Origin of The Report-1

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1 Origin of the report:

In today's world only academic education does not make a student perfect to become
competitive with the corporate & global business world. By doing in internship program, a
student can get the opportunity to learn facing about real business world. Internship is highly
needed to gain idea knowledge and experience. I am a BBA graduate from the Bangladesh
niversity of Business & !echnology "BB!#, one of the reputed universities in Bangladesh.
It has designed its curriculum of the BBA program such a way that the standard graduates will
be produced.
After completing my BBA degree I need to go for further professional experience through
internship in a business organi$ation. Southeast Bank Limited, is a place where I have
learnt the business dealings.
As a BBA Internee I have tried to maintain the pace with the competitive business
environment on official activities culture philosophy norms & styles. It would reflect the
best at any field of my personal life. !he accounts manager is my overall guide philosophy
& superior. %eceiving his all of cordial support I have been availed the opportunity to
work with office for three months' where I ac&uired idea of real business and corporate
1.2. Significant of the Report:
As a mandatory part of the BBA program, all the students of 'aculty of Business, Bangladesh
niversity Business & !echnology "BB!# have to undergo () weeks internship program
with an ob*ective to gain practical knowledge about business vorld. After this program, the
students have to submit an internship report, which reflects their activities during the
program. I *oined +outheast Bank ,imited "+-B,# to undergo this internship program for the
period of () weeks starting from .uly /), )/(0 to +eptember /), )/(0. internship report
topic is recruitment & selection. !his is also approved by my internal supervisor 1r.
Arafater %ahman Bhuiyan, Assistant 2rofessor, 3epartment of 1anagement. Bangladesh
niversity of Business !echnology.
13. Scope of the report:
!he report entirely discusses the current service offered by Southeast Bank limited and
how they perform different 4% practice at +outheast Bank ,imited. !he reports discuss the
current recruitment policies of the Southeast Bank Limited, at its top, mid and entry
management level employees. All policies of human resource other than recruitment are
excluding in this report.
1.4. O!ecti"es of the report:
5b*ective of internship program incorporate many things. !he ob*ectives of the study are
given below6
(. !o know the sources of recruitment followed by S#BL.
). !o identify the recruitment and selection process of S#BL.
0. !o find out the problems regarding recruitment and selection practices of S#BL.
7. !o recommend some possible measures to overcome problems.
1.$. %ethodolog& of report:
1ethodology refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem,
formulating a hypothesis, and collection the facts or data, analy$ing the facts and reaching
certain conclusion either in the form of solution towards the concerned problem or in
certain generali$ations for some theoretical formulation. It includes the process of
gathering, recording, analy$ing critical and relevant facts about any problem in any branch
of human activity. It refers to critical searches into study and investigation of problem
8proposed course of action8hypothesis or a theory.
1.$.1 Research design:
!his research is a descriptive type of research. !he report has been developed basically both on
primary and secondary data .In this report I have described the recruitment and selection
process of +outheast Bank ,imited.
1.$.2. '&pes of data:
In this report I have used both primary and secondary data. 2rimary data is the data which
observed or collected directly from first hand experiences. +econdary data is the data which
have already been collected and analy$ed by some else and results are undertaken for the next
1.$.3. Sources of data(
!he relevant information is collected from the primary sources and also used the secondary
sources of data. !hese are given below6
1.$.3.1. )rimar& data sources:
!hrough &uestionnaire
> 'ace to face conversation
1.$.3.2. Secondar& data source(
!he data I have collected from the secondary sources are follows6
> 5fficial records of +-B,
> 9ebsite of +-B, "www.southeastbank.com.bd#
1.$.4. *ata collection procedure( $.4.1. )rimar& data collection(
1. 'hrough +uestionnaire: 5ne set of &uestionnaire were used in the study .both
close ended and open ended &uestions were used in the &uestionnaire.
2. ,ace-to-face con"ersation: !o collect authentic primary data I have conducted
face:to:face conversation with concerned person.
3. *irect oser"ation: I have also ac&uired some primary data from the direct
observation of my whole internee period.
1.$.4.2. Secondar& data collection:
. Official data of S#BL: +econdary data were collected from official records that
mean relevant files and documents.
. /esites: ;ecessary secondary data were collected from the website of +-B,.
1.$.$. *ata anal&sis and reporting:
After collection of entire data, different approaches are widely used to analy$e and
organi$e the data. In this process, technological assistance was more significant and
indispensable. %esults have been presented in the form of tables and graphs. I have used
several tools for processing, analy$ing and preparing the information. After collection
of raw data various types of computer software such as 1+ word, and 1+ -xcel and
1+ power point have been used for editing and processing the data. !he whole chapter
of analysis and imprecation is based on the responses of (0 respondents who were
administered with a &uestionnaire which contain the personal data their views about the
recruitment and selection process of +-B,.
1.$.0 Sampling plan:
. )opulation: A group of individuals or items that share one or more characteristics
from which data can be gathered and analy$ed is called population.
. Sample unit: !he sample unit of the survey was Accounts 1anager, 4% 1anager,
-xport & Import in charge, <oordinator, !rainee, and !rainee Assistant 5fficer <ash.
. Sample frame: !he term 'sample frame' is defined as the list or lists from which
individuals or households arc selected. It includes accurate information that can be used
to contact selected individuals. ;o well structured sample frame was found.
> Sampling method( !he non: probability convenience sampling method to collect
data. .Sample si1e: !he sample si$e was (0 respondents.
1.0. Limitations of the report: : was a nice experience for me as an intern at
Southeast Bank Limited all the employee from top to bottom level were very helpful.
!herefore I have faced some limitations for preparing this report. !hese are following:
= As an intern it was difficult for me to collect information about the company's
internal policies.
= It -was very difficult to collect information from various personal for their *obs constraint.
= +ince the 4% manager had to respond to my &uestionnaire while they were busy they were
busy with their daily work.
= +ome of the officers were less interested to respond to my &uestionnaire.
= ,ack of availability of information and data, as in many cases updated data were not
= !o maintain company secrecy some information are not mentioned in this report.
= At present all employees of +outheast Bank Limited .are very busy and it is hard to get
appointment with them.
2.2. 3ompan& O"er"ie4(
+outheast Bank ,imited was established in (>>? with a dream and a vision to become a pioneer
banking institution of the country and contribute significantly to the growth of the national
economy. !he Bank was established by leading business personalities and eminent
industrialists of the country with stakes in various segments of the national economy. !he
incumbent <hairman of the Bank is 1r. Alamgir @abir, '<A, a professional <hartered
Accountant. 1r. 1. A. @ashem a member of the Board and 1r. Aussuf Abdullah 4arun were
past 2residents of the 'ederation of Bangladesh <hamber of <ommerce and Industries
+outheast Bank is run by a team of efficient professionals. !hey create and generate an
environment of trust and discipline that encourages and motivates everyone in the Bank to
work together for achieving the ob*ectives of the Bank. !he culture of maintaining congenial
work :environment in the Bank has further enabled the staff to benchmark themselves better
against management expectations. A commitment to &uality and excellence in service is the
hallmark of their identity.
+outheast Bank takes pride for bringing women into the banking profession in a significant
number for gender e&uality. At present, 0)B of +-B,'s employees are women that will rise to
7?B over the next five years.
2.1. Short )rofile of Southeast Bank Limited:
+outheast Bank ,td. is a highly promising bank. It has (/? branches in Bangladesh. Beside it
+outheast Bank ,td. has ) financial services in @ & Australia ;amed by +outheast 'inancial
+ervices "@# ,td. & +outheast 'inancial +ervices "Australia# 2ty. ,td.
