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Ahiahi Marie Everyone,

Ive given up on the snow. Thats it, Im not even going to

mention it ! grumble grumble moan.
Today I just want to take the opportunity to say Thank You to our
camp commander Evan Williams and his lovely wife Kristin
before they head off to London. Colonel Williams has been a
huge supporter of our school during his time as camp
commander. From his very kind welcome to myself and my
family on my first day to his visible support of our school galas
and his active interest in the day to day running of our little school. It has been with his blessing that
we have been able to develop such a strong and positive relationship with our Army
neighbours. Thanks again, and we wish you and Kristin all the best for the future.
The North Rangitikei Sevens Rugby Tournament has been postponed until this coming Monday. We
are still quite short with helpers, particularly referees. If you are able to support our teams please let
us know, as we would really appreciate it.
Finally as I write this newsletter we are still waiting for confirmation from Turoa for dates for our
school skiing. We will let you know as soon as we hear from them. We are doing our very best to
get our kids up there.
Ka kite ano,

Our school will be taking part in the
Loud Shirt Day. Our theme will be RED
More information will be availible closer to
the date.

Ko te Mana te Mea Nui Honour Above All

Ph 06-3876860 Fax 06-3876129 Email Web
Ruapehu Road, Waiouru Term 3 Issue 4 August 14th 2014

Country Sevens
Is now on next Monday 18
August in Taihape.

Dates for Term 3
Junior ski trip TBC August
Senior ski trip TBC August
Country Sevens Rugby Tournament 18th August (Senior students)
Cross Country/Fun Run 8
September (note date change)
Loud Shirt Day 19
Ohingaiti Cross Country 19
Wearable Arts matinee 23
Wearable Arts evening 24
Tough Kids 26
September (Senior students)
Last day of term 3 26

Assembly Term 3
These will be held every Thursday 12.15 - 12.45 pm in the school hall starting from next week.
Karaka will be hosting next weeks assembly.

Lunch orders

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