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Science Project Questions to Explore
o Does gravity affect the direction in which plants grow?
o What conditions leave the most unpopped popcorn kernels?
o How do microwaves affect seed germination?
o What effect does electricity have on plant growth?
o Are fluid nutrients for humans good for plant growth?
o How does the quality of the soil vary from one county to another?
o How do different colors of light affect plants differently?
o Do plants grow taller hydroponically or in soil?
o How does salt water affect plant growth?
o How the frequency at which a cricket chirp can be affected by external factors.
o Which brand of cooking spray works best?
o Do white candles burn faster than colored candles?
o Do detergents affect plant growth?
o How does a bar magnets field interact with the earths magnetic field?
o Does the number of turns in an electromagnet affect its strength?
o What materials block radio waves most effectively?
o How does the type of surface on an inclined plane affect how fast and far an
object rolls?
o What is the most effective angle for windmill blades?
o Does wind increase the rate of evaporation?
o How do moisture and earthworms affect the quality of soil?
o How does nitrogen affect plant growth?
o What type of string is the strongest?

Investigations to Explore
o How to generate enough static electricity to create sparks.
o How to make your own telegraph machine.
o Describe the different phases of the moon and what causes them.
o Explain how the tilt of the earth works.
o How does a hydroelectric plant produce electricity using water?
o How are clouds formed?
o What is weathering? Demonstrate how it happens to mountains.
o What is soil erosion? Demonstrate how it happens.
o What is the greenhouse effect and how can we demonstrate it?
o Is it possible to build your own magnetic linear accelerator?
the possibilities are endless!


Websites ((CTRL + click on URL to follow the link)

Books (Libraries shelve science project ideas in the nonfiction section with call
numbers starting 507.)

A few titles to get you started
1. 100 Amazing Make it Yourself Science Fair Projects by Glen Vecchione
2. Prize Winning Science Fair Projects for Curious Kids by Joe Rhatigan
3. Crime Scene Science Fair Projects by Elizabeth Snoke
4. Science Fair Projects for Elementary Schools by Patricia Hachten Wee, Diane De
Cordova Biesel (Editor)
5. 100 Award-Winning Science Fair Projects by Glen Vecchione
6. Janice VanCleave's Guide to the Best Science Fair Projects by Janice VanCleave
7. Janice VanCleave's Guide to More of the Best Science Fair Projects by Janice
8. Sure-to-Win Science Fair Projects by Joe Rhatigan and Heather Smith
9. Complete Handbook of Science Fair Projects By Julianne B. Bochinski
10. Science Fair Success By Ruth Bombaugh
11. Science Fair Handbook By Vincent Douglas

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