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Prior research has recognised the association between Quality of Work Life
(QWL) of the service providers and the quality of service offered. Studies have also
found QWL to be an important factor influencing organisational commitment and
turnover intentions, which has led to assumptions an employee attaches great importance
to their work and work life and joins an organisation with certain expectations. But
employee expectations are not static and understanding their perception of HR policies is
crucial to understand. It has been long recognised that the environment provided by the
organisation has an important influence on the psychological health of its employees,
and, therefore, the health of the organisation itself . The resourcefulness of the employees
in an organisation depends largely on the environment at the workplace.

an employees perceive an organisation as offering a good work environment in
return for their contribution to an organisation, then it is likely that employees will report
higher levels of performance and job involvement. Employee satisfaction facilitates
superior performance and also greater attraction and retention of the best employees,
Work as a source of livelihood has branched out from this meaning and advanced over
to cover and create diverse meaning in an individuals lived experience in the
workplace as well as in life, encouraging creativity and self expression apart from being a
source of satisfaction . Conversely, research on work and stress suggests that the
workplace can be a major source of stress and ill health Even though the term QWL has
been widely used the conceptualisation of the phenomenon is still unclear.,
Researchers have found that an individuals QWL is influenced by his or her
work experience and future career expectations Expectation is a belief about the
probabilities associated with a future state of affairs and the anticipation of what will
happen (Websters 1995). Often employees start jobs with expectations based on their
life experiences, career aspirations, and personal characteristics (Woods 1993). Research
has found variation between relevant work expectations and the actual experienced states
of these performed states to be an important factor influencing employee turnover
(Pearson 1995). In addition, work relevant expectation has been linked to satisfaction by
expectation-confirmation theory (Oliver 1980). Moreover, studies have confirmed that
satisfied employees are more likely to be highly motivated, have a good morale at work,
and given the opportunity can work more effectively and efficiently (Eskildsen &
Dahlgaard 2000), and in teams are more productivework fields peaceful and pollution-
free atmosphere and self-disciplined working times, the industrial workers enters into a
new unknown workplace faces given tasks to be completed in a given time and has a
fixed way of doing it thrust upon follows, dissatisfaction and meaninglessness
originate. The worker feels nostalgic about his previous culture and craves to go back to
the village and celebrate the festivals with which they can identity themselves. Work no
more remained as worship; it became a meaningless exercise, the outcome of which
remained unknown to the workers themselves. As a result, efficiency decreased and
absenteeism increased.
What is QWL?
The term Quality of work life has different meaning to different people. Some think of
it as happiness programmes; other, especially the labour unions, feel that it is a subtle
employee incentive or just another productivity device. Terms lime work improvement
workers participation, work humanization, industrial Democracy and job
enrichment have been widely used to mean QWL>
Quality of Work Life is multifaceted concept the premises of QWL is having a work
environment where an employee activities become more important. This means
implementing procedures or policies. That makes workless routine and more rewarding
for the employee. This procedure includes autonomy recognition belonging progress and
external rewards.
Quality Of Work Life has been defined as Quality of relationship between employees and
a total working environment it seeds to create those conditions in the organization which.
Promote individual learning and development.
Promote individual with influence and control over what they do and how they
do it.
Make available with individuals interesting and meaningful work has a source of
personal satisfaction and means to valued personal rewards.

According to another view point Quality of Work Life refers to
(a) A concern about the impact of work on people as well as an organizational
(b) The idea of participation in organizational problem solving a decision making.


Below are given some important definitions of quality of work life. Which will be give
an idea of what it means?

1. J. Richard and J. Loy define Quality of work as the degree to which members of
a work organization are able to satisfy important personnel needs through their
experience in the organization.
2. According to Nadler and Lawyer Quality of work life as a way of thinking about
people, work and organizations. Its distinctive elements are
I) A concern about the impact of work on people as well as on organizational
effectiveness; and
II) The idea of participation in organizational problem-solving and decision
3. Sangeeta Jain viewed Quality of work life as consisting of a whole parcel of
terms and notions all of which really belong under the quality of working life
4. Beinum fells Quality of work life means designing job and organizing work in
such a way that one achieves the belt fit between the social and psychological
needs of people and the requirement of the particular production system, the
5. Walton defines it is a process by which an organization responds to employee
needs for developing mechanism to allow them to share fully in making the
decision that designs there lifes to work . He provides 8 criteria to evaluate QWL
Adequate and fare compensation
Safe and Healthy environment.
Development of human capacities
Growth and Security
Social integration
Total life space
Social relevance.
Hackman and Suttle describes Quality Of Work Life from varied view points from a
professional view point, it refers to industrial democracy, increased worker participation
in corporate decision making or accumulation of goals of human relations in terms of
management perspective, it relates to a variety of efforts to improve productivity through
improvement in human, rather than the capital or technological inputs of production.


Improved Quality of Work Life was not considered as important factor in India until
recently, as there were important impending factors like resource deficiency,
environmental threats and some serious financial problems. Lack of consciousness
among the employees can also be considered as one of reasons for delayed improvement
of QWL.qwality of work life programs has become important in work place for the
following reasons:
Increased demand at work
Loss of long term employment guarantees
The need for enhanced workplace skills
Greater competition for talent
Increased women in work force
Good quality of work life leads and atmosphere of good impersonal relation and highly
motivated employee to strive their development. Through monetary benefits still occupy
the first place in the lost of element s of Quality of work life, other elements like physical
working conditions, hob restructuring and job redesigning, career development,
promotional opportunities, etc., are gaining importance rapidly. As such, workers expect
the management to improve all these facilities which thereby improve Quality of Work
Provided well quality of work life, employees concentrate more on both individual and
group development. The management can get their attention with their high motivation
and morale which paves way by repaid and smooth HRD.
By providing good QWL one can eliminate the exploitation injustice, inequality
oppression and restrictions which temper the continuous growth of human resource
which in turn leads to its overall development.
As a philosophy:
It mans the quality of the contents of relationship between man and his task. In all its
diversity. The relation ship can be approached from divergent view points including the
man the organization and the society. Embracing job designing work organization.
Basic human needs and values and societal concepts
Overall Quality of Work Life is related to
(a) Job satisfaction humanizing work or individualizing the organization.
(b) An organizational development programs
Role of Quality of Work Life in the HRM and organization:
The Human Resource Management model that provides the focus was developed by the
American society of training and development. In this study identified 9 human resource
are the inputs of the organization where Quality of Work Life is the output of the

Human Resources Areas

Origin of Quality of Work Life in U.S. A:
Quality of Work life
Training and Development
Organization Development
Organization Job Design
Human Resource Planning
Compensation benefits
Union/ Labour relation
Employee Assistance
Personal Research&
Information System
Selection and staffing
Quality of Work Life activity gained importance between 1969-1974. When a broad
group of researchers, scholars union leaders and government personnel developed interest
in how to improve the quality of an individual through on the job experience.
The US department of health education and welfare sponsored a study on this issue,
which led to publication of work in America (MIT press, 1973).
Accordingly, a Federal productivity commission was established this commission
sponsored several labour management QWL experiment. Which did the University of
Michigan Quality of Work Programmed and newly evolved National quality of work
center jointly connect.
The term Quality of Work Life was introduced by Louis Davis, a first international
Quality of Work Life conference was held in Toronto in 1972.
Quality objectives:
To achieve specified targets as set from time to time .
To conduct analysis of failures of locomotives and assemblies and try to achieve
continual reduction.
To continuously train the personnel in enhancing their technical skills to carry out
qualitative work .
To monitor and upgrade process tools and materials to suit the changing needs of the
AQ Systematic persuasion of the drivers booking to provide satisfactory operational

