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How to Calculate Square of 9 Chart

Ever wonder how to calculate an angle on WD Gann's square of 9 chart? Here are some handy
let "P" be your number or price, time whatever
1. Degrees = MD!1"#$P
& ''(),*+#) !angle in ,egrees)
!we are ta-ing the s.uare root o/ our number an, multiply by 1"#
this /ormula is vali, /or a chart with 0ero in the center)
e.uation 1 assumes the center o/ the s.uare is 0ero. 1ut most
s.uare o/ 2 charts have 1 in the center. 3e can still use e.uation
1. with a minor mo,i/ication. 3e subtract 1 /rom P /irst.
MD is short /or Mo,ulo which means ,ivi,e by
the number, in this case *+#, throw out the integer portion
an, the remain,er is the result. e4ample MD!1+*',*+#) = #.(**
'. Degrees = MD!!1"#$!P&1)
& ''(),*+#) ! angle in ,egrees)
!vali, /or a chart with one in the center)
5ometimes we are only interesting in the ,i//erence !in ,egrees)
between to numbers. 6n this case we subtract the s.uare roots o/
the numbers an, multiply them by 1"# to get the total number o/
,egrees. 6/ we want, this can also be re,uce, to a nubmer between
# an, *+# using mo,ulo math
*. Degrees ,i//erence = MD!1"#$!P
ther times we are intereste, in a,,ing a certain number o/
,egrees to our number. Two e.uates to *+# ,egrees on the s.uare o/ 2
There/ore one e.uates to 1"# ,egrees an, % to 2# ,egrees.
7ets say we want to /in, the number that is 2# ,egrees above our P.
Ta-e the s.uare root, a,, an increment !inc) #.( !because that
e.uates to 2# ,egrees on the s.uare o/ 2) an, s.uare it again to
arrive at the result P
9. P
= !P
: inc)
The formulas shown above do not give us the exact number on an actual square of 9. It is an approximation or
perhaps more accuratel! vice versa". I have alwa!s used the above formuala with great success. That said#
however# there are those who insist on finding the actual number that would be in a particular cell on an actual
square of nine. $ith more effort" this can be done as %aniel &errara explains in the post below'
How to &ind the Actual (umber on the Square of 9
In my experience with working with this (square of 9) method, price & time must balance on a hard aspect. he hard aspects are !", 9#,
$%", $&#, ''", '(#, %$" and %)# or # degrees. he most important being the squares or 9#*deg harmonics (#, 9#, $&#, '(#). In terms of
selecting a past date and price to start from, I ha+e found that the lowest low o+er the past %)"*days and the highest high o+er the past %)"*
days ha+e the greatest influence on these balance points. his technique can be used to generate the hori,ontal support & resistance le+els for
intraday trading.
his is extremely useful when you anticipate that a particular day will be a trend change as the result of cycles or time counts, etc.
-n another note, I do not agree with the formula you ha+e below. /-0 %)#1$&#2abs(price distance or ime distance)*''"3. 4or what you are
assuming, it should read 5/-0 %)# ((price distance or ime change)6#."2$&#*''").
his is based on 7arl 4utia8s formula. 9owe+er, this formula assumes that the :quares of ;+en numbers fall on the $%"*deg angle and that the
:quares of -dd numbers fall on the %$"*deg angle, which is not true on <ann8s actual :quare of =ine chart. If you start with a >$> in the
center, the :quares of -dd numbers will fall on the %$"*deg angle, but the ;+en :quares ($), %), )!, $##, $!!....) will gradually float towards
$%"*degrees. 4or example, on the actual :quare of =ine, $) is on the $$'."#*deg angle, %) is on the $'#*deg angle, )! is on the $'%.("*deg
angle, $## is on the $')*deg angle and $!! is on the $'(."#*deg angle and so on.
:tarting with >#> in the center, the :quares of ;+en numbers will line up on the $%"*deg angle and the :quares of -dd numbers will 4loat.
7ould this amount of inaccuracy or >?ost /otion> be important@ After all, it is impossible to draw or actually build a :quare of =ine 7hart based
on the /-0 %)# formula abo+e. If you want to work with calculations that are based on B.0. <ann8s printed :quare of =ine chart, the following
formulas will be of great use to your research.
CingD 5 Cound(((:EC(Frice)*#.'' G '),#) Hhis rounds to the nearest whole number, i.e. it eliminates the decimalsI
;xample the number %9# is in Cing D$# if you crunch the abo+e formula.
%$"*deg Angle. his is the most accurate angle of the entire chart and is used to calculate all other +alues. he :quares of -dd numbers are all
on this angle.
%$"*deg Angle 5 (CingD 2 ' J$)
. ;xample, %9# was in ringD $# so the %$"*deg number is ($# 2 'J$) 6' or simply ('$)6' 5 !!$
he Kero Angle on this Cing 5 ((CingD 2 ' J $)
) * ((2 ringD). :o you would get !!$ * (# 5 %($ his number is needed to calculate the angle
that the $st +alue of %9# is on.
Angle 5 :um ((Frice* Kero Angle) G (CingG!")). :o we ha+e ((%9# * %($) G ($#G!") 5 &"."#*deg
Lou may ha+e to occasionally adMust the Angle calculation because sometimes you will get a negati+e +alue when you ha+e a number that is
approaching the #*deg angle of the next ring. 4or example we know that %($ is a ,ero*deg number. If you try to find the angle of the number
%(#.", which is a number in the pre+ious ring approaching the next ring, you get :um ((%(#." * %($) G ($#G!")) 5 *'.'"*deg. If you get a
negati+e number, Must add %)# to correct it. :o this would actually be %"(.("*deg.
A simple formula to correct this is If AngleN# then J%)# else Angle 5 Angle.
o generate other +alues on the :quare, use this formula. (CingD 2 'J$)
) * ((2 CingD) J ((CingD G !") 2 Angle)
Angle is this formual is your input +alue. 4or example, we know that %9# is on the &"."#*deg angle. If we want to know the +alue of the
number that is !"*deg to this number, we would be interested in the angle of $%#."#*deg (&"." J !"). Inputing this in the abo+e formula gi+es
us. ($# 2 'J$)
* (( 2 $#) J (($# G !") 2 $%#."). :implified a little, we ha+e %($ J ('&.999($) 5 %99.99 is !"*deg to %9#. Oeep in mind that if
you add or subtract an amount that will change the original angle (&"."*deg) to an amount greater than %)# or less than #, that you PQ/F
rings. 4or example, if you subtract 9#*deg from &"." to potentially find a square aspect, you get *!."*deg. Add %)# gi+es %""."#*deg in the
pre+ious ring. Be were using CingD $# in the formula, but for this calculation, we would ha+e to use CingD 9. :imilarly, if you added %$"*deg
to &"."*deg, you get !##."#, which is !#."*deg in the next ring. :o you would ha+e to use ringD $$ for this calculation
0aniel 4errera
Whether you choose to use the Futia or the Ferrara formulas, you will find that the square of 9 is an
amaingly !owerful tool in the hands of any com!etent technical analyst" #t is well worth s!ending
some time to e$!lore square of nine methods"

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