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New Delhi: The Delhi High Court
on Friday made it clear that it
will not allow the plying of
unregulated e-rickshaws in the
Capital unless the vehicles have
registration and insurance and
their drivers have licences.
New Delhi: Prime Minister
Narendra Modi told visiting US
Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel
that he looked forward to visiting
the US in September that would
provide an opportunity to see
how the worlds oldest
democracy and the worlds
largest democracy can build a
partnership for peace, stability
and prosperity in the world.
Jammu: A BSF trooper who was
swept away by strong currents
in the Chenab River into
Pakistani territory was on Friday
handed over to Indian officials
on the international border in
Jammu, officials said.
Lucknow: In a bizarre incident of
cannibalismin Gorakhpur, a tribal
couple and another person killed a
person, took out his liver and ate
it. One accused has been arrested.
Pieces of the cooked liver of the
deceased have been seized and
sent for examination.
n a new military operation in
Iraq after a gap of nearly three
years, the United States on
Friday launched airstrikes on
the advancing Islamic mili-
tants, targeting their mobile
artillery outside Irbil, a city with
a presence of American diplo-
mats and military personnel.
Two F/A-18 fighters
dropped 500-pound laser-guid-
ed bombs on the artillery
belonging to the Islamic State
in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) that was
being used to shell Kurdish
forces defending Irbil, the
Pentagon said.
Pentagon spokesman Rear
Admiral John Kirby said it was
not immediately clear howmany
militants might have been killed
in the strike. The F-18s had
taken off from the aircraft car-
rier USS George HW Bush in
the Persian Gulf for the mission.
The airstrikes followed an
authorisation by President
Barack Obama late onThursday
in a concerted move aimed at
preventing a potential geno-
cide of thousands of Christians
and Yazidis and protecting the
American personnel.
Obama also ordered an
immediate airdrop of human-
itarian supplies for the religious
minorities who were confined
to a mountaintop after fleeing
from the ISIS extremists. The
trapped men, women and chil-
dren were without food and
water and facing almost certain
death, he said in a statement
delivered on Thursday night.
The US fighters hit Islamic
State positions in Makhmour,
about 35 miles southwest of
Irbil, an official of the Kurdish
Interior Ministry was quoted as
saying. This is a victory for all
the Iraqi people, for the Pesh
Merga (the Kurdish security
force), and for America, com-
mented the official.
Details on Page 13
he BJP National Council
will meet at Jawaharlal
Nehru Stadium in the Capital
on Saturday to ratify the
appointment of party president
Amit Shah. The day-long meet
will be attended by over 2,000
party representatives from
across the country.
The session will start with
Shahs ratification as new party
chief and conclude with Prime
Minister Narendra Modis
address to the gathering.
This is the first meeting of
the partys National Council
after BJPs sweeping victory in
the Lok Sabha polls. Party
patriarch LK Advani will also
address the meet. Union
Ministers Rajnath Singh,
Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jaitley
and other party leaders too will
take part in the deliberations.
The meeting will start at 10
am and conclude by 6 pm. The
National Council, the highest
policy making body of the
party, will adopt a political res-
olution detailing political and
economic issues as well as the
initiatives taken by the BJP-led
NDA Government and its
roadmap ahead. There
will not be any separate eco-
nomic resolution.
The meeting will adopt a
resolution that will include
political and economic issues
as also achievements of the
new Government and its
roadmap ahead, BJP vice-
president Mukhtar Abbas
Naqvi said.
He added that besides top
central leaders of the party,
Chief Ministers and Ministers
in the BJP-ruled States and
Opposition leaders or BJPLP
leaders in States where BJP is
not in power will participate in
the meet.
BJP national executive
members and presidents of
partys State units and BJP
general secretaries and heads of
various morchas and fronts in
States and at the central level
too will take part in the
National Council session.
Senior BJP leaders led by
Naqvi, along with party gener-
al secretary JP Nadda and oth-
ers, reviewed the arrangements
at the Nehru stadium on
Friday. Shah had taken over as
BJP chief on July 9 after
Rajnath Singh resigned from
the post soon after joining the
Narendra Modi Cabinet.
Shah (50), the closest aide
of Modi, was unanimously
appointed to the top party
post at its parliamentary board
meeting on July 9.
After the ratification of his
appointment, Shah will recon-
stitute his team that will lead
the party.
The announcement of the
team is expected soon after the
conclusion of the ongoing
Parliament session on August
14. The new team may include
a number of young faces,
including women leaders.
he Additional Sessions
Judge (ASJ) of Patiala
House courts on Friday con-
victed Sher Singh Rana, the
prime accused in the sensa-
tional murder of Phoolan Devi,
who was then Member of
Parliament from Mirzapur-
Bhadohi Lok Sabha seat on a
Samajwadi Party (SP) ticket.
Phoolan Devi, the bandit-
turned-politician, was gunned
down at the gate of her official
residence at July 25, 2001. ASJ
Bharat Parashar, however,
acquitted the ten other accused
in the case due to lack of evi-
dence against them. The court
will pronounce the quantum of
punishment on Tuesday.
Except for Sher Singh
Rana, I am acquitting all other
accused. Sher Singh Rana is
convicted of offences under
Sections 302 (murder), 307
(attempt to murder) and 34
(common intention) under the
IPC, the ASJ stated in his
judgement while acquitting the
other accused. The court fixed
Tuesday (August 12) for argu-
ments from the prosecution
and defence and for the pro-
nouncement of quantum of
After the ASJ pronounced
the verdict, Rana pleaded:
Why have you convicted only
me? The others were also there.
I have passed the judge-
ment, you can file an appeal in
the High Court, the judge
The other accused arrest-
ed and tried by the court
including Dhan Prakash,
Shekhar Singh, Rajbir Singh,
Vijay Singh, alias Raju (Ranas
brother), Rajender Singh, alias
Ravinder Singh, Keshav
Chauhan, Praveen Mittal, Amit
Rathi, Surender Singh Negi
alias Suri and Sharavan Kumar,
were let off for lack of evidence.
There were murmurs in
the prosecution after Ranas
partners in crime were acquit-
ted by the court. They have
been in jail for the last 13 years
and were not granted bail. But
now they have been acquitted,
said a police official involved in
the investigation.
One of the accused
Pradeep Singh had died in
Tihar Jail and the proceedings
against him were dropped. Out
of the 11 accused, Rana,
Shekhar Singh, Rajbir Singh
and Sharavan Kumar were pro-
duced before the court.
Rana was present at the
house and lay in wait with
other conspirators. He was
aware that Phoolan would be
coming home for lunch.
Ironically he had dropped
Phoolan Devi to Parliament
House in the morning. He
shot her in the head from
point-blank range before firing
indiscriminately. She had then
uttered Arrey maar daala
and collapsed in a heap.
Her bodyguard Balinder
Singh, then a Delhi Police
Constable had fired in retalia-
tion and he too was shot by
Ranas associate Dhan Prakash.
The bullet fired by Balinder
Singh was later discovered
lodged in Ranas getaway vehi-
cle and the same was used by
the Crime Branch to build the
sequence of the murder.
Inspector Suresh Kaushik
(now ACP) had filed a volu-
minous charge sheet and 11
people, including Rana, were
charged for murdering Phoolan
to avenge the 1981 Behmai
massacre in which she had
Continued on Page 6
fter suffering a severe head injury due to a
fall at his residence, former BJP leader
Jaswant Singh is in a very critical condition at
the Army Research and Referral Hospital.
Singh was admitted there early on Friday and
is currently in coma.
According to a release issued
by the Defence Ministry, a life-
saving decompressive hemi-
craniectomy had been performed
on Singh. At present his condi-
tion is very critical. He is on the
life support system and under
constant monitoring by a team of neurosurgeons
and critical care providers, said the Ministry.
The 76-year-old former Defence Minister
was admitted to the hospital in a highly critical
condition around 1 am on Friday with an injury
on his head. The Ministry said that his family
members brought him to the hospital after find-
ing him lying on the floor of the house in an
unconscious state.
Continued on Page 6
haggy stray dogs roaming around
the streets of New Delhi are soon
going to be a rare sight soon.
The New Delhi Municipal
Council (NDMC) has decided to
train strays to create its own
guard dog squad in order to
enhance security.
A proposal in this regard has
been forwarded by NDMC to Delhi
Police and other authorities con-
cerned. We are trying to rope in
police dog trainers to train and
groom stray dogs in the NDMC
area. We have also written to the
Animal Welfare Board and have
sought necessary permissions, said
Jalaj Shrivastava, Chairperson,
NDMC. The move will address the
twin-problem of security and dog
menace in the posh area.
Explaining how NDMC plans to
get hold of stray dogs and train
them, Shrivastava said: Our pro-
posal is well within the boundaries
of animal rights. We will adopt the
strays and send them for training to
Delhi Police. It is only going to bet-
ter their lot.
Significantly, after monkeys, it
is the stray dog menace that tops the
list of complaints from residents of
the VVIP area. As of now, on
receiving a complaint, the agency,
because of a court directive, is not
left with much choice but to take the
dog away, sterilise it and leave it back
at the same spot.
Not just this, the guard dogs
will be accompanied by NDMCs
home guards. The agency plans to
train around 700 personnel and
deploy them at various places
including markets, to aid people.
Called the May I help you force, the
first batch will be deployed at Khan
Market and Connaught Place on
Independence Day.
The May I help you force will
be stationed at different markets and
parks to attend to the public. It will
provide a sense of security at night
as they will carry walkie-talkies,
whistles and will be trained in first-
aid and soft skills, said Shrivastava.
The plan is in line with NDMCs
proposal to extend market hours till
11 pm and restaurant timings till 1
am. Besides, it had already decided
to keep parks under its jurisdiction
open till 11 pm.
At present, we deploy 40 of our
personnel at various parks during
the morning hours. The response
has been good and we plan to
extend this to markets too,
Shrivastava said.
The force will be selected from
NDMCs Temporary-Muster-Roll.
Launching the entire force is expect-
ed to take time and it may take off
by March next year.
he Supreme Court on Friday held that the
10 per cent strength rule relied on by the
NDA Government to deny Congress the post of
Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha was not
amenable to judicial review.
The rule is part of a ruling given by GV
Mavalankar, the first Speaker of Lok Sabha, who
laid down that the Leader of Opposition post
would go to any political party that garnered 10
per cent strength in the House. Following this
logic, Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi had rec-
ommended the Centre that since Congress has
only 44 seats, short of 10 per cent (55 seats) of
the House membership, there was no question
of granting it the Leader of Opposition post.
Armed with this information contained in a
news report, advocate MLSharma approachedthe
apex court in a PIL challenging the Mavalankar
rule. He sought scrutiny of the Governments deci-
sion to deny Leader of Opposition post to
Congress, which had the highest numerical
strength among Opposition parties in the House.
Continued on Page 6
he prolonged absence of
cricket legend Sachin
Tendulkar and Bollywood
actress Rekha from Rajya
Sabha created uproar in the
House on Friday.
Members were miffed as
Tendulkar attended the House
for only three days last year
and Rekha was present for just
seven days, since their nomi-
nation two years ago. The
duo invited criticism from
leaders of all political parties.
The last time Tendulkar
attended the session was on
December 13, 2013, while
Rekha came on February
19, 2014.
However, Rajya Sabha
Chairman Hamid Ansari said
there was no violation of the
Constitution as Tendulkar had
been absent just for 40 days
and Rekha less than that.
As per Article 104 of the
Constitution, if a member is
absent from either House of
Parliament for a period of 60
days then the seat is consid-
ered vacant. In case of Sachin
Tendulkar, he has not attend-
ed Parliament for 40 days
whereas Rekhas absence is
less than this, he observed.
Under attack over not
attending the House,
Tendulkar said there was a
medical emergency that kept
him away from Delhi and
that he did not mean disre-
spect to any institution. My
absence in Delhi has been dis-
cussed rather too much. I
dont mean to disrespect any
institution. Just to let you
know, my elder brother Ajit
had to undergo a bypass
surgery and I had to be by his
side, he said hours after mem-
bers in the Rajya Sabha raked
up his prolonged absence from
the House and demanded his
participation in its business.
Continued on Page 6
Gulf War 3
in making?
Speakers decision
not open to judicial
review, says SC
Jaswant Singh
slips into coma
after head injury
BJP posters and flags ahead of the partys National Council Meeting at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi on Friday PTI
Rana convicted of
Phoolans murder
10 others acquitted
for lack of evidence,
sentence on Aug 12
National Council to
adopt resolution on
issues, roadmap
Rajya Sabha
Chairman Hamid
Ansari said there
was no violation of
the Constitution as
Tendulkar had been
absent just for 40
days and Rekha
less than that
BJP to formally crown Shah today
This image made from AP video shows smoke rising from airstrikes targeting
Islamic State militants near the Khazer checkpoint on the outskirts of Irbil
in northern Iraq on Friday AP
Over 2,000 party leaders from
across the country, including Chief
Ministers and Ministers in the BJP-
ruled States and Opposition
leaders or BJPLP leaders in States
where BJP is not in power too will
take part in the meet
After the ASJ pronounced the verdict, Rana
pleaded: Why have you convicted only me?
The others were also there. I have passed the
judgement, you can file an appeal in the
High Court, the judge said
Investigations had proved that Rana had plotted the
murder for more than two years and had gathered
finance for buying arms and ammunition. He had
even robbed a bank for generating funds to carry
out his designs
US airstrikes hit ISIS
militants in Iraq;
Obama calls it a bid
to prevent genocide
of Christians, Yazidis
Why keep a dog and bark yourself? Canine brigade to secure New Delhi
MPs raise concerns
over absence of
star members
New Delhi Municipal Council has decided to
train stray dogs to create its own squad in
order to enhance security. A proposal in this
regard has been forwarded by NDMC to
Delhi Police and other authorities concerned
Established 1864
Late City Vol. 150 Issue 216
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Printed and Published by Vijay Prakash Singh for and on behalf of CMYK Printech Ltd., 4th Floor, Sahara Shopping Centre, Faizabad Road, Lucknow-226016 and Printed at Tin Tin Printech Pvt Ltd., C-33 Amausi Industrial Area, Nadarganj, Lucknow. Tel: (0522) 2438656 / 9336266608.
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he body of a 60-year-old
farmer was recovered from
a canal in Bakshi-ka-Talab
police area on Friday.
As per reports, some resi-
dents of Sansarpur village spot-
ted the body of an elderly man
lying in a canal passing through
the village. The body was iden-
tified to be of Chandrika
Prasad. Chandrikas nephew
Surendra Kumar Yadav along
with other family members
reached the spot and later
informed police.
A police team sent the
body for the post-mortem
examination. Police said the
body bore injury marks and it
seemed that Chandrika had
been strangulated.
After the police talked to
deceaseds family, it surfaced
that two motorcycle-borne per-
sons had visited Chandrikas
house on Thursday evening
and after a chat, Chandrika left
with them. Surendra claimed
that the unidentified persons
took Chandrika along with
them for a drinking session and
he did not return home after
My uncle could not be
traced even as we searched for
him last night, Surendra told
the police. He suspected that
the same unidentified persons
might have killed him.
The police suspected that it
might have been a handiwork
of some insider, and they took
claims of the deceaseds fami-
ly with a pinch of salt.
Elsewhere, in Gossainganj,
a 55-year-old man was killed by
his wife, brothers-in-law and
mother in law during a brawl
on Thursday night. Buddha Lal
lived with his wife Sanjo and
three children in Gossainganj.
On Thursday night, he and
Sanjo went to his in-laws house
in Bastiya village. His mother-
in-law Ganga Dei and brothers-
in-law Rajendra and Garibe
were there in the house.
The police said male mem-
bers of the family sat for a
drinking session on Thursday
night during which they fought
over some issue which soon
turned into Buddha versus his
brothers-in-law. He was bashed
up badly, police said.
Hearing commotion,
Ganga Dei and victims wife
also reached the scene. Police
said Sanjo attacked the victim
with a stick and he died on the
spot. A murder case was regis-
tered against the named per-
sons and efforts were on to
track them down.
as the brother-sister rela-
tionship undergone a sea
change over the years? Has it
been taken over by peer
Well, there have been
mixed reactions with some
families agreeing while others
rejecting the theory. Some
families admit that the friend-
ship of cousins is a concept
which has completely disap-
peared even as psychologists
state that i nformati on
technology has played a role
in it.
Madhu Verma, a house-
wife, says her children are
busier with their friends
instead of gelling with each
other. There is a usual banter
between the sister and broth-
er with each being more
friendly with respective group
of friends. Rakshabandhan is
celebrated in the usual tradi-
tional style with a lot of gaiety
but it is simply restricted to
being a festival. With infor-
mation technology bringing a
change in the lifestyles of peo-
ple, it is bound to affect the
relationship between siblings,
said Madhu.
Supriya Saxena, a young
student who has passed class
12, said it was natural that they
were more into their own
friends. My brother went into
an engineering college after
class 12 and has his own life.
It is natural that I have my own
group of friends whom I share
my daily secrets and life with.
There are times when my
brother is unable to come
home on Rakshabandhan
because of his hectic routine,
said Supriya.
Meeta Vashisht (name
changed) said she was fighting
a court case with her brother.
It is unfortunate but true
that I am involved in a legal
case with my brother on prop-
erty issue which has turned
our relationship sour, she
There are others who,
however, disagree with the
view and state that the sibling
bond is still going strong.
The bond is still strong and
you realise their importance
when parents pass away. I
came closer to my brother
after my parents death, a
woman said.
Manju Aggarwal, a social
psychologist, said one could
not generalise as there were
cases showing that the broth-
er-sister bond had grown
strong over the years. There
are also cases which show
that the love between siblings
has diluted. It is true that
information technology has
brought a change and rela-
tionships have undergone a
change. Friendship between
cousins is a concept becoming
a thing of past since people do
not have time even for their
real siblings, she said.
ent-up anger in farmers
over a land dispute with
a private land developer
in Mohanlalganj circle of
Lucknow police on Friday took
a violent turn with farmers set-
ting fire to three motorcycles
and damaging four JCB
machines during protest.
In retaliation, the land
developers supporters alleged-
ly opened fire in air to intimi-
date their opponents. Three
farmers were reportedly injured
in the incident.
The brawl continued for
over three hours even as local
police and senior officials in
city locked horns over the
crime scene jurisdiction.
The enraged farmers, led
by Kisan Union leaders,
blocked the main road, posing
a threat to law and order situ-
ation. The senior police officials
are still undecided over the
jurisdiction. However, official
spokesman of the SSP,
Lucknow, said a case had been
registered in PGI police area.
As per reports, Shiv Prasad
of Gossainganj owns 1.9 bigha
land in Mahmood Nagar
Bhuswal village. A few months
ago, a private realtor started
acquiring land to develop res-
idential and commercial build-
ings in the area.
As Shiv Prasads land fell in
their project plan, employees of
the realtor contacted Shiv
Prasad and allegedly forced
him to sell his land, but in vain.
On Friday afternoon, 50-
odd employees of the realtor
reached Shiv Prasads land and
started digging work.
When Shiv Prasad came to
know about this, and he and
fellow villagers reached the
scene and objected to the work
going on. This led to a fracas
and Shiv Prasad and his sup-
porters were allegedly man-
handled. As the news reached
the village, hundreds of vil-
lagers marched to the place and
damaged JCB machines besides
setting fire to three bikes.
Employees of the realtor
allegedly opened fire in air to
intimidate the farmers. Three
farmers suffered injuries in
the incident.
A farmer, Premchand,
alleged that he suffered bruis-
es caused by a stray bullet,
while two others Kuldeep
and Ayodhya were also hurt
after being attacked.
On the directive of senior
officials, police reached the
scene and enraged the farmers
further by a dispute over juris-
diction. Meanwhile, leaders of
farmers unions joined the agi-
tating mob and later blocked
the main road.
leuths of the surveillance cell
and crime branch of
Lucknow police unearthed an
extortion racket intimidating
senior officials of Rural
Engineering Services,
Electricity, Excise and other
government departments.
Those arrested were iden-
tified as Kamlesh Sharma
Bhatt, Chanchal Bhatt (both of
Faizabad) and Praveen Singh of
PGI area in Lucknow. The
cops recovered Rs 25,000 in
cash, four mobile phones and
a telephone directory of UP
and Uttarakhand governments.
Explaining the modus
operandi of the racket, sur-
veillance cell incharge Akshay
Pratap said the miscreants used
the Right to Information (RTI)
Act as a tool to pester the offi-
cials. The miscreants used to
collect information about the
Lucknow (PNS): Principal
secretary, Health, Arvind
Kumar visited Thakurganj TB
Hospital on Friday. He direct-
ed the officials to set up a park-
ing area and shelter for patients
attendants. He also reviewed
the ongoing construction work
at the hospital.
He also asked the officials
to update him about resources
and necessary equipment pre-
sent at the hospital. Kumar,
inspected the OPD room, oper-
ation theatre, X-ray room, TB
minor OT, DOT centre,
administrative room and
kitchen area. He also said that
construction work at the hos-
pital should be completed soon
and the chief medical officer to
ensure work was completed in
time. He also laid emphasis on
the need of a separate com-
munity health centre and TB
here were two important
meetings regarding the
Lucknow Metro project held in
Delhi on Friday. A senior offi-
cial of Lucknow Metro Rail
Corporation (LMRC) told The
Pioneer that E Sreedharan
attended the crucial meeting
regarding Mavaiyya crossing
and responded to queries of the
two companies interested in the
The tender meeting was
important because it was con-
cerned with the special span
over the Mavaiyya crossing,
which is an extremely sensitive
area. Sreedharan himself
attended the meeting and
answered all the queries, mak-
ing it clear that the train would
not be stopped in the area.
There were two companies
which showed interest in this
tender. Sreedharan made it
clear that the designs should be
such that the train does not
stop at that point during con-
struction, the LMRC official
said. The other meeting was
held under the Ministry of
Urban Development, wherein
different departments raised
queries regarding the Lucknow
Metro project.
It may be noted that Delhi
Metro Rail Corporation
(DMRC) Ltd, on behalf of
LMRC Ltd had invited open
tenders from eligible appli-
cants for design and construc-
tion of balanced cantilever
span of approx 230 m (central
span of 96 m and end spans,
each of 67 m approx) at
Mavaiyya railway crossing on
north-south corridor of
Lucknow Metro.
60-yr-old farmer
found murdered
work being carried out by var-
ious government agencies.
They would then make calls to
the officials concerned and
demand extortion money, he
said. Pratap said the gang
which had amassed huge
wealth was arrested from near
the Haj Committee office gate.
A man, identified as
Pyarelal, attempted to immo-
late himself in Hasanganj on
Friday afternoon but he was
overpowered by passersby. The
man claimed that his house had
been grabbed and the police
was not helping him.
A minor was allegedly
sodomised by a mechanic liv-
ing in the same locality in
Hasanganj. The incident took
place some days back but a
policeman allegedly coerced
the victims father to strike a
compromise with the miscre-
ant, who is married man. Police
denied the report while a case
was yet to be registered in this
Extortion racket
targeting govt
officials busted
Rakshabandhan: Sea change
in brother-sister relationship?
Special train between Lucknow, Delhi
Lucknow (PNS): To facilitate people going home for Rakshabandhan,
Northern Railway on Friday announced a Rakshabandhan special train
between Lucknow and Delhi. NRs chief PRO Neeraj Sharma said the
train would be pressed into service for a single trip between Lucknow
and Delhi. The train will depart from Anand Vihar at 7.30 pm on August 9
while the return train from Lucknow at 8.20 pm on August 10.
Girls at a rakhi shop ahead of Rakshabandhan, in Lucknow on Friday Pioneer
Lucknow (PNS): The most
auspicious muhurt for tying rakhi
this year will be between 1:45 pm
and 4:23 pm as planetary align-
ments are the most suitable due
to aprahan paksha, suggest
astrologers. They also caution
people not to celebrate the festi-
val before 1:36 pm on Sunday due
to bhadra paksha, which is con-
sidered the most unfavourable time
as per Hindu calendar. Stating that
nakshatra for Rakshabandhan
this year will be from 1:37 pm to
9:11 pm, pundits said following
aprahan paksha between 1.45 pm
and 4.23 pm, pradosh kaal
between 7:01 pmand 9:11 pmwill
be the second most auspicious
timing. However, astrologers sug-
gest people strictly against cele-
brating Rakshabandhan before
1:36 pm due to three continuous
stages of bhadra, which is con-
sidered to be the sister of Shani.
Auspicious timing
Farmers clash with realtor
employees over land row
Police inactive owing to jurisdiction dispute
Principal secy
visits TBhosp
Lucknow Metro: Tender meeting
held for Mavaiyya crossing
city 03
he state Government said
on Friday that there were
several contradictions in
the statement given by the 20-
year-old girl who alleged gang-
rape and forced conversion in
Sources said the
Government had sent a report
of the incident to Union Home
Minister Rajnath Singh.
The girl has given con-
tradictory statements due to
which the police investigation
has been affected and the
charge of abduction levelled by
her family members is totally
false, Home Secretary Kamal
Saxena disclosed here on
Saxena said there was no
evidence of conversion and it
was found that the girl had not
signed an affidavit.
The Home Secretary said
the police had arrested five of
the seven accused in the case
while the prime accused
Salauddin was absconding and
a non-bailable warrant had
been issued against him.
Besides, he said, one of the
three persons accused of
preparing fake affidavit was
also evading arrest.
The Home Secretary point-
ed out that in her statement
recorded before the magis-
trate, the girl had said that she
was admitted to a hospital in
Muzaffarnagar where she was
operated on. However, he said,
the fact was that the girl was
admitted to the Meerut
Medical College Hospital on
July 23 and underwent surgery
there for some complication
and was released on July 27.
Saxena said that in the
hospital document, the girl
had written that her husband
Kalim was with her when there
was no trace of Kalim during
the entire episode. He said it
could be said that Salauddin
could have gone to the hospi-
tal with the false name of
Kalim. The Home Secretary
said that before the operation,
the girl had gone to a private
hospital in Meerut where the
doctors detected some com-
plication and also that she was
one-and-half month pregnant.
Saxena also questioned the
report lodged by the girls par-
ents. He said while on July 31,
the parents lodged an FIR with
Kharkaunda police that their
daughter was missing since
July 29 while on August 3, they
had claimed that she was miss-
ing since July 23.
He said the police were still
investigating the case and fur-
ther details would be made
available soon.
Govt finds contradictions
in girls statement
n the eve of the Quit
India Movement anniver-
sary, Chief Minister Akhilesh
Yadav said the Samajwadi
Party Government was com-
mitted to fulfill the dreams of
the freedom fighters who sac-
rificed their lives for the coun-
The agitation formed the
basis of social harmony. It
gave every Indian a sense of
pride. That was why despite all
senior leaders being arrested
and sent to jail the agitation
conti nued. New l eaders
emerged and they led the
people against the British
rule, Yadav said in a state-
ment issued here on Friday.
He said that on this day
we Indians should take a
resolve to take the country on
the path of progress and
development as this would
help in fulfilling the dreams of
the freedom fighters.
My Government will
work for bringing smiles on
the faces of those deprived of
basic necessities of life. Our
Government is pro-youth,
pro-farmers and pro-poor.
My Government is committed
to building a strong Uttar
Pradesh that in turn will help
in making India strong, Yadav
On August 9, 1942,
Mahatma Gandhi had given
the call to Do or Die and had
launched the Quit India
SP Govt to fulfill
dreams of freedom
fighters: Akhilesh
Tribal couple, 2
others kill man
and eat his liver
n a bizarre incident of cannibalism that has come to light
in Gorakhpur, a tribal couple and some other persons
lynched their tribesman, took out his liver and ate it.
One person has been arrested in this connection by the
police. The cops have also seized some pieces of the cooked
liver of the deceased and sent it for forensic examination.
Reports said the incident occurred on Wednesday night,
when four labourers working at a brick kiln in Bhoga vil-
lage of Sonbarsa area of Gorakhpur clashed following a dis-
pute during gambling.
Subsequently, Janak Lohar, a native of Gumla in
Jharkhand, along with two other labourers identified as
Pawan and Sonu, killed Pappu. Janak then called his wife
Radha and they took out the liver from the body of Pappu
and she cooked it.
Later, the trio Janak, Radha and Pawan ate some
portion of the cooked liver and threw the remaining.
Police have arrested Pawan, who disclosed the details
of the incident. Some pieces of the cooked liver and the sharp
weapon by which the liver was taken out of the body have
been recovered by the police. However, Janak, his wife Radha
and Sonu are absconding.
racking the disciplinary whip, Chief
Minister Akhilesh Yadav suspended
two chief medical officers and a district sup-
ply officer for being absent fromtheir offices
between 10 am and 12 noon on Thursday.
Official sources said here on Friday that
the CMO of Kanpur Dehat, Dr Karn
Singh, the CMO of Lalitpur, Dr RC
Niranjan, and DSO of Lucknow,
Chandrashekhar Ojha, had been suspend-
ed by the Chief Minister.
Yadav had earlier issued an order ask-
ing the district level officers to remain pre-
sent in their offices between 10 am and 12
noon and redress the grievances of the peo-
ple. He had also asked the district level offi-
cers to install basic phones in their offices
so that their presence could be checked.
The district magistrates and divisional
commissioners had been asked to ensure
presence of officers in their offices and to
send the attendance report to Chief
Secretary Alok Ranjan on fortnightly basis.
The spokesman said that on the directive
of the Chief Minister, officials in his secre-
tariat made random calls to district officials
and found these three officers absent. On
the directive of the Chief Minister action
was takenagainst them, the spokesmansaid.
The spokesman said that the Chief Minister
had made it clear that the Government
would take stern action against officials
found absent from their offices between 10
am and 12 noon on working days.
3 officers not found in office suspended
he state Government on
Friday shifted 14 Indian
Police Services (IPS) officers,
appointing new police chiefs
in seven districts and pro-
moting five ASPs to the rank
of SP.
According to an official
communiqu, Chitrakoot
Range DIG Amitabh Yash
has been attached to the
DGP Headquarters and
DIG (Tel ecom) Mohit
Agarwal has been posted in
his place.
SP of Maharajganj, Sharad
Sachan, has been attached to
the DGP office and PAC
Commandant at Gonda,
Himanshu Kumar, has been
posted as the new SP of
Superintendent of Police
of Sonebhadra, Ram Bahadur,
has been shifted as SP, SIT at
Lucknow whi l e SP of
Ambedkarnagar, Sat ya
Bhushan Pathak, has been
posted as SP, PTC at Sitapur.
SP of Amroha, Subhash
Si ngh Baghel , has been
attached to the DGP office
and Addit i onal SP,
Moradabad, Ani l Kumar
Singh, has been posted in his
place as the new district
police chief.
SP, Banda, Amit Verma,
has been shifted as SP, Food
Cel l at Lucknow, whi l e
SP, Chitrakoot, Kiran S, has
been shi f ted to
Ambedkharngar in the same
ASP, Fatehpur, Santosh
Kumar Si ngh, has been
posted as SP of Badaun
and ASP, Lucknow, Saumitra
Yadav has been posted
as SP of Sultanpur.
ASP, Shahjahanpur, Shiv
Shanker Yadav, has been
posted as SP of Sonebhadra
and ASP, Banda,
Swami Prasad, has been post-
ed as t he new SP of
Govt shifts 14
IPS officers
he Lokayukta, Justice
(Retd) NK Mehrotra, has
recommended a high level
probe into the charges of
appointment of Dr Sangeeta
Aneja as principal of medical
college in Saharanpur on
financial consideration.
In his recommendation
sent to the Chief Minister on
Fri day morni ng, t he
Lokayukta said the agency
which would investigate the
charges should also look into
involvement of two senior
IAS officers who reportedly
facilitated posting of Dr Aneja
as principal.
He recommended
removal of Dr Aneja from the
post and also removal of her
husband from one of the
two posts he is presently hold-
Earlier, Justice (Retd)
Mehrotra had ordered regis-
tration of case against Dr
Aneja and two senior bureau-
crats who had facilitated her
to become acting principal of
t he medi cal col l ege i n
Saharanpur despite her not
fulfilling the eligibility crite-
After my inquiry revealed
that Dr Sangeeta Aneja did
not fulfill the eligibility crite-
ria set by the Medical Council
of India for appointment as
principal of medical college, I
got a case registered and rec-
ommended her removal from
the post, Justice (Retd) NK
Mehrotra sai d here on
The Lokayukta said he
had sent his findings to the
Chief Minister with recom-
mendation for removal of Dr
Sangeeta Aneja from her post
and further probe by some
competent agency to find out
whether a huge sum of money
was paid by her to some
senior officers to get the post
despite not fulfilling the eli-
gibility criteria.
It is alleged that as gadgets
and equipment worth several
crore rupees were to be pur-
chased and many appoint-
ments were to be made in the
new medi cal col l ege at
Saharanpur by its principal, a
huge amount was paid as
bribe to get the post.
According to sources, the
Lokayukta has also recom-
mended a probe into the role
played by the than Principal
Secretary (Medical Education)
JP Sharma and Speci al
Secretary (Medical Education)
Subhash Chandra i n
facilitating the appointment
of Dr Aneja as acting princi-
When the Lokayukta had
enquired from these two offi-
cers whether Dr Aneja met the
eligibility criteria, they mis-
gui ded hi m and gave a
favourable report.
Justice (Retd) Mehrotra
has al so recommended
removal of Dr Anejas husband
from the two posts he holds in
violation of laid norms. He is
holding the post of addition-
al director in Medical and
Health Department and is
head of the Medicine depart-
ment in Meerut Medical
It may be mentioned here
that the Medical Council of
Indi a had i nformed t he
Lokayukta that there is no rule
for appointing acting or tem-
porary principal of medical
The state officials had
contended that anyone could
be appointed as acting prin-
cipal and that it was not
mandatory for the acting prin-
cipal to have the same expe-
rience as required for full
time principal. Subsequently,
the Lokayukta had started the
inquiry against Dr Aneja,
Principal Secretary (Medical
Education) JP Sharma and
Special Secretary Subhash
The Lokayukt a had
received a complaint that the
state Government had over-
looked the laid norms to facil-
itate Dr Anejas appointment
as pri ncipal of Medi cal
College in Saharanpur.