Quality policy:
Diesel Loco Shed, Kazipet is committed to it strives for excellence in all activities for
maintenance of diesel Loco and continuously improves the QUALITY OF Service
provides to all its customers.
Scope of the study:
The scope of the present study is confined to QWL implementation in DLS in realty to
selected criteria. A dedicated discussion on each criteria has beginning the extent
disclosed by the undertaking the present study covers the entire corporation in overall
However for the purpose of detailed examination unit level practices are taken from
diesel loco shed area. Huge investment, Vast manpower, product and quality of work life
approach of the organization of influenced to select this unit.
Objectives of the study:
The main Objective of proposed study is to examine QWL implementation
effectiveness in DLS more specifically the objectives of study also.
To examine the quality of work life implementation effectiveness in DLS with the
help certain identified variables
To analyze the Quality of work life implementation effectiveness with help of
employees assessment on certain identified variables.
To study dominant variables and weak variables has perceived by management
and employees.
To examine the relationship between employer and employees.
To examinee worker participation effectiveness in QWL implementation.
To examine total life space in the organization
To offer suggestions to improve the effectiveness of QWL
Need of the study:
In the view of recent ongoing economic reforms Indian corporate class decide to improve
its better work. No organization can get better over night. Every organization has to start
its day by day success depends the willingness of management to amend on the
relational approach for a new better way, better work or improvement is a realty to stay
ahead of the best of the strategy of QWL.
Problem for poor working conditions are the results of shift the way of producing goods
to mass production. Failure of management to plan for the future and for see problems
which brings about their all this increases the burden on the customary by raising the
manufacturing cost.
Today customer is not willing to accept it and inevitable results in loss of market, lead to
unemployment performance of management should be measured by potential to stay in
business to project investment to ensure future dividends and jobs through improvements
of products and service for the future.
QWL is today management philosophy it has given rise to most important quality
revolution, which has bee witnessed by the 20
QWL is the buzz phrase to describe the new type of quality oriented practices. QWL
is based on mind set and quality orientations in all activities at all times include even
process product. QWL treats involves and inspires employees with human touch to bring
in quality in to the organization, it is also decentralized approach that empowers all levels
making enthusiastic involvement and common purpose realties.

Strategies for improving Quality of work life:
Henchman and Settle presents six strategies which have frequently being used for
importing of quality of work life.
1. Development of careers and career path.
2. Work design.
3. Organizational reward system.
4. Design and maintenance of group and inter group relationships.
5. Managerial practices.
6. Internal and external strategies for change.

In general the benefits of Quality of Work Life include
a) Healthier, satisfied and productive employees
b) Efficient, Adaptive and profitable organization
Specifically the benefits are as follows:
More positive feeling towards none self
More positive feeling towards ones job
More positive feelings towards the organization
Emperor physical and psychological health
Greater growth and development of the individual as person and as a productiove
member of the organization
Decreased ostentations and turn over and fewer accidents
Higher quality and quantity of out put of goods and services.
Improved labor management communication more effective and smother contract
Improved pay and benefits.

Difficulties of Quality of Work Life:
QWL programs in the collaborative forms are fraught with difficulties and management
opened themselves to substantial risks middle management may find it harder to believe
the benefits of QWL
It may perceive that management is becoming soft and giving into union dominance

Lack of knowledge by both parties of mutually concerned and specific
identification of this concern.
Lack of understanding that joint activities will means joint and less supportive of
the continuing integrity of both parties.
Less acceptance of Quality of Work Life concepts as a norm by the top
management by union leadership and by middle management and supervision.
An administrative structure non provide of guidance for QWL project activities.
Less established chatter for Quality Of Work Life committees and project
activities, specifying ground rules responsibilities authorities etc.,
A mechanism for involvement , handling, substantive issues worth while
participation in personal terms and in influencing affairs of the organization and a
provision for less knowledge skills , to deal with such problems effectively.

Research and Methodology:
The method adopted in the present proposed study regarding selection of sample period
of study data sources analysis and interpretation of data.
Primary study:
In this study is mainly based on which is collected from various departments of
organization discussions where held with all departmental heads and other officers and
with the leaders of railways to ascertain Quality of Work Life.
Apart from it observation method Questionnaires also was used to explore and to
understand the predicament of employee.

Selection of sample:
In order to evaluate the Quality of Work Life implementation in DLS Kazipet area has
been chosen DLS is one of the effective employees working in the organization and
quality making. The sample of employees is tentative fixed a 100 which includes all load
and sample of employees proposed a seventy random basis.
Period of Study:
The present study covers a period of April 2006 to Oct 2006 in order to draw trends in
Quality of Work Life implementation in DLS. Kazipet area. It was also pioneer of
Quality circles and Quality management implementation.
Date source:
The present proposal study is based on both primary and secondary data, is collected
form annual reports of DLS official records and documents relatives to Quality of Work
Life by the executives of the organization.
Tools of Analysis:
While analysis the secondary data, statistical technician like main and correlation has
been proposed to compute and used the detail methodology for each technique is
explained in the relevant chapter.
Methodology of presentation:
While presenting the data charts and graphs are used relevant places apart from used for
them which are over number of times of index of abbreviation is given at the beginning
for reader reference.

Limitation of the study:
Secondary data was some times were gathered from more than one source which in turn
lack uniformity consistency and regularity information taken from internal records suffer
from limitation. (Non availability).
Questionnaires used for the purpose of collection the primary data from the
respondents also suffer due to different levels of perception interpretation and behavior of
sample respondents.
Employee perceptions are also not gathered since the availability of time spent with
employees is very less.
Since QWL involves all levels all departments also function all activities and processes it
can be studies from various angles.
While calculation the averages and percentages approximation have been made for the
values up to 2 decimal digits


Employees at the grass-root level experience a sense of frustration because of low level
of wages, poor working conditions, un favorable terms of employment, in human
treatment by their superiors and the like whereas managerial personnel feel frustrated
because of alienation over their conditions of employment, inter-personal conflicts, role
conflicts job pressures, lack of freedom in work, absence of challenging work etc.
Certain values were attributed to work in the past, work was worship and people have
sincerity and commitment to work. But todays employee would not believe in such
values of work. He works for his salary, he works hard if the conditions of work are
conducive and congenial and terms of employment are favorable to him. As such, the
work norms have been changing from time to time.

