Advanced Structural Analysis

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Annexure CD 01


Credit Units: 6
Course Level: PG Course Code:
Course Contents/Syll!us:
"ei#$t#e %&'
(odule I
Introduction to Matrix Methods - displacements formulation analysis of continuous beams -frames. Principle of
superposition, Stiffness and flexibility matrices in 2D analysis. Flexibility method applied to statically determinate
and indeterminate structures - Internal forces due to thermal expansion and lack of fit - nalysis of truss - !ontinuous
beam and frames. Stiffness method applied to statically determinate and indeterminate structures - "ack of fit -
nalysis of truss - continuous beam and frames.
(odule II
De#elopment of the method - Internal forces due to thermal expansion and lack of fit - pplication to symmetrical
structures - !ode system in the stiffness methods - !omputer pro$ram for the code system - !omparison bet%een
stiffness and flexibility methods
(odule III
nalysis usin$ the stiffness method and flexibility method %ith tridia$onali&ation and Iteration method - For frames
%ith prismatic members only
(odule IV
Co+,uter I+,le+enttion
pro'ect on de#elopment of an analysis pro$ram usin$ some of the abo#e method is en#isa$ed at this sta$e
Introdu-tion to Anlysis P-.#es
(he numerical examples sol#ed usin$ the analysis pro$ram de#eloped in the abo#e to be #erified usin$ common
commercial packa$es.
(odule V
)* nalysis of lar$e and tall structures - sub-structurin$ static condensation procedure - Simple problems only.
L T P/S S"//
) ) *
Student Lernin# 0ut-o+es:
+e able to analyse the complex structures around in a manner as simple as possible
+e able to desi$n the structures to a reasonable extent
L!/ Pr-ti-ls detils1 i2 ,,li-!le:
List o2 E3,eri+ents:
Static nalysis of framed structure
Dynamic analysis of structure
nalysis of composite structure
,ther exercises
Assess+ent/ E3+intion S-$e+e:
T$eory L/T %&' L!/Pr-ti-l/Studio %&' Totl
4* 5* 6**
T$eory Assess+ent %L7T':
Continuous Assess+ent/Internl Assess+ent End Ter+ E3+intion
Co+,onents %Dro, do8n' Clss test 9o+e ssi#n+ent Viv Attendn-e E3+
"ei#$t#e %&' -. / 0 1 /.
L!/ Pr-ti-l/ Studio Assess+ent:
Continuous Assess+ent/Internl Assess+ent End Ter+ E3+intion
Co+,onents %Dro, do8n Attendn-e Per2or+n-e L! Re-ord Viv Totl
"ei#$t#e %&' 1 -. -. 1 /.
Te3t Redin# 7 Re2eren-es:
2an$ !.3., Matrix Methods of Structural nalysis, International (extbook !ompany, -4/..
Pr&emeineicki 5.S., (heory of Matrix Structural nalysis, Mc6ra% 7ill, 8e% 9ork, -401.
Devds (enon:1 Advn-ed Stru-turl Anlysis1 Nros Pu!lis$ers in Indi nd Al,$ S-ien-e Interntionl

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