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You are cordially invited

to a reception honoring
Senator Michael Bennet, D-CO
Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committt'e
Banking, Housing and Urban Nfl/irs Committee
Homeland Securit.y and Government Affairs Conunittee
June 22, 2009
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
300 Independence Avenue SE
Washington, DC
C;uest: $1,000
For more information or to RSVP, please contact Erica Price at
202543-3888 or Erica@;
Contributions to Bennet for Colorado are not deductible for federal incorne tax purposes.
Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals and federal government contractors are
prohibited. Federal law requires us to lise our best dfol'ts to collect and report the name, mailing
address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in an
election cycle.
June 22 Reception
Washington, DC
Yes! I would like to support Senator Michael Bennet!
Attached is n1Y contribution of $
Please make your contribution payable to "Bennet for Colorado" and mail to:
Bennet for Color'1do
426 C Street NE
Washington, DC 2(l()02
Conlrlbutillns to for Colorndo Ilmited $4.800 per individual ($9.()On per couple) and fc-dernl PACt' may
cQnlribu1e $5.000 eJection ($ JO.OOO maxJmum). A and wife may (:'ontJibuLe II lllllXlnmtll (Jf$9.({)() hy OllQ check drawn
from llCi:Ounl and !)igned by hoth Jmllviduldl',
Contributions 1'0 Benne.t for Colorndo !'Irc i\.l.Ihjed In the ilnd limlt;:ltions of r,'ederal Election Campajgn Act.
ContrihutJomi 'fr"m C{ll1,{lrtltiom,:;. fHl.Llonul hank... , federal Cl:mlmcton;. and foreign nath'HlalswjH) :'ire nN admiltcd for penmmclll
residence in Ul1ltt1d SHlte:-- arc, prohlhJ.l,cd. All cc:mtrlbutkms must from personal funds and 111f1.y not be rdmbmsoo ()j" paid
by any
PAC checks will be IIc'Ceplcd.
Fe.deral h\w lL'110 Lise our e.ffMtf\ lo collect and report the !Hlme, mailing ()C'CUp8tiOfl, and name of e,mployer for
indh'ldullls l.mntlibLitions exceed $2(JO in an election cycle. if this is. a cuntribUl:itm from u husband and Wife by one ch('.ck drawn
from ujoint ac:counl' and signed by both Individuals, pleaIiC provide the requested intbnnatiml below for bOlh indi.... iduals.
!\tl\QI\f.\I: . _
Cell PhNlt': _
nm:.iil: _ .. _ ..
If you prefer to pay by credit card, please complete the following;
A!'Jli.)lll'lI.: ."'''__'__h_,_,_"_.,.,,, __
............_-_.._-_........._-_ _.

By :="igllill,lii; b.::10w', 1 ,iff;.),'\'!'l dlllr 1 ;ol'J rhi;\ \'I}llll:.ibl.lrkul wlth In)' (I,wd:l. ll:ll.(] r l'Ill:l. l;',l fllildli !)I'(J'ilx:1NI
1' :Ill)' other
By "",-p;lling bd,")'l,v, J \lm r iH'l'1 thit. <,;;out;;ibl.llion on fUr QWlJ '"j,(':dil. and no1' "..jl'b a (.'c"I:pOf!'Ie (:II"
busluc'=l1 ,'ltd f,ll: a \(U(1 (ni.(7C'F'I' to,[ my

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