Work norms in modern industrial society indicate that
Employees role in industry in different from his role in the family.
Superior knows the best and he has the right t impose on the subordinates.
Rules are for employees and thy have to follow them.
Employer has the right to layoff the workers due to marketing and technological
Due to these work norms, the managerial personnel at the middle and higher levels in
the organization hierarchy face a variety of problems. They are dissatisfied with the strict
economic functions of the job and dealing with social relationships in the organization
consequent upon the mechanization and automation of the industry. Further disregard by
others and less and less utilization of capabilities and skins also caused frustrating among
the managerial personnel.
Employees also experience alienating, which may result from for design of Socio-
technical systems. Alienation is a feeling of powerlessness, lack of meaning, loneliness
boredom, lack of ego involvement and lack of attachment to job. The workers at the
lower level are not happy with their work due to tight schedule of work, speed of
machine , does what and supervision and less social interaction. Even the ministerial
staff complains that they are unhappy with the job due to routine nature of work and
fixation of schedules and standards. Thus job, discontent is due to the limited scope of
the job, short cycle of operations, lack of opportunity to exercise discretion. Initiative,
existence of bureaucratic control; oppressive supervision, low wages; poor working
conditions etc.
Job discontent and job pressures have their substantial effect on employees health in
the form of reduction in general happiness, increase in smoking drinking, putting on
excess body weight etc. Frustration would further cause heart disease, joint pain etc.
frustration might also be due to absence of recognition, tedious work , unsound relations
with co-workers poor working conditions low self esteem, occupational stress, work
overload, monotony, fatigue, time pressures , lack of stability, security etc. in view or the
contemporary managerial problems , the present day employees are much concerned
about high wages, better benefits, challenging job etc
The term QWL has different meanings for different people. A few important
definitions of QWL are as follows.
Below are given some important definitions of Quality of Work Life.
According to Harrison QWL is the degree to which work in an organization contributes
to material and psychological well being of its members.

According to D.S. Cohn QWL is a process of joint decision making collaborations and
building mutual respect between management and employees

According to the American Society of Training and Development QWL is a process
of work organization which enables its members at all levees to participate actively and
effectively in shaping the organizations environment, methods and outcomes. It is a value
based process which is aimed toward meeting the twin goals of enhanced effectiveness of
the organization and improved quality of life at work for the employees.

QWL influences the productivity o f the employees. Researchers have proved that good
QWL leads to psychologically and physically healthier employees with positive feelings.

To summaries, QWL is the degree to which employees of and organizations are able to
satisfy their personal needs through experience in the organization. Its main aim is to
create a work environment where employees work in co-operation with each orated and
contribute to organizations objectives.
Nadler, Lawler quoted six potential definitions of QWL

The first definition emerged during the period 1959 to 1972 was that
QWL as variable
QWL as an approach
QWL as methods
QWL as movement
QWL as equal everything
QWL as the Quality of relationship between employees and the total working
Glaser, Think that the term QWL means more than job security, good working
conditions, adequate and fair compensation, more even that an equal employment
QWL refers to concern about the impact of work on people as well as an
organizational effectiveness and the idea of participation in organization problem solving
and decision making.
The term Quality of Work Life has deferent meaning to different people. Some think
of it as a happiness programmers; other, especially the about unions, feel that it is a subtle
employee incentive or just another productivity device. Terms like work improvement
, workers participation, work humanization, Industrial Democracy and Job
enrichment have bee widely used to mean QWL.
Quality is a very common and familiar term. It means different things to different
people. Different quality approaches have focused on different dimensions of quality.
As the quality revolution has gained its momentum, defining quality has become more
Quality is conformance to requirements and it can be achieved through prevention, not
appraised quality standard is zero defects (ZD) not acceptable level quality can be
measured by the prince of nonconformance. Customer just wants what they have been
promised. Quality is no accident it must be plan activity. Quality is what is perfect from
the customers point of view and that the customer must satisfy at all costs. Quality
means performing as promised. Quality is the way of the company operating, idea is to
make every body work in the same direction. Today every businessman has realized that
quality is not a preventive function but something to be done before and during
manufacturing of a product or the delivery of a service, not after words. It can be
inferred that quality is doing right first time and every time , quality means fitness for
use whether for a product or a service it is also consider as the sum total of the attributes
of properties that describe the product. Quality a conformance to requirements of product
of service. Customers driven of quality have been multiple dimensions such as
conformance to specification, value fitness for use. Customers support a psychological
impression which meets the higher customer expectation.
Quality is not just the responsibility of none person is the organization everyone
involved directly or indirectly in the production of an item or in the performance of
service is responsible as every ones responsibility can fall apart in the implementation
and follow the appropriate procedures.

Quality of Work Life (QWL) helps for development of human resource, employee of
low level of wages poor working conditions, unbootable terms of employment in human
treatment by their supervision and the like , where as managerial personal feel frustration
because of aviation over the condition of employment inter-personal conflict, role
complicit, job pressure, lack of freedom and absence of challenge in his work etc.
Quality work life (QWL) was a different thing to different people the degree to which
members of work organization are able to satisfy important personal needs through their
experience in the organization quality of work life (QWL) as enriching the nature of work
experience grapping with issue of efficiency and satisfaction. it means more than job
security. Good working conditions, adequate and fair compensation even more that equal
employment opportunity. Quality of Work Life (QWL) described effort to bring about
increased labour management, the problems of improving organizational performance
and employee satisfaction. Qualities of Work Life (QWL) identified Ten (10) issue are
1. Working Conditions
2. Pay Structure
3. Personal Growth
4. Job Design
5. Job Stress
6. Industrial relations
7. Welfare Facilities.
8. Group cohesiveness.
9. Autonomy.
10. Workers Participation.
Improved Quality of Work Life was not considered as important factor in India until
recently as there were important impending factors like resource deficiency,
environmental threats and some serious financial problems. Lack of consciousness
among the employees can also be considered as one of the reasons for delayed
improvement of QWL.
Quality of work life programs has become important in work place for the following
Increased demands at work
Loss of log term employment guarantees
The need for enhanced workplace skills
Greater competition for talent
Increased women in work force.
Good quality of work life leads an atmosphere of good impersonal relation and highly
motivated employee to strive their development. Through monetary benefits still occupy
the first place in the lost of elements of Quality of work life, other elements like physical
working conditions, job restructuring and job redesigning, career development,
promotional opportunities, etc., are gaining importance rapidly, As such , workers expect
the management to improve al these facilities which thereby improve Quality of Work
Provided good quality of work life, employees concentrate more on both individual
and group development. The management can get their attention with their high
motivation and morale which paves way by repaid and smooth HRD.
Quality of working life is a multi dimensional aspect. The workers expected the
following needs to be fulfilled by the organization:
1. Compensation:
The rewards for work should be above a minimum standard for life and should also be
equitable. There should be a just an equitable balance between the effort and the reward.
2. Health and Safety:
The working environment should be free from all hazards detrimental to the health and
safety of the employees. The main elements of a good physical environment for work
would be reasonable hours of work, cleanliness pollution free atmosphere, rash free work
3. Job Security:
The organization should offer security of employment. Employees should not have to
work under a constant concern for their future stability of work and income.
4. Job Design:
The design of jobs should be such which is capable of meeting the needs of the
organization for production and the individual for satisfying and interesting work.
Quality of work life can be improved if the jobs allow sufficient autonomy and control,
provides timely feed back on performance and uses a wide range of skills.
5. Social integration:
The workers should be able to feel a sense of identity with the organization and
develop a feeling of self-esteem. This includes the elimination of discrimination and
individualism, whilst encouraging teams and social groups to form.
6. Social Relevance of work:
Work should not only be a source of material and psychological satisfaction, but also a
means of social welfare. An organization that has greater concerns for social life.
7. Scope for Better Career Opportunities:
The management should provide facilities to the employees for improving their shill both
academic and otherwise. The management should always think of utilizing human
resources for expansion and development of the organization.
To improve the safety conditions.
To improve healthy conditions
To use human resources more effectively by utilizing the full potentiality.
To ensure social equality.
To introduce welfare facilities.
To establish good physical and psychological working environment
To provide adequate HRD programs.
To redesign physical and technological factors in work place.
To improve the social relevance of work life, work and total life space;
In creating recognition by management of social issues of workforce, that is social
responsibility towards employees and their working environment
To participate in management at all levels.
To see the system of flexible working hours and staggered hours

According to N.Q.Herrick and M. Maccoby there are four basis principles, which will
humanize work and improve the QWL.
The Principle of Security:
Quality of work cannot be improved until employees are relieved of the anxiety, fear
and loss of future employment. The working conditions must be safe and fear of
economic want should be eliminated. Job security and safety against occupational
hazards is an essential precondition of humanization of work.
The Principle of Equity:
There should be a direct and positive relation between effo1 and reward. All types of
discriminating between people doing similar work and with same level of performance
must be eliminated. Equity also requires sharing the profits of the organization.
The Principle of Individualism:
Employees differ in terms of their attitudes, skills, potentials etc. therefore every
individual should be provided the opportunities for development of his personality and
potential. Humanization of work requires that employees are able to decide their own
pace of activities and design of work operations.
The Principal of Democracy:
This means greater authority and responsibility to employees. Meaningful participation
in decision making process improves the quality of work life.