<ompany ;ame +outheast Bank ,imited.
-stablishment 3ate 1arch (), (>>?
<orporate 5ffice
-unoos !rade <entre "Cround 'loor#, 2lot D?):?0, 3ilkusha <8A,",evel ), 0 & (E#
3haka: (///
<ontacts !el6 >?F(((?, F(E/GEE, F(F0F>0, >???7EE & >??//G( 'ax6 >??//GE, >??//>0 &
-:mail 9eb address infoHsoutheastbank.com.bd
1anagement6 A# 1r. Alamgir @abir "'<A# <hairman
B# 1r. %agib Ali Iice <hairman
<ontact person 1r.1ahfu$ur %ahman @han
3esignation -xecutive Iice 2resident
-:mail mahfu$.khanHsoutheastbank.com.bd
,ine of Business Banking
2roduct Iarious types of loans, savings account, ,etter of <redit "-xport:Import#,3eposits,
+tructure It is a 2rivate ,imited <ompany.
!otal -mployees )0//
1ale EGB
'emale 0)B
2.2. 5ision(
!o stand out as a pioneer banking institution in Bangladesh and contribute significantly to
the national economy.
2.3. %ission(
B 4igh &uality financial services with the help of the latest technology.
B 'ast and accurate customer service.
B Balanced growth strategy.
B 4igh standard business ethics.
B +teady return on shareholders' e&uity.
B Innovative banking at a competitive price.
B Attract and retain &uality human resource.
B 'irm commitment to the society and the growth of national economy.
2.4. )roduct *escription(
3on"entional Banking
6slamic Banking
Loans 7 8d"ances
<urrent "<3# Account
+avings "+B# Account
+hort ;otice 3eposit"+;3#
'ixed 3eposit %eceipts"'3%#
3ouble Benefit +cheme"3B+#
1onthly +avings +cheme"1++#
1illionaire +cheme"13+#
2ension +avings +cheme"2++#
1ultimillionaire Cold 3eposit +cheme "153+#
1udaraba +avings"+B# A8< Al:9adiah <urrent "<3# A8c
1udaraba !erm 3eposit %eceipts"1!3%#
1udaraba +hort ;otice 3eposit"1+;3#
1udaraba 1onthly +avings +cheme"11++#
1udaraba 1illionaire 3eposit
1udaraba 4a** +anchay 2rocolpa
1udaraba 2ension +avings +cheme
2.$. *epartments:
!here are some departments which have to do all the works. +uch as administrative
department. 5ther departments are6
Accounts 3epartment Investment 3epartment <redit 3epartment -xport 3epartment
Import 3epartment
1. 8dministrati"e *epartment(
!here are two administrative departments in +-B,. 5ne in head office and one in
offices. In head office this department controlled by board of directors and in branches
executive vice president.
Board of 3irectors
-xecutive Iice president
Iice 2resident
3eputy 1anager
2. 8ccounts *epartment: !his department works for preparing of daily statement of
affairs, extract, transfer scrolling & supplementary, voucher preparation, monthly salary
preparation, A!1 card maintenance, condensed statement etc. related to I! department.
3. 6n"estment *epartment: !his department works for all types of investments in
various sectors. +uch as development sector, +1- etc.
ii 3redit *epartment: !his department works for giving loans.
?* #9port *epartment: !his department works for maintaining all works related to export.
1ainly this department works for opening ,etter of <redit and maintaining all the relevant
papers related with export.
01 6mport *epartment( !his department works for maintaining all works related to
import. 1ainly this department works for opening ,etter of <redit and maintaining all the
relevant papers with related import.
1anaging 3irector
3eputy 1anaging 3irector +enior -xecutive Iice 2resident
-xecutive Iice 2resident
I +enior Iice 2resident
Iice 2resident
'irst IicJ 2resident
Assistant Iice 2resident
'irst Assistant Iice 2resident
2rincipal 5fficer -xecutive 5fficer
+enior 5fficer 2robationary 5fficer
.unior officer
Assistant 5fficer "cash8<omputer# !rainee Assistant 5fficer
1es senger
i' +ecurity Cuard
3.1 ;uman Resource %anagement:
4uman %esource 1anagement is the part of the organi$ation that is concerned with the 'people'
dimension. 4uman %esource 1anagement deals with people working in the organi$ation. It is a
process of ac&uisition, development, motivation, and maintenance of human resource of an
3.1.1 *efinition of ;uman Resource %anagement(
4uman %esource 1anagement is a management function that assists managers to recruit,
select, train and develop members of an organi$ation for achieving the goal effectively.
1any authors and specialists define 4%1 in many ways6
*ale <oder has defined6 4uman %esource 1anagement is the provision of leadership and
direction of people in their working or employment relationship.
Rick& /.=riffin has definedK 4uman %esource 1anagement is the set of organi$ational
activities directed at attracting, developing, maintaining an effective work force.
According to =ra& *essler( the policies and practices one needs to carry out the 'people' or
human resource aspects of a management position, including recruiting, screening, training,
rewarding and appraising.
)rof. 8taur Rahman has defined 4uman %esource 1anagement as a set of activities which
include ac&uisition, development, motivation maintenance and utili$ation of manpower for the
purpose of effective and timely achievement of organi$ational goals.
'inally, human %esource 1anagement is the set of activities reaching to procuring,
developing, maintaining, and utili$ing a group of people for the proper functioning of
organi$ation activities and achievement of goals.
3.1.2 3haracteristics of ;uman Resource %anagement(
!here are several features of 4uman %esource 1anagement. !hese characteristics pinpoint
the nature of human resource management starting from ac&uisition to utili$ation of human
sources which are briefly discussed below6
L 3evelopment of well : conceived policy 6the first feature of 4uman %esource
1anagement is to develop a well:accepted policy for the organi$ation. !he purpose is to
practice 4uman %esource 1anagement activities in a better way.
L 3evelopment of harmonious or cordial relations6 development of harmonious relation is
aimed to achieve goal, for the fulfillment of the functions. A4 barriers to cordial relations
should be removed.
L -stablishing a chain of command6 4uman %esource 1anagement must establish a chain
of command without which discipline cannot be maintained. !hese unity of command,
unity of direction and scalar chain.
L Awareness of own nature of services6 this is the fourth characteristics of 4uman
%esource 1anagement. By creating awareness promotion policy can be establishedK
training policy can be implement and other policy can be implemented and other policy can
be made well understood.
L 1ust be good communicating and effective leader6 4uman %esource 1anagement must
communicate and give proper guidance to the employees. !hus company policies and
decisions can dMbe properly interpreted and practiced.
'inally, with these features and characteristics above can pinpoint about the nature of
4uman %esource 1anagement.
3.1.3 6mportance of ;uman Resource %anagement(
!here are some points of importance of 4uman %esource 1anagement in the industrial
organi$ation. Importance of 4uman %esource 1anagement can be explained with these
points. If all these things are properly managed, we can say that there is an importance of
4uman %esource 1anagement. 4owever, these points are briefly discussed below6
L 2olicy formulation6 Importance of 4uman %esource 1anagement can be understood if
it can formulate human resource policies properly. It is the wisdom of 4uman %esource
L 2olicy execution6 efficient 4uman %esource 1anagement executes all human resource
policies in accordance with goals and ob*ectives for the achievement of which these were
L %eview of employee needs6 4uman %esource 1anagement reviews employees needs
hopes and aspirations time to time an regularly.
