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Procurement of
Users Guide
The World Bank
Washington, D.C.
May 2006
revised March and April 2007
April 2007 evision
This revision dated April 2007 is to odi!" ITB #$%& ITB '$'& ITB %($) o! Se*tion I&
Instr+*tions to Bidders& and GC S+,-Cla+ses %$%. and %.$/& to ali0n their te1t 2ith that o! the
*orri0enda o! the 3ro*+reent G+idelines& iss+ed in O*to,er& 200/& to re!le*t the *han0es
related to 4ra+d and Corr+ption as per the 5orld Ban67s San*tions Re!or pa*6a0e approved
," the Board o! Dire*tors in A+0+st& 200/$
March 2007 evision
This revision dated Mar*h 2007 is to *orre*t vario+s inor ista6es thro+0ho+t vario+s
se*tions o! these Standard Biddin0 Do*+ents& 2hi*h 2ere identi!ied a!ter the Ma" 200/
revision 2as released$ The ista6es relate to soe o! the *han0es a0reed in Mar*h 200/ ,"
the M+ltilateral Developent Ban6s 8MDBs9 and the International 4ederation o! Cons+ltin0
En0ineers 84IDIC9$
May 2006 evision
This revision dated Ma" 200/ in*orporates in Se*tion :II& General Conditions& the ost
re*ent *han0es a0reed ,et2een the M+ltilateral Developent Ban6s 8MDBs9 and the
International 4ederation o! Cons+ltin0 En0ineers 84IDIC9& to the *onditions o! *ontra*t that
these t2o 0ro+ps previo+sl" haroni;ed$ The sall *han0es introd+*ed in this revision are
aied to !+rther iprove the ,alan*e o! *ontra*t ris6s ,et2een the Eplo"er and the
Contra*tor alon0 *ontra*t per!oran*e$ Another iportant revision to the haroni;ed
*onditions o! *ontra*t is the in*l+sion o! several versions o! GC Cla+se %.$/& Corr+pt or
4ra+d+lent 3ra*ti*es& ea*h one spe*i!i* to ea*h parti*ipatin0 MBD$
May 200! evision
This revision dated Ma" 200. is to *on!or& to the e1tent possi,le 2itho+t *ontravenin0 the
Ma" 200' 3ro*+reent G+idelines& to the odel provided ," the Master 3ro*+reent
Do*+ent !or 3ro*+reent o! 5or6s < User7s G+ide haroni;ed aon0 vario+s M+ltilateral
Developent Ban6s 8MDBs9 and approved ," the =eads o! 3ro*+reent o! the MDBs and
International 4inan*ial Instit+tions 8I4Is9 in O*to,er 200'$
In this revision& t2o alternative Se*tions III& Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria& are
in*l+ded$ One is the de!a+lt alternative and ass+es that pre?+ali!i*ation has ta6en pla*e
,e!ore ,iddin0$ The other is !or those e1*eptional *ases 2hen& s+,@e*t to prior approval o! the
IBRD& post?+ali!i*ation ta6es pla*e$
The a@or *han0e introd+*ed in this revision is the in*orporation& +nder Se*tion :II& General
Conditions& o! a haroni;ed version o! *ontra*t *onditions 2hi*h te1t has ,een a0reed aon0
the International 4ederation o! Cons+ltin0 En0ineers 84IDIC9 and vario+s MDBs !or its
in*l+sion in the Master 3ro*+reent Do*+ents !or 3ro*+reent o! 5or6s < User7s G+ide$
The haroni;ation o! the General Conditions has ade +nne*essar" the 0reat n+,er o!
deviations to the General Conditions o! Contra*t 84IDIC7s AConditions o! Contra*t !or
Constr+*tionB9& introd+*ed in the !orer SBD 3ro*+reent o! 5or6s thro+0h 3arti*+lar
Conditions o! Contra*t to a**o+nt !or all non-appli*a,le 0eneral *onditions$ Given that the
haroni;ed General Conditions is ,ased e1tensivel" on 4IDIC7s AConditions o! Contra*t !or
Constr+*tionB& !irst edition& p+,lished ," 4IDIC in %(((& and ,ein0 4IDIC the sole *op"ri0ht
o2ner o! s+*h p+,li*ation& the IBRD has s+,s*ri,ed a li*ense a0reeent 2ith 4IDIC that
a+thori;e the +se o! the haroni;ed version o! s+*h *onditions o! *ontra*t ," the Borro2ers
o! the 5orld Ban6 2hen preparin0 ,iddin0 do*+ents in a**ordan*e 2ith these SBD
3ro*+reent o! 5or6s$
5ithin Se*tion :II& General Conditions& the ost si0ni!i*ant *han0e is the introd+*tion in
Cla+se 20& Clais& Disp+tes and Ar,itration& o! a Disp+te Board 2hi*h a" ,e *oprised o!
one or three e,ers& as a" ,e deterined ," the Eplo"er and indi*ated in the Contra*t
Data 83art A o! Se*tion :III& 3arti*+lar Conditions9 2itho+t re0ard to the estiated *ost o!
the *ontra*t$
Se*tion :III& 3arti*+lar Conditions& *onsists no2 o! t2o partsC 3art A& *oprisin0 the
Contra*t Data and 3art B& Spe*i!i* 3rovisions& *ontainin0 *la+ses spe*i!i* to ea*h *ontra*t$
These Standard Biddin0 Do*+ents !or 3ro*+reent o! 5or6s 8SBD59 have ,een prepared
," the 5orld Ban6 to ,e +sed !or the pro*+reent o! adeas+reent 8+nit pri*e or rate9 t"pe
o! 2or6s thro+0h International Copetitive Biddin0 8ICB9 in pro@e*ts that are !inan*ed in
2hole or in part ," the 5orld Ban6$ The" are *onsistent 2ith the Ma" 200' Dedition o! theE
G+idelines !or 3ro*+reent +nder IBRD Foans and IDA Credits$ These Biddin0 Do*+ents
are not s+ita,le !or l+p s+ *ontra*ts 2itho+t s+,stantial *han0es to the ethod o! pa"ent
and pri*e ad@+stent& and to the Bill o! >+antities& S*hed+les o! A*tivities& and so !orth$
These SBD5 are ,ased on the G+l" 200' version o! the Master Biddin0 Do*+ents !or
3ro*+reent o! 5or6s and User7s G+ide& prepared ," the M+ltilateral Developent Ban6s
and International 4inan*in0 Instit+tions$ The Master Biddin0 Do*+ents re!le*t A,est
pra*ti*esB ," these instit+tions$ These SBD5 re!le*t the str+*t+re and the provisions o! the
Master Biddin0 Do*+ents& e1*ept 2here spe*i!i* *onsiderations 2ithin the 5orld Ban6 have
re?+ired a *han0e$
These SBD5 ass+e that pre?+ali!i*ation has ta6en pla*e ,e!ore ,iddin0$ The pro*ess o!
pre?+ali!i*ation shall !ollo2 the pro*ed+re indi*ated in Standard Prequalification Documents:
Procurement of 5or6s& iss+ed ," the 5orld Ban6$ 3re?+ali!i*ation shall ,e !ollo2ed !or all
a@or 2or6s$ E1*eptionall"& 2ith previo+s approval o! the 5orld Ban6& post-?+ali!i*ation
i0ht ,e appropriate$ An alternative Se*tion III& Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria& is also
provided to address this e1*eptional possi,ilit"$
The do*+ent is or0ani;ed into t2o 829 ain *oponentsC
The Standard Biddin0 Do*+entH and
A User7s G+ide !or 3ro*+reent o! 5or6s
Those 2ishin0 to s+,it *oents or ?+estions on these Biddin0 Do*+ents or to o,tain
additional in!oration on pro*+reent +nder 5orld Ban6-!inan*ed pro@e*ts are en*o+ra0ed to
3ro*+reent 3oli*" and Servi*es Gro+p
Operations 3oli*" and Co+ntr" Servi*es :i*e 3residen*"
The 5orld Ban6
%)%) = Street& N5
5ashin0ton& D$C$ 20'## U$S$A$
$%&&ary Description
These Standard Biddin0 Do*+ents !or 3ro*+reent o! 5or6s and its User7s G+ide appl"
either 2hen a pre?+ali!i*ation pro*ess has ta6en pla*e ,e!ore ,iddin0 or 2hen a
pre?+ali!i*ation pro*ess has not ta6en pla*e ,e!ore ,iddin0 8provided alternative do*+ents
sho+ld ,e sele*ted as appli*a,le9$ A ,rie! des*ription o! these do*+ents is 0iven ,elo2$
$BD 'or (roc%re&ent o' Works
(AT ) * B+DD+,- (.C/D0/$
$ection +1 +nstr%ctions to Bidders 2+TB3
This Se*tion provides relevant in!oration to help Bidders prepare their ,ids$
In!oration is also provided on the s+,ission& openin0& and eval+ation o! ,ids
and on the a2ard o! Contra*ts$ $ection + contains provisions that are to 4e
%sed #itho%t &odi'ication.
$ection ++. Bid Data $heet 2BD$3
This Se*tion *onsists o! provisions that are spe*i!i* to ea*h pro*+reent and
that s+ppleent the in!oration or re?+ireents in*l+ded in Se*tion I&
Instr+*tions to Bidders$
$ection +++. /val%ation and 5%ali'ication Criteria (alternative Section III to be used
when Prequalification has taken place before bidding)
This Se*tion *ontains the *riteria to deterine the lo2est eval+ated ,id and to
as*ertain the *ontin+ed ?+ali!i*ation o! the Bidder to per!or the *ontra*t$
$ection +++. /val%ation and 5%ali'ication Criteria (alternative Section III to be used
when Prequalification has not taken place before bidding)
This Se*tion *ontains the *riteria to deterine the lo2est eval+ated ,id and the
?+ali!i*ations o! the Bidder to per!or the *ontra*t$
$ection +61 Bidding "or&s
This Se*tion *ontains the !ors 2hi*h are to ,e *opleted ," the Bidder and
s+,itted as part o! his Bid$
$ection 6. /ligi4le Co%ntries
This Se*tion *ontains in!oration re0ardin0 eli0i,le *o+ntries$
(AT 2 * W.7$ /50+/M/,T$
$ection 6+. Works e8%ire&ents
This Se*tion *ontains the Spe*i!i*ation& the Dra2in0s& and s+ppleentar"
in!oration that des*ri,e the 5or6s to ,e pro*+red$
$ection 6++. -eneral Conditions 2GC3
This Se*tion *ontains the 0eneral *la+ses to ,e applied in all *ontra*ts$ The
te:t o' the cla%ses in this $ection shall not 4e &odi'ied.
$ection 6+++. (artic%lar Conditions 2PC3
This Se*tion *onsists o! 3art A& Contra*t Data& 2hi*h *ontains data& and 3art
B& Spe*i!i* 3rovisions& 2hi*h *ontains *la+ses spe*i!i* to ea*h *ontra*t$ The
*ontents o! this Se*tion s+ppleent the General Conditions and shall ,e
prepared ," the Eplo"er$
$ection +;1 Anne: to the (artic%lar Conditions < Contract "or&s
This Se*tion *ontains !ors 2hi*h& on*e *opleted& 2ill !or part o! the
Contra*t$ The !ors !or (er'or&ance $ec%rity and Advance (ay&ent
$ec%rity& 2hen re?+ired& shall onl" ,e *opleted ," the s+**ess!+l Bidder
a!ter *ontra*t a2ard$
0ser=s -%ide 'or $BD 'or (roc%re&ent o' Works
The G+ide to the Biddin0 Do*+ents *ontains detailed e1planations and re*oendations on
ho2 to prepare a ,iddin0 do*+ent !or a spe*i!i* pro*+reent o! 5or6s and related servi*es$
The G+ide is not a part o! the Biddin0 Do*+ents$
B+ DD+ ,- D.C0M/,T$
+ss%ed on1 ____________________
(roc%re&ent o'
[insert identification of the orks!
+CB ,o1 [insert I"# number!
(ro?ect1 [insert name of Pro$ect!
/&ployer1 [insert name of %mplo&er!
Ta4le o' Contents
(AT ) * Bidding (roced%res.................................................................................................
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#
Se*tion II$ Bid Data Sheet$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2(
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 84ollo2in0 3re?+ali!i*ation9$$$$$$$$$##
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 85itho+t 3re?+ali!i*ation9$$$$$$$$$$$$$#7
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'(
Se*tion :$ Eli0i,le Co+ntries$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(7
(AT 2 *Works e8%ire&ents..............................................................................................
Se*tion :I$ 5or6s Re?+ireents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%0%
(AT 9 * Conditions o' Contract and Contract "or&s...................................................
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions 8GC9$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%0(
Se*tion :III$ 3arti*+lar Conditions 83C9$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$227
Se*tion IK$ Anne1 to the 3arti*+lar Conditions - Contra*t 4ors$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2#.
0ser=s -%ide..............................................................................................................................
$ection +. +nstr%ctions to Bidders
Ta4le o' Cla%ses
A. -eneral.................................................................................................................................
%$ S*ope o! Bid$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
2$ So+r*e o! 4+nds$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
#$ 4ra+d and Corr+ption$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/
'$ Eli0i,le Bidders$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
.$ Eli0i,le Materials& E?+ipent& and Servi*es$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%0
B. Contents o' Bidding Doc%&ents.....................................................................................
/$ Se*tions o! Biddin0 Do*+ents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%0
7$ Clari!i*ation o! Biddin0 Do*+ents& Site :isit& 3re-Bid Meetin0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%
)$ Aendent o! Biddin0 Do*+ents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2
C. (reparation o' Bids..........................................................................................................
($ Cost o! Biddin0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2
%0$ Fan0+a0e o! Bid$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2
%%$ Do*+ents Coprisin0 the Bid$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2
%2$ Fetter o! Bid and S*hed+les$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#
%#$ Alternative Bids$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#
%'$ Bid 3ri*es and Dis*o+nts$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'
%.$ C+rren*ies o! Bid and 3a"ent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.
%/$ Do*+ents Coprisin0 the Te*hni*al 3roposal$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.
%7$ Do*+ents Esta,lishin0 the >+ali!i*ations o! the Bidder$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.
%)$ 3eriod o! :alidit" o! Bids$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/
%($ Bid Se*+rit"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%7
20$ 4orat and Si0nin0 o! Bid$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%)
D. $%4&ission and .pening o' Bids....................................................................................
2%$ Sealin0 and Mar6in0 o! Bids$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(
22$ Deadline !or S+,ission o! Bids$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20
2#$ Fate Bids$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20
2'$ 5ithdra2al& S+,stit+tion& and Modi!i*ation o! Bids$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20
2.$ Bid Openin0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%
/. /val%ation and Co&parison o' Bids...............................................................................
2/$ Con!identialit"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$22
27$ Clari!i*ation o! Bids$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$22
2)$ Deviations& Reservations& and Oissions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$22
2($ Deterination o! Responsiveness$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2#
#0$ Nonaterial Non*on!orities$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2#
#%$ Corre*tion o! Aritheti*al Errors$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2'
#2$ Conversion to Sin0le C+rren*"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2'
##$ Mar0in o! 3re!eren*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2'
#'$ Eval+ation o! Bids$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2.
#.$ Coparison o! Bids$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2/
#/$ >+ali!i*ation o! the Bidder$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2/
#7$ Eplo"er7s Ri0ht to A**ept An" Bid& and to Re@e*t An" or All Bids$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2/
". A#ard o' Contract.............................................................................................................
#)$ A2ard Criteria$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2/
#($ Noti!i*ation o! A2ard$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$27
'0$ Si0nin0 o! Contra*t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$27
'%$ 3er!oran*e Se*+rit"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$27
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders .
$ection +. +nstr%ctions to Bidders
A. -eneral
). $cope o' Bid %$% In *onne*tion 2ith the Invitation !or Bids indi*ated in the Bid
Data Sheet 8BDS9& the Eplo"er& as indi*ated in the BDS&
iss+es these Biddin0 Do*+ents !or the pro*+reent o!
5or6s as spe*i!ied in Se*tion :I& 5or6s Re?+ireents$ The
nae& identi!i*ation& and n+,er o! lots 8*ontra*ts9 o! the
International Copetitive Biddin0 8ICB9 are provided in the
%$2 Thro+0ho+t these Biddin0 Do*+entsC
). the ter Ain 2ritin0B eans *o+ni*ated in 2ritten
!or and delivered a0ainst re*eiptH
2. e1*ept 2here the *onte1t re?+ires other2ise& 2ords
indi*atin0 the sin0+lar also in*l+de the pl+ral and 2ords
indi*atin0 the pl+ral also in*l+de the sin0+larH and
9. Ada"B eans *alendar da"$
2. $o%rce o' "%nds 2$% The Borro2er or Re*ipient 8hereina!ter *alled ABorro2erB9
indicated in the BD$ has applied !or or re*eived !inan*in0
8hereina!ter *alled A!+ndsB9 !ro the International Ban6 !or
Re*onstr+*tion and Developent or the International
Developent Asso*iation 8hereina!ter *alled Athe Ban6B9
to2ard the *ost o! the pro@e*t na&ed in the BD$$ The
Borro2er intends to appl" a portion o! the !+nds to eli0i,le
pa"ents +nder the *ontra*t8s9 !or 2hi*h these Biddin0
Do*+ents are iss+ed$
2$2 3a"ents ," the Ban6 2ill ,e ade onl" at the re?+est o! the
Borro2er and +pon approval ," the Ban6 in a**ordan*e 2ith
the ters and *onditions o! the !inan*in0 a0reeent ,et2een
the Borro2er and the Ban6 (hereina!ter *alled the Foan
A0reeent)& and 2ill ,e s+,@e*t in all respe*ts to the ters
and *onditions o! that Foan A0reeent$ No part" other than
the Borro2er shall derive an" ri0hts !ro the Foan
A0reeent or have an" *lai to the !+nds$ The Foan
A0reeent prohi,its a 2ithdra2al !ro the loan a**o+nt !or
the p+rpose o! an" pa"ent to persons or entities& or !or an"
iport o! e?+ipent& plant& or aterials& i! s+*h pa"ent or
iport is prohi,ited ," a de*ision o! the United Nations
Se*+rit" Co+n*il ta6en +nder Chapter :II o! the Charter o!
/ Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders
the United Nations$
9. "ra%d and
#$% It is the Ban67s poli*" to re?+ire that Borro2ers 8in*l+din0
,ene!i*iaries o! Ban6 loans9& as 2ell as ,idders& s+ppliers& and
*ontra*tors and their s+,*ontra*tors +nder Ban6-!inan*ed
*ontra*ts& o,serve the hi0hest standard o! ethi*s d+rin0 the
pro*+reent and e1e*+tion o! s+*h *ontra*ts$
In p+rs+an*e
o! this poli*"& the Ban6CC
8a9de!ines& !or the p+rposes o! this provision& the ters set
!orth ,elo2 as !ollo2sC
8i9 A*orr+pt pra*ti*eB
is the o!!erin0& 0ivin0& re*eivin0
or soli*itin0& dire*tl" or indire*tl"& o! an"thin0 o!
val+e to in!l+en*e iproperl" the a*tions o!
another part"H
8ii9 A!ra+d+lent pra*ti*eB
is an" a*t or oission&
in*l+din0 a isrepresentation& that 6no2in0l" or
re*6lessl" isleads& or attepts to islead& a part"
to o,tain a !inan*ial or other ,ene!it or to avoid an
8iii9 A*oll+sive pra*ti*eB
is an arran0eent ,et2een
t2o or ore parties desi0ned to a*hieve an
iproper p+rpose& in*l+din0 to in!l+en*e
iproperl" the a*tions o! another part"H
8iv9 A*oer*ive pra*ti*eB
is ipairin0 or harin0& or
threatenin0 to ipair or har& dire*tl" or indire*tl"&
an" part" or the propert" o! the part" to in!l+en*e
iproperl" the a*tions o! a part"H
8v9 Ao,str+*tive pra*ti*eB is
8aa9 deli,eratel" destro"in0& !alsi!"in0& alterin0 or
*on*ealin0 o! eviden*e aterial to the
investi0ation or a6in0 !alse stateents to
investi0ators in order to ateriall" ipede a
Ban6 investi0ation into alle0ations o! a
In this *onte1t& an" a*tion ta6en ," a ,idder& s+pplier& *ontra*tor& or a s+,-*ontra*tor to in!l+en*e the
pro*+reent pro*ess or *ontra*t e1e*+tion !or +nd+e advanta0e is iproper$
Aanother part"B re!ers to a p+,li* o!!i*ial a*tin0 in relation to the pro*+reent pro*ess or *ontra*t e1e*+tionE$
In this *onte1t& Ap+,li* o!!i*ialB in*l+des 5orld Ban6 sta!! and eplo"ees o! other or0ani;ations ta6in0 or
revie2in0 pro*+reent de*isions$
a Apart"B re!ers to a p+,li* o!!i*ialH the ters A,ene!itB and Ao,li0ationB relate to the pro*+reent pro*ess or
*ontra*t e1e*+tionH and the Aa*t or oissionB is intended to in!l+en*e the pro*+reent pro*ess or *ontra*t
ApartiesB re!ers to parti*ipants in the pro*+reent pro*ess 8in*l+din0 p+,li* o!!i*ials9 atteptin0 to esta,lish
,id pri*es at arti!i*ial& non *opetitive levels$
a Apart"B re!ers to a parti*ipant in the pro*+reent pro*ess or *ontra*t e1e*+tion$
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders 7
*orr+pt& !ra+d+lent& *oer*ive or *oll+sive
pra*ti*eH andJor threatenin0& harassin0 or
intiidatin0 an" part" to prevent it !ro
dis*losin0 its 6no2led0e o! atters relevant
to the investi0ation or !ro p+rs+in0 the
investi0ation& or
8,,9 a*ts intended to ateriall" ipede the
e1er*ise o! the Ban67s inspe*tion and a+dit
ri0hts provided !or +nder s+,-*la+se #$%8e9
8,9 2ill re@e*t a proposal !or a2ard i! it deterines that the
Bidder re*oended !or a2ard has& dire*tl" or thro+0h
an a0ent& en0a0ed in *orr+pt& !ra+d+lent& *oll+sive&
*oer*ive or o,str+*tive pra*ti*es in *opetin0 !or the
*ontra*t in ?+estionH
8*9 2ill *an*el the portion o! the loan allo*ated to a *ontra*t i!
it deterines at an" tie that representatives o! the
Borro2er or o! a ,ene!i*iar" o! the loan en0a0ed in
*orr+pt& !ra+d+lent& *oll+sive& or *oer*ive pra*ti*es
d+rin0 the pro*+reent or the e1e*+tion o! that *ontra*t&
2itho+t the Borro2er havin0 ta6en tiel" and
appropriate a*tion satis!a*tor" to the Ban6 to reed" the
8d9 2ill san*tion a !ir or individ+al& in*l+din0 de*larin0 the
ineli0i,le& either inde!initel" or !or a stated period o!
tie& to ,e a2arded a Ban6-!inan*ed *ontra*t i! it at an"
tie deterines that the" have& dire*tl" or thro+0h an
a0ent& en0a0ed in *orr+pt& !ra+d+lent& *oll+sive& *oer*ive
or o,str+*tive pra*ti*es in *opetin0 !or& or in e1e*+tin0&
a Ban6-!inan*ed *ontra*tH and
8e9 2ill have the ri0ht to re?+ire that a provision ,e in*l+ded
in ,iddin0 do*+ents and in *ontra*ts !inan*ed ," a
Ban6 Foan& re?+irin0 ,idders& s+ppliers& *ontra*tors and
*ons+ltants to perit the Ban6 to inspe*t their a**o+nts
and re*ords and other do*+ents relatin0 to the Bid
s+,ission and *ontra*t per!oran*e and to have the
a+dited ," a+ditors appointed ," the Ban6$
#$2 4+rtherore& Bidders shall ,e a2are o! the provision stated
in S+,-Cla+se %.$/ o! the General Conditions$
@. /ligi4le Bidders '$% A Bidder a" ,e a nat+ral person& private entit"&
0overnent-o2ned entit"Ls+,@e*t to ITB '$.Lor an"
*o,ination o! s+*h entities in the !or o! a @oint vent+re or
) Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders
asso*iation 8G:A9 +nder an e1istin0 a0reeent or 2ith the
intent to enter into s+*h an a0reeent s+pported ," a letter
o! intent$ In the *ase o! a @oint vent+re or asso*iationC
8a9%nless other#ise speci'ied in the BD$, all partners shall
,e @ointl" and severall" lia,le !or the e1e*+tion o! the
Contra*t in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t ters& and
8,9the G:A shall noinate a Representative 2ho shall have
the a+thorit" to *ond+*t all ,+siness !or and on ,ehal! o!
an" and all the partners o! the G:A d+rin0 the ,iddin0
pro*ess and& in the event the G:A is a2arded the
Contra*t& d+rin0 *ontra*t e1e*+tion$
'$2 A Bidder& and all partners *onstit+tin0 the Bidder& a" have
the nationalit" o! an" *o+ntr" as de!ined +nder the
'uidelines: Procurement under I#(D )oans and ID* "redits
8hereina!ter re!erred to as the G+idelines9& s+,@e*t to the
restri*tions spe*i!ied in Se*tion :& Eli0i,le Co+ntries$ A
Bidder shall ,e deeed to have the nationalit" o! a *o+ntr" i!
the Bidder is a *iti;en or is *onstit+ted& in*orporated& or
re0istered and operates in *on!orit" 2ith the provisions o!
the la2s o! that *o+ntr"$ This *riterion shall also appl" to the
deterination o! the nationalit" o! proposed s+,*ontra*tors
or s+ppliers !or an" part o! the Contra*t in*l+din0 related
'$# A Bidder shall not have a *on!li*t o! interest$ All Bidders
!o+nd to have a *on!li*t o! interest shall ,e dis?+ali!ied$ A
Bidder a" ,e *onsidered to have a *on!li*t o! interest 2ith
one or ore parties in this ,iddin0 pro*ess& i! C
8a9 the" have at least one *ontrollin0 partner in *oonH or
8,9 the" re*eive or have re*eived an" dire*t or indire*t
s+,sid" !ro an" o! theH or
8*9 the" have the sae le0al representative !or p+rposes o!
this ,idH or
8d9 the" have a relationship 2ith ea*h other& dire*tl" or
thro+0h *oon third parties& that p+ts the in a
position to have a**ess to in!oration a,o+t or in!l+en*e
on the ,id o! another Bidder& or in!l+en*e the de*isions
o! the Eplo"er re0ardin0 this ,iddin0 pro*essH or
8e9 a Bidder parti*ipates in ore than one ,id in this ,iddin0
pro*ess$ 3arti*ipation ," a Bidder in ore than one Bid
2ill res+lt in the dis?+ali!i*ation o! all Bids in 2hi*h s+*h
Bidder is involved$ =o2ever& this does not liit the
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders (
in*l+sion o! the sae s+,*ontra*tor in ore than one ,idH
8!9 a Bidder parti*ipated as a *ons+ltant in the preparation o!
the desi0n or te*hni*al spe*i!i*ations o! the 2or6s that
are the s+,@e*t o! the ,idH
809 a Bidder or an" o! its a!!iliates has ,een hired 8or is
proposed to ,e hired9 ," the Eplo"er or Borro2er as
En0ineer !or the Contra*t ipleentation$
'$' A Bidder that has ,een deterined to ,e ineli0i,le ," the
Ban6 in relation to the Ban6Ms G+idelinesC 3ro*+reent +nder
IBRD Foans and IDA Credits& the Ban6Ms G+idelinesC
Sele*tion and Eplo"ent o! Cons+ltants ," 5orld Ban6
Borro2ers& or the Ban6Ms Anti-Corr+ption G+idelines on
3reventin0 and Co,atin0 Corr+ption in 3ro@e*ts 4inan*ed
," IBRD Foans and IDA Credits and Grants& shall not ,e
eli0i,le to ,e a2arded a *ontra*t$
'$. Governent-o2ned entities in the Eplo"er7s *o+ntr" shall
,e eli0i,le onl" i! the" *an esta,lish that the" are le0all" and
!inan*iall" a+tonoo+s and operate +nder *oer*ial la2$
Also& the" shall not ,e dependent a0en*ies o! the Eplo"er$
'$/ Bidders shall provide s+*h eviden*e o! their *ontin+ed
eli0i,ilit" satis!a*tor" to the Eplo"er& as the Eplo"er shall
reasona,l" re?+est$
'$7 Bidders shall ,e e1*l+ded i!C
8a9 as a atter o! la2 or o!!i*ial re0+lation& the Borro2er7s
*o+ntr" prohi,its *oer*ial relations 2ith that *o+ntr"&
provided that the Ban6 is satis!ied that s+*h e1*l+sion
does not pre*l+de e!!e*tive *opetition !or the s+ppl" o!
5or6s re?+iredH or
8,9 ," an a*t o! *oplian*e 2ith a de*ision o! the United
Nations Se*+rit" Co+n*il ta6en +nder Chapter :II o! the
Charter o! the United Nations& the Borro2er7s *o+ntr"
prohi,its an" iport o! 0oods or *ontra*tin0 o! 5or6s or
servi*es !ro that *o+ntr" or an" pa"ents to persons
or entities in that *o+ntr"$
'$) This ,iddin0 is open onl" to pre?+ali!ied Bidders +nless an
e1*eption has ,een 0ranted ," the Ban6& as indicated in the
!. /ligi4le
.$% The aterials& e?+ipent and servi*es to ,e s+pplied +nder
the Contra*t and !inan*ed ," the Ban6 a" have their ori0in
%0 Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders
/8%ip&ent, and
in an" *o+ntr" s+,@e*t to the restri*tions spe*i!ied in Se*tion
:& Eli0i,le Co+ntries& and all e1pendit+res +nder the Contra*t
2ill not *ontravene s+*h restri*tions$ At the Eplo"er7s
re?+est& Bidders a" ,e re?+ired to provide eviden*e o! the
ori0in o! aterials& e?+ipent and servi*es$
B. Contents o' Bidding Doc%&ents
6. $ections o'
Bidding Doc%&ents
/$% The Biddin0 Do*+ents *onsist o! 3arts %& 2& and #& 2hi*h
in*l+de all the Se*tions indi*ated ,elo2& and sho+ld ,e read in
*on@+n*tion 2ith an" Addenda iss+ed in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB )$
(AT ) Bidding (roced%res
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders 8ITB9
Se*tion II$ Bid Data Sheet 8BDS9
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation Criteria and >+ali!i*ation
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
Se*tion :$ Eli0i,le Co+ntries
(AT 2 Works e8%ire&ents
Se*tion :I$ 5or6s Re?+ireents
(AT 9 Conditions o' Contract and Contract "or&s
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions 8GC9
Se*tion :III$ 3arti*+lar Conditions 83C9
Se*tion IK$ Anne1 to the 3arti*+lar Conditions -
Contra*t 4ors
/$2 The Invitation !or Bids iss+ed ," the Eplo"er is not part o!
the Biddin0 Do*+ents$
/$# The Eplo"er is not responsi,le !or the *opleteness o! the
Biddin0 Do*+ents and their addenda& i! the" 2ere not
o,tained dire*tl" !ro the so+r*e stated ," the Eplo"er in
the Invitation !or Bids$
/$' The Bidder is e1pe*ted to e1aine all instr+*tions& !ors&
ters& and spe*i!i*ations in the Biddin0 Do*+ents$ 4ail+re
to !+rnish all in!oration or do*+entation re?+ired ," the
Biddin0 Do*+ents a" res+lt in the re@e*tion o! the ,id$
7. Clari'ication o'
Doc%&ents, $ite
7$% A prospe*tive Bidder re?+irin0 an" *lari!i*ation o! the
Biddin0 Do*+ents shall *onta*t the Eplo"er in 2ritin0 at
the Eplo"er7s address indicated in the BD$ or raise his
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders %%
6isit, (re<Bid
en?+iries d+rin0 the pre-,id eetin0 i! provided !or in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 7$'$ The Eplo"er 2ill respond in
2ritin0 to an" re?+est !or *lari!i*ation& provided that s+*h
re?+est is re*eived no later than t2ent"-one 82%9 da"s prior
to the deadline !or s+,ission o! ,ids$ The Eplo"er shall
!or2ard *opies o! its response to all Bidders 2ho have
a*?+ired the Biddin0 Do*+ent in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB /$#&
in*l+din0 a des*ription o! the in?+ir" ,+t 2itho+t identi!"in0
its so+r*e$ Sho+ld the *lari!i*ation res+lt in *han0es to the
essential eleents o! the Biddin0 Do*+ents& the Eplo"er
shall aend the Biddin0 Do*+ents !ollo2in0 the pro*ed+re
+nder ITB ) and ITB 22$2$
7$2 The Bidder is advised to visit and e1aine the Site o! 5or6s
and its s+rro+ndin0s and o,tain !or itsel! on its o2n
responsi,ilit" all in!oration that a" ,e ne*essar" !or
preparin0 the ,id and enterin0 into a *ontra*t !or
*onstr+*tion o! the 5or6s$ The *osts o! visitin0 the Site shall
,e at the Bidder7s o2n e1pense$
7$# The Bidder and an" o! its personnel or a0ents 2ill ,e 0ranted
perission ," the Eplo"er to enter +pon its preises and
lands !or the p+rpose o! s+*h visit& ,+t onl" +pon the e1press
*ondition that the Bidder& its personnel& and a0ents 2ill
release and indeni!" the Eplo"er and its personnel and
a0ents !ro and a0ainst all lia,ilit" in respe*t thereo!& and
2ill ,e responsi,le !or death or personal in@+r"& loss o! or
daa0e to propert"& and an" other loss& daa0e& *osts& and
e1penses in*+rred as a res+lt o! the inspe*tion$
7$' The Bidder7s desi0nated representative is invited to attend a
pre-,id eetin0& i' provided 'or in the BD$$ The p+rpose o!
the eetin0 2ill ,e to *lari!" iss+es and to ans2er ?+estions
on an" atter that a" ,e raised at that sta0e$
7$. The Bidder is re?+ested& as !ar as possi,le& to s+,it an"
?+estions in 2ritin0& to rea*h the Eplo"er not later than one
2ee6 ,e!ore the eetin0$
7$/ Min+tes o! the pre-,id eetin0& in*l+din0 the te1t o! the
?+estions raised& 2itho+t identi!"in0 the so+r*e& and the
responses 0iven& to0ether 2ith an" responses prepared a!ter
the eetin0& 2ill ,e transitted proptl" to all Bidders 2ho
have a*?+ired the Biddin0 Do*+ents in a**ordan*e 2ith
ITB /$#$ An" odi!i*ation to the Biddin0 Do*+ents that
a" ,e*oe ne*essar" as a res+lt o! the pre-,id eetin0 shall
,e ade ," the Eplo"er e1*l+sivel" thro+0h the iss+e o! an
Addend+ p+rs+ant to ITB ) and not thro+0h the in+tes o!
the pre-,id eetin0$
%2 Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders
7$7 Nonattendan*e at the pre-,id eetin0 2ill not ,e a *a+se !or
dis?+ali!i*ation o! a Bidder$
A. A&end&ent o'
Bidding Doc%&ents
)$% At an" tie prior to the deadline !or s+,ission o! ,ids& the
Eplo"er a" aend the Biddin0 Do*+ents ," iss+in0
)$2 An" addend+ iss+ed shall ,e part o! the Biddin0
Do*+ents and shall ,e *o+ni*ated in 2ritin0 to all 2ho
have o,tained the Biddin0 Do*+ent !ro the Eplo"er in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB /$#$
)$# To 0ive prospe*tive Bidders reasona,le tie in 2hi*h to ta6e
an addend+ into a**o+nt in preparin0 their ,ids& the
Eplo"er sho+ld e1tend the deadline !or the s+,ission o!
,ids& p+rs+ant to ITB 22$2
C. (reparation o' Bids
B. Cost o' Bidding ($% The Bidder shall ,ear all *osts asso*iated 2ith the
preparation and s+,ission o! its Bid& and the Eplo"er shall
not ,e responsi,le or lia,le !or those *osts& re0ardless o! the
*ond+*t or o+t*oe o! the ,iddin0 pro*ess$
)0. Cang%age o'
%0$% The Bid& as 2ell as all *orresponden*e and do*+ents
relatin0 to the ,id e1*han0ed ," the Bidder and the
Eplo"er& shall ,e 2ritten in the lan0+a0e speci'ied in the
BD$$ S+pportin0 do*+ents and printed literat+re that are
part o! the Bid a" ,e in another lan0+a0e provided the" are
a**opanied ," an a**+rate translation o! the relevant
passa0es in the lan0+a0e speci'ied in the BD$& in 2hi*h
*ase& !or p+rposes o! interpretation o! the Bid& s+*h
translation shall 0overn$
)). Doc%&ents
Co&prising the Bid
%%$% The Bid shall *oprise the !ollo2in0C
8a9 Fetter o! Bid and Appendi1 to Bid
8,9 *opleted s*hed+les as re?+ired& in*l+din0 pri*ed Bill
o! >+antities& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB %2 and %'H
8*9 Bid Se*+rit"& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB %(H
8d9 alternative ,ids& i! perissi,le& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB
8e9 2ritten *on!iration a+thori;in0 the si0nator" o! the
Bid to *oit the Bidder& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB
8!9 do*+entar" eviden*e in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB %7
esta,lishin0 the Bidder7s *ontin+ed ?+ali!ied stat+s or&
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders %#
i! post-?+ali!i*ation applies& as indi*ated in a**ordan*e
2ith ITB '$)& the Bidder7s ?+ali!i*ations to per!or the
*ontra*t i! its Bid is a**eptedH
809 Te*hni*al 3roposal in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB %/H and
8h9 an" other do*+ent re?+ired in the BDS$
%%$2 In addition to the re?+ireents +nder ITB %%$%& ,ids
s+,itted ," a G:A shall in*l+de a *op" o! the Goint :ent+re
A0reeent entered into ," all partners$ Alternativel"& a
Fetter o! Intent to e1e*+te a Goint :ent+re A0reeent in the
event o! a s+**ess!+l ,id shall ,e si0ned ," all partners and
s+,itted 2ith the ,id& to0ether 2ith a *op" o! the proposed
)2. Cetter o' Bid
and $ched%les
%2$% The Fetter o! Bid and S*hed+les& in*l+din0 the Bill o!
>+antities+ shall ,e prepared +sin0 the relevant !ors
!+rnished in Se*tion I:& Biddin0 4ors$ The !ors +st ,e
*opleted 2itho+t an" alterations to the te1t& and no
s+,stit+tes shall ,e a**epted e1*ept as provided +nder ITB
20$2$ All ,lan6 spa*es shall ,e !illed in 2ith the in!oration
)9. Alternative Bids %#$% 0nless other#ise indicated in the BD$& alternative ,ids
shall not ,e *onsidered$
%#$2 5hen alternative ties !or *opletion are e1pli*itl" invited& a
stateent to that e!!e*t #ill 4e incl%ded in the BD$& as 2ill
the ethod o! eval+atin0 di!!erent ties !or *opletion$
%#$# E1*ept as provided +nder ITB %#$' ,elo2& Bidders 2ishin0
to o!!er te*hni*al alternatives to the re?+ireents o! the
Biddin0 Do*+ents +st !irst pri*e the Eplo"er7s desi0n as
des*ri,ed in the Biddin0 Do*+ents and shall !+rther provide
all in!oration ne*essar" !or a *oplete eval+ation o! the
alternative ," the Eplo"er& in*l+din0 dra2in0s& desi0n
*al*+lations& te*hni*al spe*i!i*ations& ,rea6do2n o! pri*es&
and proposed *onstr+*tion ethodolo0" and other relevant
details$ Onl" the te*hni*al alternatives& i! an"& o! the lo2est
eval+ated Bidder *on!orin0 to the ,asi* te*hni*al
re?+ireents shall ,e *onsidered ," the Eplo"er$
%#$' When speci'ied in the BD$& Bidders are peritted to
s+,it alternative te*hni*al sol+tions !or spe*i!ied parts o!
the 5or6s& and s+*h parts #ill 4e identi'ied in the BD$& as
2ill the ethod !or their eval+atin0& and des*ri,ed in Se*tion
:I& 5or67s Re?+ireents$
)@. Bid (rices and %'$% The pri*es and dis*o+nts ?+oted ," the Bidder in the Fetter
%' Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders
Disco%nts o! Bid and in the Bill o! >+antities shall *on!or to the
re?+ireents spe*i!ied ,elo2$
%'$2 The pri*e to ,e ?+oted in the Fetter o! Bid& in a**ordan*e
2ith ITB %2$%& shall ,e the total pri*e o! the Bid& e1*l+din0
an" dis*o+nts o!!ered$
%'$# The Bidder shall ?+ote an" +n*onditional dis*o+nts and the
ethodolo0" !or their appli*ation in the Fetter o! Bid& in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB %2$%$
%'$' 0nless other#ise provided in the BD$ and the Contra*t&
the rates and pri*es ?+oted ," the Bidder are s+,@e*t to
ad@+stent d+rin0 the per!oran*e o! the Contra*t in
a**ordan*e 2ith the provisions o! the Conditions o!
Contra*t$ In s+*h a *ase& the Bidder shall !+rnish the indi*es
and 2ei0htin0s !or the pri*e ad@+stent !or+lae in the
S*hed+le o! Ad@+stent Data and the Eplo"er a" re?+ire
the Bidder to @+sti!" its proposed indi*es and 2ei0htin0s$
%'$' I! so indi*ated in ITB %$%& ,ids are ,ein0 invited !or
individ+al lots 8*ontra*ts9 or !or an" *o,ination o! lots
8pa*6a0es9$ Bidders 2ishin0 to o!!er an" pri*e red+*tion !or
the a2ard o! ore than one Contra*t shall spe*i!" in their ,id
the pri*e red+*tions appli*a,le to ea*h pa*6a0e& or
alternativel"& to individ+al Contra*ts 2ithin the pa*6a0e$
3ri*e red+*tions or dis*o+nts shall ,e s+,itted in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB %'$#& provided the ,ids !or all lots
8*ontra*ts9 are s+,itted and opened at the sae tie$
%'$/ All d+ties& ta1es& and other levies pa"a,le ," the Contra*tor
+nder the Contra*t& or !or an" other *a+se& as o! the date 2)
da"s prior to the deadline !or s+,ission o! ,ids& shall ,e
in*l+ded in the rates and pri*es and the total Bid 3ri*e
s+,itted ," the Bidder$
)!. C%rrencies o'
Bid and (ay&ent
%.$% The *+rren*"8ies9 o! the ,id and the *+rren*"8ies9 o!
pa"ents shall ,e as speci'ied in the BD$,
%.$2 Bidders a" ,e re?+ired ," the Eplo"er to @+sti!"& to the
Eplo"er7s satis!a*tion& their lo*al and !orei0n *+rren*"
re?+ireents& and to s+,stantiate that the ao+nts in*l+ded
in the +nit rates and pri*es and sho2n in the the S*hed+le o!
Ad@+stent Data in the Appendi1 to Bid are reasona,le& in
2hi*h *ase a detailed ,rea6do2n o! the !orei0n *+rren*"
re?+ireents shall ,e provided ," Bidders$
)6. Doc%&ents %/$% The Bidder shall !+rnish a Te*hni*al 3roposal in*l+din0 a
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders %.
Co&prising the
Technical (roposal
stateent o! 2or6 ethods& e?+ipent& personnel& s*hed+le
and an" other in!oration as stip+lated in Se*tion I:& in
s+!!i*ient detail to deonstrate the ade?+a*" o! the Bidders7
proposal to eet the 2or6 re?+ireents and the *opletion
)7. Doc%&ents
/sta4lishing the
5%ali'ications o'
the Bidder
%7$% In a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation
Criteria& to esta,lish that the Bidder *ontin+es to eet the
*riteria +sed at the tie o! pre?+ali!i*ation& the Bidder shall
provide in the *orrespondin0 in!oration sheets in*l+ded in
Se*tion I:& Biddin0 4ors& +pdated in!oration on an"
assessed aspe*t that *han0ed !ro that tie& or i! post-
?+ali!i*ation applies as indi*ated in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$)&
the Bidder shall provide the in!oration re?+ested in the
*orrespondin0 in!oration sheets in*l+ded in Se*tion I:&
Biddin0 4ors$
%7$2 I! a ar0in o! pre!eren*e applies as indi*ated in a**ordan*e
2ith ITB ##$%& doesti* Bidders& individ+all" or in @oint
vent+res& appl"in0 !or eli0i,ilit" !or doesti* pre!eren*e shall
s+ppl" all in!oration re?+ired to satis!" the *riteria !or
eli0i,ilit" indi*ated in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB ##$%$
)A. (eriod o'
6alidity o' Bids
%)$% Bids shall reain valid !or the period speci'ied in the BD$
a!ter the ,id s+,ission deadline date pres*ri,ed ," the
Eplo"er in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 22$%$ A ,id valid !or a
shorter period shall ,e re@e*ted ," the Eplo"er as non
%)$2 In e1*eptional *ir*+stan*es& prior to the e1piration o! the
,id validit" period& the Eplo"er a" re?+est Bidders to
e1tend the period o! validit" o! their ,ids$ The re?+est and
the responses shall ,e ade in 2ritin0$ I! a ,id se*+rit" is
re?+ested in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB %(& it shall also ,e
e1tended !or t2ent"-ei0ht 82)9 da"s ,e"ond the deadline o!
the e1tended validit" period$ A Bidder a" re!+se the re?+est
2itho+t !or!eitin0 its ,id se*+rit"$ A Bidder 0rantin0 the
re?+est shall not ,e re?+ired or peritted to odi!" its ,id&
e1*ept as provided in ITB %)$#$
%)$# I! the a2ard is dela"ed ," a period e1*eedin0 !i!t"-si1 8./9
da"s ,e"ond the e1pir" o! the initial ,id validit"& the Contra*t
pri*e shall ,e deterined as !ollo2sC
8a9 In the *ase o! !i1ed pri*e *ontra*ts& the Contra*t pri*e
shall ,e the ,id pri*e ad@+sted ," the !a*tor speci'ied in
the BD$$
8,9 In the *ase o! ad@+sta,le pri*e *ontra*ts& to deterine
%/ Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders
the Contra*t pri*e& the !i1ed portion o! the ,id pri*e
shall ,e ad@+sted ," the !a*tor speci'ied in the BD$$
8*9 In an" *ase& ,id eval+ation shall ,e ,ased on the ,id
pri*e 2itho+t ta6in0 into *onsideration the appli*a,le
*orre*tion !ro those indi*ated a,ove$
)B. Bid $ec%rity %($% The Bidder shall !+rnish as part o! its ,id& either a Bid-
Se*+rin0 De*laration or a ,id se*+rit" as speci'ied in the
BD$& in ori0inal !or and& in the *ase o! a ,id se*+rit"& in the
ao+nt and *+rren*" speci'ied in the BD$$
%($2 A Bid-Se*+rin0 De*laration shall +se the !or in*l+ded in
Se*tion I:& Biddin0 4ors$
%($# I! a ,id se*+rit" is spe*i!ied p+rs+ant to ITB %($%& the ,id
se*+rit" shall ,e a deand 0+arantee in an" o! the !ollo2in0
!ors at the Bidder7s optionC
8a9 an +n*onditional ,an6 0+arantee iss+ed ," a ,an6 or
8,9 an irrevo*a,le letter o! *reditH
8*9 a *ashier7s or *erti!ied *he*6H or
8d9 another se*+rit" indicated in the BD$&
!ro a rep+ta,le so+r*e !ro an eli0i,le *o+ntr"$ I! the
+n*onditional 0+arantee is iss+ed ," an ins+ran*e *opan" or
a ,ondin0 *opan" lo*ated o+tside the Eplo"er7s Co+ntr"&
the iss+er shall have a *orrespondent !inan*ial instit+tion
lo*ated in the Eplo"er7s Co+ntr" to a6e it en!or*ea,le$ In
the *ase o! a ,an6 0+arantee& the ,id se*+rit" shall ,e
s+,itted either +sin0 the Bid Se*+rit" 4or in*l+ded in
Se*tion I:& Biddin0 4ors& or in another s+,stantiall" siilar
!orat approved ," the Eplo"er prior to ,id s+,ission$ In
either *ase& the !or +st in*l+de the *oplete nae o! the
Bidder$ The ,id se*+rit" shall ,e valid !or t2ent"-ei0ht 82)9
da"s ,e"ond the ori0inal validit" period o! the ,id& or ,e"ond
an" period o! e1tension i! re?+ested +nder ITB %)$2$
%($' I! a ,id se*+rit" is spe*i!ied p+rs+ant to ITB %($%& an" ,id not
a**opanied ," a s+,stantiall" responsive ,id se*+rit" or
Bid-Se*+rin0 De*laration shall ,e re@e*ted ," the Eplo"er
as non responsive$
%($. I! a ,id se*+rit" is spe*i!ied p+rs+ant to ITB %($%& the ,id
se*+rit" o! +ns+**ess!+l Bidders shall ,e ret+rned as
proptl" as possi,le +pon the s+**ess!+l Bidder7s !+rnishin0
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders %7
o! the per!oran*e se*+rit" p+rs+ant to ITB '%$
%($/ The ,id se*+rit" o! the s+**ess!+l Bidder shall ,e ret+rned as
proptl" as possi,le on*e the s+**ess!+l Bidder has si0ned
the Contra*t and !+rnished the re?+ired per!oran*e se*+rit"$
%($7 The ,id se*+rit" a" ,e !or!eited or the Bid-Se*+rin0
De*laration e1e*+tedC
8a9i! a Bidder 2ithdra2s its ,id d+rin0 the period o! ,id
validit" spe*i!ied ," the Bidder on the Fetter o! Bidor
8,9i! the s+**ess!+l Bidder !ails toC
8i9 si0n the Contra*t in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '0H or
8ii9 !+rnish a per!oran*e se*+rit" in a**ordan*e 2ith
ITB '%$
%($) The ,id se*+rit" or the Bid-Se*+rin0 De*laration o! a G:A
shall ,e in the nae o! the G:A that s+,its the ,id$ I! the
G:A has not ,een le0all" *onstit+ted into a le0all" en!or*ea,le
G:A at the tie o! ,iddin0& the ,id se*+rit" or the Bid-
Se*+rin0 De*laration shall ,e in the naes o! all !+t+re
partners as naed in the letter o! intent re!erred to in ITB
%($( I! a ,id se*+rit" is not re8%ired in the BD$ p+rs+ant to ITB
%($%& and
8a9 i! a Bidder 2ithdra2s its ,id d+rin0 the period o! ,id
validit" spe*i!ied ," the Bidder on the Fetter o! Bid
4or& e1*ept as provided in ITB %)$2& or
8,9 i! the s+**ess!+l Bidder !ails to si0n the Contra*t in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '0H or !+rnish a per!oran*e
se*+rit" in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '%H
the Borro2er a"& i' provided 'or in the BD$& de*lare the
Bidder dis?+ali!ied to ,e a2arded a *ontra*t ," the
Eplo"er !or a period o! tie as stated in the BD$$
20. "or&at and
$igning o' Bid
20$% The Bidder shall prepare one ori0inal o! the do*+ents
*oprisin0 the ,id as des*ri,ed in ITB %% and *learl" ar6 it
AORIGINAF$B Alternative ,ids& i! peritted in a**ordan*e 2ith
ITB %#& shall ,e *learl" ar6ed AAFTERNATI:E$B In addition&
the Bidder shall s+,it *opies o! the ,id& in the n+,er
speci'ied in the BD$ and *learl" ar6 the ACO3N$B In the
event o! an" dis*repan*" ,et2een the ori0inal and the *opies&
the ori0inal shall prevail$
%) Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders
20$2 The ori0inal and all *opies o! the ,id shall ,e t"ped or 2ritten in
indeli,le in6 and shall ,e si0ned ," a person d+l" a+thori;ed to
si0n on ,ehal! o! the Bidder$ This a+thori;ation shall *onsist o!
a 2ritten *on!iration as speci'ied in the BD$ and shall ,e
atta*hed to the ,id$ The nae and position held ," ea*h person
si0nin0 the a+thori;ation +st ,e t"ped or printed ,elo2 the
si0nat+re$ All pa0es o! the ,id 2here entries or aendents
have ,een ade shall ,e si0ned or initialed ," the person
si0nin0 the ,id$
20$# A ,id s+,itted ," a G:A shall *opl" 2ith the !ollo2in0
8a9 Unless not re?+ired in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$% 8a9& ,e
si0ned so as to ,e le0all" ,indin0 on all partners and
8,9 In*l+de the Representatives7s a+thori;ation re!erred to
in ITB %'$% 8,9& *onsistin0 o! a po2er or attorne"
si0ned ," those le0all" a+thori;ed to si0n on ,ehal! o!
the G:A$
20$' An" inter-lineation& eras+res& or over2ritin0 shall ,e valid onl" i!
the" are si0ned or initialed ," the person si0nin0 the ,id$
D. $%4&ission and .pening o' Bids
2). $ealing and
Marking o' Bids
2%$% The Bidder shall en*lose the ori0inal and all *opies o! the ,id&
in*l+din0 alternative ,ids& i! peritted in a**ordan*e 2ith
ITB %#& in separate sealed envelopes& d+l" ar6in0 the
These envelopes *ontainin0 the ori0inal and the *opies shall
then ,e en*losed in one sin0le envelope$
2%$2 The inner and o+ter envelopes shallC
8a9 ,ear the nae and address o! the BidderH
8,9 ,e addressed to the Eplo"er in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB
8*9 ,ear the spe*i!i* identi!i*ation o! this ,iddin0 pro*ess
indi*ated in the BDS %$%H and
8d9 ,ear a 2arnin0 not to open ,e!ore the tie and date !or
,id openin0$
2%$# I! all envelopes are not sealed and ar6ed as re?+ired& the
Eplo"er 2ill ass+e no responsi,ilit" !or the ispla*eent
or preat+re openin0 o! the ,id$
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders %(
22. Deadline 'or
$%4&ission o' Bids
22$% Bids +st ,e re*eived ," the Eplo"er at the address and no
later than the date and tie indicated in the BD$$ When so
speci'ied in the BD$& ,idders shall have the option o!
s+,ittin0 their ,ids ele*troni*all"$ Bidders s+,ittin0 ,ids
ele*troni*all" shall !ollo2 the ele*troni* ,id s+,ission
pro*ed+res speci'ied in the BD$$
22$2 The Eplo"er a"& at its dis*retion& e1tend the deadline !or
the s+,ission o! ,ids ," aendin0 the Biddin0 Do*+ents
in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB )& in 2hi*h *ase all ri0hts and
o,li0ations o! the Eplo"er and Bidders previo+sl" s+,@e*t
to the deadline shall therea!ter ,e s+,@e*t to the deadline as
29. Cate Bids 2#$% The Eplo"er shall not *onsider an" ,id that arrives a!ter the
deadline !or s+,ission o! ,ids& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 22$
An" ,id re*eived ," the Eplo"er a!ter the deadline !or
s+,ission o! ,ids shall ,e de*lared late& re@e*ted& and
ret+rned +nopened to the Bidder$
2@. Withdra#al,
$%4stit%tion, and
Modi'ication o'
2'$% A Bidder a" 2ithdra2& s+,stit+te& or odi!" its ,id a!ter it has
,een s+,itted ," sendin0 a 2ritten noti*e& d+l" si0ned ," an
a+thori;ed representative& and shall in*l+de a *op" o! the
a+thori;ation in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 20$2& 8e1*ept that
2ithdra2al noti*es do not re?+ire *opies9$ The *orrespondin0
s+,stit+tion or odi!i*ation o! the ,id +st a**opan" the
respe*tive 2ritten noti*e$ All noti*es +st ,eC
8a9 prepared and s+,itted in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 20 and
ITB 2% 8e1*ept that 2ithdra2als noti*es do not re?+ire
*opies9& and in addition& the respe*tive envelopes shall
,e *learl" ar6ed A5IT=DRA5AF&B ASUBSTITUTION&B
8,9 re*eived ," the Eplo"er prior to the deadline
pres*ri,ed !or s+,ission o! ,ids& in a**ordan*e 2ith
ITB 22$
2'$2 Bids re?+ested to ,e 2ithdra2n in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 2'$%
shall ,e ret+rned +nopened to the Bidders$
2'$# No ,id a" ,e 2ithdra2n& s+,stit+ted& or odi!ied in the
interval ,et2een the deadline !or s+,ission o! ,ids and the
e1piration o! the period o! ,id validit" spe*i!ied ," the Bidder
on the Fetter o! Bid or an" e1tension thereo!$
2!. Bid .pening 2.$% The Eplo"er shall open the ,ids in p+,li*& in the presen*e o!
BiddersO desi0nated representatives and an"one 2ho *hoose
to attend& and at the address& date and tie speci'ied in the
BD$$ An" spe*i!i* ele*troni* ,id openin0 pro*ed+res
20 Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders
re?+ired i! ele*troni* ,iddin0 is peritted in a**ordan*e 2ith
ITB 22$%& shall ,e as speci'ied in the BD$.
2.$2 4irst& envelopes ar6ed A5IT=DRA5AFB shall ,e opened and
read o+t and the envelope 2ith the *orrespondin0 ,id shall
not ,e opened& ,+t ret+rned to the Bidder$ No ,id
2ithdra2al shall ,e peritted +nless the *orrespondin0
2ithdra2al noti*e *ontains a valid a+thori;ation to re?+est
the 2ithdra2al and is read o+t at ,id openin0$ Ne1t&
envelopes ar6ed ASUBSTITUTIONB shall ,e opened and read
o+t and e1*han0ed 2ith the *orrespondin0 ,id ,ein0
s+,stit+ted& and the s+,stit+ted ,id shall not ,e opened& ,+t
ret+rned to the Bidder$ No ,id s+,stit+tion shall ,e peritted
+nless the *orrespondin0 s+,stit+tion noti*e *ontains a valid
a+thori;ation to re?+est the s+,stit+tion and is read o+t at ,id
openin0$ Envelopes ar6ed AMODI4ICATIONB shall ,e opened
and read o+t 2ith the *orrespondin0 ,id$ No ,id odi!i*ation
shall ,e peritted +nless the *orrespondin0 odi!i*ation
noti*e *ontains a valid a+thori;ation to re?+est the
odi!i*ation and is read o+t at ,id openin0$ Onl" ,ids that
are opened and read o+t at ,id openin0 shall ,e *onsidered
2.$# All other envelopes shall ,e opened one at a tie& readin0
o+tC the nae o! the Bidder and 2hether there is a
odi!i*ationH the Bid 3ri*e8s9& in*l+din0 an" dis*o+nts and
alternative o!!ersH the presen*e or a,sen*e o! a ,id se*+rit"& i!
re?+iredH and an" other details as the Eplo"er a" *onsider
appropriate$ Onl" dis*o+nts and alternative o!!ers read o+t at
,id openin0 shall ,e *onsidered !or eval+ation$ +' so
re8%ested 4y the /&ployer in the BD$& the Fetter o! Bid
and the Bill o! >+antities are to ,e initialed ," representatives
o! the Eplo"er attendin0 ,id openin0 in the anner
indi*ated in the BDS$ No ,id shall ,e re@e*ted at ,id openin0
e1*ept !or late ,ids& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 2#$%$
2.$' The Eplo"er shall prepare a re*ord o! the ,id openin0 that
shall in*l+de& as a ini+C the nae o! the Bidder and
2hether there is a 2ithdra2al& s+,stit+tion& or odi!i*ationH
the Bid 3ri*e& per lot i! appli*a,le& in*l+din0 an" dis*o+nts
and alternative o!!ersH and the presen*e or a,sen*e o! a ,id
se*+rit"& i! one 2as re?+ired$ The Bidders7 representatives
2ho are present shall ,e re?+ested to si0n the re*ord$ The
oission o! a Bidder7s si0nat+re on the re*ord shall not
invalidate the *ontents and e!!e*t o! the re*ord$ A *op" o!
the re*ord shall ,e distri,+ted to all Bidders$
/. /val%ation and Co&parison o' Bids
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders 2%
26. Con'identiality 2/$% In!oration relatin0 to the eval+ation o! ,ids and
re*oendation o! *ontra*t a2ard shall not ,e dis*losed to
Bidders or an" other persons not o!!i*iall" *on*erned 2ith
s+*h pro*ess +ntil in!oration on Contra*t a2ard is
*o+ni*ated to all Bidders$
2/$2 An" attept ," a Bidder to in!l+en*e the Eplo"er in the
eval+ation o! the ,ids or Contra*t a2ard de*isions a" res+lt
in the re@e*tion o! its ,id$
2/$# Not2ithstandin0 ITB 2/$2& !ro the tie o! ,id openin0 to
the tie o! Contra*t a2ard& i! an" Bidder 2ishes to *onta*t
the Eplo"er on an" atter related to the ,iddin0 pro*ess& it
a" do so in 2ritin0$
27. Clari'ication o'
27$% To assist in the e1aination& eval+ation& and *oparison o!
the ,ids& and ?+ali!i*ation o! the Bidders& the Eplo"er a"&
at its dis*retion& as6 an" Bidder !or a *lari!i*ation o! its ,id$
An" *lari!i*ation s+,itted ," a Bidder that is not in
response to a re?+est ," the Eplo"er shall not ,e
*onsidered$ The Eplo"er7s re?+est !or *lari!i*ation and the
response shall ,e in 2ritin0$ No *han0e in the pri*es or
s+,stan*e o! the ,id shall ,e so+0ht& o!!ered& or peritted&
e1*ept to *on!ir the *orre*tion o! aritheti* errors
dis*overed ," the Eplo"er in the eval+ation o! the ,ids& in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB #%$
27$2 I! a Bidder does not provide *lari!i*ations o! its ,id ," the
date and tie set in the Eplo"er7s re?+est !or *lari!i*ation&
its ,id a" ,e re@e*ted$
2A. Deviations,
eservations, and
2)$% D+rin0 the eval+ation o! ,ids& the !ollo2in0 de!initions appl"C
8a9 ADeviationB is a depart+re !ro the re?+ireents
spe*i!ied in the Biddin0 Do*+entH
8,9 AReservationB is the settin0 o! liitin0 *onditions or
2ithholdin0 !ro *oplete a**eptan*e o! the
re?+ireents spe*i!ied in the Biddin0 Do*+entH and
8*9 AOissionB is the !ail+re to s+,it part or all o! the
in!oration or do*+entation re?+ired in the Biddin0
2B. Deter&ination
o' esponsiveness
2($% The Eplo"er7s deterination o! a ,id7s responsiveness is to
,e ,ased on the *ontents o! the ,id itsel!& as de!ined in
22 Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders
2($2 A s+,stantiall" responsive ,id is one that eets the
re?+ireents o! the Biddin0 Do*+ent 2itho+t aterial
deviation& reservation& or oission$ A aterial deviation&
reservation& or oission is one that&
8a9 i! a**epted& 2o+ld
8i9 a!!e*t in an" s+,stantial 2a" the s*ope& ?+alit"& or
per!oran*e o! the 5or6s spe*i!ied in the Contra*tH
8ii9 liit in an" s+,stantial 2a"& in*onsistent 2ith the
Biddin0 Do*+ent& the Eplo"er7s ri0hts or the
Bidder7s o,li0ations +nder the proposed Contra*tH or
8,9 i! re*ti!ied& 2o+ld +n!airl" a!!e*t the *opetitive position
o! other Bidders presentin0 s+,stantiall" responsive ,ids$
2($# The Eplo"er shall e1aine the te*hni*al aspe*ts o! the ,id
s+,itted in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB %/& Te*hni*al 3roposal& in
parti*+lar& to *on!ir that all re?+ireents o! Se*tion :I&
5or6s Re?+ireents have ,een et 2itho+t an" aterial
deviation& reservation or oission$
2($' I! a ,id is not s+,stantiall" responsive to the re?+ireents o!
the Biddin0 Do*+ent& it shall ,e re@e*ted ," the Eplo"er
and a" not s+,se?+entl" ,e ade responsive ," *orre*tion
o! the aterial deviation& reservation& or oission$
90. ,on&aterial
#0$% 3rovided that a ,id is s+,stantiall" responsive& the Eplo"er
a" 2aive an" non*on!orities in the ,id that do not
*onstit+te a aterial deviation& reservation or oission,
#0$2 3rovided that a ,id is s+,stantiall" responsive& the Eplo"er
a" re?+est that the Bidder s+,it the ne*essar" in!oration
or do*+entation& 2ithin a reasona,le period o! tie& to
re*ti!" nonaterial non*on!orities in the ,id related to
do*+entation re?+ireents$ Re?+estin0 in!oration or
do*+entation on s+*h non*on!orities shall not ,e related
to an" aspe*t o! the pri*e o! the ,id$ 4ail+re o! the Bidder to
*opl" 2ith the re?+est a" res+lt in the re@e*tion o! its ,id$
#0$# 3rovided that a ,id is s+,stantiall" responsive& the Eplo"er
shall re*ti!" ?+anti!ia,le nonaterial non*on!orities related
to the Bid 3ri*e$ To this e!!e*t& the Bid 3ri*e shall ,e
ad@+sted& !or *oparison p+rposes onl"& to re!le*t the pri*e o!
a issin0 or non-*on!orin0 ite or *oponent$ The
ad@+stent shall ,e ade +sin0 the ethod indi*ated in
Se*tion III& Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria,
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders 2#
9). Correction o'
Arith&etical /rrors
#%$% 3rovided that the ,id is s+,stantiall" responsive& the
Eplo"er shall *orre*t aritheti*al errors on the !ollo2in0
8a9 i! there is a dis*repan*" ,et2een the +nit pri*e and the
total pri*e that is o,tained ," +ltipl"in0 the +nit pri*e
and ?+antit"& the +nit pri*e shall prevail and the total
pri*e shall ,e *orre*ted& +nless in the opinion o! the
Eplo"er there is an o,vio+s ispla*eent o! the
de*ial point in the +nit pri*e& in 2hi*h *ase the total
pri*e as ?+oted shall 0overn and the +nit pri*e shall ,e
8,9 i! there is an error in a total *orrespondin0 to the
addition or s+,tra*tion o! s+,totals& the s+,totals shall
prevail and the total shall ,e *orre*tedH and
8*9 i! there is a dis*repan*" ,et2een 2ords and !i0+res& the
ao+nt in 2ords shall prevail& +nless the ao+nt
e1pressed in 2ords is related to an aritheti* error& in
2hi*h *ase the ao+nt in !i0+res shall prevail s+,@e*t to
8a9 and 8,9 a,ove$
#%$2 I! the Bidder that s+,itted the lo2est eval+ated ,id does
not a**ept the *orre*tion o! errors& its ,id shall ,e re@e*ted$
92. Conversion to
$ingle C%rrency
#2$% 4or eval+ation and *oparison p+rposes& the *+rren*"8ies9 o!
the ,id shall ,e *onverted into a sin0le *+rren*"$
99. Margin o'
##$% 0nless other#ise speci'ied in the BD$+ a ar0in o!
pre!eren*e shall not appl"$
9@. /val%ation o'
#'$% The Eplo"er shall +se the *riteria and ethodolo0ies listed
in this Cla+se$ No other eval+ation *riteria or ethodolo0ies
shall ,e peritted$
#'$2 To eval+ate a ,id& the Eplo"er shall *onsider the !ollo2in0C
8a9 the ,id pri*e& e1*l+din0 3rovisional S+s and the
provision& i! an"& !or *ontin0en*ies in the S+ar" Bill
o! >+antities& ,+t in*l+din0 Da"2or6 ites& 2here
pri*ed *opetitivel"H
8,9 pri*e ad@+stent !or *orre*tion o! aritheti* errors in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB #%$%H
8*9 pri*e ad@+stent d+e to dis*o+nts o!!ered in a**ordan*e
2ith ITB %'$#H
8d9 *onvertin0 the ao+nt res+ltin0 !ro appl"in0 8a9 to 8*9
2' Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders
a,ove& i! relevant& to a sin0le *+rren*" in a**ordan*e
2ith ITB #2H
8e9 pri*e ad@+stent d+e to ?+anti!ia,le nonaterial
non*on!orities in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB #0$#H
8!9 the eval+ation !a*tors indi*ated in Se*tion III& Eval+ation
and >+ali!i*ation CriteriaH
#'$# The estiated e!!e*t o! the pri*e ad@+stent provisions o! the
Conditions o! Contra*t& applied over the period o! e1e*+tion
o! the Contra*t& shall not ,e ta6en into a**o+nt in ,id
#'$' I! these Biddin0 Do*+ents allo2s Bidders to ?+ote separate
pri*es !or di!!erent lots 8*ontra*ts9& and the a2ard to a sin0le
Bidder o! +ltiple lots 8*ontra*ts9& the ethodolo0" to
deterine the lo2est eval+ated pri*e o! the lot 8*ontra*t9
*o,inations& in*l+din0 an" dis*o+nts o!!ered in the Fetter o!
Bid 4or& is spe*i!ied in Se*tion III& Eval+ation and
>+ali!i*ation Criteria$
#'$. I! the ,id& 2hi*h res+lts in the lo2est Eval+ated Bid 3ri*e& is
serio+sl" +n,alan*ed or !ront loaded in the opinion o! the
Eplo"er& the Eplo"er a" re?+ire the Bidder to prod+*e
detailed pri*e anal"ses !or an" or all ites o! the Bill o!
>+antities& to deonstrate the internal *onsisten*" o! those
pri*es 2ith the *onstr+*tion ethods and s*hed+le proposed$
A!ter eval+ation o! the pri*e anal"ses& ta6in0 into
*onsideration the s*hed+le o! estiated Contra*t pa"ents&
the Eplo"er a" re?+ire that the ao+nt o! the
per!oran*e se*+rit" ,e in*reased at the e1pense o! the
Bidder to a level s+!!i*ient to prote*t the Eplo"er a0ainst
!inan*ial loss in the event o! de!a+lt o! the s+**ess!+l Bidder
+nder the Contra*t$
9!. Co&parison o'
#.$% The Eplo"er shall *opare all s+,stantiall" responsive ,ids
in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB #'$2 to deterine the lo2est
eval+ated ,id,
96. 5%ali'ication o'
the Bidder
#/$% The Eplo"er shall deterine to its satis!a*tion 2hether the
Bidder that is sele*ted as havin0 s+,itted the lo2est
eval+ated and s+,stantiall" responsive ,id either *ontin+es to
eet 8i! pre?+ali!i*ation applies9 or eets 8i!
post?+ali!i*ation applies9 the ?+ali!"in0 *riteria spe*i!ied in
Se*tion III& Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria$
#/$2 The deterination shall ,e ,ased +pon an e1aination o! the
do*+entar" eviden*e o! the Bidder7s ?+ali!i*ations
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders 2.
s+,itted ," the Bidder& p+rs+ant to ITB %7$%$
#/$# An a!!irative deterination shall ,e a prere?+isite !or a2ard
o! the Contra*t to the Bidder$ A ne0ative deterination shall
res+lt in dis?+ali!i*ation o! the ,id& in 2hi*h event the
Eplo"er shall pro*eed to the ne1t lo2est eval+ated ,id to
a6e a siilar deterination o! that Bidder7s ?+ali!i*ations
to per!or satis!a*toril"$
97. /&ployer=s
ight to Accept
Any Bid, and to
e?ect Any or All
#7$% The Eplo"er reserves the ri0ht to a**ept or re@e*t an" ,id&
and to ann+l the ,iddin0 pro*ess and re@e*t all ,ids at an"
tie prior to *ontra*t a2ard& 2itho+t there," in*+rrin0 an"
lia,ilit" to Bidders$ In *ase o! ann+lent& all ,ids s+,itted
and spe*i!i*all"& ,id se*+rities& shall ,e proptl" ret+rned to
the Bidders$
". A#ard o' Contract
9A. A#ard Criteria #)$% S+,@e*t to ITB #7$%& the Eplo"er shall a2ard the Contra*t
to the Bidder 2hose o!!er has ,een deterined to ,e the
lo2est eval+ated ,id and is s+,stantiall" responsive to the
Biddin0 Do*+ent& provided !+rther that the Bidder is
deterined to ,e ?+ali!ied to per!or the Contra*t
9B. ,oti'ication o'
#($% 3rior to the e1piration o! the period o! ,id validit"& the
Eplo"er shall noti!" the s+**ess!+l Bidder& in 2ritin0& that
its ,id has ,een a**epted$ The noti!i*ation letter 8hereina!ter
and in the Conditions o! Contra*t and Contra*t 4ors *alled
the AFetter o! A**eptan*eB9 shall spe*i!" the s+ that the
Eplo"er 2ill pa" the Contra*tor in *onsideration o! the
e1e*+tion and *opletion o! the 5or6s 8hereina!ter and in
the Conditions o! Contra*t and Contra*t 4ors *alled Athe
Contra*t 3ri*eB9 and the re?+ireent !or the Contra*tor to
reed" an" de!e*ts therein as pres*ri,ed ," the Contra*t$ At
the sae tie& the Eplo"er shall also noti!" all other
Bidders o! the res+lts o! the ,iddin0 and shall p+,lish in
-.D# online and in the dg/arket the res+lts identi!"in0 the
,id and lot n+,ers and the !ollo2in0 in!orationC
8i9 nae o! ea*h Bidder 2ho s+,itted a BidH
8ii9 ,id pri*es as read o+t at Bid Openin0H
8iii9 nae and eval+ated pri*es o! ea*h Bid that 2as eval+atedH
8iv9 nae o! ,idders 2hose ,ids 2ere re@e*ted and the reasons
2/ Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders
!or their re@e*tionH and
8v9 nae o! the s+**ess!+l Bidder& and the 3ri*e it o!!ered& as
2ell as the d+ration and s+ar" s*ope o! the *ontra*t
#($2 Until a !oral *ontra*t is prepared and e1e*+ted& the
noti!i*ation o! a2ard shall *onstit+te a ,indin0 Contra*t$
#($# The Eplo"er shall proptl" respond in 2ritin0 to an"
+ns+**ess!+l Bidder 2ho& a!ter noti!i*ation o! a2ard in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB #($%& re?+ests in 2ritin0 the 0ro+nds
on 2hi*h its ,id 2as not sele*ted$
@0. $igning o'
'0$% 3roptl" +pon noti!i*ation& the Eplo"er shall send the
s+**ess!+l Bidder the Contra*t A0reeent$
'0$2 5ithin t2ent"-ei0ht 82)9 da"s o! re*eipt o! the Contra*t
A0reeent& the s+**ess!+l Bidder shall si0n& date& and ret+rn
it to the Eplo"er$
@). (er'or&ance
'%$% 5ithin t2ent"-ei0ht 82)9 da"s o! the re*eipt o! noti!i*ation o!
a2ard !ro the Eplo"er& the s+**ess!+l Bidder shall !+rnish
the per!oran*e se*+rit" in a**ordan*e 2ith the General
Conditions o! Contra*t& s+,@e*t to ITB #'$.& +sin0 !or that
p+rpose the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" 4or in*l+ded in Se*tion
IK& Anne1 to the 3arti*+lar Conditions - Contra*t 4ors& or
another !or a**epta,le to the Eplo"er$ I! the per!oran*e
se*+rit" !+rnished ," the s+**ess!+l Bidder is in the !or o! a
,ond& it shall ,e iss+ed ," a ,ondin0 or ins+ran*e *opan"
that has ,een deterined ," the s+**ess!+l Bidder to ,e
a**epta,le to the Eplo"er$ A !orei0n instit+tion providin0 a
,ond shall have a *orrespondent !inan*ial instit+tion lo*ated
in the Eplo"er7s Co+ntr"$
'%$2 4ail+re o! the s+**ess!+l Bidder to s+,it the a,ove-
entioned 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" or si0n the Contra*t shall
*onstit+te s+!!i*ient 0ro+nds !or the ann+lent o! the a2ard
and !or!eit+re o! the ,id se*+rit"$ In that event the Eplo"er
a" a2ard the Contra*t to the ne1t lo2est eval+ated Bidder
2hose o!!er is s+,stantiall" responsive and is deterined ,"
the Eplo"er to ,e ?+ali!ied to per!or the Contra*t
$ection ++. Bid Data $heet
A. +ntrod%ction
+TB ).) The n+,er o! the Invitation !or Bids is C
+TB ).) The Eplo"er isC
+TB ).) The nae o! the ICB isC
The identi!i*ation n+,er o! the ICB isC
The n+,er and identi!i*ation o! lots 8*ontra*ts9 *oprisin0 this ICB isC
+TB 2.) The Borro2er isC
+TB 2.) The nae o! the 3ro@e*t isC
+TB @.) 2a3 The individ+als or !irs in a @oint vent+re or asso*iation
B. Bidding Doc%&ents
+TB 7.) 4or clari'ication p%rposes onl"& the Eplo"er7s address isC
Street AddressC
4loorJRoo n+,erC
QI3 CodeC
4a*siile n+,erC
Ele*troni* ail addressC
+TB 7.@ A 3re-Bid eetin0 ta6e pla*e at the !ollo2in0 date& tie and pla*eC
A site visit *ond+*ted ," the Eplo"er or0ani;ed
C. (reparation o' Bids
+TB )0.) The lan0+a0e o! the ,id isC
+TB )).) 2h3 The Bidder shall s+,it 2ith its ,id the !ollo2in0 additional do*+entsC

+TB )9.) Alternative ,ids PPPPPPPPPPP peritted$
+TB )9.2 Alternative ties !or *opletionPPPPPPPPPPPP peritted$
I! alternative ties !or *opletion are peritted& the eval+ation ethod 2ill
,e as spe*i!ied in Se*tion III& Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria$
+TB )9.@ Alternative te*hni*al sol+tions shall ,e peritted !or the !ollo2in0 parts o!
I! alternative te*hni*al sol+tions are peritted& the eval+ation ethod 2ill
,e as spe*i!ied in Se*tion III& Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria$
+TB )@.@ The pri*es ?+oted ," the ,idder shall ,eCPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
+TB )!.) The *+rren*"8ies9 o! the ,id and the pa"ent *+rren*"8ies9 shall ,e in
a**ordan*e 2ith Alternative PPPPPPPPP as des*ri,ed ,elo2C
Alternative A 2Bidders to 8%ote entirely in local c%rrency31
8a9 The +nit rates and the pri*es shall ,e ?+oted ," the Bidder in the Bill o!
>+antities& entirel" in PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP& the nae o! the *+rren*"
o! the Eplo"er7s *o+ntr"& and !+rther re!erred to as Athe lo*al
*+rren*"B$ A Bidder e1pe*tin0 to in*+r e1pendit+res in other
*+rren*ies !or inp+ts to the 5or6s s+pplied !ro o+tside the
Eplo"er7s *o+ntr" 8re!erred to as Athe !orei0n *+rren*"
re?+ireentsB9 shall indi*ate in the Appendi1 to Bid - Ta,le C& the
per*enta0e8s9 o! the Bid 3ri*e 8e1*l+din0 3rovisional S+s9& needed
," hi !or the pa"ent o! s+*h !orei0n *+rren*" re?+ireents& liited
to no ore than three !orei0n *+rren*ies o! an" *o+ntr"$
8,9 The rates o! e1*han0e to ,e +sed ," the Bidder in arrivin0 at the lo*al
*+rren*" e?+ivalent and the per*enta0e8s9 entioned in 8a9 a,ove shall
,e spe*i!ied ," the Bidder in the Appendi1 to Bid - Ta,le C& and shall
appl" !or all pa"ents +nder the Contra*t so that no e1*han0e ris6 2ill
,e ,orne ," the s+**ess!+l Bidder$
Alternative B 2Bidders allo#ed to 8%ote in local and 'oreign
8a9 The +nit rates and pri*es shall ,e ?+oted ," the Bidder in the Bill o!
>+antities separatel" in the !ollo2in0 *+rren*iesC
8i9 !or those inp+ts to the 5or6s that the Bidder e1pe*ts to s+ppl"
!ro 2ithin the Eplo"er7s *o+ntr"& in PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP&
the nae o! the *+rren*" o! the Eplo"er7s *o+ntr"& and !+rther
re!erred to as Athe lo*al *+rren*"BH and
8ii9 !or those inp+ts to the 5or6s that the Bidder e1pe*ts to s+ppl" !ro
o+tside the Eplo"er7s *o+ntr" 8re!erred to as Athe !orei0n *+rren*"
re?+ireentsB9& in +p to an" three *+rren*ies o! an" *o+ntr"$
+TB )A.) The ,id validit" period shall ,e PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPda"s$
+TB )A.9 2a3 The ,id pri*e shall ,e ad@+sted ," the !ollo2in0 !a*torCPPPPPPPP
+TB )A.9 243 The !i1ed portion o! the ,id pri*e shall ,e ad@+sted ," the !ollo2in0 !a*torC
Se*tion II$ Bid Data Sheet 2(
+TB )B.) A ,id se*+rit" PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP re?+ired$ A Bid-Se*+rin0 De*laration
I! a ,id se*+rit" shall ,e re?+ired& the ao+nt and *+rren*" o! the ,id
se*+rit" shall ,e
+TB )B.2 2d3 Other t"pes o! a**epta,le se*+ritiesC

+TB )B.B I! the Bidder in*+rs an" o! the a*tions pres*ri,ed in s+,para0raphs 8a9 or 8,9
o! this provision& the Borro2er 2ill de*lare the Bidder ineli0i,le to ,e
a2arded *ontra*ts ," the Eplo"er !or a period o! PPPPPP "ears$
+TB 20.) In addition to the ori0inal o! the ,id& the n+,er o! *opies isC
+TB 20.2 The 2ritten *on!iration o! a+thori;ation to si0n on ,ehal! o! the Bidder
shall *onsist o!C
D. $%4&ission and .pening o' Bids
+TB 22.) 4or 4id s%4&ission p%rposes onl"& the Eplo"er7s address is C
Street AddressC
4loorJRoo n+,erC
QI3 CodeC
The deadline 'or 4id s%4&ission is1
Bidders000000000000000000have the option o! s+,ittin0 their ,ids
I! ,idders have the option o! s+,ittin0 their ,ids ele*troni*all"& the
ele*troni* ,iddin0 s+,ission pro*ed+res shall ,eC
+TB 2!.) The ,id openin0 shall ta6e pla*e atC
Street AddressC
4loorJRoo n+,erC
Cit" C
I! ,idders have the option o! s+,ittin0 their ,ids ele*troni*all"& the
#0 Se*tion II$ Bid Data Sheet
ele*troni* ,id openin0 pro*ed+res shall ,eC 0000000000000000000000000
+TB 2!.9 The Fetter o! Bid and Bill o! >+antities 00000000000000000000 ,e
initialed ," representatives o! the Eplo"er attendin0 Bid openin0$ I!
initiali;ation is re?+ired& it shall ,e *ond+*ted as !ollo2sC
/. /val%ation, and Co&parison o' Bids
+TB 99.) A ar0in o! pre!eren*e PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPappl"$
I! a ar0in o! pre!eren*e applies& the appli*ation ethodolo0" shall ,eC

