JOBS Link: May Task Force Meeting Notes

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Cal houn County Department of Human Resources

At the JOBS Task Force

meeting held Thursday,
May 15, 2014,
Honorable Judge
Brenda Stedham,
Calhoun County Judge
presiding over Family
Court, spoke to the
assembly about the new
program that is being
offered for Veterans.
Judge Stedham has
been instrumental in
beginning a new
Veterans Treatment
Court in Calhoun
County to assist
Veterans struggling with
legal issues. Veterans
Treatment Court assists
in providing counseling
and other alternatives to
jail for veterans with
problems such as post-
traumatic stress
disorder, traumatic brain
injuries, and other
combat related issues.
Judge Stedham is an
advocate for Veterans
who are facing legal
issues and is working to
bring awareness to the
issues that Veterans
face. She also stated
that she hopes to see
the community come
together to assist
Veterans who may be
The Veterans Treatment
Court is structured to
provide Veterans with an
option when they may
not know where to seek
help otherwise. Judge
Stedham reported that
the court is a year-long
process which requires
them to pass regular
drug tests, attend
counseling, and meet
with other veterans who
will serve as mentors.
The program requires
that Veterans plead
guilty to the stated
charges(s), with the
understanding of the
strict penalties of
noncompliance with the
treatment program.
Judge Stedham
emphasized that the
participants must be
willing to work at their
treatment and be
committed to change.
The long-term goal is to
engage Veteran
participants in gainful
employment or
opportunities. Judge
Stedham also hopes to
see other community
organizations contribute
to the program and its

For more information
regarding the Calhoun
County Veterans
Treatment Court, please
contact the Calhoun
County Family Court at

Volume XIV, Issue 3
August 2014
May Task Force Meeting Notes
Ken Coleman
Program Supervisor
(256) 240-2130

Curley Davis
JOBS/PA Supervisor
(256) 240-2040

Misty Pruett
Case Manager
(256) 240-2034

Nicole Truss
Case Manager
(256) 240-2035

Catherine Akles
Case Aide
(256) 240-2037

Beulah Howard
Case Aide
(256) 240-2038

E-mail is

JOBS Li nk
Page 2
JOBS is excited to be
partnering with
Wakefield's Dept. Store
to begin a brand new
training program. This is
a new undertaking for
Wakefield's in their
Distrubution Center, and
we are thrilled to be able
to refer clients to this
opportunity. Larry Bain,
JOBS Partners with Wakefields
Wakefield's HR
Manager, hopes to be
able to use this training
program to offer clients
with little to no work
experience a leg-up on
future employment.
Again, Calhoun County
DHR and the JOBS
program is very excited
about our relationship
with Wakefield's and the
tremendous impact they
have on our clients and
program. We hope to be
able to develop similar
relationships with other
organizations and
companies in the county
and surrounding

Paul walks into the bosss
office. Sir, let me get
straight to the point, I
know the economy is
really down, but I have a
couple of companies after
me, and I would like to
ask for a raise. After a
few minutes of haggling
between them the
boss finally agrees to a
10% raise, and Paul gets
up to leave. One
minute, says the boss to
Paul, which companies
On A Lighter Note

are after you by the way?
The gas company, cable
company, and phone
company, Paul replied!
As the owner of a large
company, I went down to
check out how everything
was going. I noticed some
guy just chilling in
the coffee room. Just
how much are you getting
paid a week? The young
man replied, Two
hundred bucks! Taking
out my wallet I give him
$200 and say, Here is a
weeks pay and dont
come back! Turning to
one of the supervisors, I
ask, How long was that
lazy bum working here
anyways? He doesnt
work here, said the
supervisor. He just
walked in to ask

The JOBS Unit has
recently undergone some
staffing changes, due to
Ms. Sheena Knight
leaving the agency to
pursue an exciting
opportunity for her family.
We will certainly miss
Sheena and all that she
contributed to the JOBS
Participation Rate Update

While the JOBS Unit is
currently down to Nicole
Truss and Misty Pruett,
the participation rate has
remained above the goal
of 50%. Our rate for the
fiscal year thus far is at
The JOBS Unit is excited
about continuing to foster
relationships with local
employers willing to
extend opportunities to
JOBS participants.
Thank you for your
assistance. If you are
aware of a business or
organization that could
benefit by partnering with
JOBS, please, contact us
with information.

Calhoun County
Department of Human
415 West 11
PO Box 1869
Anniston, AL 36202
The menu will include
Please, contact any
member of JOBS staff for
more information or if you
would like to speak at a
The next JOBS Task
Force meeting will be
held at noon on
Thursday, August 21,
2014, at the Calhoun
County Department of
Human Resources.
future Task Force
As always, we appreciate
your interest and look
forward to seeing you

Upcoming Events
Phone (256) 240-2120
Fax (256) 240-2144

Our Mission
The JOBS Programs mission is to help families stay together and succeed by
encouraging participants to pursue their goals and by assisting with their transition into
the workforce.
We promote education and employment skills as key to self-sufficiency and success.
Feel free to contact any member of our staff for further information.

For information about any
DHR program, see
JOBS Li nk
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