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UP Strategic Plan 2011-2017

Padayon UP! Onward UP!

on the Path to Greatness on the Path to Greatness
in the 21
UPs Mandate as a National University
Under its Charter of 2008 (! "#00$% UP is &andated to'
Perform its (ni)(e and distinctive leadershi* in higher
education and development
Lead in setting acade&ic standards and initiating
innovations in teaching, research, and faculty development
Provide opportunities for training and learning in leadershi* Provide opportunities for training and learning in leadershi*
Serve as a grad(ate (niversity providing advanced studies
Serve as a research (niversity in various fields
Lead as a *(+lic service (niversity for the government, the
private sector and civil society
Serve as a regional and glo+al (niversity in the Asia Pacific
Region and around the world
ights and es*onsi+ilities of UP
!cade&ic freedo&' a right and a responsibility
!cade&ic e,cellence' enhance and maintain high academic
standards in instruction, research, and public service
Co&&it&ent to national develo*&ent' identify key
concerns, conduct research and formulate responsive
policies; give advice to Congress and the Philippine President policies; give advice to Congress and the Philippine President
Social res*onsi+ility' serve the ilipino nation and humanity
provide venues for student volunteerism
-e&ocratic access' enhance the access of disadvantaged
S*orts' promote physical education; instill school identity
.nstit(tional and fiscal a(tono&y' for greater fle!ibility
/(iding Princi*les
0onor and e,cellence' "P#s long tradition
-e&ocratic governance' collegiality, representation,
accountability, transparency, and active participation of our
!ccessi+ility and res*onsiveness to our stakeholders$ no
bureaucratic walls bureaucratic walls
.nnovative and creative decision making and problem
1ne (niversity' common standards, harmoni%ed systems,
and shared services across constituent units with
decentrali%ed e!ecution
1(r 2ision for UP
! great (niversity% ta3ing a leadershi* role
in the develo*&ent of a glo+ally co&*etitive Phili**ines
&riven by academic e!cellence and operational e!cellence;
Strong research and creative capability, supported by an e!panded
graduate program and geared to addressing the country#s
'!cellent faculty and staff working in an environment conducive to
outstanding performance and high productivity; outstanding performance and high productivity;
(he best and brightest students from across the country prepared
for successful careers and responsible citi%enship;
Strong support from the alumni and other stakeholders;
)igh visibility and effective public service;
*oderni%ed physical facilities and technological infrastructure for
teaching, research and administration; and
inancial sustainability achieved by resource generation and
administrative efficiency, while preserving its public character+
UP S4!45/.C P6!N 2011-2017' 405 P!40 41 /5!4N5SS
2.S.1N' ! great (niversity% ta3ing a leadershi* role in the develo*&ent of a glo+ally co&*etitive Phili**ines
!C!-5M.C 57C5665NC5
esearch 8
Creative 9or3
(National 8 6/Us,
:US.N5SS 8
.NS4.4U4.1NS 1<
0./05 65!N.N/
<.6.P.N1 P51P65
/(iding S*irit' 1N5 UN.25S.4; 1N5 UP
8 C1MP545N4
C5!4.25 91=S
S4!45/.C .N.4.!4.25S
S4!45/.C 40US4 1' !C!-5M.C 57C5665NC5 S4!45/.C 40US4 2' 1P5!4.1N!6 57C5665NC5
1P5!4.1N!6 57C5665NC5
!-M.N.S4!4.25 5<<.C.5NC;
eUP$ -ntegrate . harmoni%e -C(
systems . infrastructure
/reen UP$ *ake "P campuses
environment friendly
5nhance the +(dget *rocess .