A Ted mill has pointed out created the quality of work life all off which is feels really
belong under the umbrella of QWL.
Industrial effectiveness
Human resource development
Organizational effectives
Works restructure
Job enrichment
Organizational restructure
Socio technical Systems
Work humanization
Group work concept
Labor management Cooperation
Working together; work involvement; and worker participation,
Co-operative work structures.

The quality of work life movement it of recent origin and has a long way to go individual
as well as organized efforts are required to improve the quality of work life for millions
of workers in the country. Some of the technique used to improve the QWL are a given

I. .Flexible work schedules: There should be flexibility in the work schedules
of the employees. Alternative work schedules for the employees can be
flextime, staggered hours, compressed work week etc. flextime is a system of
flexible working hour, staggered hours schedule means that different groups
of employees begin and end work at different intervals. Compressed
workweek involves longer hours of work per day for fewer days per week.
II. Job Redesign: Job redesigning or job enrichment improves the quality of the
jobs. It attempts to provide a person with exciting, interesting, stimulating and
challenging work .It helps to satisfy the higher level needs of the employees.
III. Opportunity for Development: Career development is very important for
ambitious and achievement oriented employees. If the employees are
provided with opportunities for their advancement. And growth, they will
motivate and their commitment to the organization will increase.
IV. Autonomous Work Groups: Autonomous work groups are also called self-
managed work teams. In such groups the employees are given freedom of
decision making they are themselves responsible for planning organizing and
controlling the activities of their groups,. The groups are also responsible for
their success of failure.
V. Employees Participation in Management: People in the organization
should be allowed to participate in the management decisions affecting their
lives. Quality circles, management by objectives, suggesting system and other
forms of employees participation in management help to improve the QWL.
VI. Job Security: Employees want stability of employment adequate job
Security provided to the employee will improve the QWL to a large extent.
VII. Equitable Justice: The principle of equitable administrative justice should be
applied in disciplinary actins. Grievance procedures promotions transfers,
work assignment etc. particularity and business at any stage can discourage
the worker and affect the QWL
VIII. Employee Feedback:
Employees need feedback about their contribution to the organization
productivity effort.
Feedback tells a person or system bow she/he or it is doing which suggests
corrective actions that need to be taken.
Feedback does not always reach the employee, or it may be late.
Feedback reaching the employee rarely includes positive feedback.
When feedback is lacking. Productivity suffers.
Feed back helps to build employee commitment.
Learning about the connection between personal efforts and the organizations
success helps implant a positive sense of common fate in employee.

Employees who are provided with good quality of work life can concentrate more on
their development and organizational development.
Improved QWL leads to improved performance mean not only physical output but
also the behavior of the worker in solving job related programmes. Accepting orders with
enthusiasm, promoting a positive team spirit.
The general perception is that improvement in QWL costs much to the organization.
But it is not so as improvement over the existing salary. Working conditions and benefits
will not cost much, how ever the rate of increase of productivity is higher that cost of
QWL. The increase in QWL leads to increase in productivity. But continual increase in
QWL leads to reduction of productivity due to increase in cost of output , This because
the Worker output doesnt increase proportionately after a certain level ,even through
QWL increase.
Good quality creates coordinal atmosphere, where human resource development
programmers become east and encouraging. A good understanding between and
management can be brought out with the help of QWL.
Employee Efforts Results
Though the positive effect of QWL is already established, all parties of the
organization still resist to nay schemes or procedures to improve quality of work life.
The management may feel that QWL at present level is satisfactory enough and no steps
need to be take to improve it . They fail to measure the impact of improved QWL.


Programmed Description
Flexi time System of flexible working hours. Flexible
serves as a Work scheduling scheme
allowing individual employees, within
established limits, to control an redistribute
their working hours around organization
Job Enrichment A programme for redesigning employee
jobs to allow greater autonomy and
responsibility in the performance of work
Management by objectives Participation of a employee with his
superior in setting employee goals that are
consistent with the objective of the
organization as a whole, MBO is viewed
as a way to integrate personal and
organizational needs.
Staggered Hours A Work-hour arrangement of overlapping
schedules of predetermined hours
established for the total work force. In a
staggered work hour where, groups of
employees begin and end work at different
Socio Technical A Physical and technological .redesign of
the work place for employees with human
considerations of the workforce
Job Rotation A Programme in which employees
periodically change work assignments to
gain training and reduce monotony.
Job Enlargement A Programme in which employees
continue their present jobs, but duties are
added with the intent of making the job
more rewarding.
Employee Participation A Programme aimed at a greater sharing of
responsibility for decision making

QWL is considered a philosophy as it is rooted in strong humanistic values focuses on
the problem of creating a humane working environment.
Bruce Warman, an organizational development consultant with General Motors,
defines QWL as a goal and process? The goal is the creation of more involving
satisfying and effective jobs and work environment for people at all levels of the
organization. As a process, QWL involves efforts to realize this goal through active
participation. QWL therefore brings together the needs and development of people with
the goals and development of the organization.
Glaser also sees QWL as a process by which all members of the organization, through
appropriate channels of communication, have some say about the design of their jobs in
particular and the work environment in general.
Norton and others also view QWL as not only improving job content, but also moving
towards participant management.
The concept of QWL views work as a process of interaction and joint problem-solving
by working people managers, supervisors, workers,. This process is:
Co-operative rather than authoritarian.Evolutionary and changing rather than
Open rather than rigid,
Informal rather rule based,
Interpersonal rather than mechanistic,
Win-Win rather than win-lose,
Based on mutual respect.
Bohlander has identified three common problems of implementing QWL
Programmes. The three areas are:
Managerial Attitudes,
Union influence, and
The Restrictiveness of Industrial Engineering.