She was working as pro-
fessor in Meerut Medical
College but did not have the
five years experience required
for the post.
Lokayukta recommends
high-level probe
Lucknow (PNS): Close on the heels of murder of two
minors after gang-rape, three more girls of the same age
group met similar fate in Aligarh, Hathras and Bijnor
districts. In Bijnor, an 11-year-old girl of Mudhola
locality in Kotwali Saher went out to cut grass and graze
cattle on Thursday afternoon. When she did not return
home till late evening, the family members went out to
look for her and found her lying dead in a sugarcane
field owned by Sher Khan in Kishenpur locality, also
under Kotwali police station. The girls hands and legs
had been tied and it appeared that she was raped before
being strangulated to death. In Hathras, a 12-year-old of
Manisiyakala hamlet of Sadabad was nabbed by a local
resident, identified as Babu, on Thursday evening.
Babu, reportedly tried to rape the girl and when she
raised an alarm, he strangulated her to death. However,
some locals saw him strangulating the girl and rushed
to nab Babu but he managed to escape. In another
incident reported from Aligarh, the semi-nude body of a
16-year-old girl was recovered from a field in Lyohasra
hamlet of Lodha on Friday morning. Circumstantial
evidence suggested that she was gang-raped and then
hacked to death with some sharp-edged weapon. The
police sent the body for post-mortem and were making
efforts to trace out the killers. Meanwhile, some more
rape cases were reported since Thursday. A 22-year-old
woman was allegedly abducted and gangraped by her
relative and his two accomplices in Rampur. The
woman, a native of Ghanshyampur village under Patwai
police station, alleged that her relative wanted to marry
her and without her consent he had obtained a fake
marriage certificate. The woman told the police that the
relative along with two accomplices abducted her from
her house on Wednesday and took her to Rudrapur
town of Uttarakhand in a car, where the trio gang-raped
her in a house and illegally confined there.
The woman said she somehow managed to flee and
approached the Patwai police to lodge a complaint in
this regard but the cops there did not register her report.
It was after she approached the SP that a case was
registered. In Faizabad, the 14-year-old daughter of a
resident of Sahawadi hamlet of Cantonment was alone
in the house on Thursday afternoon when one Manoj
Kumar Nishad (24) of the same area barged in and
raped her. He later escaped after threatening the girl with
dire consequences if she told anyone about the incident.
In Pratapgarh, a 35-year-old woman of Amsona hamlet
in Kanhai was returning from the local market on
Thursday evening when she was nabbed by Chandra
Bhan and Dr Bishun. They forcibly took her to a
secluded spot and raped her. Both escaped when the
woman fell unconscious. Some villagers found her lying
in the field and admitted her to hospital and informed
the police. The cops arrested one of the accused.
3 minors killed, rape suspected
city 04
The Institute of Charted
Accountants of India (ICAI) on
Thursday announced the result
of charted accountancy final
examination held in May and
June earlier this year. ICAI
president K Raghu said the
course was regularly updated
and revised to meet the
demand of modern, dynamic
society so as to produce com-
petent CAs. The top three
rank-holders of the final exam-
inations are from Jaipur,
Jodhpur and Pune.
Lucknow Development
Authority (LDA) has decided
to open the newly-inaugurated
Janeshwar Mishra Park for
public from 6 am to 8 am and
then from 5 pm to 7 pm on
week days. It will be open
from 6 am to 7 pm on week-
ends. LDA officials stated that
since there was construction
work going on at the park, tim-
ings had been decided for
security reasons.
A unique mushaira and
kavi sammelan was organised
by Save The Children at
Sangeet Natak Academy on
Friday which focused on moth-
erhood and childhood. Poets
have the power to influence the
minds of progressing India,
organisers said. Bekal Utsahi,
Naresh Saxena, Munawwar
Rana, Rahat Indori, Sampat
Saral, Madan Mohan Danish,
Preeti Chaudhary, Tariq
Qamar, Afzal Manglori,
Rajendra Pandit and Abhishek
Shukla took part in the
mushaira with Nirmal Darshan
being the compere.
The birthday of founder-
director of City Montessori
School Bharti Gandhi was cel-
ebrated on Friday with joy and
festivity in an atmosphere of
spirituality and divine unity. In
special celebrations organised
at CMS head office, the work-
ers showed enthusiasm while
teachers and students also
wished Bharti Gandhi with
garlands and bouquets.
On International Youth
Day, Centre for Research and
Interventions for Adolescents
University, in collaboration
with Uttar Pradesh State AIDS
Control Society (UPSACS) is
holding an International
Conference on Youth, Gender
and HIV (ICYGH-2014) on
August 12-13. A dance concert
Madhushala will be presented
by Surabhi Singh.
Lucknow Hindustan
Republican Army Association
organised a programme on
the occasion of the 89th
anniversary of Kakori loot case
to pay tribute to freedom-
fighters. The event took place
at Shaheed Smarak.
On the occasion of
Independence Day, the Central
Bank of India has came up with
a new retail loan scheme in
which a rebate of 0.5 % to 1%
rebate will be given on home,
mortgage, trade, retail and per-
sonal loans.
Family welfare committee
has organised a blood donation
camp at the blood bank at King
Georges Medical University at
10 am on August 9.
Uttar Pradesh unit of
Janata Dal (Secular), on the
occasion of Kranti Diwas on
August 9, garlanded the statue
of Shubhash Chandra Bose at
11 am here on Friday. A Kranti
March was taken out which
culminated at the statue of
Mahatma Gandhi.
A delegation of traders will
visit Sahranpur to demand
compensation for the losses
incurred by the business com-
munity due to violence. They
demanded that the Central
government should provide
them interest free loans.
Chief General Manager,
State Bank of India, Lucknow,
Karnam Sekar flagged-off the
mobile van Home Loan On
Wheels on the occasion of the
golden jubilee of Lucknow cir-
cle of the bank. GM (NW-11)
Brajesh Verma, Dukabandhu
Rath (NW-1) and other senior
functionaries of the bank were
present on the occasion.
Chief Minister Akhilesh
Yadav will particiapte in a
function being organised on
the occasion of
Rakshabandhan near Gandhi
Statue in Hazratganj at 9:30 am
on Sunday.
Due to half-yearly mainte-
nance work of Scimax facility,
there will no show for public on
Monday. The show will resume
as per schedule from Tuesday
Uttar Pradesh Press Club
organised a Kavi Sammelan in
which poet Dr Suresh won
accolades for his verses. UP
Press Club also honoured
young ghazal singer Kshitij
Srivastava and Dr Suresh.
Sanjay Sauk, Kusum Verma,
Varsala Pandey, Nitish Tiwari,
Gaurav Dixit, Dhiraj Mishra,
Pankaj Prasoon and others
participated in the event.
Shaheed Smriti Samaroh
Samiti, on the occasion of 89th
anniversary of Kakori case and
on the 72nd anniversary of
Quit India Movement organ-
ised a programme at Kakori
Shaheed Memorial GPO Park,
Hazratganj, on Friday to pay
tributes to freedom-fighters.
The occasion was marked
by garlanding of the statues of
Ram Prasad Bismal, Ashfaq
Ullah Khan, Rajendra Nath
Lahri and Roshan Singh.
hairman, Sangeet Natak
Akademi, Nawed Siddiqui
on Friday made announce-
ments of the programmes that
will be organised by the SNA in
the months to come.
He said that a Kala Darbar
will be organised every
Saturday where the problems of
the artists will be solved. He
pointed out that artists are
facing several problems and
attempts would be made to
solve them by contacting the
departments concerned.
He said that legends in the
field of music would be invit-
ed to the Sangeet Natak
Akademi and they would inter-
act with the media and discuss
the music scenario. He said that
a workshop for scriptwriting
for radio, stage and television
will be started for a fee of Rs
he actor, Rajesh Kumar, is
not bored with doing com-
edy roles and does not take his
serious offers seriously. He
was in the city on Friday along
with the veteran actor,
Aloknath, and the actress,
Aparna Mehra, for the pro-
motion of his show, Tu Mere
Agal Bagal Hai, and in a chat
with The Pioneer said that he
equated comedy with spiritu-
Tu Mere Agal Bagal Hai is
a show which is a wholesome
humorous family entertainer
featuring the television indus-
try veterans like Aloknath,
Supriya Pathak, Shweta Gulati
and Rajesh Kumar amongst
others. Directed by Rajan
Waghdhare, it is an innovative
family comedy show which
revolves around the lives of the
owners and the tenants living
under the same roof of
Bungalow No 6. This TV series
explores the funny side of the
incidents that happen in the
daily lives of all the characters
in a comical manner. One of
the many USPs of this fiction-
al comedy show is the presence
of a live audience on the sets
which adds the element of
spontaneity to the entire
humorous offering.
While explaining the con-
cept of the show, Rajesh Kumar
said that they were experi-
menting with the idea of the-
atre on the television. There
the stage depicts a theatre
ambience and the story
revolves around a couple and
their father. There is a bit of a
stand-up comedy but since we
are actors therefore we are
doing our share of the acting
too, he said.
The actor said that he was
never bored of doing comedy.
It has been a decade since I
did comedy and I enjoy it and
never feel bored. It is very easy
to make people emotional and
make them cry. I find comedy
equivalent to spirituality and I
never take serious roles offered
to me seriously. I am a comic
person off camera too, he
said. The veteran actor,
Aloknath, said that he was
getting a character with the
comic edge for the first time. I
am doing a character with a
comic edge after being stuck
with the traditional image for
so long. I was offered this role
probably because of the sever-
al jokes on me on the social
networking sites wherein peo-
ple thought that my comic
side should be explored also,
he said.
The actor pointed out that
the character that he was por-
traying was of a naughty babu-
ji who is not as traditional as
he has been portraying during
the past several years. I admit
that it has been challenging for
me doing the role because I
have been doing the same kind
of role for several years and one
cannot change the image sud-
denly, he pointed out. On
being asked why he had not
tried to break his image in the
past so many years, the actor
said that this was not some-
thing in his hands. When you
start getting a certain type of
role then you do the same roles
and you cannot refuse similar
roles which are offered to you
hence I was stuck with the
same kind of roles, he said.
Aloknath added, The
beauty of the show is that it is
filmed in front of a live audi-
ence and has an amazing star
cast. The satisfaction that one
gets from entertaining live
audiences has a different feel.
We all know humour is evolv-
ing and I am positive that the
people will love our show.
Shweta Gulati, while talk-
ing about her character, said
that she was playing the role of
a woman who runs a feminist
group and is a little overboard
about her feminism. This is a
woman who goes about mak-
ing a distinction between
everything which is masculine
and feminine and thus goes a
little overboard with her fem-
inism, she said.
CDO reviews status
of several projects
Varsity employees
still on strike
till on strike on Friday the
employees of universities of
the state continued their agita-
tion to the fourth day claiming
that they would resume work
only after their demands were
conceded by the government.
Agitating under the banner
of the UP Rajya
Vishwavidyalaya Karmachari
Mahasangh, the employees of
several universities boycotted
the work on Friday too. The
employees of Lucknow
University, Deendayal
Upadhyaya Gorakhpur
University, Rohilkhand
University, Bareilly, Chaudhary
Charan Singh University,
Meerut, Kanpur University,
Sampoornanand Sanskrit
University, Mahatma Gandhi
Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi,
Avadh University, Faizabad,
and Ambedkar University,
Agra, have been on strike.
Out of the 12 demands
raised by the workers, 300
days encashment after retire-
ment was their major demand,
which they claimed was a facil-
ity ignored by the state gov-
ernment. "As per the rules, the
university employees used to
get a payment for 300 days after
retirement but this facility was
removed by the state govern-
ment. Since our agitation we
held several meetings, includ-
ing the one with the Principal
Secretary, Higher Education,
where the officials said that the
administration would agree on
three demands but they didn't
agree to state them in written.
So we decided to continue our
strike," said Ajay Kumar Singh,
a union leader from Lucknow
He said that they did not
have any intention to disturb
the classes but no university
worker would cooperate with
the administration of his or her
institution and would not even
open or close the classrooms
and the teachers would have to
do that themselves. The work-
ers union of the state univer-
sities had now started gather-
ing support from the state
affiliated colleges while the
employees of Lucknow
University took out a proces-
sion in the University premis-
es and staged a demonstration
outside the Vice- Chancellor's
1,000 for three days on the days
of the availability of the candi-
date concerned.
Kala Darbar to be started at SNA
Tu Mere Agal Bagal Hai is a
family entertainer: Rajesh
n the directive of the
District Magistrate, Raj
Shekhar, the Chief
Development Officer (CDO),
Yogesh Kumar, presided over a
review meeting of the Chief
Ministers priority programmes
and schemes here on Friday.
The CDO reviewed the
status of several projects,
including solar streetlights,
construction of clean toilets,
fisheries, free of cost boring,
construction of houses under
the Indira Avas and Lohia Avas
Yojanas, the Samajwadi
Pension Scheme, pension and
He said that the works
under the MNREGA scheme
should be carried out as per the
given guidelines and the action
taken as per social audit should
be presented on time.
All the Block Development
Officers (BDOs) should carry
out inspections in their respec-
tive areas in order to review the
progress of the development
works being carried out there,
he said. Not only this, they
should also keep a tab on the
problems of localities like dam-
aged roads, defunct hand-
pumps etc.
The construction work
taking place under the Lohia
Avas Yojana should be carried
out strictly as per the norms
laid down for it and the offi-
cials concerned should not
show any laxity in it. The
defunct handpumps should
be rebored as soon as possible,
he added.
While speaking about the
different welfare schemes, he
said in the Samajwadi Pension
Scheme the verification of the
applications should be done
accurately and timely.
The schemes of the state
government should be imple-
mented properly and no laxi-
ty should be shown in this
regard. The officials con-
cerned should ensure that the
welfare schemes run by their
respective departments were
implemented as per the guide-
lines and the construction
works were carried out without
compromising on their quali-
ty, he added.
Out of 12 demands
raised by the
workers, 300 days
encashment after
retirement was their
major demand
Actor, Rajesh Kumar, along with veteran actor, Aloknath, and actress, Aparna Mehra, was in the city on Friday for the promotion
of his show, Tu Mere Agal Bagal Hai. Pioneer
nation 05
he Centre on Friday said
that in order to develop
high speed rail network across
the country, a separate corpo-
ration has been incorporated.
Railway Minister DV
Sadanand Gowda said the
objectives of the High Speed
Rail Corporation (HSRC) is to
conduct pre-feasibility studies
and preparation of detailed
project report (DPR) for the
corridor. The HSRC will also
go into preparation of techni-
cal parameters for High Speed
Rail (HSR) system and model
concession agreement.
Replying to BJP member
Chandan Mitras query regard-
ingthe HSRCinRajya Sabha, the
Minister said skills of staff and
officers will be developed at
appropriate institutes in India
and abroad through training
programmes. The HSRC has
been incorporated as a fully-
owned subsidiary of Rail Vikas
Nigam Ltd (RVNL) which is a
Central Public Sector Enterprises
(CPSE) of Ministry of Railways.
Studies will be conducted
on Diamond Quadrilateral
Network of High Speed Rail
connecting four major metro
and growth centres of the
country i. e. New Delhi-
New Del hi. Mumbai-
Ahmedabad sector, where a
number of studies has been
done, identified for further
development for High Speed
Trains. A provision of `100
crore has already been made in
the Railway Budget this year,
Gowda said. The Minister also
informed the House that the
present composition of Board
of Directors of HSRC is
chairman and three directors.
In a separate answer to
Mitras query on introduction of
new train between holy cities of
Ujjain to Varanasi, Minister of
State for Railway Manoj Sinha
said in addition to three pairs of
direct mail/express train ser-
vices available between Ujjain
and Varanasi, a new train viz.
Ahmedabad-Patna Express
(weekly) has beenannouncedto
benefit the pilgrims.
In regards to direct con-
nectivity, Sinha informed the
House that direct daily train
service between Ujjain and
Varanasi is not feasible, at pre-
sent, due to operational
and resource constraints
including terminal/mainte-
nance constraints.
he Supreme Court on
Friday directed the Centre
to expeditiously deal with a
petition that demanded a time-
limit to probe complaints of
corruption filed by whistle-
blowers under the newly-
enacted Whistleblowers
Protection Act.
The petition by lawyer N
Rajaraman referred to Section
5(2) of the Act that provides a
discreet enquiry by the Central
Vigilance Commission (CVC)
on receipt of any complaint by
a whistleblower. However, it
does not specify any timeframe
for completion of such enquiry.
He argued that by not pre-
scribing a time-limit the
enquiry could be delayed exces-
sively to defeat action against
corruption. Moreover, it even
jeopardised the safety of the
The Bench headed by
Chief Justice RM Lodha asked
the petitioner to suggest if he
had knowl edge of any
instances where enquiry on a
complaint took four to six
months or beyond it.
Rajaraman said that the Act
had been notified just three
months ago. The Bench then
wished to know if any attempt
was made to bring this matter
to the notice of the executive.
The petitioner admitted
that he approached the Court
directly. Having regard to the
nature of grievance raised in
the petitionwe direct the
Central Government to expe-
ditiously deal with it said the
bench, also comprising Justices
Kurian Joseph and Rohington
Swiftly deal with petition
demanding time limit for
corruption probe: SC
he Government has made
it clear that it is against any
interference in the working
and functioning of the media
and suggested that it should
have its own self-mechanisms
to maintain accountability and
responsibility .
Taking part in a discus-
sion on the functioning of the
media and freedom of expres-
sion in the Rajya Sabha,
Information and Broadcasting
Minister Prakash Javadekar
asserted that medias freedom
will be maintained and there
will not be any attempt to gag
it. He added that the Press
Council of India (PCI) has to
be strengthened in such a
way that it can act properly as
a watch dog.
No freedom comes with-
out responsibility. Media has
to devise its own mechanisms.
These self-mechanisms should
have provision for penal
acti on for i rresponsi bl e
reporting, Javadekar said.
The Minister also mentioned
`sensationalism in news
reports related to political
leaders or other public figures
which has at times led people
to commit suicide.
While talking about social
media Javadekar called for
evolving a mechanism to reg-
ulate social media. He said this
is an issue for consideration
but it pertains to a subject
administered by another min-
istry as social media is covered
under the Information and
Technology laws.
The Minister said the PCI
for the print media was a
toothless wonder and even
its orders are not published.
Issues related to paid
news, cross holdings by media
companies, neutrality of
media houses, working con-
dition of journalists were
some of the issues elaborate-
l y di scussed. Samaj wadi
Partys Naresh Agrawal
demanded restriction on
social media saying that it is
affecting younger generation.
Trinamool Congresss
Derek OBrien raised a point
of need for an independent
regulatory mechanism for
media. He suggested setting
up of an expert committee on
social media also.
BJPs Tarun Vijay said
China has 22 correspondents
to cover India, while there are
only 3 Indian correspondents
covering China. China is
reported to India through for-
eign news agencies. Why dont
Indian media houses deploy
their correspondents in coun-
tries like China, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka and Nepal, Vijay said.
Condemning the ban on
two television channels
TV9 and Andhra Jyothi in
Telangana, members wanted
the Government to address
the issue and protect media
Media should devise its own
self-mechanism, says Govt
large number of the Rajya Sabha
members on Friday demanded
that the House Chairman and Deputy
Chairman should be empowered to
take decisions on crucial issues like
permitting members for foreign vis-
its and allotting rooms to parliamen-
tary parties instead of such issues
being dealt by the Lok Sabha Speaker.
Raising the issue during Zero Hour,
Samajwadi Party leader Naresh Agarwal
said, It has become a precedent that the
Lok Sabha Speaker decides on issues of
foreign visits of the Rajya Sabha mem-
bers and even allotment of rooms to
parliamentary parties.
Art i cl e 80 and 81 of t he
Constitution through which Rajya
Sabha and Lok Sabha were constitut-
ed bestow similar priorities, privileges
and responsibilities to members of
both the Houses but no decisions
regarding Upper House members
were taken by its Chairman and
Deputy Chairman, Agarwal said
demanding such matters should be
di sposed of by Upper House
Chairman and Deputy Chairman
besi des const itut i on of a
Committee for that.
Supporting him, Leader of the
Opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad said,
Parliamentary Affairs Minister is
here and we need to have a commit-
tee to go into this for a final decision.
K C Tyagi of JD(U) too supported the
demand for formation of a commit-
tee to take such decisions.
While Parliamentary Affairs
Minister M Venkaiah Naidu said the
Chairman can discuss the matter
with representatives of political par-
ties and changes may suggested in the
syste, Kurien said that he will bring
the matter to the notice of Chairman
who will take an appropriate decision
in this regard.
midst speculation that
Congress president Sonia
Gandhis daughter Priyanka
Gandhi Vadra, may take up a
significant role in the party
soon, Priyanka on Friday dis-
missed such reports and state-
ments by Congressmen as
baseless rumours.
The constant conjecture
about my assuming various
posts in the Congress party and
the manner in which this issue
is brought up at opportune
moments is incorrect. I would
be very grateful to all con-
cerned if they desisted from
encouraging such baseless
rumours, Priyanka said in a
brief statement to PTI.
Priyankas remarks put the lid
on speculations that she could
formally join the party either in
the capacity of a general secretary
in the AICC or the chief of Uttar
Pradesh Congress.
The speculation of
Priyankas larger role in the
party was also interpreted in the
media as diminishing role
for Rahul, an interpretation
which was stoutly rejected by
the party leaders in public.
Senior party members dur-
ing the last few days have been
making statements about
Priyankas major role in the
party. While AICCspokesperson
Shobha Oza on Thursday said
that the party wants all three
members of Gandhi family to
take leadership role, senior
Congress leader and a Gandhi
family loyalist Oscar Fernandes
on Thursday said that Priyanka
should have a more active role in
the Congress and that she
should take up an important
A few months ago, a top
leader had indicated that
Priyankas role would not be of
replacing Rahul but supple-
menting him in running the
party. A banner put out in
Allahabad a couple of days
back read Congress ka Moon,
Priyanka is coming soon.
Priyanka Gandhi, who for a
long time confined her role in
party affairs to Rae Bareli and
Amethi parliamentary seats rep-
resented by her mother Sonia
Gandhi, who is the party presi-
dent and brother Rahul Gandhi,
vice president of Congress.
When Priyanka had attend-
ed some of the party meetings
at her brothers residence in the
run-up to the Lok Sabha polls,
the party then too had down-
played it saying it was just to
bring some coordination about
the rallies and visits of Sonia
and Rahul. Whena similar spec-
ulation about her larger role in
the party hadgainedmomentum
a month before the general elec-
tions, the then Union Minister
Shashi Tharoor had said,
Congress has a president and a
vice-president, who is not only
functioning but also active...
There is no vacancy at the
moment. We have a president
anda vice-president andthey are
doing a job. The chorus to bring
Priyanka in the party for a larg-
er role has all the more grown
after the worst-ever poll debacle
of Congress in this Lok Sabha
elections, where its tally came to
44 from 206 in 2009. Soon after
the results were out, Kerala leader
andformer Minister KVThomas
had said that Priyanka should
assume a larger role and work
with Rahul as a team.
otal 257 Army personnel
were killed in various oper-
ations during the last three year
and the current year. According
to the data provided by Defence
Minister Arun Jaitley in the Lok
Sabha on Friday, 21 personnel
lost their lives in 22 accidents
involving naval warships and
In a written reply, the
Minister said 32 soldiers from
Uttar Pradesh lost their lives in
these operations while 26 of
them belonged to Rajasthan. A
total of 22 accidents have been
reported involving warships and
submarines during the last 3
years and the current year. 21
navypersonnel includingsixoffi-
cers and 15 sailors lost their lives
in 3 of these accidents, he said.
The accidents involving INS
Sindhurakshak and INS
Sindhuratna account for 20 of
these deaths. 18 personnel were
killed in Sindhurakshak mishap
which sank after an explosion in
its torpedo compartment on
August 14 last year while two
officers had lost their lives in
mishaps involving the INS
Sindhuratna. In the last one
year, the Navy has suffered over
15 accidents and this led to the
resignationof former NavyChief
Admiral DK Joshi taking the
overall responsibility of these
nvironment Minister
Prakash Javadekar said on
Friday that developed nation
should play greater role to
combat the challenge posed by
the climate change. He was
speaking on the occasion of the
18th Meeting of BASIC
Countries that concluded in
New Delhi on Friday.
The meeting is an impor-
tant precursor to the crucial UN
Climate summit meeting in
September and the Conference
of the Parties (COP) to the
United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change
in Paris next year.
The Environment
Ministers from Brazil, South
Africa, India and China called
on developed countries to walk
the talk and meet their com-
mitments on emissions cuts and
green finance, in keeping with
their historic responsibilities.
Earlier, speaking at the
meeting, Javadekar also empha-
sised on enhanced action by
developing countries.
What we found out is that
even on the mitigation front,
actions of the BASIC countries
of South Africa, Brazil, China
andours, are more concrete than
the developed world., said the
Minister. He suggested for mak-
ing a compendium of what has
been done and put up before the
forthcoming UN Climate
Summit meeting in September.
The vice-chairman of the
National Development and
Reform Commission of China,
Xie Zhenhua said 60 per cent of
the cut in emission is con-
He said discussions between US
and China at the bilateral level is
sharedwiththe BASICcountries.
He allayed apprehensions that
bilateral meetings were diluting
multilateral discussions on
climate change.
Responding to a query on
what the Ministers were
expecting from the UN sum-
mit, South African Minister for
Environmental Affairs Edna
Molewa said they need a polit-
ical momentum and a will to
combat climate change and
for developed countries to lead
in the endeavour.
Later, the Environment
Ministers stressed in the joint
statement that the 2015 out-
come to be adopted in Paris
should be comprehensive, bal-
anced, equitable and fair in
order to enhance the full, effec-
tive and sustained implemen-
tation of the UN Convention.
It reaffirmedthat the process
and outcome of the Durban
Platform for Enhanced Action
(ADP) must be in full accor-
dance withall the principles, pro-
visions and structure of the
Convention, in particular the
principles of equityandcommon
but differentiatedresponsibilities
and respective capabilities.
fter derailing the Insurance
Laws (Amendment) Bill,
the Congress is now insisting
that the Factories Amendment
Bill 2014 should also be
referred to a standing com-
mittee for further vetting.
The Bi l l , whi ch was
i nt roduced by t he
Government in Lok Sabha on
Thursday, seeks to provide
flexibility in the matter of
employment of women dur-
ing late night hours.
In a bid to give boost to
labour reforms, the Cabinet
gave its approval for introduc-
tion of official amendments to
the Factories (Amendment)
Bill 2005 pending in the Lok
Sabha since August 16, 2005, to
amend section 66 of the
Factories Act, 1948 that would
make it easy for women to
work during night.
The Congress is, however,
not in favour of women
working in night shifts in fac-
The Congress, Left and
Trinamool Congress want a
detailed scrutiny of the Bill
before it is passed by the
As in the Insurance Laws
Regulation Bill, the Modi-
Government is reaching out to
the Congress to have the Bill
passed in Parliament.
We may seek that the Bill
be referred to a Parliamentary
standing committee as serious
issues are involved, said a
senior Congress leader in Lok
The Congress women wing
chief and spokespersons
Shobha Oza said, As a chief of
the Womens organisation, I
oppose this amendment that
women be allowed to work dur-
ing the night shifts in factories.
She said women should not
be working in night in factories
but made exception in case of
BPOs where private companies
have arrangement of vehicles
for dropping women employ-
ees, she said.
The Congress leader said
that for safety reasons, the
party feels women should be
given day duties in factories.
The Government is also
planning to introduce the
Judicial Appointments
Commission Bill and the
Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Bill,
2014, in the Lok Sabha, but has
yet not listed it as part of next
weeks business.
The Factories (amend-
ment) Bill, 2005 was placed
before Parliament in August
2005 to amend section 66 of the
Factories Act, 1948. In August
2007, the Union Cabinet had
approved amendment in the
Factories Act paving the way
for women employees to work
in late night shifts.
The International Labour
Organisation (ILO) adopted
in 1948, Convention No.89
which stipulates that women,
without distinction of age,
should not be employed during
the night in public or private
industrial undertakings.
The Convention does not
apply to women holding
responsible positions of a man-
agerial or technical character
or to women employed in
health and welfare services
who are not ordinarily engaged
in manual work. India has
ratified this Convention on
February 27, 1950.
Subsequently, the General
Conference of the ILO in June,
1990 adopted a Protocol relat-
ing to Convention No.89.
Under the provisions of this
Protocol, national laws and
regulations may authorise the
competent authority to modi-
fy the duration of the night-
shift or to introduce exemp-
tions from the prohibition
within certain limits.
n a step forward to enhance
co-development and co-pro-
duction of weapon systems,
India and the US on Friday
decided to take Defence
Technology and Trade
Initiative (DTTI) forward and
nominated officials from two
countries as contact persons.
The DTTI was inked between
the two countries last year to
explore ways to defence indus-
try partnership and give a
boost to Indian industry.
Defence Minister Arun
Jaitley and visiting US Defence
Secretary ChuckHagel reviewed
the progress of DTTI here at del-
egation level talks and nomi-
nated Secretary Department of
Defence Production from the
Indian side and Under Secretary
for acquisition, technology and
licensing, Frank Kendall from
the US as contact persons.
The two officials will meet
regularly to iron out hurdles in
jointly designing and manu-
facturing weapon systems. So
far, India has this kind of an
agreement only with Russia
and the US for the last few years
was keen to have a similar pact
given the growing market for
defence products in India.
The push for India-US
partnership in defence indus-
try at the political level comes
at a time when New Delhi is
poised to spend more than 30
billion dollars over the next five
to eight years for procuring
state-of-the-art weapons.
Moreover, India has
opened up the defence sector
for more private participation
and increased FDI from 27 per
cent to 49 per cent earlier this
week. However, India is deter-
mined to do away with buyer-
seller relationship and go in for
joint development of weapons
to save precious foreign
exchange and expand its
defence industrial base.
The two leaders also decid-
ed to start the process of
extending the overarching
agreement named the New
Framework for the India-US
Defence Relationship. This pact
covering all aspects of defence
ties including DTTI, joint mil-
itary exercises and training of
military personnel was signed
in 2005 for a period of ten
years. Jaitley and Hagel dis-
cussed steps to renew the pact
for another decade in the com-
ing months, officials said.
They said the two Minister
took note of the progress made
over the years in deepening
defence ties and reaffirmed
their desire to further enhance
bilateral defence cooperation,
especially in technology and
discussed ways for strengthen-
ing this partnership.
Stressing on faster indi-
genisation of the defence indus-
tries, Jaitley said, The devel-
opment of our own indigenous
capabilities is a major objective
that guides our present policies.
In this direction, we have taken
steps to raise the FDI cap in the
defence sector. We look for-
ward to work closely with the
US in this regard.
The two delegations also
held talks on the entire range of
bilateral defence relations besides
terrorismandglobal andregion-
al security situation. Hagel invit-
ed Jaitley to visit the Pentagon,
the Headquarters of the United
States Department of Defence, in
October during the latters visit
to Washington DC to attend the
annual meetings of the IMF and
the World Bank. Jaitley has
accepted the invitation.
Apart from meeting Jaitley,
Hagel, who is here on a three-
day visit starting Thursday,
also called on Prime Minister
Narendra Modi, External
Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj
and National Security Advisor
(NSA) Ajit Doval.
257 jawans
killed in last
three years,
says Jaitley
Priyanka dismisses reports of
taking up formal post in Cong
Time for action by developing nations
Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar (2nd R) joins hands with, from left to
right, Brazils Deputy Minister for Environment Francisco Gaetani, Minister for
Environment of South Africa Edna Molewa and Vice-Chairman of National
Development and Reform Commission of China Xie Zhenhua during the 18th
BASIC Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change in New Delhi on Friday PTI
RS members demand Chairman to decide on their foreign visits
It has become a
precedent that the Lok
Sabha Speaker decides
on issues of foreign
visits of the Rajya Sabha
members and even
allotment of rooms to
parliamentary parties
nominated from
both countries as
contact persons
New Delhi: Voicing concern over
deteriorating situation in Iraq and
its potential implications for the
region where India has vital
stakes, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi said he looked forward to
his Summit meeting with
President Barack Obama to
discuss how India and the US can
build a partnership for peace,
stability and prosperity in the
world.Modi conveyed this to
Defence Chuck Hagel who called
on him here. During the meeting,
the Prime Minister was briefed on
the announcements made by
President Barack Obama on the
steps the US plans to deal with the
situation in Iraq.On the bilateral
front, the Prime Minister
welcomed the sustained high-level
engagement by the US with the
new Government here. Modi
underlined the importance of
defence relations in the overall
strategic partnership between the
two countries and indicated his
desire to see further progress in
defence relations, including in
defence manufacturing in India,
technology transfer, exercises and
higher studies in the field of
defence. PNS
Defence Minister Arun Jaitley shakes hands with US Defence Secretary Chuck
Hagel before he was presented a Guard of Honour at South Block in New Delhi
on Friday PTI
Congress now against
Factories Amendment Bill
o In a bid to give boost to
labour reforms, the Cabinet gave
its approval for introduction of
official amendments to the
Factories (Amendment) Bill 2005
pending in the Lok Sabha since
August 16, 2005, to amend
section 66 of the Factories Act,
1948 that would make it easy
for women to work during night
o The Congress is, however,
not in favour of women
working in night shifts in
o The Congress leader said that
for safety reasons, the party feels
women should be given day
duties in factories
o The Factories (amendment)
Bill, 2005 was placed before
Parliament in August 2005 to
amend section 66 of the
Factories Act, 1948
o In August 2007, the Cabinet
had approved amendment in the
Factories Act paving the way for
women employees to work
in late night shifts
DV Sadanand Gowda
India, US agree to boost defence cooperation
Separate corporation formed
for high speed rail network
The constant conjecture
about my assuming various
posts in the Congress
party and the manner in
which this issue is brought
up at opportune moments
is incorrect. I would be very grateful to
all concerned if they desisted from
encouraging such baseless rumours
city/nation 06
P Madhyamik Shiksha
Parishad on Fri day
announced last date for sub-
mitting online application of
regular and private students
appearing in High School and
Intermediate Board examina-
tions in 2015.
