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Deutsch 4

Policies, Procedures, and Expectations

From the Teacher
Dear Parents and Students,
Willkommen to the 2014-2015 school year! It has been a great year for Germany, winning
their fourth World Cup trophy. I too am looking forward to another championship year at
Kearney Junior High and High School. Please look through this booklet carefully. All students
need to be familiar with the contents, especially my expectations regarding behavior and
assignments. In order to be a successful student, it is imperative you understand what is
expected of you.
If parents/guardians need to contact me, please note that my voicemail box is only at the
Junior High School. I am at the Junior High from 7:15 until approximately 11:15 a.m. My
planning period is during 4
hour. I am at the High School until 2:40. If you need to reach me
at that time, please call the High School.
Since this year marks the centennial of the outbreak of World War I, there will be several times
throughout the school year, when I will be tying together German history and German
language. For instance there will be daily World War I facts that you can quiz your student
Parents and students please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Best wishes for
a great school year!
Stacey Getz
German Teacher

Phone: 816-628-2650
Extension: 32201 Junior High
31005 High School

Deutsch 4
Mission Statement
The mission of the German program is to develop the cultural awareness of students, to
promote creative thinking, and to foster a greater understanding of the world in which they
Hour Class Location
German II Kearney Junior High
B 108
German I Kearney Junior High
B 108
German I Kearney Junior High
B 108
Planning Traveling Between Schools
German III/IV Kearney High School
Room 5
German II Kearney High School
Room 5
German I Kearney High School
Room 5

Course Design
Throughout the year, the students will be learning to communicate in German about a variety of
topics using the four skills of language (speaking, reading, writing, and listening). During each
unit, students will demonstrate their proficiency in the language through a variety of
assessments. Sometimes students will be asked to have a conversation in German, give a
presentation, write a paper, read a passage and answer questions, and listen to prompts and give
an accurate response.
Course Units
Unit 1 Review
Main Idea: To start off the year, students will review the major concepts of German 3.
Grammar Focus: Verb tenses, cases of nouns, adjectives
Unit 2 Die drei ??? Kids
Main Idea: Students will be able to read a short German novel, being able to discuss
characters, plot, and predict what will happen next.
Culture Focus: Vocabulary expansion
Unit 3 - The Genitive Case
Main Idea: Students will be able to show how to objects relate to one another
Grammar Focus: The genitive case (possession)
Culture Focus: Food and eating etiquette
Unit 4 Einkaufen gehen
Main Idea: Students will be able replace a noun phrase with the appropriate
demonstrative pronoun.
Grammar Focus: Demonstrative pronouns
Culture Focus: Going shopping, metric system
Unit 5 Hobbys und Interessen
Main Idea: Students will be able to descriptively describe a given situation
Grammar Focus: Adjectives following der-words
Culture Focus: Interests, hobbies
Unit 6 Feste und Feiertage
Main Idea: Students will be able to descriptively describe major German holidays.
Grammar Focus: Adjectives following ein-words
Culture Focus: German holidays and festivals
Unit 7 Erster Weltkrieg
Main Idea: In commemoration of the centennial of the first World War, students will
be able to explain the cause and consequences of the first German War.
Culture Focus: Art of Otto Dix
Unit 7 Berufe
Main Idea: Students will be able to write about past events, differentiating between the
recent past and the past.
Grammar Focus: Past perfect tense
Culture Focus: Professions and a visit to the doctors
Unit 8 Parts of the Car
Main Idea: Students will be able to describe traffic and traffic problems in Germany.
Grammar Focus: Verbs with prepositions, Conjunctions
Culture Focus: Traffic signs in Germany and the automobile