$ection +++. /val%ation and 5%ali'ication
(Following Prequalification)
This Se*tion *ontains all the *riteria that the Eplo"er shall +se to eval+ate ,ids and ?+ali!"
Bidders$ In a**ordan*e 2ith ITB #' and ITB #/& no other !a*tors& ethods or *riteria shall ,e
+sed$ The Bidder shall provide all the in!oration re?+ested in the !ors in*l+ded in Se*tion I:&
Biddin0 4ors$
). /val%ation
In addition to the *riteria listed in ITB #'$2 8a9 R 8e9 the !ollo2in0 *riteria shall appl"C
).) Assess&ent o' ade8%acy o' Technical (roposal #ith e8%ire&ents
).2 M%ltiple Contracts& i! peritted +nder ITB #'$'& 2ill ,e eval+ated as !ollo2sC
).9 Alternative Co&pletion Ti&es& i! peritted +nder ITB %#$2& 2ill ,e
eval+ated as !ollo2sC
).@ Technical alternatives& i! peritted +nder ITB %#$'& 2ill ,e eval+ated as
2. 5%ali'ication
2.) 0pdate o' +n'or&ation
The Bidder shall *ontin+e to eet the *riteria +sed at the tie o!
2.2 "inancial eso%rces
Usin0 the relevant 4ors No S and NoS in Se*tion I:& Biddin0 4ors& the
Bidder +st deonstrate a**ess to& or availa,ilit" o!& !inan*ial reso+r*es s+*h
as li?+id assets& +nen*+,ered real assets& lines o! *redit& and other !inan*ial
eans& other than an" *ontra*t+al advan*e pa"ents to eetC
8i9 the !ollo2in0 *ash-!lo2 re?+ireentC
8ii9 the overall *ash !lo2 re?+ireents !or this *ontra*t and its *+rrent 5or6s
2.9 (ersonnel
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 8!ollo2in0 pre?+ali!i*ation9 ##
The Bidder +st deonstrate that it has the personnel !or the 6e" positions
that eet the !ollo2in0 re?+ireentsC
,o. (osition
Total Work
+n $i&ilar
The Bidder shall provide details o! the proposed personnel and their e1perien*e
re*ords in the relevant In!oration 4ors in*l+ded in Se*tion I:& Biddin0 4ors$
2.@ /8%ip&ent
The Bidder +st deonstrate that it has the 6e" e?+ipent listed herea!terC
,o. /8%ip&ent Type and Characteristics
Mini&%& ,%&4er
The Bidder shall provide !+rther details o! proposed ites o! e?+ipent +sin0 the
relevant 4or in Se*tion I:& Biddin0 4ors$
$ection +++. Ealuation an! "ualification
(#it$out Prequalification)
This Se*tion *ontains all the *riteria that the Eplo"er shall +se to eval+ate ,ids and ?+ali!"
Bidders$ In a**ordan*e 2ith ITB #' and ITB #/& no other !a*tors& ethods or *riteria shall ,e
+sed$ The Bidder shall provide all the in!oration re?+ested in the !ors in*l+ded in Se*tion I:&
Biddin0 4ors$
). /val%ation
In addition to the *riteria listed in ITB #'$2 8a9 R 8e9 the !ollo2in0 *riteria shall appl"C
).) Assess&ent o' ade8%acy o' Technical (roposal #ith e8%ire&ents
).2 M%ltiple Contracts& i! peritted +nder ITB #'$'& 2ill ,e eval+ated as !ollo2sC
).9 Alternative Co&pletion Ti&es& i! peritted +nder ITB %#$2& 2ill ,e
eval+ated as !ollo2sC
).@ Technical alternatives & i! peritted +nder ITB %#$'& 2ill ,e eval+ated as
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 82itho+t pre?+ali!i*ation9 #7
2. 5%ali'ication
"#1 $IGIBI$IT%
e8%ired e8%ire&ent
Sin0le Entit" Doint 6ent%re or Association
All partners
At least one
2.1.1 Natonat
Nationalit" in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB
M+st eet
E1istin0 or
intended G:A
+st eet
M+st eet
N J A 4or EFIR% and
2& 2ith
2.1.2 Conct of
No- *on!li*ts o!
interests as des*ri,ed in
ITB '$#$
M+st eet
E1istin0 or
intended G:A
+st eet
M+st eet
N J A Fetter o! Bid
2.1.3 Bank
Not havin0 ,een
de*lared ineli0i,le ,"
the Ban6 as des*ri,ed
in ITB '$'$
M+st eet
E1istin0 G:A
+st eet
M+st eet
N J A Fetter o! Bid
2.1.4 Governme
nt Owned
Coplian*e 2ith
*onditions o! ITB '$.
M+st eet
M+st eet
M+st eet
4or EFIR% and
2& 2ith
#) Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 82itho+t pre?+ali!i*ation9
"#1 $IGIBI$IT%
e8%ired e8%ire&ent
Sin0le Entit" Doint 6ent%re or Association
All partners
At least one
2.1.5 Inegbty
based on a
resouton or
country aw
Not havin0 ,een e1*l+ded
as a res+lt o! the
Borro2er7s *o+ntr" la2s
or o!!i*ial re0+lations& or
," an a*t o! *oplian*e
2ith UN Se*+rit" Co+n*il
resol+tion& in a**ordan*e
2ith ITB '$7
M+st eet
E1istin0 G:A
+st eet
M+st eet
Fetter o! Bid
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 82itho+t pre?+ali!i*ation9 #(
Doint 6ent%re or Association
At least one
2.2.1 Hstory of
Non-per!oran*e o! a
*ontra*t did not o**+r 2ithin
the last PPPPPPPPPP 8P9
"ears prior to the deadline !or
appli*ation s+,ission&
,ased on all in!oration on
!+ll" settled disp+tes or
liti0ation$ A !+ll" settled
disp+te or liti0ation is one
that has ,een resolved in
a**ordan*e 2ith the Disp+te
Resol+tion Me*hanis +nder
the respe*tive *ontra*t& and
2here all appeal instan*es
availa,le to the ,idder have
,een e1ha+sted$
M+st eet
," itsel! or as
partner to
past or
e1istin0 G:A
M+st eet
," itsel! or
as partner to
past or
e1istin0 G:A
4or CON - 2
'0 Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 82itho+t pre?+ali!i*ation9
Doint 6ent%re or Association
At least one
2.2.2 Pendng
All pendin0 liti0ation shall in
total not represent ore than
8PPPPPT9 o! the Bidder7s
net 2orth and shall ,e treated
as resolved a0ainst the
M+st eet
," itsel! or as
partner to
past or
e1istin0 G:A
M+st eet
," itsel! or as
partner to
past or
e1istin0 G:A
4or CON R 2
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 82itho+t pre?+ali!i*ation9 '%
Doint 6ent%re or Association
At least one
2.3.1 &istoric+
, (in+nci+,
S+,ission o! a+dited
,alan*e sheets or i! not
re?+ired ," the la2 o! the
,idder7s *o+ntr"& other
!inan*ial stateents
a**epta,le to the Eplo"er&
!or the last PPPP D E "ears to
deonstrate the *+rrent
so+ndness o! the ,idders
!inan*ial position and its
prospe*tive lon0 ter
8a98*riterion %9
8,92*riterion 29
M+st eet
M+st eet
4or 4IN R% 2ith
"#*#"# A-er+.e
Mini+ avera0e ann+al
t+rnover o!
*al*+lated as total *erti!ied
pa"ents re*eived !or
M+st eet
M+st eet
M+st eet
M+st eet
4or 4IN R2
'2 Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 82itho+t pre?+ali!i*ation9
Doint 6ent%re or Association
At least one
*ontra*ts in pro0ress or
*opleted& 2ithin the
lastPPPPPP8 9 "ears
The Bidder +st deonstrate
a**ess to& or availa,ilit" o!&
!inan*ial reso+r*es s+*h as
li?+id assets& +nen*+,ered
real assets& lines o! *redit&
and other !inan*ial eans&
other than an" *ontra*t+al
advan*e pa"ents to eetC
8i9 the !ollo2in0 *ash-!lo2
8ii9 the overall *ash !lo2
re?+ireents !or this *ontra*t
M+st eet
M+st eet
M+st eet
M+st eet
4or 4IN R#
4or 4IN-'
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 82itho+t pre?+ali!i*ation9 '#
Doint 6ent%re or Association
At least one
and its *+rrent *oitents$
'' Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 82itho+t pre?+ali!i*ation9
"#/ 0PRINC
$ingle /ntity
Doint 6ent%re or Association
All partners
At least one
E1perien*e +nder *ontra*ts in
the role o! *ontra*tor&
s+,*ontra*tor& or
ana0eent *ontra*tor !or at
least the lastPPPPPPPP DPPPPE
"ears prior to the appli*ations
s+,ission deadline& and 2ith
a*tivit" in at least nine 8(9
onths in ea*h "ear$
M+st eet
M+st eet
N J A 4or EK3-%
8a93arti*ipation as *ontra*tor&
ana0eent *ontra*tor& or
s+,*ontra*tor& in at least
PPPPPPPPP 8PPP9 *ontra*ts
2ithin the last PPPPPPPP8 9
"ears & ea*h 2ith a val+e o! at
that have ,een s+**ess!+ll"
and s+,stantiall" *opleted
and that are siilar to the
proposed 5or6s$ The
siilarit" shall ,e ,ased on
the ph"si*al si;e& *ople1it"&
M+st eet
M+st eet
!or all
N J A M+st eet
re?+ireent !or
4or EK3 28a9
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 82itho+t pre?+ali!i*ation9 '.
"#/ 0PRINC
$ingle /ntity
Doint 6ent%re or Association
All partners
At least one
ethodsJte*hnolo0" or other
*hara*teristi*s as des*ri,ed in
Se*tion :I& Eplo"er7s
"#/#" !2eci3c
,9 4or the a,ove or other
*ontra*ts e1e*+ted d+rin0 the
period stip+lated in 2$'$28a9
a,ove& a ini+ e1perien*e
in the !ollo2in0 6e" a*tivitiesC
%$ S$$
M+st eet
M+st eet
M+st eet
4or EK3-28,9
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria 82itho+t pre?+ali!i*ation9 '/
2.! (ersonnel
The Bidder +st deonstrate that it has the personnel !or the 6e" positions that eet
the !ollo2in0 re?+ireentsC
Total Work
+n $i&ilar
The Bidder shall provide details o! the proposed personnel and their e1perien*e
re*ords +sin0 4ors 3ER-% and 3ER-2 in*l+ded in Se*tion I:& Biddin0 4ors$
2.6 /8%ip&ent
The Bidder +st deonstrate that it has the 6e" e?+ipent listed herea!terC
/8%ip&ent Type and Characteristics
Mini&%& ,%&4er
The Bidder shall provide !+rther details o! proposed ites o! e?+ipent +sin0 4or E>U
in Se*tion I:& Biddin0 4ors$
$ection +6. Bidding "or&s
Ta4le o' "or&s
Bid $%4&ission $heet............................................................................................................
Appendi: to Bid.....................................................................................................................
Ta,le A$ Fo*al C+rren*"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.#
Ta,le B$ 4orei0n C+rren*" 84C9$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.'
Ta,le C$ S+ar" o! 3a"ent C+rren*ies$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
Bill o' 5%antities....................................................................................................................
Bill No$ %C General Ites$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.7
Bill No$ 2C Earth2or6s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.)
Bill No$ #C C+lverts and Brid0es$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.(
S*hed+le o! Da"2or6 RatesC %$ Fa,o+r$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/0
S*hed+le o! Da"2or6 RatesC 2$ Materials$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/%
S*hed+le o! Da"2or6 RatesC #$ Contra*tor7s E?+ipent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/2
Da"2or6 S+ar"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/#
S+ar" o! Spe*i!ied 3rovisional S+s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/'
Grand S+ar"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/.
Technical (roposal..................................................................................................................
Site Or0ani;ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/7
Method Stateent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/)
Mo,ili;ation S*hed+le$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/(
Constr+*tion S*hed+le 4or E>UC E?+ipent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$70
4or E>UC E?+ipent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7%
4or 3ER-%C 3roposed 3ersonnel$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$72
4or 3ER-2C Res+e o! 3roposed 3ersonnel$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7#
Bidders 5%ali'ication 'ollo#ing (re8%ali'ication................................................................
4or EFI - %C Bidder In!oration Sheet$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7/
4or EFI - 2C G: In!oration Sheet$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$77
4or CON R 2C =istori*al Contra*t Non-3er!oran*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7)
4or 4IN-%C 4inan*ial Sit+ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7(
4or 4IN-2C Avera0e Ann+al Constr+*tion T+rnover$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)0
4or 4IN-#C 4inan*ial Reso+r*es$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)%
4or 4IN-'C C+rrent Contra*t Coitents J 5or6s in 3ro0ress$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)2
Bidders 5%ali'ication #itho%t pre8%ali'ication..................................................................
4or EFI R %C Bidder7s In!oration Sheet$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)'
4or EFI R 2C G: In!oration Sheet$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$).
4or CON R 2C =istori*al Contra*t Non-3er!oran*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)/
4or 4IN R %C 4inan*ial Sit+ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)7
4or 4IN R 2C Avera0e Ann+al Constr+*tion T+rnover$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$))
4or 4IN R #C 4inan*ial Reso+r*es$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)(
4or 4IN R 'C C+rrent Contra*t Coitents J 5or6s in 3ro0ress$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(0
4or EK3 R %C General Constr+*tion E1perien*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(%
4or EK3 R 28a9C Spe*i!i* Constr+*tion E1perien*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(2
4or EK3 R 28,9C Spe*i!i* Constr+*tion E1perien*e in Ue" A*tivities$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(#
"or& o' Bid $ec%rity..............................................................................................................
"or& o' Bid<$ec%ring Declaration.......................................................................................
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors '(
Bid $%4&ission $heet
Invitation !or Bid No$C
5e& the +ndersi0ned& de*lare thatC
8a9 5e have e1ained and have no reservations to the Biddin0 Do*+ent& in*l+din0 Addenda
iss+ed in a**ordan*e 2ith Instr+*tions to Bidders 8ITB9) H
8,9 5e o!!er to e1e*+te in *on!orit" 2ith the Biddin0 Do*+ent the !ollo2in0 5or6sC
8*9 The total pri*e o! o+r Bid& e1*l+din0 an" dis*o+nts o!!ered in ite 8d9 ,elo2 isC
8d9 The dis*o+nts o!!ered and the ethodolo0" !or their appli*ation areC

8e9 O+r ,id shall ,e valid !or a period o! PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP da"s !ro the date !i1ed !or
the ,id s+,ission deadline in a**ordan*e 2ith the Biddin0 Do*+ent& and it shall reain
,indin0 +pon +s and a" ,e a**epted at an" tie ,e!ore the e1piration o! that periodH
8!9 I! o+r ,id is a**epted& 2e *oit to o,tain a per!oran*e se*+rit" in a**ordan*e 2ith the
Biddin0 Do*+entH
809 5e& in*l+din0 an" s+,*ontra*tors or s+ppliers !or an" part o! the *ontra*t& have or 2ill
have nationalities !ro eli0i,le *o+ntries& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$2H
8h9 5e& in*l+din0 an" s+,*ontra*tors or s+ppliers !or an" part o! the *ontra*t& do not have
an" *on!li*t o! interest in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$#H
8i9 5e are not parti*ipatin0& as a Bidder or as a s+,*ontra*tor& in ore than one ,id in this
,iddin0 pro*ess in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$#& other than alternative o!!ers s+,itted in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB %#H
8@9 5e& in*l+din0 an" o! o+r s+,*ontra*tors or s+ppliers !or an" part o! the *ontra*t& have
not ,een de*lared ineli0i,le ," the Ban6& +nder the Eplo"er7s *o+ntr" la2s or o!!i*ial
re0+lations or ," an a*t o! *oplian*e 2ith a de*ision o! the United Nations Se*+rit"
.0 Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
869 5e are not a 0overnent o2ned entit"J 5e are a 0overnent o2ned entit" ,+t eet the
re?+ireents o! ITB-'$.H
8l9 5e have paid& or 2ill pa" the !ollo2in0 *oissions& 0rat+ities& or !ees 2ith respe*t to
the ,iddin0 pro*ess or e1e*+tion o! the Contra*tC
Nae o! Re*ipient Address Reason Ao+nt

8I! none has ,een paid or is to ,e paid& indi*ate Anone$B9
89 5e +nderstand that this ,id& to0ether 2ith "o+r 2ritten a**eptan*e thereo! in*l+ded in
"o+r noti!i*ation o! a2ard& shall *onstit+te a ,indin0 *ontra*t ,et2een +s& +ntil a !oral
*ontra*t is prepared and e1e*+tedH and
8n9 5e +nderstand that "o+ are not ,o+nd to a**ept the lo2est eval+ated ,id or an" other ,id
that "o+ a" re*eive$
8o9 5e here," *erti!" that 2e have ta6en steps to ens+re that no person a*tin0 !or +s or on
o+r ,ehal! 2ill en0a0e in ,ri,er"$
Nae In the *apa*it" o! P
D+l" a+thori;ed to si0n the ,id !or and on ,ehal! o!
#idder to use as appropriate
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors .%
Appendi: to Bid
$ched%le o' Ad?%st&ent Data
DIn Ta,les A& B& and C& ,elo2& the Bidder shall 8a9 indi*ate its ao+nt o! lo*al *+rren*"
pa"ent& 8,9 indi*ate its proposed so+r*e and ,ase val+es o! indi*es !or the di!!erent !orei0n
*+rren*" eleents o! *ost& 8*9 derive its proposed 2ei0htin0s !or lo*al and !orei0n *+rren*"
pa"ent& and 8d9 list the e1*han0e rates +sed in the *+rren*" *onversion$ In the *ase o! ver"
lar0e andJor *ople1 2or6s *ontra*ts& it a" ,e ne*essar" to spe*i!" several !ailies o! pri*e
ad@+stent !or+lae *orrespondin0 to the di!!erent 2or6s involved$E
Ta4le A. Cocal C%rrency
$o%rce o'
Base val%e
and dateE
Total ).00
DV To ,e entered ," the Eplo"erE
.2 Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
Ta4le B. "oreign C%rrency 2"C3
$tate type1 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ DI! the Bidder is allo2ed to ?+ote in lo*al and !orei0n *+rren*ies
and the Bidder 2ishes to ?+ote in ore than one !orei0n *+rren*"& this ta,le sho+ld ,e
repeated !or ea*h !orei0n *+rren*"$E
$o%rce o'
val%e and
c%rrency in
in "C)
G G G A1

Total ).00
DV To ,e entered ," the Eplo"erE
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors .#
Ta4le C. $%&&ary o' (ay&ent C%rrencies
Ta,leC Alternative A
"or SSSSSSSSS$$Dinsert nae o! Se*tion o! the 5or6sE
,a&e o'
A&o%nt o'
ate o'
2local c%rrency
per %nit o'
Cocal c%rrency
C H A : B
(ercentage o'
,et Bid (rice
Cocal c%rrency

c%rrency I)

c%rrency I2

c%rrency I

,et Bid (rice )00.00
s%&s e:pressed
in local
DTo ,e
entered ,"
DTo ,e entered
," the Eplo"erE
B+D (+C/
Ta4le1 Alternative B
.' Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
To %e u&e! onl' wit$ Alternatie ( Price& !irectl' quote! in t$e currencie& of )a'*ent+
("lause I1# 23,2)
S+ar" o! *+rren*ies o! the ,id !or PPPPPPPPPPP [insert name of Section of the orks!
.ame of currenc& *mounts pa&able
Fo*al *+rren*"C
4orei0n *+rren*" W%C
4orei0n *+rren*" W2C
4orei0n *+rren*" W#C
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors ..
Bill o' 5%antities
Bill ,o. )1 -eneral +te&s
Item no, Description -nit 4uantit& (ate *mount
%0% 3er!oran*e BondJG+arantee s+ ite L
%02 Ins+ran*e o! the 5or6s s+ ite L
%0# Ins+ran*e o! Contra*tor7s E?+ipent s+ ite L
%0' Third-3art" Ins+ran*e s+ ite L
%0. Allo2 !or aintenan*e o! 5or6s !or %2
onths a!ter *opletion
onth %2
%0/ Let*$L
%%2 3rovide and e?+ip En0ineer7s o!!i*es nr 2
%%# Maintain En0ineer7s o!!i*es !or 2'
onths& in*l+din0 servi*es
onth 2'
%%' Let*$L
%2% 3rovide diversion road s+ ite L
%22 3rovide !or tra!!i* *ontrol and
aintenan*e o! diversion road
onth 2' L
%2# Let*$L
%#2 3rovide !or *leanin0 +p the Site on
s+ ite L
Total !or Bill No$ %
8*arried !or2ard to S+ar"& p$ 9

./ Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
Bill ,o. 21 /arth#orks
Item no, Description -nit 4uantit& (ate *mount
20% E1*avate topsoil to a1i+ depth 2.
* and sto*6pile !or re+se& a1i+
ha+l distan*e % 6

202 E1*avate topsoil to a1i+ depth
2.R.0 *& and dispose

20# Let*$L
20/ E1*avate !ill aterial !ro *+ttin0s or
approved ,orro2 pits& ha+l +p to % 6&
deposit& shape& and *opa*t to !ill

207 E1*avate ro*6 in *+ttin0s and dispose&
an" depth

20) Let*$L
Total !or Bill No$ 2
8*arried !or2ard to S+ar"& p$ 9

Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors .7

Bill ,o. 91 C%lverts and Bridges
Item no, Description -nit 4uantit& (ate *mount
#0% E1*avate in all aterials other than
ro*6 !ro 0ro+nd level to +nderside o!
!o+ndations& a1i+ depth . & and

#02 E1*avate in all aterials other than
ro*6& depth . to 7$.

#0# 3rovisional Ite
As Ite #02& depth 7$. to %0

#0' Let*$L
#%% Con*rete *lass B in a,+tents
#%2 Let*$L
#%) Mild steel rein!or*eent in a,+tents
and piers +p to 20 diaeter
t #70
#%( Let*$L
Total !or Bill No$ #
8*arried !or2ard to S+ar"& p$ 9

.) Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
$ched%le o' Day#ork ates1 ). Ca4o%r
Item no, Description -nit .ominal
(ate %5tended
D%00 Gan0er ho+r .00
D%0% Fa,o+rer ho+r .&000
D%02 Bri*6la"er ho+r .00
D%0# Mason ho+r .00
D%0' Carpenter ho+r .00
D%0. Steel2or6 Ere*tor ho+r .00
D%0/ Let*$L ho+r
D%%# Driver !or vehi*le +p to %0 tons ho+r %&000
D%%' Operator !or e1*avator& dra0line&
shovel& or *rane
ho+r .00
D%%. Operator !or tra*tor 2ith do;er ,lade
or ripper
ho+r .00
D%%/ Let*$L ho+r
D%22 Allo2 per*ent
o! S+,total !or Contra*tor7s overhead&
pro!it& et*$& in a**ordan*e 2ith para0raph # 8,9 a,ove$
Total !or Da"2or6C Fa,o+r
8*arried !or2ard to Da"2or6 S+ar"& p$ 9

a$ To ,e entered ," the ,idder$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors .(
$ched%le o' Day#ork ates1 2. Materials
Item no, Description -nit .ominal
(ate %5tended
D20% Ceent& ordinar" 3ortland& or
e?+ivalent in ,a0s
t 200
D202 Mild steel rein!or*in0 ,ar +p to %/
diaeter to BS '''( or e?+ivalent
t %00
D20# 4ine a00re0ate !or *on*rete as spe*i!ied
in Cla+se

D20' Let*$L
D222 Geli0nite 8No,el Spe*ial Gelatine /0T&
or e?+ivalent9 in*l+din0 *aps& !+se&
2ire& and re?+isite a**essories
t %0
D%22 Allo2 per*ent
o! S+,total !or Contra*tor7s overhead&
pro!it& et*$& in a**ordan*e 2ith para0raph # 8,9 a,ove$
Total !or Da"2or6C Materials
8*arried !or2ard to Da"2or6 S+ar"& p$ 9

a$ To ,e entered ," the ,idder$
/0 Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
$ched%le o' Day#ork ates1 9. Contractor=s /8%ip&ent
Item no, Description .ominal
rental rate
D#0% E1*avator& !a*e shovel& or dra0lineC
$% Up to and in*l+din0 %
$2 Over %
to 2
$# Over 2
D#02 Tra*tor& in*l+din0 ,+ll or an0le do;erC
$% Up to and in*l+din0 %.0 65 .00
$2 Over %.0 65 to 200 65 '00
$# Over 200 65 to 2.0 65 200
D#0# Tra*tor 2ith ripperC
$% Up to and in*l+din0 200 65 '00
$2 Over 200 65 to 2.0 65 200
D#0' Let*$L
Total !or Da"2or6C Contra*tor7s E?+ipent
8*arried !or2ard to Da"2or6 S+ar"& p$ 9

Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors /%

Day#ork $%&&ary
( )
%$ Total !or Da"2or6C Fa,o+r
2$ Total !or Da"2or6C Materials
#$ Total !or Da"2or6C Contra*tor7s E?+ipent
Total !or Da"2or6 83rovisional S+9
8*arried !or2ard to Bid S+ar"& p$ 9

a$ The Eplo"er sho+ld insert lo*al *+rren*" +nit$
/2 Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
$%&&ary o' $peci'ied (rovisional $%&s
#ill no, Item no, Description *mount
2 2$) S+ppl" and install e?+ipent in p+pin0 station %&2.0&000
' '$#2 3rovide !or ventilation s"ste in s+,2a" t+nnel #&.00&000
Total !or Spe*i!ied 3rovisional S+s
8*arried !or2ard to Grand S+ar" 8B9& p$ 9
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors /#

-rand $%&&ary
Contra*t NaeC
Contra*t No$C
'eneral Summar& Page *mount
Bill No$ %C 3reliinar" Ites
Bill No$ 2C Earth2or6s
Bill No$ #C Draina0e Str+*t+res
S+,total o! Bills 8A9
Total !or Da"2or6 83rovisional S+9 8B9
Spe*i!ied 3rovisional S+s
in*l+ded in s+,total o! ,ills 8C9 '&7.0&000
Total o! Bills 3l+s 3rovisional S+s 8A X B X C9 8D9
Add 3rovisional S+
!or Contin0en*" Allo2an*e 8E9 Ds+E
Bid 3ri*e 8D X E9 8Carried !or2ard to 4or o! Bid9 849
a$ All 3rovisional S+s are to ,e e1pended in 2hole or in part at the dire*tion and dis*retion o! the
En0ineer in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se .2$' and Cla+se .) o! 3art I o! the Conditions o! Contra*t$
,$ To ,e entered ," the Eplo"er$
/' Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
Technical (roposal
- $ite .rganiJation
- Method $tate&ent
- Mo4iliJation $ched%le
- Constr%ction $ched%le
- /8%ip&ent
- .thers
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors /.
$ite .rganiJation
// Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
Method $tate&ent
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors /7
Mo4iliJation $ched%le
/) Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
Constr%ction $ched%le
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors /(
"or& /501 /8%ip&ent
The Bidder shall provide ade?+ate in!oration to deonstrate *learl" that it has the *apa,ilit" to
eet the re?+ireents !or the 6e" e?+ipent listed in Se*tion III& Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation
Criteria$ A separate 4or shall ,e prepared !or ea*h ite o! e?+ipent listed& or !or alternative
e?+ipent proposed ," the Bidder$
Ite o! e?+ipent
Nae o! an+!a*t+rer Model and po2er ratin0
Capa*it" Near o! an+!a*t+re
C+rrent lo*ation
Details o! *+rrent *oitents
So+r*e Indi*ate so+r*e o! the e?+ipent
o O2ned o Rented o Feased o Spe*iall" an+!a*t+red
Oit the !ollo2in0 in!oration !or e?+ipent o2ned ," the Bidder$
O2ner Nae o! o2ner
Address o! o2ner
Telephone Conta*t nae and title
4a1 Tele1
A0reeents Details o! rental J lease J an+!a*t+re a0reeents spe*i!i* to the pro@e*t
70 Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& (/<)1 (roposed (ersonnel
Bidders sho+ld provide the naes o! s+ita,l" ?+ali!ied personnel to eet the spe*i!ied
re?+ireents stated in Se*tion III$ The data on their e1perien*e sho+ld ,e s+pplied +sin0 the
4or ,elo2 !or ea*h *andidate$
). Title o' positionE
2. Title o' positionE
9. Title o' positionE
@. Title o' positionE
8*s listed in Section III,
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors 7%
"or& (/<21 es%&e o' (roposed (ersonnel
,a&e o' Bidder
,a&e Date o' 4irth
(ro'essional 8%ali'ications
,a&e o' e&ployer
Address o' e&ployer
Telephone Contact 2&anager F personnel
"a: /<&ail
Do4 title Kears #ith present e&ployer
S+ari;e pro!essional e1perien*e over the last 20 "ears& in reverse *hronolo0i*al order$
Indi*ate parti*+lar te*hni*al and ana0erial e1perien*e relevant to the pro@e*t$
"ro& To Co&pany F (ro?ect F (osition F elevant technical and &anage&ent
72 Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"ro& To Co&pany F (ro?ect F (osition F elevant technical and &anage&ent
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors 7#
Bidders 5%ali'ication 'ollo#ing (re8%ali'ication
The Bidder shall %pdate the in'or&ation given d%ring the corresponding
pre8%ali'ication e:ercise to de&onstrate that he *ontin+es to eet the *riteria +sed at
the tie o! pre?+ali!i*ation re0ardin0
2a3 /ligi4ility
243 (ending Citigation
2c3 "inancial $it%ation
"or this p%rpose, the Bidder shall %se the relevant 'or&s incl%ded in this $ection.
7' Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& /C+ < )1 Bidder +n'or&ation $heet
Bidder +n'or&ation
Bidder=s legal na&e
+n case o' D6, legal na&e
o' each partner
Bidder=s co%ntry o'
Bidder=s year o'
Bidder=s legal address in
co%ntry o' constit%tion
Bidder=s a%thoriJed
8nae& address& telephone
n+,ers& !a1 n+,ers& e-
ail address9
Attached are copies o' the 'ollo#ing original doc%&ents.
%$ In *ase o! sin0le entit"& arti*les o! in*orporation or *onstit+tion o! the le0al entit" naed a,ove& in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$% and '$2$
2$ A+thori;ation to represent the !ir or G: naed in a,ove& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 20$2$
#$ In *ase o! G:& letter o! intent to !or G: or G: a0reeent& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$%$
'$ In *ase o! a 0overnent-o2ned entit"& an" additional do*+ents not *overed +nder % a,ove re?+ired to
*opl" 2ith ITB '$.$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors 7.
"or& /C+ < 21 D6 +n'or&ation $heet
Each member of a JV must fill in this form
D6 F $pecialist $%4contractor +n'or&ation
Bidder=s legal na&e
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s legal
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s co%ntry
o' constit%tion
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s year o'
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s legal
address in co%ntry o'
D6 (artner=s or
a%thoriJed representative
2na&e, address,
telephone n%&4ers, 'a:
n%&4ers, e<&ail address3
Attached are copies o' the 'ollo#ing original doc%&ents.
%$ Arti*les o! in*orporation or *onstit+tion o! the le0al entit" naed a,ove& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$% and
2$ A+thori;ation to represent the !ir naed a,ove& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 20$2$
#$ In the *ase o! 0overnent-o2ned entit"& do*+ents esta,lishin0 le0al and !inan*ial a+tono" and
*oplian*e 2ith *oer*ial la2& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB S+,-Cla+se '$.$
7/ Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& C., * 21 Listorical Contract ,on<(er'or&ance
[1he following table shall be filled in for the #idder and for each partner of a 9oint :enture!
Bidder7s Fe0al NaeC 0000000000000000
DateC 000000000000000
Goint :ent+re 3art" Fe0al NaeC 000000000000000
ICB No$ and titleC 000000000000000
3a0e 000000000000000 o! 000000000000000 pa0es
Non-3er!orin0 Contra*ts in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and
Contra*t non-per!oran*e did not o**+r d+rin0 the 0000 "ears spe*i!ied in Se*tion III&
>+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents& S+,-4a*tor 2$%$
Contra*t8s9 not per!ored d+rin0 the 0000 "ears spe*i!ied in Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria
and Re?+ireents& re?+ireent 2$%
Kear ,on
portion o'
Contract +denti'ication Total Contract
A&o%nt 2c%rrent
val%e, 0$M
Contra*t Identi!i*ationC
Nae o! Eplo"erC
Address o! Eplo"erC
Reason8s9 !or non per!oran*eC
3endin0 Fiti0ation& in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents
No pendin0 liti0ation in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents&
S+,-4a*tor 2$2$
3endin0 liti0ation in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents& S+,-
4a*tor 2$2 as indi*ated ,elo2$
Kear .%tco&e as
o' Total
Contract +denti'ication Total Contract
A&o%nt 2c%rrent
val%e, 0$M
Contra*t Identi!i*ationC
Nae o! Eplo"erC!
Address o! Eplo"erC
Matter in disp+teC
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors 77

"or& "+,<)1 "inancial $it%ation
Eac$ (i!!er or *e*%er of a ,- *u&t fill in t$i& for*
"inancial Data 'or (revio%s 9 Kears N0$M /8%ivalentO
Kear )1 Kear 21 Kear 91
Information from Balance Sheet
Total Assets
Total Cia4ilities
,et Worth
C%rrent Assets
C%rrent Cia4ilities
+n'or&ation 'ro& +nco&e $tate&ent
Total even%es
(ro'its Be'ore Ta:es
(ro'its A'ter Ta:es
Atta*hed are *opies o! !inan*ial stateents 8,alan*e sheets in*l+din0 all related notes& and in*oe
stateents9 !or the last three "ears& as indi*ated a,ove& *opl"in0 2ith the !ollo2in0 *onditions$
All s+*h do*+ents re!le*t the !inan*ial sit+ation o! the Bidder or partner to a G:& and not sister or
parent *opanies$
=istori* !inan*ial stateents +st ,e a+dited ," a *erti!ied a**o+ntant$
=istori* !inan*ial stateents +st ,e *oplete& in*l+din0 all notes to the !inan*ial stateents$
=istori* !inan*ial stateents +st *orrespond to a**o+ntin0 periods alread" *opleted and a+dited 8no
stateents !or partial periods shall ,e re?+ested or a**epted9$
7) Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors

"or& "+,<21 Average Ann%al Constr%ction T%rnover
Eac$ (i!!er or *e*%er of a ,- *u&t fill in t$i& for*
Ann%al T%rnover Data 'or the Cast 9 Kears 2Constr%ction only3
Average Ann%al Constr%ction T%rnover
The in!oration s+pplied sho+ld ,e the Ann+al T+rnover o! the Bidder or ea*h e,er o! a G:
in ters o! the ao+nts ,illed to *lients !or ea*h "ear !or 2or6 in pro0ress or *opleted&
*onverted to USYs at the rate o! e1*han0e at the end o! the period reported$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors 7(
"or& "+,<91 "inancial eso%rces
Spe*i!" proposed so+r*es o! !inan*in0& s+*h as li?+id assets& +nen*+,ered real assets&
lines o! *redit& and other !inan*ial eans& net o! *+rrent *oitents& availa,le to eet the
total *onstr+*tion *ash !lo2 deands o! the s+,@e*t *ontra*t or *ontra*ts as indi*ated in
Se*tion III 8Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria9
,o. $o%rce o' 'inancing A&o%nt 20$M e8%ivalent3
)0 Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& "+,<@1 C%rrent Contract Co&&it&ents F Works in (rogress
Bidders and ea*h partner to a G:A sho+ld provide in!oration on their *+rrent *oitents on
all *ontra*ts that have ,een a2arded& or !or 2hi*h a letter o! intent or a**eptan*e has ,een
re*eived& or !or *ontra*ts approa*hin0 *opletion& ,+t !or 2hi*h an +n?+ali!ied& !+ll *opletion
*erti!i*ate has "et to ,e iss+ed$
Nae o! *ontra*t Eplo"er&
:al+e o!
o+tstandin0 2or6
8*+rrent USY
*opletion date
Avera0e onthl"
invoi*in0 over
last si1 onths
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors )%
Bidders 5%ali'ication #itho%t pre8%ali'ication
To esta,lish its ?+ali!i*ations to per!or the *ontra*t in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III
8Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria9 the Bidder shall provide the in!oration re?+ested
in the *orrespondin0 In!oration Sheets in*l+ded here+nder$
)2 Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& /C+ * )1 Bidder=s +n'or&ation $heet
Bidder=s +n'or&ation
Bidder=s legal na&e
+n case o' D6, legal na&e
o' each partner
Bidder=s co%ntry o'
Bidder=s year o'
Bidder=s legal address in
co%ntry o' constit%tion
Bidder=s a%thoriJed
8nae& address& telephone
n+,ers& !a1 n+,ers& e-
ail address9
Attached are copies o' the 'ollo#ing original doc%&ents.
%$ In *ase o! sin0le entit"& arti*les o! in*orporation or *onstit+tion o! the le0al entit" naed a,ove& in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$% and '$2$
2$ A+thori;ation to represent the !ir or G: naed in a,ove& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 20$2$
#$ In *ase o! G:& letter o! intent to !or G: or G: a0reeent& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$%$
'$ In *ase o! a 0overnent-o2ned entit"& an" additional do*+ents not *overed +nder % a,ove re?+ired to
*opl" 2ith ITB '$.$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors )#
"or& /C+ * 21 D6 +n'or&ation $heet
%ach member of a 9: must fill in this form
D6 F $pecialist $%4contractor +n'or&ation
Bidder=s legal na&e
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s legal
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s co%ntry
o' constit%tion
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s year o'
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s legal
address in co%ntry o'
D6 (artner=s or
8nae& address& telephone
n+,ers& !a1 n+,ers& e-
ail address9
Attached are copies o' the 'ollo#ing original doc%&ents.
%$ Arti*les o! in*orporation or *onstit+tion o! the le0al entit" naed a,ove& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$% and
2$ A+thori;ation to represent the !ir naed a,ove& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 20$2$
#$ In the *ase o! 0overnent-o2ned entit"& do*+ents esta,lishin0 le0al and !inan*ial a+tono" and
*oplian*e 2ith *oer*ial la2& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$.$
)' Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& C., * 21 Listorical Contract ,on<(er'or&ance
[1he following table shall be filled in for the #idder and for each partner of a 9oint :enture!
Bidder7s Fe0al NaeC 0000000000000000
DateC 000000000000000
Goint :ent+re 3art" Fe0al NaeC 000000000000000
ICB No$ and titleC 000000000000000
3a0e 000000000000000 o! 000000000000000 pa0es
Non-3er!orin0 Contra*ts in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and
Contra*t non-per!oran*e did not o**+r d+rin0 the 0000 "ears spe*i!ied in Se*tion III&
>+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents& S+,-4a*tor 2$%$
Contra*t8s9 not per!ored d+rin0 the 0000 "ears spe*i!ied in Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria
and Re?+ireents& re?+ireent 2$%
Kear ,on
portion o'
Contract +denti'ication Total Contract
A&o%nt 2c%rrent
val%e, 0$M
Contra*t Identi!i*ationC
Nae o! Eplo"erC
Address o! Eplo"erC
Reason8s9 !or non per!oran*eC
3endin0 Fiti0ation& in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents
No pendin0 liti0ation in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents&
S+,-4a*tor 2$2$
3endin0 liti0ation in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents& S+,-
4a*tor 2$2 as indi*ated ,elo2$
Kear .%tco&e as
o' Total
Contract +denti'ication Total Contract
A&o%nt 2c%rrent
val%e, 0$M
Contra*t Identi!i*ationC
Nae o! Eplo"erC!
Address o! Eplo"erC
Matter in disp+teC
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors ).
"or& "+, * )1 "inancial $it%ation
%ach #idder or member of a 9: must fill in this form
"inancial Data 'or (revio%s 9 Kears N0$M /8%ivalentO
Kear )1 Kear 21 Kear 91
+n'or&ation 'ro& Balance $heet
Total Assets
Total Cia4ilities
,et Worth
C%rrent Assets
C%rrent Cia4ilities
+n'or&ation 'ro& +nco&e $tate&ent
Total even%es
(ro'its Be'ore Ta:es
(ro'its A'ter Ta:es
Atta*hed are *opies o! !inan*ial stateents 8,alan*e sheets in*l+din0 all related notes& and in*oe
stateents9 !or the last three "ears& as indi*ated a,ove& *opl"in0 2ith the !ollo2in0 *onditions$
All s+*h do*+ents re!le*t the !inan*ial sit+ation o! the Bidder or partner to a G:& and not sister or
parent *opanies$
=istori* !inan*ial stateents +st ,e a+dited ," a *erti!ied a**o+ntant$
=istori* !inan*ial stateents +st ,e *oplete& in*l+din0 all notes to the !inan*ial stateents$
=istori* !inan*ial stateents +st *orrespond to a**o+ntin0 periods alread" *opleted and a+dited 8no
stateents !or partial periods shall ,e re?+ested or a**epted9$
)/ Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& "+, * 21 Average Ann%al Constr%ction T%rnover
%ach #idder or member of a 9: must fill in this form
Ann%al T%rnover Data 'or the Cast 9 Kears 2Constr%ction only3
Average Ann%al Constr%ction T%rnover
The in!oration s+pplied sho+ld ,e the Ann+al T+rnover o! the Bidder or ea*h e,er o! a G: in ters o!
the ao+nts ,illed to *lients !or ea*h "ear !or 2or6 in pro0ress or *opleted& *onverted to USYs at the rate
o! e1*han0e at the end o! the period reported$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors )7
"or& "+, * 91 "inancial eso%rces
Spe*i!" proposed so+r*es o! !inan*in0& s+*h as li?+id assets& +nen*+,ered real assets& lines
o! *redit& and other !inan*ial eans& net o! *+rrent *oitents& availa,le to eet the total
*onstr+*tion *ash !lo2 deands o! the s+,@e*t *ontra*t or *ontra*ts as indi*ated in Se*tion III
8Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria9
"inancial eso%rces
,o. $o%rce o' 'inancing A&o%nt 20$M e8%ivalent3
)) Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& "+, * @1 C%rrent Contract Co&&it&ents F Works in (rogress
Bidders and ea*h partner to a G: sho+ld provide in!oration on their *+rrent *oitents on
all *ontra*ts that have ,een a2arded& or !or 2hi*h a letter o! intent or a**eptan*e has ,een
re*eived& or !or *ontra*ts approa*hin0 *opletion& ,+t !or 2hi*h an +n?+ali!ied& !+ll
*opletion *erti!i*ate has "et to ,e iss+ed$
C%rrent Contract Co&&it&ents
,o. ,a&e o' Contract
Contact Address, Tel,
6al%e o'
NC%rrent 0$M
Average Monthly
+nvoicing .ver Cast
$i: Months
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors )(
"or& /;( * )1 -eneral Constr%ction /:perience
%ach #idder or member of a 9: must fill in this form
-eneral Constr%ction /:perience
Contract +denti'ication and ,a&e
,a&e and Address o' /&ployer
Brie' Description o' the Works /:ec%ted 4y the
ole o' Bidder
(0 Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& /;( * 22a31 $peci'ic Constr%ction /:perience
4ill +p one 8%9 !or per *ontra*t$
Contract o' $i&ilar $iJe and ,at%re
Contract ,o . . . . . . o' . . . .
. .
Contract +denti'ication
A#ard Date Co&pletion Date
ole in Contract Contractor Manage&ent Contractor $%4contractor
Total Contract A&o%nt 0$M
+' partner in a D6 or
s%4contractor, speci'y
participation o' total
contract a&o%nt
(ercent o' Total A&o%nt
/&ployer=s ,a&e
TelephoneF"a: ,%&4er
Description o' the si&ilarity in accordance #ith Criteria 2.@.22a3 o' $ection +++
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors (%
"or& /;( * 22431 $peci'ic Constr%ction /:perience in 7ey Activities
4ill +p one 8%9 !or per *ontra*t
Contract #ith $i&ilar 7ey Activities
Contract ,o . . . . . . o' . . . .
. .
Contract +denti'ication
A#ard Date Co&pletion Date
ole in Contract Contractor
Total Contract A&o%nt 0$M
+' partner in a D6 or
s%4contractor, speci'y
participation o' total
contract a&o%nt
(ercent o' Total A&o%nt
/&ployer=s ,a&e
Telephone ,%&4er
"a: ,%&4er
Description o' the key activities in accordance #ith Criteria 2.@.2243 o' $ection +++
(2 Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& o' Bid $ec%rity
2Bank -%arantee3
5e have ,een in!ored that PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 8hereina!ter *alled Zthe BidderZ9
has s+,itted to "o+ its ,id dated PPPPPPPPPPP 8hereina!ter *alled Zthe BidZ9 !or the
e1e*+tion o! PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP +nder Invitation !or Bids No$ PPPPPPPPPPP 8Athe I4BB9$
4+rtherore& 2e +nderstand that& a**ordin0 to "o+r *onditions& ,ids +st ,e s+pported ," a
,id 0+arantee$
At the re?+est o! the Bidder& 2e PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP here," irrevo*a,l" +nderta6e to
pa" "o+ an" s+ or s+s not e1*eedin0 in total an ao+nt o! PPPPPPPPPPP
8PPPPPPPPPPPP9 +pon re*eipt ," +s o! "o+r !irst deand in 2ritin0 a**opanied ," a 2ritten
stateent statin0 that the Bidder is in ,rea*h o! its o,li0ation8s9 +nder the ,id *onditions&
,e*a+se the BidderC
8a9 has 2ithdra2n its Bid d+rin0 the period o! ,id validit" spe*i!ied ," the Bidder in
the 4or o! BidH or
8,9 havin0 ,een noti!ied o! the a**eptan*e o! its Bid ," the Eplo"er d+rin0 the period o!
,id validit"& 8i9 !ails or re!+ses to e1e*+te the Contra*t A0reeent or 8ii9 !ails or re!+ses
to !+rnish the per!oran*e se*+rit"& in a**ordan*e 2ith the ITB$
This 0+arantee 2ill e1pireC 8a9 i! the Bidder is the s+**ess!+l Bidder& +pon o+r re*eipt o!
*opies o! the *ontra*t si0ned ," the Bidder and the per!oran*e se*+rit" iss+ed to "o+ +pon
the instr+*tion o! the BidderH and 8,9 i! the Bidder is not the s+**ess!+l Bidder& +pon the
earlier o! 8i9 o+r re*eipt o! a *op" "o+r noti!i*ation to the Bidder o! the nae o! the s+**ess!+l
BidderH or 8ii9 t2ent"-ei0ht da"s a!ter the e1piration o! the Bidder7s ,id$
Conse?+entl"& an" deand !or pa"ent +nder this 0+arantee +st ,e re*eived ," +s at the
o!!i*e on or ,e!ore that date$
This 0+arantee is s+,@e*t to the Uni!or R+les !or Deand G+arantees& ICC 3+,li*ation No$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors (#
Note. All italici/e! te0t i& for u&e in )re)aring t$i& for* an! &$all %e !elete! fro* t$e
final )ro!uct+
(' Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& o' Bid<$ec%ring Declaration
5e& the +ndersi0ned& de*lare thatC
5e +nderstand that& a**ordin0 to "o+r *onditions& ,ids +st ,e s+pported ," a Bid-Se*+rin0
5e a**ept that 2e 2ill a+toati*all" ,e s+spended !ro ,ein0 eli0i,le !or ,iddin0 in an"
*ontra*t 2ith the Borro2er !or the period o! tie o! PPPPPPPPPPPPPP startin0 on PPPPPPPPP&
i! 2e are in ,rea*h o! o+r o,li0ation8s9 +nder the ,id *onditions& ,e*a+se 2eC
8a9 have 2ithdra2n o+r Bid d+rin0 the period o! ,id validit" spe*i!ied in the Fetter o! BidH
8,9 havin0 ,een noti!ied o! the a**eptan*e o! o+r Bid ," the Eplo"er d+rin0 the period o!
,id validit"& 8i9 !ail or re!+se to e1e*+te the Contra*t& i! re?+ired& or 8ii9 !ail or re!+se to
!+rnish the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit"& in a**ordan*e 2ith the ITB$
5e +nderstand this Bid-Se*+rin0 De*laration shall e1pire i! 2e are not the s+**ess!+l Bidder&
+pon the earlier o! 8i9 o+r re*eipt o! "o+r noti!i*ation to +s o! the nae o! the s+**ess!+l
BidderH or 8ii9 t2ent"-ei0ht da"s a!ter the e1piration o! o+r Bid$
D+l" a+thori;ed to si0n the ,id !or and on ,ehal! o!C Dinsert *oplete nae o! BidderE
Corporate Seal 82here appropriate9
[.ote: In case of a 9oint :enture+ the #id;Securing Declaration must be in the name of all partners to the
9oint :enture that submits the bid,!
$ection 6. /ligi4le Co%ntries
/ligi4ility 'or the (rovision o' -oods, Works and $ervices in
Bank<"inanced (roc%re&ent
%$ In a**ordan*e 2ith 3ara %$) o! the G+idelinesC 3ro*+reent +nder IBRD Foans and
IDA Credits& dated Ma" 200'& the Ban6 perits !irs and individ+als !ro all *o+ntries to
o!!er 0oods& 2or6s and servi*es !or Ban6-!inan*ed pro@e*ts$ As an e1*eption& !irs o! a
Co+ntr" or 0oods an+!a*t+red in a Co+ntr" a" ,e e1*l+ded i!C
3ara %$) 8a9 8i9C as a atter o! la2 or o!!i*ial re0+lation& the Borro2er7s Co+ntr"
prohi,its *oer*ial relations 2ith that Co+ntr"& provided that the Ban6 is
satis!ied that s+*h e1*l+sion does not pre*l+de e!!e*tive *opetition !or the
s+ppl" o! the Goods or 5or6s re?+ired& or
3ara %$) 8a9 8ii9C ," an A*t o! Coplian*e 2ith a De*ision o! the United Nations
Se*+rit" Co+n*il ta6en +nder Chapter :II o! the Charter o! the United
Nations& the Borro2er7s Co+ntr" prohi,its an" iport o! 0oods !ro that
Co+ntr" or an" pa"ents to persons or entities in that Co+ntr"$
2$ 4or the in!oration o! ,orro2ers and ,idders& at the present tie !irs& 0oods and
servi*es !ro the !ollo2in0 *o+ntries are e1*l+ded !ro this ,iddin0C
8a9 5ith re!eren*e to para0raph %$) 8a9 8i9 o! the G+idelinesC
8,9 5ith re!eren*e to para0raph %$) 8a9 8ii9 o! the G+idelinesC
$ection 6+. Works e8%ire&ents
$cope o' Works$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$%pple&entary +n'or&ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$cope o' Works
Se*tion :I$ 5or6s Re?+ireents %0%
%02 Se*tion :I$ 5or6s Re?+ireents
Se*tion :I$ 5or6s Re?+ireents %0#
$%pple&entary +n'or&ation
%0. 3art # - Contra*t
$ection 6++. -eneral Conditions 2-C3

). -eneral (rovisions....................................................................................................
%$% De!initions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%.
%$2 Interpretation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2%
%$# Co+ni*ations$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2%
%$' Fa2 and Fan0+a0e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%22
%$. 3riorit" o! Do*+ents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%22
%$/ Contra*t A0reeent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2#
%$7 Assi0nent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2#
%$) Care and S+ppl" o! Do*+ents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2#
%$( Dela"ed Dra2in0s or Instr+*tions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2'
%$%0 Eplo"er7s Use o! Contra*tor7s Do*+ents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2'
%$%% Contra*tor7s Use o! Eplo"er7s Do*+ents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2.
%$%2 Con!idential Details$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2.
%$%# Coplian*e 2ith Fa2s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2/
%$%' Goint and Several Fia,ilit"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2/
%$%. Inspe*tions and A+dit ," the Ban6$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2/
2 The /&ployer...........................................................................................................
2$% Ri0ht o! A**ess to the Site$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%27
2$2 3erits& Fi*en*es or Approvals$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2)
2$# Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2)
2$' Eplo"er7s 4inan*ial Arran0eents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2)
2$. Eplo"er7s Clais$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2(
9 The /ngineer............................................................................................................
#$% En0ineer7s D+ties and A+thorit"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%2(
#$2 Dele0ation ," the En0ineer$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#%
#$# Instr+*tions o! the En0ineer$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#2
#$' Repla*eent o! the En0ineer$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%##
#$. Deterinations$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%##
@ The Contractor.........................................................................................................
'$% Contra*tor7s General O,li0ations$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%##
'$2 3er!oran*e Se*+rit"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#.
'$# Contra*tor7s Representative$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#/
'$' S+,*ontra*tors$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#/
'$. Assi0nent o! Bene!it o! S+,*ontra*t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#7
'$/ Co-operation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#7
'$7 Settin0 O+t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#)
'$) Sa!et" 3ro*ed+res$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#(
'$( >+alit" Ass+ran*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#(
'$%0 Site Data$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%#(
'$%% S+!!i*ien*" o! the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'0
'$%2 Un!oreseea,le 3h"si*al Conditions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'0
'$%# Ri0hts o! 5a" and 4a*ilities$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'2
'$%' Avoidan*e o! Inter!eren*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'2
'$%. A**ess Ro+te$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'2
'$%/ Transport o! Goods$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'#
'$%) 3rote*tion o! the Environent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'#
'$%( Ele*tri*it"& 5ater and Gas$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'#
'$22 Se*+rit" o! the Site$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'/
'$2# Contra*tor7s Operations on Site$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'/
'$2' 4ossils$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'/
! ,o&inated $%4contractors......................................................................................
.$% De!inition o! Anoinated S+,*ontra*torB$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'7
.$2 O,@e*tion to Noination$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'7
.$# 3a"ents to noinated S+,*ontra*tors$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%')
.$' Eviden*e o! 3a"ents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%')
6. $ta'' and Ca4o%r......................................................................................................
/$% En0a0eent o! Sta!! and Fa,o+r$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'(
/$2 Rates o! 5a0es and Conditions o! Fa,o+r$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'(
/$# 3ersons in the Servi*e o! Eplo"er$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'(
/$' Fa,o+r Fa2s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%'(
/$. 5or6in0 =o+rs$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.0
/$/ 4a*ilities !or Sta!! and Fa,o+r$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.0
/$7 =ealth and Sa!et"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.0
/$) Contra*tor7s S+perintenden*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.2
/$( Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.2
/$%0 Re*ords o! Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel and E?+ipent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.2
/$%% Disorderl" Cond+*t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.2
/$%2 4orei0n 3ersonnel$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.2
/$%# S+ppl" o! 4oodst+!!s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.#
/$%' S+ppl" o! 5ater$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.#
/$%. Meas+res a0ainst Inse*t and 3est N+isan*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.#
/$%/ Al*oholi* Fi?+or or Dr+0s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.#
/$%7 Ars and A+nition$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.#
/$%) 4estivals and Reli0io+s C+stos$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.#
/$%( 4+neral Arran0eents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.#
/$20 3rohi,ition o! 4or*ed or Cop+lsor" Fa,o+r$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.'
/$2% 3rohi,ition o! =ar!+l Child Fa,o+r$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.'
/$22 Eplo"ent Re*ords o! 5or6ers$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.'
7. (lant, Materials and Work&anship.......................................................................
7$% Manner o! E1e*+tion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.'
7$2 Saples$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.'
7$# Inspe*tion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.'
7$' Testin0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%..
7$. Re@e*tion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%./
7$/ Reedial 5or6$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%./
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %0(
7$7 O2nership o! 3lant and Materials$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.7
7$) Ro"alties$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.7
A. Co&&ence&ent, Delays and $%spension...............................................................
)$% Coen*eent o! 5or6s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.7
)$2 Tie !or Copletion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.)
)$# 3ro0rae$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%.)
)$' E1tension o! Tie !or Copletion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/0
)$. Dela"s Ca+sed ," A+thorities$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/0
)$/ Rate o! 3ro0ress$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/%
)$7 Dela" Daa0es$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/%
)$) S+spension o! 5or6$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/2
)$( Conse?+en*es o! S+spension$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/2
)$%0 3a"ent !or 3lant and Materials in Event o! S+spension$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/2
)$%% 3rolon0ed S+spension$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/#
)$%2 Res+ption o! 5or6$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/#
B. Tests on Co&pletion.................................................................................................
($% Contra*tor7s O,li0ations$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/#
($2 Dela"ed Tests$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/#
($# Retestin0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/'
($' 4ail+re to 3ass Tests on Copletion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/'
)0. /&ployer=s Taking .ver..........................................................................................
%0$% Ta6in0 Over o! the 5or6s and Se*tions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/.
%0$2 Ta6in0 Over o! 3arts o! the 5or6s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/.
%0$# Inter!eren*e 2ith Tests on Copletion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/7
)). De'ects Cia4ility........................................................................................................
%%$% Copletion o! O+tstandin0 5or6 and Reed"in0 De!e*ts$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/7
%%$2 Cost o! Reed"in0 De!e*ts$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/)
%%$# E1tension o! De!e*ts Noti!i*ation 3eriod$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/)
%%$' 4ail+re to Reed" De!e*ts$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/)
%%$. Reoval o! De!e*tive 5or6$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/(
%%$/ 4+rther Tests$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%/(
%%$7 Ri0ht o! A**ess$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%70
%%$) Contra*tor to Sear*h$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%70
%%$( 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%70
%%$%0 Un!+l!illed O,li0ations$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%70
%%$%% Clearan*e o! Site$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%70
)2. Meas%re&ent and /val%ation.................................................................................
%2$% 5or6s to ,e Meas+red$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%7%
%2$2 Method o! Meas+reent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%7%
%2$# Eval+ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%72
%2$' Oissions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%7#
)9. 6ariations and Ad?%st&ents....................................................................................
%#$% Ri0ht to :ar"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%7#
%#$2 :al+e En0ineerin0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%7'
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%%0 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
%#$# :ariation 3ro*ed+re$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%7.
%#$' 3a"ent in Appli*a,le C+rren*ies$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%7/
%#$. 3rovisional S+s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%7/
%#$/ Da"2or6$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%7/
%#$7 Ad@+stents !or Chan0es in Fe0islation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%77
%#$) Ad@+stents !or Chan0es in Cost$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%7)
)@. Contract (rice and (ay&ent...................................................................................
%'$% The Contra*t 3ri*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%)0
%'$2 Advan*e 3a"ent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%)0
%'$# Appli*ation !or Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*ates$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%)2
%'$' S*hed+le o! 3a"ents$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%)#
%'$. 3lant and Materials intended !or the 5or6s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%)#
%'$/ Iss+e o! Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*ates$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%).
%'$7 3a"ent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%)/
%'$) Dela"ed 3a"ent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%)/
%'$( 3a"ent o! Retention Mone"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%)7
%'$%0 Stateent at Copletion$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%))
%'$%% Appli*ation !or 4inal 3a"ent Certi!i*ate$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%))
%'$%2 Dis*har0e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%)(
%'$%# Iss+e o! 4inal 3a"ent Certi!i*ate$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%)(
%'$%' Cessation o! Eplo"er7s Fia,ilit"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(0
%'$%. C+rren*ies o! 3a"ent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(0
)!. Ter&ination 4y /&ployer........................................................................................
%.$% Noti*e to Corre*t$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(%
%.$2 Terination ," Eplo"er$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(%
%.$# :al+ation at Date o! Terination$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(#
%.$' 3a"ent a!ter Terination$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(#
%.$. Eplo"er7s Entitleent to Terination !or Convenien*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(#
%.$/ Corr+pt or 4ra+d+lent 3ra*ti*es$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%('
)6. $%spension and Ter&ination 4y Contractor..........................................................
%/$% Contra*tor7s Entitleent to S+spend 5or6$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(.
%/$2 Terination ," Contra*tor$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(/
%/$# Cessation o! 5or6 and Reoval o! Contra*tor7s E?+ipent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%()
%/$' 3a"ent on Terination$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%()
)7. isk and esponsi4ility...........................................................................................
%7$% Indenities$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%()
%7$2 Contra*tor7s Care o! the 5or6s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%((
%7$# Eplo"er7s Ris6s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$200
%7$' Conse?+en*es o! Eplo"er7s Ris6s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$200
%7$. Intelle*t+al and Ind+strial 3ropert" Ri0hts$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20%
%7$/ Fiitation o! Fia,ilit"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$202
%7$7 Use o! Eplo"er7s A**oodationJ4a*ilities$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20#
)A. +ns%rance...................................................................................................................
%)$% General Re?+ireents !or Ins+ran*es$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20#
%)$2 Ins+ran*e !or 5or6s and Contra*tor7s E?+ipent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20.
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %%%
%)$# Ins+ran*e a0ainst In@+r" to 3ersons and Daa0e to 3ropert"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$207
%)$' Ins+ran*e !or Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20)
)B. "orce Ma?e%re...........................................................................................................
%($% De!inition o! 4or*e Ma@e+re$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20)
%($# D+t" to Miniise Dela"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20(
%($' Conse?+en*es o! 4or*e Ma@e+re$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20(
%($. 4or*e Ma@e+re A!!e*tin0 S+,*ontra*tor$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%0
%($/ Optional Terination& 3a"ent and Release$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%0
%($7 Release !ro 3er!oran*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%%
20. Clai&s, Disp%tes and Ar4itration...........................................................................
20$% Contra*tor7s Clais$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%%
20$2 Appointent o! the Disp+te Board$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%#
20$# 4ail+re to A0ree on the Coposition o! the Disp+te Board$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%'
20$' O,tainin0 Disp+te Board7s De*ision$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%.
20$. Ai*a,le Settleent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%/
20$/ Ar,itration$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%/
20$7 4ail+re to Copl" 2ith Disp+te Board7s De*ision$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%7
20$) E1pir" o! Disp+te Board7s Appointent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%7
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%%2 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
$ection 6++. -eneral Conditions 2GC3

D.ame of Eplo"er!