The application will be
submitted onl i ne on and aspi-
rants will have to submit appli-
cations to school principals lat-
est by August 20.
Principals of the schools
will have to depositing the
examination fees in treasury
and upload educational details
of students on the website lat-
est by August 31 (midnight).
If they fail to submit the
applications by August 31,
principals can submit the same
with late fees of Rs 50 per
application till September 20.
Private students willing
to appear in the UP Board
examinations will have to
deposit the examination fees
and submit complete docu-
ments to principals by August
20. The principals will then
fol l ow the procedure of
depositing the fees in treasury
and upload documents on the
Lucknow (PNS): Demanding their recognition as class IV employees
of the state government, the watchmen from all over the state held a mas-
sive agitation here on Friday. Agitating under the banner of the Pahredar Bharti
National Whistleblower Organisation, thousands of watchmen gathered in
front of the Vidhan Bhawan here in the morning and when the district admin-
istration objected to it they marched towards the Laxman Mela Ground.
Shrikant Shukla, who was spearheading the agitation, said that there
were around 68,000 watchmen in the state, who not only worked in the rural
areas and coordinated with the panchayat but also briefed the local police,
but they were still not recognised. Shukla said that since the British era they
did not have any separate department or code of conduct due to which they
neither received any facility which the government employees were enjoy-
ing nor did they have any departmental head.
"When a state like Bihar can grant recognition to its watchmen and accord
them the status of class IV employees then why cant our government?
he quipped. The state government takes the services of a watchman for four
days in a week while they have to remain vigilant everyday and they get a
measly sum of Rs 1,500 for it. If the government will grant recognition to
them and regularise their services it will not just help these people but also
help in controlling the law and order situation in the small villages which
are always untouched," said Shukla.
The demonstrators held a meeting with the Home Secretary, Arun Kumar
Mishra, who assured them that he would highlight their problems before
the Chief Secretary. They then handed over a memorandum, addressed to
the Chief Minister and the Governor, to the ADM. Setting a deadline of one
month, Shukla, who was leading the agitation, said that if their demands
were not conceded within a period of 30 days the watchmen from all over
the state would come to Lucknow along with their families then and would
not leave it until their demands were met.
lagrantly flouting the rules,
the owners of an unautho-
rised building restarted its con-
struction after breaking the
seal leaving the Lucknow
Development Authority (LDA)
red-faced. Alleging that it was
the responsibility of the
Kaiserbagh police to act against
the people who broke the seal
and began the work, the LDA
has decided to approach the
Senior Superintendent of Police
(SSP) urging him to act against
all such unauthorised con-
structions. The LDA officials
corroborated the report that the
seal of an unauthorised under
construction hotel under the
Kaiserbagh police station had
been broken and its construc-
tion was restarted on Thursday.
Stating that when they
sealed the building months
ago their job there was com-
plete and it was the responsi-
bility of the local police to look
after this disputed property
till the LDA reached a final
decision on the matter.
Being a nodal agency we
can only get an illegal building
sealed with the help of the law-
enforcing agencies. After that
it becomes the responsibility of
the local police to ensure that
the seal is not broken and the
halted work is not restarted. In
this case we cant simply go and
reseal it and the recommend-
ed procedure is that those
involved in it will be booked
under Section 427 and then the
law will follow its own course,
said an LDA official.
According to the reports,
the land use of plot No 82/74
on Guru Gobind Marg was
sanctioned for a residential
building but its owners con-
structed a hotel there instead
following which the LDA acted
and sealed the unauthorised
structure. However, throwing
norms to the winds the owners
of the said plot started con-
structing a hotel there even
though the LDA officials
claimed that they had con-
ducted several drives against
illegal construction in that
area. The officials asserted that
they were now marking all the
sealed and unauthorised struc-
tures and after making a report
they would approach the SSP
within the next three days.
We had already sealed
several unauthorised buildings
in the city. However, reports
came from some areas that the
seals had been broken and the
construction work had restart-
ed there. We have now decid-
ed to report the matter to the
SSP. The report will be hand-
ed over to him within the next
three days, claimed an LDA
official. However, its not the
first time that any illegal con-
struction was reported around
the thickly-populated areas of
the city. Two months ago the
residents of the congested Ram
Mandir Lane of Husainganj
area protested when a private
builder constructed a five-
storeyed residential apartment
on a road which was merely 8
feet wide without the consent
of the LDA. However, the
builders halted its construction
for some time as the matter
generated a lot of heat.
However, the residents claimed
that its construction was start-
ed again.
While asserting that they
were working strictly against
the illegal constructions in the
city, the concept of land audit
was also swept under the car-
pet by the LDA as planned in
the month of January this year.
fter waiting for a year for
action against former
Energy Minister in the
Mayawati Government,
Ramveer Upadhyay, in con-
nection with a disproportionate
assets case, the Lokayukta
(Retd) NK Mehrotra has now
sent a special report to
Governor Ram Naik, requesting
him to place the documents on
the floor of the Assembly along
with the action taken report
The Lokayukta had earlier
sent a similar report to
Governor against former
Animal Husbandry and Dairy
Development Minister, Awadh
Pal Singh Yadav, in a similar
matter. Justice (Retd) Mehrotra
has alsorecommendedactionin
disproportionate assets cases
against eight senior ministers of
the Mayawati Government
including Naseemuddin
Siddiqui, but the Government
has so far not initiated action
against any of them and has for-
warded the matter to the
Vigilance Establishment for fur-
ther inquiry.
Sources said that when the
state Government did not ini-
tiate action against Ramveer
Upadhyay, the Lokayukta sent
some reminders to the Chief
Minister and finally dispatched
a special report to Governor
Ram Naik on Friday. He
requested the Governor to
ensure that the issue was tabled
on the floor of the Assembly
along with the ATR.
The Lokayukta had probed
the charges levelled against
Upadhyay and his family mem-
bers of amassing assets, grab-
bing lands and cornering major
PWD contracts in western dis-
tricts for close relatives by mis-
using position in the Mayawati
Government. In the inquiry
initiated on a complaint filed by
Hathras resident Ashwini
Sharma, Justice (Retd) Mehrotra
found that many family mem-
bers of Upadhyay, including
his father, had donated proper-
ties to each other, purchasing
them after low-valuation.
Ramveer Upadhyays father
Ramcharan Upadhyay, who was
a class four employee in UP
State Road Transport
Corporation, had purchased a
plot at a prime location in Agra
and later donated it to Sudhir
Upadhyay who happened to be
the brother and public relation
officer of the former minister.
Besides, a lady from Etah
district, Savita, had purchased a
property in Hathras at one-
fourth price of its market rate
and had donated it to Kalpna
Upadhyay, the wife of Sudhir
Upadhyay. During the inquiry,
it also came to light that the
income of Savita was meagre
and she had purchased the
property only to donate it.
It also came to light that
Kalpna Upadhyay owned a con-
struction company which was
frequently givenbig contracts by
PWD in Hathras and neigh-
bouring western districts for
four years. The then incharge of
Aligarh PWD division had
admitted that contracts worth
over `40 lakh were awarded to
Kalpna Upadhyay and other
family members of the minister
at rates exceeding the govern-
ment approved rates.
On the basis of this, the
Lokayukta had recommended a
vigilance probe against
Upadhyay. The minister was
subsequently removed by
Agitated over the inquiry,
Ramveer Upadhyay had chal-
lenged the jurisdiction of the
Lokayukta and had accused
Justice (Retd) Mehrotra of using
derogatory language against
Lokayukta urges Guv to send
documents, ATR to Assembly
Last date to apply
online for UP
Board exams
August 20
Owners flout LDA rules,
restart construction of
sealed building
Watchmen protest, demand
status of class IV employees
he King Georges Medical
University administration
has once again proposed to
increase the age of re-employ-
ment of retired teachers from
the present 65 years to 70
The KGMU administra-
tion if of the view that increas-
ing the age of re-employment
of teachers to 70 years would
help in retaining the experi-
enced faculty members and
maintaining the high quality of
medical education.
The move has, however,
been criticised by the younger
faculty who say it would hin-
der their growth.
They point out that earli-
er the age of re-employment
was increased from 60 years to
62 years and then to 65 years
to the disadvantage of the sec-
ond line faculty.
They say medical educa-
tion is developing day by day
and there is need for new ideas
and methods and in this sce-
nario, younger faculty is more
suited. On the other hand, the
KGMU administration says
the proposal will help in save
the universitys recognition by
the Medical Council of India as
the guidelines require a certain
number of professors in each
The officials say a decision
to propose increase in the age
of re-employment has been
taken in accordance with a gov-
ernment order issued in
September 2013, that says that
medical institutes can increase
the re-employment age up to 70
KGMU Vice-Chancellor
Ravi Kant said that re-employ-
ment would not be open for all
and would be considered on
need base in order to save MCI
recognition of departments
where teachers are short.
KGMU move to increase
age of re-employment
he Ram Manohar Lohia
Institute of Medical Sciences
is contemplating to start a
department of Emergency
Medicine after getting a nod
from the Medical Council of
After the Cabinet decision
for merger of Lohia Hospital
and RMLIMS, their heads have
started holding meetings to
plan the opening of the new
department. The institute will
run the Emergency Medicine
department in co-ordination
with Lohia Hospital.
Lohia Institute Director
Nuzhat Hussain said the MCI
had given them permission to
run Emergency Medicine
department. He said the new
department would have experts
and para medical staffs from
the institute and hospital.
The state Government
decision to merge RML
Hospital and RMLIMS a
month back will enable the
institute to run undergraduate
(MBBS) courses apart from
imparting super speciality
medical education.
At present, the RMLIMS is
running only super speciality
medical courses.
The merger of the 350-bed
institute and 350-bed hospital
will pave the way for RMLIMS
to start undergraduate (MBBS)
course with 150 seats.
The institute is awaiting
MCI nod to its infrastructure
for starting MBBS course.
At present, there are close
to 1400 MBBS seats in the
medical institutes of the state
and the 150 of RMLIMS would
increase the intake of under-
graduate medical students.
Once the merger of the
Lohia hospital and institute is
completed in a few months, the
RMLIMS will advertise the
teaching and non-teaching
posts. Lohia hospital doctors
will also be eligible for teach-
ing posts if they clear the inter-
The institute will also ask
the MCI to make a combined
inspection infrastructure of
the institute and the hospital as
they are being merge.
DA case against Ramveer Upadhyay
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi has spoken to his family
and prayed for Singhs speedy
recovery. Examination at the
hospital showed him to be in
coma, with signs of raised
intracranial tension and a
haematoma scalp. Urgent CT
scan of the head showed an
acute subdural haematoma with
mass effect, a midline shift and
contusion of the brain sub-
stance. A lifesaving decom-
pressive hemicraniectomy was
done, the Ministry said.
Singh had also served as
External Affairs and Finance
Minister and was expelled from
BJP early this year when he
decided to contest the Lok
Sabha polls from Barmer in
Rajasthan as an Independent
candidate after the party decid-
ed to field Colonel Sonaram
The bench headed by Chief
Justice RMLodha scornedat the
petitioner for failing to raise a
legal issue through the petition.
Under Article 32, we are not
deciding on political issues. If
ruling is given by Speaker in the
chamber of the House, it is not
amenable to judicial review.
The Court asked whether the
Mavalankar ruling was notified
or part of any statute to which
the answer was negative. The
bench, also comprising Justices
Kurian Joseph and Rohington
Nariman said, Once you say
Mavalankar ruling is not noti-
fied, can the legality of such rul-
ing given by Speaker be
amenable to judicial review.
He was addressing a sports
function at Vigyan Bhavan in
Delhi. CPI(M) member P
Rajeev raised the issue and
wanted to know whether they
had sought permission for it.
Kurien said Tendulkar was
nominated to the Upper House
in April 2012 and had attended
the session for three days. Last
time he had come to the House
on December 13, 2013, he
said. Reacting to the prolonged
absence of the celebrities, lyri-
cist and scriptwriter and a nom-
inated member of the Upper
House Javed Akhtar said:
Membership of Parliament is
not a trophy. Sachin should
come to Parliament.
Mentioning that bothTendulkar
and Rekha have not taken a sin-
gle MP privilege, Rajeev Shukla
said: They should attend
Parliament more frequently. I
think Sachin should attend
Parliament. When he was play-
ing cricket, he never missed a
practice, so now that he has
retired, he should come to
Parliament, said the BJPs Kirti
Azad, also a former cricketer.
allegedly killed a number of
Thakurs, reportedly to avenge
her gang-rape by the Thakurs of
the same village. Delhi Police
had charged all the accused for
murder, criminal conspiracy
and destruction of evidence.
They also faced charges of
attempting to murder her secu-
rity guard and under various
provisions of the Arms Act.
Police had said that Rana want-
ed to establish himself as a
Thakur leader by mastermind-
ing the killing and ruled out any
other motive behind Phoolans
murder. Investigations had
proved that Rana had plotted
the murder for more than two
years and had gathered finance
for buying arms and ammuni-
tion. He hadevenrobbeda bank
for generating funds tocarry out
his designs.
he Supreme Court on Friday took seri-
ous exception to a petition filed by a
NGO that sought urgent orders to rescue
close to 40 girls from madarsas in eastern
Uttar Pradesh complaining that such cen-
tres of learning had become dens of ille-
gal activities.
You should not unnecessarily give
these matters undue shade. The words you
have used are not in national interest. It can
disturb the peace of the country and dam-
age the secular fabric in the country, said
a bench headed by Chief Justice RM
Lodha. The petition filed by Jayati Bhartam,
representing NGO that claimed to have res-
cued many girls from madarsas, relied on
a recent news report to suggest that sever-
al girls were forcibly abducted and con-
verted in the madarsas.
The news report was based on a state-
ment of a 20-year-old girl who narrated her
ordeal as to how she was abducted on July
23, taken to a madrasa in Hapur where she
was gang-raped and forced to convert to
The bench, also comprising Justices
Kurian Joseph and Rohington Nariman
enquired that besides newspaper report
what other material was there to suggest
such incidents. You do not produce any
representation that you have made to
National Commission for Women (NCW)
or any complaint lodged with the police
authorities. Certain issues need to be taken
forward responsibly.
ven as the World Health
Organisation (WHO) on
Friday declared deadly Ebola
epidemic as an international
health emergency, Union
Health Mi ni ster Harsh
Vardhan told Parliament that
India need not panic over its
outbreak as there has been no
reported case of the virus in
the country and the
Government is taking all pre-
As of today, this moment,
there is no Ebola case report-
ed in India. There is no need
to panic, he said.
The Minister said that the
Government was taking all
precautions and keeping a
close watch on the movement
of people into India from
countries affected by the virus.
In the light of the outbreak
of Ebola virus in west African
countries, the Government
had earl ier this week
announced a slew of steps
including screening and track-
ing of passengers originating
or transiting from there, and
asked Indians to defer non-
essential travel to that region.
There are close to 45,000
Indians in affected countries
such as Guinea, Liberia, Sierra
Leone and Nigeria where an
outbreak of the disease has
killed 932 people. Indian
authorities are on alert for the
Ebola virus, the health minis-
ter said, suggesting there is a
risk the deadly virus could be
imported into country if the
large population of Indians
working in the four affected
West African nations returns,
the Minister had said recent-
Vardhan said. While the
risk of Ebola virus cases in
India is low, preparedness
measures are in place to deal
with any case of the virus
imported to India. Liberia
has declared a state of emer-
gency to tackle the worst-ever
outbreak of the disease, its
health system is collapsing.
Mandatory self reporting
by the passengers coming
from or transiting through
the affected countries would
be required at immigration
check, Vardhan had said,
adding in-flight announce-
ments regardi ng
this would also be made.
The WHO has declared
the killer Ebola epidemic rav-
aging parts of West Africa an
international health emer-
gency and appealed for glob-
al aid to help afflicted coun-
The global health agency
move comes as US health
authoriti es on Thursday
admitted that Ebolas spread
beyond West Africa was
inevitable, and after medical
charity Doctors Without
Borders (MSF) warned that
the deadly virus was now out
of control with more than 60
outbreak hotspot.
India need not
panic: Vardhan
RMLIMS set to start
emergency medicine dept
After the Cabinet
decision for merger
of Lohia Hospital
and RMLIMS, their
heads have started
holding meetings
to plan the
opening of the new
pedestrian subway con-
structed by the Delhi
Metro Rail Corporation
(DMRC) to avoid any traffic
disruptions on the busy ITO
intersection was thrown open
to public. The subway con-
structed was inaugurated by the
Delhi Police Commissioner
Bhim Sain Bassi in the presence
of the DMRC Managing
Director Mangu Singh and
other DMRC Directors.
Built using a special box-
pushing technology to avoid
any traffic disruptions, the
subway connects Delhi Police
Headquarters and the
Engineers Bhawan on the
extremely busy
ITO road. It is a part of the
under-construction ITO Metro
station and will cater to the
pedestrians who will cross ITO
intersection. The timings of the
subway for the general public
will be from 6 am to 10 pm.
Delhi Metro is committed to
the safety of its commuters
especially women. We are
hopeful that this subway will be
of great benefit to the pedes-
trians who cross the busy ITO
intersection everyday, DMRC
Managing Director said.
The subway, which is 9 m
deep from the ground level, will
provide a safe and easy passage
to pedestrians crossing the
busy intersection at ITO as well
as provide connectivity to the
upcoming ITO Metro station at
the concourse level, a DMRC
official spokesperson said.
The interiors of the sub-
way have been built using
black, grey and red granite for
the flooring of subway along
with false ceiling and facia on
the walls. The subway has one
escalator at gate no. 6 (towards
Engineers Bhawan) and one
escalator at gate no. 5 (towards
Police Headquarters) for the
convenience of the passengers.
There is a provision for one lift
each at gate Nos 5 and 6
which are under construc-
tion. Work on the subway
was started in June-July last
year and was completed
in August.
The ITO station has 6
entry/exit points two
entry/exits on Indraprastha
Marg are near Agarwal Chowk
(ITO) near Delhi Police
Headquarters and Engineers
Bhawan, two entry/exits are
on both sides of Deen
Dayal Upadhyay Marg and
two entry/exits on Bahadur
Shah Zafar Marg. Another
pedestrian subway is under
construction on Deen Dayal
Upadhyay Marg. This subway
is also being built using the
box-pushing technology and
will connect entry no. 1
(towards Andhra Education
Society) and entry no. 2
(towards Indian National
Science Academy) of the
upcoming ITO station.
Delhi Metro opens subway at ITO
Crossing the road at the ITO intersection becomes easier. Delhi Metro, which is constructing an underground Metro
station at ITO, threw open one of the subways on Friday. The subway will connect the police headquarters to the space
alongside the Institute of Engineers building Ranjan Dimri | Pioneer
The subway, which is
9 m deep from the
ground level, will
provide a safe and
easy passage to
pedestrians crossing
the ITO as well as
provide connectivity
to the upcoming ITO
Metro station at the
concourse level
SC raps NGO for using vexed words in plea
LUCKNOW | SATURDAY | AUGUST 9, 2014 nation 07
fter spending more than
48 hours in the custody of
Pakistan Rangers, BSF jawan
Satyasheel Yadav on Friday
walked free after he was hand-
ed over to the Indian border
guards at the Octroi post along
the International border in
Suchetgarh area of RS Pura
sector in Jammu.
The 30-year-old jawan,
Yadav was swept away by the
Chenab river to Pakistan on
Wednesday after their
patrolling boat had developed
a technical snag during a rou-
tine patrolling exercise.
Three other BSF jawans,
present in the boat, swam back
to safety after jumping off the
boat. Yadav survived the strong
currents of Chenab river
because he was wearing a life
jacket but landed in the Pak
territory al ong with the
defunct boat.
The much awaited release
of the Indian soldier was, how-
ever, delayed by the Pakistan
Rangers for reasons best
known to them by over one
hour. Before the formal hand
over ceremony at the Zero line
of the International border,
certain necessary formalities
were compl eted by the
Pakistan Rangers.
Satyasheel Yadav, dressed
in his combat fatigue, looked
cheerful and healthy while he
was handed over to his
Battalion commander Varesh
Singh. BSF officers present at
the ceremony greeted Yadav
and patted his back before
walking into the Indian terri-
tory. On his return, Director
General BSF, DK Pathak, spe-
cially flown in to Jammu to
supervise the smooth hand
over. I am grateful to them
(Pakistan Rangers) for treating
him well, told reporters.
He was treated well, there
was no mishandling of the
Indian jawan, medical treat-
ment was also given to him
after they took him into
their custody
From the Octroi post the
BSF jawan was escorted to the
nearby battalion headquarters
where he met DG BSF and
other senior officers. Satyasheel
Yadav is expected to be
debriefed by senior BSF offi-
cers and others before
returning to his battalion
headquarters. Briefing media-
persons, DG BSF maintained
that the BSF jawan returned
safely due to collective effort of
the Govt of India at the high-
est level and efforts made by
the BSF authorities to secure
his safe release in record time.
Pressure was mounted by
the Government of India
through their Foreign Office
on Thursday to hand over the
custody of Indian jawan who
was accidentally swept away by
the Chenab river to Pakistan.
Responding to the persis-
tent query of mediapersons
why it took so long for the
Pakistan Rangers to hand over
the custody of the BSF jawan,
the DG BSF claimed, I cant
answer why they took so long
to hand him over. It is they who
have to answer this question.
On the issue of alleged
interrogation of the BSF jawan
by officers of the military
Intel l igence and ISI in
Pakistan, DG, BSF DK Pathak
responded candidly saying,
They did ask some questions
and it isnt uncommon. He
also clarified BSF jawan was
drifted into their territory by
the strong currents of Chenab
river. This was an accident but
he went there unauthorisedly.
They have a right to find out
how he came there, he elabo-
rated. Before BSF jawan was
handed over to the Indian
authorities, Yadav tol d
reporters in Pakistan that his
boat accidentally strayed into
the neighbouring land after it
went out of control in strong
river currents.
My colleagues swam out
but I do not know swimming.
The boat took me into
Pakistani territory. I jumped
into water near a Pakistan
post and was rescued by
jawans of Pakistan Rangers, he
said in his narration of the
events leading to his capture.
Yadav, flanked by Rangers
officials, said he was made
comfortable by them.
They took my introduc-
tion. They helped me to the
extent they could. They kept
me better than what I had
thought. I have no complaints.
I am happy, he said.
Pak hands over captured BSF jawan
he Congress-l ed
Government in Kerala
has sparked off a controver-
sy by making UPA chairper-
son Sonia Gandhi the chief
guest of the annual meet
and the only invitee from out-
side of Kudumbashree
womens empowerment pro-
Critics say that the move
i s proof of t he rul i ng
Congress efforts to bring
Kudumbashree, launched by
the State Government and
coming under the Local Self-
Government bodies, under its
total control.
The BJP and the CPI(M)
have launched an attack
against Congress for inviting
Sonia, who is just an MP
holding no constitutional
position, to inaugurate the
16th annual meet of the
womens self-empowerment
established in 1998 during
the rule of the LDF led by
Marxist party. The anniver-
sary is being held from
August 12 t o 14 at
What is Sonias right to
inaugurate the programme?
What role has she played in
t he growt h of
Kudumbashree? Why she
alone is invited to the meet
when the first person to be
invited from outside the
Government to such
meet i ngs i s t he St ate
Assembl ys Opposi t i on
Leader? asked CPI(M) cen-
tral committee member TM
Thomas Isaac.
It is equally strange that
the organisers, the Local Self-
Government Department of
the Kerala Government head-
ed by Musl i m Leagues
Minister MK Muneer, have
not bothered to invite even a
single Minister from the
Union Government to the
meet despite the fact that the
Centre has been allotting
crores of rupees for
Kudumbashree projects every
year. Sonia Gandhi is just the
president of a party. She does
not hold any official position.
She i s not even t he
Opposition Leader. This is
proof of a deliberate Congress
move t o keep Uni on
Ministers away from State
Government programmes. It
is a mean practice which not
even the Marxists would like
to fol l ow, sai d
St ate BJP presi dent V
The annual meeting will
be inaugurated by Sonia
Gandhi on August 12 at the
Putharikkandam Grounds in
the State capital. Governor
Sheila Dikshit will inaugurate
the valedictory programme
on August 14. Chief Minister
Oommen Chandy will make
a declaration on the new ini-
tiatives which Kudumbashree
is planning to undertake.
This is not the first time
t he Congress-l ed
Government has sparked off
a controversy by inviting
Sonia to a programme. It
had made her inaugurate the
Governments Zero Landless
programme of giving three
cents land each to the land-
less on September 30 last.
When criticisms arose, the
Government said Sonia did it
in her capacityas National
Advisory Councils head.
Isaac, Finance Minister in
the former LDF Government,
warned the Congress and the
UDF Government against
any effort to hijack the
If it i s pl anni ng to
change the projects by-laws
during the meet we will
launch strong agitation. It
will be in their interest to
avoid a direct confrontation,
Isaac said. Immediately after
assumi ng of f i ce, t he
Congress-led Government
n lines with some of the
most famous oceanariums
in the world, the Union
Territory (UT) Daman, Diu,
Dadara & Nagar Haveli admin-
istration is working on Indias
first oceanarium at exotic
tourist location and island town
Diu situated on the western
border of Gujarat.
The Union Ministry of
Earth Sciences has already con-
sented for the `600 crore ocea-
narium project in principle.
The UT administration has
already earmarked nearly 35
acres of land, suitable for the
National Oceanarium Project.
The picturesque location of
the oceanarium project is a
rocky highland approximately
7 meters higher to sea level in
Malala village of Diu district.
A team comprising senior
officials from the Ministry of
Earth Sciences, geologists and
National Institute of
Oceanography (NIO) recently
visited the site and were happy
to see the location. In next 2-3
months feasibility report of the
project will be prepared, said
Bhupinder Singh Bhalla,
Administrator of Daman, Diu,
Dadara & Nagar Haveli.
Bhalla is aiming high for
the upcoming project. He
plans to develop world-class
oceanarium at the erstwhile
Portuguese colony on tiny
island spread across hardly 40
sq km keeping some of the
world famous oceanariums
like Seaworld, San Diego,
USA, Ocean Park, Hong
Kong, China, Marineland,
Ni agara Fal l s, Ont ari o,
Canada, Lisbon Oceanarium
and Portugal in mind.
According to Diu Collector
Vinod Kavle, Diu is the perfect
location for the project looking
to huge tourist flow. Though
population of picturesque
island Diu is hardly around
50,000, it witnesses tourist flow
of over four lakhs annually
that include nearly 10-15 per-
cent foreign tourists, says Kavle.
Since the project is funded
by the Government of India
(GOI) to create awareness on
marine life, there wouldnt be
any hiccup related to Coastal
Regulatory Zone (CRZ), he
said adding that the Diu admin-
istration will son sign an MOU
with the Ministry of Earth
Sciences. Against the Union
Territorys annual budget of
nearly `800 crore, it fetches
income of over `4000 core due
to heavy flow of tourists in
terms of Central Excise, VAT
and other indirect taxes.
Interestingly, every year
GOI allocates `100 crores for
the National Oceanarium
Project since 2009. In fact the
Central Government zeroed in
on couple of locations in Kerala
and Goa, but both the State
Governments on some or other
reason shown unwillingness to
allot huge chunk of land that
too right on the shore. Finally,
The UT administration seized
the opportunity and decided to
approach the concerned
Ministry and within a week at
a time when GOI was about to
drop the project.
Island town Diu all
set for Indias first
oceanarium project
Sonias right to
open annual
meet questioned
he war of words between
Tata patriarch Ratan Tata
and the Bengal Government
intensified with both Chief
Minister Mamata Banerjee
and her Education Minister
Partha Chatterjee on Friday
taking on the pioneer indus-
trialist for trying to show
Bengals industrial atmos-
phere in poor light and
advising the critics to com-
pete but not spread canards.
The Chief Minister who
was addressi ng a
Government function in
Nadia without naming the
top industry magnet said that
some critics are spreading a
disinformation campaign
against the industrial climate
i n Bengal but
instead of doing so they
should take into account what
we have done in the past
three years adding Bengal
is today number one in
developing small and medi-
um scale industries which
many of our friends are
ignoring. On the other hand,
former Industries Minister
and present Educat i on
Minister Partho Chatterjee
said he was pained at what
Ratanji has said adding
when he came to Kolkata
after two years he should
have brought some good
news like that of returning
the occupied lands to the
farmers of Singur. Instead of
doing so he criticised the
industrial climate of Bengal.
Tata had a couple of days
ago said that Bengals indus-
try sector was not in a good
shape showing how he could
not find any industrial activ-
ity at the Rajarhaat New
Town through which he trav-
elled while coming from the
A number of Banerjees
cabinet colleagues including
Finance Minister Amit Mitra
immediately picked up the
cudgel criticising Tata for his
remarks. He has lost his
senses he said adding he was
truly surprised that he was
not even aware before mak-
ing this comment that the
area through which he was
driving was strictly for resi-
dent i al and commerci al
development and therefore
could not have had any
industrial plants visible to
him. It indicates that Mr
Ratan Tata is ill-informed
and confused about the area
he is driving through.
The Tata Motors and the
Government were currently
locked in a legal battle in the
Supreme Court where the
State had appealed against an
earlier High Court order
rejecting the Government
plea to return the occupied
lands at Singur where the
botched Nano plant was to
come up.
Reacting rather strongly
to Mitras statements the Tata
chairman emeritus twitted
saying Mr Mitra might
believe I have lost my mind.
I would be delighted if he
could show me what indus-
trial development I missed
whi l e dri vi ng t hrough
Rajarhat. If he cannot then I
would have to conclude that
he has a very fertile imagi-
Cong hijacking Keralas
womens self-help project
Panaji: Goa which admittedly
has a as much as 1% of its pop-
ulation infected with the HIV
virus is considering bringing
the States population as Below
Povery Line to help them avail
Government schemes.
Health Minister Laxmikant
Parsekar said that the step will
make them get the facilities eas-
ily. Bringing the HIV+ve pop-
ulation under BPL (below
poverty line) could be a good
step, because it could help
them get all the facilities easi-
ly. We could discuss this with
the CM (Chief Minister) and
my colleagues, Parsekar said.
Parsenkar also said that
since 2009, fresh detection of
HIV cases have been on a
downswing, with 523 fresh
HIV cases detected last year.
Those covered under the
BPL have relatively easy and
cheap or free access to basic
essentials, which includes food,
health facilities, transport, etc.
Around 14,000 living
HIV infected persons are still
there (in Goa), the Health
Minister said, adding that the
Government was aiming at
bringing down the rate of
infection to zero over the
next five years. For a popula-
tion hovering around 14-15
lakh the figure make it one
lakh. Principal secretary
(Health) Parimal Rai said that
nearly one per cent of Goas
population was infected and
that Goas tourism-prone
coastal areas were more vul-
nerable to the disease.
The areas in Goa which
are most vulnerable are the
coastal areas as per our sta-
tistics, Rai said. The AIDS
virus was first detected in
Goa in a foreign tourist, in the
80s who is believed to have
brought it to the State.
Goa to put
its 1% HIV+
under BPL
BSF jawan Satyasheel Yadav being
handed over to BSF officials by the
commanders of the Pakistan Rangers
at Octroi border post along the
International Border in RS Pura sector
of Jammu on Friday PTI
he Ahmedabad police on
Friday filed a closure
report in a metropolitan court
and gave a clean chit to Prime
Minister Narendra Modi in a
case of alleged violation of
model code of conduct after he
came to cast his vote during
the Lok Sabha election.
Confirming the develop-
ment senior officials in Gujarat
police said that a closure report
was submitted before the met-
ropolitan court.
The closure summary
maintaining that no case was
made out against Modi was
f i l ed i n the court of
Metropolitan Magistrate
MH Patel. On April 30 an FIR
was registered against Modi
after a controversy created
over his Press conference out-
side the poll booth in which
he displayed BJPs symbol
lotus in front of TV cameras.
The Congress party had filed
a complaint against the for-
mer Gujarat Chief Minister
and under the provision of
sections 126 (1)(a) and 126
(l)(b) of Representation of
People Act, 1951 FIR was
lodged against him.
Modi is also facing a sep-
arate case in connection with
the incident wherein an Aam
Aadmi Party worker has said
that the police had filed an
incomplete FIR in the case.
Nishant Verma, in his
complaint to the Ahmedabad
(rural) court, has demanded
that Modi be additionally
charged under section 130 of
RPA and IPC sections 114,
171 (c) and (f ).
At the last hearing in the
case on August 5, Additional
Chief Judicial Magistrate
(ACJM) MM Sheikh of
Ahmedabad rural court
had given the crime branch
three weeks to file an action
taken report.
Bengal-Tata war
of words hots up
In poll code
violation case
Bengal is today number one in
developing small and medium scale
industries which many of our
friends are ignoring
Ahmedabad cops give
clean chit to NaMo
had faced allegations that it
was t r yi ng to st i f l e
Kudumbashree, which at that
time was said to be con-
trolled by the CPI(M), Giving
credence to the charge, the
Congress had then launched
Janasree, a mi cro-credit
Meanwhi l e, Kudum-
bashree, one of the biggest
projects of its kind in the
country with about 4.1 mil-
lion members and covering
almost half the households of
the State, is planning to start
four community colleges for
technical education.
The first such college
would be launched on August
14 at Thiruvananthapuram.
It will also sign an agree-
ment with the Tata Institute
of Social Sciences for a post-
graduate diploma programme
in development. TISS will
provide the required techni-
cal assistance for the new pro-
gramme. The other three col-
leges will offer programmes
in agriculture, pest control,
dairy farming, automobile
and construction technology
and general administration.
3 intruders shot
dead along LoC
in encounter
hree militants have been
killed in an encounter in
Tangdhar sector along the
Line of Control (LoC) in
north Kashmirs Kupwara dis-
trict, Defence sources said.
The operation began in
the area earlier this week
when Army received infor-
mation that a group of mili-
tants has sneaked in and gone
into hiding in the vast forest-
ed area.
A soldier Nail Damodar
was killed when Army estab-
lished first contact with the
group on Wednesday near
Eagle Post.