L tili$ation of human resources6 it is a very tough function .-fficient human resource
management can successfully utili$e efforts and sincerities of employees. And thus,
organi$ation ob*ectives can be achieved and all functions can be properly performed.
L +ocial welfare development6 -mployees are social beings. !here have various needs
and demands and deserve to be mitigated. +ocial welfare can enhance the involvement of
employees which had to the satisfaction of top management.
L -ffective trade unionism6 trade unionism industrial disputes, conflict and all other
ha$ards can be handled appropriately and peacefully by 4uman %esource 1anagement.
L 5verall development of organi$ation6 ultimate, the overall development of an
organi$ation can be contributed by effective 4uman %esource 1anagement because
employees are properly utili$ed and managed by 4uman %esource 1anagement.
3.1.4 O!ecti"e of ;uman Resource %anagement(
'ollowing of ob*ectives are important which can be discussed in short. 9ith the fulfillment
of these ob*ectives 4uman %esource 1anagement can become successful6
L !o help the organi$ation reach its goals
L !o develop efficiency and skills of employees
L !o ensure effective utili$ation and maximum development of human resources
L !o achieve and maintain high moral among employees
L !o ensure respect for human beings. !o identify and satisfy the needs of individuals
L !o ensure reconciliation with well:trained and well:motivated employees
L !o increase to the fullest the employees *ob satisfaction and self actuali$ation
L !o attract good people
L !o enhance employees capabilities to perform the present *ob
L !o develop overall personality of each employee in its multidimensional aspect.
L <o:ordination among different section s of the organi$ation
L !o be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of society
L !o inculcate the sense of team spirit, team work and inter:team collaboration
0.(.? ;ature of 4uman %esource 1anagement6
4uman %esource 1anagement is a process of bringing people and organi$ations together
so that the goals of each are met .the various features of 4%1 include6
L It is pervasive in nature as it is present in all enterprises
L Its focus is on results rather than on rules
L Its tries to help employees to give their best to the organi$ation
L It is all about people at work, both as individuals and groups
L Its tries to put people on assigned *obs in order to produce good results
L Its helps an organi$ation meet its goals in the future by providing for competent and
well motivated employees
L Its tries to build and maintain cordial relations between people working at various levels
in die organi$ation
L It is a multidisciplinary activity, utili$ing, knowledge, and inputs drawn from
psychology. -conomies, etc.
3.1.0 )rinciples of ;uman Resource %anagement:
A principle is a basic statement of truth explaining cause and effect relationship between two or
more variables every sub*ect is guided by its principles.
L <omplete individual6 deal with people with complete individuals consider employee as a
whole person.
L 9orthwhile6 1ake people feel worthwhile and related. 2eople are the most valuable asset
of the organi$ation. +ocial capital6 2eople ought to be considered as a social capital capable of
L Crowth opportunity6 2rovides opportunity for growth within the organi$ation.
L Croup interest6 Croup interest predominance over individual interests.
L 2ersonal program6 Because employees will learn by themselves or others if management
does not each it.
L +ocial capital6 2eople ought to be considered as a social capital capable of development.
L Crowth opportunity6 2rovides opportunity for growth within the organi$ation.
L Croup interest6 Croup interest predominance over individual interests.
L 2ersonal program6 Because employees will learn by themselves or others if management does
not each it.
3.1.> Scope of human Resource %anagement:
!he scope of 4%1 is, indeed, very vast and wide. It includes all activities starting from
manpower planning till employee leaves the organi$ation. According, the scope of 4%1
consists of ac&uisition, development, maintenance, and control of human resources in the
,ig : Scope of ;uman Resource %anagement
3.2.,unction of ;uman Resource %anagement:
!he definition of 4%1 is based on what managers do. !he function performed by managers is
common to all organi$ations. !he functions performed by the human resource management can
broadly be classified into two categories6
(. 1anagerial function
). 5perative function.
3.2.1 %anagerial functions:
)lanning: planning is a predetermined course of action.
Organi1ing: organi$ing is a process by which the structure and allocation of *obs are
Staffing: this is a process by which managers select, train, promote, and retire their
*irecting?Leading( 3irecting is the process of activating group efforts to achieve desired
3ontrolling( It is a process of setting standards for performance, checking to see how actual
performance compares with these set standards, and taking corrective actions as needed.
0.).) Operati"e functions:
!he operative, also called, service functions are those which are related to specific department
!hese functions are vary from department to department to department depending on the
nature of the department viewed from this standpoint, to ensure right people to right *obs at
right times. !hese functions include procurement, development, compensation, and
maintenance functions of 4%1.
)rocurement( It involves procuring the right of people in appropriate number to be placed in
the organi$ation. It consists of activities such as manpower planning, recruitment, selection,
and placement and induction orientation of new employees.
3ompensation( compensation function 3evelopment6 activities meant to improve the
knowledge, skills, aptitudes and values of employees so as to enable them to perform their *obs
in a better manner in future. 'unctions may comprise training to employees, executive training
to develop managers, organi$ation development to strike a better fit between organi$ational
climate8culture and employee.
involves determination of determination of ways and salaries matching with contribution made
by employees to organi$ational goals. It consists of activities such as *ob evaluation, wage and
salary administration bonus, incentives.
%aintenance( it is concerned with protecting and promoting employees while at work. 'or this
purpose, various benefits such as housing, medical, educational, transport facilities, etc to the
employees. +everal social security measures such as provided fund, pension, gratuity,
insurance, etc. are also arranged.
3.3 Recruitment:
+uccessful human resource planning should indentify human resource needs. 5nce these needs are
indentified, the 4% department is able to do something to need them. Ac&uisition function of 4%1
or 4%2 helps determine the number and type of people an organi$ation needs *ob analysis and *ob
design specify the tasks and duties of *obs and the &ualification expected from prospective *ob
holders. !he next logical step is to hire the right number of people of the right type to fill the *obs.
4uman %esource 2lanning
3etermine %ecruitment and +election ;eeds
%ecruitment is defined as, N a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the
re&uirements of staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attaching that manpower in
ade&uate numbers to facilitate effective selection of and efficient work forceN
+imple term recruitment is process of seeking and attracting a pool of candidates from which
&ualified candidates for *ob vacancies can be chosen
A formal definition6 %ecruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicant for
employment. !he process begins when new recruits are sort and ends when their applications are
submitted. !he result is a pool of applicants from which new employee are selected.
3.3.1 )urposes and 6mportance of Recruitment:
!he general purpose of recruitment is providing a pool of potentially &ualified *ob candidates.
+pecially, the purposes are to6
= 3etermine the present and future re&uirement of the organi$ation in con*unction with
personnel:planning and *ob:analysis activities
= Increase the pool of hob candidates at minimum cost.
= 4elp for increasing the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of
visibly, under &ualified or over&ualified *ob applicants.
= 4elp for reducing the probability that *ob applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave
the organi$ation only after a short period of time.
= 1eet the organi$ation legal and social obligation regarding the composition of its
= Begin identifying and preparing potential *ob applicants who will be appropriate candidates.
= Increase organi$ational and individual effectiveness in the short long team.
= -valuate the effectiveness of various recruiting techni&ues and sources for all types of *ob
!he recruitment process should inform &ualified individuals about employment opportunities create
a positive image of accompany, provide enough information about the *obs so that the *ob
applicants can make comparisons with their &ualification and their interests, and generate
enthusiasm among the best candidates so they will apply for the vacant positions.