make it a planning tool
Strea&line (niversity *rocesses
for faster delivery of services$
)R . procurement
5nhance *ersonnel +enefits
<.N!NC.!6 SUS4!.N!:.6.4;
Continue campaign for
increased "P budget
ormulate a Systemwide
*aster &evt Plan
Secure titles of all land
-ntensify fund campaign
)arness the provisions of the
/001 "P Charter
Accelerate -ntellectual
Property commerciali%ation
5S5!C0 8 C5!4.25 91=
4ransfor& UP into a research (niversity
-ncrease 2 of graduate students
-ncrease Ph&s in the faculty
'nhance -PA
'!pand research dissemination
awards program
Rationali%e research programs
Strengthen international research
Strengthen . e!pand interdisciplinary
'nhance -ntellectual Property
PU:6.C S52.C5
Ma3e UP &ore visi+le
thro(gh &ore effective
*(+lic service
Padayon "P
Pabatid "P Pabatid
ecr(it the +est and the
+rightest fro& across the
co(ntry >hile giving d(e regard
to e)(ita+le access
*oderni%e pedagogy
ormali%e 4uality assurance
-ntensify internationali%ation
'nhance sports development
1N5 UP' Co&&on Standards of 5,cellence
1N5 UP' Sharing of eso(rces% Pooled Manage&ent of <(nds%
Centrali?ed 8 Co&&on Services% -ecentrali?ed -ecision Ma3ing
!C!-5M.C 57C5665NC5
esearch 8 Creative 9or3
Build and grow a critical mass of research output & creative work responsive to the needs
of UPs stakeholders
ormulate . implement policies .
programs to increase the 2 of
Strengthen the international
research collaboration program
4ransfor& UP into a esearch
Establish a flourishing & pervasive culture of research,
innovation & creativity
Enhance Intellectual Property IP!
Protection programs to increase the 2 of
graduate students
ormulate . implement policies .
programs to increase the number of
Ph&s in the faculty
'nhance the -nternational
Publications Award 5-PA,
'!pand the research dissemination
awards program
research collaboration program
Rationali%e e!isting research
units6programs . establish new .
stronger ones
"ulture #eritage #istory $rcheology
$rchitecture $rts Program "##$$$P!
4!4!= UP
'stablish6strengthen System . C"
(echnology (ransfer . 3usiness
&evelopment 7ffices
-ntensify information dissemination on
the "P -PR Policy and -P Protection
Conduct pre9disclosure . disclosure
"ndertake -P protection . management
Philippine %enome "enter
Philippine Biodiversity &esources "enter
'useum of (atural #istory
(ational Institutes of #ealth
)ther &esearch Units*Programs
Strengthen . e!pand
interdisciplinary programs
!C!-5M.C 57C5665NC5
Provide stronger, more relevant, balanced & internationally+benchmarked academic programs
ationali?e !d&issions Syste&
8 Policy
Moderni?e Pedagogy
Review . rationali%e "PCA( to make it
more aptitude based
'!pand capacity for test administration to
Encourage multidimensional &
blended learning approaches
<or&ali?e Syste&>ide @(ality
Review internal assessment instruments
Prepare accurate data for international
ormulate . institutionali%e innovative
teaching6 learning strategies
ormulate . employ innovative teaching
evaluation tools
'stablish pedagogy as a priority research
&aise UPs international ,uality
&ecruit the best & brightest
students from all over the country
regardless of economic status
Review C)'& . leading international
accreditation instruments
.ntensify .nternationali?ation
'!pand capacity for test administration to
reach more applicants
Review . rationali%e S(AP to make it
more responsive
'!pand need9based scholarships
Internationali-e the outlook of
faculty and students
ormulate policies that will increase the
awareness and consciousness of "P
faculty . students towards
Strengthen the 7ffice of -nstitutional
&evelop a comprehensive databank on
foreign e!changes
Prepare accurate data for international
Pursue accreditation for selected
3enchmark with AS'A:, "S . 'uropean
5nhance S*orts -evelo*&ent
'stablish pedagogy as a priority research
ormulate a systemwide sports
development program
*oderni%e sports infrastructure
'stablish . implement an integrated
approach to enhancement of academic
programs $ttain more championships
!C!-5M.C 57C5665NC5
P(+lic Service
'ake UP more visible through more effective public service
-:('8RA('& APPR7AC) (7 P"3L-C S'R;-C'
Provide strategically coordinated &
system+directed public service that
strengthens UPs public service role in
accordance with &$./00
C7*PR')':S-;' *'&-A . C7**":-CA(-7:
Provide outward+looking, inclusive
information system reaching out to
the nation & the world
accordance with &$./00
8enerate information . evaluate public service
activities across the system
-ntensify internal 5systemwide, . e!ternal
5public, dissemination . promotion
&evelop procedures at system level for
channeling public services to agencies
*obili%e e!pertise in response to demands of
various publics
Create the "P Public Service 7ffice$
Padayon "enter
the nation & the world
ormulate a Comprehensive Communication .
