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Please do yourself a favour and try to read each line without judgement, with an

open mind, and from beginning to end, and see if the pieces off the puzzle make
any sense to you.
One thing before I start, if you find any new interesting/challenging info here,
there is no need to stop and start researching it from scratch, just move on an
d carry on reading. At the end of this thread I have a long list of source mater
ial that you can use when you finish, covering pretty much everything I will say
in the next couple of pages, and more. So here we go.
I believe that reincarnation is a fact of life, which can be confirmed by anyone
by undergoing a past life regression, noting down checkable facts, and confirmi
ng them, as done by decades of research by once-hardcore-skeptic police captain
Robert Snow. Further confirmed by the Edgar Cayce readings, which are one of the
VERY few sources I rely on 100%. Thank you Edgar Cayce. Also the Scole Experime
nt. Obviously they indicate the existence of the soul. Not to mention the cases
of Near Death Experiences, Out-of-Body Experiences, Astral Projection, Remote vi
ewing, and so on, although some of these are also indications of the power of th
e mind, the holographic nature of the universe (which is also confirmed by today
's physicists, like Stanford University's Leonard Susskind), the illusory nature
of time and space, and so on.
I believe human civilization is tens of thousands of years old, as suggested by
Gobekli Tepe and Puma Punku, and as described in channeled materials. Also confi
rmed, again, by Cayce, and his readings on Atlantis, and the Ra Material, which
is the truth of the highest order and purity I have found in my entire life. Tha
nk you, L/L Research.
I believe that you create your own reality as described by Rhonda Byrne in The S
ecret, The Power, and The Magic, by the Laws of Attraction and Gratitude. The me
thods are further elaborated on in several of Gregg Braden's seminars, like The
Lost Mode of Prayer, The Isaiah Effect, The Divine Matrix, and so on. Everything
he has to say is summarised best, I believe, in an 8-hour workshop called Speak
ing the Lost Language of God. For illustration I will quote what I consider one
of the main points:
"If you unite the right thought (which gives the direction) with the right emoti
on (which gives the power or impetus) you get the right feeling.
The feeling that allows us to touch the world in our prayer is the feeling that
we have knowing that the prayer has already been answered. When we ask that pray
er be answered there is a tension that surrounds that. "Please intervene in this
situation in which I feel powerless or helpless" - there is a tenseness around
that. When we feel the feeling as if the prayer is already answered there is a r
elaxation, an easing, a lessening of that tension.
From this perspective prayer becomes a consciousness that we embody rather than
an act that we perform on occasion. Rather than stopping in the middle of our da
y and saying "Now I'm going to do a prayer, ..., OK, my prayer is finished, now
I'm going to do something else", this mode of prayer is a feeling that we can ho
ld in our bodies when we're driving to work, when we're dining with our families
, when we're performing our daily routines, life becomes the prayer."
Much like Byrne's Law of Attraction.
I believe that there are as many ways of creating your reality as individuals, b
ut the basic principles are mostly as can be found in magick practices. Ultimate
ly it's whatever works for you - casting, incantations, talismans, spells, visua
lization, rituals, meditation, prayer, visiting (what yo believe to be) a holy s
hrine, etc. The key is true, deep and unquestioning faith - at least on the cons
cious path. There is another path, the path of Love, where the creation of reali
ty will be achieved through what could be referred to as Grace, synchronisticall
y miraculous ways, but that shouldn't concern anyone here, these individuals are
not seekers. You don't have to be a seeker, or even an "aware" person, to learn
the lessons of love and graduate to 4th D, or, as some would say, to ascend.
I believe there is and always has been an alien presence of diverse species each
with their own agenda, and that the PTB are in exo-political contact with each
of them, as testified by
thousands of researchers, high-ranking military officers, etc. some of whom appe
ar in The Disclosure Project and the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. As part of t
he CHD Dr. Steven Greer testifies about the way ET technology works using the fo
llowing words:
"I remember, when I was having dinner with CIA Director Woolsey and his wife, th
e most insightful question came from Dr. Woolsey, who at the time was Chief Oper
ating Officer of the National Academy of Sciences; she said, What I want to know
is, How are these civilizations communicating across the vastness of space? Becaus
e your cell phones and radio waves are going at the speed of light." I said, Yes,
thats just too slow; the speed of light is way too slow. I had a gut-check. I sai
d, Do I tell her the truth and lose all credibility as a scientist and as a docto
r, or do I tell her something that sounds scientific, but thats really not true? E
ver since then, I have vowed that if someone is intelligent enough to ask the qu
estion, I will provide the answers as truthfully as I can. So I turned to her, a
nd I said, Well, Dr. Woolsey, it is like this: it turns out thinking is the best
way to travel. The speed of thought is not quantifiable. However, when you start
getting into the new physics that have been done, where you have the ability to
teleport across vast distances instantly, and this has been done with particles
, but were talking about civilizations that can do it with entire spacecraft and
occupants; youre dealing with an entirely new physics. But their communication de
vices and their own innate abilities allow for thought-actuated events."