D.ame of "ontract!
The General Conditions that !ollo2 are the Ban6 =aroni;ed Edition o! the Conditions o!
Contra*t !or Constr+*tion prepared and *op"ri0hted ," the International 4ederation o!
Cons+ltin0 En0ineers 87<d<ration Internationale des Ing<nieurs;"onseils& or 4IDIC9& 4IDIC
200.-All ri0hts reserved$ This p+,li*ation is e1*l+sive !or the +se o! Ban6 Borro2ers and
their pro@e*t ipleentin0 a0en*ies as provided +nder the Fi*ense A0reeent dated Mar*h
& 200.& ,et2een the IBRD and 4IDIC& and& *onse?+entl"& no part o! this p+,li*ation a"
,e reprod+*ed& translated& adapted& stored in a retrieval s"ste or *o+ni*ated& in an" !or
or ," an" eans& 2hether e*hani*al& ele*troni*& a0neti*& photo*op"in0& re*ordin0 or
other2ise& 2itho+t prior perission in 2ritin0 !ro 4IDIC& e1*ept ," the Eplo"er identi!ied
a,ove and onl" !or the e1*l+sive p+rpose o! preparin0 these Standard Biddin0 Do*+ents !or
the Contra*t also identi!ied a,ove$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %%#
-eneral Conditions
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%%' Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
1# Gener+, Pro-isions
).) De'initions In the Conditions o! Contra*t 8Athese ConditionsB9& 2hi*h
in*l+de 3arti*+lar Conditions& 3arts A and B& and these General
Conditions& the !ollo2in0 2ords and e1pressions shall have the
eanin0s stated$ 5ords indi*atin0 persons or parties in*l+de
*orporations and other le0al entities& e1*ept 2here the *onte1t
re?+ires other2ise$
).).) The Contract %$%$%$% AContra*tB eans the Contra*t A0reeent& the Fetter
o! A**eptan*e& the Fetter o! Tender& these Conditions&
the Spe*i!i*ation& the Dra2in0s& the S*hed+les& and
the !+rther do*+ents 8i! an"9 2hi*h are listed in the
Contra*t A0reeent or in the Fetter o! A**eptan*e$
%$%$%$2 AContra*t A0reeentB eans the *ontra*t a0reeent
re!erred to in S+,-Cla+se %$/ DContra*t A0reeentE$
%$%$%$# AFetter o! A**eptan*eB eans the letter o! !oral
a**eptan*e& si0ned ," the Eplo"er& o! the Fetter o!
Tender& in*l+din0 an" anne1ed eoranda *oprisin0
a0reeents ,et2een and si0ned ," ,oth 3arties$ I!
there is no s+*h letter o! a**eptan*e& the e1pression
AFetter o! A**eptan*eB eans the Contra*t A0reeent
and the date o! iss+in0 or re*eivin0 the Fetter o!
A**eptan*e eans the date o! si0nin0 the Contra*t
%$%$%$' AFetter o! TenderB eans the do*+ent entitled letter
o! tender or letter o! ,id& 2hi*h 2as *opleted ," the
Contra*tor and in*l+des the si0ned o!!er to the
Eplo"er !or the 5or6s$
%$%$%$. ASpe*i!i*ationB eans the do*+ent entitled
spe*i!i*ation& as in*l+ded in the Contra*t& and an"
additions and odi!i*ations to the spe*i!i*ation in
a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t$ S+*h do*+ent
spe*i!ies the 5or6s$
%$%$%$/ ADra2in0sB eans the dra2in0s o! the 5or6s& as
in*l+ded in the Contra*t& and an" additional and
odi!ied dra2in0s iss+ed ," 8or on ,ehal! o!9 the
Eplo"er in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t$
%$%$%$7 AS*hed+lesB eans the do*+ent8s9 entitled
s*hed+les& *opleted ," the Contra*tor and s+,itted
2ith the Fetter o! Tender& as in*l+ded in the Contra*t$
S+*h do*+ent a" in*l+de the Bill o! >+antities&
data& lists& and s*hed+les o! rates andJor pri*es$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %%.
%$%$%$) ATenderB eans the Fetter o! Tender and all other
do*+ents 2hi*h the Contra*tor s+,itted 2ith the
Fetter o! Tender& as in*l+ded in the Contra*t$
%$%$%$( ABill o! >+antitiesB& ADa"2or6 S*hed+leB and
AS*hed+le o! 3a"ent C+rren*iesB ean the
do*+ents so naed 8i! an"9 2hi*h are *oprised in
the S*hed+les$
%$%$%$%0 AContra*t DataB eans the pa0es *opleted ," the
Eplo"er entitled *ontra*t data 2hi*h *onstit+te 3art
A o! the 3arti*+lar Conditions$
).).2 (arties and
%$%$2$% A3art"B eans the Eplo"er or the Contra*tor& as the
*onte1t re?+ires$
%$%$2$2 AEplo"erB eans the person naed as eplo"er in
the Contra*t Data and the le0al s+**essors in title to
this person$
%$%$2$# AContra*torB eans the person8s9 naed as
*ontra*tor in the Fetter o! Tender a**epted ," the
Eplo"er and the le0al s+**essors in title to this
%$%$2$' AEn0ineerB eans the person appointed ," the
Eplo"er to a*t as the En0ineer !or the p+rposes o!
the Contra*t and naed in the Contra*t Data& or other
person appointed !ro tie to tie ," the Eplo"er
and noti!ied to the Contra*tor +nder S+,-Cla+se #$'
DRepla*eent o! the En0ineerE$
%$%$2$. AContra*tor7s RepresentativeB eans the person
naed ," the Contra*tor in the Contra*t or appointed
!ro tie to tie ," the Contra*tor +nder S+,-Cla+se
'$# DContra*tor7s RepresentativeE& 2ho a*ts on ,ehal!
o! the Contra*tor$
%$%$2$/ AEplo"er7s 3ersonnelB eans the En0ineer& the
assistants re!erred to in S+,-Cla+se #$2 DDele0ation ,"
the En0ineerE and all other sta!!& la,o+r and other
eplo"ees o! the En0ineer and o! the Eplo"erH and
an" other personnel noti!ied to the Contra*tor& ," the
Eplo"er or the En0ineer& as Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel$
%$%$2$7 AContra*tor7s 3ersonnelB eans the Contra*tor7s
Representative and all personnel 2ho the Contra*tor
+tilises on Site& 2ho a" in*l+de the sta!!& la,o+r and
other eplo"ees o! the Contra*tor and o! ea*h
S+,*ontra*torH and an" other personnel assistin0 the
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%%/ Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
Contra*tor in the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s$
%$%$2$) AS+,*ontra*torB eans an" person naed in the
Contra*t as a s+,*ontra*tor& or an" person appointed
as a s+,*ontra*tor& !or a part o! the 5or6sH and the
le0al s+**essors in title to ea*h o! these persons$
%$%$2$( ADBB eans the person or three persons appointed
+nder S+,-Cla+se 20$2 DAppointent o! the Disp+te
BoardE or S+,-Cla+se 20$# D4ail+re to A0ree on the
Coposition o! the Disp+te BoardE
%$%$2$%0 A4IDICB eans the 4[d[ration Internationale des
In0[nie+rs-Conseils& the international !ederation o!
*ons+ltin0 en0ineers$
%$%$2$%% ABan6B eans the !inan*in0 instit+tion 8i! an"9 naed
in the Contra*t Data$
%$%$2$%2 ABorro2erB eans the person 8i! an"9 naed as the
,orro2er in the Contra*t Data$
).).9 Dates, Tests,
(eriods and
%$%$#$% ABase DateB eans the date 2) da"s prior to the latest
date !or s+,ission o! the Tender$
%$%$#$2 ACoen*eent DateB eans the date noti!ied +nder
S+,-Cla+se )$% DCoen*eent o! 5or6sE$
%$%$#$# ATie !or CopletionB eans the tie !or *opletin0
the 5or6s or a Se*tion 8as the *ase a" ,e9 +nder
S+,-Cla+se )$2 DTie !or CopletionE& as stated in
the Contra*t Data 82ith an" e1tension +nder S+,-
Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie !or CopletionE9&
*al*+lated !ro the Coen*eent Date$
%$%$#$' ATests on CopletionB eans the tests 2hi*h are
spe*i!ied in the Contra*t or a0reed ," ,oth 3arties or
instr+*ted as a :ariation& and 2hi*h are *arried o+t
+nder Cla+se ( DTests on CopletionE ,e!ore the
5or6s or a Se*tion 8as the *ase a" ,e9 are ta6en
over ," the Eplo"er$
%$%$#$. ATa6in0-Over Certi!i*ateB eans a *erti!i*ate iss+ed
+nder Cla+se %0 DEplo"er7s Ta6in0 OverE$
%$%$#$/ ATests a!ter CopletionB eans the tests 8i! an"9
2hi*h are spe*i!ied in the Contra*t and 2hi*h are
*arried o+t in a**ordan*e 2ith the Spe*i!i*ation a!ter
the 5or6s or a Se*tion 8as the *ase a" ,e9 are ta6en
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %%7
over ," the Eplo"er$
%$%$#$7 ADe!e*ts Noti!i*ation 3eriodB eans the period !or
noti!"in0 de!e*ts in the 5or6s or a Se*tion 8as the
*ase a" ,e9 +nder S+,-Cla+se %%$% DCopletion o!
O+tstandin0 5or6 and Reed"in0 De!e*tsE& 2hi*h
e1tends over t2elve onths e1*ept i! other2ise stated
in the Contra*t Data 82ith an" e1tension +nder S+,-
Cla+se %%$# DE1tension o! De!e*ts Noti!i*ation
3eriodE9& *al*+lated !ro the date on 2hi*h the 5or6s
or Se*tion is *opleted as *erti!ied +nder S+,-Cla+se
%0$% DTa6in0 Over o! the 5or6s and Se*tionsE$
%$%$#$) A3er!oran*e Certi!i*ateB eans the *erti!i*ate iss+ed
+nder S+,-Cla+se %%$( D3er!oran*e Certi!i*ateE$
%$%$#$( Ada"B eans a *alendar da" and A"earB eans #/.
).).@ Money and
%$%$'$% AA**epted Contra*t Ao+ntB eans the ao+nt
a**epted in the Fetter o! A**eptan*e !or the e1e*+tion
and *opletion o! the 5or6s and the reed"in0 o!
an" de!e*ts$
%$%$'$2 AContra*t 3ri*eB eans the pri*e de!ined in S+,-
Cla+se %'$% DThe Contra*t 3ri*eE& and in*l+des
ad@+stents in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t$
%$%$'$# ACostB eans all e1pendit+re reasona,l" in*+rred 8or
to ,e in*+rred9 ," the Contra*tor& 2hether on or o!!
the Site& in*l+din0 overhead and siilar *har0es& ,+t
does not in*l+de pro!it$
%$%$'$' A4inal 3a"ent Certi!i*ateB eans the pa"ent
*erti!i*ate iss+ed +nder S+,-Cla+se %'$%# DIss+e o!
4inal 3a"ent Certi!i*ateE$
%$%$'$. A4inal StateentB eans the stateent de!ined in S+,-
Cla+se %'$%% DAppli*ation !or 4inal 3a"ent
%$%$'$/ A4orei0n C+rren*"B eans a *+rren*" in 2hi*h part
8or all9 o! the Contra*t 3ri*e is pa"a,le& ,+t not the
Fo*al C+rren*"$
%$%$'$7 AInteri 3a"ent Certi!i*ateB eans a pa"ent
*erti!i*ate iss+ed +nder Cla+se %' DContra*t 3ri*e and
3a"entE& other than the 4inal 3a"ent Certi!i*ate$
%$%$'$) AFo*al C+rren*"B eans the *+rren*" o! the Co+ntr"$
%$%$'$( A3a"ent Certi!i*ateB eans a pa"ent *erti!i*ate
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%%) Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
iss+ed +nder Cla+se %' DContra*t 3ri*e and 3a"entE$
%$%$'$%0 A3rovisional S+B eans a s+ 8i! an"9 2hi*h is
spe*i!ied in the Contra*t as a provisional s+& !or the
e1e*+tion o! an" part o! the 5or6s or !or the s+ppl"
o! 3lant& Materials or servi*es +nder S+,-Cla+se %#$.
D3rovisional S+sE$
%$%$'$%% ARetention Mone"B eans the a**++lated retention
one"s 2hi*h the Eplo"er retains +nder S+,-Cla+se
%'$# DAppli*ation !or Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*atesE
and pa"s +nder S+,-Cla+se %'$( D3a"ent o!
Retention Mone"E$
%$%$'$%2 AStateentB eans a stateent s+,itted ," the
Contra*tor as part o! an appli*ation& +nder Cla+se %'
DContra*t 3ri*e and 3a"entE& !or a pa"ent
).).! Works and -oods %$%$.$% AContra*tor7s E?+ipentB eans all apparat+s&
a*hiner"& vehi*les and other thin0s re?+ired !or the
e1e*+tion and *opletion o! the 5or6s and the
reed"in0 o! an" de!e*ts$ =o2ever& Contra*tor7s
E?+ipent e1*l+des Teporar" 5or6s& Eplo"er7s
E?+ipent 8i! an"9& 3lant& Materials and an" other
thin0s intended to !or or !orin0 part o! the
3eranent 5or6s$
%$%$.$2 AGoodsB eans Contra*tor7s E?+ipent& Materials&
3lant and Teporar" 5or6s& or an" o! the as
%$%$.$# AMaterialsB eans thin0s o! all 6inds 8other than
3lant9 intended to !or or !orin0 part o! the
3eranent 5or6s& in*l+din0 the s+ppl"-onl" aterials
8i! an"9 to ,e s+pplied ," the Contra*tor +nder the
%$%$.$' A3eranent 5or6sB eans the peranent 2or6s to ,e
e1e*+ted ," the Contra*tor +nder the Contra*t$
%$%$.$. A3lantB eans the apparat+s& a*hiner" and other
e?+ipent intended to !or or !orin0 part o! the
3eranent 5or6s& in*l+din0 vehi*les p+r*hased !or
the Eplo"er and relatin0 to the *onstr+*tion or
operation o! the 5or6s$
%$%$.$/ ASe*tionB eans a part o! the 5or6s spe*i!ied in the
Contra*t Data as a Se*tion 8i! an"9$
%$%$.$7 ATeporar" 5or6sB eans all teporar" 2or6s o!
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %%(
ever" 6ind 8other than Contra*tor7s E?+ipent9
re?+ired on Site !or the e1e*+tion and *opletion o!
the 3eranent 5or6s and the reed"in0 o! an"
%$%$.$) A5or6sB ean the 3eranent 5or6s and the Teporar"
5or6s& or either o! the as appropriate$
).).6 .ther De'initions %$%$/$% AContra*tor7s Do*+entsB eans the *al*+lations&
*op+ter pro0ras and other so!t2are& dra2in0s&
an+als& odels and other do*+ents o! a te*hni*al
nat+re 8i! an"9 s+pplied ," the Contra*tor +nder the
%$%$/$2 ACo+ntr"B eans the *o+ntr" in 2hi*h the Site 8or
ost o! it9 is lo*ated& 2here the 3eranent 5or6s are
to ,e e1e*+ted$
%$%$/$# AEplo"er7s E?+ipentB eans the apparat+s&
a*hiner" and vehi*les 8i! an"9 ade availa,le ," the
Eplo"er !or the +se o! the Contra*tor in the
e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s& as stated in the Spe*i!i*ationH
,+t does not in*l+de 3lant 2hi*h has not ,een ta6en
over ," the Eplo"er$
%$%$/$' A4or*e Ma@e+reB is de!ined in Cla+se %( D4or*e
%$%$/$. AFa2sB eans all national 8or state9 le0islation&
stat+tes& ordinan*es and other la2s& and re0+lations
and ,"-la2s o! an" le0all" *onstit+ted p+,li* a+thorit"$
%$%$/$/ A3er!oran*e Se*+rit"B eans the se*+rit" 8or
se*+rities& i! an"9 +nder S+,-Cla+se '$2 D3er!oran*e
%$%$/$7 ASiteB eans the pla*es 2here the 3eranent 5or6s
are to ,e e1e*+ted in*l+din0 stora0e and 2or6in0
areas and to 2hi*h 3lant and Materials are to ,e
delivered& and an" other pla*es as a" ,e spe*i!ied in
the Contra*t as !orin0 part o! the Site$
%$%$/$) AUn!oreseea,leB eans not reasona,l" !oreseea,le ,"
an e1perien*ed *ontra*tor ," the Base Date$
%$%$/$( A:ariationB eans an" *han0e to the 5or6s& 2hi*h is
instr+*ted or approved as a variation +nder Cla+se %#
D:ariations and Ad@+stentsE$
).2 +nterpretation In the Contra*t& e1*ept 2here the *onte1t re?+ires other2iseC
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%20 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
8a9 2ords indi*atin0 one 0ender in*l+de all 0endersH
8,9 2ords indi*atin0 the sin0+lar also in*l+de the pl+ral and
2ords indi*atin0 the pl+ral also in*l+de the sin0+larH
8*9 provisions in*l+din0 the 2ord Aa0ree&B Aa0reedB or
Aa0reeentB re?+ire the a0reeent to ,e re*ord in
8d9 A2rittenB or Ain 2ritin0B eans hand-2ritten& t"pe-
2ritten& printed or ele*troni*all" ade& and res+ltin0 in a
peranent re*ordH and
8e9 the 2ord AtenderB is s"non"o+s 2ith A,idB& and
AtendererB 2ith A,idderB and the 2ords Atender
do*+entsB 2ith A,iddin0 do*+entsB
The ar0inal 2ords and other headin0s shall not ,e ta6en into
*onsideration in the interpretation o! these Conditions$
In these Conditions& provisions in*l+din0 the e1pression ZCost
pl+s pro!itZ re?+ire this pro!it to ,e one-t2entieth 8.T9 o! this
Cost +nless other2ise indi*ated in the Contra*t Data$
).9 Co&&%nications 5herever these Conditions provide !or the 0ivin0 or iss+in0 o!
approvals& *erti!i*ates& *onsents& deterinations& noti*es&
re?+ests and dis*har0es& these *o+ni*ations shall ,eC
8a9 in 2ritin0 and delivered ," hand 8a0ainst re*eipt9& sent ,"
ail or *o+rier& or transitted +sin0 an" o! the a0reed
s"stes o! ele*troni* transission as stated in the
Contra*t DataH and
8,9 delivered& sent or transitted to the address !or the
re*ipient7s *o+ni*ations as stated in the Contra*t Data$
8i9 i! the re*ipient 0ives noti*e o! another address&
*o+ni*ations shall therea!ter ,e delivered
a**ordin0l"H and
8ii9 i! the re*ipient has not stated other2ise 2hen
re?+estin0 an approval or *onsent& it a" ,e sent to
the address !ro 2hi*h the re?+est 2as iss+ed$
Approvals& *erti!i*ates& *onsents and deterinations shall not
,e +nreasona,l" 2ithheld or dela"ed$ 5hen a *erti!i*ate is
iss+ed to a 3art"& the *erti!ier shall send a *op" to the other
3art"$ 5hen a noti*e is iss+ed to a 3art"& ," the other 3art" or
the En0ineer& a *op" shall ,e sent to the En0ineer or the other
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %2%
3art"& as the *ase a" ,e$
).@ Ca# and Cang%age The Contra*t shall ,e 0overned ," the la2 o! the *o+ntr" or
other @+risdi*tion stated in the Contra*t Data$
The r+lin0 lan0+a0e o! the Contra*t shall ,e that stated in the
Contra*t Data$
The lan0+a0e !or *o+ni*ations shall ,e that stated in the
Contra*t Data$ I! no lan0+a0e is stated there& the lan0+a0e !or
*o+ni*ations shall ,e the r+lin0 lan0+a0e o! the Contra*t$
).! (riority o'
The do*+ents !orin0 the Contra*t are to ,e ta6en as
+t+all" e1planator" o! one another$ 4or the p+rposes o!
interpretation& the priorit" o! the do*+ents shall ,e in
a**ordan*e 2ith the !ollo2in0 se?+en*eC
8a9 the Contra*t A0reeent 8i! an"9&
8,9 the Fetter o! A**eptan*e&
8*9 the Tender&
8d9 the 3arti*+lar Conditions R 3art A&
8e9 the 3arti*+lar Conditions R 3art B
8!9 these General Conditions
809 the Spe*i!i*ation&
8h9 the Dra2in0s& and
8i9 the S*hed+les and an" other do*+ents !orin0 part o!
the Contra*t$
I! an a,i0+it" or dis*repan*" is !o+nd in the do*+ents& the
En0ineer shall iss+e an" ne*essar" *lari!i*ation or instr+*tion$
).6 Contract
The 3arties shall enter into a Contra*t A0reeent 2ithin 2)
da"s a!ter the Contra*tor re*eives the Fetter o! A**eptan*e&
+nless the 3arti*+lar Conditions esta,lish other2ise$ The
Contra*t A0reeent shall ,e ,ased +pon the !or anne1ed to
the 3arti*+lar Conditions$ The *osts o! stap d+ties and siilar
*har0es 8i! an"9 iposed ," la2 in *onne*tion 2ith entr" into
the Contra*t A0reeent shall ,e ,orne ," the Eplo"er$
).7 Assign&ent Neither 3art" shall assi0n the 2hole or an" part o! the Contra*t
or an" ,ene!it or interest in or +nder the Contra*t$ =o2ever&
either 3art"C
8a9 a" assi0n the 2hole or an" part 2ith the prior a0reeent
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%22 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
o! the other 3art"& at the sole dis*retion o! s+*h other
3art"& and
8,9 a"& as se*+rit" in !avo+r o! a ,an6 or !inan*ial
instit+tion& assi0n its ri0ht to an" one"s d+e& or to
,e*oe d+e& +nder the Contra*t$
).A Care and $%pply o'
The Spe*i!i*ation and Dra2in0s shall ,e in the *+stod" and *are
o! the Eplo"er$ Unless other2ise stated in the Contra*t& t2o
*opies o! the Contra*t and o! ea*h s+,se?+ent Dra2in0 shall ,e
s+pplied to the Contra*tor& 2ho a" a6e or re?+est !+rther
*opies at the *ost o! the Contra*tor$
Ea*h o! the Contra*tor7s Do*+ents shall ,e in the *+stod" and
*are o! the Contra*tor& +nless and +ntil ta6en over ," the
Eplo"er$ Unless other2ise stated in the Contra*t& the
Contra*tor shall s+ppl" to the En0ineer si1 *opies o! ea*h o!
the Contra*tor7s Do*+ents$
The Contra*tor shall 6eep& on the Site& a *op" o! the Contra*t&
p+,li*ations naed in the Spe*i!i*ation& the Contra*tor7s
Do*+ents 8i! an"9& the Dra2in0s and :ariations and other
*o+ni*ations 0iven +nder the Contra*t$ The Eplo"er7s
3ersonnel shall have the ri0ht o! a**ess to all these do*+ents
at all reasona,le ties$
I! a 3art" ,e*oes a2are o! an error or de!e*t in a do*+ent
2hi*h 2as prepared !or +se in e1e*+tin0 the 5or6s& the 3art"
shall proptl" 0ive noti*e to the other 3art" o! s+*h error or
).B Delayed Dra#ings
or +nstr%ctions
The Contra*tor shall 0ive noti*e to the En0ineer 2henever the
5or6s are li6el" to ,e dela"ed or disr+pted i! an" ne*essar"
dra2in0 or instr+*tion is not iss+ed to the Contra*tor 2ithin a
parti*+lar tie& 2hi*h shall ,e reasona,le$ The noti*e shall
in*l+de details o! the ne*essar" dra2in0 or instr+*tion& details
o! 2h" and ," 2hen it sho+ld ,e iss+ed& and the nat+re and
ao+nt o! the dela" or disr+ption li6el" to ,e s+!!ered i! it is
I! the Contra*tor s+!!ers dela" andJor in*+rs Cost as a res+lt o!
a !ail+re o! the En0ineer to iss+e the noti!ied dra2in0 or
instr+*tion 2ithin a tie 2hi*h is reasona,le and is spe*i!ied in
the noti*e 2ith s+pportin0 details& the Contra*tor shall 0ive a
!+rther noti*e to the En0ineer and shall ,e entitled s+,@e*t to
S+,-Cla+se 20$% DContra*tor7s ClaisE toC
8a9 an e1tension o! tie !or an" s+*h dela"& i! *opletion is or
2ill ,e dela"ed& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %2#
!or CopletionE& and
8,9 pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost pl+s pro!it& 2hi*h shall ,e
in*l+ded in the Contra*t 3ri*e$
A!ter re*eivin0 this !+rther noti*e& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine these atters$
=o2ever& i! and to the e1tent that the En0ineer7s !ail+re 2as
*a+sed ," an" error or dela" ," the Contra*tor& in*l+din0 an
error in& or dela" in the s+,ission o!& an" o! the Contra*tor7s
Do*+ents& the Contra*tor shall not ,e entitled to s+*h
e1tension o! tie& Cost or pro!it
).)0 /&ployer=s 0se o'
As ,et2een the 3arties& the Contra*tor shall retain the
*op"ri0ht and other intelle*t+al propert" ri0hts in the
Contra*tor7s Do*+ents and other desi0n do*+ents ade ,"
8or on ,ehal! o!9 the Contra*tor$
The Contra*tor shall ,e deeed 8," si0nin0 the Contra*t9 to
0ive to the Eplo"er a non-terina,le trans!era,le non-
e1*l+sive ro"alt"-!ree li*en*e to *op"& +se and *o+ni*ate the
Contra*tor7s Do*+ents& in*l+din0 a6in0 and +sin0
odi!i*ations o! the$ This li*en*e shallC
8a9 appl" thro+0ho+t the a*t+al or intended 2or6in0 li!e
82hi*hever is lon0er9 o! the relevant parts o! the 5or6s&
8,9 entitle an" person in proper possession o! the relevant
part o! the 5or6s to *op"& +se and *o+ni*ate the
Contra*tor7s Do*+ents !or the p+rposes o! *opletin0&
operatin0& aintainin0& alterin0& ad@+stin0& repairin0 and
deolishin0 the 5or6s& and
8*9 in the *ase o! Contra*tor7s Do*+ents 2hi*h are in the
!or o! *op+ter pro0ras and other so!t2are& perit
their +se on an" *op+ter on the Site and other pla*es as
envisa0ed ," the Contra*t& in*l+din0 repla*eents o! an"
*op+ters s+pplied ," the Contra*tor$
The Contra*tor7s Do*+ents and other desi0n do*+ents ade
," 8or on ,ehal! o!9 the Contra*tor shall not& 2itho+t the
Contra*tor7s *onsent& ,e +sed& *opied or *o+ni*ated to a
third part" ," 8or on ,ehal! o!9 the Eplo"er !or p+rposes other
than those peritted +nder this S+,-Cla+se$
).)) Contractor=s 0se o'
As ,et2een the 3arties& the Eplo"er shall retain the *op"ri0ht
and other intelle*t+al propert" ri0hts in the Spe*i!i*ation& the
Dra2in0s and other do*+ents ade ," 8or on ,ehal! o!9 the
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%2' Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
Eplo"er$ The Contra*tor a"& at his *ost& *op"& +se& and
o,tain *o+ni*ation o! these do*+ents !or the p+rposes o!
the Contra*t$ The" shall not& 2itho+t the Eplo"er7s *onsent&
,e *opied& +sed or *o+ni*ated to a third part" ," the
Contra*tor& e1*ept as ne*essar" !or the p+rposes o! the
).)2 Con'idential
The Contra*tor7s and the Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel shall dis*lose
all s+*h *on!idential and other in!oration as a" ,e reasona,l"
re?+ired in order to veri!" the Contra*tor7s *oplian*e 2ith the
Contra*t and allo2 its proper ipleentation$
Ea*h o! the shall treat the details o! the Contra*t as private
and *on!idential& e1*ept to the e1tent ne*essar" to *arr" o+t
their respe*tive o,li0ations +nder the Contra*t or to *opl"
2ith appli*a,le Fa2s$ Ea*h o! the shall not p+,lish or
dis*lose an" parti*+lars o! the 5or6s prepared ," the other
3art" 2itho+t the previo+s a0reeent o! the other 3art"$
=o2ever& the Contra*tor shall ,e peritted to dis*lose an"
p+,li*l" availa,le in!oration& or in!oration other2ise
re?+ired to esta,lish his ?+ali!i*ations to *opete !or other
).)9 Co&pliance #ith
The Contra*tor shall& in per!orin0 the Contra*t& *opl" 2ith
appli*a,le Fa2s$ Unless other2ise stated in the 3arti*+lar
8a9 the Eplo"er shall have o,tained 8or shall o,tain9 the
plannin0& ;onin0& ,+ildin0 perit or siilar perission !or
the 3eranent 5or6s& and an" other perissions
des*ri,ed in the Spe*i!i*ation as havin0 ,een 8or to ,e9
o,tained ," the Eplo"erH and the Eplo"er shall
indeni!" and hold the Contra*tor harless a0ainst and
!ro the *onse?+en*es o! an" !ail+re to do soH and
8,9 the Contra*tor shall 0ive all noti*es& pa" all ta1es& d+ties
and !ees& and o,tain all perits& li*en*es and approvals& as
re?+ired ," the Fa2s in relation to the e1e*+tion and
*opletion o! the 5or6s and the reed"in0 o! an"
de!e*tsH and the Contra*tor shall indeni!" and hold the
Eplo"er harless a0ainst and !ro the *onse?+en*es o!
an" !ail+re to do so& +nless the Contra*tor is ipeded to
a**oplish these a*tions and sho2s eviden*e o! its
).)@ Doint and $everal
I! the Contra*tor *onstit+tes 8+nder appli*a,le Fa2s9 a @oint
vent+re or other +nin*orporated 0ro+pin0 o! t2o or ore
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %2.
8a9 these persons shall ,e deeed to ,e @ointl" and severall"
lia,le to the Eplo"er !or the per!oran*e o! the
8,9 these persons shall noti!" the Eplo"er o! their leader
2ho shall have a+thorit" to ,ind the Contra*tor and ea*h
o! these personsH and
8*9 the Contra*tor shall not alter its *oposition or le0al
stat+s 2itho+t the prior *onsent o! the Eplo"er$
).)! +nspections and
A%dit 4y the Bank
The Contra*tor shall perit the Ban6 andJor persons appointed
," the Ban6 to inspe*t the Site andJor the a**o+nts and re*ords
o! the Contra*tor and its s+,*ontra*tors relatin0 to the
per!oran*e o! the Contra*t& and to have s+*h a**o+nts and
re*ords a+dited ," a+ditors appointed ," the Ban6 i! re?+ired
," the Ban6$ The Contra*tor7s attention is dra2n to S+,-
Cla+se %.$/ DCorr+pt or 4ra+d+lent 3ra*ti*esE 2hi*h provides&
inter alia& that a*ts intended to ateriall" ipede the e1er*ise o!
the Ban67s inspe*tion and a+dit ri0hts provided !or +nder S+,-
Cla+se %$%. *onstit+te a prohi,ited pra*ti*e s+,@e*t to *ontra*t
terination 8as 2ell as to a deterination o! ineli0i,ilit" +nder
the 3ro*+reent G+idelines9$
"# T6e m2,o7er
2.) ight o' Access to
the $ite
The Eplo"er shall 0ive the Contra*tor ri0ht o! a**ess to& and
possession o!& all parts o! the Site 2ithin the tie 8or ties9
stated in the Contra*t Data$ The ri0ht and possession a" not
,e e1*l+sive to the Contra*tor$ I!& +nder the Contra*t& the
Eplo"er is re?+ired to 0ive 8to the Contra*tor9 possession o!
an" !o+ndation& str+*t+re& plant or eans o! a**ess& the
Eplo"er shall do so in the tie and anner stated in the
Spe*i!i*ation$ =o2ever& the Eplo"er a" 2ithhold an" s+*h
ri0ht or possession +ntil the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" has ,een
I! no s+*h tie is stated in the Contra*t Data& the Eplo"er
shall 0ive the Contra*tor ri0ht o! a**ess to& and possession o!&
the Site 2ithin s+*h ties as re?+ired to ena,le the Contra*tor
to pro*eed 2itho+t disr+ption in a**ordan*e 2ith the
pro0rae s+,itted +nder S+,-Cla+se )$# D3ro0raeE$
I! the Contra*tor s+!!ers dela" andJor in*+rs Cost as a res+lt o!
a !ail+re ," the Eplo"er to 0ive an" s+*h ri0ht or possession
2ithin s+*h tie& the Contra*tor shall 0ive noti*e to the
En0ineer and shall ,e entitled s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 20$%
DContra*tor7s ClaisE toC
8a9 an e1tension o! tie !or an" s+*h dela"& i! *opletion is or
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%2/ Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
2ill ,e dela"ed& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie
!or CopletionE& and
8,9 pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost pl+s pro!it& 2hi*h shall ,e
in*l+ded in the Contra*t 3ri*e$
A!ter re*eivin0 this noti*e& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine these atters$
=o2ever& i! and to the e1tent that the Eplo"er7s !ail+re 2as
*a+sed ," an" error or dela" ," the Contra*tor& in*l+din0 an
error in& or dela" in the s+,ission o!& an" o! the Contra*tor7s
Do*+ents& the Contra*tor shall not ,e entitled to s+*h
e1tension o! tie& Cost or pro!it$
2.2 (er&its, Cicences
or Approvals
The Eplo"er shall provide& at the re?+est o! the Contra*tor&
s+*h reasona,le assistan*e as to allo2 the Contra*tor to o,tain
8a9 *opies o! the Fa2s o! the Co+ntr" 2hi*h are relevant to
the Contra*t ,+t are not readil" availa,le& and
8,9 an" perits& li*en*es or approvals re?+ired ," the Fa2s o!
the Co+ntr"C
8i9 2hi*h the Contra*tor is re?+ired to o,tain +nder
S+,-Cla+se %$%# DCoplian*e 2ith Fa2sE&
8ii9 !or the deliver" o! Goods& in*l+din0 *learan*e
thro+0h *+stos& and
8iii9 !or the e1port o! Contra*tor7s E?+ipent 2hen it is
reoved !ro the Site$
2.9 /&ployer=s
The Eplo"er shall ,e responsi,le !or ens+rin0 that the
Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel and the Eplo"er7s other *ontra*tors on
the SiteC
8a9 *o-operate 2ith the Contra*tor7s e!!orts +nder S+,-Cla+se
'$/ DCo-operationE& and
8,9 ta6e a*tions siilar to those 2hi*h the Contra*tor is
re?+ired to ta6e +nder s+,-para0raphs 8a9& 8,9 and 8*9 o!
S+,-Cla+se '$) DSa!et" 3ro*ed+resE and +nder S+,-
Cla+se '$%) D3rote*tion o! the EnvironentE$
2.@ /&ployer=s
The Eplo"er shall s+,it& ,e!ore the Coen*eent Date
and therea!ter 2ithin 2) da"s a!ter re*eivin0 an" re?+est !ro
the Contra*tor& reasona,le eviden*e that !inan*ial arran0eents
have ,een ade and are ,ein0 aintained 2hi*h 2ill ena,le the
Eplo"er to pa" the Contra*t 3ri*e p+n*t+all" 8as estiated at
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %27
that tie9 in a**ordan*e 2ith Cla+se %' DContra*t 3ri*e and
3a"entE$ Be!ore the Eplo"er a6es an" aterial *han0e to
his !inan*ial arran0eents& the Eplo"er shall 0ive noti*e to the
Contra*tor 2ith detailed parti*+lars$
In addition& i! the Ban6 has noti!ied to the Borro2er that the
Ban6 has s+spended dis,+rseents +nder its loan& 2hi*h
!inan*es in 2hole or in part the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s& the
Eplo"er shall 0ive noti*e o! s+*h s+spension to the Contra*tor
2ith detailed parti*+lars& in*l+din0 the date o! s+*h noti!i*ation&
2ith a *op" to the En0ineer& 2ithin 7 da"s o! the Borro2er
havin0 re*eived the s+spension noti!i*ation !ro the Ban6$ I!
alternative !+nds 2ill ,e availa,le in appropriate *+rren*ies to
the Eplo"er to *ontin+e a6in0 pa"ents to the Contra*tor
,e"ond a date /0 da"s a!ter the date o! Ban6 noti!i*ation o! the
s+spension& the Eplo"er shall provide reasona,le eviden*e in
s+*h noti*e o! the e1tent to 2hi*h s+*h !+nds 2ill ,e availa,le$
2.! /&ployer=s Clai&s I! the Eplo"er *onsiders hisel! to ,e entitled to an" pa"ent
+nder an" Cla+se o! these Conditions or other2ise in
*onne*tion 2ith the Contra*t& andJor to an" e1tension o! the
De!e*ts Noti!i*ation 3eriod& the Eplo"er or the En0ineer shall
0ive noti*e and parti*+lars to the Contra*tor$ =o2ever& noti*e
is not re?+ired !or pa"ents d+e +nder S+,-Cla+se '$%(
DEle*tri*it"& 5ater and GasE& +nder S+,-Cla+se '$20
DEplo"er7s E?+ipent and 4ree-Iss+e MaterialE& or !or other
servi*es re?+ested ," the Contra*tor$
The noti*e shall ,e 0iven as soon as pra*ti*a,le and no lon0er
than 2) da"s a!ter the Eplo"er ,e*ae a2are& or sho+ld have
,e*oe a2are& o! the event or *ir*+stan*es 0ivin0 rise to the
*lai$ A noti*e relatin0 to an" e1tension o! the De!e*ts
Noti!i*ation 3eriod shall ,e 0iven ,e!ore the e1pir" o! s+*h
The parti*+lars shall spe*i!" the Cla+se or other ,asis o! the
*lai& and shall in*l+de s+,stantiation o! the ao+nt andJor
e1tension to 2hi*h the Eplo"er *onsiders hisel! to ,e
entitled in *onne*tion 2ith the Contra*t$ The En0ineer shall
then pro*eed in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$.
DDeterinationsE to a0ree or deterine 8i9 the ao+nt 8i! an"9
2hi*h the Eplo"er is entitled to ,e paid ," the Contra*tor&
andJor 8ii9 the e1tension 8i! an"9 o! the De!e*ts Noti!i*ation
3eriod in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se %%$# DE1tension o!
De!e*ts Noti!i*ation 3eriodE$
This ao+nt a" ,e in*l+ded as a ded+*tion in the Contra*t
3ri*e and 3a"ent Certi!i*ates$ The Eplo"er shall onl" ,e
entitled to set o!! a0ainst or a6e an" ded+*tion !ro an
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%2) Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
ao+nt *erti!ied in a 3a"ent Certi!i*ate& or to other2ise *lai
a0ainst the Contra*tor& in a**ordan*e 2ith this S+,-Cla+se$
*# T6e n.ineer
9.) /ngineer=s D%ties
and A%thority
The Eplo"er shall appoint the En0ineer 2ho shall *arr" o+t the
d+ties assi0ned to hi in the Contra*t$ The En0ineer7s sta!! shall
in*l+de s+ita,l" ?+ali!ied en0ineers and other pro!essionals 2ho
are *opetent to *arr" o+t these d+ties$
The En0ineer shall have no a+thorit" to aend the Contra*t$
The En0ineer a" e1er*ise the a+thorit" attri,+ta,le to the
En0ineer as spe*i!ied in or ne*essaril" to ,e iplied !ro the
Contra*t$ I! the En0ineer is re?+ired to o,tain the approval o!
the Eplo"er ,e!ore e1er*isin0 a spe*i!ied a+thorit"& the
re?+ireents shall ,e as stated in the 3arti*+lar Conditions$ The
Eplo"er shall proptl" in!or the Contra*tor o! an" *han0e to
the a+thorit" attri,+ted to the En0ineer$
=o2ever& 2henever the En0ineer e1er*ises a spe*i!ied a+thorit"
!or 2hi*h the Eplo"er7s approval is re?+ired& then 8!or the
p+rposes o! the Contra*t9 the Eplo"er shall ,e deeed to have
0iven approval$
E1*ept as other2ise stated in these ConditionsC
8a9 2henever *arr"in0 o+t d+ties or e1er*isin0 a+thorit"&
spe*i!ied in or iplied ," the Contra*t& the En0ineer shall
,e deeed to a*t !or the Eplo"erH
8,9 the En0ineer has no a+thorit" to relieve either 3art" o! an"
d+ties& o,li0ations or responsi,ilities +nder the Contra*tH
8*9 an" approval& *he*6& *erti!i*ate& *onsent& e1aination&
inspe*tion& instr+*tion& noti*e& proposal& re?+est& test& or
siilar a*t ," the En0ineer 8in*l+din0 a,sen*e o!
disapproval9 shall not relieve the Contra*tor !ro an"
responsi,ilit" he has +nder the Contra*t& in*l+din0
responsi,ilit" !or errors& oissions& dis*repan*ies and non-
8d9 An" a*t ," the En0ineer in response to a Contra*tor7s
re?+est e1*ept other2ise e1pressl" spe*i!ied shall ,e
noti!ied in 2ritin0 to the Contra*tor 2ithin 2) da"s o!
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %2(
The !ollo2in0 provisions shall appl"C
The En0ineer shall o,tain the spe*i!i* approval o! the Eplo"er
,e!ore ta6in0 a*tion +nder the-!ollo2in0 S+,-Cla+ses o! these
8a9 S+,-Cla+se '$%2 DUn!oreseea,le 3h"si*al ConditionsEC
A0reein0 or deterinin0 an e1tension o! tie andJor
additional *ost$
8,9 S+,-Cla+se %#$% DRi0ht to :ar"EC Instr+*tin0 a :ariation&
8i9 in an eer0en*" sit+ation as deterined ," the
En0ineer& or
8ii9 i! s+*h a :ariation 2o+ld in*rease the A**epted
Contra*t Ao+nt ," less than the per*enta0e
spe*i!ied in the Contra*t Data$
8*9 S+,-Cla+se %#$# D:ariation 3ro*ed+reEC Approvin0 a
proposal !or :ariation s+,itted ," the Contra*tor in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+, Cla+se %#$% DRi0ht to :ar"E or %#$2
D:al+e En0ineerin0E$
8d9 S+,-Cla+se %#$' D3a"ent in Appli*a,le C+rren*iesEC
Spe*i!"in0 the ao+nt pa"a,le in ea*h o! the appli*a,le
Not2ithstandin0 the o,li0ation& as set o+t a,ove& to o,tain
approval& i!& in the opinion o! the En0ineer& an eer0en*" o**+rs
a!!e*tin0 the sa!et" o! li!e or o! the 5or6s or o! ad@oinin0
propert"& he a"& 2itho+t relievin0 the Contra*tor o! an" o! his
d+ties and responsi,ilit" +nder the Contra*t& instr+*t the
Contra*tor to e1e*+te all s+*h 2or6 or to do all s+*h thin0s as
a"& in the opinion o! the En0ineer& ,e ne*essar" to a,ate or
red+*e the ris6$ The Contra*tor shall !orth2ith *opl"& despite
the a,sen*e o! approval o! the Eplo"er& 2ith an" s+*h
instr+*tion o! the En0ineer$ The En0ineer shall deterine an
addition to the Contra*t 3ri*e& in respe*t o! s+*h instr+*tion& in
a**ordan*e 2ith Cla+se %# D:ariations and Ad@+stentsE and
shall noti!" the Contra*tor a**ordin0l"& 2ith a *op" to the
9.2 Delegation 4y the
The En0ineer a" !ro tie to tie assi0n d+ties and dele0ate
a+thorit" to assistants& and a" also revo6e s+*h assi0nent or
dele0ation$ These assistants a" in*l+de a resident en0ineer&
andJor independent inspe*tors appointed to inspe*t andJor test
ites o! 3lant andJor Materials$ The assi0nent& dele0ation or
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%#0 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
revo*ation shall ,e in 2ritin0 and shall not ta6e e!!e*t +ntil
*opies have ,een re*eived ," ,oth 3arties$
=o2ever& +nless other2ise a0reed ," ,oth 3arties& the En0ineer
shall not dele0ate the a+thorit" to deterine an" atter in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE$
Assistants shall ,e s+ita,l" ?+ali!ied persons& 2ho are *opetent
to *arr" o+t these d+ties and e1er*ise this a+thorit"& and 2ho are
!l+ent in the lan0+a0e !or *o+ni*ations de!ined in S+,-Cla+se
%$' DFa2 and Fan0+a0eE$
Ea*h assistant& to 2ho d+ties have ,een assi0ned or a+thorit"
has ,een dele0ated& shall onl" ,e a+thorised to iss+e instr+*tions
to the Contra*tor to the e1tent de!ined ," the dele0ation$ An"
approval& *he*6& *erti!i*ate& *onsent& e1aination& inspe*tion&
instr+*tion& noti*e& proposal& re?+est& test& or siilar a*t ," an
assistant& in a**ordan*e 2ith the dele0ation& shall have the sae
e!!e*t as tho+0h the a*t had ,een an a*t o! the En0ineer$
8a9 an" !ail+re to disapprove an" 2or6& 3lant or Materials shall
not *onstit+te approval& and shall there!ore not pre@+di*e
the ri0ht o! the En0ineer to re@e*t the 2or6& 3lant or
8,9 i! the Contra*tor ?+estions an" deterination or instr+*tion
o! an assistant& the Contra*tor a" re!er the atter to the
En0ineer& 2ho shall proptl" *on!ir& reverse or var" the
deterination or instr+*tion$
9.9 +nstr%ctions o'
the /ngineer
The En0ineer a" iss+e to the Contra*tor 8at an" tie9
instr+*tions and additional or odi!ied Dra2in0s 2hi*h a" ,e
ne*essar" !or the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s and the reed"in0 o!
an" de!e*ts& all in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t$ The Contra*tor
shall onl" ta6e instr+*tions !ro the En0ineer& or !ro an
assistant to 2ho the appropriate a+thorit" has ,een dele0ated
+nder this Cla+se$ I! an instr+*tion *onstit+tes a :ariation& Cla+se
%# D:ariations and Ad@+stentsE shall appl"$
The Contra*tor shall *opl" 2ith the instr+*tions 0iven ," the
En0ineer or dele0ated assistant& on an" atter related to the
Contra*t$ 5henever pra*ti*a,le& their instr+*tions shall ,e 0iven
in 2ritin0$ I! the En0ineer or a dele0ated assistantC
8a9 0ives an oral instr+*tion&
8,9 re*eives a 2ritten *on!iration o! the instr+*tion& !ro 8or
on ,ehal! o!9 the Contra*tor& 2ithin t2o 2or6in0 da"s a!ter
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %#%
0ivin0 the instr+*tion& and
8*9 does not repl" ," iss+in0 a 2ritten re@e*tion andJor instr+*tion
2ithin t2o 2or6in0 da"s a!ter re*eivin0 the *on!iration&
then the *on!iration shall *onstit+te the 2ritten instr+*tion o!
the En0ineer or dele0ated assistant 8as the *ase a" ,e9$
9.@ eplace&ent o'
the /ngineer
I! the Eplo"er intends to repla*e the En0ineer& the Eplo"er
shall& not less than 2% da"s ,e!ore the intended date o!
repla*eent& 0ive noti*e to the Contra*tor o! the nae& address
and relevant e1perien*e o! the intended repla*eent En0ineer$ I!
the Contra*tor *onsiders the intended repla*eent En0ineer to
,e +ns+ita,le& he has the ri0ht to raise o,@e*tion a0ainst hi ,"
noti*e to the Eplo"er& 2ith s+pportin0 parti*+lars& and the
Eplo"er shall 0ive !+ll and !air *onsideration to this o,@e*tion$
9.! Deter&inations 5henever these Conditions provide that the En0ineer shall
pro*eed in a**ordan*e 2ith this S+,-Cla+se #$. to a0ree or
deterine an" atter& the En0ineer shall *ons+lt 2ith ea*h 3art"
in an endeavo+r to rea*h a0reeent$ I! a0reeent is not
a*hieved& the En0ineer shall a6e a !air deterination in
a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t& ta6in0 d+e re0ard o! all relevant
The En0ineer shall 0ive noti*e to ,oth 3arties o! ea*h a0reeent
or deterination& 2ith s+pportin0 parti*+lars 2ithin 2) da"s
!ro the re*eipt o! the *orrespondin0 *lai or re?+est e1*ept
2hen other2ise spe*i!ied$ Ea*h 3art" shall 0ive e!!e*t to ea*h
a0reeent or deterination +nless and +ntil revised +nder Cla+se
20 DClais& Disp+tes and Ar,itrationE$
/# T6e Contr+ctor
@.) Contractor=s
The Contra*tor shall desi0n 8to the e1tent spe*i!ied in the
Contra*t9& e1e*+te and *oplete the 5or6s in a**ordan*e 2ith
the Contra*t and 2ith the En0ineer7s instr+*tions& and shall
reed" an" de!e*ts in the 5or6s$
The Contra*tor shall provide the 3lant and Contra*tor7s
Do*+ents spe*i!ied in the Contra*t& and all Contra*tor7s
3ersonnel& Goods& *ons+a,les and other thin0s and servi*es&
2hether o! a teporar" or peranent nat+re& re?+ired in and !or
this desi0n& e1e*+tion& *opletion and reed"in0 o! de!e*ts$
All e?+ipent& aterial& and servi*es to ,e in*orporated in or
re?+ired !or the 5or6s shall have their ori0in in an" eli0i,le
so+r*e *o+ntr" as de!ined ," the Ban6$
The Contra*tor shall ,e responsi,le !or the ade?+a*"& sta,ilit"
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%#2 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
and sa!et" o! all Site operations and o! all ethods o!
*onstr+*tion$ E1*ept to the e1tent spe*i!ied in the Contra*t& the
Contra*tor 8i9 shall ,e responsi,le !or all Contra*tor7s
Do*+ents& Teporar" 5or6s& and s+*h desi0n o! ea*h ite o!
3lant and Materials as is re?+ired !or the ite to ,e in
a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t& and 8ii9 shall not other2ise ,e
responsi,le !or the desi0n or spe*i!i*ation o! the 3eranent
The Contra*tor shall& 2henever re?+ired ," the En0ineer& s+,it
details o! the arran0eents and ethods 2hi*h the Contra*tor
proposes to adopt !or the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s$ No si0ni!i*ant
alteration to these arran0eents and ethods shall ,e ade 2itho+t
this havin0 previo+sl" ,een noti!ied to the En0ineer$
I! the Contra*t spe*i!ies that the Contra*tor shall desi0n an" part
o! the 3eranent 5or6s& then +nless other2ise stated in the
3arti*+lar ConditionsC
8a9 the Contra*tor shall s+,it to the En0ineer the
Contra*tor7s Do*+ents !or this part in a**ordan*e 2ith
the pro*ed+res spe*i!ied in the Contra*tH
8,9 these Contra*tor7s Do*+ents shall ,e in a**ordan*e 2ith
the Spe*i!i*ation and Dra2in0s& shall ,e 2ritten in the
lan0+a0e !or *o+ni*ations de!ined in S+,-Cla+se %$'
DFa2 and Fan0+a0eE& and shall in*l+de additional
in!oration re?+ired ," the En0ineer to add to the
Dra2in0s !or *o-ordination o! ea*h 3art"7s desi0nsH
8*9 the Contra*tor shall ,e responsi,le !or this part and it shall&
2hen the 5or6s are *opleted& ,e !it !or s+*h p+rposes !or
2hi*h the part is intended as are spe*i!ied in the Contra*tH and
8d9 prior to the *oen*eent o! the Tests on Copletion& the
Contra*tor shall s+,it to the En0ineer the Aas-,+iltB
do*+ents and& i! appli*a,le& operation and aintenan*e
an+als in a**ordan*e 2ith the Spe*i!i*ation and in
s+!!i*ient detail !or the Eplo"er to operate& aintain&
disantle& reasse,le& ad@+st and repair this part o! the
5or6s$ S+*h part shall not ,e *onsidered to ,e *opleted
!or the p+rposes o! ta6in0-over +nder S+,-Cla+se %0$%
DTa6in0 Over o! the 5or6s and Se*tionsE +ntil these
do*+ents and an+als have ,een s+,itted to the
@.2 (er'or&ance
The Contra*tor shall o,tain 8at his *ost9 a 3er!oran*e Se*+rit"
!or proper per!oran*e& in the ao+nt and *+rren*ies stated in
the Contra*t Data$ I! an ao+nt is not stated in the Contra*t
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %##
Data& this S+,-Cla+se shall not appl"$
The Contra*tor shall deliver the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" to the
Eplo"er 2ithin 2) da"s a!ter re*eivin0 the Fetter o!
A**eptan*e& and shall send a *op" to the En0ineer$ The
3er!oran*e Se*+rit" shall ,e iss+ed ," an entit" and !ro 2ithin
a *o+ntr" 8or other @+risdi*tion9 approved ," the Eplo"er& and
shall ,e in the !or anne1ed to the 3arti*+lar Conditions or in
another !or approved ," the Eplo"er$
The Contra*tor shall ens+re that the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" is
valid and en!or*ea,le +ntil the Contra*tor has e1e*+ted and
*opleted the 5or6s and reedied an" de!e*ts$ I! the ters o!
the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" spe*i!" its e1pir" date& and the
Contra*tor has not ,e*oe entitled to re*eive the 3er!oran*e
Certi!i*ate ," the date 2) da"s prior to the e1pir" date& the
Contra*tor shall e1tend the validit" o! the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit"
+ntil the 5or6s have ,een *opleted and an" de!e*ts have ,een
The Eplo"er shall not a6e a *lai +nder the 3er!oran*e
Se*+rit"& e1*ept !or ao+nts to 2hi*h the Eplo"er is entitled
+nder the Contra*t$
The Eplo"er shall indeni!" and hold the Contra*tor harless
a0ainst and !ro all daa0es& losses and e1penses 8in*l+din0
le0al !ees and e1penses9 res+ltin0 !ro a *lai +nder the
3er!oran*e Se*+rit" to the e1tent to 2hi*h the Eplo"er 2as
not entitled to a6e the *lai$
The Eplo"er shall ret+rn the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" to the
Contra*tor 2ithin 2% da"s a!ter re*eivin0 a *op" o! the
3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate$
5itho+t liitation to the provisions o! the rest o! this S+,-
Cla+se& 2henever the En0ineer deterines an addition or a
red+*tion to the Contra*t 3ri*e as a res+lt o! a *han0e in *ost
andJor le0islation or as a res+lt o! a :ariation ao+ntin0 to ore
than 2. per*ent o! the portion o! the Contra*t 3ri*e pa"a,le in a
spe*i!i* *+rren*"& the Contra*tor shall at the En0ineerMs re?+est
proptl" in*rease& or a" de*rease& as the *ase a" ,e& the
val+e o! the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" in that *+rren*" ," an e?+al
@.9 Contractor=s
The Contra*tor shall appoint the Contra*tor7s Representative
and shall 0ive hi all a+thorit" ne*essar" to a*t on the
Contra*tor7s ,ehal! +nder the Contra*t$
Unless the Contra*tor7s Representative is naed in the Contra*t&
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%#' Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
the Contra*tor shall& prior to the Coen*eent Date& s+,it
to the En0ineer !or *onsent the nae and parti*+lars o! the
person the Contra*tor proposes to appoint as Contra*tor7s
Representative$ I! *onsent is 2ithheld or s+,se?+entl" revo6ed in
ters o! S+,-Cla+se /$( DContra*tor7s 3ersonnelE& or i! the
appointed person !ails to a*t as Contra*tor7s Representative& the
Contra*tor shall siilarl" s+,it the nae and parti*+lars o!
another s+ita,le person !or s+*h appointent$
The Contra*tor shall not& 2itho+t the prior *onsent o! the
En0ineer& revo6e the appointent o! the Contra*tor7s
Representative or appoint a repla*eent$
The 2hole tie o! the Contra*tor7s Representative shall ,e 0iven
to dire*tin0 the Contra*tor7s per!oran*e o! the Contra*t$ I! the
Contra*tor7s Representative is to ,e teporaril" a,sent !ro the
Site d+rin0 the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s& a s+ita,le repla*eent
person shall ,e appointed& s+,@e*t to the En0ineer7s prior
*onsent& and the En0ineer shall ,e noti!ied a**ordin0l"$
The Contra*tor7s Representative shall& on ,ehal! o! the
Contra*tor& re*eive instr+*tions +nder S+,-Cla+se #$#
DInstr+*tions o! the En0ineerE$
The Contra*tor7s Representative a" dele0ate an" po2ers&
!+n*tions and a+thorit" to an" *opetent person& and a" at an"
tie revo6e the dele0ation$ An" dele0ation or revo*ation shall
not ta6e e!!e*t +ntil the En0ineer has re*eived prior noti*e si0ned
," the Contra*tor7s Representative& nain0 the person and
spe*i!"in0 the po2ers& !+n*tions and a+thorit" ,ein0 dele0ated or
The Contra*tor7s Representative shall ,e !l+ent in the lan0+a0e
!or *o+ni*ations de!ined in S+,-Cla+se %$' DFa2 and
Fan0+a0eE$ I! the Contra*tor7s Representative7s dele0ates are not
!l+ent in the said lan0+a0e& the Contra*tor shall a6e *opetent
interpreters availa,le d+rin0 all 2or6in0 ho+rs in a n+,er
deeed s+!!i*ient ," the En0ineer$
@.@ $%4contractors The Contra*tor shall not s+,*ontra*t the 2hole o! the 5or6s$
The Contra*tor shall ,e responsi,le !or the a*ts or de!a+lts o!
an" S+,*ontra*tor& his a0ents or eplo"ees& as i! the" 2ere the
a*ts or de!a+lts o! the Contra*tor$ Unless other2ise stated in the
3arti*+lar ConditionsC
8a9 the Contra*tor shall not ,e re?+ired to o,tain *onsent to
s+ppliers solel" o! Materials& or to a s+,*ontra*t !or 2hi*h
the S+,*ontra*tor is naed in the Contra*tH
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %#.
8,9 the prior *onsent o! the En0ineer shall ,e o,tained to other
proposed S+,*ontra*torsH
8*9 the Contra*tor shall 0ive the En0ineer not less than 2)
da"s7 noti*e o! the intended date o! the *oen*eent o!
ea*h S+,*ontra*tor7s 2or6& and o! the *oen*eent o!
s+*h 2or6 on the SiteH and
8d9 ea*h s+,*ontra*t shall in*l+de provisions 2hi*h 2o+ld
entitle the Eplo"er to re?+ire the s+,*ontra*t to ,e
assi0ned to the Eplo"er +nder S+,-Cla+se '$.
DAssi0nent o! Bene!it o! S+,*ontra*tE 8i! or 2hen
appli*a,le9 or in the event o! terination +nder S+,-Cla+se
%.$2 DTerination ," Eplo"erE$
The Contra*tor shall ens+re that the re?+ireents iposed on
the Contra*tor ," S+,-Cla+se %$%2 DCon!idential DetailsE appl"
e?+all" to ea*h S+,*ontra*tor$
5here pra*ti*a,le& the Contra*tor shall 0ive !air and reasona,le
opport+nit" !or *ontra*tors !ro the Co+ntr" to ,e appointed as
@.! Assign&ent o'
Bene'it o'
I! a S+,*ontra*tor7s o,li0ations e1tend ,e"ond the e1pir" date o!
the relevant De!e*ts Noti!i*ation 3eriod and the En0ineer& prior
to this date& instr+*ts the Contra*tor to assi0n the ,ene!it o! s+*h
o,li0ations to the Eplo"er& then the Contra*tor shall do so$
Unless other2ise stated in the assi0nent& the Contra*tor shall
have no lia,ilit" to the Eplo"er !or the 2or6 *arried o+t ," the
S+,*ontra*tor a!ter the assi0nent ta6es e!!e*t$
@.6 Co<operation The Contra*tor shall& as spe*i!ied in the Contra*t or as instr+*ted
," the En0ineer& allo2 appropriate opport+nities !or *arr"in0 o+t
2or6 toC
8a9 the Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel&
8,9 an" other *ontra*tors eplo"ed ," the Eplo"er& and
8*9 the personnel o! an" le0all" *onstit+ted p+,li* a+thorities&
2ho a" ,e eplo"ed in the e1e*+tion on or near the Site o! an"
2or6 not in*l+ded in the Contra*t$
An" s+*h instr+*tion shall *onstit+te a :ariation i! and to the
e1tent that it *a+ses the Contra*tor to s+!!er dela"s andJor to
in*+r Un!oreseea,le Cost$ Servi*es !or these personnel and other
*ontra*tors a" in*l+de the +se o! Contra*tor7s E?+ipent&
Teporar" 5or6s or a**ess arran0eents 2hi*h are the
responsi,ilit" o! the Contra*tor$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%#/ Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
I!& +nder the Contra*t& the Eplo"er is re?+ired to 0ive to the
Contra*tor possession o! an" !o+ndation& str+*t+re& plant or
eans o! a**ess in a**ordan*e 2ith Contra*tor7s Do*+ents& the
Contra*tor shall s+,it s+*h do*+ents to the En0ineer in the
tie and anner stated in the Spe*i!i*ation$
@.7 $etting .%t The Contra*tor shall set o+t the 5or6s in relation to ori0inal
points& lines and levels o! re!eren*e spe*i!ied in the Contra*t or
noti!ied ," the En0ineer$ The Contra*tor shall ,e responsi,le !or
the *orre*t positionin0 o! all parts o! the 5or6s& and shall re*ti!"
an" error in the positions& levels& diensions or ali0nent o! the
The Eplo"er shall ,e responsi,le !or an" errors in these
spe*i!ied or noti!ied ites o! re!eren*e& ,+t the Contra*tor shall
+se reasona,le e!!orts to veri!" their a**+ra*" ,e!ore the" are
I! the Contra*tor s+!!ers dela" andJor in*+rs Cost !ro e1e*+tin0
2or6 2hi*h 2as ne*essitated ," an error in these ites o!
re!eren*e& and an e1perien*ed *ontra*tor *o+ld not reasona,l"
have dis*overed s+*h error and avoided this dela" andJor Cost&
the Contra*tor shall 0ive noti*e to the En0ineer and shall ,e
entitled s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 20$% DContra*tor7s ClaisE toC
8a9 an e1tension o! tie !or an" s+*h dela"& i! *opletion is or
2ill ,e dela"ed& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie
!or CopletionE& and
8,9 pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost pl+s pro!it& 2hi*h shall ,e
in*l+ded in the Contra*t 3ri*e$
A!ter re*eivin0 this noti*e& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine 8i9 2hether and 8i! so9 to 2hat e1tent the error *o+ld not
reasona,l" have ,een dis*overed& and 8ii9 the atters des*ri,ed in
s+,-para0raphs 8a9 and 8,9 a,ove related to this e1tent$
@.A $a'ety (roced%res The Contra*tor shallC
8a9 *opl" 2ith all appli*a,le sa!et" re0+lations&
8,9 ta6e *are !or the sa!et" o! all persons entitled to ,e on the
8*9 +se reasona,le e!!orts to 6eep the Site and 5or6s *lear o!
+nne*essar" o,str+*tion so as to avoid dan0er to these
8d9 provide !en*in0& li0htin0& 0+ardin0 and 2at*hin0 o! the
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %#7
5or6s +ntil *opletion and ta6in0 over +nder Cla+se %0
DEplo"er7s Ta6in0 OverE& and
8e9 provide an" Teporar" 5or6s 8in*l+din0 road2a"s&
!oot2a"s& 0+ards and !en*es9 2hi*h a" ,e ne*essar"&
,e*a+se o! the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s& !or the +se and
prote*tion o! the p+,li* and o! o2ners and o**+piers o!
ad@a*ent land$
@.B 5%ality
The Contra*tor shall instit+te a ?+alit" ass+ran*e s"ste to
deonstrate *oplian*e 2ith the re?+ireents o! the Contra*t$
The s"ste shall ,e in a**ordan*e 2ith the details stated in the
Contra*t$ The En0ineer shall ,e entitled to a+dit an" aspe*t o!
the s"ste$
Details o! all pro*ed+res and *oplian*e do*+ents shall ,e
s+,itted to the En0ineer !or in!oration ,e!ore ea*h desi0n and
e1e*+tion sta0e is *oen*ed$ 5hen an" do*+ent o! a
te*hni*al nat+re is iss+ed to the En0ineer& eviden*e o! the prior
approval ," the Contra*tor hisel! shall ,e apparent on the
do*+ent itsel!$
Coplian*e 2ith the ?+alit" ass+ran*e s"ste shall not relieve
the Contra*tor o! an" o! his d+ties& o,li0ations or responsi,ilities
+nder the Contra*t$
@.)0 $ite Data The Eplo"er shall have ade availa,le to the Contra*tor !or his
in!oration& prior to the Base Date& all relevant data in the
Eplo"er7s possession on s+,-s+r!a*e and h"drolo0i*al
*onditions at the Site& in*l+din0 environental aspe*ts$ The
Eplo"er shall siilarl" a6e availa,le to the Contra*tor all
s+*h data 2hi*h *oe into the Eplo"er7s possession a!ter the
Base Date$ The Contra*tor shall ,e responsi,le !or interpretin0
all s+*h data$
To the e1tent 2hi*h 2as pra*ti*a,le 8ta6in0 a**o+nt o! *ost and
tie9& the Contra*tor shall ,e deeed to have o,tained all
ne*essar" in!oration as to ris6s& *ontin0en*ies and other
*ir*+stan*es 2hi*h a" in!l+en*e or a!!e*t the Tender or
5or6s$ To the sae e1tent& the Contra*tor shall ,e deeed to
have inspe*ted and e1ained the Site& its s+rro+ndin0s& the
a,ove data and other availa,le in!oration& and to have ,een
satis!ied ,e!ore s+,ittin0 the Tender as to all relevant atters&
in*l+din0 82itho+t liitation9C
8a9 the !or and nat+re o! the Site& in*l+din0 s+,-s+r!a*e
8,9 the h"drolo0i*al and *liati* *onditions&
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%#) Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
8*9 the e1tent and nat+re o! the 2or6 and Goods ne*essar" !or
the e1e*+tion and *opletion o! the 5or6s and the
reed"in0 o! an" de!e*ts&
8d9 the Fa2s& pro*ed+res and la,o+r pra*ti*es o! the Co+ntr"&
8e9 the Contra*tor7s re?+ireents !or a**ess& a**oodation&
!a*ilities& personnel& po2er& transport& 2ater and other
@.)) $%''iciency o' the
Contract A&o%nt
The Contra*tor shall ,e deeed toC
8a9 have satis!ied hisel! as to the *orre*tness and s+!!i*ien*"
o! the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt& and
8,9 have ,ased the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt on the data&
interpretations& ne*essar" in!oration& inspe*tions&
e1ainations and satis!a*tion as to all relevant atters
re!erred to in S+,-Cla+se '$%0 DSite DataE$
Unless other2ise stated in the Contra*t& the A**epted Contra*t
Ao+nt *overs all the Contra*tor7s o,li0ations +nder the
Contra*t 8in*l+din0 those +nder 3rovisional S+s& i! an"9 and all
thin0s ne*essar" !or the proper e1e*+tion and *opletion o! the
5or6s and the reed"in0 o! an" de!e*ts$
@.)2 0n'oreseea4le
In this S+,-Cla+se& Aph"si*al *onditionsB eans nat+ral ph"si*al
*onditions and an-ade and other ph"si*al o,str+*tions and
poll+tants& 2hi*h the Contra*tor en*o+nters at the Site 2hen
e1e*+tin0 the 5or6s& in*l+din0 s+,-s+r!a*e and h"drolo0i*al
*onditions ,+t e1*l+din0 *liati* *onditions$
I! the Contra*tor en*o+nters adverse ph"si*al *onditions 2hi*h he
*onsiders to have ,een Un!oreseea,le& the Contra*tor shall 0ive
noti*e to the En0ineer as soon as pra*ti*a,le$
This noti*e shall des*ri,e the ph"si*al *onditions& so that the"
*an ,e inspe*ted ," the En0ineer& and shall set o+t the reasons
2h" the Contra*tor *onsiders the to ,e Un!oreseea,le$ The
Contra*tor shall *ontin+e e1e*+tin0 the 5or6s& +sin0 s+*h
proper and reasona,le eas+res as are appropriate !or the
ph"si*al *onditions& and shall *opl" 2ith an" instr+*tions 2hi*h
the En0ineer a" 0ive$ I! an instr+*tion *onstit+tes a :ariation&
Cla+se %# D:ariations and Ad@+stentsE shall appl"$
I! and to the e1tent that the Contra*tor en*o+nters ph"si*al
*onditions 2hi*h are Un!oreseea,le& 0ives s+*h a noti*e& and
s+!!ers dela" andJor in*+rs Cost d+e to these *onditions& the
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %#(
Contra*tor shall ,e entitled s+,@e*t to noti*e +nder S+,-Cla+se
20$% DContra*tor7s ClaisE toC
8a9 an e1tension o! tie !or an" s+*h dela"& i! *opletion is or
2ill ,e dela"ed& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie
!or CopletionE& and
8,9 pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost& 2hi*h shall ,e in*l+ded in the
Contra*t 3ri*e$
Upon re*eivin0 s+*h noti*e and inspe*tin0 andJor investi0atin0
these ph"si*al *onditions& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine 8i9 2hether and 8i! so9 to 2hat e1tent these ph"si*al
*onditions 2ere Un!oreseea,le& and 8ii9 the atters des*ri,ed in
s+,-para0raphs 8a9 and 8,9 a,ove related to this e1tent$
=o2ever& ,e!ore additional Cost is !inall" a0reed or deterined
+nder s+,-para0raph 8ii9& the En0ineer a" also revie2 2hether
other ph"si*al *onditions in siilar parts o! the 5or6s 8i! an"9
2ere ore !avo+ra,le than *o+ld reasona,l" have ,een !oreseen
2hen the Contra*tor s+,itted the Tender$ I! and to the e1tent
that these ore !avo+ra,le *onditions 2ere en*o+ntered& the
En0ineer a" pro*eed in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$.
DDeterinationsE to a0ree or deterine the red+*tions in Cost
2hi*h 2ere d+e to these *onditions& 2hi*h a" ,e in*l+ded 8as
ded+*tions9 in the Contra*t 3ri*e and 3a"ent Certi!i*ates$
=o2ever& the net e!!e*t o! all ad@+stents +nder s+,-para0raph
8,9 and all these red+*tions& !or all the ph"si*al *onditions
en*o+ntered in siilar parts o! the 5or6s& shall not res+lt in a net
red+*tion in the Contra*t 3ri*e$
The En0ineer shall ta6e a**o+nt o! an" eviden*e o! the ph"si*al
*onditions !oreseen ," the Contra*tor 2hen s+,ittin0 the
Tender& 2hi*h shall ,e ade availa,le ," the Contra*tor& ,+t
shall not ,e ,o+nd ," the Contra*tor7s interpretation o! an" s+*h
@.)9 ights o' Way
and "acilities
Unless other2ise spe*i!ied in the Contra*t the Eplo"er shall
provide a**ess to and possession o! the Site in*l+din0 spe*ial
andJor teporar" ri0hts-o!-2a" 2hi*h are ne*essar" !or the
5or6s$ The Contra*tor shall o,tain& at his ris6 and *ost& an"
additional ri0hts o! 2a" or !a*ilities o+tside the Site 2hi*h he
a" re?+ire !or the p+rposes o! the 5or6s$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%'0 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
@.)@ Avoidance o'
The Contra*tor shall not inter!ere +nne*essaril" or iproperl"
8a9 the *onvenien*e o! the p+,li*& or
8,9 the a**ess to and +se and o**+pation o! all roads and
!ootpaths& irrespe*tive o! 2hether the" are p+,li* or in the
possession o! the Eplo"er or o! others$
The Contra*tor shall indeni!" and hold the Eplo"er harless
a0ainst and !ro all daa0es& losses and e1penses 8in*l+din0
le0al !ees and e1penses9 res+ltin0 !ro an" s+*h +nne*essar" or
iproper inter!eren*e$
@.)! Access o%te The Contra*tor shall ,e deeed to have ,een satis!ied as to the
s+ita,ilit" and availa,ilit" o! a**ess ro+tes to the Site at Base
Date$ The Contra*tor shall +se reasona,le e!!orts to prevent an"
road or ,rid0e !ro ,ein0 daa0ed ," the Contra*tor7s tra!!i* or
," the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel$ These e!!orts shall in*l+de the
proper +se o! appropriate vehi*les and ro+tes$
E1*ept as other2ise stated in these ConditionsC
8a9 the Contra*tor shall 8as ,et2een the 3arties9 ,e responsi,le
!or an" aintenan*e 2hi*h a" ,e re?+ired !or his +se o!
a**ess ro+tesH
8,9 the Contra*tor shall provide all ne*essar" si0ns or
dire*tions alon0 a**ess ro+tes& and shall o,tain an"
perission 2hi*h a" ,e re?+ired !ro the relevant
a+thorities !or his +se o! ro+tes& si0ns and dire*tionsH
8*9 the Eplo"er shall not ,e responsi,le !or an" *lais 2hi*h
a" arise !ro the +se or other2ise o! an" a**ess ro+teH
8d9 the Eplo"er does not 0+arantee the s+ita,ilit" or
availa,ilit" o! parti*+lar a**ess ro+tesH and
8e9 Costs d+e to non-s+ita,ilit" or non-availa,ilit"& !or the +se
re?+ired ," the Contra*tor& o! a**ess ro+tes shall ,e ,orne
," the Contra*tor$
@.)6 Transport o'
Unless other2ise stated in the 3arti*+lar ConditionsC
8a9 the Contra*tor shall 0ive the En0ineer not less than 2%
da"s7 noti*e o! the date on 2hi*h an" 3lant or a a@or ite
o! other Goods 2ill ,e delivered to the SiteH
8,9 the Contra*tor shall ,e responsi,le !or pa*6in0& loadin0&
transportin0& re*eivin0& +nloadin0& storin0 and prote*tin0
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %'%
all Goods and other thin0s re?+ired !or the 5or6sH and
8*9 the Contra*tor shall indeni!" and hold the Eplo"er
harless a0ainst and !ro all daa0es& losses and e1penses
8in*l+din0 le0al !ees and e1penses9 res+ltin0 !ro the
transport o! Goods& and shall ne0otiate and pa" all *lais
arisin0 !ro their transport$
@.)7 Contractor=s
The Contra*tor shall ,e responsi,le !or all Contra*tor7s
E?+ipent$ 5hen ,ro+0ht on to the Site& Contra*tor7s
E?+ipent shall ,e deeed to ,e e1*l+sivel" intended !or the
e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s$ The Contra*tor shall not reove !ro
the Site an" a@or ites o! Contra*tor7s E?+ipent 2itho+t the
*onsent o! the En0ineer$ =o2ever& *onsent shall not ,e re?+ired
!or vehi*les transportin0 Goods or Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel o!!
@.)A (rotection o' the
The Contra*tor shall ta6e all reasona,le steps to prote*t the
environent 8,oth on and o!! the Site9 and to liit daa0e and
n+isan*e to people and propert" res+ltin0 !ro poll+tion& noise
and other res+lts o! his operations$
The Contra*tor shall ens+re that eissions& s+r!a*e dis*har0es
and e!!l+ent !ro the Contra*tor7s a*tivities shall not e1*eed the
val+es stated in the Spe*i!i*ation or pres*ri,ed ," appli*a,le
@.)B /lectricity, Water
and -as
The Contra*tor shall& e1*ept as stated ,elo2& ,e responsi,le !or
the provision o! all po2er& 2ater and other servi*es he a"
re?+ire !or his *onstr+*tion a*tivities and to the e1tent de!ined in
the Spe*i!i*ations& !or the tests$
The Contra*tor shall ,e entitled to +se !or the p+rposes o! the
5or6s s+*h s+pplies o! ele*tri*it"& 2ater& 0as and other servi*es
as a" ,e availa,le on the Site and o! 2hi*h details and pri*es
are 0iven in the Spe*i!i*ation$ The Contra*tor shall& at his ris6
and *ost& provide an" apparat+s ne*essar" !or his +se o! these
servi*es and !or eas+rin0 the ?+antities *ons+ed$
The ?+antities *ons+ed and the ao+nts d+e 8at these pri*es9
!or s+*h servi*es shall ,e a0reed or deterined ," the En0ineer
in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se 2$. DEplo"er7s ClaisE and
S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE$ The Contra*tor shall pa" these
ao+nts to the Eplo"er$
@.20 /&ployer=s
/8%ip&ent and
The Eplo"er shall a6e the Eplo"er7s E?+ipent 8i! an"9
availa,le !or the +se o! the Contra*tor in the e1e*+tion o! the
5or6s in a**ordan*e 2ith the details& arran0eents and pri*es
stated in the Spe*i!i*ation$ Unless other2ise stated in the
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%'2 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
8a9 the Eplo"er shall ,e responsi,le !or the Eplo"er7s
E?+ipent& e1*ept that
8,9 the Contra*tor shall ,e responsi,le !or ea*h ite o!
Eplo"er7s E?+ipent 2hilst an" o! the Contra*tor7s
3ersonnel is operatin0 it& drivin0 it& dire*tin0 it or in
possession or *ontrol o! it$
The appropriate ?+antities and the ao+nts d+e 8at s+*h stated
pri*es9 !or the +se o! Eplo"er7s E?+ipent shall ,e a0reed or
deterined ," the En0ineer in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se 2$.
DEplo"er7s ClaisE and S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE$ The
Contra*tor shall pa" these ao+nts to the Eplo"er$
The Eplo"er shall s+ppl"& !ree o! *har0e& the A!ree-iss+e
aterialsB 8i! an"9 in a**ordan*e 2ith the details stated in the
Spe*i!i*ation$ The Eplo"er shall& at his ris6 and *ost& provide
these aterials at the tie and pla*e spe*i!ied in the Contra*t$
The Contra*tor shall then vis+all" inspe*t the& and shall
proptl" 0ive noti*e to the En0ineer o! an" shorta0e& de!e*t or
de!a+lt in these aterials$ Unless other2ise a0reed ," ,oth
3arties& the Eplo"er shall iediatel" re*ti!" the noti!ied
shorta0e& de!e*t or de!a+lt$
A!ter this vis+al inspe*tion& the !ree-iss+e aterials shall *oe
+nder the *are& *+stod" and *ontrol o! the Contra*tor$ The
Contra*tor7s o,li0ations o! inspe*tion& *are& *+stod" and *ontrol
shall not relieve the Eplo"er o! lia,ilit" !or an" shorta0e& de!e*t
or de!a+lt not apparent !ro a vis+al inspe*tion$
@.2) (rogress eports Unless other2ise stated in the 3arti*+lar Conditions& onthl"
pro0ress reports shall ,e prepared ," the Contra*tor and
s+,itted to the En0ineer in si1 *opies$ The !irst report shall
*over the period +p to the end o! the !irst *alendar onth
!ollo2in0 the Coen*eent Date$ Reports shall ,e s+,itted
onthl" therea!ter& ea*h 2ithin 7 da"s a!ter the last da" o! the
period to 2hi*h it relates$
Reportin0 shall *ontin+e +ntil the Contra*tor has *opleted all
2or6 2hi*h is 6no2n to ,e o+tstandin0 at the *opletion date
stated in the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or the 5or6s$
Ea*h report shall in*l+deC
8a9 *harts and detailed des*riptions o! pro0ress& in*l+din0 ea*h
sta0e o! desi0n 8i! an"9& Contra*tor7s Do*+ents&
pro*+reent& an+!a*t+re& deliver" to Site& *onstr+*tion&
ere*tion and testin0H and in*l+din0 these sta0es !or 2or6 ,"
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %'#
ea*h noinated S+,*ontra*tor 8as de!ined in Cla+se .
DNoinated S+,*ontra*torsE9&
8,9 photo0raphs sho2in0 the stat+s o! an+!a*t+re and o!
pro0ress on the SiteH
8*9 !or the an+!a*t+re o! ea*h ain ite o! 3lant and
Materials& the nae o! the an+!a*t+rer& an+!a*t+re
lo*ation& per*enta0e pro0ress& and the a*t+al or e1pe*ted
dates o!C
8i9 *oen*eent o! an+!a*t+re&
8ii9 Contra*tor7s inspe*tions&
8iii9 tests& and
8iv9 shipent and arrival at the SiteH
8d9 the details des*ri,ed in S+,-Cla+se /$%0 DRe*ords o!
Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel and E?+ipentEH
8e9 *opies o! ?+alit" ass+ran*e do*+ents& test res+lts and
*erti!i*ates o! MaterialsH
8!9 list o! noti*es 0iven +nder S+,-Cla+se 2$. DEplo"er7s
ClaisE and noti*es 0iven +nder S+,-Cla+se 20$%
DContra*tor7s ClaisEH
809 sa!et" statisti*s& in*l+din0 details o! an" ha;ardo+s in*idents
and a*tivities relatin0 to environental aspe*ts and p+,li*
relationsH and
8h9 *oparisons o! a*t+al and planned pro0ress& 2ith details o!
an" events or *ir*+stan*es 2hi*h a" @eopardise the
*opletion in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t& and the
eas+res ,ein0 8or to ,e9 adopted to over*oe dela"s$
@.22 $ec%rity o' the
Unless other2ise stated in the 3arti*+lar ConditionsC
8a9 the Contra*tor shall ,e responsi,le !or 6eepin0
+na+thorised persons o!! the Site& and
8,9 a+thorised persons shall ,e liited to the Contra*tor7s
3ersonnel and the Eplo"er7s 3ersonnelH and to an" other
personnel noti!ied to the Contra*tor& ," the Eplo"er or
the En0ineer& as a+thorised personnel o! the Eplo"er7s
other *ontra*tors on the Site$
@.29 Contractor=s The Contra*tor shall *on!ine his operations to the Site& and to an"
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%'' Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
.perations on
additional areas 2hi*h a" ,e o,tained ," the Contra*tor and
a0reed ," the En0ineer as additional 2or6in0 areas$ The Contra*tor
shall ta6e all ne*essar" pre*a+tions to 6eep Contra*tor7s E?+ipent
and Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel 2ithin the Site and these additional
areas& and to 6eep the o!! ad@a*ent land$
D+rin0 the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s& the Contra*tor shall 6eep the
Site !ree !ro all +nne*essar" o,str+*tion& and shall store or
dispose o! an" Contra*tor7s E?+ipent or s+rpl+s aterials$ The
Contra*tor shall *lear a2a" and reove !ro the Site an"
2re*6a0e& r+,,ish and Teporar" 5or6s 2hi*h are no lon0er
Upon the iss+e o! a Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate& the Contra*tor shall
*lear a2a" and reove& !ro that part o! the Site and 5or6s to
2hi*h the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate re!ers& all Contra*tor7s
E?+ipent& s+rpl+s aterial& 2re*6a0e& r+,,ish and Teporar"
5or6s$ The Contra*tor shall leave that part o! the Site and the
5or6s in a *lean and sa!e *ondition$ =o2ever& the Contra*tor
a" retain on Site& d+rin0 the De!e*ts Noti!i*ation 3eriod& s+*h
Goods as are re?+ired !or the Contra*tor to !+l!il o,li0ations
+nder the Contra*t$
@.2@ "ossils All !ossils& *oins& arti*les o! val+e or anti?+it"& and str+*t+res and
other reains or ites o! 0eolo0i*al or ar*haeolo0i*al interest
!o+nd on the Site shall ,e pla*ed +nder the *are and a+thorit" o!
the Eplo"er$ The Contra*tor shall ta6e reasona,le pre*a+tions
to prevent Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel or other persons !ro
reovin0 or daa0in0 an" o! these !indin0s$
The Contra*tor shall& +pon dis*over" o! an" s+*h !indin0&
proptl" 0ive noti*e to the En0ineer& 2ho shall iss+e instr+*tions
!or dealin0 2ith it$ I! the Contra*tor s+!!ers dela" andJor in*+rs
Cost !ro *opl"in0 2ith the instr+*tions& the Contra*tor shall
0ive a !+rther noti*e to the En0ineer and shall ,e entitled s+,@e*t
to S+,-Cla+se 20$% DContra*tor7s ClaisE toC
8a9 an e1tension o! tie !or an" s+*h dela"& i! *opletion is or
2ill ,e dela"ed& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie
!or CopletionE& and
8,9 pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost& 2hi*h shall ,e in*l+ded in the
Contra*t 3ri*e$
A!ter re*eivin0 this !+rther noti*e& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine these atters$
8# Nomin+ted !u9contr+ctors
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %'.
!.) De'inition o'
In the Contra*t& Anoinated S+,*ontra*torB eans a
8a9 2ho is stated in the Contra*t as ,ein0 a noinated
S+,*ontra*tor& or
8,9 2ho the En0ineer& +nder Cla+se %# D:ariations and
Ad@+stentsE& instr+*ts the Contra*tor to eplo" as a
S+,*ontra*tor s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se .$2 DO,@e*tion to
!.2 .4?ection to
The Contra*tor shall not ,e +nder an" o,li0ation to eplo" a
noinated S+,*ontra*tor a0ainst 2ho the Contra*tor raises
reasona,le o,@e*tion ," noti*e to the En0ineer as soon as
pra*ti*a,le& 2ith s+pportin0 parti*+lars$ An o,@e*tion shall ,e
deeed reasona,le i! it arises !ro 8aon0 other thin0s9 an" o!
the !ollo2in0 atters& +nless the Eplo"er a0rees in 2ritin0 to
indeni!" the Contra*tor a0ainst and !ro the *onse?+en*es o!
the atterC
8a9 there are reasons to ,elieve that the S+,*ontra*tor does not
have s+!!i*ient *opeten*e& reso+r*es or !inan*ial stren0thH
8,9 the noinated S+,*ontra*tor does not a**ept to indeni!"
the Contra*tor a0ainst and !ro an" ne0li0en*e or is+se
o! Goods ," the noinated S+,*ontra*tor& his a0ents and
eplo"eesH or
8*9 the noinated S+,*ontra*tor does not a**ept to enter into
a s+,*ontra*t 2hi*h spe*i!ies that& !or the s+,*ontra*ted
2or6 8in*l+din0 desi0n& i! an"9& the noinated
S+,*ontra*tor shallC
8i9 +nderta6e to the Contra*tor s+*h o,li0ations and
lia,ilities as 2ill ena,le the Contra*tor to dis*har0e
his o,li0ations and lia,ilities +nder the Contra*tH
8ii9 indeni!" the Contra*tor a0ainst and !ro all
o,li0ations and lia,ilities arisin0 +nder or in
*onne*tion 2ith the Contra*t and !ro the
*onse?+en*es o! an" !ail+re ," the S+,*ontra*tor to
per!or these o,li0ations or to !+l!il these lia,ilitiesH
8iii9 ,e paid onl" i! and 2hen the Contra*tor has re*eived
!ro the Eplo"er pa"ents !or s+s d+e +nder the
S+,*ontra*t re!erred to +nder S+,-Cla+se .$#
D3a"ent to noinated S+,*ontra*torsE$
!.9 (ay&ents to
The Contra*tor shall pa" to the noinated S+,*ontra*tor the
ao+nts sho2n on the noinated S+,*ontra*tor7s invoi*es
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%'/ Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
$%4contractors approved ," the Contra*tor 2hi*h the En0ineer *erti!ies to ,e
d+e in a**ordan*e 2ith the s+,*ontra*t$ These ao+nts pl+s
other *har0es shall ,e in*l+ded in the Contra*t 3ri*e in
a**ordan*e 2ith s+,-para0raph 8,9 o! S+,-Cla+se %#$.
D3rovisional S+sE& e1*ept as stated in S+,-Cla+se .$' DEviden*e
o! 3a"entsE$
!.@ /vidence o'
Be!ore iss+in0 a 3a"ent Certi!i*ate 2hi*h in*l+des an ao+nt
pa"a,le to a noinated S+,*ontra*tor& the En0ineer a" re?+est
the Contra*tor to s+ppl" reasona,le eviden*e that the noinated
S+,*ontra*tor has re*eived all ao+nts d+e in a**ordan*e 2ith
previo+s 3a"ent Certi!i*ates& less appli*a,le ded+*tions !or
retention or other2ise$ Unless the Contra*torC
8a9 s+,its this reasona,le eviden*e to the En0ineer& or
8i9 satis!ies the En0ineer in 2ritin0 that the Contra*tor is
reasona,l" entitled to 2ithhold or re!+se to pa" these
ao+nts& and
8ii9 s+,its to the En0ineer reasona,le eviden*e that the
noinated S+,*ontra*tor has ,een noti!ied o! the
Contra*tor7s entitleent&
then the Eplo"er a" 8at his sole dis*retion9 pa"& dire*t to the
noinated S+,*ontra*tor& part or all o! s+*h ao+nts previo+sl"
*erti!ied 8less appli*a,le ded+*tions9 as are d+e to the noinated
S+,*ontra*tor and !or 2hi*h the Contra*tor has !ailed to s+,it
the eviden*e des*ri,ed in s+,-para0raphs 8a9 or 8,9 a,ove$ The
Contra*tor shall then repa"& to the Eplo"er& the ao+nt 2hi*h
the noinated S+,*ontra*tor 2as dire*tl" paid ," the Eplo"er$
:# !t+; +nd $+9our
6.) /ngage&ent o'
$ta'' and Ca4o%r
E1*ept as other2ise stated in the Spe*i!i*ation& the Contra*tor
shall a6e arran0eents !or the en0a0eent o! all sta!! and
la,o+r& lo*al or other2ise& and !or their pa"ent& !eedin0&
transport& and& 2hen appropriate& ho+sin0$
The Contra*tor is en*o+ra0ed& to the e1tent pra*ti*a,le and
reasona,le& to eplo" sta!! and la,o+r 2ith appropriate
?+ali!i*ations and e1perien*e !ro so+r*es 2ithin the Co+ntr"$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %'7
6.2 ates o' Wages
and Conditions o'
The Contra*tor shall pa" rates o! 2a0es& and o,serve *onditions
o! la,o+r& 2hi*h are not lo2er than those esta,lished !or the
trade or ind+str" 2here the 2or6 is *arried o+t$ I! no esta,lished
rates or *onditions are appli*a,le& the Contra*tor shall pa" rates
o! 2a0es and o,serve *onditions 2hi*h are not lo2er than the
0eneral level o! 2a0es and *onditions o,served lo*all" ,"
eplo"ers 2hose trade or ind+str" is siilar to that o! the
The Contra*tor shall in!or the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel a,o+t
their lia,ilit" to pa" personal in*oe ta1es in the Co+ntr" in
respe*t o! s+*h o! their salaries& 2a0es& allo2an*es and an"
,ene!its as are s+,@e*t to ta1 +nder the Fa2s o! the Co+ntr" !or
the tie ,ein0 in !or*e& and the Contra*tor shall per!or s+*h
d+ties in re0ard to s+*h ded+*tions thereo! as a" ,e iposed on
hi ," s+*h Fa2s$
6.9 (ersons in the
$ervice o'
The Contra*tor shall not re*r+it& or attept to re*r+it& sta!! and
la,o+r !ro aon0st the Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel$
6.@ Ca4o%r Ca#s The Contra*tor shall *opl" 2ith all the relevant la,o+r Fa2s
appli*a,le to the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel& in*l+din0 Fa2s relatin0 to
their eplo"ent& health& sa!et"& 2el!are& ii0ration and
ei0ration& and shall allo2 the all their le0al ri0hts$
The Contra*tor shall re?+ire his eplo"ees to o,e" all appli*a,le
Fa2s& in*l+din0 those *on*ernin0 sa!et" at 2or6$
6.! Working Lo%rs No 2or6 shall ,e *arried o+t on the Site on lo*all" re*o0nised
da"s o! rest& or o+tside the noral 2or6in0 ho+rs stated in the
Contra*t Data& +nlessC
8a9 other2ise stated in the Contra*t&
8,9 the En0ineer 0ives *onsent& or
8*9 the 2or6 is +navoida,le& or ne*essar" !or the prote*tion o!
li!e or propert" or !or the sa!et" o! the 5or6s& in 2hi*h
*ase the Contra*tor shall iediatel" advise the En0ineer$
6.6 "acilities 'or $ta''
and Ca4o%r
E1*ept as other2ise stated in the Spe*i!i*ation& the Contra*tor
shall provide and aintain all ne*essar" a**oodation and
2el!are !a*ilities !or the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel$ The Contra*tor
shall also provide !a*ilities !or the Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel as
stated in the Spe*i!i*ation$
The Contra*tor shall not perit an" o! the Contra*tor7s
3ersonnel to aintain an" teporar" or peranent livin0
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%') Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
?+arters 2ithin the str+*t+res !orin0 part o! the 3eranent
6.7 Lealth and $a'ety The Contra*tor shall at all ties ta6e all reasona,le pre*a+tions
to aintain the health and sa!et" o! the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel$
In *olla,oration 2ith lo*al health a+thorities& the Contra*tor shall
ens+re that edi*al sta!!& !irst aid !a*ilities& si*6 ,a" and
a,+lan*e servi*e are availa,le at all ties at the Site and at an"
a**oodation !or Contra*tor7s and Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel& and
that s+ita,le arran0eents are ade !or all ne*essar" 2el!are and
h"0iene re?+ireents and !or the prevention o! epidei*s$
The Contra*tor shall appoint an a**ident prevention o!!i*er at
the Site& responsi,le !or aintainin0 sa!et" and prote*tion a0ainst
a**idents$ This person shall ,e ?+ali!ied !or this responsi,ilit"&
and shall have the a+thorit" to iss+e instr+*tions and ta6e
prote*tive eas+res to prevent a**idents$ Thro+0ho+t the
e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s& the Contra*tor shall provide 2hatever is
re?+ired ," this person to e1er*ise this responsi,ilit" and
The Contra*tor shall send& to the En0ineer& details o! an"
a**ident as soon as pra*ti*a,le a!ter its o**+rren*e$ The
Contra*tor shall aintain re*ords and a6e reports *on*ernin0
health& sa!et" and 2el!are o! persons& and daa0e to propert"& as
the En0ineer a" reasona,l" re?+ire$
=I:-AIDS 3revention$ The Contra*tor shall *ond+*t an =I:-
AIDS a2areness pro0rae via an approved servi*e provider&
and shall +nderta6e s+*h other eas+res as are spe*i!ied in this
Contra*t to red+*e the ris6 o! the trans!er o! the =I: vir+s
,et2een and aon0 the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel and the lo*al
*o+nit"& to proote earl" dia0nosis and to assist a!!e*ted
The Contra*tor shall thro+0ho+t the *ontra*t 8in*l+din0 the
De!e*ts Noti!i*ation 3eriod9C 8i9 *ond+*t In!oration& Ed+*ation
and Cons+ltation Co+ni*ation 8IEC9 *apai0ns& at least
ever" other onth& addressed to all the Site sta!! and la,o+r
8in*l+din0 all the Contra*torMs eplo"ees& all S+,-Contra*tors
and Cons+ltantsM eplo"ees& and all tr+*6 drivers and *re2
a6in0 deliveries to Site !or *onstr+*tion a*tivities9 and to the
iediate lo*al *o+nities& *on*ernin0 the ris6s& dan0ers and
ipa*t& and appropriate avoidan*e ,ehavior 2ith respe*t to o!
Se1+all" Transitted Diseases 8STD9Lor Se1+all" Transitted
In!e*tions 8STI9 in 0eneral and =I:JAIDS in parti*+larH 8ii9
provide ale or !eale *ondos !or all Site sta!! and la,o+r as
appropriateH and 8iii9 provide !or STI and =I:JAIDS s*reenin0&
dia0nosis& *o+nselin0 and re!erral to a dedi*ated national STI
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %'(
and =I:JAIDS pro0ra& 8+nless other2ise a0reed9 o! all Site
sta!! and la,o+r$
The Contra*tor shall in*l+de in the pro0ra to ,e s+,itted !or
the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s +nder S+,-Cla+se )$# D3ro0raeE
an alleviation pro0ra !or Site sta!! and la,o+r and their !ailies
in respe*t o! Se1+all" Transitted In!e*tions 8STI9 and Se1+all"
Transitted Diseases 8STD9 in*l+din0 =I:JAIDS$ The STI&
STD and =I:JAIDS alleviation pro0ra shall indi*ate 2hen&
ho2 and at 2hat *ost the Contra*tor plans to satis!" the
re?+ireents o! this S+,-Cla+se and the related spe*i!i*ation$
4or ea*h *oponent& the pro0ra shall detail the reso+r*es to ,e
provided or +tili;ed and an" related s+,-*ontra*tin0 proposed$
The pro0ra shall also in*l+de provision o! a detailed *ost
estiate 2ith s+pportin0 do*+entation$ 3a"ent to the
Contra*tor !or preparation and ipleentation this pro0ra
shall not e1*eed the 3rovisional S+ dedi*ated !or this p+rpose$
6.A Contractor=s
Thro+0ho+t the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s& and as lon0 therea!ter as
is ne*essar" to !+l!il the Contra*tor7s o,li0ations& the Contra*tor
shall provide all ne*essar" s+perintenden*e to plan& arran0e&
dire*t& ana0e& inspe*t and test the 2or6$
S+perintenden*e shall ,e 0iven ," a s+!!i*ient n+,er o! persons
havin0 ade?+ate 6no2led0e o! the lan0+a0e !or *o+ni*ations
8de!ined in S+,-Cla+se %$' DFa2 and Fan0+a0eE9 and o! the
operations to ,e *arried o+t 8in*l+din0 the ethods and
te*hni?+es re?+ired& the ha;ards li6el" to ,e en*o+ntered and
ethods o! preventin0 a**idents9& !or the satis!a*tor" and sa!e
e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s$
6.B Contractor=s
The Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel shall ,e appropriatel" ?+ali!ied&
s6illed and e1perien*ed in their respe*tive trades or o**+pations$
The En0ineer a" re?+ire the Contra*tor to reove 8or *a+se to
,e reoved9 an" person eplo"ed on the Site or 5or6s&
in*l+din0 the Contra*tor7s Representative i! appli*a,le& 2hoC
8a9 persists in an" is*ond+*t or la*6 o! *are&
8,9 *arries o+t d+ties in*opetentl" or ne0li0entl"&
8*9 !ails to *on!or 2ith an" provisions o! the Contra*t& or
8d9 persists in an" *ond+*t 2hi*h is pre@+di*ial to sa!et"& health&
or the prote*tion o! the environent$
I! appropriate& the Contra*tor shall then appoint 8or *a+se to ,e
appointed9 a s+ita,le repla*eent person$
6.)0 ecords o'
The Contra*tor shall s+,it& to the En0ineer& details sho2in0 the
n+,er o! ea*h *lass o! Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel and o! ea*h t"pe
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%.0 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
(ersonnel and
o! Contra*tor7s E?+ipent on the Site$ Details shall ,e s+,itted
ea*h *alendar onth& in a !or approved ," the En0ineer& +ntil
the Contra*tor has *opleted all 2or6 2hi*h is 6no2n to ,e
o+tstandin0 at the *opletion date stated in the Ta6in0-Over
Certi!i*ate !or the 5or6s$
6.)) Disorderly
The Contra*tor shall at all ties ta6e all reasona,le pre*a+tions
to prevent an" +nla2!+l& rioto+s or disorderl" *ond+*t ," or
aon0st the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel& and to preserve pea*e and
prote*tion o! persons and propert" on and near the Site$
6.)2 "oreign (ersonnel The Contra*tor a" ,rin0 in to the Co+ntr" an" !orei0n
personnel 2ho are ne*essar" !or the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s to
the e1tent allo2ed ," the appli*a,le Fa2s$ The Contra*tor shall
ens+re that these personnel are provided 2ith the re?+ired
residen*e visas and 2or6 perits$ The Eplo"er 2ill& i!
re?+ested ," the Contra*tor& +se his ,est endeavo+rs in a tiel"
and e1peditio+s anner to assist the Contra*tor in o,tainin0 an"
lo*al& state& national& or 0overnent perission re?+ired !or
,rin0in0 in the Contra*tor7s personnel$
The Contra*tor shall ,e responsi,le !or the ret+rn o! these
personnel to the pla*e 2here the" 2ere re*r+ited or to their
doi*ile$ In the event o! the death in the Co+ntr" o! an" o! these
personnel or e,ers o! their !ailies& the Contra*tor shall
siilarl" ,e responsi,le !or a6in0 the appropriate arran0eents
!or their ret+rn or ,+rial$
6.)9 $%pply o'
The Contra*tor shall arran0e !or the provision o! a s+!!i*ient
s+ppl" o! s+ita,le !ood as a" ,e stated in the Spe*i!i*ation at
reasona,le pri*es !or the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel !or the p+rposes
o! or in *onne*tion 2ith the Contra*t$
6.)@ $%pply o' Water The Contra*tor shall& havin0 re0ard to lo*al *onditions& provide
on the Site an ade?+ate s+ppl" o! drin6in0 and other 2ater !or
the +se o! the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel$
6.)! Meas%res against
+nsect and (est
The Contra*tor shall at all ties ta6e the ne*essar" pre*a+tions
to prote*t the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel eplo"ed on the Site !ro
inse*t and pest n+isan*e& and to red+*e their dan0er to health$
The Contra*tor shall *opl" 2ith all the re0+lations o! the lo*al
health a+thorities& in*l+din0 +se o! appropriate inse*ti*ide$
6.)6 Alcoholic Ci8%or
or Dr%gs
The Contra*tor shall not& other2ise than in a**ordan*e 2ith the
Fa2s o! the Co+ntr"& iport& sell& 0ive ,arter or other2ise
dispose o! an" al*oholi* li?+or or dr+0s& or perit or allo2
iportation& sale& 0i!t ,arter or disposal thereto ," Contra*torMs
6.)7 Ar&s and The Contra*tor shall not 0ive& ,arter& or other2ise dispose o!& to
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %.%
A&&%nition an" person& an" ars or a+nition o! an" 6ind& or allo2
Contra*torMs 3ersonnel to do so$
6.)A "estivals and
The Contra*tor shall respe*t the Co+ntr"Ms re*o0ni;ed !estivals&
da"s o! rest and reli0io+s or other *+stos$
6.)B "%neral
The Contra*tor shall ,e responsi,le& to the e1tent re?+ired ," lo*al
re0+lations& !or a6in0 an" !+neral arran0eents !or an" o! his
lo*al eplo"ees 2ho a" die 2hile en0a0ed +pon the 5or6s$
6.20 (rohi4ition o'
"orced or
The *ontra*tor shall not eplo" Z!or*ed or *op+lsor" la,o+rZ
in an" !or$ Z4or*ed or *op+lsor" la,o+rZ *onsists o! all 2or6
or servi*e& not vol+ntaril" per!ored& that is e1tra*ted !ro an
individ+al +nder threat o! !or*e or penalt"$
6.2) (rohi4ition o'
Lar&'%l Child
The Contra*tor shall not eplo" an" *hild to per!or an" 2or6
that is e*onoi*all" e1ploitative& or is li6el" to ,e ha;ardo+s to&
