MADD "Crash Car" Exhibit and CHP Start Smart Program To Come To CIG Insurance's 2nd Annual Community Safety Saturday™ September 6, 2014, in Monterey, California

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MADD Crash Car Exhibit and CHP Start Smart Program

to Come to CIG Insurances 2nd Annua Communit!

Sa"et! Saturda!# Se$tember %& 2'()& in Montere!&
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) hopes its dramatic exhibit will influence behavior to stop drunk
driving. CH ublic !nformation "fficer# $aime %ios will talk to teens and parents about the &tart &mart
'een Driving rogram.
Montere(# CA# August )*# +,)* -. The MADD Central Valley Chapter will bring the dramatic "Crash
Car" Exhibit to CIG Insurances 2nd Annual C! Community "a#ety "aturday$% &arents and teens
will ha'e the opportunity to learn about the C(&s "tart "mart program) a dri'er sa#ety education class
which targets new and #uture licensed teenage dri'ers between the age o# *+ , *- and their
parents.guardians% CIG Community Safety Saturday will ta/e place at Capital nsurance !roup) 2011
!arden 2oad) on "aturday) "eptember 3) 21*4) #rom *1511 a%m% to 2511 p%m%
MADD can see a future without drunk driving
The 6MADD Crash Cars7 are 'isual educational tools presented with the intention to change beha'iors
and attitudes concerning the dangers o# drin/ing and dri'ing and riding with an impaired dri'er% The
6Crash Car7 Exhibit also addresses the excessi'e use o# speed and the #ailure to use seat belts) and
explains the roles that each o# these #actors play in the in8ury or death o# lo'ed ones%
The MADD booth will #eature graphic displays o# auto accidents% Volunteers will distribute
in#ormational material related to the dangers and pre'ention o# drun/ dri'ing% Victoria 9lores) MADD
Chapter :eader and Victim Ad'ocate) explains) 6;'er *1)111 people in the <nited "tates are /illed by
drun/ dri'ers e'ery year% ;n a'erage) someone is /illed in a drun/ dri'ing crash e'ery +* minutes% n
21**) 223 children were /illed in drun/ dri'ing crashes% These tragedies are *11= pre'entable%"
C(& belie'es education is a /ey to teen dri'ing sa#ety
Motor 'ehicle crashes are the leading cause o# death #or teens in the <nited "tates and C! nsurance is
committed to helping to /eep teen dri'ers sa#e%
&arents and teens will ha'e the opportunity to learn about and sign up #or the C(& "tart "mart teen
dri'ing program at CIG Community Safety Saturday% >aime 2ios) &ublic n#ormation ;##icer)
Cali#ornia (ighway &atrol remar/s) 6;ne o# the things that teens need to reali?e is that a 'ehicle
becomes a deadly weapon when in the hands o# someone who is not being responsible% @oth Teens and
their parent or guardian attend the class together% Ae want them coming out o# the class reali?ing that
their actions dont 8ust a##ect them ,,they a##ect passengers) other dri'ers) #amilies and #riends%7
Bathy and 9red 9orgnone lost their daughter) Vanessa) in a car crash in 2112% "ince then) they ha'e
been 'olunteering and spea/ing to teens and parents at classes and at CIG Community Safety Saturday
e'ents% Bathy 9orgnone remar/s) 6 thin/ the classes elicit con'ersation between teens and parents)
probably on the way home #rom the class and at the dinner table with the whole #amily , there are real
Cheart to heart discussions%7
Arne Chatterton) C! Vice &resident o# 9ield ;perations D @usiness 2elations explains) 6Ae are
committed to spreading the message about dri'er sa#ety classes #or teens and ma/ing sure there is
communication with parents% &rograms li/e the C(& "tart "mart Class ma/e Euite an impact in e'ery
community they touch%7
C! Community "a#ety "aturday was de'eloped by a C! nsurance employee in 21*1 and has been
held throughout Cali#ornia and Fe'ada e'er since% The e'ent #eatures acti'ities) demonstrations) and
educational ser'ices designed to impro'e the sa#ety and security o# children) teens) #amilies) and