This testimony further confirms the creative power of the mind, an ability speci
es near and far across the universe are using as the most natural thing in the w
orld, but we here on Earth have been brainwashed into believing (!) not to be tr
ue by the few who are aware of it but need the rest to be powerless for easy man
I believe that the PTB have been in possession of ET technology for decades at l
east, and if it were shared with the rest of humanity, wars, diseases, poverty,
etc. would all be history.
I believe the media are manipulated in different ways to hide the truth from the
public, and to only provide non-consequential material designed to keep us ente
rtained (sedated).
I believe that Coral Castle was built the same way as the buildings at Cusco, Ti
huanaco, Ollantaytambo and Puma Punku, and that Ed Leedskalnin built it the same
way that the pyramids were built. Using the power of the mind, imbued with Love
and Gratitude, possibly with a form of creative visualisation. (Or, if you are
more down-to-earth, at least a Free Energy device.) At any rate, he said that th
e castle was, and I quote, "a labour of love".
I believe that by learning to discipline the mind it is possible to contact extr
a-terrestrial civilizations, as described in the Sirius Movie under the CE-5 Ini
tiative. The tools necessary for the mind are Coherent Thought Sequencing and a
guided meditation.
I believe breatharianism is attainable by anyone, as described in No Way to Heav
en, and as testified by Michael Werner in In the Beginning There Was Light. Engl
ish subtitles for the latter are hard to find, I can upload it if anyone interes
I believe that faith and belief can heal anything, which can manifest in differe
nt ways, like prayers healing cancerous tumours (well illustrated by the medicin
eless hospitals of China, on which I have opened a separate topic a while ago),
or simply undergoing psychic surgery. A well-proven evidence is the status of th
e placebo effect in modern science as fact, and the employment of Craniosacral T
herapists. The British NHS website contains information on not only the placebo-
effect but also on how chemotherapy increases cancerous cells' resistance to tre
atment as described at
nt_resistance.html . The words the NHS uses are as follows: "This interesting re
search has identified a way in which cancer treatment resistance may be induced
by the effects of the cancer treatment itself on the cells surrounding the tumou
r." And where it talks about the placebo effect the following words are used: "T
he placebo effect is about the power of the mind to influence the body." and "Th
e placebo effect is an example of how our expectations and beliefs can cause rea
l change in our physical bodies." Now if the mind can do this to the body, I don
't see how that should be the ultimate limit of its powers. How about another pe
rson's body? (Praying for others, sending Love/Light, etc.) Pets? Animals? Objec
ts? (Girls and women lifting multi-ton cars to save trapped dads and husbands.)
Is there a limit? What would it be and why that?
I believe that anyone can phase out of this reality like Diderici did. Although
I'm not sure what the trick is, it might be that it can only happen accidentally
as in the case of the Green children of Woolpit and the Green children of Banjo
s. But then we have events like the Philadelphia Experiment, so who knows?
I believe anyone can learn to fly like D. D. Home did.
I believe that the reason Psychedelics, most importantly DMT and psylocibin, are
illegal is because they expand your consciousness, open your eyes, and make you
question the current establishment. The way they seem to work is they only show
you what you're ready for, never too much, always pushing the boundaries just a
little further. I wish the people could overcome the decades of brainwashing ab
out drugs, and start taking responsibility for their own lives as adults do, and
emerge from the civic adolescence we are in, as explained by US senator Mike Gr
avel at the Citizen Hearing.
I believe that any and all knowledge is available to anyone and can be accessed
as Edgar Cayce demonstrated throughout his lifetime.
I believe that a great amount of this knowledge, which has been acquired in prev
ious incarnations, not only can be accessed, but is, in fact, stored in our memo
ry (possibly a non-physical portion of it), which can then be tapped or can surf
ace involuntarily, giving rise to the phenomenon of Acquired Savant Syndrome, wh
ere people involved in accidents inexplicably start exhibiting new artistic, mat
hematical, linguistic, etc. skills, abilities and knowledge. This begs the quest
ion: Are savants biologically different from the rest of us, or are we all savan
ts pretending to be stupid?
I believe that you can create anything with magic-imbued belief.
I believe that all the above knowledge existed in the Alexandrian library, which
is why the Powers That Were destroyed it. Their methods of enslavement included
keeping the masses in the dark and keeping knowledge, technology, etc. to thems
elves. This is to change as they are realizing that a higher form of enslavement
is accomplished by controlling individuals WITH access to knowledge and technol
ogy, not infringing on their free will, as 4th density negatives do by practisin
g psychic attack.
I believe that there is a big picture that all the above and way more fit in, th
at would take a long time to explain and hard to convey in words. Let's oversimp
lify and put it like this:
You are (a splinter of) God, and all-powerful creator, and there are those that
want to keep this knowledge from you so they can use you for their own purposes.
I like the way Terence McKenna puts it: You're either a planner, or a plannee.