Early today (Friday)
morning as the joint team was
conducting searches in the
upper belt of Gagdori forest
close to the LoC, the intrud-
ers opened heavy fire upon
the forces ensuing a fierce
gun-battle that lasted for
more than three hours,
defence sources said.
During the exchange of
gunfire, three intruders have
been killed, they said.
The slain intruders have
not been identified.
The bodies of slain mil-
it ant s al ong wit h t hei r
weapons have been recov-
ered, Defence spokesman Lt.
Col NN Joshi said adding the
operation was in progress
when last reports poured in
from the remote area.
Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) are invited for direct recruitment by selection through web-
site to the following posts by 28th August, 2014.
i) 03 Assistant Directors (Chemistry) in Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage,
Faridabad, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture.
ii) 04Assistant Directors (Plant Pathology) in Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage,
Faridabad, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture.
iii) 04Assistant Directors of Air Safety in Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation.
iv) 15 Aeronautical Officers in Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation.
v) 02 Legal Officers in Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation.
vi) 04 Deputy Registrars of Trade Marks & Geographical Indications in Office of the Controller General
of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of
Commerce & Industry.
vii) 01 Professor of Agriculture Chemistry in National Sugar Institute, Kanpur, Department of Food
and Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution.
viii) 11 Assistant Engineers (NQA) in Mechanical Engineering in Directorate of Quality Assurance
(Naval), Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence.
ix) 03 Assistant Engineers (NQA) in Metallurgical Engineering in Directorate of Quality Assurance
(Naval), Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence.
x) 10 Assistant Drugs Controllers (India) in Directorate General of Health Services, Central Drugs
Standard Control Organisation, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
xi) 08 Specialists. Gr.III, Assistant Professors (Neurology) in Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
xii) 03 Specialists, Gr.III, Assistant Professors (Paediatric Cardiology) in Ministry of Health and Family
xiii) 06 Specialists, Gr.III, Assistant Professors in Orthopaedic Surgery (Sports Injury) in Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare.
xiv) 02 Superintendent (Legal) in Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law and Justice.
xv) 32 Assistant Public Prosecutor in Directorate of Prosecution, Home Department, Govt. of NCT
of Delhi.
The candidates willing to apply for the above posts are advised to visit Commission's Website for further details. The detailed advertisement has also been published.
in the Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar on 09.08.2014 vide Recruitment advertisement
(Ref. No. F.1 /91(24)/2014-R.V) It is notified for information to. all concerned that the process of
recruitment to one post of Assistant Director (Remote Sensing) in the Mahalanobis National Crop
Forecast Centre (MNCFC) in the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation under Ministry of Agriculture
published in the Employment News/Rozgar Sarnachar and leading Newspapers of the Country on
24th May 2014 vide Commission's Advertisement No.9, Item No. 05, Vacancy No, 14050905524
has been withdrawn by the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture. Therefore,
the Commission has decided to close the process of recruitment to the above said posts:
(Ref. No. F .I/357(119)/2013-R.I) It is notified for lnformation of all concerned that the process of.
recruitment of 02 unreserved posts of Senior Lecturer (Community-Medicine), in the Govt. Medical
College & Hospital, Chandigarh, Department of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh
Administration, published in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar and leading Newspapers of
the Country on 23rd November, 2013 vide. Commissions Advt. No. 18, Item No. 24 Vacancy No.
13111824123 has been withdrawn by the Chandigarh Administration therefore the Commission has
decided to close the process of recruitment to the above said posts.
davp 55102/14/0011/1415
became an admirer of
Milovan Djilas immedi-
ately after reading his The
New Class, a year after its
first publication in the
West in 1957. By then the
dichotomy between communist
promises and the claims, and
performances of communist
regimes on the ground, had
become known. The East Berlin
bread riots of 1953 had con-
firmed the essentially colonial
nature of Soviet domination
over East Europe. Ni kita
Khrushchevs speech at the 20th
Congress of the Communist
Party of the Soviet Union in
February 1956 had confirmed
chilling accounts of Stalins
purges and the tyrannical system
over which he presided. The
God That Failed, an anthology of
essays by Louis Fischer, Andre
Gide, Arthur Koestler, Ignazio
Silone, Stephen Spender and
Richard Wright, and edited by
Richard Crossman of Britains
Labour Party, explaining their
break with communism, had
sent shockwaves round the world
after its first publication in 1949.
What had struck me about
The New Class, was the sincerity,
passion and clarity with which
Djilas had analysed the emer-
gence of party and governmental
officials in communist regimes as
a new, exploiting category using
official positions to amass wealth
and privileges that set them apart
from the rest of their countrymen
wallowing in poverty and with-
out democratic rights. This devel-
opment, I learnt later, had been
foreseen as early as the late 19th
century by Georgi Plekhanov,
an early mentor with whom
Lenin had broken subsequently.
In his Socialism and Political
Struggle (1883), he had argued
that any attempt to establish
socialism in Russia without
modern industry and a concen-
trated, enlightened and organ-
ised industrial proletariat, would
discredit the very idea of social-
ism and create a new socialist
caste he did not use the word
class like the one the ruling
Incas of Peru constituted. These
Peruvian sons of the sun, would
act as guardians, bureaucratic
socialisers, administrators, trib-
ute takers, absolute rulers over
the people, who would have to
obey the centralised supreme
command and its bureaucratic
functionaries. Far from being
educated for socialism, they
would be reduced to total sub-
servience to a state more power-
ful that even that of the Tsars,
and would lose their capacity for
further progress toward freedom,
democracy and socialism.
I had not read Plekhanov
then and known nothing about
his warning which proved
prophetic. But even my later
acquaintance with his work did
not diminish my admiration for
Djilas whose rare commitment to
principles made him speak his
mind despite knowing full well
that this would not only mean the
loss of his position of being only
next to Titos in the Yugoslav
Communist Party, but imprison-
ment. No stranger to torture and
prisons under the royal Yugoslav
Government, he was by all means
an extraordinary individual.
I had, therefore, leapt to buy
a copy of Djilass Conversations
with Stalin, which I saw in a
Kolkata bookshop recently. There
he describes graphically the new
class prospering in the Soviet
Union in the midst of the blood-
letting and devastation of World
War II. For example, Djilas
writes, As children of the Party
and the revolution, who acquired
faith in themselves and the faith
of the people through ascetic
purity, we could not help being
shocked at the drinking party
that was held for us on the eve of
our departure from the front, in
Marshal Konevs headquarters, in
some village in Bessarabia,
adding, Girls who were too
pretty and too extravagantly
made up to be waitresses brought
in huge quantities of the choic-
est victuals caviar, smoked
salmon and trout, fresh cucum-
bers and pickled young egg-
plant, boiled smoked hams, cold
roast pigs, hot meat pies and
piquant cheeses, borsch, sizzling
steaks and cakes a foot thick and
platters of tropical fruit under
which the tables buckled.
Simultaneously, the personal-
ity cult around Stalin was clear-
ly manifest. Referring to it, Djilas
writes that the deification of
Stalin, or the cult of personality,
as it is now called, was at least as
much the work of Stalins circle
and the bureaucracy, which
required such a leader, as it was
his own doing. The relationship,
however, changed. Turned into
a deity, Stalin became so power-
ful that in time he ceased to pay
attention to the changing needs
and desires of those who had
exalted him. It was worse. His
country was in ruins, hungry,
exhausted. But his Armies and
marshals, heavy with fat and
medals and drunk with Vodka
and victory, had already trampled
half of Europe under foot, and he
was convinced that he would
trample over the other half in the
next round. He knew he was one
of the cruellest, most despotic
personalities in human history.
But this did not worry him one
bit, for he was convinced that he
was executing the judgement of
history. His conscience was trou-
bled by nothing, despite the mil-
lions who had been destroyed in
his name and by his order, despite
thousands of his closest collabo-
rators whom he had murdered as
traitors because they doubted
that he was leading the country
and the people into happiness,
equality and liberty.
External domination was an
extension of the internal. A man
who has subjected all activities in
his own country to his views and
to his personality, Stalin could not
behave differently outside. Having
identified domestic progress and
freedom with the interests and
privileges of one party, he could
not act in foreign affairs other
than as a hegemonist.
Noting that every crime was
possible for Stalin, for there was
not one he had not committed,
Djilas asks how such a dark,
cunning and cruel individual
could ever have led one of the
greatest and most powerful
states? Stalin, he explains, had
the advantage of dealing with an
exhausted and desperate Russian
post-revolutionary society, but
it is also true that certain stra-
ta of the same society, to be more
exact, the ruling political bureau-
cracy of the Party, found use for
just such a man
The basic cause, of course, was
the utterly secretive and authoritar-
ian character of the CPSU organ-
ised on the Lenins principle of
democratic centralism. It facilitat-
ed dictatorship. Referring to it, Vera
Zasulich once said that Louis XIVs
idea of the state [The State? Thats
me] was Lenins idea of the party.
In a pamphlet entitled Our Political
Tasks, Trotsky predicted a situation
in which the party is replaced by
the organisation of the party, the
organisation by the central commit-
tee, and finally the central commit-
tee by the dictator. These words
too proved prophetic
Photo courtesy:
S Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel's primary goal during his three-day India
trip has been to get better acquainted with the Modi regime and help the
Obama Administration understand the contours and nuances of the new
Government in Delhi. Generally speaking, the BJP-led NDA Government marks
a clear break from the past decade of Congress-led UPA rule; however, in the
case of foreign policy, which has traditionally been characterised by continuance
and bipartisan support, it is unclear how exactly the Modi Government will chart
its course. To further complicate matters, the India-US relationship, described
not so long ago as the defining partnership of the 21st century, has lost much
of its natural spirit. Upon the large bureaucracies in Delhi and DC, highfalutin
phrases like shared democratic values and goals' now hang heavy, even as old
suspicions and misgivings from an era gone by, occasionally crawl back. A strong
political push from both ends is needed to revive the bilateral, and the Modi-
Obama meeting, scheduled for September, is a great first step towards that end.
Hence, the long line of top American officials who have travelled to India in recent
months, hoping to get the dynamics
of the India-US relations just right.
Mr Hagel's trip builds on the visit
of his colleague from the State
Department, Mr John Kerry, who was
in Delhi only last week, accompanied
by Secretary of Commerce Penny
Pritzker. His discussions with the
country's top political and military
leadership are being watched especial-
ly closely because defence trade and
cooperation are really the only bright
spots in the India-US bilateral at the
moment. The US is hungrily eyeing
the vast Indian defence market, which
is poised to open up to greater for-
eign investment after the Union
Cabinet raised the ceiling for foreign
holding in defence firms from 26 per
cent to 49 per cent. India is one of the
world's top arms buyers, and even though Russia gets the lion's share of busi-
ness from this country, others like Israel and France have been moving in fast.
America too has several big ticket deals in the pipeline negotiations for the
purchase of 15 Chinook heavylift and 22 Apache helicopters, worth $2.5 billion,
have progressed significantly, although discussions on the procurement of the
145 M-777 ultra-light howitzers do not seem to be promising. These are some
of the specific projects that Secretary Hagel has been discussing, apart from the
Javelin infra-red-guided anti-tank missiles which India and the US hope to co-
produce and co-develop. If the latter works out, it will be a huge plus for India
which has sought to avoid off-the-shelf purchases, preferring technology trans-
fers and domestic production, so as to boost the indigenous defence produc-
tion industry. Also, on the agenda is the renewal of the 10-year India-US defence
framework agreement which has enhanced importance given the deteriorating
security situation both to India's east and west.
he fact that the Congress is agitated over the Union Government's decision
to sack Mizoram Governor Kamla Beniwal, gives its political game away and
mitigates the accusation that the Narendra Modi regime had acted out of
vendetta. Ms Beniwal had been no ordinary appointee. As Governor of Gujarat,
she had, much to the delight of the Congress (some would say at its behest),
made life difficult for the State's then Chief Minister and now Prime Minister Modi.
She routinely clashed with the regime on a variety of issues. Ms Beniwal had
acted less as a President's appointee and more as a Congress agent. Yet, she
was not dismissed after Mr Modi became the Prime Minister. She was, as were
some other Governors, transferred to another State. The Congress did not raise
a hue and cry when the other transfers happened, nor did it say anything when
one particular Governor was eased out. That the party should have taken up Ms
Beniwal's case with gusto, even in the face of compelling evidence about some
of her acts of impropriety, to say the least, demonstrates that it still considers
her to be of some value to needle the Prime Minister. Unfortunately for the
Congress, the case against Ms Beniwal appears strong. This should be evident
by the fact that the President signed the order to dismiss her after a careful scruti-
ny of the charges that stood against
her and opinion from the Attorney
General of India. The Congress has
been demanding that the Government
should officially reveal the reasons for
its recommendation to the President
on the matter. But the Government is
not bound to do so. Indeed, even the
President need not explain his deci-
sion. The Supreme Court ruling of May
2010, which the Congress has been
touting to buttress its stand that
Governors cannot be changed mere-
ly because a new Government
assumes power, stated that the
President need not assign reasons.
While the court also said that the
power under Article 156(1) of the
Constitution cannot be exercised in
an arbitrary, capricious or unreason-
able manner, it made clear that the President can dismiss a Governor if there
are valid and compelling reasons. The NDA Government sought Ms Beniwal's
sacking on valid and compelling reasons. It pointed to the President that her
actions (or inactions) as Gujarat Governor had cost the State exchequer a loss
of more than `1,200 crore, and that she figured in a case of unethical involve-
ment in the functioning of a cooperative society in Jaipur. These are serious
charges in themselves; they are more so if the high constitutional post of a
Governor is involved. The President must have been convinced about the grav-
ity of the accusations, which is why he signed the dismissal order.
If Ms Beniwal or her sympathisers in the Congress or outside are aggriev-
ed over the sacking, they have the right to approach the courts for redressal.
They can try to prove what they allege as mala fide intent of the Modi Government.
It makes no sense for them to keep parroting that she was ousted because of
her earlier confrontations with Mr Modi. This may for them be akin to putting
two and two together', but a Government's recommendation and a President's
order should be challenged on legal merit, not political perception alone.
Matter of impropriety
Kamla Beniwals ouster goes beyond politics
opinion 08 LUCKNOW | SATURDAY | AUGUST 9, 2014
Stalin syndrome has
gripped communism
Milovan Djilas has analysed with sincerity, passion and clarity the emergence of party and governmental
officials in communist regimes as a new category using official positions to amass wealth and privileges
Refreshing India-US ties
Hagels visit to enhance bilateral defence trade
Such hypocrisy!
Sir It is natural that the dis-
missal of Mizoram Governor
Kamla Beniwal has drawn flak
from opposition parties, more so
from the Congress, since she
was the partys appointee. When
Ms Beniwal was Gujarat
Governor, she did not have
smooth sailing with then Chief
Minister Narendra Modi.
The Congress and its alliance
partners have accused the NDA
Government of political vendet-
ta. When the Congress came to
power in 2004, it had dismissed
Governors. Article 156 of the
Constitution does not lay down
grounds upon which a Governor
can be removed by the President.
The Supreme Court has made it
clear that a President can sack a
Governor in case of bribery, cor-
ruption, treason and the like or
conduct unbecoming of
Constitution. The said four
Governors were not guilty of
any of the above.
The lame excuse given by the
then Congress Government for
dismissing these Governors was
that they had long-time associa-
tions with the Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh. The RSS is
not a banned organisation. It is
ridiculous for the Congress and
its partners to now say that the
NDA Government led by Mr
Narendra Modi has dismissed Ms
Beniwal because of political
vendetta against her.
KV Seetharamaiah
Harsh punishment
Sir The timing of the Juvenile
Justice (Care and Protection of
Children) Bill, 2014, is perfect on
a day when the country, through
various television channels, has
witnessed a gruesome murder of a
youngmanallegedlybysome juve-
niles a few day ago. As the footage
aired on the channels showed, the
attackers had come pre-planned,
gone through the crime in a clini-
cal manner, andescaped. There was
no trace of repent or remorse.
In such cases and those like
Nirbhaya, one can hardly find a
child in the accused monsters,
who have grown much beyond
their age in heinous criminal acts.
There should not be any special
treatment in handling such mis-
creants. We should be driven by
only one consideration: If anyone
is mature enough to commit a
grave crime, he/she is mature
enough to face harsh punishment.
S Prabhakar
Existential crisis
Sir This refers to the editori-
al, New battleground, Delhi
(August 7). While it is true that
the Aam Aadmi Party has been
clamouring for Assembly election
in Delhi, its not for the sake of the
people. The demand stems more
from the partys desire to remain
relevant. The morale of the AAP
is down after it failed miserably
in the Lok Sabha election.
Manu Taneja
Right choice
Sir This refers to the editorial,
Newbattleground, Delhi (August
7). Mr Arvind Kejriwal succeeded
due to his refreshing approach and
a new ethos of public engagement.
The fortuitous sabbatical (from
power) will have given him the
requisite political insight andmatu-
rity. Delhi has little tolose by bring-
ing the AAP back to power, but
much to gain as it would set in
motion a pilot project on conduct-
ing politics differently.
R Narayanan
p a p e r w i t h p a s s i o n
By their continued
absence, they (Sachin
Tendulkar and Rekha)
have insulted Parliament.
Such people should have
never been nominated.
NCP leader
DP Tripathi
Characters in Singham
Returns are the same as in
Singham, and rest is different.
The new film is more realistic,
has more real-like actions.
Bollywood actor
Ajay Devgn
The world is confronted by
many challenges. While
America has never been
able to right every wrong, it
has made the world a
more secure place.
US President
Barack Obama
Obstinate Congress learns
no lesson from defeat
he conduct of the Congress after its defeat in the Lok Sabha election
is clear from Union Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's remark that the
Government felt let down by the Congress stonewalling its own propos-
al to hike FDI in insurance sector to 49 per cent from the current 26 per
cent. She further said, Of course, there are whispers that it could be
because they do not want to give credit to Modi before he goes to US. I
have reasons to suspect that it is true.
Therefore, a defeated Congress of today is the same Congress of a
few months back during the pre-election period. Decimation of its strength
to the present level has not taught any fruitful lesson to its leaders. The
coming State Assembly elections are likely to do more harm to the party.
The Congress should try to work as a good Opposition and win back the
hearts of the people.
Gulab Shanker Singh
Send your feedback to:
s the three-day humani-
tarian ceasefire brokered
by Egypt commenced
on August 5 and the indirect
talks between the Palestinian
groups and Israel commenced
in Cairo, there was a sense of
cautious optimism in the
embattled, bruised and bat-
tered Gaza strip. Coupled along
with it was growing apprehen-
sion that this ceasefire would
also fail like the earlier attempts.
Hamas rockets had stopped
firing across Gaza into Israel
and Israel too withdrew its
ground troops to a line along
the Gaza border. While the
guns were silent, at least for the
time being, the question being
asked was whether this tempo-
rary truce could hold and can
it actually signal an end to this
war. Too often conflicts in Gaza
have ended in truce, but all have
unfortunately provedtemporary
with resumption of hostilities
shortly thereafter. True to pre-
vious experiences, the hopes of
an extended ceasefire or a per-
manent truce were shattered as
Hamas commenced firing of
rockets on Friday, August 08,
rejecting any extension of the
truce, saying that Israel had
failed to meet its demands
while Israel pulled out of the
negotiations with Hamas and
Palestinian factions, stressing
they will not negotiate under
fire. As the two parties re-
engage in a bloody battle again,
the cost of the conflict is to be
borne unfortunately by civilians
in Gaza.
The present conflict takes
its immediate roots in the kid-
napping and killing of the three
Israeli teenagers on June 12,
2014. Israel blamed the Hamas,
which denied any role in it.
Israel launched Operation
Brothers Keeper and rounded
up a large number of Hamas
leaders and cadre besides tar-
geting Hamas military targets.
The bodies of the three
teenagers were finally found on
June 30 in a village near the
West Bank. Infuriated, some
Israeli citizens caught and killed
a Palestinian teenager on July 2.
Israel, on its part, intensified its
crackdown on the Hamas lead-
ership and conducted strikes
over the Hamas targets. By
July 7, there were reports of
increase in rocket attacks from
Gaza into Israel too. Israel for-
mally launched an offensive in
Gaza on July 8, code-named
Operation Protective Edge,
commencing with air strikes
and artillery shelling. On the
night of July 17, Israel moved
the offensive into a higher gear
by moving in troops into Gaza
and launching a ground
While the immediate cause
has been stated above, the pri-
mary causes of the conflict
could, however, be debated.
One of the primary reasons
could also be the failed peace
talks, which ended abruptly in
April this year when Israel
broke off from the talks once
Hamas and Fatah announced
the formation of a unity gov-
ernment. The unity govern-
ment, which finally came about
on June 2, was viewed as a
potential threat in Israel as it
not only strengthened the
intra-Palestinian unity but also
led to increased calls for a sep-
arate Palestinian state. The
prevailing regional security sit-
uation too may have been one
of the reasons prompting Israel
to take this step. Syria has been
battling rebels for past three
years and is in a state of civil
war; Iraq has imploded under
the weight of assault from the
ISIS; and Lebanon too is in a
state security chaos as it battles
jehadis on its border with Syria
as also threat from ISIS inside
its territory. President Al Sisi in
power in Egypt was a welcome
step for Israel as the former
Muslim Brotherhood
Government was sympathetic
to Hamas. In turn, Hamas had
been weakened considerably
due to the removal of support
from Egypt after the ouster of
President Morsi in July last
year; and there was strain in
ties with Iran over the Syrian
conflict. In such a situation,
Israel found itself in a geo-
political sweet spot where it
thought it could eliminate the
threat from Hamas in Gaza
once and for all.
The initial international
reactions were mixed. While
the US, the UK and the EU ini-
tially stood by Israel in its
right to defend itself against
rocket attacks, Turkey, Iran
and Qatar were some nations
in the region, which stood
solidly behind Hamas. Irans
Supreme Leader in his Eid
address called for destruction of
Israel as the only way forward.
Egypt under a new regime,
while blaming Hamas for the
rocket attacks did not even
name Israel for causing civilian
casualties in Gaza. However,
the most surprising response
(or lack of it) was from major-
ity of the Arab nations. There
was a deafening silence on the
issue for almost three weeks
until, presumably under pres-
sure at home especially from
prominent clerics, King of
Saudi Arabia issued a statement
calling the conflict in Gaza as
a war crime condemning the
international community over
its silence. He, however, did not
mention Israel in his state-
The UN was critical of the
large number of civilian casu-
alties and targeting of UN facil-
ities in Gaza by Israel. It, how-
ever, proved incapable of taking
any viable steps to stop the con-
flict. India on its part continues
to maintain a delicate balancing
act between Palestine and Israel,
clearly reflected in the MEA
statement on July 10 stating
India is deeply concerned at
the steep escalation of violence
between Israel and Palestine,
particularly, heavy air strikes in
Gaza, resulting in tragic loss of
civilian lives and heavy damage
to property. At the same time,
India is alarmed at the cross-
border provocations resulting
from rocket attacks against tar-
gets in parts of Israel. India calls
upon both sides to exercise
maximum restraint and avoid
taking actions that may further
exacerbate the situation, and
threaten the peace and securi-
ty of the region.
The conflict has so far
resulted in over 1,900
Palestinian deaths, including
over 400 children, destruction
of over 5,000 homes, 30 schools
and damage to three UN
school-cum-refugee camps.
Over half of population in the
tiny Gaza Strip has been dis-
placed. On the other hand,
Israel has lost 64 soldiers and
three civilians till now. Israel has
claimed to have destroyed 32
underground tunnels, the pri-
mary objective of its military
campaign. There has been
widespread international con-
demnation of the conflict. Mass
protests took place in New
York, London and Paris besides
other cities in the West. Some
of the Latin American countries
recalled their envoys from Israel
in protest. One of the ministers
in UK Government Baroness
Warsi resigned calling the
stance of her country as inde-
fensible. Even the US, the UK,
France and other nations,
which had initially supported
Israels right to defence against
rocket attacks, have condemned
Israel over the disproportionate
killings of civilians and target-
ing of UN facilities. The most
significant reactions are how-
ever the ones from inside Israel
where the social media, promi-
nent Rabbis, Jews, and even
some film stars and musicians
who generally stay away from
politics have questioned
Israels justification behind the
disproportionate killing of
As the two parties re-
engage, it is clear that the bat-
tle is far from over. Hamas,
which is seeking permanent
peace guarantees from Israel,
has called for lifting of block-
ade, opening of crossing points
and release of some prisoners.
Israel on its part is seeking
complete de-militarisation of
Gaza. Both are unlikely to
cede fully to each others
demands. Hamas and the
Palestinians have clearly indi-
cated that they have the right
to resistance till the time
blockade is in force while Israel
does not trust Hamas enough
to let go of the blockade. Prime
Minister Netanyahu had issued
a veiled warning already on
August 6 saying that it would
be a moral mistake not to hit
back at terrorist strongholds in
mosques and schools while
the Israeli military chief had
stated that the military action
could be restarted if needed. In
such a situation, any chances of
a lasting truce look distant.
The conflict on the other
hand could take an ugly turn
resulting in more civilian casu-
alties now that both parties to
the conflict can claim that
they gave peace a chance. Only
strong international interven-
tion or a surge in public opin-
ion in Israel against its military
option can change the tide
quickly. Till then, this conflict
could continue as an unend-
ing war.
(Colonel Rajeev Agarwal
is Research Fellow, Institute for
Defence Studies and Analyses,
New Delhi)
Only strong international intervention or a surge in public opinion in Israel against
its military option can change the tide quickly. Till then, this conflict will continue
Gaza conflict: No logic in Final Solution
eldom has the United States
found itself caught in such
a cleft stick on the Israel-
Palestine front as by its
responses to the raging conflict
of the past one month.
Successive administrations in
Washington, whether
Republican or Democratic,
have reaffirmed the special
relations with Israel by backing
it to the hilt in about every cri-
sis situation over the decades.
But the heavy-handed retalia-
tion by the Benjamin
Netanyahu Government in
Gaza following Hamas
provocative actions has result-
ed in the death of more than
1,800 Palestinians as opposed
to 67 Israelis. If the dispropor-
tionate offensive and casualty
figures have put Israel in the
dock, the United States, too,
finds itself in a tight spot in the
court of international public
opinion with its undiminished
support for Israel.
At the UN Human Rights
Council in Geneva a fortnight
ago, the United States was the
only country to vote against a
resolution condemning Israel
and instituting a commission of
enquiry to investigate all vio-
lations of international human-
itarian law and international
human rights law in the
Occupied Palestinian
Territory. Twenty-nine
nations, including India, oth-
erwise a friend of Israel, voted
in favour of the resolution,
while 17 countries, including
Britain, France, Germany and
Japan, abstained. Public opin-
ion within America has been
divided on the issue. According
to a recent Gallup poll, 42 per
cent of Americans believe that
the Israeli action in Gaza is jus-
tified, while 38 per cent think
otherwise. Israel derives much
of its American support from
the Republicans, rather than
the Democrats.
The massive death toll on
the Palestinian side (an esti-
mated 20 per cent of them chil-
dren) and the scale of destruc-
tion of property have in recent
days prompted the Obama
administration to attempt a
course correction. Following
last Sundays Israeli shelling
outside a UN relief site in
Gaza that killed 10 more
Palestinian civilians and
injured many more, the United
States for the first time
denounced the Israeli offensive
and did so with surprisingly
strong language, saying it was
appalled by the disgraceful
attack. Asking Israel to do
more to meet its own standards
and avoid civilian casualties, it
stated bluntly: The suspicion
that militants are operating
nearby does not justify strikes
that put at risk the lives of so
many innocent civilians.
But barely 24 hours later,
Washington appeared to beat a
hasty retreat with President
Barack Obama signing a Bill
that was overwhelmingly
approved by the Republican-
control led House of
Representatives (395 to 8) to
give Israel $225 million to
restock its Iron Dome missile
defence system to counter
short-range rocket threats. One
of the largest recipients of
American aid, Israel gets $3.1
billion annually, mostly in mil-
itary aid. And support for the
Iron Dome, projected as con-
crete US assistance to enable
Israel protect its citizens,
remains strong and bipartisan.
As Republican Senator John
McCain puts it, Israeli civilians
are alive today because of Iron
Dome, and American taxpay-
ers can be extremely proud of
the contribution we have made
to this life-saving programme.
Articulating the American
position on the current crisis,
Mr Obama told a news con-
ference this week: I have con-
sistently supported Israels right
to defend itself, and that
includes doing what it needs to
do to prevent rockets from
landing on population centres
and, more recently, as we
learned, preventing tunnels
from being dug under their ter-
ritory that can be used to
launch terrorist attacks.Now,
having said all that, Ive also
expressed my distress at whats
happened to innocent
(Palestinian) civilians, includ-
ing women and children, dur-
ing the course of this process.
But he steered clear of the
thrust of a question on whether
he agreed with Mr Netanyahus
contention that Israels Gaza
operations have been justified
and proportionate.
For all its close bond and
public solidarity with Israel, the
Obama administration has in
private been miffed with the
Netanyahu Government. The
New York Times recently chron-
icled a history of Obama-
Netanyahu tensions. Noted
political commentator David
Gergen has dubbed it the worst
relationship between a US
President and an Israeli leader
since the days of Eisenhower. A
CNN account recalled how an
open microphone in 2011
caught then French President
Nicolas Sarkozy calling
Netanyahu a liar, with Obama
commenting: Youre tired of
him; what about me? I have to
deal with him every day.
At the height of the current
hostilities in Gaza, Mr Obamas
Secretary of State John Kerry
incurred the formidable Israeli
premiers ire with his peace-
making efforts. Mr Netanyahu
felt that Mr Kerrys ceasefire
proposal tended to favour
Hamas and its continuity. He
reportedly asked Mr Kerry and
US Ambassador to Israel Dan
Shapiro not to ever second-
guess me again on how to deal
with Hamas, which he calls a
terrorist outfit committed to
the destruction of Israel. Mr
Netanyahu eventually agreed to
an abortive 72-hour ceasefire
amid mounting criticism over
the Israeli shelling near the UN
facility that prompted
Secretary-General Ban Ki-
moon to term it a moral out-
rage and a criminal act.
The periodic rift over Mr
Netanyahus approach notwith-
standing, the United States
continues to be a steadfast
supporter of Israel and its right
to defend itself. In a world of
bitter enmities, the Israeli-
American dispute is more akin
to a family quarrel, comments
The New York Times. The
White House, too, has sought
to play down the differences,
with Press Secretary Josh
Earnest asserting: The nature
of our relationship is strong and
unchanged. And Mr
Netanyahu for his part has
sought to apply balm, lauding
President Obamas unequivo-
cal stand with Israel on our
right to defend ourselves and
Mr Kerry for his untiring
efforts. This bonhomie has
not gone down well with
Americas much smaller pro-
Palestinian segment that staged
demonstrations outside the
White House to demand the
stoppage of US aid to Israel and
Israeli vacation of its occupa-
tion of Palestine.
(The writer is Washington
Correspondent, The Pioneer)
3rdeye 09
fter a month of constant aerial
bombing since the Israelis began
their air offensive Operation
Protective Edge and three weeks of
artillery shelling after they invaded
Gaza, the residents of Gaza had a short
respite to have limited experience of lead-
ing a normal life during a period of
three days ceasefire which ended on
Friday at 8 am local time. This was the
longest ceasefire in more than a month
after Israel began its air operation
between Israel and Hamas, quite unlike
the earlier ceasefire efforts which failed to hold even for a few
hours with one ceasefire breaking even before it began. There
were hopes that the talks held in Cairo night result in a more
sustained truce after Israel announced that it was ready to extend
the ceasefire indefinitely. Hamas leaders had earlier indicated
their opposition to any extension of ceasefire in the absence of
an Israeli commitment to agree to a number of Hamas pre-
conditions, including lifting of all blockades of Gaza. Israel had
its own conditions for a ceasefire agreement, including disar-
mament of Hamas military, although in its case these were not
preconditions for the extension of the ceasefire truce.
Now that the ceasefire period is over and hostilities have
begun, unless a miracle happens and another ceasefire truce is
arranged, the residents of Gaza will have to again undergo the
ordeal of surviving air operations with consequent loss of life
and damage to properties.
According to conservative estimates, more than 1,800
Palestinians had lost their lives during the Israeli air attack and
artillery shelling, many of them women and children (almost
all counts of casualties so far put their proportion at nearly a
third of total casualties). In addition, thousands of structures
were either destroyed or severely damaged. There were 67 Israeli
casualties, almost all of them being Israeli military personnel.
Renewed air attacks and artillery shelling will only increase the
suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza without any major loss of
human lives in Israel. While Israelis may face some disruption
in their normal life, they will not experience any major dam-
age to their property or any substantial loss of lives, especially
civilian ones, with the almost ineffectual rocket attack by Hamas.
While there will be no doubt universal sympathy for the
Palestinians with protests against Israel of alleged criminal
acts by them it will have little impact on Israeli military attacks.
With the West united in its support for Israels right to
respond militarily to Hamas rocket attacks, disarray in the Arab
and Muslim world, the obduracy of Hamas and their almost total
failure to inflict any damage or pain to Israelis, the lot of the
Palestinians in Gaza is not an enviable one.
Where do we go from here?
First efforts must be made through strongest possible means
to extend the ceasefire pending an Israel-Hamas ceasefire agree-
ment. If it is along the lines of November 2012 agreement, it
would only be a temporary palliative with certain future con-
flicts of the type just witnessed. That agreement required that
All Palestinian factions shall stop all hostilities from the Gaza
Strip against Israel, including rocket attacks and all attacks along
the border. And opening the crossings and facilitating the move-
ments of people and transfer of goods, and refraining from
restricting residents free movements and targeting residents in
border areas and procedures of implementation shall be dealt
with after 24 hours from the start of the ceasefire.
Neither of these two was resolved at any of the subsequent
meetings and these are still precisely the requirements that are
being currently demanded by both sides. Unless these are resolved
in a meaningful manner, there will be similar hostilities in the
near future.
However, the presence of a large number of well-built con-
crete tunnels in Gaza has made the various openings between
Gaza and its neighbours more difficult now. It is very unlikely
that after its efforts to destroy a large number of these tunnels,
Israel would consent to any free flow of construction material
to Gaza without some sort of international assurance/guaran-
tee that these materials will not once again be diverted to the
construction of tunnels from Gaza into Israel. It is difficult to
see how arrangements to give such an assurance can be put in
place. Hence, even a truce of the November 2012 type may not
suffice now.