Grading Policy
Students will be graded on a combination of participation points, in class assignments,
homework, projects, quizzes, and exams.
In Class Assignments/Homework In-class assignments might be a worksheet, activity,
skit, or class discussion. Points for in class assignments will range from 5 50 points.
Students who are absent will be excused from any skit, discussion, or activity that took place on
the day the student was gone. However, students will have to make up worksheets or
Projects This class is project based and will not be using exams as formative assessments.
Projects will be based on the material learned in class and might include brief films created in
class by students, research project, writing stories, etc. Points for projects will range from 25
200, depending on the requirements of the assigned work.
Please note; do not bring any item to school that is valuable whether it is of monetary or
personal value. At both schools, I share a classroom with other teachers and cannot ensure the
objects safety.
Quizzes and Exams Quizzes will be given frequently and will cover vocabulary and
grammar. Points for quizzes will range from 5 50. Exams will cover material learned in an
entire unit. Units are typically several weeks worth of material and include vocabulary,
culture, listening, speaking, and grammar. Two final exams will be given at the end of each
semester. Semester exams will cover the most recent unit and will contain some cumulative
questions. Points will range from 50 200.
Late Work I will accept late work for full credit up to the last week of a quarter and only
for the current quarter. There will be no deductions of points from late work assignments
other than for incorrect answers and completion of the assignment. As for projects, they will
not be taken for full credit and will receive a 5 point deduction per day that they are late (unless
they are late due to an excused absence, all excused absences follow school procedures with 1
day given for each day missed to turn in late work).

Student Expectations
Students are asked to show CARE in the German Classroom Communicate, Attendance,
Respect, and Execute Classroom Procedures. When everyone follows these expectations, the
German class will run smoothly, allowing everyone to learn in a positive environment.
Ask for help when you need it.
Let the teacher know if you are going to be absent.
Share your thoughts, comments, ideas, and questions at the appropriate time.
Remember to raise your hand before blurting out an answer.

Be on time to every class
If you are not in class, it is your responsibility to get all make-up work and notes on
your own time during class is not the time.
Check Absence Folder for missing work and notes.

Do not touch what is not yours.
Give everyone the chance to learn by listening silently.
Everyone learns in different ways and at different speeds always support another
students efforts in a positive way.
Treat one another as you wish to be treated yourself.
Remember that others share your space, leave it clean and tidy.

Execute Classroom Procedures
Deposit all trash into the correct container.
Absolutely NO food is allowed in the classroom. This is a school rule as well.
Be in your seat when the bell rings.
Be ready to begin the day have out your pen, paper, and book.
Turn homework into the correct box, once completed.
Participate in all classroom activities.
Wait to pack up your belongings until permission is given.
Do not wait by the door with your things before the bell rings.


Unfortunately, students do not always meet expectations. The following steps will be taken to
help students take responsibility, so that they will have correct behavior. Steps may be
repeated or skipped depending on the severity of the behavior.

1. Warning and review of the expectation.
2. Detention (8
Hour). Students may receive a detention to be completed before school at
the junior high or after school at the high school.
3. Parent conference and/or phone call to discuss meeting all expectations.
4. Meeting with Principal to discuss the failure to meet all expectations.
5. Referral to counselor and/or principal for possible removal from class or other
appropriate consequence.

Materials Needed

A good way to start a successful school year is to be organized. Listed below are some supplies
that I would like all my students to have. Please have all supplies in two weeks time. Thank

Spiral notebook
Folder or binder for course materials
Loose leaf paper
1 of the following: markers, crayons, or colored pencils
German/English pocket dictionary or access to online dictionary via tablet or smart phone

Possible Extra Credit:
Facial Tissues

*The best dictionary for this is Langenscheidts, which is yellow and blue. This can be found or
ordered through most any bookstore. There is no need for a larger dictionary, a pocket one is
easier for the student to carry daily from home to school.

Please have your student return the form below by Tuesday, August 26
Parent Information Sheet

Students Name: ________________________________ Grade: ________ Hour: _______

Parent/Guardians Name: _________________________________________

Please list any comments, concerns, or questions you have about your student and the German
Program. Please list the best method of contact below if you would like a response to your
question/comment. Thank you!


















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