multimedia application designers to construct index cells,__________ was
a. A visual programming tool, IC Builder
b. A window programming tool, IC Builder
c. A multimedia programming tool, IC Builder
d. None of these

15. A visual programming tool are used for defining and/or constructing primary software
components like

a. Cells
b. Circuits
c. Blocks
d. All of these

16. A visual program is a ____________comprising generalized icons which are software

a. visual language
b. visual sentence
c. visual queries
d. None of these

17. In visual sentence __________________ are spatially arranged to describe a complex
abstract entity

a. The object icons
b. Operation
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

18. TAOs are created by attracting knowledge about events to the structure of

a. Multimedia objects
b. Teleaction object
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

19. The most important task of a visual language is to keep the users intent and the
machines interpretation the

a. Same
b. Different
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

21. The object icons represent

a. Physical entities
b. Logical entities
c. Conceptual entities
d. None of these

21. The object icons are arranged in a

a. Same way
b. Different way
c. Particular way
d. None of these

22. The operation icons denote

a. Expression
b. Syntax
c. Symbol
d. Operations

24. KIF stands for
a. knowledge interchange form
b. knowledge idea form
c. knowledge interchange format
d. None of these

25. Visual language uses mathematical notation for predicate calculus to express
diagrammatical reasoning ,termed as

a. EG
b. AG
c. PG
d. CG

26. EG means

a. existent graphs
b. expression graph
c. existential graphs
d. None of these

27. To bring an object into existence which symbol of visual representation are used

a. Add verb
b. New adjective
c. Create verb
d. Delete verb

28. To change the position of an object which symbol of visual representation are used

a. Remove verb
b. Add verb
c. Erase verb
d. Create verb

29. To eliminate objects especially by blotting out, cutting out or erasing which symbol of
visual representation are used

a. Remove verb
b. Delete verb
c. Erase verb
d. Create verb

30. To include an object as a member of a group which symbol of visual representation are

a. Add verb
b. New adjective
c. Create verb
d. Delete verb

31. To delete objects from a computer storage device which symbol of visual
representation are used

a. Remove verb
b. Delete verb
c. Erase verb
d. Create verb

32. Which operation result in a complete destruction of an object

a. Delete
b. Erase
c. Remove
d. Create

33. Which sign are finalized for create operation

a. +
c. * Multiply
d. /

34. PNG stands for
a. Portal net graphics
b. Portable network graphics
c. Perspective network graphics
d. None of these
35. SVG stands for
a. Size vector graphics
b. Shadow vector graphics
c. Scalable vector graphics
d. None of these
36. Which application have the characteristic for running on big monitor

a. GIS
b. CAD
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

37. The Toolbar icons should be

a. Flat
b. Curved
c. Colored
d. None of these

38. How many colors available in the icon color palette

a. 15
b. 41
c. 16
d. 26

39. For horizontal composition which spatial icon operators are used

a. hor
b. hors
c. hrs
d. hrz

40. For vertical composition which spatial icon operators are used

a. ver
b. vert
c. verc
d. verl

41. For overlay which spatial icon operators are used

a. over
b. ovl
c. ovr
d. ovy

42. For connect which spatial icon operators are used

a. con
b. conn
c. cont
d. conne

43. which spatial operator are invisible operator

a. ver
b. hor
c. ovl
d. all of these

44. which spatial operator are visible operator

a. ver
b. hor
c. ovl
d. con

45. Visual language can capture the _______ nature of multimedia objects

a. static
b. dynamic
c. TAO
d. None of these

46. Name the icons of visual language which capture the dynamic nature of multimedia

a. earcons
b. micons
c. vicons
d. all of these

47. A visual program is a

a. visual language
b. visual sentence
c. visual multimedia
d. None of these

48. The physical appearance of a TAO is described by a

a. visual sentence
b. multimedia objects
c. multidimensional sentence
d. None of these