While Hamas has suffered substantial losses, both in respect
of men and material, which will blunt its force for some time,
it will no doubt redouble its efforts to replenish its war
material. Meanwhile it has won some sort of victory in the
international political field with vast majority of the world
sympathising with the Palestinians and condemning Israel with
accusations of war crimes. It will be difficult to prove these
charges, especially when the Palestinians are reluctant to accept
ICC jurisdiction.
As an ICC Press release stated on August 5, 2014 after the
visit of H.E. Riad al-Malki, the Foreign Minister of Palestine,
to the ICC headquarters, Palestine is not a State Party to the
Rome Statute; neither has the Court received any official doc-
ument from Palestine indicating acceptance of ICC jurisdiction
or requesting the Prosecutor to open an investigation into any
alleged crimes following the adoption of the United Nations
General Assembly Resolution (67/19) on 29 November 2012,
which accorded non-member observer State status to Palestine.
Therefore, the ICC has no jurisdiction over alleged crimes com-
mitted on the territory of Palestine.
What can India do?
Very little. Its sympathies with the Palestinians are well
known. It has very little influence on this matter with either the
Israelis or the Palestinians. It can attempt to influence the
international efforts at brokering a ceasefire through whatever
influence it may have on the other major international actors
on the stage.
(Dr G Balachandran, formerly a consultant to the Americas
Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, is a Consulting Fellow
at IDSA)
US caught in a cleft stick over Israeli offensive
Hamas tunnel vision
wont help Palestine
Barely 24 hours after denouncing attack on civilians, Washington beat a hasty retreat with Obama signing a Bill to
give Israel $225 million to restock its Iron Dome missile defence system to counter short-range rocket threats
Palestinian protesters hurl stones towards Israeli soldiers during a demonstration against the Israeli military action in Gaza, at the Beit Fourik checkpoint near the West
Bank of Nablus on Friday AP
Demonstrators rally to end violence in Gaza near the White House in Washington AP
It is unlikely that after its efforts to destroy a
large number of tunnels, Israel will consent to
any free flow of construction material to Gaza
without international guarantees.
Saturday Special focusses on the resumption
of Gaza conflict and looks for its solution
(Main) and the role of the US (OtherVoice)
LUCKNOW | SATURDAY | AUGUST 9, 2014 nation 10
n Fri day PDP chi ef
Mehbooba Mufti gar-
landed Vikramaditya, the
elder son of Karan Singh and
welcomed him into the party
fold and claimed to have
come another step closer to
t he hearts of peopl e i n
Jammu region.
The entry of Maharaja
Hari Singhs grandson into
PDP has already created a
buzz in the political circles as
the PDP is aiming to improve
its seat tally in the Jammu
regi on i n t he comi ng
Assembly polls scheduled for
November 2014.
Before taking the plunge,
Vikramaditya is learnt to have
sought blessings of his father
and veteran Congress leader
Karan Singh. Vikramadityas
younger brother is currently
a National Conference MLC
in the State Legislature.
The PDP top brass is
making lot of efforts to rope
in credible leaders in to the
party fold to brighten its
chances and fill the void cre-
ated by the poor performance
of the Omar Abdullah-led
al l i ance Government i n
the State.
The highlight of the join-
ing ceremony was presence of
PDP workers donning tradi-
tional Dogra turbans in saf-
fron and Gulabi shades.
Even posters of PDP
patron Mufti Mohammad
Sayeed wearing saffron Dogra
pagdi, holding a sword greet-
ed party workers at the venue.
Responding to the polit-
ical development, a seasoned
political commentator said,
The pi cture of Muf t i
Mohammad Sayeed clad in
Dogra pagdi gives me a feel-
ing that in his second innings
former Chief Minister is plan-
ning to implement his heal-
ing touch policy by holding a
sword in his hand to cut his
political adversaries to size.
Previously, routine func-
tions of the PDP in Jammu
region saw prominent leaders
of the Gujjar community
occupying front row seats
donning white coloured tra-
ditional headgear pagdis.
None of the leaders present in
the ceremony were seen wear-
ing traditional turbans.
Addressing the function
to welcome Vikramaditya in
the party, Mufti Mohd Sayeed
said he was extremely delight-
ed with this joining.
It is not a routine joining
function. Todays develop-
ment is going to change polit-
ical discourse of the State
because this event would be a
turning point in cementing
relations between Jammu and
Kashmir regions, Mufti asked
Vikramaditya to play an
important to change history
of J&K.
he Madras High Court on
Friday granted a perma-
nent injunction in favour of
senior BJP leader Subramanian
Swamy in the defamation case
filed against him by one of the
directors of Advantage Strategic
Consultants Private Ltd in a
Singapore court.
The ruling by Justice RS
Ramanathan means that no
courts outside the jurisdiction
of India could take up the
defamation case against Swamy
till a decision is taken on the
petition filed by him in the
Madras High Court against the
move by the ASC Ltd in which
Karti, son of former Finance
Minister P Chidambaram has
major stakes.
During his expose on
Aircel-Maxis scam in April
2012, Swamy had alleged that
the Karti controlled Advantage
Strategic Consulting Private
Ltd was running an illegal
branch in Singapore. In a `10
crore transaction, the Indian
company has declared the
Singapore unit as its wholly
owned subsidiary. However,
the details about it were not
furnished in the documents of
Registrar of Companies, a
mandatory requirement.
Though Karti linked
Indian company declared of fil-
ing a defamation suit against
Swamy, the company filed
defamation against him in
Singapore a Court and thus
summons were issued.
Swamy approached the
Supreme Court accusing
Chidambaram and son for filing
defamation case in Singapore
through their benami firms.
According to him, filing cases in
international forums was a dubi-
ous move by the father-son duo
in retaliation for exposing them
in Aircel-Maxis and 2G scam.
The Apex court did not consid-
er Swamys petition for filing
contempt case on this issue.
Following this, Swamy
approached the Madras High
Court seeking the Chennai
based firm to desist from opt-
ing filing cases in internation-
al forums.
Karan Singhs son joins PDP
Yuvraj Vikramaditya Singh shakes hands with Peoples Democratic Party patron and former J&K Chief Minister Mufti Mohd Sayeed after joining the party in the presence
of President of PDP Mehbooba Mufti in Jammu on Friday PTI
elangana Telugu Desam
Party l eaders have
launched a scathing attack on
Chi ef Mi ni ster K
Chandrashekar Rao describ-
ing him Nizam and Tuglaq.
Three senior leaders of
TDP found fault with KCR on
various issues ranging from
Independence Day celebra-
tions at Golkonda Fort to the
power crisis in the State.
M Narasimhulu said, I
see the Nizam in KCR. His
decision to have Independence
Day celebrations at Golkonda
Fort smacks of his feudal mind-
set, he said.
The Telangana Government
should start celebrating
Hyderabad Liberation Day on
September 17 officially. There
should not be any delay in the
auspicious action, he said.
He was echoing the similar
demand by the State BJP pres-
ident G Kishan Reddy.
Another senior TDP leader
E Dayakar Rao alleged that KCR
was behaving like Tuglaq in his
decisions. He wonderedhowthe
State Government could com-
plete the household survey in
entire Telangana State on a sin-
gle day. Let the Government
extend the period to one week
for completing survey.
He said that KCR has been
talking of paradise but is giv-
ing hell to the people. He
promised 8 hours of free elec-
tricity to the farmers. But now
when they were demanding the
same, they are being lathi
charged, he said referring to
the recent incident in Medak
district when farmers agitation
turned violent forcing the
police to lathi charge.
Thi rd l eader and
Telangana TDP president L
Ramanna charged KCR with
deviating from TRS election
manifesto. KCR who had
said that his partys manifesto
was like Quran, Geeta and
Bible has now forgoten the
promises he made.
Referring to KCRs state-
ment that it will take another
month for the Government to
start functioning fully,
Ramanna said, Is the
Government his personal prop-
erty to work like this. As a
Chief Minister he should work
every minute for the people.
Swamy granted permanent injunction
TDP leaders attack KCR,
dub him as Nizam, Tuglaq
Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah jumps over a rope during the inauguration of
the Annual Flower show at Lal Bagh botanical garden in Bangalore on Friday PTI
1 killed, 30 hurt in Mumbai hotel fire
Mrashtra Minister sustains
eye injury in ink attack
Rajnath asks Delhi Police
to become model force
an on e-rickshaws plying
on city roads continued as
the Delhi High Court on
Friday made it clear that it
will not allow plying of unreg-
ulated e-rickshaws in the
Capital unless these vehicles
have their registration, insur-
ance and driving licence. A
division bench of Justices BD
Ahmed and Siddharth Mridul
said it will not permit drivers
to ply the vehicles without a
driving licence and refused to
vacate the stay on ban of e-
We are concerned about
the livelihood of these oper-
ators, but our concern is also
with the citizen of India. One
thing we are very clear that
people driving on roads must
have driving license and they
should know how to drive.
The e-rickshaws should be
regulated and they must have
expertise to drive on road,
the court said.
Meanwhile, the Central
Government also submitted
the draft guidelines to the
court to regulate plying of e-
rickshaws by bringing these
battery-operated vehicles
under the ambit of the Motor
Vehicles Act (MVA). Filing
the guidelines for framing
rules for operation of e-rick-
shaws, the Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways
(MoRTH) said it will finalise
the guidelines in about two
months and till that time the
ban on the vehicles plying
should be suspended.
The bench refusing to
vacate stay said that its pri-
mary consideration is they
must have drivers licence,
registration and insurance
unt i l t hen t hese
battery vehicles will not be
allowed to ply. The bench also
asked Centre whether it want
court to suspend the law for
two months as under Motor
Vehicle Act its compulsory to
have registration of vehicle,
licence and drivers licence.
India has a rule of law.
Its not a Banana Republic. We
are the largest democracy. Its
a country with rules and reg-
ulations, the bench observed.
The court said that untrained
people and even minors are
plying these e-rickshaws.
The court also suggested
the Government to set up
camps to register these vehi-
cles, get an insurance com-
pany to cover these for speedy
process. There are some
rules for three-wheelers like
autos as they have colour, uni-
form etc. You (Government)
can do the same thing for
these vehicles also, suggested
the court.
The court had earlier
banned the plying of e-rick-
shaws saying that their unreg-
ulated operation is haz-
ardous to other traffic on the
road as well as to citizens.
Asking the court to allow
plying of e-rickshaws, the
Centre said that more that
50,000 e-rickshaws operators
families are involved and dif-
ficulties are being faced by
lakhs of Delhi commuters
who were using such e-rick-
shaws for last mile connec-
elhi Governments Revenue
Department has imposed `69
crore on Holcim (India) Private
Limited suppliers of cement and
aggregates (crushed stone, sand and
gravel) for evasion of stamp duty.
It also directed the company to
pay stamp duty of `218.87 crore
along with penalty of `69 crore
within 30 days for violation of
stamp duty. Collector of Stamps
(HQ) Lalit Mohan has passed an
order in this regard.
Collector of Stamps (HQ) Lalit
Mohan told The Pioneer that Holcim
(India) Private Limited has violated
the payment of stamp duty on the
merger of Ambuja Cement Private
Limited under the Stamp Act.
The stamp duty on the merger
order is payable at the rate of 3 per
cent on t he tot al amount of
`72,959,397,242 which comes out to
be `2,188,781,917.
The transferee company is there-
fore, directed to pay the aforesaid
stamp duty within 30 days of the date
of order failing which the same
should be recovered as land revenue.
The company is required to
adjudicate or pay stamp duty with-
in a period of one month which it
failed to do so. In view of that com-
pany is liable for penalty under the
provi si ons of t he Indi an
Stamp Act, on account of delay of
more than two years, I impose
penalty of `69 crore. The company
is directed to pay stamp duty of
`2188,781917 along with penalty of
`69 crore within 30 days falling
which the same should be recovered
as arrear and revenue, Collector of
Stamps said in the order.
However, in its submission
before the Revenue Department,
the company stated that there is no
transfer of movable and immovable
assets from transferor company
(Ambuja Cement Private Limited)
with transferee company Holcim
(India) Private Limited except
shares held by transferor company in
other companies have been trans-
ferred to transferee company.
Under the scheme approved by
the Delhi High Court, no fixed
assets both movable and immovable
were transferred from Ambuja
Cement Private Limited to the com-
pany. Accordingly, the question of
payment of stamp duty under the
head of conveyance on the order
passed by the Delhi High Court does
not arise, the company said.
Mohan further stated that if
they dont pay stamp duty and other
penalty, under the Indian Stamp Act
the revenue department can seize
their property and land.
Wont let e-ricks ply sans registration: HC
n Union Road Transport and
Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari
on Friday said that steps will be
taken to restart e-rickshaw
operations in Delhi after the HC
gives its nod. The e-rickshaw
issue is in the court. We have
submitted our suggestions in the
court. We have kept the
provisions of the Light Motor
Vehicle in our mind for the
purpose of insurance in the
event of an accident... Steps on
commencing the operations of e-
rickshaws will be taken after the
court gives permission for it, he
told reporters on the sidelines of
a workshop on Rurban Mission.
Holcim (India) leaves footprint in wet cement?
Directed to pay stamp
duty of `218.87 crore
along with `69 crore
penalty within 30 days
The push is on
India has a rule
of law. It is not a
Banana Republic.
We will not allow
without a
registration and
nion Home Minister
Rajnath Singh on Friday
exhortedDelhi Police tobecome
a model police force. The Home
Minister declared the Union
Government will fully back its
personnel and protect their
honour if they serve people
with dedication, sincerity and
honesty. The Home Minister
spoke while inaugurating a web
application of Delhi Police. The
specially designed application
can be used for the issue of
police clearance certificate, get-
ting passport, visa andother ser-
vices. The Home Minister also
said that he wants Delhi to
become a model State too.
If that happens, the whole
country will emulate Delhi, he
said in a function at Vigyan
Bhavan organised by the Delhi
Police. The Home Minister
maintained that the country is
facing a crisis of credibility, and
asked all Delhi Police personnel
totake it as a challenge andserve
people with dedication, sincer-
ity and honesty to gain confi-
dence andgoodwill of people. If
you can do that I am fully with
you. Our Government will
stand by you to protect your
honour and prestige, he added
in the same breath.
Terming the fresh initiative
of the Delhi Police as confi-
dence building measure, the
Home Minister stated that
around a lakh people will be
benefited every year by this
new service.
Lieutenant Governor of
Delhi Najeeb Jung, Home
Secretary Anil Goswami,
Director of Intelligence Bureau
Syed Asif Ibrahim, Chief
Secretaryof Delhi SKShrivastava
and other senior officials of the
Home Ministry andDelhi Police
were present on the occasion.
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh with Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Najeeb
Jung, Union Home Secretary Anil Goswami and Delhi Police Commissioner
BS Bassi at the launch of a web app of Delhi Police for issuing Police Clearance
Certificate in New Delhi on Friday Ranjan Dimri | Pioneer
Pune: Senior Congress leader
and Maharashtra co-operatives
Minister Harshvardhan Patil
sustained an injury in his eye
after some activists hurled ink
at him at a public function here
on Friday, an aide said.
Some activists belonging
to the Dhangar community
hurled ink at the Minister
when he was attending a func-
tion along with Health Minister
Suresh Shetty to inaugurate a
primary health centre in
Bhigwan village, the aide said.
Patil took the brunt of the
ink attack on his left eye and
complained of irritation and
a burning sensation, though
the extent of the injury or
the kind of ink used is not
known yet.
He was immediately
rushed to a hospital in
Baramati for preliminary treat-
ment and was later due to go to
Pune for specialized care, the
aide said.
Police rounded up three
youths of the Dhangar com-
munity and later placed them
under arrest, even as some
other members protested.
The incident led to tension
between Congress and
Dhangar community activists,
prompting the district author-
ities to deploy additional secu-
rity forces there to prevent any
untoward incident. Congress
activists put up road blockades
in Indapur sub-district protest-
ing the incident.
Dhangars, a very back-
ward community engaged in
rearing sheep and other domes-
tic animals, have been classified
as a nomadic tribe, but have
been demanding at least 3.5 per
cent reservation in education
and jobs. After the state gov-
ernment granted reservations
to Marathas and the Muslim
community, the Dhangars have
been aggressively agitating,
demanding reservation for
themselves. IANS
Mumbai: One personwas killed
and 30 others were injured in a
major fire at a hotel in Navi
Mumbais Vashi area early this
morning, civic officials said.
Out of the 30 injured, 20
people are reported to be in a
serious condition, they said.
A short circuit in one of the
AC ducts of the three-storey
Hotel Wanton House appar-
ently led to the massive blaze at
the premises, located in Sector-
26 on the Palm Beach Road of
V a s h i ,
they said.
We got a call at around 5
AM that a fire has broken out in
the hotel which also has a con-
siderable number of foreigners
staying in it. Following the call,
we pressedeight fire engines and
water tankers into service to
douse the flames at the hotel, an
official from Navi Mumbai
Municipal Corporation
The deceased is yet to be
identified. The injured have
been admitted to a Navi
Mumbai civic hospital for treat-
ment, he said.
Fire brigade officials saidthe
blaze was brought under control
after over four hours of hectic
The operation that began
at 5 am took more than four
hours to end. A lot of time was
required to evacuate those
trapped in the hotel and bring
them to safety, a fire official
from the Navi Mumbai fire
brigade said.
Since the fire was a major
one, getting the trapped to safe-
ty amidst the smoke was an
uphill task. We also did not have
a blueprint of
the hotel initially which added
to the confusion, he added.
Several bank officials were
also staying in the hotel to
attend a seminar in the city, he
said. PTI
LUCKNOW | SATURDAY | AUGUST 9 , 2014 money 11
MUMBAI: A day after the arrest
of Bhushan Steel vice chair-
man in the cash-for-loan case
at Syndicate Bank, SBI - a big
lender to the firm - today said
it will press for an external
agency to take over the day-
to-day management of the
The suggestion that I
have made, which has been
accepted by the banks that I
have talked to, is that we will
try to bring in an external
management agency who will
oversee the day to day run-
ning of the company, State
Bank of India Chairman
Arundhati Bhattacharya said.
The bank has called for a
meeting of the lenders con-
sortium next week to discuss
the proposal, she added.
The system has a whop-
ping `40,000-crore exposure
to the Delhi-based Bhushan
Steel through 51 lenders.
There are two consortia, one
on working capital loans led
by SBI and the second on
term-loans led by Punjab
National Bank, representing
the lenders interests.
Bhattacharya said the
bank has an exposure of
`6,000 crore to the steel-
maker which is a standard
asset at present.
The company i s
embroiled in a controversy
fol l owi ng t he arrest of
Syndicate Bank chairman and
managing director S K Jain
last week for allegedly receiv-
ing a bribe of `50 lakh to
enhance the credit limits of
the company.
The CBI, which arrested
Jain, also arrested Bhushan
Steels vice-chairman and
managing director Neeraj
Singal yesterday.
Bhattacharya said the
Bhushan Steel pl ant i n
Odisha is running well and
the lenders do not want to
expose their assets to any dif-
ficulties as a result of the
I dont think the bor-
rower will have any objec-
tions andwe will like to put in
a management agency to
ensure that day- to-day oper-
ations are not impacted, she
said, adding that there is no
need for a forensic audit on
the firm at present.
When asked if it is possi-
ble for lenders to enforce
such directions, especially
when the account is a per-
forming asset, a senior SBI
official said it is very much
possible but added that the
borrower is free to go to the
Bhattacharya said mean-
while that in the past, after an
accident at the companys
plant, the lenders had decid-
ed to make the company
appoint a safety expert, which
was readily accepted.
Comment i ng on t he
arrest of Jain, Bhattacharya
called it an aberration on an
individual basis which is not
related to the institution or
the financial system per se.
She said SBI, which itself
was embroiled in similar alle-
gations last year after its
deputy managing director
Shyamal Acharya got dragged
into a cash-for-loans scam, is
not changing any of its prac-
tices following this.
She said the bank does
due diligence on every loan
proposal irrespective of who
gets the business for a bank
and will continue with the
same practice without wor-
rying about any middlemen
who would have helped in the
Bhushan Steel i s the
largest manufacturer of auto-
grade steel in India and is
spending Rs. 260 billion to
expand its capacity to 12
million tonnes annually, from
the present installed capaci-
ty of around one million
The Khopoli plant in
Maharashtra was commis-
sioned in 2004 and has been
producing colour coated
sheets, high tensile steel
strappings, hardened and
(aluminium and zinc coated
sheet) for the first time in
India. At its Sahibabad plant
in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh,
it has a 1700 mm mill, which
produces the widest sheets in
India for the automotive
industry. It has highly auto-
mated systems.
At i t s Meramandal i ,
Dhenkanal plant in Orissa,
Bhusan Steel produces hot
rolled coils and has mills for
hot rolling.
SBI wants external agency to run
Bhushan Steel; meeting next week
The suggestion
that I have made,
which has been
accepted by the
banks that I have
talked to, is that
we will try to bring
in an external
agency who will
oversee the day to
day running of the
ountrys largest bank State
Bank of India (SBI) on
Friday announced its Q1 results
showing a rise in net profit by
a nominal increase of 3.3 per
cent at `3,349.08 crore for the
quarter ended June 30 due to
higher provisioning for bad
Provision for bad loans
increased to `3,903.41 crore as
against `2,265.83 crore a year
earlier, registering an increase
of 72 per cent. However, the
banks gross non-performing
assets (NPAs) declined to 4.90
per cent of total advances at the
end of June, against 5.56 per
cent a year-ago.The countrys
largest bank had a standalone
net profit of Rs 3,241.08 crore
in the same quarter last year.
Total income increased to
`40,739.21 crore during the
quarter, against `36,192.62
crore in the year-ago period,
the bank said in a BSE filing.
During the quarter, the
net interest income increased
15.12 per cent to `13,252 crore
as against `11,512 crore in the
April-June period of last fiscal.
On a consolidated basis,
the banks net profit increased
3.4 per cent to `4,448.15 crore
for the quarter ended June 30,
against `4,298.56 crore in the
year-ago period.
Total income increased to
`60,620.93 crore as against
`52,502.29 crore in the April-
June quarter of 2013-14. Net
Profit of the 5 associate banks
declined to `702 crore from
`837 crore, a fall of 16.09 per
cent on an annual basis.
The associate banks of SBI
are State Bank of Bikaner and
Jaipur, State Bank of
Travancore, State Bank of
Patiala, State Bank of Mysore
and State Bank of Hyderabad.
Among these, State Bank of
Bikaner and Jaipur, State Bank
of Mysore and State Bank of
Travancore are listed entities.
Another subsidiary, SBI Cards
& Payment Services, registered
a 70 per cent increase in net
profit at `114 crore in June
quarter, against `67 crore in the
year-ago period.
In value terms, SBIs Gross
NPAs declined to `60,434.24
crore during the quarter under
review, from `60,891.46 crore
in the year-ago period.
However, net NPAs of the
bank rose to `31,883.80 crore
at the end of first quarter,
against `29,989.84 crore in
the year-ago period.
Fresh slippage declined 27
per cent to `9,932 crore from
`13,766 crore in June 2013.
As of June 30, Capital
Adequacy Ratio of the bank as
per Basel III was 12.33 per
cent. Shares of SBI closed 0.90
per cent down at `2,415.25
apiece on the BSE.
In the Budget, the
Government had sounded
positive about consolidation in
the banking space and
Financial Services Secretary
GS Sandhu had said the
process will kick-start with a
merger within the SBI Group
this fiscal.
Net profit of the five asso-
ciate banks of SBI declined to
`702 crore from `837 crore, a
fall of 16.09 per cent on an
annual basis.
The associates are State
Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur,
State Bank of Travancore, State
Bank of Patiala, State Bank of
Mysore and State Bank of
Among these, State Bank
of Bikaner and Jaipur, State
Bank of Mysore and State
Bank of Travancore are listed
omestic car sales grew for
the third month in succes-
sion in July with a rise of 5.04
per cent, prompting industry
body SIAM to hope for 5-10 per
cent increase this fiscal.
According to the data
released by Society of Indian
Automobile Manufacturers
(SIAM), domestic passenger
car sales stood at 1,37,873 units
in July this year as compared to
1,31,257 units in the same
month of 2013.
The negative sentiments
have gone. People are coming
back to showrooms. As the
economy revives we are going to
see higher growth in the com-
ing months, SIAM Director
General Vishnu Mathur told
reporters here.
He added: With a lot of
newmodels linedupfor launch-
es aheadof the festive season, we
are hoping that there will be at
least single digit growth this
While he declined to give
an exact forecast for car sales
growth, Mathur said: In the
first quarter of this fiscal we
have grown by 2.89 per cent. If
the trend continues we hope
that we could end the year with
a growth of anything between 5
and 10 per cent.
Giving credit to the new
government, he said: The very
fact that there is a stable gov-
ernment at Centre has
improved consumer sentiment.
Besides, the reduced excise duty
rates on cars have been extend-
ed and also income tax rate has
also been reduced to an extent
which has put more money in
the pockets of consumers. All
these have helped revive
demand to an extent.
During the month, market
leader Maruti Suzuki India
posted a growth of 15.45 per
cent in domestic sales at 72,782
units as against 63,040 units in
the same month last year.
Rival Hyundai Motor India
Ltd had a growth of 12 per cent
at 29,067 units as against 25,939
units in July last year.
Honda Cars India saw its
sales jump 10.77 per cent to
12,286 units in July from 11,091
units in the year-ago month.
Home-grown Tata Motors
posted a decline of 21.56 per
cent in domestic car sales in July
to 6,703 units as compared to
8,546 units in the same month
last year.
Utility vehicles (UV) major
Mahindra & Mahindra saw its
UV sales decline 1.06 per cent to
14,348 units as against 14,503
units last year.
Car sales in India had fall-
en for the second consecutive
fiscal in 2013-14 with a drop of
4.65 per cent as the auto indus-
try continued to struggle with
demand slump due to a sluggish
In the two-wheeler seg-
ment, total sales in July 2014
grew 13.73 per cent to 12,87,462
units from11,32,066 units inthe
same period of previous year.
According to SIAM, motorcycle
sales during the monthgrew6.17
per cent to 8,59,290 units from
8,09,386 units in the same
month previous year.
Market leader Hero
MotoCorpsawits domestic sales
increase 10.34 per cent to
4,63,869units as against 4,20,397
units in July last year.
Rival Bajaj Auto posted a
decline of 18.35 per cent at
1,25,053units as against 1,53,173
units in the year-ago month.
Honda Motorcycle and
Scooter India (HMSI) saw its
bike sales grow 5.26 per cent to
1,48,012units as against 1,40,611
units inthe same monthlast year.
Inthe scooter segment, total
sales stood at 3,72,136 units as
against 2,71,438 units in July last
year, up 37.1 per cent.
Market leader HMSI posted
a jump of 59.28 per cent in its
scooter sales during the month
at 2,15,965 units as compared to
1,35,584 units in the corre-
sponding month last year.
On the other hand, Hero
MotoCorp saw its scooter sales
dip 7 per cent to 52,792 units
from 56,798 units in July last
Chennai-based TVS Motor
Co saw its scooter sales zoom
63.98 per cent to 57,412 units
from35,010units inthe year-ago
According to SIAM, the
total sales of commercial vehicles
(CV) were down by 13.64 per
cent to 47,765 units from 55,310
units in the year-ago period.
This is the 15th consec-
utive month of decline in CV
sales. This sector is still a con-
cern but we hope in the next
5-6 months this will also see
revival, Mathur said.
The total sale of vehicles
across categories registered a
growth of 12 per cent to
15,86,123 units in July 2014
as against 14,16,182 units in
the same month of 2013, it
July domestic car sales up 5%
SIAM sees 5-10% growth in FY15
onda Cars India Ltd
(HCIL) on Friday
announced that its compact
sedan Amaze has crossed
one lakh sales milestone, 16
months after it was launched
in the Indian market.
Honda Amaze has wit-
nessed great success in the
Indian market and the one
lakh sales milestone only
validates its strong pres-
ence, Jnaneswar Sen, HCIL
Senior Vice President,
Marketing & Sales, said in a
Honda entered the
diesel car segment with the
Amaze and it became fastest
in HCIL history since its
inception in the Indian mar-
ket to cross the milestone,
the company said.
PANAJI: Force Motors plans
to invest around `1,000 crore
over the next four years on
various activities, including
product development and
setting up of a dedicated
facility for assembling
engines for BMW vehicles.
We are looking toinvest
around `1,000 crore in the
next four years on technol-
ogy advancement, new vehi-
cle development and also on
a dedicated engine assembly
facility for BMW in
Chennai, Force Motors
Managing Director Prasan
Firodia told the news agency
This investment would
be in addition to the `1,000
crore that the company had
announced in 2012, he
added. PTI
Force Motors plans to
invest around `1,000 cr
Honda Amaze crosses
one lakh sales milestone
TI Cycles
in India
SBI Q1 net profit rises
3.3% to `3,349 crore
ot quite an American dream! Many
Americans are struggling financially
more than five years after the recession with
aquarter of thefamilies sayingtheywerejust
getting by, according to US Federal Reserve
As of September 2013, when the central
bank conducted the poll, a quarter of fami-
lies said they were just getting by, while an
additional 13 per cent struggling to make
ends meet.
Asked to compare their current finan-
cial situation with how they were faring five
years ago, as the housing crash was wreak-
ing havoc on the economy, 34 per cent of
respondents saidtheywere doingsomewhat
or muchworse thanin2008. The same per-
centage reported essentially treading water,
while 30 per cent said they were doing bet-
Given that respondents were being
asked to compare their incomes to 2008,
when the United States was in the depths of
the financial crisis, the fact that over two-
thirds of respondents reportedbeingthesame
or worse off financiallyhighlights the uneven
nature of the recovery, the Federal Reserve
said in the report.
The Fed found that more than 60 per
cent of US families were either doing OK
or living comfortably, CBS News reported.
The surveyof 4,100households was con-
ducted between September and October of
last year. Since then, economic growth has
been inconsistent. The nations GDP shrank
2.1 per cent over the first three months of
the year, when harsh winter weather slowed
consumer spending and dented the housing
sector. But GDP surged to an annualised 4
per cent between April and June, while the
job market has strengthened in recent
Americans biggest financial concerns
centered on three issues, the Fed found:
retirement, education and jobs. And even
with the economy seemingly on the mend,
other findings fromthe Fedsurvey highlight
the financial challenges manyAmericans still
For instance, a third of households who
had applied for credit in the previous 12
months reported being turned down or get-
ting less than they asked for.
Meanwhile, 10 per cent of households
said their income fluctuates significantly
from month to month, largely because of an
irregular work schedule or because respon-
dents are unemployed.
Wage growth has been soft throughout
the recovery, which officially began in June
2009. That has strained household budgets
and damped consumer spending, slowing
the pace of recovery.
The Great Recession was a global eco-
nomic decline in the late 2000s decade. The
effects of this economic downturn are hav-
ing a continued influence into 2014.
Americans struggling even 5 yrs after recession: Fed
FICCI Ladies Organisation organised interactive session with Shiv Khera on Winners dont do different things, they do it
differently. Khera is the Founder of Qualified Learning Systems USA and Renowned Author, Educator, Business Consultant
and a successful Entrepreneur. Seen in the photograph - in the centre - Neeta Boochra- President FICCI Ladies organization,
from left - Manju Kalra Prakash, Executive Director FLO, Ritu Vadhera and on the right- Archana Luthra
A Special State Level Bankers Committee (SLBC) meeting for West Bengal on implementation of Comprehensive
Financial Inclusion in mission mode (Sampoorn Vittiyea Samaveshan) was held on6th August 2014 at Suchintan Hall,
United Bank of India. The meeting was attended by Shri Deepak Narang & Sanjay Arya, Executive Directors, United Bank
of India, H.K.Dwivedi, Principal Secretary, Finance Deptt. Govt. of West Bengal, Anna Roy, Director, Department of
Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India & Nodal Officer of SLBC, West Bengal,. Nandana Munshi, Dy.
Director General of Unique Identification Authority of India and other top executives of State Government, Banks, RBI,
NABARD were present in the meeting.
N.P. Aggarwal, CGM, NBCC and Shri Abdul LatifHita, CEO,Construction Industry Development Board Holdings
(CIDBH), on August 4, 2014, signed anMoUon behalf of NBCC and CIDBH, Malaysia, in the presence of Anoop Kumar
Mittal, CMD, NBCC; Tan Ahmad Tajuddin Ali, Chairman and Dato IrDr.Judin B Abdul Karim, Chief Executive, CIDB,
Malaysia.NBCC, the Navratna CPSE, has entered into an MoU with CIDBH, a wholly owned subsidiary of the
ConstructionIndustry Development Board Malaysia, to promote technicalco-operation for mutual benefits by sharing
experience and expertise inplanning, design, construction, operation and maintenance, managementand financing of
infrastructure projects as well as to jointly execute and develop large infrastructure projects.
ONGCs subsidiary MRPL has a new Managing Director in H
Kumar, whose candidature was approved by the
Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC).
The Government head hunter Public Enterprise Selection
Board (PESB) had on January 22 selected Kumar, Executive
Director, Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd (HPCL), to head
MRPL upon retirement of P P Upadhya.According to a
statement issued by MRPL, after the ACCs approval, orders
for Kumar heading the company were issued on
Thursday.Upadhya retired on July 31 and Kumar was to take
over from August 1, however his appointment was
delayed.Pending this, Vishnu Agrawal, Director (Finance) at
MRPL, was given additional charge of Managing Director of
the company.PESB had selected Kumar after interviewing 11
candidates, including five group general managers of
MRPLState-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) holds
71.63 per cent stake in MRPL, which operates a 15 million
tonnes per annum capacity oil refinery at Mangalore.
s the scorching heat of the
summer is giving way to
the placid Monsoon, people in
metros all over the country
could look forward to ride
Ducati, the super-premium
range of bicycles designed and
manufactured by CyclEurope
Group, one of the leading bicy-
cle conglomerates in the world.