3.3.2 ,actors 6nfluencing Recruitment(
External Factors:
+upply and demand nemployment rate ,abor market 2olitical:social:legal <ompetitors
External Factors:
L %ecruitment policy
L 4%2
L +i$e of the firm
3.3.3 #9ternal ,actors(
!he external forces are the forces which cannot be controlled by the organi$ation. !he ma*or
external forces are6
+upply and demand6 !he availability of manpower both within and outside the organi$ation is
important determinant in the recruitment process. If the company has a demand for more
professionals and there is limited supply in the market for the professionals demanded by the
company, they the company will have to depend upon internal sources by providing them
special training development programs.
,abor 1arket6 -mployment conditions in the community where the organi$ation is located will
influence the recruiting efforts of the organi$ation. If there is surplus of manpower at the time
of recruitment, even informal attempts at the time of recruiting like notice boards display of the
re&uisition or announcement in the meeting etc will attract more than enough applicants.
Image8Coodwill6 Image of the employer can work as potential constraint for recruitment. An
organi$ation with positive image and goodwill as an employer finds it easier to attract and
employees than an organi$ation with negative image. Image of a company is based on what
does and affected by industry.
2olitical:+ocial:legal -nvironment6 Iarious government regulations prohibiting discrimination
in hiring and employment have direct impact on recruitment practices.
nemployment %ate6 5ne of the factors that influence the avialebity of applicants is the growth
of the economy "whether economy is growing or not and its rate#. 9hen the company is not
creating new *obs, there is often oversupply of &ualified labor which in turn leads to
<ompetitors6 !he recruitment polices of the competitors also affect the recruitment function of
the organi$ations. !o face the competition, many times the organi$ation has to change their
recruitment policies according to the policies being followed by the competitors.
3.3.4 6nternal ,actors(
!he internal factors are the factors which can be controlled by the organi$ation. !he
internal factors are6
Recruitment )olic&( !he recruitment policy of an organi$ation specifies the ob*ectives of
recruitment and provides a framework for implementation of recruitment programs and
procedures by filling up vacancies with best &ualified people.
;uman Resource planning: -ffective human resource planning helps in determining the
number of employees to be recruited and what &ualification they must possess.
Si1e of ,irm: !he si$e of the firm is an important factor in recruitment process. If the
organi$ation is planning to increase its operations and expand its business, it will think of
hiring more personnel, which will handle its operations.
3ost: %ecruitment incur cost to the employer, therefore, organi$ations try to employ that
source of recruitment which will bear a lower cost of recruitment to the organi$ation for
each candidate.
=ro4th and #9pansion( 5rgani$ation will employ of think of employing more personnel
if it is expanding its operations.
3.4. 3omponents of the Recruitment )olic&:
!he general recruitment policies and terms of the organi$ation
L %ecruitment services of consultants
L %ecruitment of temporary employees
L ni&ue recruitment situations
L !he selection process
L !he *ob descriptions
L !he terms and conditions of the employment
A recruitment police of an organi$ation should be such that6
It should focus on recruiting the best potential people.
!o ensure that every applicant and employee is treated e&ually with dignity and respect.
nbiased policy.
!o aid and encourage employee is reali$ing their full potential
!ransparent, task oriented and merit based selection. 9eight age during selection given to factors
that suit organi$ation needs. 5ptimi$ation of manpower at the time of selection process. 3efining
the computer authority to approve each selection.
Abides by relevant public policy and legislation on hiring employment relationship. Integrates
employee needs with the organi$ational needs.
3.$ ,actors 8ffecting Recruitment )olic&(
L 5rgani$ational ob*ectives
L 2ersonnel policies of the organi$ation and its competitors
L !op management influence
L Covernment policies of the organi$ation and its competitors
L ;eed of the organi$ation
L Budget
3.0 O!ecti"e of Recruitment )olic&:
5b*ectives are targets and goals. According to Aoder, following are the main ob*ectives of
recruitment policy6
(. !o find and employ the best &ualified person for each *ob.
). !o retain the best and most promising ones.
0. !o offer promising careers and securities.
7. !o provide facilities for growth and development.
?. !o minimi$e the cost of recruitment
E. !o reduce the scope of favoritism and malpractices
3.>.1.@o 8nal&sis: .ob analysis is the foundation for all assessment and selection decisions. !o
identify the best person for the *ob, it is crucial to fully understand the nature of that *ob. .ob
analysis provides a way to develop this understanding by examining the tasks performed in a *ob,
the competencies re&uired to perform those tasks, and the connection between the tasks and
0.F.) .;R )lanning: Integrating human resource management strategies and systems to
achieve the overall mission, strategies, and success of the firm while meeting the needs of
employees and other stakeholders.
0.F.0. 8d"ertisement: 5nce the recruitment is approved, an advertisement needs to draft based
on the skills, &ualification, experience and competencies as have been identified and specified
in the respective *ob description. A common template should be used designed by corporate 4%
3epartment. 1anager & !alent 1anagement would draft out the advertisement and arrange for
publishing the same.
0.F.7. 35 Sumission:
2otential candidates interested in *oining the buying house are re&uired to send their complete
curriculum vitae. An acknowledgement of receipt is sent for all submitted applications to the
candidate's e:mail.
0.F.?. 8pplication #"aluation:
2otential candidates will be invited to participated in aptitude tests i.e. numerical, verbal,
-nglish and psychometric, when deemed necessary.
0.F.7. 3apailit& ased 6nter"ie4s:
!o ensure that our recruitment process is fair and consistent, all candidates who are
successful at the exams are invited for a capability based interview. Interviews are based
against capabilities, re&uired for each position for each position for which the candidate is
interviewed for a capability or competency is an ability described in terms of skills &
behaviors that are essential to effectively perform within a *ob.
3.>.0. Short Listing: +hort listing involves ob*ectively assessing each application against
the essential and desirable criteria set out in the person specification. <utting corners may
appear to save time, but it is likely that you will not end up with the best candidate for the
*ob and, potentially, face a challenge to the process.
13.A. 8pplication #"aluation(
9hen a person is need to fill a vacant organi$ational position the individual may come
from inside or utside the organi$ation. +ome organi$ations prefer to recruit from within,
since this helps in enhancing employee morale, loyalty and motivation. 5ther organi$ation
prefer to recruit externally to prevent inbreeding and to encourage new ways of thinking.
!here are mainly two sources of recruitment. !hese are given below6
(. Internal sources of recruitment and
). -xternal sources of recruitment.
1 6nternal sources( Internal sources include the current work force that is those who are
already on the pay: roll of the organi$ation. 9henever any vacancy occurs somebody from
within the organi$ation is promoted or demoted to fill the vacant post. +ometimes
NsidewaysN appointments may be made by transferring somebody of similar seniority from
another department.
a. )romotions 7 'ransfer: 2romotions and transfer from among the present employees can
be a good source of recruitment which facilitate the organi$ation in different ways as building
morale, encouraging competent individuals who are ambitious, carrying comparatively lower
cost and finally promoting from within act as a training device for developing middle level and
top level managers.
. #mplo&ee Referrals: !his can be a good source of internal recruitment. -mployees can
develop good prospects for their families & friends by ac&uainting them with the advantages of
a *ob with the company, furnishing cards of introduction and even encouraging them to apply.
c. ,ormer #mplo&ees( +ome retired employees may be willing to come back to work on a
part:time basis or may recommend someone who would be interested in working for the
d. )re"ious 8pplication: Although not truly an internal source, those who have previously
applied for *obs contacted by mail, a &uick and inexpensive way to fill an unexpected opening.