49. The multidimensional sentence may be

a. location-sensitive
b. time-sensitive
c. content-sensitive
d. all of these

50. Which language are helpful when the syntactic structure, dynamic behaviour and
knowledge structure of TAO have to be specified

a. visual language
b. multidimensional language
c. both a & b
d. none of these

Windows And Visual Programming MCQ 02

1. Generalized icon is a __________specification of the iconic system

a. Actual
b. Formal
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

2. The types of generalized icons are

a. Object icons
b. Process icons
c. both a and b
d. none of these

3. Who introduced the concept of an iconic sentence

a. Lakin
b. Weber
c. Kosslyn
d. None of these

4. For designing and implementing the iconic systems, how many tools are required

a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2

5. The tools for designing and implementing an iconic system are

a. Icon editor
b. Icon interpreter
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

6. In which field, visual symbols are used as artifacts that refer to visual data

a. Advertisements
b. Films
c. Television
d. All of these

7. The types of association required to create a link between icons are

a. Specific association
b. Class association
c. Both a & b
d. none of these

8. Which function needed for visual information processing have to decide the interaction
between user and the machine

a. visual
b. cognitive
c. both a & b
d. none of these

9. Who compared the human imagination to the iconic system

a. Weber
b. Kosslyn
c. Lakin
d. Both a & b

10. Who demonstrated a strong relationship between the abstraction of an icon and its

a. Lakin
b. Weber
c. Rohr
d. None of these

11. The application domains of visual information processing language include
a. image processing, image communication
b. computer vision, robotics
c. image database management, office automation
d. all of these
12. Enhanced technologies in visual computing involve various generalized icons in the field

a. Robotic
b. Cyborgs
c. Other hybrid elements
d. All of these

13. Generalized icons represent the appearance of

a. Visual icon
b. Visual image
c. Iconic sentence
d. Visual language

14. Which three aspects for the usefulness of system in the generalized icons
a. Ease of use
b. User friendless with the system
c. Expressive and visualized presentation of system
d. All of these
15. The generalized icons can be presented in the form of
a. Images
b. Block diagram , simple icons
c. 3D scenes
d. all of these
16. The full form of ERR is
a. Entity resource planning
b. Entity research planning
c. Enterprise resource planning
d. None of these
17. Which creates a specific tuple to an existing icon

a. Specific association
b. Class association
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

18. Which is used to generate the new icons for explicit data dependency

a. Specific association
b. Class association
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

19. ISQL provides tools to handle the visual information for the field of

a. Films
b. Radiology
c. Technology
d. Physiology

20. Data integrity is used to access the
a. Correctness of data
b. Accuracy of data
c. Validation of data
d. All of these
21. The two aspects of data integrity is known as

a. entity integrity
b. referential integrity
c. both a & b
d. none of these

22. The @ icon was developed by American Underwood in

a. 1885
b. 1971
c. 1887
d. 2010

23. BBN means
a. Bolt ,Beranek and Newman
b. Bolt, Bruegel and New
c. Bold, Bruegel and newman
d. None of these
24. BGL means
a. Bruegel graphical language
b. Beranek graphical language
c. Bruegel graphics language
d. None of these
25. The Bruegel iconic system was invented by

a. Peter bruegel
b. Patel bruegel
c. Patel beranek
d. None of these

26. In which presentation ,icon can be arranged in nodes

a. 2D tree
b. 3D tree
c. both a & b
d. none of these

27. Which parameter of formal specification can represent the set of logical objects

a. VL
b. VP
c. S
d. XO

28. Which parameter of formal specification can represent the set of physical objects

a. VL
b. VP
c. S
d. XO

29. Which parameter of formal specification can represent the element in S

a. VL
b. VP
c. S
d. XO

30. Which parameter of formal specification can represent non empty set of icon

a. VL
b. VP
c. S
d. XO

31. Which parameter of visual query represent the object type to be recognized

a. object

b. sourcei
c. recogi
d. sqo

32. Which parameter of visual query represent the information source

a. object

b. sourcei
c. recogi
d. sqo

33. Which parameter of visual query represent the object recognition algorithm to be

a. object

b. sourcei
c. recogi
d. sqo

34. Which parameter of visual query represent the spatial coordinates of query origination

a. object

b. sourcei
c. recogi
d. sqo

35. Generalized icons are of ______ types

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

36. The name of the Generalized icons are:

a. Object icons
b. Process icons
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