Track and Trail, the retail net-
work owned by Chennai-based
TI Cycles of India, has
launched seven models of the
imported Ducati, which are
available over the counter.
The models are priced in
the `50,000 to `1.52 lakh range
and is targeted at the high end
customers, according to KC
Ramamoorthy, vice president,
International Business, TI
Cycles. Please do not confuse
the brand name with Ducati,
the Italian bike manufacturer.
CyclEurope are licensed to
manufacture and market these
bicycles under the Ducati
brand name and we are the
Indian retailers, said
Made of aluminium alloy
and carbon, each of the mod-
els weigh just 8.7 kg, said
Ramamoorthy. These are
some of the lightest bicycles
ever made in the world. These
bicycles will infuse fresh
dynamism to the Indian con-
sumers, said Arun Alagappan,
President, TI Cycles.
Ramamoorthy said he was
confident of selling 25,000 to
30,000 Ducati bicycles per year.
There are certain constraints
which prevent our population
from taking to bicycles in a
major way. Our roads, espe-
cially those in metros and
major cities are unfriendly and
unsafe to bicycles. There is no
right-of-the way for our
cyclists, he pointed out.
TI Cycles, manufacture
BSA, Hercules and Montra
brand bicycles .
We manufacture four
million bicycles per year and
have almost 40 per cent of the
market share in the country. If
bicycle friendly laws are legis-
lated, Indias oil import bill
could be brought down con-
siderably and the health of the
population will see a marked
improvement, said
money 12
he BSE benchmark
Sensex on Friday plunged
by 260 points to close at
nearly four-week low of
25,329.14, tracking global sell-
off sparked by escalating geopo-
litical tensions after US
President Barack Obama autho-
rised targeted air strikes in
Adding to the worry of
global investors, Russian
President Vladimir Putin went
on retaliatory measures by ban-
ning food imports from
Western countries. Russia faces
sanctions imposed by the US
and European countries.
Jayant Manglik, president
(retail distribution), Religare
Securities, said: Investors were
also cautious after Reserve Bank
Governor Raghuram Rajan
warned that global markets are
at the risk of a crash due to the
lingering competitive loose
monetary policies being fol-
lowed by the developed
After opening lower by
over 180 points, the 30-share
Sensex at one point was down
over 350 points before ending
the day at almost four week low
of 25,329.14 a level not seen
since July 15 registering a
steep loss of 259.87 points or
1.02 per cent.
In straight three days, the
key index has plunged by
578.87 points or 2.23 per cent.
American President Barack
Obama on Thursday said that
he had authorised targeted air
strikes against militants in Iraq,
a key crude producer.
The development will fur-
ther stoke up the global oil
prices. India imports 80 per cent
crude oil of its requirements
and it will be a big jolt to the
countrys economy, ultimately
affecting the current account
Global markets closed in
the negative for the week on the
back of geopolitical tensions.
The US authorising targeted air
strikes on Iraq was the latest
trigger. There was growing
unease over the crisis in
Indian markets were not
insulated from the sell-off in
global markets as it signed off
the week in the negative zone...,
said Sanjeev Zarbade, vice-
president (private client group
research, Kotak Securities.
The broader 50-issue NSE
Nifty also stumbled by 80.70
points or 1.06 pc to end below
7,600-mark at 7,568.55.
Previously, it had finished at
7,526.65 on July 15, 2014.
Ten out of 12 sectoral
indices closed weak between
0.29 per cent and 3.86 per cent
with realty, metal, power, con-
sumer goods, consumer
durables, Bankex and Auto tak-
ing the lead in the downslide.
Only select defensive shares
from pharma and FMCG seg-
ments closed with small gains.
In Asian, key benchmark
indices in Hong Kong, Japan,
Taiwan, Singapore and South
Korea ended lower by 0.23 per
cent to 2.98 per cent while
China closed up by 0.31 per
cent. European markets were
also trading lower as indices in
France, Germany and UK
moved down by 0.57-1.08 per
Foreign portfolio investors
(FPIs) sold shares worth a net
`73.07 crores on Thursday, as
per provisional data from the
stock exchanges.
Of the 30-share Sensex
pack, 24 ended with losses
while only six finished with
Major losers were SSLT
(5.71 per cent), Tata Power
(3.79 per cent), BHEL (3.74 per
cent), Tata Steel (3.22 per cent),
Gail India (2.85 per cent),
Hindalco (2.75 per cent), Larsen
(2.63 per cent), Axis Bank (2.60
per cent), Coal India (2.12 per
cent), NTPC (2.09 per cent),
Tata Motors (2.07 per cent),
HDFC Bank (1.91 per cent) and
ONGC (1.56 per cent).
However, Bharti Airtel
firmed up by 2.09 per cent.
Among the BSE sectoral
indices, realty fell by 3.86 per
cent, followed by Metal 3.15 per
cent, power 2.92 per cent, cap-
ital goods 2.50 per cent, con-
sumer durable 1.62 per cent,
auto 1.36 per centand Bankex
1.51 per cent. Market breadth
remained negative as 2,074
stocks closed in the red, 826
stocks finished in the green
while 99 ruled steady. Total
turnover dropped further to
`2,479.34 crore from `2,680.64
crore on Thursday.
Global crisis pulls Sensex down
Gold regains `29,000-level
New Delhi (PTI): Gold prices again crossed the `29,000-mark
to hit over two-month high by rising `300 to `29,100 per ten
gram in the national capital today, mostly in tandem with a firm-
ing trend overseas as worsening tensions in Iraq fuelled safe-
haven demand.
In addition, rising physical demand in view of festive season
and depreciating rupee that slumped to five-month low sup-
ported the upside in the precious metal prices.
Silver also rose by another `200 to `44,700 per kg on
increased offtake by industrial units and coin makers.
Mumbai (PTI) The rupee on Friday plunged by 52 paise to five-
month low of 61.74 against the dollar but the domestic currency
managed to close seven paise higher at 61.15 on suspected RBI
intervention in the Forex market.
Script Last Abs Change
Traded Price Change %
3M India 5317 -66.9 -1.24
Aban Offshore 754.3 -24.7 -3.17
ABB India Ltd. 1015.55 -13.65 -1.33
Abbott India 2070.35 -10.25 -0.49
ABG Shipyard 246.2 -2.65 -1.06
ACC 1438.25 -33.3 -2.26
ACCELYA 644.1 -19.75 -2.98
Adani Enter 453.9 -8.65 -1.87
Adani Ports 262.05 -3.85 -1.45
ADANI POWER 53.35 -2.25 -4.05
Aditya Birla Nuv 1414.65 -21.1 -1.47
ADVANTA 304.75 -12.15 -3.83
Agro Tech Foods 544.4 -17.1 -3.05
AIA Engineering 771.5 -10.45 -1.34
AIL 516.55 -9.6 -1.82
Ajanta Pharma 1517.2 -64.6 -4.08
AKZOINDIA 1016 -5.7 -0.56
Alembic Pharma 339.05 -14.15 -4.01
Allahabad Bank 118.7 -0.15 -0.13
Alok Inds 10.86 -0.59 -5.15
Alstom T&D 325 -1.35 -0.41
Amara Raja 521.95 -1.3 -0.25
Ambuja Cements 203.65 -6.8 -3.23
Amtek Auto-$ 231.5 -10.55 -4.36
Amtek India-$ 92.65 -4.4 -4.53
ANANTRAJ-$ 60.55 -2.65 -4.19
Andhra Bank 76 -3.05 -3.86
Apollo Hosp 1011.2 23 2.33
Apollo Tyres 167.45 -1.2 -0.71
Arvind 227.95 -11.7 -4.88
Asahi India 82.05 -3.5 -4.09
Ashok Leyland 33.9 -0.6 -1.74
Asian Paints 618.5 -13.8 -2.18
Astral Poly 690 -3.15 -0.45
Astrazeneca Phar 1079.35 -7.4 -0.68
Atul 1179.15 -42.9 -3.51
Aurobindo Phar 721.5 7.85 1.1
Axis Bank 371.25 -9.9 -2.6
Bajaj Auto 2120 -20 -0.93
Bajaj Corp 240.5 0.95 0.4
Bajaj Elect-$ 268.9 -4 -1.47
Bajaj Finserv 929.65 -12.6 -1.34
Bajaj Hind 22.45 -1.3 -5.47
Bajaj Holdings 1278.9 -9.45 -0.73
BAJFINANCE 2206 14.6 0.67
Balkrishna Inds-$ 732.05 -16.2 -2.17
Ballarpur Inds 16.1 -0.3 -1.83
Balmer Lawr 547.95 -23.35 -4.09
Balrampur Chini 70.2 -3.3 -4.49
Bank of India 267.35 -7.7 -2.8
Bank of Maharashtra 43.45 -1.6 -3.55
BASF India 827.5 -16.55 -1.96
Bata India 1174.15 -35.25 -2.91
Bayer Crop 2045 -49.5 -2.36
BEML 640 -32.95 -4.9
Berger Paints 307.05 -13.95 -4.35
BF Utilities-$ 629.95 -32.5 -4.91
BGR Energy 174.35 -10.95 -5.91
Bharat Elect 1792.65 24.05 1.36
Bharat Forge 737.1 -21.05 -2.78
Bharti Airtel 373.7 7.65 2.09
Bharti Infratel 258.75 5.7 2.25
BHEL 221.6 -8.6 -3.74
Bhushan Steel 219.35 -24.35 -9.99
Biocon 458.8 -2.25 -0.49
Birla Corp 440.85 18.1 4.28
Blue Dart 3815 -4.4 -0.12
Blue Star 296.95 -5.6 -1.85
BOB 858.25 -20.05 -2.28
Bombay Dyeing 66.85 -5.7 -7.86
Bombay Rayon 150.95 -6.1 -3.88
Bosch 13551.6 -94.7 -0.69
BPCL 566.6 -18.35 -3.14
Britannia Inds 1130.5 -16.05 -1.4
Byke 317.95 -1.85 -0.58
C. Mahendra Exports 89.4 -9.9 -9.97
Cadila Health 1097 -1.45 -0.13
Cairn India 311.2 -4.95 -1.57
Canara Bank 378.4 -15.85 -4.02
Capital First 256.8 -6 -2.28
Carborundum Uni 177.05 -6.35 -3.46
Care 1198 -7.65 -0.63
Castrol India 336.3 -3.5 -1.03
CCL Intl 429.55 3.6 0.85
Ceat 533.1 8.95 1.71
Central Bank 65.1 -2 -2.98
Century Tex 574.4 -19.7 -3.32
CESC 667.4 -13.75 -2.02
Chambal Fert 56 -0.65 -1.15
Chennai Petro 89.1 1.45 1.65
CHOLAFIN 394 -6.8 -1.7
Cipla 436.5 1.4 0.32
City Union Bank 73 -0.1 -0.14
Clariant Chem 822.05 -14.85 -1.77
Claris Lifesciences 175.75 1.45 0.83
CMC 1865 -41.05 -2.15
Coal India 354.9 -7.7 -2.12
Colgate Palmolive 1493.45 -32 -2.1
Container Corp 1290.35 -4.6 -0.36
Coromandel Intl 240.1 -1.55 -0.64
Corporation Bank 332.65 -19.55 -5.55
COX KINGS 258 -6 -2.27
Cressanda Sol 54.8 -5.95 -9.79
CRISIL 1933 11.25 0.59
Crompton Greav 193.35 -5.2 -2.62
Cummins India 660 -22.5 -3.3
D B CORP 319.8 -3.35 -1.04
D B REALTY 77.45 -1.9 -2.39
Dabur India 204.8 2.05 1.01
Dalmia Bharat 449.9 -19.05 -4.06
DCBBANK 79.2 0.6 0.76
DCMSHRIRAM 188.6 -10.7 -5.37
Deepak Fert 148.15 -6.15 -3.99
Delta Corp 85.2 -4.5 -5.02
DEN NETWORK 196.15 -4.75 -2.36
Dena Bank 64.2 -2.45 -3.68
Dewan Housing 347.55 -3.2 -0.91
DHANLAK BANK 45.25 -3 -6.22
Dhanleela Inv 198 0.05 0.03
Dish TV India 57.75 -1.5 -2.53
Dishman Pharma 140.15 -2.75 -1.92
Divis Lab 1498.15 -5.2 -0.35
DLF 194.55 -8.35 -4.12
Dr Reddys Lab 2780.55 24.6 0.89
Eclerx Serv 1208.45 -20.8 -1.69
Edelweiss Financial 56.25 -2.95 -4.98
Eicher Motors 8492.3 -20.55 -0.24
EID Parry 186.55 -6 -3.12
EIH 95.1 -3.4 -3.45
Elder Pharma 179 -7 -3.76
Elgi Equipments 123 1.15 0.94
Emami-$ 535.5 1.95 0.37
Engineers India 275.35 -1.4 -0.51
Entertainment Netw 454 15.2 3.46
Eros Intl Media 222.5 -5.8 -2.54
Escorts 110.95 -3.35 -2.93
Ess Dee Alum 514.7 -4.05 -0.78
Essar Oil 115.1 -0.9 -0.78
Essar Ports 85.8 -2.5 -2.83
Exide Inds 157.3 -4.6 -2.84
FAG Bearings 2700 -120.6 -4.28
FDC 135 -4.7 -3.36
Federal Bank 113.15 -3.75 -3.21
Financial Tech 285.2 -14.45 -4.82
Finolex Cables 200.85 -1.8 -0.89
Finolex Inds 268.7 5.9 2.25
Firstsource Sol 38.95 0.65 1.7
Fortis Healthcare 114.15 -1.05 -0.91
FUTLIF FAS 90.9 -2.05 -2.21
Future Retail 124.35 -5.9 -4.53
Gail India 406.9 -11.95 -2.85
Gateway Distr 236.15 -2.55 -1.07
Gati 137.45 6.5 4.96
GBLINFRA 13.12 -0.26 -1.94
Geometric 138.2 -4.9 -3.42
GIC Housing 156.25 -3.55 -2.22
Gillette India 2292.6 -46.4 -1.98
Gitanjali Gems 66.3 -2.6 -3.77
Glaxosmithkl Cons 4780 -105.7 -2.16
Glaxosmithkl Phar 2500 0.55 0.02
Glenmark Pharma 656.8 -11.7 -1.75
GMR Infra 26 -1.25 -4.59
Godfrey Phil 2814.4 -43.35 -1.52
Godrej Cons 860.15 -13.8 -1.58
Godrej Inds 326 -12.8 -3.78
GODREJ PROP 224.4 -5.2 -2.26
Graphite India 109.9 -0.5 -0.45
Grasim Inds 3255.05 -36 -1.09
Great Eastern Sh 357.65 -0.85 -0.24
Greaves Cotton 108.8 -0.15 -0.14
Grindwell Nor-$ 420.25 -6.5 -1.52
Gruh Finance 208.55 6.15 3.04
Guj Nar Val 90.45 -0.1 -0.11
Gujarat Alk 192.75 -7.2 -3.6
Gujarat Fluo 488 -12.1 -2.42
Gujarat Gas 437 -9.75 -2.18
Gujarat Mnrl 146.85 -3.25 -2.17
Gujarat Pipavav 141.9 -7.65 -5.12
Gujarat State Fert 78.5 1.65 2.15
Gujarat State Pet 85.6 0.2 0.23
GVK Power 13.54 -0.48 -3.42
HATHWAY CAB 288.25 -11.95 -3.98
Hatsun Agro 273.5 -9.35 -3.31
Havells India 1178.5 7.95 0.68
Hawkins Cook-$ 3284.6 -54.7 -1.64
HCL Infosystems 75.35 -3.8 -4.8
HCL Tech 1527.75 7 0.46
HDFC 1026.25 -2.7 -0.26
HDFC Bank 796.3 -15.5 -1.91
HDIL 93.65 -3.4 -3.5
Hero MotoCorp 2590.15 -12.35 -0.47
Hexaware Tech 145.15 3.25 2.29
Himachal Futur 14.04 -0.35 -2.43
Hindalco Inds 184.05 -5.2 -2.75
Hinduja Glob 632.45 -15.15 -2.34
Hindustan Const 35.4 -2.35 -6.23
Hindustan Copp 85.25 -3.15 -3.56
Hindustan Unilever 701.95 -0.1 -0.01
Hindustan Zinc 159.2 -1 -0.62
HMT 43.4 -1.05 -2.36
Honeywell Auto 4750 -218.35 -4.39
HPCL 397.9 -19.9 -4.76
HSIL 247.55 3.75 1.54
HT Media 104.05 -0.8 -0.76
IBUL HSG FIN 389.6 -4.6 -1.17
ICICI Bank 1437.35 -7.85 -0.54
ICRA 2595 -29 -1.11
IDBI Bank 83.1 -1.45 -1.71
Idea Cellular 159.85 0.3 0.19
IDFC 144.45 -5.2 -3.47
IFCI 36.45 -1.2 -3.19
IIFL 136.5 -4.8 -3.4
IL&FS TRANS 207.45 -11.9 -5.43
India Cements 103.95 -3.6 -3.35
INDIAB POWER 11 -0.3 -2.65
Indiabulls Real Est 71.2 -4.05 -5.38
Indian Bank 140.85 -4.3 -2.96
Indian Hotels 85.65 -2.6 -2.95
Indian Info 3.64 0.01 0.28
Indian Oil Corp 323.85 -14.7 -4.34
Indoco Remedies 223.7 -1.35 -0.6
Indraprastha Gas 350.45 -15.4 -4.21
Indusind Bank 535.65 -13.9 -2.53
Info Edge India 750.85 12.85 1.74
Infosys 3480.35 -34.2 -0.97
INFOTECH ENR 392.45 0.6 0.15
ING Vysya Bank 606.25 -8.95 -1.45
Ingersoll Rand 564.55 -19.3 -3.31
Inox Leisure 156.3 2.9 1.89
IOB 65.2 -2.65 -3.91
IPAPPM 282 -11.65 -3.97
IPCA Lab 692.15 -32.7 -4.51
IRB Infra 245.1 -9.3 -3.66
ITC 348.45 2.5 0.72
IVRCL LTD 19.45 -0.95 -4.66
J&K Bank 1552.3 -20 -1.27
Jagran Prakashan 109.5 -2.7 -2.41
Jai Corp 92.9 -4.55 -4.67
Jain Irrigation 97.15 -3.05 -3.04
Jaiprakash Asso 58.3 -2.1 -3.48
JB Chemicals 183.45 -5.55 -2.94
Jet Air India 244.35 -7.8 -3.09
Jindal Saw 75.05 -2.5 -3.22
JINDAL SOUTH 824 2.2 0.27
Jindal Stainless 49.2 -3.55 -6.73
Jindal Steel 276.9 -5.7 -2.02
JK Cement 421 -9.15 -2.13
JK Lakshmi Cem 260.3 -8.7 -3.23
JK Tyre 294.3 -14.15 -4.59
JM Financial-$ 36.95 -1.4 -3.65
JPINFRATEC 33.6 -1.7 -4.82
JPPOWER 17.2 -1.1 -6.01
JSW ENERGY 73.95 -3.25 -4.21
JSW Steel 1153.2 -22 -1.87
JUBILANT 173.7 -8.05 -4.43
JUBL FOOD 1125.75 -60.45 -5.1
Just Dial 1795.2 -19 -1.05
Jyothy Lab 179.65 -3.55 -1.94
Kailash Auto 35.1 0.1 0.29
Kajaria Cerm 600.1 -14.2 -2.31
Kalpataru Power 161.35 -5.15 -3.09
Kansai Nerolac 1530 -49.95 -3.16
Kappac Pharma 307.55 14.6 4.98
Karnataka Bank 122.35 -3.6 -2.86
Kaveri Seed 783.2 11.15 1.44
KEC Intl 97.15 -6.05 -5.86
Kesoram Inds 108.9 -5.15 -4.52
Kirloskar Oil Engines 253.5 -8.85 -3.37
Kolte Patil 149.05 -3.95 -2.58
Kotak Mah Bank 932 -7.45 -0.79
KPIT CUMMIN 154.05 -1.25 -0.8
KSK Energy 96.5 -2.2 -2.23
L&T 1442.75 -39 -2.63
L&T Finance Holdings 65.8 -1.55 -2.3
Lakshmi Mach 3785.2 -68 -1.76
Lakshmi Vilas Bank 80.4 -0.7 -0.86
Lanco Infra 8.8 -0.34 -3.72
LIC Housing Fin 279.1 -8.25 -2.87
LINDEINDIA 353.95 -5.55 -1.54
Lovable Lingerie 362.75 -9.05 -2.43
Luminaire Tech 4.98 -0.26 -4.96
Lupin 1160 -1.9 -0.16
Magma Fin 97.05 -0.95 -0.97
MAH HOLIDAY 280.4 -0.35 -0.12
Maharashtra Seam 279 -1.6 -0.57
MAHINDCIE 155.15 -7.3 -4.49
Mahindra & Mah Fin246.85 0.95 0.39
Mahindra & Mahindra1229.1 -17.65 -1.42
Mahindra Lifesp 545.7 -13.05 -2.34
Manappuram Finance 21.55 -0.35 -1.6
MANDHANA 235 -4.6 -1.92
Mangalore Ref 63.1 -1.55 -2.4
Marico 268.5 0 0
Maruti Suzuki 2618.45 -33.5 -1.26
Max India 302.85 -2.5 -0.82
Mcleod Russel 273.55 -4 -1.44
MCX 809.5 -19.65 -2.37
Mindtree 997.55 -5.35 -0.53
MKEL 49.8 0 0
MMTC 70.75 -3.6 -4.84
MOIL 288.35 -6.8 -2.3
Monnet Ispat Energy122.85 -5.45 -4.25
Monsanto India 1897.65 -22.75 -1.18
Motherson Sumi 365.1 0.7 0.19
Motilal Oswal 210.15 -3 -1.41
Mphasis 430.5 -3.3 -0.76
MRF 23434.7 -117.65 -0.5
MTNL 28.55 -1.75 -5.78
Muthoot Fin 175.25 -2.6 -1.46
Natco Pharma 1014.4 -38.1 -3.62
National Alum 56.5 -2.85 -4.8
Nava Bharat Vent 218.2 -4.95 -2.22
NAVNETEDUL 82 -0.7 -0.85
NCC 69.2 -0.95 -1.35
NESCO 1254.5 -33.15 -2.57
Nestle India 5360.8 -45.8 -0.85
Network18 Media 50.4 -2.2 -4.18
Neyveli Lignite 89.4 -2 -2.19
NHPC 21.95 -0.45 -2.01
NIIT Tech 382.25 7 1.87
Nitin Fire 63.35 -0.9 -1.4
NMDC 171 -2.7 -1.55
Novartis India 677.35 8.65 1.29
NTPC 138 -2.95 -2.09
Oberoi Realty 240.55 -10.45 -4.16
OIL INDIA 564.65 -13.7 -2.37
Omaxe 125 -0.4 -0.32
ONGC 394.15 -6.25 -1.56
Opto Circuits 28.15 -0.9 -3.1
Oracle Fin 3455.1 83.4 2.47
Orchid Chem 70.15 -4.45 -5.97
ORIENT CEM 114.8 -1.35 -1.16
Oriental Bank 270.25 -14.5 -5.09
Page Inds 7819.4 -80.8 -1.02
Parag Shilpa 505.3 -26.55 -4.99
Parsvnath Dev 25.75 -0.8 -3.01
PC Jeweller 147.1 3.05 2.12
Peninsula Land 34.55 -1.65 -4.56
Persistent Sys 1232.4 -15.3 -1.23
Petronet LNG 171.1 2.1 1.24
Pfizer 1336 0.35 0.03
PHOENIX MILL 332.55 -13.6 -3.93
PI Inds 403.55 -2.5 -0.62
Pidilite Inds 366.7 6.95 1.93
PINEANIM 82.95 -0.75 -0.9
Pipavav Defence 49.4 -1.95 -3.8
Piramal Ent 651.85 -4.7 -0.72
PMCFIN 736.5 -3.3 -0.45
PNB 902.9 -23.25 -2.51
Polaris Fin Tec 207.25 -5.85 -2.75
Power Finance 259.7 -7.5 -2.81
Power Grid Corp 132.05 -2.4 -1.79
Praj Inds 59.1 -0.5 -0.84
Prestige Estates 243 -5.4 -2.17
Prism Cement 74.8 0.05 0.07
Procter & Gamble 4535 -49.5 -1.08
PTC India 80.4 -3.6 -4.29
Punj Lloyd 38.35 -1.55 -3.88
Punjab & Sind Bank 60 -2.7 -4.31
Puravankara Proj 82.1 -14.7 -15.19
PVR 657.35 -9.6 -1.44
Radico Khaitan 94.25 -3 -3.08
RAIN 39.55 -1.55 -3.77
Rainbow Papers-$ 79.25 -0.65 -0.81
Rajesh Exports 150.65 -6.65 -4.23
Rallis India 223.2 -2.7 -1.2
RAMCOCEM 275.35 -5.6 -1.99
Ranbaxy Lab 560.35 -1.35 -0.24
Rashtriya Chem 50.45 -1.3 -2.51
Rasoya Proteins 17.35 0.2 1.17
Raymond 400.4 -28.2 -6.58
REC 288.65 -11.55 -3.85
Redington India 94.3 -2.55 -2.63
Reliance Cap 559.55 -18.7 -3.23
Reliance Comm 126.8 -2.3 -1.78
Reliance Indl Infra 526.2 -21.6 -3.94
Reliance Infra 718.45 -29.45 -3.94
Reliance Power 85.9 -3.9 -4.34
Religare Enter 318 -5.35 -1.65
Repco Home Fin 437 -2.55 -0.58
RIL 980.4 -8.95 -0.9
Risa Intl 1146.6 -21.65 -1.85
Rolta India 108.35 -3.45 -3.09
Ruchi Soya 40.2 -0.1 -0.25
S R K Inds 29.05 -1.5 -4.91
Sadbhav Engr 206 -4.5 -2.14
SAIL 81.35 -3.45 -4.07
SANOFI 3080 57.2 1.89
SBI 2415.25 -21.9 -0.9
Schneider Elec 127.05 -2.15 -1.66
SE Investments 370 32.15 9.52
Selan Expl-$ 562.3 -17.6 -3.04
Shasun Pharma 147.55 -1.65 -1.11
Shipping Corp 53.8 -2.55 -4.53
Shoppers Stop 421.6 7 1.69
Shree Cement 7377.8 33.75 0.46
Shree Renuka Sug 21.35 -1 -4.47
Shrenuj 56 -2.55 -4.36
Shriram City Uni 1608 5 0.31
Shriram Trans 878.75 -28.45 -3.14
Siemens 855.7 -23.8 -2.71
Sintex Inds 80.5 -3.7 -4.39
Siti Cable 27.9 -1.45 -4.94
SJVN 23.85 -0.4 -1.65
SKF India 1103.75 -62.1 -5.33
SKS Microfinance 271.7 -7.85 -2.81
Sobha Dev 424.4 -18.1 -4.09
Solar Inds 2115 -35.2 -1.64
Som Distill 214.45 -0.45 -0.21
South Indian Bank 28 -0.8 -2.78
Spicejet 13.32 -0.3 -2.2
SREI Infra 42.7 -2.25 -5.01
SRF 602.85 -28.8 -4.56
SSLT 268.5 -16.25 -5.71
Standard Chartered 116.25 -0.3 -0.26
State Bank BikJpr 631.8 -14.9 -2.3
State Bank Mysre 534.15 -11.3 -2.07
State Bank Trav 580 -7.75 -1.32
STC 197.6 -8.3 -4.03
Sterlite Tech 56.55 -1.95 -3.33
Strides Arco 665.25 1.65 0.25
Sulabh Engr 240.9 -0.15 -0.06
SUN ASIAN 486.7 5.7 1.19
Sun Pharma 759.3 0.2 0.03
Sun Pharma Adv 161.75 -2.45 -1.49
Sun TV Network 420 -2 -0.47
Sundram Fast 119.4 1.95 1.66
Sunteck Realty 319 -0.85 -0.27
Supreme Inds 615.8 -3.05 -0.49
Surabhi Chem 90.5 -0.9 -0.98
Suzlon Energy 23.4 -0.45 -1.89
Swan Energy 59.65 0 0
SYMPHONY 1078 10.55 0.99
Syndicate Bank 127.85 -3.2 -2.44
Tamil Nadu News 168.5 -1.4 -0.82
Tata Chemicals 362.45 -17.7 -4.66
Tata Coffee 912.9 -9.55 -1.04
Tata Comm 342.2 -10.05 -2.85
Tata Elxsi 581.9 -7.45 -1.26
Tata Invest 527.95 -13.55 -2.5
Tata Motors 433 -9.15 -2.07
Tata Power 91.45 -3.6 -3.79
Tata Sponge 849.05 -45.9 -5.13
Tata Steel 537.55 -17.9 -3.22
Tata Teleservices 11.13 -0.48 -4.13
TATAGLOBAL 150.3 -3.9 -2.53
TBZ 148.55 -4.45 -2.91
TCS 2476 5.8 0.23
Tech Mahindra 2187.25 -20.5 -0.93
Thermax 838.3 -10.65 -1.25
Thomas Cook 133.2 -0.8 -0.6
TILAKFIN 304 0 0
Tilaknagar Inds-$ 46.05 -1.2 -2.54
Timken India 304.15 -9.6 -3.06
TITAN 342.05 -4.75 -1.37
Torrent Pharma 746.45 -4.15 -0.55
Torrent Power 123.5 -7.6 -5.8
Tree House Edu 376 -13 -3.34
Trent 1134 -48.75 -4.12
TRITRADE 78.95 2.05 2.67
Triveni Turbine 88.35 -1 -1.12
TTK Prestige 3780.25 -107.55 -2.77
Tube Invest 270.45 -2.2 -0.81
TV18 Broadcast 29.7 -0.45 -1.49
TVS Motor 170.3 1.85 1.1
Uco Bank 95.25 -3.6 -3.64
Uflex 132.2 -1.35 -1.01
Ultratech Cem 2479.85 -65.9 -2.59
Unichem Lab 212.8 -2.85 -1.32
Union Bank 193.25 -8.3 -4.12
Unitech 25.95 -1.55 -5.64
United Bank 46.25 -1.75 -3.65
United Brew-$ 724.95 -16.35 -2.21
United Spirits 2321.95 -20.6 -0.88
Unno Inds 22.45 1.35 6.4
UPL 303.6 -12.85 -4.06
Usha Martin 45.15 -0.45 -0.99
Uttam Galva 73.25 -3.1 -4.06
VA Tech Wabag 1364.2 -1.05 -0.08
VAIBHAVGBL 839 6.45 0.77
VAKRANGEE-$ 133.45 -3.55 -2.59
Vardhman Tex 441.55 -43.55 -8.98
VGuard Inds 721 -24.4 -3.27
Videocon Inds 164.2 -2.75 -1.65
Vijaya Bank 45.8 -1.55 -3.27
VIP Inds-$ 99.9 -3.85 -3.71
Voltas 197.45 -11.65 -5.57
VST Inds 1537 -6.4 -0.41
WABCO India 3366.95 2.3 0.07
WELCORP 79.25 -3.6 -4.35
Westlife Dev 320 -10 -3.03
Whirlpool 371.45 -4.6 -1.22
Wipro 547.8 -4.95 -0.9
Wockhardt 698.2 2.5 0.36
Wyeth 915 -9.15 -0.99
Yes Bank 521.35 -11.1 -2.08
Zee Entert 271.55 -7.45 -2.67
Zensar Tech 438 4.6 1.06
Zydus Wellness-$ 600.6 -13.15 -2.14
BHARTIARTL 363.85 375.35 361.25 375 9.2
DRREDDY 2,760.00 2,804.70 2,746.00 2,780.00 24.7
ITC 345.25 349.5 343.2 349.2 2.95
HCLTECH 1,514.95 1,540.70 1,512.10 1,530.40 12.15
HEROMOTOCO 2,574.00 2,600.00 2,549.25 2,599.00 18.05
CIPLA 431 437.65 430 437 2.05
TCS 2,465.00 2,507.70 2,465.00 2,478.00 8.2
SUNPHARMA 744.15 767.3 743.3 760.65 1.8
HINDUNILVR 699.05 703.5 695.95 702.15 0.2
HDFC 1,018.90 1,029.80 1,016.60 1,025.00 -1.85
LUPIN 1,153.00 1,171.80 1,107.30 1,159.10 -2.55
ICICIBANK 1,430.00 1,441.35 1,411.80 1,440.00 -4.85
BAJAJ-AUTO 2,125.00 2,132.95 2,109.00 2,122.00 -17.25
INFY 3,500.00 3,520.00 3,475.00 3,479.00 -28.35
RELIANCE 979.55 983.5 973.1 981 -8.3
MARUTI 2,629.00 2,635.00 2,593.50 2,626.30 -23.1
KOTAKBANK 933 935.15 919 931.05 -8.8
GRASIM 3,270.00 3,275.00 3,232.05 3,256.90 -32.2
MCDOWELL-N 2,323.10 2,352.00 2,320.00 2,320.35 -23.2
WIPRO 550.9 551.6 541.1 547 -5.65
TECHM 2,207.00 2,224.95 2,176.85 2,182.20 -28.55
CAIRN 314 315.85 310.15 311.75 -4.3
NMDC 172.5 172.8 170 171.3 -2.5
SBIN 2,412.00 2,445.40 2,390.00 2,399.90 -36.2
M&M 1,230.00 1,246.40 1,201.75 1,230.00 -19.4
ONGC 395 396 390 393.6 -6.45
COALINDIA 359.4 360.45 351.6 356.7 -6.3
HDFCBANK 805 807.8 795 795.75 -15.75
JINDALSTEL 280.2 282.55 274.55 276.5 -5.65
NTPC 139.65 140 137 138 -2.85
TATAMOTORS 437.5 437.85 430.4 433 -9
POWERGRID 133.75 134.15 130.45 131.6 -2.9
BANKBARODA 865.7 868.7 855.55 859.15 -19.25
ASIANPAINT 628 628 614.25 618 -13.95
ACC 1,460.00 1,464.90 1,432.50 1,438.15 -35.6
INDUSINDBK 544.7 551 535.3 537.1 -13.35
AXISBANK 375 377.3 369.05 371.85 -9.25
PNB 917.1 919.5 898.25 903.5 -22.85
HINDALCO 186.8 187.2 180.55 184.3 -4.8
GAIL 416 416.05 406 408 -11.05
ULTRACEMCO 2,521.90 2,525.00 2,440.00 2,473.00 -71.25
LT 1,468.35 1,475.00 1,440.00 1,440.30 -41.6
AMBUJACEM 208 208.25 202.65 204.25 -6
BPCL 573 574.95 560.5 567.6 -17.35
IDFC 148 148.2 143.5 144.8 -4.65
TATASTEEL 552.2 552.2 535.4 537.9 -17.9
TATAPOWER 94.2 94.2 91.05 91.7 -3.2
DLF 199.25 200 193.2 194.1 -8.75
BHEL 228 228 219.5 220.15 -10.7
SSLT 281.55 281.8 267 268.2 -16.45
se 500 B
Delhi 29300 44565
Mumbai 29170 44565
Kolkata 29280 44565
Current value
Previous close
Change (Pts)
Change (%)
OFSS 3,499.00 3,507.00 3,259.70 3,470.00 94.35
APOLLOHOSP 989.85 1,019.20 975 1,013.30 25.45
PETRONET 167.75 172.7 165.7 172.35 2.85
INFRATEL 250.7 261.45 243.2 256.95 4.1
DABUR 201.7 206.55 201.55 204.8 2.05
M&MFIN 243.25 248 241.3 246.2 0.3
IDEA 158.8 160.5 157.05 159.8 0.15
RANBAXY 557 567.65 550.1 561.7 -0.2
CONCOR 1,290.00 1,307.80 1,271.15 1,298.95 -0.85
DIVISLAB 1,499.45 1,521.05 1,488.00 1,500.20 -2.15
GLAXO 2,514.90 2,514.90 2,492.00 2,501.90 -4.2
MPHASIS 430 435.05 424.05 430 -2.5
TATACHEM 367.7 367.95 358.65 365.85 -4.1
GLENMARK 667.45 668.95 653.85 661.5 -7.55
GODREJCP 874 874 850 864.7 -10.1
BOSCHLTD 13,650.0013,749.9513,550.0013,552.05 -161.75
INGVYSYABK 612.5 613.5 597 608.5 -8.05
ABIRLANUVO 1,434.75 1,434.75 1,390.00 1,416.00 -19.8
ADANIPORTS 262 263.9 258.3 262.1 -4.05
BAJAJFINSV 932 934.5 912.65 925.55 -16.1
GSKCONS 4,889.95 4,890.00 4,780.00 4,815.65 -86.7
TITAN 343.5 347.6 339.45 340.5 -6.8
JSWSTEEL 1,165.10 1,173.70 1,139.10 1,151.35 -23.9
OIL 575 575 560 566 -12
UBL 739.75 739.75 718.05 727 -15.5
YESBANK 524 526.9 516.05 520.55 -11.65
BAJAJHLDNG 1,287.00 1,295.00 1,261.05 1,270.00 -28.7
ADANIENT 458.5 458.5 447.35 453.4 -10.65
RCOM 128 128.55 125.65 126.25 -3
PFC 263.7 264.6 258.75 260.5 -6.7
BANKINDIA 271.05 271.7 264.65 267.35 -7.05
ZEEL 276.5 279 269.35 271.75 -7.2
COLPAL 1,516.75 1,528.00 1,485.20 1,486.50 -39.45
BHARATFORG 750 754.95 731.95 738.25 -19.9
CROMPGREAV 194 195.5 190.35 193.3 -5.3
TATAGLOBAL 152.7 152.9 149.55 150 -4.15
LICHSGFIN 283.65 284.35 275.5 279.4 -7.8
SIEMENS 875 876.35 850.85 854.9 -24.65
EXIDEIND 160.5 161.5 156.05 157 -4.95
SRTRANSFIN 897.1 900.45 872.05 878 -28.55
CUMMINSIND 670 670 642.65 661.95 -21.9
FEDERALBNK 115.8 115.8 112.5 113.1 -3.8
RELCAPITAL 570 570.9 557.6 558 -20.25
RECLTD 296.95 297.2 287.35 288.75 -11.45
UNIONBANK 198.05 199.25 192.1 193.55 -8.15
UPL 314.4 314.4 302 303.5 -13.05
CANBK 390.5 390.5 376.45 378 -16.4
RPOWER 88.5 88.8 85.55 85.85 -3.8
SAIL 84.5 84.5 80.3 81.05 -3.75
HINDPETRO 409.25 410 393 398.75 -19.3
Oracle Fin 3,455.10 (2.47)
Apollo Hosp 1,011.20 (2.33)
Bharti Infratel 258.75 (2.25)
Bharti Airtel 373.70 (2.09)
Pidilite Inds 366.70 (1.93)
Current (Chng %)
BHARTIARTL 375.00 (2.52)
DRREDDY 2,780.00 (0.90)
ITC 349.20 (0.85)
HCLTECH 1,530.40 (0.80)
HEROMOTOCO 2,599.00 (0.70)
Current (Chng %)
Bhushan Steel 219.35 (9.99)
JPPOWER 17.20 (6.01)
Torrent Power 123.50 (5.80)
SSLT 268.50 (5.71)
Unitech 25.95 (5.64)
Current (Chng %)
SSLT 268.20 (5.78)
BHEL 220.15 (4.64)
DLF 194.10 (4.31)
TATAPOWER 91.70 (3.37)
TATASTEEL 537.90 (3.22)
Current (Chng %)
amaha Motor Co on Friday
announced a restructuring
of its business in India, bring-
ing all its group companies
under one single leadership.