2. #9ternal Sources: 5rgani$ations usually go to external sources for lower :entity level *obsK
for positions whose specifications cannot be met by present personnelK for diversifying into
new avenues in. for merging with another organi$ation. Among the external sources, following
are included6
a. 8d"ertising: !oday all forms of media advertising are used in recruiting employees. 1ost
typical are newspapers, trade, and professional *ournals, radio and television. !his can have the
advantage of reaching very large numbers of potential candidates as well as more speciali$ed
numbers of candidatesK costs of screening may be heavy.
. )ulic #mplo&ment 8gencies: !he main function of these agencies is closely tied
to unemployment benefits. !he benefits in some states are given only to individuals
who are registered with their state employment agency. 2ublic employment exchanges
are regarded as good source of recruitment for unskilled, skilled, or semiskilled *obs.
!he *ob seekers get their names registered with employment exchanges managed and
operated by the <entral and state Covernments. !he employers notify the vacancies to
be filled in by them to such exchanges and the exchanges refer the names of
prospective candidates to them.
c. )ri"ate #mplo&ment 8gencies: In the technical and professional areas private
agencies are providing great services. !hey maintain files of both individuals interested
in employment and organi$ations seeking new personnel. !hey provide a variety of
vocational interest and aptitude testing in order to better understand the candidate's
ability to perform in a particular line of employment.
d. /alk-ins, 4rite-ins and talk-ins: Walk-ins are *ob seekers who arrive at the 4%
department in search of a *ob. Walk-ins are those who send a written in&uiry. Both
groups normally are asked to complete an application blank to determine their interests
and abilities. sable applications are kept in an active file until a suitable opening
occurs or until an application is too old to be considered valid, usually six months.
9alk:ins is becoming popular now:a:days. .ob aspirants are re&uired to meet the
recruiter "on an appropriated date# for detailed talks. ;o application is re&uired to be
submitted to the recruiter.
e. Open ;ouse: A relatively unusual techni&ue of recruiting involves holding an open
house. 2eople in the ad*acent community are invited to see the company facilities, have
refreshments, may be view a film about the company.
f. ;ead-hunting: !he executives search agencies, which are also known as head
:hunters. 9hen a person of particular talent or rare expertise is re&uired, the head
hunters search out somebody already in employment and induce him to change *obs.
Although this practice is considered unethicalK however it is generally accepted that it
may be the only option open where a particular type of expertise is re&uired. !hose who
employ head:hunters have to pay heavy charges but these are usually *ustified in the
light of the result achieved.
g. Recruiting "ia the 6nternet: ;ow a day most employers are conducting employment
interviews on:line. 5ne survey found that on a typical day, more than 7 million people turn to
the 9eb looking for *obs. -mployers are therefore making it easy to use their 9eb:sites to hunt
for *obs.
3.B Selection:
!o select is to choose. +election is a screening process. It is the process of picking individuals
who have the relevant &ualifications to fill *obs in an organi$ation. !he basic purpose is to
choose the individuals who can most successfully perform the *ob from the pool of &ualified
candidates. +election starts after recruitment process is over and *ob applications have been
It is the process of finding out candidates for employment from large pool of candidates who
posses process &ualification to perform the *ob successfully. It is the process of determining
from the supplicants for employment which one best fit the manpower re&uirement and should
be offered positions s the organi$ation.
3.12 #n"ironmental ,actors 8ffecting Selection: +election is influenced by several factors.
1ore prominent among them are supply and demand and of specific in the labor market,
unemployment rate, labor:market conditions, legal and political considerations, company's
image, company's policy, 4%2, and cost of hiring. !he last three constitute the internal
environment and the remaining form the external environment of the selection process..
3.11. 'he Selection )rocess(
!he ob*ective of selection process is to choose the individual who can successfully perform the *ob
from the fool &ualified candidates. .ob analysis, human resource planning and recruitment are
necessary 2rere&uisites to the selection process.
!he steps that we typically comprise the selection process. %eception of application, screening,
application blank, interview, emnlnvment test, references nhvsical8merlir.al examination, final selection,
2reliminary Interview6 !he preliminary interview is such an interview that is generally planned
by large organi$ations for short listing the potential candidates in order to cut the costs of
selection by allowing only eligible candidates to go through the farther sages in selection. It
may be written or oral or both. A competent executive from the 4% department may elicit
responses from applicants on important items determining the suitability of an applicant for a
*ob such as appearance, age, education, training, experience, pay expectations, aptitude,
interests, choice etc. this 'courtesy interview' as it is often called, helps the department screen
out obvious misfits. If the department finds the candidate suitable, a prescribed application
form is given to him8her to fill and submit.
,illing an 8pplication Blank: Application blank or form is one of the most common method
used to collect information on various aspects of the applicant's personal, academic,
professional, social, demographic and work related background and references. It is brief
history sheet of an applicant's background, usually containing the things that indicate his8her
suitability for the position concerned. Application blank is considered a highly useful selection
tool, in that it serves three important purposes6
a. It introduces the candidate to the company.
b. It helps the company to screen and re*ect candidates if they fail to meet the eligibility
criteria atthis stage.
c. It can serve as a basis to initiate a dialogue in the interview.
#mplo&ment 'ests: 5rgani$ation selects employees to get certain works done by them. +o, it
is necessary to test whether particular candidates have the capabilities to perform them. 'or this
purpose, employers follow certain selection procedures. 1ost of the companies use
employment tests in order to be that these tests are reliable and valid.
8ptitude tests( Aptitude tests measures a person's capacity or potential ability to learn and
perform a *ob.0.:me of the more fre&uently used test measure verbal ability, numerical ability,
perceptual speed, spatial ability and reasoning ability.
)s&chological tests: It attempts to measure personality characteristics. 2ersonality tests are
designed to sure such personality characteristics as emotional stability, tolerance, capacity to
get along, habits, hobbies, maturity and psychoneurotic and psychotic tendencies.
)s&chomotor tests( 2sychomotor tests are used to measure a person's strength, dexterity and
condition. 'inger dexterity, manual dexterity, wrist:finger speed and speed of arm movement
are some of the psychomotor abilities that can be tested. Abilities such as these might be tested
for hiring people to fill assemble line *obs.
@o kno4ledge and proficienc& tests( .ob knowledge tests are used to measure the *ob related
knowledge possessed by a *ob applicant. !hese tests can be either written or oral. 2roficiency
tests measure how well the applicant can do a sample of the work that is to be performed.
6nterest tests: Interest tests are designed to determine how a person's interests compare with
the interests of successful people in a specific *ob. It indicates the occupations or area of work
in which the person is most interested.
)ol&graph tests: !he polygraph popularly known as the lie detector is a device that records
physical changes in the body as the test sub*ect answers a series of &uestions. !he polygraph
records fluctuations in blood pressure, respiration and perspiration on a moving roll of graph
=rapholog& tests: Craphology tests involve using a trained evaluator to examine a person's
handwriting to assess his8her personality and emotional make:up. !he 4% manager may, for
example, ask applicants to write about why they want a *ob. !his sample may be finally sent to
a graphologist for analysis and the results may be put to use while selecting as person. !he use
of graphology, however, is dependent on the raining and expertise of the person doing the
Reference and Background 8nal&sis: 1any employers re&uest names, addresses and
telephone numbers or references for the purpose of verifying information and perhaps gaining
additional background information on an applicant. Although listed on the application form,
references are not !ally checked until an applicant has successfully reached the fifth stage of a
se&uential selection process. It may be stated that the information gathered through references
hardly influences selection incisions. !he reasons are obvious6
a. !he candidate approaches only those persons who would speak well about him or her.
b. 2eople may write favorably about the candidate in order to get rid of him or her
c. 2eople may not like to divulge the truth about a candidate, lest in might damage or ruin
his or her career.