or to inter!ere 2ith& the *hildMs ed+*ation& or to ,e har!+l to the
*hildMs health or ph"si*al& ental& spirit+al& oral& or so*ial
6.22 /&ploy&ent
ecords o'
The Contra*tor shall 6eep *oplete and a**+rate re*ords o! the
eplo"ent o! la,o+r at the Site$ The re*ords shall in*l+de the
naes& a0es& 0enders& ho+rs 2or6ed and 2a0es paid to all
2or6ers$ These re*ords shall ,e s+ari;ed on a onthl" ,asis
and s+,itted to the En0ineer& and these re*ords shall ,e
availa,le !or inspe*tion ," A+ditors d+rin0 noral 2or6in0
ho+rs$ These re*ords shall ,e in*l+ded in the details to ,e
s+,itted ," the Contra*tor +nder S+,-Cla+se /$%0 DRe*ords o!
Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel and E?+ipentE$
<# P,+nt= )+teri+,s +nd Workm+ns6i2
7.) Manner o'
The Contra*tor shall *arr" o+t the an+!a*t+re o! 3lant& the
prod+*tion and an+!a*t+re o! Materials& and all other e1e*+tion
o! the 5or6sC
8a9 in the anner 8i! an"9 spe*i!ied in the Contra*t&
8,9 in a proper 2or6anli6e and *are!+l anner& in a**ordan*e
2ith re*o0nised 0ood pra*ti*e& and
8*9 2ith properl" e?+ipped !a*ilities and non-ha;ardo+s
Materials& e1*ept as other2ise spe*i!ied in the Contra*t$
7.2 $a&ples The Contra*tor shall s+,it the !ollo2in0 saples o! Materials&
and relevant in!oration& to the En0ineer !or *onsent prior to
+sin0 the Materials in or !or the 5or6sC
8a9 an+!a*t+rer7s standard saples o! Materials and saples
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%.2 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
spe*i!ied in the Contra*t& all at the Contra*tor7s *ost& and
8,9 additional saples instr+*ted ," the En0ineer as a
Ea*h saple shall ,e la,elled as to ori0in and intended +se in the
7.9 +nspection The Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel shall at all reasona,le tiesC
8a9 have !+ll a**ess to all parts o! the Site and to all pla*es
!ro 2hi*h nat+ral Materials are ,ein0 o,tained& and
8,9 d+rin0 prod+*tion& an+!a*t+re and *onstr+*tion 8at the
Site and else2here9& ,e entitled to e1aine& inspe*t&
eas+re and test the aterials and 2or6anship& and to
*he*6 the pro0ress o! an+!a*t+re o! 3lant and prod+*tion
and an+!a*t+re o! Materials$
The Contra*tor shall 0ive the Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel !+ll
opport+nit" to *arr" o+t these a*tivities& in*l+din0 providin0
a**ess& !a*ilities& perissions and sa!et" e?+ipent$ No s+*h
a*tivit" shall relieve the Contra*tor !ro an" o,li0ation or
The Contra*tor shall 0ive noti*e to the En0ineer 2henever an"
2or6 is read" and ,e!ore it is *overed +p& p+t o+t o! si0ht& or
pa*6a0ed !or stora0e or transport$ The En0ineer shall then either
*arr" o+t the e1aination& inspe*tion& eas+reent or testin0
2itho+t +nreasona,le dela"& or proptl" 0ive noti*e to the
Contra*tor that the En0ineer does not re?+ire to do so$ I! the
Contra*tor !ails to 0ive the noti*e& he shall& i! and 2hen re?+ired
," the En0ineer& +n*over the 2or6 and therea!ter reinstate and
a6e 0ood& all at the Contra*tor7s *ost$
7.@ Testing This S+,-Cla+se shall appl" to all tests spe*i!ied in the Contra*t&
other than the Tests a!ter Copletion 8i! an"9$
E1*ept as other2ise spe*i!ied in the Contra*t& the Contra*tor
shall provide all apparat+s& assistan*e& do*+ents and other
in!oration& ele*tri*it"& e?+ipent& !+el& *ons+a,les&
instr+ents& la,o+r& aterials& and s+ita,l" ?+ali!ied and
e1perien*ed sta!!& as are ne*essar" to *arr" o+t the spe*i!ied tests
e!!i*ientl"$ The Contra*tor shall a0ree& 2ith the En0ineer& the
tie and pla*e !or the spe*i!ied testin0 o! an" 3lant& Materials
and other parts o! the 5or6s$
The En0ineer a"& +nder Cla+se %# D:ariations and
Ad@+stentsE& var" the lo*ation or details o! spe*i!ied tests& or
instr+*t the Contra*tor to *arr" o+t additional tests$ I! these
varied or additional tests sho2 that the tested 3lant& Materials or
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %.#
2or6anship is not in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t& the *ost o!
*arr"in0 o+t this :ariation shall ,e ,orne ," the Contra*tor&
not2ithstandin0 other provisions o! the Contra*t$
The En0ineer shall 0ive the Contra*tor not less than 2' ho+rs7
noti*e o! the En0ineer7s intention to attend the tests$ I! the
En0ineer does not attend at the tie and pla*e a0reed& the
Contra*tor a" pro*eed 2ith the tests& +nless other2ise
instr+*ted ," the En0ineer& and the tests shall then ,e deeed to
have ,een ade in the En0ineer7s presen*e$
I! the Contra*tor s+!!ers dela" andJor in*+rs Cost !ro
*opl"in0 2ith these instr+*tions or as a res+lt o! a dela" !or
2hi*h the Eplo"er is responsi,le& the Contra*tor shall 0ive
noti*e to the En0ineer and shall ,e entitled s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se
20$% DContra*tor7s ClaisE toC
8a9 an e1tension o! tie !or an" s+*h dela"& i! *opletion is or
2ill ,e dela"ed& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie
!or CopletionE& and
8,9 pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost pl+s pro!it& 2hi*h shall ,e
in*l+ded in the Contra*t 3ri*e$
A!ter re*eivin0 this noti*e& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine these atters$
The Contra*tor shall proptl" !or2ard to the En0ineer d+l"
*erti!ied reports o! the tests$ 5hen the spe*i!ied tests have ,een
passed& the En0ineer shall endorse the Contra*tor7s test
*erti!i*ate& or iss+e a *erti!i*ate to hi& to that e!!e*t$ I! the
En0ineer has not attended the tests& he shall ,e deeed to have
a**epted the readin0s as a**+rate$
7.! e?ection I!& as a res+lt o! an e1aination& inspe*tion& eas+reent or
testin0& an" 3lant& Materials or 2or6anship is !o+nd to ,e
de!e*tive or other2ise not in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t& the
En0ineer a" re@e*t the 3lant& Materials or 2or6anship ,"
0ivin0 noti*e to the Contra*tor& 2ith reasons$ The Contra*tor
shall then proptl" a6e 0ood the de!e*t and ens+re that the
re@e*ted ite *oplies 2ith the Contra*t$
I! the En0ineer re?+ires this 3lant& Materials or 2or6anship to
,e retested& the tests shall ,e repeated +nder the sae ters and
*onditions$ I! the re@e*tion and retestin0 *a+se the Eplo"er to
in*+r additional *osts& the Contra*tor shall s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se
2$. DEplo"er7s ClaisE pa" these *osts to the Eplo"er$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%.' Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
7.6 e&edial Work Not2ithstandin0 an" previo+s test or *erti!i*ation& the En0ineer
a" instr+*t the Contra*tor toC
8a9 reove !ro the Site and repla*e an" 3lant or Materials
2hi*h is not in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t&
8,9 reove and re-e1e*+te an" other 2or6 2hi*h is not in
a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t& and
8*9 e1e*+te an" 2or6 2hi*h is +r0entl" re?+ired !or the sa!et"
o! the 5or6s& 2hether ,e*a+se o! an a**ident&
+n!oreseea,le event or other2ise$
The Contra*tor shall *opl" 2ith the instr+*tion 2ithin a
reasona,le tie& 2hi*h shall ,e the tie 8i! an"9 spe*i!ied in the
instr+*tion& or iediatel" i! +r0en*" is spe*i!ied +nder s+,-
para0raph 8*9$
I! the Contra*tor !ails to *opl" 2ith the instr+*tion& the
Eplo"er shall ,e entitled to eplo" and pa" other persons to
*arr" o+t the 2or6$ E1*ept to the e1tent that the Contra*tor
2o+ld have ,een entitled to pa"ent !or the 2or6& the
Contra*tor shall s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 2$. DEplo"er7s ClaisE
pa" to the Eplo"er all *osts arisin0 !ro this !ail+re$
7.7 .#nership o'
(lant and
E1*ept other2ise spe*i!ied in the Contra*t& ea*h ite o! 3lant
and Materials shall& to the e1tent *onsistent 2ith the Fa2s o! the
Co+ntr"& ,e*oe the propert" o! the Eplo"er at 2hi*hever is
the earlier o! the !ollo2in0 ties& !ree !ro liens and other
8a9 2hen it is in*orporated in the 5or6sH
8,9 2hen the Contra*tor is paid the *orrespondin0 val+e o! the
3lant and Materials +nder S+,-Cla+se )$%0 D3a"ent !or
3lant and Materials in Event o! S+spensionE$
7.A oyalties Unless other2ise stated in the Spe*i!i*ation& the Contra*tor shall
pa" all ro"alties& rents and other pa"ents !orC
8a9 nat+ral Materials o,tained !ro o+tside the Site& and
8,9 the disposal o! aterial !ro deolitions and e1*avations
and o! other s+rpl+s aterial 82hether nat+ral or an-
ade9& e1*ept to the e1tent that disposal areas 2ithin the
Site are spe*i!ied in the Contra*t$
># Commencement= De,+7s +nd !us2ension
A.) Co&&ence&ent E1*ept other2ise spe*i!ied in the 3arti*+lar Conditions& the
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %..
o' Works Coen*eent Date shall ,e the date at 2hi*h the !ollo2in0
pre*edent *onditions have all ,een !+l!illed and the En0ineer7s
instr+*tion re*ordin0 the a0reeent o! ,oth 3arties on s+*h
!+l!ilent and instr+*tin0 to *oen*e the 5or6s is re*eived ,"
the Contra*torC
8a9 si0nat+re o! the Contra*t A0reeent ," ,oth 3arties& and
i! re?+ired& approval o! the Contra*t ," relevant
a+thorities in the Co+ntr"H
8,9 deliver" to the Contra*tor o! reasona,le eviden*e o! the
Eplo"er7s 4inan*ial arran0eents 8+nder S+,-Cla+se
2$' DEplo"er7s 4inan*ial Arran0eentsE9
8*9 e1*ept i! other2ise spe*i!ied in the Contra*t Data&
possession o! the Site 0iven to the Contra*tor to0ether
2ith s+*h perission8s9 +nder 8a9 o! S+,-Cla+se %$%#
DCoplian*e 2ith Fa2sE as re?+ired !or the
*oen*eent o! the 5or6sH and
8d9 re*eipt ," the Contra*tor o! the Advan*e 3a"ent +nder
S+,-Cla+se %'$2 DAdvan*e 3a"entE provided that the
*orrespondin0 ,an6 0+arantee has ,een delivered ," the
8e9 I! the said En0ineer7s instr+*tion is not re*eived ," the
Contra*tor 2ithin %)0 da"s !ro his re*eipt o! the Fetter
o! A**eptan*e& the Contra*tor shall ,e entitled to
terinate the Contra*t +nder S+,-Cla+se %/$2
DTerination ," Contra*torE$
The Contra*tor shall *oen*e the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s as
soon as is reasona,l" pra*ti*a,le a!ter the Coen*eent Date&
and shall then pro*eed 2ith the 5or6s 2ith d+e e1pedition and
2itho+t dela"$
A.2 Ti&e 'or
The Contra*tor shall *oplete the 2hole o! the 5or6s& and ea*h
Se*tion 8i! an"9& 2ithin the Tie !or Copletion !or the 5or6s or
Se*tion 8as the *ase a" ,e9& in*l+din0C
8a9 a*hievin0 the passin0 o! the Tests on Copletion& and
8,9 *opletin0 all 2or6 2hi*h is stated in the Contra*t as ,ein0
re?+ired !or the 5or6s or Se*tion to ,e *onsidered to ,e
*opleted !or the p+rposes o! ta6in0-over +nder S+,-
Cla+se %0$% DTa6in0 Over o! the 5or6s and Se*tionsE$
A.9 (rogra&&e The Contra*tor shall s+,it a detailed tie pro0rae to the
En0ineer 2ithin 2) da"s a!ter re*eivin0 the noti*e +nder S+,-
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%./ Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
Cla+se )$% DCoen*eent o! 5or6sE$ The Contra*tor shall also
s+,it a revised pro0rae 2henever the previo+s pro0rae
is in*onsistent 2ith a*t+al pro0ress or 2ith the Contra*tor7s
o,li0ations$ Ea*h pro0rae shall in*l+deC
8a9 the order in 2hi*h the Contra*tor intends to *arr" o+t the
5or6s& in*l+din0 the anti*ipated tiin0 o! ea*h sta0e o!
desi0n 8i! an"9& Contra*tor7s Do*+ents& pro*+reent&
an+!a*t+re o! 3lant& deliver" to Site& *onstr+*tion&
ere*tion and testin0&
8,9 ea*h o! these sta0es !or 2or6 ," ea*h noinated
S+,*ontra*tor 8as de!ined in Cla+se . DNoinated
8*9 the se?+en*e and tiin0 o! inspe*tions and tests spe*i!ied in
the Contra*t& and
8d9 a s+pportin0 report 2hi*h in*l+desC
8i9 a 0eneral des*ription o! the ethods 2hi*h the
Contra*tor intends to adopt& and o! the a@or sta0es&
in the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s& and
8ii9 details sho2in0 the Contra*tor7s reasona,le estiate
o! the n+,er o! ea*h *lass o! Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel
and o! ea*h t"pe o! Contra*tor7s E?+ipent& re?+ired
on the Site !or ea*h a@or sta0e$
Unless the En0ineer& 2ithin 2% da"s a!ter re*eivin0 a pro0rae&
0ives noti*e to the Contra*tor statin0 the e1tent to 2hi*h it does
not *opl" 2ith the Contra*t& the Contra*tor shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith the pro0rae& s+,@e*t to his other o,li0ations
+nder the Contra*t$ The Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel shall ,e entitled to
rel" +pon the pro0rae 2hen plannin0 their a*tivities$
The Contra*tor shall proptl" 0ive noti*e to the En0ineer o!
spe*i!i* pro,a,le !+t+re events or *ir*+stan*es 2hi*h a"
adversel" a!!e*t the 2or6& in*rease the Contra*t 3ri*e& or dela"
the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s$ The En0ineer a" re?+ire the
Contra*tor to s+,it an estiate o! the anti*ipated e!!e*t o! the
!+t+re event or *ir*+stan*es& andJor a proposal +nder S+,-
Cla+se %#$# D:ariation 3ro*ed+reE$
I!& at an" tie& the En0ineer 0ives noti*e to the Contra*tor that a
pro0rae !ails 8to the e1tent stated9 to *opl" 2ith the
Contra*t or to ,e *onsistent 2ith a*t+al pro0ress and the
Contra*tor7s stated intentions& the Contra*tor shall s+,it a
revised pro0rae to the En0ineer in a**ordan*e 2ith this S+,-
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %.7
A.@ /:tension o' Ti&e
'or Co&pletion
The Contra*tor shall ,e entitled s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 20$%
DContra*tor7s ClaisE to an e1tension o! the Tie !or
Copletion i! and to the e1tent that *opletion !or the p+rposes
o! S+,-Cla+se %0$% DTa6in0-Over o! the 5or6s and Se*tionsE is
or 2ill ,e dela"ed ," an" o! the !ollo2in0 *a+sesC
8a9 a :ariation 8+nless an ad@+stent to the Tie !or
Copletion has ,een a0reed +nder S+,-Cla+se %#$#
D:ariation 3ro*ed+reE9 or other s+,stantial *han0e in the
?+antit" o! an ite o! 2or6 in*l+ded in the Contra*t&
8,9 a *a+se o! dela" 0ivin0 an entitleent to e1tension o! tie
+nder a S+,-Cla+se o! these Conditions&
8*9 e1*eptionall" adverse *liati* *onditions&
8d9 Un!oreseea,le shorta0es in the availa,ilit" o! personnel or
Goods *a+sed ," epidei* or 0overnental a*tions& or
8e9 an" dela"& ipedient or prevention *a+sed ," or
attri,+ta,le to the Eplo"er& the Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel& or
the Eplo"er7s other *ontra*tors$
I! the Contra*tor *onsiders hisel! to ,e entitled to an e1tension
o! the Tie !or Copletion& the Contra*tor shall 0ive noti*e to
the En0ineer in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se 20$% DContra*tor7s
ClaisE$ 5hen deterinin0 ea*h e1tension o! tie +nder S+,-
Cla+se 20$%& the En0ineer shall revie2 previo+s deterinations
and a" in*rease& ,+t shall not de*rease& the total e1tension o!
A.! Delays Ca%sed 4y
I! the !ollo2in0 *onditions appl"& nael"C
8a9 the Contra*tor has dili0entl" !ollo2ed the pro*ed+res laid
do2n ," the relevant le0all" *onstit+ted p+,li* a+thorities
in the Co+ntr"&
8,9 these a+thorities dela" or disr+pt the Contra*tor7s 2or6&
8*9 the dela" or disr+ption 2as Un!oreseea,le&
then this dela" or disr+ption 2ill ,e *onsidered as a *a+se o!
dela" +nder s+,-para0raph 8,9 o! S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o!
Tie !or CopletionE$
A.6 ate o' (rogress I!& at an" tieC
8a9 a*t+al pro0ress is too slo2 to *oplete 2ithin the Tie !or
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%.) Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
Copletion& andJor
8,9 pro0ress has !allen 8or 2ill !all9 ,ehind the *+rrent
pro0rae +nder S+,-Cla+se )$# D3ro0raeE&
other than as a res+lt o! a *a+se listed in S+,-Cla+se )$'
DE1tension o! Tie !or CopletionE& then the En0ineer a"
instr+*t the Contra*tor to s+,it& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$#
D3ro0raeE& a revised pro0rae and s+pportin0 report
des*ri,in0 the revised ethods 2hi*h the Contra*tor proposes to
adopt in order to e1pedite pro0ress and *oplete 2ithin the
Tie !or Copletion$
Unless the En0ineer noti!ies other2ise& the Contra*tor shall
adopt these revised ethods& 2hi*h a" re?+ire in*reases in the
2or6in0 ho+rs andJor in the n+,ers o! Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel
andJor Goods& at the ris6 and *ost o! the Contra*tor$ I! these
revised ethods *a+se the Eplo"er to in*+r additional *osts&
the Contra*tor shall s+,@e*t to noti*e +nder S+,-Cla+se 2$.
DEplo"er7s ClaisE pa" these *osts to the Eplo"er& in addition
to dela" daa0es 8i! an"9 +nder S+,-Cla+se )$7 DDela"
Daa0esE ,elo2$
Additional *osts o! revised ethods& in*l+din0 a**eleration
eas+res& instr+*ted ," the En0ineer to red+*e dela"s res+ltin0
!ro *a+ses listed +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie !or
CopletionE shall ,e paid ," the Eplo"er& 2itho+t 0eneratin0&
ho2ever& an" other additional pa"ent ,ene!it to the Contra*tor$
A.7 Delay Da&ages I! the Contra*tor !ails to *opl" 2ith S+,-Cla+se )$2 DTie !or
CopletionE& the Contra*tor shall ,e s+,@e*t to noti*e +nder S+,-
Cla+se 2$. DEplo"er7s ClaisE pa" dela" daa0es to the
Eplo"er !or this de!a+lt$ These dela" daa0es shall ,e the s+
stated in the Contra*t Data& 2hi*h shall ,e paid !or ever" da" 2hi*h
shall elapse ,et2een the relevant Tie !or Copletion and the date
stated in the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate$ =o2ever& the total ao+nt
d+e +nder this S+,-Cla+se shall not e1*eed the a1i+ ao+nt o!
dela" daa0es 8i! an"9 stated in the Contra*t Data$
These dela" daa0es shall ,e the onl" daa0es d+e !ro the
Contra*tor !or s+*h de!a+lt& other than in the event o!
terination +nder S+,-Cla+se %.$2 DTerination ," Eplo"erE
prior to *opletion o! the 5or6s$ These daa0es shall not
relieve the Contra*tor !ro his o,li0ation to *oplete the
5or6s& or !ro an" other d+ties& o,li0ations or responsi,ilities
2hi*h he a" have +nder the Contra*t$
A.A $%spension o'
The En0ineer a" at an" tie instr+*t the Contra*tor to s+spend
pro0ress o! part or all o! the 5or6s$ D+rin0 s+*h s+spension& the
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %.(
Contra*tor shall prote*t& store and se*+re s+*h part or the 5or6s
a0ainst an" deterioration& loss or daa0e$
The En0ineer a" also noti!" the *a+se !or the s+spension$ I! and
to the e1tent that the *a+se is noti!ied and is the responsi,ilit" o!
the Contra*tor& the !ollo2in0 S+,-Cla+ses )$( DConse?+en*es o!
S+spensionE& )$%0 D3a"ent !or 3lant and Materials in Event o!
S+spensionE and )$%% D3rolon0ed S+spensionE shall not appl"$
A.B Conse8%ences o'
I! the Contra*tor s+!!ers dela" andJor in*+rs Cost !ro
*opl"in0 2ith the En0ineer7s instr+*tions +nder S+,-Cla+se )$)
DS+spension o! 5or6E andJor !ro res+in0 the 2or6& the
Contra*tor shall 0ive noti*e to the En0ineer and shall ,e entitled
s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 20$% DContra*tor7s ClaisE toC
8a9 an e1tension o! tie !or an" s+*h dela"& i! *opletion is or
2ill ,e dela"ed& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie
!or CopletionE& and
8,9 pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost& 2hi*h shall ,e in*l+ded in the
Contra*t 3ri*e$
A!ter re*eivin0 this noti*e& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine these atters$
The Contra*tor shall not ,e entitled to an e1tension o! tie !or&
or to pa"ent o! the Cost in*+rred in& a6in0 0ood the
*onse?+en*es o! the Contra*tor7s !a+lt" desi0n& 2or6anship or
aterials& or o! the Contra*tor7s !ail+re to prote*t& store or
se*+re in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se )$) DS+spension o! 5or6E$
A.)0 (ay&ent 'or (lant
and Materials in
/vent o'
The Contra*tor shall ,e entitled to pa"ent o! the val+e 8as at
the date o! s+spension9 o! 3lant andJor Materials 2hi*h have not
,een delivered to Site& i!C
8a9 the 2or6 on 3lant or deliver" o! 3lant andJor Materials has
,een s+spended !or ore than 2) da"s& and
8,9 the Contra*tor has ar6ed the 3lant andJor Materials as the
Eplo"er7s propert" in a**ordan*e 2ith the En0ineer7s
A.)) (rolonged
I! the s+spension +nder S+,-Cla+se )$) DS+spension o! 5or6E has
*ontin+ed !or ore than )' da"s& the Contra*tor a" re?+est the
En0ineer7s perission to pro*eed$ I! the En0ineer does not 0ive
perission 2ithin 2) da"s a!ter ,ein0 re?+ested to do so& the
Contra*tor a"& ," 0ivin0 noti*e to the En0ineer& treat the
s+spension as an oission +nder Cla+se %# D:ariations and
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%/0 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
Ad@+stentsE o! the a!!e*ted part o! the 5or6s$ I! the s+spension
a!!e*ts the 2hole o! the 5or6s& the Contra*tor a" 0ive noti*e o!
terination +nder S+,-Cla+se %/$2 DTerination ," Contra*torE$
A.)2 es%&ption o'
A!ter the perission or instr+*tion to pro*eed is 0iven& the
Contra*tor and the En0ineer shall @ointl" e1aine the 5or6s and
the 3lant and Materials a!!e*ted ," the s+spension$ The
Contra*tor shall a6e 0ood an" deterioration or de!e*t in or loss
o! the 5or6s or 3lant or Materials& 2hi*h has o**+rred d+rin0
the s+spension a!ter re*eivin0 !ro the En0ineer an instr+*tion to
this e!!e*t +nder Cla+se %# D:ariations and Ad@+stentsE$
?# Tests on Com2,etion
B.) Contractor=s
The Contra*tor shall *arr" o+t the Tests on Copletion in
a**ordan*e 2ith this Cla+se and S+,-Cla+se 7$' DTestin0E& a!ter
providin0 the do*+ents in a**ordan*e 2ith s+,-para0raph 8d9
o! S+,-Cla+se '$% DContra*tor7s General O,li0ationsE$
The Contra*tor shall 0ive to the En0ineer not less than 2% da"s7
noti*e o! the date a!ter 2hi*h the Contra*tor 2ill ,e read" to
*arr" o+t ea*h o! the Tests on Copletion$ Unless other2ise
a0reed& Tests on Copletion shall ,e *arried o+t 2ithin %' da"s
a!ter this date& on s+*h da" or da"s as the En0ineer shall instr+*t$
In *onsiderin0 the res+lts o! the Tests on Copletion& the
En0ineer shall a6e allo2an*es !or the e!!e*t o! an" +se o! the
5or6s ," the Eplo"er on the per!oran*e or other
*hara*teristi*s o! the 5or6s$ As soon as the 5or6s& or a Se*tion&
have passed an" Tests on Copletion& the Contra*tor shall
s+,it a *erti!ied report o! the res+lts o! these Tests to the
B.2 Delayed Tests I! the Tests on Copletion are ,ein0 +nd+l" dela"ed ," the
Eplo"er& S+,-Cla+se 7$' DTestin0E 8!i!th para0raph9 andJor
S+,-Cla+se %0$# DInter!eren*e 2ith Tests on CopletionE shall
,e appli*a,le$
I! the Tests on Copletion are ,ein0 +nd+l" dela"ed ," the
Contra*tor& the En0ineer a" ," noti*e re?+ire the Contra*tor to
*arr" o+t the Tests 2ithin 2% da"s a!ter re*eivin0 the noti*e$ The
Contra*tor shall *arr" o+t the Tests on s+*h da" or da"s 2ithin
that period as the Contra*tor a" !i1 and o! 2hi*h he shall 0ive
noti*e to the En0ineer$
I! the Contra*tor !ails to *arr" o+t the Tests on Copletion
2ithin the period o! 2% da"s& the Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel a"
pro*eed 2ith the Tests at the ris6 and *ost o! the Contra*tor$ The
Tests on Copletion shall then ,e deeed to have ,een *arried
o+t in the presen*e o! the Contra*tor and the res+lts o! the Tests
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %/%
shall ,e a**epted as a**+rate$
B.9 etesting I! the 5or6s& or a Se*tion& !ail to pass the Tests on Copletion&
S+,-Cla+se 7$. DRe@e*tionE shall appl"& and the En0ineer or the
Contra*tor a" re?+ire the !ailed Tests& and Tests on Copletion
on an" related 2or6& to ,e repeated +nder the sae ters and
B.@ "ail%re to (ass
Tests on
I! the 5or6s& or a Se*tion& !ail to pass the Tests on Copletion
repeated +nder S+,-Cla+se ($# DRetestin0E& the En0ineer shall ,e
entitled toC
8a9 order !+rther repetition o! Tests on Copletion +nder S+,-
Cla+se ($#H
8,9 i! the !ail+re deprives the Eplo"er o! s+,stantiall" the
2hole ,ene!it o! the 5or6s or Se*tion& re@e*t the 5or6s or
Se*tion 8as the *ase a" ,e9& in 2hi*h event the Eplo"er
shall have the sae reedies as are provided in s+,-
para0raph 8*9 o! S+,-Cla+se %%$' D4ail+re to Reed"
De!e*tsEH or
8*9 iss+e a Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate& i! the Eplo"er so re?+ests$
In the event o! s+,-para0raph 8*9& the Contra*tor shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith all other o,li0ations +nder the Contra*t& and the
Contra*t 3ri*e shall ,e red+*ed ," s+*h ao+nt as shall ,e
appropriate to *over the red+*ed val+e to the Eplo"er as a
res+lt o! this !ail+re$ Unless the relevant red+*tion !or this !ail+re
is stated 8or its ethod o! *al*+lation is de!ined9 in the Contra*t&
the Eplo"er a" re?+ire the red+*tion to ,e 8i9 a0reed ," ,oth
3arties 8in !+ll satis!a*tion o! this !ail+re onl"9 and paid ,e!ore
this Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate is iss+ed& or 8ii9 deterined and paid
+nder S+,-Cla+se 2$. DEplo"er7s ClaisE and S+,-Cla+se #$.
1@# m2,o7ers T+kin. O-er
)0.) Taking .ver o'
the Works and
E1*ept as stated in S+,-Cla+se ($' D4ail+re to 3ass Tests on
CopletionE& the 5or6s shall ,e ta6en over ," the Eplo"er
2hen 8i9 the 5or6s have ,een *opleted in a**ordan*e 2ith the
Contra*t& in*l+din0 the atters des*ri,ed in S+,-Cla+se )$2
DTie !or CopletionE and e1*ept as allo2ed in s+,-para0raph
8a9 ,elo2& and 8ii9 a Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or the 5or6s has
,een iss+ed& or is deeed to have ,een iss+ed in a**ordan*e 2ith
this S+,-Cla+se$
The Contra*tor a" appl" ," noti*e to the En0ineer !or a
Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate not earlier than %' da"s ,e!ore the
5or6s 2ill& in the Contra*tor7s opinion& ,e *oplete and read"
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%/2 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
!or ta6in0 over$ I! the 5or6s are divided into Se*tions& the
Contra*tor a" siilarl" appl" !or a Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or
ea*h Se*tion$
The En0ineer shall& 2ithin 2) da"s a!ter re*eivin0 the
Contra*tor7s appli*ationC
8a9 iss+e the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate to the Contra*tor& statin0
the date on 2hi*h the 5or6s or Se*tion 2ere *opleted in
a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t& e1*ept !or an" inor
o+tstandin0 2or6 and de!e*ts 2hi*h 2ill not s+,stantiall"
a!!e*t the +se o! the 5or6s or Se*tion !or their intended
p+rpose 8either +ntil or 2hilst this 2or6 is *opleted and
these de!e*ts are reedied9H or
8,9 re@e*t the appli*ation& 0ivin0 reasons and spe*i!"in0 the
2or6 re?+ired to ,e done ," the Contra*tor to ena,le the
Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate to ,e iss+ed$ The Contra*tor shall
then *oplete this 2or6 ,e!ore iss+in0 a !+rther noti*e
+nder this S+,-Cla+se$
I! the En0ineer !ails either to iss+e the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate or
to re@e*t the Contra*tor7s appli*ation 2ithin the period o! 2)
da"s& and i! the 5or6s or Se*tion 8as the *ase a" ,e9 are
s+,stantiall" in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t& the Ta6in0-Over
Certi!i*ate shall ,e deeed to have ,een iss+ed on the last da" o!
that period$
)0.2 Taking .ver o'
(arts o' the
The En0ineer a"& at the sole dis*retion o! the Eplo"er& iss+e a
Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or an" part o! the 3eranent 5or6s$
The Eplo"er shall not +se an" part o! the 5or6s 8other than as
a teporar" eas+re 2hi*h is either spe*i!ied in the Contra*t or
a0reed ," ,oth 3arties9 +nless and +ntil the En0ineer has iss+ed a
Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or this part$ =o2ever& i! the Eplo"er
does +se an" part o! the 5or6s ,e!ore the Ta6in0-Over
Certi!i*ate is iss+edC
8a9 the part 2hi*h is +sed shall ,e deeed to have ,een ta6en
over as !ro the date on 2hi*h it is +sed&
8,9 the Contra*tor shall *ease to ,e lia,le !or the *are o! s+*h
part as !ro this date& 2hen responsi,ilit" shall pass to the
Eplo"er& and
8*9 i! re?+ested ," the Contra*tor& the En0ineer shall iss+e a
Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or this part$
A!ter the En0ineer has iss+ed a Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or a
part o! the 5or6s& the Contra*tor shall ,e 0iven the earliest
opport+nit" to ta6e s+*h steps as a" ,e ne*essar" to *arr" o+t
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %/#
an" o+tstandin0 Tests on Copletion$ The Contra*tor shall *arr"
o+t these Tests on Copletion as soon as pra*ti*a,le ,e!ore the
e1pir" date o! the relevant De!e*ts Noti!i*ation 3eriod$
I! the Contra*tor in*+rs Cost as a res+lt o! the Eplo"er ta6in0
over andJor +sin0 a part o! the 5or6s& other than s+*h +se as is
spe*i!ied in the Contra*t or a0reed ," the Contra*tor& the
Contra*tor shall 8i9 0ive noti*e to the En0ineer and 8ii9 ,e
entitled s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 20$% DContra*tor7s ClaisE to
pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost pl+s pro!it& 2hi*h shall ,e in*l+ded in
the Contra*t 3ri*e$ A!ter re*eivin0 this noti*e& the En0ineer shall
pro*eed in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to
a0ree or deterine this Cost and pro!it$
I! a Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate has ,een iss+ed !or a part o! the
5or6s 8other than a Se*tion9& the dela" daa0es therea!ter !or
*opletion o! the reainder o! the 5or6s shall ,e red+*ed$
Siilarl"& the dela" daa0es !or the reainder o! the Se*tion 8i!
an"9 in 2hi*h this part is in*l+ded shall also ,e red+*ed$ 4or an"
period o! dela" a!ter the date stated in this Ta6in0-Over
Certi!i*ate& the proportional red+*tion in these dela" daa0es
shall ,e *al*+lated as the proportion 2hi*h the val+e o! the part
so *erti!ied ,ears to the val+e o! the 5or6s or Se*tion 8as the
*ase a" ,e9 as a 2hole$ The En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine these proportions$ The provisions o! this para0raph
shall onl" appl" to the dail" rate o! dela" daa0es +nder S+,-
Cla+se )$7 DDela" Daa0esE& and shall not a!!e*t the a1i+
ao+nt o! these daa0es$
)0.9 +nter'erence #ith
Tests on
I! the Contra*tor is prevented& !or ore than %' da"s& !ro
*arr"in0 o+t the Tests on Copletion ," a *a+se !or 2hi*h the
Eplo"er is responsi,le& the Eplo"er shall ,e deeed to have
ta6en over the 5or6s or Se*tion 8as the *ase a" ,e9 on the date
2hen the Tests on Copletion 2o+ld other2ise have ,een
The En0ineer shall then iss+e a Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate
a**ordin0l"& and the Contra*tor shall *arr" o+t the Tests on
Copletion as soon as pra*ti*a,le& ,e!ore the e1pir" date o! the
De!e*ts Noti!i*ation 3eriod$ The En0ineer shall re?+ire the Tests
on Copletion to ,e *arried o+t ," 0ivin0 %' da"s7 noti*e and in
a**ordan*e 2ith the relevant provisions o! the Contra*t$
I! the Contra*tor s+!!ers dela" andJor in*+rs Cost as a res+lt o!
this dela" in *arr"in0 o+t the Tests on Copletion& the
Contra*tor shall 0ive noti*e to the En0ineer and shall ,e entitled
s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 20$% DContra*tor7s ClaisE toC
8a9 an e1tension o! tie !or an" s+*h dela"& i! *opletion is or
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%/' Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
2ill ,e dela"ed& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie
!or CopletionE& and
8,9 pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost pl+s pro!it& 2hi*h shall ,e
in*l+ded in the Contra*t 3ri*e$
A!ter re*eivin0 this noti*e& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine these atters$
)0.@ $%r'aces
E1*ept as other2ise stated in a Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate& a
*erti!i*ate !or a Se*tion or part o! the 5or6s shall not ,e deeed
to *erti!" *opletion o! an" 0ro+nd or other s+r!a*es re?+irin0
11# Defects $i+9i,it7
)).) Co&pletion o'
Work and
In order that the 5or6s and Contra*tor7s Do*+ents& and ea*h
Se*tion& shall ,e in the *ondition re?+ired ," the Contra*t 8!air
2ear and tear e1*epted9 ," the e1pir" date o! the relevant
De!e*ts Noti!i*ation 3eriod or as soon as pra*ti*a,le therea!ter&
the Contra*tor shallC
8a9 *oplete an" 2or6 2hi*h is o+tstandin0 on the date stated
in a Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate& 2ithin s+*h reasona,le tie as
is instr+*ted ," the En0ineer& and
8,9 e1e*+te all 2or6 re?+ired to reed" de!e*ts or daa0e& as
a" ,e noti!ied ," 8or on ,ehal! o!9 the Eplo"er on or
,e!ore the e1pir" date o! the De!e*ts Noti!i*ation 3eriod
!or the 5or6s or Se*tion 8as the *ase a" ,e9$
I! a de!e*t appears or daa0e o**+rs& the Contra*tor shall ,e
noti!ied a**ordin0l"& ," 8or on ,ehal! o!9 the Eplo"er$
)).2 Cost o'
All 2or6 re!erred to in s+,-para0raph 8,9 o! S+,-Cla+se %%$%
DCopletion o! O+tstandin0 5or6 and Reed"in0 De!e*tsE shall
,e e1e*+ted at the ris6 and *ost o! the Contra*tor& i! and to the
e1tent that the 2or6 is attri,+ta,le toC
8a9 an" desi0n !or 2hi*h the Contra*tor is responsi,le&
8,9 3lant& Materials or 2or6anship not ,ein0 in a**ordan*e
2ith the Contra*t& or
8*9 !ail+re ," the Contra*tor to *opl" 2ith an" other
I! and to the e1tent that s+*h 2or6 is attri,+ta,le to an" other
*a+se& the Contra*tor shall ,e noti!ied proptl" ," 8or on ,ehal!
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %/.
o!9 the Eplo"er and S+,-Cla+se %#$# D:ariation 3ro*ed+reE
shall appl"$
)).9 /:tension o'
The Eplo"er shall ,e entitled s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 2$.
DEplo"er7s ClaisE to an e1tension o! the De!e*ts Noti!i*ation
3eriod !or the 5or6s or a Se*tion i! and to the e1tent that the
5or6s& Se*tion or a a@or ite o! 3lant 8as the *ase a" ,e& and
a!ter ta6in0 over9 *annot ,e +sed !or the p+rposes !or 2hi*h the"
are intended ," reason o! a de!e*t or ," reason o! a daa0e
attri,+ta,le to the Contra*tor$ =o2ever& a De!e*ts Noti!i*ation
3eriod shall not ,e e1tended ," ore than t2o "ears$
I! deliver" andJor ere*tion o! 3lant andJor Materials 2as
s+spended +nder S+,-Cla+se )$) DS+spension o! 5or6E or S+,-
Cla+se %/$% DContra*tor7s Entitleent to S+spend 5or6E& the
Contra*tor7s o,li0ations +nder this Cla+se shall not appl" to an"
de!e*ts or daa0e o**+rrin0 ore than t2o "ears a!ter the
De!e*ts Noti!i*ation 3eriod !or the 3lant andJor Materials 2o+ld
other2ise have e1pired$
)).@ "ail%re to
e&edy De'ects
I! the Contra*tor !ails to reed" an" de!e*t or daa0e 2ithin a
reasona,le tie& a date a" ,e !i1ed ," 8or on ,ehal! o!9 the
Eplo"er& on or ," 2hi*h the de!e*t or daa0e is to ,e reedied$
The Contra*tor shall ,e 0iven reasona,le noti*e o! this date$
I! the Contra*tor !ails to reed" the de!e*t or daa0e ," this
noti!ied date and this reedial 2or6 2as to ,e e1e*+ted at the
*ost o! the Contra*tor +nder S+,-Cla+se %%$2 DCost o!
Reed"in0 De!e*tsE& the Eplo"er a" 8at his option9C
8a9 *arr" o+t the 2or6 hisel! or ," others& in a reasona,le
anner and at the Contra*tor7s *ost& ,+t the Contra*tor
shall have no responsi,ilit" !or this 2or6H and the
Contra*tor shall s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 2$. DEplo"er7s
ClaisE pa" to the Eplo"er the *osts reasona,l" in*+rred
," the Eplo"er in reed"in0 the de!e*t or daa0eH
8,9 re?+ire the En0ineer to a0ree or deterine a reasona,le
red+*tion in the Contra*t 3ri*e in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-
Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsEH or
8*9 i! the de!e*t or daa0e deprives the Eplo"er o!
s+,stantiall" the 2hole ,ene!it o! the 5or6s or an" a@or
part o! the 5or6s& terinate the Contra*t as a 2hole& or in
respe*t o! s+*h a@or part 2hi*h *annot ,e p+t to the
intended +se$ 5itho+t pre@+di*e to an" other ri0hts& +nder
the Contra*t or other2ise& the Eplo"er shall then ,e
entitled to re*over all s+s paid !or the 5or6s or !or s+*h
part 8as the *ase a" ,e9& pl+s !inan*in0 *osts and the *ost
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%// Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
o! disantlin0 the sae& *learin0 the Site and ret+rnin0
3lant and Materials to the Contra*tor$
)).! e&oval o'
De'ective Work
I! the de!e*t or daa0e *annot ,e reedied e1peditio+sl" on the
Site and the Eplo"er 0ives *onsent& the Contra*tor a" reove
!ro the Site !or the p+rposes o! repair s+*h ites o! 3lant as are
de!e*tive or daa0ed$ This *onsent a" re?+ire the Contra*tor
to in*rease the ao+nt o! the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" ," the !+ll
repla*eent *ost o! these ites& or to provide other appropriate
)).6 "%rther Tests I! the 2or6 o! reed"in0 o! an" de!e*t or daa0e a" a!!e*t the
per!oran*e o! the 5or6s& the En0ineer a" re?+ire the
repetition o! an" o! the tests des*ri,ed in the Contra*t$ The
re?+ireent shall ,e ade ," noti*e 2ithin 2) da"s a!ter the
de!e*t or daa0e is reedied$
These tests shall ,e *arried o+t in a**ordan*e 2ith the ters
appli*a,le to the previo+s tests& e1*ept that the" shall ,e *arried
o+t at the ris6 and *ost o! the 3art" lia,le& +nder S+,-Cla+se %%$2
DCost o! Reed"in0 De!e*tsE& !or the *ost o! the reedial 2or6$
)).7 ight o' Access Until the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate has ,een iss+ed& the Contra*tor
shall have s+*h ri0ht o! a**ess to the 5or6s as is reasona,l"
re?+ired in order to *opl" 2ith this Cla+se& e1*ept as a" ,e
in*onsistent 2ith the Eplo"er7s reasona,le se*+rit" restri*tions$
)).A Contractor to
The Contra*tor shall& i! re?+ired ," the En0ineer& sear*h !or the
*a+se o! an" de!e*t& +nder the dire*tion o! the En0ineer$ Unless
the de!e*t is to ,e reedied at the *ost o! the Contra*tor +nder
S+,-Cla+se %%$2 DCost o! Reed"in0 De!e*tsE& the Cost o! the
sear*h pl+s pro!it shall ,e a0reed or deterined ," the En0ineer
in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE and shall ,e
in*l+ded in the Contra*t 3ri*e$
)).B (er'or&ance
3er!oran*e o! the Contra*tor7s o,li0ations shall not ,e
*onsidered to have ,een *opleted +ntil the En0ineer has iss+ed
the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate to the Contra*tor& statin0 the date on
2hi*h the Contra*tor *opleted his o,li0ations +nder the
The En0ineer shall iss+e the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate 2ithin 2)
da"s a!ter the latest o! the e1pir" dates o! the De!e*ts
Noti!i*ation 3eriods& or as soon therea!ter as the Contra*tor has
s+pplied all the Contra*tor7s Do*+ents and *opleted and
tested all the 5or6s& in*l+din0 reed"in0 an" de!e*ts$ A *op" o!
the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate shall ,e iss+ed to the Eplo"er$
Onl" the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate shall ,e deeed to *onstit+te
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %/7
a**eptan*e o! the 5or6s$
)).)0 0n'%l'illed
A!ter the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate has ,een iss+ed& ea*h 3art"
shall reain lia,le !or the !+l!ilent o! an" o,li0ation 2hi*h
reains +nper!ored at that tie$ 4or the p+rposes o!
deterinin0 the nat+re and e1tent o! +nper!ored o,li0ations&
the Contra*t shall ,e deeed to reain in !or*e$
)).)) Clearance o' $ite Upon re*eivin0 the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate& the Contra*tor shall
reove an" reainin0 Contra*tor7s E?+ipent& s+rpl+s aterial&
2re*6a0e& r+,,ish and Teporar" 5or6s !ro the Site$
I! all these ites have not ,een reoved 2ithin 2) da"s a!ter
re*eipt ," the Contra*tor o! the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate& the
Eplo"er a" sell or other2ise dispose o! an" reainin0 ites$
The Eplo"er shall ,e entitled to ,e paid the *osts in*+rred in
*onne*tion 2ith& or attri,+ta,le to& s+*h sale or disposal and
restorin0 the Site$
An" ,alan*e o! the one"s !ro the sale shall ,e paid to the
Contra*tor$ I! these one"s are less than the Eplo"er7s *osts&
the Contra*tor shall pa" the o+tstandin0 ,alan*e to the Eplo"er$
1"# )e+surement +nd -+,u+tion
)2.) Works to 4e
The 5or6s shall ,e eas+red& and val+ed !or pa"ent& in
a**ordan*e 2ith this Cla+se$ The Contra*tor shall sho2 in ea*h
appli*ation +nder S+,-Cla+ses %'$# DAppli*ation !or Interi
3a"ent Certi!i*atesE& %'$%0 DStateent at CopletionE& and
%'$%% DAppli*ation !or 4inal 3a"ent Certi!i*ateE the ?+antities
and other parti*+lars detailin0 the ao+nts 2hi*h he *onsiders to
,e entitled +nder the Contra*t$
5henever the En0ineer re?+ires an" part o! the 5or6s to ,e
eas+red& reasona,le noti*e shall ,e 0iven to the Contra*tor7s
Representative& 2ho shallC
8a9 proptl" either attend or send another ?+ali!ied
representative to assist the En0ineer in a6in0 the
eas+reent& and
8,9 s+ppl" an" parti*+lars re?+ested ," the En0ineer$
I! the Contra*tor !ails to attend or send a representative& the
eas+reent ade ," 8or on ,ehal! o!9 the En0ineer shall ,e
a**epted as a**+rate$
E1*ept as other2ise stated in the Contra*t& 2herever an"
3eranent 5or6s are to ,e eas+red !ro re*ords& these shall
,e prepared ," the En0ineer$ The Contra*tor shall& as and 2hen
re?+ested& attend to e1aine and a0ree the re*ords 2ith the
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%/) Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
En0ineer& and shall si0n the sae 2hen a0reed$ I! the Contra*tor
does not attend& the re*ords shall ,e a**epted as a**+rate$
I! the Contra*tor e1aines and disa0rees the re*ords& andJor
does not si0n the as a0reed& then the Contra*tor shall 0ive
noti*e to the En0ineer o! the respe*ts in 2hi*h the re*ords are
asserted to ,e ina**+rate$ A!ter re*eivin0 this noti*e& the
En0ineer shall revie2 the re*ords and either *on!ir or var"
the and *erti!" the pa"ent o! the +ndisp+ted part$ I! the
Contra*tor does not so 0ive noti*e to the En0ineer 2ithin %'
da"s a!ter ,ein0 re?+ested to e1aine the re*ords& the" shall ,e
a**epted as a**+rate$
)2.2 Method o'
E1*ept as other2ise stated in the Contra*t and not2ithstandin0
lo*al pra*ti*eC
8a9 eas+reent shall ,e ade o! the net a*t+al ?+antit" o!
ea*h ite o! the 3eranent 5or6s& and
8,9 the ethod o! eas+reent shall ,e in a**ordan*e 2ith the
Bill o! >+antities or other appli*a,le S*hed+les$
)2.9 /val%ation E1*ept as other2ise stated in the Contra*t& the En0ineer shall
pro*eed in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to
a0ree or deterine the Contra*t 3ri*e ," eval+atin0 ea*h ite o!
2or6& appl"in0 the eas+reent a0reed or deterined in
a**ordan*e 2ith the a,ove S+,-Cla+ses %2$% D5or6s to ,e
Meas+redE and %2$2 DMethod o! Meas+reentE and the
appropriate rate or pri*e !or the ite$
4or ea*h ite o! 2or6& the appropriate rate or pri*e !or the ite
shall ,e the rate or pri*e spe*i!ied !or s+*h ite in the Contra*t
or& i! there is no s+*h ite& spe*i!ied !or siilar 2or6$
An" ite o! 2or6 in*l+ded in the Bill o! >+antities !or 2hi*h no
rate or pri*e 2as spe*i!ied shall ,e *onsidered as in*l+ded in
other rates and pri*es in the Bill o! >+antities and 2ill not ,e
paid !or separatel"$
=o2ever& a ne2 rate or pri*e shall ,e appropriate !or an ite o!
2or6 i!C
8i9 the eas+red ?+antit" o! the ite is *han0ed ," ore
than 2.T !ro the ?+antit" o! this ite in the Bill o!
>+antities or other S*hed+le&
8ii9 this *han0e in ?+antit" +ltiplied ," s+*h spe*i!ied
rate !or this ite e1*eeds 0$2.T o! the A**epted
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %/(
Contra*t Ao+nt&
8iii9 this *han0e in ?+antit" dire*tl" *han0es the Cost per
+nit ?+antit" o! this ite ," ore than %T& and
8iv9 this ite is not spe*i!ied in the Contra*t as a A!i1ed
rate iteBH
8i9 the 2or6 is instr+*ted +nder Cla+se %# D:ariations
and Ad@+stentsE&
8ii9 no rate or pri*e is spe*i!ied in the Contra*t !or this
ite& and
8iii9 no spe*i!ied rate or pri*e is appropriate ,e*a+se the ite
o! 2or6 is not o! siilar *hara*ter& or is not e1e*+ted
+nder siilar *onditions& as an" ite in the Contra*t$
Ea*h ne2 rate or pri*e shall ,e derived !ro an" relevant rates or
pri*es in the Contra*t& 2ith reasona,le ad@+stents to ta6e
a**o+nt o! the atters des*ri,ed in s+,-para0raph 8a9 andJor 8,9&
as appli*a,le$ I! no rates or pri*es are relevant !or the derivation
o! a ne2 rate or pri*e& it shall ,e derived !ro the reasona,le
Cost o! e1e*+tin0 the 2or6& to0ether 2ith pro!it& ta6in0 a**o+nt
o! an" other relevant atters$
Until s+*h tie as an appropriate rate or pri*e is a0reed or
deterined& the En0ineer shall deterine a provisional rate or
pri*e !or the p+rposes o! Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*ates as soon as
the *on*erned 5or6s *oen*es$
)2.@ .&issions 5henever the oission o! an" 2or6 !ors part 8or all9 o! a
:ariation& the val+e o! 2hi*h has not ,een a0reed& i!C
8a9 the Contra*tor 2ill in*+r 8or has in*+rred9 *ost 2hi*h& i! the
2or6 had not ,een oitted& 2o+ld have ,een deeed to ,e
*overed ," a s+ !orin0 part o! the A**epted Contra*t
8,9 the oission o! the 2or6 2ill res+lt 8or has res+lted9 in this
s+ not !orin0 part o! the Contra*t 3ri*eH and
8*9 this *ost is not deeed to ,e in*l+ded in the eval+ation o!
an" s+,stit+ted 2or6H
then the Contra*tor shall 0ive noti*e to the En0ineer a**ordin0l"&
2ith s+pportin0 parti*+lars$ Upon re*eivin0 this noti*e& the
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%70 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
En0ineer shall pro*eed in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$.
DDeterinationsE to a0ree or deterine this *ost& 2hi*h shall ,e
in*l+ded in the Contra*t 3ri*e$
1*# A+ri+tions +nd AdBustments
)9.) ight to 6ary :ariations a" ,e initiated ," the En0ineer at an" tie prior to
iss+in0 the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or the 5or6s& either ," an
instr+*tion or ," a re?+est !or the Contra*tor to s+,it a proposal$
The Contra*tor shall e1e*+te and ,e ,o+nd ," ea*h :ariation&
+nless the Contra*tor proptl" 0ives noti*e to the En0ineer
statin0 82ith s+pportin0 parti*+lars9 that 8i9 the Contra*tor
*annot readil" o,tain the Goods re?+ired !or the :ariation& or 8ii9
s+*h :ariation tri00ers a s+,stantial *han0e in the se?+en*e or
pro0ress o! the 5or6s$ Upon re*eivin0 this noti*e& the En0ineer
shall *an*el& *on!ir or var" the instr+*tion$
Ea*h :ariation a" in*l+deC
8a9 *han0es to the ?+antities o! an" ite o! 2or6 in*l+ded in
the Contra*t 8ho2ever& s+*h *han0es do not ne*essaril"
*onstit+te a :ariation9&
8,9 *han0es to the ?+alit" and other *hara*teristi*s o! an" ite
o! 2or6&
8*9 *han0es to the levels& positions andJor diensions o! an"
part o! the 5or6s&
8d9 oission o! an" 2or6 +nless it is to ,e *arried o+t ,"
8e9 an" additional 2or6& 3lant& Materials or servi*es ne*essar"
!or the 3eranent 5or6s& in*l+din0 an" asso*iated Tests on
Copletion& ,oreholes and other testin0 and e1plorator"
2or6& or
8!9 *han0es to the se?+en*e or tiin0 o! the e1e*+tion o! the
The Contra*tor shall not a6e an" alteration andJor odi!i*ation
o! the 3eranent 5or6s& +nless and +ntil the En0ineer instr+*ts
or approves a :ariation$
)9.2 6al%e
The Contra*tor a"& at an" tie& s+,it to the En0ineer a 2ritten
proposal 2hi*h 8in the Contra*tor7s opinion9 2ill& i! adopted& 8i9
a**elerate *opletion& 8ii9 red+*e the *ost to the Eplo"er o!
e1e*+tin0& aintainin0 or operatin0 the 5or6s& 8iii9 iprove the
e!!i*ien*" or val+e to the Eplo"er o! the *opleted 5or6s& or 8iv9
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %7%
other2ise ,e o! ,ene!it to the Eplo"er$
The proposal shall ,e prepared at the *ost o! the Contra*tor and
shall in*l+de the ites listed in S+,-Cla+se %#$# D:ariation
I! a proposal& 2hi*h is approved ," the En0ineer& in*l+des a
*han0e in the desi0n o! part o! the 3eranent 5or6s& then +nless
other2ise a0reed ," ,oth 3artiesC
8a9 the Contra*tor shall desi0n this part&
8,9 s+,-para0raphs 8a9 to 8d9 o! S+,-Cla+se '$% DContra*tor7s
General O,li0ationsE shall appl"& and
8*9 i! this *han0e res+lts in a red+*tion in the *ontra*t val+e o!
this part& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in a**ordan*e 2ith
S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or deterine a
!ee& 2hi*h shall ,e in*l+ded in the Contra*t 3ri*e$ This !ee
shall ,e hal! 8.0T9 o! the di!!eren*e ,et2een the !ollo2in0
8i9 s+*h red+*tion in *ontra*t val+e& res+ltin0 !ro the
*han0e& e1*l+din0 ad@+stents +nder S+,-Cla+se %#$7
DAd@+stents !or Chan0es in Fe0islationE and S+,-
Cla+se %#$) DAd@+stents !or Chan0es in CostE&and
8ii9 the red+*tion 8i! an"9 in the val+e to the Eplo"er o!
the varied 2or6s& ta6in0 a**o+nt o! an" red+*tions in
?+alit"& anti*ipated li!e or operational e!!i*ien*ies$
=o2ever& i! ao+nt 8i9 is less than ao+nt 8ii9& there shall not ,e
a !ee$
)9.9 6ariation
I! the En0ineer re?+ests a proposal& prior to instr+*tin0 a
:ariation& the Contra*tor shall respond in 2ritin0 as soon as
pra*ti*a,le& either ," 0ivin0 reasons 2h" he *annot *opl" 8i!
this is the *ase9 or ," s+,ittin0C
8a9 a des*ription o! the proposed 2or6 to ,e per!ored and a
pro0rae !or its e1e*+tion&
8,9 the Contra*tor7s proposal !or an" ne*essar" odi!i*ations
to the pro0rae a**ordin0 to S+,-Cla+se )$#
D3ro0raeE and to the Tie !or Copletion& and
8*9 the Contra*tor7s proposal !or eval+ation o! the :ariation$
The En0ineer shall& as soon as pra*ti*a,le a!ter re*eivin0 s+*h
proposal 8+nder S+,-Cla+se %#$2 D:al+e En0ineerin0E or
other2ise9& respond 2ith approval& disapproval or *oents$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%72 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
The Contra*tor shall not dela" an" 2or6 2hilst a2aitin0 a
Ea*h instr+*tion to e1e*+te a :ariation& 2ith an" re?+ireents
!or the re*ordin0 o! Costs& shall ,e iss+ed ," the En0ineer to the
Contra*tor& 2ho shall a*6no2led0e re*eipt$
Ea*h :ariation shall ,e eval+ated in a**ordan*e 2ith Cla+se %2
DMeas+reent and Eval+ationE& +nless the En0ineer instr+*ts or
approves other2ise in a**ordan*e 2ith this Cla+se$
)9.@ (ay&ent in
I! the Contra*t provides !or pa"ent o! the Contra*t 3ri*e in
ore than one *+rren*"& then 2henever an ad@+stent is a0reed&
approved or deterined as stated a,ove& the ao+nt pa"a,le in
ea*h o! the appli*a,le *+rren*ies shall ,e spe*i!ied$ 4or this
p+rpose& re!eren*e shall ,e ade to the a*t+al or e1pe*ted
*+rren*" proportions o! the Cost o! the varied 2or6& and to the
proportions o! vario+s *+rren*ies spe*i!ied !or pa"ent o! the
Contra*t 3ri*e$
)9.! (rovisional $%&s Ea*h 3rovisional S+ shall onl" ,e +sed& in 2hole or in part& in
a**ordan*e 2ith the En0ineer7s instr+*tions& and the Contra*t
3ri*e shall ,e ad@+sted a**ordin0l"$ The total s+ paid to the
Contra*tor shall in*l+de onl" s+*h ao+nts& !or the 2or6&
s+pplies or servi*es to 2hi*h the 3rovisional S+ relates& as the
En0ineer shall have instr+*ted$ 4or ea*h 3rovisional S+& the
En0ineer a" instr+*tC
8a9 2or6 to ,e e1e*+ted 8in*l+din0 3lant& Materials or servi*es
to ,e s+pplied9 ," the Contra*tor and val+ed +nder S+,-
Cla+se %#$# D:ariation 3ro*ed+reEH andJor
8,9 3lant& Materials or servi*es to ,e p+r*hased ," the
Contra*tor& !ro a noinated S+,*ontra*tor 8as de!ined in
Cla+se . DNoinated S+,*ontra*torsE9 or other2iseH and
!or 2hi*h there shall ,e in*l+ded in the Contra*t 3ri*eC
8i9 the a*t+al ao+nts paid 8or d+e to ,e paid9 ," the
Contra*tor& and
8ii9 a s+ !or overhead *har0es and pro!it& *al*+lated as a
per*enta0e o! these a*t+al ao+nts ," appl"in0 the
relevant per*enta0e rate 8i! an"9 stated in the
appropriate S*hed+le$ I! there is no s+*h rate& the
per*enta0e rate stated in the Contra*t Data shall ,e
The Contra*tor shall& 2hen re?+ired ," the En0ineer& prod+*e
?+otations& invoi*es& vo+*hers and a**o+nts or re*eipts in
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %7#
)9.6 Day#ork 4or 2or6 o! a inor or in*idental nat+re& the En0ineer a"
instr+*t that a :ariation shall ,e e1e*+ted on a da"2or6 ,asis$
The 2or6 shall then ,e val+ed in a**ordan*e 2ith the Da"2or6
S*hed+le in*l+ded in the Contra*t& and the !ollo2in0 pro*ed+re
shall appl"$ I! a Da"2or6 S*hed+le is not in*l+ded in the
Contra*t& this S+,-Cla+se shall not appl"$
Be!ore orderin0 Goods !or the 2or6& the Contra*tor shall s+,it
?+otations to the En0ineer$ 5hen appl"in0 !or pa"ent& the
Contra*tor shall s+,it invoi*es& vo+*hers and a**o+nts or
re*eipts !or an" Goods$
E1*ept !or an" ites !or 2hi*h the Da"2or6 S*hed+le spe*i!ies
that pa"ent is not d+e& the Contra*tor shall deliver ea*h da" to
the En0ineer a**+rate stateents in d+pli*ate 2hi*h shall in*l+de
the !ollo2in0 details o! the reso+r*es +sed in e1e*+tin0 the
previo+s da"7s 2or6C
8a9 the naes& o**+pations and tie o! Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel&
8,9 the identi!i*ation& t"pe and tie o! Contra*tor7s E?+ipent
and Teporar" 5or6s& and
8*9 the ?+antities and t"pes o! 3lant and Materials +sed$
One *op" o! ea*h stateent 2ill& i! *orre*t& or 2hen a0reed& ,e
si0ned ," the En0ineer and ret+rned to the Contra*tor$ The
Contra*tor shall then s+,it pri*ed stateents o! these reso+r*es
to the En0ineer& prior to their in*l+sion in the ne1t Stateent
+nder S+,-Cla+se %'$# DAppli*ation !or Interi 3a"ent
)9.7 Ad?%st&ents 'or
Changes in
The Contra*t 3ri*e shall ,e ad@+sted to ta6e a**o+nt o! an"
in*rease or de*rease in Cost res+ltin0 !ro a *han0e in the Fa2s
o! the Co+ntr" 8in*l+din0 the introd+*tion o! ne2 Fa2s and the
repeal or odi!i*ation o! e1istin0 Fa2s9 or in the @+di*ial or
o!!i*ial 0overnental interpretation o! s+*h Fa2s& ade a!ter the
Base Date& 2hi*h a!!e*t the Contra*tor in the per!oran*e o!
o,li0ations +nder the Contra*t$
I! the Contra*tor s+!!ers 8or 2ill s+!!er9 dela" andJor in*+rs 8or
2ill in*+r9 additional Cost as a res+lt o! these *han0es in the
Fa2s or in s+*h interpretations& ade a!ter the Base Date& the
Contra*tor shall 0ive noti*e to the En0ineer and shall ,e entitled
s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 20$% DContra*tor7s ClaisE toC
8a9 an e1tension o! tie !or an" s+*h dela"& i! *opletion is or
2ill ,e dela"ed& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie
!or CopletionE& and
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%7' Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
8,9 pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost& 2hi*h shall ,e in*l+ded in the
Contra*t 3ri*e$
A!ter re*eivin0 this noti*e& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine these atters$
Not2ithstandin0 the !ore0oin0& the Contra*tor shall not ,e
entitled to an e1tension o! tie i! the relevant dela" has alread"
,een ta6en into a**o+nt in the deterination o! a previo+s
e1tension o! tie and s+*h Cost shall not ,e separatel" paid i! the
sae shall alread" have ,een ta6en into a**o+nt in the inde1in0
o! an" inp+ts to the ta,le o! ad@+stent data in a**ordan*e 2ith
the provisions o! S+,-Cla+se %#$) DAd@+stents !or Chan0es in
CostE $
)9.A Ad?%st&ents 'or
Changes in Cost
In this S+,-Cla+se& Ata,le o! ad@+stent dataB eans the
*opleted ta,le o! ad@+stent data !or lo*al and !orei0n
*+rren*ies in*l+ded in the S*hed+les$ I! there is no s+*h ta,le o!
ad@+stent data& this S+,-Cla+se shall not appl"$
I! this S+,-Cla+se applies& the ao+nts pa"a,le to the Contra*tor
shall ,e ad@+sted !or rises or !alls in the *ost o! la,o+r& Goods
and other inp+ts to the 5or6s& ," the addition or ded+*tion o!
the ao+nts deterined ," the !or+lae pres*ri,ed in this S+,-
Cla+se$ To the e1tent that !+ll *opensation !or an" rise or !all in
Costs is not *overed ," the provisions o! this or other Cla+ses&
the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt shall ,e deeed to have in*l+ded
ao+nts to *over the *ontin0en*" o! other rises and !alls in
The ad@+stent to ,e applied to the ao+nt other2ise pa"a,le to
the Contra*tor& as val+ed in a**ordan*e 2ith the appropriate
S*hed+le and *erti!ied in 3a"ent Certi!i*ates& shall ,e
deterined !ro !or+lae !or ea*h o! the *+rren*ies in 2hi*h the
Contra*t 3ri*e is pa"a,le$ No ad@+stent is to ,e applied to 2or6
val+ed on the ,asis o! Cost or *+rrent pri*es$ The !or+lae shall
,e o! the !ollo2in0 0eneral t"peC
3n \ a X , FnJ Fo X * EnJEo X d MnJMo X $$$$$$ 2hereC
A3nB is the ad@+stent +ltiplier to ,e applied to the estiated
*ontra*t val+e in the relevant *+rren*" o! the 2or6 *arried o+t in
period AnB& this period ,ein0 a onth +nless other2ise stated in
the Contra*t Data H
AaB is a !i1ed *oe!!i*ient& stated in the relevant ta,le o!
ad@+stent data& representin0 the non-ad@+sta,le portion in
*ontra*t+al pa"entsH
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %7.
A,B& A*B& AdB& S are *oe!!i*ients representin0 the estiated
proportion o! ea*h *ost eleent related to the e1e*+tion o! the
5or6s& as stated in the relevant ta,le o! ad@+stent dataH s+*h
ta,+lated *ost eleents a" ,e indi*ative o! reso+r*es s+*h as
la,o+r& e?+ipent and aterialsH
AFnB& AEnB& AMnB& S are the *+rrent *ost indi*es or re!eren*e
pri*es !or period AnB& e1pressed in the relevant *+rren*" o!
pa"ent& ea*h o! 2hi*h is appli*a,le to the relevant ta,+lated
*ost eleent on the date '( da"s prior to the last da" o! the
period 8to 2hi*h the parti*+lar 3a"ent Certi!i*ate relates9H and
AFoB& AEoB& AMoB& S are the ,ase *ost indi*es or re!eren*e
pri*es& e1pressed in the relevant *+rren*" o! pa"ent& ea*h o!
2hi*h is appli*a,le to the relevant ta,+lated *ost eleent on the
Base Date$
The *ost indi*es or re!eren*e pri*es stated in the ta,le o!
ad@+stent data shall ,e +sed$ I! their so+r*e is in do+,t& it shall
,e deterined ," the En0ineer$ 4or this p+rpose& re!eren*e shall
,e ade to the val+es o! the indi*es at stated dates 8?+oted in the
!o+rth and !i!th *ol+ns respe*tivel" o! the ta,le9 !or the
p+rposes o! *lari!i*ation o! the so+r*eH altho+0h these dates 8and
th+s these val+es9 a" not *orrespond to the ,ase *ost indi*es$
In *ases 2here the A*+rren*" o! inde1B 8stated in the ta,le9 is not
the relevant *+rren*" o! pa"ent& ea*h inde1 shall ,e *onverted
into the relevant *+rren*" o! pa"ent at the sellin0 rate&
esta,lished ," the *entral ,an6 o! the Co+ntr"& o! this relevant
*+rren*" on the a,ove date !or 2hi*h the inde1 is re?+ired to ,e
Until s+*h tie as ea*h *+rrent *ost inde1 is availa,le& the
En0ineer shall deterine a provisional inde1 !or the iss+e o!
Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*ates$ 5hen a *+rrent *ost inde1 is
availa,le& the ad@+stent shall ,e re*al*+lated a**ordin0l"$
I! the Contra*tor !ails to *oplete the 5or6s 2ithin the Tie !or
Copletion& ad@+stent o! pri*es therea!ter shall ,e ade +sin0
either 8i9 ea*h inde1 or pri*e appli*a,le on the date '( da"s prior
to the e1pir" o! the Tie !or Copletion o! the 5or6s& or 8ii9 the
*+rrent inde1 or pri*eC 2hi*hever is ore !avo+ra,le to the
The 2ei0htin0s 8*oe!!i*ients9 !or ea*h o! the !a*tors o! *ost
stated in the ta,le8s9 o! ad@+stent data shall onl" ,e ad@+sted i!
the" have ,een rendered +nreasona,le& +n,alan*ed or
inappli*a,le& as a res+lt o! :ariations$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%7/ Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
1/# Contr+ct Price +nd P+7ment
)@.) The Contract
Unless other2ise stated in the 3arti*+lar ConditionsC
8a9 the Contra*t 3ri*e shall ,e a0reed or deterined +nder
S+,-Cla+se %2$# DEval+ationE and ,e s+,@e*t to ad@+stents
in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*tH
8,9 the Contra*tor shall pa" all ta1es& d+ties and !ees re?+ired
to ,e paid ," hi +nder the Contra*t& and the Contra*t
3ri*e shall not ,e ad@+sted !or an" o! these *osts e1*ept as
stated in S+,-Cla+se %#$7 DAd@+stents !or Chan0es in
8*9 an" ?+antities 2hi*h a" ,e set o+t in the Bill o! >+antities
or other S*hed+le are estiated ?+antities and are not to ,e
ta6en as the a*t+al and *orre*t ?+antitiesC
8i9 o! the 5or6s 2hi*h the Contra*tor is re?+ired to
e1e*+te& or
8ii9 !or the p+rposes o! Cla+se %2 DMeas+reent and
Eval+ationEH and
8d9 the Contra*tor shall s+,it to the En0ineer& 2ithin 2) da"s
a!ter the Coen*eent Date& a proposed ,rea6do2n o!
ea*h l+p s+ pri*e in the S*hed+les$ The En0ineer a"
ta6e a**o+nt o! the ,rea6do2n 2hen preparin0 3a"ent
Certi!i*ates& ,+t shall not ,e ,o+nd ," it$
8e9 Not2ithstandin0 the provisions o! s+,para0raph 8,9&
Contra*torMs E?+ipent& in*l+din0 essential spare parts
there!or& iported ," the Contra*tor !or the sole p+rpose o!
e1e*+tin0 the Contra*t shall ,e e1ept !ro the pa"ent o!
iport d+ties and ta1es +pon iportation$
)@.2 Advance (ay&ent The Eplo"er shall a6e an advan*e pa"ent& as an interest-!ree
loan !or o,ilisation and *ash !lo2 s+pport& 2hen the Contra*tor
s+,its a 0+arantee in a**ordan*e 2ith this S+,-Cla+se$ The
total advan*e pa"ent& the n+,er and tiin0 o! instalents 8i!
ore than one9& and the appli*a,le *+rren*ies and proportions&
shall ,e as stated in the Contra*t Data$
Unless and +ntil the Eplo"er re*eives this 0+arantee& or i! the
total advan*e pa"ent is not stated in the Contra*t Data& this
S+,-Cla+se shall not appl"$
The En0ineer shall deliver to the Eplo"er and to the Contra*tor
an Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*ate !or the advan*e pa"ent or its
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %77
!irst instalent a!ter re*eivin0 a Stateent 8+nder S+,-Cla+se
%'$# DAppli*ation !or Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*atesE9 and a!ter the
Eplo"er re*eives 8i9 the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" in a**ordan*e
2ith S+,-Cla+se '$2 D3er!oran*e Se*+rit"E and 8ii9 a 0+arantee
in ao+nts and *+rren*ies e?+al to the advan*e pa"ent$ This
0+arantee shall ,e iss+ed ," an entit" and !ro 2ithin a *o+ntr"
8or other @+risdi*tion9 approved ," the Eplo"er& and shall ,e in
the !or anne1ed to the 3arti*+lar Conditions or in another !or
approved ," the Eplo"er$
The Contra*tor shall ens+re that the 0+arantee is valid and
en!or*ea,le +ntil the advan*e pa"ent has ,een repaid& ,+t its
ao+nt shall ,e pro0ressivel" red+*ed ," the ao+nt repaid ,"
the Contra*tor as indi*ated in the 3a"ent Certi!i*ates$ I! the
ters o! the 0+arantee spe*i!" its e1pir" date& and the advan*e
pa"ent has not ,een repaid ," the date 2) da"s prior to the
e1pir" date& the Contra*tor shall e1tend the validit" o! the
0+arantee +ntil the advan*e pa"ent has ,een repaid$
Unless stated other2ise in the Contra*t Data& the advan*e
pa"ent shall ,e repaid thro+0h per*enta0e ded+*tions !ro the
interi pa"ents deterined ," the En0ineer in a**ordan*e 2ith
S+,-Cla+se %'$/ DIss+e o! Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*atesE& as
8a9 ded+*tions shall *oen*e in the ne1t interi 3a"ent
Certi!i*ate !ollo2in0 that in 2hi*h the total o! all *erti!ied
interi pa"ents 8e1*l+din0 the advan*e pa"ent and
ded+*tions and repa"ents o! retention9 e1*eeds #0
per*ent 8#0T9 o! the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt less
3rovisional S+sH and
8,9 ded+*tions shall ,e ade at the aortisation rate stated in the
Contra*t Data o! the ao+nt o! ea*h Interi 3a"ent
Certi!i*ate 8e1*l+din0 the advan*e pa"ent and ded+*tions
!or its repa"ents as 2ell as ded+*tions !or retention one"9
in the *+rren*ies and proportions o! the advan*e pa"ent +ntil
s+*h tie as the advan*e pa"ent has ,een repaidH provided
that the advan*e pa"ent shall ,e *opletel" repaid prior to
the tie 2hen (0 per *ent 8(0T9 o! the A**epted Contra*t
Ao+nt less 3rovisional S+s has ,een *erti!ied !or pa"ent$
I! the advan*e pa"ent has not ,een repaid prior to the iss+e o!
the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or the 5or6s or prior to terination
+nder Cla+se %. DTerination ," Eplo"erE& Cla+se %/
DS+spension and Terination ," Contra*torE or Cla+se %( D4or*e
Ma@e+reE 8as the *ase a" ,e9& the 2hole o! the ,alan*e then
o+tstandin0 shall iediatel" ,e*oe d+e and in *ase o!
terination +nder Cla+se %. DTerination ," Eplo"erE and
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%7) Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
S+,-Cla+se %($/ DOptional Terination& 3a"ent and ReleaseE&
pa"a,le ," the Contra*tor to the Eplo"er$
)@.9 Application 'or
+nteri& (ay&ent
The Contra*tor shall s+,it a Stateent in si1 *opies to the
En0ineer a!ter the end o! ea*h onth& in a !or approved ," the
En0ineer& sho2in0 in detail the ao+nts to 2hi*h the Contra*tor
*onsiders hisel! to ,e entitled& to0ether 2ith s+pportin0
do*+ents 2hi*h shall in*l+de the report on the pro0ress d+rin0
this onth in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se '$2% D3ro0ress
The Stateent shall in*l+de the !ollo2in0 ites& as appli*a,le&
2hi*h shall ,e e1pressed in the vario+s *+rren*ies in 2hi*h the
Contra*t 3ri*e is pa"a,le& in the se?+en*e listedC
8a9 the estiated *ontra*t val+e o! the 5or6s e1e*+ted and the
Contra*tor7s Do*+ents prod+*ed +p to the end o! the
onth 8in*l+din0 :ariations ,+t e1*l+din0 ites des*ri,ed
in s+,-para0raphs 8,9 to 809 ,elo29H
8,9 an" ao+nts to ,e added and ded+*ted !or *han0es in
le0islation and *han0es in *ost& in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-
Cla+se %#$7 DAd@+stents !or Chan0es in Fe0islationE and
S+,-Cla+se %#$) DAd@+stents !or Chan0es in CostEH
8*9 an" ao+nt to ,e ded+*ted !or retention& *al*+lated ,"
appl"in0 the per*enta0e o! retention stated in the Contra*t
Data to the total o! the a,ove ao+nts& +ntil the ao+nt so
retained ," the Eplo"er rea*hes the liit o! Retention
Mone" 8i! an"9 stated in the Contra*t DataH
8d9 an" ao+nts to ,e added !or the advan*e pa"ent and 8i!
ore than one instalent9 and to ,e ded+*ted !or its
repa"ents in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se %'$2 DAdvan*e
8e9 an" ao+nts to ,e added and ded+*ted !or 3lant and
Materials in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se %'$. D3lant and
Materials intended !or the 5or6sEH
8!9 an" other additions or ded+*tions 2hi*h a" have ,e*oe
d+e +nder the Contra*t or other2ise& in*l+din0 those +nder
Cla+se 20 DClais& Disp+tes and Ar,itrationEH and
809 the ded+*tion o! ao+nts *erti!ied in all previo+s 3a"ent
)@.@ $ched%le o'
I! the Contra*t in*l+des a s*hed+le o! pa"ents spe*i!"in0 the
instalents in 2hi*h the Contra*t 3ri*e 2ill ,e paid& then +nless
other2ise stated in this s*hed+leC
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %7(
8a9 the instalents ?+oted in this s*hed+le o! pa"ents shall ,e
the estiated *ontra*t val+es !or the p+rposes o! s+,-
para0raph 8a9 o! S+,-Cla+se %'$# DAppli*ation !or Interi
3a"ent Certi!i*atesEH
8,9 S+,-Cla+se %'$. D3lant and Materials intended !or the
5or6sE shall not appl"H and
8*9 i! these instalents are not de!ined ," re!eren*e to the
a*t+al pro0ress a*hieved in e1e*+tin0 the 5or6s& and i!
a*t+al pro0ress is !o+nd to ,e less or ore than that on
2hi*h this s*hed+le o! pa"ents 2as ,ased& then the
En0ineer a" pro*eed in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$.
DDeterinationsE to a0ree or deterine revised instalents&
2hi*h shall ta6e a**o+nt o! the e1tent to 2hi*h pro0ress is
less or ore than that on 2hi*h the instalents 2ere
previo+sl" ,ased$
I! the Contra*t does not in*l+de a s*hed+le o! pa"ents& the
Contra*tor shall s+,it non-,indin0 estiates o! the pa"ents
2hi*h he e1pe*ts to ,e*oe d+e d+rin0 ea*h ?+arterl" period$
The !irst estiate shall ,e s+,itted 2ithin '2 da"s a!ter the
Coen*eent Date$ Revised estiates shall ,e s+,itted at
?+arterl" intervals& +ntil the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate has ,een
iss+ed !or the 5or6s$
)@.! (lant and
intended 'or the
I! this S+,-Cla+se applies& Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*ates shall
in*l+de& +nder s+,-para0raph 8e9 o! S+,-Cla+se %'$#& 8i9 an
ao+nt !or 3lant and Materials 2hi*h have ,een sent to the Site
!or in*orporation in the 3eranent 5or6s& and 8ii9 a red+*tion
2hen the *ontra*t val+e o! s+*h 3lant and Materials is in*l+ded
as part o! the 3eranent 5or6s +nder s+,-para0raph 8a9 o! S+,-
Cla+se %'$# DAppli*ation !or Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*atesE$
I! the lists re!erred to in s+,-para0raphs 8,98i9 or 8*98i9 ,elo2 are
not in*l+ded in the S*hed+les& this S+,-Cla+se shall not appl"$
The En0ineer shall deterine and *erti!" ea*h addition i! the
!ollo2in0 *onditions are satis!iedC
8a9 the Contra*tor hasC
8i9 6ept satis!a*tor" re*ords 8in*l+din0 the orders&
re*eipts& Costs and +se o! 3lant and Materials9 2hi*h
are availa,le !or inspe*tion& and
8ii9 s+,itted a stateent o! the Cost o! a*?+irin0 and
deliverin0 the 3lant and Materials to the Site&
s+pported ," satis!a*tor" eviden*eH
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%)0 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
and eitherC
8,9 the relevant 3lant and MaterialsC
8i9 are those listed in the S*hed+les !or pa"ent 2hen
8ii9 have ,een shipped to the Co+ntr"& en ro+te to the
Site& in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*tH and
8iii9 are des*ri,ed in a *lean shipped ,ill o! ladin0 or other
eviden*e o! shipent& 2hi*h has ,een s+,itted to the
En0ineer to0ether 2ith eviden*e o! pa"ent o! !rei0ht
and ins+ran*e& an" other do*+ents reasona,l"
re?+ired& and a ,an6 0+arantee in a !or and iss+ed
," an entit" approved ," the Eplo"er in ao+nts
and *+rren*ies e?+al to the ao+nt d+e +nder this
S+,-Cla+seC this 0+arantee a" ,e in a siilar !or to
the !or re!erred to in S+,-Cla+se %'$2 DAdvan*e
3a"entE and shall ,e valid +ntil the 3lant and
Materials are properl" stored on Site and prote*ted
a0ainst loss& daa0e or deteriorationH
8*9 the relevant 3lant and MaterialsC
8i9 are those listed in the S*hed+les !or pa"ent 2hen
delivered to the Site& and
8ii9 have ,een delivered to and are properl" stored on the
Site& are prote*ted a0ainst loss& daa0e or deterioration&
and appear to ,e in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t$
The additional ao+nt to ,e *erti!ied shall ,e the e?+ivalent o!
ei0ht" per*ent o! the En0ineer7s deterination o! the *ost o! the
3lant and Materials 8in*l+din0 deliver" to Site9& ta6in0 a**o+nt
o! the do*+ents entioned in this S+,-Cla+se and o! the
*ontra*t val+e o! the 3lant and Materials$
The *+rren*ies !or this additional ao+nt shall ,e the sae as
those in 2hi*h pa"ent 2ill ,e*oe d+e 2hen the *ontra*t val+e
is in*l+ded +nder s+,-para0raph 8a9 o! S+,-Cla+se %'$#
DAppli*ation !or Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*atesE$ At that tie& the
3a"ent Certi!i*ate shall in*l+de the appli*a,le red+*tion 2hi*h
shall ,e e?+ivalent to& and in the sae *+rren*ies and proportions
as& this additional ao+nt !or the relevant 3lant and Materials$
)@.6 +ss%e o' +nteri&
No ao+nt 2ill ,e *erti!ied or paid +ntil the Eplo"er has
re*eived and approved the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit"$ Therea!ter& the
En0ineer shall& 2ithin 2) da"s a!ter re*eivin0 a Stateent and
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %)%
s+pportin0 do*+ents& deliver to the Eplo"er and to the
Contra*tor an Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*ate 2hi*h shall state the
ao+nt 2hi*h the En0ineer !airl" deterines to ,e d+e& 2ith all
s+pportin0 parti*+lars !or an" red+*tion or 2ithholdin0 ade ,"
the En0ineer on the Stateent i! an"$
=o2ever& prior to iss+in0 the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or the
5or6s& the En0ineer shall not ,e ,o+nd to iss+e an Interi
3a"ent Certi!i*ate in an ao+nt 2hi*h 2o+ld 8a!ter retention
and other ded+*tions9 ,e less than the ini+ ao+nt o!
Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*ates 8i! an"9 stated in the Contra*t Data$
In this event& the En0ineer shall 0ive noti*e to the Contra*tor
An Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*ate shall not ,e 2ithheld !or an"
other reason& altho+0hC
8a9 i! an" thin0 s+pplied or 2or6 done ," the Contra*tor is not
in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t& the *ost o! re*ti!i*ation or
repla*eent a" ,e 2ithheld +ntil re*ti!i*ation or
repla*eent has ,een *opletedH andJor
8,9 i! the Contra*tor 2as or is !ailin0 to per!or an" 2or6 or
o,li0ation in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t& and had ,een
so noti!ied ," the En0ineer& the val+e o! this 2or6 or
o,li0ation a" ,e 2ithheld +ntil the 2or6 or o,li0ation has
,een per!ored$
The En0ineer a" in an" 3a"ent Certi!i*ate a6e an"
*orre*tion or odi!i*ation that sho+ld properl" ,e ade to an"
previo+s 3a"ent Certi!i*ate$ A 3a"ent Certi!i*ate shall not ,e
deeed to indi*ate the En0ineer7s a**eptan*e& approval& *onsent
or satis!a*tion$
)@.7 (ay&ent The Eplo"er shall pa" to the Contra*torC
8a9 the !irst instalent o! the advan*e pa"ent 2ithin '2 da"s
a!ter iss+in0 the Fetter o! A**eptan*e or 2ithin 2% da"s
a!ter re*eivin0 the do*+ents in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-
Cla+se '$2 D3er!oran*e Se*+rit"E and S+,-Cla+se %'$2
DAdvan*e 3a"entE& 2hi*hever is laterH
8,9 the ao+nt *erti!ied in ea*h Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*ate
2ithin ./ da"s a!ter the En0ineer re*eives the Stateent
and s+pportin0 do*+ents or& at a tie 2hen the Ban6Ms
loan or *redit 8!ro 2hi*h part o! the pa"ents to the
Contra*tor is ,ein0 ade9 is s+spended& the ao+nt sho2n
on an" stateent s+,itted ," the Contra*tor& 2ithin %'
da"s a!ter s+*h stateent is s+,itted& an" dis*repan*"
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%)2 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
,ein0 re*ti!ied in the ne1t pa"ent to the Contra*torH and
8*9 the ao+nt *erti!ied in the 4inal 3a"ent Certi!i*ate 2ithin
./ da"s a!ter the Eplo"er re*eives this 3a"ent
Certi!i*ate or& at a tie 2hen the Ban6Ms loan or *redit
8!ro 2hi*h part o! the pa"ents to the Contra*tor is ,ein0
ade9 is s+spended& the +ndisp+ted ao+nt sho2n in the
4inal Stateent& 2ithin ./ da"s a!ter the date o!
noti!i*ation o! the s+spension in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-
Cla+se %/$2$
3a"ent o! the ao+nt d+e in ea*h *+rren*" shall ,e ade into
the ,an6 a**o+nt& noinated ," the Contra*tor& in the pa"ent
*o+ntr" 8!or this *+rren*"9 spe*i!ied in the Contra*t$
)@.A Delayed (ay&ent I! the Contra*tor does not re*eive pa"ent in a**ordan*e 2ith
S+,-Cla+se %'$7 D3a"entE& the Contra*tor shall ,e entitled to
re*eive !inan*in0 *har0es *opo+nded onthl" on the ao+nt
+npaid d+rin0 the period o! dela"$ This period shall ,e deeed to
*oen*e on the date !or pa"ent spe*i!ied in S+,-Cla+se %'$7
D3a"entE& irrespe*tive 8in the *ase o! its s+,-para0raph 8,99 o!
the date on 2hi*h an" Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*ate is iss+ed$
Unless other2ise stated in the 3arti*+lar Conditions& these
!inan*in0 *har0es shall ,e *al*+lated at the ann+al rate o! three
per*enta0e points a,ove the dis*o+nt rate o! the *entral ,an6 in
the *o+ntr" o! the *+rren*" o! pa"ent& or i! not availa,le& the
inter,an6 o!!ered rate& and shall ,e paid in s+*h *+rren*"$
The Contra*tor shall ,e entitled to this pa"ent 2itho+t !oral
noti*e or *erti!i*ation& and 2itho+t pre@+di*e to an" other ri0ht
or reed"$
)@.B (ay&ent o'
etention Money
5hen the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate has ,een iss+ed !or the 5or6s&
the !irst hal! o! the Retention Mone" shall ,e *erti!ied ," the
En0ineer !or pa"ent to the Contra*tor$ I! a
Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate is iss+ed !or a Se*tion or part o! the
5or6s& a proportion o! the Retention Mone" shall ,e *erti!ied
and paid$ This proportion shall ,e hal! 8.0T9 o! the proportion
*al*+lated ," dividin0 the estiated *ontra*t val+e o! the Se*tion
or part& ," the estiated !inal Contra*t 3ri*e$
3roptl" a!ter the latest o! the e1pir" dates o! the De!e*ts
Noti!i*ation 3eriods& the o+tstandin0 ,alan*e o! the Retention
Mone" shall ,e *erti!ied ," the En0ineer !or pa"ent to the
Contra*tor$ I! a Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate 2as iss+ed !or a Se*tion&
a proportion o! the se*ond hal! o! the Retention Mone" shall ,e
*erti!ied and paid proptl" a!ter the e1pir" date o! the De!e*ts
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %)#
Noti!i*ation 3eriod !or the Se*tion$ This proportion shall ,e hal!
8.0T9 o! the proportion *al*+lated ," dividin0 the estiated
*ontra*t val+e o! the Se*tion ," the estiated !inal Contra*t
=o2ever& i! an" 2or6 reains to ,e e1e*+ted +nder Cla+se %%
DDe!e*ts Fia,ilit"E& the En0ineer shall ,e entitled to 2ithhold
*erti!i*ation o! the estiated *ost o! this 2or6 +ntil it has ,een
5hen *al*+latin0 these proportions& no a**o+nt shall ,e ta6en o!
an" ad@+stents +nder S+,-Cla+se %#$7 DAd@+stents !or
Chan0es in Fe0islationE and S+,-Cla+se %#$) DAd@+stents !or
Chan0es in CostE$
Unless other2ise stated in the 3arti*+lar Conditions& 2hen the
Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate has ,een iss+ed !or the 5or6s and the
!irst hal! o! the Retention Mone" has ,een *erti!ied !or pa"ent
," the En0ineer& the Contra*tor shall ,e entitled to s+,stit+te a
0+arantee& in the !or anne1ed to the 3arti*+lar Conditions or in
another !or approved ," the Eplo"er and provided ," an
entit" approved ," the Eplo"er& !or the se*ond hal! o! the
Retention Mone"$ The Contra*tor shall ens+re that the
0+arantee is in the ao+nts and *+rren*ies o! the se*ond hal! o!
the Retention Mone" and is valid and en!or*ea,le +ntil the
Contra*tor has e1e*+ted and *opleted the 5or6s and reedied
an" de!e*ts& as spe*i!ied !or the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" in S+,-
Cla+se '$2$ On re*eipt ," the Eplo"er o! the re?+ired
0+arantee& the En0ineer shall *erti!" and the Eplo"er shall pa"
the se*ond hal! o! the Retention Mone"$ The release o! the
se*ond hal! o! the Retention Mone" a0ainst a 0+arantee shall
then ,e in lie+ o! the release +nder the se*ond para0raph o! this
S+,-Cla+se$ The Eplo"er shall ret+rn the 0+arantee to the
Contra*tor 2ithin 2% da"s a!ter re*eivin0 a *op" o! the
3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate$
I! the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" re?+ired +nder S+,-Cla+se '$2 is in
the !or o! a deand 0+arantee& and the ao+nt 0+aranteed
+nder it 2hen the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate is iss+ed is ore than
hal! o! the Retention Mone"& then the Retention Mone"
0+arantee 2ill not ,e re?+ired$ I! the ao+nt 0+aranteed +nder
the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" 2hen the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate is
iss+ed is less than hal! o! the Retention Mone"& the Retention
Mone" 0+arantee 2ill onl" ,e re?+ired !or the di!!eren*e ,et2een
hal! o! the Retention Mone" and the ao+nt 0+aranteed +nder
the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit"$
)@.)0$tate&ent at
5ithin )' da"s a!ter re*eivin0 the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or the
5or6s& the Contra*tor shall s+,it to the En0ineer si1 *opies o!
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%)' Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
a Stateent at *opletion 2ith s+pportin0 do*+ents& in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se %'$# DAppli*ation !or Interi
3a"ent Certi!i*atesE& sho2in0C
8a9 the val+e o! all 2or6 done in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t
+p to the date stated in the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or the
8,9 an" !+rther s+s 2hi*h the Contra*tor *onsiders to ,e d+e&
8*9 an estiate o! an" other ao+nts 2hi*h the Contra*tor
*onsiders 2ill ,e*oe d+e to hi +nder the Contra*t$
Estiated ao+nts shall ,e sho2n separatel" in this
Stateent at *opletion$
The En0ineer shall then *erti!" in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se
%'$/ DIss+e o! Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*atesE$
)@.)) Application 'or
"inal (ay&ent
5ithin ./ da"s a!ter re*eivin0 the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate& the
Contra*tor shall s+,it& to the En0ineer& si1 *opies o! a dra!t
!inal stateent 2ith s+pportin0 do*+ents sho2in0 in detail in a
!or approved ," the En0ineerC
8a9 the val+e o! all 2or6 done in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t&
8,9 an" !+rther s+s 2hi*h the Contra*tor *onsiders to ,e d+e
to hi +nder the Contra*t or other2ise$
I! the En0ineer disa0rees 2ith or *annot veri!" an" part o! the
dra!t !inal stateent& the Contra*tor shall s+,it s+*h !+rther
in!oration as the En0ineer a" reasona,l" re?+ire 2ithin 2)
da"s !ro re*eipt o! the said dra!t and shall a6e s+*h *han0es
in the dra!t as a" ,e a0reed ,et2een the$ The Contra*tor shall
then prepare and s+,it to the En0ineer the !inal stateent as
a0reed$ This a0reed stateent is re!erred to in these Conditions
as the A4inal StateentB$
=o2ever i!& !ollo2in0 dis*+ssions ,et2een the En0ineer and the
Contra*tor and an" *han0es to the dra!t !inal stateent 2hi*h are
a0reed& it ,e*oes evident that a disp+te e1ists& the En0ineer shall
deliver to the Eplo"er 82ith a *op" to the Contra*tor9 an Interi
3a"ent Certi!i*ate !or the a0reed parts o! the dra!t !inal stateent$
Therea!ter& i! the disp+te is !inall" resolved +nder S+,-Cla+se 20$'
DO,tainin0 Disp+te Board7s De*isionE or S+,-Cla+se 20$.
DAi*a,le SettleentE& the Contra*tor shall then prepare and
s+,it to the Eplo"er 82ith a *op" to the En0ineer9 a 4inal
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %).
)@.)2Discharge 5hen s+,ittin0 the 4inal Stateent& the Contra*tor shall
s+,it a dis*har0e 2hi*h *on!irs that the total o! the 4inal
Stateent represents !+ll and !inal settleent o! all one"s d+e
to the Contra*tor +nder or in *onne*tion 2ith the Contra*t$ This
dis*har0e a" state that it ,e*oes e!!e*tive 2hen the
Contra*tor has re*eived the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" and the
o+tstandin0 ,alan*e o! this total& in 2hi*h event the dis*har0e
shall ,e e!!e*tive on s+*h date$
)@.)9+ss%e o' "inal
5ithin 2) da"s a!ter re*eivin0 the 4inal Stateent and dis*har0e
in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se %'$%% DAppli*ation !or 4inal
3a"ent Certi!i*ateE and S+,-Cla+se %'$%2 DDis*har0eE& the
En0ineer shall deliver to the Eplo"er and to the Contra*tor& the
4inal 3a"ent Certi!i*ate 2hi*h shall stateC
8a9 the ao+nt 2hi*h he !airl" deterines is !inall" d+e& and
8,9 a!ter 0ivin0 *redit to the Eplo"er !or all ao+nts
previo+sl" paid ," the Eplo"er and !or all s+s to 2hi*h
the Eplo"er is entitled& the ,alan*e 8i! an"9 d+e !ro the
Eplo"er to the Contra*tor or !ro the Contra*tor to the
Eplo"er& as the *ase a" ,e$
I! the Contra*tor has not applied !or a 4inal 3a"ent Certi!i*ate
in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se %'$%% DAppli*ation !or 4inal
3a"ent Certi!i*ateE and S+,-Cla+se %'$%2 DDis*har0eE& the
En0ineer shall re?+est the Contra*tor to do so$ I! the Contra*tor
!ails to s+,it an appli*ation 2ithin a period o! 2) da"s& the
En0ineer shall iss+e the 4inal 3a"ent Certi!i*ate !or s+*h
ao+nt as he !airl" deterines to ,e d+e$
)@.)@Cessation o'
The Eplo"er shall not ,e lia,le to the Contra*tor !or an" atter
or thin0 +nder or in *onne*tion 2ith the Contra*t or e1e*+tion o!
the 5or6s& e1*ept to the e1tent that the Contra*tor shall have
in*l+ded an ao+nt e1pressl" !or itC
8a9 in the 4inal Stateent and also
8,9 8e1*ept !or atters or thin0s arisin0 a!ter the iss+e o! the
Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or the 5or6s9 in the Stateent at
*opletion des*ri,ed in S+,-Cla+se %'$%0 DStateent at
=o2ever& this S+,-Cla+se shall not liit the Eplo"er7s lia,ilit"
+nder his indeni!i*ation o,li0ations& or the Eplo"er7s lia,ilit"
in an" *ase o! !ra+d& deli,erate de!a+lt or re*6less is*ond+*t ,"
the Eplo"er$
)@.)!C%rrencies o'
The Contra*t 3ri*e shall ,e paid in the *+rren*" or *+rren*ies
naed in the S*hed+le o! 3a"ent C+rren*ies$ I! ore than one
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%)/ Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
*+rren*" is so naed& pa"ents shall ,e ade as !ollo2sC
8a9 i! the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt 2as e1pressed in Fo*al
C+rren*" onl"C
8i9 the proportions or ao+nts o! the Fo*al and 4orei0n
C+rren*ies& and the !i1ed rates o! e1*han0e to ,e +sed
!or *al*+latin0 the pa"ents& shall ,e as stated in the
S*hed+le o! 3a"ent C+rren*ies& e1*ept as other2ise
a0reed ," ,oth 3artiesH
8ii9 pa"ents and ded+*tions +nder S+,-Cla+se %#$.
D3rovisional S+sE and S+,-Cla+se %#$7
DAd@+stents !or Chan0es in Fe0islationE shall ,e
ade in the appli*a,le *+rren*ies and proportionsH
8iii9 other pa"ents and ded+*tions +nder s+,-para0raphs
8a9 to 8d9 o! S+,-Cla+se %'$# DAppli*ation !or Interi
3a"ent Certi!i*atesE shall ,e ade in the *+rren*ies
and proportions spe*i!ied in s+,-para0raph 8a98i9
8,9 pa"ent o! the daa0es spe*i!ied in the Contra*t Data&
shall ,e ade in the *+rren*ies and proportions spe*i!ied in
the S*hed+le o! 3a"ent C+rren*iesH
8*9 other pa"ents to the Eplo"er ," the Contra*tor shall ,e
ade in the *+rren*" in 2hi*h the s+ 2as e1pended ," the
Eplo"er& or in s+*h *+rren*" as a" ,e a0reed ," ,oth
8d9 i! an" ao+nt pa"a,le ," the Contra*tor to the Eplo"er in
a parti*+lar *+rren*" e1*eeds the s+ pa"a,le ," the
Eplo"er to the Contra*tor in that *+rren*"& the Eplo"er
a" re*over the ,alan*e o! this ao+nt !ro the s+s
other2ise pa"a,le to the Contra*tor in other *+rren*iesH
8e9 i! no rates o! e1*han0e are stated in the S*hed+le o!
3a"ent C+rren*ies& the" shall ,e those prevailin0 on the
Base Date and deterined ," the *entral ,an6 o! the
18# Termin+tion 97 m2,o7er
)!.) ,otice to Correct I! the Contra*tor !ails to *arr" o+t an" o,li0ation +nder the
Contra*t& the En0ineer a" ," noti*e re?+ire the Contra*tor to
a6e 0ood the !ail+re and to reed" it 2ithin a spe*i!ied
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %)7
reasona,le tie$
)!.2 Ter&ination 4y
The Eplo"er shall ,e entitled to terinate the Contra*t i! the
8a9 !ails to *opl" 2ith S+,-Cla+se '$2 D3er!oran*e Se*+rit"E
or 2ith a noti*e +nder S+,-Cla+se %.$% DNoti*e to
8,9 a,andons the 5or6s or other2ise plainl" deonstrates the
intention not to *ontin+e per!oran*e o! his o,li0ations
+nder the Contra*t&
8*9 2itho+t reasona,le e1*+se !ailsC
8i9 to pro*eed 2ith the 5or6s in a**ordan*e 2ith Cla+se
) DCoen*eent& Dela"s and S+spensionE& or
8ii9 to *opl" 2ith a noti*e iss+ed +nder S+,-Cla+se 7$.
DRe@e*tionE or S+,-Cla+se 7$/ DReedial 5or6E&
2ithin 2) da"s a!ter re*eivin0 it&
8d9 s+,*ontra*ts the 2hole o! the 5or6s or assi0ns the
Contra*t 2itho+t the re?+ired a0reeent&
8e9 ,e*oes ,an6r+pt or insolvent& 0oes into li?+idation& has a
re*eivin0 or adinistration order ade a0ainst hi&
*opo+nds 2ith his *reditors& or *arries on ,+siness +nder
a re*eiver& tr+stee or ana0er !or the ,ene!it o! his