The company will re-start
Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd
(YMI) as the regional control
company for India operations.
YMI would function as the
regional headquarters and cor-
porate control body of India
business operations for Yamaha
Motor Co (YMC), the compa-
ny said in a statement.
It further said effective
August 15, 2014, Hiroyuki
Suzuki, CEO & Managing
Director of India Yamaha
Motor (IYM), has been
appointed as the Managing
Director of YMI.
He would also function as
the Chairman of the other
Yamaha group companies in
India India Yamaha Motor
(IYM), Yamaha Motor India
Sales (YMIS) and Yamaha
Motor Research &
Development India (YMRI),
the statement said. Takashi
Terabayashi, Deputy MD of
IYM woul d be the new
Managing Director of IYM, it
said. In 2008, Yamaha Motor
Co announced setting up a
joint venture with Mitsui Corp
to produce motorcycles in
arkets regulator Sebi on
Friday slapped a penalty of
`13 crore on corporate giant RIL
on charges of repeated non-dis-
closure of a key earnings ratio for
sixquarters, sayingthisinformation
oninvestors decisiontobuyorsell
The penaltyincludes a fine of
`1 crore for violation of Listing
Agreement andanother`12crore
for violation of the Securities
tion to non-disclosure of the
in the quarterly and annual dis-
closures. Theorderfollowsaprobe
bythecapital markets regulator in
of 12 crore warrants by Mukesh
Ambani-led RIL to its promoters
of RIL.
inApril 2007hadresultedindilut-
ing the pre-issue paid-up equity
share capital of RIL, but the com-
pany repeatedly failed to disclose
such dilution in earnings for as
many as six quarters.
edtoSebi fine, theregulatorsaidin
its 15-page order that the compa-
wouldbe nodilutive effect inthe
EarningPerShare(EPS)if thepro-
ceeds from the issue are not less
than the fair value of the shares
Sebi, however, ruledthatcon-
version of warrants into equity
shares would necessarily result in
reductioninnet profit pershareof
the company as the same amount
of profit needs tobe distributedto
additional equity shares as well
Thelatest penaltycomes over
one year after another fine of `11
croreslappedbySebi inMay2013
on Reliance Petroinvestments, an
RILsubsidiary, inaninsider trad-
ing case. That case was related to
charge that Reliance
Petroinvestmentsbought sharesof
erstwhile IPCL (Indian
Petrochemicals CorpLtd) inearly
im dividend and announced the
merger of IPCLwithRIL.
Also, the Securities Appellate
Tribunal dismissed a plea by RIL
on June 30 this year against Sebi,
whichhadrejectedthe companys
consent application on an alleged
irregularities inrelationtotrading
pany, inNovember, 2007.Inthepre-
sent case, ashow-causenoticewas
the company.
After looking into the com-
the matter, Sebi said that EPS
(Basic or Diluted) is a vital factor
oroneof thefundamental toolsfor
sion to continue or invest in the
shares of a particular company.
separately the DEPS for the quar-
ters ended June 2007, September
2007, December 2007, March
2008, June 2008 and September
2008, whichthenoticeehadfailed
to do so. In view of aforesaid
observations, facts andrecords of
the case, Sebi said, the company
wasinviolationof therelevant pro-
visions of the Listing Agreement
andtheSCRAandthereforeit was
liable to a penalty.
Noting that a specific quan-
tum of any direct or indirect
unfair gain made by RIL and the
loss caused to the investors were
not available onrecords, Sebi said
that the fact cannot be ignored
that millions of
shareholders/investors were
deprived of correct disclosures
about DEPS. As regards to the
repetitive nature of default, as
observed above that the Noticee
had failed to disclose the DEPS
repetitively for the six quarters.
Hence, an appropriate penalty
needs to be imposed upon the
Noticee, taking into account the
aforesaidgravity of the violations
committed, Sebi said.
Accordingly, the regulator
has decided to impose a penal-
ty of Rs one crore for violation
of Listing Agreement and of
another Rs 12 crore for violating
the SCRA provision.
Sebi fines RIL `13 cr for
not disclosing earnings dilution
Yamaha rejigs
India biz; all group
firms under one
world 13 LUCKNOW | SATURDAY | AUGUST 9, 2014
he World Health
Organisation on Friday
declared the Ebola outbreak in
West Africa to be an interna-
tional public health emergency
that requires an extraordinary
response to stop its spread.
It is the largest and longest
outbreak ever recorded of
Ebola, which has a death rate
of about 50 per cent and has so
far killed at least 932 people.
WHO declared similar emer-
gencies for the swine flu pan-
demic in 2009 and for polio in
May. The WHO chief, Dr
Margaret Chan, said the
announcement is a clear call
for international solidarity
although she acknowledged
that many countries would
probably not have any Ebola
Countries affected to date
simply do not have the capac-
ity to manage an outbreak of
this size and complexity on
their own, Chan said at a
news conference in Geneva. I
urge the international com-
munity to provide this support
on the most urgent basis pos-
sible. The agency had con-
vened an expert committee
this week to assess the
severity of the continuing
The current outbreak of
Ebola began in Guinea in
March and has since spread to
Sierra Leone and Liberia, with
a suspected cluster in Nigeria.
There is no licensed treatment
or vaccine for Ebola.
The impact of the WHO
declaration is unclear; the dec-
laration about polio doesnt
yet seem to have slowed the
spread of virus. Statements
wont save lives, said Dr Bart
Janssens, director of opera-
tions for Doctors Without
Borders. For weeks, (we) have
been repeating that a massive
medical, epidemiological and
public health response is des-
perately needed. ... Lives are
being lost because the response
is too slow. In the United
States, the Centre for Disease
Control and Prevention have
already elevated their Ebola
response to the highest level
and have recommended against
travelling to West Africa. On
Thursday, CDC director Dr
Tom Frieden told a
Congressional hearing that the
current outbreak is set to sick-
en more people than all previ-
ous outbreaks of the disease
I dont know what the
advantage is of declaring an
international emergency, said
Dr David Heymann, who
directed WHOs response to
the SARS outbreak and is now
a professor at the London
School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine. This could bring in
more foreign aid but we dont
know that yet, he said. Other
experts hoped the declaration
would send more health work-
ers to West Africa.
The situation is very crit-
ical and different from what
weve seen before, said Dr
Heinz Feldmann, chief of virol-
ogy at the US National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious
Disease. There are so many
locations with transmission
popping up and we just need
more people on the ground.
WHO did not recommend
any travel or trade bans but said
people who had close contact
with Ebola patients should not
travel internationally. For coun-
tries with Ebola, WHO issued
various recommendations,
including exit screening at
international airports and bor-
der crossings to spot potential
cases. It also discouraged mass
merican warplanes
began bombing Islamic
militant targets outside
the Kurdish city of Irbil on
Friday, in the first offensive
action by the US in Iraq since
it withdrew ground troops in
2011. Following authority
granted by Barack Obama on
Thursday, the Pentagon said
two FA-18 jets dropped 500-
pound laser-guided bombs on
fighters with the Islamic State,
also known as Isis or Isil.
The US claimed the mili-
tants were using artillery to
shell peshmerga forces defend-
ing Irbil and threatening US
personnel in the city. As the
president made clear, the
United States military will con-
tinue to take direct action
against Isil when they threaten
our personnel and facilities,
said Pentagon spokesman Rear
Admiral John Kirby.
Obamas orders to his mil-
itary commanders were wide-
ly drafted and included per-
mission to take action against
Isis forces threatening either the
thousands of Yazidi refugees
trapped on Mount Sinjar, or the
cities of Irbil and Baghdad,
where US military advisers
are based. Since Obamas state-
ment on Thursday night, there
has been relatively little criti-
cism of his return to Iraqi mil-
itary intervention s in Congress
although there is thought to be
deep unease within the White
House about the risk of being
sucked back into a prolonged
campaign against Isis.
White House officials who
briefed reporters on Thursday
night made clear it was the
rapid Isis advance on Irbil that
had triggered the latest inter-
vention, although Obama also
stressed the need for the US to
take action to prevent possible
genocide of the Yazidi popula-
tion. The two FA-18 Hornets
that carried out Fridays oper-
ation were launched from the
USS George HW Bush aircraft
carrier in the Gulf. The oper-
ation began at 1.45pm local
time (6.45am ET, 11.45am
BST). Separate humanitarian
air drops have already began to
bring relief to thousands of
minority Iraqis trapped on a
mountain in the north-west of
Iraq. Describing the threats
against stranded Yazidi
refugees as holding the poten-
tial for genocide, Obama said
he had authorised limited air
strikes to help Iraqi forces, to
assist in the fight to break the
siege and protect the civilians
trapped there.
Following Obamas autho-
risation to his military com-
manders, they are able to act
independently of the White
House on tactical matters. The
decision to strike was made by
the US central command com-
mander under authorisation
granted him by the comman-
der-in-chief, said Kirby.
The US portrayed its initial
action on Friday as a necessary
step to protect its joint opera-
tion centre in Irbil, which is
being used to co-ordinate
defences with Peshmerga fight-
ers. The fact of the matter is
we have people in Irbil and if
Irbil is allow to fall, they will be
at risk, said national security
adviser Ben Rhodes on Friday.
But US jets have been operat-
ing over Kurdish areas for
some time and the Pentagon
believes the Islamic militants
advancing toward Irbil
pose a significant threat to the
xplosions and gunfire
resounded in Gaza on
Friday after a 72-hour ceasefire
ended with Israel bombarding
the coastal strip, killing a 10-
year-old boy in retaliation to a
barrage of rockets fired by
Hamas, as talks in Cairo for a
durable truce virtually col-
lapsed. Gaza-based militants
fired first after the temporary
truce expired at 8 am (local
time), launching 21 rockets
toward Israel and marking the
resumption of the month-long
devastating conflict that has
killed nearly 1,900 Palestinians
and 67 people in Israel, includ-
ing 64 soldiers.
The IDF said, in total,
more than 36 rockets were
fired at Israel today. The mili-
tary said its Iron Dome anti-
missile shield had intercepted
three rockets, while the remain-
ing ones fell on open ground.
Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu ordered the Israeli
military to retaliate after the
rocket attacks.
The Israeli prime minister
and defence minister have
ordered the IDF (Israel Defence
Forces) to retaliate forcefully to
the Hamas breach of the cease-
fire, an official said in a state-
ment. Thousands of
Palestinians who had returned
to their houses again took
refuge at UN shelters.
The moment it dawned
upon people this morning that
there was no chance of a long-
term ceasefire agreement they
started leaving their houses,
especially in the eastern part of
Gaza. Some of them whose
houses had been destroyed in
bombings earlier and had
pitched tents also returned to
our facilities, a UN worker in
Gaza told PTI.
IDF retaliated strongly to
rocket fire by Gaza militants
calling the unprovoked attacks
unacceptable, intolerable and
short-sighted. Israeli jets struck
multiple targets across the Gaza
Strip, following the barrage of
rocket attacks in which two
people, including a soldier,
were injured.
A ten-year old Palestinian
boy was killed and five others
injured in an Israeli air strike
on a mosque in the Sheikh al-
Radwan neighbourhood of
Gaza City. Six other
Palestinians were injured across
Gaza. UN figures indicate that
73 per cent of the 1,890
Palestinian victims, or 1,354
people, were civilians. At least
429 of those civilians were
children, it said.
Fire from Israeli tanks and
gunboats was also reported
from northern and central
Gaza. Meanwhile, Israel pulled
out of talks in Cairo, officials
and medics said. Israel will not
negotiate under fire, an official
said. The Israeli delegation
arrived back from Egypt about
an hour before the cease-fire
ended, Israeli officials said.
Hamas said Israel had
failed to meet its key demands,
including the lifting of the
blockade of Gaza, the release of
prisoners and the end of the
Israeli offensive. Hamas also
rejected Israel's call for the
demilitarisation of Gaza. A
Hamas spokesman said his
organisation was ready for "a
long war".
Israel had informed Egypt
of its willingness to extend the
truce by another three days
before "Hamas breached the
ceasefire". There were also
reports of shelling in northern
Gaza by Israeli naval forces.
Israel has rubbished claims
about civilian casualties saying
that about 900 Palestinian mil-
itants were killed and blamed
the militant factions for the
civilian deaths, arguing that
innocent people were being
used by them as "human
Israel launched Operation
Protective Edge on July 8 with
the stated aim of halting rock-
et fire from militants in Gaza
and later added destroying the
network of tunnels which it
said were being used by mili-
tants among its major obec-
tives. Two militant factions --
Islamic Jihad and the Al-Nasser
Salah al-Din Brigades -- who
have fought alongside Hamas
in Gaza under the banner of
"the resistance" said they had
fired rockets at Israel on
hinese President Xi Jinping will face
his biggest political test to muster
support for his stepped up anti-graft
campaign against top retired officials at
a gathering of ruling Communist Party
elite this week. Analysts say the meet-
ing of party elders for annual informal
get-together at Beidaihe resort will test
President Xis authority to hold the party
together as senior cadres and interest
groups feel the heat from his sweeping
anti-corruption campaign.
The meeting of party elders and the
leadership at the seaside resort for the
traditional low-key gathering comes
after the president reportedly acknowl-
edged that his two-year-old drive
against graft faced challenges. The two
armies of corruption and anti-corrup-
tion are in opposition and are at a stale-
mate, Hong Kong-based South China
Morning Post quoted President Xi as
The report did not elaborate, but
analysts and insiders suggested the
campaign had damaged interest groups
with links to some of the party elite, and
Xi had clearly realised that it was
make-or-break time in the fight against
them, it said. The anti-corruption cam-
paign - the biggest in Chinas recent his-
tory involving both civil and army offi-
cials - led to the investigations against
Zhou Yongkang, who was part of the
Communist Party of Chinas nine-
member Standing Committee which
ruled the country till 2012.
Xi, who has emerged as a strong
leader, broke an unwritten rule that
incumbent and retired Standing
Committee members were immune
from corruption probe, intensifying
speculation that some affected political
groups were trying to challenge his
Renmin University political science
professor Zhang Ming said the situation
was complicated, and different parties
might hit back in Beidaihe. Zhang said
the anti-graft campaign would domi-
nate the informal summit, as leaders
were expected to discuss how far the
crusade would go, or if any bigger
tigers would be caught. The announce-
ment of probe against Zhou suggested
that Xi did not want to discuss the case
at the meeting, but move forward on
other possible major corruption cases
and issues, he told the Post. At the cen-
tre is what kind of rule of law the lead-
ers want, he said.
Last week, the CPC Politburo said
the annual plenary session in October
of the partys 205-member decision-
making Central Committee would dis-
cuss ways to advance the rule of law.
There were also concerns over the
crackdown on multi-nationals in China
which have invested billions of dollars
in the country in the past decade.
Firms like Microsoft, Accenture,
Mercedes and Audi faced anti-monop-
oly probes. Jonathan Holslag, research
fellow at the Brussels Institute of
Contemporary China Studies, said Xis
biggest challenge was that he was
becoming isolated.
Business leaders are losing patience
with his economic policies. The military
complains about being stripped of
some of its privileges. The party is get-
ting increasingly plagued by distrust and
the public is starting to feel that the easy
times are over, he said.
One aim of the Beidaihe summit
was to reduce behind-the-scenes power
struggles and reunite the party under
Xi ahead of the annual plenary session,
the analysts said. Steve Tsang, director
of the China Policy Institute at the
University of Nottingham in Britain,
said: This is meant to deliver a pow-
erful, effective and efficient Leninist
party, to enable Xi to introduce the
reforms he feels essential to secure the
China Dream of promoting a rich and
powerful China under the leadership of
the party and himself .
Whether this process of unrelent-
ingly reinforcing the power of the
party will gather a momentum of its
own, so much so that it just keeps going,
is an open question, Tsang said.
US jets strike in Iraq: Pentagon
Israel, Hamas resume fire
after 3-day Gaza truce
Smoke, dust and debris rise over Gaza City after an Israeli strike on Friday as Israel
and Gaza militants resumed cross-border attacks after a three-day truce expired
and Egyptian-brokered talks on a new border deal for blockaded Gaza hit a
deadlock AP
krainian army units,
which had been trapped
by separatists on the border
with Russia, broke out of the
bl ockade on Friday and
rejoined government forces,
but 15 soldiers and border
guards were killed in the oper-
ation, the Ukrainian military
said. Military sources quoted
by Ukrainian media said
Ukrainian units had been
effectively encircled by the
rebels on a section of the bor-
der with Russia south of the
town of Luhansk and east of
the main regional city of
Donetsk. After government
forces opened up an escape
corridor, the trapped units
were able to force their way
out, military sources quoted by
the media said. "Seven service
staff and eight border guards
were killed and 79 injured,"
military spokesman Andriy
Lysenko told journalists.
Government forces say they
are gradually tightening the
noose around the heavily
armed pro-Russian separatists
whom they have been battling
since mid-April in a conflict
which the United Nations high
commissioner for human
rights says has cost the lives of
more than 1,100 people in all,
including government forces,
rebels and civilians. The latest
military deaths from the fight-
ing in the Russian-speaking
east of Ukraine push the death
toll among government forces
alone to more than 400.
The Kiev government and
its Western allies accuse Russia
of seeking to destabilize
Ukraine and arming the rebels,
who have declared indepen-
dent "people's republics" in
the two main industrial
regions. Moscow denies
involvement. In the biggest
Russia-West confrontation
since the end of the Cold War,
the United States and
European Union have imposed
sanctions on Russia. Moscow
has retaliated with a sweeping
ban on imports of many
Western foodstuffs. Fighting
has intensified since the shoot-
ing down of flight MH17 on
July 17, killing all 298 passen-
gers and crew, an act which the
West laid at the door of the
rebels. Russia and the rebels
blame the disaster on Kiev's
military offensive.
Ukrainian troops
trapped by
separatists break
free, 15 killed
Ebola outbreak is a public
health emergency: WHO
Director General of the World Health Organization, WHO, China's Margaret Chan
and Assistant Director General for Health Security Keiji Fukuda of the US, right,
share a word during a press conference after an emergency meeting at the
headquarters of the WHO in Geneva, Switzerland, on Friday AP
Xi Jinping faces tough test at CPC leaders meet
toddler squeezed through
the White House fence,
triggering a security lock down
and forcing President Barack
Obama to delay a major
announcement to the nation on
The incident occurred yes-
terday at around 8 pm (local
time) when the toddler got
away from his parents,
squeezed through the fence and
entered the heavily protected
White House grounds, causing
a brief commotion at the 132-
room presidential mansion.
President Obama was about to
address the nation on Iraq
when the briefing was delayed
because of the security breach
on the North Lawn of the
White House. Obama later
announced that he has autho-
rised US air strikes in northern
Iraq against Islamic militants to
protect American military per-
sonnel and prevent potential
genocide of thousands of dis-
placed religious minorities
trapped on a mountaintop in
northwest Iraq.
Secret Service Spokesman
Edwin Donovan made light of
the security breach, saying:
We were going to wait until he
learned to talk to question
him, but in lieu of that he got
a timeout and was sent on way
with parents. The toddler was
soon handed over to his par-
ents. Secret Service agents reg-
ularly close off the area due to
suspicious packages or inci-
dents near the White House,
but pint-sized intruders are a
rare occurrence.
man was killed when a
charging e-cigarette
exploded and ignited oxygen
equipment he is believed to
have been using, fire service in
the English town of Wallasey
said on Friday.
The 62-year-old victim was
found in the living room of a
house in Penkett Road,
Wallasey. A small fire in the
bedroom of the property had
gone out before firefighters
arrived, Merseyside Fire and
Rescue Service (MFRS) said.
The exact cause of death is
yet to be established, the BBC
reported. An MFRS spokesman
said: "The subsequent fire
investigation identified that an
e-cigarette that had been charg-
ing in the bedroom exploded,
caught fire and ignited the
oxygen tube of an oxygen con-
centrator, which may have been
in use by the occupier."
Myles Platt, MFRS area
manager said: "The investiga-
tion into the cause of this fire
is continuing but at this stage
it is thought that the charging
device being used at the time
may not have been the one sup-
plied with the e-cigarette. "We
urge people to always use elec-
trical equipment in accordance
with the manufacturer' s
instructions and guidance,
always ensure that no electri-
cal items are left charging
overnight or left unattended for
a long period when being
charged, and do not mix parts
from different e-cigarettes.
Since January, nine fires involv-
ing e-cigarettes have been
recorded on Merseyside. An
electronic cigarette is a battery-
powered vaporiser which sim-
ulates tobacco smoking by pro-
ducing an aerosol that resem-
bles smoke.
Toddler breaches White House
security, delays Obamas speech
Man killed as e-cigarette
explodes' in English town
President Barack Obama speaks about the situation in Iraq in the State Dining Room at the White House in Washington, on
Thursday. Obama said he has authorized the US military to launch targeted airstrikes if Islamic militants advance toward
American personnel in northern Iraq. He also has announced that the military carried out airdrops of humanitarian aid
Thursday to Iraqi religious minorities threatened by the extremists AP
United Nations (PTI): The UN Security
Council has condemned"inthe strongest terms"
attacks on minorities by Islamist militants in
Iraq as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
called on the international community to
support the Iraqi government during the cur-
rent crisis.
"The Secretary-General is deeply appalled
at today's reports of attacks by the terrorist
group Islamic State (IS) in Kirkuk, and
Qaraqosh, and earlier attacks in Tal Afar and
Sinjar district, affecting mainly the vulnerable
communities of Christians, Turkomen, and
Yezidis," Ban said in a statement issued by his
spokesperson. "Reports of Yezidis amassing
along the Turkish border as well as thousands
also trapped in the Sinjar Mountains in des-
perate need of humanitarian assistance are of
urgent and grave concern," the statement said.
The Secretary-General welcomed the suc-
cessful humanitarian airdrop that has taken
place so far but expressed his "continuing and
deep concern" for the safety of those civilians.
Ban called on the international community,
"especially those with the influence and
resources" to positively impact the situation, to
support the government and people of Iraq and
to do all it can to help alleviate the suffering of
the population affected by the current conflict
in Iraq. The UN Security Council condemned
the attacks by Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant (ISIL) and again expressed its "deep out-
rage" about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis
- many of them from vulnerable minority
communities, especially Yezidis and Christians
displaced by ISIL's attacks and in urgent need
of humanitarian assistance. "The members of
the Security Council condemn in the strongest
terms the systematic persecution of individu-
als from minority populations and those who
refuse the extremist ideology of ISIL and asso-
ciated armed groups," the 15-nation body said
in a statement. The UNSC reiterated that wide-
spreador systematic attacks directedagainst any
civilian populations because of their ethnic
background, political grounds and religion may
constitute a crime against humanity, for which
those responsible must be held accountable.
UNSC condems ISIL attacks in
Iraq, Ban calls for Intl support
sport 14 LUCKNOW | SATURDAY | AUGUST 9, 2014
ngland pacer Stuart Broad
has said that their bowling
attack made good use of the
overcast conditions after losing
the toss and they now need to
bat India out of the fourth Test.
India were bowled out for
152 runs on the opening day at
Old Trafford and the hosts are
now looking to capitalise on
the visitors' failure in the first
"I was disappointed to find
out that we lost the toss and
then we got lucky with over-
head conditions," said Broad.
"But it wasn't just about the
conditions. We bowled well
and hit the right lengths with
the new ball and it was swing-
ing nicely. We challenged the
Indian batsmen with right
lengths and took our catches to
put ourselves in a really good
India were reduced to 8/4
at one stage as Broad (6-25)
and James Anderson (3-46)
wreaked havoc. Broad said
that the England bowlers were
just spot on in favourable con-
"It happened very quickly
for us and they were all decent
balls. It's not like the Indian
batsmen will be kicking them-
selves for playing those shots.
They certainly had to play at
those deliveries. I can't remem-
ber a Test match where we
knocked out a top-order like
"The bounce was very
good and getting a leg before
was very hard. So it was good
bowling because we didn't get
carried away with that bounce,"
said Broad.
"The big thing was that the
nicks were carrying and as a
bowler that is a huge advantage.
The ball was swinging nicely
but when the sun came out, R
Ashwin and MS Dhoni showed
that it was a decent wicket to
bat on.
"The zip in the pitch went
away to some extent so we did
really well in the first hour and
it was really good for us," he
Dhoni and Ashwin added
66 runs for the 7th wicket and
rescued India from total
embarrassment. Broad was
appreciative of the Indian skip-
per's efforts as well as of his
bowling partner's.
"Anderson bowled very
well today. In conditions like
this, he has the ball on a string
and can move it both ways.
"Certainly, the first two
wickets he took, the batsmen
had to play at it and couldn't
have left the balls," said Broad,
referring to the beautiful
outswingers Anderson bowled
to Murali Vijay and Virat
"The Indian batsmen did-
n't get more than 5-6 balls to
bat and that is the most danger-
ous period for any batsman.
But Dhoni showed his team
how he wanted them to bat on
this pitch.
"He is perhaps the best
batsman in the world today
when batting with the tail. He
has made some changes from
the previous tours and comes
across more now, and some-
times when the length is not
there to be hit, he can take
"If our batsmen bat like
him, and one of them goes on
to get a hundred, we will be in
a fantastic position," the all-
rounder said.
Broad also confirmed that
he will be shortly undergoing
surgery on his trouble-some
"I am going to have
surgery, probably after this
series. I don't know if it will be
before the ODI series or not.
But it will take about three
months for rehabilitation and
I should be available for the
2015 ODI World Cup," he said.
ngland consolidated their
position by taking a handy
85-run lead as they reached 237
for six before heavy rain
washed away nearly two ses-
sions of play on the second day
of the fourth cricket Test
against India, here on Friday.
Resuming at overnight 113
for three, England lost three
wickets in the pre-lunch session
as India removed removed Ian
Bell (58), Chris Jordan (13) and
Moeen Ali (13). A 67-run
partnership for the seventh
wicket between Joe Root (48)
and Jos Buttler (22) dashed
India's hopes of anymore
Only nine overs were pos-
sible after lunch which meant
that only 36 overs were bowled
on day two as wet outfield in a
small area around square pre-
vented further action.
The rain did stop around
the scheduled tea-time but the
outfield had been rendered
completely wet and big puddles
formed at various spots on the
square as well as the boundary
ropes which meant that the
ground-staff were unable to get
play started again.
This was after
Bhuvneshwar Kumar (3-47)
picked up two quick wickets in
the morning session to peg
England back, restricting the
hosts to 201 for six at lunch.
Varun Aaron (3-48) also
added another to the two wick-
ets he picked up last evening.
The second morning began
with grey clouds still looming
large over the ground, but they
seemed lighter than the ones on
day one that had helped
English bowlers wreak havoc
on the Indian top-order.
The Indian bowlers need-
ed to make use of whatever
conditions were available to
them though, and take as many
quick wickets as possible. That
plan seemed a bit flustered at
the start as 21 runs came off the
first four overs itself, with Ian
Bell (58) and Chris Jordan
(13) setting a hectic pace.
Bell, starting at his
overnight score of 45, reached
his half-century in the second
over of the day off 63 balls.
Soon after, Kumar got rid of
Jordan, caught by Aaron at
midwicket off a short ball.
Two overs later, India had
wicket of Bell as Kumar set him
up with two beautiful
outswingers, the second getting
a faint edge as the batsman
played at it.
India 1st Innings: 152
England 1st Innings: 237 for
six in 71 overs (Ian Bell 58;
Bhuvneshwar Kumar 3/47,
Varon Aaron 3/44).
heteshwar Pujara may not
have got a big score in the
ongoing Test series against
England but his father and
coach Arvind Pujara believes
that this "learning experience"
will only make his son a better
player in the coming days.
"This England series is a
learning experience for
Cheteshwar. The pitches, the
condition and the quality of
attack are all from the top
drawer. Any batsmen would
find these conditions challeng-
ing but he would learn a lot of
things from this tour," Pujara
senior told PTI from Rajkot on
Having coached his son
since he had held a cricket bat
in hand, the former Saurashtra
Ranji Trophy player knows his
game like the back of his hand
but he feels that with Duncan
Fletcher aroud, he need not
worry about any technical
"Duncan Fletcher is a
superb coach. He is the best
person to guide Cheteshwar at
the moment. It will not be fair
on my part to say what kind of
tehnical discussions both have
had," the father said.
But having played the
game and coached Cheteshwar,
does he find any problem
with his batting, and Pujara
senior replied, "I wouldn't
say problem but Cheteshwar
needs to work hard on
countering sharp swinging
"Swinging deliveries are
not always a problem but do we
regularly play in these condi-
tions where there is so much of
bounce as well sharp swing.