In the United States, the attempts to improve and change work environment began in the
early year of the century.
The labour union activities in the 1930s and 1940s through collective bargaining and
legislation, led to improve working conditions. Todays aspirations for a improved work
Other factors which have influenced the rapid development of QWL programmes in
1970s include
Increasing recognition by management of social issues of the workforce, that is
social responsibility towards employees and their working environment .
Changing attitudes towards authority,
The impersonal nature of some large enterprises, and
A widening gap between the reality of work and employees expectations.
To accommodate these changing values and attitudes of the workers, many companies
in the United States have launched QWL experiments of projects. To name a few, they
include General foods, Procter and Gable, general Motors, TRW, Cummins Engine, Scott
Paper and General Electrical (GE).
Since World War II, there has been widespread development of QWL or Workers
participation projects in Europe. These have ranged from fairly limited degree of
workers involvement in France to an equal voice for employees on boards of directors in
West Germany, Norway and Sweden, Right up to full workers control in Yugoslavia.
European industrial firms which have implemented some form of QWL projects
include Volvo (Sweden), Shell (U.K), Phillips (Holland), Olivetti and Fiat (Italy).
In Canada a number of QWL experiments had been carried out in some Canadian
firms such as Kootenay Forest Products and Shell Canada.
In Japan, QWL projects and experiments are more widespread because of historic and
cultural factors.Japanese companies with QWL Experiments include Mitusubishi
Electric, Sony, Fuji Film, Nippon Kayakuk and Temmaya Department Stores.
Trade unions claim that they are responsible for the improvement in various facilities
to workers whereas management takes credit for improved salaries, benefits and
facilities. However, P/HR manager has (identified) specific issued in QWL besides
normal wages, salaries, fringe benefits etc., and takes lead in providing them so as to
maintain higher order QWL. Klott, Mundick and Schuster Suggested 11 major QWL
issues. They are
1.Pay and stability of Employment
2.Occupational Stress
3.Organization Health Programmers
4.Alternative Work Schedules
5.Participative Management and Control of Work
7.Congenial Worker- Supervisor Relations
8.Grievance Procedure:
9.Adequacy of Resources: .
10.Seniority and Merit in Promotions


The Quality of Work Life movement traditionally has been closely identified with the
job redesign efforts based or socio technical systems approach. Quality of Work Life
(QWL) has been broadened to include a number of approaches aimed at joint decision
making. Collaboration of mutual respect between management and employees, increased
Work design
And Training

Job Satisfaction
Reduced Stress

Team Building

Quality Circle


Profit Sharing
Scalar Plan

Reduced absently


autonomy at work place , and self management thus the quality circles major elements of
the quality work life efforts
1. Individual: Idea that each person is different from all other and that these differences
usually are
a. Work Design
b. Career Development
c. Training

2. Process: Process quality improvement focuses on the end to-end product.
The mind-set quality is one of the prevention and continuous improvement.
Customer needs drive process quality improvement.
Core process is essential to adding value to product in general core process is driven by
external customer needs while support processes are driven by internal customer needs.
Process activities discussed below viz.
a. Profit Sharing
b. Scanlon plan
c. Promotion
3. Quality of Work Life:
Favorable or Unfavorable or total job environment for employees-below attitudes
a. Job satisfaction
b. Reduced Stress
i. Time Management
ii. Work Home Transition
iii. Physical Exercise
iv. Yoga and Meditation
v. Humor
vi. Playing with kids
vii. Hobbies.
c. Discipline
d. Job Satisfaction
4. Employees:
A person employed directly and manufacturing process or any of the machinery or
any kind of work done him. Employees are very important asset to the organization
without employees there is n organization will run. Employees factors are below
a. Productivity
b. Reduced absenteeism
c. Organization Committee
Special process by which people interact face to face conversation. The group factors are
a. Team buildings b. Quality Circle (QC) c. Workers participation in Management



Marketing and
Product Planning
Product design
And development
Purchasing Manufacturing
Inspection &
Packing &
Source: Dale. H. Bester field, Quality Control 3
Edition 1990.P.5. Adapted by
permission of prentice Hall, Inc, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
a) Marketing and product planning: - it determines the needs and
requirements of the customer and they supply information about product
design, specification and price. This information collects through market
survey conducted through questionnaire feedback from sales
representative and customer complaints.
b) Product design and development: The responsibility of product design
and development unit is to develop product specification. It determines
raw materials or components to be used and decide on the performance
characteristics of product.
c) Manufacturing and Engineering: It determines the details of the
manufacturing process it designs the equipment, work methods and
procedures inspection, tools and sequence of operations.
d) Purchasing: It select vendor whose products meet certain incoming
quality requirements vendor selection can be consider in the product
design phase.
e) Manufacturing: The manufacturing unit responsible for producing a
quality product. It must control the operations process, parameter and
operator performance to achieve the desired level of quality.
f) Inspection and Testing: appraising the quality of incoming raw material
and components as well as the quality of the manufactured product of
g) Packing: It concern to service to protect the product during process of
storage and shipments
h) Customer Service: It Responsible is installation, maintenance and repair
of product it purpose is to help the customer get the most out of the
product and to assist the custome

1. Lee. M. Ozley and Judith S. Ball, Quality of work life, Initiating Successful
Efforts in labour management organization, The personnel Administrator,
Vol27, No.5, May 1982, P.27
2. Quality of Work Life , catching. Business Week, Sept 21,1981,P.80
3. Edward E. Lawler III, The New Plant Revolution, Organizational Dynamics,
Vol6,No.3, Winter 1978,P.3
4. David W. Eiving, What Business thinks about Employee Rights, Harvard
Business Review, Vol 55, No. 5 Sept-Oct 1977, P.84
5. Mahoney, Francisx: Team Development, Part 4: Work meeting , Personnel,
Vol59, No.2, March April 1982 Pp.45.-55
6. Mitcheel Lee Marks etal, Employee Participation in a Quality Circle program,
impact on Quality of Work Life, Productivity and Absenteeism, Journal of
Applile Psychology, Feb 1986, P.P.61-69. A discussion of options for various
levels of Participation is in C. Phillip Alexander, Voluntary Participation
Quality Digest, Oct 1994,P.P.50-52
7. Cooper Lylews Profit Sharing Encyclopedia of Social Science, Vol XII, the
Mac. Millon Co., New York, 1934, P.387.
8. Scott Clother and spriegal, Personel Management P.173.
9. Keyton and Spring Ston, Redefining Cohesiveness in groups, Small group
research, May 1990.P.234-259.

South Central Railway

The youngest of the nine zonal Railway in India, south central Railway was born
on 2, 1966. in its thirty-eight years is committed service an path breaking progress,
south central Railway has built a modern system of the mass transport, fulfilled the
aspiration of the passengers and made a mark for it self in India Railway, strategically
positioned-extending from the east coast to west coast in the southern at Secunderabad,
serves six major states Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharastra, Goa, Madhya Pradesh
and Tamilnadu.

From the days of steam halved locomotives and wooden plank seats, south central
Railway has come a long way into the ear of high powered Diesel and Electric
locomotives, ultra modern micro processor based signaling and train control system,
global passengers reservation network, micro processor based interactive voice Response
system (IVRS) for inquiries, esthetically designed passenger coaches in corpora ting
latest features an super fast trains.

Today SCR is playing a vital role as a catalyst for agriculture and industrial
development in the southern peninsula by providing a customer friendly transport
network, even while performing greatly as a commercial enterprise.

South central Railway (SCR) was formed in October 1966 raving out the divisions of
Hubli and Vijayawada from the southern Railway and the Divisions of Solapur and
Secunderabad from central Railway.

Jurisdictional adjustments were made in October 1977, by merging Guntacal division of
the southern Railway with south central Railway and transferring Solapur division back
to central railway.

Secunderabad division was bifurcated in February 1978 on to two divisions-
Secunderabad and Hyderabad to facilitate effective operational and administrative

In just 38 years SCR has laid 322 route KMS of new track and 1,220 rote KMS of
parallel track, converted 2439 route KMS of track from meter gauge, and electrified 1557
Route KMS introduced 46 new express trains including Rajadhani & Shatabdhi trains.

