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Ny name is }ustin Banhof, anu I am iepiesenting the National Centei foi Public
Policy Reseaich, the pioponent of Pioposal Numbei Nine.

0ui Pioposal highlights an aiea of concein to all shaieholueis: Company affiliations
that may piimaiily auvance social oi enviionmental causes iathei than piomoting
shaieholuei value.

We aie asking the Company to be tianspaient about its membeiship in, anu
payments to, tiaue gioups anu outsiue oiganizations that aie actively piomoting
top-uown enviionmentalism iathei than woiking to auvance shaieholuei value.

The Pioposal is necessaiy because Apple is a membei of the Retail Inuustiy Leaueis
Association (RILA) - one of the countiy's laigest Washington, B.C-baseu tiaue
associations. RILA has been woiking with its membei companies to auvance top-
uown, maiket-uistoiting sustainability initiatives. RILA is piessuiing its membeis
to make expensive capital expenuituies that have limiteu piospects foi a ieasonable
ietuin. RILA also auvocates that its membeis lobby foi changes to local builuing
coues that will inciease builuing costs anu iestiict piopeity iights.

RILA claims that this stiategy will give its membei companies a competitive
auvantage when buieauciats in Washington, B.C issue new enviionmental
iegulations. But why is an incieasing iegulatoiy state the only futuie RILA sees.
Shoulun't the Company's tiaue associations be woiking to pievent costly feueial
inteifeience with Apple's opeiations iathei than pio-actively acceuing to BC's
iegulatoiy moiass.

Apple's 2u1S hiiing of Piesiuent 0bama's foimei heau of the Enviionmental
Piotection Agency auministiatoi Lisa }ackson is eviuence that peihaps the Company
agiees with RILA's sustainability push. 0nuei }ackson's uiiection, the EPA issueu
1,824 iegulations - 2u of which aie majoi iegulations estimateu to cost coipoiate
Ameiica "$7 billion in one-time initial compliance anu $44.86 billion in annual uiiect
compliance costs."

Also, unuei hei leaueiship, the EPA issueu its enuangeiment finuing that uubbeu
caibon uioxiue as a pollutant that is now uiiving much of the coipoiate climate
change hysteiia.

As shaieholueis, we object to incieaseu goveinment contiol ovei Company
piouucts anu opeiations, anu likewise manuatoiy enviionmental stanuaius. This is
something the Company shoulu be actively fighting, not piepaiing suiienuei.

Apple shoulu feel fiee to invest in sustainability wheie it is uoing so with a business
iationale - anu staying one step aheau of feueial iegulatois falls fai shoit of this

We uige shaieholueis to vote foi Pioposal Numbei Nine.

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