37. Generalized icons determine which aspects for the usefulness of systems:
a. Expressive and visualized presentation of the system
b. User-friendless with the system
c. Ease of use
d. All of these
38. The basic syntactic element is known as________

a. Icon
b. Link
c. Command
d. None of these

39. Semantic analysis takes a _________ level form for iconic sentences

a. Top
b. Bottom
c. Top-down
d. Bottom-up

40. The inversion operator ,INV is also known as the ___________ operator:

a. Binary
b. Unary
c. Logical
d. None of these

41. The language that was developed to retrieve multimedia information from database:

a. A Spatial language
b. A Spatial query language
c. A query language
d. None of these

42. The consistency of the iconic system should be maintained with the design because it
works for the
a. Same design vocabulary
b. Same design grammar
c. Different design vocabulary and grammar
d. Both a & b
43. Name the second module of the inference algorithm:

a. Sound module
b. Program module
c. Loud module
d. None of these

44. INV means

a. Invention Operator
b. Inversion Operator
c. Inverse Operator
d. Inversion Output

45. The main types of user interface are

a. Command line interface
b. Graphical user interface
c. Voice user interface
d. All of these

46. _________ refers to a systematic formula to set up an iconic language

a. Iconic system
b. Iconic operators
c. Iconic programs
d. None of these

47. The syntactic analysis can be defined as ___________ which is used in visual
a. A mapping of the font
b. A mapping of the grammar
c. A mapping of the icons
d. None of these
48. In the syntactic analysis for the iconic sentence, the message is to be conveyed
between the________________

a. System
b. User
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

49. The factors involved in it are a sequence of _____________________ which is to be

a. Commands
b. Positioning
c. Information
d. All of these

50. Which is the visual operator:

a. CON
b. ENH
c. INV
d. INT
e. All of these

51. UI is the design of computer appliances , _______________________________
a. Machines
b. Mobile communication devices
c. Software applications
d. Website on the users attention
e. Interaction
f. All of these
52. The relevant tools are used in UI in the following ways::

a. Input
b. Output
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

53. Input is also known as a _____________

a. Prime tool
b. Displayed
c. Composite tool
d. None of these

54. Which represents the combination of icons:

a. DOS
b. COM
c. CON
d. INV

55. Which attribute combines the meaning of two icons:

a. AND
d. All of these

56. CON refers to
a. Contextual Interpretation Operator
b. Conceptual Interpretation Operator
c. Contextual Integration Operator
d. Contextual Integration Operand
57. Which is an enhancement operator basically enhances the conceptual richness of an

a. COM
b. CON
c. ENH
d. INV

58. Which is an inversion operator uses the icon in an inverted manner:

a. INV
b. INT
c. COM
d. CON

59. The principles of UI design are:
a. Structured principle
b. Simplicity principle
c. Visibility principle
d. Feedback principle
e. All of these
60. What are the types of UI design:
a. Graphical User Interface
b. Command Line Interface
c. Voice User Interface
d. All of these
61. The following rules keep the user interface for dialog management and other
a. Keep the user interface attractive and simple
b. Maintain consistency
c. Control the interaction
d. Sound effect
e. Medium of touch
f. All of these
62. Iconic algebra is used to construct the ______________

a. Complex icons
b. Icon semantics
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

63. Which is necessary to get better resolution on the displaying screen:

a. Icon algebra
b. Icon purity
c. Icon textual
d. All of these

64. How many parameters can fuzzy icon can be designed________________

a. 2
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

65. A graphical query language popularly known as:

a. QBD*
b. QDB*
c. DQB*
d. BQD*

66. QBD* is used to
a. Investigate the navigational
b. Diagrammatic entity relationship
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
67. Which word represents the designing process of the iconic system:

a. Fuzzy
b. Cozy
c. Musty
d. Mossy

68. The fuzzy designing process requires the following systems:
a. Designing the icon
b. Selecting the application areas
c. Constructing the corpus of icon
d. Connect the word with icon
e. All of these

