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Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance,

acrobatics and music, and is sometimes referred to as a game. It was
developed in Brazil mainly by African descendants with native Brazilian
influences, probably beginning in the 16th century. It is known by quick and
complex moves, using mainly power, speed, and leverage for a wide variety of
kicks, spins, and highly mobile techniques; at heart is the ginga, the back-and-
forth, foot-to-foot movement that serves as the starting point for such leverage.
Capoeira used in genuine self-defense situations incorporates many sweeps
and low moves, whereas when played as a game there is more emphasis on
high moves, demonstrations of acrobatics, full cartwheels (called au) for
evasion, and flips or other exotic techniques by mestres (masters), and
performing an entertaining match for the audience.
As with its early history, the origins of the word capoeira remains controversial.
There is evidence to suggest that the word originates in Angola, where the
word "kapwera" is the Bantu verb meaning "to fight". The word capoeira may
have come from the Tupi language, referring to the areas of low vegetation in
the Brazilian interior where the game was played. It was practiced by slaves
and disguised as a dance in order to prevent its capoeiristas from punishment
or execution for learning how to fight and defend themselves, which was
forbidden to those who were legally defined as property. It is nearly always
practiced to traditional Brazilian berimbau music.

Volta ao mundo
Malandragem and Mandinga

School Uniform Good or Bad?

"Most of us have to wear uniforms so I've decided to report on why some children like
wearing a school uniform and other children hate it.
Stop the fashion show
Some children agree with having a school uniform.
There are lots of reasons why they like having them.
Firstly because it shows that everyone has the same rights.
Also, some children make fun of each other if they don't like each other's clothes.
And some families can't afford such expensive clothing as other families and school
can become a fashion show.
Your own style
On the other hand, some children disagree with having to wear a school uniform.
There are some really good reasons why children are against wearing uniforms.
For a start, school uniform isn't fashionable.
Also, most children feel more comfortable in their own clothes.
Children like to dress in their own clothes so that they can look more individual.
Being yourself
So there are some interesting points for and against having school uniforms.
But, overall, it doesn't really matter what you are wearing - it will still be you."
Amanda, 11, Merseyside

Does school uniform exist in Austria, what do you think of it?

Fashion and peer pressure does is exist?

Opinions, problems & solutions . Fault of the media?

Differences between UK and Austria schooling.

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