*reditors& or i! an" a*t is done or event o**+rs 2hi*h 8+nder
appli*a,le Fa2s9 has a siilar e!!e*t to an" o! these a*ts or
events& or
8!9 0ives or o!!ers to 0ive 8dire*tl" or indire*tl"9 to an" person
an" ,ri,e& 0i!t& 0rat+it"& *oission or other thin0 o! val+e&
as an ind+*eent or re2ardC
8i9 !or doin0 or !or,earin0 to do an" a*tion in relation to
the Contra*t& or
8ii9 !or sho2in0 or !or,earin0 to sho2 !avo+r or dis!avo+r
to an" person in relation to the Contra*t&
or i! an" o! the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel& a0ents or S+,*ontra*tors
0ives or o!!ers to 0ive 8dire*tl" or indire*tl"9 to an" person an"
s+*h ind+*eent or re2ard as is des*ri,ed in this s+,-para0raph
8!9$ =o2ever& la2!+l ind+*eents and re2ards to Contra*tor7s
3ersonnel shall not entitle terination$
In an" o! these events or *ir*+stan*es& the Eplo"er a"& +pon
0ivin0 %' da"s7 noti*e to the Contra*tor& terinate the Contra*t
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%)) Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
and e1pel the Contra*tor !ro the Site$ =o2ever& in the *ase o!
s+,-para0raph 8e9 or 8!9& the Eplo"er a" ," noti*e terinate
the Contra*t iediatel"$
The Eplo"er7s ele*tion to terinate the Contra*t shall not
pre@+di*e an" other ri0hts o! the Eplo"er& +nder the Contra*t or
The Contra*tor shall then leave the Site and deliver an" re?+ired
Goods& all Contra*tor7s Do*+ents& and other desi0n do*+ents
ade ," or !or hi& to the En0ineer$ =o2ever& the Contra*tor
shall +se his ,est e!!orts to *opl" iediatel" 2ith an"
reasona,le instr+*tions in*l+ded in the noti*e 8i9 !or the
assi0nent o! an" s+,*ontra*t& and 8ii9 !or the prote*tion o! li!e
or propert" or !or the sa!et" o! the 5or6s$
A!ter terination& the Eplo"er a" *oplete the 5or6s andJor
arran0e !or an" other entities to do so$ The Eplo"er and these
entities a" then +se an" Goods& Contra*tor7s Do*+ents and
other desi0n do*+ents ade ," or on ,ehal! o! the Contra*tor$
The Eplo"er shall then 0ive noti*e that the Contra*tor7s
E?+ipent and Teporar" 5or6s 2ill ,e released to the
Contra*tor at or near the Site$ The Contra*tor shall proptl"
arran0e their reoval& at the ris6 and *ost o! the Contra*tor$
=o2ever& i! ," this tie the Contra*tor has !ailed to a6e a
pa"ent d+e to the Eplo"er& these ites a" ,e sold ," the
Eplo"er in order to re*over this pa"ent$ An" ,alan*e o! the
pro*eeds shall then ,e paid to the Contra*tor$
)!.9 6al%ation at Date
o' Ter&ination
As soon as pra*ti*a,le a!ter a noti*e o! terination +nder S+,-
Cla+se %.$2 DTerination ," Eplo"erE has ta6en e!!e*t& the
En0ineer shall pro*eed in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$.
DDeterinationsE to a0ree or deterine the val+e o! the 5or6s&
Goods and Contra*tor7s Do*+ents& and an" other s+s d+e to
the Contra*tor !or 2or6 e1e*+ted in a**ordan*e 2ith the
)!.@ (ay&ent a'ter
A!ter a noti*e o! terination +nder S+,-Cla+se %.$2 DTerination
," Eplo"erE has ta6en e!!e*t& the Eplo"er a"C
8a9 pro*eed in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se 2$. DEplo"er7s
8,9 2ithhold !+rther pa"ents to the Contra*tor +ntil the *osts
o! e1e*+tion& *opletion and reed"in0 o! an" de!e*ts&
daa0es !or dela" in *opletion 8i! an"9& and all other *osts
in*+rred ," the Eplo"er& have ,een esta,lished& andJor
8*9 re*over !ro the Contra*tor an" losses and daa0es
in*+rred ," the Eplo"er and an" e1tra *osts o! *opletin0
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %)(
the 5or6s& a!ter allo2in0 !or an" s+ d+e to the
Contra*tor +nder S+,-Cla+se %.$# D:al+ation at Date o!
TerinationE$ A!ter re*overin0 an" s+*h losses& daa0es
and e1tra *osts& the Eplo"er shall pa" an" ,alan*e to the
)!.! /&ployer=s
/ntitle&ent to
Ter&ination 'or
The Eplo"er shall ,e entitled to terinate the Contra*t& at an"
tie !or the Eplo"er7s *onvenien*e& ," 0ivin0 noti*e o! s+*h
terination to the Contra*tor$ The terination shall ta6e e!!e*t
2) da"s a!ter the later o! the dates on 2hi*h the Contra*tor
re*eives this noti*e or the Eplo"er ret+rns the 3er!oran*e
Se*+rit"$ The Eplo"er shall not terinate the Contra*t +nder
this S+,-Cla+se in order to e1e*+te the 5or6s hisel! or to
arran0e !or the 5or6s to ,e e1e*+ted ," another *ontra*tor or to
avoid a terination o! the Contra*t ," the Contra*tor +nder S+,-
Cla+se %/$2 DTerination ," Contra*torE$
A!ter this terination& the Contra*tor shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se %/$# DCessation o! 5or6 and
Reoval o! Contra*tor7s e?+ipentE and shall ,e paid in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se %/$' D3a"ent on TerinationE$
)!.6 Corr%pt or
I! the Eplo"er deterines that the Contra*tor andJor its
s+,*ontra*tors has en0a0ed in *orr+pt& !ra+d+lent& *oll+sive
*oer*ive& or o,str+*tive pra*ti*es& in *opetin0 !or or in
e1e*+tin0 the Contra*t& then the Eplo"er a"& a!ter 0ivin0 %'
da"s noti*e to the Contra*tor& terinate the Contra*torMs
eplo"ent +nder the Contra*t and e1pel hi !ro the Site& and
the provisions o! Cla+se %. shall appl" as i! s+*h e1p+lsion had
,een ade +nder S+,-Cla+se %.$2 DTerination ," Eplo"erE$
Sho+ld an" eplo"ee o! the Contra*tor ,e deterined to have
en0a0ed in *orr+pt& !ra+d+lent& *oll+sive& *oer*ive& or
o,str+*tive pra*ti*e d+rin0 the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s& then that
eplo"ee shall ,e reoved in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se /$(
DContra*tor7s 3ersonnelE$
4or the p+rposes o! this S+,-Cla+seC
8i9 A*orr+pt pra*ti*eB
is the o!!erin0& 0ivin0&
re*eivin0 or soli*itin0& dire*tl" or indire*tl"& o!
an"thin0 o! val+e to in!l+en*e iproperl" the
a*tions o! another part"H
8ii9 A!ra+d+lent pra*ti*eB
is an" a*t or oission&
Aanother part"B re!ers to a p+,li* o!!i*ial a*tin0 in relation to the pro*+reent pro*ess or *ontra*t
e1e*+tionE$ In this *onte1t& Ap+,li* o!!i*ialB in*l+des 5orld Ban6 sta!! and eplo"ees o! other
or0ani;ations ta6in0 or revie2in0 pro*+reent de*isions$
a Apart"B re!ers to a p+,li* o!!i*ialH the ters A,ene!itB and Ao,li0ationB relate to the pro*+reent
pro*ess or *ontra*t e1e*+tionH and the Aa*t or oissionB is intended to in!l+en*e the pro*+reent pro*ess
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%(0 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
in*l+din0 a isrepresentation& that 6no2in0l" or
re*6lessl" isleads& or attepts to islead& a
part" to o,tain a !inan*ial or other ,ene!it or to
avoid an o,li0ationH
8iii9 A*oll+sive pra*ti*eB
is an arran0eent ,et2een
t2o or ore parties desi0ned to a*hieve an
iproper p+rpose& in*l+din0 to in!l+en*e
iproperl" the a*tions o! another part"H
8iv9 A*oer*ive pra*ti*eB
is ipairin0 or harin0& or
threatenin0 to ipair or har& dire*tl" or
indire*tl"& an" part" or the propert" o! the part"
to in!l+en*e iproperl" the a*tions o! a part"H
8v9 Ao,str+*tive pra*ti*eB is
8aa9 deli,eratel" destro"in0& !alsi!"in0& alterin0
or *on*ealin0 o! eviden*e aterial to the
investi0ation or a6in0 !alse stateents to
investi0ators in order to ateriall" ipede
a Ban6 investi0ation into alle0ations o! a
*orr+pt& !ra+d+lent& *oer*ive or *oll+sive
pra*ti*eH andJor threatenin0& harassin0 or
intiidatin0 an" part" to prevent it !ro
dis*losin0 its 6no2led0e o! atters
relevant to the investi0ation or !ro
p+rs+in0 the investi0ation& or
8,,9 a*ts intended to ateriall" ipede the
e1er*ise o! the Ban67s inspe*tion and a+dit
ri0hts provided !or +nder S+,-Cla+se %$%.
DInspe*tions and A+dits ," the Ban6E$
1:# !us2ension +nd Termin+tion 97 Contr+ctor
)6.) Contractor=s
/ntitle&ent to
$%spend Work
I! the En0ineer !ails to *erti!" in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se %'$/
DIss+e o! Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*atesE or the Eplo"er !ails to
*opl" 2ith S+,-Cla+se 2$' DEplo"er7s 4inan*ial Arran0eentsE
or S+,-Cla+se %'$7 D3a"entE& the Contra*tor a"& a!ter 0ivin0 not
less than 2% da"s7 noti*e to the Eplo"er& s+spend 2or6 8or red+*e
the rate o! 2or69 +nless and +ntil the Contra*tor has re*eived the
3a"ent Certi!i*ate& reasona,le eviden*e or pa"ent& as the *ase
a" ,e and as des*ri,ed in the noti*e$
Not2ithstandin0 the a,ove& i! the Ban6 has s+spended
or *ontra*t e1e*+tion$
ApartiesB re!ers to parti*ipants in the pro*+reent pro*ess 8in*l+din0 p+,li* o!!i*ials9 atteptin0 to
esta,lish ,id pri*es at arti!i*ial& non *opetitive levels$
a Apart"B re!ers to a parti*ipant in the pro*+reent pro*ess or *ontra*t e1e*+tion$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %(%
dis,+rseents +nder the loan or *redit !ro 2hi*h pa"ents to
the Contra*tor are ,ein0 ade& in 2hole or in part& !or the
e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s& and no alternative !+nds are availa,le as
provided !or in S+,-Cla+se 2$' DEplo"er7s 4inan*ial
Arran0eentsE& the Contra*tor a" ," noti*e s+spend 2or6 or
red+*e the rate o! 2or6 at an" tie& ,+t not less than 7 da"s a!ter
the Borro2er havin0 re*eived the s+spension noti!i*ation !ro
the Ban6$
The Contra*tor7s a*tion shall not pre@+di*e his entitleents to
!inan*in0 *har0es +nder S+,-Cla+se %'$) DDela"ed 3a"entE and
to terination +nder S+,-Cla+se %/$2 DTerination ,"
I! the Contra*tor s+,se?+entl" re*eives s+*h 3a"ent
Certi!i*ate& eviden*e or pa"ent 8as des*ri,ed in the relevant
S+,-Cla+se and in the a,ove noti*e9 ,e!ore 0ivin0 a noti*e o!
terination& the Contra*tor shall res+e noral 2or6in0 as soon
as is reasona,l" pra*ti*a,le$
I! the Contra*tor s+!!ers dela" andJor in*+rs Cost as a res+lt o!
s+spendin0 2or6 8or red+*in0 the rate o! 2or69 in a**ordan*e
2ith this S+,-Cla+se& the Contra*tor shall 0ive noti*e to the
En0ineer and shall ,e entitled s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 20$%
DContra*tor7s ClaisE toC
8a9 an e1tension o! tie !or an" s+*h dela"& i! *opletion is or
2ill ,e dela"ed& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie
!or CopletionE& and
8,9 pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost pl+s pro!it& 2hi*h shall ,e
in*l+ded in the Contra*t 3ri*e$
A!ter re*eivin0 this noti*e& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine these atters$
)6.2 Ter&ination 4y
The Contra*tor shall ,e entitled to terinate the Contra*t i!C
8a9 the Contra*tor does not re*eive the reasona,le eviden*e
2ithin '2 da"s a!ter 0ivin0 noti*e +nder S+,-Cla+se %/$%
DContra*tor7s Entitleent to S+spend 5or6E in respe*t o! a
!ail+re to *opl" 2ith S+,-Cla+se 2$' DEplo"er7s
4inan*ial Arran0eentsE&
8,9 the En0ineer !ails& 2ithin ./ da"s a!ter re*eivin0 a
Stateent and s+pportin0 do*+ents& to iss+e the relevant
3a"ent Certi!i*ate&
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%(2 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
8*9 the Contra*tor does not re*eive the ao+nt d+e +nder an
Interi 3a"ent Certi!i*ate 2ithin '2 da"s a!ter the e1pir"
o! the tie stated in S+,-Cla+se %'$7 D3a"entE 2ithin
2hi*h pa"ent is to ,e ade 8e1*ept !or ded+*tions in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se 2$. DEplo"er7s ClaisE9&
8d9 the Eplo"er s+,stantiall" !ails to per!or his o,li0ations
+nder the Contra*t in s+*h anner as to ateriall" and
adversel" a!!e*t the e*onoi* ,alan*e o! the Contra*t
andJor the a,ilit" o! the Contra*tor to per!or the
8e9 the Eplo"er !ails to *opl" 2ith S+,-Cla+se %$/
DContra*t A0reeentE or S+,-Cla+se %$7 DAssi0nentE&
8!9 a prolon0ed s+spension a!!e*ts the 2hole o! the 5or6s as
des*ri,ed in S+,-Cla+se )$%% D3rolon0ed S+spensionE& or
809 the Eplo"er ,e*oes ,an6r+pt or insolvent& 0oes into
li?+idation& has a re*eivin0 or adinistration order ade
a0ainst hi& *opo+nds 2ith his *reditors& or *arries on
,+siness +nder a re*eiver& tr+stee or ana0er !or the
,ene!it o! his *reditors& or i! an" a*t is done or event
o**+rs 2hi*h 8+nder appli*a,le Fa2s9 has a siilar e!!e*t
to an" o! these a*ts or events$
8h9 In the event the Ban6 s+spends the loan or *redit !ro
2hi*h part o! the pa"ents to the Contra*tor are ,ein0
ade& i! the Contra*tor has not re*eived the s+s d+e to
hi +pon e1piration o! the %' da"s re!erred to in S+,-
Cla+se %'$7 D3a"entE !or pa"ents +nder Interi
3a"ent *erti!i*ates& the Contra*tor a"& 2itho+t
pre@+di*e to the Contra*torMs entitleent to !inan*in0
*har0es +nder S+,-Cla+se %'$) DDela"ed 3a"entE& ta6e
one o! the !ollo2in0 a*tions& nael" 8i9 s+spend 2or6 or
red+*e the rate o! 2or6& or 8ii9 terinate his eplo"ent
+nder the Contra*t ," 0ivin0 noti*e to the Eplo"er& 2ith
a *op" to the En0ineer& s+*h terination to ta6e e!!e*t %'
da"s a!ter the 0ivin0 o! the noti*e$
8i9 the Contra*tor does not re*eive the En0ineer7s instr+*tion
re*ordin0 the a0reeent o! ,oth 3arties on the !+l!ilent
o! the *onditions !or the Coen*eent o! 5or6s +nder
S+,-Cla+se )$% DCoen*eent o! 5or6sE$
In an" o! these events or *ir*+stan*es& the Contra*tor a"&
+pon 0ivin0 %' da"s7 noti*e to the Eplo"er& terinate the
Contra*t$ =o2ever& in the *ase o! s+,-para0raph 8!9 or 809& the
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %(#
Contra*tor a" ," noti*e terinate the Contra*t iediatel"$
The Contra*tor7s ele*tion to terinate the Contra*t shall not
pre@+di*e an" other ri0hts o! the Contra*tor& +nder the Contra*t
or other2ise$
)6.9 Cessation o'
Work and
e&oval o'
A!ter a noti*e o! terination +nder S+,-Cla+se %.$. DEplo"er7s
Entitleent to Terination !or Convenien*eE& S+,-Cla+se %/$2
DTerination ," Contra*torE or S+,-Cla+se %($/ DOptional
Terination& 3a"ent and ReleaseE has ta6en e!!e*t& the
Contra*tor shall proptl"C
8a9 *ease all !+rther 2or6& e1*ept !or s+*h 2or6 as a" have
,een instr+*ted ," the En0ineer !or the prote*tion o! li!e or
propert" or !or the sa!et" o! the 5or6s&
8,9 hand over Contra*tor7s Do*+ents& 3lant& Materials and
other 2or6& !or 2hi*h the Contra*tor has re*eived
pa"ent& and
8*9 reove all other Goods !ro the Site& e1*ept as ne*essar"
!or sa!et"& and leave the Site$
)6.@ (ay&ent on
A!ter a noti*e o! terination +nder S+,-Cla+se %/$2
DTerination ," Contra*torE has ta6en e!!e*t& the Eplo"er shall
8a9 ret+rn the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" to the Contra*tor&
8,9 pa" the Contra*tor in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se %($/
DOptional Terination& 3a"ent and ReleaseE& and
8*9 pa" to the Contra*tor the ao+nt o! an" loss or daa0e
s+stained ," the Contra*tor as a res+lt o! this terination$
1<# Risk +nd Res2onsi9i,it7
)7.) +nde&nities The Contra*tor shall indeni!" and hold harless the Eplo"er&
the Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel& and their respe*tive a0ents& a0ainst
and !ro all *lais& daa0es& losses and e1penses 8in*l+din0
le0al !ees and e1penses9 in respe*t o!C
8a9 ,odil" in@+r"& si*6ness& disease or death& o! an" person
2hatsoever arisin0 o+t o! or in the *o+rse o! or ," reason
o! the Contra*tor7s desi0n 8i! an"9& the e1e*+tion and
*opletion o! the 5or6s and the reed"in0 o! an" de!e*ts&
+nless attri,+ta,le to an" ne0li0en*e& 2il!+l a*t or ,rea*h
o! the Contra*t ," the Eplo"er& the Eplo"er7s
3ersonnel& or an" o! their respe*tive a0ents& and
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%(' Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
8,9 daa0e to or loss o! an" propert"& real or personal 8other
than the 5or6s9& to the e1tent that s+*h daa0e or loss
arises o+t o! or in the *o+rse o! or ," reason o! the
Contra*tor7s desi0n 8i! an"9& the e1e*+tion and *opletion
o! the 5or6s and the reed"in0 o! an" de!e*ts& +nless and
to the e1tent that an" s+*h daa0e or loss is attri,+ta,le to
an" ne0li0en*e& 2il!+l a*t or ,rea*h o! the Contra*t ," the
Eplo"er& the Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel& their respe*tive
a0ents& or an"one dire*tl" or indire*tl" eplo"ed ," an" o!
The Eplo"er shall indeni!" and hold harless the Contra*tor&
the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel& and their respe*tive a0ents& a0ainst
and !ro all *lais& daa0es& losses and e1penses 8in*l+din0
le0al !ees and e1penses9 in respe*t o! 8%9 ,odil" in@+r"& si*6ness&
disease or death& 2hi*h is attri,+ta,le to an" ne0li0en*e& 2il!+l
a*t or ,rea*h o! the Contra*t ," the Eplo"er& the Eplo"er7s
3ersonnel& or an" o! their respe*tive a0ents& and 829 the atters
!or 2hi*h lia,ilit" a" ,e e1*l+ded !ro ins+ran*e *over& as
des*ri,ed in s+,-para0raphs 8d98i9& 8ii9 and 8iii9 o! S+,-Cla+se
%)$# DIns+ran*e A0ainst In@+r" to 3ersons and Daa0e to
)7.2 Contractor=s Care
o' the Works
The Contra*tor shall ta6e !+ll responsi,ilit" !or the *are o! the
5or6s and Goods !ro the Coen*eent Date +ntil the
Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate is iss+ed 8or is deeed to ,e iss+ed
+nder S+,-Cla+se %0$% DTa6in0 Over o! the 5or6s and
Se*tionsE9 !or the 5or6s& 2hen responsi,ilit" !or the *are o! the
5or6s shall pass to the Eplo"er$ I! a Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate is
iss+ed 8or is so deeed to ,e iss+ed9 !or an" Se*tion or part o!
the 5or6s& responsi,ilit" !or the *are o! the Se*tion or part shall
then pass to the Eplo"er$
A!ter responsi,ilit" has a**ordin0l" passed to the Eplo"er& the
Contra*tor shall ta6e responsi,ilit" !or the *are o! an" 2or6
2hi*h is o+tstandin0 on the date stated in a Ta6in0-Over
Certi!i*ate& +ntil this o+tstandin0 2or6 has ,een *opleted$
I! an" loss or daa0e happens to the 5or6s& Goods or Contra*tor7s
Do*+ents d+rin0 the period 2hen the Contra*tor is responsi,le
!or their *are& !ro an" *a+se not listed in S+,-Cla+se %7$#
DEplo"er7s Ris6sE& the Contra*tor shall re*ti!" the loss or daa0e
at the Contra*tor7s ris6 and *ost& so that the 5or6s& Goods and
Contra*tor7s Do*+ents *on!or 2ith the Contra*t$
The Contra*tor shall ,e lia,le !or an" loss or daa0e *a+sed ,"
an" a*tions per!ored ," the Contra*tor a!ter a Ta6in0-Over
Certi!i*ate has ,een iss+ed$ The Contra*tor shall also ,e lia,le
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %(.
!or an" loss or daa0e 2hi*h o**+rs a!ter a Ta6in0-Over
Certi!i*ate has ,een iss+ed and 2hi*h arose !ro a previo+s
event !or 2hi*h the Contra*tor 2as lia,le$
)7.9 /&ployer=s isks The ris6s re!erred to in S+,-Cla+se %7$' DConse?+en*es o!
Eplo"er7s Ris6sE ,elo2& inso!ar as the" dire*tl" a!!e*t the
e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s in the Co+ntr"& areC
8a9 2ar& hostilities 82hether 2ar ,e de*lared or not9& invasion&
a*t o! !orei0n eneies&
8,9 re,ellion& terroris& sa,ota0e ," persons other than the
Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel& revol+tion& ins+rre*tion& ilitar"
or +s+rped po2er& or *ivil 2ar& 2ithin the Co+ntr"&
8*9 riot& *ootion or disorder 2ithin the Co+ntr" ," persons
other than the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel&
8d9 +nitions o! 2ar& e1plosive aterials& ionisin0 radiation or
*ontaination ," radio-a*tivit"& 2ithin the Co+ntr"& e1*ept
as a" ,e attri,+ta,le to the Contra*tor7s +se o! s+*h
+nitions& e1plosives& radiation or radio-a*tivit"&
8e9 press+re 2aves *a+sed ," air*ra!t or other aerial devi*es
travellin0 at soni* or s+personi* speeds&
8!9 +se or o**+pation ," the Eplo"er o! an" part o! the
3eranent 5or6s& e1*ept as a" ,e spe*i!ied in the
809 desi0n o! an" part o! the 5or6s ," the Eplo"er7s
3ersonnel or ," others !or 2ho the Eplo"er is
responsi,le& and
8h9 an" operation o! the !or*es o! nat+re 2hi*h is
Un!oreseea,le or a0ainst 2hi*h an e1perien*ed *ontra*tor
*o+ld not reasona,l" have ,een e1pe*ted to have ta6en
ade?+ate preventative pre*a+tions$
)7.@ Conse8%ences o'
/&ployer=s isks
I! and to the e1tent that an" o! the ris6s listed in S+,-Cla+se %7$#
a,ove res+lts in loss or daa0e to the 5or6s& Goods or
Contra*tor7s Do*+ents& the Contra*tor shall proptl" 0ive
noti*e to the En0ineer and shall re*ti!" this loss or daa0e to the
e1tent re?+ired ," the En0ineer$
I! the Contra*tor s+!!ers dela" andJor in*+rs Cost !ro re*ti!"in0
this loss or daa0e& the Contra*tor shall 0ive a !+rther noti*e to
the En0ineer and shall ,e entitled s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 20$%
DContra*tor7s ClaisE toC
8a9 an e1tension o! tie !or an" s+*h dela"& i! *opletion is or
2ill ,e dela"ed& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%(/ Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
!or CopletionE& and
8,9 pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost& 2hi*h shall ,e in*l+ded in the
Contra*t 3ri*e$ In the *ase o! s+,-para0raphs 8!9 and 809 o!
S+,-Cla+se %7$# DEplo"erMs Ris6sE& Cost pl+s pro!it shall
,e pa"a,le$
A!ter re*eivin0 this !+rther noti*e& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine these atters$
)7.! +ntellect%al and
(roperty ights
In this S+,-Cla+se& Ain!rin0eentB eans an in!rin0eent 8or
alle0ed in!rin0eent9 o! an" patent& re0istered desi0n& *op"ri0ht&
trade ar6& trade nae& trade se*ret or other intelle*t+al or
ind+strial propert" ri0ht relatin0 to the 5or6sH and A*laiB
eans a *lai 8or pro*eedin0s p+rs+in0 a *lai9 alle0in0 an
5henever a 3art" does not 0ive noti*e to the other 3art" o! an"
*lai 2ithin 2) da"s o! re*eivin0 the *lai& the !irst 3art" shall
,e deeed to have 2aived an" ri0ht to indenit" +nder this S+,-
The Eplo"er shall indeni!" and hold the Contra*tor harless
a0ainst and !ro an" *lai alle0in0 an in!rin0eent 2hi*h is or
8a9 an +navoida,le res+lt o! the Contra*tor7s *oplian*e 2ith
the Contra*t& or
8,9 a res+lt o! an" 5or6s ,ein0 +sed ," the Eplo"erC
8i9 !or a p+rpose other than that indi*ated ,"& or
reasona,l" to ,e in!erred !ro& the Contra*t& or
8ii9 in *on@+n*tion 2ith an" thin0 not s+pplied ," the
Contra*tor& +nless s+*h +se 2as dis*losed to the
Contra*tor prior to the Base Date or is stated in the
The Contra*tor shall indeni!" and hold the Eplo"er harless
a0ainst and !ro an" other *lai 2hi*h arises o+t o! or in
relation to 8i9 the an+!a*t+re& +se& sale or iport o! an" Goods&
or 8ii9 an" desi0n !or 2hi*h the Contra*tor is responsi,le$
I! a 3art" is entitled to ,e indeni!ied +nder this S+,-Cla+se& the
indeni!"in0 3art" a" 8at its *ost9 *ond+*t ne0otiations !or the
settleent o! the *lai& and an" liti0ation or ar,itration 2hi*h a"
arise !ro it$ The other 3art" shall& at the re?+est and *ost o! the
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %(7
indeni!"in0 3art"& assist in *ontestin0 the *lai$ This other 3art"
8and its 3ersonnel9 shall not a6e an" adission 2hi*h i0ht ,e
pre@+di*ial to the indeni!"in0 3art"& +nless the indeni!"in0 3art"
!ailed to ta6e over the *ond+*t o! an" ne0otiations& liti0ation or
ar,itration +pon ,ein0 re?+ested to do so ," s+*h other 3art"$
)7.6 Ci&itation o'
Neither 3art" shall ,e lia,le to the other 3art" !or loss o! +se o!
an" 5or6s& loss o! pro!it& loss o! an" *ontra*t or !or an" indire*t
or *onse?+ential loss or daa0e 2hi*h a" ,e s+!!ered ," the
other 3art" in *onne*tion 2ith the Contra*t& other than as
spe*i!i*all" provided in S+,-Cla+se )$7 DDela" Daa0esEH S+,-
Cla+se %%$2 DCost o! Reed"in0 De!e*tsEH S+,-Cla+se %.$'
D3a"ent a!ter TerinationEH S+,-Cla+se %/$' D3a"ent on
TerinationEH S+,-Cla+se %7$% DIndenitiesEH S+,-Cla+se %7$'
8,9 DConse?+en*es o! Eplo"er7s Ris6sE and S+,-Cla+se %7$.
DIntelle*t+al and Ind+strial 3ropert" Ri0htsE$
The total lia,ilit" o! the Contra*tor to the Eplo"er& +nder or in
*onne*tion 2ith the Contra*t other than +nder S+,-Cla+se '$%(
DEle*tri*it"& 5ater and GasE& S+,-Cla+se '$20 DEplo"er7s
E?+ipent and 4ree-Iss+e MaterialE& S+,-Cla+se %7$%
DIndenitiesE and S+,-Cla+se %7$. DIntelle*t+al and Ind+strial
3ropert" Ri0htsE& shall not e1*eed the s+ res+ltin0 !ro the
appli*ation o! a +ltiplier 8less or 0reater than one9 to the
A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt& as stated in the Contra*t Data& or 8i!
s+*h +ltiplier or other s+ is not so stated9& the A**epted
Contra*t Ao+nt$
This S+,-Cla+se shall not liit lia,ilit" in an" *ase o! !ra+d&
deli,erate de!a+lt or re*6less is*ond+*t ," the de!a+ltin0 3art"$
)7.7 0se o' /&ployer=s
The Contra*tor shall ta6e !+ll responsi,ilit" !or the *are o! the
Eplo"er provided a**oodation and !a*ilities& i! an"& as
detailed in the Spe*i!i*ation& !ro the respe*tive dates o! hand-
over to the Contra*tor +ntil *essation o! o**+pation 82here
hand-over or *essation o! o**+pation a" ta6e pla*e a!ter the
date stated in the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate !or the 5or6s9$
I! an" loss or daa0e happens to an" o! the a,ove ites 2hile
the Contra*tor is responsi,le !or their *are arisin0 !ro an"
*a+se 2hatsoever other than those !or 2hi*h the Eplo"er is
lia,le& the Contra*tor shall& at his o2n *ost& re*ti!" the loss or
daa0e to the satis!a*tion o! the En0ineer$
1># Insur+nce
)A.) -eneral
e8%ire&ents 'or
In this Cla+se& Ains+rin0 3art"B eans& !or ea*h t"pe o! ins+ran*e&
the 3art" responsi,le !or e!!e*tin0 and aintainin0 the ins+ran*e
spe*i!ied in the relevant S+,-Cla+se$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
%() Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
5herever the Contra*tor is the ins+rin0 3art"& ea*h ins+ran*e
shall ,e e!!e*ted 2ith ins+rers and in ters a**epta,le to the
Eplo"er$ These ters shall ,e *onsistent 2ith an" ters a0reed
," ,oth 3arties ,e!ore the date o! the Fetter o! A**eptan*e$ This
a0reeent o! ters shall ta6e pre*eden*e over the provisions o!
this Cla+se$
5herever the Eplo"er is the ins+rin0 3art"& ea*h ins+ran*e shall
,e e!!e*ted 2ith ins+rers and in ters a**epta,le to the
Contra*tor$ These ters shall ,e *onsistent 2ith an" ters
a0reed ," ,oth 3arties ,e!ore the date o! the Fetter o!
A**eptan*e$ This a0reeent o! ters shall ta6e pre*eden*e over
the provisions o! this Cla+se$
I! a poli*" is re?+ired to indeni!" @oint ins+red& the *over shall
appl" separatel" to ea*h ins+red as tho+0h a separate poli*" had
,een iss+ed !or ea*h o! the @oint ins+red$ I! a poli*" indeni!ies
additional @oint ins+red& nael" in addition to the ins+red
spe*i!ied in this Cla+se& 8i9 the Contra*tor shall a*t +nder the
poli*" on ,ehal! o! these additional @oint ins+red e1*ept that the
Eplo"er shall a*t !or Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel& 8ii9 additional @oint
ins+red shall not ,e entitled to re*eive pa"ents dire*tl" !ro the
ins+rer or to have an" other dire*t dealin0s 2ith the ins+rer& and
8iii9 the ins+rin0 3art" shall re?+ire all additional @oint ins+red to
*opl" 2ith the *onditions stip+lated in the poli*"$
Ea*h poli*" ins+rin0 a0ainst loss or daa0e shall provide !or
pa"ents to ,e ade in the *+rren*ies re?+ired to re*ti!" the loss
or daa0e$ 3a"ents re*eived !ro ins+rers shall ,e +sed !or the
re*ti!i*ation o! the loss or daa0e$
The relevant ins+rin0 3art" shall& 2ithin the respe*tive periods
stated in the Contra*t Data 8*al*+lated !ro the Coen*eent
Date9& s+,it to the other 3art"C
8a9 eviden*e that the ins+ran*es des*ri,ed in this Cla+se have
,een e!!e*ted& and
8,9 *opies o! the poli*ies !or the ins+ran*es des*ri,ed in S+,-
Cla+se %)$2 DIns+ran*e !or 5or6s and Contra*tor7s
E?+ipentE and S+,-Cla+se %)$# DIns+ran*e a0ainst In@+r" to
3ersons and Daa0e to 3ropert"E$
5hen ea*h prei+ is paid& the ins+rin0 3art" shall s+,it
eviden*e o! pa"ent to the other 3art"$ 5henever eviden*e or
poli*ies are s+,itted& the ins+rin0 3art" shall also 0ive noti*e to
the En0ineer$
Ea*h 3art" shall *opl" 2ith the *onditions stip+lated in ea*h o!
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions %((
the ins+ran*e poli*ies$ The ins+rin0 3art" shall 6eep the ins+rers
in!ored o! an" relevant *han0es to the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s
and ens+re that ins+ran*e is aintained in a**ordan*e 2ith this
Neither 3art" shall a6e an" aterial alteration to the ters o!
an" ins+ran*e 2itho+t the prior approval o! the other 3art"$ I! an
ins+rer a6es 8or attepts to a6e9 an" alteration& the 3art"
!irst noti!ied ," the ins+rer shall proptl" 0ive noti*e to the other
I! the ins+rin0 3art" !ails to e!!e*t and 6eep in !or*e an" o! the
ins+ran*es it is re?+ired to e!!e*t and aintain +nder the
Contra*t& or !ails to provide satis!a*tor" eviden*e and *opies o!
poli*ies in a**ordan*e 2ith this S+,-Cla+se& the other 3art" a"
8at its option and 2itho+t pre@+di*e to an" other ri0ht or reed"9
e!!e*t ins+ran*e !or the relevant *overa0e and pa" the prei+s
d+e$ The ins+rin0 3art" shall pa" the ao+nt o! these prei+s
to the other 3art"& and the Contra*t 3ri*e shall ,e ad@+sted
Nothin0 in this Cla+se liits the o,li0ations& lia,ilities or
responsi,ilities o! the Contra*tor or the Eplo"er& +nder the
other ters o! the Contra*t or other2ise$ An" ao+nts not
ins+red or not re*overed !ro the ins+rers shall ,e ,orne ," the
Contra*tor andJor the Eplo"er in a**ordan*e 2ith these
o,li0ations& lia,ilities or responsi,ilities$ =o2ever& i! the ins+rin0
3art" !ails to e!!e*t and 6eep in !or*e an ins+ran*e 2hi*h is
availa,le and 2hi*h it is re?+ired to e!!e*t and aintain +nder the
Contra*t& and the other 3art" neither approves the oission nor
e!!e*ts ins+ran*e !or the *overa0e relevant to this de!a+lt& an"
one"s 2hi*h sho+ld have ,een re*overa,le +nder this ins+ran*e
shall ,e paid ," the ins+rin0 3art"$
3a"ents ," one 3art" to the other 3art" shall ,e s+,@e*t to S+,-
Cla+se 2$. DEplo"er7s ClaisE or S+,-Cla+se 20$%
DContra*tor7s ClaisE& as appli*a,le$
The Contra*tor shall ,e entitled to pla*e all ins+ran*e relatin0 to
the Contra*t 8in*l+din0& ,+t not liited to the ins+ran*e re!erred
to Cla+se %)9 2ith ins+rers !ro an" eli0i,le so+r*e *o+ntr"$
)A.2 +ns%rance 'or
Works and
The ins+rin0 3art" shall ins+re the 5or6s& 3lant& Materials and
Contra*tor7s Do*+ents !or not less than the !+ll reinstateent
*ost in*l+din0 the *osts o! deolition& reoval o! de,ris and
pro!essional !ees and pro!it$ This ins+ran*e shall ,e e!!e*tive !ro
the date ," 2hi*h the eviden*e is to ,e s+,itted +nder s+,-
para0raph 8a9 o! S+,-Cla+se %)$% DGeneral Re?+ireents !or
Ins+ran*esE& +ntil the date o! iss+e o! the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
200 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
!or the 5or6s$
The ins+rin0 3art" shall aintain this ins+ran*e to provide *over
+ntil the date o! iss+e o! the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate& !or loss or
daa0e !or 2hi*h the Contra*tor is lia,le arisin0 !ro a *a+se
o**+rrin0 prior to the iss+e o! the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate& and
!or loss or daa0e *a+sed ," the Contra*tor in the *o+rse o! an"
other operations 8in*l+din0 those +nder Cla+se %% DDe!e*ts
The ins+rin0 3art" shall ins+re the Contra*tor7s E?+ipent !or
not less than the !+ll repla*eent val+e& in*l+din0 deliver" to
Site$ 4or ea*h ite o! Contra*tor7s E?+ipent& the ins+ran*e
shall ,e e!!e*tive 2hile it is ,ein0 transported to the Site and +ntil
it is no lon0er re?+ired as Contra*tor7s E?+ipent$
Unless other2ise stated in the 3arti*+lar Conditions& ins+ran*es
+nder this S+,-Cla+seC
8a9 shall ,e e!!e*ted and aintained ," the Contra*tor as
ins+rin0 3art"&
8,9 shall ,e in the @oint naes o! the 3arties& 2ho shall ,e
@ointl" entitled to re*eive pa"ents !ro the ins+rers&
pa"ents ,ein0 held or allo*ated to the 3art" a*t+all"
,earin0 the *osts o! re*ti!"in0 the loss or daa0e&
8*9 shall *over all loss and daa0e !ro an" *a+se not listed in
S+,-Cla+se %7$# DEplo"er7s Ris6sE&
8d9 shall also *over& to the e1tent spe*i!i*all" re?+ired in the
,iddin0 do*+ents o! the Contra*t& loss or daa0e to a
part o! the 5or6s 2hi*h is attri,+ta,le to the +se or
o**+pation ," the Eplo"er o! another part o! the 5or6s&
and loss or daa0e !ro the ris6s listed in s+,-para0raphs
8*9& 809 and 8h9 o! S+,-Cla+se %7$# DEplo"er7s Ris6sE&
e1*l+din0 8in ea*h *ase9 ris6s 2hi*h are not ins+ra,le at
*oer*iall" reasona,le ters& 2ith ded+*ti,les per
o**+rren*e o! not ore than the ao+nt stated in the
Contra*t Data 8i! an ao+nt is not so stated& this s+,-
para0raph 8d9 shall not appl"9& and
8e9 a" ho2ever e1*l+de loss o!& daa0e to& and
reinstateent o!C
8i9 a part o! the 5or6s 2hi*h is in a de!e*tive *ondition
d+e to a de!e*t in its desi0n& aterials or
2or6anship 8,+t *over shall in*l+de an" other parts
2hi*h are lost or daa0ed as a dire*t res+lt o! this
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions 20%
de!e*tive *ondition and not as des*ri,ed in s+,-
para0raph 8ii9 ,elo29&
8ii9 a part o! the 5or6s 2hi*h is lost or daa0ed in order
to reinstate an" other part o! the 5or6s i! this other
part is in a de!e*tive *ondition d+e to a de!e*t in its
desi0n& aterials or 2or6anship&
8iii9 a part o! the 5or6s 2hi*h has ,een ta6en over ," the
Eplo"er& e1*ept to the e1tent that the Contra*tor is
lia,le !or the loss or daa0e& and
8iv9 Goods 2hile the" are not in the Co+ntr"& s+,@e*t to
S+,-Cla+se %'$. D3lant and Materials intended !or the
I!& ore than one "ear a!ter the Base Date& the *over des*ri,ed in
s+,-para0raph 8d9 a,ove *eases to ,e availa,le at *oer*iall"
reasona,le ters& the Contra*tor shall 8as ins+rin0 3art"9 0ive
noti*e to the Eplo"er& 2ith s+pportin0 parti*+lars$ The
Eplo"er shall then 8i9 ,e entitled s+,@e*t to S+,-Cla+se 2$.
DEplo"er7s ClaisE to pa"ent o! an ao+nt e?+ivalent to s+*h
*oer*iall" reasona,le ters as the Contra*tor sho+ld have
e1pe*ted to have paid !or s+*h *over& and 8ii9 ,e deeed& +nless
he o,tains the *over at *oer*iall" reasona,le ters& to have
approved the oission +nder S+,-Cla+se %)$% DGeneral
Re?+ireents !or Ins+ran*esE$
)A.9 +ns%rance against
+n?%ry to (ersons
and Da&age to
The ins+rin0 3art" shall ins+re a0ainst ea*h 3art"7s lia,ilit" !or
an" loss& daa0e& death or ,odil" in@+r" 2hi*h a" o**+r to an"
ph"si*al propert" 8e1*ept thin0s ins+red +nder S+,-Cla+se %)$2
DIns+ran*e !or 5or6s and Contra*tor7s E?+ipentE9 or to an"
person 8e1*ept persons ins+red +nder S+,-Cla+se %)$'
DIns+ran*e !or Contra*tor7s 3ersonnelE9& 2hi*h a" arise o+t o!
the Contra*tor7s per!oran*e o! the Contra*t and o**+rrin0
,e!ore the iss+e o! the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate$
This ins+ran*e shall ,e !or a liit per o**+rren*e o! not less than
the ao+nt stated in the Contra*t Data& 2ith no liit on the
n+,er o! o**+rren*es$ I! an ao+nt is not stated in the Contra*t
Data& this S+,-Cla+se shall not appl"$
Unless other2ise stated in the 3arti*+lar Conditions& the
ins+ran*es spe*i!ied in this S+,-Cla+seC
8a9 shall ,e e!!e*ted and aintained ," the Contra*tor as
ins+rin0 3art"&
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
202 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
8,9 shall ,e in the @oint naes o! the 3arties&
8*9 shall ,e e1tended to *over lia,ilit" !or all loss and daa0e
to the Eplo"er7s propert" 8e1*ept thin0s ins+red +nder
S+,-Cla+se %)$29 arisin0 o+t o! the Contra*tor7s
per!oran*e o! the Contra*t& and
8d9 a" ho2ever e1*l+de lia,ilit" to the e1tent that it arises
8i9 the Eplo"er7s ri0ht to have the 3eranent 5or6s
e1e*+ted on& over& +nder& in or thro+0h an" land& and
to o**+p" this land !or the 3eranent 5or6s&
8ii9 daa0e 2hi*h is an +navoida,le res+lt o! the
Contra*tor7s o,li0ations to e1e*+te the 5or6s and
reed" an" de!e*ts& and
8iii9 a *a+se listed in S+,-Cla+se %7$# DEplo"er7s Ris6sE&
e1*ept to the e1tent that *over is availa,le at
*oer*iall" reasona,le ters$
)A.@ +ns%rance 'or
The Contra*tor shall e!!e*t and aintain ins+ran*e a0ainst
lia,ilit" !or *lais& daa0es& losses and e1penses 8in*l+din0 le0al
!ees and e1penses9 arisin0 !ro in@+r"& si*6ness& disease or death
o! an" person eplo"ed ," the Contra*tor or an" other o! the
Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel$
The ins+ran*e shall *over the Eplo"er and the En0ineer a0ainst
lia,ilit" !or *lais& daa0es& losses and e1penses 8in*l+din0 le0al
!ees and e1penses9 arisin0 !ro in@+r"& si*6ness& disease or death
o! an" person eplo"ed ," the Contra*tor or an" other o! the
Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel& e1*ept that this ins+ran*e a" e1*l+de
losses and *lais to the e1tent that the" arise !ro an" a*t or
ne0le*t o! the Eplo"er or o! the Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel$
The ins+ran*e shall ,e aintained in !+ll !or*e and e!!e*t d+rin0
the 2hole tie that these personnel are assistin0 in the e1e*+tion
o! the 5or6s$ 4or a S+,*ontra*tor7s eplo"ees& the ins+ran*e
a" ,e e!!e*ted ," the S+,*ontra*tor& ,+t the Contra*tor shall ,e
responsi,le !or *oplian*e 2ith this Cla+se$
1?# (orce )+Beure
)B.) De'inition o'
"orce Ma?e%re
In this Cla+se& A4or*e Ma@e+reB eans an e1*eptional event or
8a9 2hi*h is ,e"ond a 3art"7s *ontrol&
8,9 2hi*h s+*h 3art" *o+ld not reasona,l" have provided
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions 20#
a0ainst ,e!ore enterin0 into the Contra*t&
8*9 2hi*h& havin0 arisen& s+*h 3art" *o+ld not reasona,l" have
avoided or over*oe& and
8d9 2hi*h is not s+,stantiall" attri,+ta,le to the other 3art"$
4or*e Ma@e+re a" in*l+de& ,+t is not liited to& e1*eptional
events or *ir*+stan*es o! the 6ind listed ,elo2& so lon0 as
*onditions 8a9 to 8d9 a,ove are satis!iedC
8i9 2ar& hostilities 82hether 2ar ,e de*lared or not9&
invasion& a*t o! !orei0n eneies&
8ii9 re,ellion& terroris& sa,ota0e ," persons other than
the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel& revol+tion& ins+rre*tion&
ilitar" or +s+rped po2er& or *ivil 2ar&
8iii9 riot& *ootion& disorder& stri6e or lo*6o+t ,"
persons other than the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel&
8iv9 +nitions o! 2ar& e1plosive aterials& ionisin0
radiation or *ontaination ," radio-a*tivit"& e1*ept as
a" ,e attri,+ta,le to the Contra*tor7s +se o! s+*h
+nitions& e1plosives& radiation or radio-a*tivit"& and
8v9 nat+ral *atastrophes s+*h as earth?+a6e& h+rri*ane&
t"phoon or vol*ani* a*tivit"$
)B.2 ,otice o' "orce
I! a 3art" is or 2ill ,e prevented !ro per!orin0 its s+,stantial
o,li0ations +nder the Contra*t ," 4or*e Ma@e+re& then it shall
0ive noti*e to the other 3art" o! the event or *ir*+stan*es
*onstit+tin0 the 4or*e Ma@e+re and shall spe*i!" the o,li0ations&
the per!oran*e o! 2hi*h is or 2ill ,e prevented$ The noti*e
shall ,e 0iven 2ithin %' da"s a!ter the 3art" ,e*ae a2are& or
sho+ld have ,e*oe a2are& o! the relevant event or *ir*+stan*e
*onstit+tin0 4or*e Ma@e+re$
The 3art" shall& havin0 0iven noti*e& ,e e1*+sed per!oran*e o!
its o,li0ations !or so lon0 as s+*h 4or*e Ma@e+re prevents it !ro
per!orin0 the$
Not2ithstandin0 an" other provision o! this Cla+se& 4or*e
Ma@e+re shall not appl" to o,li0ations o! either 3art" to a6e
pa"ents to the other 3art" +nder the Contra*t$
)B.9 D%ty to Mini&ise
Ea*h 3art" shall at all ties +se all reasona,le endeavo+rs to
iniise an" dela" in the per!oran*e o! the Contra*t as a res+lt
o! 4or*e Ma@e+re$
A 3art" shall 0ive noti*e to the other 3art" 2hen it *eases to ,e
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
20' Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
a!!e*ted ," the 4or*e Ma@e+re$
)B.@ Conse8%ences o'
"orce Ma?e%re
I! the Contra*tor is prevented !ro per!orin0 its s+,stantial
o,li0ations +nder the Contra*t ," 4or*e Ma@e+re o! 2hi*h noti*e
has ,een 0iven +nder S+,-Cla+se %($2 DNoti*e o! 4or*e
Ma@e+reE& and s+!!ers dela" andJor in*+rs Cost ," reason o! s+*h
4or*e Ma@e+re& the Contra*tor shall ,e entitled s+,@e*t to S+,-
Cla+se 20$% DContra*tor7s ClaisE toC
8a9 an e1tension o! tie !or an" s+*h dela"& i! *opletion is or
2ill ,e dela"ed& +nder S+,-Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie
!or CopletionE& and
8,9 i! the event or *ir*+stan*e is o! the 6ind des*ri,ed in s+,-
para0raphs 8i9 to 8iv9 o! S+,-Cla+se %($% DDe!inition o!
4or*e Ma@e+reE and& in the *ase o! s+,-para0raphs 8ii9 to
8iv9& o**+rs in the Co+ntr"& pa"ent o! an" s+*h Cost&
in*l+din0 the *osts o! re*ti!"in0 or repla*in0 the 5or6s
andJor Goods daa0ed or destr+*ted ," 4or*e Ma@e+re& to
the e1tent the" are not indeni!ied thro+0h the ins+ran*e
poli*" re!erred to in S+,-Cla+se %)$2 DIns+ran*e !or 5or6s
and Contra*tor7s E?+ipentE$
A!ter re*eivin0 this noti*e& the En0ineer shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to a0ree or
deterine these atters$
)B.! "orce Ma?e%re
I! an" S+,*ontra*tor is entitled +nder an" *ontra*t or a0reeent
relatin0 to the 5or6s to relie! !ro !or*e a@e+re on ters
additional to or ,roader than those spe*i!ied in this Cla+se& s+*h
additional or ,roader !or*e a@e+re events or *ir*+stan*es shall
not e1*+se the Contra*tor7s non-per!oran*e or entitle hi to
relie! +nder this Cla+se$
)B.6 .ptional
(ay&ent and
I! the e1e*+tion o! s+,stantiall" all the 5or6s in pro0ress is
prevented !or a *ontin+o+s period o! )' da"s ," reason o! 4or*e
Ma@e+re o! 2hi*h noti*e has ,een 0iven +nder S+,-Cla+se %($2
DNoti*e o! 4or*e Ma@e+reE& or !or +ltiple periods 2hi*h total
ore than %'0 da"s d+e to the sae noti!ied 4or*e Ma@e+re& then
either 3art" a" 0ive to the other 3art" a noti*e o! terination
o! the Contra*t$ In this event& the terination shall ta6e e!!e*t 7
da"s a!ter the noti*e is 0iven& and the Contra*tor shall pro*eed in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se %/$# DCessation o! 5or6 and
Reoval o! Contra*tor7s E?+ipentE$
Upon s+*h terination& the En0ineer shall deterine the val+e o!
the 2or6 done and iss+e a 3a"ent Certi!i*ate 2hi*h shall
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions 20.
8a9 the ao+nts pa"a,le !or an" 2or6 *arried o+t !or 2hi*h a
pri*e is stated in the Contra*tH
8,9 the Cost o! 3lant and Materials ordered !or the 5or6s
2hi*h have ,een delivered to the Contra*tor& or o! 2hi*h
the Contra*tor is lia,le to a**ept deliver"C this 3lant and
Materials shall ,e*oe the propert" o! 8and ,e at the ris6
o!9 the Eplo"er 2hen paid !or ," the Eplo"er& and the
Contra*tor shall pla*e the sae at the Eplo"er7s disposalH
8*9 other Costs or lia,ilities 2hi*h in the *ir*+stan*es 2ere
reasona,l" and ne*essaril" in*+rred ," the Contra*tor in
the e1pe*tation o! *opletin0 the 5or6sH
8d9 the Cost o! reoval o! Teporar" 5or6s and Contra*tor7s
E?+ipent !ro the Site and the ret+rn o! these ites to
the Contra*tor7s 2or6s in his *o+ntr" 8or to an" other
destination at no 0reater *ost9H and
8e9 the Cost o! repatriation o! the Contra*tor7s sta!! and la,o+r
eplo"ed 2holl" in *onne*tion 2ith the 5or6s at the date
o! terination$
)B.7 elease 'ro&
Not2ithstandin0 an" other provision o! this Cla+se& i! an" event or
*ir*+stan*e o+tside the *ontrol o! the 3arties 8in*l+din0& ,+t not
liited to& 4or*e Ma@e+re9 arises 2hi*h a6es it ipossi,le or
+nla2!+l !or either or ,oth 3arties to !+l!il its or their *ontra*t+al
o,li0ations or 2hi*h& +nder the la2 0overnin0 the Contra*t& entitles
the 3arties to ,e released !ro !+rther per!oran*e o! the Contra*t&
then +pon noti*e ," either 3art" to the other 3art" o! s+*h event or
8a9 the 3arties shall ,e dis*har0ed !ro !+rther per!oran*e&
2itho+t pre@+di*e to the ri0hts o! either 3art" in respe*t o!
an" previo+s ,rea*h o! the Contra*t& and
8,9 the s+ pa"a,le ," the Eplo"er to the Contra*tor shall ,e
the sae as 2o+ld have ,een pa"a,le +nder S+,-Cla+se
%($/ DOptional Terination& 3a"ent and ReleaseE i! the
Contra*t had ,een terinated +nder S+,-Cla+se %($/$
"@# C,+ims= Dis2utes +nd Ar9itr+tion
20.) Contractor=s
I! the Contra*tor *onsiders hisel! to ,e entitled to an"
e1tension o! the Tie !or Copletion andJor an" additional
pa"ent& +nder an" Cla+se o! these Conditions or other2ise in
*onne*tion 2ith the Contra*t& the Contra*tor shall 0ive noti*e to
the En0ineer& des*ri,in0 the event or *ir*+stan*e 0ivin0 rise to
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
20/ Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
the *lai$ The noti*e shall ,e 0iven as soon as pra*ti*a,le& and
not later than 2) da"s a!ter the Contra*tor ,e*ae a2are& or
sho+ld have ,e*oe a2are& o! the event or *ir*+stan*e$
I! the Contra*tor !ails to 0ive noti*e o! a *lai 2ithin s+*h
period o! 2) da"s& the Tie !or Copletion shall not ,e
e1tended& the Contra*tor shall not ,e entitled to additional
pa"ent& and the Eplo"er shall ,e dis*har0ed !ro all lia,ilit"
in *onne*tion 2ith the *lai$ Other2ise& the !ollo2in0 provisions
o! this S+,-Cla+se shall appl"$
The Contra*tor shall also s+,it an" other noti*es 2hi*h are
re?+ired ," the Contra*t& and s+pportin0 parti*+lars !or the
*lai& all as relevant to s+*h event or *ir*+stan*e$
The Contra*tor shall 6eep s+*h *onteporar" re*ords as a" ,e
ne*essar" to s+,stantiate an" *lai& either on the Site or at
another lo*ation a**epta,le to the En0ineer$ 5itho+t adittin0
the Eplo"er7s lia,ilit"& the En0ineer a"& a!ter re*eivin0 an"
noti*e +nder this S+,-Cla+se& onitor the re*ord-6eepin0 andJor
instr+*t the Contra*tor to 6eep !+rther *onteporar" re*ords$
The Contra*tor shall perit the En0ineer to inspe*t all these
re*ords& and shall 8i! instr+*ted9 s+,it *opies to the En0ineer$
5ithin '2 da"s a!ter the Contra*tor ,e*ae a2are 8or sho+ld
have ,e*oe a2are9 o! the event or *ir*+stan*e 0ivin0 rise to
the *lai& or 2ithin s+*h other period as a" ,e proposed ," the
Contra*tor and approved ," the En0ineer& the Contra*tor shall
send to the En0ineer a !+ll" detailed *lai 2hi*h in*l+des !+ll
s+pportin0 parti*+lars o! the ,asis o! the *lai and o! the
e1tension o! tie andJor additional pa"ent *laied$ I! the event
or *ir*+stan*e 0ivin0 rise to the *lai has a *ontin+in0 e!!e*tC
8a9 this !+ll" detailed *lai shall ,e *onsidered as interiH
8,9 the Contra*tor shall send !+rther interi *lais at onthl"
intervals& 0ivin0 the a**++lated dela" andJor ao+nt
*laied& and s+*h !+rther parti*+lars as the En0ineer a"
reasona,l" re?+ireH and
8*9 the Contra*tor shall send a !inal *lai 2ithin 2) da"s a!ter
the end o! the e!!e*ts res+ltin0 !ro the event or
*ir*+stan*e& or 2ithin s+*h other period as a" ,e
proposed ," the Contra*tor and approved ," the En0ineer$
5ithin '2 da"s a!ter re*eivin0 a *lai or an" !+rther parti*+lars
s+pportin0 a previo+s *lai& or 2ithin s+*h other period as a"
,e proposed ," the En0ineer and approved ," the Contra*tor&
the En0ineer shall respond 2ith approval& or 2ith disapproval
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions 207
and detailed *oents$ =e a" also re?+est an" ne*essar"
!+rther parti*+lars& ,+t shall nevertheless 0ive his response on the
prin*iples o! the *lai 2ithin the a,ove de!ined tie period$
5ithin the a,ove de!ined period o! '2 da"s& the En0ineer shall
pro*eed in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se #$. DDeterinationsE to
a0ree or deterine 8i9 the e1tension 8i! an"9 o! the Tie !or
Copletion 8,e!ore or a!ter its e1pir"9 in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-
Cla+se )$' DE1tension o! Tie !or CopletionE& andJor 8ii9 the
additional pa"ent 8i! an"9 to 2hi*h the Contra*tor is entitled
+nder the Contra*t$
Ea*h 3a"ent Certi!i*ate shall in*l+de s+*h additional pa"ent !or
an" *lai as have ,een reasona,l" s+,stantiated as d+e +nder the
relevant provision o! the Contra*t$ Unless and +ntil the
parti*+lars s+pplied are s+!!i*ient to s+,stantiate the 2hole o! the
*lai& the Contra*tor shall onl" ,e entitled to pa"ent !or s+*h
part o! the *lai as he has ,een a,le to s+,stantiate$
I! the En0ineer does not respond 2ithin the tie!rae de!ined in
this Cla+se& either 3art" a" *onsider that the *lai is re@e*ted
," the En0ineer and an" o! the 3arties a" re!er it to the Disp+te
Board in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se 20$' DO,tainin0 Disp+te
Board7s De*isionE$
The re?+ireents o! this S+,-Cla+se are in addition to those o!
an" other S+,-Cla+se 2hi*h a" appl" to a *lai$ I! the
Contra*tor !ails to *opl" 2ith this or another S+,-Cla+se in
relation to an" *lai& an" e1tension o! tie andJor additional
pa"ent shall ta6e a**o+nt o! the e1tent 8i! an"9 to 2hi*h the
!ail+re has prevented or pre@+di*ed proper investi0ation o! the
*lai& +nless the *lai is e1*l+ded +nder the se*ond para0raph o!
this S+,-Cla+se$
20.2 Appoint&ent o'
the Disp%te
Disp+tes shall ,e re!erred to a DB !or de*ision in a**ordan*e
2ith S+,-Cla+se 20$' DO,tainin0 Disp+te Board7s De*isionE$ The
3arties shall appoint a DB ," the date stated in the Contra*t
The DB shall *oprise& as stated in the Contra*t Data& either one
or three s+ita,l" ?+ali!ied persons 8Athe e,ersB9& ea*h o!
2ho shall ,e !l+ent in the lan0+a0e !or *o+ni*ation de!ined
in the Contra*t and shall ,e a pro!essional e1perien*ed in the t"pe
o! *onstr+*tion involved in the 5or6s and 2ith the interpretation o!
*ontra*t+al do*+ents$ I! the n+,er is not so stated and the
3arties do not a0ree other2ise& the DB shall *oprise three
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
20) Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
I! the 3arties have not @ointl" appointed the DB 2% da"s ,e!ore
the date stated in the Contra*t Data and the DB is to *oprise
three persons& ea*h 3art" shall noinate one e,er !or the
approval o! the other 3art"$ The !irst t2o e,ers shall
re*oend and the 3arties shall a0ree +pon the third e,er&
2ho shall a*t as *hairan$
=o2ever& i! a list o! potential e,ers has ,een a0reed ," the
3arties and is in*l+ded in the Contra*t& the e,ers shall ,e
sele*ted !ro those on the list& other than an"one 2ho is +na,le
or +n2illin0 to a**ept appointent to the DB$
The a0reeent ,et2een the 3arties and either the sole e,er
or ea*h o! the three e,ers shall in*orporate ," re!eren*e the
General Conditions o! Disp+te Board A0reeent *ontained in
the Appendi1 to these General Conditions& 2ith s+*h
aendents as are a0reed ,et2een the$
The ters o! the re+neration o! either the sole e,er or ea*h
o! the three e,ers& in*l+din0 the re+neration o! an" e1pert
2ho the DB *ons+lts& shall ,e +t+all" a0reed +pon ," the
3arties 2hen a0reein0 the ters o! appointent$ Ea*h 3art" shall
,e responsi,le !or pa"in0 one-hal! o! this re+neration$
I! at an" tie the 3arties so a0ree& the" a" @ointl" re!er a atter
to the DB !or it to 0ive its opinion$ Neither 3art" shall *ons+lt
the DB on an" atter 2itho+t the a0reeent o! the other 3art"$
I! a e,er de*lines to a*t or is +na,le to a*t as a res+lt o!
death& disa,ilit"& resi0nation or terination o! appointent& a
repla*eent shall ,e appointed in the sae anner as the
repla*ed person 2as re?+ired to have ,een noinated or a0reed
+pon& as des*ri,ed in this S+,-Cla+se$
The appointent o! an" e,er a" ,e terinated ," +t+al
a0reeent o! ,oth 3arties& ,+t not ," the Eplo"er or the
Contra*tor a*tin0 alone$ Unless other2ise a0reed ," ,oth
3arties& the appointent o! the DB 8in*l+din0 ea*h e,er9
shall e1pire 2hen the dis*har0e re!erred to in S+,-Cla+se %'$%2
DDis*har0eE shall have ,e*oe e!!e*tive$
20.9 "ail%re to Agree
on the
Co&position o'
the Disp%te
I! an" o! the !ollo2in0 *onditions appl"& nael"C
8a9 the 3arties !ail to a0ree +pon the appointent o! the sole
e,er o! the DB ," the date stated in the !irst para0raph
o! S+,-Cla+se 20$2& DAppointent o! the Disp+te BoardE&
8,9 either 3art" !ails to noinate a e,er 8!or approval ,"
the other 3art"9& or !ails to approve a e,er noinated
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions 20(
," the other 3art"& o! a DB o! three persons ," s+*h date&
8*9 the 3arties !ail to a0ree +pon the appointent o! the third
e,er 8to a*t as *hairan9 o! the DB ," s+*h date& or
8d9 the 3arties !ail to a0ree +pon the appointent o! a
repla*eent person 2ithin '2 da"s a!ter the date on 2hi*h
the sole e,er or one o! the three e,ers de*lines to
a*t or is +na,le to a*t as a res+lt o! death& disa,ilit"&
resi0nation or terination o! appointent&
then the appointin0 entit" or o!!i*ial naed in the Contra*t Data
shall& +pon the re?+est o! either or ,oth o! the 3arties and a!ter
d+e *ons+ltation 2ith ,oth 3arties& appoint this e,er o! the
DB$ This appointent shall ,e !inal and *on*l+sive$ Ea*h 3art"
shall ,e responsi,le !or pa"in0 one-hal! o! the re+neration o!
the appointin0 entit" or o!!i*ial$
20.@ .4taining
Disp%te Board=s
I! a disp+te 8o! an" 6ind 2hatsoever9 arises ,et2een the 3arties
in *onne*tion 2ith& or arisin0 o+t o!& the Contra*t or the
e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s& in*l+din0 an" disp+te as to an"
*erti!i*ate& deterination& instr+*tion& opinion or val+ation o! the
En0ineer& either 3art" a" re!er the disp+te in 2ritin0 to the DB
!or its de*ision& 2ith *opies to the other 3art" and the En0ineer$
S+*h re!eren*e shall state that it is 0iven +nder this S+,-Cla+se$
4or a DB o! three persons& the DB shall ,e deeed to have
re*eived s+*h re!eren*e on the date 2hen it is re*eived ," the
*hairan o! the DB$
Both 3arties shall proptl" a6e availa,le to the DB all s+*h
additional in!oration& !+rther a**ess to the Site& and appropriate
!a*ilities& as the DB a" re?+ire !or the p+rposes o! a6in0 a
de*ision on s+*h disp+te$ The DB shall ,e deeed to ,e not
a*tin0 as ar,itrator8s9$
5ithin )' da"s a!ter re*eivin0 s+*h re!eren*e& or 2ithin s+*h
other period as a" ,e proposed ," the DB and approved ,"
,oth 3arties& the DB shall 0ive its de*ision& 2hi*h shall ,e
reasoned and shall state that it is 0iven +nder this S+,-Cla+se$
The de*ision shall ,e ,indin0 on ,oth 3arties& 2ho shall proptl"
0ive e!!e*t to it +nless and +ntil it shall ,e revised in an ai*a,le
settleent or an ar,itral a2ard as des*ri,ed ,elo2$ Unless the
Contra*t has alread" ,een a,andoned& rep+diated or terinated&
the Contra*tor shall *ontin+e to pro*eed 2ith the 5or6s in
a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t$
I! either 3art" is dissatis!ied 2ith the DB7s de*ision& then either
3art" a"& 2ithin 2) da"s a!ter re*eivin0 the de*ision& 0ive
noti*e to the other 3art" o! its dissatis!a*tion and intention to
*oen*e ar,itration$ I! the DB !ails to 0ive its de*ision 2ithin
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
2%0 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
the period o! )' da"s 8or as other2ise approved9 a!ter re*eivin0
s+*h re!eren*e& then either 3art" a"& 2ithin 2) da"s a!ter this
period has e1pired& 0ive noti*e to the other 3art" o! its
dissatis!a*tion and intention to *oen*e ar,itration$
In either event& this noti*e o! dissatis!a*tion shall state that it is
0iven +nder this S+,-Cla+se& and shall set o+t the atter in
disp+te and the reason8s9 !or dissatis!a*tion$ E1*ept as stated in
S+,-Cla+se 20$7 D4ail+re to Copl" 2ith Disp+te Board7s
De*isionE and S+,-Cla+se 20$) DE1pir" o! Disp+te Board7s
AppointentE& neither 3art" shall ,e entitled to *oen*e
ar,itration o! a disp+te +nless a noti*e o! dissatis!a*tion has ,een
0iven in a**ordan*e 2ith this S+,-Cla+se$
I! the DB has 0iven its de*ision as to a atter in disp+te to ,oth
3arties& and no noti*e o! dissatis!a*tion has ,een 0iven ," either
3art" 2ithin 2) da"s a!ter it re*eived the DB7s de*ision& then the
de*ision shall ,e*oe !inal and ,indin0 +pon ,oth 3arties$
20.! A&ica4le
5here noti*e o! dissatis!a*tion has ,een 0iven +nder S+,-Cla+se
20$' a,ove& ,oth 3arties shall attept to settle the disp+te
ai*a,l" ,e!ore the *oen*eent o! ar,itration$ =o2ever&
+nless ,oth 3arties a0ree other2ise& ar,itration a" ,e
*oen*ed on or a!ter the !i!t"-si1th da" a!ter the da" on 2hi*h
a noti*e o! dissatis!a*tion and intention to *oen*e ar,itration
2as 0iven& even i! no attept at ai*a,le settleent has ,een
20.6 Ar4itration Unless indi*ated other2ise in the 3arti*+lar Conditions& an"
disp+te not settled ai*a,l" and in respe*t o! 2hi*h the DB7s
de*ision 8i! an"9 has not ,e*oe !inal and ,indin0 shall ,e !inall"
settled ," ar,itration$ Unless other2ise a0reed ," ,oth 3artiesC
8a9 4or *ontra*ts 2ith !orei0n *ontra*tors& international
ar,itration 2ith pro*eedin0s adinistered ," the
instit+tion appointed in the Contra*t Data&
*ond+*ted in a**ordan*e 2ith the r+les o! ar,itration
o! the appointed instit+tion& i! an"& or in a**ordan*e
2ith UNCITRAF ar,itration r+les& at the *hoi*e o!
the appointed instit+tion&
8,9 the pla*e o! ar,itration shall ,e the *it" 2here the
head?+arters o! the appointed ar,itration instit+tion
is lo*ated&
8*9 the ar,itration shall ,e *ond+*ted in the lan0+a0e !or
*o+ni*ations de!ined in S+,-Cla+se %$' DFa2 and
Fan0+a0eE& and
8d9 4or *ontra*ts 2ith doesti* *ontra*tors& ar,itration
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions 2%%
2ith pro*eedin0s *ond+*ted in a**ordan*e 2ith the
la2s o! the Eplo"er7s *o+ntr"$
The ar,itrators shall have !+ll po2er to open +p& revie2 and
revise an" *erti!i*ate& deterination& instr+*tion& opinion or
val+ation o! the En0ineer& and an" de*ision o! the DB& relevant
to the disp+te$ Nothin0 shall dis?+ali!" representatives o! the
3arties and the En0ineer !ro ,ein0 *alled as a 2itness and 0ivin0
eviden*e ,e!ore the ar,itrators on an" atter 2hatsoever
relevant to the disp+te$
Neither 3art" shall ,e liited in the pro*eedin0s ,e!ore the
ar,itrators to the eviden*e or ar0+ents previo+sl" p+t ,e!ore
the DB to o,tain its de*ision& or to the reasons !or dissatis!a*tion
0iven in its noti*e o! dissatis!a*tion$ An" de*ision o! the DB shall
,e adissi,le in eviden*e in the ar,itration$
Ar,itration a" ,e *oen*ed prior to or a!ter *opletion o!
the 5or6s$ The o,li0ations o! the 3arties& the En0ineer and the
DB shall not ,e altered ," reason o! an" ar,itration ,ein0
*ond+*ted d+rin0 the pro0ress o! the 5or6s$
20.7 "ail%re to Co&ply
#ith Disp%te
Board=s Decision
In the event that a 3art" !ails to *opl" 2ith a !inal and ,indin0
DB de*ision& then the other 3art" a"& 2itho+t pre@+di*e to an"
other ri0hts it a" have& re!er the !ail+re itsel! to ar,itration
+nder S+,-Cla+se 20$/ DAr,itrationE$ S+,-Cla+se 20$'
DO,tainin0 Disp+te Board7s De*isionE and S+,-Cla+se 20$.
DAi*a,le SettleentE shall not appl" to this re!eren*e$
20.A /:piry o' Disp%te
I! a disp+te arises ,et2een the 3arties in *onne*tion 2ith& or
arisin0 o+t o!& the Contra*t or the e1e*+tion o! the 5or6s and
there is no DB in pla*e& 2hether ," reason o! the e1pir" o! the
DB7s appointent or other2iseC
8a9 S+,-Cla+se 20$' DO,tainin0 Disp+te Board7s De*isionE and
S+,-Cla+se 20$. DAi*a,le SettleentE shall not appl"& and
8,9 the disp+te a" ,e re!erred dire*tl" to ar,itration +nder
S+,-Cla+se 20$/ DAr,itrationE$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
2%2 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
A -eneral Conditions o' Disp%te Board Agree&ent
). De'initions Ea*h ADisp+te Board A0reeentB is a tripartite a0reeent ," and
8a9 the AEplo"erBH
8,9 the AContra*torBH and
8*9 the AMe,erB 2ho is de!ined in the Disp+te Board A0reeent
as ,ein0C
8i9 the sole e,er o! the ZDBZ and& 2here this is the *ase&
all re!eren*es to the AOther Me,ersB do not appl"& or
8ii9 one o! the three persons 2ho are @ointl" *alled the ADBB
8or ADisp+te BoardB9 and& 2here this is the *ase& the other
t2o persons are *alled the AOther Me,ers$B
The Eplo"er and the Contra*tor have entered 8or intend to enter9
into a *ontra*t& 2hi*h is *alled the ZContra*tZ and is de!ined in the
Disp+te Board A0reeent& 2hi*h in*orporates this Appendi1$ In the
Disp+te Board A0reeent& 2ords and e1pressions 2hi*h are not
other2ise de!ined shall have the eanin0s assi0ned to the in the
2. -eneral
Unless other2ise stated in the Disp+te Board A0reeent& it shall
ta6e e!!e*t on the latest o! the !ollo2in0 datesC
8a9 the Coen*eent Date de!ined in the Contra*t&
8,9 2hen the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor and the Me,er have ea*h
si0ned the Disp+te Board A0reeent& or
8*9 2hen the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor and ea*h o! the Other
Me,ers 8i! an"9 have respe*tivel" ea*h si0ned a disp+te ,oard
This eplo"ent o! the Me,er is a personal appointent$ At an"
tie& the Me,er a" 0ive not less than 70 da"s7 noti*e o!
resi0nation to the Eplo"er and to the Contra*tor& and the Disp+te
A0reeent shall terinate +pon the e1pir" o! this period$
9. Warranties The Me,er 2arrants and a0rees that heJshe is and shall ,e
ipartial and independent o! the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor and the
En0ineer$ The Me,er shall proptl" dis*lose& to ea*h o! the and
to the Other Me,ers 8i! an"9& an" !a*t or *ir*+stan*e 2hi*h i0ht
appear in*onsistent 2ith hisJher 2arrant" and a0reeent o!
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions 2%#
ipartialit" and independen*e$
5hen appointin0 the Me,er& the Eplo"er and the Contra*tor
relied +pon the Me,er7s representations that heJshe isC
8a9 e1perien*ed in the 2or6 2hi*h the Contra*tor is to *arr" o+t
+nder the Contra*t&
8,9 e1perien*ed in the interpretation o! *ontra*t do*+entation&
8*9 !l+ent in the lan0+a0e !or *o+ni*ations de!ined in the
@. -eneral
.4ligations o' the
The Me,er shallC
8a9 have no interest !inan*ial or other2ise in the Eplo"er& the
Contra*tor or En0ineer& nor an" !inan*ial interest in the
Contra*t e1*ept !or pa"ent +nder the Disp+te Board
8,9 not previo+sl" have ,een eplo"ed as a *ons+ltant or other2ise
," the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor or the En0ineer& e1*ept in
s+*h *ir*+stan*es as 2ere dis*losed in 2ritin0 to the
Eplo"er and the Contra*tor ,e!ore the" si0ned the Disp+te
Board A0reeentH
8*9 have dis*losed in 2ritin0 to the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor and
the Other Me,ers 8i! an"9& ,e!ore enterin0 into the Disp+te
Board A0reeent and to hisJher ,est 6no2led0e and
re*olle*tion& an" pro!essional or personal relationships 2ith an"
dire*tor& o!!i*er or eplo"ee o! the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor
or the En0ineer& and an" previo+s involveent in the overall
pro@e*t o! 2hi*h the Contra*t !ors partH
8d9 not& !or the d+ration o! the Disp+te Board A0reeent& ,e
eplo"ed as a *ons+ltant or other2ise ," the Eplo"er& the
Contra*tor or the En0ineer& e1*ept as a" ,e a0reed in 2ritin0
," the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor and the Other Me,ers 8i!
8e9 *opl" 2ith the anne1ed pro*ed+ral r+les and 2ith S+,-Cla+se
20$' o! the Conditions o! Contra*tH
8!9 not 0ive advi*e to the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor& the
Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel or the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel *on*ernin0
the *ond+*t o! the Contra*t& other than in a**ordan*e 2ith the
anne1ed pro*ed+ral r+lesH
809 not 2hile a Me,er enter into dis*+ssions or a6e an"
a0reeent 2ith the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor or the En0ineer
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
2%' Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
re0ardin0 eplo"ent ," an" o! the& 2hether as a *ons+ltant
or other2ise& a!ter *easin0 to a*t +nder the Disp+te Board
8h9 ens+re hisJher availa,ilit" !or all site visits and hearin0s as are
8i9 ,e*oe *onversant 2ith the Contra*t and 2ith the pro0ress o!
the 5or6s 8and o! an" other parts o! the pro@e*t o! 2hi*h the
Contra*t !ors part9 ," st+d"in0 all do*+ents re*eived 2hi*h
shall ,e aintained in a *+rrent 2or6in0 !ileH
8@9 treat the details o! the Contra*t and all the DB7s a*tivities and
hearin0s as private and *on!idential& and not p+,lish or dis*lose
the 2itho+t the prior 2ritten *onsent o! the Eplo"er& the
Contra*tor and the Other Me,ers 8i! an"9H and
869 ,e availa,le to 0ive advi*e and opinions& on an" atter relevant
to the Contra*t 2hen re?+ested ," ,oth the Eplo"er and the
Contra*tor& s+,@e*t to the a0reeent o! the Other Me,ers 8i!
!. -eneral
.4ligations o' the
/&ployer and the
The Eplo"er& the Contra*tor& the Eplo"er7s 3ersonnel and the
Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel shall not re?+est advi*e !ro or *ons+ltation
2ith the Me,er re0ardin0 the Contra*t& other2ise than in the
noral *o+rse o! the DB7s a*tivities +nder the Contra*t and the
Disp+te Board A0reeent$ The Eplo"er and the Contra*tor shall
,e responsi,le !or *oplian*e 2ith this provision& ," the Eplo"er7s
3ersonnel and the Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel respe*tivel"$
The Eplo"er and the Contra*tor +nderta6e to ea*h other and to
the Me,er that the Me,er shall not& e1*ept as other2ise a0reed
in 2ritin0 ," the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor& the Me,er and the
Other Me,ers 8i! an"9C
8a9 ,e appointed as an ar,itrator in an" ar,itration +nder the
8,9 ,e *alled as a 2itness to 0ive eviden*e *on*ernin0 an" disp+te
,e!ore ar,itrator8s9 appointed !or an" ar,itration +nder the
Contra*tH or
8*9 ,e lia,le !or an" *lais !or an"thin0 done or oitted in the
dis*har0e or p+rported dis*har0e o! the Me,er7s !+n*tions&
+nless the a*t or oission is sho2n to have ,een in ,ad !aith$
The Eplo"er and the Contra*tor here," @ointl" and severall"
indeni!" and hold the Me,er harless a0ainst and !ro *lais
!ro 2hi*h he is relieved !ro lia,ilit" +nder the pre*edin0
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions 2%.
5henever the Eplo"er or the Contra*tor re!ers a disp+te to the
DB +nder S+,-Cla+se 20$' o! the Conditions o! Contra*t& 2hi*h 2ill
re?+ire the Me,er to a6e a site visit and attend a hearin0& the
Eplo"er or the Contra*tor shall provide appropriate se*+rit" !or a
s+ e?+ivalent to the reasona,le e1penses to ,e in*+rred ," the
Me,er$ No a**o+nt shall ,e ta6en o! an" other pa"ents d+e or
paid to the Me,er$
6. (ay&ent The Me,er shall ,e paid as !ollo2s& in the *+rren*" naed in the
Disp+te Board A0reeentC
8a9 a retainer !ee per *alendar onth& 2hi*h shall ,e *onsidered as
pa"ent in !+ll !orC
8i9 ,ein0 availa,le on 2) da"s7 noti*e !or all site visits and
8ii9 ,e*oin0 and reainin0 *onversant 2ith all pro@e*t
developents and aintainin0 relevant !ilesH
8iii9 all o!!i*e and overhead e1penses in*l+din0 se*retarial
servi*es& photo*op"in0 and o!!i*e s+pplies in*+rred in
*onne*tion 2ith his d+tiesH and
8iv9 all servi*es per!ored here+nder e1*ept those re!erred to in
s+,-para0raphs 8,9 and 8*9 o! this Cla+se$
The retainer !ee shall ,e paid 2ith e!!e*t !ro the last da" o! the
*alendar onth in 2hi*h the Disp+te Board A0reeent ,e*oes
e!!e*tiveH +ntil the last da" o! the *alendar onth in 2hi*h the
Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate is iss+ed !or the 2hole o! the 5or6s$
5ith e!!e*t !ro the !irst da" o! the *alendar onth !ollo2in0 the
onth in 2hi*h the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate is iss+ed !or the 2hole
o! the 5or6s& the retainer !ee shall ,e red+*ed ," one third$ This
red+*ed !ee shall ,e paid +ntil the !irst da" o! the *alendar onth in
2hi*h the Me,er resi0ns or the Disp+te Board A0reeent is
other2ise terinated$
8,9 a dail" !ee 2hi*h shall ,e *onsidered as pa"ent in !+ll !orC
8i9 ea*h da" or part o! a da" +p to a a1i+ o! t2o da"s7
travel tie in ea*h dire*tion !or the @o+rne" ,et2een the
Me,er7s hoe and the site& or another lo*ation o! a
eetin0 2ith the Other Me,ers 8i! an"9H
8ii9 ea*h 2or6in0 da" on Site visits& hearin0s or preparin0
de*isionsH and
8iii9 ea*h da" spent readin0 s+,issions in preparation !or a
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
2%/ Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
8*9 all reasona,le e1penses in*l+din0 ne*essar" travel e1penses 8air
!are in less than !irst *lass& hotel and s+,sisten*e and other
dire*t travel e1penses9 in*+rred in *onne*tion 2ith the
Me,er7s d+ties& as 2ell as the *ost o! telephone *alls& *o+rier
*har0es& !a1es and tele1esC a re*eipt shall ,e re?+ired !or ea*h
ite in e1*ess o! !ive per*ent o! the dail" !ee re!erred to in s+,-
para0raph 8,9 o! this Cla+seH
8d9 an" ta1es properl" levied in the Co+ntr" on pa"ents ade to
the Me,er 8+nless a national or peranent resident o! the
Co+ntr"9 +nder this Cla+se /$
The retainer and dail" !ees shall ,e as spe*i!ied in the Disp+te Board
A0reeent$ Unless it spe*i!ies other2ise& these !ees shall reain
!i1ed !or the !irst 2' *alendar onths& and shall therea!ter ,e
ad@+sted ," a0reeent ,et2een the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor and
the Me,er& at ea*h anniversar" o! the date on 2hi*h the Disp+te
Board A0reeent ,e*ae e!!e*tive$
I! the parties !ail to a0ree on the retainer !ee or the dail" !ee& the
appointin0 entit" or o!!i*ial naed in the Contra*t Data shall
deterine the ao+nt o! the !ees to ,e +sed$
The Me,er shall s+,it invoi*es !or pa"ent o! the onthl"
retainer and air !ares ?+arterl" in advan*e$ Invoi*es !or other
e1penses and !or dail" !ees shall ,e s+,itted !ollo2in0 the
*on*l+sion o! a site visit or hearin0$ All invoi*es shall ,e
a**opanied ," a ,rie! des*ription o! a*tivities per!ored d+rin0 the
relevant period and shall ,e addressed to the Contra*tor$
The Contra*tor shall pa" ea*h o! the Me,er7s invoi*es in !+ll
2ithin ./ *alendar da"s a!ter re*eivin0 ea*h invoi*e and shall appl"
to the Eplo"er 8in the Stateents +nder the Contra*t9 !or
rei,+rseent o! one-hal! o! the ao+nts o! these invoi*es$ The
Eplo"er shall then pa" the Contra*tor in a**ordan*e 2ith the
I! the Contra*tor !ails to pa" to the Me,er the ao+nt to 2hi*h
heJshe is entitled +nder the Disp+te Board A0reeent& the Eplo"er
shall pa" the ao+nt d+e to the Me,er and an" other ao+nt
2hi*h a" ,e re?+ired to aintain the operation o! the DBH and
2itho+t pre@+di*e to the Eplo"er7s ri0hts or reedies$ In addition
to all other ri0hts arisin0 !ro this de!a+lt& the Eplo"er shall ,e
entitled to rei,+rseent o! all s+s paid in e1*ess o! one-hal! o!
these pa"ents& pl+s all *osts o! re*overin0 these s+s and !inan*in0
*har0es *al*+lated at the rate spe*i!ied in S+,-Cla+se %'$) o! the
Conditions o! Contra*t$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions 2%7
I! the Me,er does not re*eive pa"ent o! the ao+nt d+e 2ithin
70 da"s a!ter s+,ittin0 a valid invoi*e& the Me,er a" 8i9
s+spend hisJher servi*es 82itho+t noti*e9 +ntil the pa"ent is
re*eived& andJor 8ii9 resi0n hisJher appointent ," 0ivin0 noti*e
+nder Cla+se 7$
7. Ter&ination At an" tieC 8i9 the Eplo"er and the Contra*tor a" @ointl"
terinate the Disp+te Board A0reeent ," 0ivin0 '2 da"s7 noti*e to
the Me,erH or 8ii9 the Me,er a" resi0n as provided !or in
Cla+se 2$
I! the Me,er !ails to *opl" 2ith the Disp+te Board A0reeent&
the Eplo"er and the Contra*tor a"& 2itho+t pre@+di*e to their
other ri0hts& terinate it ," noti*e to the Me,er$ The noti*e shall
ta6e e!!e*t 2hen re*eived ," the Me,er$
I! the Eplo"er or the Contra*tor !ails to *opl" 2ith the Disp+te
Board A0reeent& the Me,er a"& 2itho+t pre@+di*e to his other
ri0hts& terinate it ," noti*e to the Eplo"er and the Contra*tor$
The noti*e shall ta6e e!!e*t 2hen re*eived ," the ,oth$
An" s+*h noti*e& resi0nation and terination shall ,e !inal and
,indin0 on the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor and the Me,er$ =o2ever&
a noti*e ," the Eplo"er or the Contra*tor& ,+t not ," ,oth& shall ,e
o! no e!!e*t$
A. De'a%lt o' the
I! the Me,er !ails to *opl" 2ith an" o! his o,li0ations +nder
Cla+se ' 8a9 - 8d9 a,ove& he shall not ,e entitled to an" !ees or
e1penses here+nder and shall& 2itho+t pre@+di*e to their other ri0hts&
rei,+rse ea*h o! the Eplo"er and the Contra*tor !or an" !ees and
e1penses re*eived ," the Me,er and the Other Me,ers 8i! an"9&
!or pro*eedin0s or de*isions 8i! an"9 o! the DB 2hi*h are rendered
void or ine!!e*tive ," the said !ail+re to *opl"$
I! the Me,er !ails to *opl" 2ith an" o! his o,li0ations +nder
Cla+se ' 8e9 - 869 a,ove& he shall not ,e entitled to an" !ees or
e1penses here+nder !ro the date and to the e1tent o! the non-
*oplian*e and shall& 2itho+t pre@+di*e to their other ri0hts&
rei,+rse ea*h o! the Eplo"er and the Contra*tor !or an" !ees and
e1penses alread" re*eived ," the Me,er& !or pro*eedin0s or
de*isions 8i! an"9 o! the DB 2hi*h are rendered void or ine!!e*tive
," the said !ail+re to *opl"$
B. Disp%tes An" disp+te or *lai arisin0 o+t o! or in *onne*tion 2ith this
Disp+te Board A0reeent& or the ,rea*h& terination or invalidit"
thereo!& shall ,e !inall" settled ," instit+tional ar,itration$ I! no other
ar,itration instit+te is a0reed& the ar,itration shall ,e *ond+*ted
+nder the R+les o! Ar,itration o! the International Cha,er o!
Coer*e ," one ar,itrator appointed in a**ordan*e 2ith these
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
2%) Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
R+les o! Ar,itration$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
Se*tion :II$ General Conditions 2%(
(.C/D0AC 0C/$
Unless other2ise a0reed ," the Eplo"er and the Contra*tor& the DB shall visit the site at
intervals o! not ore than %'0 da"s& in*l+din0 ties o! *riti*al *onstr+*tion events& at the
re?+est o! either the Eplo"er or the Contra*tor$ Unless other2ise a0reed ," the Eplo"er&
the Contra*tor and the DB& the period ,et2een *onse*+tive visits shall not ,e less than 70
da"s& e1*ept as re?+ired to *onvene a hearin0 as des*ri,ed ,elo2$
The tiin0 o! and a0enda !or ea*h site visit shall ,e as a0reed @ointl" ," the DB& the Eplo"er
and the Contra*tor& or in the a,sen*e o! a0reeent& shall ,e de*ided ," the DB$ The p+rpose
o! site visits is to ena,le the DB to ,e*oe and reain a*?+ainted 2ith the pro0ress o! the
5or6s and o! an" a*t+al or potential pro,les or *lais& and& as !ar as reasona,le& to
endeavo+r to prevent potential pro,les or *lais !ro ,e*oin0 disp+tes$
Site visits shall ,e attended ," the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor and the En0ineer and shall ,e *o-
ordinated ," the Eplo"er in *o-operation 2ith the Contra*tor$ The Eplo"er shall ens+re the
provision o! appropriate *on!eren*e !a*ilities and se*retarial and *op"in0 servi*es$ At the
*on*l+sion o! ea*h site visit and ,e!ore leavin0 the site& the DB shall prepare a report on its
a*tivities d+rin0 the visit and shall send *opies to the Eplo"er and the Contra*tor$
The Eplo"er and the Contra*tor shall !+rnish to the DB one *op" o! all do*+ents 2hi*h the
DB a" re?+est& in*l+din0 Contra*t do*+ents& pro0ress reports& variation instr+*tions&
*erti!i*ates and other do*+ents pertinent to the per!oran*e o! the Contra*t$ All
*o+ni*ations ,et2een the DB and the Eplo"er or the Contra*tor shall ,e *opied to the
other 3art"$ I! the DB *oprises three persons& the Eplo"er and the Contra*tor shall send
*opies o! these re?+ested do*+ents and these *o+ni*ations to ea*h o! these persons$
I! an" disp+te is re!erred to the DB in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se 20$' o! the Conditions o!
Contra*t& the DB shall pro*eed in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se 20$' and these R+les$ S+,@e*t
to the tie allo2ed to 0ive noti*e o! a de*ision and other relevant !a*tors& the DB shallC
8a9 a*t !airl" and ipartiall" as ,et2een the Eplo"er and the Contra*tor& 0ivin0 ea*h o!
the a reasona,le opport+nit" o! p+ttin0 his *ase and respondin0 to the other7s *ase& and
8,9 adopt pro*ed+res s+ita,le to the disp+te& avoidin0 +nne*essar" dela" or e1pense$
The DB a" *ond+*t a hearin0 on the disp+te& in 2hi*h event it 2ill de*ide on the date and
pla*e !or the hearin0 and a" re?+est that 2ritten do*+entation and ar0+ents !ro the
Eplo"er and the Contra*tor ,e presented to it prior to or at the hearin0$
E1*ept as other2ise a0reed in 2ritin0 ," the Eplo"er and the Contra*tor& the DB shall have
po2er to adopt an in?+isitorial pro*ed+re& to re!+se adission to hearin0s or a+dien*e at
hearin0s to an" persons other than representatives o! the Eplo"er& the Contra*tor and the
En0ineer& and to pro*eed in the a,sen*e o! an" part" 2ho the DB is satis!ied re*eived noti*e
o! the hearin0H ,+t shall have dis*retion to de*ide 2hether and to 2hat e1tent this po2er a"
,e e1er*ised$
The Eplo"er and the Contra*tor epo2er the DB& aon0 other thin0s& toC
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
220 Se*tion :II$ General Conditions
8a9 esta,lish the pro*ed+re to ,e applied in de*idin0 a disp+te&
8,9 de*ide +pon the DB7s o2n @+risdi*tion& and as to the s*ope o! an" disp+te re!erred to it&
8*9 *ond+*t an" hearin0 as it thin6s !it& not ,ein0 ,o+nd ," an" r+les or pro*ed+res other than
those *ontained in the Contra*t and these R+les&
8d9 ta6e the initiative in as*ertainin0 the !a*ts and atters re?+ired !or a de*ision&
8e9 a6e +se o! its o2n spe*ialist 6no2led0e& i! an"&
8!9 de*ide +pon the pa"ent o! !inan*in0 *har0es in a**ordan*e 2ith the Contra*t&
809 de*ide +pon an" provisional relie! s+*h as interi or *onservator" eas+res& and
8h9 open +p& revie2 and revise an" *erti!i*ate& de*ision& deterination& instr+*tion& opinion or
val+ation o! the En0ineer& relevant to the disp+te$
The DB shall not e1press an" opinions d+rin0 an" hearin0 *on*ernin0 the erits o! an"
ar0+ents advan*ed ," the 3arties$ Therea!ter& the DB shall a6e and 0ive its de*ision in
a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se 20$'& or as other2ise a0reed ," the Eplo"er and the Contra*tor
in 2ritin0$ I! the DB *oprises three personsC
8a9 it shall *onvene in private a!ter a hearin0& in order to have dis*+ssions and prepare its
8,9 it shall endeavo+r to rea*h a +nanio+s de*isionC i! this proves ipossi,le the appli*a,le
de*ision shall ,e ade ," a a@orit" o! the Me,ers& 2ho a" re?+ire the inorit"
Me,er to prepare a 2ritten report !or s+,ission to the Eplo"er and the Contra*torH
8*9 i! a Me,er !ails to attend a eetin0 or hearin0& or to !+l!il an" re?+ired !+n*tion& the
other t2o Me,ers a" nevertheless pro*eed to a6e a de*ision& +nlessC
8i9 either the Eplo"er or the Contra*tor does not a0ree that the" do so& or
8ii9 the a,sent Me,er is the *hairan and heJshe instr+*ts the other Me,ers not to
a6e a de*ision$
Cop"ri0ht 4IDIC
$ection 6+++. (artic%lar Conditions 2(C3
The !ollo2in0 3arti*+lar Conditions shall s+ppleent the GC$ 5henever there is a *on!li*t& the
provisions herein shall prevail over those in the GC$
(art A < Contract Data
Conditions $%4<Cla%se Data
/&ployer=s na&e and address %$%$2$2 <
/ngineer=s na&e and address %$%$2$' <
Bank=s na&e %$%$2$%%
Borro#er=s na&e %$%$2$%2
Ti&e 'or Co&pletion %$%$#$# PPPPPPPPPPPPPda"s
If Sections are to be used+ refer to 1able:
Summar& of Sections below
De'ects ,oti'ication (eriod %$%$#$7 #/. da"s$
$ections %$%$.$/ If Sections are to be used+ refer to 1able:
Summar& of Sections below
/lectronic trans&ission
-overning Ca# %$'
%ling lang%age %$'
Cang%age 'or co&&%nications %$'
Ti&e 'or the (arties entering
into a Contract Agree&ent
Ti&e 'or access to the $ite 2$% No later than the Coen*eent Da"&
e1*ept !or the !ollo2in0 parts 8i! appli*a,le&
2ith detailed des*ription o! parts
*on*ernedCPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPda"s a!ter
Coen*eent Date
/ngineer=s D%ties and
#$%8,98ii9 :ariations res+ltin0 in an in*rease o! the
A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt in e1*ess o!
PPPPT shall re?+ire approval o! the
(er'or&ance $ec%rity '$2 The per!oran*e se*+rit" 2ill ,e in the
!or o! a PPPP [insert either one of
=demand guarantee> or =performance
bond>! in the ao+nt8s9 o! [insert related
figure(s)! per*ent o! the A**epted
Contra*t Ao+nt and in the sae
*+rren*"8ies9 o! the A**epted Contra*t
Se*tion :III$ 3arti*+lar Conditions 22#
Conditions $%4<Cla%se Data
,or&al #orking ho%rs /$.
Delay da&ages 'or the Works )$7 <
T o! the Contra*t 3ri*e per da"$
If Sections are to be used+ refer to 1able:
Summar& of Sections below
Ma:i&%& a&o%nt o' delay
)$7 PPPPPPT o! the !inal Contra*t 3ri*e$
(rovisional $%&s %#$.$8,98ii9 [If there are Provisional Sums+ insert a
percentage for ad$ustment of Provisional
Ad?%st&ents 'or Changes in
%#$) 3eriod AnB appli*a,le to the ad@+stent
+ltiplier A3nBC PPPPPPPPPP [Insert the
period if different from one (2) month? if
period =n> is one (2) month+ insert =not
Total advance pay&ent %'$2 T 3er*enta0e o! the A**epted Contra*t
Ao+nt pa"a,le in the *+rren*ies and
proportions in 2hi*h the A**epted
Contra*t Ao+nt is pa"a,le
[Insert number and timing of installments
if applicable!
epay&ent a&ortiJation rate
o' advance pay&ent
%'$28,9 PPPPPPPT
(ercentage o' etention %'$# PPPPPPPT
Ci&it o' etention Money %'$# PPPPPPPT o! the A**epted Contra*t
(lant and Materials
I! S+,-Cla+se %'$. appliesC
3lant and Materials !or pa"ent 4ree on
%'$.8*98i9 3lant and Materials !or pa"ent 2hen
delivered to the Site
Mini&%& A&o%nt o' +nteri&
(ay&ent Certi'icates
%'$/ PPPPPPPPPPPPP T o! the A**epted
Contra*t Ao+nt$
22' Se*tion :III$ 3arti*+lar Conditions
Conditions $%4<Cla%se Data
(%4lishing so%rce o'
co&&ercial interest rates 'or
'inancial charges in case o'
delayed pay&ent
Ma:i&%& total lia4ility o' the
Contractor to the /&ployer
%7$/ [Select one of the two options below as
The prod+*t o!PPPPPPPPPPPPP[insert a
multiplier less or greater than one! ties
the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt&
PPPPPPPPPPPPP[insert amount of the
ma5imum total liabilit&!
(eriods 'or s%4&ission o'
[Insert period for submission of evidence
of insurance and polic&, Period ma& be
from 2@ da&s to AB da&s,!
a$ eviden*e o! ins+ran*e$ PPPPPda"s
,$ relevant poli*ies PPPPPda"s
Ma:i&%& a&o%nt o'
ded%cti4les 'or
ins%rance o' the /&ployerRs
%)$28d9 [Insert ma5imum amount of deductibles!
Mini&%& a&o%nt o' third
%)$# [Insert amount of third part& insurance!
Date 4y #hich the DB shall 4e
20$2 2) da"s a!ter the Coen*eent date
The DB shall 4e co&prised o' 20$2 %ither: One sole Me,er
or: Three Me,ers
Cist o' potential DB sole
20$2 [Cnl& when the D# is to be comprised of
one sole member+ list names of potential
sole members? if no potential sole
members are to be included+ insert:
Appoint&ent 2i' not agreed3
to 4e &ade 4y
20$# [Insert name of the appointing entit& or
%les o' ar4itration 20$/8a9 [Insert rules of arbitration if different
from those of the International "hamber
of "ommerce!
Se*tion :III$ 3arti*+lar Conditions 22.
Ta4le1 $%&&ary o' $ections
$ection ,a&eFDescription
2$%4<Cla%se ).).!.63
Ti&e 'or Co&pletion
2$%4<Cla%se ).).9.93
Da&ages 'or Delay
2$%4<Cla%se A.73
(art B < $peci'ic (rovisions
$%4<Cla%se )@.)
The Contract (rice
(*lternative paragraph)
8e9 Not2ithstandin0 the provisions o! s+,para0raph 8,9&
Contra*torMs E?+ipent& in*l+din0 essential spare parts
there!ore& iported ," the Contra*tor !or the sole
p+rpose o! e1e*+tin0 the Contra*t shall ,e teporaril"
e1ept !ro the pa"ent o! iport d+ties and ta1es +pon
initial iportation& provided the Contra*tor shall post
2ith the *+stos a+thorities at the port o! entr" an
approved e1port ,ond or ,an6 0+arantee& valid +ntil the
Tie !or Copletion pl+s si1 onths& in an ao+nt e?+al
to the !+ll iport d+ties and ta1es 2hi*h 2o+ld ,e pa"a,le
on the assessed iported val+e o! s+*h Contra*torMs
E?+ipent and spare parts& and *alla,le in the event the
Contra*torMs E?+ipent is not e1ported !ro the Co+ntr"
on *opletion o! the Contra*t$ A *op" o! the ,ond or
,an6 0+arantee endorsed ," the *+stos a+thorities shall
,e provided ," the Contra*tor to the Eplo"er +pon the
iportation o! individ+al ites o! Contra*torMs E?+ipent
and spare parts$ Upon e1port o! individ+al ites o!
Contra*torMs E?+ipent or spare parts& or +pon the
*opletion o! the Contra*t& the Contra*tor shall prepare&
!or approval ," the *+stos a+thorities& an assessent o!
the resid+al val+e o! the Contra*torMs E?+ipent and
spare part to ,e e1ported& ,ased on the depre*iation
s*ale8s and other *riteria +sed ," the *+stos a+thorities
!or s+*h p+rposes +nder the provisions o! the appli*a,le
Fa2s$ Iport d+ties and ta1es shall ,e d+e and pa"a,le to
the *+stos a+thorities ," the Contra*tor on 8a9 the
di!!eren*e ,et2een the initial iported val+e and the
resid+al val+e o! the Contra*torMs E?+ipent and spare
parts to e1portedH and 8,9 on the initial iported val+e
that Contra*torMs E?+ipent and spare parts reainin0 in
the Co+ntr" a!ter *opletion o! the Contra*t$ Upon
22/ Se*tion :III$ 3arti*+lar Conditions
pa"ent o! s+*h d+es 2ithin 2) da"s o! ,ein0 invoi*ed&
the ,ond or ,an6 0+arantee shall ,e red+*ed or released
a**ordin0l"H other2ise the se*+rit" shall ,e *alled in the
!+ll ao+nt reainin0$
S+,-Cla+se /$2#
5or6ers7 Or0ani;ations
(additional sub;clause to be added after Sub;"lause D,AA)
In *o+ntries 2here national la2 re*o0ni;es 2or6ers7 ri0hts to
!or and to @oin 2or6ers7 or0ani;ations o! their *hoosin0
2itho+t inter!eren*e and to ,ar0ain *olle*tivel"& the Contra*tor
shall *opl" 2ith national la2$ 5here national la2 s+,stantiall"
restri*ts 2or6ers7 or0ani;ations& the Contra*tor shall ena,le
alternative eans !or Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel to e1press their
0rievan*es and prote*t their ri0hts re0ardin0 2or6in0 *onditions
and ters o! eplo"ent$ In either *ase des*ri,ed a,ove& and
2here national la2 is silent& the Contra*tor shall not dis*o+ra0e
Contra*tor7s 3ersonnel !ro !orin0 or @oinin0 2or6ers7
or0ani;ations o! their *hoosin0 or !ro ,ar0ainin0 *olle*tivel"&
and shall not dis*riinate or retaliate a0ainst Contra*tor7s
3ersonnel 2ho parti*ipate& or see6 to parti*ipate& in s+*h
or0ani;ations and ,ar0ain *olle*tivel"$ The Contra*tor shall
en0a0e 2ith s+*h 2or6ers representatives$ 5or6er or0ani;ations
are e1pe*ted to !airl" represent the 2or6ers in the 2or6!or*e$
S+,-Cla+se /$2'
Non-Dis*riination and
E?+al Opport+nit"
(additional sub;clause to be added after Sub;"lause D,AE
The Contra*tor shall not a6e eplo"ent de*isions on the
,asis o! personal *hara*teristi*s +nrelated to inherent @o,
re?+ireents$ The Contra*tor shall ,ase the eplo"ent
relationship on the prin*iple o! e?+al opport+nit" and !air
treatent& and shall not dis*riinate 2ith respe*t to aspe*ts o!
the eplo"ent relationship& in*l+din0 re*r+itent and hirin0&
*opensation 8in*l+din0 2a0es and ,ene!its9& 2or6in0
*onditions and ters o! eplo"ent& a**ess to trainin0&
prootion& terination o! eplo"ent or retireent& and
dis*ipline$ In *o+ntries 2here national la2 provides !or non-
dis*riination in eplo"ent& the Contra*tor shall *opl" 2ith
national la2$ 5hen national la2s are silent on non-
dis*riination in eplo"ent& the Contra*tor shall eet this
S+,-Cla+se7s re?+ireents$ Spe*ial eas+res o! prote*tion or
assistan*e to reed" past dis*riination or sele*tion !or a
parti*+lar @o, ,ased on inherent re?+ireents o! the @o, shall not
,e deeed dis*riination$