Selection *ecision: 9hen a candidate has successfully completed his various steps including
reference, has been considered as having been provisionally selected for the post for which the
selection process been initiated.
%edical?)h&sical #9amination( +ome *obs re&uire physical &ualities like clear vision, perfect
hearing, unusual stamina, tolerance of hard working conditions, clear tone etc. medical and physical
examinations gal whether or not a candidate possesses these &ualities. +uch examinations can give
the following6
a. 9hether the applicant's physical measurements are in accordance with *ob re&uirements or
b. 9hether the applicant is medically fit for the specific *ob or not.
c. 9hether the applicant has any psychological problem likely to interfere with work efficiency or
future attendance.
d. 9hether the applicant suffers from any physical disability which should be corrected before he
can work satisfactorily
All candidates having been provisionally selected are sub*ect to physical8medical -xamination by
&ualified medical examiner. !he criteria for medical examination vary with the nature and type of
the *ob. As for example, high standard of health is specified for defense service. In case of'fighter
pilots' degree of physical and medical standards are fixed.
@o Offer( .ob offer is made through a letter of appointment. +uch a letter generally contains a date
by which the appointee must report on duty. !he appointee must be given reasonable time for
reporting. !his is particularly necessary when he or she is already in employment, in which case the
appointee is re&uired to obtain relieving certificate from the previous employer Again, a new *ob
may re&uire movements to another city which means considerable preparation and movement of
3ontracts of #mplo&ment( After the *ob offer has been made and the candidates accept the offer,
certain documents need to be executed by the employer and the candidate. 5ne such document is
the attestation <onn. !his form contains certain vital details about the candidate which are
authenticated and attested by him8her. Attestation form will be a valid record for future reference.
!here is also a need for preparing a contract of employment. !he basic information that should be
included in a written contract of employment will vary according to the level of the *ob, but the
following checklist sets out the typical headings.
(. .ob title
). 3uties, including a phrase such as N!he employee will perform such duties and will be
responsible to such a person, as the company may from time to time directN.
0. 3ate when continuous employment starts and the basis for calculating service
7. %ate of pay, allowances, overtime and shift rates, method of payments
?. 4ours of work including lunch break and overtime and shift arrangements
E. 4oliday arrangements
F. +ickness
G. ,ength of notice due to and from employee
>. Crievance procedure
(/. 3isciplinary procedure ;
((. 9ork rules
(). Arrangements for terminating employment
(0. Arrangements for union membership
(7. +pecial terms relating to rights to patents and designs, confidential information and retains on
trade after termination of employment.
(?. -mployer's right to vary terms of the contract sub*ect to proper notification being given.
<oncluding the +election 2rocessK <ontrary to popular perception, the selection process will not
end with executing the employee contract. !here is another step:a more sensitive one:reassuring
those candidates who have not been selected. +uch candidates must be told that they were not
selected, not because of any serious deficiencies in their personalities, but because their profiles did
not match the re&uirements of the organi$ation. !hey must be told that those who were selected
were done purely on relative merit.
4.1 Recruitment process of Southeast Bank Ltd.
%ecruitment is the process of finding and attraction capable applicants for employment. Southeast
Bank Limited always wants to recruit the right people with combination of skills and resources of
skills and resources in the right place. Because Southeast Bank Ltd. believes that in order to
achieve the organi$ational goal effectively there must be a need of skilled human resources.
Southeast Bank Limited always believes in e&ual employment color ,region ,race age ,national,
origin or any other factor .the company always wants to recruit the best and suitable human
resources in the vacant position .the person who can face the global challenges and always
concentrate to achieve the company's vision ,mission ,and goals always gets preference.
4.1.1 Recruitment polic& of Southeast Bank Ltd.
!o achieve the organi$ational goal effectively Southeast Bank ,td.'s top management has develop
a N%ecruitment policyN. In accordance with %ecruitment policy there have some guidelines. !he
guidelines of the policy are as follows6
L -nsure the right people in the right place
L <ombination of skills and resources is a must
L ;o discrimination against the applicant on the basis of sex, color, region , race, age ,national
origin or any other factor
L <ompany's policy is always loyal to the ,ocal law.
L 9ho is below (G years of age can be hired as an employee for Southeast Bank Ltd on regular,
contract or temporary status.
L 'unction a heads determines suitable &ualification for any post.
L Absolution confidentiality in 4% %ecruitment policy must maintain.
4.1.2 Recruitment sources of Southeast Bank Ltd.
Southeast Bank ,imited usually two type of recruitment sources. !hey are6 Internal sources and
-xternal sources.
Internal sources6
'irstly employees can be recruited from the internal source. 1anagement is usually preferred to
known and experienced employees from within the organi$ation. In the following ways +outheast
Bank ,imited recruitment from the internal source may take place with the approval of the top level
management. !his can be happened by following ways:
L 2romotion
L p Cradation
L !ransfer
L !emporary Assignment
L Addition Assignment
-xternal sourcesK
!here are also some external sources of human resources recruitment uses by Southeast Bank
,imited .there are as follows6
Advertisement in the daily ;ewspaper:"the newspaper that are widely circulated#
L -mployee agencies "public agencies, privet employment agencies#
L 2rofessional organi$ation "account associations, labor union, 1anagement association#
-mployee %eferrals 8 %ecommendation6
%ecommendation from the current employees about any person.
4.1.3 Steps in Recruitment at Southeast Bank Limited(
!here are various steps followed by Southeast Bank Limited to skilled and &ualified
employees for the achievement of ob*ective s. the steps are as follows6
Assessment of the *ob8 .ob Analysis.
%e&uisition of manpower.
Advertisement in ;ewspaper & 9ebsites.
%eceiving Applications & +hort listing.
C 8ssessment of the !o?@o 8nal&sis(
!he following things are the assessed for a *ob6
L 9hether the work is difficult or not.
L 9hether experience is re&uired or not
L 9hat are the &ualities needed for the work to be doneJ
L 9hen the work will be startedJ
Re+uisition of %anpo4er(
!he concerned 3epartment 4ead raise the re&uisition of manpower. !hrough the
prescribed manpower re&uisition from with re&uired information and after that forward
it to the 4uman %esource 3epartment. !he 4uman %esource 3epartment than complete
its formality and return it to the concern department. ,ast of all the concern department
submit the manpower re&uisition form to the 1anaging 3irector for approval. !he new
appoints must be according to the approved 4% budget and must be approved by the
1anaging 3irector.
8d"ertisement in De4spaper 7 /esite(
Southeast BankELimited always circulates the *ob vacancies by publishing advertisement in
national newspaper. !he newspapers that are widely circulated get preference for accomplishing
this task .for circulating the publishing widely and effectively Southeast Bank Limited chooses
both Bangla and -nglish dailies. !he advertisement includes name of the position, nature of work,
age limits, educational &ualification, &ualities and experience re&uired for the *ob, *ob
responsibilities and duties, expected salary, place of the *ob etc.
Recei"ing applications 7 Short Listing(
In the advertisement, potential and confident applicants are asked to submit their applications along
with their resume, certificates and other necessary documents within a period of time. !hen the 4%
department receives all the resumes submit by the applicants.