Emerged as 3
largest one of Indian Railways in terms of originating freight
traffic Chive a three fold increase in passenger traffic from 50 million in 1966 to 495
million in 2003. A jump in freight movement from 9 million in tons to 106 million tons
& stupendous improvement in earnings from Rs. 58.00 Core to Rs21380 Cores.

Developed the five major stations of Hyderabad, Tirupathi, Vijayawada Bellary
and Nanded as model stations.

Pioneered the concept of 24 coach express trains with a view to meet the increase
in demands of passenger traffic.

Under took special drives to preserve the environment by adopting the Clean
&green pro

Diesel Loco Shed Kazipet is established in the year 1973 with intension to
maintain the 30 number of locomotives to meet the demands of passengers & Goods
Services between Chennai& Delhi, Howrah & Mumbai in its phase one. In the course of
it has come up to hold the loco engines for maintenance purpose. The salient features of
the installation are given below.


Data of Opening 21.04.1973
Total Area 06.01 Hectares
Length of track in shed 4.5Km
Track Condition Level track
Area of Service buildings 2964 Sq.Mts.
Cost of installation Rs 1, 32, 52,492
Area of Stores 6156 Sq.Mts
Total Staff 869

The shed is one of its kinds in the 22 loco sheds established and spread over in the
subcontinent. The shed had bagged number of credits for its best performance ever since
its inspection. As on date it is adjudged the best maintains shields and get the award of
rolling shield , As many as 200 personnel have been defeated to foreign countries to share
the expertise and maintaining the rolling stool in countries like Nigeria, Zimbabwe,
Mosabic, Malaysia, Johardan, Ceylon , Burma etc. A good and sound set up is noticed in
the shed equipped with highly and technically qualified staff in various sections the
literacy level is 33 1/3 % more than the average staff in such similar sheds. It has well
equipped infrastructure to do every hard job. They expertise is so developed that this shed
could able to retain and maintain the rolling stock involved in without sending to plot
workshop like golden in without sending to plot workshop like golden rock , char bar,
parcel which are far a way and thus save the light endive movements enhanced
availability of loco for earning . Within the available infrastructure so far 13 loco
motives monthly involved with lack of spares and hardly repairs have been undertaken
here and success fully performed the safety, fitness, etc.

After the yearly schedule locos are too developed 3250hp out of rated 2400, which is
100% achieved in the shed after R&M scheduled taken as many as 57 express trains are
halved by those locomotives, in addition to time share of goods halving


C.M.E Chief Mechanical Engineer
CM.PE Chief Motive Power Engineer
DSL Diesel
Sr. D.M.E Senior Divisional Mechanical Engineer
D.M.E Divisional Mechanical Engineer
A.C.M.T Assistant Chemist & Metallurgical
A.CO.S Assistant Controller & Stores
C.O.S Chief Office Superintendent
C.M.S Chemist & Metallurgical Superintendent
S.S Senior Superintendent
D.S.K Depot Store Keeper
J.E Junior Engineer /Drawings
H.CL. Head Clerk
Sr.Cl Senior Clerk
Jr.Cl Junior Clerk


Diesel Loco holding 4964 &26 DMUs
South Central Railway has six locomotive sheds holding 496 locomotives for both
passengers & freight traffic.

This diesel sheds also deal with 10 varieties of designs of locomotives.
Details of locomotives shed

S. No Location Loco Holding Types Loco Population
Type wise
1 Kazipet 142 WEM-2
2 Goods 134 WDM-2 29
WDM-2 105
3 Guntakal 104 WDM-2
4 Moulali 45 WDS-4
5 Vijayawada 72 WDP-1


South Central Railway has three work shops to carry out POH of Coaching and freight

Details of the monthly and annual production output of the workshop.

S. No Name of
Location Monthly out turn
in Vehicular units
1 Carriage Repair
Lallaguda 120
2 Carriage Repair
Tirupati 58
3 Wagon Repair shop Rayanapadu 1000 FWS


Holding: 15865BG Wagons, 227 NG Wagons.
There are three major and one minor ROH Depots for freight stock. They are situated at
Ramagudam, Goods, Vijayawada, Bellampally and Raichur respectively. These depots
carry out overhauling of BOXN, BCN and BTPN stock at fixed intervals of 18 months,
after POH is completed in Workshops. Major ROH depots are under the supervision of
assistant Mechanical Engineers. These ROH Depots ensure better Quality repairs so that
the rolling stocks can run up to 6000 kms or 35 days whichever is earlier with minimum
input during normal train examination.

Details of ROH depots, type of rolling stock dealt and monthly target.
ROH Depots & Targets:
S. No Station Stock dealt Monthly Target
1 Gooty BOXN 250
2 Vijayawada BCN/TP/BTPN 190
3 Ramagundam BOXN 175
4 Bellampally BOX/BCX 25

Coach Holding: 3297 (BG), 243(MG)
South Central Railway has Six major coaching depots, and many more minor
coaching depots, where 440 passengers and express trains are maintained these depots
carry out primary and secondary maintenance of these express trains. Prime importance
is given for passenger amenities, safety, and cleanliness of passenger trains. In addition
to maintenance, these depots carry out A, B, C Schedules and intermediate overhaul of
coaching stock of express and super fast trains, which are earning more than two lakh
Kms/year. The year 2003 being the year of the passengers begins 150
year of railways.

Special emphasis is given for cleanliness of coaches and passengers amenities
Importance is given to prompt attention of public complaints and action is taken to rectify
the complaints at the earliest.

S. No Station Division Coach Holding No. of Trains
1 Secunderabad Secunderabad 421 7
2 Hyderabad Secunderabad 600 15
3 Kachiguda Hyderabad 287 8
4 Nanded Hyderabad 174 5
5 Vijayawada Vijayawada 317 9
6 Tirupathi Guntakal 370 22









What is Quality Circle?

It is small group of employees in the same work area doing similar type of work shop
voluntarily meet regularity for about an hour every week to identify. Analyze and
resolve work related problems not only to improve quality. Productivity and the total
performance of the organization, but also to enrich the quality of work life of employees.

Objectives of the Quality Circles:

To develop, enhance and utilize human resources effectively.
To improve quality of products/services, productivity and reduce cost of
production per unit of out put.
To satisfy the workers psychological need for self urge, participation recognizing
etc; with view to motivating them.
To improve varies supervisory skills like leadership, problem, solving, inter
personal and conflict resolution.

Quality circle Process:

The size of the each quality circle should be moderate to enable fruitful discussion. The
size may vary between 6&12. The members and leader are given instructions regarding
problem solving techniques.intially the quality circle members should quit themselves
with the objectives and rote of quality circles. Each working session of a quality circle
maybe for one hour.

There may be at least one working session in every week preferable during working
hours and in the company premises.

Benefits of Quality Circles:
Quality Circles benefit both members and the Organization

Benefits for Members include:
Satisfaction of self esteems and esteem from others
Improved job satisfaction.

Benefits to the Organization included:

Promotion of participative management culture and team work.
Increased managerial effectiveness.
Development of problem solving ethic in the Organization.

The aim of the present study is to review analyze and present the current status of
Quality of Work Life implementation in Diesel Loco Shed. Kazipet. As a consequence
of the analysis of QWL implementation, the study also examined the impact of various
factors of QWL implementation. Having identified the factors, which are likely to
influence the QWL implementation.

The researcher prepared questionnaire for obtaining the data from employees
regarding the topic quality of work life, the colleted data is tabulated to numerical from.