Se*tion :III$ 3arti*+lar Conditions 227

$ection +;. Anne: to the (artic%lar Conditions
< Contract "or&s
Ta4le o' "or&s
,oti'ication o' A#ard$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Contract Agree&ent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
(er'or&ance $ec%rity$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Advance (ay&ent $ec%rity$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
etention Money $ec%rity$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
,oti'ication o' A#ard
[letterhead paper of the %mplo&er!
ToC [name and address of the "ontractor!
This is to noti!" "o+ that "o+r Bid dated [date! !or e1e*+tion o! the [name of the "ontract
and identification number+ as given in the "ontract Data! !or the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt
o! the e?+ivalent o! [amount in numbers and words! [name of currenc&!& as *orre*ted and
odi!ied in a**ordan*e 2ith the Instr+*tions to Bidders& is here," a**epted ," o+r A0en*"$
No+ are re?+ested to !+rnish the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" 2ithin 2) da"s in a**ordan*e 2ith the
Conditions o! Contra*t& +sin0 !or that p+rpose one o! the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" 4ors
in*l+ded in Se*tion IK& Anne1 to the 3arti*+lar Conditions - Contra*t 4ors& o! the Biddin0
A+thori;ed Si0nat+reC
Nae and Title o! Si0nator"C
Nae o! A0en*"C
Attach&ent1 Contract Agree&ent
Se*tion IK$ Anne1 to the 3arti*+lar Conditions - Contra*t 4ors 2#%
Contract Agree&ent
8hereina!ter Athe Eplo"erB9& o! the one part& and PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP o!
PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 8hereina!ter Athe Contra*torB9& o! the other partC
5=EREAS the Eplo"er desires that the 5or6s 6no2n as
PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP sho+ld ,e e1e*+ted ," the Contra*tor& and has
a**epted a Bid ," the Contra*tor !or the e1e*+tion and *opletion o! these 5or6s and the
reed"in0 o! an" de!e*ts therein&
The Eplo"er and the Contra*tor a0ree as !ollo2sC
%$ In this A0reeent 2ords and e1pressions shall have the sae eanin0s as are
respe*tivel" assi0ned to the in the Contra*t do*+ents re!erred to$
2$ The !ollo2in0 do*+ents shall ,e deeed to !or and ,e read and *onstr+ed as part
o! this A0reeent$ This A0reeent shall prevail over all other Contra*t do*+ents$
8i9 the Fetter o! A**eptan*e
8ii9the Fetter o! Bid
8iii9 the addenda Nos PPPPPPPP8i! an"9
8iv9 the 3arti*+lar Conditions
8v9the General ConditionsH
8vi9 the Spe*i!i*ation
8vii9 the Dra2in0s? and
8viii9 the *opleted S*hed+les&
#$ In *onsideration o! the pa"ents to ,e ade ," the Eplo"er to the Contra*tor as
indi*ated in this A0reeent& the Contra*tor here," *ovenants 2ith the Eplo"er to e1e*+te
the 5or6s and to reed" de!e*ts therein in *on!orit" in all respe*ts 2ith the provisions o!
the Contra*t$
'$ The Eplo"er here," *ovenants to pa" the Contra*tor in *onsideration o! the
e1e*+tion and *opletion o! the 5or6s and the reed"in0 o! de!e*ts therein& the Contra*t
3ri*e or s+*h other s+ as a" ,e*oe pa"a,le +nder the provisions o! the Contra*t at the
ties and in the anner pres*ri,ed ," the Contra*t$
IN 5ITNESS 2hereo! the parties hereto have *a+sed this A0reeent to ,e e1e*+ted in
a**ordan*e 2ith the la2s o! PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP on the da"& onth and "ear
indi*ated a,ove$
2#2 Se*tion IK$ Anne1 to the 3arti*+lar Conditions - Contra*t 4ors
Se*tion IK$ Anne1 to the 3arti*+lar Conditions - Contra*t 4ors 2##
(er'or&ance $ec%rity
.ption )1 2De&and -%arantee3
00000000000000000000000000000000 [#ankFs .ame+ and *ddress of Issuing #ranch or Cffice!
Bene'iciary1 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [.ame and *ddress of Eplo"er!
5e have ,een in!ored that PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name of "ontractor! 8hereina!ter *alled Zthe
Contra*torZ9 has entered into Contra*t No$ PPPPPPPPPPPPP [reference number of the contract!
dated PPPPPPPPPPPP 2ith "o+& !or the e1e*+tion o! PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name of
contract and brief description of 5or6s! 8hereina!ter *alled Zthe Contra*tZ9$
4+rtherore& 2e +nderstand that& a**ordin0 to the *onditions o! the Contra*t& a per!oran*e
0+arantee is re?+ired$
At the re?+est o! the Contra*tor& 2e PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name of #ank! here," irrevo*a,l"
+nderta6e to pa" "o+ an" s+ or s+s not e1*eedin0 in total an ao+nt o! PPPPPPPPPPP
[amount in figures! 8 9 [amount in words!&
s+*h s+ ,ein0 pa"a,le in the t"pes and
proportions o! *+rren*ies in 2hi*h the Contra*t 3ri*e is pa"a,le& +pon re*eipt ," +s o! "o+r
!irst deand in 2ritin0 a**opanied ," a 2ritten stateent statin0 that the Contra*tor is in
,rea*h o! its o,li0ation8s9 +nder the Contra*t& 2itho+t "o+r needin0 to prove or to sho2
0ro+nds !or "o+r deand or the s+ spe*i!ied therein$
This 0+arantee shall e1pire& no later than the S$ Da" o! SS& 2S
& and an" deand !or
pa"ent +nder it +st ,e re*eived ," +s at this o!!i*e on or ,e!ore that date$
This 0+arantee is s+,@e*t to the Uni!or R+les !or Deand G+arantees& ICC 3+,li*ation No$
'.)& e1*ept that s+,para0raph 8ii9 o! S+,-arti*le 208a9 is here," e1*l+ded$
1he 'uarantor shall insert an amount representing the percentage of the "ontract Price specified in the
"ontract and denominated either in the currenc&(cies) of the "ontract or a freel& convertible currenc&
acceptable to the %mplo&er,
Insert the date twent&;eight da&s after the e5pected completion date, 1he %mplo&er should note that in
the event of an e5tension of the time for completion of the "ontract+ the %mplo&er would need to request
an e5tension of this guarantee from the 'uarantor, Such request must be in writing and must be made
prior to the e5piration date established in the guarantee, In preparing this guarantee+ the %mplo&er might
consider adding the following te5t to the form+ at the end of the penultimate paragraph: =1he 'uarantor
agrees to a one;time e5tension of this guarantee for a period not to e5ceed [si5 months![one &ear!+ in
response to the %mplo&erFs written request for such e5tension+ such request to be presented to the
'uarantor before the e5pir& of the guarantee,>
2#' Se*tion IK$ Anne1 to the 3arti*+lar Conditions - Contra*t 4ors