Windows And Visual Programming MCQ 03

1. VLCs means
a. Visual Language Compiler
b. Visual Location Operator
c. Vector Location Operator
d. Vector Language Compiler
2. VLC is used to _______________

a. Design
b. Compile visual
c. Windows programs
d. All of these

3. Which compiler is a frequently-used VLC that enables interactive learning


4. Who introduced the SIL-ICON compiler and where:
a. Dave John at Calctech in 1979
b. Dave Johannsen at Calctech in 1979
c. James Gosling at Calctech in 1979
d. Dave Johannsen at Calcutta in 1979
5. ________ also known as assembling of predefined blocks of layout:

b. VLC

6. ID means

a. Interrupt Dictionary
b. Icon Dictionary
c. Input Dictionary
d. Inkjet Dictionary

7. OD means
a. Operator Dictionary
b. Output Dictionary
c. Operand Dictionary
d. Operation Dictionary
8. Which is helpful to create icons for the programming part:

a. OD
b. ID
c. DOS

9. Which accepts symbolic images and logical icons as input values

a. OD
b. ID
c. VLC

10. _________ is also an iconic language system used for augmentative communication by people with
speech disabilities:

a. Smiley
b. Minspeak
c. Maxspeak
d. None of these

11. VICON works as
a. Visual icon manager
b. Visual icon task
c. Vector icon manager
d. Visual icon management
12. A multidimensional sentence is the combination of an

f. All of these

13. Which stores the icons used in a visual program:

a. ID
b. OD
c. VLC

14. Which represents the size of the icon structure which is measured in bytes
a. WORD hWnd
b. DWORD hWnd
c. DWORD gWmd
d. DWORD gWnd
15. Which statement handles the Window to receive the notifications of icon area:

b. UINT uFlags

16. Which statement indicates that other members involved in this contain valid data:

b. UINT uFlags

17. Which handles the customized notifications area icon
a. GUID guidItem statement
b. HICON hBallonIcon
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
18. The physical interpretation of an icon image considers the following:
a. Design of an icon image
b. Selection of caption associated with the image
c. The context in which the icons appears
d. All of these
19. Who defined Iconography as a finite set of icons and an iconic sentence as an iconic structure formed
according to specific rules

a. Korfhage
b. Korley
c. Deword
d. None of these

20. The visual programming language compiler checks

a. Level of language
b. Scope of language
c. Visibility
d. All of these

21. Who implement the icons in the program by selected icon ID
a. visual programming
b. visual language
c. visual language compiler
d. none of these
22. The types of icon ID can be
a. Object icon
b. Transparent icon, command icon
c. Icon instance, icon copy
d. All of these
23. WIMP means
a. Windows, Images, Menus and Paints
b. Webs, Images, Menus and Pointers
c. Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers
d. None of these
24. In WIMP, icons are defined to provide________ to the resultant output

a. Verbalization
b. Visualization
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

25. RealWorld is an icon editor which is properly used for

a. Editing icon
b. Creating icon
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

26. Icons are of varying size from
a. 2*2 pixel to 256*256 pixel
b. 1*2 pixel to 255*256 pixel
c. 3*3 pixel to 256*256 pixel
d. 1*1 pixel to 256*256 pixel
27. An iconic sentence has two forms named
a. Action sentence and Operator Sentence
b. Icon sentence and background Sentence
c. Action sentence and background loading command
d. None of these
28. In iconic sentence which sentence keeps the first form and which keeps the second form
a. Action sentence and background loading command
b. Action sentence and Action loading command
c. Background loading command and Action sentence
d. background sentence and background loading command
29. Action sentence is made up of

a. 5 parts
b. 2 parts
c. 3 parts
d. 4 parts

30. The parts of action sentence are:
a. PLAYthing
b. Design action of the icon
c. Modifier
d. All of these
31. How many attributes has generalized icons:

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

32. First attribute of the generalized icon keeps the

a. Icon name
b. Menu
c. Relationship
d. Both a & b

33. Second attribute of the generalized icon keeps the

a. Icon name
b. Menu
c. Relationship
d. Both a & b

34. The VICON example specifies the

a. IS-A
f. All of these

35. Which icon is used for representing the real object and maintaining the icon relation

a. Object icon
b. Transparent icon
c. Command icon
d. All of these

36. Which refers to a mask property for an object icon

a. Object icon
b. Transparent icon
c. Command icon
d. All of these

37. Which construct to apply the set of icon by the property of object icon

a. Object icon
b. Transparent icon
c. Command icon
d. All of these

38. OOER means
a. Object Oriented Entity Relation
b. Operator Oriented Entity Relation
c. Object Oriented Entity Relationship
d. Optical Object Entrance Relation
39. The second level of visual language compiler shares the

a. Object
b. Class
c. Sentence
d. All of these

40. The second level of visual language compiler implements the _______ of visual sentence

a. Structure
b. Class
c. Sentence
d. All of these

41. The three techniques are used for implementing the visual language specification are known as :

a. Grammatical approach
b. Logical approach
c. Procedural approach
d. All of these

42. Which is the main function of parser:
a. Source program conforms to the language definition
b. Translate link source to library
c. Source program conforms to logical definition
d. All of these
43. A visual language characterized with a set of attributes which can be classified as

a. Syntactic attribute
b. Graphical attribute
c. Semantic attribute
d. All of these

44. The objects appearance can be characterized by:

a. Syntactic attribute
b. Graphical attribute
c. Semantic attribute
d. All of these

45. The graphical attributes are:

a. Position
b. Size
c. Shape
d. Color
e. Name
f. All of these

46. Which attribute is responsible for the objects spatial arrangement on the screen:

a. Syntactic attribute
b. Graphical attribute
c. Semantic attribute
d. All of these

47. Which is used for associating semantics with a graphical object:

a. Syntactic attribute
b. Graphical attribute
c. Semantic attribute
d. All of these

48. What are the interconnections state:
a. Start, predicate and function
b. Predicate and function
c. Predicate and halt
d. All of these
49. RAID means
a. Redundant array of inexpensive disk
b. Rebounding array for inexpensive disk
c. Redundant array of expensive disk
d. Redundant array for inexpensive disk
50. Which can be modified without affecting the original icon

a. Icon instance
b. Icon copy
c. Command icon
d. Object icon

51. An icon relation is the example of :

a. Transparent icon
b. Icon instance
c. Icon copy
d. Object icon

52. The visual icon manager is implemented with structure
a. Oriented LISP editor
b. InterLISP-D text editor
c. InterLISP-M text editor
d. Both a & b
53. The actions of robot are controlled by:
a. One microprocessor
b. Two microprocessor
c. One or many microprocessor
d. None of these
54. Which refers to a small pictogram used to supplement the normal alphanumerics of the computer

a. Visual language
b. Icon
c. Compiler
d. Icon copy

55. Which refers to a set of practices by which images can be used to communicate concepts

a. Visual language
b. Icon
c. Icon object
d. Icon copy

56. Which icon is used for serving the model of visual language compiler:

a. statementchart
b. statechart
c. stateclipchart
d. clipart

57. The operator dictionary is used by the visual language is:
a. Compiler to solve
b. Interpret the dictionary entries
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
58. The design methodology is used to:
a. Deal with the complete iconic system
b. Contact with the complete iconic system
c. Deal with the complete object system
d. Contact with the complete object system
59. The OOER approach to visual programming enables:

a. Designers
b. Clients to make plan
c. Work accordingly
d. All of these

60. Which represent an object icon having mask property:

a. Object icon
b. Transparent icon
c. Command icon
d. Icon copy

Computer Graphics MCQ 04

1. Interactive computer graphics uses various kind of input devices such as
a. Mouse
b. Graphic tablet
c. Joystick
d. All of these
2. Input function are used for
a. Control the data flow from these interactive devices
b. Process the data flow from these interactive devices
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
3. A graphics package contains
a. No of housekeeping task such as clearing a display screen
b. No of housekeeping task such as initializing parameters
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
4. The interactive computer graphics involves________ way communication b/w computer
and the user
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. four
5. Interactive computer graphics enables a user to customize the graphics in _______
a. Computer way
b. His own way
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
6. User can make any change on image with the use of
a. Non-interactive graphics
b. Interactive graphics
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
7. The application area of computer graphics are
a. Political
b. Education and textbook
c. CAD and entertainment
d. All of these
8. CAD means
a. Car aided design
b. Computer art design
c. Computer aided design
d. None of these
9. DTP means
a. Draw top publishing
b. Desk top publishing
c. Desk town publishing
d. None of these
10. PCBs can be drawn using the computer graphics
a. In very efficiently way
b. In a shorter time
c. In a larger time
d. Both a & b
11. How many components of Interactive computer graphics are
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. four
12. What are the components of Interactive computer graphics
a. A digital memory or frame buffer
b. A television monitor
c. An interface or display controller
d. All of these
13. A display controller serves to pass the contents of
a. Frame buffer to monitor
b. Monitor to frame buffer
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
14. The image is passed repeatedly to the monitor _____in order to maintain a steady picture
on the screen
a. 25 times a second
b. 30 times a second
c. 30 or more times a second
d. None of these
15. To store black and white images ,black pixels are represented by________ in the frame
buffer and white pixels by_______
a. Zero and one
b. One and Zero
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
16. A 16*16array of black and white pixels could be represented by________
a. 64bytes
b. 32bytes
c. 128bytes
d. 96bytes
17. The display controller converts 0s and 1s into_______
a. TV monitor
b. Video signal
c. Electronics signal
d. None of these
18. The image can be transmitted to the display point by________
a. Line
b. Segment
c. Point
d. None of these
19. Which graphics application provides a proper dialogue box to help the user
a. MS excel
b. MS Paint
c. MS word
d. None of these
20. The area of computer that is captured by an application is called
a. Window
b. View port
c. Display
d. None of these
21. A basic interactive picture construction technique are
a. Positioning and pointing, constraints
b. Grid, gravity field, rubber band method
c. Sketching, dragging, inking and painting
d. All of these
22. The movement of different attributes of image would make the image dynamic and such
a dynamic effect is termed as ________
a. Picture
b. Animation
c. Painting
d. None of these
23. Graphics output devices are
a. Graphics tablet, mouse
b. Keyboard
c. Light pen, joystick
d. None of these
24. Which method are used to get and set the position of a pixel, object or text in active area
of a desktop
a. Drugging method
b. Basic positioning method
c. Sketching method
d. Gravity field method
25. The center of display screen is computed as
a. X max ,y max
b. Xmax/2,ymax/2
c. Xmax/3,ymax/3
d. None of these
26. The operation that is used for repositioned the object are called
a. Rubber band method
b. Gravity field
c. Dragging
d. None of these
27. Which method are used to construct and position the straight lines, arcs and circles, etcs
a. Rubber band method
b. Gravity field
c. Dragging
d. None of these
28. Which are used to connect a line to already drawn line
a. Rubber band method
b. Gravity field
c. Dragging
d. None of these
29. The rubber band is also applicable to_______ objects
a. Scale
b. Scalar
c. Vector
d. None of these
30. The division displayed on screen into row and columns is known as
a. Rubber band method
b. Gravity field
c. Dragging
d. Grid
31. The function of a plotter is like a
a. Monitor
b. Projector
c. printer
d. None of these
32. A plotter is capable of
a. Printing a map
b. Printing a similar images
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
33. ______ ink is used in laser printer
a. Wet
b. Dry
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