Section deals with respondents personal profile, second section covers the opinions of
the employees.

Data is called from 100 different employees were chosen randomly for the sample
survey in order t put forth in response to questions. Most of the questions were closed
ended ones. All questions prepared in four-point, three-point, two-point scale.

Table -1

Are you aware about Quality of Work life

S. No. Response No. of Respondents % of Respondents
1 Fully 25 50%
2 Average 16 32%
3 Below Average 05 10%
4 Dont Know 04 8%
Total 50 100%

From the above table, it is refer that 32% of the employees know about the quality of
work life is average and 92% of the employees know about the quality of work life. The
above graph indicate the response of the proposition that knowledge about quality of
work life to be precise 32% of them knowledge about average QWL and 50% have fully
know about QWL.
Fully Average Below
Dont Know

How you feel about your work environment .

S. No Response No. of Respondents % of Respondents
1 Excellent 15 30%
2 Good 20 40%
3 Fair 12 24%
4 Poor 03 06%
Total 50 100%

From the above table, it is referd that 70% of the employees where satisfied with work
envirement is good. And 94% of the employees feel that environment is satisfactory.
The above graph describes the good work environment i.e 40% good, 30% Excellent and
24% Fair. Only 6% of respondents have opinioned Poor.
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Table 3
How you feel about welfare measures in your organisation.

S. No Response No. of Respondents % of Respondents
1 Excellent 11 22%
2 Good 20 40%
3 Fair 08 16%
4 Poor 11 22%
Total 50 100%


From the above table, it is inferred that 40% of the Employees response is excellent
towards welfare measures and 78% of the Employees feel that there is good. The above
graph describes the safety and environment among the respondents opinion on that matter
to be precise 40% Good 14% , and 16% Fair. Only 22% of respondents have opinioned

Excellent Good Fair Poor

Table- 4
Are you happt with your collegues.
S. No. Response No. of Respondents % of Respondents
1 Excellent 38 76%
2 Good 05 10%
3 Fair 07 14%

Total 50 100%

From the above table, it is inferred that 76% of the employees said that they are happy
with their collegues in the organization. 10% people are not sure,and 14% employees are
not happy with their collegues.


yes Notsure no


DO you feel that you have Growth and security in the organisation.
S. No. Response No. of Respondents % of Respondents
1 Strongly agree 20 40%
2 Agree 20 40%
3 Cant say 02 04%
4 Disagree 08 16%
Total 50 100%

From the above table, it is inferred that 45% of the employees where agree in relates to
growth and security and 80% of them Employees feel that there is Growth and security.
The above graph describes the growth and security among the respondents opinion on
that matter to be precise 45% strongly agree, 35% agree and 10% cant say, only 10% of
Respondents have opinioned Disagree.

10 10
Agree Cant say Disagree
Table - .
How is your relationship with your superiors.
S. No Response No. of Respondents %of Respondents
1 Satisfied 23 46%
2 Good 20 40%
3 Average 02 04%
4 Poor 05 10%
Total 50 100%

From the above table, it is referred that 40% of the Employees where satisfied Good in
relation to the superiors. And 90% of Employees feel is satisfactory with their superiors
Only 10% of respondents have opinioned poor.

satisfied Good Average Poor

Table -7
Satisfactory level of job satisfaction.
S. No Response No. of Respondents %of Respondents
1 Excellent 25 50%
2 Good 15 30%
3 Fair 05 10%
4 Poor 05 10%
Total 50 100%

From the above table, it is inferred that 50% of the employees satisfied with their job and
90%of Employees satisfactory with their job. The above graph shows that satisfactory
level of job satisfaction among the respondents opinion on that matter to be precise 30%
have Good, 50% have Excellent and 10% of fair. Only 10% of respondents have poor.
Excellent Good Fair Poor

Tabl ;8
how you feel about appraisal system in your organisation.

S. No Response No. of Respondents % of Respondents
1 Excellent 16 32%
2 Good 17 34%
3 Fair 10 20%
4 Poor 07 14%
Total 50 100%

From the above table, it is inferred that 34% of the Employees were satisfied good with
aprisal system provide by organization to promote and 74% of Employees feel that
satisfactory. , Only 26% of respondents have opinioned poor.

Excellent Good Fair Poor

Table -9
Satisfactory level about working hours in your organisation.
S. No Response No. of Respondents %of Respondents
1 Excellent 20 40%
2 Good 21 42%
3 Fair 06 12%
4 Poor 03 06%
Total 50 100%

From the above table, it is referred that 40% of the Employees were satisfied good in
providing works schedules when 94% of Employees feel satisfactory with hours. The
above graph indicates that satisfactory level of working hours the proposition that 42%
of Good, 40% of Excellent and 12% of Fair. Only 06% respondents have Poor.

Excellent Good Fair Poor

Table -10
Does you have fredom in decision making.
S. No Response No. of Respondents %of Respondents
1 Strongly agree 07 14%
2 Agree 24 48%
3 Not agree 16 32%
4 Strongly disagree 03 06%
Total 50 100%

From the above table, it is referred that 14% of the Employee were strongly agree
freedom in decision making and 48% of the employees were agree . The above graph
describes that freedom in decision making among the respondents opinion on that matter
to be precise 32% not agreeAbove , 06% strongly disagree .

Strongly agree agree Not agree Strongly disagree

Table -11
How you feel when you are working in groups.
S. No Response No. of Respondents %of Respondents
1 Excellent 20 40%
2 Good 21 42%
3 Fair 05 10%
4 Poor 04 08%
Total 50 100%


From the above table, it is referred that 40% of the Employees were satisfied good in
group work done in organization and 92% of Employees with feel groupwork done is
satisfied.8% are not satisfied.

Excellent Good Fair Poor

Satisfactory level of Efficiency by working.
S. No Response No. of Respondents %of Respondents
1 Excellent 21 42%
2 Good 26 52%
3 Fair 03 06%
4 Poor 0 0
Total 50 100%

From the above table, it is referred that 52% of the employees were satisfied with their
efficiency in the organization is good and 100% of Employees satisfied with their
efficiency. The above graph shows that efficiency level among the respondents opinion
on that matter to be precise 52% have Good, 42% have Excellent and 06% of Fair. 0% of
Respondents have Poor.
Excellent Good Fair Poor

Table -13
Any time you feel stress at work place.
S. No Response No. of
%of Respondents
1 Strongly Agree 20 40%
2 Agree 17 34%
3 Cant say 03 06%
4 Disagree 10 20%
Total 50 100%


From the above table, it is referred that 40% of the employees are free from the job stress.
The above graph based on the question level of free from the jobs stress? Among the
Strongly Agree Agree Cant say Disagree
respondents on that matter to precise 34% have agreed, 06% Cant say 40% Strongly
agree. Only 20% have disagreed.

Do family life issues effect your work.

S. No Response No. of Respondents %of Respondents
1 Yes 40 80%
2 No 10 20%
Total 50 100%


From the above table, it is referred that 88% of the employees feel family life will effect
the work in the organization. Out of them a , 20% respondents says no.
Yes No

Table -15
Does your organisation encourage you to devolop new skills
S. No Response No. of Respondents %of Respondents
1 Yes 42 84%
2 No 08 16%
Total 50 100%


From the above table, it is referred that 84% of the Employees feel that they are
encouraged to devolop new skills . Out of them a negligible, 16% respondents says no.
Yes No

Table- 16

Does you feel happy when New Technology is adopted.
S. No Response No. of Respondents % of Respondents
1 Yes 34 68%
2 No 16 32%
Total 50 100%


From the above table, it is referred that 68% of the employees satisfied with the New
Technology in the organization. The above graph indicates that satisfactory levl of new
technology, majority of the respondents 68% have accepted to opinioned Yes, only 32%
have respondents No.