communities% &eople o# all ages will en8oy #ree games) pri?es) and a wealth o# materials and
in#ormation #rom many di##erent booths sta##ed by local and regional organi?ations%
CIG Community Safety Saturday will feature the following attractions:
"pecial &resentations #or5
G >aws o# :i#e Demonstration at **501 am pro'ided by the Monterey 9ire Department
G Ahis/ie the Ahale "potter$) the #amous rescue dog #rom Marine :i#e "tudies) will per#orm whale
tric/s at **511 am and *511 pm
G Cali#ornia (ighway &atrol will coordinate the child car,seat inspection station% They will also bring
sa#ety handouts and present in#ormation about their C(& "tart "mart Dri'er Education classes
a'ailable statewide #or teens and their parents% "tart "mart classes increase tra##ic,sa#ety /nowledge
and better prepare teens #or the road ahead% 9red and Bathy 9orgnone will be on hand to tal/ with
attendees about the "tart "mart program%
G Monterey &olice Department will bring a sEuad car as well as crime pre'ention in#ormation%
G Monterey County "heri##s ;##iceHCoastal "tation Monterey will bring crime pre'ention handouts as
well as their B,-) "AAT Team) and "earch and 2escue 'ehicles% They will also do 6meet and greets7
with their B,- team%
G Monterey County Crime &re'ention ;##icers Association will pro'ide sa#ety brochures%
G Monterey 9ire Department will bring a ++I ladder #ire engine and sa#ety in#ormation% They will also
conduct a >aws o# :i#e demonstration showing how they cut open a car when necessary to #ree a dri'er
trapped inside%
G American 2ed CrossHMonterey @ay Area Chapter will gi'e out 9amily Disaster &lans% Test your
/nowledge o# Disaster 2eadiness and win pri?es when you spin the 6Aheel o# &reparedness7%
G Cali#ornia Department o# 9orestry and 9ire &rotection JCA:92EK will bring a #ire engine and #ire
sa#ety materials%
G Cali#ornia !o'ernors ;##ice o# Emergency "er'ices will pro'ide educational materials about how to
prepare #or earthEua/es and tsunamis%
G Monterey County ;##ice o# Emergency "er'ices will bring emergency preparedness in#ormation%
G <%"% Coast !uard Auxiliary will bring water and boating sa#ety materials as well as en'ironmental
protection in#ormation%
G @oy "couts o# AmericaH"ilicon Valley Monterey @ay Council will pro'ide emergency sur'i'al and
sa#ety tips%
G !irl "couts o# Cali#ornias Central Coast will pro'ide sa#ety in#ormation%
G Loung artists #rom Louth Arts Collecti'e will be on hand to s/etch portraits and share in#ormation
about LAC) the local a#ter school art studio and mentoring program #or artists) ages *4,22%
G ndependent Transportation Fetwor/ o# Monterey County will bring in#ormation about its
organi?ation that o##ers rides to seniors and the 'isually impaired in Monterey County) Cali#ornia%
G <nited Aay Monterey County will ha'e an in#ormation booth including handouts about the 2,*,*
G <%"% 9orest "er'ice will bring in#ormational handouts as well as a wildland #ire engine% "mo/ey @ear
will also be on hand i# hes not busy #ighting a #orest #ireM
G "ponsored by 9irst + o# Monterey County) ML Museum will bring the Aheelie Mobilee) a
playground #or the mind and so much more%
G 2estorati'e >ustice &artners will bring in#ormation about dispute resolution programs that #oster
empathy) accountability and restoration o# #airness to 'ictims and the community%
G 9amily "er'ice Agency o# the Central Coast."uicide &re'ention "er'ice o# the Central Coast will
ha'e a bean,bag toss and tic,tac,toe game and distribute their brochures and "T;& cards%
G BlaasBids 9oundation will conduct a &rint,A,Thon that pro'ides digital photo Ds D #ingerprinting
#or e'ery child%
G Community Emergency 2esponse Volunteers JCE2VK o# the Monterey &eninsula will gi'e out
materials about turning o## the gas.electricity and water in emergencies and simple medical responses