34. The cabinet in laser printer in which the ink is filled is called
a. Cartage
b. Toner
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
35. An inkjet printer places_______ of ink onto paper to print an image
a. Small droplets
b. large droplets
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
36. The size of these dot in inkjet printer usually lies between
a. 50 to60 microns in diameter
b. 20 to30 microns in diameter
c. 30 to40 microns in diameter
d. 10 to20 microns in diameter
37. The speed of printing in inkjet printer is
a. Fast
b. Slow
c. Not fast nor slow
d. None of these
38. The inkjet printer is mostly common due to their
a. Low cost
b. Performance
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
39. LCD stands for
a. Liquid core display
b. Liquid crystal display
c. Liquid crystal diagram
d. None of these
40. The LCD projector is the output device that is connected to the
a. Monitor
b. LCD
c. CPU
d. None of these
41. The size of the projected contents in LCD projector depends on the distance between
a. Projector and CPU
b. Projector and target screen
c. Projector and target memory
d. None of these
42. An LCD projector displays the contents in ________ manner than a simple monitor
a. Less flexible
b. More flexible
c. Inflexible
d. None of these
43. How many types of LCD projector
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
44. The types of LCD projector are
a. Flat panel and laser
b. Normal and roof mounted
c. Mesh model and curved
d. None of these
45. The roof mounted projector are fixed on the
a. Floor
b. Roof
c. Corner
d. None of these
46. The roof mounted projector can connect two or more computers or laptops in______
a. Serial
b. Parallel
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
47. The roof mounted projector are also enabled to take
a. Computer data
b. Printing data
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
48. The roof mounted projector takes computer data via a cable through
a. Serial port
b. Parallel port
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
49. The roof mounted projector are Bluetooth
a. Enabled
b. Disabled
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
50. The flat panel displays are________ in appearance
a. Flat
b. Curved
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
51. A touch screen display is an
a. Input device
b. Output device
c. Both a & b
d. Neither input nor output
52. The touch screen display shows the results of
a. Computation
b. Accept command and data from user for further computation
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
53. The flat panel display is called an
a. LCD monitor
b. LED monitor
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
54. A graphics tablet works on same principal as
a. Light pen
b. Monitor
c. Projector
d. None of these
55. The voice recognition system takes the command from the user in the form of
a. Writing
b. Voice
c. Both a& b
d. None of these
56. In the voice recognition system ,the voice is converted into
a. Machine code
b. Byte code
c. Electrical signal
d. None of these
57. A joystick is a
a. Graphics input device
b. Graphics output device
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
58. A joystick is consisting of a
a. Pen
b. Stick
c. Microphone
d. None of these
59. joystick are often used to control
a. Typing
b. Video games
c. Voice
d. None of these
60. The joystick often has _____ fire buttons to trigger some kind of action
a. One
b. More
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
61. In which year ,mostly modern joystick use a USB interface for connection to the personal
a. 2005
b. 2007
c. 2006
d. 2008
62. The light pen is an
a. Graphics input device
b. Graphics output device
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
63. The functioning of a light pen is similar to mouse except that
a. User can move the pointer
b. User can select objects on the display screen by pointing to object with the pen
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
64. A wireless mouse works on
a. Infra blue radiation
b. Infra red radiation
c. Infra green radiation
d. None of these
65. A wireless mouse consists of ______parts
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. None of these
66. The parts of wireless mouse is
a. Cable and a mouse
b. USB and a mouse
c. CPU and a mouse
d. None of these
67. The mouses motion typically translates into
a. Motion of a pointer on a display
b. Motion of a pointer on a CPU
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
68. How many types of keyboard
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
69. Types of keyboard are
a. Standard
b. Gaming and multimedia
c. Thumb sized
d. numeric
e. all of these
70. Which are used to achieve the predetermined orientations and alignments of the objects
a. Constraints
b. Grid
c. Gravity field
d. None of these
71. The major constraints are
a. Horizontal alignment
b. Vertical alignment
c. Both a & b
d. None of these

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