Yes No


Is there any harasment at your work place.

S. No Response No. of Respondents %of Respondents
1 Yes 15 30%
2 No 35 70%
Total 50 100%

From the above table, it is referred that 30% of the Employees feel no harasment inthe
organization. 70%have respondents opinioned no harasment at work place

Yes No
Satisfactory level in getting benfits for your performance
S. No Response No. of Respondents %of Respondents
1 Excellent 28 56%
2 Good 10 20%
3 Fair 08 16%
4 Poor 04 08%
Total 50 100%


From the above table, it is referred that 92% ofemployees feel satisfied for what they
getting with their work, only 08% percent of respondent have are not satisfied.

Excellent Good Fair Poor

In the fallowing of collected data the researcher has found the fallowing results.
In the Diesel Loco Shed about 60% of the respondents are between 36-45 years age
group and almost all Employees are experienced. The sex composition indicates that
91% are marks and only9% employees are females and they are working as Mechanical
and Khalasis. The Majority of the respondents (48.27%) are S.S.C. Intermediate
respondents constitute 27.59% and only 12.07%, 1.72% is Engineering and postgraduate
respectively. About 31.03% of Employees are getting 10,000 Rupees salary per month,
and fallowed by 31.03%of employees are getting 10,00-15,000 and 44% of employees
are getting 24.14% employees are getting 15.000 & above majority of the respondent i.e.
32.75% have above 10 years and below 20 years job experience. About 22.92% have
below 10years job experience about 17.24% had more than 31 years job experience.

The knowledge about quality of work life, 38%of the employees know about the
quality of work life is average and 98%of the employees know about the quality of work
life. The response to the proposition that knowledge about quality of were life precise
38% of them knowledge about average quality of work life and 54% have fully know
abut QWL. Response of employees in relation towards adequate and fair compensation.
It is inferred that 46% of the employees where satisfied with adequate and fair
compensation is good. And 92% of the employees feel that adequate fair compensation
is satisfactory. The respondents opinion on that matter to be price 46^ good 40%
Excellent &6% fair only 8% of respondents have opinioned poor.

Response of employees in relation to safety and real thy environment the respondents
opinion on that matter to be precise 38% good 14% Excellent 16% and only 32% of
respondents have opinioned poor. Human capacities to the proposition that majority f the
respondents have opinioned that 32% good, 24% Fair &36% Excellent out of them
only8% Poor.

Response of Employees in relation of growth and security they opinion on that matter
to be precise 40%strongly agree, 40%agree and 4%cont say, only 16% of respondents
have opinioned disagree. The employees in relation to welfare measures among the
respondents opinion on that matter to be precise 40% good, 46% Excellent and 4%fair
only10% of respondents have opinioned poor. Satisfactory level of job satisfaction
among the respondents opinion on that matter to be precise 38%have good 48%have
Excellent and 4% of fair 10%of respondents have poor satisfactory level of rewards and
awards given to employees to promote among the respondents opinion on that matter to
be precise 34% good, 30% Excellent .10%fair and 26%poor satisfactory level of leisure
hours between the work hours promote among the respondents opinion on that matter to
be precise 44% of good, 38% of excellent & 14% of fair only 4%poor.

Analyses of autonomy taken in decision making among the respondent opinion on that
matter to be precise 75% above, 50% less than satisfactory level of collaborative work
done 36 % of Excellent, 46% of good, 12%of fair, 6%of Poor. Satisfactory level of
Efficiency by working among the respondents opinion on that matter to be precise 52%
have good, 42%have excellent &6% of fair. The level of free form the job stress among
the respondents on that matter to precise 38% have agreed 2% cant say, 50% strongly
agree, only 10% have disagree.

Responsibility towards the organization a majorities of respondents 88% of opinioned
yes and 12 % respondents, have no Responsibility to wards the society a majority of
respondents 84% of opinioned yes, 16% respondents have no.

Satisfactory level of new technology , majority of the respondents 88% have accepted
to opinioned Yes, only 12% have respondents No satisfactory level of managerial
practices, majority of the respondents 82% have Yes, only 18%have respondents No
satisfactory level in the work environment it is infused that 66% Excellent 20% good, 6%
fair and 8% Poor.

This concluding chapter is an /attempt to recapitulate the main findings and
conclusions emerged from the entire study. In addition suggestions are offered for the
improvement of Quality of Work Life (QWL) implementation Diesel Loco Shed (DLS)
in Kazipet.
Majority of the respondents were satisfied regarding timely payment of wages,
salaries and paying of Bonus.

Organization also offering financial loans and advances to meet each and every
employee in the organization, as all the respondents are satisfied with financial
facility on offer.

It is also notable that organization is taking at most care relating to workers
safety as all are satisfied with the lighting and ventilation in the working areas
with proper supply protective gear and first aid equipment.

Organization is running recreational club for the safe of employees they also
conducting sports meets regularly and employees are fully satisfied with extra
curricular activities organized by the organization.

Working conditions in DLS are congenial as majority of employees are feeling
less boredom, monotony and stress during their working hours.

To improve efficiency and effectiveness of the organization, it is very essential to
encourage creativity and innovative among employees it is great to observe the
DLS is doing exactly the same.

As most of the respondents responded positively regarding the questionnaire we
can say that quality of work life in DLS is good.

Questionnaire on quality of work life

Personal data:

Name of the employee :
Section & Department :
Experience :
Age :

1. Are you aware about Quality of Work life
(a) Fully (b) Average (c) Below Average (d) Dont know
2. How you feel about your work environment
(a)Excellent (b) Good (c) Fair (d) Poor
3. How you feel about welfare measures in your organisation
(b) Excellent (b) Good (c) Fair (d) Poor
4. Are you happy with your collegues.
(a) yes(b) not sure (c) no .
5. DO you feel that you have Growth and security in the organisation
(c) Strongly agree (b) Agree (c) Cant say (d) Disagree.
6. How is your relationship with your superiors
(d) Excellent (b) Good (c) Fair (d) Poor.
7. Satisfactory level of job satisfaction
(a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Fair (d) Poor. you feel about appraisal system in your organisation
(e) Excellent (b) Good (c) Fair (d) Poor.

9. Satisfactory level about working hours in your organisation
(f) Excellent (b) Good (c) Fair (d) Poor.
10.Does you have fredom in decision making
(a) strongly agree(b) agree(c) not agree(d) strongly disagree
11.How you feel when you are working in groups.
(g) Excellent (b) Good (c) Fair (d) Poor.
12.Are you satisfied with your Efficiency by working?
(a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Fair (d) Poor.
13.Any time you feel stress at work place?
(h) Strongly agree (b) Agree (c) Cant say (d) Disagree.
14.Do family issues effect your work.
(i) Yes (b) No
15.Does your organisation encourage you to devolope nsw skills
(j) Yes (b) No.
16. does you feel happy when new technology introduced in the organization?
(a) Yes (b) No.
17. is there any harasment in the organization?
(a) Yes (b) No
18. Satifactory level in getting benfits for your performance?
(a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Fair (d) Poor.
19. Any suggestion will you give regarding the quality of work life



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