Note. All italici/e! te0t (inclu!ing footnote&) i& for u&e in )re)aring t$i& for* an! &$all %e
!elete! fro* t$e final )ro!uct+
Se*tion IK$ Anne1 to the 3arti*+lar Conditions - Contra*t 4ors 2#.
.ption 21 (er'or&ance Bond
B" this BondPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP as 3rin*ipal 8hereina!ter *alled Athe Contra*torB9
8hereina!ter *alled Athe S+ret"B9& are held and !irl" ,o+nd +ntoPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPE as
O,li0ee 8hereina!ter *alled Athe Eplo"erB9 in the ao+nt o! PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP& !or the
pa"ent o! 2hi*h s+ 2ell and tr+l" to ,e ade in the t"pes and proportions o! *+rren*ies in
2hi*h the Contra*t 3ri*e is pa"a,le& the Contra*tor and the S+ret" ,ind theselves& their
heirs& e1e*+tors& adinistrators& s+**essors and assi0ns& @ointl" and severall"& !irl" ," these
5=EREAS the Contra*tor has entered into a 2ritten A0reeent 2ith the Eplo"er dated the
da" o! & 20 & !or PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP in
a**ordan*e 2ith the do*+ents& plans& spe*i!i*ations& and aendents thereto& 2hi*h to the
e1tent herein provided !or& are ," re!eren*e ade part hereo! and are hereina!ter re!erred to as
the Contra*t$
NO5& T=ERE4ORE& the Condition o! this O,li0ation is s+*h that& i! the Contra*tor shall
proptl" and !aith!+ll" per!or the said Contra*t 8in*l+din0 an" aendents thereto9& then
this o,li0ation shall ,e n+ll and voidH other2ise& it shall reain in !+ll !or*e and e!!e*t$
5henever the Contra*tor shall ,e& and de*lared ," the Eplo"er to ,e& in de!a+lt +nder the
Contra*t& the Eplo"er havin0 per!ored the Eplo"er7s o,li0ations there+nder& the S+ret"
a" proptl" reed" the de!a+lt& or shall proptl"C
8%9 *oplete the Contra*t in a**ordan*e 2ith its ters and *onditionsH or
829 o,tain a Bid or ,ids !ro ?+ali!ied Bidders !or s+,ission to the Eplo"er !or
*opletin0 the Contra*t in a**ordan*e 2ith its ters and *onditions& and +pon
deterination ," the Eplo"er and the S+ret" o! the lo2est responsive Bidder&
arran0e !or a Contra*t ,et2een s+*h Bidder and Eplo"er and a6e availa,le as
2or6 pro0resses 8even tho+0h there sho+ld ,e a de!a+lt or a s+**ession o! de!a+lts
+nder the Contra*t or Contra*ts o! *opletion arran0ed +nder this para0raph9
s+!!i*ient !+nds to pa" the *ost o! *opletion less the Balan*e o! the Contra*t
3ri*eH ,+t not e1*eedin0& in*l+din0 other *osts and daa0es !or 2hi*h the S+ret"
a" ,e lia,le here+nder& the ao+nt set !orth in the !irst para0raph hereo!$ The
ter ABalan*e o! the Contra*t 3ri*e&B as +sed in this para0raph& shall ean the
total ao+nt pa"a,le ," Eplo"er to Contra*tor +nder the Contra*t& less the
ao+nt properl" paid ," Eplo"er to Contra*torH or
8#9 pa" the Eplo"er the ao+nt re?+ired ," Eplo"er to *oplete the Contra*t in
a**ordan*e 2ith its ters and *onditions +p to a total not e1*eedin0 the ao+nt o!
this Bond$
The S+ret" shall not ,e lia,le !or a 0reater s+ than the spe*i!ied penalt" o! this Bond$
2#/ Se*tion IK$ Anne1 to the 3arti*+lar Conditions - Contra*t 4ors
An" s+it +nder this Bond +st ,e instit+ted ,e!ore the e1piration o! one "ear !ro the date o!
the iss+in0 o! the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate$
No ri0ht o! a*tion shall a**r+e on this Bond to or !or the +se o! an" person or *orporation
other than the Eplo"er naed herein or the heirs& e1e*+tors& adinistrators& s+**essors& and
assi0ns o! the Eplo"er$
In testion" 2hereo!& the Contra*tor has here+nto set his hand and a!!i1ed his seal& and the
S+ret" has *a+sed these presents to ,e sealed 2ith his *orporate seal d+l" attested ," the
si0nat+re o! his le0al representative& this da" o! 20
SIGNED ON on ,ehal! o!
B" in the *apa*it" o!
In the presen*e o!
SIGNED ON on ,ehal! o!
B" in the *apa*it" o!
In the presen*e o!
Se*tion IK$ Anne1 to the 3arti*+lar Conditions - Contra*t 4ors 2#7
Advance (ay&ent $ec%rity
De&and -%arantee
00000000000000000000000000000000 [#ankFs .ame+ and *ddress of Issuing #ranch or Cffice!
Bene'iciary1 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [.ame and *ddress of Eplo"er!
5e have ,een in!ored that PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name of "ontractor! 8hereina!ter *alled Athe
Contra*torB9 has entered into Contra*t No$ PPPPPPPPPPPPP [reference number of the contract!
dated PPPPPPPPPPPP 2ith "o+& !or the e1e*+tion o! PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name of
contract and brief description of 5or6s! 8hereina!ter *alled Zthe Contra*tZ9$
4+rtherore& 2e +nderstand that& a**ordin0 to the *onditions o! the Contra*t& an advan*e
pa"ent in the s+ PPPPPPPPPPP [amount in figures! 8 9 [amount in words! is to ,e
ade a0ainst an advan*e pa"ent 0+arantee$
At the re?+est o! the Contra*tor& 2e PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name of #ank! here," irrevo*a,l"
+nderta6e to pa" "o+ an" s+ or s+s not e1*eedin0 in total an ao+nt o! PPPPPPPPPPP
[amount in figures! 8 9 [amount in words!
+pon re*eipt ," +s o! "o+r !irst deand in
2ritin0 a**opanied ," a 2ritten stateent statin0 that the Contra*tor is in ,rea*h o! its
o,li0ation +nder the Contra*t ,e*a+se the Contra*tor +sed the advan*e pa"ent !or p+rposes
other than the *osts o! o,ili;ation in respe*t o! the 5or6s$
It is a *ondition !or an" *lai and pa"ent +nder this 0+arantee to ,e ade that the advan*e
pa"ent re!erred to a,ove +st have ,een re*eived ," the Contra*tor on its a**o+nt n+,er
PPPPPPPPPPP at PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name and address of #ank!$
The a1i+ ao+nt o! this 0+arantee shall ,e pro0ressivel" red+*ed ," the ao+nt o! the
advan*e pa"ent repaid ," the Contra*tor as indi*ated in *opies o! interi stateents or
pa"ent *erti!i*ates 2hi*h shall ,e presented to +s$ This 0+arantee shall e1pire& at the latest&
+pon o+r re*eipt o! a *op" o! the interi pa"ent *erti!i*ate indi*atin0 that ei0ht" 8)09
per*ent o! the Contra*t 3ri*e has ,een *erti!ied !or pa"ent& or on the PPP da" o! PPPPP&
1he 'uarantor shall insert an amount representing the amount of the advance pa&ment and denominated
either in the currenc&(ies) of the advance pa&ment as specified in the "ontract+ or in a freel& convertible
currenc& acceptable to the %mplo&er,
2hi*hever is earlier$ Conse?+entl"& an" deand !or pa"ent +nder this 0+arantee +st
,e re*eived ," +s at this o!!i*e on or ,e!ore that date$$
This 0+arantee is s+,@e*t to the Uni!or R+les !or Deand G+arantees& ICC 3+,li*ation No$
Note. All italici/e! te0t (inclu!ing footnote&) i& for u&e in )re)aring t$i& for* an! &$all %e
!elete! fro* t$e final )ro!uct+
Insert the e5pected e5piration date of the 1ime for "ompletion, 1he %mplo&er should note that in the
event of an e5tension of the time for completion of the "ontract+ the %mplo&er would need to request an
e5tension of this guarantee from the 'uarantor, Such request must be in writing and must be made prior
to the e5piration date established in the guarantee, In preparing this guarantee+ the %mplo&er might
consider adding the following te5t to the form+ at the end of the penultimate paragraph: =1he 'uarantor
agrees to a one;time e5tension of this guarantee for a period not to e5ceed [si5 months![one &ear!+ in
response to the %mplo&erFs written request for such e5tension+ such request to be presented to the
'uarantor before the e5pir& of the guarantee,>
etention Money $ec%rity
De&and -%arantee
00000000000000000000000000000000 [#ankFs .ame+ and *ddress of Issuing #ranch or Cffice!
Bene'iciary1 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [.ame and *ddress of Eplo"er!
5e have ,een in!ored that PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name of "ontractor! 8hereina!ter *alled Zthe
Contra*torZ9 has entered into Contra*t No$ PPPPPPPPPPPPP [reference number of the contract!
dated PPPPPPPPPPPP 2ith "o+& !or the e1e*+tion o! PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name of
contract and brief description of 5or6s! 8hereina!ter *alled Zthe Contra*tZ9$
4+rtherore& 2e +nderstand that& a**ordin0 to the *onditions o! the Contra*t& 2hen the
Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate has ,een iss+ed !or the 5or6s and the !irst hal! o! the Retention
Mone" has ,een *erti!ied !or pa"ent& pa"ent o! [insert the se*ond hal! o! the Retention
Mone" or if the amount guaranteed under the Performance 'uarantee when the 1aking;Cver
"ertificate is issued is less than half of the (etention /one&+ the di!!eren*e ,et2een hal! o!
the Retention Mone" and the ao+nt 0+aranteed +nder the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit"! is to ,e
ade a0ainst a Retention Mone" 0+arantee$
At the re?+est o! the Contra*tor& 2e PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name of #ank! here," irrevo*a,l"
+nderta6e to pa" "o+ an" s+ or s+s not e1*eedin0 in total an ao+nt o! PPPPPPPPPPP
[amount in figures! 8 9 [amount in words!
+pon re*eipt ," +s o! "o+r !irst deand in
2ritin0 a**opanied ," a 2ritten stateent statin0 that the Contra*tor is in ,rea*h o! its
o,li0ation +nder the Contra*t ,e*a+se the Contra*tor +sed the advan*e pa"ent !or p+rposes
other than the *osts o! o,ili;ation in respe*t o! the 5or6s$
It is a *ondition !or an" *lai and pa"ent +nder this 0+arantee to ,e ade that the pa"ent
o! the se*ond hal! o! the Retention Mone" re!erred to a,ove +st have ,een re*eived ," the
Contra*tor on its a**o+nt n+,er PPPPPPPPPPP at PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name and address of
This 0+arantee shall e1pire& at the latest& 2% da"s a!ter the date 2hen the Eplo"er has
re*eived a *op" o! the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate iss+ed ," the En0ineer$ Conse?+entl"& an"
1he 'uarantor shall insert an amount representing the amount of the second half of the (etention /one&
or or if the amount guaranteed under the Performance 'uarantee when the 1aking;Cver "ertificate is
issued is less than half of the (etention /one&+ the difference between half of the (etention /one& and
the amount guaranteed under the Performance Securit& and denominated either in the currenc&(ies) of
the second half of the (etention /one& as specified in the "ontract+ or in a freel& convertible currenc&
acceptable to the %mplo&er,
deand !or pa"ent +nder this 0+arantee +st ,e re*eived ," +s at this o!!i*e on or ,e!ore
that date$
This 0+arantee is s+,@e*t to the Uni!or R+les !or Deand G+arantees& ICC 3+,li*ation No$
Note. All italici/e! te0t (inclu!ing footnote&) i& for u&e in )re)aring t$i& for* an! &$all %e
!elete! fro* t$e final )ro!uct+
The World Bank
March 2007
The Bidding (rocess.................................................................................................................
3reparin0 and Iss+in0 a Biddin0 Do*+ent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%
Bid 3reparation and S+,ission$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2
Bid Openin0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2
Bid Eval+ation and Contra*t A2ard$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#
+nvitation 'or Bids....................................................................................................................
Invitation !or Bids - 4ollo2in0 3re?+ali!i*ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Invitation !or Bids - 5itho+t 3re?+ali!i*ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$7
$ection +. +nstr%ctions to Bidders...................................................................................
$ection ++. Bid Data $heet.....................................................................................................
BDS 4or$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%
$ection +++. /val%ation and (ost 5%ali'ication Criteria < "ollo#ing
%$ Eval+ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(
2$ >+ali!i*ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20
$ection +++. /val%ation and 5%ali'ication Criteria < Witho%t (re8%ali'ication...............
%$ Eval+ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2'
2$ >+ali!i*ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2/
$ection +6. Bidding "or&s...................................................................................................
Bid S+,ission Sheet$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#'
Appendi1 to Bid$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#7
Bill o! >+antities$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'%
Te*hni*al 3roposal$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.(
Bidders >+ali!i*ation 4ollo2in0 3re?+ali!i*ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/'
Bidders >+ali!i*ation 2itho+t pre?+ali!i*ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$72
4or o! Bid Se*+rit"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)#
4or o! Bid-Se*+rin0 De*laration$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)'
$ection 6. /ligi4le Co%ntries................................................................................................
(art 2 * Works e8%ire&ents...............................................................................................
$ection 6+. Works e8%ire&ents < $peci'ication.................................................................
S+ppleentar" In!oration$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(%
(art 9 * Conditions o' Contract and Contract "or&s........................................................
$ection 6++. -eneral Conditions...........................................................................................
$ection 6+++. (artic%lar Conditions......................................................................................
3art A - Contra*t Data$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(.
3art B - Spe*i!i* 3rovisions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$((
$ection +;. Contract "or&s...............................................................................................
Noti!i*ation o! A2ard$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%0%
Contra*t A0reeent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%02
3er!oran*e Se*+rit"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%0'
Advan*e 3a"ent Se*+rit"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%0/
Introd+*tion User7s G+ide v
The Standard Biddin0 Do*+ents !or 5or6s 8SBD-59 have ,een prepared ," the 5orld
Ban6 8the ABan6B9 !or +se ," ,orro2ers in the pro*+reent o! ad eas+reent 8+nit pri*e or
rate9 t"pe o! 2or6s *ontra*ts thro+0h international *opetitive ,iddin0$ The pro*ed+res and
pra*ti*es presented in the SBD-5 have ,een developed thro+0h ,road international
e1perien*e and are ,ased on the Master Biddin0 Do*+ent !or 3ro*+reent o! 5or6s&
prepared ," +ltilateral developent ,an6s and other p+,li* international !inan*ial
instit+tions& and have the str+*t+re and the provisions o! the Master 3ro*+reent Do*+ent&
e1*ept 2here the Ban67s spe*i!i* *onsiderations have re?+ired a *han0e$ The SBD-5 +st ,e
+sed !or the pro*+reent o! 2or6s *ontra*ts !inan*ed in 2hole or in part ," the Ban6 +nless
the Ban6 a0rees to the +se o! other ,iddin0 do*+ents a**epta,le to the Ban6$
There are t2o optional pro*ed+res ,oth *overed ," this User7s G+ide$
Bidding 'ollo#ing (re8%ali'ication1 This pro*ed+re is to ,e +sed 2hen ,iddin0 is pre*eded
," a pre?+ali!i*ation e1er*ise$ The Ban67s G+idelines !or 3ro*+reent re?+ire pre?+ali!i*ation
o! ,idders !or lar0e or *ople1 *ontra*ts or t+rn6e" *ontra*ts to ens+re& in advan*e o!
,iddin0& that invitations to ,id are *on!ined to *apa,le !irs$ 3re?+ali!i*ation is !ollo2ed ," a
*opetitive ,iddin0 pro*ed+re in 2hi*h onl" those !irs eetin0 spe*i!ied pre?+ali!i*ation
*riteria are invited to s+,it a ,id$ 3re?+ali!i*ation sho+ld not ,e +sed !or liitin0 *opetition
to a predeterined n+,er o! potential ,idders$ All appli*ants eetin0 the spe*i!ied *riteria
shall ,e allo2ed to ,id$ The pro*ess o! pre?+ali!i*ation shall !ollo2 the pro*ed+re indi*ated in
the Ban67s Standard 3ro*+reent Do*+ent !or the 3re?+ali!i*ation o! Bidders$
3re?+ali!i*ation shall ,e applied !or all lar0e and *ople1 2or6s *ontra*ts$
Bidding #itho%t (re8%ali'ication1 4or the pro*+reent o! siple 2or6s *ontra*ts the
Eplo"er a" appl" post ?+ali!i*ation ," re?+irin0 ,idders to s+,it the in!oration
pertainin0 to their ?+ali!i*ation to0ether 2ith their ,ids$ In this event& it 2ill ,e ne*essar" to
ens+re that a ,idder7s ris6 o! havin0 its ,id re@e*ted on 0ro+nds o! ?+ali!i*ation is reote i!
d+e dili0en*e is e1er*ised ," the ,idder d+rin0 ,id preparation$ 4or that p+rpose& *lear-*+t&
!ail-pass ?+ali!i*ation *riteria need to ,e spe*i!ied ," the Eplo"er in the Biddin0 Do*+ent
in order to ena,le ,idders to a6e an in!ored de*ision 2hether to p+rs+e a spe*i!i* *ontra*t
and& i! so& either as a sin0le entit" or in @oint vent+re$ 3ost ?+ali!i*ation *riteria and pro*ed+res
are *overed in Se*tion III 8Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria9 and Se*tion I: 8Biddin0
The SBD-5 a6es +se o! the Conditions o! Contra*t !or Constr+*tion !or B+ildin0 and
En0ineerin0 5or6s Desi0ned ," the Eplo"er& M+ltilateral Developent Ban6 =aroni;ed
Edition 200.& prepared ," the 4[d[ration Internationale des In0[nie+rs-Conseil& or 4IDIC
84IDIC MBD version 200.9$ These Conditions are s+,@e*t to the variations and additions set
o+t in Se*tion :III 83arti*+lar Conditions o! Contra*t9& 3art A 8Contra*t Data9 and 3art B
8Spe*ial 3rovisions9$The provisions in Se*tion I 8Instr+*tions to Bidders9 and Se*tion :II
8General Conditions o! Contra*t9& +st ,e +sed 2ith their te1t +n*han0ed$ An" data and
provisions that these se*tions re?+ire !or a spe*i!i* pro*+reent and *ontra*t shall ,e in*l+ded
respe*tivel" in Se*tion II 8Bid Data Sheet9 and Se*tion :III 83arti*+lar Conditions o!
Introd+*tion User7s G+ide vi
Contra*t9$ These ,iddin0 do*+ents are not s+ita,le !or l+p s+ *ontra*ts$ The p+rpose o!
this User7s G+ide is to provide 0+idan*e to Eplo"ers on ho2 to prepare a ,iddin0 do*+ent
,ased on the Ban67s Standard Biddin0 Do*+ents !or the 3ro*+reent o! 5or6s$ An
iportant !eat+re o! the SBD-5 is that it *an ,e +sed 2ith ini+ *han0es& as it does not
*ontain e1planations& !ootnotes or e1aples that sho+ld not !or part o! the Biddin0
This G+ide in*l+des t2o initial se*tions on the Biddin0 3ro*ess& and the Invitation !or Bids
8I4B9$ The Eplo"er sho+ld note that the +"B is neither a part o' the Bidding Doc%&ents
nor a Contract Doc%&ent$
The 5orld Ban6 2el*oes an" !eed,a*6 or e1perien*es !ro the +se o! its SBD-5 !ro
,orro2ers and !ro ,idders as 2ell$ 4or in!oration on pro*+reent +nder the Ban6-!inan*ed
pro@e*ts& *onta*tC
3ro*+reent 3oli*" and Servi*es Gro+p
Operations 3oli*" and Co+ntr" Servi*es :i*e 3residen*"
The 5orld Ban6
%)%) = Street& N5
5ashin0ton& D$C$ 20'## U$S$A$
A*ron"s User7s G+ide vii
BDS Bid Data Sheet
BD Biddin0 Do*+ent
E>C Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria
GCC General Conditions o! Contra*t
ICB International Copetitive Biddin0
I4B Invitation !or Bids
ITB Instr+*tions to Bidders
G: Goint :ent+re
3CC 3arti*+lar Conditions o! Contra*t
SBD Standard Biddin0 Do*+ent
TS Te*hni*al Spe*i!i*ations
The Biddin0 3ro*ess User7s G+ide %
T6e Biddin. Process
The International Copetitive Biddin0 8ICB9 pro*ess in*l+des si1 ain sta0esC Publicit&
[*dvertising or .otice!& 3reparation and Iss+in0 o! Biddin0 Do*+ents& Bid 3reparation and
S+,ission& Bid Openin0& Bid Eval+ation& and Contra*t A2ard$
Publicit& [*dvertising or .otice!
The /&ployer &%st anno%nce an %pco&ing 4idding process in the international
2dgMarket and 0, Develop&ent B%siness on<line3 and national &edia*re -%idelines,
(ara 2.A,
<<and give eno%gh ti&e 'or potential 4idders to respond #ith #ell prepared
o''ers *re -%idelines, (ara 2.@@
Pre2+rin. +nd Issuin. + Biddin. Document
The Eplo"er and Bidder sho+ld 6eep in ind thatC
(a) The Empoyer s responsbe for the preparaton and ssung of the
Bddng Document.
(b) The Empoyer sha use the SBD ssued by the Bank, as ths s a
mandatory requrement for contracts to be nanced by the Bank.
(c) The Empoyer sha prepare the Bddng Document usng the
pubshed verson of the SBD wthout suppressng or addng text to
the sectons of the document to be used wthout modcaton,
whch are Secton I Instructons to Bdders (ITB) and Secton VII
Genera Condtons of Contract (GCC). A nformaton and data
partcuar to each ndvdua bddng process must be provded by
the Empoyer n the foowng sectons of the Bddng Document:
8i9 Se*tion II& Bid Data Sheet
8ii9 Se*tion III& Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria
4+ll te1t o! 3ara ) o! the G+idelinesC AInvitations to pre?+ali!" or to ,id& as the *ase a" ,e& shall ,e
advertised as Spe*i!i* 3ro*+reent Noti*es in at least one ne2spaper o! national *ir*+lation in the
Borro2er7s *o+ntr" 8or in the o!!i*ial 0a;ette& or in an ele*troni* portal 2ith !ree a**ess9$ S+*h invitations
shall also ,e p+,lished in -.D# online and in dg/arket, Noti!i*ation shall ,e 0iven in s+!!i*ient tie to
ena,le prospe*tive ,idders to o,tain pre?+ali!i*ation or ,iddin0 do*+ents and prepare and s+,it their
E1tra*t o! 3ara 2$'' o! the G+idelinesC AThe tie allo2ed !or the preparation and s+,ission o! ,ids
shall ,e deterined 2ith d+e *onsideration o! the parti*+lar *ir*+stan*es o! the pro@e*t and the
a0nit+de and *ople1it" o! the *ontra*t$ Generall"& not less than si1 2ee6s !ro the date o! the
invitation to ,id or the date o! availa,ilit" o! ,iddin0 do*+ents& 2hi*hever is later& shall ,e allo2ed !or
ICB$ 5here lar0e 2or6s or *ople1 ites o! e?+ipent are involved& this period shall 0enerall" ,e not
less than t2elve 2ee6s to ena,le prospe*tive ,idders to *ond+*t investi0ations ,e!ore s+,ittin0 their ,ids$
In s+*h *ases& the Borro2er is en*o+ra0ed to *onvene pre-,id *on!eren*es and arran0e site visits$B
The Biddin0 3ro*ess User7s G+ide 2
8iii9 Se*tion I:& Biddin0 4ors
8iv9 Se*tion :& Eli0i,le Co+ntries
8v9 Se*tion :I& 5or6s Re?+ireents
8vi9 Se*tion :III& 3arti*+lar Conditions o! Contra*t
8vii9 Se*tion IK& Contra*t 4ors
8d9 The Eplo"er shall allo2 Bidders s+!!i*ient tie !or st+d"in0 the Biddin0 Do*+ent&
preparin0 *oplete and responsive ,ids and s+,ittin0 the ,ids$
Bid Pre2+r+tion +nd !u9mission
The Bidder is responsi,le !or the preparation and s+,ission o! its Bid$ D+rin0 this sta0e& the
Eplo"er shallC
3roptl" respond to re?+ests !or *lari!i*ations !ro Bidders and aend& as needed& the
Biddin0 Do*+ents$
Aend the Biddin0 Do*+ents onl" 2ith the Ban67s Ano o,@e*tionB in *ontra*ts
s+,@e*t to the Ban67s prior revie2$
Bid O2enin.
The Eplo"er is responsi,le !or the Bid Openin0& 2hi*h is a *riti*al event in the ,iddin0
pro*ess$ The Eplo"er shall appoint e1perien*ed sta!! to *ond+*t the Bid Openin0& as
inappropriate pro*ed+res at Bid Openin0 are +s+all" irreversi,le and a" re?+ire *an*ellation
o! the Biddin0 3ro*ess 2ith the *onse?+ent dela"s and 2aste o! tie and reso+r*es$
Best Bid<.pening (ractices to .4serve
The Eplo"er& in o,servan*e o! ,est pra*ti*es& shallC
Cond+*t the Bid Openin0 stri*tl" !ollo2in0 the pro*ed+res as spe*i!ied in the ITB Cla+se
2. !or all ,ids re*eived not later than the date and tie o! the ,id s+,ission deadline$
The ter ABid Openin0B *an ,e isleadin0 ,e*a+se a ,id !or 2hi*h a Bid 5ithdra2al
or Bid S+,stit+tion noti*e 2as re*eived on tie shall not ,e opened& ,+t ret+rned
+nopened to the Bidder$ The se?+en*e in 2hi*h ,ids are handled and opened is *r+*ial$
Ens+re that all ,ids that 2ere re*eived on tie are acco%nted 'or, 4e'ore starting the Bid
Openin0& as ,ids that are not opened and read o+t at Bid Openin0 shall not ,e !+rther
Not re@e*t an" ,id at Bid Openin0& e1*ept !or late ,ids re*eived a!ter the date and tie o!
,id s+,ission deadline$
The Biddin0 3ro*ess User7s G+ide #
The Eplo"er shall& ho2ever& veri!" at Bid Openin0 the validit" o! the do*+entation
83o2er o! Attorne" or other a**epta,le e?+ivalent do*+ent as spe*i!ied in ITB S+,-
Cla+se %%$%9& *on!irin0 the validit" o! a ,id odi!i*ation& ,id 2ithdra2al& or ,id
s+,stit+tion as the *ase a" ,e& ,e*a+se a 2ithdra2n or s+,stit+ted ,id shall not ,e
opened and in *onse?+en*e not read o+t and& there!ore& the" shall not ,e !+rther
*onsidered ," the Eplo"er$ Siilarl"& a ,id odi!i*ation shall ,e opened and read o+t
to odi!" a ,id that 2as re*eived on tie$
Bid -+,u+tion +nd Contr+ct AC+rd
The Eplo"er is responsi,le !or ,id eval+ation and Contra*t a2ard$ The Eplo"er shall
appoint e1perien*ed sta!! to *ond+*t the eval+ation o! the ,ids$ Mista6es *oitted at ,id
eval+ation a" later propt *oplaint !ro Bidders& re?+irin0 reeval+ation o! the ,ids& 2ith
the *onse?+ent dela"s and 2aste o! tie and reso+r*es$
The Eplo"er& in o,servan*e o! ,est pra*ti*es& shallC
Maintain the ,id eval+ation pro*ess stri*tl" *on!identialH
Re@e*t an" attepts or press+res to distort the o+t*oe o! the eval+ation& in*l+din0 !ra+d
and *orr+ptionH
Al2a"s *opl" 2ith the prior-revie2 re?+ireents o! the Ban6H and
Stri*tl" appl" onl" and all o! the eval+ation and ?+ali!i*ation *riteria spe*i!ied in the
Biddin0 Do*+ents$
The Biddin0 3ro*ess User7s G+ide .
In-it+tion for Bids
In-it+tion for Bids ' (o,,oCin. PreDu+,i3c+tion
The Invitation !or Bids !or *ontra*ts& s+,@e*t to pre?+ali!i*ation& is sent onl" to !irs
deterined ," the Borro2er to ,e ?+ali!ied in a**ordan*e 2ith the Borro2er7s
pre?+ali!i*ation pro*ed+re$ This pre?+ali!i*ation pro*ed+re +st ,e revie2ed and *oented
on ," the Ban6 i! the potential *ontra*t is to ,e eli0i,le !or the Ban6 !inan*in0 Dsee G+idelines
!or 3ro*+reent& Appendi1 %& para$ 2 8a9E$
Ideall"& the Invitation !or Bids is sent to the ?+ali!ied ,idders at the tie that the
pre?+ali!i*ation res+lts are anno+n*ed$
4or a@or 2or6s& pre?+ali!i*ation shall norall" ,e +sed$ I!& e1*eptionall"& pre?+ali!i*ation is
not +sed& the appropriate Invitation !or Bids !or 8see ,elo29 shall ,e +sed$
Standard 4orat !or Invitation !or Bids
DateC [date of issuance of I7#!
Foan N
%$ The [name of #orrower! has re*eived
a loan
!ro the International Ban6 !or
Re*onstr+*tion and Developent 8IBRD9
in vario+s *+rren*ies to2ards the *ost o! [insert name
of Pro$ect!$ It is intended that part o! the pro*eeds o! this loan 2ill ,e applied to eli0i,le pa"ents
+nder the *ontra*t
!or [insert title of contract!,
2$ The [name of the %mplo&er! no2 invites sealed ,ids !ro pre-?+ali!ied eli0i,le ,idders !or
the *onstr+*tion and *opletion o! [insert brief description of the works! 8Athe 5or6sB9,
#$ 3re-?+ali!ied eli0i,le ,idders a" o,tain !+rther in!oration !ro and inspe*t the ,iddin0
do*+ents at the o!!i*e o! [insert name of appropriate purchasing unit!
[insert mailing address of
appropriate office for inquir& and issuance of bidding documents and cable+ tele5+ andGor facsimile numbers!$
Substtute "has apped for," f approprate.
Substtute "grant" or "credt" for "oan," where approprate.
Substtute "IDA" for "IBRD" where approprate.
Substtute "contracts" where bds are caed concurrenty for mutpe contracts.
Add a new para. 3 and renumber paras 3 - 8 as foows: "Bdders may bd for one or
severa contracts, as further dened n the bddng document. Bdders wshng to
oher dscounts n case they are awarded more than one contract w be aowed to do
so, provded those dscounts are ncuded n the Letter of Bd."
The omce for nqury and ssuance of bddng documents and that for bd submsson
may or may not be the same.
The Biddin0 3ro*ess User7s G+ide /
'$ A *oplete set o! ,iddin0 do*+ents a" ,e p+r*hased ," interested pre-?+ali!ied
,idders on the s+,ission o! a 2ritten appli*ation to the a,ove and +pon pa"ent o! a non-
re!+nda,le !ee o! [insert amount in #orrowerFs currenc& or in a convertible currenc&!$
.$ Bids +st ,e delivered to the a,ove o!!i*e
on or ,e!ore [insert time! on [insert date! and
+st ,e a**opanied ," a se*+rit" o! [insert fi5ed sum or percentage of bid amount!
/$ Bids 2ill ,e opened in the presen*e o! ,idders7 representatives 2ho *hoose to attend at
[insert time and date! at the o!!i*es o! [insert address of appropriate office!$
7$ >+ali!ied doesti* ,idders a" ,e eli0i,le to re*eive a ar0in o! pre!eren*e o! 7$.
per*ent in Bid eval+ation$
The fee chargeabe shoud ony be nomna to defray reproducton and mang
costs. An amount between US$50 and US$300 or equvaent s deemed approprate.
Substtute the Empoyers address for bd submsson f dherent from ts address
for nqury and ssuance of bddng documents.
The Biddin0 3ro*ess User7s G+ide 7
In-it+tion for Bids ' Wit6out PreDu+,i3c+tion
I! ,ids are invited openl" !ro *ontra*tors 2itho+t +sin0 a pre?+ali!i*ation pro*ed+re& the
Invitation !or Bids sho+ld ,e iss+ed dire*tl" to the p+,li* as a Spe*i!i* 3ro*+reent Noti*e
8see G+idelines !or 3ro*+reent& para$ 2$)9 as
8a9 an advertiseent in at least one ne2spaper o! 0eneral *ir*+lation in the in the
Borro2er7s *o+ntr" 8or in the o!!i*ial 0a;ette& or in an ele*troni* portal 2ith !ree a**ess9H and
8,9 an advertiseent in UN Developent B+siness on line and in d0Mar6et$
The Invitation !or Bids provides in!oration that ena,les potential ,idders to de*ide 2hether to
parti*ipate$ Apart !ro a s+ar" des*ription o! the 2or6s& the Invitation !or Bids sho+ld also
indi*ate an" iportant ,id eval+ation *riteria 8!or e1aple& the appli*ation o! a ar0in o!
pre!eren*e in ,id eval+ation9 or ?+ali!i*ation re?+ireent 8!or e1aple& a re?+ireent !or a
ini+ level o! e1perien*e in siilar 2or6s !or 2hi*h the Invitation !or Bids is iss+ed9$
The Invitation !or Bids !or sho+ld ,e in*orporated in the ,iddin0 do*+ents and sho+ld ,e
*onsistent 2ith the in!oration *ontained in Se*tion II - Bid Data Sheet$
$tandard "or&at 'or +nvitation 'or Bids
DateC [date of issuance of I7#!
Foan N
%$ The [name of #orrower! has re*eived
a loan
!ro the International Ban6 !or
Re*onstr+*tion and Developent 8IBRD9
in vario+s *+rren*ies to2ards the *ost o! [insert name
of Pro$ect!$ It is intended that part o! the pro*eeds o! this loan 2ill ,e applied to eli0i,le pa"ents
+nder the *ontra*t
!or [title of contract!,
2$ The [insert name of the %mplo&er! no2 invites sealed ,ids !ro eli0i,le ,idders !or the
*onstr+*tion and *opletion o! [insert brief description of the works! 8Athe 5or6sB9,
Substtute "has apped for," f approprate.
Substtute "grant" or "credt" for "oan," where approprate.
Substtute "IDA" for "IBRD" where approprate.
Substtute "contracts" where bds are caed concurrenty for mutpe contracts.
Add a new para. 3 and renumber paras 3 - 8 as foows: "Bdders may bd for one or
severa contracts, as further dened n the bddng document. Bdders wshng to
oher dscounts n case they are awarded more than one contract w be aowed to do
so, provded those dscounts are ncuded n the Letter of Bd."
User7s G+ide The Biddin0 3ro*ess
#$ Interested eli0i,le ,idders a" o,tain !+rther in!oration !ro and inspe*t the ,iddin0
do*+ents at the o!!i*e o! [insert name of appropriate purchasing unit!
[insert mailing address of
appropriate office for inquir& and issuance of bidding documents and cable+ tele5+ andGor facsimile numbers!$
'$ A *oplete set o! ,iddin0 do*+ents a" ,e p+r*hased ," interested ,idders on the
s+,ission o! a 2ritten appli*ation to the a,ove and +pon pa"ent o! a non-re!+nda,le !ee o!
[insert amount in #orrowerFs currenc& or in a convertible currenc&!$
.$ The provisions in the Instr+*tions to Bidders and in the General Conditions o! Contra*t
are the provisions o! the 5orld Ban6 Standard #idding Documents: Procurement of orks$
/$ Bids +st ,e delivered to the a,ove o!!i*e
on or ,e!ore [insert time! on [insert date! and
+st ,e a**opanied ," a se*+rit" o! [insert fi5ed sum or percentage of bid amount!
7$ Bids 2ill ,e opened in the presen*e o! ,idders7 representatives 2ho *hoose to attend at
[insert time and date! at the o!!i*es o! [insert address of appropriate office!$
)$ >+ali!ied doesti* ,idders a" ,e eli0i,le to re*eive a ar0in o! pre!eren*e o! 7$.
per*ent in Bid eval+ation$
The omce for nqury and ssuance of bddng documents and that for bd
submsson may or may not be the same.
The fee chargeabe shoud ony be nomna to defray reproducton and mang
costs and to ensure that ony bona de bdders w request the bddng documents.
An amount between US$50 and US$300 or equvaent s deemed approprate.
Substtute the Empoyers address for bd submsson f dherent from ts address
for nqury and ssuance of bddng documents.
Se*tion I$ Instr+*tions to Bidders User7s G+ide (
!ection I# Instructions to Bidders
Se*tion I& Instr+*tions to Bidders& provides the in!oration ne*essar" !or ,idders to prepare
responsive ,ids in a**ordan*e 2ith the re?+ireents o! the Eplo"er$ It also 0ives
in!oration on ,id s+,ission& openin0& and eval+ation& and on the a2ard o! the Contra*t$
$ection + incl%des provisions that are to 4e %sed %nchanged. $ection ++, Bid Data $heet,
consists o' provisions that s%pple&ent, a&end, or speci'y in'or&ation or changes to
$ection + that are speci'ic to each proc%re&ent.
Matter 0overnin0 the per!oran*e o! the Contra*tor +nder the Contra*t& pa"ents +nder the
Contra*t& or atters a!!e*tin0 the ris6s& ri0hts& or o,li0ations o! the parties +nder the Contra*t&
are not in*l+ded in this se*tion& ,+t rather in Se*tion :II& General Conditions& Se*tion :III&
3arti*+lar Conditions& andJor the Contra*t 4ors 8Anne1 to the 3arti*+lar Conditions9$ I!
d+pli*ation o! a s+,@e*t is inevita,le in the di!!erent se*tions o! the do*+ents& the Eplo"er
sho+ld e1er*ise *are to avoid *ontradi*tion or *on!li*t ,et2een *la+ses dealin0 2ith the sae
The Instr+*tions to Bidders 2ill not ,e part o! the Contra*t$
%0 User7s G+ide Se*tion II$ Bid Data Sheet
!ection II# Bid D+t+ !6eet
Se*tion II& Bid Data Sheet& shall ,e !illed in ," the Eplo"er ,e!ore iss+an*e o! the ,iddin0
do*+ents$ This G+ide provides in!oration to the Eplo"er Nin 4oldO on ho2 to enter all
re?+ired in!oration& and in*l+des a BDS !orat that s+ari;es all in!oration to ,e
The Bid Data Sheet 8BDS9 *ontains in!oration and provisions that are spe*i!i* to a parti*+lar
,iddin0 pro*ess$ The Eplo"er +st spe*i!" in the BDS onl" the in!oration that the ITB
re?+est ,e spe*i!ied in the BDS$ All in!oration shall ,e providedH no cla%se shall 4e le't
To !a*ilitate the preparation o! the BDS& its *la+ses are n+,ered 2ith the sae n+,ers as
the *orrespondin0 ITB *la+se$
Se*tion II$ Bid Data Sheet User7s G+ide %%
BD! (orm
+np%t o' +n'or&ation to 4e co&pleted 4y /&ployer
+TB Cla%se
Bid Data
A. +ntrod%ction
+TB ).) The n+,er o! the Invitation !or Bids is C N+nsert n%&4er o' the +nvitation
'or BidsO
+TB ).) The Eplo"er isC N+nsert na&e o' the /&ployerO
+TB ).) The nae o! the ICB isC N+nsert na&e o' the +CBO
The identi!i*ation n+,er o! the ICB isC N+nsert n%&4er o' the +CBO
NThe 'ollo#ing te:t is to 4e incl%ded and the corresponding
in'or&ation inserted only i' the contract is to 4e 4id si&%ltaneo%sly
#ith other contracts on a Pslice and packageQ 4asis. .ther#ise o&it.O
The n+,er and identi!i*ation o! lots 8*ontra*ts9 *oprisin0 this ICB isC
N+nsert n%&4er and identi'ication o' lots 2contracts3O
+TB 2.) The Borro2er isC N+nsert na&e o' the Borro#er and state&ent o'
relationship #ith the /&ployer, i' di''erent 'ro& the Borro#er. This
insertion sho%ld correspond to the in'or&ation provided in the
+nvitation 'or BidsO
+TB 2.) The nae o! the 3ro@e*t isC N+nsert na&e o' the pro?ectO
+TB @.) 2a3 NThe 'ollo#ing provision sho%ld 4e incl%ded and the corresponding
in'or&ation inserted only i' partners o' a D6 #ill not 4e re8%ired to 4e
?ointly and severally lia4le. .ther#ise o&it.O
The individ+als or !irs in a @oint vent+re Ninsert Pshall not 4eQO @ointl"
and severall" lia,le$
B. Bidding Doc%&ents
+TB 7.) 4or clari'ication p%rposes onl"& the Eplo"er7s address isC N+nsert the
corresponding in'or&ation as re8%ired 4elo#. This address &ay 4e the
sa&e as or di''erent 'ro& that speci'ied %nder provision +TB 22.) 'or
4id s%4&issionO
AttentionC Ninsert '%ll na&e o' person, i' applica4leE
Street AddressC Dinsert street address and n%&4erE
4loorJ Roo n+,erC Dinsert 'loor and roo& n%&4er, i' applica4leE
Cit"C Dinsert na&e o' city or to#nE
%2 User7s G+ide Se*tion II$ Bid Data Sheet
QI3 CodeC Dinsert postal 2S+(3 code, i' applica4leE
Co+ntr"C Dinsert na&e o' co%ntryE
TelephoneC Dinsert telephone n%&4er, incl%ding co%ntry and city codesE
4a*siile n+,erC Dinsert telephone n%&4er, incl%ding co%ntry and city
Ele*troni* ail addressC Dinsert e&ail address, i' applica4leE
+TB 7.@ A 3re-Bid eetin0 Ninsert P#illQ and insert the date, ti&e and place
in'or&ation in the spaces provided 4elo# i' a pre<4id &eeting #ill take
place, taking into consideration that the &eeting sho%ld take place no
later than 'o%r #eeks 4e'ore the deadline 'or 4id s%4&ission.
.ther#ise, insert P#ill notQ and insert P,ot Applica4leQ in the spaces
provided 4elo# 'or the date, ti&e and placeO ta6e pla*e at the !ollo2in0
date& tie and pla*eC
A site visit *ond+*ted ," the Eplo"er Ninsert P#ill 4eQ or P#ill not 4eQ,
as appropriateO or0ani;ed$
C. (reparation o' Bids
+TB )0.) The lan0+a0e o! the ,id isC Dinsert lang%age, i.e. P/nglishQ, or
P$panishQ, or P"renchQ.E$
N+n Co%ntries that the Bank has agreed #ith the Borro#er that in
addition to one o' the three lang%ages a4ove, 4idding doc%&ents &ay
4e prepared and 4ids &ay 4e s%4&itted in the national lang%age o'
the Borro#erRs Co%ntry 2or the lang%age %sed nation<#ide in the
Borro#erRs Co%ntry 'or co&&ercial transactions3, the 'ollo#ing te:t
shall 4e added1O
In addition to the a,ove indi*ated lan0+a0e& these Biddin0 Do*+ents
have ,een iss+ed in the !ollo2in0 lan0+a0e Ninsert the lang%age o' the
Borro#erRs Co%ntry or the lang%age %sed nation<#ide in the
Borro#erRs Co%ntry 'or co&&ercial transactionsO, Bidders are
peritted& at their *hoi*e& to s+,it their ,ids in one o! the t2o lan0+a0es
a,ove indi*ated$ Bidders shall not s+,it ,ids in ore than one lan0+a0e$
The Contra*t to ,e si0ned 2ith the 2innin0 Bidder shall ,e 2ritten in the
lan0+a0e in 2hi*h the Bid 2as s+,itted& 2hi*h shall ,e the lan0+a0e that
shall 0overn the *ontra*t+al relations ,et2een the 3+r*haser and the
2innin0 Bidder$ A Bidder shall not si0n a translated version o! its Contra*t$
+TB )).) 2h3 The Bidder shall s+,it 2ith its ,id the !ollo2in0 additional do*+entsC
Nlist any additional doc%&ent not already listed in +TB $%4<Cla%se
)).) that &%st 4e s%4&itted #ith the BidO.
Se*tion II$ Bid Data Sheet User7s G+ide %#
+TB )9.) NThe 'ollo#ing provision sho%ld 4e incl%ded and the re8%ired
corresponding in'or&ation inserted only i' alternative 4ids #ill 4e
considered. .ther#ise o&it.O
Alternative ,ids [insert Pshall 4eQO peritted$
+TB )9.2 Alternative ties !or *opletion Ninsert P#ill 4eQ or P#ill not 4eQ, as
appropriateO peritted$ NAlternative ti&es 'or co&pletion sho%ld 4e
per&itted #hen the /&ployer sees potential net 4ene'its in di''erent
ti&es 'or co&pletionT they also have &erit 'or contracts 4id on a Pslice
and packageQ 4asis.O
I! alternative ties !or *opletion are peritted& the eval+ation ethod
2ill ,e as spe*i!ied in Se*tion III& Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria$
+TB )9.@ Alternative te*hni*al sol+tions shall ,e peritted !or the !ollo2in0 parts o!
the 5or6sC NCist the parts o' the #orksO$
I! alternative te*hni*al sol+tions are peritted& the eval+ation ethod 2ill
,e as spe*i!ied in Se*tion III& Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria$
+TB )@.@ N(rice ad?%st&ent is &andatory 'or contracts e:pected to last &ore
than )A &onths. The 'ollo#ing provision sho%ld 4e incl%ded and the
re8%ired corresponding in'or&ation inserted only i' the prices 8%oted
4y the Bidder are not s%4?ect to price ad?%st&ent. .ther#ise o&it.O
The pri*es ?+oted ," the Bidder shall ,eC N+nsert P'i:edT conse8%ently,
the Bidder is not re8%ired to '%rnish the indices and #eightings 'or
the price ad?%st&ent 'or&%lae in the $ched%le o' Ad?%st&ent DataQ.O
o' Bid and
%.$% The *+rren*"8ies9 o! the ,id shall ,e in a**ordan*e 2ith Alternative
PPPPPPPPP Nselect either PAQ or PBQO& as des*ri,ed ,elo2$
The /&ployer shall select the alternative #hich is the &ost s%ita4le.
Alternative B re'lects &ore closely the act%al vario%s c%rrency
re8%ire&ents o' the Contractor 2in ter&s o' ti&e o' pay&ent o' the
vario%s c%rrencies to the Contractor3.
The /&ployer &%st keep only one o' the 'ollo#ing alternative te:ts1
Alternative A1 Bidders 8%ote entirely in local c%rrency
The +nit rates and the pri*es shall ,e ?+oted ," the ,idder in the Bill o!
>+antities entirel" in Ninsert the na&e o' the c%rrency o' the /&ployer=s
co%ntryO and !+rther re!erred to as Athe lo*al *+rren*"B$ A ,idder
e1pe*tin0 to in*+r e1pendit+res in other *+rren*ies !or inp+ts to the 5or6s
s+pplied !ro o+tside the Eplo"er7s *o+ntr" 8re!erred to as Athe !orei0n
*+rren*" re?+ireentsB9 shall indi*ate in the Appendi1 to Bid R Ta,le C the
per*enta0e8s9 o! the Bid 3ri*e 8e1*l+din0 3rovisional S+s9 needed ," hi
!or the pa"ent o! s+*h !orei0n *+rren*" re?+ireents& liited to no ore
than three !orei0n *+rren*ies o! an" *o+ntr"$
The rates o! e1*han0e to ,e +sed ," the ,idder in arrivin0 at the lo*al
*+rren*" e?+ivalent shall ,e spe*i!ied ," the ,idder in the Appendi1 to Bid
%' User7s G+ide Se*tion II$ Bid Data Sheet
RTa,le C& and shall appl" !or all pa"ents +nder the Contra*t so that no
e1*han0e ris6 2ill ,e ,orne ," the s+**ess!+l ,idder$
Alternative B1 Bidders 8%ote in local and 'oreign c%rrencies
The +nit rates and pri*es shall ,e ?+oted ," the ,idder in the Bill o!
>+antities separatel" in the !ollo2in0 *+rren*iesC
8a9 !or those inp+ts to the 5or6s that the ,idder e1pe*ts to s+ppl" !ro
2ithin the Eplo"er7s *o+ntr"& in Ninsert the na&e o' the c%rrency o' the
/&ployer=s co%ntryO and !+rther re!erred to as Athe lo*al *+rren*"BH and
8,9 !or those inp+ts to the 5or6s that the ,idder e1pe*ts to s+ppl" !ro
o+tside the Eplo"er7s *o+ntr" 8re!erred to as Athe !orei0n *+rren*"
re?+ireentsB9 in +p to an" three *+rren*ies o! an" *o+ntr"
+TB )A.) The ,id validit" period shall ,e Dinsert a n%&4er o' days that is a
&%ltiple o' seven co%nting as o' the deadline 'or 4id s%4&issionE da"s,
NThis period sho%ld 4e realistic, allo#ing s%''icient ti&e to eval%ate
the 4ids, 4earing in &ind the co&ple:ity o' the Works and the ti&e
re8%ired 'or o4taining re'erences, clari'ications, clearances, and
approvals 2incl%ding the Bank=s P,o .4?ectionQ3 and 'or noti'ication
o' the a#ard. ,or&ally the validity period sho%ld not e:ceed )20
+TB )A.9 2a3 The ,id pri*e shall ,e ad@+sted ," the !ollo2in0 !a*tor8s9CPPPPPPPP [1he
local currenc& portion of the "ontract price shall be ad$usted b& a factor
reflecting local inflation during the period of e5tension+ and the foreign
currenc& portion of the "ontract price shall be ad$usted b& a factor
reflecting the international inflation (in the countr& of the foreign
currenc&) during the period of e5tension,!
+TB )A.9 243 The !i1ed portion o! the ,id pri*e shall ,e ad@+sted ," the !ollo2in0
!a*tor8s9C PPPPPPPPP [1he local currenc& portion of the fi5ed portion of
the "ontract price shall be ad$usted b& a factor reflecting local inflation
during the period of e5tension+ and the foreign currenc& portion of the
fi5ed portion of the "ontract price shall be ad$usted b& a factor reflecting
the international inflation (in the countr& of the foreign currenc&) during
the period of e5tension,!
+TB )B.) N+' a 4id sec%rity shall 4e re8%ired, a Bid<$ec%ring Declaration shall
not 4e re8%ired, and vice versa.O
A ,id se*+rit" Ninsert Pshall 4eQ or Pshall not 4eQO re?+ired$ A Bid-
Se*+rin0 De*laration Ninsert Pshall 4eQ or Pshall not 4eQO re?+ired$
I! a ,id se*+rit" shall ,e re?+ired& the ao+nt and *+rren*" o! the ,id
se*+rit" shall ,eC N+' a 4id sec%rity is re8%ired, insert a&o%nt and
c%rrency o' the 4id sec%rity. .ther#ise insert P,ot Applica4leQ.O
+TB )B.2 2d3 Other t"pes o! a**epta,le se*+ritiesC N+nsert na&es o' other accepta4le
Se*tion II$ Bid Data Sheet User7s G+ide %.
sec%rities. +nsert P,oneQ i' no 4id sec%rity is re8%ired %nder
provision +TB )B.) or i' 4id sec%rity is re8%ired 4%t no other 'or&s o'
4id sec%rities 4esides those listed in +TB )B.2 2a3 thro%gh 2c3 are
+TB )B.B NThe 'ollo#ing provision sho%ld 4e incl%ded and the re8%ired
corresponding in'or&ation inserted only i' a 4id sec%rity is not
re8%ired %nder provision +TB )B.) and the /&ployer #ishes to declare
the Bidder ineligi4le 'or a period o' ti&e sho%ld the Bidder inc%r in
the actions &entioned in provision +TB )B.A. .ther#ise o&it.O
I! the Bidder in*+rs an" o! the a*tions pres*ri,ed in s+,para0raphs 8a9 or
8,9 o! this provision& the Borro2er 2ill de*lare the Bidder ineli0i,le to ,e
a2arded *ontra*ts ," the Eplo"er !or a period o! PPPPPP Ninsert period
o' ti&eO "ears$,
+TB 20.) In addition to the ori0inal o! the ,id& the n+,er o! *opies isC N+nsert
n%&4er o' copiesO
+TB 20.2 The 2ritten *on!iration o! a+thori;ation to si0n on ,ehal! o! the Bidder
shall *onsist o!C Ninsert the na&e and description o' the doc%&entation
re8%ired to de&onstrate the a%thority o' the signatory to sign the
D. $%4&ission and .pening o' Bids
+TB 22.) 4or 4id s%4&ission p%rposes onl"& the Eplo"er7s address isC NThis
address &ay 4e the sa&e as or di''erent 'ro& that speci'ied %nder
provision +TB 7.) 'or clari'icationsO
AttentionC Dinsert '%ll na&e o' person, i' applica4leO
Street AddressC Dinsert street address and n%&4erE
4loorJ Roo n+,erC Dinsert 'loor and roo& n%&4er, i' applica4leE
Cit"C Dinsert na&e o' city or to#nE
QI3 CodeC Dinsert postal 2S+(3 code, i' applica4leE
Co+ntr"C Dinsert na&e o' co%ntryE
The deadline 'or 4id s%4&ission is1
DateC Ninsert day, &onth, and year, i.e. )! D%ne, 200AO
TieC Dinsert ti&e, and identi'y i' a.&. or p.&., i.e. )0190 a.&.E
NThe date and ti&e sho%ld 4e the sa&e as those provided in the +nvitation
'or Bids, %nless s%4se8%ently a&ended p%rs%ant to Cla%se 22.2.O
Bidders Ninsert PshallQ or Pshall notQO have the option o! s+,ittin0 their
,ids ele*troni*all"$
%/ User7s G+ide Se*tion II$ Bid Data Sheet
NThe 'ollo#ing provision sho%ld 4e incl%ded and the re8%ired
corresponding in'or&ation inserted only i' Bidders have the option o'
s%4&itting their 4ids electronically. .ther#ise o&it.O
I! ,idders have the option o! s+,ittin0 their ,ids ele*troni*all"& the
ele*troni* ,iddin0 s+,ission pro*ed+res shall ,eC Ninsert a description o'
the electronic 4idding s%4&ission proced%resO
+TB 2!.) The ,id openin0 shall ta6e pla*e atC
Street AddressC Dinsert street address and n%&4erE
4loorJ Roo n+,erC Dinsert 'loor and roo& n%&4er, i' applica4leE
Cit"C Dinsert na&e o' city or to#nE
Co+ntr"C Dinsert na&e o' co%ntryE
DateC Ninsert day, &onth, and year, i.e. )! D%ne, 200AO
TieC Dinsert ti&e, and identi'y i' a.&. or p.&. i.e. )0190 a.&.E NDate
and ti&e sho%ld 4e the sa&e as those given 'or the deadline 'or
s%4&ission o' 4ids 2Cla%se 223.O
NThe 'ollo#ing provision sho%ld 4e incl%ded and the re8%ired
correspondin0 in!oration inserted onl" i! Bidders have the option o!
s+,ittin0 their ,ids ele*troni*all"$ Other2ise oit$E
I! ,idders have the option o! s+,ittin0 their ,ids ele*troni*all"& the
ele*troni* ,iddin0 openin0 pro*ed+res shall ,eC Ninsert a description o' the
electronic 4idding opening proced%resO
+TB 2!.9 The Fetter o! Bid and Bill o! >+antities shall ,e initialled ," three
representatives o! the Eplo"er attendin0 Bid openin0$
/. /val%ation and Co&parison o' Bids
+TB 92.) The *+rren*" that shall ,e +sed !or ,id eval+ation and *oparison p+rposes
to *onvert all ,id pri*es e1pressed in vario+s *+rren*ies into a sin0le
*+rren*" isC N+nsert na&e o' c%rrencyO
The so+r*e o! e1*han0e rate shall ,eC N+nsert na&e o' the so%rce o'
e:change rates 2e.g., the Central Bank in the /&ployer=s Co%ntry3.O
The date !or the e1*han0e rate shall ,eC Ninsert day, &onth and year, i.e.
)! D%ne, 200A not earlier than 2A days prior to the deadline 'or
s%4&ission o' the Bids, nor later than the original date 'or the e:piry o'
4id validityO.
The *+rren*"8ies9 o! the Bid shall ,e *onverted into a sin0le *+rren*" in
a**ordan*e 2ith the pro*ed+re +nder Alternative PPPPP Ninsert either PAQ
or PBQO that !ollo2sC
The /&ployer shall select the alternative #hich is the &ost s%ita4le,
depending on the alternative selected in the BD$ %nder +TB )!.). The
Se*tion II$ Bid Data Sheet User7s G+ide %7
/&ployer &%st keep only one o' the 'ollo#ing alternative te:ts1
Alternative A1 Bidders 8%ote entirely in local c%rrency
4or *oparison o! ,ids& the Bid 3ri*e& *orre*ted p+rs+ant to Cla+se #%& shall
!irst ,e ,ro6en do2n into the respe*tive ao+nts pa"a,le in vario+s
*+rren*ies ," +sin0 the e1*han0e rates spe*i!ied ," the ,idder in a**ordan*e
2ith S+,-Cla+se %.$%$
In the se*ond step& the Eplo"er 2ill *onvert the ao+nts in vario+s
*+rren*ies in 2hi*h the Bid 3ri*e is pa"a,le 8e1*l+din0 3rovisional S+s ,+t
in*l+din0 Da"2or6 2here pri*ed *opetitivel"9 to the sin0le *+rren*"
identi!ied a,ove at the sellin0 rates esta,lished !or siilar transa*tions ," the
a+thorit" spe*i!ied and on the date stip+lated a,ove$
Alternative B1 Bidders 8%ote in local and 'oreign c%rrencies
The Eplo"er 2ill *onvert the ao+nts in vario+s *+rren*ies in 2hi*h the
Bid 3ri*e& *orre*ted p+rs+ant to Cla+se #%& is pa"a,le 8e1*l+din0 3rovisional
S+s ,+t in*l+din0 Da"2or6 2here pri*ed *opetitivel"9 to the sin0le
*+rren*" identi!ied a,ove at the sellin0 rates esta,lished !or siilar
transa*tions ," the a+thorit" spe*i!ied and on the date stip+lated a,ove$
+TB 99.) NThe 'ollo#ing provision sho%ld 4e incl%ded and the re8%ired
corresponding in'or&ation inserted only i' the "inancing Agree&ent
a%thoriJes the application o' do&estic contractor price pre'erence and
the /&ployer intends to apply it to the s%4?ect contract. .ther#ise
A ar0in o! doesti* pre!eren*e Ninsert PshallQO appl"$
I! a ar0in o! pre!eren*e applies the appli*ation ethodolo0" shall ,e
de!ined in Se*tion III R Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria$
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and 3ost >+ali!i*ation Criteria User7s G+ide %)
!ection III# -+,u+tion +nd Post
5u+,i3c+tion Criteri+ ' (o,,oCin.
This Se*tion *ontains all the *riteria that the Eplo"er shall +se to eval+ate ,ids and ?+ali!"
Bidders$ In a**ordan*e 2ith ITB #' and ITB #/& no other ethods& *riteria and !a*tors shall
,e +sed$ The Bidder shall provide all the in!oration re?+ested in the !ors in*l+ded in
Se*tion I: 8Biddin0 4ors9$
Ta4le o' Criteria
). /val%ation...........................................................................................................................
%$% Ade?+a*" o! Te*hni*al 3roposal$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(
%$2 M+ltiple Contra*ts$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(
%$# Copletion Tie$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(
%$' Te*hni*al Alternatives$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(
%$. Doesti* 3re!eren*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%(
2. 5%ali'ication.......................................................................................................................
2$% Update o! In!oration$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20
2$2 4inan*ial Reso+r*es$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%
2$# 3ersonnel$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2%
2$' E?+ipent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$22
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and 3ost >+ali!i*ation Criteria User7s G+ide %(
1# -+,u+tion
In addition to the *riteria listed in ITB #'$2 8a9 R 8e9 the !ollo2in0 *riteria shall appl"C
0se the eval%ation criteria listed 4elo# as appropriate and re8%ired 'or the pro?ect.
).) Ade8%acy o' Technical (roposal
Eval+ation o! the Bidder7s Te*hni*al 3roposal 2ill in*l+de an assessent o! the Bidder7s
te*hni*al *apa*it" to o,ili;e 6e" e?+ipent and personnel !or the *ontra*t *onsistent 2ith its
proposal re0ardin0 2or6 ethods& s*hed+lin0& and aterial so+r*in0 in s+!!i*ient detail and
!+ll" in a**ordan*e 2ith the re?+ireents stip+lated in Se*tion :I 8Eplo"er7s Re?+ireents9$
).2 M%ltiple Contracts
5or6s are 0ro+ped in +ltiple *ontra*ts and p+rs+ant to S+,-Cla+se #'$' o! the Instr+*tions
to Bidders& the Eplo"er 2ill eval+ate and *opare Bids on the ,asis o! a *ontra*t& or a
*o,ination o! *ontra*ts& or as a total o! *ontra*ts in order to arrive at the least *ost
*o,ination !or the Eplo"er ," ta6in0 into a**o+nt dis*o+nts o!!ered ," Bidders in *ase o!
a2ard o! +ltiple *ontra*ts$ I! a ,idder s+,its several s+**ess!+l 8lo2est eval+ated
s+,stantiall" responsive9 ,ids& the eval+ation 2ill also in*l+de an assessent o! the Bidder7s
*apa*it" to eet the a00re0ated re?+ireents re0ardin0C
4inan*ial sit+ation
C+rrent *ontra*t *oitents&
Cash !lo2 *apa*it"&
E?+ipent to ,e allo*ated& and
3ersonnel to ,e !ielded$
).9 Co&pletion Ti&e
I! peritted +nder ITB %#$2 var"in0 ties !or *opletion a" ,e +sed in ,id *oparison as
!ollo2sC Dthe &ethod 'or eval%ating the di''erences o''ered 4y 4idders sho%ld 4e speci'ied
as a speci'ic a&o%nt 'or each #eek o' delay 'ro& a speci'ied PstandardQ or &ini&%&
co&pletion date related to the loss o' 4ene'its to the /&ployer. The a&o%nt sho%ld 4e
no &ore than the s%& stated in the Contract Data 'or delay da&ages$E
).@ Technical Alternatives
Te*hni*al alternatives& i! peritted +nder ITB %#$'& 2ill ,e eval+ated as !ollo2sC
N insert &ethod 'or eval%ation o' s%ch alternatives, i' appropriateO
).! Do&estic (re'erence
I! a ar0in o! pre!eren*e is provided !or +nder ITB ##$%& the !ollo2in0 pro*ed+re shall appl"C
The 'ollo#ing &ethodology is s%ggested1
20 User7s G+ide Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and 3ost >+ali!i*ation Criteria
=1he following procedure will be used to appl& the margin of preference:
(a) *fter bids have been converted to a single currenc& in accordance with the
provisions of I1# E@,A (d)+ responsive bids will be classified into the following
(i) 'roup *: bids offered b& domestic bidders and $oint ventures meeting the
criteria set out below? and
(ii) 'roup #: all other bids,
(b) 7or the purpose of further evaluation and comparison of bids onl&+ an amount equal
to H ] percent of the evaluated #id Price determined in accordance with the
provisions of I1# E@,A (a)+ (b)+ (d)+ and+ where applicable+ (c)+ will be added to all
bids classified in 'roup #,
* domestic bidder is one that meets the following criteria:
(a) for an individual firm:
(i) is registered in the countr& of the #orrower?
(ii) has more than 3I percent ownership b& nationals of the countr& of the
(iii) does not subcontract more than 2I percent of the "ontract Price+ e5cluding
Provisional Sums+ to foreign contractors,
(b) for a $oint venture (9:) of domestic firms:
(i) individual member firms shall satisf& the criteria under (a) (i) and (a) (ii)
(ii) the 9: shall be registered in the countr& of the #orrower?
(iii) the 9: shall not subcontract more than 2I percent of the "ontract Price+
e5cluding Provisional Sums+ to foreign firms,>!
"# 5u+,i3c+tion
2.) 0pdate o' +n'or&ation
The Bidder shall *ontin+e to eet the *riteria +sed at the tie o! pre?+ali!i*ation$ Updatin0
and reassessent o! the !ollo2in0 in!oration 2hi*h 2as previo+sl" *onsidered d+rin0
pre?+ali!i*ation 2ill ,e re?+iredC
8a9 Eli0i,ilit"
8,9 3endin0 Fiti0ation
8*9 4inan*ial Sit+ation
2.2 "inancial eso%rces
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and 3ost >+ali!i*ation Criteria User7s G+ide 2%
Usin0 the relevant 4ors in Se*tion I: 8Biddin0 4ors9 the Bidder +st deonstrate a**ess
to& or availa,ilit" o!& !inan*ial reso+r*es s+*h as li?+id assets& +nen*+,ered real assets& lines
o! *redit& and other !inan*ial eans& other than an" *ontra*t+al advan*e pa"ents to eetC
8%9 the !ollo2in0 *ash-!lo2 re?+ireentC $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ and
829 the overall *ash !lo2 re?+ireents !or this *ontra*t and his *+rrent 2or6s *oitent$
-- Note --
Indi*ate +nder 8%9 a,ove the *onstr+*tion *ash !lo2 re?+ireent !or a n+,er o! onths&
deterined as the total tie needed ," the Eplo"er to pa" a *ontra*tor7s invoi*e& allo2in0
!or 8a9 the a*t+al tie *ons+ed !or *onstr+*tion& !ro the ,e0innin0 o! the onth invoi*ed&
8,9 the tie needed ," the En0ineer to iss+e the onthl" pa"ent *erti!i*ate& and 8*9 the tie
needed ," the Eplo"er to pa" the ao+nt *erti!ied$ The total period sho+ld not e1*eed !o+r
onths$ The assessent o! the onthl" ao+nt sho+ld ,e ,ased on a strai0ht-line pro@e*tion
o! the estiated *ash !lo2 re?+ireent over the parti*+lar *ontra*t period& ne0le*tin0 the
e!!e*t o! an" advan*e pa"ent and retention onies& ,+t in*l+din0 *ontin0en*" allo2an*es in
the estiated *ontra*t *ost$
2.9 (ersonnel
The Bidder +st deonstrate that it has the personnel !or the 6e" positions that eet the
!ollo2in0 re?+ireentsC
,o. (osition Total Work
/:perience NyearsO
/:perience +n
$i&ilar Work NyearsO
The Bidder shall provide details o! the proposed personnel and their e1perien*e re*ords in the
relevant In!oration 4ors in*l+ded in Se*tion I: 8Biddin0 4ors9$
-- Note --
The ana0erial and te*hni*al *opeten*e o! a *ontra*tor is lar0el" related to the 6e"
personnel on site$ The e1tent to 2hi*h the Bidder sho+ld deonstrate havin0 sta!! 2ith
e1tensive e1perien*e sho+ld ,e liited to those re?+irin0 *riti*al operational or te*hni*al
s6ills$ The pre?+ali!i*ation *riteria sho+ld there!ore re!er to a liited n+,er o! s+*h 6e"
personnel& !or instan*e& the pro@e*t or *ontra*t ana0er and those s+perintendents 2or6in0
+nder the pro@e*t ana0er 2ho 2ill ,e responsi,le !or a@or *oponents 8e$0$&
s+perintendents spe*iali;ed in dred0in0& pilin0& or earth2or6s& as re?+ired !or ea*h parti*+lar
pro@e*t9$ Criteria o! a**epta,ilit" sho+ld ,e ,ased onC
2a3 a &ini&%& n%&4er o' years o' e:perience in a si&ilar positionT and
243 a &ini&%& n%&4er o' years o' e:perience andFor n%&4er o' co&para4le pro?ects
carried o%t in a speci'ied n%&4er o' preceding years.
22 User7s G+ide Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and 3ost >+ali!i*ation Criteria
The re8%ire&ent o' speci'ied ed%cation and acade&ic 8%ali'ications is nor&ally
%nnecessary 'or s%ch positions, as contractors o'ten e&ploy co&petent sta'' #ho have
learned their pro'ession Pon the ?o4Q rather than thro%gh acade&ic training. +t is
appropriate to speci'y that certain positions are 'illed 4y individ%als #ho have held
posts o' co&para4le a%thority 'or, say, three years #ith the Bidder, so that key sta'' in
e:ec%tive site positions have s%''icient kno#ledge o' the BidderRs &anage&ent, policy,
proced%res, and practices to act #ith con'idence and a%thority #ithin that 'ra&e#ork.
2.@ /8%ip&ent
The Bidder +st deonstrate that it has the 6e" e?+ipent listed herea!terC
,o. /8%ip&ent Type and
,o. Min. ,%&4er e8%ired
The Bidder shall provide !+rther details o! proposed ites o! e?+ipent +sin0 the relevant
4or in Se*tion I: 8Biddin0 4ors9
<< ,ote <<
+n &ost cases Bidders can readily p%rchase, lease, or hire e8%ip&entT th%s, it is %s%ally
%nnecessary 'or the assess&ent o' a contractorRs 8%ali'ication to depend on the
contractor=s o#ning readily availa4le ite&s o' e8%ip&ent. The pass*'ail criteria adopted
sho%ld there'ore 4e li&ited only to those 4%lky or specialiJed ite&s that are critical 'or
the type o' pro?ect to 4e i&ple&ented, and that &ay 4e di''ic%lt 'or the contractor to
o4tain 8%ickly. /:a&ples &ay incl%de ite&s s%ch as heavy li't cranes and piling 4arges,
dredgers, asphalt &i:ing plants, etc. /ven in s%ch cases, contractors &ay not o#n the
specialiJed ite&s o' e8%ip&ent, and &ay rely on specialist s%4contractors or
e8%ip&ent*hire 'ir&s. The availa4ility o' s%ch s%4contractors and o' the speci'ied
e8%ip&ent sho%ld 4e s%4?ect to veri'ication prior to contract a#ard.
The Bidder shall provide +pdated details !or the a,ove ," +sin0 the relevant !ors in*l+ded in
Se*tion I: 8Biddin0 4ors9$
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria R 2itho+t 3re?+ali!i*ation User7s G+ide 2#
!ection III# -+,u+tion +nd 5u+,i3c+tion
Criteri+ ' Wit6out PreDu+,i3c+tion
This Se*tion *ontains all the *riteria that the Eplo"er shall +se to eval+ate ,ids and ?+ali!"
Bidders$ In a**ordan*e 2ith ITB #' and ITB #/& no other ethods& *riteria and !a*tors shall
,e +sed$ The Bidder shall provide all the in!oration re?+ested in the !ors in*l+ded in
Se*tion I: 8Biddin0 4ors9$
The Ban6 re?+ires ,idders to ,e ?+ali!ied ," eetin0 prede!ined& pre*ise ini+
re?+ireents$ The ethod entails settin0 pass-!ail *riteria& 2hi*h& i! not et ," the ,idder&
res+lts in dis?+ali!i*ation$ It 2ill there!ore ,e ne*essar" to ens+re that a ,idder7s ris6 o! havin0
its ,id re@e*ted on 0ro+nds o! ?+ali!i*ation is reote i! d+e dili0en*e is e1er*ised ," the ,idder
d+rin0 ,id preparation$ 4or that p+rpose& *lear-*+t& !ail-pass ?+ali!i*ation *riteria need to ,e
spe*i!ied in order to ena,le ,idders to a6e an in!ored de*ision 2hether to p+rs+e a spe*i!i*
*ontra*t and& i! so& either as a sin0le entit" or in @oint vent+re$ The *riteria adopted +st relate
to *hara*teristi*s that are essential to ens+re satis!a*tor" e1e*+tion o! the *ontra*t& and +st
,e stated in +na,i0+o+s ters$
Ta4le o' Criteria
). /val%ation......................................................................................................................................
%$% Ade?+a*" o! Te*hni*al 3roposal$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2'
%$2 M+ltiple Contra*ts$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2'
%$# Copletion Tie$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 2'
%$' Te*hni*al Alternatives$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2'
%$. Doesti* 3re!eren*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2.
2. 5%ali'ication...................................................................................................................................
2$%$ Eli0i,ilit"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 2/
A,2,2 .ationalit&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AD
A,2,A "onflict of Interest,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AD
A,2,E #ank %ligibilit&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AD
A,2,@ 'overnment;owned %ntit&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AD
A,2,3 %5clusions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AD
2$2 3endin0 Fiti0ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2/
A,A,2 Jistorical "ontract .on Performance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AD
A,A,A Pending )itigation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AD
2$#$ 4inan*ial Sit+ation$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$27
A,E,2 Jistorical 7inancial Performance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AH
A,E,A *verage *nnual "onstruction 1urnover,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AH
A,E,E 7inancial (esources,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AB
2$' E1perien*e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 2)
A,@,2 'eneral "onstruction %5perience,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AB
A,@,A Specific "onstruction %5perience,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AK
2$. 3ersonnel$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #0
2$/ E?+ipent$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ #%
1# -+,u+tion
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria R 2itho+t 3re?+ali!i*ation User7s G+ide 2'
In addition to the *riteria listed in ITB #'$2 8a9 R 8e9 the !ollo2in0 *riteria shall appl"C
-- Note --
0se the eval%ation criteria listed 4elo# as appropriate and re8%ired 'or the pro?ect.
).) Ade8%acy o' Technical (roposal
Eval+ation o! the Bidder7s Te*hni*al 3roposal 2ill in*l+de an assessent o! the Bidder7s
te*hni*al *apa*it" to o,ili;e 6e" e?+ipent and personnel !or the *ontra*t *onsistent 2ith its
proposal re0ardin0 2or6 ethods& s*hed+lin0& and aterial so+r*in0 in s+!!i*ient detail and
!+ll" in a**ordan*e 2ith the re?+ireents stip+lated in Se*tion :I 8Eplo"er7s Re?+ireents9$
).2 M%ltiple Contracts
5or6s are 0ro+ped in +ltiple *ontra*ts and p+rs+ant to S+,-Cla+se #'$' o! the Instr+*tions
to Bidders& the Eplo"er 2ill eval+ate and *opare Bids on the ,asis o! a *ontra*t& or a
*o,ination o! *ontra*ts& or as a total o! *ontra*ts in order to arrive at the least *ost
*o,ination !or the Eplo"er ," ta6in0 into a**o+nt dis*o+nts o!!ered ," Bidders in *ase o!
a2ard o! +ltiple *ontra*ts$ I! a ,idder s+,its several s+**ess!+l 8lo2est eval+ated
s+,stantiall" responsive9 ,ids& the eval+ation 2ill also in*l+de an assessent o! the Bidder7s
*apa*it" to eet the a00re0ated re?+ireents re0ardin0C
^ E1perien*e
^ 4inan*ial sit+ation
^ C+rrent *ontra*t *oitents&
^ Cash !lo2 *apa*it"&
^ E?+ipent to ,e allo*ated& and
^ 3ersonnel to ,e !ielded$
).9 Co&pletion Ti&e
I! peritted +nder ITB %#$2 var"in0 ties !or *opletion a" ,e +sed in ,id *oparison as
!ollo2sC Nthe &ethod 'or eval%ating the di''erences o''ered 4y 4idders sho%ld 4e speci'ied
as a speci'ic a&o%nt 'or each #eek o' delay 'ro& a speci'ied PstandardQ or &ini&%&
co&pletion date related to the loss o' 4ene'its to the /&ployer. The a&o%nt sho%ld 4e
no &ore than the s%& stated in the Contract Data 'or delay da&ages.O
).@ Technical Alternatives
Te*hni*al alternatives& i! peritted +nder ITB %#$'& 2ill ,e eval+ated as !ollo2sC
Ninsert &ethod 'or eval%ation o' s%ch alternatives, i' appropriateO
).! Do&estic (re'erence
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and 3ost >+ali!i*ation Criteria User7s G+ide 2.
If a margn of preference s provded for under ITB 33.1, the foowng procedure sha
The 'ollo#ing &ethodology is s%ggested1
=1he following procedure will be used to appl& the margin of preference:
(a) *fter bids have been converted to a single currenc& in accordance with the
provisions of I1# E@,A (d)+ responsive bids will be classified into the following
(i) 'roup *: bids offered b& domestic bidders and $oint ventures meeting the
criteria set out below? and
(ii) 'roup #: all other bids,
(b) 7or the purpose of further evaluation and comparison of bids onl&+ an amount equal
to H ] percent of the evaluated #id Price determined in accordance with the
provisions of I1# E@,A (a)+ (b)+ (d)+ and+ where applicable+ (c)+ will be added to all
bids classified in 'roup #,
* domestic bidder is one that meets the following criteria:
(a) for an individual firm:
(i) is registered in the countr& of the #orrower?
(ii) has more than 3I percent ownership b& nationals of the countr& of the
(iii) does not subcontract more than 2I percent of the "ontract Price+ e5cluding
Provisional Sums+ to foreign contractors,
(b) for a $oint venture (9:) of domestic firms:
(i) individual member firms shall satisf& the criteria under (a) (i) and (a) (ii)
(ii) the 9: shall be registered in the countr& of the #orrower?
(iii) the 9: shall not subcontract more than 2I percent of the "ontract Price+
e5cluding Provisional Sums+ to foreign firms,>!
"# 5u+,i3c+tion
2.). /ligi4ility
2/ User7s G+ide Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and 3ost >+ali!i*ation Criteria
Criteria Co&pliance e8%ire&ents Doc%&ents
Doint 6ent%re
All (artners
2$%$% Nationalit"
Nationalit" in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB
S+,-Cla+se '$2$
+st eet
e1istin0 or
intended G:
+st eet
+st eet
2ith atta*hents
2$%$2 Con!li*t o! Interest
No *on!li*ts o! interest in a**ordan*e
2ith ITB S+,-Cla+se '$#$
+st eet
e1istin0 or
intended G:
+st eet
+st eet
S+,ission Sheet
2$%$# Ban6 Eli0i,ilit"
Not havin0 ,een de*lared ineli0i,le ,"
the Ban6& as des*ri,ed in ITB S+,-
Cla+se '$'$
+st eet
e1istin0 or
intended G:
+st eet
+st eet
S+,ission Sheet
2$%$' Governent-o2ned Entit"
Bidder re?+ired to eet *onditions o!
ITB S+,-Cla+se '$.$
+st eet
+st eet
+st eet
4ors EFI -%& EFI
-2 2ith atta*hents
2$%$. E1*l+sions
Bidder re?+ired to eet *onditions o!
ITB S+,-Cla+se '$7$
+st eet
+st eet
+st eet
S+,ission Sheet
2.2 (ending Citigation
2$2$% =istori*al Contra*t Non 3er!oran*e
2$2$2 3endin0 Fiti0ation
Criteria Co&pliance e8%ire&ents Doc%&ents
Doint 6ent%re
All (artners
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and 3ost >+ali!i*ation Criteria User7s G+ide 27
All pendin0 liti0ation shall ,e treated
as resolved a0ainst the Bidder and so
shall in total not represent ore than $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ per*ent o! the
Bidder7s net 2orth$
+st eet
," itsel! or
as partner to
past or
e1istin0 G:
+st eet
," itsel! or
as partner to
past or
e1istin0 G:
CON - 2
NThe a4ove percentage sho%ld nor&ally 4e #ithin the range o' !0U to )00U o' a Bidder=s net #orthO
2.9. "inancial $it%ation
2$#$% =istori*al 4inan*ial 3er!oran*e
Criteria Co&pliance e8%ire&ents Doc%&ents
Doint 6ent%re
All (artners
S+,ission o! a+dited ,alan*e sheets
and in*oe stateents or& i! not
re?+ired ," the la2 o! the ,idder7s
*o+ntr"& other !inan*ial stateents
a**epta,le to the Eplo"er& !or the last
N+nsert no. o' years in #ords and
'ig%res. The ti&e period sho%ld not
4e less than 9 years.O "ears to
deonstrate the *+rrent so+ndness o!
the ,idders !inan*ial position and its
prospe*tive lon0-ter pro!ita,ilit"$ As
a ini+& a Bidder7s net 2orth
*al*+lated as the di!!eren*e ,et2een
total assets and total lia,ilities sho+ld
,e positive$
+st eet
+st eet
4or 4IN - % 2ith
NThe 'inancial in'or&ation provided 4y a Bidder sho%ld 4e revie#ed in its entirety to allo# a tr%ly
in'or&ed ?%dg&ent, and the pass*'ail decision on the 'inancial position o' the Bidder sho%ld 4e given on
this 4asis. Any a4nor&al 'eat%res #hich &ay lead to 'inancial pro4le&s sho%ld alert the /&ployer to
seek e:pert pro'essional advice 'or '%rther revie# and interpretationO
2$#$2 Avera0e Ann+al Constr+*tion T+rnover
Criteria Co&pliance e8%ire&ents Doc%&ents
Doint 6ent%re
All (artners
Mini+ avera0e ann+al *onstr+*tion
t+rnover o! USY $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
*al*+lated as total *erti!ied pa"ents
re*eived !or *ontra*ts in pro0ress or
*opleted& 2ithin the last D+nsert
n%&4er o' years in #ords and
'ig%resT the ti&e period is nor&ally 9
years or &oreO "ears$
+st eet
+st eet
+st eet
. . . . . . . . .
o! the
+st eet
. . . . . . . .
o! the
4or 4IN - 2
2) User7s G+ide Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and 3ost >+ali!i*ation Criteria
NThe a&o%nt stated sho%ld nor&ally not 4e less than 2 : 6FT, the esti&ated ann%al t%rnover or cash 'lo#
in the s%4?ect contract 4ased on a straight<line pro?ection o' the /&ployerRs esti&ated cost 263, incl%ding
contingencies, over the contract d%ration 2T3. The &%ltiplier o' t#o &ay 4e red%ced 'or very large
contracts 4%t sho%ld not 4e less than ).!O2
2$#$# 4inan*ial Reso+r*es
Usin0 4ors 4IN R # and 4IN - ' in
Se*tion I: 8Biddin0 4ors9 the Bidder
+st deonstrate a**ess to& or
availa,ilit" o!& !inan*ial reso+r*es s+*h
as li?+id assets& +nen*+,ered real
assets& lines o! *redit& and other !inan*ial
eans& other than an" *ontra*t+al
advan*e pa"ents to eetC
8%9 the !ollo2in0 *ash-!lo2
re?+ireentC $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ & and
829 the overall *ash !lo2 re?+ireents !or
this *ontra*t and its *+rrent 2or6s
+st eet
+st eet
+st eet
. . . . . . . . .
o! the
+st eet
. . . . . . . .
o! the
4or 4IN - #
4or 4IN-'
< ,ote <<
N+ndicate %nder 2)3 a4ove the constr%ction cash 'lo# re8%ire&ent 'or a n%&4er o' &onths deter&ined as
the total ti&e needed 4y the /&ployer to pay a contractor=s invoice, allo#ing 'or 2a3 the act%al ti&e
cons%&ed 'or constr%ction, 'ro& the 4eginning o' the &onth invoiced, 243 the ti&e needed 4y the
/ngineer to iss%e the &onthly pay&ent certi'icate, and 2c3 the ti&e needed 4y the /&ployer to pay the
a&o%nt certi'ied. The total period sho%ld not e:ceed si: &onths. The assess&ent o' the &onthly a&o%nt
sho%ld 4e 4ased on a straight<line pro?ection o' the esti&ated cash 'lo# re8%ire&ent over the partic%lar
contract period, neglecting the e''ect o' any advance pay&ent and retention &onies, 4%t incl%ding
contingency allo#ances in the esti&ated contract costO
2.@ /:perience
2$'$% General Constr+*tion E1perien*e
Criteria Co&pliance e8%ire&ents Doc%&ents
Doint 6ent%re
All (artners
E1perien*e +nder *onstr+*tion
*ontra*ts in the role o! *ontra*tor&
s+,*ontra*tor& or ana0eent
*ontra*tor !or at least the last $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
"ears prior to the appli*ations
s+,ission deadline$
+st eet
+st eet
4or EK3-%
N+nsert n%&4er o' years in #ords and 'ig%res. The ti&e period is nor&ally ! years or &ore, 4%t &ay 4e
red%ced to not less than 9 years, in agree&ent #ith the Bank %nder special co%ntry circ%&stancesO
2$'$2 Spe*i!i* Constr+*tion E1perien*e
2a3 Contracts o' $i&ilar $iJe and ,at%re
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and 3ost >+ali!i*ation Criteria User7s G+ide 2(
Criteria Co&pliance e8%ire&ents Doc%&ents
Doint 6ent%re
All (artners
3arti*ipation as *ontra*tor&
ana0eent *ontra*tor& or
s+,*ontra*tor& in at least N)O *ontra*ts
2ithin the last N2O "ears& ea*h 2ith a
val+e o! at least USY N9O that have ,een
s+**ess!+ll" or are s+,stantiall"
*opleted and that are siilar to the
proposed 2or6s$ The siilarit" shall ,e
,ased on the ph"si*al si;e& *ople1it"&
ethods& te*hnolo0" or other
*hara*teristi*s as des*ri,ed in Se*tion
:I& Eplo"er7s Re?+ireents$
+st eet
+st eet
4or EK3 28a9
N2)3 +nsert n%&4er o' contracts, the range sho%ld 4e one to three, depending on the siJe and co&ple:ity
o' the s%4?ect contract, the e:pos%re o' the /&ployer to risk o' contractor de'a%lt, and co%ntry
conditions. "or contracts in a developed environ&ent #ith a high potential s%pply o' constr%ction
services, three si&ilar contracts &ay not li&it applications, 4%t #o%ld red%ce the risk o' contractor
223 +nsert n%&4er o' years in #ords and 'ig%res. The range is nor&ally 'ive to ten years, and sho%ld 4e
related to the n%&4er o' si&ilar contracts stated a4ove and to the d%ration o' the s%4?ect contract, e.g.,
ten years 'or t#o contracts o' a4o%t 'ive years= d%ration, or si: years 'or t#o contracts o' a4o%t three
years= d%ration
293 +nsert 0$M a&o%nt, %s%ally A0U o' the esti&ated val%e o' the s%4?ect contractO
243 Constr%ction /:perience in 7ey Activities
Criteria Co&pliance e8%ire&ents Doc%&ents
Doint 6ent%re
All (artners
4or the a,ove or other *ontra*ts
e1e*+ted d+rin0 the period stip+lated
in 2$'$28a9 a,ove& a ini+
*onstr+*tion e1perien*e in the
!ollo2in0 6e" a*tivitiesC
+st eet
+st eet
4or EK3-28,9


#0 User7s G+ide Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and 3ost >+ali!i*ation Criteria
<< ,ote <<
NE Cist the prod%ction rate2s3 'or the key activity or activities in the s%4?ect contract. The rates sho%ld 4e
A0U o' the esti&ated prod%ction rates o' the key activity or activities in the s%4?ect contract as needed to
&eet the e:pected constr%ction sched%le #ith d%e allo#ance 'or adverse cli&atic conditions.
; c%4ic &eters o' rock placed in rock 'ill da&s in one year
K tons o' asphalt concrete per &onth placed in road paving
S c%4ic &eters o' concrete placed per ... etc.O
2.! (ersonnel
The Bidder +st deonstrate that it has the personnel !or the 6e" positions that eet the
!ollo2in0 re?+ireentsC
No# Position Tot+, Work
12erience E7e+rsF
12erience In
!imi,+r Work
The Bidder shall provide details o! the proposed personnel and their e1perien*e re*ords in the
relevant In!oration 4ors in*l+ded in Se*tion I: 8Biddin0 4ors9$
<< ,ote <<
The &anagerial and technical co&petence o' a contractor is largely related to the key
personnel on site. The e:tent to #hich the Bidder sho%ld de&onstrate having sta'' #ith
e:tensive e:perience sho%ld 4e li&ited to those re8%iring critical operational or
technical skills. The pre8%ali'ication criteria sho%ld there'ore re'er to a li&ited n%&4er
o' s%ch key personnel, 'or instance, the pro?ect or contract &anager and those
s%perintendents #orking %nder the pro?ect &anager #ho #ill 4e responsi4le 'or &a?or
co&ponents 2e.g., s%perintendents specialiJed in dredging, piling, or earth#orks, as
re8%ired 'or each partic%lar pro?ect3. Criteria o' accepta4ility sho%ld 4e 4ased on1
2a3 a &ini&%& n%&4er o' years o' e:perience in a si&ilar positionT and
243 a &ini&%& n%&4er o' years o' e:perience andFor n%&4er o' co&para4le pro?ects
carried o%t in a speci'ied n%&4er o' preceding years.
The re8%ire&ent o' speci'ied ed%cation and acade&ic 8%ali'ications is nor&ally
%nnecessary 'or s%ch positions, as contractors o'ten e&ploy co&petent sta'' #ho have
learned their pro'ession Pon the ?o4Q rather than thro%gh acade&ic training. +t is
appropriate to speci'y that certain positions are 'illed 4y individ%als #ho have held
Se*tion III$ Eval+ation and 3ost >+ali!i*ation Criteria User7s G+ide #%
posts o' co&para4le a%thority 'or, say, three years #ith the Bidder, so that key sta'' in
e:ec%tive site positions have s%''icient kno#ledge o' the BidderRs &anage&ent, policy,
proced%res, and practices to act #ith con'idence and a%thority #ithin that 'ra&e#ork.
2.6 /8%ip&ent
The Bidder +st deonstrate that it has the 6e" e?+ipent listed herea!terC
,o. /8%ip&ent Type and
,o. Min. ,%&4er e8%ired
The Bidder shall provide !+rther details o! proposed ites o! e?+ipent +sin0 the relevant
4or in Se*tion I: 8Biddin0 4ors9
<< ,ote <<
+n &ost cases Bidders can readily p%rchase, lease, or hire e8%ip&entT th%s, it is %s%ally
%nnecessary 'or the assess&ent o' a contractorRs 8%ali'ication to depend on the
contractor=s o#ning readily availa4le ite&s o' e8%ip&ent. The pass*'ail criteria adopted
sho%ld there'ore 4e li&ited only to those 4%lky or specialiJed ite&s that are critical 'or
the type o' pro?ect to 4e i&ple&ented, and that &ay 4e di''ic%lt 'or the contractor to
o4tain 8%ickly. /:a&ples &ay incl%de ite&s s%ch as heavy li't cranes and piling 4arges,
dredgers, asphalt &i:ing plants, etc. /ven in s%ch cases, contractors &ay not o#n the
specialiJed ite&s o' e8%ip&ent, and &ay rely on specialist s%4contractors or
e8%ip&ent*hire 'ir&s. The availa4ility o' s%ch s%4contractors and o' the speci'ied
e8%ip&ent sho%ld 4e s%4?ect to veri'ication prior to contract a#ard.
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide ##
!ection IA# Biddin. (orms
The Eplo"er shall in*l+de in the BD all ,iddin0 !ors that the Bidder shall !ill o+t and
in*l+de in its ,id$ As spe*i!ied in Se*tion I: o! the BD& these !ors are the Bid S+,ission
Sheet and relevant S*hed+les& the Bid Se*+rit"& the Bill o! >+antities& the Te*hni*al 3roposal
4or& and the Bidder7s >+ali!i*ation In!oration 4or !or 2hi*h t2o options are atta*hed
8Option A4ollo2in0 3re?+ali!i*ationB and Option A5itho+t 3re?+ali!i*ationB9$ This G+ide
helps the Eplo"er !ill in all the re?+ired in!oration in ea*h Biddin0 4or$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide #'
Bid !u9mission !6eet
+np%t o' +n'or&ation to 4e co&pleted 4y Bidder 24old3 or /&ployer 2italic3
Bid $%4&ission $heet
DateC Dinsert date 2as day, &onth and year3 o' Bid $%4&issionE
ICB No$C Dinsert number of bidding processE
Invitation !or Bid No$C Dinsert .o of I7#E
Alternative No$C Dinsert identi'ication ,o i' this is a Bid 'or an alternativeE
ToC Dinsert complete name of %mplo&erE
5e& the +ndersi0ned& de*lare thatC
2a3 5e have e1ained and have no reservations to the Biddin0 Do*+ents& in*l+din0
Addenda No$C Dinsert the n%&4er and iss%ing date o' each AddendaE& iss+ed in
a**ordan*e 2ith Instr+*tions to Bidders 8ITB9 )H
243 5e o!!er to e1e*+te in *on!orit" 2ith the Biddin0 Do*+ents the !ollo2in0 5or6s
Dinsert a brief description of the orksEH
2c3 The total pri*e o! o+r Bid& e1*l+din0 an" dis*o+nts o!!ered in ite 8d9 ,elo2& isC Dinsert
the total 4id price in #ords and 'ig%res, indicating the vario%s a&o%nts and the
respective c%rrenciesEH
2d3 The dis*o+nts o!!ered and the ethodolo0" !or their appli*ation areC
Disco%nts1 +' o%r 4id is accepted, the 'ollo#ing disco%nts shall apply. N$peci'y in
detail each disco%nt o''ered.E
Methodology o' Application o' the Disco%nts1 The disco%nts shall 4e applied %sing
the 'ollo#ing &ethod1 D$peci'y in detail the &ethod that shall 4e %sed to apply the
2e3 O+r ,id shall ,e valid !or a period o! Dspecif& the number of calendar da&sE da"s !ro the
date !i1ed !or the ,id s+,ission deadline in a**ordan*e 2ith the Biddin0 Do*+ents&
and it shall reain ,indin0 +pon +s and a" ,e a**epted at an" tie ,e!ore the
e1piration o! that periodH
2'3 I! o+r ,id is a**epted& 2e *oit to o,tain a per!oran*e se*+rit" in a**ordan*e 2ith the
Biddin0 Do*+entsH
2g3 5e& in*l+din0 an" s+,*ontra*tors or s+ppliers !or an" part o! the Contra*t& has nationals
!ro eli0i,le *o+ntries in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$2H
2h3 5e& in*l+din0 an" s+,*ontra*tors or s+ppliers !or an" part o! the *ontra*t& do not have
an" *on!li*t o! interest in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB-'$#H
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide #.
2i3 5e are not parti*ipatin0& as Bidders or as a s+,*ontra*tor& in ore than one ,id in this
,iddin0 pro*ess in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$#& other than alternative ,ids in a**ordan*e
2ith ITB %#H
2?3 5e& in*l+din0 an" o! o+r s+,*ontra*tors or s+ppliers !or an" part o! the *ontra*t& have not
,een de*lared ineli0i,le ," the Ban6& +nder the Eplo"er7s *o+ntr" la2s or o!!i*ial
re0+lations or ," an a*t o! *oplian*e 2ith a de*ision o! the United Nations Se*+rit"
2k3 5e are not a 0overnent o2ned entit"J 5e are a 0overnent o2ned entit" ,+t eet the
re?+ireents o! ITB '$.H
2l3 The !ollo2in0 *oissions& 0rat+ities& or !ees have ,een paid or are to ,e paid 2ith
respe*t to the ,iddin0 pro*ess or e1e*+tion o! the Contra*tC Dinsert co&plete na&e o'
each ecipient, its '%ll address, the reason 'or #hich each co&&ission or grat%ity
#as paid and the a&o%nt and c%rrency o' each s%ch co&&ission or grat%ityO
Nae o! Re*ipient Address Reason Ao+nt

8I! none has ,een paid or is to ,e paid& indi*ate Anone$B9
89 5e +nderstand that this Bid& to0ether 2ith "o+r 2ritten a**eptan*e thereo! in*l+ded in
"o+r noti!i*ation o! a2ard& shall *onstit+te a ,indin0 *ontra*t ,et2een +s& +ntil a !oral
*ontra*t is prepared and e1e*+ted$
8n9 5e +nderstand that "o+ are not ,o+nd to a**ept the lo2est eval+ated ,id or an" other
,id that "o+ a" re*eive$
8o9 5e here," *erti!" that 2e have ta6en steps to ens+re that no person a*tin0 !or +s or on
o+r ,ehal! 2ill en0a0e in ,ri,er"$
NaeC Dinsert co&plete na&e o' person signing the BidE
In the *apa*it" o! Ninsert legal capacity o' person signing the 4idE
Si0nedC Dinsert signat%re o' person #hose na&e and capacity are sho#n a4oveE
D+l" a+thori;ed to si0n the Bid !or and on ,ehal! o!C Dinsert co&plete na&e o' BidderE
Dated on PPPPPPPPPPPP da" o! PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP& PPPPPPP Dinsert date o' signingE
#idder to use as appropriate
#/ User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
A22endi1 to Bid
$ched%le o' Ad?%st&ent Data
D+n Ta4les A, B, and C, 4elo#, the Bidder shall 2a3 indicate its a&o%nt o' local c%rrency
pay&ent, 243 indicate its proposed so%rce and 4ase val%es o' indices 'or the di''erent
'oreign c%rrency ele&ents o' cost, 2c3 derive its proposed #eightings 'or local and 'oreign
c%rrency pay&ent, and 2d3 list the e:change rates %sed in the c%rrency conversion. +n
the case o' very large andFor co&ple: #orks contracts, it &ay 4e necessary to speci'y
several 'a&ilies o' price ad?%st&ent 'or&%lae corresponding to the di''erent #orks
Ta4le A. Cocal C%rrency
$o%rce o'
Base val%e
and dateE
Total ).00
[8 1o be entered b& the %mplo&er!
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide #7
Ta4le B. "oreign C%rrency
$tate type1 Ninsert na&e o' c%rrencyT i' the Bidder #ishes to 8%ote in &ore than one
'oreign c%rrency, this ta4le sho%ld 4e repeated 'or each 'oreign c%rrency.O
$o%rce o'
val%e and
c%rrency in
in "C)
G G G A1 >>>>>>>E
Total ).00
DV 1o be entered b& the %mplo&erE
#) User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
Ta4le C. $%&&ary o' (ay&ent C%rrencies
The /&ployer &%st retain the Ta4le #hich &atches the C%rrency
alternative retained in BD$ +TB )!.)
Ta4le1 Alternative A
To %e u&e! onl' wit$ Alternatie A Price& entirel' in t$e currenc' of t$e E*)lo'er1&
countr' wit$ )ercentage(&) )a'a%le in foreign currenc'(ie&+ ("lause I1# 23,2)
$%&&ary o' pay&ent c%rrencies o' the Bid
"or SSSSSSSSS$$ Dinsert na&e o' $ection o' the WorksE
D$eparate ta4les &ay 4e re8%ired i' the vario%s sections o' the Works 2or o' the Bill o'
5%antities3 #ill have s%4stantially di''erent 'oreign and local c%rrency re8%ire&ents.
The /&ployer sho%ld insert the na&es o' each $ection o' the Works.O
,a&e o'
A&o%nt o'
ate o'
2local c%rrency
per %nit o'
Cocal c%rrency
C H A : B
(ercentage o'
,et Bid (rice
Cocal c%rrency

c%rrency I)

c%rrency I2

c%rrency I9

,et Bid (rice )00.00
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide #(
s%&s e:pressed
in local
D1o be
entered b&
D1o be entered
b& the %mplo&erE
B+D (+C/
Ta4le1 Alternative B
To %e u&e! onl' wit$ Alternatie ( Price& !irectl' quote! in t$e currencie& of )a'*ent+
("lause I1# 23,2)
S+ar" o! *+rren*ies o! the ,id !or PPPPPPPPPPP [insert name of Section of the orks!
D$eparate ta4les &ay 4e re8%ired i' the vario%s sections o' the Works 2or o' the Bill o'
5%antities3 #ill have s%4stantially di''erent 'oreign and local c%rrency re8%ire&ents.
The /&ployer sho%ld insert the na&es o' each $ection o' the Works.O
.ame of currenc& *mounts pa&able
Fo*al *+rren*"C
4orei0n *+rren*" W%C
4orei0n *+rren*" W2C
4orei0n *+rren*" W#C
'0 User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
Bi,, of 5u+ntities
Notes !or 3reparin0 a Bill o! >+antities
The o,@e*tives o! the Bill o! >+antities are
8a9 to provide s+!!i*ient in!oration on the ?+antities o! 5or6s to ,e per!ored to ena,le
,ids to ,e prepared e!!i*ientl" and a**+ratel"H and
8,9 2hen a *ontra*t has ,een entered into& to provide a pri*ed Bill o! >+antities !or +se in
the periodi* val+ation o! 5or6s e1e*+ted$
In order to attain these o,@e*tives& 5or6s sho+ld ,e itei;ed in the Bill o! >+antities in
s+!!i*ient detail to distin0+ish ,et2een the di!!erent *lasses o! 5or6s& or ,et2een 5or6s o! the
sae nat+re *arried o+t in di!!erent lo*ations or in other *ir*+stan*es 2hi*h a" 0ive rise to
di!!erent *onsiderations o! *ost$ Consistent 2ith these re?+ireents& the la"o+t and *ontent o!
the Bill o! >+antities sho+ld ,e as siple and ,rie! as possi,le$
The Bill o! >+antities sho+ld ,e divided 0enerall" into the !ollo2in0 se*tionsC
8a9 3rea,leH
8,9 5or6 Ites 80ro+ped into parts9H
8*9 Da"2or6 S*hed+leH and
8d9 S+ar"$
The 3rea,le sho+ld indi*ate the in*l+siveness o! the +nit pri*es& and sho+ld state the
ethods o! eas+reent that have ,een adopted in the preparation o! the Bill o! >+antities
and that are to ,e +sed !or the eas+reent o! an" part o! the 5or6s$
5here e1*avation& ,orin0& or drivin0 is in*l+ded in the 5or6s& a *oprehensive de!inition o!
ro*6 8al2a"s a *ontentio+s topi* in *ontra*t adinistration9& i! not 0iven in the Te*hni*al
Spe*i!i*ation& sho+ld ,e 0iven in the 3rea,le& and this de!inition sho+ld ,e +sed !or the
p+rposes o! eas+reent and pa"ent$
Work +te&s
The ites in the Bill o! >+antities sho+ld ,e 0ro+ped into se*tions to distin0+ish ,et2een
those parts o! the 5or6s that ," nat+re& lo*ation& a**ess& tiin0& or an" other spe*ial
*hara*teristi*s a" 0ive rise to di!!erent ethods o! *onstr+*tion& phasin0 o! the 5or6s& or
*onsiderations o! *ost$ General ites *oon to all parts o! the 5or6s a" ,e 0ro+ped as a
separate se*tion in the Bill o! >+antities$ 5hen a !ail" o! 3ri*e Ad@+stent 4or+lae are
+sed& the" sho+ld relate to appropriate se*tions in the Bill o! >+antities$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide '%
>+antities sho+ld ,e *op+ted net !ro the Dra2in0s& +nless dire*ted other2ise in the
Contra*t& and no allo2an*e sho+ld ,e ade !or ,+l6in0& shrin6a0e& or 2aste$ >+antities
sho+ld ,e ro+nded +p or do2n 2here appropriate and sp+rio+s a**+ra*" sho+ld ,e avoided$
0nits o' Meas%re&ent
The !ollo2in0 +nits o! eas+reent and a,,reviations are re*oended !or +se 8+nless other
national +nits are andator" in the *o+ntr" o! the Eplo"er9$
0nit A44reviation 0nit A44reviation
*+,i* eter
l+p s+
etri* ton
8%&000 609

or *+

s?+are eter
s?+are illieter


or s?

or s?
-ro%nd and /:cavation Cevels
The *oen*in0 s+r!a*e sho+ld ,e identi!ied in the des*ription o! ea*h ite !or 2or6
involvin0 e1*avation& ,orin0& or drivin0& !or 2hi*h the *oen*in0 s+r!a*e is not also the
ori0inal s+r!a*e$ The e1*avated s+r!a*e sho+ld ,e identi!ied in the des*ription o! ea*h ite !or
2or6 involvin0 e1*avation !or 2hi*h the e1*avated s+r!a*e is not also the !inal s+r!a*e$ The
depths o! 2or6 sho+ld ,e eas+red !ro the *oen*in0 s+r!a*e to the e1*avated s+r!a*e& as
Day#ork $ched%le
A Da"2or6 S*hed+le sho+ld ,e in*l+ded i! the pro,a,ilit" o! +n!oreseen 2or6& o+tside the
ites in*l+ded in the Bill o! >+antities& is relativel" hi0h$ To !a*ilitate *he*6in0 ," the
Eplo"er o! the realis o! rates ?+oted ," the ,idders& the Da"2or6 S*hed+le sho+ld
norall" *opriseC
8a9 a list o! the vario+s *lasses o! la,o+r& aterials& and Contra*tor7s E?+ipent !or 2hi*h
,asi* Da"2or6 rates or pri*es are to ,e inserted ," the ,idder& to0ether 2ith a
stateent o! the *onditions +nder 2hi*h the Contra*tor 2ill ,e paid !or 2or6 e1e*+ted
on a Da"2or6 ,asisH and
8,9 a per*enta0e to ,e entered ," the ,idder a0ainst ea*h ,asi* Da"2or6 S+,total ao+nt
!or la,o+r& aterials& and 3lant representin0 the Contra*tor7s pro!it& overheads&
s+pervision& and other *har0es$
(rovisional 5%antities and $%&s
'2 User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
3rovision !or ?+antit" *ontin0en*ies in an" parti*+lar ite or *lass o! 2or6 2ith a hi0h
e1pe*tation o! ?+antit" overr+n sho+ld ,e ade ," enterin0 spe*i!i* A3rovisional >+antitiesB
or A3rovisional ItesB in the Bill o! >+antities& and not ," in*reasin0 the ?+antities !or that
ite or *lass o! 2or6 ,e"ond those o! the 2or6 norall" e1pe*ted to ,e re?+ired$ To the
e1tent not *overed a,ove& a 0eneral provision !or ph"si*al *ontin0en*ies 8?+antit" overr+ns9
sho+ld ,e ade ," in*l+din0 a A3rovisional S+B in the S+ar" o! the Bill o! >+antities$
Siilarl"& a *ontin0en*" allo2an*e !or possi,le pri*e in*reases sho+ld ,e provided as a
A3rovisional S+B in the S+ar" o! the Bill o! >+antities$ The in*l+sion o! s+*h 3rovisional
S+s o!ten !a*ilitates ,+d0etar" approval ," avoidin0 the need to re?+est periodi*
s+ppleentar" approvals as the !+t+re need arises$
The estiated *ost o! spe*iali;ed 2or6 to ,e *arried o+t& or o! spe*ial 0oods to ,e s+pplied&
," a Noinated S+,*ontra*tor 8re!eren*e Cla+se .( or 3art I9 sho+ld ,e indi*ated in the
relevant part o! the Bill o! >+antities as a parti*+lar 3rovisional S+ 2ith an appropriate ,rie!
des*ription$ A separate ,iddin0 pro*ed+re is norall" *arried o+t ," the Eplo"er to sele*t
the spe*ialists& 2ho are then noinated as s+,*ontra*tors to the ain or prie *ontra*tor$ To
provide an eleent o! *opetition aon0 the ain ,idders 8or prie *ontra*tors9 in respe*t
o! an" !a*ilities& aenities& attendan*e& et*$& to ,e provided ," the s+**ess!+l ,idder as prie
*ontra*tor !or the +se and *onvenien*e o! the spe*ialist or noinated s+,*ontra*tor& ea*h
related 3rovisional S+ sho+ld ,e !ollo2in0 ," an ite in the Bill o! >+antities invitin0 a
per*enta0e 8to ,e ?+oted ," the ain ,idder9 pa"a,le on the a*t+al e1pendit+re !ro the
3rovisional S+$
Cine +te&s to Address $ocial Cla%ses
The Eplo"er shall de*ide& on a *ase-,"-*ase ,asis& 2hether the *ost to *opl" 2ith the
re?+ireents o! the so *alled Aso*ial *la+sesB 8S+,-Cla+ses /$% thro+0h /$22 o! the General
Conditions9& to the level and e1tent spe*i!ied in the Spe*i!i*ation& is to ,e *onsidered ," the
,idder as part o! its overhead or re!le*ted as a *ost asso*iated 2ith one or ore line ites in
the Bill o! >+antities addressin0 s+*h re?+ireents$ As a 0eneral r+le& s+*h *ost sho+ld ,e
part o! the ,idderMs overhead +nless the *ost to *opl" 2ith the re?+ireents o! soe or all o!
the Aso*ial *la+sesB represents a lar0e *oponent o! the 5or6s& as indi*ated ," the
Spe*i!i*ation$ I! line ites are in*l+ded& then the pri*es shall not ,e l+p s+s in order to
have the !a*ilities eas+red and paid thro+0h onthl" installents to a6e the s+pervisor a,le
to *ontrol the ipleentation o! the !a*ilities and servi*es to ,e provided to the 2or6ers Rand
their !ailies& 2hen ne*essar"- on the site$
4ollo2in0 are soe e1aples ill+stratin0 2hen the *ost to *opl" 2ith the so*ial *la+ses
*o+ld ,e in*l+ded ," the Contra*tor as part o! the overhead and 2hen +nder line ites$ In
re0ard to =I:-AIDS 3revention& addressed +nder S+,-Cla+se /$7& =ealth and Sa!et"& in soe
*o+ntries the 0overnent has p+,li* pro0ras !or =I:JAIDS and the *ontra*tor 2ill onl"
need to *reate a s+pport ,asis 2hi*h *ost *an and sho+ld ,e in*l+ded in its overhead$
Additionall"& in an" *ivil 2or6s *ontra*ts 8li6e in +r,an areas9& 2or6ers do not live in the
*onstr+*tion site ,+t at their hoes and the iss+e *o+ld ,e addressed in a di!!erent anner$ In
*ases o! *ivil 2or6s in reote lo*ations 2here the *ost o! s+*h s+pport is o! a hi0her val+e&
then it sho+ld ,e an ite in the Bill o! >+antities 8e$0$ Bill No %9$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide '#
The S+ar" sho+ld *ontain a ta,+lation o! the separate parts o! the Bill o! >+antities *arried
!or2ard& 2ith provisional s+s !or Da"2or6& !or ph"si*al 8?+antit"9 *ontin0en*ies& and !or
pri*e *ontin0en*ies 8+p2ard pri*e ad@+stent9 2here appli*a,le$
These Notes !or 3reparin0 a Bill o! >+antities are intended onl" as in!oration !or the
Eplo"er or the person dra!tin0 the ,iddin0 do*+ents$ The" sho+ld not ,e in*l+ded in the
!inal do*+ents$
'' User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
$a&ple Bill o' 5%antities
A. (rea&4le
%$ The Bill o! >+antities shall ,e read in *on@+n*tion 2ith the Instr+*tions to Bidders&
General and Spe*ial Conditions o! Contra*t& Te*hni*al Spe*i!i*ations& and Dra2in0s$
2$ The ?+antities 0iven in the Bill o! >+antities are estiated and provisional& and are 0iven
to provide a *oon ,asis !or ,iddin0$ The ,asis o! pa"ent 2ill ,e the a*t+al ?+antities o!
2or6 ordered and *arried o+t& as eas+red ," the Contra*tor and veri!ied ," the En0ineer and
val+ed at the rates and pri*es ,id in the pri*ed Bill o! >+antities& 2here appli*a,le& and
other2ise at s+*h rates and pri*es as the En0ineer a" !i1 2ithin the ters o! the Contra*t$
#$ The rates and pri*es ,id in the pri*ed Bill o! >+antities shall& e1*ept inso!ar as it is
other2ise provided +nder the Contra*t& in*l+de all Constr+*tional 3lant& la,o+r& s+pervision&
aterials& ere*tion& aintenan*e& ins+ran*e& pro!it& ta1es& and d+ties& to0ether 2ith all 0eneral
ris6s& lia,ilities& and o,li0ations set o+t or iplied in the Contra*t$
'$ A rate or pri*e shall ,e entered a0ainst ea*h ite in the pri*ed Bill o! >+antities& 2hether
?+antities are stated or not$ The *ost o! Ites a0ainst 2hi*h the Contra*tor has !ailed to enter
a rate or pri*e shall ,e deeed to ,e *overed ," other rates and pri*es entered in the Bill o!
.$ The 2hole *ost o! *opl"in0 2ith the provisions o! the Contra*t shall ,e in*l+ded in the
Ites provided in the pri*ed Bill o! >+antities& and 2here no Ites are provided& the *ost shall
,e deeed to ,e distri,+ted aon0 the rates and pri*es entered !or the related Ites o! 5or6$
/$ General dire*tions and des*riptions o! 2or6 and aterials are not ne*essaril" repeated
nor s+ari;ed in the Bill o! >+antities$ Re!eren*es to the relevant se*tions o! the Contra*t
do*+entation shall ,e ade ,e!ore enterin0 pri*es a0ainst ea*h ite in the pri*ed Bill o!
7$ 3rovisional S+s in*l+ded and so desi0nated in the Bill o! >+antities shall ,e e1pended
in 2hole or in part at the dire*tion and dis*retion o! the En0ineer in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-
Cla+se %#$. and Cla+se %#$/ o! the General Conditions$
)$ The ethod o! eas+reent o! *opleted 2or6 !or pa"ent shall ,e in a**ordan*e 2ith
[insert the name of a standard reference guide+ or full details of the methods to be used!$
($ An" aritheti* errors in *op+tation or s+ation 2ill ,e *orre*ted ," the Eplo"er as
8a9 2here there is a dis*repan*" ,et2een ao+nts in !i0+res and in 2ords& the ao+nt
in 2ords 2ill 0overnH and
The ethod o! eas+reent sho+ld ,e spelled o+t pre*isel" in the 3rea,le to the Bill o! >+antities&
des*ri,in0 !or e1aple the allo2an*es 8i! an"9 !or ti,erin0 in e1*avation& et*$ Man" national standard
re!eren*e 0+ides have ,een prepared on the s+,@e*t& and one s+*h 0+ide is the Standard /ethod of
/easurement o! the U$U$ Instit+tion o! Civil En0ineers$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide '.
8,9 2here there is a dis*repan*" ,et2een the +nit rate and the total ao+nt derived
!ro the +ltipli*ation o! the +nit pri*e and the ?+antit"& the +nit rate as ?+oted
2ill 0overn& +nless in the opinion o! the Eplo"er& there is an o,vio+sl" 0ross
ispla*eent o! the de*ial point in the +nit pri*e& in 2hi*h event the total
ao+nt as ?+oted 2ill 0overn and the +nit rate 2ill ,e *orre*ted$
%0$ Ro*6 is de!ined as all aterials that& in the opinion o! the En0ineer& re?+ire ,lastin0& or
the +se o! etal 2ed0es and sled0ehaers& or the +se o! *opressed air drillin0 !or their
reoval& and that *annot ,e e1tra*ted ," rippin0 2ith a tra*tor o! at least %.0 ,ra6e hp 2ith a
sin0le& rear-o+nted& heav"-d+t" ripper$
B. Work +te&s
%$ The Bill o! >+antities +s+all" *ontains the !ollo2in0 part Bills& 2hi*h have ,een 0ro+ped
a**ordin0 to the nat+re or tiin0 o! the 2or6C
Bill No$ %LGeneral ItesH
Bill No$ 2LEarth2or6sH
Bill No$ #LC+lverts and Brid0esH
Bill No$ 'Let*$& as re?+iredH
Da"2or6 S*hed+leH and
S+ar" Bill o! >+antities$
2$ Bidders shall pri*e the Bill o! >+antities in lo*al *+rren*" onl" and shall indi*ate in the
Appendi1 to Bid the per*enta0e e1pe*ted !or pa"ent in !orei0n *+rren*" or *+rren*ies$
T$e ta%le& in (O" *u&t %e )re)are! in accor!ance wit$ t$e currenc' alternatie retaine! in (DS
2 IT( 34+3+
The e1aple 0iven ill+strates one o! the t2o alternative ethods o! settin0 +p a Bill o! >+antities& in
2hi*h rates and pri*es are entered in lo*al *+rren*" onl"& 2ith ,idders statin0 separatel" their proportionate
re?+ireents in di!!erent t"pes and ao+nts o! !orei0n *+rren*ies$ The se*ond ethod is 2here rates and
pri*es are ,ro6en do2n !or ea*h ite into lo*al and !orei0n *+rren*" *oponents$ The !irst ethod is
adinistrativel" ore *onvenient and hen*e is ore *oonl" +sed in 5or6s *ontra*ts$
'/ User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
Bill ,o. )1 -eneral +te&s
Item no, Description -nit 4uantit& (ate *mount
%0% 3er!oran*e BondJG+arantee s+ ite L
%02 Ins+ran*e o! the 5or6s s+ ite L
%0# Ins+ran*e o! Contra*tor7s E?+ipent s+ ite L
%0' Third-3art" Ins+ran*e s+ ite L
%0. Allo2 !or aintenan*e o! 5or6s !or %2
onths a!ter *opletion
onth %2
%0/ Let*$L
%%2 3rovide and e?+ip En0ineer7s o!!i*es nr 2
%%# Maintain En0ineer7s o!!i*es !or 2'
onths& in*l+din0 servi*es
onth 2'
%%' Let*$L
%2% 3rovide diversion road s+ ite L
%22 3rovide !or tra!!i* *ontrol and
aintenan*e o! diversion road
onth 2' L
%2# Let*$L
%#2 3rovide !or *leanin0 +p the Site on
s+ ite L
Total !or Bill No$ %
8*arried !or2ard to S+ar"& p$ 9

Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide '7
Bill ,o. 21 /arth#orks
Item no, Description -nit 4uantit& (ate *mount
20% E1*avate topsoil to a1i+ depth 2.
* and sto*6pile !or re+se& a1i+
ha+l distan*e % 6

202 E1*avate topsoil to a1i+ depth
2.R.0 *& and dispose

20# Let*$L
20/ E1*avate !ill aterial !ro *+ttin0s or
approved ,orro2 pits& ha+l +p to % 6&
deposit& shape& and *opa*t to !ill

207 E1*avate ro*6 in *+ttin0s and dispose&
an" depth

20) Let*$L
Total !or Bill No$ 2
8*arried !or2ard to S+ar"& p$ 9

') User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors

Bill ,o. 91 C%lverts and Bridges
Item no, Description -nit 4uantit& (ate *mount
#0% E1*avate in all aterials other than
ro*6 !ro 0ro+nd level to +nderside o!
!o+ndations& a1i+ depth . & and

#02 E1*avate in all aterials other than
ro*6& depth . to 7$.