4.2 Selection and inter"ie4 process of Southeast Bank Limited(
+election is the second steps of %ecruitment and +election process. +election is the process of
choosing the best one among the number of applicant's .management typically followed a standard
pattern, beginning with an initial screening, interview, presentation and concluding with the final
employment decision.
'he selection process of Southeast Bank Limited is as follo4s(
Employment Tests
Verification of Reference
Medical chec!p
"!per#ise inter#ie$
Final hirin% decision
#mplo&ee tests:
-mployment tests are varies from *ob to *ob. +uch as: for marketing executive recruitment, the
physical appearance or smartness get preference where for 4% executive recruitment managing
power gets priority.
4.2.1 'esting tools used & Southeast Bank Limited:
1any employment tests exist in Southeast Bank Limited, but each type of test has only limited
usefulness .each type of test has a different purpose.
Fno4ledge tests(
3etermine the information or knowledge of the applicants. Southeast Bank Limited management
is able to demonstrate that the knowledge is needed to perform the *ob.
)erformance tests(
1easure the activity of applicants to do the same part of the work for which they are to be hired.
)s&chological tests(
1easure personality or temperament of the applicants' .By conducting this test Southeast Bank
Limited management wants to know about the applicant's personality.
8ttitude and honest& tests(
Are being used in the same circumstances to learn about the attitudes of applicants and employees
toward a variety of *ob related sub*ects. Attitude tests are being used to assess attitudes about
honesty and presumable on the *ob behavior. 'or credit department this test is sometimes applied by
+outheast Bank ,imited.
%edical tests(
3etermine the physical fitness of the applicants. It measures whether the person is fit
enough to do the *ob or not.
)o4er point presentation(
1easures the applicant's communication skill and fluency in -nglish
4.2.2 Selection inter"ie4.
Southeast Bank Limited selection interview is a formal, in :depth conversation conducted
to evaluate an applicant's acceptability. !he management of Southeast Bank Limited
seeks to answers three broad &uestions6 <an the applicant do the *obJ 9ill the applicant do
the *obJ 4ow does the applicant compare with others who are being considered for the *obJ
+election interviews are the most widely used selection techni&ue.
4.2.3 '&pes of inter"ie4 conduct & Southeast Bank Limited 6ndi"idual
!he supervisor of the vacant position takes the interview. !his time the interviewee only face one
person. !his is often called individual interview.
=roup inter"ie4s:
!he applicants may meet with two or more interviews, allowing all the interviewers to evaluate the
individual on the same &uestions and answers. And sometimes two or more applicants are
interviewed together by one or more interviewers. !his is called group interview.
Gnstructured inter"ie4s:
Southeast Bank Limited management also applies the instructed interview. !his interview
Southeast Bank Limited interviews to develop &uestions as the interview proceeds. !he
interviewer goes into topic areas as they arise, trying to simulate friendly conversation.
!his approach may overlook key areas of the applicant's skills or background.
Structured inter"ie4s:
+ometimes management applies +tructured, or direct, interviews rely on a predetermined
set of &uestions. !he &uestions are developed before the interview begins and asked of
every applicant.
4.2.4 5erification of reference and educational ackground:
All sorts of certificates are to be checked by the 4% service manager in this stage. At least two
references are needed in order to verify applicants. After verification the reference and
certificates the next stage is begin.
4.2.$ %edical checkup:
!he section process also includes a medical evaluation of the applicant before the hiring
decision is made. ;ormally, the evaluation consists of a health checklist that asks the applicant
to indicate health checklist that asks the applicant to indicate health and accident information.
All sorts of expenses in this regard are borne by Southeast Bank Limited.
4.2.0 Super"isor& inter"ie4(
!he ultimate responsibility for a newly hired worker's success falls to die workers immediate
supervisor. !he supervisor is often able to evaluate the applicant's technical abilities. 9hen
supervisor make the final decision, the employment function provides a supervisor with the
best prescreened applicants available from those two or three applicants, the supervisor decides
whom to hire.
%egardless of whether the supervisor or the 4% department makes the final hiring decision,
hiring makes the end of the selection process, assuming, that the candidate accepts the *ob
offer. !o maintain good public relations, Southeast Bank Limited management notifies
applicants who are not selected.
:uestionnaire Sur"e& 8nal&sis:
1. /hat t&pes of sources are used for recruitment in the organi1ationH
L 5ther
,igure: +ources are used for recruitment
6nterpretation: !he above figure shows that 0? B respondents' internal sources, )?B respondents'
external sources and 7/B respondents agree that both sources are used for recruitment in +-B,.
3omments: S#BL use both internal and external sources to recruit employees.
2. Which internal sources are used in the organization for recruitment?
O Promotio
O Others
Figure: Internal sources are used in SEBL
Interpretation: The above figure shows that 50% promotion !% "emotion# $%% transfer are use" for
internal re&ruitment in '()*+
omments: '()* use promotion# "emotion# transfer sour&es in the internal re&ruitment+
0. 3o &ou think is there an& inter?are in internal recruitmentH
& stron%ly a%ree
& '%ree
L ;either nor disagree
L disargee
L +trongly disagree
'igure6 6nterfere for internal recruitment
6nterpretation: !he above figure shows that )?B respondents strongly agree and 0FB
respondents agree, (0B respondents neither nor disagree and )?B respondents disagree that
there occurs interfere incase of internal recruitment in S#BL.
3omment: As E)B respondents had negative view about interfere for internal recruitment we
can say that there have interfere for internal recruitment.
4. /ho interfere the internal recruitmentH
I Board of directors i Recruitment agencies cief e!ecuti"e officers I #uman resource di"ision I oters
,igure: 6nterfere for internal recruitment
6nterpretation: !he above figure shows that all respondents answered that the board of
directors in S#BL are interfering for internal recruitment F(B, 4uman resource division )>B.
3omments: Board of directors and 4uman %esource division of S#BL interfere for internal
$. /hich e9ternal sources are used in the organi1ation for recruitmentH
L 4ead:4unting
%ia Internet
,igure: #9ternal sources used in S#BL
6nterpretation: !he above figure shows that S#BL uses external sources:advertisement ))B,
headhunting (7B, and via internet E7Bfor recruitment.
3omments: S#BL uses advertisement, head:hunting and recruitment via internet for regular and
executive staff.
0. /hat t&pes of test are used for selecting an emplo&ee in S#BLH
/ritten test
5i"a tost
6 Both
1. Oth
C ,igure( '&pes of test used to select an emplo&ee
6nterpretation: !he above figure shows that all respondents answered, S#BL uses both test of
selecting an employee. S#BL uses these tests to select employee.
3omments: S#BL uses both test of selecting an employee.
>. *o &our organi1ations ha"e an& J'alent-;untingJ programH

, +trongly Agree
L Agree
,igure: ;a"ing an& 'alent - ;unting )rogram
6nterpretation: !he above figure shows that all respondents answered, E/B respondents
strongly agree and 7/B respondents agree +-B, have talent:hunting program.
3omments: +-B, organi$e this program for getting talent & potential employees from other
A. Recruitment and selection procedure is s&stematic in S#BL.
+trongly Agree
= Agree
6nterpretation: !he above figure shows that 7/B of respondents strongly agreed and E/B
respondents agreed with the statement that recruitment and selection procedure of S#BL is
3omments: +o it means that S#BL maintain its procedure systematically.
