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Case Study

Read the Case Study on the John & Jacob, Inc., Online Trading
System at the end of Chapter 4 (p. 156) in the textbook. Answer
all of the questions at the end of the case study. You should write
at least one complete paragraph in response to each question.
Grading Rubric for the Case Study
Item Points
Quality of answers
to Questions 13
20 points
each x 3 =
60 points
Writing style,
spelling, and
10 points
Total for
70 points

Page !" below
#$%& A&' #AC$() *&C.) $&+*&, -RA'*&G SYS-,.
#ohn and #acob) *nc.) is a regional brokerage fir/ that has been
successful o0er the last se0eral years. Co/petition for custo/ers
is intense in this industry -he large national fir/s ha0e 0ery deep
pockets) with /any ser0ices to offer to clients. Se0ere co/petition
also co/es fro/ discount and *nternet trading co/panies.
%owe0er) #ohn and #acob has been able to culti0ate a substantial
custo/er base fro/ upper1/iddle inco/e clients in the
northeastern 2nited States. -o /aintain a co/petiti0e edge with
its custo/ers) #ohn and #acob is in the process of de0eloping a
new online trading syste/. -he plan for the syste/ identifies
/any new capabilities that would pro0ide new ser0ices to its
,dward 3innigan) the pro4ect /anager) is in the process of
identifying all the groups of people who should be included in the
de0elop/ent of the syste/ require/ents. %e isn5t quite sure
exactly who should be included. %ere are the issues he5s
7 2sers. -he trading syste/ is to be online to each of the
co/pany5s 89 trading offices. $b0iously) the brokers who are
going to use the syste/ need to ha0e input) but how should this
be done: ,dward also isn5t sure what approach would be best to
ensure that the require/ents are co/plete) yet not require
tre/endous a/ounts of ti/e. *ncluding all of the offices would
increase enthusias/ and support for the syste/) but it would take
a lot of ti/e. *n0ol0ing /ore brokers would bring di0ergent
opinions that would ha0e to be reconciled.
7 Custo/ers. -he trading syste/ will also include confir/ations)
reports of trades) and custo/er state/ents. ;eb access is also
planned) which will enable custo/ers to effect trades and to check
their accounts. Consequently) ,dward wonders how to in0ol0e
#ohn and #acob custo/ers in the de0elop/ent of syste/
require/ents. &or/ally) custo/ers are not asked to participate in
the de0elop/ent of syste/s. %owe0er) it would be nice to know
how best to ser0e #ohn and #acob5s custo/ers. ,dward is
sensiti0e to this issue because so/e brokers ha0e told hi/ that
/any custo/ers do not like the for/at of their state/ents fro/ the
current syste/. %e would like to in0ol0e custo/ers) but he does
not know how.
7 $ther Stakeholders. ,dward knows he should in0ol0e other
stakeholders to help define syste/ require/ents. %e isn5t quite
sure who/ he should contact. Should he go to senior executi0es:
Should he contact /iddle /anage/ent: Should he include back1
office functions such as accounting and in0esting: %e isn5t quite
sure how to get organi<ed or how to decide who should be
1. %hat is the &est method 'or !d(ard to in)ol)e the &ro*ers
(users) in de)elopment o' the ne( online trading system+
Should he use a questionnaire+ Should he inter)ie( the
&ro*ers in each o' the company,s -. o''ices/ or (ould one
or t(o &ro*ers representing the entire group &e &etter+
0o( can !d(ard ensure that the in'ormation a&out
requirements is complete/ yet not lose too much time
doing so+
-he best /ethod to in0ol0e brokers in de0elop/ent of the new
online trading syste/ is to in0ol0e brokers fro/ e0ery office.
(rokers need to be inter0iewed through 0ideo conferencing or
through web online ser0ices. -here are a nu/ber of free
websites like 3ocus group) *sos) Crowdology) which pro0ide
free sur0ey tools. (rokers fro/ each location can participate in
the inter0iew at the sa/e ti/e. -his will gi0e /axi/u/
response at /ini/u/ ti/e.
%e should use questionnaire with both open ended and closed
ended questions in order to ha0e a co/plete idea about what
users want. 2sers are the people who will be using the syste/
for daily transactions) it is 0ery essential to take note of all their
%e should inter0iew brokers in each of the co/pany5s 89
offices) and then only he will ha0e a co/plete understanding of
the broker5s require/ents and concerns.
$nline questionnaire would be a great idea to sa0e a lot of ti/e
without losing the co/plete infor/ation about the require/ents.
1. Concerning customer input 'or the ne( system/ ho( can
!d(ard in)ol)e customers in the process+ 0o( can he
interest them in participating+ %hat methods can !d(ard
use to ensure that the customers he in)ol)es are
representati)e o' 2ohn and 2aco&,s entire customer
,dward needs to in0ol0e custo/ers /ore by /ake the syste/
0ery interacti0e and high on /ulti/edia content. -he online
syste/ should not ha0e connecti0ity issues and all the
-. 3s !d(ard considers (hat other sta*eholders he should
include/ (hat are some criteria he should use+ 4e)elop
some guidelines to help him &uild a list o' people to
With respect to the telephone survey, how should
customers be selected to participate? Should the
customer sample be random? What questions should be
Groups of similar Customers
Similar trading activity and type of trade
Random sample within group
General attitudes about on!line trading
What features would they prefer
"ow would they prioriti#e features and functions
With respect to the questionnaire, list some possible
questions to include$ Remember to include both closed!
and open!ended questions$
%o you presently use the &ohn ' &acob online trading
What features do you use most often?
Has the speed of performance been a problem for you?
Are you able to perform all of your trading activities on the
With respect to the &(% session, how should customers be
selected to participate? Who else should participate?
What are the chief requirements that should be
determined during the session?
Selection by)
*ost e+perience
,rokers and managers
-+perienced session leader

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