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Grace Yen Shin Harn

May 31, 2014

Year 11 Semester 2 CAS Review


Activity Name Creativity Hours Action Hours Service Hours
Wu-Chang Youth Group Worship Team 30 30
Crossover Camp Worship Band 20 5
2014 Lion Mountain 24K 5
Duona Summer Service Trip 17 6 17
National Honour Society 7 7 7
Total approved = 151 hours 74 53 24
Activity Name Creativity Hours Action Hours Service Hours
Save the Children: Literacy and
Learning in California
15 15 40
ACAMIS/JV Volleyball 70
World Vision: 30 Hour Famine 2014 40
Sheng-Guang Nursing Home 4
STAMP 2013/14 10 5 15
Lava Triathlon 12/2013 15
Invisible Children 2013/14 5 5 10
Connections Club 2013/14 6 4 10
ACAMIS/JV Soccer 40
2014 Tainan Historical Capital
International Marathon
2014 International Club Trip 25
2014 Tainan First Reservoir Abblo
Total completed = 344 hours 61 204 79
Grace Yen Shin Harn
May 31, 2014
Three activities that come to mind when I think of this semesters CAS. The rst activity
is ACAMIS/JV Soccer Season. I pushed myself through my limits and took myself to places I
had never expected before. I pushed myself so hard that I took on the new challenge of being
a striker, and according to Mr Chin, I played erce. I felt the responsibility to be a positive part
of the team. Not only did I become a starter striker, I got in the all tournament team. It wasnt
the reward itself that made me really happy, but the fact that I started from being a bench
player. I went from bringing the team down to bringing the team up. I am so thankful because
soccer taught me the importance of passion and condence. I learned that if I put my heart
into something, results will really pay o#. I learned that pushing yourself to your limit will take
you to places youve never imaged before. This season not only taught me to be a better player
but a better person. If it werent for my coaches, my teammates, I wouldnt have come so far.
Though Connections Club is not a super active club, I thought that the Mothers Day
Special that we had was very meaningful. This is the rst event that I initiated and planned out
for a club as an executive member. I thought that if we could have so many events for
students, we should denitely have events for mothers and teachers. In this event,
Connections Christmas, we sold carnations to students at school and used the money we
earned to buy carnations for all the female faculties at school. All of them were so happy and
that meant the world to us. Connections Club has really made me come up with new and
creative ideas to create a happier atmosphere at school; connect people together.
I ran my rst half-marathon this March. It meant a lot to me because I went from having
a maximum of 11K to 21K within 2 weeks. I learned the importance of courage and that I
should never fear challenges. I tried to avoid this opportunity as much as could, but Im glad
that I accepted this challenge. I had times where I wanted to give up, with a million excuses
why I couldn't nish. Running the Historical Capital Marathon was really meaningful because I
truly got to experience Tainan. Everyone came out on the streets to cheer for us and it greatly
motivated us. Running is a great way to know a city and experience their culture. I was so
happy at the end of the marathon that I was so in for another one. I ran a 22K charity run called
Run to Love, which was the farthest run Ive done. Then I ran the Golden Shower marathon in
Tainan, which I won rst in my division. To be honest, this race was harder than the other ones
because the route was steeper and I was still really sore from soccer season. I really had to
push through and convince myself I am capable. These half-marathons made me gain
condence and set new goals for myself. I really experienced how powerful perseverance and
mentality can be. Despite the fact that Ive already won rst place, I am going to continue
improving myself and train my muscles to become stronger. Ive realized that running is one of
my secret corners to make myself a happier and more motivated person.
Grace Yen Shin Harn
May 31, 2014
Through this semesters CAS activities, Ive gained condence and built self-discipline. I
saw myself grow and take on challenges that I would have never attempted to touch. My
soccer coachess teachings and encouragements were what really motivated me to play with a
passion. Team Endorphin, a team of professional physical education instructors, introduced me
to the marathon world and never despised my young age. Their successes really inspired me
to strive for a better self. The executive team of Connections Club taught me how to be a good
leader and how to contribute to a club.
I never thought these experiences would be such big milestones in my life. I am proud
to look back and say that these activities have made me better person. I will continue to
overcome obstacles, come up with new ideas, and build a happier world. I also look forward to
inspiring people with my experiences and seeing them grow as a person. Lastly, I would like to
thank my family and friends for supporting and encouraging me during my ups and downs.
To sum this semesters CAS up, here is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt:
Believe you can and youre halfway there.

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