!. *o &ou agree recruitment and selection procedure is fair in S#BLH
& +trongly agree
K ,igure: Recruitment and Selection procedure is fair
6nterpretation: !he above figure shows that )/B respondents strongly agreed, 0?B respondents
agreed, (?B respondents were neutral and 0/B respondents disagreed with the statement that
recruitment and selection procedure is fair.
3omments: As ??B respondents had positive view about recruitment and selection procedure is
fair so we can say that recruitment and selection procedure of S#BL is fair. !he respondents
who were disagree with the statementK they think that top level management interferes in
recruitment & selection procedure.
12. *o &ou think emplo&ees are selected according to the !o description and !o
i +trongly agree
i Agree
;either agree nor
,igure( #mplo&ees are selected according to the !o description and !o specification
6nterpretation: !he above figure shows that -5% respondents strongly agreed, 7/B respondents
agreed with the statement and 0?B respondents were neutral about the statement.
3omments: As E?B respondents had positive view and 0?B respondents were neutral about the
statement so it means employees are selected according to the *ob description and *ob
11. *o &ou elief tools or techni+ues used for selecting an emplo&ee are appropriate in S#BLH
s 'trong() $greed
i $greed *eutra(
,igure: 8ppropriate tools and techni+ues used for selecting emplo&ees
6nterpretation: !he above figure shows that )/B respondents strongly agreed, E/B respondents
agreed and )/B respondents were neutral about the statement.
3omments: It means +-B, uses appropriate tools and techni&ues for selecting employees.
12. 8re &ou satisfied 4ith o"erall recruitment 7 selection process of S#BLH

f +trongly Agreed i
Agreed ;eutral
,igure: Recruitment " Selection procedure is satisfactor&
6nterpretation: !he above figure shows that 7/B respondents strongly agree, 0?B respondents
agreed and )?B respondents were neutral about the statement.
3omments( As F?B respondents were agree about the statement, it means recruitment and
selection process of S#BL is satisfactory.
!he ma*or findings in the recruitment and selection process of the +outheast Bank ,td. are *ustified in my
view are6
D !he recruitment process of +outheast Bank ,imited is mostly fair and transparent.
D +outheast Bank ,td. uses both internal and external recruitment channels.
D ;o discrimination is found against the applicant on the basis of sex, color, region, race, age, national
origin or any other factor.
D !he <ompany always tries to find out the best people for recruiting.
L Southeast Bank Limited recruitment circulation gives through of newspaper and website.
L Southeast Bank Ltd management follows a standard procedure in the selection process.
D !he management always tries to the best suitable person for employment.
L Southeast Bank Limited takes following types of tests such as knowledge tests, performance tests,
psychological tests, attitude and honesty tests, medical tests, power point presentation.
L Southeast Bank Ltd arrange limited amount of training for professional and personal development of the
0.1 3onclusion:
'rom the above discussed 4% policies and their recommended changes, +outheast Bank ,td. achieves
the dream they had been hoping for. A recruitment policy in +outheast Bank ,td. creates unnecessary
delay in the progress. !his re&uires a sharp business focus from 4%1 and the delivery of high &uality
4% systems that are integrated into the organi$ation strategy & operations. !he study N%ecruitment and
+election procedure of +outheast Bank limitedN under 4% revealed that employees are the most
valuable resources for the progress of the organi$ation. 'or the development of these valuable
resources there are many factors involved. In this regard N%ecruitment and +election 2rocedureN play
the most important role. !o increase the productivity of an organi$ation effective & dynamic
recruitment and selection procedure is essential. +outheast bank limited practices a progressive
recruitment and selection procedures. 4% officers of +outheast bank limited are expected to work
beyond the boundaries of contracts and policies to contribute directly to the operation and success of
the business.
#.2 $ecommendations:
'trive to make the important things measurable, not the measurable things important. 1any 4%
professional believe their function has become more involved in business decision, more strategically
oriented and more effective as a business partner. !he 4% function is adding more and more value to
modern organi$ation. !he changing role of 4% professional carries with it new responsibilities and
3uring my internship program in 4%1 at Southeast Bank Limited, I found some deficiency "as
mentioned in findings# in the present recruitment and selection procedures. 'or better recruitment and
selection I do humbly recommend the following points6
(. +-B, should arrange behavior tests, achievement tests, aptitude test etc.
2. Southeast Bank Limited should arrange orientation program for all new employees. As a
result new employees happen to know the organi$ational cultural, values, mission, vision etc.
0. !hough Southeast Bank Limited provides inducting training before placing in *ob but I
think they should provide some more training related with *ob.
7. +ome time it seems nepotism but they should follow (//B fair and transparent recruitment.
?. +-B, should sponsor more programs in the maga$ine and corporate fairs.
E. +-B, should increase other facilities for *ob satisfaction.
F. In the +outheast Bank ,imited *ob applicant's age is limited from )? yrs to 0) yrs who
have the tendency to change their *ob fre&uently. +-B, should select senior employee.
:uestionnaire *ear Respondents,
6 am %oshfaka %asrur A student of BBA 2rogram in Bangladesh Gni"ersit& of Business and
'echnolog& MBGB'N. 'or the 2otential fulfillment of the BBA program, I have to prepare a report on
JRecruitment " Selection process of S#BLJ. +o that, some Information would be needed from you.
It s assured that all the information will keep confidential and safely use in this report only.
Olease read carefull& the +uestion and put a tick MN in the i"e &our response 4here
respecti"e numer and kindl&
Office Gse Onl&
ate of 6nter"ie4: ame:
Serial Do.
%uestionnaire anal&sis:
(. 9hat types of sources are used for recruitment in the organi$ationJ
a. Internal
b. -xternal
c. both
). 9hich internal sources are used in the organi$ationJ
a. 2romotion
b. 3emotion
c. !ransfer
d. others
0. 3o you think is there any interfere for internal recruitmentJ
a. +trongly Agree
b. Agree
c. ;either agree nor disagree
d. 3isagree
e. +trongly disagree
7. If yes, who interfere the internal recruitmentJ
a. Board of directors
b. %ecruitment agencies
c. <hief executive officers
d. 4uman resource division
e+ 5thers.
?. 9hich external sources are used in the organi$ation for recruitmentJ
a. Advertisement
b. 9alk:ins ,write:ins, talk:ins
c. 4ead :hunting
d. Iia internet
E. 9hat types of test are used for selecting an employee in +-B,J
a. 9ritten test
b. Iiva test
c. Both
F. 3o your organi$ation have any N!alent:4unting NprogramJ
a. +trongly agree
b. Agree
c. ;either nor disagree
d. 3isagree
e. +trongly disagree
G. 3o you think %ecruitment & +election procedure is systematic in +-B,J
a. +trongly agree
b. Agree
c. ;either agree nor disagree
d. +trongly disagree
>. 3o you agree %ecruitment & +election procedure is fair in +-B,J
a. +trongly agree
b. Agree
c. ;either agree nor disagree
d. 3isagree
e. +trongly disagree
(/. 3o you think -mployees are selected according to the *ob description &specificationJ a. +trongly
b. Agree
c. ;either agree nor disagree
d. 3isagree
e. +trongly disagree
((. 3o you belief !ools or techni&ues used for selecting an employee are appropriate in +-B,J
a. +trongly agree
b. Agree
c. ;either agree nor disagree
d. 3isagree
e. +trongly disagree
(). Are you satisfied with overall %ecruitment & +election procedure of +-B,J
a. +trongly agree
b. Agree
c. ;either agree nor disagree
d. 3isagree
e. +trongly disagree

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