Farmers Market Roasted Veggie Lasagna

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Prep time

1 hour
Cook time
1 hour
Total time
2 hours
Farmers Market Roasted Veggie Lasagna

Author: Libby with Lemony Thyme
Serves: 12
For the roasted veggies...
2 !u""hini# thin$y s$i"ed $engthwise
2 summer s%uash# thin$y s$i"ed
1 egg&$ant# &artia$$y &ee$ed and s$i"ed into 'thi"k rounds
( "u&s )resh bro""o$i )$orets
' "u& o$ive oi$
* "u& shredded &armesan "heese
+, s&rigs o) )resh herbs -$emony thyme# oregano# thyme.
1 Tb$. Mrs. /ash gar$i" 0 herb seasoning
* ts&. sa$t 0 &e&&er
2 "u&s )resh s&ina"h $eaves
1 Tb$. o$ive oi$
1 Tb$. min"ed gar$i"
For the noodles...
12 un"ooked $asagna nood$es
1 Tb$. sa$t
For the sauce...
1 "arrots# grated
1 $arge onion# )ine$y di"ed
+ Tb$. butter
+ Tb$. )$our
, "u&s o) mi$k2"ream -or ha$) 0 ha$).
2 "u& &armesan "heese# grated
&in"h red &e&&er )$akes# o&tiona$
For the cheeses...
1 13oun"e "ontainer ri"otta "heese
2 eggs
* "u& &armesan "heese# grated
1 ts&. Mrs. /ash gar$i" 0 herb seasoning
1 ts&. dried basi$
, oun"e b$o"k mo!!are$$a "heese# )resh$y shredded -(1 "u&s.
, oun"es &armesan "heese# )resh$y shredded -(1 "u&s.
For the toasted breadcrumbs...
2 "u&s &anko bread"rumbs
s&ray o$ive oi$
For the roasted veggies...
4reheat oven to (53 degrees. 6ut veggies thin$y or bitesi!ed# toss $ight$y with about o$ive oi$# &armesan
"heese# )resh herb s&rigs# gar$i" 0 herb seasoning# sa$t 0 &e&&er. Then s&read onto two sha$$ow baking
sheets and bake )or about (7 minutes# or unti$ tender. Reserve. 6an be done a day ahead.
Saut8 )resh s&ina"h in o$ive oi$ with min"ed gar$i"# )or 2( minutes. 6over and remove )rom heat unti$
wi$ted. 4ress between &a&er towe$s to remove $i%uid. Reserve.
For the noodles...
9ring a $arge &ot o) water to boi$ -2( ga$$ons.. Add sa$t# then add nood$es one by one -do not break.. Stir
gent$y as they so)ten unti$ a$$ are "om&$ete$y "overed with water. Return to a boi$ and "ook 1712 minutes
or unti$ a$ dente# stirring o""asiona$$y. /o not over"ook as they wi$$ )inish "ooking in the $asagna.
Farmers Market Roasted Veggie Lasagna {Share the Love}
1 din 2 19.07.2014 11:30
For the sauce...
Saut8 "arrots and onion in butter )or 35 minutes over medium heat. Then dust with )$our# stirring
"onstant$y. :n"e )u$$y in"or&orated and bubb$y# s$ow$y whisk in mi$k2"ream# stirring "onstant$y. Sau"e wi$$
thi"ken when it "omes to a ;gent$e; boi$. Remove )rom heat# add in 1 "u& &armesan "heese and red &e&&er
)$akes< whisk unti$ me$ted. Reserve.
For the cheeses...
=n a sma$$ bow$ whisk together ri"otta# eggs# * "u& &armesan "heese# gar$i" 0 herb seasoning and dried
basi$. Reserve.
Shred mo!!are$$a and &armesan "heese. Reserve. 2.
For the toasted breadcrumbs...
S&ray sha$$ow baking sheet with o$ive oi$ s&ray. S&read &anko in thin $ayer# then s&ray $ight$y with o$ive oi$
s&ray. 9ake at (37 degrees )or 35 minutes or unti$ >ust beginning to turn go$den brown. Remove and
For the assembly...
Lad$e >ust enough sau"e to "over the bottom o) your $asagna &an. 1.
Lay three nood$es# side by side# on to& o) sau"e. 2.
/ro& about 'th o) ri"otta mi?ture by s&oon)u$s over nood$es. S&read with )ork. (.
S&rink$e about 'th o) shredded "heeses over ri"otta. 1.
Layer rd o) roasted veggies over "heeses. 3.
Lad$e about 2 "u&s o) sau"e over veggies. +.
6ontinue at ste& @2 above )or three more $ayers. 5.
To& )ina$ $ayer o) nood$es with remaining ri"otta# sau"e# grated "heeses and a generous s&rink$ing o)
toasted bread"rumbs.
Bake & rest...
9ake at (37 degrees )or one hour. 6over with )oi$ &art way through i) "rumbs begin to brown too mu"h.
Rest at $east (7 minutes be)ore serving.
A$$ow $asagna to rest )or (7 minutes be)ore serving.
Re"i&e by Lemony Thyme at htt&:22www.$emonythyme."om2)armersmarketroastedveggie$asagna2
Farmers Market Roasted Veggie Lasagna {Share the Love}
2 din 2 19.07.2014 11:30

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