P. S.: I did not mention anything about synchronicity, maybe I should have, it's
probably a way of the universe of telling you you're doing something right. I f
irst heard about synchronicity in James Redfield's The Celestine Prophecy, which
I read about 8 years ago. Yesterday I started composing this topic. I felt this
was going to be a great work, so I had all the enthusiasm I could have. I went
to work. (I work as a cashier at the moment.) I handle a lot of money, thousands
of s each day. Sometimes some of the notes have something written on them with a
pen, usually a number. The day I started composing this topic and had most of t
he points outlined, I was given a 10 note at work that had written on it in what
looked like strong bold letters "Be true to yourself". It sounds similar to "kno
w yourself", but maybe goes further, knowing is ok but not enough, you should re
flect this knowledge in your every thought, word and deed. Maybe that's the key
for a successful creation process.
As a final thought I would like to add a quote here and then add to it a thought
of mine, that should summarize what I intended this topic to be all about:
"The incarnating entity which has become conscious of the incarnative process an
d thus programs its own experience may choose the amount of catalyst or, to phra
se this differently, the number of lessons which it will undertake to experience
and to learn from in one incarnation. This does not mean that all is predestine
d, but rather that there are invisible guidelines shaping events which will func
tion according to this programming. Thus if one opportunity is missed another wi
ll appear until the, shall we say, student of the life experience grasps that a
lesson is being offered and undertakes to learn it."
The stress is on the first sentence. To enhance understanding, I will use a seco
nd quote:
"Firstly, there are those directly under the Guardians who are responsible for t
he incarnation patterns of those incarnating automatically, that is, without con
scious self-awareness of the process of spiritual evolution. You may call these
beings angelic if you prefer. They are, shall we say, local or of your planetary s
phere. ... When the entity becomes aware in its mind/body/spirit complex totalit
y of the mechanism for spiritual evolution it, itself, will arrange and place th
ose lessons and entities necessary for maximum growth and expression of polarity
in the incarnative experience before the forgetting process occurs. The only di
sadvantage of this total free will of those senior entities choosing the manner
of incarnation experiences is that some entities attempt to learn so much during
one incarnative experience that the intensity of catalyst disarranges the polar
ized entity and the experience thus is not maximally useful as intended."
And my commentary: I believe that, just like an awareness of the incarnative pro
cess is necessary to override automatic planning of the next incarnation, so one
must realize their own god-like nature and become aware of the power we each ha
rbour regarding our ability to create our own reality. Until such awareness is a
ttained, one still creates their own reality, only subconsciously, feeling, as a
result, powerless, not in control, subject to the tides and waves of the ocean
of life. However, I believe in the case of consciously creating our own reality
it is not sufficient to become aware of the process. It is imperative that you K
NOW what you want to create, and WHY you want to create it, which should relate
to the goals set by the soul as part of planning the incarnation, all the while
keeping in mind the Laws of Attraction and Gratitude, and utilizing tools like C
reative Visualization. The ultimate secret is the well-known but little-understo
od "KNOW YOURSELF". So you see, it's no good saying "I want a Ferrari", because
the truth is, you don't WANT a Ferrari. You THINK you want a Ferrari, because yo
u do not KNOW yourself. Once you know yourself you will know the things you have
learned, and you will know your weak points, things you still need to work on.
Then you can plan your life consciously, for which you can choose your own path,
which might or might not include ownership of a Ferrari. But if it does, it wil
l not be to enjoy the speed or save time travelling or to show off, unless your
genuine goal is to show yourself the pointlessness of showing off. I hope I made
sense here, sorry if I disillusioned anyone, but then again, it's your fault, y
ou synchronistically attracted this topic into your life as part of your creatin
g your own reality. Now it's up to you to figure out the reason. Good luck.
some sources:
The Ra Material:
Past life memories from brain trauma:
Past life memories WITHOUT brain trauma:
Cancer conspiracy:
Craniosacral Therapy: 16:20-18:10 This is a clinic i
n Austria that has a 100% (!) success rate and where CT is practised routinely.
Possibly for a reason.
Prayer dissolving cancerous tumour:
We all have unlimited talents:
Coral Castle:
intro: and 2 subsequent parts
best info: and 10 subsequent parts
Alternative history:
The media are manipulated:
UFO Cover-up:
The complete Citizen Hearing:
CE-5 Initiative:
The World As Hologram:
Speaking the Lost Language of God:
Sorry, I don't think you will find it on torrent with seeders, you can buy it on
Amazon or I can upload if someone knows a good storage site, although stuff lik
e this deserves to be paid for.
Also I recommend the following 2-part movie:
Further videos:
The Venus Project and the Zeitgeist Movement:
and finally:
Recommended books:
Neale Donald Walsch - Conversations With God trilogy, and 6 subsequent books - t
he second purest truth I have found
Jess Stearn: Edgar Cayce - The Sleeping Prophet
Rhonda Byrne: The Secret; The Power; The Magic
Jane Roberts - Seth Speaks
David Icke - Children Of The Matrix
Further reading:
Book Of Chuang Tzu (Tao Te Ching)
The Urantia Papers

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