learned in CE2T JCommunity Emergency 2esponse TeamK training%
G 2eco'ers%org will pro'ide in#ormation about community resilience and their pro8ect in "easide and
G Central Coast CE2T Association will pro'ide emergency preparation in#ormation%
G MADD JMothers Against Drun/ Dri'ingK will bring their 6crash car7 and pro'ide handouts about the
dangers o# drin/ing and dri'ing%
G The <%"% Coast !uard will bring their boat and the <%"% Coast !uard Auxiliary will pro'ide water)
boating and en'ironmental protection in#ormation% Auxtter the "ea ;tter mascot will also be on hand%
G Monterey &eninsula 2egional &ar/ District will pro'ide in#ormation about trail hi/ing and wildli#e
G LACA Monterey County will present in#ormation about domestic 'iolence and the ser'ices it o##ers
at both its "easide and "alinas locations%
G LMCA will pro'ide 6(ealthy 9amily (ome7 handouts and youth de'elopment in#ormation%
G Marine :i#e "tudies will share in#ormation about protecting whales) dolphins and other marine
wildli#e and obser'ing them sa#ely in the wild% Ahis/ie the Ahale "potter$) a rescue dog) will
per#orm her whale tric/s and attendees will learn how Ahis/ie spots whales #rom Marine :i#e "tudiesI
research boat in the Monterey @ay Fational "anctuary%
G Monterey County @oys and !irls Club will ha'e a Aheel o# 9ortune "a#ety !ame and in#ormation
about their organi?ation%
G Community &artnership #or Louth will bring #ace painters and o##er a lanyard,ma/ing acti'ity%
G B;F.Telemundo is the media sponsor%
G 2adio station *1*%N The @each will pro'ide music and pri?e gi'eaways%
At the conclusion o# C! Community "a#ety "aturday) a drawing will be held #or exciting) #amily,
oriented pri?es) such as an annual #amily membership to the Monterey @ay AEuarium) 9amily &lus
annual memberships to ML Museum) #our season passes to the 21*+ Monterey County 9air) #our
passes #or whale watching at 2andys Ahale Aatching D 9ishing) #our passes to a per#ormance at the
&aci#ic 2epertory Theatre) #our passes #or /aya/ing #rom Ad'entures @y The "ea) a #amily pass to
El/horn "lough "a#ari Fature Tours) and a #amily pass to the Monterey Ooo%
9or more in#ormation about the e'ent) please go to www%C!sa#etysaturday%com or call
JP0*K 200,++11%
&ublicity Contacts5 Aendy @ric/man
;##ice5 JP0*K 300,4444.Cell5 JP0*K +-4,*+11
Email5 @ric/manQ@ric/manMar/eting%com
@arbara (oward
;##ice5 JP0*K -21,2N+- .Cell5 JP0*K +2*,P31P
Email5 writermar/eterQgmail%com
About Capital Insurance Group:
Capital nsurance !roupR JC!K is the leading regional property and casualty insurer ser'ing the
Aestern <%"% since *P-P% C! insures &ersonal Auto) (omeowners) 9armowners) Condo ;wners)
Vacation &roperty) 2enters) Apartment @uilding ;wners) and many /inds o# Commercial and
Agricultural Auto and &roperty% The more than **+ year,old company is rated 6A7 JExcellentK by A%M%
@est) the independent #inancial monitor o# the insurance industry% C! manages personal) business) and
agriculture ris/s underwritten by its a##iliate companies5 Cali#ornia Capital nsurance Company) Eagle
Aest nsurance Company) Fe'ada Capital nsurance Company) and Monterey nsurance Company%
Types o# policies may 'ary #rom state to state% 9or more in#ormation) please 'isit
CIG D!I"#S M$#% Continuously% &
About the 'laas'ids (oundation
The BlaasBids 9oundation was established by Marc Blaas in *--4 to gi'e meaning to the death o# his
twel'e,year,old daughter) /idnap and murder 'ictim &olly (annah Blaas) and to create a legacy in her
name that would be protecti'e o# children #or generations to come% The #oundations mission is to stop
crimes against children by pro'iding education and /nowledge to the general public and promoting
partnerships with concerned citi?ens) the pri'ate sector) organi?ations) law en#orcement and legislators%
Aendy @ric/man
@ric/man Mar/eting
0-+ Del Monte Center S2+1
Monterey) CA -0-41

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