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Out-Brief Template

Safety and Occupational Health Program Evaluation

[Add date]
i. Objectives:
Meet the requirements of ! "#$ %!&'( Su)part *( Evaluation of #ederal Occupational
Safety and Health Programs.
Address deficiencies cited in the Office of the +nspector ,eneral-s March ''. $eport/
Health and Safety "oncerns at 0epartment of the +nterior-s #acilities.
Ascertain the effectiveness of the )ureau-s occupational health and safety program.
ii. Process:
1he evaluation program uses a consensus evaluation tool( developed )y the 0O+ Safety
and Health "ouncil 2SH"3 and approved )y the 0O+ 0esignated Agency Safety and
Health Official 20ASHO3 "ouncil.
1he evaluation program is )ased on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration-s
4oluntary Protection Program and the American 5ational Standards +nstitute 6 %'
national consensus standard.
iii. Procedures:
o +ntroduce 0eputy 0ASHO.
o +ntroduce any mem)ers of evaluation team present.
o +ntroduce )ureau representatives.
Out7)rief 2"losing "onference3.
o 8ac9ground on protocol and process. [insure understanding of the evaluation
process/ documents revie:ed( employees intervie:ed( sites visited]
o Office visits [:hich offices visited and close out information from each site].
Evaluation factor strengths and :ea9nesses. [0etailed from the report highlighted :ith
information from the on7site visits.]
o ;eadership and management.
o Employee involvement.
o Ha<ard recognition and prevention.
o Evaluation and analysis.
o 1raining and a:areness.
o Program implementation and operation
Program strengths.
o $equest permission to share :ith other )ureaus as )est practices.
Program :ea9nesses.
o $ecommendations for improvement
$equest Action Plan for correcting :ea9nesses.
o Agree on time frames.
o Have [insert )ureau acronym] [insert )ureau representative title] designate contact
for action plan process.
o Outline time period for follo:7up evaluation.
Evaluation Factors
Organizational Component and Assessment Elements/
a !eaders"ip and #anagement
2i3 "ommitment( +nvolvement and "ommunication
2ii3 $esponsi)ility and Accounta)ility
2iii3 #inancial $esources
2iv3 Personnel $esources
2v3 Policy
2vii3 Program Promotion and $ecognition
b Emplo$ee %nvolvement
2i3 Safety "ommittees
2ii3 Program +nvolvement
c &azard 'ecognition and Prevention
2i3 +nspection( +dentification and Prioriti<ation of 0eficiencies
2ii3 Ha<ard "ontrol and A)atement
2iii3 =nsafe and =nhealthful "ondition $eporting
2iv3 Process>Operational Ha<ard Analysis( Management of "hange
d Evaluation and Anal$sis
2i3 Program Evaluations and Assessments
2ii3 Accident Analysis and Prevention
2iii3 0ata Analysis( Performance Metrics( Management $evie:>#ollo: up/
d Training and A(areness
2i3 Mandatory Safety and Occupational Heath 1raining
2ii3 1raining for Safety and Occupational Health Professionals
2iv3 Promotion ? A:areness Programs
e Program %mplementation and Operation
2i3 Accident $eporting and +nvestigation
2ii3 +ndustrial Hygiene ? Occupational Medicine
2iii3 #ire Protection and Prevention
2iii3 Motor 4ehicles ? Motori<ed Equipment
2iv3 "ontractor Safety
2v3 Procurement and 0esign $evie:s
2vii3 Speciali<ed Programs and High Ha<ard Operations

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