*edia Plan
-mprove relations with media . the public
through periodic discussions
Strengthen the System -nformation 7ffice$
Capacity 3uilding
Strengthen System9C" information office
Strengthen information management capability
of all C"s
1P5!4.1N!6 57C5665NC5
!d&inistrative 5fficiency
Implement & maintain seamless processes for higher levels of productivity & sound decision+making
based on accurate & real time information
Integrate, interconnect &
harmoni-e I"1 systems &
infrastructure across all campus
ormulate policies, set up appropriate
organi%ation structure . mobili%e e"P
teams systemwide
/reen UP
'ake UP campuses environment
Perform energy audit
Retrofit buildings to reduce utilities
2treamline university processes for
faster delivery of services
Review, rationali%e . improve
procurement systems . procedures
Prepare building design standards
3enchmark . conduct -C( audit
Ac4uire, develop . install appropriate
information systems
&evelop, ac4uire . install needed -C(
Conduct -C( competency building
-mprove landscaping . street lighting
-mprove utilities . waste management
-mprove transport systems . services
5nhance the :(dget Process
Use the budget as a planning tool
5nhance Personnel :enefits
$ttract, recruit & retain the best
faculty, admin staff & &EP2
&evelop . implement a sustainable
)ousing Program
-mplement a "P System )ealth Care .
*aintenance Program 5)C*P,
Review, rationali%e . improve )R
systems . procedures
Review . enhance the annual budget
Prepare budget templates . financial
planning calendar for compliance by
System 7ffices . C"s
Promote compliance with the *agna
Carta of <omen
1P5!4.1N!6 57C5665NC5
<inancial S(staina+ility
Ensure reliable & continuous inflow of financial resources
Contin(e Ca&*aign for .ncreased
:(dget !**ro*riation for UP
<or&(late a Syste&>ide Master
-evelo*&ent Plan' Ca&*(ses 8
6and /rants
Proactively & systematically
develop land assets
'stablish a framework for "P#s physical
growth over the ne!t => years
.ntensify <(nd aising Ca&*aign
0arness the Provisions of the 2008
UP Charter
"reate an enabling legal
environment that facilitates the
implementation of strategic
initiatives & action plans,
specifically those aimed at resource
2ecure governments long+term
funding commitment to UP
Review the legislative intent of the "P
Ensure sustained support from UP
alumni & friends
(ranslate the spatial strategy into future
land use patterns that will guide land
allocation . development
ormulate master plans for all
developable "P properties
ormulate appropriate building design
. landscape policies6guidelines
Sec(re 4itles of !ll 6and !ssets
Launch PA3AL-?93AL-? "P Alumni ng
Review the legislative intent of the "P
Charter in close coordination with other
government agencies
Review the -nventory of "P properties
Coordinate with other government offices
&etermine appropriate business vehicles6
approaches for "P
!ccelerate .ntellect(al Pro*erty
"reate culture of entrepreneurship
4!4!= UP
'!plore commerciali%ation options .
offer consultancy services
-mplement a comprehensive campaign
for donations from friends of "P
Strengthen the 7;PLA . other legal
offices across the "P system
)btain official documents
confirming UPs ownership of all its
5nhance <(nd Manage&ent
'mploy the portfolio approach to fund
management for higher returns
Ensure optimal utili-ation of funds

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