#0# 3rovisional Ite
As Ite #02& depth 7$. to %0

#0' Let*$L
#%% Con*rete *lass B in a,+tents
#%2 Let*$L
#%) Mild steel rein!or*eent in a,+tents
and piers +p to 20 diaeter
t #70
#%( Let*$L
Total !or Bill No$ #
8*arried !or2ard to S+ar"& p$ 9

Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide '(
C. Day#ork $ched%le
%$ Re!eren*e sho+ld ,e ade to S+,-Cla+se %#$/ o! the General Conditions$ 5or6 shall not
,e e1e*+ted on a da"2or6 ,asis e1*ept ," 2ritten order o! the En0ineer$ Bidders shall enter
,asi* rates !or da"2or6 ites in the S*hed+les& 2hi*h rates shall appl" to an" ?+antit" o!
da"2or6 ordered ," the En0ineer$ Noinal ?+antities have ,een indi*ated a0ainst ea*h ite
o! da"2or6& and the e1tended total !or Da"2or6 shall ,e *arried !or2ard as a 3rovisional S+
to the S+ar" Total Bid Ao+nt$ Unless other2ise ad@+sted& pa"ents !or da"2or6 shall ,e
s+,@e*t to pri*e ad@+stent in a**ordan*e 2ith the provisions in the Conditions o! Contra*t$
Day#ork Ca4o%r
2$ In *al*+latin0 pa"ents d+e to the Contra*tor !or the e1e*+tion o! da"2or6& the ho+rs
!or la,o+r 2ill ,e re*6oned !ro the tie o! arrival o! the la,o+r at the @o, site to e1e*+te the
parti*+lar ite o! da"2or6 to the tie o! ret+rn to the ori0inal pla*e o! depart+re& ,+t
e1*l+din0 eal ,rea6s and rest periods$ Onl" the tie o! *lasses o! la,o+r dire*tl" doin0 2or6
ordered ," the En0ineer and !or 2hi*h the" are *opetent to per!or 2ill ,e eas+red$ The
tie o! 0an0ers 8*har0e hands9 a*t+all" doin0 2or6 2ith the 0an0s 2ill also ,e eas+red ,+t
not the tie o! !oreen or other s+pervisor" personnel$
#$ The Contra*tor shall ,e entitled to pa"ent in respe*t o! the total tie that la,o+r is
eplo"ed on da"2or6& *al*+lated at the ,asi* rates entered ," hi in the $ched%le o'
Day#ork ates1 ). Ca4o%r, to0ether 2ith an additional per*enta0e pa"ent on ,asi* rates
representin0 the Contra*tor7s pro!it& overheads& et*$&
as des*ri,ed ,elo2C
8a9 The ,asi* rates !or la,o+r shall *over all dire*t *osts to the Contra*tor& in*l+din0
8,+t not liited to9 the ao+nt o! 2a0es paid to s+*h la,o+r& transportation tie&
overtie& s+,sisten*e allo2an*es& and an" s+s paid to or on ,ehal! o! s+*h la,o+r
!or so*ial ,ene!its in a**ordan*e 2ith [countr& of #orrower! la2$ The ,asi* rates 2ill
,e pa"a,le in lo*al *+rren*" onl"$
8i9 A ADa"2or6 S*hed+leB is *oonl" !o+nd in *ontra*ts 2here the li6el" in*iden*e o!
+n!oreseen 2or6 *annot ,e *overed ," de!initive des*riptions and appro1iate ?+antities in the Bill o!
>+antities$ The pre!erred alternative is to val+e the additional 2or6 in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+ses
.2$% and .2$2 o! 3art I o! the Conditions o! Contra*t$ A Da"2or6 S*hed+le norall" has the
disadvanta0e o! not ,ein0 *opetitive aon0 ,idders& 2ho a" there!ore load the rates assi0ned to
soe or all the ites$ I! a Da"2or6 S*hed+le is to ,e in*l+ded at all in the ,iddin0 do*+ents& it is
pre!era,le to in*l+de noinal ?+antities a0ainst the ites ost li6el" to ,e +sed& and to *arr" the s+ o!
the e1tended ao+nts !or2ard into the Bid S+ar" in order to a6e the ,asi* S*hed+le o! Da"2or6
Rates *opetitive$
8ii9 The total ao+nt assi0ned to s+*h *opetitive da"2or6 is norall" #R. per*ent o! the estiated ,ase
Contra*t 3ri*e and is re0arded as a 3rovisional S+ !or *ontin0en*ies to ,e e1pended +nder the
dire*tion and at the dis*retion o! the En0ineer$ A liitation on ?+antit" sho+ld not appl"& and the +nit
rate ?+oted sho+ld ,e invaria,le 2hatever ?+antities o! 2or6 are ordered$
This ethod o! indi*atin0 pro!it and overheads separatel" !a*ilitates the addition o! !+rther ites o!
da"2or6& i! needed& the ,asi* *osts o! 2hi*h *an then ,e *he*6ed ore easil"$ An alternative is to a6e
Da"2or6 rates all-in*l+sive o! the Contra*tor7s overhead and pro!it& et*$& in 2hi*h *ase this para0raph and
the relevant Da"2or6 S*hed+le sho+ld ,e odi!ied a**ordin0l"$
.0 User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
8,9 The additional per*enta0e pa"ent to ,e ?+oted ," the ,idder and applied to *osts
in*+rred +nder 8a9 a,ove shall ,e deeed to *over the Contra*tor7s pro!it&
overheads& s+perintenden*e& lia,ilities& and ins+ran*es and allo2an*es to la,o+r&
tie6eepin0& and *leri*al and o!!i*e 2or6& the +se o! *ons+a,le stores& 2ater&
li0htin0& and po2erH the +se and repair o! sta0in0s& s*a!!oldin0& 2or6shops& and
stores& porta,le po2er tools& an+al plant& and toolsH s+pervision ," the
Contra*tor7s sta!!& !oreen& and other s+pervisor" personnelH and *har0es
in*idental to the !ore0oin0$ 3a"ents +nder this ite shall ,e ade in the
!ollo2in0 *+rren*" proportionsC
8i9 !orei0nC per*ent 8to ,e stated ," ,idder9$
8ii9 lo*alC per*ent 8to ,e stated ," ,idder9$
Day#ork Materials
'$ The Contra*tor shall ,e entitled to pa"ent in respe*t o! aterials +sed !or da"2or6
8e1*ept !or aterials !or 2hi*h the *ost is in*l+ded in the per*enta0e addition to la,o+r *osts
as detailed hereto!ore9& at the ,asi* rates entered ," hi in the $ched%le o' Day#ork ates1
2. Materials, to0ether 2ith an additional per*enta0e pa"ent on the ,asi* rates to *over
overhead *har0es and pro!it& as !ollo2sC
8a9 the ,asi* rates !or aterials shall ,e *al*+lated on the ,asis o! the invoi*ed pri*e&
!rei0ht& ins+ran*e& handlin0 e1penses& daa0e& losses& et*$& and shall provide !or
deliver" to store !or sto*6pilin0 at the Site$ The ,asi* rates shall ,e stated in lo*al
*+rren*"& ,+t pa"ent 2ill ,e ade in the *+rren*" or *+rren*ies e1pended +pon
presentation o! s+pportin0 do*+entation$
8,9 the additional per*enta0e pa"ent shall ,e ?+oted ," the ,idder and applied to the
e?+ivalent lo*al *+rren*" pa"ents ade +nder 8a9 a,ove$ 3a"ents +nder this
ite 2ill ,e ade in the !ollo2in0 *+rren*" proportionsC
8i9 !orei0nC per*ent 8to ,e stated ," the ,idder9H
8ii9 lo*alC per*ent 8to ,e stated ," the ,idder9H
8*9 the *ost o! ha+lin0 aterials !or +se on 2or6 ordered to ,e *arried o+t as da"2or6
!ro the store or sto*6pile on the Site to the pla*e 2here it is to ,e +sed 2ill ,e
paid in a**ordan*e 2ith the ters !or Fa,o+r and Constr+*tion in this s*hed+le$
Day#ork Contractor=s /8%ip&ent
The ,idder shall state the per*enta0e in a *oon !orei0n *+rren*" e?+ivalent re?+ired !or pa"ent and the
e1*han0e rates and o!!i*ial so+r*es +sed$
The ,idder shall state the per*enta0e in a sin0le !orei0n *+rren*" e?+ivalent and the e1*han0e rates and
o!!i*ial so+r*es +sed$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide .%
.$ The Contra*tor shall ,e entitled to pa"ents in respe*t o! Contra*tor7s E?+ipent
alread" on Site and eplo"ed on da"2or6 at the ,asi* rental rates entered ," hi in the
$ched%le o' Day#ork ates1 9. Contractor=s /8%ip&ent. Said rates shall ,e deeed to
in*l+de d+e and *oplete allo2an*e !or depre*iation& interest& indenit"& and ins+ran*e&
repairs& aintenan*e& s+pplies& !+el& l+,ri*ants& and other *ons+a,les& and all overhead&
pro!it& and adinistrative *osts related to the +se o! s+*h e?+ipent$
The *ost o! drivers&
operators& and assistants 2ill ,e paid !or separatel" as des*ri,ed +nder the se*tion on
Da"2or6 Fa,o+r$
/$ In *al*+latin0 the pa"ent d+e to the Contra*tor !or Contra*tor7s E?+ipent eplo"ed
on da"2or6& onl" the a*t+al n+,er o! 2or6in0 ho+rs 2ill ,e eli0i,le !or pa"ent& e1*ept that
2here appli*a,le and a0reed 2ith the En0ineer& the travellin0 tie !ro the part o! the Site
2here the Contra*tor7s E?+ipent 2as lo*ated 2hen ordered ," the En0ineer to ,e eplo"ed
on da"2or6 and the tie !or ret+rn @o+rne" thereto shall ,e in*l+ded !or pa"ent$
7$ The ,asi* rental rates !or Contra*tor7s E?+ipent eplo"ed on da"2or6 shall ,e stated
in lo*al *+rren*"& ,+t pa"ents to the Contra*tor 2ill ,e ade in *+rren*" proportions& as
8a9 !orei0nC per*ent 8to ,e stated ," the ,idder9$
8,9 lo*alC per*ent 8to ,e stated ," the ,idder9$
This is an e1aple o! 2ordin0 to in*l+de overhead and pro!it& et*$& in the da"2or6 rates$ A separate
per*enta0e addition *o+ld ,e +sed as !or la,o+r and aterials$
An alternative& soeties adopted !or adinistrative *onvenien*e& is to in*l+de the *ost o! drivers&
operators& and assistants in the ,asi* rates !or Contra*tor7s E?+ipent$ The last senten*e o! para0raph .
sho+ld then ,e odi!ied a**ordin0l"$
The ,idder shall state the per*enta0e in a sin0le !orei0n *+rren*" e?+ivalent and the e1*han0e rates and
o!!i*ial so+r*es +sed$
.2 User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
$ched%le o' Day#ork ates1 ). Ca4o%r
Item no, Description -nit .ominal
(ate %5tended
D%00 Gan0er ho+r .00
D%0% Fa,o+rer ho+r .&000
D%02 Bri*6la"er ho+r .00
D%0# Mason ho+r .00
D%0' Carpenter ho+r .00
D%0. Steel2or6 Ere*tor ho+r .00
D%0/ Let*$L ho+r
D%%# Driver !or vehi*le +p to %0 tons ho+r %&000
D%%' Operator !or e1*avator& dra0line&
shovel& or *rane
ho+r .00
D%%. Operator !or tra*tor 2ith do;er ,lade
or ripper
ho+r .00
D%%/ Let*$L ho+r
D%22 Allo2 per*ent
o! S+,total !or Contra*tor7s overhead&
pro!it& et*$& in a**ordan*e 2ith para0raph # 8,9 a,ove$
Total !or Da"2or6C Fa,o+r
8*arried !or2ard to Da"2or6 S+ar"& p$ 9

a$ To ,e entered ," the ,idder$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide .#
$ched%le o' Day#ork ates1 2. Materials
Item no, Description -nit .ominal
(ate %5tended
D20% Ceent& ordinar" 3ortland& or
e?+ivalent in ,a0s
t 200
D202 Mild steel rein!or*in0 ,ar +p to %/
diaeter to BS '''( or e?+ivalent
t %00
D20# 4ine a00re0ate !or *on*rete as spe*i!ied
in Cla+se

D20' Let*$L
D222 Geli0nite 8No,el Spe*ial Gelatine /0T&
or e?+ivalent9 in*l+din0 *aps& !+se&
2ire& and re?+isite a**essories
t %0
D%22 Allo2 per*ent
o! S+,total !or Contra*tor7s overhead&
pro!it& et*$& in a**ordan*e 2ith para0raph # 8,9 a,ove$
Total !or Da"2or6C Materials
8*arried !or2ard to Da"2or6 S+ar"& p$ 9

a$ To ,e entered ," the ,idder$
.' User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
$ched%le o' Day#ork ates1 9. Contractor=s /8%ip&ent
Item no, Description .ominal
rental rate
D#0% E1*avator& !a*e shovel& or dra0lineC
$% Up to and in*l+din0 %
$2 Over %
to 2
$# Over 2
D#02 Tra*tor& in*l+din0 ,+ll or an0le do;erC
$% Up to and in*l+din0 %.0 65 .00
$2 Over %.0 65 to 200 65 '00
$# Over 200 65 to 2.0 65 200
D#0# Tra*tor 2ith ripperC
$% Up to and in*l+din0 200 65 '00
$2 Over 200 65 to 2.0 65 200
D#0' Let*$L
Total !or Da"2or6C Contra*tor7s E?+ipent
8*arried !or2ard to Da"2or6 S+ar"& p$ 9

Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide ..

Day#ork $%&&ary
( )
%$ Total !or Da"2or6C Fa,o+r
2$ Total !or Da"2or6C Materials
#$ Total !or Da"2or6C Contra*tor7s E?+ipent
Total !or Da"2or6 83rovisional S+9
8*arried !or2ard to Bid S+ar"& p$ 9

a$ The Eplo"er sho+ld insert lo*al *+rren*" +nit$
./ User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
$%&&ary o' $peci'ied (rovisional $%&s
#ill no, Item no, Description *mount
2 2$) S+ppl" and install e?+ipent in p+pin0 station %&2.0&000
' '$#2 3rovide !or ventilation s"ste in s+,2a" t+nnel #&.00&000
Total !or Spe*i!ied 3rovisional S+s
8*arried !or2ard to Grand S+ar" 8B9& p$ 9
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide .7

-rand $%&&ary
Contra*t NaeC
Contra*t No$C
'eneral Summar& Page *mount
Bill No$ %C 3reliinar" Ites
Bill No$ 2C Earth2or6s
Bill No$ #C Draina0e Str+*t+res
S+,total o! Bills 8A9
Total !or Da"2or6 83rovisional S+9 8B9
Spe*i!ied 3rovisional S+s
in*l+ded in s+,total o! ,ills 8C9 '&7.0&000
Total o! Bills 3l+s 3rovisional S+s 8A X B X C9 8D9
Add 3rovisional S+
!or Contin0en*" Allo2an*e 8E9 Ds+E
Bid 3ri*e 8D X E9 8Carried !or2ard to 4or o! Bid9 849
a$ All 3rovisional S+s are to ,e e1pended in 2hole or in part at the dire*tion and dis*retion o! the
En0ineer in a**ordan*e 2ith S+,-Cla+se .2$' and Cla+se .) o! 3art I o! the Conditions o! Contra*t$
,$ To ,e entered ," the Eplo"er$
.) User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
Tec6nic+, Pro2os+,
$ite .rganiJation
Method $tate&ent
Mo4iliJation $ched%le
Constr%ction $ched%le
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide .(
Technical (roposal < $ite .rganiJation
[insert Site CrganiLation information!
Technical (roposal < Method $tate&ent
[insert /ethod Statement!
Technical (roposal < Mo4iliJation $ched%le
[insert /obiliLation Schedule!
Technical (roposal < Constr%ction $ched%le
[insert "onstruction Schedule!
/0 User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& /50 < /8%ip&ent
The Bidder shall provide adequate information to demonstrate clearly that it has the capability
to meet the requirements for the key equipment listed in Section III (Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria! " separate #orm shall be prepared for each item of equipment listed$ or
for alternative equipment proposed by the Bidder!
+te& o' /8%ip&ent
,a&e o' &an%'act%rer Model and po#er rating
Capacity Kear o' &an%'act%re
C%rrent $tat%s C%rrent location
Details o' c%rrent co&&it&ents
$o%rce +ndicate so%rce o' the e8%ip&ent
o .#ned o ented o Ceased o $pecially &an%'act%red
%mit the follo&in' information for equipment o&ned by the Bidder!
.#ner ,a&e o' o#ner
Address o' o#ner
Telephone Contact na&e and title
"a: Tele:
Agree&ents Details o' rental F lease F &an%'act%re agree&ents speci'ic to the pro?ect
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide /%
/2 User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& (/ * )1 (roposed (ersonnel
Bidders sho+ld provide the naes o! s+ita,l" ?+ali!ied personnel to eet the spe*i!ied
re?+ireents stated in Se*tion III 8Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria9$ The data on
their e1perien*e sho+ld ,e s+pplied +sin0 the 4or ,elo2 !or ea*h *andidate$
). Title o' positionE
2. Title o' positionE
9. Title o' positionE
@. Title o' positionE
VAs listed in Se*tion III 8Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria9$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide /#
"or& (/ * 21 es%&e o' (roposed (ersonnel
,a&e Date o' 4irth
(ro'essional 8%ali'ications
,a&e o' e&ployer
Address o' e&ployer
Telephone Contact 2&anager F personnel o''icer3
"a: /<&ail
Do4 title Kears #ith present e&ployer
S+ari;e pro!essional e1perien*e in reverse *hronolo0i*al order$ Indi*ate parti*+lar
te*hni*al and ana0erial e1perien*e relevant to the pro@e*t$
"ro& To Co&pany F (ro?ect F (osition F elevant technical and &anage&ent e:perience
/' User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
Bidders 5u+,i3c+tion (o,,oCin. PreDu+,i3c+tion
The Bidder shall %pdate the in'or&ation given d%ring the corresponding
pre8%ali'ication e:ercise to de&onstrate that he *ontin+es to eet the *riteria +sed at
the tie o! pre?+ali!i*ation re0ardin0
2a3 /ligi4ility
243 (ending Citigation
2c3 "inancial $it%ation
"or this p%rpose, the Bidder shall %se the relevant 'or&s incl%ded in this $ection.
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide /.
"or& /C+ < )1 Bidder +n'or&ation $heet
Bidder +n'or&ation
Bidder=s legal na&e
+n case o' D6, legal na&e
o' each partner
Bidder=s co%ntry o'
Bidder=s year o'
Bidder=s legal address in
co%ntry o' constit%tion
Bidder=s a%thoriJed
8nae& address& telephone
n+,ers& !a1 n+,ers& e-
ail address9
Attached are copies o' the 'ollo#ing original doc%&ents.
%$ In *ase o! sin0le entit"& arti*les o! in*orporation or *onstit+tion o! the le0al entit" naed a,ove& in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$% and '$2$
2$ A+thori;ation to represent the !ir or G: naed in a,ove& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 20$2$
#$ In *ase o! G:& letter o! intent to !or G: or G: a0reeent& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$%$
'$ In *ase o! a 0overnent-o2ned entit"& an" additional do*+ents not *overed +nder % a,ove re?+ired to
*opl" 2ith ITB '$.$
// User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& /C+ < 21 D6 +n'or&ation $heet
Each member of a JV must fill in this form
D6 F $pecialist $%4contractor +n'or&ation
Bidder=s legal na&e
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s legal
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s co%ntry
o' constit%tion
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s year o'
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s legal
address in co%ntry o'
D6 (artner=s or
a%thoriJed representative
2na&e, address,
telephone n%&4ers, 'a:
n%&4ers, e<&ail address3
Attached are copies o' the 'ollo#ing original doc%&ents.
%$ Arti*les o! in*orporation or *onstit+tion o! the le0al entit" naed a,ove& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$% and
2$ A+thori;ation to represent the !ir naed a,ove& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 20$2$
#$ In the *ase o! 0overnent-o2ned entit"& do*+ents esta,lishin0 le0al and !inan*ial a+tono" and
*oplian*e 2ith *oer*ial la2& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB S+,-Cla+se '$.$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide /7
"or& C., * 2
Listorical Contract ,on<(er'or&ance
[1he following table shall be filled in for the #idder and for each partner of a 9oint :enture!
Bidder7s Fe0al NaeC [insert full name!
DateC [insert da&+ month+ &ear!
Goint :ent+re 3art" Fe0al NaeC[insert full name!
ICB No$ and titleC [insert I"# number and title!
3a0e [insert page number! o! [insert total number! pa0es
Non-3er!orin0 Contra*ts in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and
Contra*t non-per!oran*e did not o**+r d+rin0 the [number! "ears spe*i!ied in Se*tion III&
>+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents& S+,-4a*tor 2$%$
Contra*t8s9 not per!ored d+rin0 the [number! "ears spe*i!ied in Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation
Criteria and Re?+ireents& re?+ireent 2$%
Kear ,on
portion o'
Contract +denti'ication Total Contract
A&o%nt 2c%rrent
val%e, 0$M
[insert amount
and percentage!
Contra*t Identi!i*ationC [indicate complete contract
nameG number+ and an& other identification!
Nae o! Eplo"erC [insert full name!
Address o! Eplo"erC [insert streetGcit&Gcountr&!
Reason8s9 !or non per!oran*eC [indicate main
[insert amount!
3endin0 Fiti0ation& in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents
No pendin0 liti0ation in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents&
S+,-4a*tor 2$2$
3endin0 liti0ation in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents& S+,-
4a*tor 2$2 as indi*ated ,elo2$
Kear .%tco&e as
o' Total
Contract +denti'ication Total Contract
A&o%nt 2c%rrent
val%e, 0$M
/) User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
Contra*t Identi!i*ationC Dindi*ate *oplete
*ontra*t nae& n+,er& and an" other
Nae o! Eplo"erC [insert full name!
Address o! Eplo"erC [insert
Matter in disp+teC [indicate main issues in
[insert amount!
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide /(

"or& "+, < )1 "inancial $it%ation
Eac$ (i!!er or *e*%er of a ,- *u&t fill in t$i& for*
"inancial Data 'or (revio%s 9 Kears N0$M /8%ivalentO
Kear )1 Kear 21 Kear 91
Information from Balance Sheet
Total Assets
Total Cia4ilities
,et Worth
C%rrent Assets
C%rrent Cia4ilities
+n'or&ation 'ro& +nco&e $tate&ent
Total even%es
(ro'its Be'ore Ta:es
(ro'its A'ter Ta:es
Atta*hed are *opies o! !inan*ial stateents 8,alan*e sheets in*l+din0 all related notes& and in*oe
stateents9 !or the last three "ears& as indi*ated a,ove& *opl"in0 2ith the !ollo2in0 *onditions$
All s+*h do*+ents re!le*t the !inan*ial sit+ation o! the Bidder or partner to a G:& and not sister or
parent *opanies$
=istori* !inan*ial stateents +st ,e a+dited ," a *erti!ied a**o+ntant$
=istori* !inan*ial stateents +st ,e *oplete& in*l+din0 all notes to the !inan*ial stateents$
=istori* !inan*ial stateents +st *orrespond to a**o+ntin0 periods alread" *opleted and a+dited 8no
stateents !or partial periods shall ,e re?+ested or a**epted9$
70 User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors

"or& "+, < 21 Average Ann%al Constr%ction T%rnover
Eac$ (i!!er or *e*%er of a ,- *u&t fill in t$i& for*
Ann%al T%rnover Data 'or the Cast 9 Kears 2Constr%ction only3
Average Ann%al Constr%ction T%rnover
The in!oration s+pplied sho+ld ,e the Ann+al T+rnover o! the Bidder or ea*h e,er o! a G:
in ters o! the ao+nts ,illed to *lients !or ea*h "ear !or 2or6 in pro0ress or *opleted&
*onverted to USYs at the rate o! e1*han0e at the end o! the period reported$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide 7%
"or& "+,<91 "inancial eso%rces
Spe*i!" proposed so+r*es o! !inan*in0& s+*h as li?+id assets& +nen*+,ered real assets&
lines o! *redit& and other !inan*ial eans& net o! *+rrent *oitents& availa,le to eet the
total *onstr+*tion *ash !lo2 deands o! the s+,@e*t *ontra*t or *ontra*ts as indi*ated in
Se*tion III 8Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria9
,o. $o%rce o' 'inancing A&o%nt 20$M e8%ivalent3
72 User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& "+,<@1 C%rrent Contract Co&&it&ents F Works in (rogress
Bidders and ea*h partner to a G: sho+ld provide in!oration on their *+rrent *oitents
on all *ontra*ts that have ,een a2arded& or !or 2hi*h a letter o! intent or a**eptan*e has
,een re*eived& or !or *ontra*ts approa*hin0 *opletion& ,+t !or 2hi*h an +n?+ali!ied& !+ll
*opletion *erti!i*ate has "et to ,e iss+ed$
,o. ,a&e o' Contract
Contact Address, Tel,
6al%e o'
NC%rrent 0$M
Average Monthly
+nvoicing .ver Cast
$i: Months
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide 7#
Bidders 5u+,i3c+tion Cit6out 2reDu+,i3c+tion
To esta,lish its ?+ali!i*ations to per!or the *ontra*t in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III
8Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria9 the Bidder shall provide the in!oration re?+ested
in the *orrespondin0 In!oration Sheets in*l+ded here+nder$
7' User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& /C+ < )1 Bidder=s +n'or&ation $heet
Bidder=s +n'or&ation
Bidder=s legal na&e
+n case o' D6, legal na&e
o' each partner
Bidder=s co%ntry o'
Bidder=s year o'
Bidder=s legal address in
co%ntry o' constit%tion
Bidder=s a%thoriJed
8nae& address& telephone
n+,ers& !a1 n+,ers& e-
ail address9
Attached are copies o' the 'ollo#ing original doc%&ents.
%$ In *ase o! sin0le entit"& arti*les o! in*orporation or *onstit+tion o! the le0al entit" naed a,ove& in
a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$% and '$2$
2$ A+thori;ation to represent the !ir or G: naed in a,ove& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 20$2$
#$ In *ase o! G:& letter o! intent to !or G: or G: a0reeent& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$%$
'$ In *ase o! a 0overnent-o2ned entit"& an" additional do*+ents not *overed +nder % a,ove re?+ired to
*opl" 2ith ITB '$.$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide 7.
"or& /C+ < 21 D6 +n'or&ation $heet
Ea*h e,er o! a G: +st !ill in this !or
D6 F $pecialist $%4contractor +n'or&ation
Bidder=s legal na&e
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s legal
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s co%ntry
o' constit%tion
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s year o'
D6 (artner=s or
$%4contractor=s legal
address in co%ntry o'
D6 (artner=s or
8nae& address& telephone
n+,ers& !a1 n+,ers& e-
ail address9
Attached are copies o' the 'ollo#ing original doc%&ents.
%$ Arti*les o! in*orporation or *onstit+tion o! the le0al entit" naed a,ove& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$% and
2$ A+thori;ation to represent the !ir naed a,ove& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB 20$2$
#$ In the *ase o! 0overnent-o2ned entit"& do*+ents esta,lishin0 le0al and !inan*ial a+tono" and
*oplian*e 2ith *oer*ial la2& in a**ordan*e 2ith ITB '$.$
7/ User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& C., * 2
Listorical Contract ,on<(er'or&ance
[1he following table shall be filled in for the #idder and for each partner of a 9oint :enture!
Bidder7s Fe0al NaeC [insert full name!
DateC [insert da&+ month+ &ear!
Goint :ent+re 3art" Fe0al NaeC[insert full name!
ICB No$ and titleC [insert I"# number and title!
3a0e [insert page number! o! [insert total number! pa0es
Non-3er!orin0 Contra*ts in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and
Contra*t non-per!oran*e did not o**+r d+rin0 the [number! "ears spe*i!ied in Se*tion III&
>+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents& S+,-4a*tor 2$%$
Contra*t8s9 not per!ored d+rin0 the [number! "ears spe*i!ied in Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation
Criteria and Re?+ireents& re?+ireent 2$%
Kear ,on
portion o'
Contract +denti'ication Total Contract
A&o%nt 2c%rrent
val%e, 0$M
[insert amount
and percentage!
Contra*t Identi!i*ationC [indicate complete contract
nameG number+ and an& other identification!
Nae o! Eplo"erC [insert full name!
Address o! Eplo"erC [insert streetGcit&Gcountr&!
Reason8s9 !or non per!oran*eC [indicate main
[insert amount!
3endin0 Fiti0ation& in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents
No pendin0 liti0ation in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents&
S+,-4a*tor 2$2$
3endin0 liti0ation in a**ordan*e 2ith Se*tion III& >+ali!i*ation Criteria and Re?+ireents& S+,-
4a*tor 2$2 as indi*ated ,elo2$
Kear .%tco&e as
o' Total
Contract +denti'ication Total Contract
A&o%nt 2c%rrent
val%e, 0$M
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide 77
Contra*t Identi!i*ationC Dindi*ate *oplete
*ontra*t nae& n+,er& and an" other
Nae o! Eplo"erC [insert full name!
Address o! Eplo"erC [insert
Matter in disp+teC [indicate main issues in
[insert amount!

7) User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& "+, < )1 "inancial $it%ation
Ea*h Bidder or e,er o! a G: +st !ill in this !or
"inancial Data 'or (revio%s 9 Kears N0$M /8%ivalentO
Kear )1 Kear 21 Kear 91
+n'or&ation 'ro& Balance $heet
Total Assets
Total Cia4ilities
,et Worth
C%rrent Assets
C%rrent Cia4ilities
+n'or&ation 'ro& +nco&e $tate&ent
Total even%es
(ro'its Be'ore Ta:es
(ro'its A'ter Ta:es
Atta*hed are *opies o! !inan*ial stateents 8,alan*e sheets in*l+din0 all related notes& and in*oe
stateents9 !or the last three "ears& as indi*ated a,ove& *opl"in0 2ith the !ollo2in0 *onditions$
All s+*h do*+ents re!le*t the !inan*ial sit+ation o! the Bidder or partner to a G:& and not sister or
parent *opanies$
=istori* !inan*ial stateents +st ,e a+dited ," a *erti!ied a**o+ntant$
=istori* !inan*ial stateents +st ,e *oplete& in*l+din0 all notes to the !inan*ial stateents$
=istori* !inan*ial stateents +st *orrespond to a**o+ntin0 periods alread" *opleted and a+dited 8no
stateents !or partial periods shall ,e re?+ested or a**epted9$
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide 7(
"or& "+, < 21 Average Ann%al Constr%ction T%rnover
Ea*h Bidder or e,er o! a G: +st !ill in this !or
Ann%al T%rnover Data 'or the Cast 9 Kears 2Constr%ction only3
Average Ann%al Constr%ction T%rnover
The in!oration s+pplied sho+ld ,e the Ann+al T+rnover o! the Bidder or ea*h e,er o! a G: in ters o!
the ao+nts ,illed to *lients !or ea*h "ear !or 2or6 in pro0ress or *opleted& *onverted to USYs at the rate
o! e1*han0e at the end o! the period reported$
)0 User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& "+, * 91 "inancial eso%rces
Spe*i!" proposed so+r*es o! !inan*in0& s+*h as li?+id assets& +nen*+,ered real assets& lines
o! *redit& and other !inan*ial eans& net o! *+rrent *oitents& availa,le to eet the total
*onstr+*tion *ash !lo2 deands o! the s+,@e*t *ontra*t or *ontra*ts as indi*ated in Se*tion III
8Eval+ation and >+ali!i*ation Criteria9
"inancial eso%rces
,o. $o%rce o' 'inancing A&o%nt 20$M e8%ivalent3
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide )%
"or& "+,< @1 C%rrent Contract Co&&it&ents F Works in (rogress
Bidders and ea*h partner to a G: sho+ld provide in!oration on their *+rrent *oitents on
all *ontra*ts that have ,een a2arded& or !or 2hi*h a letter o! intent or a**eptan*e has ,een
re*eived& or !or *ontra*ts approa*hin0 *opletion& ,+t !or 2hi*h an +n?+ali!ied& !+ll
*opletion *erti!i*ate has "et to ,e iss+ed$
C%rrent Contract Co&&it&ents
2. ,a&e
9. /&pl
Contact Address, Tel,
6al%e o'
NC%rrent 0$M
Average Monthly
+nvoicing .ver Cast
$i: Months
)2 User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& /;( * )1 -eneral Constr%ction /:perience
%ach #idder or member of a 9: must fill in this form
-eneral Constr%ction /:perience
Contract +denti'ication and ,a&e
,a&e and Address o' /&ployer
Brie' Description o' the Works /:ec%ted 4y the
ole o' Bidder
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide )#
"or& /;( * 22a31 $peci'ic Constr%ction /:perience
4ill +p one 8%9 !or per *ontra*t$
Contract o' $i&ilar $iJe and ,at%re
Contract ,o . . . . . . o' . . . .
. .
Contract +denti'ication
A#ard Date Co&pletion Date
ole in Contract Contractor Manage&ent Contractor $%4contractor
Total Contract A&o%nt 0$M
+' partner in a D6 or
s%4contractor, speci'y
participation o' total
contract a&o%nt
(ercent o' Total A&o%nt
/&ployer=s ,a&e
TelephoneF"a: ,%&4er
Description o' the si&ilarity in accordance #ith Criteria 2.@.22a3 o' $ection +++
)' User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
"or& /;( < 22431 $peci'ic Constr%ction /:perience in 7ey Activities
4ill +p one 8%9 !or per *ontra*t
Contract #ith $i&ilar 7ey Activities
Contract ,o . . . . . . o' . . . .
. .
Contract +denti'ication
A#ard Date Co&pletion Date
ole in Contract Contractor
Total Contract A&o%nt 0$M
+' partner in a D6 or
s%4contractor, speci'y
participation o' total
contract a&o%nt
(ercent o' Total A&o%nt
/&ployer=s ,a&e
Telephone ,%&4er
"a: ,%&4er
Description o' the key activities in accordance #ith Criteria 2.@.2243 o' $ection +++
Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors User7s G+ide ).
(orm of Bid !ecurit7
2Bank -%arantee3
PPPPPPPPP [4ank=s na&e, and address o' +ss%ing Branch or .''ice!
Bene'iciary1 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [.ame and *ddress of Eplo"er!
5e have ,een in!ored that PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name of the #idder!
8hereina!ter *alled Zthe BidderZ9 has s+,itted to "o+ its ,id dated PPPPPPPPPPP 8hereina!ter
*alled Zthe BidZ9 !or the e1e*+tion o! PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name of contract! +nder
Invitation !or Bids No$ PPPPPPPPPPP 8Athe I4BB9$
4+rtherore& 2e +nderstand that& a**ordin0 to "o+r *onditions& ,ids +st ,e s+pported ," a
,id 0+arantee$
At the re?+est o! the Bidder& 2e PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [name of bank! here," irrevo*a,l"
+nderta6e to pa" "o+ an" s+ or s+s not e1*eedin0 in total an ao+nt o! PPPPPPPPPPP
[amount in figures! 8PPPPPPPPPPPP9 [amount in words! +pon re*eipt ," +s o! "o+r !irst
deand in 2ritin0 a**opanied ," a 2ritten stateent statin0 that the Bidder is in ,rea*h o!
its o,li0ation8s9 +nder the ,id *onditions& ,e*a+se the BidderC
8a9 has 2ithdra2n its Bid d+rin0 the period o! ,id validit" spe*i!ied ," the Bidder in
the 4or o! BidH or
8,9 havin0 ,een noti!ied o! the a**eptan*e o! its Bid ," the Eplo"er d+rin0 the period o!
,id validit"& 8i9 !ails or re!+ses to e1e*+te the Contra*t A0reeent or 8ii9 !ails or re!+ses
to !+rnish the per!oran*e se*+rit"& in a**ordan*e 2ith the ITB$
This 0+arantee 2ill e1pireC 8a9 i! the Bidder is the s+**ess!+l Bidder& +pon o+r re*eipt o!
*opies o! the *ontra*t si0ned ," the Bidder and the per!oran*e se*+rit" iss+ed to "o+ +pon
the instr+*tion o! the BidderH and 8,9 i! the Bidder is not the s+**ess!+l Bidder& +pon the
earlier o! 8i9 o+r re*eipt o! a *op" "o+r noti!i*ation to the Bidder o! the nae o! the s+**ess!+l
BidderH or 8ii9 t2ent"-ei0ht da"s a!ter the e1piration o! the Bidder7s ,id$
Conse?+entl"& an" deand !or pa"ent +nder this 0+arantee +st ,e re*eived ," +s at the
o!!i*e on or ,e!ore that date$
This 0+arantee is s+,@e*t to the Uni!or R+les !or Deand G+arantees& ICC 3+,li*ation No$
)/ User7s G+ide Se*tion I:$ Biddin0 4ors
(orm of Bid'!ecurin. Dec,+r+tion
DateC [insert date (as da&+ month and &ear)!
Bid No$C [insert number of bidding process!
Alternative No$C [insert identification .o if this is a #id for an alternative!
ToC [insert complete name of %mplo&er!
5e& the +ndersi0ned& de*lare thatC
5e +nderstand that& a**ordin0 to "o+r *onditions& ,ids +st ,e s+pported ," a Bid-Se*+rin0
5e a**ept that 2e 2ill a+toati*all" ,e s+spended !ro ,ein0 eli0i,le !or ,iddin0 in an"
*ontra*t 2ith the Borro2er !or the period o! tie o! [insert number of months or &ears! startin0 on
[insert date!& i! 2e are in ,rea*h o! o+r o,li0ation8s9 +nder the ,id *onditions& ,e*a+se 2eC
8a9 have 2ithdra2n o+r Bid d+rin0 the period o! ,id validit" spe*i!ied in the Fetter o! BidH
8,9 havin0 ,een noti!ied o! the a**eptan*e o! o+r Bid ," the Eplo"er d+rin0 the period o!
,id validit"& 8i9 !ail or re!+se to e1e*+te the Contra*t& i! re?+ired& or 8ii9 !ail or re!+se to
!+rnish the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit"& in a**ordan*e 2ith the ITB$
5e +nderstand this Bid-Se*+rin0 De*laration shall e1pire i! 2e are not the s+**ess!+l Bidder&
+pon the earlier o! 8i9 o+r re*eipt o! "o+r noti!i*ation to +s o! the nae o! the s+**ess!+l
BidderH or 8ii9 t2ent"-ei0ht da"s a!ter the e1piration o! o+r Bid$
Si0nedC [insert signature of person whose name and capacit& are shown! In the *apa*it" o! [insert legal
capacit& of person signing the #id;Securing Declaration!
NaeC [insert complete name of person signing the #id;Securing Declaration!
D+l" a+thori;ed to si0n the ,id !or and on ,ehal! o!C [insert complete name of #idder!
Dated on PPPPPPPPPPPP da" o! PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP& PPPPPPP [insert date of signing!
Corporate Seal 82here appropriate9
[.ote: In case of a 9oint :enture+ the #id;Securing Declaration must be in the name of all partners to the
9oint :enture that submits the bid,!
User7s G+ide )7
!ection A# ,i.i9,e Countries
+np%t o' +n'or&ation to 4e co&pleted 4y /&ployer
D+nsert the policies o' the Bank as appropriate and i' applica4le, regarding eligi4ility o'
'ir&s to participate in 4idding process 'inanced 4y the Bank.E
Se*tion :I$ 5or6s Re?+ireents User7s G+ide )(
P+rt " Works ReDuirements
!ection AI# Works ReDuirements '
Notes !or 3reparin0 Te*hni*al Spe*i!i*ations
These ,otes 'or (reparing Technical $peci'ications are intended onl" as in!oration !or the
Eplo"er or the person dra!tin0 the ,iddin0 do*+ents$ The" sho+ld not ,e in*l+ded in the
!inal do*+ents$
3re*ise and *lear Spe*i!i*ations are a prere?+isite !or ,idders to respond realisti*all" and
*opetitivel" to the re?+ireents o! the Eplo"er 2itho+t ?+ali!"in0 or *onditionin0 their
,ids$ In the *onte1t o! international *opetitive ,iddin0& the Spe*i!i*ations +st ,e dra!ted to
perit the 2idest possi,le *opetition and& at the sae tie& present a *lear stateent o! the
re?+ired standards o! aterials& 3lant& other s+pplies& and 2or6anship to ,e provided$ Onl"
i! this is done 2ill the o,@e*tives o! e*ono"& e!!i*ien*"& and e?+alit" in pro*+reent ,e
reali;ed& responsiveness o! ,ids ,e ens+red& and the s+,se?+ent tas6 o! ,id eval+ation
!a*ilitated$ The Spe*i!i*ations sho+ld re?+ire that all aterials& 3lant& and other s+pplies to ,e
in*orporated in the 5or6s are ne2& +n+sed& o! the ost re*ent or *+rrent odels& and
in*orporate all re*ent iproveents in desi0n and aterials +nless provided other2ise in the
Contra*t$ A *la+se settin0 o+t the s*ope o! the 5or6s is o!ten in*l+ded at the ,e0innin0 o! the
Spe*i!i*ations& and it is *+stoar" to 0ive a list o! the Dra2in0s$ 5here the Contra*tor is
responsi,le !or the desi0n o! an" part o! the 3eranent 5or6s& the e1tent o! his o,li0ations
+st ,e stated$ 8See GCC S+,-Cla+se '$% Contra*tor7s General O,li0ations$9
Saples o! Spe*i!i*ations !ro previo+s siilar pro@e*ts in the sae *o+ntr" are +se!+l in this
respe*t$ The etri* +nits sho+ld ,e +sed$ Most Spe*i!i*ations are norall" 2ritten spe*iall"
," the Eplo"er or En0ineer to s+it the *ontra*ts !or 5or6s in hand$ There are no standard
Spe*i!i*ations !or +niversal appli*ation in all se*tors in all *o+ntries& ,+t there are esta,lished
prin*iples and pra*ti*es that are re!le*ted in these do*+ents$
Not2ithstandin0 that these SBD5 and the *orrespondin0 Conditions o! Contra*t are
re*oended onl" !or Civil 5or6s& +nder 2hi*h the +s+al arran0eents is that the Contra*tor
*onstr+*ts the 2or6s in a**ordan*e 2ith the desi0n provided ," the Eplo"er& the 2or6s a"
in*l+de a !e2 eleents o! Contra*tor-desi0ned *ivil& e*hani*al& ele*tri*al andJor *onstr+*tion
2or6s$ =o2ever& these SBD5 are not re*oended !or ADesi0n and B+ildB *ontra*ts 2hen
appropriate *la+ses are re?+ired$
There are *onsidera,le advanta0es in standardi;in0 -eneral $peci'ications !or repetitive
5or6s in re*o0ni;ed p+,li* se*tors& s+*h as hi0h2a"s& ports& rail2a"s& +r,an ho+sin0&
irri0ation& and 2ater s+ppl"& in the sae *o+ntr" or re0ion 2here siilar *onditions prevail$
The General Spe*i!i*ations sho+ld *over all *lasses o! 2or6anship& aterials& and e?+ipent
Se*tion :I$ 5or6s Re?+ireents User7s G+ide (0
*oonl" involved in *onstr+*tion& altho+0h not ne*essaril" to ,e +sed in a parti*+lar 5or6s
*ontra*t$ Deletions or addenda sho+ld then adapt the General Spe*i!i*ations to the parti*+lar
Care +st ,e ta6en in dra!tin0 Spe*i!i*ations to ens+re that the" are not restri*tive$ In the
spe*i!i*ation o! standards !or aterials& 3lant& other s+pplies& and 2or6anship& re*o0ni;ed
international standards sho+ld ,e +sed as +*h as possi,le$ 5here other parti*+lar standards
are +sed& 2hether national standards o! the Borro2er7s *o+ntr" or other standards& the
Spe*i!i*ations sho+ld state that aterials& 3lant& other s+pplies& and 2or6anship eetin0
other a+thoritative standards& and 2hi*h ens+re s+,stantiall" e?+al per!oran*e& as the
standards entioned& 2ill also ,e a**epta,le$
Spe*i!i* ini+ re?+ireents !or Aso*ial *la+sesB 8*oon *olle*tive nae !or provisions
+nder S+,-Cla+ses /$% thro+0h /$22 o! the General Conditions9& are to ,e detailed as part o!
the Spe*i!i*ations at a level e?+ivalent to the lo*al nors& i! the" e1ist and at a level a**ordin0
to the *o+ntr"7s re0+lations& or to ini+ re?+ireents 2hen no lo*al re0+lations e1ist 8see
ACine +te&s to Address $ocial Cla%sesQ +nder the Notes !or 3reparin0 a Bill o! >+antities&
Se*tion I: o! this User7s G+ide9$
The !ollo2in0 *la+se a" ,e inserted in the 3arti*+lar Conditions or the Spe*i!i*ationC
$a&ple Cla%se1 /8%ivalency o' $tandards and Codes
5herever re!eren*e is ade in the Contra*t to spe*i!i* standards and *odes to ,e et ," the
aterials& 3lant& and other s+pplies to ,e !+rnished& and 2or6 per!ored or tested& the
provisions o! the latest *+rrent edition or revision o! the relevant standards and *odes in e!!e*t
shall appl"& +nless other2ise e1pressl" stated in the Contra*t$ 5here s+*h standards and
*odes are national& or relate to a parti*+lar *o+ntr" or re0ion& other a+thoritative standards
that ens+re s+,stantial e?+ivalen*e to the standards and *odes spe*i!ied 2ill ,e a**epted
s+,@e*t to the En0ineer7s prior revie2 and 2ritten approval$ Di!!eren*es ,et2een the
standards spe*i!ied and the proposed alternative standards +st ,e !+ll" des*ri,ed in 2ritin0
," the Contra*tor and s+,itted to the En0ineer at least 2) da"s prior to the date 2hen the
Contra*tor desires the En0ineer7s approval$ In the event the En0ineer deterines that s+*h
proposed deviations do not ens+re s+,stantiall" e?+al per!oran*e& the Contra*tor shall
*opl" 2ith the standards spe*i!ied in the do*+ents$
Alternative Technical (roposals
Eplo"ers sho+ld de*ide 2hether te*hni*al sol+tions to spe*i!ied parts o! the 5or6s are to ,e
peritted$ Alternatives are appropriate in *ases 2here o,vio+s 8and potentiall" less *ostl"9
alternatives are possi,le to the te*hni*al sol+tions indi*ated in the ,iddin0 do*+ents !or
*ertain eleents o! the 5or6s& ta6in0 into *onsideration the *oparative spe*iali;ed
advanta0e o! potential ,idders$ 4or e1apleC
^ pile !o+ndations 8proprietar" ethods and di!!erent aterial9
^ ,rid0e !o+ndations 8open 2ell& *aissons& piles& et*$9
^ *ol+ns& ,eas& de*6in0 8rein!or*ed *on*rete& prestressed *on*rete& steel& et*$9
^ proprietar" ethods !or post-tensionin0 *on*rete
^ linin0 o! *anals
^ pipeline aterials& *oatin0& @ointin0
Se*tion :I$ 5or6s Re?+ireents User7s G+ide (%
^ road s+r!a*in0 8asphalt& *on*rete& et*$9
^ transission to2er desi0n and ere*tion
^ street li0htin0
^ o!!shore !o+ndations
^ o!!shore trestle spans
The Eplo"er sho+ld provide a des*ription o! the sele*ted parts o! the 5or6s 2ith
appropriate re!eren*es to Dra2in0s& Spe*i!i*ations& Bill o! >+antities& and Desi0n or
3er!oran*e *riteria& statin0 that the alternative sol+tions shall ,e at least str+*t+rall" and
!+n*tionall" e?+ivalent to the ,asi* desi0n paraeters and spe*i!i*ations$
S+*h alternative sol+tions shall ,e a**opanied ," all in!oration ne*essar" !or a *oplete
eval+ation ," the Eplo"er& in*l+din0 dra2in0s& desi0n *al*+lations& te*hni*al spe*i!i*ations&
,rea6do2n o! pri*es& proposed *onstr+*tion ethodolo0"& and other relevant details$
Te*hni*al alternatives peritted in this anner shall ,e *onsidered ," the Eplo"er ea*h on its
o2n erits and independentl" o! 2hether the ,idder has pri*ed the ite as des*ri,ed in the
Eplo"er7s desi0n in*l+ded 2ith the ,iddin0 do*+ents$
In ore *ople1 *ases& a At+rn6e"B or Adesi0n-and-*onstr+*tB approa*h a" ,e ore
appropriate& in 2hi*h *ases a t2o-sta0e ,iddin0 pro*ess is re*oended in *on!orit" 2ith
other Ban6 Standard Biddin0 Do*+ents$
These ,otes 'or (reparing Technical $peci'ications are intended onl" as in!oration !or the
Eplo"er or the person dra!tin0 the ,iddin0 do*+ents$ The" sho+ld not ,e in*l+ded in the
!inal do*+ents$
(2 User7s G+ide Se*tion :I$ 5or6s Re?+ireent
55 Note 55
It is *+stoar" to ,ind the dra2in0s in a separate vol+e& 2hi*h is o!ten lar0er than other
vol+es o! the Contra*t do*+ents$ The si;e 2ill ,e di*tated ," the s*ale o! the dra2in0s&
2hi*h +st not ,e red+*ed to the e1tent that details are rendered ille0i,le$
A sipli!ied ap sho2in0 the lo*ation o! the Site in relation to the lo*al 0eo0raph"& in*l+din0
a@or roads& posts& airports& and railroads& is help!+l$
The *onstr+*tion dra2in0s& even i! not !+ll" developed& +st sho2 s+!!i*ient details to ena,le
,idders to +nderstand the t"pe and *ople1it" o! the 2or6 involved and to pri*e the Bill o!
Se*tion :I$ 5or6s Re?+ireents User7s G+ide (#
!u22,ement+r7 Inform+tion
3art # User7s G+ide (.
P+rt * Conditions of Contr+ct +nd Contr+ct
The Conditions o! Contra*t *oprise t2o partsC
8a9 -eneral Conditions R GC 8Se*tion :II o! this do*+ent9& and
8,9 (artic%lar Conditions R 3C 8Se*tion :III o! this do*+ent9$
The General Conditions +sed in these Standard Biddin0 Do*+ents are the Ban6 =aroni;ed
Edition o! the General Conditions o! Contra*t prepared ," the International 4ederation o!
Cons+ltin0 En0ineers 87<d<ration Internationale des Ing<nieurs;"onseils& or 4IDIC9$ The
Ban6 =aroni;ed Edition o! 4IDIC7s General Conditions o! Contra*t 2ere a0reed aon0
vario+s M+ltilateral Developent Ban6s and 4IDIC$
B" virt+e o! a li*ense a0reeent s+,s*ri,ed ,et2een IBRD and 4IDIC& IBRD7s Borro2ers
and their ipleentin0 a0en*ies are a+thori;ed the reprod+*tion and translation o! the Ban6
=aroni;ed Edition o! 4IDIC7s General Conditions o! Contra*t !or the e1*l+sive p+rpose o!
preparin0 ,iddin0 do*+ents in a**ordan*e 2ith these Standard Biddin0 Do*+ents$
There!ore& Borro2ers and their ipleentin0 a0en*ies shall a,stain !ro a6in0 an" +se o!
the =aroni;ed Edition o! 4IDIC7s General Conditions o! Contra*t& distin*t !ro the +se
indi*ated herein$
The Conditions o! Contra*t have ,een prepared !or an ad eas+reent 8+nit pri*e or +nit
rate9 t"pe o! *ontra*t and *annot ,e +sed 2itho+t a@or odi!i*ations !or other t"pes o!
The standard te1t o! the General Conditions *hosen +st ,e retained inta*t to !a*ilitate its
readin0 and interpretation ," Bidders and its revie2 ," the Ban6$ An" aendents and
additions to the General Conditions& spe*i!i* to the *ontra*t in hand& sho+ld ,e introd+*ed in
the 3arti*+lar Conditions$ A n+,er o! s+*h 3arti*+lar Conditions& appli*a,le to the a,ove
Conditions o! Contra*t& are in*l+ded in Se*tion :III$
The +se o! standard *onditions o! *ontra*t !or all *ivil 5or6s 2ill ens+re *oprehensiveness
o! *overa0e& ,etter ,alan*e o! ri0hts or o,li0ations ,et2een Eplo"er and Contra*tor& 0eneral
a**epta,ilit" o! its provisions& and savin0s in tie and *ost !or ,id preparation and revie2&
leadin0 to ore e*onoi*al pri*es$
The 3arti*+lar Conditions ta6e pre*eden*e over the General ConditionsLsee S+,-Cla+se %$.&
3riorit" o! Do*+ents& in the General Conditions$
The 3arti*+lar Conditions 83C9 *opleent the General Conditions 8GC9 to spe*i!" data and
*ontra*t+al re?+ireents lin6ed to the spe*ial *ir*+stan*es o! the *o+ntr"& the Eplo"er& the
En0ineer& the se*tor& the overall pro@e*t& and the 5or6s$ It is 0ood pra*ti*e to have a list o!
ta1 and *+sto re0+lations appli*a,le in the *o+ntr"& to ,e provided as non-,indin0 0eneral
in!oration& atta*hed to the Biddin0 Do*+ents$
3art # User7s G+ide (/
3art A& the Contra*t Data o! the 3C& in*l+des data to *opleent GC in a anner siilar to
the 2a" in 2hi*h the Bid Data Sheet *opleents the Instr+*tions to Bidders$
3art B& the Spe*i!i* 3rovisions o! the 3C& *onsists o! a set o! saple provisions !or +se ," the
Eplo"er in preparin0 the 3C$ They are not a co&plete standard set o' (C provisionsH
*o+ntr"- or 3ro@e*t-spe*i!i* provisions !or 3C +st also ,e prepared in ea*h *ase$ =o2ever&
standard& *o+ntr"-spe*i!i* 3C sho+ld ,e developed$
5hoever dra!ts the 3C sho+ld ,e thoro+0hl" !ailiar 2ith the provisions o! the GC and 2ith
an" spe*i!i* re?+ireents o! the Contra*t$ Fe0al advi*e is re*oended 2hen aendin0
provisions or dra!tin0 ne2 ones$ Note that the (C provisions take precedence over those in
the -C$
Cla+se n+,ers in the 3C *orrespond to those in the GC$
!ection AII# Gener+, Conditions
Cla%se 6 $ta'' and Ca4o%r
S+,-Cla+ses /$% thro+0h /$22 are *oonl" re!ered to collectively as Aso*ial *la+sesB$ These
*la+ses are o! a 0eneral nat+reH spe*i!i* &ini&%& re?+ireents are to ,e spe*i!ied in the
Spe*i!i*ation 8see Notes !or 3reparin0 Te*hni*al Spe*i!i*ations in this User7s G+ide9$ 5here
the nat+re o! the pro@e*t a6es an" o! the Aso*ial *la+sesB inappli*a,le& the 3arti*+lar
Conditions *o+ld indi*ate e1*eptions or odi!i*ation to the appli*ation o! an" o! the$
$%4<Cla%se 6.2) (rohi4ition o' Lar&'%l Child Ca4o%r
The Convention on the Ri0hts o! the Child adopted ," the UN General Asse,l" on
Nove,er %()( and rati!ied ," %(2 *o+ntries& de!ined in arti*le %& ?+ote Za *hild eans ever"
h+an ,ein0 ,elo2 the a0e o! ei0hteen "ears +nless the la2 appli*a,le to the *hild& a@orit" is
attained earlierZ +n?+ote$
E*onoi*all" e1ploitative is an" 2a0es less than the ar6et rate or that paid !or siilar Zo+t
p+tZ ," ad+lt 2or6er$
$%4<Cla%se )@.) The Contract (rice
I! the Eplo"er has arran0ed !or e1eption o! the Contra*tor !ro iport d+ties 2ith
*+stos and e1*ise a+thorities& 3ara0raph 8e9 in the 3C S+,-Cla+se %'$% sho+ld ,e inserted$
=o2ever& the alternative 3ara0raph 8e9 sho+ld ,e +sed 2here iport d+ties and ta1es are to ,e
levied on the val+e o! depre*iation o! the Contra*tor7s E?+ipent d+rin0 *onstr+*tion$ Its +se
is re*oended in sit+ations 2here doesti* *ontra*tors 2ho have paid !+ll d+ties !or the
Contra*tor7s E?+ipent the" +se are to *opete 2ith !orei0n *ontra*tors$
Se*tion :III$ 3arti*+lar Conditions User7s G+ide (7
!ection AIII# P+rticu,+r Conditions
The 3C *opleent the GC to spe*i!" data and *ontra*t+al re?+ireents lin6ed to the spe*ial
*ir*+stan*es o! the *o+ntr"& the Eplo"er& the En0ineer& the se*tor& the overall pro@e*t& and
the 5or6s$ 5henever there is a *on!li*t& the provisions herein shall prevail over those in the
3art A& Contra*t Data o! the 3C& in*l+des data to *opleent the GC in a anner siilar to
the 2a" in 2hi*h the Bid Data Sheet *opleents the Instr+*tions to Bidders$
3art B& Spe*i!i* 3rovisions o! the 3C are saple provisions !or +se ," the Eplo"er in
preparin0 the 3C$ The" are not a *oplete standard set o! 3C provisionsH *o+ntr"- or pro@e*t-
spe*i!i* provisions a" need to ,e prepared in ea*h *ase$
Note that the 3C provisions ta6e pre*eden*e over those in the GC$
Cla+se n+,ers in the 3C *orrespond to those in the GC$
P+rt A ' Contr+ct D+t+
6T$e E*)lo'er &$oul! in&ert releant !ata )rior to t$e i&&ue of t$e %i!!ing !ocu*ent+
#$ere a nu*%er of !a'& i& to %e in&erte! it i& !e&ira%le for t$e nu*%er to %e a *ulti)le of
&een for con&i&tenc' wit$ t$e Con!ition& of Contract+ #$eneer t$ere i& a conflict7 t$e
)roi&ion& $erein &$all )reail oer t$o&e in t$e GC+8
+np%t o' +n'or&ation to 4e co&pleted 4y Bidder 24old3 or /&ployer 2italic3
Conditions e'. -C Data
/&ployer=s na&e and address %$%$2$2 < %$# D $$$ insert %mplo&erFs name and address ,,, E
/ngineer=s na&e and address %$%$2$' < %$# D ,,, insert %ngineerFs name and address ,,, E
Bank=s na&e %$%$2$%% 5orld Ban6 8the Ban69
Borro#er=s na&e %$%$2$%2 D ,,, insert #orrowerFs name ,,, E
Ti&e 'or Co&pletion %$%$#$# $ $ $ $ $ da"s
D $$$ insert the time for completion of the whole of
the orks and also the time for completion of
sections+ if applicable, If times (or dates) are to
be specified for various sections of the orks+
the& should be listed here ,,, E
De'ects ,oti'ication (eriod %$%$#$7 #/. da"s$
Se*tion :III$ 3arti*+lar Conditions User7s G+ide ()
$ections %$%$.$/ DIf sections are used+ refer to table Summar& of
Sections of the orks given belowE
/lectronic trans&ission syste&s %$# D ,,, insert %lectronic transmission s&stems,,, E
-overning Ca# %$' D ,,, insert: M1he law of [name of #orrowerFs
%ling lang%age %$' En0lish
Cang%age 'or co&&%nications %$' En0lish
Ti&e 'or access to the $ite 2$% da"s a!ter Coen*eent Date
/ngineer=s D%ties and A%thority #$%8,98ii9 :ariations res+ltin0 in an in*rease o! the A**epted
Contra*t Ao+nt in e1*ess o!PPPPT shall re?+ire
approval o! the Eplo"er$
(er'or&ance $ec%rity '$2 The per!oran*e se*+rit" 2ill ,e in the !or o!
an +n*onditional ,an6 0+arantee in the ao+nt8s9
o! [insert related figure(s)! percent of the
"ontract Price,!
,or&al #orking ho%rs /$. D N insert the normal working hoursE
Delay da&ages 'or the Works )$7 <
[insert percentage per da& such that the ma5imum
amount of dela& damages is attained as a result of
a dela& of about one third of the 1ime for
"ompletion ! T o! the !inal Contra*t 3ri*e per
da"& in the *+rren*ies and proportions in 2hi*h the
Contra*t 3ri*e is pa"a,le$
Ma:i&%& a&o%nt o' delay da&ages )$7 Dinsert percentage not e5ceeding 2I! T o! the !inal
Contra*t 3ri*e$
(rovisional $%&s %#$.$8,98ii9 PPPPPPPT DIf there are Provisional Sums+ insert a
percentage for ad$ustment of Provisional SumsE
Ad?%st&ents 'or Changes in CostT
Ta4le2s3 o' Ad?%st&ent Data
%#$) 3eriod AnB appli*a,le to the ad@+stent +ltiplier
[Insert the period if different from one (2) month? if
period =n> is one (2) month+ leave blank!
Total advance pay&ent %'$2 PPPPPPPT 3er*enta0e o! the A**epted Contra*t
Ao+nt pa"a,le in the *+rren*ies and proportions
in 2hi*h the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt is pa"a,le
DInsert percentage+ number and timing of
installments if applicableE
epay&ent a&ortiJation o' advance
%'$28,9 PPPPPPPT
DInsert percentage of amortiLation rate+ stating
that repa&ment will begin when amount of work
certified b& the %ngineer attains EI6 of the
"ontract Price!
(ercentage o' etention %'$# PPPPPPPT DInsert percentage of retention+ not
e5ceeding 2I!
Ci&it o' etention Money %'$# PPPPPPPT o! the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt
DInsert percentage of limit of retention+ usuall& 3
and not e5ceeding 2I!
Se*tion :III$ 3arti*+lar Conditions User7s G+ide ((
(lant and Materials %'$.8,98i9 I! S+,-Cla+se %'$. appliesC
3lant and Materials !or pa"ent 2hen shipped en
ro+te to the Site PPPPPPPPPPPPPPDlistE$
%'$.8*98i9 3lant and Materials !or pa"ent 2hen delivered to
Mini&%& A&o%nt o' +nteri&
(ay&ent Certi'icates
%'$/ T o! the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt$
DInsert percentage+ which ma& depend on the
contract amount and time for completion? a
minimum of about one fifth the average e5pected
value of Interim Pa&ment "ertificate would be
Ma:i&%& total lia4ility o' the
Contractor to the /&ployer
%7$/ [Select one of the two options below as
The prod+*t o!PPPPPPPPPPPPPDinsert a +ltiplier
less or 0reater than oneE ties the A**epted
Contra*t Ao+nt&
the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt
(eriods 'or s%4&ission o' ins%rance1
a. evidence o' ins%rance.
4. relevant policies
%)$% [Insert period for submission of evidence of
insurance and polic&, Period ma& be from 2@ da&s
to AB da&s!
Ma:i&%& a&o%nt o' ded%cti4les 'or
ins%rance o' the /&ployerRs risks
%)$28d9 [insert ma5imum amount of deductibles? about
3III -SOs equivalent would be reasonable!
Mini&%& a&o%nt o' third party
%)$# [insert minimum amount of third part& insurance?
this minimum amount per occurrence should be
commensurate with the risk of damage specific to
the "ontract!
Date 4y #hich the DAB shall 4e
20$2 2) da"s a!ter the Coen*eent
The DAB shall 4e co&prised o' 20$2 insert either ZOne sole Me,erZ or ZThree
Cist o' potential DB sole &e&4ers 20$2 [Cnl& when the D# is to be comprised of one sole
member+ list names of potential sole members? if
no potential sole members are to be included+
insert: =none>!
Appoint&ent 2i' not agreed3 to 4e
&ade 4y
20$# [Insert name of the appointing entit& or official!
%les o' ar4itration 20$/8a9 [Insert rules of arbitration if different from those
of the International "hamber of "ommerce!
$%&&ary o' $ections o' the Works
%00 User7s G+ide Se*tion :III$ 3arti*+lar Conditions
$ection ,a&eFDescription
2$%4<Cla%se ).).!.63
Ti&e 'or Co&pletion
2$%4<Cla%se ).).9.93
Da&ages 'or Delay
2$%4<Cla%se A.73
Se*tion :III$ 3arti*+lar Conditions User7s G+ide %0%
P+rt B ' !2eci3c Pro-isions
N$peci'ic (rovisions o' the (C are intended to address co%ntry, pro?ect, and contract
speci'ic re8%ire&ents not covered 4y the -C. Whoever dra'ts the $peci'ic (rovisions
sho%ld 4e thoro%ghly 'a&iliar #ith the provisions o' the -C and #ith any speci'ic
re8%ire&ents o' the contract. Cegal advice is reco&&ended #hen a&ending provisions
or dra'ting ne# ones. A 'e# cla%ses #hich &ay re8%ire co%ntry speci'ic treat&ent are
considered 4elo#.O
$%4<Cla%se )@.) The Contract (rice
D+' the /&ployer has arranged 'or e:e&ption o' the Contractor 'ro& i&port d%ties #ith
c%sto&s and e:cise a%thorities, (aragraph 2e3 o' -C $%4<Cla%se )@.) sho%ld 4e
retained. Lo#ever, the alternative (aragraph 2e3 4elo# sho%ld 4e %sed #here i&port
d%ties and ta:es are to 4e levied on the val%e o' depreciation o' the Contractor=s
/8%ip&ent d%ring constr%ction.E
Alternative para0raph 8e9C AParagraph (e) is amended as follows: Notwithstanding the
provisions of subparagraph (b)+ "ontractorPs %quipment+ including essential spare parts
therefore+ imported b& the "ontractor for the sole purpose of e5ecuting the "ontract shall be
temporaril& e5empt from the pa&ment of import duties and ta5es upon initial importation&
provided the "ontractor shall post with the customs authorities at the port of entr& an
approved e5port bond or bank guarantee+ valid until the 1ime for "ompletion plus si5
months+ in an amount equal to the full import duties and ta5es which would be pa&able on
the assessed imported value of such "ontractorPs %quipment and spare parts+ and callable in
the event the "ontractorPs %quipment is not e5ported from the "ountr& on completion of the
"ontract, * cop& of the bond or bank guarantee endorsed b& the customs authorities shall be
provided b& the "ontractor to the %mplo&er upon the importation of individual items of
"ontractorPs %quipment and spare parts, -pon e5port of individual items of "ontractorPs
%quipment or spare parts+ or upon the completion of the "ontract+ the "ontractor shall
prepare+ for approval b& the customs authorities+ an assessment of the residual value of the
"ontractorPs %quipment and spare part to be e5ported+ based on the depreciation scale(s and
other criteria used b& the customs authorities for such purposes under the provisions of the
applicable )aws, Import duties and ta5es shall be due and pa&able to the customs authorities
b& the "ontractor on (a) the difference between the initial imported value and the residual
value of the "ontractorPs %quipment and spare parts to e5ported? and (b) on the initial
imported value that "ontractorPs %quipment and spare parts remaining in the "ountr& after
completion of the "ontract, -pon pa&ment of such dues within AB da&s of being invoiced+ the
bond or bank guarantee shall be reduced or released accordingl&? otherwise the securit&
shall be called in the full amount remaining,
User7s G+ide %02
!ection I0# Contr+ct (orms
The Noti!i*ation o! A2ard 2ill ,e the ,asis !or !oration o! the Contra*t as des*ri,ed in ITB-#($
This Standard 4or sho+ld ,e !illed in and sent to the s+**ess!+l Bidder onl" a!ter eval+ation o!
,ids has ,een *opleted& s+,@e*t to an" revie2 ," the Ban6 re?+ired +nder the Foan A0reeent$
Se*tion IK o! the BD also *ontains !ors !or the Contra*t A0reeent& the 3er!oran*e
Se*+rit"& and the Advan*e 3a"ent Se*+rit"$ Bidders shall not s+,it these !ors 2ith their
,ids$ A!ter noti!i*ation o! a2ard& the Eplo"er shall prepare the Contra*t A0reeent +sin0
the Contra*t A0reeent 4or and send it to the s+**ess!+l Bidder$ The s+**ess!+l Bidder
shall si0n the Contra*t A0reeent and ret+rn it to the Eplo"er to0ether 2ith the
3er!oran*e Se*+rit" and& i! appli*a,le& the Advan*e 3a"ent Se*+rit"& +sin0 the respe*tive
!ors provided in Se*tion IK$
Atta*hentsC 4ors o! Invitation !or Bid User7s G+ide %0#
Noti3c+tion of AC+rd
6on letter$ea! )a)er of t$e E*)lo'er8
, , , , , , , !ate, , , , , , ,
ToC 6in&ert na*e an! a!!re&& of t$e Contractor8
S+,@e*tC Notification of Awar! Contract No+ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
This is to noti!" "o+ that "o+r Bid dated $ $ $ $ !ate $ $ $ $ !or e1e*+tion o! the , , , , , , , ,
, ,na*e of t$e contract an! i!entification nu*%er7 a& gien in t$e Contract Data , , ,
, , , , , , , !or the A**epted Contra*t Ao+nt o! the e?+ivalent o! , , , , , , , , ,a*ount in
nu*%er& an! wor!& an! na*e of currenc' , , , , , , , , ,& as *orre*ted and odi!ied in
a**ordan*e 2ith the Instr+*tions to Bidders is here," a**epted ," o+r A0en*"$
No+ are re?+ested to !+rnish the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit" 2ithin 2) da"s in a**ordan*e
2ith the Conditions o! Contra*t& +sin0 !or that p+rpose the of the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit"
4or in*l+ded in Se*tion IK 8Contra*t 4ors9 o! the Biddin0 Do*+ent$
A+thori;ed Si0nat+reC
Nae and Title o! Si0nator"C
Nae o! A0en*"C
Atta*hentC Contra*t A0reeent
%0' User7s G+ide Atta*hentsC 4ors o! Invitation !or Bid
Contr+ct A.reement
1JIS *'(%%/%.1 made the , , , , , ,da& of , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,+ , , , , , , ,+ between , , , , ,
name of the Employer, , , , ,, , , , , (hereinafter =the %mplo&er>)+ of the one part+ and $ $ $ $ $
name of the Contractor, , , , ,(hereinafter =the "ontractor>)+ of the other part:
5=EREAS the Eplo"er desires that the 5or6s 6no2n as $ $ $ $ ! name of the Contract. . $
$ $sho+ld ,e e1e*+ted ," the Contra*tor& and has a**epted a Bid ," the Contra*tor !or
the e1e*+tion and *opletion o! these 5or6s and the reed"in0 o! an" de!e*ts therein&
The Eplo"er and the Contra*tor a0ree as !ollo2sC
2, In this *greement words and e5pressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectivel& assigned to them in the "ontract documents referred to,
A, 1he following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part
of this *greement, 1his *greement shall prevail over all other "ontract documents,
@. the .otification of *ward
!. the )etter of #id
6. the *ddenda .os , , , , , insert addenda numbers if any, , , , ,
7. the Particular "onditions
A. the 'eneral "onditions?
B. the Specification
)0. the Drawings? and
)). the completed Schedules+
#$ In consideration of the pa&ments to be made b& the %mplo&er to the "ontractor as
indicated in this *greement+ the "ontractor hereb& covenants with the %mplo&er to
e5ecute the orks and to remed& defects therein in conformit& in all respects with
the provisions of the "ontract,
@, 1he %mplo&er hereb& covenants to pa& the "ontractor in consideration of the
e5ecution and completion of the orks and the remed&ing of defects therein+ the
"ontract Price or such other sum as ma& become pa&able under the provisions of
the "ontract at the times and in the manner prescribed b& the "ontract,
I. I1.%SS whereof the parties hereto have caused this *greement to be e5ecuted in
accordance with the laws of , , , $ $ name of the borrowing country, , , , ,on the da&+ month and &ear
indicated above,
Si0ned ," $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Si0ned ,"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Atta*hentsC 4ors o! Invitation !or Bid User7s G+ide %0.
!or and on ,ehal! o! the Eplo"er !or and on ,ehal! the Contra*tor
in the presen*e o! in the presen*e o!
5itness& Nae& Si0nat+re& Address& Date 5itness& Nae& Si0nat+re& Address&
%0/ User7s G+ide Atta*hentsC 4ors o! Invitation !or Bid
Perform+nce !ecurit7
.ption )1 2De&and -%arantee3
[#ankFs .ame+ and *ddress of Issuing #ranch or Cffice!
Bene'iciary1 [.ame and *ddress of Eplo"er!
5e have ,een in!ored that [name of "ontractor! 8hereina!ter *alled Zthe Contra*torZ9 has
entered into Contra*t No$ [reference number of the contract! dated PPPPPPPPPPPP 2ith "o+&
!or the e1e*+tion o! [name of contract and brief description of 5or6s! 8hereina!ter *alled
Zthe Contra*tZ9$
4+rtherore& 2e +nderstand that& a**ordin0 to the *onditions o! the Contra*t& a per!oran*e
0+arantee is re?+ired$
At the re?+est o! the Contra*tor& 2e [name of #ank! here," irrevo*a,l" +nderta6e to pa"
"o+ an" s+ or s+s not e1*eedin0 in total an ao+nt o! [amount in figures! 8 9
[amount in words!&
s+*h s+ ,ein0 pa"a,le in the t"pes and proportions o! *+rren*ies in
2hi*h the Contra*t 3ri*e is pa"a,le& +pon re*eipt ," +s o! "o+r !irst deand in 2ritin0
a**opanied ," a 2ritten stateent statin0 that the Contra*tor is in ,rea*h o! its o,li0ation8s9
+nder the Contra*t& 2itho+t "o+r needin0 to prove or to sho2 0ro+nds !or "o+r deand or
the s+ spe*i!ied therein$
This 0+arantee shall e1pire& no later than the S$ Da" o! SS& 2S
& and an" deand !or
pa"ent +nder it +st ,e re*eived ," +s at this o!!i*e on or ,e!ore that date$
This 0+arantee is s+,@e*t to the Uni!or R+les !or Deand G+arantees& ICC 3+,li*ation No$
'.)& e1*ept that s+,para0raph 8ii9 o! S+,-arti*le 208a9 is here," e1*l+ded$
1he 'uarantor shall insert an amount representing the percentage of the "ontract Price specified in the
"ontract and denominated either in the currenc&(cies) of the "ontract or a freel& convertible currenc&
acceptable to the %mplo&er,
Insert the date twent&;eight da&s after the e5pected completion date, 1he %mplo&er should note that in
the event of an e5tension of the time for completion of the "ontract+ the %mplo&er would need to request
an e5tension of this guarantee from the 'uarantor, Such request must be in writing and must be made
prior to the e5piration date established in the guarantee, In preparing this guarantee+ the %mplo&er might
consider adding the following te5t to the form+ at the end of the penultimate paragraph: =1he 'uarantor
agrees to a one;time e5tension of this guarantee for a period not to e5ceed [si5 months![one &ear!+ in
response to the %mplo&erFs written request for such e5tension+ such request to be presented to the
'uarantor before the e5pir& of the guarantee,>
Atta*hentsC 4ors o! Invitation !or Bid User7s G+ide %07

Note. All italici/e! te0t (inclu!ing footnote&) i& for u&e in )re)aring t$i& for* an! &$all %e
!elete! fro* t$e final )ro!uct+
%0) User7s G+ide Atta*hentsC 4ors o! Invitation !or Bid
.ption 21 (er'or&ance Bond
B" this Bond [insert name of Principal! as 3rin*ipal 8hereina!ter *alled Athe Contra*torB9 and
[insert name of Suret&! as S+ret" 8hereina!ter *alled Athe S+ret"B9& are held and !irl" ,o+nd
+nto [insert name of %mplo&er! as O,li0ee 8hereina!ter *alled Athe Eplo"erB9 in the ao+nt
o! [insert amount in words and figures!& !or the pa"ent o! 2hi*h s+ 2ell and tr+l" to ,e
ade in the t"pes and proportions o! *+rren*ies in 2hi*h the Contra*t 3ri*e is pa"a,le& the
Contra*tor and the S+ret" ,ind theselves& their heirs& e1e*+tors& adinistrators& s+**essors
and assi0ns& @ointl" and severall"& !irl" ," these presents$
5=EREAS the Contra*tor has entered into a 2ritten A0reeent 2ith the Eplo"er dated the
da" o! & 20 & !or [name of contract and brief
description of orks! in a**ordan*e 2ith the do*+ents& plans& spe*i!i*ations& and
aendents thereto& 2hi*h to the e1tent herein provided !or& are ," re!eren*e ade part
hereo! and are hereina!ter re!erred to as the Contra*t$
NO5& T=ERE4ORE& the Condition o! this O,li0ation is s+*h that& i! the Contra*tor shall
proptl" and !aith!+ll" per!or the said Contra*t 8in*l+din0 an" aendents thereto9& then
this o,li0ation shall ,e n+ll and voidH other2ise& it shall reain in !+ll !or*e and e!!e*t$
5henever the Contra*tor shall ,e& and de*lared ," the Eplo"er to ,e& in de!a+lt +nder the
Contra*t& the Eplo"er havin0 per!ored the Eplo"er7s o,li0ations there+nder& the S+ret"
a" proptl" reed" the de!a+lt& or shall proptl"C
8%9 *oplete the Contra*t in a**ordan*e 2ith its ters and *onditionsH or
829 o,tain a Bid or ,ids !ro ?+ali!ied Bidders !or s+,ission to the Eplo"er !or
*opletin0 the Contra*t in a**ordan*e 2ith its ters and *onditions& and +pon
deterination ," the Eplo"er and the S+ret" o! the lo2est responsive Bidder&
arran0e !or a Contra*t ,et2een s+*h Bidder and Eplo"er and a6e availa,le as
2or6 pro0resses 8even tho+0h there sho+ld ,e a de!a+lt or a s+**ession o! de!a+lts
+nder the Contra*t or Contra*ts o! *opletion arran0ed +nder this para0raph9
s+!!i*ient !+nds to pa" the *ost o! *opletion less the Balan*e o! the Contra*t
3ri*eH ,+t not e1*eedin0& in*l+din0 other *osts and daa0es !or 2hi*h the S+ret"
a" ,e lia,le here+nder& the ao+nt set !orth in the !irst para0raph hereo!$ The
ter ABalan*e o! the Contra*t 3ri*e&B as +sed in this para0raph& shall ean the
total ao+nt pa"a,le ," Eplo"er to Contra*tor +nder the Contra*t& less the
ao+nt properl" paid ," Eplo"er to Contra*torH or
8#9 pa" the Eplo"er the ao+nt re?+ired ," Eplo"er to *oplete the Contra*t in
a**ordan*e 2ith its ters and *onditions +p to a total not e1*eedin0 the ao+nt o!
this Bond$
The S+ret" shall not ,e lia,le !or a 0reater s+ than the spe*i!ied penalt" o! this Bond$
An" s+it +nder this Bond +st ,e instit+ted ,e!ore the e1piration o! one "ear !ro the date o!
the iss+in0 o! the Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate$
Atta*hentsC 4ors o! Invitation !or Bid User7s G+ide %0(
No ri0ht o! a*tion shall a**r+e on this Bond to or !or the +se o! an" person or *orporation
other than the Eplo"er naed herein or the heirs& e1e*+tors& adinistrators& s+**essors& and
assi0ns o! the Eplo"er$
In testion" 2hereo!& the Contra*tor has here+nto set his hand and a!!i1ed his seal& and the
S+ret" has *a+sed these presents to ,e sealed 2ith his *orporate seal d+l" attested ," the
si0nat+re o! his le0al representative& this da" o! 20
SIGNED ON on ,ehal! o!
B" in the *apa*it" o!
In the presen*e o!
SIGNED ON on ,ehal! o!
B" in the *apa*it" o!
In the presen*e o!
%%0 User7s G+ide Atta*hentsC 4ors o! Invitation !or Bid
Ad-+nce P+7ment !ecurit7
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(an91& Na*e7 an! A!!re&& of I&&uing (ranc$ or Office+++++++++++++++++++++++
Bene'iciary1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Na*e an! A!!re&& of E*)lo'er +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Advance (ay&ent -%arantee ,o.1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
5e have ,een in!ored that $ $ $ $ ! name of the Contractor$ $ $ $ $ 8hereina!ter *alled Zthe
Contra*torZ9 has entered into Contra*t No$ $ $ $ $ $ reference number of the Contract. . . . .
dated $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $2ith "o+& !or the e1e*+tion o! $ $ $ $ $ $ name of contract and brief description
of Works. $ $ $ $ 8hereina!ter *alled Zthe Contra*tZ9$
4+rtherore& 2e +nderstand that& a**ordin0 to the Conditions o! the Contra*t& an
advan*e pa"ent in the s+ $ $ $ $ $ name of the currency and amount in figures*. . . . . .
(! ! ! ! ! amount in words. . . . $ 9 is to ,e ade a0ainst an advan*e pa"ent 0+arantee$
At the re?+est o! the Contra*tor& 2e $ $ $ $ $ name of the Bank. $ $ $ $ here," irrevo*a,l"
+nderta6e to pa" "o+ an" s+ or s+s not e1*eedin0 in total an ao+nt o! $ $ $ ! ! name
of the currency and amount in figures*. . . . . . (! ! ! ! ! amount in words. . . . . +pon re*eipt ,"
+s o! "o+r !irst deand in 2ritin0 a**opanied ," a 2ritten stateent statin0 that the
Contra*tor is in ,rea*h o! its o,li0ation +nder the Contra*t ,e*a+se the Contra*tor
+sed the advan*e pa"ent !or p+rposes other than the *osts o! o,ili;ation in respe*t
o! the 5or6s$
It is a *ondition !or an" *lai and pa"ent +nder this 0+arantee to ,e ade that the
advan*e pa"ent re!erred to a,ove +st have ,een re*eived ," the Contra*tor on its
a**o+nt n+,er $ $ $ $ ! Contractors account number. . $ $ $ at $ $ $ ! ! name and address of the
Bank. . . . . !
The a1i+ ao+nt o! this 0+arantee shall ,e pro0ressivel" red+*ed ," the ao+nt
o! the advan*e pa"ent repaid ," the Contra*tor as indi*ated in *opies o! interi
stateents or pa"ent *erti!i*ates 2hi*h shall ,e presented to +s$ This 0+arantee shall
e1pire& at the latest& +pon o+r re*eipt o! a *op" o! the interi pa"ent *erti!i*ate
indi*atin0 that ei0ht" 8)09 per*ent o! the Contra*t 3ri*e has ,een *erti!ied !or pa"ent&
or on the $ $ $ da" o! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ & $ $ $ $ $VV& 2hi*hever is earlier$ Conse?+entl"& an"
deand !or pa"ent +nder this 0+arantee +st ,e re*eived ," +s at this o!!i*e on or
,e!ore that date$$
This 0+arantee is s+,@e*t to the Uni!or R+les !or Deand G+arantees& ICC
3+,li*ation No$ '.)$
Atta*hentsC 4ors o! Invitation !or Bid User7s G+ide %%%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
!eal of Bank and !ignature"s#
Note. All italici/e! te0t i& for gui!ance on $ow to )re)are t$i& !e*an! guarantee an!
&$all %e !elete! fro* t$e final !ocu*ent+
: T$e Guarantor &$all in&ert an a*ount re)re&enting t$e a*ount of t$e a!ance
)a'*ent !eno*inate! eit$er in t$e currenc'(ie&) of t$e a!ance )a'*ent a& &)ecifie!
in t$e Contract7 or in a freel' conerti%le currenc' acce)ta%le to t$e E*)lo'er+
:: In&ert t$e e0)ecte! e0)iration !ate of t$e Ti*e for Co*)letion+ T$e E*)lo'er
&$oul! note t$at in t$e eent of an e0ten&ion of t$e ti*e for co*)letion of t$e Contract7
t$e E*)lo'er woul! nee! to reque&t an e0ten&ion of t$i& guarantee fro* t$e
Guarantor+ Suc$ reque&t *u&t %e in writing an! *u&t %e *a!e )rior to t$e e0)iration
!ate e&ta%li&$e! in t$e guarantee+ In )re)aring t$i& guarantee7 t$e E*)lo'er *ig$t
con&i!er a!!ing t$e following te0t to t$e for*7 at t$e en! of t$e )enulti*ate
)aragra)$. ;T$e Guarantor agree& to a one5ti*e e0ten&ion of t$i& guarantee for a
)erio! not to e0cee! 6&i0 *ont$&86one 'ear87 in re&)on&e to t$e E*)lo'er1& written
reque&t for &uc$ e0ten&ion7 &uc$ reque&t to %e )re&ente! to t$e Guarantor %efore t$e
e0)ir' of t$e guarantee+<

%%2 User7s G+ide Atta*hentsC 4ors o! Invitation !or Bid
etention Money $ec%rity
De&and -%arantee
00000000000000000000000000000000 [#ankFs .ame+ and *ddress of Issuing #ranch or Cffice!
Bene'iciary1 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP [.ame and *ddress of Eplo"er!
5e have ,een in!ored that [name of "ontractor! 8hereina!ter *alled Zthe Contra*torZ9 has
entered into Contra*t No$ [reference number of the contract! dated [date! 2ith "o+& !or the
e1e*+tion o! [name of contract and brief description of 5or6s! 8hereina!ter *alled Zthe Contra*tZ9$
4+rtherore& 2e +nderstand that& a**ordin0 to the *onditions o! the Contra*t& 2hen the
Ta6in0-Over Certi!i*ate has ,een iss+ed !or the 5or6s and the !irst hal! o! the Retention
Mone" has ,een *erti!ied !or pa"ent& pa"ent o! [insert the se*ond hal! o! the Retention
Mone" or if the amount guaranteed under the Performance 'uarantee when the 1aking;Cver
"ertificate is issued is less than half of the (etention /one&+ the di!!eren*e ,et2een hal! o!
the Retention Mone" and the ao+nt 0+aranteed +nder the 3er!oran*e Se*+rit"! is to ,e
ade a0ainst a Retention Mone" 0+arantee$
At the re?+est o! the Contra*tor& 2e [name of #ank! here," irrevo*a,l" +nderta6e to pa" "o+
an" s+ or s+s not e1*eedin0 in total an ao+nt o! [amount in figures! 8 9 [amount
in words!
+pon re*eipt ," +s o! "o+r !irst deand in 2ritin0 a**opanied ," a 2ritten
stateent statin0 that the Contra*tor is in ,rea*h o! its o,li0ation +nder the Contra*t ,e*a+se
the Contra*tor +sed the advan*e pa"ent !or p+rposes other than the *osts o! o,ili;ation in
respe*t o! the 5or6s$
It is a *ondition !or an" *lai and pa"ent +nder this 0+arantee to ,e ade that the pa"ent
o! the se*ond hal! o! the Retention Mone" re!erred to a,ove +st have ,een re*eived ," the
Contra*tor on its a**o+nt n+,er PPPPPPPPPPP at [name and address of #ank!$
This 0+arantee shall e1pire& at the latest& 2% da"s a!ter the date 2hen the Eplo"er has
re*eived a *op" o! the 3er!oran*e Certi!i*ate iss+ed ," the En0ineer$ Conse?+entl"& an"
deand !or pa"ent +nder this 0+arantee +st ,e re*eived ," +s at this o!!i*e on or ,e!ore
that date$
1he 'uarantor shall insert an amount representing the amount of the second half of the (etention /one&
or or if the amount guaranteed under the Performance 'uarantee when the 1aking;Cver "ertificate is
issued is less than half of the (etention /one&+ the difference between half of the (etention /one& and
the amount guaranteed under the Performance Securit& and denominated either in the currenc&(ies) of
the second half of the (etention /one& as specified in the "ontract+ or in a freel& convertible currenc&
acceptable to the %mplo&er,
Atta*hentsC 4ors o! Invitation !or Bid User7s G+ide %%#
This 0+arantee is s+,@e*t to the Uni!or R+les !or Deand G+arantees& ICC 3+,li*ation No$
Note. All italici/e! te0t (inclu!ing footnote&) i& for u&e in )re)aring t$i& for* an! &$all %e
!elete! fro* t$e final )ro!uct+

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