Look, how much swing a sea-
soned bowler like Anderson is
getting. One needs to play the
ball late and eyes should always
be on bowler's release. You
need to pick up the direction of
the swing early," said the for-
mer wicketkeeper.
Pujara senior said that
the difference between South
Africa and England has
been the conditions which has
led to balls swinging prodi-
"In South Africa, there is
bounce but in England, the cli-
matic conditions leads to the
kind of swing that bowlers are
getting. Even if we prepare
bouncy pitches in India, we
can't create an atmosphere
where the deliveries will swing
so much. These are pressures of
international cricket and one
needs to adapt quickly. But full
credit to the England bowlers
for the areas that they have
bowled," he said.
CC chairman N Srinivasan
on Friday made it clear that
the apex cricket body was "not
considering" a complete over-
haul in the 'Code of Conduct'
for players, which has become
a subject of debate following
the infamous James Anderson-
Ravindra Jadeja 'Pushgate' inci-
"We are not considering to
revamp ICC Code of conduct
for players," Srinivasan, a for-
mer BCCI president, told
Srinivasan' s response
comes a day after BCCI secre-
tary Sanjay Patel pushed for a
complete revamp in the ICC
players code of conduct.
"As I see it, the ICC Code
of Conduct needs to be
revamped or rehauled, whatev-
er you may call it. Currently the
BCCI could not have asked for
an appeal against the decision
of the judicial commissioner
(Gordon Lewis who let off
Anderson). The appellant in
this case could have been only
the ICC. It's a big flaw (in the
process)," Patel had said on
Former India skipper
Rahul Dravid, too, slammed
the 'not guilty' verdict given to
Anderson in the 'pushgate'
incident and said the adminis-
trators of the game have sent
out a "wrong message" by let-
ting off the England pacer
without any punishment.
"The message we've given
out at the moment, the game
has given out, is that it's okay
to do this stuff (abuse),
which I think is wrong. I
think there needed to be some
sort of action taken," Dravid
had said.
The incident took place as
the players were leaving for
lunch during the second day of
the first Test at Trent Bridge.
India had charged
Anderson with a Level 3
offence for pushing Jadeja but
England resorted back by filing
a Level 2 charge against the
Indian all-rounder, arguing
that he had allegedly wheeled
around aggressively prompting
Anderson to act in self-defence.
However, with no video
evidence and with testimony
from both sides being "hope-
lessly biased", judicial commis-
sioner Gordon Lewis' have
found both Anderson and
Jadeja not guilty of breaching
the ICC Code of Conduct at a
hearing in Southampton last
HARARE: Freshly re-installed as the top-
ranked Test team in the world, South Africa
appear disinclined to take any mercy on their
struggling neighbours Zimbabwe when the two
teams engage in a rare Test starting on Saturday.
Given Zimbabwe's lowly ranking and the
myriad problems infecting its cricket, the
Proteas could have been forgiven for resting key
players in the one-off Test but have instead stuck
with the 15-man squad that recently clinched
a series victory in Sri Lanka.
That means that a Zimbabwe side who have
not played a Test in almost a year are set to come
up against the best and most feared bowler in
the world in Dale Steyn, as well as top-ranked
batsman AB de Villiers and top-ranked all-
rounder Vernon Philander.
"Whether you're playing Australia or
Zimbabwe, the pressure is always there. We are
here to play our best brand of cricket," South
Africa captain Hashim Amla promised on
arrival in Harare.
"My firm belief is that you don't take any-
thing for granted. I've come here to play Test
cricket as intensely as we played even in Sri
The expectation, therefore, is that the
Proteas will inflict a similar defeat to the ones
Zimbabwe suffered back in 2005 -- the last time
that the sides encountered each other in Test
Not only did Zimbabwe lose both Tests by
an innings, but the first match ended inside two
days and the second lasted just three.
Hamilton Masakadza, Elton Chigumbura
and Brendan Taylor are the three current
Zimbabwe players who will have some harsh
memories from that match, while AB de Villiers
is the only South African to have spanned the
nine-year gap.
This clash finds the hosts at a particularly
low ebb following their one-day series draw at
home to Afghanistan last month, but captain
Taylor insists they are excited by the challenge.
trials for
Asian Games
NEW DELHI: The selection
trials to pick Indian boxers for
the upcoming Asian Games
in Incheon, South Korea, has
been postponed due to
request from the medal win-
ners in the recently-concluded
Glasgow Commonwealth
The selection trials were
earlier scheduled to be held
from August 9-11 at the NIS
"Selection Trials scheduled
from August 09-11, 2014 for
selection Elite (Senior)
Men/Women Boxing teams
for forthcoming Incheon
Asian Games-2014 have been
postponed due to request
received from medal winner
Boxers of Glasgow
Commonwealth Games," a
release from the Ad-hoc
Committee on Boxing appoint-
ed by Indian Olympic
Association said.
"This decision has been
taken after discussion with
National Coach Mr G S
Sandhu and AIBA EC Member
Mr Kishen Narsi. The fresh
dates of the said Selection
Trials will be intimated soon,"
committee chairman
Tarlochan Singh said in the
Indian boxers, including
2008 Olympic bronze medal-
list Vijender Singh, had won
four silver and a bronze medal
in the Commonwealth Games
in Glasgow.
Rain plays spoilsport as England take 85-run lead
Bhuvneshwar Kumar, centre, celebrates with teammates after taking the wicket of England's Chris Jordan for 13 at Old Trafford cricket ground on the second day of the fourth test match of their five match series, in
Manchester on Friday
ndian off-spinner
Ravichandran Ashwin has
not lost hope after the team's
surrender in the first innings
of the fourth Test against
England but felt disappointed
on getting out after doing all
the hard work.
India were bowled out
for a paltry 152 in their first
innings, but Ashwin (40) and
skipper Mahendra Singh
Dhoni (71) did try to save
some face with a 66-run sev-
enth-wicket partnership after
the visitors were reduced to 8
for 4 in 5.1 overs.
"There have been times in
the Ranji Trophy when teams
have made a similar start.
Mumbai were 0/5 at one stage
if I remember and then they
went on to win. So I am per-
sonally drawing inspiration
from that and I believe we are
still in the game. I am just dis-
appointed that I threw away
my wicket because maybe I
could have scored more runs,"
said Ashwin, who has 3 fifties
and 2 centuries under his belt
in 19 Tests.
"There was something in
the wicket for the bowlers to
exploit and they bowled
really well. Maybe we could
have got a few more runs,
you always want more
runs. But we did well to get
those wickets in the end and
we are still in the game," he
Playing his first Test of the
series, Ashwin was not happy
with the way he got out after
doing the grinding bit.
"I don't know how I feel
about getting back again in the
side. But when I went out to
bat, I felt like a chicken out of
the box. I was very scratchy
when my innings started
and the ball was doing too
"So I just tried to stick in
there for a while and see what
happens. But I am disappoint-
ed with the way I got out. I
have only myself to blame
for that. If we had more runs
we could have put more pres-
sure on them," he said, after
being trapped by a short ball
from Broad and caught in the
With the five-match series
tied at 1-1, Dhoni opted to bat
first in overcast conditions, but
Ashwin defended his cap-
tain's call.
"The wickets are pretty
much similar in all the match-
es and the conditions were a
bit different. So it was entire-
ly the management's call to bat
first after winning the toss. In
the end they bowled very well
and used the conditions very
well," he said.
Ashwin though was full of
praise for his captain who,
despite an unorthodox tech-
nique, showed the top-order
batsmen how to bat on this
"Dhoni played a brilliant
innings, a gutsy innings,"
Ashwin said.
"The bal l was going
around and in fact it was
kicking off good length. So
when we got together, he
asked me to play my game,
and play my shots, because
that was the way to go. There
were hardly any runs on the
board and we were looking to
rotate the strike. We didn't
want to be sitting ducks in
those conditions."
I believe we are still
in the game: Ashwin
Made good use of the conditions: Broad
England tour a learning experience for Cheteshwar: Father
No plans to revamp ICC code of
conduct for players: Srinivasan
The message we've given out at the
moment, the game has given out, is
that it's okay to do this stuff (abuse),
which I think is wrong. I think there
needed to be some sort of action
taken - Rahul Dravid
South Africa pledge no mercy
on struggling Zimbabwe
sport 15
Toronto: Top-ranked Novak Djokovic was upset by 13th-
seeded Jo-Wilfried Tsonga on Thursday in the Rogers Cup,
falling 6-2, 6-2 in only 63 minutes in the third round.
Second-seeded Roger Federer narrowly avoided another
upset, edging Marin Cilic 7-6 (5), 6-7 (3), 6-4. Tsonga's
serve gave Djokovic plenty of trouble. The Frenchman had
only eight aces, but Djokovic continually struggled to keep
his returns in play. Serving on match point, Tsonga won
when Djokovic's return went wide. Tsonga did some
shadow boxing and jumped up and down before waving to
a receptive crowd. On Wednesday, Djokovic needed three
tough sets to outlast Gael Monfils 6-2, 6-7 (4), 7-6 (2) in
the second round. Tsonga will play Andy Murray.
Montreal: Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova and French
Open winner Maria Sharapova suffered third-round shock
exits while top seed Serena Williams avoided the upset bug
Thursday at the WTA Montreal hardcourt tournament.
Russian Ekaterina Makarova upended second-seeded left-
hander Kvitova 6-4, 1-6, 6-2, while diminutive Spaniard
Carla Suarez Navarro stunned fourth-seeded Sharapova 6-
2, 4-6, 6-2, following a third-set rain delay, at Uniprix
Stadium. Williams advanced by defeating Lucie Safarova 7-
5, 6-4 to reach the quarter-finals.
Kolkata: Deepika Kumari will battle for a bronze in the
individual recurve section after she lost in the semifinal of
the Archery World Cup Stage IV being held in Wroclaw,
Poland. According to information received here, Deepika
lost to Jing Xu of China 6-5 in the semifinals yesterday and
she will now take on Tatiana Segina of Russia in the bronze
medal play-off on Sunday. The loss may also prove to be a
dampner for the three-time World Cup Final silver
medalist's hope for a place in the season-ending meet in
Lausanne from September 5-7. In the women's compound
individual, Purvasha Shende lost to Sara Lopez of
Colombia 143-141 in the quarters while none of the other
Indians could even make the last eight.
London: Didier Drogba has announced his retirement from
international football after 12 years playing for the Ivory
Coast. The 36-year-old striker made more than 100
appearances for the Ivorians and played in three World
Cups, most recently in Brazil this summer. He also played
in two editions of the African Cup of Nations. Drogba says
he is "proud ... to have contributed to placing my country
on the world stage of football."
London: It's quintessentially Indian but Kabaddi is all set to
make waves across three continents with the first-of-its-
kind World Kabaddi League kickstarting here on Saturday
as Bollywood stars Akshay Kumar and Sonakshi Sinha will
add a dash of glamour to the ambitious event. Featuring
eight teams, including one from Pakistan, the tournament
will be played for four months in USA, England, Canada,
UAE and India. What makes it unique is the presence of
international players. The Khalsa Warriors, Yo Yo Tigers,
Vancouver Lions, Punjab Thunder, Lahore Lions, United
Singhs, California Eagles and Royal Kings will fight it out for
a winner's cheque of `1.7 crores.
PANJIM: The maiden edition of the Force Gurkha
Rainforest Challenge (RFC) India was launched on Friday at
the International Centre Goa in Dona Paula. With 25
competitor teams from all over India, the six day event will
be filled with nail biting moments and courageous efforts
by the competitors. Comprising of a driver and a co-driver,
each team will navigate through multiple offroad obstacles
or Special Stages from South to North Goa wherein
competitors will face pouring skies and unforeseen
ory McIlroy showed no sign of
letting up. Lee Westwood might
just be getting started.
Momentum was a big theme
Thursday in the opening round of the
PGA Championship, and it even
applied to Tiger Woods.
Except that Woods kept going the
wrong direction.
Westwood followed up a season-
best 63 four days ago at Firestone by
matching his best score in a major
championship. He made nine birdies
at Valhalla for a 6-under 65, giving
him a share of the lead with Ryan
Palmer and Kevin Chappell.
One shot behind was McIlroy, the
No. 1 player and overwhelming
favorite in the final major of the year.
McIlroy, coming off back-to-back
wins at the British Open and a World
Golf Championship, overcame a wild
double bogey on the par-5 10th hole
by running off four straight birdies.
His eagle attempt on the 18th hole
narrowly missed. He settled for a 66,
a solid start in his bid to become only
the seventh player to win the last two
majors of the year.
Woods achieved that feat twice,
including at Valhalla in 2000. That now
seems even longer than 14 years ago.
On a day when nearly half the
field shot par or better, Woods opened
with a 3-over 74. He hit two tee shots
that missed the fairway by some 30
yards, hooked a 3-wood into a creek
and hit a spectator with his tee shot
on a par 3. His two best putts were for
par and bogey.
He didn't look very sharp. In his
last competitive round, Woods with-
drew after eight holes at Firestone
because of another back injury. He
said his trainer was able to pop a joint
back into place above the sacrum,
eliminating the pain. But it apparent-
ly did little for the rust.
Woods wasn't the only player who
hit a few wild ones. Right when
McIlroy was building momentum, he
hooked his second shot on the par-5
10th hole over a fence and out-of-
bounds, leading to a double bogey. He
was more upset about a three-putt
bogey on the next hole, but then Boy
Wonder bounced back with four
straight birdies to get right back into
the mix.
Everything is very much going his
way right now. It was his 11th straight
round under par, and his third straight
round of 66.
Westwood also had a double
bogey on his 10th hole that kept his
score from being even better. He
played the back nine first, and hit his
tee shot right down the middle at No.
1, and right at the edge of a divot that
wasn't entirely filled with sand.
He flubbed a chip trying to be too
perfect and missed a 4-foot bogey
putt. Much like McIlroy, he respond-
ed in splendid fashion by closing out
his round with four straight birdies,
finishing with a 30-footer on the ninth
Westwood also had a 65 in the
third round at Congressional in the
2011 U.S. Open.
The timing was great for
Westwood, who is trying to avoid
missing the Ryder Cup for the first
time since 1995. European captain
Paul McGinley told Westwood he
wanted to see some form, and
Westwood has delivered a 63 at
Firestone and a 65 in the opening
round of the final major.
Anirban Lahiri grinded it out for
a one-over 72 on a warm and muggy
opening day to give himself a decent
chance of making the halfway cut.
The 27-year-old Bangalorean,
who drove the ball well and found
more than half the fairways missed a
lot of greens in regulation and putted
less than satisfactorily.
Lahiri was tied 79th after first
round and would need a sub-par
round to make sure he stays on for
weekend action at the Valhalla Golf
Club which is playing to 7,458 yards
but that was counter balanced with the
somewhat soft and receptive greens.
Lahiri, despite struggling on the
greens, scrambled well to make pars,
of which he had 16. After starting on
the tenth, his big mistake of the day
came on the 16th, where he double
bogeyed and his lone birdie of the day
came on the seventh, where he made
up for a terrible pitch which he left
short with a fine putt.
James hopes World Cup form continues at Madrid
London: Arsenal were without their
three World Cup winners at the
annual members' day on Thursday
but, even if Mesut Ozil, Per
Mertesacker and Lukas Podolski had
suddenly arrived wearing their new
medals, the star attraction would
have been the same. All eyes from
the stands were on the squat 5ft 7ins
figure of Alexis Sanchez and inside
the Armoury the club shop
most wallets were being emptied in
appreciation of Arsenal's most
expensive ever striker. The '17
Alexis' shirts have been the top sell-
er of the summer but some novel-
ty masks of the club's first player
from Chile have also been moving
with considerable speed.
Sanchez obliged for pictures
with fans and a few words in bro-
ken English but was at his most elo-
quent once the practice match
began. A blur of passing followed.
Sanchez to Mathieu Debuchy. Back
to Sanchez again.
A one-two with Yaya Sanogo
and then a goal that drew audible
gasps from the 5,000 or so fans at the
Emirates. It was not quite as good
as Jack Wilshere's 'goal of the sea-
son' against Norwich last year but
something comparable. By last
night, the YouTube count had
already risen beyond 100,000 and,
even in that 15 seconds or so of
grainy footage, there was a glimpse
of why Sanchez is generating more
excitement that any other Premier
League newcomer this summer.
The pace, versatility and tech-
nical qualities are obvious. They
were evident during the World Cup
but also on his one previous trip to
Wembley ahead of Sunday' s
Community Shield against
Manchester City when he scored
both goals in Chile's 2-0 win over
England. Sanchez's skills were more
fleetingly apparent during three
years atBarcelona which ultimately
ended with him discovering that
there can only be one attacking focal
point at the Nou Camp - and his
name is Lionel Messi.
Yet it is still worth recalling the
words of Pep Guardiola shortly
before he stood down as Barcelona
manager in 2012. "Alexis Sanchez
has stolen my heart," said Guardiola.
"He is very young, but he came for-
ward and sacrificed himself a lot. He
is very humble. I think the club has
made a special signing."
Speak to anyone at Arsenal and
it is quickly obvious that research-
ing Sanchez's personality was as fun-
damental to the scouting process as
his footballing qualities. And to
understand Sanchez, to appreciate
the mentality that is so admired by
both Guardiola and Wenger, you
must also know about a small
coastal town called Tocopilla. There
are less than 25,000 inhabitants in
Tocopilla but, beyond being the
birthplace of Sanchez, it has attract-
ed global attention for also being the
town in Chile that was most devas-
tated in 2007 by an earthquake that
reached 7.7 on the Richter Scale. It
displaced 15,000 people and
destroyed 30 per cent of all stand-
ing structures.
It did not take long for word of
Sanchez's talent - and dedication -
to spread. "Here in Tocopilla, Alexis
became known immediately; those
who saw him realised he was one of
a kind," says Segovia. "All clubs have
wanted him. He played with adults
and was not afraid. And you could
tell, he had it in his head that he
wanted to become a professional
footballer. He said, 'I'm going to get
to the top, to be one of the best play-
ers in the world'. "It was not his mum
that pushed him, nor his relatives.
Sanchez pushed himself. He has no
obligation to anyone but nonetheless
has helped a lot of people."
By the age of 16, Sanchez had
moved 100 miles east to the min-
ing desert of Calama, a city that
stands at an altitude of 2,260 metres
and which is also home to the
Primera Division club Cobreloa.
Sanchez's hero, unsurprisingly, was
Marcelo Salas but his former team-
mate, Nelson Tapia, remembers
advising him not to broadcast his
allegiance for rivals Universidad de
Chile (La U).
"We told him not to identify
with any shirt even though he was
a fan of La U and his idol was
Marcelo Salas," recalls Tapia. "Nearly
all the players in that squad had
played for big teams and we knew
that the fans held it against you
when you make that confession. We
went along teaching him important
things, like how to be the man of the
house. We showed him how to fold
his clothes, we taught him how to
cook. We made salads, meat. He was
very good at making pizzas."
Salas, who was to become a
mentor, agrees that the time spent
in Calama was pivotal to Sanchez's
development. "The group at
Cobreloa were the ones that did the
most for him," says Salas. "He had
the fortune to land in a squad of
men, good people, with a lot of
experience. They were the ones that
guided him."
Cobreloa's fitness coach, Italo
Traverso, also recalls how Sanchez
grew in stature after being invited by
then manager Nelson Acosta to
train with the Chile national team in
2005. "There, in the training camps,
Marcelo (Salas) spoke to him," he
says. "Alexis's kind and friendly
nature was key. At Cobreloa, he was
in a group of big men, who were well
travelled and they welcomed him
and protected him."
The Cobreloa youth players
lived in club houses and money was
scarce. Francisco Pia, one of
Sanchez's teammates, recalls that
they were still paid a flat fee of
50,000 pesos (45) per month even
when they broke into the senior
team. "Alexis played every game
and they called me up, but they
never gave us more than that
money," he says.
Sanchez lived with a man called
Luis Astorga who had two daugh-
ters, Barbara and Andrea. "It upset
us so much when he said he was
leaving, even though he told us he
would miss us," says Barbara.
"Then, when he actually left, it was
like saying goodbye to a brother,
and for my parents, a son. My par-
ents were in tears."
The next stop was Udinese, who
had paid 1.7 million for the 17-
year-old Sanchez. They promptly
loaned him out for seasons in Chile
and Argentina where he was respec-
tively part of league title winning
teams with Colo Colo and River
Plate. Having made his internation-
al debut at the age of 18, Sanchez
played for the first time with Salas
Chile's all-time record goalscor-
er in September 2007. "Alexis will
be better than me," says Salas. "He
endears himself to you. It is impos-
sible to dislike him."
That largely still applied after his
25 million move to Barcelona in
2011 but whether he was ever truly
loved at the Nou Camp is less cer-
tain. In the context of the 75 mil-
lion arrival this summer of Luis
Suarez, it is interesting to consider
how high-profile outsiders - Zlatan
Ibrahimovic, Thierry Henry and
Yaya Toure - have often struggled to
establish themselves at a club that so
revers its homegrown talent. Even
if Barcelona effectively valued Suarez
as worth 40 million plus Sanchez,
it would be impossible to judge his
time in Spain as anything other than
a qualified success. He won six
medals and was only out-scored in
La Liga last season by Messi, Diego
Costa and Cristiano Ronaldo.
It was no surprise then that he
was coveted this summer by
Liverpool as well as Arsenal. Four
factors are understood to have been
crucial in Sanchez's decision. The
London location, the belief that
Arsenal are better placed to regular-
ly qualify for the Champions League,
the chance to play with Mesut Ozil
and also the personal intervention of
Wenger, who speaks fluent Spanish,
and met with Sanchez's representa-
tives in Brazil during the World Cup.
Wenger's long-standing admiration
for Sanchez is even easier to under-
stand. An ability to play across the
front four positions in his usual 4-
2-3-1 formation will give Arsenal
numerous options.
Daily Telegraph
Tales of how the Chilean went from small town hero to Arsenal's 35 million man, writes JEREMY WILSON
Lee Westwood hits a chip on the first hole during the first round of the PGA Championship at
Valhalla Golf Club on Thursday in Louisville, Ky AP
MADRID: James Rodriguez hopes the
scoring streak that earned him the
Golden Boot award at the World Cup
continues after his move to European
champion Real Madrid.
Madrid paid Monaco a reported
$108 millionfor the Colombia forward
after he scored a tournament-leading
six goals at this summer's World Cup
in Brazil.
He was presented with the Golden
Boot trophy on Friday. "I was hoping
to win it because I have always
dreamed of winning something like
this," James said. "This is also a source
of happiness to my country Colombia.
Because they gave me lot of strength
so I could win the award."
James' first goal against Uruguay
in the round of 16, when he chested
the ball down and then volleyed it in,
was voted the best of the competition.
"It was something so special that
will always stay with me," Rodriguez
said about that spectacular strike. He
also scored the second in a 2-0 win.
"Those are goals that stay in the
memory. I think I left a mark with that
goal. It made us pass to the quarterfi-
nals andthat was alsohistoric," he said.
Now the 23-year-old must find a
way into a star-studded attack already
featuring Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth
Bale and Karim Benzema.
"I have big hopes, but first I have
to train well and earn my place in the
team so I can play regularly and win
titles," James said. "I am now in a club
that is always hungry for titles. And I
think that if you want to play here you
must always keep a high level of per-
formance. AndI ampreparedfor that."
James' quest for playing time
could be further complicated if Angel
Di Maria stays withMadrid, withother
clubs apparently put off by the large
price tag for the Argentina winger.
That would leave James compet-
ing for time with the versatile
Argentine, Francisco "Isco" Alarcon,
Luka Modric and fellow new signing
Toni Kroos. "They are all stars," James
said. "For me it is a pleasure to be with
them. Even training with them. It is
something unique and I hope I can
play here together with them for
many years."
Alexis Sanchez has shifted to Arsenal from Spanish leading club Barcelona AP
James Rodriguez AP
Englishman Lee shares first day of PGA Cships honour with Palmer & Chappell
Verdict in Pistorius
trial on Sep. 11
Pretoria: The judge in the murder trial of
Oscar Pistorius said Friday that she will give
a verdict on Sept. 11, bringing closer to an end
a globally televised five-month trial that has
transfixed South Africans and others around
the globe.
Judge Thokozile Masipa made the
announcement after the prosecution and
defense ended their final arguments. Masipa
will decide with the help of two legal assistants
if the double-amputee athlete faces prison for
killing Reeva
Steenkamp on
Valentine's Day
last year in his
If foundguilty
of premeditated
murder, Pistorius
could face 25
years and up to
life in prison.
Pistorius said
he mistakenly
shot Steenkamp
through the
closed door of a
toilet cubicle,
thinking there was
an intruder in his
home. The prose-
cution alleges the
world-famous runner intentionally killed her
after an argument.
"The accused intended to kill a human
being," chief prosecutor Gerrie Nel said at the
very end of closing arguments. "There must
be consequences." Nel has urged the judge to
dismiss Pistorius' entire story as an elaborate
lie and to convict him of premeditated mur-
der. South Africa does not have trial by jury,
nor does it have the death penalty.
Pistorius could also be convicted of a less-
er murder charge or negligent killing, both of
which call for years in jail. Judge Masipa could
acquit him if she believes he only made a trag-
ic error. In the prosecution's final arguments,
Nel accused the once-celebrated Paralympic
champion of being an "appalling witness" who
was constantly "deceitful" during his testimo-
ny to try to cover up a murder after a fight
between the couple.
Pistorius, 27, sat on the bench Friday
behind his lawyer, the same place he has spent
every one of the 41 days of proceedings. He
wore glasses, mostly looking straight ahead.
Chief defense lawyer Barry Roux argued
the killing was an accident and said Pistorius'
disability had made him particularly vulner-
able and anxious about crime over the years,
comparing him to a victim of abuse who kills
an abuser after a long period of suffering.
Pistorius' had his lower legs amputated as a
baby, and Roux said that the athlete's long-held
fear of being attacked with the disability played
a central role in the shooting on Feb. 14, 2013.
At one point Friday, Roux slammed his
hand down onto a desk in the Pretoria
courtroom to mimic a sudden sound he
says the disabled athlete heard during the
fatal night, startling him and causing him
to fire four shots. AP
Oscar Pistorius AP
o give your
taste buds a
treat, Foodhall and
United States
Department of Agriculture have come up with
American food fiesta. For this festival, Foodhall
has the best of the diverse cuisine of America,
right from doughnuts, waffles, pancakes,
American deli-style potato salads, coleslaws and
pasta salads. Sandwiches, burgers, sausages, salami, pastrami
and pepperoni are also on the offering.
ith its own unique spin on the
internationally popular concept,
Monkey Bar is the Indian avatar of
the Gastropub. The new menu at
Monkey Bar stays true to bring in
deceptively simple dishes, like pat
pong chicken skewers, which is made of chicken mince and
Thai herbs and chilli flavoured skewers cooked on a grill. The
kung fu rolls or the spring rolls are also on the list. For
cheese lovers, ricotta and paneer kebabs are a must try.
ukhara at ITC Maurya celebrates 35 years of its glory. You
can become a part of this legacy as you soak in
the intense flavours, the rustic ambience and the
unforgettable experience since 1978. The
authentic cuisine of the North West Frontier will
be honoured and famous dal Bukhara will on the
offering with chef's special delicacies.
oost Bistro, a popular food joint in
Hauz Khas village, has introduced
a new monsoon menu. Somerset
mushroom soup with garlic,
mushroom and onion cooked with
stock and white wine is on the
offering. The rich and creamy leek and potato soup, which is
American soup finished with butter leek, can also be relished.
Appetisers like baby corn bezule, chicken pancakes florentine
are also available to pamper the taste buds. Main course
comprises of taste and health with delectables like cottage
cheese rollatoni, ginger honey hunter chicken and grilled corn
fed thyme lemon chicken.
LUCKNOW | SATURDAY | AUGUST 9, 2014 vivacity {food} 16
arel y do we come
across chefs, who in
their introductory part
of speech say, I will make
sure you eat today more
than what you had yester-
day. And if your host is say-
ing so with beaming eyes,
you are surely on a great
gourmet crui se. For a
mi nute, chef Anay
Mukherjee makes us forget
all the noise and hoopla that
this newly launched outlet,
The Townhouse Caf, boasts
of. Anay doesnt have a magic
wand to enhance your
appetite, but a simple formu-
la that he has infused in
almost all his dishes. Lemon,
ginger and citrus are his
tricks. I have always loved
fruit so I have experiment-
ed with them.
I have
mysel f
a t e d
s y r u p s
which I put
in almost every
item, says t he
To begin with, we
order assorted mush-
rooms with cheese
chilli oil, quesadilla
bites and bhutiya ka
kebab. However,
Anay suggests us to
start with orange
salad and have it in
By now, we have
understood how
peculiar the chef is about the combinations on the platter. You
have your stuff and then a bite of this salad, you will feel
like gorging on those items again. I bet,
declares the chef. As we follow his guide-
lines, we discover what change an orange
can bring to your meal and appetite.
Suddenly, the appetite is much larg-
er. Theres no secret. Citrus just tit-
illates your taste bud drastically. So
you end up having much more,
quips the chef. The salad is served
with fresh green leaves, orange
reduction and a few orange slices.
But isnt it worrisome to eat more?
Not really, especially when you have
carefully crafted items, which are
clearly customised in a healthy way. The
bhutia kebab is stuffed with corn, nuts and
almonds but little spicy. The combo is deli-
cious for those in love with corn but to maintain the
spices, you better inform the staff while they take the
order. In the burger section, there are burgers with
three kind of beans. Theres a tendency to snub beans
in our diet and even restaurateurs dont pay heed to
include it in the menu. I have cleverly put them in
burgers so that one consumes them in fast food with-
out extra baggage, he says.
The caf, which is just a couple of months old, is
garnering citys attention. At first, it looks like a fine
dine place but as you scroll further, the huge space
turns into a luxurious party destination. Inspired by
Gothic architecture, Townhouse has an old school
charm as well as a modern setting. Some of the materials are
rusted, weathered and to contrast them some are polished and
made to shine. The caf-like, high chairs, red couches and
the family sofas make it a perfect mix for every kind of
revelers. The dim lights are at their best in the night.
Chesterfields, leather and some animal prints are
thrown in and all woodwork has soft gilded and
carved lines. Nothing is sharp and straight as its
all rounded off to complement the use of arch-
es in the ceiling and the arched openings on the
I wanted to give urban youth a cool and lux-
urious place to hang out at night. It took over a
year to conceptualise the interiors. Its like an
European church where all sins are allowed, says
Akshay Anand, co-owner of the caf, who also joins
us on the treat but is on ghar ka khana. With so much
of detailing given to food here, we didnt regret miss-
ing our homely stuff for a day.
Apart from the essentials of
Mediterranean and Indian
cuisine, the chefs at
Townhouse Caf offer
healthy options like corn
and almond kebabs, orange
salads and bean burgers,
The citrus trick
he barbeque pulled pork burger, seared mushroom and garlic potatoes on a
crusty French bread, crunchy salads and yummy homemade hand-pulled ice
cream. Everything that I have enjoyed at Indigo Deli (Mumbai outlet) came
to my mind while I waited for the copy of menu to reach my table. This first out-
let of Mumbais popular joint, Indigo Deli, at a mall in Vasant Kunj was packed com-
pletely even on a week day. The twin-level Delhi outlet has a seating capacity of
over 100 diners between the indoor restaurant on the main floor with cosy booths
and a buzzing open kitchen, and an alfresco terrace dining area, which is yet to be
The sense of familiarity is drawing the crowd to the place which is now suc-
cessfully running in its fourth week. I could see all kind of guests around those
whohave beena regular at Mumbai outlets andthose whoheardabout it fromfriends
and family. If you belong to the former category, it will be so much pleasure to find
all your favourites listed in the menu. In fact, the menu is almost the same as the
Mumbai one with one or two additions like stuffed corn-fed chicken. For a few open-
ing days of the restaurant, men who take charge of the Mumbai kitchens are man-
aging the show here.
Developed by chefs Rahul Akerkar and Jaydeep Mukherjee, the menu boasts
an extensive selection of sandwiches, salads, pastas, light meals and a wide range
of scrumptious desserts, a bevy of beverages and a daily changing specials menu.
All-time favourites like Bombay chicken wings, eggs divinity, Philly cheese steak
sandwich, chorizo pizza, baked yoghurt, silky souffls and rich cheesecakes are the
most demanded so far. But chef Akrekar says that apart from all-time favourites,
guests are trying almost everything on the menu. Be it the salads, soups or main
course dishes there isnt just one thing that we can say is most demanded here. We
are getting all kinds of guests from all age groups. Some just come prepared with
what they want to order, these are the ones who have known Indigo as a brand for
long and have their favourites, and then there are others who come with big groups
and try almost everything on the menu, from steaks to fried chicken and pizza. In
less time, our breakfast menu has really got popular here, said the chef.
The breakfast menu that is served from nine in the morning comprises por-
ridge, bircher musli, sandwiches, smoked or house cured salmon, couscous upma,
appam and a wide variety in egg section.
I started the meal with citrus salad. Fresh citrus fruits, garden greens, red onions,
kalamata olives came with generous citrus dressing and feta cheese. Perfect for the
season, the salad was filling enough and the flavours were perfectly balanced. As I
digged into the salad, I wondered how difficult it must be for the chefs to replicate
flavours here. Since most of our guests have dined at our Mumbai outlets, they
sometimes order the same dishes and they expect the flavours to be same. So we
cannot go wrong with that. The food here is our take on classic American/Western
feel-good foods. The prime ingredients that we use, freshness of our veggies and
meats and attention to detail reflect in the quality of food served. While develop-
ing the menu for New Delhi, we have ensured that its a mix of our favourites and
more, the chef told me. An interesting list of main course can tempt you no ends.
From cheese fondue to lemon butter calamari, everything seems like a must try.
Leaving the place without sampling desserts (readice creams) wouldbe a sin. Croissant
pudding with bourbon sauce, flourless chocolate orange cake with orange sorbet,
triple chocolate mousse, chocolate ganache, desserts here are to die for. From the
ice cream section, you should go for flavours like Belgian chocolate and Dulce de
In few days time, the second outlet in Delhi, which will be on the lines of Indigo,
Colaba, will come up.
All things

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